gioiaalbanoart · 2 hours
Thank you @the-golden-comet 💖
Character Voice Tag :
My line: Where did you go?
Ashley Knox from "The scarred Angel" (wip OC + wip title)
Don't wait for me, please.
Really, don't.
You asked me if I love you, but that’s not the issue because I do...
Love is vulnerability. Everybody talks about it all the time.
Do they know? Maybe....
I can’t be vulnerable if I'm not able to come back to myself 
.... "
Your line: What the hell was that about?
Tagging (never pressure): @alinacapellabooks , @fortunatetragedy @madi-konrad +open tag! 💖
Thanks for the tags @somethingclevermahogony and @mk-writes-stuff!
Character Voice Tag
My lines are: " I'll be here when you get back." and “That’s a lot of money.”
Your line is: "Where do you come from?"
Izjik: "Nah, don't worry about me. I'm gonna keep sitting right here until you get back."
Sepo: "I can wait. Patience is a thing I can do."
Twenari: "Hm, you're leaving? Oh, I'll just read for a bit - don't worry about me wandering off."
Djek: "I'll wait up for you, man. You go on ahead."
Astra: "Gods a-fuckin-mighty, one hundred geepae! You're payin' me one hundred geepae for a cold rune? I won't argue, but that's your loss, sugar."
Mashal: "Forty geepae.... I think that's more than I've ever owned in my life."
Ivander: "Five thousand geepae? That's quite the payment. I'll certainly take it though, if you can afford it."
Elsind: "Seventy geepae? That's... thirty-five hundred patrits! Bright gods!"
Avymere: "Twenty-five thousand geepae is one hell of a bribe. You must need this influence badly. Unfortunately though, I cannot be swayed by some bits of metal."
I'll tag @elsie-writes @bloodmoonloveletter @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet @katnewman96-blog and anyone else who wants to play :)
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gioiaalbanoart · 20 hours
Don't have so many and I'm a bit in the cave at the moment but you're amazing and I'm going to read what you write slowly but surely @dyrewrites @deanwax @fortunatetragedy @madi-konrad @scifrey
Thank you!
@waxsuyaaa @the-ellia-west @evil-comic-artis-t @illarian-rambling @untoldshortsofthefandoms @bloomblanche
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gioiaalbanoart · 20 hours
Thank you for the tag @fortunatetragedy
Since the writer must write this is more than rough wip ("Scarred Angel" for now)
"Oh, hello again !" Herrera greats her when he finally notices she's standing right in front of his desk.
He even stands up: "So, are you leaving?" he asks a bit too eagerly.
Part of Amy's sympathy is flushed away right there and she lets the silence stretches between the two of them, then she sighs internally for the millionth time in the last few days. 
What's the point?
"Yeah, I'll leave tomorrow evening. I guess I'll spend the time I have left editing the articles I wrote. Would you want me to send them to you first for approval ?"
Tagging (no pressure) @deanwax @madi-konrad @alinacapellabooks @wyked-ao3
head's up seven up!
Local fave @cowboybrunch left an open tag and now I'm making it everyone else's problem.
This is roughly seven lines from Chapter 5 of "A Living Machine."
So you've had no opportunity the last three months to increase any of your combat Abilities. Correct. Not even at the shooting range. Doctor Horta, as I understand it, came back from the Nightfolk expedition, petitioned the Council, and is at the moment we leave engaged in his own... professional pursuits. I would have liked to have gone with him. Do you think things would be different if he was there? ... Khalid. ... no. I don't. I think this was always going to happen.
tag! @aintgonnatakethis @deanwax @finickyfelix @frostedlemonwriter @gioiaalbanoart
@hagscribes @justa-rat @noblebs @scribble-dee-vee @sentfromwolves
@sapphicwizards @sunset-a-story @thelittlestspider @terriblepersongreatseamonster
@the-golden-comet @taranorma @touloserlautrec @words-after-midnight
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gioiaalbanoart · 2 days
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Valy Myers. Inspiring. Probably an alien 💖 💖 
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gioiaalbanoart · 2 days
Gosh, I'm soooooooooooooooooooooo beating around the bush right now 😅
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gioiaalbanoart · 2 days
MUST reblog this again.
Keep also in mind that sometimes you go through such a hard topic, you're so much digging into it, it pulls so much at your guts that just one sentence wrote down means the world
Fuck your word count!
༺𖤐๋࣭ ⭑🕸🦇🕸๋࣭ ⭑๋࣭ 𖤐༻
"Focus on your word count," "Write 2,500 words a day," "Real writers set monthly word goals."
SHUT UP! Your word count doesn't matter. You're just stressing yourself out.
It doesn't matter if you write one word today or 10,000! At least you wrote something! Focus on that.
Quality and sanity of quantity.
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gioiaalbanoart · 3 days
I'm so basking in the certitude that I'm gonna reading it again soon ✨
✨Peter Hart: 1000 Hits 🏴‍☠️🏳️‍🌈✨
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✨~Hello, Lovelies~!! ✨
I want to thank you all for your tremendous achievement for my novel, Peter Hart. Because of the overwhelming support on Tumblr, AO3, and Amazon Kindle eBooks, we have reached 1000 hits and 200 kudos (🎉 🎉 🎉)!!!
