atoolcircle-blog · 3 years
I just discovered this while shopping on Poshmark: Bath and Body Works Hibiscus Paradise Cream. Check it out!
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atoolcircle-blog · 3 years
Please watch and share my new video on YouTube about a real-life haunting of Abiud. I am trying hard to get views so I can complete my dream of making videos and ghost hunting.
Thank you!
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atoolcircle-blog · 3 years
This is from my New YouTube Channel! I focus on people being haunted in their daily lives. This is the first episode from Josiah Worley of tiktok. There will be a new video every week, Mondays at 3pm EST. Even if you don’t like these type of videos a subscribe and a share can go a long way and help me achieve my goals. 
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atoolcircle-blog · 3 years
More than ever, the country needs to be like others. People are dead and there seems to be little help coming if any. The package being discussed is not a stimulus to most, it's a bandaid on an amputated arm. This is no longer the greatest nation. We count millionaires and billionaires over homeless and struggling. I am ashamed to be called an American right now. Everyone should be ashamed that we are allowing a 9/11 like event to happen every day with death, but no multimillion-dollar buildings or planes are being destroyed so life must not matter. When did we put a price on human life? Humanity in the US is lost to a failures to regulate the wealthy. Capitalism is cursed without a big socialist part for humanity. It feels like we are being taxed without representation. Our leaders have failed their employers. I am sad that people are dying and no one is shaming the anti-maskers. They need to be arrested. Right now if you have a heart attack or get in an auto accident there is no place to go for medical treatment. I am ashamed in the people that call themselves Americans and let this continue to happen.
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atoolcircle-blog · 3 years
I am greatly saddened by how people are acting against rules and regulations that are for their best interests. Gathering in masses during a pandemic that is killing almost the same amount of people that died on 9/11 is pure selfishness. The insanity to think that people can't freeze the country to save their communities is affecting humanity at its core. The first responders that will have to live with these horrors in their minds will haunt them until they die. This can all be stopped. Everyone could be saved. Pay businesses to stay closed and their employees the wage they would make as if they were at work. Close everything. Stop all flights. Shut down the roads just like when there is a blizzard. The truth about our neighbors has become clear. There is no life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness if we don't work together.
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atoolcircle-blog · 4 years
Step Back
I know that most will never see what I see. The things that go beyond the normal. I oppose the normal grind to life. Everyone needs to take a step back and see the reality that we have created. When we started out with the beginning of life we started a system that allows people to perceive that one human is better than another. We put value on items when there should be no value. I say this not as a Christian but as a member of society that believes the teachings of Christ and a believer of the faith that is being taught incorrect on his name. When does the almighty dollar overtake a life. We over value our retirement funds more than those who are dying. We should never have to count homeless and hungry when we have billionaires. If we valued life then we would have never put a price on anything. We allow buildings to decay instead of allowing the cold and scared to have a home. The mega rich waste money on things that should never be bought when children cry for their mothers and fathers from cages.  So many wrongs that could be fixed today, but people hoard numbers in a bank account instead of doing what is right for humanity. The mega-rich have become hoarders of numbers that have no real value because it can be gone with the stroke of the delete button. We as humans place false values on items, money, precious metals, and loads more. This practice needs to end before it destroys society.
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