useyourbrainsmorons · 3 years
The Time Stone
Pairing: Loki x OC (she/her)
Genre: Mostly angst babes, sorry
Summary: This is a look at the story in Avengers if Loki had the time stone instead of the mind stone. This also relies pretty heavily on that theory that Thanos was mind-controlling Loki during Avengers. Anyway, Rhea is a magician (like Dr. Strange) whose memories were erased and she woke up on Asgard one day. She developed a strong bond with Loki, and goes to Earth to find him after the events of Thor 1. She notices he's not the same Loki she was such close friends with.
Word Count: 2371
Lol, yeah some of the details of OC are confusing, cause I wrote this like you already know her backstory. Idk, I might write more with this character that goes more into her background. I hope it's not too confusing :)
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Rhea was back on Earth. It should’ve felt like a relief, but it almost felt as strange as Asgard had been. She remembered Earth the way someone would remember a place they’ve only seen through pictures and videos. It didn’t really feel like it was hers.
Luckily, she rather enjoyed the quiet place Thor had left her in. A fairly secluded cabin in the middle of the woods. He’d only come to Earth to try and find Loki, and at Rhea’s extreme insistence, Odin had allowed her to go as well. Thor drew the line at helping him though. Rhea told him she could help, but Thor’s continuous reply was that Loki was far too dangerous. Rhea stopped arguing once she saw how sad it was making Thor.
Promising that he would come back to get her once he had Loki, Thor took off to begin his search. Rhea managed somewhat for the next couple days, dealing with the cold and rainy days with a lot of blankets and hot cocoa. She didn’t have any way to leave and get more food, so she tried to ration what she had properly. It wasn’t exciting, but it was manageable. She almost felt at peace sometimes, until she remembered why she was there.
She was on a brief stroll after the sun had already set one night, when she heard some extremely loud crashes from not so far away. She could even see where they came from, as a cluster of trees were collapsing about a quarter of a mile away from her. Curiosity got the better of her, even though she knew it to be a bad idea, and she made her way towards the sounds.
As she got even closer, she could make out the telltale shouts and yells of fighting. She knew one of them was Thor when she felt all the hair on her body stand up the way it always does before he summons a huge strike of lightning. She emerged into what had become a clearing due to all the trees being knocked down, and instantly knew she was too close. She was right about Thor being there, and he appeared to be fighting some man-sized metal suit. She almost fell over as the ground shook from their fighting.
Thor suddenly noticed her then, just as the metal man shot another attack at him. “Rhea!!” he shouted in warning, but he was just a couple of seconds too late. She had just enough time to panic before it happened. The beam reflected off of Thor’s hammer in her direction, causing an explosion just big enough to catch her and send her flying back, slamming her harshly against the trunk of a tree.
Rhea woke back up in the same state of panic she felt right before the explosion, and she scrambled back automatically, confused when she found she was now on cold, metal flooring. But when her eyes focused and she looked up, she was met with the familiar cool green eyes she had missed so much. Loki was knelt over her, holding a scepter with a green stone inside it, which glowed brightly and seemed to dim the more she looked at it. Concern was spread all over his face, and he began to hesitantly reach out a hand to her…
The man in the weird suit, who Rhea could see his face now, yanked him back before he could get any closer. “Alright, you’ve done your thing, magic boy. Now get back in your seat and don’t move a muscle, or maybe I’ll shoot her again,” he said.
Seething, Loki whipped around, ready to attack him, but Thor held him back this time. “You will not hurt her again, you coward,” Thor threatened, gripping his hammer tightly.
Rhea pushed herself into the wall, arms around her legs, trying to remain as unseen as possible. She had no idea what was going on and wanted nothing more than to leave this situation. She saw Loki glance at her worriedly as he was forced to sit back down across from her.
Thor and the metal man continued to argue until a woman’s voice yelled from the front of the plane. “Tony! Stop being an asshole! He’s with us, Shield has a record on him!”
This seemed to shut the man Tony up, and he turned away, waving a hand of dismissal at them. Rhea would’ve found it funny at the nearly identical glare the two brothers were shooting at him, but currently, she was too overcome with terror.
Rhea endured several checkups once they arrived at Shield’s headquarters, but she claimed to them she felt fine. Well, physically, anyway. Her mind was racing now that she’d gotten over the initial terror from before. She wanted to talk to Loki. She couldn’t really wrap her head around why he was doing all this. He hadn’t seemed “evil” to her, as everyone was claiming, while they were on the plane. She knew he had every right to be mad at Odin and that he would probably act out because of it, but why did that translate to taking over Earth?
