thedemonswontwin · 10 months
Where are the homes?
Homelessness holds folks back
High rents suffocate a generation
A lack of homes
Keeps people priced out
Even when
Unemployment is going down
Folks are working more
And living less
This doesn’t make sense 
Unless you see
The systems driving up rents
From interest rates to 
NIMBY traits
The homeowners holding back
Everybody else 
Protecting their equity
At the expense of folks dignity
Don’t build homes near me
They scream to their local politicians 
They make their donations
They push their pleas
Successfully stoping homes
For regular people to achieve
Making our cities unaffordable
Making work not pay
Growing their wealth
By pushing everybody else 
To a knee
The NIMBYS are taking away 
Opportunities for folks to live affordably
The politicians are helping them
Developers do as they are told
Just build big fancy homes 
That don’t work for regular folks
Give developers a quasi-monopoly 
So they can raise rents 
As high as they want
Cause there is no competition
To keep them in check
This is America today
Rich folks controlling who gets homes
And making everybody else betray
Their dreams 
Diving our communities into the ground 
Making folks work
But ensuring they can’t afford to stay
Building homes in the USA
Should be the American way
Everybody should have access to a roof
That doesn’t take away their ability
To afford life’s truths
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thedemonswontwin · 10 months
Turning the Mirror
People are killing folks
Over rainbow flags
They are banning history classes
That remind us of hate’s past
They are making our fellow man
Into our enemy
Making the poor or different
The root of our troubles
Blaming our unhappiness
On faces that don’t look like ours
We have a way
Of being blind to the source
Of our struggles
That is convenient for those
That benefit from folk’s hard times
They use faith as a weapon
Telling us to 
Hurt the things we don’t understand
While they
Push $10 lattes
Use our identities
To sell us needless things 
Peddle trips to the stars
And fancy cars
They point our blame
Towards the common man
They want us to hate
Each other
The struggles we face
Don’t come from our fellow man
They come from structures built
By the rich to protect their own
Structures with mirrors means to distract
All of us into seeing those around us
As the problem
And not the systems 
They designed to ensure 
Work doesn’t pay
To hold folks down
So our sweat and tears
Barley get us through the day
Things are not going to get better
Folks are not going to see a better day
Until we turn those mirrors around
So they reflect the truth
That they don’t want us to see
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thedemonswontwin · 10 months
Real Freedom
Born in the watergate era
Parents divorced before I was 2
Grew up living with my mom
Saw my dad summers and breaks
Growing up wasn’t easy
But we made due
We played in the woods 
And rode our bikes
I was surrounded by love
I learned to work hard
Fast forward fifty years
Covid did my dad in
He refused to take the shot
Didn’t trust the doc
And it cost us his life
Now I try to live the life he said
His small town roots
Linger in my head
And what I don’t get about 
America today
Is all the judging and hating
My dad didn’t raise me that way
Live and let live
He used to say
If they are not hurting you
You should have nothing to say
All this yelling about straight or gay
In the small towns my family’s from
We didn’t care 
about how you spent your day
Live and let live
That is the freedom of the USA
Hating and judging
My dad didn’t raise me that way
Our country didn’t go to war
To hate on others
Or on people that were poor
Every family has its struggles
Every family has its trials
The rich men going to space
Holding folks down
Stirring the hate
With their social media firms
Don’t speak for America
In the USA we live and let live
Real freedom gives others their space
To be as they want to be
Somewhere we’ve forgotten that
The idea that hard work and kindness
Are the only type of fair play
America’s promise
To each and every one of us
Is we get to live our lives
Free from other’s judging us
So whatever your struggles
Whatever your gifts
Whatever your God says
America should go like this
We live and let live
People died so that would be true
