bokunohero-stories Ā· 2 years
Long Time No See!
Sorry for hoarding requests for so long! I was really unwell for awhile, and couldnā€™t find the time or energy to write/answer requests. I have roughly 30 or so requests still left to get through, and I will do my absolute best to churn them out for all of you who have been waiting so patiently!Ā 
No idea if BNHA is even still popular (lol), but I hope you all can still find enjoyment in my work. Iā€™ve gotten to as many as I can tonight, and plan to pick up some more tomorrow!Ā 
Maybe after Iā€™ve cleared my ask box, I can open it back up again for a little bit?Ā 
I do want to restate, however, that after clearing my ask box, most of my attention will be directed to the new blog I share with my friend Allie! So if you have a request youā€™ve been holding, just waiting for my asks to open again, feel free to submit them to @sweet-art-o-mine where it will be prioritized! And please feel free to check out our FAQ, where we list all the fandoms weā€™ll write (and draw) for!Ā 
As of right now, both Allie and I are open for requests on that blog, and would be more than happy to satisfy any fandom cravings you might have in the meantime!Ā 
Thank you all for your patience, and for sticking around even while I was MIA! Much love to all of you, and enjoy your day/night!
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bokunohero-stories Ā· 2 years
I saw that medusa ask a while back and was wondering if you'd do a scenario for that for Aizawa? But maybe the snakes are super active and actually kinda tend to reveal how the person with the quirk feels and maybe that's how he found out how she feels about him or something?
Of course! Iā€™ll give it my best shot!
ā‡¢ Aizawa
āœø Heā€™s familiar with the legend of Medusa - you know, the one from Greek Mythology? Though he was aware it was just a story, he was rather shocked to come face to face with the real deal (or some variation of it)!Ā 
āœø Heā€™s not really a snake person, so to speak. Not that he feels one way or the other about them, he just doesnā€™t. Love them. They donā€™t bother him, heā€™s just not a snake fanatic.
āœø He was more shocked to find out that each snake had a mind of its own, and a personality to match. They tended to follow your emotions, but even outside of that, they did their own thing.
āœø What surprised him the most, though? When he had been helping you grade papers, leaned over your shoulder, a few of your snakes seemed to kiss him? Some coiled around his ear or neck, trying to draw him in closer to you.Ā 
āœø Honestly, he didnā€™t know how to react, let alone interpret their actions. When he asked you about it at a later date - after many days of wracking his brain for an answer to no avail - he started to piece things together. Your face flushed the deepest shade of red heā€™d ever seen on a person, and he only half listened as you stuttered out a half-fake explanation.
āœø He found you once scolding your snakes for being so obvious and potentially exposing your real feelings, and that's when it sank in.
āœø If theyā€™re tuned into your emotions, did that mean you liked him? Because he was starting to feel the same way. You were incredibly charming, and good with your work. He also came to rely on your consideration.
āœø Maybe he should wait until you could tell him yourself, though.
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bokunohero-stories Ā· 2 years
If your ok with writing villains, can I have hcs for how dabi would react to his crush lowkey describing him when asked about her ideal type of guy? thanks!
ā‡¢ Dabi
āˆ He was shocked, but not in a way that would show in his face, but mostly amused. You were severely stroking his ego. Yeah, he knows heā€™s the perfect man for you, but keep talking about how great he is, make sure to tell the others, too.Ā 
āˆ Deep down though, thereā€™s a part of Dabi that tells him heā€™s unlovable. That despite your kind words, he was a worthless man not built for love. That he wasnā€™t good enough - not for you, and not for anyone.Ā 
āˆ So to hear you liked him as he was, it provided him with great comfort. Maybe he could heal the unloved child within with your help, if you were offering.Ā 
āˆ Of course, he felt the same way as you, but what fun would it be if he just outright told you? Hope youā€™re up for a challenge, because he probably wonā€™t even acknowledge your feelings until you tell him straight to his face that you love him.
āˆ Even when you do, heā€™ll keep on pretending to be oblivious until you make a suitable scene. What a sadist.