She tried to speak about it with Thor, but he again tried to talk her down. “Loki has already killed people, Rhea. He is intent on becoming ruler of this world, and he will stop at nothing to get it. You are clouded by your perception of him-”
Rhea cut him off. “I only want to help him! You should want to do the same thing, Thor, he’s your brother! Let me speak to him!” she pleaded.
Thor shook his head. “I couldn’t even if I wanted to, I don’t have access to where they’ve imprisoned him.” He reached out to place a hand on her shoulder. “Rhea, my brother is a conniving and deceitful trickster. What you know of him is not the whole picture,” he explained gently.
Rhea stepped away from his grasp. “A trickster is not the same thing as a murderer and a criminal. Please. Help me get in to see him. Maybe I can try to change his mind, or at least understand why he���s doing this.”
He considered her for a few moments. “Fine. As you wish,” he agreed.
Together, with Rhea’s guidance and Thor’s powers, they were able to shock the door and briefly open it to get Rhea inside of where they were keeping Loki. Thor wished her luck as the doors shut quickly behind her.
The reality of what she was doing then hit her as she walked cautiously across the gangplank. Loki looked up as he heard her, walking towards her in his cell. He tilted his head and frowned slightly as she approached.
“Have they sent you to question me? They think I’ll answer to you since I saved you?” he asked bitterly.
Rhea paused, unsure of how to proceed. “No. I came on my own. I just wanted to see you and talk to you,” she spoke hesitantly. She stepped closer and placed a hand on the glass. “What happened to me on that plane?” she wondered, not sure if she really wanted to know.
At this, Loki actually winced. “I… used the time stone to… take you back to your state before that explosion hit you,” he explained, demeanor completely changing from angry to fearful.
Whatever answer Rhea had been expecting, it certainly hadn’t been that. “What?” She felt even more confused now. “So, you made me go back in time…?”
Loki nodded his head in assent. “To put it bluntly, yes.”
She screwed up her face in thought. “That’s… crazy,” she finally said.
At this, Loki chanced a small grin. “Aren’t you a magician, darling?” he teased.
She shook her head. “You forget that I hardly remember any magic,” she countered right back. They grinned at each other over their banter, but it quickly faded as they both remembered the position they were in. Rhea cleared her throat awkwardly. There was still something else that bothered her about what happened. “Loki… did I die?” she asked, voice cracking.
He stared back at her without answering as the feeling in the room grew tense. It felt like he was silent for a long time, but it was probably just a couple of seconds. “Yes.”
Rhea found herself stumbling back in shock. Her arms came up to cover her head protectively, as they often did when she panicked. “How? What… I died?” she whispered.
Loki reached out to touch the glass, looking alarmed now. “Rhea, don’t panic, I promise you you’re fine now,” he said, but Rhea barely heard him.
“Loki, why are you doing this?” she asked, looking up at him as she tried to take deep breaths.
He shook his head, sighing in exasperation. “It’s more complicated than I can explain to you, you should-”
Before he could finish, the doors into the chamber burst open, and heavily armored guards burst into the room. Rhea barely had a chance to react before she was grabbed roughly by the arm and dragged away from Loki. “Wait!! I’m not done, I still want to talk to him! Let go of me, please!” she screamed, struggling against the person gripping her. It was no use though, and they pulled her back through the door.
The last glimpse she got of Loki was him staring at her sadly as the door shut after them.
After getting sufficiently yelled at for sneaking in to see Loki, Rhea retreated to a quiet part of the heli-carrier to, well, to put it lightly, sulk. Her head hurt everytime she thought about the fact she had died and Loki had brought her back to life. She was so distracted, she almost didn’t notice when the explosions started rocking the ship. When she finally did, though, she could think only one thing. Loki was going to escape.
She raced back to where she’d snuck in before, but seeing as the door was still sealed shut, she didn’t know what she could possibly do. Luckily for her, Thor had seemed to have the same idea as her, and he came rushing down the hallway.
“Stand back!” he yelled, and once again he used his hammer and electricity to open up the door. Sure enough, they were met with the sight of Loki exiting his cage. “Nooo!!” Thor roared, and he leaped to tackle Loki back into the interior. But unfortunately, he passed right through his body, the illusion of Loki then disappearing. The door then promptly shut behind him, trapping Thor in the cell.
