I’m  planing to make some shot stories about how the avengems first fuse
what do you think about it?  who should I begin with? :D
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Avengems fusions : Color scheme
Long time no see since the last updated ; w ; I just want to draw more avengems and fusion but can’t decide what to draw next. So, I just redraw the fusions so far and put some main color to them.
Anyone has more ask about these fusions? or the new one? please don’t hesitate to send some ^w^  and hope you like this >w<
PS. I updated blue bird and  Blue zircon, hope you like them >w<
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Hey, I recently discovered your work. And I got to say... IT'S AMAZING! But could you do a fusion with Loki and Tony, please?
awwwwwwww ww
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“Don’t worry, I can be your worst nightmare.....”
Fusiongems : Chrysocolla (Tony + Loki)  =  It’s perfect fusion! but this is really dangerous fusion for Avengems to deal with.....cause he is really “does what he want” and doesn’t even care about his team.....
Ok, I completely change his old design and info ; w ; I was designing him to have “old school villain” at first. but it’s sound kinda boring. so I change his style to be “evil sorcerer” instead! lol He is like an upgraded version of “ Blue Tourmaline” with more evil, more calmer.
PS.Normally Tony and Loki would refuse to be him but for some reason they agreed to be him……
Weapon : Staff , Dark and Ice magic + Robot manipulation power, His mantle is harder than any steel! (as much as Cap’s shield) but also durable! Normally, It takes form of evil hands, but it can be change into others too ; like snakes and dragons. believe or not, He can do a brainwashed/hypnosis to others (but not to fusion gems and black widow isn’t effected by this)
Extra Info :
- As you see, Chrysocolla isn’t easily to be formed..... (Tony and Loki must be focus in same thing which is almost impossible....)
- He has a calm personality which is really different from Loki’s and Tony’s!, He could shows no mercy if he agrees to......
- Most of Avengems doesn’t want to see him (especially Tony and Loki themselves ) Despite that He is like a Trump card of Avengems.
- He has 3 eyes. the other eye will appear only when he “show no mercy”
- It’s impossible to de-fusion him if he “doesn’t want” to. (even beating him down won’t help as much) sometime, Chrysoclla just takes their places for more than a week. but He’s kinda easily get bored. so, when he bored, he just de-fusion himself.
Note :
*Tony and Loki continue arguing as they de-fused.....*
Hawkeye : I’m glad that they don’t form him often, the last time they fused, He almost destroy the whole city....
Cap : but I think forming him will make them strengthen. each time that they fused, they start to talk with each other more often, who knows. He could be really helpful.
Hawkeye : Cap, I like your “positive” thinking but this is the different case!
ps. sorry for late ; w ; I just busying redesign them ; w ;
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Redraw time! - Chibi Fusions :D
Hi, everyone ^w^ ! It’s me again! really sorry for not updating too long ^^; 
I wanted to update this blog as soon as possible but I’m kind of “out of idea” right now. but I always thinking about redrawing the fusions. so,........
PS. Oops, I forgot to draw blue bird and blue zircon ; w ;
I’m waiting for asking or the idea! please send some >w<
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“More fusion gems! 2 Cap’s fusions - Blue zircon and Bluebird”
Fusiongems : Blue zircon (Tony + Cap)  =   Talkative,Proud of himself, love justice  (kind of old school hero……)  this fusion maybe stable but easily to beat down…….(without using his weapon,of course) 
Ok, I think Blue zircon looks like Hawkeye + Tony at first lol. When I drawing him, I think that Cap + Tony’s fusion must having a playboy or badass theme and then, poof! I draw him. (Maybe I would working on re-designing him since he doesn’t have armor form which making him look like Tony’s more T^T )
Weapon : Great shield. Other than blocking, This shield also has the power of absorbing energy-like projectile and reflecting them with powerful force. Blue zircon maybe tiny but he can carry it. (the shield isn’t heavy as it looks) and he wouldn’t throw it through.
Extra Info :
- Tony really hates to forming him since he is the shortest form of his fusion (same height as tony’s)  
- Wiling to kick someone’s ass if called shorty, small , little one etc. that means he is tiny. 
- Forming him is making Cap and Tony argued a lot.
- Aside from short-temped, He still being a playboy and likes women.  
Note :
Tony : He supposed to be taller when I fuse with someone who is tall!
