chloe-margherita · 1 year
Understanding the Rising Signs: Scorpio
Recently listened to Demetra George’s talk on the Rising Sign as a template of life and really want to dig into that for each of them  Because not only does your rising sign determine your first house, it tells you the basic essence of each part of your life. If you use whole sign houses, as I do, then you can determine the rest of a person's chart simply by knowing their rising sign. Read below to find out:
1h+ 6h= Mars-ruled Not a classic Scorpio stereotype, but this combo shows that these natives can put. in. the. work. Moreso than Aries, they can channel their energy into what needs to be done, even if it's tedious or time-consuming. It's also likely for them get sick more often than usual & often out of nowhere. Their sense of self is tied up in their defense system; not naturally aggressive, they still have the power to fend off attacks. They also tend to identify with common or "base" things; they see the power in what is underestimated or overlooked 2h + 5h= Jupiter-ruled Scorpio's generosity and appetite for pleasure is unparalleled. When they give, they give hard, and find themselves rewarded tenfold in return. Holding onto money may be a problem for them, especially when it comes to buying nice things or things that expand their mind. Sex can be a spiritual gateway, as can self-expression, though it may take a while for Scorpios to feel safe enough to do so. They may find themselves financial beneficiaries of their children or creative endeavors. Creativity is key to them feeling supported. 3h + 4h= Saturn-ruled Scorpio risings may have felt like the odd one out at home, or else had to take on a role of authority at a young age. They may have acted as second parents to their siblings and may not have fit in when they were in elementary school. They are deeply private about the inner workings of their mind and are best supported by a disciplined, private writing practice rather than just expecting the words to come out in a flash. They flourish when their daily rituals include some honoring/relationship to family or land. 7h+ 12h= Venus-ruled Even in relationship, there are times Scorpio ac must worship at the shrine of their heart alone. Their relationships are only successful when they allow space for Scorpio's feelings of isolation, need for solitude, and shadowy moods. But they also know inherently that we are never alone; even in the bleakest of circumstances we joined by god and it is worth building a relationship with the unseen just as much as with your partner. 8h + 11h= Mercury-ruled Scorpios love befriending people who will talk about dark shit, or for who no topic is off-limits. They have an inherent understanding of the limits of their individual power and tend to enact their visions intuitively, like feeling their way along a dark hallway. They want their friends to help them see their blindspots and help them fill in the details they can't see. Help may come after a difficult situation and their friends will be generous with their support. But they also must be wary if conditions are attached 9h= Moon-ruled Their beliefs are guided by their keen emotions and natural intuition. They see spiritual insight as something to be nurtured and have no problem putting boundaries around their study/meditation time. Sharing their deepest beliefs is an extremely intimate act for them but they can also find meaning in the most common things. 10h= Sun-ruled Scorpios function best when they have a public self separate from their inner self. They also naturally want to give the best of themselves to the public; but only when there can be a distance between. They most likely had a strong vision for their purpose early on and are learning how to show in full power and visibility without messing up their strong defense system.
If you want to learn more about your chart, or what 2023 has in store for you, book a consult with me :) I love working with artists, mystics, healers, herbalists, poets, wanderers, academics. 
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chloe-margherita · 1 year
Understanding the Rising Signs: Libra
Recently listened to Demetra George’s talk on the Rising Sign as a template of life and really want to dig into that for each of them  Because not only does your rising sign determine your first house, it tells you the basic essence of each part of your life. If you use whole sign houses, as I do, then you can determine the rest of a person's chart simply by knowing their rising sign.
Read below to find out:
1h + 8h=Venus-ruled As we traverse the second half of the zodiac, you'll notice that opposing rising signs often have the same chart linked. The key difference, then, is the planet that rules those houses. While Aries acs are connected to the 8th by Mars, Venus rules these houses for Libra. So, instead of needing to differentiate or face battles alone, this combo is more about the blurring of boundaries and the overwhelming power of love. Libra is known to be relationally oriented but as an air sign, they are able to hold feelings at a distance. the 8th house inclusion demonstrates the limitations to this detachment. Libras can't decide when love will come into their lives— or what sort of baggage it will dig up. Sometimes, the best way to approach a problem is to start in the body, and noticing the pre-existing patterns or harmonies that are coming to light. Libra's power comes from knowing when to surrender and when to use their attuning powers to bring forward the perfect that is already there. 2h + 7h= Mars-ruled Like Aries, Libra feels deep value from their relationships. But rather than teaching them compromise, their partners help them shape what they want, what they value, and how to cut off what no longer serves them. Ideally, their partners empower them to disagree and how to step into their individual power; a key to a libra ac's flourishing. It also shows that we don't have to be everything ourselves; libra knows that the virtues of those around them extends to them as well. 3h + 6h= Jupiter-ruled Libra acs are great at juggling the small things; scheduling, running errands, and maintaining habits all go so far in getting a Libra excited about their life. They can keep a lot of plates spinning both in work and leisure and their health is directly benefitted by small, not-too-intense practices (daily stretches, adding greens to a meal, etc). "How we live our days is, of course, how we live our lives," Annie Dillard tells us. Libra embodies this adage and knows the value of small tinkering to have big effects on life. 4h + 5h= Saturn-ruledThough Libras are often painted as merely "chill," it's clear they take their pleasures seriously. Foundational to their life is enjoyment, romance, creative expression, but only when balanced with proper judgment and discipline. As Saturn exalts in Libra, I would think they genuinely appreciate the stability it affords their joys. It also shows that they take their responsibility to their family or origin and their children equally seriously and most likely want their children to have a relationship to their family (or else their children become their family). Ultimately, their creativity thrives when it is founded upon long-term goals and true to Libran form, sex touches them to their very core. You may not be able to see it, but they can feel it, so u best treat them right! 9h + 12h= Mercury-ruledBeing a sign that so values equilibrium, it makes sense that they need to take a step away from the rest of the world in order to figure out what they believe. They can hold multiple points of view at once (the cacophony of mercury) and may find it difficult sacrificing all possibilities in favor of one belief system. Their minds naturally inclines towards the big questions but can also feel like a scary, solipsistic place. They must refrain from jumping to conclusion when suffering and take it as one data point among many 10h= Moon-ruled The one place where they allow themselves to change by mood is in their career. How they show up and give themselves to the world is their ultimate form of care and also an area where they must trust their intuition. They know that sharing their vulnerabilities with the world is an act of service without feeling too attached. They are very good at seeming emotionally attuned even if they don't feel it but they should not underestimate their emotional intelligence. It is their legacy. 11h= Sun-ruled The one thing that must stay a consistent light in their life is their aspirations, knowing full well that time and influence will change them. They flourish around self-assured leaders and often have friends in high places. Inherent to their sense of self is the understanding that our creations or ideas are only real when shared. Though others may "adulterate" that vision, it is through collaboration and teamwork that Libra's full vision— and sense of themselves— comes into focus.