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bokunohero-stories Ā· 2 years
can i get a matchup? i'm androgynous and bi; i no joke look like the p5 protagonist but with harry potter glasses and i'm 5' 1.5". i'm at the top of my class but hate to study. i'm pretty lazy and like to play videogames. i play music and sing and draw on the side. i get cold easily so i have a personal uniform of pullover hoodies and jeans. i tell it like it is so i can be pretty blunt, but i'm told i'm really empathetic and give good advice, and caring like a parent. students or pros are fine!
Iā€™d pair you with Hizashi!
ā¤ļøŽ The two of you would bond pretty quickly over music and singing - you could probably do a song together! Heā€™d be down for writing out some lyrics if you wanted to compose some music!Ā 
ā¤ļøŽ He doesnā€™t really play video games (his job is way too time consuming for simple pleasures like Mario cart), but he would enjoy watching you play if you let him!Ā 
ā¤ļøŽ To be honest, he probably needs a little scolding here and there, your bluntness would really send across the message that he shouldnā€™t be screaming inside - one other teachers have been trying to subtly pass along for MONTHS now. Thank you for that.Ā 
ā¤ļøŽ He probably is still dealing with a lot of stuff deep inside. Heroes donā€™t really get a lot of chances for therapy when theyā€™re constantly out saving people, she heā€™d find a lot of comfort in your compassion. He might not be ready to talk about all of it just yet, but one day he will, and heā€™ll choose to lean on you.
ā¤ļøŽ Also, he thinks youā€™re totally cute. And heā€™ll say it a lot. I hope youā€™re prepared for his smothering affection!
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bokunohero-stories Ā· 2 years
Ahh can you do headcanons for Mirio, Izuku, and Kirishima with a s/o who snorts when they laugh?
ā‡¢ Mirio
ā˜¼ This guy LOVES it. It makes him laugh (in the good kind of way), and probably tries to get them to laugh more often!
ā˜¼ Heā€™ll pop up behind them, tickle their sides, or make funny faces, whatever it takes! Of course, the only time they ever laughs that hard is when he slips and falls into a split. He wasnā€™t even trying that time...
ā˜¼ Mirio genuinely likes everything about his s/o, and would probably tone it down if they told him they were embarrassed by their laugh. He reassures them that thereā€™s nothing to be embarrassed about, but would save all his best jokes for when they were alone so he could hear them loud and proud.
ā‡¢ Izuku
āœ® Just like Mirio, he loves it! The first time he hears it, he lights up and laughs with them! It was just so cute he couldnā€™t help himself!
āœ® Ā He probably doesnā€™t try any harder than usual to make them laugh or anything, but he relishes in the moment when they double over, clutching their stomach in a fit of giggles and snorts.Ā 
āœ® Their laugh is probably his favorite sound in the world, now!
ā‡¢ KirishimaĀ 
āœ± To be honest, the fact that his s/o snorted when they laughed came as a surprise to him at first! He was a little shocked, but immediately knew he had to hear it again. The only problem was how to keep them laughing!
āœ± Kirishima is one of those people who arenā€™t too good at being funny intentionally; most of his jokes were things he picked up from Kaminari or Mineta, but as soon as he stops trying, heā€™s hilarious.
āœ± If they told him they found it embarrassing, heā€™d probably say something along the lines ofĀ ā€œbut itā€™s so manly!ā€ That doesnā€™t really help. But somehow he manages to convince them their laugh is nothing to be ashamed of, and instead, theyā€™re just embarrassed he likes it so much.
