you-got-a-crush · 7 years
✨hey guys, I haven’t really been too good lately at keeping up with this blog especially with how unexpectedly popular it’s gotten since I started posting. With school starting, and with the main motivation for writing my imagines not in my life anymore, I’m going to be taking a break. A pretty long break. At least until I find the courage to actually be able to relive the stuff I was going through when I first started this, which has made me want to steer clear from this blog just because of the memories associated with it. I’m not sure how long it’ll take, and I’m really sorry if I still haven’t answered something or made any more imagines but I’m trying to move on from that part of my life, and this blog isn’t helping. Thank you guys so much for all the support ✨
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you-got-a-crush · 7 years
I used to have a crush on my friend. Let's say his name is Ty. We told each other we liked each other but then my feelings suddenly disappeared a few days later. I don't know what happened honestly. Maybe teenage hormones? Idk. Anyway, I told him I didn't like him and then he acted chill about it. So I like someone else and he likes some girl too. But he keeps bringing up the girl saying how they walked together? Like he's trying to make me jealous. Do you think he likes me still or???
✨That's definitely a possibility, especially if he keeps bringing it up. If you don't like him and you were sincere then he should know to back off and that you aren't interested. Honestly, if he likes you suddenly after you said that weren't interested then that's his problem to deal with. I have that too where I go through this period where I like someone then later on it fades away and I just see them as friends. Don't feel bad about how you feel. If he brings it up again encourage him to talk to her if he likes her so much (obviously not aggressively or anything lol) but it's another way to really seal the fact hat you don't see him in that way and want to remain friends. Hopefully this helps? ✨
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you-got-a-crush · 7 years
✨This is just an announcement that for a couple weeks or so my advice/ask box will be closed due to the overwhelming amount of asks that have been sent in. I wanna get through all of these before I get any more I'm so sorry guys! I also want to focus on imagines too so keep a lookout for some more! ✨
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you-got-a-crush · 7 years
So, I'm going out with my crush this week. I'm excited, but I'm also sooo nervous. I'm scared that it's just going to awkward. Any advice on how to not make a fool of myself?
✨WHOOP WHOOP that's exciting news! Okay, I know it's cliche, and you've probably heard this a million times, but it's best to just be yourself. If you end up working too hard to stay perfect with zero flaws, then you're showing this person someone that isn't the real you. If this doesn't really help that much, I will say that it's easier to let loose and relax more on a date if you think about how much the other person may be stressing too. They're probably going through the same thought process that you are and are super nervous that they might make things awkward, or say the wrong thing, or be clumsy, etc etc. If your crush really likes you, then they'll like you for you, not some person that you're trying to be just to impress them. If you spill something, laugh it off, if there's an awkward quiet moment, find something in the room to talk about, if anything, it can just be best to NOT over calculate every possible bad thing that could happen. Be yourself and if it doesn't work out, then of course it'd suck, but it'd also show you that if he wasn't ready for the real you now then he wouldn't be in the long run. ✨
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you-got-a-crush · 7 years
What do you do when your crush likes your best friend?
✨Dang I’m sorry, it can suck when the person your heart wants doesn’t replicate your feelings. Especially if you know they like someone that you’re close to. What I suggest is to let it be, and move on. It can be hard, and you’ll want to either force it or try to move his/her attention away from your friend and into you, but that can sometimes if not most times lead to more damage. Be happy that the person you like has found someone that they want to be with, and even though it might hurt, you can even help them by giving your best friend a little push towards them. I get it if you don’t want to do that, I would hate the situation too, but sometimes all you have to do is watch and wait, let the universe set its course, this could be the universe telling you that it’s not meant to be. There are millions of people on this planet, so don’t worry if this person doesn’t see you the way you see them. ✨
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you-got-a-crush · 7 years
How do you know if someone is not that into you?
✨Hi! Sorry for taking so long to respond :/ but now I’m here to finally reply! I haven’t decided whether I want to make a bigger list yet like my Reasons Someone Might Like You post, since not many other people have asked your question yet, but here’s what I got for you. One thing that you can look at is that post and basically take everything that’s written there, and look at the opposites. An example would be that you can tell that someone likes you by having their pupils dilate and grow larger when they look at you, if the opposite happens or their pupils stay the same, then it’s more likely than not that they don’t like you in that way. Now, just because they might not be doing these cues or body language hints doesn’t mean that they necessarily hate you, it may just mean that they’re indifferent or don’t see you in the light that you see them. It’s up for you to decide whether or not you want to try and change that ;) ✨
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you-got-a-crush · 7 years
Pick Pocket
✨I’M BACK! Hi guys summer is here and I am so happy to finally have some free time on my hands to write more, and I’m so excited! Keep sending requests and asks because I’m here to answer whatever you throw at me, and since I’ve been gaining even MORE followers ((wow wth 500?? I’m still in awe from just the first 10)) I’ve been thinking about doing a face reveal? Tell me if you think that’s a good idea or not cuz I love hearing all of your feedback! Without further ado, here’s the first imagine of the summer!✨