If you want to learn more about your chart, or what 2023 has in store for you, book a consult with me :) I love working with artists, mystics, healers, herbalists, poets, wanderers, academics.
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chloe-margherita · 1 year
A Moon Exercise
I have been experimenting more with the twilight between sleep and wake, when you start to fall asleep and begin to wake up. I find this version of me less guarded, perhaps more vulnerable and impressionable, her responses less covered by the daily thoughts and anxieties of waking life. Spend some time simply breathing and feeling into your body when you first wake and notice the ambient temperature; what are you thinking about? What is your mind instinctively reaching towards? What does it feel like to consciously become “you” again? You can take notes if you want to keep track of the patterns in your moods. Bonus if you keep track by moon sign.
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chloe-margherita · 1 year
Understanding the Rising Signs: Virgo
Recently listened to Demetra George’s talk on the Rising Sign as a template of life and really want to dig into that for each of them  Because not only does your rising sign determine your first house, it tells you the basic essence of each part of your life. If you use whole sign houses, as I do, then you can determine the rest of a person's chart simply by knowing their rising sign.
Read below to find out:
1h+ 10h= Mercury-ruled: I find this conflation of the self and its image interesting. On the one hand, I can see it pointing towards Virgo being very aware of how their actions are perceived and hold themselves to high standards because of that; may feel like they always have to "know better". On the other, it can also mean there's a certain authenticity or naturalness to a virgo ac; they are, quite often, who they appear to be. 2h + 9h= Venus-ruled: As a sign so well-known for humility and honest self-reflection, it may be difficult for them to stand in full certainty with what they believe. Venus here tells them that they don't have to come up with things solely on their own or deny themselves support. It also demonstrates that, ultimately, the quest for higher knowledge should be led by what feels good for them rather than what they "should" be studying. and the quest need not be difficult; let it be slow, steady, easy, even. 3h + 8h= Mars ruled: Faced with a wall of facts, Virgo acs have the unique ability to cut through the bullshit and get to what's really essential. Virgo acs work best when they don't sweat the small stuff. this also points to an impatience in learning a new skill. they may avoid daily practice if they're not good at it. Virgos can also get lost in a skill or repetitive activity. They know each moment, action, can be extremely powerful or dangerous (great magicians). They may feel like they had to leave childhood activities behind sooner than others 4h + 7h= Jupiter-ruled: Getting to know a Virgo is a cavernous and deep route. It takes you to depths you couldn't imagine and you will be grateful for the view. When choosing partners, they are choosing based on comfort and if they could live together. May co-own land. This also demonstrates to me that Virgos are most expansive and trusting only in intimate, private situations. A Virgo letting you take the reins or surrendering to you completely is the ultimate act of trust. 5h + 6h= Saturn-ruled: Virgos know that fun takes work. They may find themselves getting sick or injured after indulging too much but also will put into work to make pleasure a sustainable, regular part of their life.their commitment to their joys is unparalleled, as well as their ability to find excitement in the tasks the rest of the zodiac would dismiss. They are also keenly aware of how our current labor practice impede on our ability to enjoy ourselves and want to work to right this wrong. 11h= moon-ruled, 12h= sun-ruled The dreams of a Virgo ac must be allowed to change. they do best around others with emotional intelligence and find help when they can tune into their feelingsTheir dreams are not fixed things, but a gesturing toward cycles, fluidity, care To others, it may seem like Virgos are hiding their light under a bushel, but, really, Virgo knows that satisfaction doesn't lie in personal recognition or clinging too tightly to a self. They function best when their sense of self is a work in progress. They know certainty is easy in a vacuum but that true light and glory is bestowed upon us from above.
If you want to learn more about your chart, or what 2023 has in store for you, book a consult with me :) I love working with artists, mystics, healers, herbalists, poets, wanderers, academics.
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chloe-margherita · 1 year
Understanding the Rising Signs: Leo
Recently listened to Demetra George’s talk on the Rising Sign as a template of life and really want to dig into that for each of them  Because not only does your rising sign determine your first house, it tells you the basic essence of each part of your life. If you use whole sign houses, as I do, then you can determine the rest of a person's chart simply by knowing their rising sign.
Read below to find out:
1h= Sun-ruled, 12h= Moon-ruled: The sun is what keeps the planets bound together and allows the earth to be inhabitable. Leo risings may similarly feel both powerful and not able to live up to the image of themselves they hold to so dearly. but simple illumination, i.e. awareness of their inner being, for good and bad, is where their power comes from.their secret, of course, is their ever-changing emotions. they may feel they have to hide their uncertain or emotional side to feel like themselves. but their ability to nurture themselves when no one else is around is commendable; they are their own light. 2h + 11h= Mercury-ruled: In the process of extending themselves into the world, they find strength in knowledge and feel resourced around others with a diverse knowledge set. this also points to how they love having "fans" but mercury ruling points to a fickleness of favor that can't always be counted upon. ultimately, navigating these houses means having the dream itself rather the mercurial support of others undergird their sense of self. 3h + 10h= Venus-ruled: How a Leo lives their daily life has an exact bearing on how they are perceived in the public sphere. Integrity is a word that comes to mind, especially as a leo ac steps into their visibility. they must act in a way that their intimate friends and siblings would appreciate and have the ability to bring a familial warmth to those who see them from afar. There's an effortless, magnetic quality to their presentation and they probably got used to using their spotlight to lift up others from an early age. 4h + 9h= Mars-ruled: the beliefs of a leo ac are strong, often contrarian, and deeply held. They often have spiritual connections to land as well as ancestral practices. They may be revivers of ancient spiritual traditions and can have natural mediumship ability. they may find conflict between what they believe and what their family does. pondering the deep questions and taking risks to answer them is what ultimately grounds them. 5h + 8h= Jupiter-ruled: after the party's over or the initial rush has faded, Leos may experience this come down as a loss. there's this natural understanding of the finitude of pleasure as well as its potential for misuse. I see these people specifically as crusaders against child abuse or sexual violence and pondering the relationship between innocence and its loss.On the other hand, the creative process for them is to submit to a state of dissolution, letting inspiration take them over. creative practice is where they drop their knowing and submit to the muses.There's also a definite patronage vibe; these were the dudes who the Medici loved to sponsor 6h + 7h= Saturn-ruled: One of the funniest ways I've experienced this combo is through lovesickness; each time I've developed strong feelings for someone I can barely eat and sleep; my stomach bothers me and I'm energetically overwhelmed.On a deeper level, a relationship that isn't right will announce itself in the body. But they also know that loves takes work; day in, day out, one must show up for their partner(s), and that's what makes it real. I also see leos developing human-like relations with their pets lol
If you want to learn more about your chart, or what 2023 has in store for you, book a consult with me :) I love working with artists, mystics, healers, herbalists, poets, wanderers, academics.
