#zoe mallory (oc)
wheelie-butch · 3 months
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Put together some little intro sheets for all my monster prom ocs so far! They're of varying levels of terrible and also all disabled and I love them all!
A little bit of an intro to them all under the cut:
Lupa Howl: Scott & The Wolfpack's *other* cousin. Disaster lesbian heartbreaker, amateur kickboxer, a whole host of ~issues~. Lore dump here. Friends with Dahlia, developing a crush on her.
Mikey: An angel who did not so much fall as is on thin fucking ice. They tell everyone they're an exchange student from Heavenly High, but have actually been exiled from Heaven. They're having trouble getting used to crazy life at Spooky High and adapting to their disability, but are slowly making friends.
Georgie + Mallory + Martin are best friends. They like to pretend they're in a band called The Rolling Gravestones. None of them can play an instrument.
Georgie Rayne: A keen environmentalist. She can be pretty intense because she's so dedicated to her cause, and sometimes forgets to just enjoy highschool life. Secret crush on Martin. Enemies with Vera.
Mallory Graves: The only member of the prom planning committee, and the busiest person at Spooky High. Involved in every club and student council thing possible. Really cheesy sense of humour, sees the best in everyone, a delight really. Scott + the Wolfpack say they all have crushes on them, but they think it's really just cause werewolves like bones, so they don't take it too seriously.
Martin George: A revenant bought back from the dead by the strength of his desire to finish his novel. He's been working on it for years and hasn't finished page 1 yet. An incurable procrastinator. A chill guy, except for when talking about his book, with jealous tendencies. Not-so-secret crush on the Wolfpack. Friends with Liam and Zoe.
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dreamypqulson · 2 years
— one plus two equals us pt.2
requested by anon: can you do a continuation of your April fic? Maybe where Misty goes away on a girls trip with Queenie and Zoe, so Cordelia has to handle April for a few days? And Madison, Mallory, and Coco are just sitting back laughing at the chaos? But there's fluff and humor and it's all okay in the end?
pairing: cordelia goode x misty day x april!oc
word count: 5800
pt.1 | pt.2 | pt.3 | pt.4
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"Are you sure ya gonna be okay? I don't have to go—" Misty Day lips came to an abrupt stop when Cordelia pressed them against her's. There was sickening sounds from Madison, and giggles from April. But they both hardly heard it, too caught up in each other.
They had only been together for a month, and neither of them could take their hands off of each other. It didn't count the times when April got extremely jealous that she wasn't getting their undivided attention, and resulted in her squishing herself between the two.
"I'm fine. I promise. April's great. And it's not the first time I've watched her 'alone.'" However, she wasn't entirely alone. She had Madison, Mallory, and Coco by her side. But at the same time, even though she could count on them if there was ever serious danger, she knew they wouldn't lift a finger to help with anything else.
"Yes. But, this is a whole three day-"
"Misty Day, we are perfectly fine. I watch an entire academy of girls every single day. April is heaven sent compared to a bunch of teenage witches." Cordelia bent down to Aprils level. "Isn't that right, bug?" April had claimed the new nickname once she began to bring dead bugs back to life. It wasn't ideal. Not when they would find a dead bug in the house during the hot summer, and soon enough it was crawling up their leg.
The girl wrapped her arms around Cordelia's neck, giggling and nodding, her body lifting into the air when the older woman stood up. "Mama go. Wanna paint with mommy!"
Misty walked closer to the pair, her family. She grinned at the little girl in Cordelia's arms. "Someones bossy. Do ya not love me anymore?"
"Mama, I love you, but wanna paint," April whined, and crinkled her nose when Misty's lips pressed a kiss to it.
"I know. I know, peanut. I'm going. I love ya too. Be good for mommy, and careful not to get any paint on ya dress."
The girl hardly listened, brushing all of her mother's rules off. "Anddd, I love ya too, beautiful," Misty said to her girlfriend.
"I love you. Have fun but please be careful."
Cordelia continued her goodbyes to both Zoe and Queenie before the three were out the door. The house felt unusually quiet. With her students on summer break, almost all of them decided to go on vacation or back home, besides Cordelia's other three witches. April's ongoing pleading for paint began again, bringing the older witch back.
"Alright, let's go paint. Put you in something okay to get a little messy in? We don't wanna ruin your pretty dress, do we?"
April shook her head, blonde pigtails full of soft curly hair whipping around. "But we gotta hurry up mommy," the young girl said, concerned almost, "i wanna paint one for everyone!"
"That's a lot of work for some little fingers! We better get going then." Cordelia smiled, leaned in to place a couple of kisses to Aprils hairline.
Cordelia switched out Aprils dress for one of her own older t-shirts that pooled around the girl's feet. April didn't own anything she could get dirty in. Cordelia spoiled her rotten with all sorts of clothes. Even her pajamas were too pretty to ruin.
Cordelia took out some children's finger paints, because a paint brush was just no use when you have a child who used to live in a swamp. She had multiple sheets of plain white paper and sat on the chair beside Cordelia.
"Gonna paint you a flower, mommy. Because you are pretty like one!" April, unaware of her affect of the comment, continued with a green stem.
Cordelia gulped down the lump in her throat. Don't cry, Don't cry, Don't cry, she repeated in her head, she's too sweet.
"Oh, baby, thank you. You're a pretty flower too, angel." She twirled one of Aprils pigtails around her fingers and brushed the wispy hair away from her face.
After many more minutes of Cordelia supervising April and her paintings, she walked across the room to the stove to begin cooking dinner.
She poured some pasta into a pot of boiling water, and some tomato paste in another. She was sure to only cook a dish of pasta with butter for April. The young girl could somehow not fathom red sauce.
Moments of her stirring the pot, a tiny voice called her from across the room. Whiny, and sad,"mommy..." the voice quivered, and she whipped her head around to April.
The girl was covered in electric pink paint. Not only that, but the table, floor, and the painting she had been working on was too. She increased her pace to April, watching as her face started to crinkle. She's going to cry. She's going to sob. Do something!
"Mommy!" The girl said again, louder this time. Heartbroken. She sobbed, tears fell hard, nearly washing off the huge splatter of paint.
"Shh. It's okay, it's okay, baby. It's just some paint." She wanted to lift the girl up into her arms and rock her, but she couldn't bare to spread the paint anywhere else.
"No. Mommy! My painting!" Her painting, that's right. She played in mud, probably slept in it once in her life. She didn't mind the paint. Being covered in paint was no big deal for her. It was the painting that was ruined. The painting for Cordelia.
"I know. I know. It's okay, we can make another painting. Right? We have so much more paint and..." Cordelia's voiced trailed off. April could not hear her over her loud sobs. "Okay. Let's get you cleaned up for dinner, and we can paint some more after if you'd like." Next time I'll supervise her the entire time.
"No more paint. No more!"
Cordelia lifted the girl from under her arms, still, not pressing her pink body against hers. "Alright. No more paint today. We can do some other fun stuff."
She carried the girl back upstairs and to her bedroom. Cordelia started up a bath, and called Madison on the phone. Living in a huge house together sometimes felt like just being neighbors. But when she heard fighting, yelling, and destruction, she was reminded that they do live in the same house.
"Hi, Madison?" April sat with her arms crossed, sitting atop of the counter.
"Cordy," Cordelia could hear the eye roll through the phone. "What do you want? Im literally right in my bedroom. Already getting lazy, I see?"
Cordelia wanted to argue. You always call me when you need something, she wanted to say. Don't talk to me like that, i'm your supreme. But she wanted to be over with this call before April began to cry again, and before the bath water overflowed.
"April had a bit of a paint accident in the kitchen while I was cooking dinner," The younger girl in front of her pouted even more so at the incident being brought up again. "The pasta and everything is cooking on the stove right now. There is paint all over the place by the table. I have to give April a bath. Can you, Mallory, and Coco finish cooking and cleaning for me?"
Madison sighed, loud and hard for Cordelia to hear. She wanted to to be clear that this was such an aggravation for her. "And why should I?"
"Madison Montgomery."
"Yeah yeah. Whatever," Madison huffed. "Thank me later for helping you get into swampy's pants."
"Mad—" Cordelia cut herself off at the dead line. April giggled at the woman clearly in distress. Her red, puffy face from crying turned a deeper shade of red at her laughter. Cordelia smiled and wiped away the rest of the remaining tears on the young girls face.
"You think that's funny? Huh?" Cordelia's hand began to tickle April's side's. She was laughing so hard now that she had completely forgotten about the pink mess downstairs, and all over herself. She kicked and screeched, trying to get away from the relentless fingers.
Once Cordelia had decided enough, April took a moment to catch her breath. The older woman gently stripped her of her clothes and placed her into the warm bath, rose scented bubbles surrounding the small body.
"Rain mommy! Please rain!" Because of living in the swamp her entire life, anything she did she associated it with a part of nature. Dumping water over her head to wash it was considered rain, she called cotton candy clouds, and music was just the cicada's singing.
"Ready April bug?" the girl nodded and squealed as the warm water poured on her head. Blonde curls slowly deflated. Cordelia lathered shampoo into her thick hair, blocking Aprils eyes as she poured the water once more to rinse it out.
April reached into the water to play with the soapy bubbles that piled around her, completely forgetting about the paint incident and too excited that the water was becoming pink itself. "Mommy, can we watch frozen tonight? Please?" She tucked her bottom lip below her top one, giving sad, pleading eyes. She didn't even need to use that face with Cordelia; she always gets what she wants no matter what.
"Didn't we watch that the past two night's?" Cordelia couldn't deny that April attempting to sing let it go was adorable, but hearing Elsa sing it was starting to get tiring.
"Please mommy?"
"Alright. How can I say no to that little face?" Her fingers attacked April's stomach, tickling the soft skin there. The girl laughed, hard, and pushed Cordelia's relentless fingers away.
The older woman continued to smooth conditioner into her hair and gently wash her. She lifted her small wet body out of the tub and wrapped a clean towel around her.
Cordelia led the younger girl into the bedroom and dressed her in her favorite alligator pajamas. She sat her on the bed and began to run a brush through her hair that was already beginning to curl up.
"You have hair just like your Mama's. So pretty." Cordelia brushed through the blonde strands a final time and set the brush down.
"Mama got crazy hair," April exclaimed, looking up at Cordelia as she got picked up again. "She always let me play with it."
Cordelia giggled at the little blonde in her arms, placing a chaste kiss to her nose. "We have a little hairdresser on our hands? I think you're gonna have to start doing my hair everyday," the older woman teased.
By the time the two had made it downstairs, Madison had successfully completed Cordelia's instructions. But of course, she needed to leave a snarky remark. "It's about time. I was really starting to consider going back to hell."
"You didn't even do anything," Coco accused "you sat on your phone while Mal and I did the hard work."
Madison rolled her eyes at the brunette witch. "Well, to whoever helped out, I appreciate it. Thank you." Cordelia placed April down on a seat, and sat directly beside her.
