I get what you're saying, but I really don't think that's what he was trying to say. Before he talks about that, DJ says something like, "Let's see what kind of scum owned this ship.". And he reveals that the person had sold weapons to both sides. It's not about who bought them, it's the guy that sold them. Finn and Rose were criticizing the weapons dealers so easily and saw them as being strictly "bad" when in fact it was more complicated than that. Those people who sold the weapons didn't choose sides. Now, it doesn't mean they were right to do that, but DJ's point was that, that's what war is, two sides fighting and an arms dealer to supply it all.
I'm not saying The Last Jedi was perfect, I actually found a lot of flaws with it, but this scene was actually one of the most impactful in my opinion. :)
Another reason TLJ was bad is because of that whole thing with DJ pointing out that the good guys and the bad guys bought weapons. Like I get that this movie was all about the whole moral grey area thing, but to me, it just felt exactly like when people use the bullshit horseshoe theory to equate the far left and the far right as both bad, when it’s just an entire false equivalence. 
Like yeah, the resistance bought weapons but they’re not making a fucking fascist government and killing innocents with it, bud. What are they supposed to do, lie down and not fight back? Fuck off. 
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An Author's Eternal Struggle
If a fanfiction is read and no comment or like was given was the fanfiction read at all?
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Posts something: Okay let’s hope people like this.
One second: …
One minute: ……………
Five minutes: STILL NOTHING? DX This was stupid I’m taking it down. Hopefully I haven’t lost all of my followers. I may have dishonored my whole family. I wouldn’t be surprised if I was banned from tumblr.
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I'm writing for myself
For the first time in a long time I’m writing (a fanfiction) for myself. I am usually not motivated after a while when no one reads it but I knew no one would from the beginning, and I’m still so excited and I enjoy writing the story just for me to read it. Just for me to create this world that is fascinating me. Maybe someday I’ll find people to appreciate it, but for now, for some reason, I really just enjoy writing it for little ol’ me.
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Why is it that I get writing fever right when it's time for bed?
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Sometimes I write a fanfiction because no one else has written the one I want to read. Is that weird?
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I’ve wanted to do a giveaway ever since my blog gained attention, and since I just started my new job, I thought “What the hell, why not!”. So here we go!
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First Place (1 winner)
You’ll be receiving:
. 2 Marvel Civil War Funko Pops (Of your choosing)
. 3 of my personal favourite comic books
. 1 Captain America hat
. 4 Marvel Redbubble stickers
. Some sort of Marvel drinkware 
. 1 Customized watercolour painting of your favourite Marvel hero/heroine done by moi
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Second Place (One Winner)
You’ll be receiving:
. 1 Marvel Civil War Funko Pop (Of your choosing)
. 3 comic books that I love
. 4 Marvel Redbubble stickers
. 4 Marvel pins from my local comic book shop
. 1 Customized watercolour painting of your favourite Marvel hero/heroine done by moi
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Third Place (Two Winners)
You’ll be receiving:
. 2 comic books that I love
. 2 Marvel Redbubble stickers
. 2 Marvel pins from my local comic book shop
. 1 Customized watercolour painting of your favourite Marvel hero/heroine done by moi
- Everyone will also get a follow from me and a cute little letter with their prize -
Must be following me (I will be checking)
Reblog it as much as you’d like! 1 Reblog = 1 Entry
Liking this post will just be counted as a bookmark
No Giveaway blogs
This is open worldwide, so everyone can join in! I will be shipping this from Canada and you have to be okay with giving me a mailing address
The giveaway will be closing on July 29th at 10pm PST
🚨If you don’t respond within 24 hours I will move on to someone else🚨
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Don’t let big name or tumblr famous blogs who get like 500000000000000 notes get you down or keep you from doing your thing. 
Make your gifs. 
Write your fic. 
Post your artwork.
Share your poetry.
I guarantee you there’s someone out there that loves your gifs, loves seeing new fic from you, loves seeing new art from you, and loves reading new poetry from you. 
So the fuck what if you don’t have 5 bajillion notes? I know a lot of people lurk on tumblr, or don’t have accounts, or don’t post much, so really for every 5 notes you get, there’s at least maybe double…. triple….. quadruple that, that are reading. 
I know it’s frustrating, but keep doing your thing because there are people out there that love you and love your work. Never give up doing the things you love because you never know who’s watching that you might have an impact on. Your little blog might be the only thing that puts a smile on someone’s face. 
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When writing a fanfiction...
Sometimes I get so excited about one in particular that I can’t wait to go back to writing it, because it’s like my portal to that world. And the more excited I am to get there, the more I write, the faster I write, and therefore, the better the idea is.
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11 Self-Defense Techniques (That Even A Child Could Use)
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What is wrong with me?
How is that I have 6 chapters of my Sherlock fanfic and one of my original story? *cries* I’ll work on posting a master list of all of my fanfics because I like so many authors crave comments and readers like a fire needs fuel. (Simile, see what I did there… ohhhkay.)
Anyhow, be on the lookout yeah? I’ve got more time for writing now so if my inspiration holds I’ll get some requests done! Yay! Thanks for being patient lovelies!
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I am hungry but I already brushed my teeth and what has been done cannot be undone and even if it could I am too lazy to do so at 1am.
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I just realized...
Tumblr is kinda like a new way of making chain mail... Basically you pass things along, sometimes you make stuff of your own but you essentially want someone else to pass it on too...
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Dinner Scenes
Do you ever have trouble with that? Hmm... I might have to move past it for now.
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Started writing a new book!
Thought it would be helpful for me to drabble a bit as I go through the writing process. So far I have a new character named Jane… I rather like her.
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please don't ever think that no one cares about you
I work in an ER and we see suicides all the time. And we get at least 3 suicidal ideations a night. We all care about you. I promise, we do. A team of complete strangers who have worked 3+ 12 hour shifts this week who are being screamed at all day and night and probably haven’t had lunch and trust me, we still love you and care about you.
We had a 16 year old patient last night who we couldn’t save. We were in that room with this patient for over an hour, we did everything we could. And let me tell you, we all cried. The EMT’s, the nurses, the doctor. We all huddled together in the doctors dictation room and cried.
I went through the rest of my shift with smudged mascara and tracks on my cheeks.
I remember the names of all the patients that have taken their lives on my shifts.
I remember squeezing the hands, smoothing the hair, kissing the foreheads, and wiping away the blood and the vomit of every patient that has left me too soon.
I can still see every face that I have zipped into a body bag.
Trust me, someone cares about you. You have never met them yet. You don’t ever think about them. They are never remembered when you talk about heroes and role models.
But someone loves you.
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