It was late, and darker than what you had originally planned. Even so, you tried to shake off the uneasy pit growing in your stomach and continued to walk as confidently as you could out of your school and back to your house. Originally, the study session was only supposed to last a few hours after school, which yeah I guess it did only last until 6:30, but the winter sky made the sun creep towards the horizon faster than when these study sessions first started. Nonetheless you hitched your backpack further up your shoulder and decided that it’d be better to spend as little time outside as possible from the growing chill in the air. Of course you remembered all of the books and movies and stories on TV about bad things coming from taking the short way and going through the rough part of town or the busy city alleyways, but this area wasn’t that bad, and those sorts of things don’t happen to people like you, who has always had about average grades, average experiences, average looks, average life basically. You’ve taken this route before, many times actually, so this should be easy-peasy, and faster than usual so you’d be able to get home just in time to call Y/F/N to ask about whether she got any further with the guy she’s been seeing lately. Walking a bit faster down the busy streets back to your house and farther from the safety of school you were met with the flow of traffic and people making their way home from a day of work, most seeming friendly enough. But just making sure that nobody were to give you a weird look and kidnap you, you decided that keeping your head down was the best option, at least for now. Occasionally you’d look up to check signs and lights to see whether you were going the right way but other than that the bright lights and faces of the people went by in a blur, almost so fast that you didn’t notice the person coming towards you looking behind their shoulder, and ramming themselves into you. Hard. You stop almost in your tracks nearly falling over, brushing your hair that flew into your face, and look up only to come face to face with Y/C/N, “Hey, watch it… oh sorry Y/C/N, I didn’t-” He quickly weaved his hand into yours, cutting you off, “I’ve been looking everywhere for you Y/N! Where have you been?” You tried to hide the slight blush that crept across your face and ears and fumbled around with an answer. Your eyebrows knitted together in confusion at this sudden warmth from the person who’s never uttered a word to you except to ask for a mere pencil on time in middle school. You never really talked to him because he was known to get into trouble, which I guess could be sorta hot at times, but you’ve heard your fair share of stories about him getting expelled and yelled at by teachers to know to keep your distance, no matter how popular he was. He must have sensed your confusion as he led you in the other direction, leaning down closer to your ear he lowly muttered, “Follow me, and don’t ask any questions - there’s no time.” His breath grazed your face and sent shivers down your spine in the already chilly air, “I-I’m so confused wha-.” "Were you even listening to what I said? God out of all people…” He trailed off, running his free hand through his hair and checking behind the both of you anxiously. While questions and emotions were running through your head faster than Usain Bolt, he suddenly caught you off guard by randomly shoving you both into an empty alleyway. He pushed you down behind a dumpster and sat down next to you abruptly. In the darkness could only barely make out his silhouette, but it was hard to imagine this boy who usually had a cheesy smile stretched to his ears laughing and back talking to teachers be here, sitting next to you with lines creasing his forehead and hunched shoulders looking nervous and tense. "There’s no time to explain the whole situation, but long story short, I may have done a bad job at pickpocketing, which surprisingly, pisses some people off when they find your hand down their pants searching for their wallet,” he laughed dryly, looking around the dumpster to the street, “Yeah I guess pops didn’t do a very good job of teaching me how to get out of this sort of situation, so I guess we’ll just have to figure this out for ourselves,” Anger flashed across your face, “Wait, wait, wait, hold on for one second, what’s this ‘we’ stuff? What do you need me for?” He glanced quickly at you, only to return to scan the alleyway, “Cover? Accomplice? I dunno, maybe if they saw me with someone else they would be less likely to suspect me? At this point I have no idea.” "This sounds like a you problem,” C/N turned slightly more toward you, still scouring the entrance of the alleyway, “Well now it’s both our problems, so just chill and let me think.” You paused, considering the pros and cons of asking, but asked anyway, "What I don’t understand is your need to pickpocket innocent people,” you said with more confidence, making him stare you straight in the eyes for the first time since he grabbed your hand, “No wonder that guy is mad as hell, I’d be too if something like that happened to me!” He smirked slightly but you felt a change of tone in his voice, somehow turning even colder than before, “Who are you, my mom?” "But it’s wrong! And illegal! And dangerous!” "I can do whatever I want okay, the sooner you shut up the sooner we can get out of… this whole thing.” You thought back to when you once were talking with your friends about him and you had imagined what it’d be like talking to C/N outside of school, with just the two of you together. Usually it involved him laughing at all of your jokes and you using your amazing flirting skills to win over his heart, but definitely not whatever this was. Not at all like this actually. A couple of minutes passed, each passing minute feeling like an hour, especially with the newfound thought of hour close the two of you were together. Thankfully, or maybe not so thankfully, he didn’t seem to notice, or care even. Whenever you managed to steal a glance at C/N’s frame, your eyes having adjusted to the darkness, you could feel the wheels turning in his mind. You, of course, with never dealing with anything like this, pulling a blank at what to do. Half of you even thought to just stand up and walk out. Suddenly C/N’s harsh voice snapped your mind back to the situation at hand, “Okay I think have a plan, might not be 100% perfect, but we can improvise along the way.” Before you could even open your mouth to ask what it was, he dove right in before you, “Alrightie so, fun fact, I actually knew that guy, small world right?” He scratched the back of his head nervously and ran his hand through his messy hair, “Anyways, I don’t really have that great of a past with him, since the last time I was running away from him it was because I may or may not have stole from this store that he owns-” "This is pretty bad then,” you stated, cutting him off. "Um yeah no shit Sherlock,” he rolled his eyes but continued to talk as if you never interrupted him, “Well, I know this part of town pretty well so if we lay under the radar by cutting through the alleyways we can get back to my house without leaving an obvious trail and manage to stay out of the way of old man Jenkins back there,” He must have noticed your slightly worried face and quickly added, “Don’t worry I’ll try to get you back to your house, I just need you to be my cover.” "Well my house is back that way,” you began, pointing back by where C/N ran into you, “and how do you know I’ll even trust you?” "One, who wouldn’t trust this lovely face?” He answered, motioning towards his cheeky grin, “And two, you don’t understand my levels of talent, so prepare to be amazed.” He took one last glance to the entrance and quickly stood up, motioning you to follow suit, “Oh and by the way, could you tell me your address?” You reluctantly told him where you lived, and with a quick nod he started to lead you in and out of random alleyways and streets that must have used to be thriving, but now we’re almost deserted. You’d never been on this side of town before so you kept your guard up, darting your eyes over every object and jumping at every noise. Suddenly you heard a sharp noise, like a can being crushed underfoot, "Hey, um, sorry to deter you C/N,” you sheepishly said, tapping on his surprisingly but not not so surprisingly hard back, “but I have this crazy feeling that we’re being followed,” He scoffed and barely took notice, keeping his fast pace as if you hadn’t spoken. You decided to try again after you heard more noises coming from behind, drawing closer, "Hey, me again, I really really feel like someone following us and I think you should probably take some notice to it,” Again, nothing, just a short grunt and a change in direction into