Cap : Calm down, Tony. He maybe tiny but he is mighty.
Tony : Shut up steve, You don’t know how I feel! And don’t give me that look cause there’s no more forming him ever again!
Cap : but……
Fusiongems : Bluebird (Cap + Sam)  =  Calm, gentle, Father figure, pure heart but sometime easily exited fusion form and Tony calls him  “God bless father” or “Holy god father” He doesn’t like to fight as much. he prefers to be a supporter of the team. 
I really like AA’s falcon design and story cause he looks so cute when he’s being a young hero who eager and newly to many things.
At first, Sam and Cap’s fusion was supposed to be knight/Valkyrie looking gem before this but this idea was given to another fusion gem  ; )   (and later you’ll know who he/she is )  I think priest concept would be fit to be Cap + Falcon’s fusion :D 
Weapon : Control over the light and healing power. He can create wings from the light. So, he can fly with them. (Lapis ref) Also, he can create light projectile too. but he rarely use them. (He doesn’t like to fight you know,) 
Extra Info :
- Bluebird is the 1st form of Falcon’s fusion. 
- He always wearing hood and will take off when using healing power.
- too much exited will cause him to de-fusion.
- he rarely gets angry when he does, someone who make him angry would have a very bad day.
Note :
Sam : It’s like my dream came true! To fuse with a living legend!  (exited)
Cap : Focus Falcon, or we can’t form bluebird if you’re too excited.
So, what do you think about them? >w< please, tell me. ^w^
Ok, I have to admit that, I took a lot of time to draw them (and making this blog almost dead) T^T so, sorry.  
For  @wallr0se , Cap fusion with Tony and Sam are done! >w< thank you very much for telling me to focus on Cap fusion! I really enjoy and eager to draw them. 
PS. Ok, who will be fuse next? sending asking to me for helping me to decide >w< 
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Avengems backstory : My simple wish
I guess, this blog might be dead if I haven’t post anything soon ; w ; (the pic wasn’t ready yet T^T )
so, here some (concept) backstory of Steve rogers the Blue diamond (as I mention that he was another gem before blue diamond) - based on some of his original story + adding some of my stupid idea (also might be some OOC ^^;)
My simple wish
It’s a starry night, the sky was clear and the stars were blighting to night. Two gems, a little Blue Beryl (Steve) and Pyrope (Bucky), were sitting in their favorite place, under the biggest tree, where they could see the brightest sky together.
Bucky : Did you see that brightest star? Come on! Let’s make a wish, Steve.
Bucky : I will go first, I wish we could live in peace again!
He shouts at the sky like there’re only two of them.
Steve : Isn’t that a little bit too loud? Bucky.
Bucky : Hahaha, my bad. I was too excited.
Two friends laughing together for a moment.
Bucky : So, what’s your wish? 
Steve : You already know about it Bucky.
Bucky : Hahaha, right right. You want to end the war too. but how a tiny gem suppose to end the war? it’s too dangerous, Steve. 
Steve : I know, I can’t even summon my own weapon or protect myself but.......I still want to protect people, I want to be useful like others..........If I could get stronger.......
Steve is quiet for a few minutes, thinking about something. Bucky don’t say anything but smiling and petting steve’s head.and then, steve starts speaking.
Steve : Then, Can I fuse with you? so, we could form the even more powerful gem.
Bucky :  Fusing? hahaha that’s the 5th times that you ask me today, you know, I wanted to do it too but at this rate, your gem might be crush. didn’t you remember what they said about your condition?
Steve : I know.....but still.....
He doesn’t want his best friend to be disappointed but he couldn’t do it with him yet or it will break his gem and kill him in progress. Doctors said Steve was born with rare gem disease cause his gem to breaking from inside and the crack still going on. it’s result that steve won’t able to summon weapons like other gems or fusing and the worst, at this rate, they aren’t sure if he could stay in human form for much longer. 
Before, Steve could say more words. Bucky look at his watch.
Bucky : Oh, look at time. It’s late out here. I better get back to work and you too. your mom might be worried. and don’t worry, I will walk you home.
Steve : Ok.......Thanks Bucky.
Bucky : We’re friends right? so, it’s not a problem at all.
A tiny gem looks at the sky again, Steve see the brightest star and then making a wish inside his mind.
Steve : I wish I could protect my friend too. 