I wanted to commemorate this amazing moment with some artwork for this massive milestone. My boys made it 👏👏👏 ✨
Everyone has been so wonderful on this epic and episodic pirate journey, and I cannot thank you all enough. Your comments, your engagement, has been so overwhelmingly positive that I am just shaking with excitement, energy, and inspiration to create new stories.
Thank you, thank you, a million times, thank you. I’m honored to be in such an inclusive and uplifting community. ✨🌈✨
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gioiaalbanoart · 3 days
THE inner imposter/self critic can definitely choke ✨
✨Thankful Thursday✨
Hello writers, artists, musicians, and creative minds alike! 💫
I want to take this day to give thanks to all you wonderful people. As artists, storycrafters, composers, and humans…it can be easy to lose sight of your love and passion when your brain is your worst critic.
I’ve been creating art and stories for a while now, but kept everything private because the Imposter Syndrome side of me kept saying: “I’m not good enough.”
I want to let you all know: That side of you is a bully, only existing to hold you back from your highest potential. For every self-critic your mind creates, manifest a self-advocate to shut them down.
“Yes, I AM good enough. I have important stories, art, music, and culture to share with the world, and I’m not gonna let you dampen my spirits.”
Life gets busy. That’s understandable. I had A LOT going on that kept me occupied since 2014. Now that I’m married, settled into a routine, and activities have slowed down a bit, I can focus on my hobbies again. And man, am I so glad I did.
You are all wonderful. I can’t ever thank you all enough for your kindness, your energy, and your imaginative spirits. Keep writing, keep drawing, keep composing, keep creating, keep inspiring.
The world needs more motivated minds. 💫
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gioiaalbanoart · 3 days
This is gold✨️
Creativity is magic, never dies, never ages 💖
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Wonder how this queen is doing today
Edit: For those wondering, this is from a 70s nsfw sci-fi zine called "alien brothers" (more specifically, page 83). This little paragraph was right above a k/s smut fanfic written by this lady.
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gioiaalbanoart · 3 days
As a no english first language I'm taking notes 📝✒️
fascinated by how "dislocate" seems to be a word used almost exclusively to refer to the misalignment of bodies, or parts of the body, from their proper place. it's distinctly anatomical. you don't say "i dislocated my keys" for instance, even though that's technically a correct and coherent sentence.
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gioiaalbanoart · 3 days
Nice and usefull
Why You Should ‘Make Yourself’ Write (And How To Do It)
Most people who write for a hobby - especially the neurodivergent crowd - will write whenever they’re inspired, and many will be able to get an insane amount of writing done in one go, but then there’s a good while of writer’s block and low motivation/inspiration in between those bursts of creativity. You can see forcing yourself to write as something irrelevant to you; it’s just a hobby, so why burn yourself out forcing yourself to do it until it’s no longer fun?
The reason people say this, even for hobbyists, is so that you have some level of consistent progress; relying on random spikes in creativity or convenient hyperfocus isn’t a sustainable plan when it can either leave you burnt out after or leave you at a creative dead end for weeks or months between actual writing sessions
If you write consistently, you make progress consistently, so it’s good practice to make a habit out of using writing goals to keep you on track. Maybe you work best writing X amount of words, or maybe you prefer to write for X amount of time. Maybe you want to meet this goal every day, or maybe every few days, or maybe every week, or so on. I’m personally on 1000 words per week, and despite my autistic brain that thought I’d never be able to set and keep a consistent goal, I’ve been able to stick to it for nearly six months now. I also know people who are on 10 minutes per day, 100 words per week, 500 words every three days, 5000 words per month, etc
For me, being able to keep track of this not only means I get to see consistent progress being made, but it’s actually been really encouraging to see that word count go up so often and I’ve found that it motivates me to keep up with it. I’ve really enjoyed getting to work on this and having a minimum amount of progress per week really helps me feel like this is something real and something that’s slowly but surely going to be complete soon enough
Give it a try; say to yourself “if I want to achieve this goal, how long do I reasonably need to give myself to do it?” and have a go. After a few cycles it starts to register in your brain that, hey, you’re actually getting something done and being productive and watching that word count going up every day/week/etc! And don’t be afraid to change up your goal and your deadline if you think you’re not being challenged enough or if you’re starting to get burnt out on it - I’d consider it burning out when it’s consistently feeling less like a fun activity and more like a chore you have to do. It should still be fun!
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gioiaalbanoart · 3 days
I so love this and it's so outside the box that hurts
(it shouldn't but it does) 💖💖💖
When I was a kid, maybe 14 or so (which is, you know, 20+ years ago), I belonged to a Yahoo! mailing list for an anime called Gundam Wing. It was mostly populated by other teens, of varying ages, as it was started by a teen and her friends. Eventually it migrated, when Yahoo! groups started as forums, and even branched off into non-GW related stuff in a second forum.