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bokunohero-stories Ā· 2 years
Hi! Iā€™d like a matchup for my pansexual OC, Chiaki please. Her quirk shooting beams of neon light from her body but burns herself in the process, which she learned when she accidentally blinded herself as a child. Despite her blindness, she still is upbeat and talkative, being quite friendly with a playful and witty disposition with a bit of a mischievous air. She is socially inexperienced due to her background. [1/2]
Chiaki always seems to be smiling, even when sheā€™s angered, being a bit sadistic when mad. She tends to trust people easily and grows quite attached easily, often doing her best to protect them and blames herself if they get hurt, especially due to her blindness. She has light brown skin with lots of healed burns especially her fingers which are often bandaged. She also has hot pink hair which usually is in a high ponytail and golden eyes which are often closed. Ā  [2/2]Sorry for the length!Ā 
Iā€™d match her with Kaminari!
ā¤ļøŽ Kaminari would never underestimate her because of her blindness - it probably surprised him at first, because he doesnā€™t really know a lot of people who canā€™t see? But once she put him in his place, he never questioned her skill again.Ā 
ā¤ļøŽ Heā€™d be a great match for her energy, the two could probably chat until the end of time if they had enough topics! Theyā€™d talk even without anything to say, and he likes that she can reciprocate his antics.Ā 
ā¤ļøŽ In a weird sort of way, he probably likes to describe her face to her? In theĀ ā€œI love how pretty you areā€ kind of way, and he would like that she likes him for him. Not that he doubts his looks (heā€™s handsome, she doesn't have to tell him), but he likes that his personality was the first thing she saw in him.
ā¤ļøŽ He totally doesnā€™t care about her social inexperience, either! When they met, he probably picked up like they had been friends for years, leaving out the awkwardĀ ā€œgetting to know each otherā€ questions, and introduced her to his other friends!Ā 
ā¤ļøŽ Kaminari probably isnā€™t totally sure why she likes him, of all people (if she even does? What if she doesnā€™t and is just pretending? He worries about that a bit at the beginning). Especially when his peers are so much better(?) than him? Not that he would admit he felt that way, but he loves that she is willing to be with him, even when no one else is.
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bokunohero-stories Ā· 2 years
could I get a matchup please? iā€™m 4'11.75" (the 0.75 is important, I swear), and I'm pretty smart as well as good at writing and art. i'm a het ambivert and like sunsets, stargazing, walks, and beautiful scenery, and i really enjoy laughing and hanging out with people Iā€™m comfortable with and making others happy. I especially love it when i have a relationship w a person where there's a lot of mutual caring, support, and physical affection. Expect tons of cuddles and a lotta love from me :"))
Not sure if you wanted a male or female matchup, but Iā€™d match you with Izuku!
ā¤ļøŽ Izuku is very caring and supportive! Heā€™d cheer you on with whatever you tried to do, and would never do anything to intentionally hurt you - even on his worst days!
ā¤ļøŽ Expect lots of affection from him! Youā€™d be drowning in his cuddles and peppered kisses! Especially if they made you laugh - all the more reason for him to do it!Ā 
ā¤ļøŽ Heā€™s the type to pay a lot of attention to his s/o! Heā€™d love to have shared interests, or understand yours! Heā€™d try to learn as much about you as he could, and would be very comfortable with you!
ā¤ļøŽ Heā€™d probably blush a lot when you first got together, though! This is his first s/o? What can he do to make you like him more? What if he does something wrong and upsets you? Would it be okay to hold your hand? Oh no, his palms are SO SWEATY!
ā¤ļøŽ At the end of the day though, he likes you for you, and would overjoyed to spend time with you and have to reciprocate his affections! After all, thatā€™s why he fell for you in the first place!Ā 
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bokunohero-stories Ā· 2 years
Relationship hcs for Hagakure, Jiro and Tsuyu?
ā‡¢Ā Hagakure
āœ¬ Hagakure is just so excited to be in a relationship! If sheā€™s entirely honest, she was afraid no one would want to date her, because they canā€™t exactly see her, but sheā€™s so glad she found you!
āœ¬ She goes out of her way to surprise you (not that she has trouble with that), and just showers you with affection! Especially if she sees you waiting for her!Ā 
āœ¬ She definitely has her moments of self-doubt...asking why you would choose to date her of all people, what you like about her because you canā€™t see her face, but quickly bounces back thanks to your steady reassurance!
