theecosystemblog · 6 days
i graduated high school in 2020. (part 2)
which means if the stars aligned i would be graduating college with a bachelors degree right now.
i see all the posts of my old classmates with their cap and gown and paragraph of appreciation
(and by old classmates i mean the two that i still follow on instagram)
(haven’t spoken to them in years).
everyone else i unfollowed
probably because they unfollowed me first.
i don’t need a cap and gown to be successful!
i don’t need a cap and gown to make money!
i don’t need a cap and gown to be happy!
at one point in time i really did want a cap and gown going through that classic four year college experience.
but college got put on hold when i was diagnosed with DID.
college damaged me.
school didn’t,
but college did.
i love to learn i love school i love the routine
i always did.
school used to be about spending time with classmates and friends, switching between classes every hour or so, learning as many subjects as you can to find out what you want to do for the rest of your life.
college is about focusing all of your time and energy into one subject and sitting through hours of lecture multiple times a week in hopes that you like the subject you chose, want to pursue it after college, and can find a stable income with it.
do you know what its like to have your parents save up college money for you to be mentally ill and not be able to complete it?
not be able to complete their dreams for you?
do you know what it’s like to live with the guilt that your parents could’ve used that money for other more important and immediate costs while you’re sitting in lecture knowing that you’re wasting it.
because i have DID.
because i was put through a few traumatic experiences while growing up that my brain had to protect itself from the world when nobody else would.
because having a flight or fight response toward college is unacceptable when planning your future.
because flying away from college prevents you from getting a degree.
because the emails of fighting and defending your case for accommodations and special help never get a response.
so, i fawn.
i fawned my way through college just to collapse on myself and end up in the hospital.
i fought to get a refund or even a partial refund from my tuition because i didn’t make it through the semester and they denied it.
i fly to another university to try and “start over” but fawning is all i know.
and im back to failing classes.
and im back to dissociating during lecture.
and i’m back to feeling guilt.
and i fear that ill never get out of this.
that i’ll never go to college and get a degree and get my cap and gown moment.
i don’t even want it anymore if this is what is costs me.
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theecosystemblog · 12 days
i wake up for work and i say to myself
today is going to be a good day!
i get dressed and get my lunch together and begin to drive the 40 minutes there.
i like my job.
i just started it almost two months ago,
that retail life.
as an extrovert i love retail,
checking people out,
talking to coworkers.
i have two jobs.
the other one ive had for a few months now,
again, that retail life.
ive learned some things while working on and off for the past 4-5 years.
ive learned that no matter the wage you’re working for you still have to bust your ass everyday working for what you can.
i’ve learned that work is unforgiving about health problems, but they forgive physical before the mental.
i’ve learned that work is hard but necessary.
work is unforgiving when the waterworks pour from my eyes every 10 minutes as the children in my brain yell “i’m so tired” “i want to go to bed” “i don’t want to be here” whining crying screaming at me.
work is unforgiving when it looks like im looking around like normal but in reality my vision is blurred and i can’t recognize where i am and im trying to figure out to what degree am i at work and what degree im in headspace.
work is unforgiving when all i hear is muffled sounds from the voices of my coworkers conversations with each other and no one wants to talk to me of course because i’m crying in the corner like a crazy person.
little do they know i am crazy…
does it make me crazy that i cry at work almost every time im there?
does it make me crazy that work is unforgiving for my disability?
does it make me crazy that i have to tell my work that i have a mental disability and i need special accommodations throughout my shift?
does it make me crazy that sometimes i show up at work and realize i just simply can not function correctly and tell them i need to go home?
my whole life has been leading up to work:
“what do you want to be when you’re older?”
i was great in school.
i went to college.
i prepared for everything i would’ve kicked ass!
but life is unforgiving when you are diagnosed with a rare mental illness at the age of 20.
how am i supposed to go to school, ace my classes, graduate with a degree, work a stable job on top of that to get income, and then find a career when at the surface i’m a 22 year old but behind the scenes im all a 22 year old, a 10 year old recovering from childhood trauma, a 13 year old addicted to self harming, a dog, an angel, not to mention everyone else in my brain?
do you expect a 10 or 13 year old to work? i guess maybe in some countries.
do you expect a dog to work?
some people don’t even think angels exist.
so yes, as a 22 year old i am expected to be able to work for myself and eventually live on my own.
but theres children, a dog, and other worldly beings in my brain that are unable to work, and they take it out on me when i’m forced to work anyway.
so i wake up for work and i say to myself
today is going to be a good day!
and sometimes it is
and other times i have a bad day and have the impeding need to write down all my thoughts about work on a blog post.
but blog posts aren’t going to pay the bills.
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theecosystemblog · 15 days
i graduated high school in 2020.
i remember the year before, going to all these college open houses.
AP tests
learning how to drive
growing up
i remember being so excited to graduate and pursue this biology degree to be in the medical field,
i was ready.
then you know what happened.
but in reality i really don’t think you know what happened.
sure, covid,
broke up with my high school bf,
couldn’t bring the girl i liked to prom,
moved across the state,
left my whole life behind…
for college.
everyone told me college was the best years of your life. early 20s!
the balance between hard work and being social…
i was prepared.
the first few semesters were great!
i met plenty of friends, i actually had a friend group!
i met a boy.
i passed my classes.
then it all hit i guess.
all out of no where like a big truck going 90 down I-95.
i couldn’t sleep.
i cried every day and night.
i started to relapse.
what the hell happened?
it’s been 6 years!
i started to forget everything.
i stated to fail classes.
hours would pass DAYS would pass.
i didn’t recognize my own family.
i didn’t recognize myself.
why don’t i remember anything anymore?
therapy restarted after years without it.
i was recommended to a higher level of care,
i hung out with the friend group in person every once in a while following quarantine rules.
one night it was so fun all of us hanging out outside at a park playing games eating food listening to music…
but there’s something about getting home afterwards and thinking to yourself where the fuck was i who was there how long was i out what did we do??????
why don’t i remember anything anymore?
“do you know what DID is?”
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theecosystemblog · 18 days
our favorite picrews
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theecosystemblog · 19 days
i’ve never experienced heat.
of course i’ve been through 22 summers but i do not remember the feeling of heat.
i do not remember the blazing beams burning my skin
while going on trips down the jersey shore with my summer camp,
when in bermuda on day 5 of our cruise,
when in disney waiting in line for space mountain.
i am not the same person i was when i was a child…
none of us were.
none of you were.
but at least you remember that hot sweaty feeling.
at least when the clocks turn forward and we lose an hour of sleep and the weather gets hotter and hotter you know what to expect.
are you flooded with the overwhelming sensation of serotonin as well?
does your brain know how to handle all of it?
some of you prefer it over the cold.
i don’t really know how.
“seasonal depression” is what they call it.
everyone experiences a certain level of it.
with the cold i can always layer up.
long fuzzy pants and long sleeves and socks,
blankets on blankets,
a warm cup of your choice!
during the winter you’re allowed to be depressed because apparently everyone is.
during the summer you’re only allowed to be happy
because apparently everyone is.
so, yeah, i’ve never experienced heat.
i guess my body has.
but the new person i turn out to be every upcoming spring and summer never experiences heat
until they have
and they damn well know they have
when they feel the beams burning their skin as they drive back home from work
and have this great impeding desire to record what this sensation feels like because it feels so euphoric and nothing like you’ve ever felt before
just to realize this is not the first time you’ve experienced this
or maybe not you yourself
but someone else in your body has
and you hope that this is not the last time you experienced it.
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