a different alleyway. The hair on the back of your neck stood on end, and you felt more afraid than you ever had in your life. You decided to channel that fear into ticked off-ness, “Fine if you don’t care, then don’t care, but if we die it’s your fault,” He huffed loudly in exasperation and turned around, still walking backwards, “As a matter of fact…” He suddenly stopped and you rammed into him for the second time this night, before you could react and yell some more at him, C/N threw you behind him. When you regained your balance and looked up you saw a burly man that looked like he came straight out of a gang. His broad shoulders flexed as he grinned madly and cracked his knuckles. As the shadowy man got closer you whispered to C/N, panic evident in your strained voice, “This is bad,” "You said that already.” He whispered back, not taking his calculating eyes off of the approaching threat. "I thought it was worth repeating.” "Look who we have here?” He spoke as if his words were coated in a thick layer of sickly sweet honey, “Robin Hood and Maid Marian, how sweet.” His voice suddenly laced with a thick layer of ice and you saw his beady eyes glint, “you’ll pay for what you did, I don’t let little shits like you run free, I can’t let you running around stealing more stuff from me, or anyone else,” C/N’s voice quickly piped up, “Robin Hood, never been called that one before, what’s next? Aladdin?” “Don’t be a smart ass boy,” there was a quick flash of silver as his fingers curled over the handle of the knife, “I won’t hesitate to give kids like you a lesson.” "Whatever you do just don’t hurt her,” C/N’s voice came out hard and commanding, you felt his hand grasp yours tight as he pushed you even further behind him, “I stole from you, not her,” "I guess that’ll be my decision to make,” It all happened in slow motion. You watched as the guy who followed the both of you lunge forward with the small knife in hand, C/N pushed you hard and as far away from the guy as he could, making you stumble to the ground with the air taken from your lungs. When you looked up gasping for breath you saw the guy on top of C/N, struggling to wrestle the knife out of C/N’s hand while also inching it closer to C/N’s exposed neck. You with whatever voice you had left you yelled to C/N, and silently urged him to beat the older and much heavier man. "Y/N!” You heard him grunt from where he was on the ground struggling, "Run! Get away!” There was no way you could just leave him, even if it meant not getting badly hurt by this guy, who could definitely take you down if he wanted to. You made a split second decision, and suddenly remembering the backpack still strapped to your back, and the heavy books inside, you shakily stood up. Adrenaline surged through your body, giving you a kick of strength and energy. With the burly man’s back to you, you leapt closer to him swinging your backpack at his balding head. The man looked You grimaced as you heard contact to his skull. The blow was harder than you expected. The man fell backwards and there was a sickening sound from when his back and head fell backwards onto the hard and dirty concrete. The knife clattered to the ground. You did it. Before you could react, your knees buckled under you and the ground suddenly started to sway. You just knocked a man out cold with your freaking backpack. You would’ve laughed if this were a movie, but now all you could feel was numb. Then his eyes met yours, and you felt a feeling of calm rush over you, and with unspoken grace C/N slowly rose and helped you back up. Slowly, with no words spoken, the both of you hobbled the way to your house, thankfully only a short distance away. The tension in the air was thick, and the shock still was settling into your skin. At a snail’s pace C/N led you back to your house. There was only one light left on inside the house, and the only sound was the soft padding of both your feet on your driveway. At the front steps you both stopped, not really knowing what to say. He looked down at his shoes and shoved his hands into his jean pockets, “Hey Y/N, I just want to say, thanks… for what you did back there. I’d have to admit it was… pretty cool,” You didn’t know what to say, so you gave a dry laugh, “Yeah anytime…” There was another long pause, “I feel bad for leaving him just lying there unconscious, we didn’t even check if he was breathing.” He met your gaze, locking his now soft eyes onto yours, “I don’t think he died, I’ve had my fair share of fights, and I know what what, don’t worry,” he surprised you by pushing a strand of hair behind your ear, caressing your face lightly, “now you’re safe and home so you don’t have to worry about me anymore,” "Don’t say that, you say that you’re used to this sort of stuff, but you shouldn’t be,” your mouth moved before your brain could comprehend what you were doing, “You were really brave back there, and I promise I won’t gloat about being right about being followed.” A small smile crept over both of your faces. Another pause as you suddenly remembered that you had told your parents that you’d be home almost immediately from school. You snatched your phone from your backpack to see what looked like millions of missed calls and texts, causing you to grimace. You snapped back to his face when you heard him give a short cough, "By the way, I’m really sorry…” he took a deep breath, moving his hand to your hand, “for everything, the fight, me snapping at you, just… everything.” Again, you felt at a loss for words. You couldn’t just say no it’s alright because in reality it really wasn’t, you couldn’t get the image of the man’s limp body and it smacking hard against the trash ridden ground. Instead you gave him another small smile, hoping that your eyes showed what you were thinking. He inched forward, his other hand grabbing onto your arm, pulling you gently closer. All of the emotions from the night came washing over you, the fear, the nervousness, the anger, the confusion, and now, the sudden urge to seal it all. The sudden feeling that this was fate. You realized that this was the guy that chose you out of all people in the crowd, that yelled at you to run away from the threat of death, the guy that had the perfect answer for every comment. You thought of all of the random times you felt someone in class watching you, only to turn around and see him laughing with his friends. Or the times that you’ve made awkward eye contact in the halls. Or the times where he’ll look like he’s walking towards you, but suddenly backtrack. All those times you just thought that it was him making fun of you, or being mean, or… Now it all made sense. His shining eyes twinkled in the moonlight and echoed your emotions, how did you not know? “How long?” He chuckled and barely spoke above a whisper, “A pretty long time, to be honest,” Your noses were not merely centimeter from each other, “Why not ask?” "You wouldn’t want a rough guy like me, bad grades, bad friends, stealing, barely scraping by…” His eyes went downcast as he trailed off, the twinkle in his eye now gone. Slightly frustrated, you grabbed his shirt collar and broke the distance, your lips locked onto his soft ones. He smelt like cologne and mint and his hair felt so messy and surprisingly soft and his lips were slightly chapped but you didn’t care. You broke the kiss abruptly, noticing the dazed look in his eyes, making him look more like a young boy than the brash and harsh guy that no one ever messed with. “You really shouldn’t make assumptions,” "Oh believe me, now I definitely, won’t,”
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you-got-a-crush · 7 years
I'm Taking a Break..