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chloe-margherita · 1 year
Trends 2023: Studiowear
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Studio: n. a room where an artist, photographer, sculptor, etc. works;  late 18th century (denoting a piece of work done for practice or as an experiment): from Italian, from Latin studium (see study).
Simply put, studiowear is what artists wear when they are working, most likely in a dedicated space of creation and play. 
It shares strains with workwear, both employing utilitarian, comfortable outfits, often uniforms, that the wearer is ok getting dirty. Studiowear, however, has a more tailored, inspired look about it. While not the thing being looked at, being worn when creating art gives it a certain sheen. 
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It also has similarity to the outfits of poets and philosophers, intellectuals with the leisure time to follow immaterial threads and turn them real, but, often, writers are pictured amidst stacks of books, almost buried in them. Their blazers and layers of shirts and vests lack the comfort and freedom of movement a more tactile, embodied profession affords. 
Thusly, there’s a more casual, less aspirational, quality to studiowear. Surely, there are plenty of artists, such as Kahlo with her bright skirts and flowers, or Picasso and his striped shirts, that are known for their fashion in all contexts; but the real interest to me is what the artist puts on in service of another task. As writer Charlie Porter puts it, “I’m actually more interested in artists that dress kind of sloppily or messily. As with any human being, I find that much more interesting to look at.”
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Still being artists, however, there is some intention behind it— or at least we can spend time guessing in between the repeating outfits and the mystery behind their gaze. Porter continues: “I realized that considering an artist’s garments can make you think about someone’s way of working and being in a way that I might not have done if I had just read a biography, or just seen the painting.”
Much of my “trend reporting” comes from my study of the current and upcoming astrology of 2023. This searching for wisdom beyond what is written— in the experience itself— feels like a beautiful translation of the Jupiter in Taurus ethos, a transit that will begin in May of this year. Jupiter rules abundance both within and without; the bounty of the land and the richness of spirit. Jupiter spends a year in a sign so marks each one with a signature system or way of thinking; a marker of shifting abundance. Taurus is a Venus-ruled sign, planet of beauty, intimacy, pleasure, creativity. Its joys are more immediate and sensual compared to Jupiter’s lofty thinking. 
Thusly, now is a great time to find meaning in your loves, your pleasures, your style. There is a philosophy or system behind what you wear, even if you don’t immediately see it. Let your body guide you towards what to wear to embody comfort and style, what I think studiowear so beautifully encapsulates. Studios are places of play and experimentation, while also following what feels easy and “youïżœïżœ. Let your clothes reflect that this year. 
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Some Studiowear Themes:
- Smocks and loose-fitting tunics
- paint splatters
- black and white
- busy hands
- jeans and tailored pants
- denim shirts and button-downs
- focused gaze
- black turtlenecks 
- simple skirts and dresses
- looking and feel ingyourself
- workwear with intention
(Image sources: 1, 2, 3, 4 )
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chloe-margherita · 1 year
Understanding the Rising Signs: Cancer
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Recently listened to Demetra George’s talk on the Rising Sign as a template of life and really want to dig into that for each of them  Because not only does your rising sign determine your first house, it tells you the basic essence of each part of your life. If you use whole sign houses, as I do, then you can determine the rest of a person's chart simply by knowing their rising sign.
Read below to find out:
1H= Moon-Ruled; 2h= Sun-ruled; To be ruled by the moon is be ruled by change. No other mistress or area of life can lay claim to Cancer's power, which makes it apt that the origin of the world has Cancer Rising.The Sun-ruled 2h points to the astronomical fact that we only see the moon because of the sun's reflection. Just beneath their mysterious, ever-changing being is the unmitigated warmth and generosity of the sun. They need a constant sense of solidity and egoic stability in order to gather their feelings together, specifically moving towards sources of illumination and warmth. 3h + 12h= Mercury- ruled The 3rd rules praxis/daily spiritual practice and the 12th rules hidden magic, so witchcraft/general dabbling with the dark arts is a natural inclination for Cancer acs. they may have also grown up feeling like they couldn't share their thoughts with their peers. Cancers write/express themselves best in utter privacy and gain mental clarity from times of isolation. Daily solitude is a must. 4h + 11h= Venus-ruled No matter how wide their audience/network, Cancer risings make everyone feel like family. But they only let people in after a deep inner vetting process. Their dreams are extremely private and primal, involving both inner and outer changes. They always look to the past, ancestral practices and ancient wisdom to guide their visions for their lives. they believe history that is not learned will only repeat itself. 5h + 10h= Mars-ruled Expressing themselves or sharing their art feels like a dare, albeit an extremely visible one. They are passionate about their artistic endeavors and would do best when thinking creatively and dynamically about how they want to show up in the world. Their legacy may be deeply tied up with their offspring, as well as prioritizing the self, and the power of experiencing pleasure. May be known for their romances. 6h + 9h= Jupiter-ruledCancer risings are most likely to sacrifice their bodies in the name of higher knowledge— fasting, long pilgrimages by foot, renunciation, all-nighters etc. Education may often be impeded by a system that does not allow space for injury or sick days. But, ultimately, they know great insight takes work and are willing to put up with a lot of boring reading or meditation to get to the flash of knowing; though they tend to find the process just as expansive as the result. 7h + 8h= Saturn-ruled Relationships for Cancer acs present a contradiction. On the one hand, boundaries, maturity and discipline must be present in all of their serious connection but so is an understanding that love is beyond our control. Love, for Cancer risings, it a continual commitment to surrender. all of Cancer's inner wounds and fears must have room in all their messiness within the relationship. Cancer may also find themselves the financial beneficiary of their partner.