If it ain’t hurting me
I ain’t judging you
My worth doesn’t come from 
What I think you are
It comes from my sweat, work and kindness
My freedom let’s me tend my own scars
My dad was a kind man
Made friends easily
Worked hard and provided
Gave me opportunities he didn’t have
I miss him every day
I wish he was still here
Live and let live he’d say
I wish for a rebirth of that kind of freedom
Real freedom
In this great US of A
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thedemonswontwin · 2 years
The sweat pills on my brow
The solvent smell of wet nails
Lofts through the air
Lazy dogs sprawl on the deck
On the perfect piece of sunlit wood
Cardinals sing for spring
For love
For the normalcy of it
A few drifty clouds hang on
The pale blue sky
Scrolling through the IG “news”
While fading in and out of conscienceness
Nothing lasts
Even the calm joy of this moment
It doesn’t last
No matter how hard you want to hold it
To make it stay still
The next moment must come
And you must greet it
Full of whatever energy you have
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thedemonswontwin · 2 years
Life is about
Things end
In a panic
Like a slowly
Moving film
We wait
For what seems
Like forever
For it to end
Like a hot burning
About to blow out
We are almost startled
To find it over
And we miss it
Like a childhood
That brought joy
And sorrow
Birthday cakes
And a variety of takes
We mourn
It’s end
But look forward
To what comes next
When pandemics end
They don’t just go away
They linger
They overstay their stay
But how do we know
When the end is here
And normal can resume
Is it ever that clear
Can an old normal
Really resume
After an end
Or does what’s normal end too
Leaving us
Altogether changed
With life
Stretching its arms
For the next thing
That will end
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thedemonswontwin · 2 years
My second book of poems, the Yellow Girl and the Pink Fence, is live! This one is about growing up and is full of whimsy. These are poems about patience, kindness, silly things, monsters under the bed, healthy mental health practices, hopes, dreams, trying and more. A fun collection for any age. I read these to my 8 year old while writing them. Many of these poems were inspired by stories from watching my daughters grow up. 
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thedemonswontwin · 2 years
It isn’t real
It isn’t real
When the lights go dark
It isn’t real
The gore feels loud
The frights they squeal
I flinch in my seat
It isn’t real
The music builds
My hairs they stand
The evil fades in
Leaving marks on my skin
I hold the chair hard
Til I see the whites of my hand
My heart starts to race
I turn my head right
My breathing speeds up
The horror feeds fright
Popcorn spills on the floor
I can’t explain it
I want more
My eyes get big
Turn around
I yell
The faces on the screen
Are doomed
I can tell
The theater air is cold
This movie won’t end well
The mayhem is hell
What a horrific sell
As I stand to leave
My heart sits in my gut
What I just witnessed
Is hard to conceive
Why do I go
Why do I do this to myself
Because it makes me feel alive
I live for the thrill
My mind swirls around
My body pounds hard
It isn’t real
But it is
I love the chills
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thedemonswontwin · 2 years
I just want
I’m waiting
I’ll clean my room
Pretty please
A sundae
With fudge
Thank you
: )
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thedemonswontwin · 2 years
What if everything was edible
The dinner table would be for dinner
Our pillows would taste like marshamallows
Ready for a midnight snack
Standing at the bus stop
You could snack on the bench
If your car gets stuck in the snow
Well, you can just eat the car
I think bricks would be a good lunch
They’d really fill you up
And dad’s favorite chair
So fluffy and soft
Would taste delicious
Now in this world
Where lunch is everywhere
Chefs would be in charge of everything
They would build houses
Cars, trains and furniture
They’d be busy all the time
Replacing the stop signs
That the joggers snacked on
For a little energy
Construction chefs
Mechanic chefs
Plumbing chefs
Chefs everywhere
My mouth is watering already
Pass me a table lamp
They are so spicy
And a cool glass of
To wash it down
What would you
Eat first?