āœ¬ She probably has your name written in her diary with little hearts about it, taking notes of every date, because she doesnā€™t want to forget a thing about the time she spends with her s/o!Ā 
āœ¬ Sheā€™s totally into matching couple outfits!
ā‡¢ Jiro
āœµ Sheā€™s the kind to subtly share her music with her s/o, and would probably even make a playlist just for them! Probably not a lot of cheesy, romantic songs, but she slips in a few among the hundreds of others.Ā 
āœµ She has a couple of lyrics written down somewhere - the details for a song sheā€™s writing just for you! Not that sheā€™d admit that (or openly share it! Itā€™s a work-in-progress after all! And for your ears alone!)
āœµ She isnā€™t too big on PDA, but sheā€™ll make exceptions for you on occasion, cheeks burning the entire time.Ā 
āœµ She isnā€™t too good at the wholeĀ ā€œdating thingā€ at the beginning of your relationship. Itā€™s her first time dating someone, so she doesnā€™t really know what to do...? Sheā€™s probably a little embarrassed by that, too.
āœµ Despite her inexperience, she really is trying her best. She just hopes you know how important you are to her.
ā‡¢ Tsuyu
āœŗ Sheā€™s the subtle-contact type. She likes to be touching you - whether it be the brush of hands while walking beside you, or full on cuddling in the dorms, if youā€™re around, she likes to be close.Ā 
āœŗ She doesnā€™t always express her affections verbally. She saysĀ ā€œI love youā€, but her love languages are acts of service and physical touch. Sheā€™s the kind of person who will notice you looking particularly tired or stressed and go to make you a cup of your favorite drink, or offer a helping hand. Itā€™s how she shows she cares.
āœŗ At first, she isnā€™t too sure how things are different now that youā€™re dating as compared to when you were just friends? But that can be chalked up to the fact that she was really just showing she loved you the entire time - before she even came to terms with her feelings.Ā 
āœŗ She has told her family a LOT about you - they were the first people she told about your relationship (and they already love you, by the way). She canā€™t wait to take you to meet them someday.
āœŗTsuyu will love you for you - flaws and all.
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bokunohero-stories Ā· 2 years
hey hey could i have a match-up for my oc? Her name is Ren Karamanilis&she's a Greek international student that is basically everyone's mother. Like she'll carry around snacks/pain medicine/jackets for everyone. She likes leading and prefers taking charge of situations. She's incapable of swearing and grows flowers that she names after her friends and wants to join an anti-human trafficking agency. She likes flowers, octopus foods, and waking up at 4:30 bc she has to shower before everyone else
Iā€™d match her with Mirio!
ā¤ļøŽ Mirio would love that sheā€™s always so prepared and caring - he definitely could use someone looking out for him, especially when he acts without really thinking first.Ā 
ā¤ļøŽ Theyā€™re both so kind and sunshine-y, theyā€™d probably be a well-liked couple throughout the school. AĀ ā€œrunning into them made my day betterā€ type thing!
ā¤ļøŽ Heā€™d probably want to know alllll about her favorite flowers, and study up on them (the best he can, honestly) to better connect with her! (And then heā€™d go out and buy some for her).Ā 
ā¤ļøŽ He likes that they have so much in common, too! They can look after their friends together, and he would love to dote on her! Taking every opportunity to return the kindness she dishes out for others in his own weird ways.Ā 
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bokunohero-stories Ā· 2 years
Looking for a matchup for my OC Atsuryoku Satō. He is bi but leans more for men (if need be you can put him with a girl) Heā€™s on the smaller side at 160 cm, he has brown hair that goes to the shoulders, and green eyes. Atsu isnā€™t energetic but heā€™s passionate. He enjoys reading. He doesnā€™t get emotions that well though heā€™s kind of stunted emotionally when it comes to people crying and the sort. His Quirk is weather manipulation he can change the weather in the vicinity and control the strength.
Iā€™d match him with Kirishima!