If you want to learn more about your chart, or what 2023 has in store for you, book a consult with me :) I love working with artists, mystics, healers, herbalists, poets, wanderers, academics.
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chloe-margherita · 1 year
The Rising Signs through the Houses: Gemini
Recently listened to Demetra George’s talk on the Rising Sign as a template of life and really want to dig into that for each of them  Because not only does your rising sign determine your first house, it tells you the basic essence of each part of your life. If you use whole sign houses, as I do, then you can determine the rest of a person's chart simply by knowing their rising sign.
Read below to find out:
1h + 4h= Mercury-ruled
One may not typically associate Gemini with the inner life but this connection shows that their internal, private thoughts are key to self-understanding. Their inner worlds are just as real as their outer selves and they are constantly integrating new input with past info. They may serve as a cataloguer or witness in their home, which needs to shifts just as deftly as their own self-conception does. I also see this as highlighting Hermes psychopomp and the need for them to take their underworld journeys. 2h= Moon-ruled + 3h= Sun-ruled
Their source of income may wax and wane as their interests change. Getting too stuck in the mind can detach them from their ultimate source comfort; their body and its ability to process feelings in a way that mind can't. The sun-ruled 3h demonstrates that they set themselves apart by what their skills and words. They also may hold a distinguished position in their neighborhood or have been a "golden child" among their siblings (or else singled out for some reason) 5h + 12h= Venus-ruled 
Geminis may have grown up deep in their imagination, feeling like they have to make their own fun. they know how to entertain themselves on their own and bring joy to difficult situations. This combo also reminded me of the Fool who accompanied King Lear on his exile through barren lands; through "jester's privilege," Geminis can make jokes stinging with difficult truths/uncovered revelations and get away with it 6h + 11h= Mars-ruledGeminis are the kings and queens of work friends, as well as turning any menial task into a gateway to their dreams (kind reminds me of mercury as lock-picker). They also must remember to put in the daily labor needed to fulfill their dreams. I also see them as naturally open to alternative medicine/new healing modalities.They must also learn when to cut off old dreams or else ask for help. 7h + 10h= Jupiter-ruled
Gemini risings want a partner who can join them in their purpose — and hold them accountable for fulfilling said purpose in an honorable way.They also get a lot out of business partnerships and are advised to take leaps of faith wrt both career and love. Their public role may feel tied up in others, however, and they may find it difficult to do something completely alone. They may prioritize their relationships and public role to an outsize extent. 8h + 9h= Saturn-ruled
Gemini risings inherently understand that we don't really "know" anything, really, and that a beloved belief may be ripped away without our control. There may be difficult following one distinct path, as they are consciously aware of giving up their intellectual agency and the deleterious effects of blind following. they understand that knowledge is actually a murky endeavor always filtered through our conditioning and hurt. Death also plays a prominent role as a spiritual teacher
If you want to learn more about your chart, or what 2023 has in store for you, book a consult with me :) I love working with artists, mystics, healers, herbalists, poets, wanderers, academics.
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chloe-margherita · 1 year
The Rising Signs through the Houses: Taurus
Recently listened to Demetra George’s talk on the Rising Sign as a template of life and really want to dig into that for each of them Because not only does your rising sign determine your first house, it tells you the basic essence of each part of your life. If you use whole sign houses, as I do, then you can determine the rest of a person's chart simply by knowing their rising sign.
Read below to find out:
1h + 6h= Venus-ruledPeople often associate Venus with luxury, but a Taurus rising knows how to WORK, as well as all the hidden labor that goes into making a garden seem effortless. they see themselves and their labor as collaborative and a way of being more enmeshed in the world Both their being and their work is only furthered through steady, pleasurable action. All of their life is a process, one that is steadily building and never still. 2h + 5h= Mercury-ruled; Not only are Taurus acs most likely to make money off their art, they know the value of pleasure and fun in supporting their sense of self. Eating and cooking are major sources of joy in their lives and this connection also says something about abundance; if there's not a surplus of labor, energy, money, etc leftover for fun, non-productive things, they have trouble being themselves and putting in the process-oriented work that make them who they are. 3h= Moon-ruled, 4h= Sun-ruled; I love that the moon rules the house it rejoices in here; here I think of the high priestess, a lunar card, that often represents an individual creating their own, esoteric path to practice. Taurus's daily spirituality is wholly their own and always changing with their moods and ability. they fit their habits into what feels right.but to truly feel bright and have enough energy for the rest of the world, they need to be the king of their castles. That means supportive family members, a luxurious home and plenty of space. They may feel isolated or set apart within their family of origin, which may not square with the rest of their relationships. 7h + 12h= Mars-ruledRelationships can feel very much their own/private, and they can also be a source of suffering. But engaging in right partnership can be like a stay in a monastery; merciless towards delusion but ripe with insight. They may be unable to face their relationship issues with their mind and must simply act out their inner dramas. the more they let issues fester, the worse they'll be. 8h + 11h- Jupiter-ruledTaurus risings, when they desire, know how receive support from others as well as what benefits community can bring about. but first, they must learn to surrender some control to the group. Their dreams can be hard to put into words, but act as a transformative feeling that can only be uncovered by a deep feeling of feelings. they will also most likely succeed if they ask their networks for financial support. 9h + 10= Saturn-ruledTheir beliefs and intellectual interests are often quite public. They have an interest in preserving ancient knowledge or texts and may make a career in academia or religion. Undertaking a spiritual path can feel arduous, high stakes, and difficult to turn away from. Their public persona is probably unassuming and humble. they can spread knowledge to the people.