"Mommy help please," April asked, ever so politely, motioning towards her plate of buttered pasta. Her manners most definitely being taught by Cordelia. April had never learned to eat with anything other than her hands. Utensils weren't the most necessary when she and her mother lived in a swamp, and mostly ate hand food anyways.
"Here baby. Can I see the hand you use to paint?" April handed her her right hand, and Cordelia picked up the child fork to place in her hand. "Just like this, bug." She held her hand as she picked up some noodles with the fork, gently shoving it into her opened mouth.
April smiled once the task was completed. They had been working on things a four year old should already know, but sometimes April just needed a little push.
"I mean, I cannot believe Zoe left me here alone. Does she think i'm just a piece of shit?" Madison complained, pushing her plate of food away and going back onto her phone.
"Language please," Cordelia corrected. April giggled, having learned some swear words already, thanks to Madison. "You aren't alone. And you could've went."
"Absolutely not."
"Mommy, what does shit mean?" All eyes landed on the little blonde at the middle of the table. Mallory and Coco tried to hide their laugher behind their palms and glasses of water, but Madison did not try to suppress it.
Cordelia's mouth hung open, looking for the right words to say. Misty would kill her if she came home to her daughter's trucker mouth. "April, that's a bad word, baby. We don't say those words."
"But- But Madi said shit." Crystal blue eyes formed tears, making tiny rivers. A rosy pink lip trembling and her voice trembled as she spoke, "why I can't say it?" A sensitive child. No matter how Cordelia approached it.
"Madison shouldn't say it either," she glared over at the movie star. "It's not a very nice word. Especially not for my little princess." She tapped Aprils nose with her finger, the girl scrunching up her face and giggling. "Promise we won't use that word again?"
Cordelia held up her pinky finger, and April's tiny one interlocked with hers. "Promise. But mommy can we watch frozen now? Please, please, please?"
"Let me just clean up bug, how about you go play with the girl's until then?" Madison rolled her eyes and stormed off before she could be apart of it. "Or rather...just Mallory and Coco."
April nodded and smile, Cordelia kissing the top of her head before her daughter ran off with the two older girls.
Cordelia scrubbed the dirty dishes, feeling relieved at the lesser number of plates she had to clean. She placed the last dish down, shining against the light. She could hear footsteps behind her and a quavering voice along with it. "Uh Cordelia."
Cordelia did not like that tone. Two reasons being, one; she lived in a house of young, growing witches and learned that it never meant anything good. Or, two; they were in danger. Again.
"Yes? What's wrong?" Cordelia turned, faced Mallory. The girls face was slightly squished up, cringing.
"We were playing with April. She wanted to play tag and so we didn't even think that she just ate dinner and- well- her dinner came right back up." Mallory fidgeted with a thread from her dress and shifted onto her other foot.
Only when Misty isn't here. This shit only happens when she's not home.
"What? Where is she? Is she okay?" Cordelia threw the wet rag back onto the counter and made a fast-paced walk out of the room.
"Living room. She's fine, she just won't stop crying for you and Misty." Mallory followed Cordelia back into the room where Coco sat with a sobbing April.
"April, baby." Cordelia walked towards the girl, ignoring the pile of April's dinner on the floor. "Oh, my sweets. What happened?"
"Mommy!" The girl wailed, crawling closer towards the supreme. "Mommy! Tummy hurts!"
"Come here, come here. Shhh it's okay," Cordelia cooed, gentle rubbing the younger girl's stomach. She placed her head onto Cordelia's chest, blonde curls tickling her noses, and the scent of her strawberry perfuming filling her up. "It's okay. I'm here. Mommy's here."
Aprils cries slowly died down when her eyes began to grow heavy with sleep. Her nasally breaths slowed, and she began to gentle suck on her right thumb. "Miss mama."
"I miss mama too. Do you want to give mama a call? Say hi?" The girls eyes widened slightly, but her head stayed put, too exhausted to shift.
"Yes please," April pouted, still.
While Mallory and Coco willingly took care of the mess on the floor, Cordelia carefully carried the small girl up to her room. She rested April and the laptop atop of her lap.
The FaceTime call only rang a few times before Misty picked up. Cordelia had gifted Misty with a phone after she had lost her in a mall, with no way of contacting her.
"Hi my darlin's!" Misty says, and her smile grows seeing her favorite girls faces. "How're you two?"
"Hi mama!" All of a sudden, the sleepiness in April departs. "Mama, me and mommy are gonna watch frozen!"
"Oh gosh, little bug, that's awesome. I wish I was there with ya two!" Misty's laying in 'bed' and they can both hear Zoe and Queenie in the background of the room.
"We wish you could be here too," Cordelia frowns. "How is everything?"
"Borin' I would really rather be cuddling my girls and watchin' a movie. How is everything there?"
"Well, Aprils had a rough day." With Cordelia's free hand, she brushes away blonde curls from Aprils face. April hides her face deeper into Cordelia. "Huh? That's why we're watching a movie. Making the bad day a little better?"
"Oh no. What happened, love bug?" Misty asks April, but Cordelia answers for the, suddenly shy, girl instead.
"April was painting a very pretty picture but we had a little paint accident. And after dinner she got sick because she was playing with Mallory and Coco." April traces patterns onto Cordelia's arm, connecting the freckles to distract herself. "But everything's okay now. April's been such a great trouper."
"Awe A, that's why me and mommy say no runnin' after dinner," Misty says, but there's no malice in her tone. She speaks softly, however, still getting her point across.
"'M sorry mama," April mumbles, words muffled by her thumb resting in her mouth. Misty can hardly see her daughters face from the way she curls into Cordelia.
"It's okay, darlin. I'm not mad at ya. I just don't like seeing ya all sick and sad." Misty's eyes are beginning to droop, but she stays awake to speak to her family. The times zones are a slight change from where Misty is, and she's one to love sleep. "Me and the girls are gonna get some rest now. But I love both of you so much."
Misty puckers her lips at the screen, and her girls both laugh at her. "Love you too, my love. Goodnight."
"Bye mama. Love you!"
The following morning, April woke before Cordelia had. Cordelia always had herself on a strict schedule, that included getting up at the crack of dawn, but April always got up earlier. She was used to it; when she would wake up to the birds singing, or the Louisiana heat seeping through into the shack.
When Cordelia woke up, her bed was unusually empty. As much as Cordelia and Misty both attempted to have April sleep in her own bed, it wasn't any use. She had slept with Misty her entire life that it was nearly impossible for her break that habit.
The sheets were tangled because the younger girl was an expert at all the ways to toss and turn in her sleep. She was just like her Mama. Cordelia's heart pounded harder in her chest as she put her slippers and robe on. April could not be in anything good. And this academy hasn't yet become entirely baby-proofed.
Cordelia walked Aprils room, however, it was empty. So was the kitchen, and living room, and she was starting to panic. She took a deep breath, but it did nothing to ease her anxiety when she saw the back door open.
She ran outside, ignoring the morning breeze that tussled her already messy hair. When she heard a loud shattering in the greenhouse, she picked up her pace.
There was April, standing with hands up and wide eyes, glass shattered around her feet. "Oh April. What happened, baby?"
The girl looked afraid, though she didn't cry, and Cordelia was thanking the universe for that. She couldn't listen to sobs at such an early hour. And a grumpy Madison because she was woken up.
"'M sorry mommy. It fell. Just wanted ta make pretty flowers." April frowned, and went to move but Cordelia stopped her. She was barefoot, taking after her Mama, once again.
"It's okay, baby. Just don't move. I don't want you to get any glass in your feet." She reached over the mess of glass and dirt, picking April up over it. The younger girl immediately wrapped her arms and legs around Cordelia, placing her thumb in her mouth.
"Didn't mean it," mumbled April, into her mothers blonde hair. "Just wanted to use powers like you and mama."
"Hey, sweet girl, look at me" Cordelia titled Aprils head back up with a finger hooked under her chin. "Accidents happen, pretty. It's okay. I'm just glad that you're not hurt. But this is why we can't go into here without an adult. Understand?" Cordelia spoke soft and gentle to the girl, however, still getting her point across. She didn't even want to imagine a possible injury that April could get in here.
"Okay mommy."
Cordelia sat April down on top of the work table, kissing her head before she disappeared into the corner of the room to grab a broom. "I'm just going to clean this up, and then I'll make some breakfast, bug."
"Can we please have strawberry pancakes?" April stuck out her bottom lip, widening her eyes for the full effect.
"You got it, lovey."
The pair sat at the small kitchen table, strawberry pancakes in front of them both. Cordelia did not remember a time where she has had a peaceful breakfast with her mother. This nearly brought tears to her eyes, however, April brought her back to present time.
"Mama used to have her own strawberries in her garden but she never made strawberry pancakes." April was becoming more and more talkative as she got comfortable into this new life. The girl always has so much to say.
"Fresh strawberries are the best! What do you think about growing our own fruits and vegetables in the garden? Just like mama did?"
"Really?" April questioned, excitedly, with a mouthful of pancake in her mouth. "Can we have raspberries too mommy?"
"Anything you want, sweet girl," Cordelia said, and smiled down at the girl before continuing on with breakfast.
Only a few hours later, Cordelia and April had their hands dirty and a hot sun beating down on them. April wore her little overalls and her hair tied back into a braid.
Cordelia embraced April from behind, to guide her hands to the correct place. "We have to put the seeds in first which is what turns into our berries!"
"But- mommy, how is it gonna be a berry?" The girl plotted herself back, landing in Cordelia's lap. She squeezed April slightly tighter and kissed the topped of her hair.
"Well it's starts off a tiny seed, and grows to be a big berry bush when we feed it with water and sunlight," Cordelia explained, brushing the baby hairs away from Aprils face. "Just like us. We have to get our nutrients so we can get big and strong."
"Oh," April said, and stood up onto her two feet. Suddenly uninterested in the education part of it. "Okay."
Cordelia lightly laughed and continued helping April plant the last of the seeds. Eventually, however, April grown bored and decided to kick around a ball that was laid on the lawn from a couple of days earlier.
Cordelia sat back onto the patio chairs and watched April with a gracious smile. This was her life now. This was her daughter. In only a couple months, her life had completely flipped around into something she had thought would never happen back when she was at her lowest.
However, she pushed those old thoughts away. She could do this. She could be a mother. She was, is, a mother, and a girlfriend to her perfect woman. She was doing good with this motherly role. Yes they had their troubles with Misty gone, but April is a child, there's bound to be incidents.
Cordelia got pulled from her thought train when she heard her name being called in the small distance. "Mommy! My ball!"
April stared at her for guidance while her finger pointed over to the large bushes. And Cordelia could not remember a time where she would go outside and play with balls. Fiona wouldn't allow it. Wouldn't allow her to be a kid. In a way, she felt as if she was living a childhood that she deserved to have, through April.
"I kicked it into the bushes, mommy," the young girl pouted.
