bookoholicgirl01 · 2 years
Yes!!! THIS!!!
Also office bestie. So refreshing to see girl supporting girl and not against each other for love or career drama!!! ..... MORE MORE MORE
Also she freaking deserve better and why am I rooting her with chef/cafe owner🖤
Guys, I can't talk enough about how much I love Sooyeon.
Remember that episode where she, ahem, soiled her pants because of her upset stomach? When she asked for Youngwoo to bring pants for her from her office, I was so perplexed as to why she even had pajama pants in there in the first place. After watching ep 6 and 7, I finally understand.
In the case with the mother who turned herself in, I thought it was just because this was a special case where she can relate to the client and made it all personal, but no. It was Youngwoo who had a personal connection with the case. But Sooyeon just really wanted this mother to not go to jail and leave her daughter that badly.
With the way Attorney Jung tasked Youngwoo to ground Sooyeon and stop her from being "too passionate" about her case, it seemed like it was the kinda thing that happened often. Like Sooyeon was the type to constantly overwork herself and spend the night in her office so she can help her clients win. Which is why she had sleepwear in her office.
Watching episode 7 where the three attorneys go through all of their materials until the morning, still wearing their fancy lil outfits, but Sooyeon's the only one in her trusty lil pajamas, it was hilarious but at the same time I'm just, dang, sweetie how often does this happen that it looks like you're right at home??
Spring Sunshine Sooyeon indeed, always wanting to help people, whether it's Youngwoo or her clients.
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bookoholicgirl01 · 2 years
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give me the details of the situation. including the air, sunlight, clouds, speed of the wind, temperature and humidity. so…
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bookoholicgirl01 · 4 years
Yesterday a lot of people talked about mental health and illness, there were so many stories and status on world mental health day which is all good and great but today people are back to daily routine, for some mental health again took a back hand.
Mental health is not a trendy topic or one day seminar, it's a practice for caring yourself, listening to others,being yourself, finding your peace and doing everything to achieve it and being hopeful, removing negativity from life, taking therapy, talking to people, not be alone every single day, to not hold back, putting yourself out there more and more, being productive, treating yourself and making your mental health your priority for everyday.
If you need to seek professional help, go for it. Don't let this society or anyone's judgement stop you from taking care of yourself.
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bookoholicgirl01 · 4 years
To start a conversation it actually takes two
With all the talk of 'start speaking/sharing' about depression one thing is also important 'start listening/seeing'. You want people to share there mental illness in India where a lot of people don't know/consider mental health a thing, you want them to be vulnerable then first show support.
Some People usually don't speak because they feel alone even in a crowd, they don't want to be pitied or judged or disappoint their loved ones so they hide but the hints just become more obvious so instead of using hollow words like "Hey if you feel low, you can talk to me", try to actually be there.
Don't say it's OK or it'll be gone or motivational quote them if they want this they'll search the Damm motivational video on YouTube or meme on net instead be there when the low hits, show them it's OK to fall back, it's OK to break down.
Don't think it's over when they smile because depression is not all black it's not all rain all cry, some days are one feel happy, alive and then there are some days when depression attack hits and one feels hollow & dead.
Be patient, it's a long process. Be considerate because if one thing work for one, it may not work for others.
When you ask someone how are you, your reply of 'I'm fine' is ready even before they answer, why? Because everyone knows that when one ask how are you all they want is "I'm fine how are you" so show them that you don't want the formality instead you are there for them, that you rather have 'I'm not ok' then a formality.
Because to start a conversation it actually takes two.
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bookoholicgirl01 · 4 years
This kind of support my theory of grace being Shadowhunter but her power and bracelet as well was granted by belial with a deal with Tatiana in exchange for Jesse life so that belial can make James volunteer his body to belial
Any thoughts @cassandraclare?
Q&A Grace
shashana21 said: Hi Cassie, were you expecting people to 
Keep reading
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bookoholicgirl01 · 4 years
And smallest non significant things can break you but you still put on fake smile and you Hate every second of it and it kills you
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bookoholicgirl01 · 5 years
When you are on the edge of darkness...even a smallest insignificant wind can push you off the cliff
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bookoholicgirl01 · 5 years
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Decided to gift it to myself on Diwali after reading so many great reviews and it's definitely worth the hype... If you love a thriller.....specially a psychological mystery, this one's worth a shot.... It keeps you on edge.... Every page keeps you hooked and every chapter ends with a twist....you feel the horror with shalini, fear with Manoj, anxiety with Alka and adrenaline rush with police officers... With every chapter you think you figure out the "devil"... But after every chapter, there are new theories.... Author keeps it fast pase..Had a tight grip on narration and characters.... The character development is well done and don't bore... You suspect everyone and everything. This book is inspired by real event... And author has done his research well, when you read the book hairs rise on the back of your neck... You get intrigued about the real events...Google the incident after reading the book... It's one of those books that once you start is hard to put down without completing it
Love the quote from the book "when you pray to God, the devil hears you too"
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bookoholicgirl01 · 5 years
Saturday night + pizza + coke = best combo
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bookoholicgirl01 · 5 years
Stand for each other
Ladies... Compliment another women (stranger, friends, family, enemy) when they look great... When they try something new, when they try to be better even if you don't like her or agree with her, even if she is your enemy because this world put enough judging, enough pressure, enough criticism on her... Sometimes she herself do that too.... It's good to be appreciated for a effort.... So if you see a girl of any age and find her look, dress, hair & accessories nice... Compliment her... Find her trying to be better, support her... Because if we won't then who will?
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bookoholicgirl01 · 5 years
If it's not your problem, doesn't mean it's not a problem at all.... Every person fight their own battle
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bookoholicgirl01 · 5 years
Friends shouldn't make you cry.... They shouldn't make you want to hide yourself.... They shouldn't make you feel bad for you being you.....
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bookoholicgirl01 · 5 years
Am I not the only one disappointed with Jonathan's death....like No last death fight that Jonathan deserves.... No green eyes.... No last piece of humanity..... A wing hug death.... seriously...
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bookoholicgirl01 · 5 years
Avengers endgame
Game of thrones finalé
Shadowhunter finalé
And many more.. this year is the end of amazing series, beautiful journey and an epic era... With love and tears....
Ave atque vale
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bookoholicgirl01 · 5 years
In the trailer of heavenly fire.. Izzy wears same outfit she wore in her insta story during shooting with #sizzy ..do you guys think in the episode they maybe re-creating the Lord Montgomery scene from book where Alec walked in on them..... Because shirtless Simon and salty Alec while he was OK with Simon in previous episode.. And Simon undercover as zeke Russo.. Hmm... Because if that happened I may die
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bookoholicgirl01 · 5 years
Friendship don't mean control or ego... Or leader... It means caring, love, support, understanding.. Agreement and disagreement too but friendship don't mean no individuality... Be friend but be your own person too
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bookoholicgirl01 · 5 years
Am I the only one who have read so many fanfiction that now it's hard to tell if a scene you remember is from the book or fanfiction?
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