ā¤ļøŽ Kirishima is no stranger to passionate, emotionally-stunted men. In fact, he seems to handle them quite well! Which is why he would get along with Atsuryoku well!Ā 
ā¤ļøŽ His own emotional maturity would balance him out, and help him grow to understand emotions better! (Though heā€™s not the best at explaining something so vague...)
ā¤ļøŽ Maybe Atsuryoku can even help Kirishima be a better studier?! Someone has gotta teach the man, classes arenā€™t doing enough.
ā¤ļøŽ He would think Atsuryokuā€™s quirk was reallyĀ ā€œmanlyā€ - and would be sure to tell him as much, too!Ā 
ā¤ļøŽ Their shared passion would connect them, and create a strong bond! And Kirishima would be very accepting of any flaws; personality or otherwise!
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bokunohero-stories Ā· 2 years
(Smol oc 1/2) Ahh could I please have a match up for my oc? She's a very smol girl at 5'2, and has a quirk that allows her to briefly look into someone's future or past if she can touch them, but if she over does it she gets head splitting migraines. She isn't the strongest, but what she lacks in strength she makes up for in strategies. She's a very shy and selfless person, and loves her friends to death, and lives for piggyback rides. She enjoys being near those she's close to
Sorry this took so long! Iā€™ve been very unwell (haha) and didnā€™t have the strength to write, but Iā€™m back!Ā 
(smol oc 2/2) she especially enjoys giving and receiving lots of affection. She has anxiety and some problems with expressing her emotions and feelings, which can end with her being in a bad mood due to pent up stress after awhile. She loves to joke around with people, and can be very sarcastic and teasing, all in good fun. She is very smart but has horrible life skills, as she spends her money on a lot of useless stuff like stuffed animals, and glow in the dark wall stickers. thank you!!!
Iā€™d match her with Izuku!Ā 
ā¤ļøŽ He knows exactly what it feels like to have bad anxiety, so heā€™d be understanding, and offer help when herā€™s gets too bad! Heā€™s also used to dealing with bad moods (cough Bakugo cough).
ā¤ļøŽ Izuku would love the fact that she likes piggyback rides - this is one of those moments where all that strength training really starts to come in handy!Ā 
ā¤ļøŽ They would also be able to come up with strategies together! Together, theyā€™d be unstoppable!Ā 
ā¤ļøŽ He would find so much fun in her company, and finds it adorable that she likes to buy things like stuffed animals and glow-in-the-dark stickers!Ā 
ā¤ļøŽ Heā€™s very patient with the people he cares about, and would never pressure her to deal with her emotions at any pace other than her own. Heā€™s considerate of her feelings, and is willing to compromise if something upsets her.Ā 
ā¤ļøŽ The two of them would make a very cute couple!Ā 
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bokunohero-stories Ā· 3 years
Hello everyone! Sorry for the radio silence for so long! Mod Allie and I have had quite a few problems (mostly tech problems - good computers are hard to come by). After some long deliberation, weā€™ve decided to move to @sweet-art-o-mine !! Where we will continue writing for BNHAā€¦but also other fandoms!
You can check out our FAQ to see the other fandoms weā€™ll write for, and our ask box is open!! Of course, I will finish up the requests in the ask box here, but feel free to send requests to Allie in the meantime!! After the ask box is emptied, this blog will probably go permanently silent, so please follow our new blog if you want more from us!!
Thank you for all your love since the start of this blog, and everything will be left to stay!!
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bokunohero-stories Ā· 4 years
Hey uh... could u make som sort of uh..... aoyama x fem reader? Where your both alone in a back alley and the reader confesses how she feels and they frech kiss and they start dating. And then a few years later they get married and have a male kid that looks like aoyama and happy ending. I just thought it could be bootiful
Hi! Our ask box is currently closed, but please feel free to send this in again when itā€™s open!!
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bokunohero-stories Ā· 4 years
I was recently made aware that someone was sharing me and my friendā€™s work without our knowledge or permission. Iā€™m sharing this in hopes of other writers seeing this and being made aware of this personā€™s behavior.