"That's alright, angel. Stay right there, I'll get it for you." Although Cordelia would normally be disgusted to go into the bushes, worried of ticks, poison ivy, or whatever else could be living in there, it didn't phase her or even cross her mind when she was doing something for her daughter.
Cordelia pushed aside some branches as she walked further into nature, searching for the ball. She spotted it, but it was unfortunately out of her reach. She could do it. She didn't need her powers.
So, she reached and reached until she was eventually wrapped up in a bush. And hell, the supreme was stuck in a bush.
She pushed herself up, but the thorns only scraped through her skin. She could not get out of this without someone's help. And she would not ask little April for a hand either. They would just both be stuck.
"April? Baby?" Cordelia called out, voice raised so she could hear her, but didn't let a distress tone cross her.
"Little bug, can you go get one of the girls please? Sweetie? Mommy needs a little help." Cordelia pushed some branched away but they just flung back towards her.
She could hear footsteps coming closer. "I help!"
"No baby, I don't want you to get hurt! Can you help me by getting Mallory, please, angel?" Cordelia squeezed her eyes shut, hoping April would cooperate. When she heard a small voice and footsteps getting further, she took a relieved breath.
"Okay mommy!"
Cordelia uncomfortably sat in the bushes for a only a few minutes until she could hear movement and some voices ahead. "No way," She could hear Madison's snarky laugh, and she wanted the bush to swallow her whole. "How the fuck did you get stuck in a bush?"
Madison laughed hysterically and held her phone in her hand -she thinks Madison was recording her. Mallory and April accompanied her, but they looked more worried than anything. At least Mallory did. April, however, thought it was humorous too.
"Ha-ha-ha," Cordelia laughed, sarcastically but without malice. "I was trying to get Aprils ball and I fell in. Now can someone please help me? I have tiny thorns all over my body."
Cordelia reached out her hand for someone to grab. Mallory did as Madison used her own hand to record everything. She knew that the video would be sent throughout the academy.
Cordelia winced as Mallory pulled her from the bush, thorns digging and scraping into her soft skin. She was eventually on her feet, however, the hard labor throughout the time in the garden had made her fall look worse than it was.
"Thank you, Mallory," Cordelia smiled at the brunette. Madison was walking off, sending the video off to the academy's group chat, she figured. Mallory smiled back and went her own way.
"Oh no, mommy. You got boo-boo." April pointed to Cordelia's reddened arms and slightly ripped clothes. She was thankful she threw on old clothes for gardening earlier. But April seemed to be distressed about it. She was a thoughtful, loving child. Especially when it came to her mothers.
"I'm okay, princess. I promise. Thank you for being so good and listening to me. How about I go get cleaned up and we can get some ice cream after?"
A smile spread across April's pink cheeks and it had been like she forgotten about the whole situation. Getting ice cream had became the little family's thing now. April never had it back at the swamps, and she really did love it. She had a sweet tooth like her mama. Cordelia tried not to get that girl ice cream every day of her life.
The pair sat at a picnic table with their ice creams in front of them. Before Cordelia had April, she would hardly ever eat sweets, or anything that wasn't healthy. It was just how she grew up, and she didn't really crave anything that often. Now she felt like her teeth were going to fall out from all the sugar that she endured from April.
"Don't tell mama we went without her. This is our little secret," Cordelia said, and smiled at the little blonde who had strawberry ice cream covering her lips. Her cup was nearly halfway gone when they just sat down.
"Promise, mommy," April giggled. She watched as people, dogs, and families walked all around the place. She was still curious as to other life besides the people in the walls of the academy. She found simple things interesting; seeing people sit down for ice cream just like them, kids playing with each other and/or their dogs.
"Sweetheart, I think you got some ice cream on your shirt." April turned her head back over to Cordelia, processing her words. Cordelia pointed right where her neck began, but flicked the younger girls nose with a drop of whipped cream when she looked down.
April yelped, but bursted into a fit of laughter afterwards. "Mommy," the young girl exclaimed though a gasp. April wiped the whipped cream off with her own finger, and licked it clean. "Tricked me."
"Hey, silly, you at least got whipped cream out of it!"
When Cordelia woke up the following morning, April was still laying in her arms. She looked up at the wall clock, seeing it was past seven. The young girl was never asleep this late, but she had been in the sun all day which must've worn her out, Cordelia supposed.
She decided to let her sleep, otherwise April would be cranky the entire day, and she didn't want to spend it with a grumpy child.
Cordelia brushed April's stray hairs away from her face and pulled the girl closers. She beamed at the April, watching as her nose twitched under the touch. She drew some shapes into Aprils back with her fingers, hoping to further soothe the sleeping girl.
She stayed like that for another hour before April began to stir. She attempted to rub the sleep from her eyes, but she didn't yet open them.
"Good morning, beautiful," Cordelia whispered, in the uttermost gentle voice. With eyes closed, April reached out to her mother and nestled her head into Cordelia's chest. "Someone's sleepy."
"Morning mommy," April mumbled. Cordelia wouldn't have heard it if she wasn't so close to her. The young girl grabbed a strand of Cordelia's hair and softly wrapped it around her small finger. Cordelia noticed she did that a lot and figured it was a comfort thing.
"Did you sleep well, my sweet girl?"
April nodded against her, blue eyes finally cracking open and staring up at her mother. A small, sleepy smile bloomed on her face when she saw Cordelia. "Mommy," the girl snuggled in closer. Cordelia could already tell that it was going to be an easy, needy day.
"Yes, baby?" Cordelia slightly leaned down to place a gentle kiss to Aprils forehead. She wouldn't trade this for the world. However, she wishes Misty were here to share this beautiful moment with them.
"Love you."
Cordelia's heart swelled. She figured April could probably hear it beating faster. She never thought she would actually have a family that loves her besides the girls at the academy.
"I love you too. So much, sweetheart."
The stayed like that for a few more minutes before April began to get antsy. Cordelia decided that it was time to start the day. She cooked the girl some eggs and french toast before washing and dressing her. When she was done, she sat April on the bed to do her hair.
It was a relaxing day, it gave April time to calm down after the past days she spent alone with Cordelia. And she loved every second of it, but it was all catching up to her. The fact that she was without her mother that she spent her life entire with. The fact that she hadn't even spoken to her since the FaceTime call on the night she left.
She missed her mother. And the only way for her to react to that was to sit there and silently cry. Cordelia didn't notice for a few moments until April became unresponsive. Cordelia called her name once more but the girl didn't answer, she just sat there sniffling.
Cordelia turned her daughter to face her and saw how wet and red the girls face was. "My sweet angel, what's wrong?" The older woman cupped April's soft cheek and wiped away the tears before more poured down.
"M-miss mama," the young girl muttered. She could hardly speak through the tears that got heavier, and heavier, and soon she was starting to heave.
"You miss mama?" April nodded and began to pout. "Oh baby, come here." Cordelia gently tugged the small girl into her lap, stroking through the blonde locks with her fingers to soothe her. "Mama's gonna be home later, before you know it! Right after dinner."
Her cries didn't die down, Cordelia didn't think it would. She was surprised April had made it this far into the three days, considering her separation anxiety. Maybe this is just what the girl needed to branch away from her mother. However, she would always be forever attached to her hip.
"I want mama now!"
"Would cuddling on mama's side of the bed make you feel better until she gets home?" April didn't think it would, but she still nodded because she enjoyed the idea.
The rest of the day went by fairly smoothly and they stuck to the same routine of watching movies in her mothers bed. Once they got back into their positions in bed after dinner, Misty and the girls arrived home. However, she didn't make it known because she wanted to surprise her girls.
She slowly twisted the doorknob of their bedroom door and opened it. Her heart warmed at the sight of her two favorites cuddling watching movies.
Their attention was finally brought to Misty who placed her bags down on the floor. April ran into her mothers open arms and Cordelia followed closely behind with a smile on her face.
Misty was home. And as much as Cordelia loved April, she was glad that she had her girlfriend to help her out too.
taglist: @loverofallthingssarah @goodeday2u @lanawinters-ily @talulahmae @sapphicforsarahh @ahsfan05 @stayevildarling @isle-of-earle @cordithatgurl @mistysswampmud @billiedeansbitch @billiedeanspearls @cigaretteology @favoriteredhead @lovingsarah @cordeliass @cordeliasboobholder @citizenoftheworld-stuff-blog
message me or send an ask to be added to my taglist!
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femori · 2 years
MUSE  LIST  (non-carrd  edition)
amber  freeman,  mikey  madison,  scream  5
anita  ‘needy’  lesnicki,  amanda  seyfried,  jennifer’s  body
bex  warren,  hari  nef,  assassination  nation
cassandra  ‘cassie’  swann,  sasha  lane,  daniel  isn’t  real
deena  johnson,  kiana  madeira,   fear  street
evie  jackson,  nathalie  emmanuel,  the  invitation
hallie  mcdaniel,  tati  gabrielle,  scream  2
heather  duke,  kaitlyn  dever,  heathers
jill  roberts,  emma  dumont,  scream  4
kirby  reed,  jemima kirke,  scream  4
lily  leblanc,  mila  kunis,  black  swan
lydia deetz, tbd, beetlejuice (film)
mckayla hooper, alexandra shipp, tragedy girls
rochelle  zimmerman,  lovie  simone,  the  craft
sadie  cunningham,  brianna  hildebrand,  tragedy  girls
sarah  fier,  juliet  landau,  fear  street
taylor  gentry,  angela  goethels,  behind  the  mask
original  characters
pamela  clarke,  jaz  sinclair,  fear  street  (1960s)
valerie  marie  beaumont,  emma  dumont,  affilliated  slasher  oc
agatha   &  dorcas  night,  adeline  rudolph  &  abigail  cowen,  caos
ava daniels, hannah einbinder, hacks (horror based?) -- TEST
carmilla  karnstein,  natasha  negovanlis,  carmilla:  the  series
coco  st  pierre  vanderbilt,  leslie  grossman,  ahs:  apocalypse
ellie williams, bella ramsey, hbo's the last of us -- TEST
lark  feldmont,  billie  lourd,  ahs:  red  tide
madison  montgomery,  sophia  anne  caruso,  ahs:  coven
mallory,  billie  lourd,  ahs:  apocalypse
marienne bellamy, tati gabrielle, you -- TEST
queenie  sidibe,  gabourey  sidibe,  ahs:  coven
sarah  ‘belle  noire’  cunningham, frances  conroy,  ahs:  red  tide
vanessa  ives,  eva  green,  penny  dreadful
zoe  benson,  hannah  einbinder,  ahs:  coven
video  games
claudette  morel,  angelica  ross,  dead  by  daylight
rin  yamaoka  /  the  spirit,  karen  fukuhara,  dead  by  daylight
yui  kimura,  devon  aoki,  dead  by  daylight
yun-jin  lee,  park  so-dam,  dead  by  daylight
laura,  samara  weaving,  carmilla  novella
maggie leigh, jahkara smith, nos4a2
agnes  montague,  eline  powell,  the  magnus  archives
basira  hussain,  golshifteh  farahani,  the  magnus  archives
georgina  ‘georgie’  barker,  wunmi  mosaku,  the  magnus  archives
jude  perry,  bae  doona,  the  magnus  archives
melanie  king,  eliza  dushku,  the  magnus  archives
nikola  orsinov, no  faceclaim, the  magnus  archives
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~Goober Anon returns~
Grumpy reader looks like Kelly Bundy from Married with children.