✨… well I guess not really. The thing is, yeah I know this blog is fairly new and has been gaining followers like crazy (AHH over 300?!?) but some recent personal events including my best friend moving across the country and the additional stress of studying for the AP Gov National Exam is taking away from the time spent writing new content for you guys. This doesn’t mean that I’m completely gone though, I’ll still be trying to continue to write and give more advice, but it might take longer for me to get through everything I want/need to get done. I’m not dropping off of the face of the earth, but things are going to get slower. Just wanted to let you guys know so that if I’m silent for weeks or months on end then you’ll know what’s up. ✨
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you-got-a-crush · 7 years
Signs Someone Might Like You
✨Sup my dudes! I’ve been getting lots of asks lately which is really great, I’m super happy that I can give advice to other people who need it! One thing that I’m noticing, however, is that a lot of these asks are very similar in that most of them have to deal with wondering what the signs are that someone may or may not like you. Instead of doing each individual ask, which although would be helpful to the individual, it would be more time consuming than doing this: laying out some of the key signs that someone might have a crush on you! (These are not in order from most to LEAST important I just sorta wrote about the major ones that came to mind as I went, and this’ll be a little long oops sorry).✨
1.) Eye Contact Eye contact is one of the major things to look for if you’re unsure whether someone likes you, it’s a universal sign for both men and women, whether they’re shy or outgoing, eyes say it all. If you ever catch them staring at you or trying to make eye contact, even if it’s from across the room. Eye contact is pretty large sign they like you since it’s unusual for someone to just stare at someone for no reason. Whether they’re shy or outgoing eye contact can be different, they might look away right when you catch them or continue to hold the eye contact for a few seconds, both are pretty solid signs that if they recur often mean something more than friends.
2.) Eyes in General EYES wowza this relates to the first one because obviously it has to deal with your orbs. If you ever are talking to them closely and can get a good look at their eyes, notice their pupils. It might be hard if you don’t talk very often or don’t usually talk in a setting where you can get a good look at their pupils, but try your best. If their pupils dilate and get larger for some scientific reason, it can be a straight giveaway that they like you or have some sort of attraction towards you, unknown to them since they can’t necessarily look at their own enlarged pupils without a mirror.
3.) Mirroring When someone likes another person, they tend to mimic their actions. Take notice in how you sit and how they sit, and if they are similar. Usually if you find that they mirror your actions it means that they are paying attention to you and want to show that they are similar to you, most times without them even realizing. Try to yawn or force a yawn, if they yawn almost immediately after it shows that they were paying attention to you, since yawning is one of those weird human things that trigger almost a chain reaction in other people once someone sees another yawn. It’s really weird, and might not work, but it’s worth a try.
4.) Being Near You One thing I’m noticing in a lot of these asks is that one of the things mentioned quite a lot is the other person sitting or standing closer than necessary to the person who sent the ask. People who like you will often go out of their way to be within your vicinity. By doing so they are feeling that they are getting closer to you, both physically and emotionally, since being closer to someone can show other people that those two are together or know each other well. Sometimes they might go out of their way to stand next to you in group settings or photos, or it can be smaller like the person inching closer to you over time.
5.) Popping Up Do you ever find them popping up in random places that you might not expect them to be? Like maybe seeing them in the halls in a place they shouldn’t necessarily be since their class is on the other side of the school? This shows that they want to see you more often, and is common in both guys and girls. By changing their schedule or daily routine to see you more often they give themselves more chances to talk to you and get to know you better. This can be more common in shyer people who don’t have the courage to talk to you, but by switching up their schedule they can see you more often and keep the connection flowing without too much communication.
6.) Remembering Even if a conversation is short, by remembering a small detail or specific thing can show that they are paying more attention to you than they would to any old conversation. An event, something the other person likes or dislikes, a funny story, it can be anything. If they bring it up again or if the other person brings it up again and they understand what they’re talking about, then it shows how they were attentive during the conversation and maybe want to show off their special treatment towards you. Or they could also be remembering specific details unknowingly, but since they are attracted to the other person, that information sticks in their brain.
7.) Random Touching This one sort of relates to being near you, since if someone likes another person they might go out of their way to bump into them, lightly touch their shoulder or arm, or find some sort of way to touch you, even if it’s small. People do this because they want to feel that connection became stronger, and by these lighter or sometimes stronger touches they can see how you react, or can also make you feel more comfortable in their presence. For shy people this is a little harder to do, so this sign isn’t completely universal, along with the fact that this is also more common in girls and women. These touches don’t have to necessarily be towards you, it can be that they’re fidgeting, playing with their hair, touching their clothes, etc.