If you want to learn more about your chart, or what 2023 has in store for you, book a consult with me :) I love working with artists, mystics, healers, herbalists, poets, wanderers, academics.
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chloe-margherita · 1 year
The Rising Signs through the Houses: Aries
Recently listened to Demetra George’s talk on the Rising Sign as a template of life and really want to dig into that for each of them Because not only does your rising sign determine your first house, it tells you the basic essence of each part of your life. If you use whole sign houses, as I do, then you can determine the rest of a person's chart simply by knowing their rising sign.
Read below to find out:
Aries Rising: 1h & 8h= Mars Ruled- Since Mars is considered a "severing" planet, a connection between the self and the place of death/loss seems appropriate. Aries risings must be aware of the risk involved in their desire to action and that the power they accrue is never really theirs Being able to brave painful terrain & develop their courage is a cornerstone to their self-understanding, but they also must learn that sometimes our most potent battles happen within. i also see something here about the power of paying off one's debts/being a person of your word 2h & 7h= Venus Ruled; As an independent sign, part of being in relationship for Aries acs is figuring out how their personal resources/belongings fit into their partnership. And that perhaps the biggest lesson is that connection can be a source of support, that they don't have to do it alone.but they also must be wary of trying to use things to please their partner or confuse what they have to offer with their actual worth. Having both a Mars ruled 1st and 8th means they do best when they don't hold onto things for too long. 3h & 6h= Mercury-ruled: would imagine that Aries risings found school tedious and a waste of their pent-up energy. Probably got hurt growing up when they played. They need to learn by using their bodies and are most insightful when engaged in work. As their chart ruler, Mars, is often associated with alchemists and surgeons, their 6h-3h connection also gives me strong healing vibes as well as an interest in preserving local history 4h = Moon Ruled, 5h= Sun ruled; Having no connection to the rest of the chart, these houses stand on their own in terms of signification; Aries needs a nurturing private space, full stop, and few things can substitute. The same goes for their creative endeavors. Straight-up fun, with them at the center, is where they get their light from. 9h + 12h= Jupiter-ruled: their path towards understanding is, ultimately, one they can only take alone. It may feel isolating for them to explore their beliefs and they may come to spiritual practice to relieve their suffering. They may be interested in esoteric traditions and secret practices. But, ultimately, they are able to find meaning even in the most confusing or difficult situations. 10h + 11h= Saturn Ruled; An Aries rising's hope for the future is inextricably bound up in their own quest for personal power. Put another way, how an Aries rising conducts themselves in public has a direct effect on their community and their ability to see their wishes come to fruition. Their fans can be ride-or-die, very visible, and potentially harsh judges. Being in public can often feel like Aries are under a microscope, even more so than in other parts of their life. I also see elders as a valuable resource for them, esp as they learn to grow into themselves.Going through all these, I am struck by how many of these significations are in line with the Aries image, but flesh it out from all these different angles.
If you want to learn more about your chart, or what 2023 has in store for you, book a consult with me :) I love working with artists, mystics, healers, herbalists, poets, wanderers, academics. 
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chloe-margherita · 3 years
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Today is the first Eclipse of the year. 
It is a total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius and emphasizes surrender, letting go, and the closing of chapters. 
Revisit your weekly horoscopes to learn more about how this day will affect you. Let the energy come to you. See what is shifting without your control. 
If you want to dive deeper into this eclipse, check out my full moon tarotscopes and eclipse ritual by subscribing to my newsletter. I write about astrology, art, plants and spirit every week, and also send out updates about my new projects. 
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chloe-margherita · 3 years
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chloe-margherita · 3 years
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Horoscopes, 5.24-5.30.21
Aries: I suggest you place a premium on the small moments. On paying attention. On how you sit, walk, pour yourself a glass of water. The more you can expand into the details, the more you can ground yourself for larger shifts surrounding your beliefs and value systems. The more you stare at something familiar, the more strange it becomes, and vice versa. Don’t shy away from shadows or confusion. Just keep looking. 
Taurus: You are allowed to ask for support. You are allowed to take up space with your words. The key is to notice if you are spreading your efforts too thin. Take stock of what you actually need to feel resourced and when security becomes a prison. Where can you stand to be a little more fluid, a little more resilient? You have the ability to heal your wounds around lack, destitution and dissolution. Let your larger goals remain a little hazy; they will form into coherent thoughts when something beyond you, but in you, is ready. 
Gemini: This week you are being tested to see how much of your magic you believe comes from other people. Those that are not for you or only serve to helm you in with their fixed ideas are beginning to show the end of their usefulness. You don’t have to work to have power but simply recognize what is there all along. You bring in the beauty and grace and intelligence. You are a beacon of flowing compassion for all. Let yourself be a little porous this week. When people think of you from afar, let them think of an ocean. 
Cancer: “No one’s ever gonna give you a trophy/ for all the pain and the things you’ve been through,” Musician Weyes Blood tells us. “No one knows but you”. Similarly, the victories you experience this week may be quiet and difficult for others to see. Don’t worry so much about talking about it; simply be about it, about whatever shifts are arising. If you want help or guidance, tune into a teacher or book that has guided you before. Let yourself be influenced in ways you can’t anticipate. Let your work life be a bit more fluid as stale obligations fall away. Ask where the Real Work lies for you. 
Leo: You don’t need to cut off parts of yourself or fit yourself in a box to show up for your community; you must, however, let go of your limiting beliefs or projects that are no longer serving you. You must pare away what is extra until your barest truth is apparent to you, ready to be shared and joined with the world. Expect sweetness and guidance from those in your networks rather than rejection or exclusion and respond in kind. There may be opportunities for sharing resources so be open to new avenues of abundance. Just stay clear on your own values and intentions and notice who supports them. 
Virgo: A plant without proper roots cannot nourish itself. The same is true for you this week; focus on what is stopping you from feeling fully at home in your body, house, dwelling place and erect the proper boundaries to give you a sense of freedom in your private life. From there, it can begin to extend outward into your public life, where both new information and new relationships may be forming to further shape your calling. Don’t forget to call upon the support of your loved ones, but notice when they distract you rather than make you feel big. Trust what you feel is right then do it. 
