cerisebleue1803 · 1 year
I'm heartbroken that netfl!x is canceling Warrior Nun obviously, I'm literally nauseous but like... Their Twitter comment section? I can't stop laughing through the tears it's hilarious
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cerisebleue1803 · 1 year
lmao people are canceling their subscribtions to netflix let’s goooo
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cerisebleue1803 · 1 year
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cerisebleue1803 · 1 year
fuck u netflix
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cerisebleue1803 · 2 years
It’s so funny how Netflix think they can cancel Warrior Nun without any consequences.
Jokes on you bitch I’m suicidal so watch me take one for the team and immolate myself in front of the Netflix headquarters.
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cerisebleue1803 · 2 years
Guys some very famous youtubers in my country made a video a few months ago where they went to a convent and talked with some nuns and watched youtube videos witht them and asked them what they thought of that. It was very sweet and peaceful but there was also an educating aspect of this video, to show their community which is composed of teenagers and young adults that they are people just like the rest of us. They were indulging with the youtubers and when the two of them left, they said in the video they were moved and had a different view on life now that they had talked to them.
But I can’t stop imagining this happening in Warrior Nun, like Camila telling them she already knows TikTok and going on rants about different youtubers, Mary (even tho she’s not a nun) calling bullshit on everyone, Beatrice just sitting there looking like she just watched the Exorcist while Ava bounces on the walls with excitement and Mother Superion being both intrigued and horrified at what she’s seeing.
Anyways, I’m sleep deprived and I’m gonna go night-night now.
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cerisebleue1803 · 2 years
Apparently people liked that my dog was watching Warrior Nun so today I’m gonna let the cat tell us what he thinks of the show :
yggy nhgyfFKJG092§PM/654VF£
IO03UH N N SKDK_k;i”ç_tr:o:o:fl:lopfpeà’phhmore6.4.fgol;o
I think he liked it.
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cerisebleue1803 · 2 years
I have a healthy friendship ; I pay for her lunch when it’s the end of the month, she streams Warrior Nun so it can get more views.
This is a win-win situation
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cerisebleue1803 · 2 years
you. i like you.
I lleft my dog to watch warrior nun today cause it leaves more views (already watched it 5 times and I keep streaming) she started barking at Beatrice i think she might be homophobic how do I tell he I'm gay
Anyways it's her birthday today
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cerisebleue1803 · 2 years
So basically I'm gonna make a text about my thoughts on Warrior Nun so I can participate in overflowing the Internet into forcing Netflix to renew that show.
Basically, I've watched as numerous production canceled sapphic shows all throughout 2020-2022: I'm Not Okay With This, First Kill, The Wilds, Gentleman Jack, Batwoman, Legends of Tomorrow, etc. I've watched as the Bury Your Gays trope unfolded: The 100, Killing Eve, The Walking Dead, IT Chapter 2, and more. Literally, the only shows I can think about that did good for sapphic representation were Wynnona Earp and Adventure Time (where both couples are secondary characters, Wynonna and Finn being the mains), and She-Ra and the princesses of Power.
Now, representation in media is literally crucial. I realized I was not straight after seeing Marceline and Bubblegum kiss on TV. Not only that, but I also realized I was not alone, I was okay, I had a beautiful life ahead of me. For me, realizing I was a lesbian was not a trial, it was not hard or painful. It was freeing. It wasn't accepting I would have to fight my way through life, it was realizing I wouldn't die alone like I thought I would.
My friends, who are bookworms, are dragging me through libraries after libraries, and I watch as they squeal over shirtless men on the book covers and discuss if they would rather date him or him, while the only LGBTQ+ book I can find are sexualised version of m/m relationship (which is a real problem, we need to talk about that more).
Back to Warrior Nun.
