gay-gay-very-gay · 1 year
Warning to Empty Blogs
This is mostly a note for those who may have recently come to tumblr and do not understand the importance of actually using your blog.
If you follow me, and have a default profile icon, and no posts or reblogs on your page, there is a chance that I am going to block you for thinking you are a bot/spam account.
I go through my recent follows every week or so, and if blogs like this have not updated their icon or made any posts or reblogged anything to their blogs, I will assume they are in fact bot accounts and will block them. *I'm not referring to those who have not reblogged anything from me, I mean those who haven't reblogged anything at all in general.
Blocking empty blogs, is a common thing that blogs do, so if you suddenly cannot access blogs you follow, this is a likely reason.
So, how do you avoid getting blocked? Upload a profile picture, change your banner, add a bio (no need to put any personal info unless you want. Just add a 'hello', a quote, anything). Do more than just like posts. Reblog, or maybe make some original posts.
This is not the kind of site you should remain completely inactive on. There are like buttons, and reblog buttons for a reason.
*Also, if your blog remains empty and inactive, even if you log into it daily, there is a chance that it will be deleted by staff for mistaking you as a bot as well.
Example of a possibly bot/spam account:
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^this kind of blog will most likely get you blocked, sorry.
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gay-gay-very-gay · 1 year
Since it doesn't seem like we're gonna be rid of the spambots any time soon.
Anyone with a generic name, default profile picture and header, and empty blog will be REPORTED as spam and BLOCKED.
So if you don't want to be blocked, change your header, profile picture, reblog some things. Just anything to prove that you're not a bot.
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gay-gay-very-gay · 1 year
Suspicious Followers
Suspicious empty blogs that follows me will be blocked, no questions asked. Don’t follow if you’re such a blog as I don’t like empty blogs with the default and/or suspicious title, header and/or avatar that are following many users. Most of them are bots and if you suddenly don’t see my posts in your dashboard this might mean you have been blocked because I might have suspected your blog to be a bot. Post at least something that is not spam and change default header/avatar/title/etc before following my blog.
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gay-gay-very-gay · 2 years
Yeah, it's embarrassing isn't it
Imagine vlogging your day with Dan
Y/n: Good morning Dan!
Dan: Good morn- …why are you filming?
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Y/n: Because today you and I are going on an adventure!
Dan: We’re doing what now?
Y/n: Adventure!
Keep reading
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gay-gay-very-gay · 3 years
Are requests open?
I haven't written anything for a really long time and I don't know when I'll be able to. A lot has been happening in my life and I haven't felt inspired to post anything. But I hope that I'll be able to come back and write more things soon.
But I'm always open for requests!
I'm sorry to anyone who has requested something that hasn't been written. I'm not sure when I'll be able to write the requests I get. Hopefully I'll get around to it but I can't promise anything.
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gay-gay-very-gay · 4 years
reblog if your account is a trans safe space or owned by a trans person!
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gay-gay-very-gay · 5 years
Help get ___ to Stockholm
Can I ask you a favour?
Could you please sign these petitions? It’s so some of my favorite artists can come to Stockholm. They never really come here and I really want to see them.
You can still sign it even if you’re not from Sweden. It would mean a lot to me if you could sign them and maybe reblog this post to spread the links/message around?
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NCT  -  NCT 2018  -  NCT U  -  NCT 127  -  NCT Dream
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Stray Kids
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The Boyz
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The Rose
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TXT (Tomorrow X Together)
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gay-gay-very-gay · 5 years
If you’re European, in a couple of weeks you will be denied any and all access to fandom contents on Tumblr and everywhere else on the internet. Here’s why.
On June, 20th the JURI of European Parliament approved of the articles 11 and 13 of the new Copyright Law. These articles are also known as the “Link Tax” and the “Censorship Machines” articles.
Articles 13 in particular forces every internet platform to filter all the contents we upload online, ending once and for all the fandom culture. Which means you won’t be able to upload any type of fandom works like fan arts, fan fictions, gif sets from your favourite films and series, edits, because it’s all copyrighted material. And you won’t also be able to share, enjoy or download other’s contents, because the use of links will be completely restricted.