8.) Their Friends How do their friends act when they’re around you? Boy or girl, each side is known to confront their friends either to get their approval about who they like, or just want to see what their reactions would be. Friends can also act as spies, since they can see what the person that the crush is on is doing in order to relay it back. Obvious signs are that the friends start to laugh or give playful punches to the person having the crush, or suddenly finding them also popping up. Smaller signs being that they might glance at the person more often, talk louder or softer when the crush approaches, or giving “the look” whenever the crush walks by, which can sometimes be either subtle or obvious.
9.) Think of Yourself This one isn’t necessarily a sign in itself, but makes you think about the things that you do when you have a crush on someone. Notice if some of your own signs come back from the person you’re unsure of. Just by noticing that you can relate to what they’re doing can also make some of the signs feel less creepy if you aren’t fully into them staring at you or standing a little closer than you might like. Think of how you’d normally act in the same situation and apply it, sure it might not be exactly the same, but it can help identify whether or not they have a crush by noting the similarities.
10.) Specifics These are just some random specifics that change easily aren’t aren’t truly reliable since they’re on the smaller scale. For instance, if a girl pushes up her sleeves, it’s a small sign that she is exposing more of herself to you by doing so, and feels more comfortable in your presence. If a guy puffs up his chest and stands a little taller, then he could be trying to show his more masculine side in order to gain the crush’s affection. Another example of this is a guy mentioning going to the gym or being a little more arrogant when around the crush; just trying to be more masculine. Some more specifics for women and girls can be that they lick their lips more often, try to wear more makeup or dress nicer than usually to get their crush’s attention, or (this one is a bit more universal but mainly with girls) might point her toes and feet towards you when she’s sitting down. Of course if you sit behind her then her feet around going to break and twist backwards, but if her feet unconsciously point in your direction when she crosses or uncrossed her legs, then that can be another smaller sign that she likes you.
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you-got-a-crush · 7 years
When do you think is a good time to say 'I love you'? I feel really strongly about someone and at this point, I'd say I'm in love with them. We've been dating long distance for a few months and we're still quite new to it. When we get to see eachother, we cant kiss without laughing so I doubt I'll be able to tell him without giggling. I'm worried that he might think I'm naive or that he'll feel pressured to say it back without meaning it yet. I don't know, I'm probably just anxious over nothing.
✨Saying those three words can be a monumental event in a relationship for most people, especially if they haven’t done it before with anyone else or if the relationship is fairly new. If you really feel that you truly love them, then do what your heart tells you. I advise you to pick the right moment, don’t just randomly spring it on them right when you start face timing (not saying that’s what you’d do but you never know). Say it when the moment feels right. You might not know when that moment will come and it might take longer than you’d like, but you’ll feel it. Say it like you mean it, because you do, and you also don’t want them to get the bad impression that you’re just throwing words around. It’s a good time to say “I love you” when it’s what your heart is trying scream at you, when you really feel that deep connection. Long distance relationships are hard to maintain, but maybe by saying those three words you’ll be able to secure that connection even deeper. Good luck, I hope it all works out! ✨
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you-got-a-crush · 7 years
I have a huge crush on my best friends cousin. My bff knows about it of course. I've only talked to him like twice, but we follow eachother on social media. I really want to somehow get him to ask me/ go with him to my formal (he goes to a different school) because my boyfriend broke up with me a few weeks ago and I'm ready to move on. How do I make it happen?
✨I really hope I’m not too late for this one! My advice is to try and strike up a conversation through social media, there’s always the texting classic, “hey” *wait a few minutes* “oops sorry that was one of my friends, but how are you?/hey anyways!”. I know it’s a little cheesy, but sometimes in order to get conversations flowing you gotta start somewhere! If social media doesn’t work, then try getting to know him better through your friend, and try to get your friend to put in a good word for you. One thing I hope is that the formal either hasn’t already passed (because then that’d be a total mess up on my part and I’m super sorry if that’s the case), or that is isn’t a few days away. It’s going to be hard to get someone to like you enough to take you to a formal, especially if you’ve only talked to them twice. Try to get a connection going, spark a connection, and then build up from there! One more thing, check with your school to see if you’re allowed to go with people from other schools/districts, at least for me, going to any sort of dance whether it be prom, a formal, or just a middle school dance, you weren’t allowed to bring anyone outside of the school the dance was towards. ✨
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you-got-a-crush · 7 years
🎉✨YOOOOOO already over 200 followers?! It literally feels like yesterday when I got to 100, thank you so much you guys for reading these, it really means a lot to me. Hopefully we’ll be seeing more imagines in the future! (And maybe some part twos…) ✨🎉
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you-got-a-crush · 7 years
✨Sah dudes! As you might have noticed if you’ve read most or all of my imagines, they tend to switch up pronouns and perspectives. Usually between first person and third person limited point of view, so either using the word “I” or “you” in reference to you, (or whomever you think about when reading these imagines). I like using both, but I don’t know what you guys prefer. If you have any certain POV that you’d rather have me do in future imagines please tell me because I don’t want to keep creating content that you guys don’t like because of a simple thing like a POV change. Any feedback is definitely welcome!✨
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you-got-a-crush · 7 years
Request- Let's Not Rush This
Anon: Hi! I love your imagines! Could I request an imagine with my crush being like super super shy and sweet and he always blushes when I’m around and then one day I just invite him to my house and we drink got chocolate and I’m the one who initiates everything like cuddling and can we also kiss! Just really fluffy! Thank you so much! My name is Amber and his name is nat btw if you want to use them idm if you don’t! :) :)
✨Ahhhh thank you so much! I’m so sorry for taking so long to write this. It’s mainly because I’ve never written anything that dealt with the person crushing initiating stuff so I hope this turned out well. I’ve also decided to not mention you guys’ names because I wanted it to be more universal for anyone else who reads it. Thanks for the request!✨