Username ughmorgxn has a book of BNHA oneshots with work from people on tumblr. Every piece has the original artistā€™s blog name credited, but I donā€™t believe theyā€™ve asked anybody for permission before copying and pasting the work for their own notoriety. They certainly didnā€™t ask me for my permission.
Iā€™ve already messaged 20 of the blogs where some of the work was taken from, but there are just so many pieces that I donā€™t have the time to go through and get everybodyā€™s name down at the moment. Iā€™m sure none of these writers were notified that their work was posted somewhere else. I got to ā€œBakugou Katsuki || NSFW || Part Twoā€. If anyone else could reblog this or possibly go down the list and let any of the other writers know that theyā€™re work is on here, that would be appreciated.
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bokunohero-stories Ā· 5 years
i have been caught now die.
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bokunohero-stories Ā· 5 years
Hey hey! Can you do one with Tamaki where the female reader confessed to him and he runs away and doesnā€™t talk to her for a while. She thinks he doesnā€™t want to be friends with her anymore but he does like her back but just doesnā€™t know how to face her. Maybe some angst but with a happy ending
Hello @a-single-uwo ! I would love to write for you. This is Mod Allieā€™s first time writing on this account, so let me know what yā€™all think of my writing! I put some of it below a read-more because it got a little long ehehā€¦ sorry I love Tamakiā€¦.
It look a long time for you to get Tamaki comfortable enough with you to walk up to the front gates with you. He used to walk with Mirio and Nejire, but after the two of them caught a glimpse of you talking with Tamaki once while walking out of the school building after classes ended, they had been suspiciously absent for a handful of mornings. You suspected it was on purpose, to get him to talk to others more often.
You glanced over at him, smiling a little bit. Your cheeks were flushed at the idea of telling him the truth, telling him how you truly felt about him, both in excitement and fear. What if he rejected you? What if you push him away by telling him? The fear clouds your mind for just a moment, but when you see his barely-noticeable smile as he walks with you, comfortable and content, your heart flutters in your chest.Ā 
There was no way you werenā€™t going to tell him.
You open your mouth to speak, then shut it again after a second. You look away, fidget with the hem of your skirt in nervousness, then turn back to look at him. You clear your throat - your face feels like itā€™s on fire, and you briefly wonder how red it must look to him.Ā 
ā€œH-hey, Tamaki-kun..?ā€ You start meekly. Youā€™ve never exactly been the shy type - at least, never to his extent - but today you were a mess.
He blinks, having been lost in thought at something, and he turns to look at you in curiosity. There was no nervousness or fear in his eyes, a complete turnaround to how he looked at you when you first met.Ā 
ā€œYeah, Y/N..?ā€ He responded. You loved the sound of his voice calling your name. You look to every side of you, and once youā€™re absolutely sure there arenā€™t many students around, you stand in front of him and clasp your hands firmly in front of yourself. Heā€™s clearly confused, a bit startled even, but he stands quietly and waits for you to speak.
ā€œI thinkā€“ youā€™re reallyā€“ā€ You begin to stutter, face red as can be. You take a deep breath, then look up right into his eyes.Ā ā€œI really like you and I would like to take you on a date!ā€ You nearly-shout all at once.Ā 
Utter silence.Ā 
For a moment, youā€™re deathly afraid that he didnā€™t even hear you and you would have to repeat yourself. When you open your mouth again, to re-declare your feelings for him, he seems to finally comprehend what you said. His dark eyes go wide, his face goes several shades darker than yours, and he pulls his hands out of his pockets. They sit at his side, shaking a little, and you begin to wonder if you should have said it a little quieterā€“
Before you can finish that thought, he turns around, and he runs off.Ā 
ā€œAhā€” wait! Tamaki!ā€
He says something as he runs, but itā€™s said too quickly and too rushed together for you to understand it. You donā€™t follow; you donā€™t give chase, or even wonder why he must have run away. You stand in silence for a moment, before your vision gets blurry and you suddenly become aware of the fact that you are crying.Ā 
The rest of the school day is bleak and simple; you donā€™t see your friend - is he still your friend? - Tamaki for the entire day. You ask Mirio about it and even he says he hasnā€™t seen Tamaki at school all day. That was that, then, you supposed. He was really willing to skip the whole school day at UA High just to not see you.Ā 
At first, youā€™re hurt but you want to give him the benefit of the doubt and simply ask him the next time you saw him.Ā 
Only - you donā€™t really see much of him for a while afterwards. He continues going to school after that first day, that much you know, as you can sometimes catch glimpses of him in the halls. The moment he notices you there, or sees you from a distance, heā€™s rushing away - even if he was in the middle of a conversation with Mirio or Nejire.