As I said, representation in media, especially media targeting a young adult audience, is crucial. Warrior Nun helped me deal with both my internalised homophobia (I didn't realize gay people existed until I was fifteen, when I literally went to a gay wedding when I was nine) and my religious trauma, which I thought nobody would ever understand. I strayed away from the catholic church because I didn't like being told how to love someone (a God, in that situation), which tracks, because I would discover I am a lesbian years later.
Not only that, but I discovered Warrior Nun when I was having a really bad time and it got me back on my feet and gave me a stick to fight my way back into my life.
I will not stand as they erase another part of our identity. This is complete bullshit and I've had enough, honestly. I cried for three hours after watching Lexa die on TV because I thought that's what they wanted to do to me.
I will stomp my feet and make noise and I don't give a single fuck if people call me dramatic. In french, we have a saying: “la goutte d’eau qui fait déborder le vase”; the drop of water that makes the vase spill, and this is a complete waterfall.
And if I have to get on my knees and pray to a God that has forsaken me to get what I want, then I sure as Hell will.
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cerisebleue1803 · 2 years
I lleft my dog to watch warrior nun today cause it leaves more views (already watched it 5 times and I keep streaming) she started barking at Beatrice i think she might be homophobic how do I tell he I'm gay
Anyways it's her birthday today
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cerisebleue1803 · 2 years
I lleft my dog to watch warrior nun today cause it leaves more views (already watched it 5 times and I keep streaming) she started barking at Beatrice i think she might be homophobic how do I tell he I'm gay
Anyways it's her birthday today
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cerisebleue1803 · 2 years
My friend: You’re gonna end up in Hell, that’s for sure
My friend: ... Please don’t say it
Me: Is that because I’m gay?
My friend: I’m gonna read a m/m today.
Me, a raging lesbian, making a cross with my fingers: leave this body, servant of satan!
My friend: let me guess, you only like w/w.
My other friend: what do you think, Sherlock, take a wild guess!
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cerisebleue1803 · 2 years
Me: I'm writing a book with a gay main character because we need more...
My two (very) straight friends:... Gays.
Me: I was gonna say representation but yeah, that too.
My friend: I’m gonna read a m/m today.
Me, a raging lesbian, making a cross with my fingers: leave this body, servant of satan!
My friend: let me guess, you only like w/w.
My other friend: what do you think, Sherlock, take a wild guess!
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cerisebleue1803 · 2 years
My friend: I’m gonna read a m/m today.
Me, a raging lesbian, making a cross with my fingers: leave this body, servant of satan!
My friend: let me guess, you only like w/w.
My other friend: what do you think, Sherlock, take a wild guess!
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cerisebleue1803 · 2 years
My dumbass dream
Hello. If you know my page (which is very unlikely) you know I have weird-ass dreams that look like stories. Well, hold on to your hats, because I got another one for you. Basically, it’s a “Hunger GamesxPercy Jacksonxwlw ships”.
Let me explain. It was basically a Hunger Games, nothing weird right now, but the tributes were choosen among the demigods. Why were there a Hunger Games of demigods? Who cares!
Anyways, the choosen demigods had powers and were children of Greek gods.
Korra was the daughter of Poseidon, which makes sense, but Asami was the daughter of Zeus, because of her electric glove, but I would have put her as a daughter of Hephaistos, you know, for being smart and building things. 
Clarke was the daughter of Hades, being Wanheda and all, but Lexa was a roman demigod and the daughter of Diane (Raven was the daughter of Hephaistos and Octavia the daughter of Athena).
And in addition, my brain thought that Vi was the daughter of Ares and Caitlyn the daughter of Athena and went “I’m a genius!”.
Anyways, my dream got weird after that, with Lexa basically kidnapping Clarkee, Clarke making people’s eyes and Korrasami being dumbasses in love.
I woke up because my dog was crushing me.
So that’s all.
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cerisebleue1803 · 3 years
Raven, about Octavia: That my best friend 💖💅🏳️‍🌈 she a real bad bitch✨🌈 🙏got her own army 🤜☠️🤸🏻‍♀️she don’t need no d-🍆
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