“Hey, are you doing anything after school?” “Uh, um… no I-I don’t think so,” he says, blushing profusely. You laugh lightly and touch his arm, okay, you were a little nervous too, but you just had that gut feeling you know? That feeling when you know you have to do something and there’s no way around it. Besides, there was no way this puddle of a person was going to ask you anytime soon. He was great, almost the perfect yin to your yang but that meant that he was probably the most shy and introverted person you’ve ever met. “Awesome! Do you wanna come over to my house? You can just walk home with me, it’s not too far away,” C/N continued to blush and fumble around with the books he was putting away at his locker, “Uh yeah sure Y/N, I’ll text my mom,” “I’m sure she’ll be fine with it,” you say rolling your eyes playfully and nudging his arm again, “don’t be so worried,” “Yeah, um, will do,” he stuttered out, adjusting his hair even though it didn’t need to be. You had noticed over time that he had nervous ticks, like adjusting his hair or biting his nails, but that just made him all the more cute. The two of you stared at each other, lost in the others eyes for a few fleeting moments before the bell ringing jerked you two apart slightly. You waved at him and walked to your next class, not really caring about being late now. He said yes!! You wanted to jump up and down and scream down the halls but continued to keep yourself collected and cool enough so nobody suspected the zoo bouncing around in your chest. This is my chance to really make something happen, and I’m not gonna blow it. - You had met him at his locker and were now walking together down the street to where your house was. It was mainly you starting and continuing all of the conversation, but you didn’t mind too much, after all, any chance talking with C/N was a good one. “So, um, yeah. What do you want to do when we ah… get to your house?” C/N stuttered out quietly. “Oh, I was thinking we might watch that one Netflix documentary that Y/T/N wanted us to watch over the weekend. That way, we can hit two birds with one stone!” “Yeah, I forgot about that assignment actually,” he laughed and smiled looking up at the shining sky, brushing his fingers against his hair. In just that moment I could see the outline of his nose and his collarbone and his jaw and his hair all coming together perfectly from the light of the sun. He looked way more relaxed than he did before, which was more than what I’d hoped would happen. We continued walking in silence, backpacks slung over our shoulders, and although it was silent the silence wasn’t uncomfortable. It was simply silence, each of us lost in thought. Our destination arrived quickly and we made our way inside. “Are you thirsty for anything? I’ve got water, soda, hot chocolate, lemonade, just about everything,” “Wait, you have hot chocolate?” C/N’s eyes widened slightly and his mouth turned up into a lopsided grin. “Heck yeah, I mean it’s warm outside but I don’t see why we can’t have any,” You pulled out the hot chocolate and the mugs and you both worked together to make it in your kitchen. Both of your parents weren’t home, they never got home until after 6:00, so you had loads of time to start up the movie, watch it, and have him leave before anyone noticed. You guys both set up the living room with blankets, popcorn, and the hot chocolate for, in his words, “prime movie watching,”. Sometimes you would catch him staring at you and then looking away and blushing, which was the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen. It was still unbelievable to you, that C/N, whom you’ve been silently crushing on since forever, is in your house, about to watch a movie with you, alone. The alone part was by far the most exciting part, and you could sense that he was thinking about it too when he suddenly piped up after taking a sip of his hot chocolate. “Hey, um, where your bathroom?” “Oh yeah there’s one down that hall right there, I’ll start up the movie while you’re doing your business,” you both laughed and as he made his way down the hall you shouted, “Don’t fall in!” He turned around and you were sure that he rolled his eyes and blushed again, and then walked back towards his destination. The sun was still shining through the curtains in the living room so you shut them and turned off some of the lights so you guys could both see the movie better. The more you stood there and looked at everything, the more nervous you got. Is this too much? Where are we gonna’ sit? Should I “set the mood” or leave it like this? Is it too dark? Oh jeez now he’s gonna really think that something’s up. After a couple minutes of you suddenly freaking out an overthinking the whole situation you suddenly snapped to attention when you heard C/N’s voice coming from the hallway, “Hey I’m back, your bathroom is so cool I couldn’t stop playing with the sink,” “You’re such a dork,” you say, turning around to face him to see his shirt with small water stains all over it. “Nobody’s ever called me that before, well nobody except my mom,” he blushed slightly and adjusted his hair for about the billionth time. “Well I’m happy to be the first, I got the movie all set up so we can just dive right in from here!” You scooted over on the couch for him to sit next to you, which he did, but made sure to leave a lengthy space in between the two of you. Of course, you could change that. About 20 minutes into the movie you found yourself moving closer and closer to C/N, and him doing the same, probably not intentionally on his part. You lied your head onto his shoulder, and you didn’t need to look up to know that a blush was creeping up his face. You felt him freeze slightly against your touch, then relax. Surprisingly, he set his arm around your shoulder, and rested his body closer to your own. The rest of the movie was full of more cuddling, which took you by surprise. I didn’t think it would all happen so fast. I thought he’d be a harder egg to crack, but I guess this is better than having to pine the night away waiting for something to happen. As the ending credits rolled you wished that it was longer, you wished the night could’ve lasted forever. You felt C/N shift, moving his arms from around you and beginning to face you on the couch properly. You, of course, shifted yourself accordingly and faced him too, “Hey, thanks for asking me to come over, I had a really fun time,” “No problem, I’m really happy you were able to come,” He scratched the back of his head, and winced slightly before saying, “Yeah, and to tell you the truth I do really like you,” now instead of his face flushing red you felt yours heating up, “…but I don’t want to rush things, I don’t want to rush all of this,“ You felt yourself falter slightly, what does he mean by that? “Well, of course, I don’t want to either. I just thought…” “No no, I get it, I just… I just don’t want this thing,” he said, motioning towards the space in between the both of us, “to be like just some sort of fling. I want to really get to know you. I know from class that you’re bubbly and always upbeat but I feel like that’s not the entire Y/N, I feel like there’s so much more that I want to explore,” Your heart leapt and soared farther and farther away from you, pumping and beating faster than normal. You’ve been known to be outgoing yeah, but to find someone who saw that there was more to you than that, it meant the world. “Me too, I feel exactly the same way about you. You’re so quiet and I feel like you’re such a mystery to everyone. I want to be the kind of person to know what everyone doesn’t. I want you to be comfortable around me. I wasn’t trying to rush things if that’s what you were thinking. I just wanted to at least have something to start with.” C/N smiled, and took your hand leading you towards your door, “I’m gonna’ have to go, I think that’s my mom,” he said quietly, motioning his head towards the window from which you could see headlights balding brightly. “Thank you again, you know, for coming,” “The pleasure is all mine,” and with that, he bent downwards to kiss the hand he was holding, looking through his eyelashes back up at you. You bit your lip and a warm closed smile grew across your face. No more words were needed to be said that night, he slipped his shoes and jacket on, grabbed his backpack, and with one final glance around his shoulder he left and joined his mom at the end of the driveway. As the car drove away you stared from inside of the house, waving, not caring whether he saw or not. You weren’t going to rush things, it didn’t matter if it took years of small gestures or months of knowing smiles and glances, this wasn’t going to be something carelessly tossed to the side. This… thing that had begun to bud was slowly going to turn into something magical and you couldn’t wait until then. In the meantime, you could learn to love waiting for the right moment, instead of forcing it on something not meant to be.