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thedemonswontwin · 2 years
What if the world never
Had humans
What would it be like
Asked the little boy
Said the Red Panda
Sitting beside him
We’d have more trees
And our water would be cleaner
The air would be sweeter
That much is true
And is important to note
Humans do have
Their challenges
Said the boy
But what else
What else would be different
We may not have war
At least not the same as we do
Sorrow and loss
Would surely be different
Community wouldn’t be the same
Continued the Red Panda
We wouldn’t have grand cities
And small towns
And airplanes
Or fast trains
Yes, the boy agreed
What else
Hmmm thought the panda
We wouldn’t have poetry
Or art
Stories of love and life
We wouldn’t have wonder
Or romance
At least not as you know it
Nobody would have seen the moon
Or taken pictures of the universe
We wouldn’t have math
Or language
We wouldn’t be blessed
With human ingenuity
Human love
And companionship
Human loyalty
Human grace
And human kindness
Would be missed
This list is getting long said the boy
Humans have done a lot
Of good and bad
Said the Red Panda
But they have so much potential
To do amazing things
I think that is what would
Be missed the most
The potential for the increadible
Wouldn’t be here
And that would be sad for the world
Because despite their faults
Humans have the potential
To make the universe
A treasure for all
And they are just getting started
I have hope
Said the Red Panda
So do I said the boy
I hope our potential
Can overcome
Our challenges
Because there is so
Much to humankind
That is precious
So much
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thedemonswontwin · 2 years
This poem is about
Silly sounds
Like flurrrrrrrrup
And blurrrrrp
And flowski
Oh my those are odd
It sounds like
You have croup
Did you eat something bad
That sounds like a toot
Oh my
Where will this end
Those make me giggle
Now I want to wiggle
My mouth’s all
I better end there
Just two more
Oh my
My tongue is sore
I better read this poem
Once more
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thedemonswontwin · 2 years
Which path should I take
Asked the little girl
As she looked upon
Two diverging roads
Which path will bring
Me happiness and love
Prosperity and satisfaction
Which path will bring me calm
And joy
Which path is smooth and steady
Not rocky and hard
Which path is filled with smiles
And friendships
She continued
As she looked down at her feet
Her left foot pointing down one road
Her right the other
I cannot decide
She said out loud to nobody
In particular
Then she heard a voice
A small golden snail
Sat right between the roads
The path you choose
Does not guarantee
A perfect life
Full of happiness
Devoid of trouble
Slowly said the snail
Some struggles
Make you stronger
Enabling you to achieve more
Some problems
Help you find new answers
And open up your life to more
And most happiness
Comes from inside you
No matter what circumstances
Grant you
It is not simply the course you choose
That gives you a beautiful life
It is the way you walk the path
Do you seek out beauty
Are you kind
Do you help others
Does you love lift up
Those it touches
Do you ponder
Do you care
Continued the snail
A simple
Easy life
Is not the surest way to
So pick the path that
Excites you
That challenges you
And show grace to all
You meet
This is the best way
To lead yourself to happiness
It’s more about your heart’s
Than your feet
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thedemonswontwin · 2 years
Gathered with friends few
In person
But many in heart
I raise this glass
Through the roof of desperation
As I reach high for the light
I acknowledge that
We have seen so much
We’d be expected to end this year
Curled up in a ball
But we made it though
And we stand here true
Stronger for our travails
Stronger for our travels
Stronger for having lasted this long
So I make this toast to the new year
To taking our newfound strength
And using it to plow forward
Through whatever obstacles lie ahead
And to protect what we hold dear
And to squeeze every ounce of cheer
Out of life
In the new year
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thedemonswontwin · 2 years
The ticking clock
Sets the unwanted beat
It moves at its chosen speed
Despite my hurried brain
Despite my eager feet
The last few hundred days
Seem three times as long
Humanity’s movement
A painfully long and bitter song
It has rained almost every day
Even when the sky was blue