While I personally do imagine her with blonde hair for myself, I'm not saying everyone else should imagine her this way of course!
But, fashion wise? the big teased up hair? the make up? Yeah, that's her
Goober Anon, my dearest, I have missed you so much.
Somehow you always know when I need your messages as they always make me smile :)
In my head I kind of forgot that it was set in the 80s and she basically has the aesthetic of Zoe Benson from American Horror Story: Coven as I'm a dumb dumb. But now that I have seen your interpretation, that's definitely a lot closer to how it should be. I see more gothy or grungy elements to her wardrobe but definitely closer to Kelly Bundy than Zoe Benson.
I also don't know but I may do an OC with her or have it reader insert. I'm not sure yet. When I'm planning I tend to name the reader for longer pieces anyway just to save my brain (her name is Mallory currently)
Do you have an opinion on OC versus reader insert?
That's my main dilemma currently as I'm thinking through the story.
Anyway, you are still the best and you're a good egg. - Lottie.
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leotanaka · 4 years
tagged by @eleanorguthrie​​ - thank you so much :))))
tagging: @jujubiest​​, @laurelwinchester​​ and anyone else who has an oc and wants to do this.
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— EDDIE DANIELS, Neighbours
full name: edmond daniels
gender: male
sexuality: gay
pronouns: he/him
fandom: neighbours
family: n/a (big spoiler so i can’t say just yet)
birthplace: sydney, australia
job: gardener, mechanic.
phobias: fire.
hobbies: gossiping. being nosy.
morality alignment: neutral
sins: lust / greed / gluttony / sloth / pride / envy / wrath
virtues: chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
Introvert / Extrovert (depends on whether he’s on his medication)
Organized / Disorganized
Close-minded / Open-minded
Calm / Anxious (depends on whether he’s on his medication)
Agreeable / Disagreeable
Cautious / Reckless
Patient / Impatient
Outspoken / Reserved
Leader / Follower
Empathetic / Unempathetic (depends on the person)
Optimistic / Pessimistic
Traditional / Modern
Hard-working / Lazy
otp: eddie x leo
brotp: eddie x sonya. eddie x amy. eddie x elly. eddie x paul.
notp: eddie x any women in a romantic sense
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— ZOE MALLORY, Neighbours
full name: zoe anne mallory
gender: female
sexuality: straight
pronouns: she/her
fandom: neighbours
family: andrea mallory (daughter), andrew mallory (son). carlton wistla (ex-boyfriend and father of andrew). jack quinn (father of andrea). rebekha mallory (mother) louis mallory (father).
birthplace: tasmania, australia.
job: works in the local fruit and veg shop.
phobias: water. confined spaces. hospitals. nurses. blood.
hobbies: walking through the woods. reading and re-reading aa milne’s winnie the pooh.
morality alignment: lawful good
sins: lust / greed / gluttony / sloth / pride / envy / wrath
virtues: chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
Introvert / Extrovert
Organized / Disorganized
Close-minded / Open-minded
Calm / Anxious
Agreeable / Disagreeable
Cautious / Reckless
Patient / Impatient
Outspoken / Reserved
Leader / Follower
Empathetic / Unempathetic
Optimistic / Pessimistic
Traditional / Modern
Hard-working / Lazy
brotp: zoe x arnold.
friendships: zoe x hester. zoe x hattie. zoe x fanny.
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full name: hester morrigan
gender: female
sexuality: straight
pronouns: she/her
fandom: neighbours
family: josef morrigan (brother). danny morrigan (nephew). eliza morrigan-baker (mother). bella rose morrigan (sister).
birthplace: western australia, australia
job: assistant in a funeral home.
phobias: cats. needles. razor blades. bathtubs.
hobbies: playing mind games.
morality alignment: chaotic neutral
sins: lust / greed / gluttony / sloth / pride / envy / wrath
virtues: chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
Introvert / Extrovert
Organized / Disorganized
Close-minded / Open-minded
Calm / Anxious
Agreeable / Disagreeable
Cautious / Reckless
Patient / Impatient
Outspoken / Reserved
Leader / Follower
Empathetic / Unempathetic
Optimistic / Pessimistic
Traditional / Modern
Hard-working / Lazy
brotp: hester x danny.
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toomuchdickfort · 3 years
fuck it elysur oc list if you wanna see all of them
Aeluin Azora, Bo Rei-Kenn, Ava Belpheobe, Malric Parsle, Sean Runn, Finn Emrys, Duncan, Joemar Haggard, Jonothan Fer, Dwynwyn Fer, Ruthellian Ithid, Red Fernsby, Davin Fernsby, Erellise Feros, Karen Feros-Phelluere, Melanie Locke-Feros-Allris-Sjuhi-Raiyez-Vel-Ru'Kir-Ellwith-Garen-Sje'ir-Rakhar-Ir-Illiden-Neferi-Wilson-Melleiyi-Smith-Turner-Rune-Gaben-Rancoure-Syrene-Keurein-Rin-Pheleure, Royal Feros, Robissimer Denalaren, Revys Geult, Doug Elidyr, Olea Elidyr, Jade Smith, Elle Noire, Rey Jaret, Heaven Smith, Mera (?), Tina Noire, Sam (?), Aljena Cole, Eri Sallow, Orion Sallow, Synaelia Runn, Ves Thassix, Jamson Sterling, Jude Sterling, Marie Thassix, Myre Sterling, Neil Sterling, Valentina Ruby, Matthew Haset, Chess Haset, Zacharias Brent, Zoe Brent, Lila Voz, Ki Voz, Feather Jones, Allison Brent, Jameson Elidyr, Alixandra Brent, William Brent, Dravik Rencoure, Maria Brent, Jorden Grange, Leonidus Grange, Dana Grange, Bilaris Syrene, Anna Syrene, Melia Syrene, Jackson Feros, Nara Syrene-Feros, Viniri Syrene-Rin, Thane Avalor, Kyle Mallory, Laurelei Mallory, Enric Feros, Catherine Feros, Kirian Feros, Elouise Feros, Naven Feros, Naomi Feros, Jemyn Feros, Liam Smith, Era Featherwye, Sage Rune, Neve Ria, Rasha Tuldahn, Gillian Emrys, Daniel Emrys, Merin Emrys, Nellie Emrys, Vanessa Emrys, Malcolm Emrys, Benoni Mort, Dev Turyn, Nierelli Aominn, Nara Stone, June Stone, Bethany Gorman, Tanra Domiticus, Aelia Domiticus, Raelin Sallow, Ash Ferthen, Erin Aominn, Derrek Velhues, Derek Jones, Unona Coul-Vriggs, Veran Coul, Kavarie June, Vesa Velhues, Seils Tunef, Feryn Rumer Demm, Vista Demm, Corvina Silva, Rij Seraq, Ilkinz Seraq, Mara Seraq, Angel (?), Mera Qerq, Isja Seraq, Corvid Qerq, Aegis Blackstone, Cliff (?), Laris (?), Lode (?), Steel (?), Ferrent Stone, Lawrence Nighy, Arson Lawrence, Geryon Amnes, Syl Irileth, Barrow, Carie Lowell, Veyduta Tal-Mewt, Timita Tal-Mewt, Azure Veil, Cara (?), Amber Veil, Strom, Alimen Voz, Sairena "Lucky" Locke, Vera Riss, Allura Prode, Juno Antoinette, Solace Myr, Peraq Benval'n, Qoric Ovenn, Quric Devoted, Rannes Adjourned, Ericke Miste, Leila Winged/Wingless, Vivia Smith, Ri Aominn, Kee Seln, Cyril Ja, Rho Evek, Whiss Bren, Ciel Reishi, Missy Vessith, Elena Wyren, Naven Voltyren, Morose Rheubdae, Chadwick, Senvh Qerq, Quinn Cole, Aster Danica, Layla (?), Sampson (?), Reese (?), Mejta Qerq, Mari (?), Viras Kel, Winnifred Wilson, Eris Wilson, Spark Wilson, Glen Ava, Kris Daniels, Sydney Dale, Kat Dale, Delila Harken, Gizmo Boom, Rei Kirian, Jean Kirien, Jules Denver, Aveth Tunis, Timothy Hare, Tyret Mallory, Keldan Seraq, Beck, Roman Jack, Moss, Lux Sallow, Shay Hex, Valre Qerq, Maelstrom Derecho, Kaelyn Fisher, Veduta Tal-Mewt, Timita Tal-mewt, Felicity Thren, Lauv Hex, Aether Glen, Mikail Barne, Kellin Syras, Dune Davis, Soot (?), Liar Rune, Ichorous, Wynric Ace Savant
and i'm sure theres more but good lord i went through a very decent portion of my pen name tag for these after i ran out of the family tree (plus) that i made in senior year lol
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ashiiplier · 2 years
okay i know i say this a lot, but I'm actually sitting here with a document open, so send me some writing requests! just pick a number for a song and a letter for a character/duo/pairing (please specify if you would like a romantic ship or something just casual/platonic)
1.) PMA - all time low/pale waves 2.) bad liar - imagine dragons 3.) if i killed someone for you - alec benjamin 4.) i'm not angry anymore - paramore 5.) control - zoe wees 7.) nightmare - natewantstobattle 8.) we'll never have sex - leith ross 9.) other (feel free to request a song that isn't here, and if i know it, i'll do it!)
A.) Dark B.) Anti C.) Mallory (OC) D.) Wilford E.) Chase F.) other (i honestly haven't written with many of the egos, but feel free to request a character that isn't listed and i'll give it my best!)
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tempusinfinituum · 3 years
—who I write as✨
this goes for RP; I usually prefer 1x1 or a small group of like 5-10 people. Large RPG’s give me anxiety. This also goes for any Fanfiction requests. I’ll be posting some of my work here soon so you guys can tell me whether I should quit or not. 😂 JK but constructive feedback is always appreciated. Just don’t be an asshole for the sake of being an asshole.