Here goes! my idea for now. (it’s time for bed but I don’t know why I’m still writing this lol)  hope you like it  >w< 
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Sorry for not so Active and Mistake
Firstly, I’m sorry if I didn’t active as much ; w ; (I hate my works T_T) but I still making the fusion! so, I will post them as soon as I can ^w^ so, feel free to ask avengems or fusion! I will do my best at answering them >w<
and Second, this blog is having some kind of error, if you see other art than avengems or fusion it’s means I must have reblog the picture to wrong blog.(I want to reblog to my main blog but oops I click it wrong) I’m sorry ; w ;
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Keeping up the trend of cap fusions, maybe a cap/tony or a cap/sam fusion?
Ok, ^w^ I’m already aiming to create more of Cap’s fusion right now and since I’m on holiday and didn’t bring my sketch book with me ; w ; yet I want to post more fusions so……. 
Here, Some sneak peek!
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Can you guess whose fusion are they? >w
PS. really sorry for answer so late ; w ; (my work gets me again T-T ) I’ll post more detail and full picture about them soon! so, please stay tune on this blog >w
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Do you have any more avengems designs? Like wanda or pietro or rhodey or vision? Or any of the civilians?
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Yes, I do have some designs ^w ^ and They’re what I have in my mind right now ^w^      
Avengems - More characters :
Scarlet witch/Wanda  = Carnelian  Weapon : Ancient “Red” Magic (like her original power)
Quicksilver/Pietro = Amazonite  Weapon : Speed boots
Comment: lol At first, Wanda is the same wanda and cosmo *cough* back to the point, I wanted to design them as a twin gems so, their first design were a heart gems but my drawing ruin it ; w ; so, I have to change a little bit of design…..also, I love the movie’s design than original lol.
The vision = Zoisite Weapon : Body and Mind ManipulationMagic
Comment : Vision isn’t my fav character at all (since I haven’t watch the Avengers 2 yet ; w ;) but I have heard that he’s the fusion of Jarvis and Mind gem? So,that’s make him a fusion gem. I’ll go and study him more…and may change his design later……
War Machine/Rhodey = Grey moonstone Weapon : his armor (sound like Tony’s)
Comment : His gem is base on the color of his War machine armor, he has similar design with AA’s Falcon which make me thinking that he’s Older brother of Falcon (I know, he isn’t but still…….)   Rhodey is Tony’s armor buddy lol.
Winter soldier/Bucky =  Pyrope (Before the war) and Red Obsidian Weapon : His Left arm which can change form into Long-range gun.
Comment : One of my fav >ww
Ps. Really sorry for reply slowly ; w ; and I really glad that you like my previous gem designs >w
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“Behold, the mighty Ametrine is here! I’m Locked n’ Loaded!”
Fusiongems : Ametrine (Thor + Hawkeye)  = Tony’s nickname for this fusion is “Prince charming” (while others call him “Tony No.2”) : Cocky , Act before thinking, Devoted himself to be a rescuer of damsel in distress, gentleman for woman, He still didn’t forget to tell some bad puns and Likes to flirt with every lady that he meet (which annoy Blackwidow so much) - These are his personalities (why it’s look likes Hawkeye’s more than Thor’s? lol)
Weapon : “Heavy” bow + Magic arrows, why it’s a “Heavy” Bow? cause it can swift form to something metal (Hammer) lol  
Extra Info :
- Master both using bow and hammer but he prefers to be the long-range attacker than close combat one.
- Every Thor’s fusion still holds the deep care for Loki. as well as this fusion. (The way of caring his brother? , if you know sans from undertale, Ametrine is actually sans to Loki lol) 
- A No.2 Ladies man but not as much as Tony
Note :
Cap : Why everyone has to do this to me? >/////<
Hawkeye : Cap, you get the wrong idea!  (you’re not my real target, though. )
Thor :  Wrong idea? I think “She” was hot....
Hawkeye : You aren’t helping,Thor!
I really wanted to post him as the time that I’ve finished creating him but the works got me ; w ; Since Creating him was not as long as Blue Tourmaline (as I took some ref from Opal). 