So much has been thrown at us
Our loads are heavy
Making us stronger
Than we ever wanted to be true
It’s a melancholy end
To a melancholy year
There have been some wonderful ups
That appear higher with these downs
But they can’t cast a shadow
When shadows cover all the ground
A fresh start sounds good
A chance to erase it all
A chance to create a new spell
So this is my New Year’s yell
Give me something new
Cast a different light
Let the good times ride high
Let us take this newfound strength
And conquer this life
Ring the big brass bell
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thedemonswontwin · 2 years
My mortality weighs
Heavy on me
News of people passing
Brings life’s fading permanence
To my mind
Each moment’s breath
Inches or races
(We can’t know)
My time to it’s final
Clock setting
I am compelled
To extract every ounce
Of life
From each moment
Even in the mundane
Loading and unloading
Of the dishwasher
I must recognize
The beauty of my life
Because it is these transitory
The ones that are less grand
And more meek
I can sum up my life
By my heart-felt service to
Those around me
Those closest to me
For who we serve
Are who will remember us
So I serve
With the hidden hope
That they will carry my memory
Once I no longer can
But I know
That such memories fade
So I also hope
That my service
Can create a ripple
For the memory of others
To ride upon
Thus transforming
The memory of
My mortality
Into a River
Of memories
That I can be a part of
Even when
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thedemonswontwin · 2 years
I rise into
A mist covered
Dew drops on grasses
Reflect the sunrise
In pinks
And blues
Running hands along
The plants
Leaves them wet
Baptized by the morning
Baptized by this day
To try again
To communicate more clearly
To separate my wants
From my needs
To let grace
Overwhelm my worse
To find others
Where they are
Not just where
I want them to be
To see myself
More plainly
To listen
To the truths around me
And to hear them
Whether I want to or not
Each new day’s
Makes all of this possible
And today I see it
And hold it up
On my dew covered hands
Washing myself
In the light of this day’s birth
Hope enters my heart
And I hope
For peace
To find my soul
And yours
I smile
A small upward
Movement of my mouth
And I exhale
The pains
Of life
I speak more clearly
I lay out my path
And I step forward
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thedemonswontwin · 2 years
I’m so tired
Said the Fox
I can’t imagine
Running anymore
I just want to curl up
And sleep a bit
How can you sleep
At a time like this
Said the Chicken
The sky is falling
And you should be chasing me
I’m all confused about
Our roles
Roles don’t matter when
You’re tired
Said the Fox
Why don’t you go and do
The running
Why don’t you
Do the chasing
Chase yourself
My friend and
Watch out for that sky
It looks sketchy today
The Fox then yawned
And fell asleep
Right there
Under the doom filled sky
The Chicken clucked in a perplexed
Sort of way
And then she acted
The Chicken knew she had
To move quick
So she gathered wood
And bricks
(Really, somehow she carried them)
And she built a shelter
Over the sleeping Fox
Protecting him from
The looming sky
Soon the Fox woke up
He liked the shelter
And thanked the Chicken
How industrious of you
Said the Fox
Do you know when the sky
Will fall?
I need to plan my day
Asked the still waking up
Red Fox
When I look up
All I see is blue sky
And a few birds
Crows I think
Said the Chicken
Ah, yes
Said the Fox
The sky has cleared up
Are you going to chase me
Asked the Chicken
To be honest
I have considered it
Replied the Fox
But you built this nice shelter for me
Which I feel I must reciprocate
Even though it is
In my nature
To chase you
I’ll tell you what
Why don’t you take off now
And I’ll give you a head start
But, but, but
Said the Chicken
I built you a shelter
I let you sleep
I was nice to you
Yes you did
Said the Fox
But my nature is to chase you
It is who I am
So run away little Chicken
Take your head start
And learn this lesson
Going out of your way to help people
Who you know aim to harm you
Will gain you nothing
And helping people
Stay safe from problems
Of your own creation
Will gain you nothing
The Chicken looked at the blue sky
The Chicken looked at the shelter
The Chicken looked at the Fox
And then the Chicken ran
The Fox smiled
And laughed
Then the Fox
Walked away
Bored of the Chicken
Saving her to be chased
Another day
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