Libra: Consider how your daily life needs to change. Consider what thought patterns or habits need to be let go of, in order to receive a bigger message or insight. Pay attention, accordingly, to the people in your life who are helping you on your journey or bringing more wisdom into your life. You have the opportunity to learn a lot from those around you and to find the erotic in the act of learning. Go after what you are passionate about. Get clear about your beliefs and begin to see your work life begin to align with this realization. Remember that surrendering is work, doing the right thing for you is work, communing with spirit is work. Adjust your schedule accordingly. 
Scorpio: If you find security in always being able to leave or defaulting to freedom, this option may not be available to you. You may be asked to stick around in what feels too real or uncomfortable. You may be asked to take the next step blindly, not knowing where it leads. Doing so will give you access to deeper wounds that need addressing, as well as deeper treasures. Look for people who want to hear about your shadows and see what sort of trust can be created when vulnerability is on the table. Your wisdom and fluidity is also found within these shared co-creations. See how you can take these teachings and express it, either via art, play, or just how you allow yourself to shine. 
Sagittarius: Find comfort in a void. Old parts of you or outdated images are being cleared away and I advise you don’t try to immediately fill them with something else. Instead, focus on what your intimate relationships and collaborations are bringing you. Is it sweet? Is it beautiful? Does it expand your mind or flip preconceived notions on their heads? Spend time in private considering how you want your relationships to fit into your life. Do they feel like an extension of home or do the necessitate your retreat and recharge? Be wary of past relationships popping up again; focus on the lessons, less on the person. 
Capricorn: For most people, showing up for work means giving up your rights. It means exiling certain parts of yourself in the name of productivity or “professionalism”. Old inner structures or assumptions are being shed and this process is not exactly a clear or inviting one. But it is one of the most beautiful gifts you can give yourself. It will help clear up bullshit in your working life and get more out of the tasks in front of you. By focusing more on the power and pleasure in your routines you insight into your larger journey or belief system can come to light, bringing goodness to every corner of your life. Get to the root, and it is so. 
Aquarius: Always one to value the power of “we,” dear Aquarius, you may have to take a step back from the influence your communities is placing on you. Certain connections or groups may be eclipsed out of your life (ha) or you may find yourself rethinking the values imposed upon you and your work by others. Get back to the source this week. Get back to your own voice and what feels good to make and create. Be curious, flexible, and don’t worry about prying eyes. This may feel at odds with what is practical, or what you feel you need to be secure, but how can your pleasure be part of your resource network? 
Pisces: It can be necessary to put up a sort of front when in public; it can be out of protection or rising to the occasion when other parts of us still feel scared. But you are being asked to peel back some of the layers this week. How are you when you’re scared or unsure? That’s the part others want to see. First, prioritize downtime, or time spent with alone or with “family,” whatever that may mean to you. Mentally organize your current experience and see how these inner parts can begin to be shown on the outside, being of benefit for all. Who you are is enough. It is a boon to all. 
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chloe-margherita · 3 years
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chloe-margherita · 3 years
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Daily Weather, 5.19.21
Venus trine Saturn 
Today your love needs structure. Boundaries. Work. Venus, in the mutable sign of Gemini, is forming a supportive connection with Saturn in Aquarius. Already, these two air signs are concerned with relationships. People often neglect to mention the social aspect of this element; how it finds itself through exchange with others. And while Gemini wants to connect to as wide a variety of people as possible, Aquarius wants to relate to humanity as a whole, even while keeping its distances. With Venus in Gemini, we may be tempted to not look too deep into the connection we make, favoring breadth instead of depth. Currently traversing the middle decan of Gemini, this Venus wants to reconcile dualities. It wants to alternate times of work and times of play; times of loving and times of space. The energy of Aquarius can be helpful in maintaining this balance between the inner and the outer. The second decan of Aquarius is about the sovereignty we each have regardless of the power structures in place. If we trust our ability, ingenuity, and personal power enough, we can move freely through the world, enacting our wills without being beholden to conventional power structures. 
This detachment can be useful in handling this transit. Saturn, specifically, wants to be realistic about what we can provide others and how available we can be. It’s ok to say no or set up a boundary or have a conversation about you and your loved one’s needs. More than ok, it is essential to true relationship. If there is no dialogue, no meeting each other, then the meeting is not taking place. Practice ways of using right speech, such as nonviolent communication or radical honesty. Consider how you can set up a container that makes both you and the other feel loved. 
Check out the weekly horoscopes to tune into this more.
**I am currently offering astrology and tarot consults at a sliding-scale price. I will increase these prices in June so book now by messaging me or emailing [email protected] to secure the lower cost. Find out more info here and follow along here and here. **
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chloe-margherita · 3 years
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Horoscopes, Week of 5.17.21
Aries: Right now you are determining which contacts hold up their end of the bargain and which ones simply serve as an energy leak. Notice both the warm and practical benefits you are receiving from your friends and community members and feel into how you can bring more of this structured benefit into your life; this will probably mean letting some dreams or connections go. Later on in the week, you may feel a tension between these local connections and obligations and your need to retreat and digest the information coming your way. This is a wise impulse. So much new information is coming your way that you need the space to process and figure out what new opportunities are actually right for you. Hold off on making a decision as of yet; not all of the information is clear yet and the great mystery wants you to dance in its depths a bit longer. See what silence cultivates.
Poem of the Week: “Dear One Absent This Long While,” Lisa Olstein
In May we dreamed of wreaths burning on bonfires over which young men and women leapt.
June efforts quietly. I’ve planted vegetables along each garden wall
so even if spring continues to disappoint we can say at least the lettuce loved the rain.