TV Shows
The Fosters
Callie Adams Foster
Mariana Adams Foster
American Horror Story
Adeline Goode (OC)
Cordelia Goode
Fiona Goode
Misty Day
Myrtle Snow
Madison Montgomery
Zoe Benson
Violet Harmon
Vivian Harmon
Lily Harmon (OC)
Emmaline Langdon (OC)
Miss Mystic Esmarelda
Annabeth Darling (OC)
Scream Queens
Chanel Oberline
Chanel #2
Chanel #3
Dean Munsch
Orange is the New Black
Nicky Nichols
Galina “Red” Reznikov
Lorna Morello
Piper Chapman
Alex Vause
Poussey Washington
Brook Soso
Grey’s Anatomy
Meredith Grey
Cristina Yang
Lexie Grey
Ellis Grey
Callie Torres
Arizona Robbins
Sofia Sloan Torres
Zola Grey-Shepherd
Ellis Grey-Shepherd
Izzie Stevens
Maggie Pierce
Jo Wilson
Stephanie Edwards
Addison Montgomery
Amelia Montgomery (OC)
Amelia Shepherd
Lizzie Shepherd
Miranda Bailey
Rachel Berry
Quinn Fabray
Brittany S. Pierce
Santana Lopez
Mercedes Jones
Tina Cohen-Chang
Sue Sylvester
Emma Pillsbury
Marley Rose
Lennox Hudson (OC)
Moe Truax
Elodie Davis
Tabitha Foster
Rue Bennett
Jules Vaughn
Cassie Howard
Katherine Hernandez
Maddy Perez
Lexi Howard
Allison DuBois
Ariel DuBois
Bridgette DuBois
Marie DuBois
So Weird
Fiona Phillips
Molly Phillips
Irene Bell
Chloe Bell (OC)
Pushing Daisies
Charlotte “Chuck” Charles
Olive Snook
Vivian Charles
Lily Charles
Charlie Charles-Edwards (OC/they never included the Pie Maker’s last name in the show, but they did have an episode that showed his fathers initials were E.E. so I assume it could be Edwards.)
A Series of Unfortunate Events
Violet Baudelaire
Sunny Baudelaire
Justice Strauss
Dr. Georgina Orwell
Esme Squalor
Fiona Gallagher
Debbie Gallagher
Veronica “Vee” Fisher
13 Reasons Why
Hannah Baker
Jessica Stanley
Stranger Things
Max Mayfield
Nancy Wheeler
Joyce Byers
Tessa Young
Molly Samuels
Steph Jones
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Mary Elizabeth
The Runaways
Joan Jett
Cherie Currie
Lita Ford
Sydney Prescott
Gail Weathers
Jill Roberts
Kirby Reed
Sarah Prescott (OC)
Hannah Riley (OC)
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Ginny Weasley
Lily Luna Potter
Molly Weasley
Lily Potter
Nymphadora Tonks
Bellatrix Lestrange
Practical Magic
Both of the aunts.
Both of Sally’s daughters.
Mimi Marquez
Maureen Johnson
Joanne Jefferson
Angel Dumott-Schunard
Mariana Schunard-Collins (OC)
Bella Marquez-Davis (OC)
Amber Von Tussle
Shelley (from the nicest kids in town—ships with Amber)
Penny Pingleton
Inez Stubbs
Tracy Turnblad
Pitch Perfect
Fat Amy
Sweeney Todd
Nellie Lovett
Johanna Barker
Lucy Barker
Repo! The Genetic Opera
Blind Mag
Mamma Mia
Sophie Sheridan
Donna Sheridan
I’ll add more as the inspiration strikes.
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ice-cream-nekogirl · 3 years
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They say no one likes it when a woman’s mad? Well I say too bad.
Music: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuknWSMring)
Amy Martinez (OC) and her sisters Madison Montgomery (AHS) and Zoe Benson (AHS) are plenty mad. And the same goes for her other gal-pals from her coven, Queenie, Misty, Nan, Mallory and Coco and the Supreme Witch Cordelia and Voodoo Queen Marie Lavaeu…
Plenty of angry, nasty women. There’s ONLY Nasty women here too.
These ladies look and dress like absolute daydreams, but they’re actually absolute nightmares, especially to guys. Pity the fools who end up on the recieving end of their wrath because these girls have serious wrath…
Which… is an awesome thing tee-hee.
Madison was already a take-no-guff bitch who did what she wanted, Zoe learned how to step up and fight back and get her hands dirty, and they taught all of these things to Amy who takes it all to heart. Mix it all together… and you get bad witch bitches. <3 <3
They have the gall to say a man’s world, but it would literally be nothing, NOTHING!! Without women!! Who are the ones at the front and center for generations to come?! Who are the ones who bear the brunt of the systematic oppression? Uuwuu… is it a Superman or Batman?
Those of you who don’t know the truth, open your eyes! Don’t be a sheep and believe in fake heroes and fake feminists and accept the system!
Get angry about the things that are unfair and fight for it! Whether it’s on the battlefield or even in just your everyday life!! Instead of being a normie who ignores the important things going on, keep on fighting, and don’t let anyone tell you that you’re just angry!! THEY’RE THE ONES WHO MADE YOU ANGRY AFTER ALL! SO TELL THEM TO SUCK IT!!
Amy, Madison, Zoe:
All you filthy normies, go fucking die!!
Happy Late International Women’s Day!!
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wheelie-butch · 5 months
ideas I still have for monprom mods:
Norah the fairy therapist takes on the Wolfpack as her next clients. They do not want this. (route)
the IDP tries to marry the Wolfpack and they agree, but you still think you need to stop the wedding (route)
finishing Bonus Wolfpack: Second Term (will involve lunch events for every minor NPC and normal events for Zoe + Cal)
mod for Mikey, my angel OC involving routes
mod for Lupa my werewolf OC (scott + the wolfpack's other cousin)
mod for my 3 loser ocs (Martin + Georgie + Mallory) with a route each and some combined events
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thetimelordbatgirl · 3 years
Miscellaneous OCs
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Name: Ginevra ‘Ginny’ Watson. Title: Bumblebee: No Rest For The Wicked. Fandom: Transformers. Summary: TBA. Faceclaim: Sofia Wylie.
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Name: Princess Ruth of Camelot/Morticia of Ravenbow. Title: The Prophecy of Camelot. Fandom: The School For Good and Evil. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Princess Helen of Camelot. Title: The Prophecy of Camelot. Fandom: The School For Good and Evil. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Eva Anderson. Title: Kick Ass Lives On. Fandom: Kick Ass. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Dawn. Title: Seldom All They Seem. Fandom: Maleficent. Summary: TBA. Faceclaim: Malina Welssman. 
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Name: Luna/Willow. Title: Seldom All They Seem.  Fandom: Maleficent.  Summary: TBA. Faceclaim: Millie Bobby Brown. 
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Name: Samantha ‘Sam’ Tennyson. Title: Young Plumbers. Fandom: Ben 10 (Classic Continuity). Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Rook Shing. Title: Young Plumbers. Fandom: Ben 10 (Classic Continuity). Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Skye Thordottir/Sky Foster. Title: Princess Protection Program: Beyond Earth. Fandom: Princess Protection Program. Summary: TBA. Faceclaim: Millie Bobby Brown.
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Name: Tess Carmen. Title: Princess Protection Program: Beyond Earth. Fandom: Princess Protection Program. Summary: TBA. Faceclaim: Peyton Elizabeth Lee. 
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Name: Cecelia ‘Cece’ Ross.  Title: Welcome To The Owl House. Fandom: The Owl House. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
Children Of The Moon: Summary Of The Story: When the Guardians defeated the Boogeyman, they believed they had defeated him for good and that it was over. How wrong they were. Soon, fear is being risen by Pitch Black somehow despite him being dead last they saw of him, and nightmares are growing as darkness threatens the world once more. The Guardians aren't alone in this fight though, as the Moon appears to have decided to take matters into his own hands, and chosen new guardians to be trained to be the new guardians. But can they be trained in time to defeat the darkness, or will the world finally be taken over by fear once more? Fandom: Rise of The Guardians. Quotev Link
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*Alix- Eventual Guardian of Freedom- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Puck- Eventual Guardian of Mischief- Voiceclaim: TBA.  *Isleen- Eventual Guardian of Illusions- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Noelle- Eventual Guardian of Laughter- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Hyacinth/Hya- Eventual Guardian of Will- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Lavernia/Nia- Eventual Guardian of Wisdom- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Jemma Bennett- Child of Jamie- Voiceclaim: TBA. 
Upside Down: The Power Within: Summary of Series: TBA.  Fandom: Winx Club. 
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*Lilith/Lily- Fairy of The Shadows- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Pandora- Fairy of Myths and Legends- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Holly- Fairy of Snow- Voiceclaim: TBA.  *Sonata- Fairy of Music- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Juliet- Fairy of Stars- Voiceclaim: TBA.
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*Aurora- Witch of The Sun- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Lucine/Luci- Witch of The Moon- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Beryl- Witch of The Jewels- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Fauna- Witch of Animals- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Cinderella/Ella- Witch of Fire- Voiceclaim: TBA.
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*Alexandra- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Charlotte/Charlie- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Grace- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Elijah- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Oliver- Voiceclaim: TBA.
The Next 9th Grade Ninja: Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja.
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*Wendy Burton- The New Ninja- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Mildred Watts- Best Friend- Voiceclaim: TBA.
Rising From The Ashes (Hunger Games What If): Summary of Book: TBA. Fandom: Hunger Games.
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*Willow Hawthorne- Middle child of Prim and Rory- District 12 Tribute. *Fern Hawthorne- Eldest child of Prim and Rory. *Avina Barry- District 11 Tribute. *Grover- District 11 Tribute. *Elena and Finley- District 10 Tributes.  *Knox and Anya- District 9 Tributes. *Winter and Andres- District 8 Tributes. *Harlee and Damien- District 7 Tributes. *Tanner and Joelle- District 6 Tributes. *Mallory and Jensen- District 5 Tributes. *Jack and Lizzie- District 4 Tributes. *Daxton and Charlie- District 3 Tributes. *Roman and Clarisse- District 2 Tributes. *Quartz and Jasper- District 1 Tributes.
The Tale of Two Avatars: Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Last Airbender/Korra.
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*Anzu- Twin Fire Avatar. *Yuina- Twin Fire Avatar. *Minato- Firebender- Ally of Yuina.  *Silla- Waterbender- Ally of Anzu. *Xia- Earthbender- Ally of Anzu. *Dawa- Airbender- Ally of Anzu. *Youta- Airbender- Ally of Yuina. 
The Path of The New Avatar: Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Last Airbender/Korra. 
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*Gui- Believed Earth Avatar. *Cuifen- The real Avatar. *Arya- Jinora’s and Kai’s Child- AIrbender. *Yua- Korra’s and Asami’s Adopted Child- Firebender. *Panuk- Waterbender. *Rong- Twin Earthbender. *Suen- Twin Earthbender.
The Legacy of Magic: Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Wizards of Waverly Place.
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*Jenna Russo- Child of Justin and Juliet. *Sara Russo- Child of Justin and Juliet. *Kyle Russo- Child of Justin and Juliet. *Zoe Greyback- Only child of Alex and Mason. *Parker Beakerman- Child of Zeke and Harper. *Cooper Beakerman- Child of Zeke and Harper. *Harry Russo- Child of Max. 
Star Wars: The Force Lives On: Summary of Story: TBA. Fandom: Star Wars.