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you-got-a-crush · 7 years
hi! so prom is coming up and I've been talking to my crush for months now. out of my little friend circle that includes about six people, they all have dates and/or dating someone. my crush asked one of my guy friends if he thought I'd say yes if he asked me prom. now, he's saying he's not going because he's not going because the girl he wants to ask will probably say no. and even worse, he's been extra flirty recently and I've liked him for at least five months now. guess I'm a little bummed!
✨You’re bummed? I’m a little confused to be honest, it sounds like things are going great! If he’s not going because the girl he wants to ask will probably say no, there’s a big chance, especially with everything you’ve told me, that that person is you. I’d take the leap and ask him, what do you have to lose? He sounds like he’s into you, so if anything there’s at least some chance that you’re the person he likes. Or you could also send the signals back if you aren’t confident enough to ask him yourself. You could ask him more about prom and talk more how you don’t have a date, and since he’s being extra flirty then you should mirror his flirtatious behavior back. Good luck! I hope it all works out! ✨
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you-got-a-crush · 7 years
Request- Paired Up
manimariah88: Hey I was wondering if you could do an imagine where you and your crush get paired up to work on a school project and you’re not really friends. At first, the crush acts a little reluctant to work with you until you guys start talking more and find out you have a lot in common and then it’s all fluffy and cute from there lol
✨Of course! I added some more plot to it to make it more interesting and the fluff might be a bit lacking, but I hope you guys like it! Keep sending in requests and asks!✨
The way the back of his head looked today was amazing, absolutely dazzling. His hair mas slightly messed up in the back and I desperately wanted to run my hands through it mess it up even more. Just like every day there he was, distracting me like always. He had his hand resting perfectly against his cheeks and even from behind him I could picture his face smushed against his fingers. I bet I could draw the back of his head from memory from how much I find myself admiring it. Sure, it’s only the back, and sure, this doesn’t match the frontal view, but at this point anything at all can give my stomach butterflies. “Y/N! Are you paying attention back there?” My head snapped up just in time to see the entire class’s eyes on mine. There was an awkward pause, and the teacher at the front of the room gazed at me expectantly, a small smile starting to spread. I bet he just loved watching students suffer. “Um… Uh… Yeah?” Suddenly C/N turned around and joined the class’s stare down. He threw me a sympathetic look that made me both blush and want to say something more but it also made me want to sink into the floor and never show up to school again. “Ahem? Can you answer the question I just asked?” “Uh….” I scanned the class for any help, but sadly there was none, some kids were even laughing. Kill me now. I could tell that C/N’s soft eyes were still on me, “…I’m sorry, I can’t,” Some of the kids burst out laughing at my discomfort. Well I’m sorry if the teacher decided to call on me, it ain’t my fault if I’m distracted by a certain someone. “The question was, ‘what’s your favorite color?’,” my teacher replied, stifling a laugh. “Make sure to pay attention in class next time Y/N instead of oogling at boys,” I felt my face go beet red, some of the kids let out little ‘ooh’s or ‘get rekt’s. You know how before I said I wanted the ground to swallow me up? It felt like that, but times ten. As the class continued and the other student turned back around to face the teacher, I looked up through my eyelashes to see C/N still looking, the sympathetic look turned even softer and more pitying. That was probably the worst part, I don’t want him to pity me, I want to have deep conversations and sleeping under the stars with him. I want He must have seen me as some sort of wounded animal, and what if he knew that I was staring at him? The teacher just said any boy, but he could be suspicious. Thank god it’s the last period. “Okay class, this next project I’ll be picking your partners, so sorry C/N and C/F/N, you can’t be partners.” A series of groans littered the classroom, including my own. I just want to go home and take a nap is that all a girl can ask? I already have homework up to my neck and I can’t take on another project. Let’s just hope I can ride this one through. The teacher started talking again, relishing in the sadness the assigned partners brought the students, “This project will have to be done over the weekend, and must compare three evening television news programs and how they show bias, framing, and whether they are reliable to the public. This project can be a paper, a poster, a presentation, whatever. Here’s the rubric,” he said, picking up a stack of rubrics and throwing gem on the nearest desk, “the rest of the requirements are stated there.” “Now, the partners,” the teacher seemed to take forever in strutting to his desk, loading up his computer, and pulling up the spreadsheet in which he had payed out partner for each person, while doing this he added, “I grouped people together whom I thought share similar grades and have similar understanding of the unit so that the work load ends up being as equal as possible,” Suddenly the spreadsheet popped up onto the smartboard at the front of the room and my eyes were quick to analyze and spot where my name was. I looked and scanned farther and farther downwards and noticed that at the very end off as my name, and I didn’t have a partner. Yes! Now I can just do everything last minute and not let anyone down by doing the bare minimum! Until I saw C/N’s hand raise. Oh no. “Um, excuse me, I can’t find my name anywhere on there,” no no no no no. “Oh that’s okay, you can just work with Y/N since she’s