Loki chuckled from his spot at the control panel. “You’re so gullible,” he said, amused.
Rhea turned the corner to confront him, and the grin slid off of his face. “Rhea, get out of here,” he said through gritted teeth.
She shook her head. “No. Please, don’t do this. Let me help you,” she pleaded. She stepped towards him cautiously, a hand held out to him as a peace offering. “Let me be there for you. I just. Want to help you be okay.” She was surprised at how calm her voice sounded. It felt like she was approaching a scared animal. She saw Loki’s face relax somewhat, until he started to look fearful.
“Rhea-” he choked out, as if he was struggling to speak.
“Loki, I-”
She heard it before she really felt it, and Thor yelled in protest before she could look down. There was a soft, wet crunch and pain erupted in her chest as she slowly looked down. Something pointy was protruding from the middle of her ribs. With another sickening sound, it slid back out and she couldn’t stop herself from collapsing. The Loki in front of her had disappeared, so she did her best to turn, dreading what she would see. Thor was still yelling, and from the sound of it, he was trying to break out of the glass prison with his hammer. Rhea looked up, knowing she already recognized those shoes that were standing before her.
Loki was looking down at her in horror, his whole body trembling with his staff clenched in his hands. Rhea opened her mouth to say something to him, but she felt too weak. Her arms gave out and she fell on her face.
Thor continued his banging. “Loki, what are you doing?! Undo this madness!!” he shouted, pleading with his brother.
Loki started to back away, shaking his head in disbelief. “No, stop it,” he muttered.
Rhea coughed out blood as she looked up at him, raising her head as best she could. She reached out a hand to him in desperation. Tears were streaming down his face. “Loki… please don’t do this. Don’t… Don’t leave me,” she choked, pained tears obscuring her vision.
Loki kept shaking his head. “I’m… I’m trying. He… won’t… let me,” he said, struggling to spit out his words.
Continuing to cough, Rhea put her head down on the floor. Everything was fuzzy. Everything was slowing down. Everything was dark.
Rhea opened her eyes, gasping for air. Her brain felt fuzzy still. She was aware of arms wrapped around her, and something wet dripping onto her face. Tears. Something clattered onto the ground next to her. She recognized it as Loki's scepter from earlier. The tip was still covered in blood. Her blood. Whoever was holding her was suddenly pressing her face into their chest, with their whole body shaking.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry,” cried Loki, rocking her back and forth. He was clutching onto her like she would die again if he let her go. “He made me do it, I didn’t want to,” he sobbed, shaking even harder.
Rhea realized she’d never seen Loki cry before.
He continued to rock her, and she weakly wrapped her arms around him. She was having a hard time remembering what was going on, so she focused on the sounds Loki was making, and tried to pat him on the back in comfort. He was still muttering sorrys and babbling other nonsense as he gripped her. They stayed like that for awhile, at least, it felt like it. But suddenly, the sound of a door opening behind them startled Loki from his tears, and just like that, he was gone, leaving her laying on the floor.
Rhea wished he hadn’t left.
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useyourbrainsmorons · 3 years
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I finished Wolf 359 and decided to draw my two favorite dorks.
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useyourbrainsmorons · 3 years
Zuko X Earthbender!Reader
Genre: Mostly fluff, maybe a little angst
Summary: Zuko’s wife is cold.  Like, all the time.  Luckily, Zuko is a firebender.  And he makes the perfect cuddle buddy.
Word Count: 1019
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Sleeping with the Fire Lord had its perks.  For instance, he always seemed to be radiating a pleasant warmth, which made even the coldest of winter nights bearable.  This, to Aria, who seemed to have the worst circulation in the world, was certainly a blessing.  It seemed as if Zuko would never fail to be surprised at how cold his wife’s hands would be.  He grew so accustomed to warming her face and hands with a little fire bending that sometimes he even did it in his sleep.
Sometimes Aria was awake for this, and she always thought she might die from the cuteness of it.  She’d never told him, but her heart melted every time Zuko took the time to make sure she was warm.  This also meant that her spot as the little spoon was fairly well established, and she didn’t think there could be a more comforting feeling than being wrapped up in Zuko’s arms like that.