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*Ailyn Skywalker- Adopted child of Rey and Finn- Jedi. *Solia Skywalker- Adopted twin child of Rey and Finn. *Vera Skywalker- Adopted twin child of Rey and Finn. *Tycho Skywalker- Adopted child of Rey and Finn. *Mide Skywalker- Adopted child of Rey and Finn.  *Daro Dameron- Child of Poe and Zoe. *Darth Rel/Crix Harend- Sith- Bad guy. 
Prime: The Next Geneation: Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Transformers Prime. 
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*Joseph ‘Joe’ Darby- Eldest child of Jack- Guardian: Arcee. *Jane Darby- Youngest child of Jack- Guardian: Arcee.  *Randy Esquivel- Only child of Raf- Guardian: Bumblebee. *Markus Lelung- Twin child of Miko- Guardian: Bulkhead. *Maisey Lelung- Twin child of Miko- Guardian: Bulkhead.
The New Mystery Gang:  Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Scooby Doo. 
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*Dominic Jones- Eldest child of Fred and Daphne. *Frances Jones- Middle child of Fred and Daphne. *Donald Jones- Youngest child of Fred and Daphne. *Samantha ‘Sam’ Rogers- Child of Shaggy. *Stacey Rogers- Adopted child of Shaggy. *Vincent Dinkley- Child of Velma. *Vivian Dinkley- Child of Velma. *Swiper- Pup of Scooby. 
Once Upon A Time...: Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Regal Academy.
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*Felix Snowwhite- Eldest child of Rose and Hawk. *Lily Snowwhite- Middle child of Rose and Hawk. *Hugo Snowwhite- Youngest child of Rose and Hawk. *Suyin Beast- Twin child of Travis and Ling-Ling.  *Juan Beast- Twin child of Travis and Ling-Ling. *Nicholas Beast- Child of Astoria and Shawn. *Casper Beast- Child of Astoria and Shawn. *Hope Frog- Child of Joy and Esquire.  *Rickey Broomstick- Child of Vicky. *Mary Broomstick- Child of Cyrus. *Emerald Stepsister- Twin child of Ruby. *Jasper Stepsister- Twin child of Ruby. *Donna Ugly Duckling- Eldest child of Gerald. *Linda Ugly Duckling- Youngest child of Gerald. *Luke Whale- Child of Finn. *Hanna Tom Thumb- Child of Leene. *Rosette Swan- Eldest child of Odette. *Paulette Swan- Youngest child of Odette. *Pinocchian- ‘Child’ of Pinocchia.  *Ivy Ogre- Child of Violet.
Beyblade: Battle X: Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Beyblade Metal Saga.
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*Niko Goto- Female lead. *Asahl Sakurei- Computer user friend. *Sakura Tamura- Friend. *Emiko Imar- Rival.
Beyblade: Heirs: Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Beyblade: Metal Saga.
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*Pegasau Hagane- Eldest child of Gingka and Madoka. *Runa Hagane- Twin child of Gingka and Madoka.  *Seisho Hagane- Twin child of Gingka and Madoka. *Hoshi Hagane- Youngest child of Gingka and Madoka. *Ririsu/Yuri- Only child of Ryuga. *Reon Tategami- Eldest child of Kyoya.  *Shibere Tategami- Youngest child of Kyoya. *Unmei- Only child of Hyoma.  *Kayo Tendo- Only child of Yu. *Ajun Hazama- Eldest child of Hikaru.  *Demetora Otori- Only child of Tsubasa. *Heza Yumiya- Twin child of Kenta. *Maku Yumiya- Twin child of Kenta. *Deruta Kadoya- Twin child of Masaume.  *Jemini Kadoya- Twin child of Masaume.  *Evurin- Child of Doji- Leader of Nebula- Villain.
A Different Kind of Normal: Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Lab Rats.
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*Viola Davis- Bionic Girl. *Benjamin ‘Ben’ Jones- Bionic Boy. *Mariana ‘Mari’ Gonzalez- Bionic Girl. *Levi Owen- Crush of Ben. *Evelyn ‘Eve’ Tee- Crush- Friend-later-Crush of Viola. *Cameron Jackson- Friend of Mari. *Bella Newman- Best friend of Ben. *Milo Kingston- Bully of the three. *Wyatt Watson- Later villain. *Juliana Parker- Villain. *Trinity Stark- Main villain. *Hazel Reilly- Neighbor. 
Welcome to Sky High: Summary of Story: TBA. Fandom: Sky High. 
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*Azalea ‘Aza’ Peace- Eldest child of Warren and Layla. *Florian Peace- Youngest child of Warren and Layla.  *Rachel Stronghold- Only child of Will. *Zane- Twin child of Magneta and Zach. *Seth- Twin child of Magneta and Zach. *Paige- Only child of Ethan.
Legacy of The Charmed Ones: Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Charmed (Original). 
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*Wyatt= Matthew, Pandora and Poppy Halliwell. *Chris= Penny, Pamela and Prudence Halliwell. *Melinda= Petra, Arthur and David Halliwell. *Peyton= Carter, Paulina and Patience Halliwell (all adopted). *P.J= Pearl, Hayden and Primrose Halliwell. *Parker= Jackson, Chase and Bailey Halliwell. *Tamora= Imogen, Maxwell and Lilith Mitchell. *Kat= Reed, Luke and Skylor Mitchell. *Henry. Jr= Simon and Jane Mitchell. 
Maddie 10: Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Ben 10 (Classic Continuity). 
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*Cameron ‘Cam’ Tennyson- Eldest child of Ben and Julie. *Madeline ‘Maddie’ Tennyson- Youngest child of Ben and Julie. *Roxanne ‘Roxie’ Tennyson- Only child of Gwen and Kevin. *Rook Quill- Eldest child of Rook Blonko.
The New Ninjago: Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Lego Ninjago.
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*Aine- Child of Skylar and Kai. *Ruth- Only child of Lloyd. *Frtiz- Robot child of Zane and P.I.X.A.L. *Orion- Eldest child of Cole. *Terra- Youngest child of Cole. *Clara- Eldest child of Jay and Nya. *Miles- Twin child of Jay and Nya. *Tobias- Twin child of Jay and Nya.
Danny Phantom: Next Generation: Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Danny Phantom.
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*Freddie Fenton- Eldest child of Danny and Sam. *Regan Fenton- Middle child of Danny and Sam. *Spike Fenton- Youngest child of Danny and Sam. *Harley Foley- Eldest child of Tucker and Valerie. *Roxy Foley- Youngest child of Tucker and Valerie. *Harper Fenton- Only child of Jazz. *Poe Fenton- Only child of Dani. *Martin Baxter- Eldest child of Dash and Paulina. *Victoria Baxter- Youngest child of Dash and Paulina. *Hunter- Only child of Star and Kwan. *Joey- Only child of Mikey. *Aaron- Only child of Tiffany and Nathan. *Dylan Shaw- Friend of Freddie. *Wyatt Roberts- Friend of Freddie. *Ace Hyde- Friend of Freddie.
Zombies: Next Generation: Summary of Story: TBA. Fandom: Disney Zombies. 
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*Zadie Necrodopolis- Twin child of Zed and Addison. *Zayne Necrodopolis- Twin child of Zed and Addison. *Zayla Necrodopolis- Youngest child of Zed and Addison. *Winona Zambi-Lykensen- Only child of Eliza and Willa. *Whitney Lykensen- Only child of Wyatt. *Wayne Barkawtiz- Only child of Wynter. *Bucky Buchanen. Jr- Eldest child of Bucky. *Briella Buchanen- Youngest child of Bucky. *Braxton- Twin child of Bree and Bonzo.  *Bryce- Twin child of Bree and Bonzo. *Kacey- Only child of Lacey. *Macey- Only child of Stacey. *Dacey- Only child of Jacey. *Gracey- Only child of Tracey. *Doris Dumpson- Villain. 
Winx Club: Next Generation:  Summary of Series: The Magic Dimension has long since remained to be safe ever since the Winx Club moved on with their lifes, a few becoming queens, a few becoming rich and a few remaining happy enough with their families. It is now a new year for schools like Alfea, Red Fountain, Cloud Tower and even one of the known Wizard schools, Boderra. Attending the schools are none other then the Winx's children, and many of their allies children too. But so are the Trix Children. Just as the new school year looks ready to be another typical one, the new generation finds themselves suffering under legacies, and most of all, the wrath of the new Trix. The Winx Children will have to reform their parents teams, gain allies and stop the Trix Children once and for all, before Magix turns into something its not.... Quotev Link Fandom: Winx Club.
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*Aideen Daphne- Eldest child of Bloom and Sky- Fairy of Fireworks. *Ember Vanessa- Child of Bloom and Sky- Fairy of The Dragon Flame. *Kadence Martin- Eldest child of Musa and Riven- Fairy of Music.  *Luciana Luna-  Twin child of Stella and Brandon- Fairy of The Moon. *Azalea Miele- Child of Flora and Helia- Fairy of Art. *Maxima Musa- Child of Tecna and Timmy- Fairy of Technology. *Halzea Marion- Child of Daphne and Thoren- Fairy of Air. *Eva Morgana- Child of Roxy and Nex- Fairy of Mythological Beasts. *Nimue- Only child of Selina- Fairy of Snakes. *Rosabeth- Eldest child of Krystal and Roy- Fairy of Nature.  *Aurora Stormy- Child of Icy and Darko- Fairy of Snow.
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*Kyra Bloom- Twin child of Stella and Brandon- Witch of The Sun. *Ursa Darcy- Eldest child of Ivy and Darko- Witch of Ice. *Tove Icy- Twin child of Stormy- Witch of Lightning. *Ophelia- Only child of Mirta and Lucy- Witch of The Burning Stars.  *Lilith- Only child of Diaspro- Witch of Jewels.
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*Castor Mike- Child of Bloom and Sky. *Skylar Elizabeth- Child of Bloom and Sky. *Blair Tecna- Child of Musa and Riven. *Neron Radius- Eldest child of Stella and Brandon. *Lazuli Saladin- Eldest child of Flora and Helia. *Linux Jako- Eldest child of Tecna and Timmy. *Ethan Nex- Child of Daphne and Thoren.
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*Kai Teredor- Twin child of Aisha and Nabu- Wizard of Waves.  *Musa Niobe- Twin child of Aisha and Nabu- Wizard of Healing. *Vulcan Oritel- Eldest child of Daphne and Thoren- Wizard of Fire. *Uri Sky- Child of Daphne and Thoren- Wizard of Legends. *Dillon Klaus- Eldest child of Roxy and Nex- Wizard of Animals. *Valhalla Riven- Only child of Darcy- Wizard of Illusions. *Raiden Crow- Twin child of Stormy- Wizard of Thunder.