alone,” Shit. Great. Wonderful. Ugh. As people started gathering their stuff and grabbing rubrics I watched as C/N without even glancing at me, slowly rose, took two rubrics from the front, and made his way over to my seat in the back. I stared, still stuck in panic mode, as he pulled up a chair and sat down in front of my desk, straddling the back of the chair. A few seconds went by where neither of us said anything, and believe me, it was extremely awkward. I wanted so badly to say something, anything, but I felt frozen in place. Why do I have to be so awkward? He suddenly cleared his throat, “So, what were you thinking of doing for the project? It doesn’t matter to me at all,” “Um, well it doesn’t matter to me either. Are you any good at drawing?” Oh jeez, what if he isn’t? Am I making him feel bad? Oh no he already hates me, he probably is wishing he had anyone else for a partner. Oh my gosh why do I have to- “Yeah I’m pretty good, you?” Smooth moves Y/N. “I was just thinking, if we are both pretty good at drawing and all that kind of stuff, then we could just do a poster?” “That’s a good idea,” a small toothy smile crept onto his face, and the same echoed onto me. Alright this is going better than expected. “So, do you want to come over to my house after school so we can get it done? I don’t think it’s going to be too hard of a project, just watch a bunch of TV and talk about it,” I laughed, but on the inside I was low key freaking out. “Oh, yeah, I’ll text my parents and see if it alright, but yeah,” “Cool, I’ll grab some poster paper on the way out, but I have a bunch of craft stuff at my house so don’t worry about all of that, my mom is obsessed with that kind of stuff,” “That’s good,” I have a light laugh and my nerves from before began to cease, just talking with him about small things made me feel calmer and more relaxed, like I could say anything I wanted to and talk for hours. “So, what television stations were you thinking on watching to compare against?” “Well, I really like to watch BBC Evening News so that can be one of them,” My face immediately lit up, “Oh me too! I don’t like watching any of the other evening news stations because I feel like they’re all way too biased anyways. I’d rather get the right info than just my own opinions echoing back to me,” “Same!” Well at least now I know we have one thing in common, which was a great thing. After we figured out which other news programs to watch for the assignment, we started finding the definitions for all of the vocab words we needed to use and planning out what the poster was going to looks like. It was all just light banter or talking about the project, to someone else it might just seem like any normal conversation, but to me it felt surreal, like it was only me and him left in the room. Everyone else drowned out by the soft and careful edges of C/N’s words, even just one words filling my senses with an indescribable melody full of feeling. At least, to me. We were both working quietly for about a minute before I looked up to catch C/N staring at me. Instead of quickly looking away like I usually would, I kept looking into his eyes, waiting for him to say something. “I’m really sorry what happened to you before, I mean, that whole thing with Mr, T/N, I hate when he picks on students like that,” “Thanks, but I don’t need any pity, I wasn’t paying attention and I should’ve seen it coming,” “No, it’s not right for him to do that, and to you of all people. Don’t make excuses for yourself, it was a dick move on his part, not yours.” “It’s really fine, you don’t have to stick up for me like that,” “I want to, not everyone in this world is as mean as he is,” I was speechless, my mouth agape, not able to form any words. Sure, I didn’t want him to pity me, and sure, I didn’t want him to see me as this small animal that needed to be taken care of, but his words. His words held meaning, and his face didn’t just hold sympathy it held actual care, like he could’ve felt the pain and embarrassment that I did in that moment. But I was probably over exaggerating, like usual. “Well thank you, it means a lot, especially for someone like me who can’t get a word in edgewise,” “No problemo mi amiga,” he gave me some awkward finger guns which I of course laughed at, and the conversation then returned back to the project, but I couldn’t help like I saw him in a different light. Like, before I only liked him from his outward looks and sense of humor during class, but now I saw that he had a deeper personality than that. A personality that I wanted to know even more about. “Oh and by the way,” I looked up again from my work, and saw his face dripping with cockiness and the previous toothy grin was replaced with a smirk, “I knew you were ‘oogling’ at me, I’m just mad that you haven’t caught me ever ‘oogling’ at you yet,” What?! The bell rang before I was able to reply, and he got up and gave a little wave before turning out of the classroom. What the hell? Did he just say what I thought he said? On the way out of the room he took one last sly glance back at me before accidentally running into the trash can positioned at the door. So much for looking badass. I tried to cover my laugh but it still could be heard as I too stood up and collected my belongings, C/N’s face was cherry red and was the last thing I saw before he dashed in a hurry out the door. Wait, am I forgetting something? Oh yeah, I forgot to ask where C/N lived. I ran out of the classroom door after him calling his name with a giant grin stretched across my face. Suddenly I thanked God that the ground didn’t swallow me up, since now I had the opportunity of a lifetime.
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you-got-a-crush · 7 years
🎉✨AHHHH over 100 followers already! I can't believe it! This thing started out as just a small side blog that I had little faith in, to now something crazy that has motivated me to write again! Thank you guys so much! Keep sending me imagine requests and ideas, constructive criticism, and advice asks!✨🎉
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