It was comical how the strong and intimidating duo, when in private, became the softest, cutest, and most loving pair one would ever see.  It was often that that the only time the couple really had together was at night, Aria’s body curled up beside Zuko’s.  It just so happened, that for the past couple weeks, this had been exactly the case.
Both had been so busy with royal duties, Zuko with his regular meetings and duties at the palace, and Aria having to go on multiple ambassador missions to continue the spread of peace within the nation.  Aria returned to their chambers that night, especially exhausted after meetings that day. There had been many arguments, the people being stubborn and unwilling to show her respect, due to her status of being a peasant girl from the Earth kingdom.  Even now that she was the official Fire Lady, many of the Fire Nation subjects looked down upon her.
With a heavy sigh, she let down her hair as she remembered the last time she had told Zuko of her problem.
“What?  They can’t treat you like that!  I’ll speak to them,” he proclaimed, the fire alight in his eyes.
“No, Zuko,” said Aria gently, placing a calming hand on his forearm.  “I don’t think I will gain any respect form the nobles if you reprimand them, I’ll just have to work at it myself.”
Too exhausted to think about it any further, Aria flopped down on her side of the bed to get what little sleep she could get at the late hour.  Zuko mumbled in his sleep, tossing a little as Aria got situated in bed.
“Go back to sleep, love,” she murmured, brushing her hand gently through his hair.  Zuko quickly settled back down, but not before putting an arm around Aria’s waist.  The small action made her smile as she drifted off to sleep.
It was the darkest, coldest part of the night when Aria awoke.  Violently, she sat upright and flung the blankets off of her.  A strangled cry escaped from her as she curled up in a ball.  She’d never felt so cold in her life, and she began to shiver uncontrollably.
There was a stirring next to her, and Zuko, voice raspy and sleepy, spoke up.  “What’s wrong?”
She shook her head, still too upset.
“Did you have a nightmare?” he asked, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.  He reached out to touch her, and instantly recoiled.  “Spirits, you’re freezing!” he exclaimed.  
He began to warm up his hands to place on her, and when he touched her again, she melted into his embrace, clutching to him for dear life.  He could practically feel her heart beating through her chest, and he reached up to stroke her hair.  “It’s okay, you’re safe now,” Zuko said calmly, knowing she was frightened.
All Aria did in response was burrow further into his arms as she whimpered softly.  She could feel herself starting to warm back up from the heat Zuko was emanating.
“Tell me about your dream,” Zuko requested.  He began to rub small circles into Aria’s back.
She shuddered.  “Everything was normal, I was with you and all our friends, until… a giant wave of flame and destruction rose from the horizon, and it just… kept heading towards us, and I had to watch everyone die, even you. But I was left behind, all alone, the world destroyed, cold and desolate, and it felt like I wandered for ages, getting colder and colder as I shouted your name.  But there was nothing,” she finished.  Aria began to shake again, remembering how it felt in her dream.  “It was like slowly freezing to death, all alone,” she whispered.
Zuko’s heart ached.  He sometimes had dreams of losing Aria and others that he loved, but nothing quite as bad as the sounded.  He squeezed her a little tighter.  “I’m sorry, that sounds awful,” he murmured in her ear.
Aria let out a loud sigh as she relaxed in his grip.  “It’s okay, I’ll be fine,” she said, sounding exhausted.
Zuko gently tugged her down so that they were lying down again.  He suddenly realized this was probably the most interaction they’d had with each other in about a week.  He looked down at her as best he could, her head nuzzled into his chest.  He brushed a hand over her head as she sighed contentedly.  “I think maybe we need a vacation,” he said quietly.
Aria shifted slightly to curl further into Zuko’s body.  “Mmmm, that sounds nice,” she agreed, trying to fight the urge to fall back asleep. Unfortunately, with the way Zuko was running his fingers through her hair, it was very difficult.
“I’ll try to arrange something tomorrow.  We can go to Ember Island for a few days,” he suggested.
Aria nodded slightly.  “Yes please.”
They laid together in silence for a while.  Just as Aria was about to fall asleep, she muttered quietly, “I love you, Zuko.  You’re the best heat-warmer ever.”
And if Aria had still been awake, she could’ve seen the intense blush that had settled upon Zuko’s face.
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useyourbrainsmorons · 4 years
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My brother came up with a meme for the latest taz live show
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useyourbrainsmorons · 4 years
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I’m late to the game, but here’s Carey and Killian just being cute!
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