On the third day of this happening, you went right up to the two-thirds of the Top Three of UA and asked them what was going on.
Nejire gasped excitedly like she had the most interesting thing to say, but as soon as she opened her mouth, Mirioā€™s hands were clamped firmly around her face. She talks anyway, but itā€™s so muffled that you canā€™t understand a word of it.Ā 
ā€œHaha!ā€ Mirio laughs jovially, as per his usual self, but there is a hint of something underneath it.Ā ā€œDonā€™t worry about it! We donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about! Iā€™m sure itā€™s fine!ā€Ā 
Before you can tell him that those statements contradict themselves, heā€™s speed-walking off while dragging a still talking Nejire with him.Ā 
The next two days of not speaking to Tamaki get to you the most. When he wonā€™t meet your eyes in the halls anymore, when he refuses to be in the same room as you ā€“ they remind you of how he acted towards you when he wasnā€™t comfortable around you in the beginning of your friendship.Ā 
On the sixth day, you see him across the hall on your way to class, and when he turns around and leaves in the middle of whatever Nejire was saying, your eyes water and you feel like turning and running right then and there - running home, running away from here. Mirio clearly sees this, and he frowns. Nejire is mostly busy asking why Tamaki had been in such a bad moon lately, but he ignores her.
On the seventh day of him ignoring you, the last day of the week, youā€™re walking home on your own with your ladybug umbrella by your side. The weather was cool and windy, the clouds were dark but it had yet to start raining. You hear stomping footsteps behind you, but you ignore them, still too busy thinking about how drastic a turn your school-life had taken for one simple, stupid mistake.
Of course he wouldnā€™t like you back, you idiot, you told yourself in your head. Heā€™s in the top three. Youā€™re just a regular nobody. Why would he like you?Ā 
The stomping steps get louder, and when you finally turn around to see what the noise is, your eyes go wide.Ā 
Mirio, Nejire, and Tamaki were speed-walking their way towards you. Well - Mirio was speed-walking, Tamaki was being dragged by the arms, and Nejire was following along at her own pace with a wide grin on her face. She was patting Tamakiā€™s arm and speaking a mile a minute as she usually did.Ā 
It starts to rain, but you donā€™t bring up your umbrella. Mirio is frowning, and practically picks Tamaki up and places him down straight in front of you.
