#zumwhys aus
I am also thinking about the augmented detective au
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AU where once it becomes apparent that Alex isn’t going to side with the institute Father has him killed and replaced with a synth except it’s a slapped together version of Alex so even though he looks and acts like Alex and remembers what Alex remembers on the inside it’s just robot parts
And then this ends in one of two ways
1- synth Alex gets badly hurt exposing his robo insides and then nick and Mac have to grapple with the fact that the man they love has been replaced with a synth
2- synth Alex avoids detection and turns on nick and Mac and everybody else and leads the institute to victory leaving Mac and nick and everybody else to lead a desperate resistance against the man that they thought they loved
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refuge-au · 3 years
(( The Refuge AU is now being cross posted on AO3! Feel free to follow/bookmark on there if you think it’s easier, but, to be clear- all ‘command inputs’ will still be happening over here.))
((Inbox is currently empty.))
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SMPlive au where everything’s exactly the same except connors infinity gauntlet is a cast that he and Schlatt painted gold and hot glued those fake gems to because he broke his arm falling down one of the traps at spawn and why have a boring white cast when you could threaten to kill the entire server by snapping your fingers?
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What are your ideas
Wilbur played a game of portal blind, turning off his moniter and relying on the chat to tell him where to go and what to do.
It actually worked out pretty well. He managed to get pretty far. I think. Admittedly, I’ve never played portal.
But, to get to the point, what if- this was just How It Was.
Basically, and this is the entire premise atm because I literally Just thought of this but I am SO DOWN to expand this and if anybody else wants to chime in they can please feel free to talk to me about this sort of stuff-
Basically, Wilbur is blind. Actually, physically blind, and he can talk to... spirits (the chat). They aren’t all necessarily the spirits of dead people, but they’re spirits all the same. The spirits guide him around the test facility (or just wherever if I decide to not have this be a purely Portal au) by talking to him. If I decide to have this not be a strictly portal au he also has the ability, via the spirits, to create portals. He isn’t limited to talking to just the spirits that normally talking to him though. He can talk to the dead and nature guardians/spirits and the like that aren’t ‘the chat’.
I feel like this AU has a lot of promise. I just need to find a way to expand on it...
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Remember how in season six everyone was like oh when mumbo is afk he’s asleep oh Mumbo’s narcoleptic hahaha
(Looks at mumbo being ‘afk’ for a long ass time in season 9)
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The Cryptid in the Room
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The search for the jangler continues... and the case of Herobrine is closed. Who knew the answer to those age old questions was running a business directly below the detective’s office?
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Grian sees Netty and the others and just stands there speechless. It's been years. He's here. But Ren and Impulse are trapped here. Now he has to make a choice of either staying and helping the hippies get back or going back with them. They need to play by the Watcher's game to get back. They get the portal they need appears. Grian says goodbye to his old friends for one last time. They jump.
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Hhhh Hermitcraft au where Grian impulse and Ren get stuck in alpha and then as they’re scrambling to get a new one made... they stumble across an evo portal...
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Oh snap, that's a wild AU for sure. Doesn't help that old spawn was made old and abandoned after Grian left to kick the remaining people out, so the look certainly matches
Y e a h
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I’ve been listening to vocaloid a little bit and uh...
Well, when I get motivation I have to act on it or it’s gone, so here we go!
Uh Grian’s outfit is based off Miku, Iskall’s is Macne Nana, and Mumbo’s is Yuezheng Ling.
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Today’s Jukebox Challenge features @team-star-ghast-cannon ‘s Leader!
The song is ‘Apex Predator’ from the Mean Girls musical because for some reason I’ve started associating him with it and now every time I see him my brain goes ‘he’s the ApEx PrEDATORRRRRRRRRRR’ But Anyway. I didn’t write it on the picture because I felt like it took away from the piece.
So yeah! We’re just gonna ignore the huge mess that is his right wing and the fact that his mouth is wrong. Shhh....
I how y’all are having a nice day! My day was pretty good. I’m very tired though, so I’m probably going to go to bed now.
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Hi- you wrote the Refuge AU, right? Sorry, I couldn't find the blog for it and was wondering what happened to it... (also it's very well written, btw!!)
Nonny, I’ve tried to answer this four times already and I still don’t know how to put it the best way, so I’m sorry if this comes off rude or harsh or mean or dumb or something.
I did write the Refuge AU. It did have a blog. A side blog. From my main blog.
I deleted the sideblog.
I haven’t been in the best of places recently. I’ve been doing really well at hiding it- I think- but that’s the truth.
Since I’ve been so down, I’ve done a lot of introspection, and as I’ve done so... I’ve started to associate the Refuge AU with the ‘bad’. And I know, logically, that it has nothing to do with all the shit that was going down, but...
So I stopped updating the AU, and I tried to ignore the side blog but every time I opened my blog list it was always there and I always felt gross even though I knew that there was no reason for me to be feeling so bad about something I created, something I poured DAYS of my life into-
And it got to be too much. I deleted it.
I’m sorry.
I’ve still got all of the fic part of it in a google doc, and if you look now, you’ll find that there’s an empty blog at @refuge-au
It’s not a side blog.
I’m going to mess around with permissions on the google doc, and then I’m going to post a link on the blog tagged above. Everyone will be able to access the google doc. Everyone will be able to read the entirety of the fic/arg easily and in order and right there.
Once the link is posted, I don’t think I’m gonna go on that blog for a while. I don’t know if I’m ever going to continue the Refuge AU- and I’m sorry for that too.
I’m just...
I guess.
I know this wasn’t the answer you were looking for. I’m glad that you like the story. I’ve always liked telling stories. I’m sorry that this one isn’t going to get the ending that it, or it’s readers, deserve.
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Hi, same anon here. So sorry that you don't feel too great right now, and sorry that it really pushed you to respond, so thank you for taking the time to do so. As much as I love your work, it feels better knowing that you stopped because it didn’t make you happy. Your mental health is far more important
Welcome back, Nonny! It’s totally alright. I knew I would have to talk about it eventually.
Thank you so much for saying that stuff about my mental health. I still feel kind of bad about stopping, but it’s good to know that you understand.
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In regards to your tags, probably wouldn't be that hard to find out why they left and where they went. Presumably the book from The Watchers telling them to leave and the signs from Martyn telling Jimmy the coords would still be there. The angst just comes from everything after they find everyone...
But wouldn’t the watchers be alerted that others had come to their devastated world? Wouldn’t they, knowing that Grian was one of the ones that escaped (an unacceptable fact) begin to work against him? Wouldn’t they, knowing that his first instinct, whether or not he knew they used to be his friends, would be to find the people who used to live there, begin their efforts to stop him from reaching his goal by destroying any signs that might point him in the right direction (so the book, the signs...)?
At least that’s the sort of direction I’m thinking they’d go at least lol
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I wamnt to WRITE
Please give me writing prompts with the hermits (or my sona and shit I guess). I’ll try to do little short drabbles (is that the right term? Idk) with them
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