I love this so much. I can have a full beard but still get she/her’ed all the time because even though I bind I still have pretty noticeable tits(like just large enough it can’t be from working out given my stature). I have to work my way up to binding because it was so painful at first. Size truly does not matter and shouldn’t keep you from passing in public.
people who hate trans men seem to overwhelmingly be of the opinion we can control how big our breasts are/were. 'me when the he/they with the biggest fattest womanest boobiest tits you've ever seen-' shut the fuck up
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This is so perfectly written, I’ve been struggling with how to put this into words for years. When I graduated from high school o could not understand why everyone was elated when all I felt was mild satisfaction and being crazy uncomfortable. The after party just felt like everyone came to see me suffer since I was in really uncomfortable clothes and had to interact with so many people. Don’t get me wrong I was proud of my accomplishment and glad that that part of my life was over but, I just wasn’t as happy as I felt I was expected to be.
people say folks with adhd struggle with "delayed rewards" aka long term goals and as such we tend to focus more on short term rewards. what they don't talk about is that at when we Do accomplish long term goals we don't actually feel anything proportionate to the amount of work we did to achieve it. In my head I suffered for a while and then money spontaneously appeared in my bank account.
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The janitors are always the coolest people and come in clutch at the perfect moments
Not Karl..
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The amount of times I have had to wash my hands just to do this bc the other hand just wasn’t getting it.
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A baby girl if you will
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a guy
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Why can a complete slut like Leon S. Kennedy be seen as a man but I, as a trans man, will always be seen as a fucking woman? A pink fluffy cheerleading bow is more masculine than Leon but he’s still recognized as a man, but a trans man that wears nothing but super masculine clothes, has a deeper voice, and binds for 90% of the day is she/her’ed on an everyday basis. Leon wear a slutty fucking uniform, could probably be mistaken for a woman on the phone, and has bigger titties than a lot of females is exclusively he/him’ed. (not including the times he is being bbg’ed by fans or being insulted by asshole straggots) This is so beyond aggravating, I do everything in my power to pass and I still don’t have the nerve to go into the men’s restroom because of my fear of being gang raped nor do I have the nerve to go to the women’s restroom comfortably because I could be followed and killed by someone’s husband. I understand that some of that fear is irrational but I just want to understand what extreme I must go to, to finally be seen as the man I am.
Sorry for the rant but I can’t be the only one who feels this way.
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Extra benefit for being safe in an earthquake but negative points for too many inputs and stimulation for the autism.
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I’m not known for my geography skill but it checks out to me. From now own I like in the FUCK.
wait, isnt NSFW the letters on the compass
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This is fucking ridiculous. If you have to change language inflictions and have to use other (less offensive) words then you don’t deserve to share your opinion. A fucking genocide is happening and a lot of the victims are children, if you are too afraid to share your opinion without censorship then you shouldn’t share you opinions.
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The media is complicit in the dehumanization of Palestinians with the language they continue to use. If they can’t even call children, children, then what do they truly think of them?
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MCR5 must be happening. You can’t give us foundations, a compilation album of your greatest hits, and a previously unreleased song without officially getting back together.
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3/25/2014: MCR release their compilation album May Death Never Stop You, including the Attic Demos and the previously unreleased song “Fake Your Death”. This song would not be played live until #MCRLA5 on 10/17/22.
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“But I had no idea what the words really meant
Until the day that I said them to you”
These lyrics make my stupid stupid little brain feel things. FHDHAKDH I’m so normal about this fucking sons and definitely haven’t played it on loop since it came out.
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The Mechanic- Amigo the Devil
I promise, I promise I'll fix what you need
Just give me some time and you'll see
I know it's been years since the first time you heard this
This time I promise it's real
Like a dog that keeps whining but you love how it sounds
So you let it go hungry to hear it
Your shirts are all stained with the blood dripping out
And the problem gets harder to hide
Did we only let go to know we'd have something to find?
Darling, Darling, we've always been much more than this
I knew you weren't broken
I just needed something to fix
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I know what I said
Now I have to live with it too
But I had no idea what the words really meant
Until the day that I said them to you
Hard times were never bad times
I know we're trying to find that again
But maybe where we're headed doesn't include where we've been
Like a house that's on fire but you love how it feels
So you throw in the memories to feed it
The more you let go, the harder it is to leave
Darling, are we saying this is finally done
I used to be happy, now used to be is all I've become
We used to be happy, now used to be is all we've become
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This is my new favorite post. While I acknowledge that Patrick Stump is a cis straight male, he is everything but that in every picture and video. This is why I love him so much. So keep being Patrick with whatever fucking gender expression and mannerisms that means for the day because seeing him express himself openly helped me learn to accept myself. I’m sure a lot of other people feel the same way because fuck the gender binary and the way society treats gender expression.
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how fake gay girls look when real lesbians come at them
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Omg had a friend just like this. You are completely right there is nothing to talk about unless it’s about them. @highball66 @cowgremlin
some of yall will be like “i dont care about your dreams, i dont care about your spotify wrapped, i dont want to hear about your interests, dont you dare talk to me about your trauma,” and its like. what do you even have friends for. bc it sounds to me like you dont give a shit about anything that makes them a person. what do you talk about.
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Me: *after a particularly bad meltdown, wearing ear protectors and stimming to regulate* "What if I'm faking this?"
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This is the explanation that I’ve been waiting to hear since I was told that in like 2nd grade. Granted this statistical anomaly gave me several years of torturing anyone who would listen just to gross a few girls out. Thanks Spider Georg for the fun!
“average person eats 3 spiders a year” factoid actualy just statistical error. average person eats 0 spiders per year. Spiders Georg, who lives in cave & eats over 10,000 each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
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This is beautifully written. I struggled with the definition of love for a while because I am also aroace. I did not deny that there were people that I loved in my life like my parents and friends but everyone around me felt the need to point out that it wasn’t “real love” because it wasn’t to a significant other. This in turn made me rethink all of the friends that I loved because I felt love and thought I wasn’t allowed to feel that way towards friends. It was largely confusing since all of my friends were then categorized as “crushes”. It took years for me to understand that love was just a chemical reaction that fed into respect, trust, and deep understanding of the other person that did not have to be romantic or sexual in nature. I believe there should be more representation of love between siblings, family members, friends, and any other relationship imaginable. There are so many types of relationships and most media consumed by children and young adults focuses on romantic relationships which is so misleading for anyone that doesn’t want or is repulsed by such relationships. All people should be excepted by media no matter their sexually or romantic preferences.
For anyone that doesn’t want media being changed because of potential loss of cishet representation:
You can not lose representation when you are the majority. By giving more representation to minority populations you are not changing who has the majority. This representation could be easily produced by using historically accurate portrayals of characters. If the character is not cishet in the original idea(comic, book, history, etc) let the character remain the same without erasing the characteristics that make them different than the “norm”. All people should have representation that is accurate to their person.
I had another epiphany today (turns out driving is an excellent time to figure oneself out).
People would often call me cynical when I said that what we call being in love is actually a bunch of hormones in our organisms. I would also add a fun fact that when you eat a lot of chocolate similar hormones are actually released. But I never denied the existence of love as a feeling. I just always classified it as something organic and said that when it fades (I mean being in love) you can experience deeper feelings like attachment, respect, comfort and trust. To which people would often remark that there’s no deeper feeling than love.
I feel like we have a great problem with defining love actually. There are different types of love but sometimes it seems like we fail to differentiate them.
I always thought that falling in love is strictly chemical but it wasn’t repulsive for me because of it. Now, after discovering that I’m actually aroace, I understand better why I didn’t have a problem with that definition but other people could have.
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