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*Hayden Thoren- Youngest child of Bloom and Sky. *Riya Flora- Twin child of Musa and Riven- Fairy of Sound. *Jaron Sky- Twin child of Musa and Riven- Wizard of Sound. *Thea Musa- Youngest child of Stella and Brandon- Fairy of Twilight. *Gale Rosabeth- Youngest child of Flora and Helia. *Zeno Nabu- Youngest child of Tecna and Timmy- Wizard of Electricity. *Corventina Ligeo- Youngest child of Aisha and Nabu.  *Jorck Aidan- Youngest child of Daphne and Thoren. *Lyall Thoren- Child of Roxy and Nex. *Kefira Nebula- Youngest child of Roxy and Nex. *North Valtor- Youngest child of Icy and Darko. 
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Name: Clara Heafley. Title: Bodyguard: Prey. Fandom: Bodyguard. Summary: In a constantly changing world, the need for protection grows. A teenager is the least likely suspect for a protector- but that's exactly what Clara Heafley relies on to do her job. Her job? Being a professional bodyguard trained in surveillance, anti-ambush techniques, hostage survival and unarmed combat. When she's given the task to protect the Prime Minister's daughter, her protection skills face the ultimate test. Carla however, doesn't want protection. She just wants to have a normal life. Unaware that Clara is her bodyguard, she tries to hide from security while taking Clara along for the ride. But unknown to her and Clara, her father's rival is not willing to accept defeat. And with a common tactic being to target enemies loved ones, this anger slowly morphs him into a vulture, with the Prime Minister's daughter being his prey. Quotev Link Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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bellaisasleep · 3 years
Chapters: 14/60 Fandom: American Horror Story, American Horror Story: Apocalypse, American Horror Story: Coven, American Horror Story: Murder House Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Michael Langdon/Reader, Michael Langdon/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Michael Langdon, Michelle Darling, Cordelia Foxx | Cordelia Goode, Mallory (American Horror Story), Archangel(s), Zoe Benson, Madison Montgomery, Queenie (American Horror Story), Misty Day, Tate Langdon, Constance Langdon, Wilhemina Venable, Coco St. Pierre Vanderbilt, Mr. Gallant (American Horror Story), John Henry Moore, Ariel Augustus Additional Tags: Satan - Freeform, Lucifer - Freeform, Apocalypse, Archangels, cody fern - Freeform, Enemies to Lovers, Fallen Angels, Murder House, Michael Langdon Smut, Eventual Smut, Slow Burn, Witchcraft, Witches, Romance, Blood Kink Summary:
"He was all seven of the deadly sins."
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sincerelyreidburke · 4 years
Hey again! So like, you are under no obligation, and I send you too many asks anyway but... if you're down for writing Spencer's reaction to A FROSH GETTING EVAN THE AUDACITY I would be so pleased :) lol
First of all: you don’t send me too many asks. I believe the phrase you’re looking for is “I enable you to write fun things often”. Which is highly encouraged, in this establishment.
Second: yes. And for those who aren’t Via, let me enlighten you. Spencer is a Kiersey College drama club OC, part of the group of characters I created to enhance Quinn’s college drama club experience (and to have more fun on “Quinn Theatre Hours” Monday nights). You can read a comprehensive introduction to the drama club cast in this fic, which tells the story of the week leading up to Quinn’s casting in Dear Evan Hansen his freshman year.
Spencer is... hm, how shall we say. A giant asshole. He’s a junior theatre kid who fully expects that the role of Evan will land neatly in his lap. This ficlet depicts as much. It takes place pretty much simultaneously with the casting fic I linked to above.
This is also a precursor of sorts to a longer drama club fic, which I’m working on, that Via has also asked after. Stay tuned for that, because there is where you’ll see some serious, well... drama.
Until then: Spencer can choke. I’m entertained by the fact that I’m now being asked to write things from the point of view of the bully. Here’s what you asked for!
Today is going to be an amazing day.
And here’s why. Spencer has been waiting— all week, certainly, but also for months, even since the school year began, to see something he finally gets to see today. During all three of his years at Kiersey, the spring musical has been something to look forward to, but especially this year, with so much riding on it. Today, the cast list goes up for the biggest show of his life. Today, he confirms his place in a  role he’s been dreaming of playing for months. Today, he starts to lead this year’s cast.
He knows that the show was chosen for him. Dr. C is notorious for it— she’s not shy about choosing shows based on who she has available for casting. It’s resourceful, Spencer has told her time and again; after all, you have to work with what you have. It’s like how she chose Book of Mormon last year for him— well, and for Reid, he guesses, but mostly for him. And how the director at his and Kelsie’s high school chose Thoroughly Modern Millie for the two of them their senior year.
He planted the seed for Dear Evan Hansen in Dr. C’s head last spring, an offhanded mention in a conversation, right around the time Book of Mormon was closing. He forwarded her a few articles over the summer, just to jog her interest, and he and Kelsie even went to New York to see the show in June, so he typed up a review and sent it her way. When he arrived on campus this past fall, he was thrilled to hear she’d taken his advice. It would be their spring 2018 show.
His audition went just as expected, and he read for Evan during his callback. So this morning, when he rolls out of bed at five-thirty sharp, it’s the first thing on his mind, without a doubt in it. Today is the day he starts being Evan Hansen.
He deserves this.
To start his great day, he grabs a morning workout, like always. In the gym, he sees one of the freshmen who auditioned, using an elliptical and wearing pink leggings. She has curly, golden blond hair piled into a high ponytail, full lips, and tan skin. Her name is… Maddie? Mallory? He isn’t sure, but what does it matter anyway. She was in callbacks with him last night, and she wasn’t projecting well.
So he doesn’t say hello, and doesn’t even think she’ll notice him until he passes her as he’s leaving. She’s refilling a water bottle with stickers all over it, and she waves. “Hey, Spencer.”
“Oh!” He pretends to be surprised. “Hi, Maddie.”
“Uh.” She chuckles a little, and shakes her head. “It’s— Maggie, actually.”
“Oh. Sorry about that.” He stops in front of her, and bends down— she’s a little short— to deliver a word for the wise. “Hey, by the way… don’t take it too hard if you aren’t cast in a bigger role today.” She arches an eyebrow, and he continues, because she ought to know. “There just aren’t a lot of roles that would fit… you, y’know?”
It doesn’t look like Maggie understands what he means, but she shrugs and folds her arms, all standoffish. “Well, good luck to you, too.”
“Thank you!” He flashes a smile. “It’s always great to see beginners joining the musical.”
Maggie purses her lips and scowls as he turns to go. Huh. What a bitch. He was only telling her what she needed to hear.
Well, it’s her loss. Freshmen rarely ever get speaking roles. And it’s not like Zoe is going to anybody besides Kelsie.
He texts his girlfriend on the way out of the gym. Kelsie is an early riser, too, but she doesn’t work out in the morning like he does. By now, in her morning routine, she’ll be through with her shower and doing her hair.
They meet for breakfast every morning, but this morning, it’ll be a quick affair. The cast list goes up at 9:00 sharp in the Beckett Performing Arts Center lobby, and they have every intention to be the first ones there.
So Spencer showers and gets dressed, donning a blue shirt for the occasion. He meets up with Kelsie in the lobby of their dorm, and they walk to the dining hall hand-in-hand, leaving right around 8:00. It’s sunny out today, but still freezing cold.
“So,” she asks him, as they stroll down the sidewalk. “Any bold predictions?” She pauses to grin and bump against his hip, as she adds, “Besides the obvious.”
Spencer beams. He loves their relationship for so many reasons, but especially because they support each other so well. “Well,” he begins, pulling his stocking cap down on his head. “I think Reid is a dead ringer for Jared.” Which will be easy, because although Reid is unfunny at best, Spencer is used to working with him; he got well accustomed to it on Book of Mormon.
“Oh, absolutely.” Kelsie nods. “And I think… Claire, as Heidi? I can’t be sure, but—” She pauses for an exaggerated eyeroll, which is absolutely warranted, because Claire is such a goody two-shoes it’s insufferable. “I know Dr. C likes giving her principal roles.”
“Which I, for one, do not understand,” he quips.
“Tell me about it.” Kelsie sighs, then shakes her head. “But I could see Claire going that way.”
“I could, as well.” He pauses, racks his brain of the names on the audition list. He checked it religiously, to see who was trying to get involved, even after he had secured his spot as first on the list. “And… hm… alright, I’m not saying I’d like to see Danny Cho as Larry, but given they didn’t run his part in callbacks at all last night…”
“Mm,” Kelsie hums. “I think you’re right. That’s a shame. His singing is suspect at best.”
“And his acting…” He sighs. “I hope he can pull it off.”
“Maybe he can.” Kelsie swings his hand a little, and they sidestep for a rushing student who must be late to their eight-AM class. When they regain sidewalk space, she looks to him, smoothing her bangs, and asks, “And Connor?...”
“Hm.” Spencer’s mind lands on someone, but it’s an underwhelming thought. “Cole?”
“Oh.” Kelsie pauses, like she forgot he existed. Which is easy to do, because Cole, the sophomore he’s thinking of, is quiet and irrelevant. Spencer was surprised to see him audition; he played guitar in the pit for Book of Mormon, and from there he always assumed he was a fly-under-the-radar type. But he read all of Connor’s parts in callbacks. “Well, he has the look.”
“It’s a typecast,” he agrees. “He seems… sketchy?”
“Right? Kind of a weirdo,” Kelsie says. She raises an eyebrow at him, and asks, “Do you think you could work with him?”
“Well, it isn’t like I’ll have much of a choice,” he remarks. “But who knows? Maybe someone else will get Connor.”
“Maybe.” Kelsie pauses, then smiles and says, “You can do it.”
He kisses her cheek, as they walk along. “Thank you.”
From there, they move onto a rehearsal schedule tangent. It’s not until they’re almost at the dining hall that casting gets brought up again. “What about that kid?” Kelsie asks, suddenly, almost laughing. “The really short one, the freshman? Could he beat out Cole or Danny?”
“Oh…” Spencer thinks he knows who she means. “Scarf kid?” When she nods, he laughs out loud. “I highly doubt he’ll be seeing the cast list. I mean, Kels, he’s a freshman.”
“That’s true.” She shrugs. “You did get Anthony freshman year, though…”
He straightens a little as he walks, because it still makes him proud to think about Sweeney Todd freshman year. “I reserve myself as a small exception to the rule.”
Kelsie grins. “You’re gonna be great, babe,” she says, and even though he knows he will be, it still feels nice to hear it.
Breakfast is very nice. He has scrambled eggs and sausage patties from the grill, and she has a fruit salad with unsweetened tea, in accordance with her New Year’s weight-loss diet. They have a breakfast table in the corner, by tradition, and they even see Reid when they’re in there. He’s eating with his girlfriend, and flashes jazz hands at the both of them, with a grin. “Happy casting day!”
Spencer wonders, just slightly, if Reid has seen the cast list yet. He may be a student, but he’s drama club president all the same, and maybe he has pre-existing knowledge. But on second thought, Spencer doesn’t think Dr. C would do that. She doesn’t even give him advance knowledge of casting, and he would venture to call himself her favorite student.