For  @wallr0se , more Cap fusions are coming up ^w^ (I will try creating them as soon as I can) 
and thanks everyone for liking my avengems fusions and ideas! >w< I’ll create more I promised ^w^
PS. Another fusion’s done! Time to focus on creating more Cap’s fusion lol sorry if I took too much time for creating them and updated this blog ; w ;
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Fusiongems : Blue Tourmaline (Cap + Loki) = When innocent hero fuse with Trickster villain what will happen? all of my thinking is He will be like, looking like innocent in appearance but in fact, he is totally a little devil and like to make trouble to his own team. “Two-faces” or “Angel of Death” are tony’s nickname for this fusion……    
Weapon : Scythe (how could a shield fuse with staff and become scythe??????? Idk , just feel it XD )  and magic
Extra Info : 
- He has 4 eyes (yep, you may think the upper one was his eyebrows but they’re actually his eyes....) his upper eyes always remain close when he isn’t fighting.
- When he fights, he prefer wearing a cloak (just cloak himself with his cape) 
- Devil inside, Innocent outside
- He is the little devil to both his team and villains. (but he still love his team don’t worry)
- He will gladly to de-fusion himself if Tony say “O mighty god, please de-fusion yourself” but if Thor say, it will be another case......
Note :
Cap : I don’t know why the others say we shouldn’t fuse again. I think it was fun to be him.
Loki :  They’re just jealous of our power, so just ignore them. (evil grin) (*thinking* well, at least, I can do what I want.)
Finally, I can create him.......(took me a lot of time again, I guess) OMG!! I end up just mixing both of their style again ; w ; + All scythe user seem to have something related to Grim reaper/Death theme so, I got an idea for this. (maybe I should take a designing class......T_T ) 
You can tell me who will be fused next or Ask me some question >w<
PS. Still can’t believe that I can finally draw him out........
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All of the Avengems 
I manage to draw all of them ; w ; I’m so proud TwT 
List of Characters :
Hulk/Bruce = Chrome Diopside , weapon : His transformed body.
Ironman/Tony =  Aquamarine  weapon : Armor
Captain america/Steve = Blue Diamond  weapon : Shield
Blackwidow/Nathasha  = Orange Cat eye weapon : shooting gauntlets.
Thor = Yellow Topaz  weapon : Hammer (Mjolnir)
Hawkeye/Clint = Charoite weapon : Bow and magic arrows.
Falcon/Sam = Ruby weapon : Wings and projectiles.
and Loki  = Emerald weapon : Staff (and magic).
PS. still can’t believe that I draw them all >w<  and sorry for no colour ; w ; 
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Fusiongems : Orange Sodalite (Blackwidow + Cap) = or “Grumpy chick” by Tony. Unlike the other Cap fusions, she isn’t innocent as she should. She is very serious, talks only when necessary, but she is totally a cinnamon roll.  
Weapon : Gauntlet that can creates a magical shield or field. She can creates shield on both of her arms and force field (which the latter cause her a lot of energy + de-fusion her) 
Note :
Cap : Well, It’s kinda embarrassing to be her. I have a reason for this......It’s......
Blackwidow : Being flirted by both Ametrine and Tony. Cap always lose to that. 
Cap : >////<  (*thinking* Why they don’t get that I am her too...)
It took me forever to finish this ; w ; (since, a lot of testing and working T_T ) 
Who should be fused next? Please tell me >w< 
edit --> I have to change into orange sodalite cause this match for their colour ^^;
PS. She isn’t the attack type gem.....but having her, it’s help the team a lot.
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Fusiongems : Sphene (Thor + Loki)  = Good manner with hidden mischievous, like to do trick as Loki would, Despite Loki’s hate for Thor, This fusion is nearly perfect fusion which mean they have to be beaten down to de-fusion (since the deep of Loki’s heart still care for Thor). but there is another way to de-fusion them ,easiest one, is to cause him to lose manner which is related to food……
Weapon : kind of small-version Warhammer  , Thunder and Ice magic.
Note :
Loki : I really hate this form, hate that I have to stay with my brother! it’s terrible that I have to be with him. How can a big stupid oaf fuse with this greatest god? it’s really worthless! and.....*continue saying thing that praise himself*
Thor : But Brotha, I really love to be him actually I love to stay with you. ; _ ;  *continue saying that he loves his brohter*
OMG! I can’t believe that I can draw him out of the idea >w<  I always wanted to see Thor fuse with Loki >w<  
PS. Finally I got his name >w< , More’s coming up! ^w^ (If I don’t get lazy lol)
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