Taurus: The role you want to play in the world has a lot to teach you about resources. What types of things, energies, people do you need around to enact your dreams? Use the goal as the guidepost and a way to commit to cultivating certain values. Be generous, in turn, with what you do have and see your pleasure multiply. You may be feeling the difference between what you have and what you want. Feel into the gap and find a way for it to be motivating rather than discouraging; your dreams are real for as long as you give life to them. Just try it’s more about following the feeling this weekend than knowing your exact next move. Let what feels right guide the rest. Poem of the Week: “Islandia,” Maria Negroni I may not know how to seduce but I will dazzle. (Nothing will distract me from pain.) You have to wait. Have to wait for me to renounce (brilliant) rigidity, for me to submit, hidden from my own eyes, to the shadow of desire. Half-way would be enough. The only imperative is that you go on waiting (. . .) Gemini: If you are feeling lost at all this week, dear Gemini, you just have to find your compass again. You structure comes from being in touch with the wisdom or beliefs that guide your life, whether they be philosophical, magical or divine. Commit yourself to a current devotion or practice around expanding your felt sense of knowledge and see how it enhances your ability to draw the right things towards you. This will be especially useful as your immediate energy must contend with the bigger, more mysterious visions for you are coming to the surface. While being exact and impeccable with your everyday decision-making is recommended, give your public role a bit more breathing room to figure itself out. Notice what intuitive messages come forward around the right path or vocation. See yourself as a channel for all sorts of information, but take what you receive with a grain of salt. It can and will all change soon. Poem of the Week: “Postlude,” Rita Dove As usual, you’re not listening: time stops only if you stop long enough to hear it
passing. This is my business: I’ve got ten weeks left to croon through. What you hear is a lifetime of song.
Cancer: This week asks that you find your information from the deep. Mysterious signs, old wounds and deep energetic exchanges all mark this week for you and demonstrate a deep power to be found in the spaces between knowing. To cultivate these gifts from the depths, I suggest you enact boundaries around relationships that tend to drain your energy; you need all you can get to draw the sweetness from the inside. This process will also lead into your restructuring of your belief system— a larger theme for you this season. What new fields of study or spiritual practices are calling you to become more of what you are? How can figuring this out be like listening? Just beware of diving too quickly into your journey; take time to reflect what is really for you and what is true. Poem of the Week: “Near the End of April,” William Stanley Braithwaite Near the end of April    Twenty Mays have met, And half a word and half a dream    Remember and forget.
Leo: The more singular someone’s role is in your life, the more difficult it is to detach from unhealthy dynamics with them. Do you have people besides your primary partner with whom you share intimacy and support? Do you expect some imagined partner to be the authority of value in your life? Cultivating beautiful ties with all sorts of friends and acquaintances can be a healing balm for any restrictions you may be feeling in your committed relationship, so lean on them to help you remember what a truly equal exchange feels like and what it should bring you. Also look to your networks to help you come back to yourself when things get more confusing later on in the week. A strong support system can offer comfort and clarity. It can help you receive support from others in a way that is clean and generous. What autonomy are you willing to give up to be part of something larger? This doesn’t have to mean self-effacement, but only if nothing is rushed into. You have time. Poem of the Week: “Ghost,” Cynthia Huntington All that you saw and heard and could not find
the center of, those days growing into years, growing inside of you, out of reach, now with you
forever, in your house, in your garden, in corridors of dream where I finally tell you my name.
Virgo: In order to let your gifts shine, you must decide what work is worth your effort. Unnecessary toil or work that does not bring satisfaction may be difficult to ignore right now, so I suggest paring down your current obligations where possible. Be sure to include rest, care and recuperation under your definition of labor. You must have enough space to hear the messages coming your way regarding your vocation or social role. Use the abundance you receive from your close relationships to bolster your confidence and sense of possibility. You don’t have to do all the work or know all the answers. Be around those who encourage you to let the universe come to meet you too. Poem of the Week: “Love Song,” Denise Levertov The grapes that need frost to ripen them
are amber and grow deep in the hedge, half-concealed, the way your beauty grows in long tendrils half in darkness.
Libra: Be judicious with your pleasures this week. Notice which ones bolster your sense of connection with the world and which ones distract you from your truths. You are prone to receiving important messages this week, particularly from intuitive, numinous sources, so be sure to put in the work you need to be open to such sources. This can be ritual or devotion or simply sitting in the same spot every day. Whatever helps you be receptive to what you can’t see. Your efforts allow you to expand, especially if you don’t push too hard to know the results just yet. Simply keep track of the options available to you, of the wisdom around you, and let the work you do follow its own rhythm. Poem of the Day: “Memory is Blood Soluble,” Brian Sneeden I can’t remember which chord heals visions or causes them. Which summons a cloud of b­­­ees from the stone, or conceals your shape behind a flame. It is every guitar I have found in the gutter. Every name on the edge of being gone.
Scorpio: Your understanding of your inner depths is unparalleled right now. By getting in touch with your more hidden, potentially wounded sense of self, you have the ability to befriend the dark and receive its rich gifts. One of them will be a better understanding of what you need to feel safe. Spend time enacting boundaries around your private life and committing to deep rest or homemaking. Expect these deep messages to provide fertile ground for creativity and more honest sense of pleasure. Let your art be a site of vulnerability. Let it be diffuse and hard to pin down. Let it be what you need, even if you don’t quite know what that is yet. All will be revealed in time. Poem of the Week: “Death of a Friend,” Scorpio There is so much we’ve begun to pile upon you, more than all the lives we’ve had and have lost. Nothing whatever burns to ash. Years pass. Days, wisdom, the simple sadness. A slow-moving ray of sunlight walks me backward to a past turned magical by the virtue of its emptiness, this part of myself that never fails to embrace us.
Sagittarius: You are on a larger journey of structuring your day-to-day life with as much skillfulness and ingenuity as possible. Today, you get a help from your committed relationships. New ideas and insights arise from these intimate connections and help you figure out what structures and habits feel most pleasurable to you. Your relationships also serve to shine light on what you need to change in your familial or home dynamics. When does surrender turn into escapism? How can you build a foundation on what is constantly changing without sacrificing clarity or stability? Trust that things may be more in flux in your private life and that your loved ones are always there to help sort it out in time.
Poem of the Week: “House Empty Speaks a Loud Truth,” Iris Jamahl Dunkle
8.      You could hear the red-breasted robins singing from the second floor. 9.      The silver painted wallpaper came off on my fingertips. 10.    What they thought was a guest room was actually her office. 11.     When the state cataloged the house, everyone forgot she was a writer. 12.     It never burned. 13.     Bays and oaks move closer to the house. (Hear their leaves whisper?) 14.     Though they’ll cover the fountain in the sun-filled dining room, its waters            will keep broadcasting to future visitors.