One of the things I remember the most clearly is the oldest person in the group. Her name was Steelsong. She was a 40-something Dom with a sub whose name we knew even though we knew nothing else. She ran her own fanfic archive because the web was still handmade HTML and navigated in webrings and I’m pretty sure Google didn’t exist or was only barely, barely launched and not well known. She was kind and patient and we loved her. She treated everyone on the group with the respect given any adult, even though most of the rest of the world was still treating us like we were children. Not teenagers even, but children. She never once condescended to any of us, never made our youth a barrier to her respect, never treated us like we were incapable of being full people or like we were less than her because we were young.
I remember that she hosted our fanfiction, as absolutely terrible as it was (and I still have some of it, I am WELL aware of how cringingly terrible it is, just absolute nonsense garbage), right there alongside of other fic that was soul-achingly beautiful. Not a separate section for her friends or for kids, just right there like we were good enough to feature alongside other authors. I never once received crit from her that I didn’t ask for, only support. Only love. I am still writing today partly because Steel was so kind about our fic, fanfic and original.
I remember that when I started doing clay sculpture, she commissioned a tiny pair of dragons from me, to support me doing artwork. She sent a check my mom cashed for me, and my mom helped me mail it when it was finished. It broke in transit, and Steel assured me that she mended it and that it was still beautiful. It was a small gold dragon curled up with a small silver dragon.
I remember that her patience knew no bounds. I remember that she was there for us, regardless of reason. When we wanted to know silly things like what to do with a single AA battery, she answered. When we had serious questions about sex, she answered.  When we had questions about writing, she taught us. When one of our group members, a young gay teen in Australia, ended up in the hospital and then stopped making posts, and we all knew what had happened, she let us talk to her about it because we couldn’t go to our own parents, even though we had just lost a friend.
She was not a replacement to my parents, but she was an extra parent, in some ways. A friend, certainly, but someone that had been through more life than we had and was willing to pass on knowledge if we asked for it. Someone older that we trusted with things that were too uncomfortable to go to our parents or teachers or whatever about, because we already knew she wasn’t going to judge us or something, and that we would get an honest answer.
I don’t know why I’m remembering this so hard tonight, and I’m not sure if there’s a point to sharing this, except that I know she’s gone now. She was ill the last time we spoke, and her site went down a long time ago, and I miss her. She was a huge influence on my life, then and now. She was hope, for me, that life as an adult didn’t have to be boring, it wouldn’t have to mean giving up the things I loved and Becoming Only Responsible With No Fun. Her presence meant I had hope I could still write and play with friends even when I wasn’t ‘a kid’ anymore. And she’s gone, and I miss her, and I wanted to share her from the perspective of youth, and the perspective over twenty years later has provided me.
And I think of her, when people go off about older folks being in fandom with younger folks. I’m an older folks now, or at least middle aged folks because there are certainly folks older than me still, but I wasn’t always. I’ve been here since i was a younger folks, and I know how much Steel’s presence and support meant to me, how much she helped not just me but everyone on that group. And I think of the people saying older folks don’t belong in fandom, and that they shouldn’t interact with younger folks at all, and I just think… I can’t agree. I needed that kind of solid presence in my life back then and even at the age I am now, I need the folks older than me to stay. I want them here.
So I guess, like, if you’re here and you’re 40 or 50 or 60 or 70 or 80 or whatever, I want you here in fandom with me, still. Your presence here is a comfort. It is hope. It is a reminder that life will continue to be fun, even as I get older, myself. And if you’re younger and you have this sort of elder in your groups, I hope that they are like Steel. I hope they are kind and patient and supportive, and that knowing them gives you hope for your own future. I hope in twenty years you look back and remember them fondly.
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gioiaalbanoart · 3 days
Trying to prove a point to my transphobic parents
And finally, because it's a part of my argument for this point, and also because they are,
Reblog if nonbinary and genderqueer people in general, are REAL, VALID, AND GORGEOUS PEOPLE, NO MATTER HOW THEY PASS
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gioiaalbanoart · 3 days
@the-golden-comet OH YEAH 💖💖💖💖💖
And great satisfaction (I must do something like this at least once)
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gioiaalbanoart · 4 days
Mainly the second one 🤣
Working on long term projects has made me realize that there's no in-between with my world building style.
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It's either this.
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Or this.🤣
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And sometimes it's this.🤣🤣🤣
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gioiaalbanoart · 4 days
Love them
AO3 Celebrates 13 Million Fanworks
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AO3 has passed two important milestones: 13 million published works and 7 million registered users! Read more and learn how to customize your AO3 experience https://otw-news.org/2p876d6n
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gioiaalbanoart · 4 days
Jumping with excitement ✨️✨️✨️🤩
✨Wakey, Wakey~ It’s WIP Wednesday✨
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Wow. Hooo boy. Good morning, everyone. ✨
I think I’m well rested. Only woke up once in the night but….yeah. 11 hours. After several nights of 4-5 hour sleeps. Needless to say I am feeling much, much, MUCH better.
Sleep is absolutely important. Now I need to tell my hyperactive brain that…. 🤔
Anyway, I have a snippet of YWIMC to share for WIP Wednesday. Comic sans because I like the font, even when the material may be a little more serious and sentimental:
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Working on a big announcement soon, so stay tuned 💫
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