But not everything’s lost yet. There’s another round of voting scheduled for the early days of July.
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What you can do now to save our internet, is to share these informations with all of your family members and friends, and to ask to your MEP (the members of the European Parliament from your country) to vote NO at the next round, to vote against articles 11 and 13.
Here you can find more news and all the details to contact your MEP:
Also, sign and share this petition:
We have just a couple of weeks to stop this complete madness, don’t let them dictating the way we enjoy our internet.
#SaveYourInternet now!
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gay-gay-very-gay · 6 years
The internet could change next week, and not in a good way
You may have heard about the efforts in Europe to reform copyright law. The debate has been ongoing in the European Parliament for months. If approved next week, these new regulations would require us to automatically filter and block content that you upload without meaningful consideration of your right to free expression. 
We respect the copyrights and trademarks of others, and we take all reports seriously to ensure that your creative expression is protected. We make this clear in our Community Guidelines. There’s already a legal framework that works and is fair: Today we take down posts and media that contain allegedly infringing content when we receive a valid DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) takedown request. We also provide clear-cut ways for people to fight back if they believe their removed content was not a true violation. These instances are monitored and reported and live in our biannual transparency report. 
The suggestion to use automated filters for issues of copyright is short-sighted at best and harmful at worst. Automated filters are unable to determine whether a use should be considered “fair use” under the law and are unable to determine whether a use is authorized by a license agreement. They are unable to distinguish legitimate parody, satire, or even your own personal pictures that could be matched with similar photographs that have been protected by someone else. We don’t believe that technology should replace human judgment. Tumblr is and always has been a place for creative expression, and these new regulations would only make it harder for you to express yourself with the freedom and clarity you do so now. 
If you access Tumblr from Europe and want to act, you can find more information on saveyourinternet.eu. 
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gay-gay-very-gay · 6 years
Imagine making someone laugh part 5
This is a kind of preference imagine. But really, it’s just a bunch of people laughing. Hopefully something that can brighten someone’s day.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16
Loki Laufeyson:
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Cameron Monaghan:
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The 10th Doctor:
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Peter Hale:
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Snow White:
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David Nolan:
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Dan Howell:
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Phil Lester:
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Joe Sugg:
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Noah Grossman:
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Brendon Urie:
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gay-gay-very-gay · 6 years
Incorrect Jacksepticeye #1
Jack: Guess what number I'm thinking of.
Chase: 420?
Jack: No, that's really immature of you. Someone else guess and please take this seriously.
Ä̷̡͉̤̺́̑̈́́̓͂̾̎̀̎͜͠ņ̶̨̻̦̣̳̘͐t̴̩̬̋i̷̕��͇̟̗̼̉̈́̅̅͒̍͗̈́̔̈͜: 6̵̡̱̗̎̓̍̍̏̈́̕9̶̪̭͐̀̐̀̋̋̈́̽̈́̉̀̈́͜ͅ?̸̛͉̮̦̞̻͖͜
Jack: Yeah it was 69.
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gay-gay-very-gay · 6 years
Imagine Noah checking you out while you’re in the library reading
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gay-gay-very-gay · 6 years
Just fixed the last gif so here is the working version
Imagine acting jealous whenever Mark or Tyler does something to Ethan
Y/n: Mark! Don’t kiss my man!
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Y/n: Tyler! Leave my man alone!
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Y/n: For gods sake Tyler! No you can’t have him, he’s mine! Put him down.
Tyler: No! He likes it up there!
Ethan: I do actually. Sorry babe! Love you!
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gay-gay-very-gay · 6 years
Imagine The 9th Doctor hearing you talk bad about yourself
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gay-gay-very-gay · 6 years
Imagine Peter checking you out
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gay-gay-very-gay · 6 years
Imagine introducing Toby to your friends
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gay-gay-very-gay · 6 years
Imagine playing games with Jack and killing him
Jack: What are you doing!?
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Y/n: BAM! I killed you!
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Y/n: Why not? That’s the motive of the game. To kill people.
Jack: Yes, to kill OTHER people. Not the people on your team.
Y/n: Wait... we’re on the same team?
Jack: Yes!
Y/n: Oh... my bad. Haha, sorry.
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