Capricorn: Being disciplined with your finances does not only mean compulsive saving. Knowing how to use our resources can be just as vital as how much we actually have. You may find yourself having to be more strict with your spending lately but don’t let that distract you from pursuing the work that feels best Enjoyment and stimulations are resources as well. You are being asked to consider not only your work routines but all the ways you spend your days. What new skills or practices are calling to you? How can you find refuge, peace, compassion, in the mundane parts of your life without sacrificing the detail-oriented work you must do? All you need is right here; yet there are things to do. Poem of the Week: “Venetian Siesta”, Joseph Millar He speaks of the world, how it’s changed by art and bread you can’t eat powdered with light where someone is toasting their mother’s health and someone is writing a letter to death which makes things beautiful in its way and also makes everyone the same as laughter does or the late autumn rain.
Aquarius: You get to decide how you spend your time, or where you point your attention. Consider how you can recommit to yourself this week in the midst of potential distractions or overextensions. Try to prioritize your pleasure in this refinement process. See what new inspirations or creative impulses arise during this clearing. The one thing to be watchful over is your resources; you may be getting a sudden influx or you may be acting like you’ve had one. Be mindful of what you have been spending lately but also check in with your other resources. Are your emotions strong? Your courage? Your pleasure? Spend all you have available on saying and being exactly who you are. See where it takes you. Poem of the Week: “How to Get to Fairyland,” Yone Noguchi Lo, such greenness, such velvety greenness, such a heaven without heaven above! Lo, again, such grayness, such velvety grayness, such an earth without earth below! My soul sails through the waveless mirror-seas.
Pisces: You don’t have to travel far to not feel alone. Think of all the ancestors who brought you here, who are with you still. Be open to any messages from your past or lineage that may be arising, especially in moments of confusion or isolation. Over time, this week will show you how much power you have to bring abundance to both yourself and others. You just have to sink into the connection and possibility that is already there. This freedom may feel like its grinding against the inner comfort of mental clarity and detail-oriented planning. You can have both, as long as your focus your mind on your foundation and let the fertile openness dictate how you interact with the world. Poem of the Week: “Nothing to Declare,” Robin K. Alleyne You know the waiting untended in you will surge toward her, and you know something else will sink, sulk itself into a familiar, necessary sleep. You know yourself now only as the ocean knows this island—always pulling away, always, always, returning.
**I am currently offering astrology and tarot consults at a sliding-scale price. I will increase these prices in June so book now by messaging me or emailing [email protected] to secure the lower cost. Find out more info here and follow along here and here. **
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chloe-margherita · 3 years
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Weekly Horoscopes, 5.17-5.23: Measured Flow
5.20 Venus trine saturn
Sun square jupiter 5.23
Mercury square neptune
Note: i will no longer be writing horoscopes everyday. Today marks the 1 year anniversary of my first entry and I am so grateful to have seen this endeavor through for a whole calendar year. However, there are other writing projects that are more alive for me and feel my energy will be better spent on writing beyond daily check-ins. I do, however, plan on continuing with weekly horoscopes (including a song and a poem each week!) and will post daily about the weather of the day, so I won’t be going away! Just shifting energy. I will continue to put out more writing on astrology, as well as other projects in the future, so keep your eyes peeled for that. If you want to follow along with what I am doing, I recommend joining me elsewhere: My instagram My newsletter Those spots are the best places to find out about new offerings and take advantage of the readings I offer. Thanks to everyone who read what I wrote and got something out of it. I hope you stick around to see what’s next.
We begin the week with the moon in Leo, adding a buoyancy and creativity to our emotional lives. By the time the Venus trines Saturn on Wednesday, the moon has moved int Virgo, creating a more analytic and critical view towards what we may have initiated during the Leo Moon.  We have the ability to refine our creative energies, but must watch for being too critical as the moon moves into a square with logical Mercury. We need to shift this hard eye to relationships, however, as Saturn values structure and boundaries. When sending harmonious energy to Venus, planet of value and pleasure, we are being asked to create the containers we need to love both ourselves and others at the same time. This means saying no. This means getting realistic about what we can actually give others and committing to no more than we can comfortably promise. Seeing a relationship through, even when it gets difficult, is a beautiful gift you can give yourself. Just make the the other person is putting in the effort too. Ending commitments is it own form of discipline. The following day, the ambient energy of the world shifts from earth to air as the Sun makes its annual movement in the sign of Gemini. While we have already had a taste of the mutable air sign since Mercury and Venus moved into Gemini, we now have the warmth and drive to bring the sign’s significations into the forefront of our lives. Ruled by Mercury, Gemini values the free flow of information both inward and outwards. It wants to experience as much of the world as possible without trying to impose meaning or structure onto the chaotic vastness of existence. It wants to make connections between different people and ideas and values curiosity, friendliness and an openness to the new. The Sun’s movement into this sign also ushers in the first hints of Eclipse Season, which officially begins with the next Full Moon on the 26th. Begin considering what house Gemini occupies in your chart; prepare for changes and shifts to occur there. On Friday, Jupiter makes its first aspect after entering Pisces. With a square to the Sun, there may be some tension between who we feel ourselves to be right now and what we are growing into. While the Sun in Gemini wants to focus on the particulars of our senses of selves — likes, dislikes, the steps towards a goal— Jupiter in Pisces wants to dissolve barriers between all things. This means trusting the process instead of trying to control or understand it. This means knowing that you already are what you want to become. While I would still call this transit an optimistic one, I would also say it will require dynamic action to meet the demands of both planetary energies. Stay realistic about what you can do right now while still holding onto the bigger vision. It will coalesce in time. We end the week with a bit of confusion so be aware of how seriously you should take the information that comes your way. Mercury, planet of communication, forms a square with Neptune, the great dissolver. As the ocean planet goes to work dissolving boundaries and giving us all sorts of psychic, emotional information, it also conflicts with our ability to think clearly or use our best judgment. So while creative work and spiritual efforts will be enhanced, so will our confusion, anxiety and driftiness. Consider the limits of your mind in the face of so much vastness and trust that you don’t have all the answers. Read on for your weekly horoscopes and ride the celestial waves.
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