ā€œYou two are going to talk about this, and thatā€™sā€“ā€ Mirio begins speaking with a firm voice, but Tamaki mutters something about not wanting to be here. Your heart feels shattered all over again when he refuses to meet your eyes and willingly admits to not wanting to be around you. MirioĀ ā€˜patsā€™ Tamaki on the back hard enough that he stumbles forward with wide eyes, nearly collapsing onto you if you hadnā€™t backed away.Ā 
ā€œAnd thatā€™s that!ā€Ā Mirio says louder, in an even more firm voice. Nejire giggles airily, then opens her mouth and says,
ā€œOh, oh! Hey, Tamaki, make sure to tell her what you told us the other dayā€“ā€ Mirio slams his hands on her mouth just as he had a handful of days ago, and they run off like that once more.Ā 
The rain is steady and cold, and you stare at Tamaki with damp, hurt eyes. Just as every time the two of you had been alone for this past week, there is absolute silence. Not the serene, comfortable silence you had gotten used to while you were friends and walked together. It was a cold, stabbing kind of silence, the kind of silence where you know there was something that had to be said and over with already.Ā 
After several long moments of silence, and of Tamaki shrinking away from your sharp gaze, he opens his mouth to speak first. He just barely gets a single syllable out of his mouth before you speak up with a wavering voice,Ā ā€œAm I that awful?ā€Ā 
The breath is knocked from his lungs like heā€™d been punched by a Villain. He still doesnā€™t look at you, heā€™s looking at the wet ground in absolute silence, his dark eyes wide.Ā 
ā€œAm I that awful,ā€ you repeat yourself,Ā ā€œThat you would really prefer to miss class entirely than to be around me anymore?ā€
His mouth opens. It shuts again. You let out a sob, and reach forward to grab his face, to force him to look at you. Your clothes are soaked, your backpack of notes and writing utensils splayed across the wet road, your umbrella laying uselessly on the ground, but most of all, your face was wet from more than just the rain. You cried openly, and when he finally looked into your eyes with his own wide, beautiful, dark, shocked eyes, you shout at him.Ā 
ā€œAm I so awful that you hate the idea of being near me?!ā€Ā 
He finally speaks something, quiet and barely noticeable from the pouring rain.
ā€œYouā€™reā€”ā€ The rest of his sentence was drowned out in the rain. You shake your head, and look down. Finally your time to be unable to meet his eyes. He all but admitted that he hated you by now - just in the way he told Mirio that he didnā€™t want to be near you alone was enough to tell you how he felt.Ā 
ā€œJust say itā€¦ā€ You mutter.Ā ā€œJust get it over withā€¦ā€ You want him to just admit how much he didnā€™t like you anymore, how much he must hate you - just get it over with now so you could finally have the closure of a failed friendship and a crushed heart.Ā 
ā€œY/N, youā€™re theā€“ā€ He stumbles over his words again, then surprises you by reaching down to touch your face. He brings it up, forcing you to look at him in the same way you forced him to look into your eyes just moments before. His face is so red you almost feel worried for a moment, but his eyes are determined and set. He opens his mouth and says clearly and loudly over the rain - ā€œYouā€™re the best thing thatā€™s ever happened to me.ā€
You blink once, twice. Silence for a moment. The best thingā€¦ thatā€™s ever happened to him..?Ā 
After a moment, he seems to deflate, losing the confidence he had mustered up for that confession, and he looks away in shame.Ā ā€œIā€™m sorry,ā€ he says.Ā ā€œIā€™m sorry I made you thinkā€¦ that it was your faultā€¦ God, I am such an awful friend to youā€¦..ā€ He turns around and puts his hands over his face.Ā ā€œI would understand if you didnā€™t want anything to do with me anymoreā€¦ā€When your arms wrap around his middle, he tenses up in shock. You cry, holding him close and trying to speak through your sobs.Ā 
ā€œTAMAKI-KUN -sob- YOU ARE SUCH -sob- A JERK FOR MAKING ME THINK -sob- YOU HATED ME..!ā€ You bury your face into the soaked shirt at his back, and cry openly - but happily.Ā ā€œIā€“ I still like you, you jerk!ā€Ā 
Tamaki sniffles, and nods despite the fact that he knows you canā€™t see it. He sounds like he tries to say something, but heā€™s so overwhelmed with emotion that he canā€™t really get much out. The rain is louder than ever before, and you suddenly seem to remember that the weather is awful. You detatch yourself to rush over to grab your scattered belongings, and you hurriedly open up your umbrella over the both of you. When he notices heā€™s not getting pelted with rain anymore, he turns around, confused.
You look up at him with red, bleary eyes, still sniffling and red-faced. You hold your hand out to him.
ā€œDo you wannaā€¦. walk home together..?ā€
He only hesitates for a second before reaching over and grabbing your hand with a small, shy smile.
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bokunohero-stories Ā· 5 years
ā€˜twas not peeta... guess again sucker .....
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