So he just waves to Reid, because he and Kelsie are on their way out. “Morning, Reid.” There’s something like a shit-eating grin on Reid’s face, so he can’t resist asking. “Have you seen the list yet?”
“Oh, yeah, dude!” Reid kicks back in his chair. “Didn’t you hear the good news? I’m Evan!”
Spencer’s soul leaves his body. “You— I’m sorry, what?”
“I’m so excited.” Reid smooths out his hair before he dusts off his graphic tee. “Tell me— do you think I’ll look good in striped blue?”
This is not real life. “You can’t be serious.”
“No, tell him, Bri!” Still grinning, Reid looks to his girlfriend, this chubby art student who always has ceramic work on display in the admissions lobby. “Weren’t we just discussing how lovely my angelic voice will sound on Words Fail?”
Bri nods, with her chin in her hands. “Oh, for sure.”
Reid throws his hands up, all smiles. “See?”
Kelsie steps forward, like she’s about to say something. And just as Spencer’s heart is set to beat out of his chest, Reid doubles over and bursts out laughing. “Jesus, Spencer,” he says, smacking the table. “I’m just fucking with you, dude. Could you not tell I was joking?”
“Well, he’s a little on edge,” Kelsie cuts in. “We both are.”
Reid shrugs, putting his hands behind his head like his dining hall chair is actually a lounge chair on the beach. “Well,” he remarks. “I have seen the list, but it’s not up for another…” He glances at the big clock on the wall in the dining room. “Fourteen minutes, so you won’t hear any leaks from me.”
“Wait, really?” he asks. “Have you actually seen it.”
Reid shrugs, making a face like he’s just been instructed to ‘do a silly one’ in a family portrait.
Spencer hates Reid Burke. He’s never really been sure about this fact until today. It’s partly the fact that Reid is still kind of grinning, like this is some big joke— Reid treats everything like a big joke— and partly the fact that he knows, even if he resorted to groveling (which he will not), that he truly won’t get any leaks out of him. Even with fifteen minutes left until he’ll see it himself, it’s tantalizing to know that Reid is sitting right here with full knowledge of the cast, and won’t say a word.
And by the way, what the hell, Dr. C? Since when does she leak the cast list to students?
But standing here being mad at Reid isn’t going to make the list go up faster, so he rolls his eyes, as Reid zips his lips, and says, “Well, I’ll see you later.”
“Bye,” Kelsie adds, like she is less than enthused that she wasted three minutes of her life on this useless conversation. Which is exactly how Spencer feels.
“Idiot,” he mutters, as they walk away, and doesn’t even care if he’s in earshot. “He almost gave me a heart attack.”
“Spence,” Kelsie says, taking his hand to squeeze it. “You know you have nothing to worry about.”
“I know,” he replies, because she’s right, “but what’s up with Dr. C letting Reid see the list early? How does that work? I practically picked the show—”
“It’s bullshit,” she replies, as they bust their breakfast trays. “You should say something to her, later.”
“I think I will,” he says. He’s already planning what he’ll say, as they leave the dining hall and head at a brisk pace in the direction of Beckett. It’s a quick walk, fueled by both of their adrenaline, and when they reach the double doors, Spencer takes one last breath of crisp winter air before walking inside.
Dr. C is in the lobby, crossing from the direction of Beck 1C, where the board is, back toward her office. She’s in a multicolored knit sweater, and she holds her head high, a surefire sign she just did something important. “Good morning, Dr. C,” he says, with a chipper wave. “Is the list up? We wanted to be the first ones to see it.”
“Yes.” Dr. C nods, adjusting her glasses as she stops a moment to talk to them. “It was definitely difficult to cast, and… some people may not be happy, but it’s the best fitting for the programme, as we say.”
Her wording is cryptic, but it always is. Two and a half years in her inner circle, and he knows her well. “Ah, I’m sure you picked the right people,” he says, with a wink.
Dr. C looks between him and Kelsie, then nods. “I’m confident I did,” she says, and it gives him an extra thrill of excitement. A quick glance to Kelsie and she’s smiling like she won the lottery. “Have a nice morning, you two!” Dr. C says, as she starts for her office again.
Kelsie blows her a kiss, and Spencer waves. When they meet eyes again, he takes her hand, and looks to the corner where the bulletin board is.
“Ready?” she asks him.
It’s time.
“Never more ready,” he replies, and together, they walk to the board with its promised sheet of paper.
The anticipation is adrenaline enough. Spencer knows what he’ll find on the list, but is still eager to get to it, to see his name at the top. They round the corner, and there’s the list, fresh white against the board’s maroon paper base. It’s only a few more steps.
When they get there, Kelsie sees it first. She leans forward, then recoils, like she’s been burned. “What?!” she cries, loud enough to be heard inside the actual auditorium.
“Kels? What’s wrong?” He wonders if Claire beat her out for Zoe. He consults the list to investigate, and— and— oh.
Right around then is when the world stops turning.
“Quinn Cooper?” Kelsie is staring at the list, her arms crossed over her chest, a permanent scowl etched on her perfect face. “The scarf freshman? Are they kidding?”
Spencer feels frozen. He stares at the list in disbelief, reads it up and down again and again. He feels like he’s been standing here for twenty minutes, but it’s probably only been two or three.
Cast & Crew List
Evan Hansen: Quinn Cooper
Connor Murphy: Cole Kolinsky
Zoe Murphy: Claire Deshaies
Heidi Hansen: Allison Halterman
Larry Murphy: Daniel Cho
Jared Kleinman: Reid Burke
Cynthia Murphy: Kelsie Wilkes
Alana Beck: Maggie Atkins
U/S Evan: Spencer Bergen
It’s fake. One of Reid’s practical jokes. They’re all out to play a big junior-year prank on him. Everyone is in on it. Including the scarf freshman.
There’s. No. Way.
“This is—” Kelsie sputters, then shakes her head. “I can’t believe this.”
“I won’t believe this,” he says, speaking for the first time since he saw the list. “There has to be some kind of mistake.”
“Um, I would sure hope so,” she says, popping the p in ‘hope’. “This is— this is a joke.”
Quinn Cooper. The freshman the size of a hobbit. Who wears scarves to every drama club meeting. Who’s barely been at Kiersey for half a year. Who just stole the role of his dreams right out from under him.
Spencer absolutely cannot believe this. “I have to talk to Dr. C,” he says, and it’s more an out-loud realization than anything, but he turns on his heel and marches straight for her office as soon as the words are out. “Like. Right now.”
But talking to Dr. C is a useless affair. “I work with what I’m given, Spencer,” she says, sitting behind her desk like some kind of supervillain, more closed-off to him than he’s ever seen her. “The cast may not look exactly how you imagined it, but some of the newer students showed real promise this year.”
“But Dr. C—” He paces in front of her desk. “I suggested the show. I practiced all summer. I thought for sure—”
“Spencer, I chose the show on my own accord,” she says, evenly. “It’s true I take input from students, but that has no bearing on my casting decisions.”
He throws his hands in the air. “But you have to see how this is unfair to me—”
“I think,” she cuts in, in this icy tone that’s usually reserved for people who fuck up majorly, and never for him, not in his entire time at Kiersey, “that once you see how the cast falls together, you’ll respect the casting decisions I made as your director.”
He sputters and rants, but he doesn’t dare disrespect her, no matter how much she’s betrayed him.
And so it goes. He’s lost out on his role, in his spring musical, to some no-name freshman who probably can’t even belt.
And just in case there needed to be a cherry on top, he’s his understudy. Of all things. How humiliating.
Spencer’s life is over.
It’s not until much later that day, when he’s sulking in Kelsie’s dorm room, mourning his lost musical season, that the idea for a solution crosses his mind.
It’s sort of her idea, but sort of his. She, at least, brings it up. “Spence,” she says, nudging his arm. He’s been scrolling mindlessly through Twitter for who knows how long, while she flips through her newly acquired script. “Y’know… you’re his understudy.”
“Well, jeez, Kels, I hadn’t noticed,” he snaps, dropping his phone onto the bed. “Thanks for reminding me.”
“That wasn’t my point,” she replies, scowling. “What I meant was… you’re his understudy.”
He knows she isn’t stupid enough to say the same thing twice over, so he tries to read her meaning. She’s gesturing, like she wants him to get it, and on top of the day he’s had, he doesn’t appreciate being made to feel like an idiot. He’s about to tell her as much when something dawns on him.
Something in the form of very, very useful knowledge. “And that means…” he says. “I perform if he can’t.”
A wise smile crosses Kelsie’s face. “Exactly.”
“So all we have to do is…” He nods. It’s taking shape in his head now. His spring musical season may not be completely lost.
Kelsie’s fingernails dance over his knee. “You’re getting it.”
“Figure out a way to inhibit his ability to perform,” he finishes. He loves her so much. “Kels. You’re right.”
“I’m right?” Her smile goes innocent. “What are you talking about, babe? That was all your idea.”
For the first time since before the saw the list, he smiles, too. He wonders if he looks as conniving as he feels. “I might be able to figure this out,” he says.
“That you might,” she replies, with a nod. “All we have to do is figure out what that looks like.”
To save his musical, Spencer is very much willing to figure that out.
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ahs-source · 4 years
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Happy Friday the 13th! Thank you to those who submitted these fantastic works for part 1 of this week’s Fanfiction Friday. Please check out and share these works to spread the love! (part 2 here)
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diamond rings and gutter bones (Completed) by Errantmushroom (AO3) Relationships: Michael Langdon x Mallory | Tags:  No Magic AU, Neighbors, highschool, College, Making bad decisions with alcohol, Love, a little angsty, Happy halloween | Completed (1/1 Chapters) | 5609 words | AU / College / No Magic
“Did you have to scare off my date?” He pouts, because of course he does, and it is obscene, the way it makes her want his lips on her neck.
“Some date,” Mallory says. “She all but called you Humbert Humbert.”
Michael’s mouth quirks. “Yes, we’ll have to work on her insults, I suppose.”
“Are you guys - are you - ” Madison lets loose a strangled sound of disgust. “Flirting?”
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the last american virgin (Completed) by SophieGraceJ (AO3) Relationships: Trevor Kirchner x Reader, Ray Powell x Reader, Ray Powell x Trevor Kirchner (maybe) | Tags: Smut, Loss of Virginity, Religious Conflict, Religious Guilt, Threesome - F/M/M | Completed (1/1 Chapters) | 2368 words | Canon Divergent
You sat on the ground, ignoring them for the most part. Adjusting your shirt and pants, and pulling on your socks that were still wet and tight to get on. You struggled. Got one boot on before seeing something in the corner of your eye.
You inhaled sharply.
Rays shirt was gone. Sculpted like a Greek god, skin smooth and hairless, like those men in the stupid novella you found in your mother’s draws when you were little. He stretched, muscles contracting with his every movement.
And as for Trevor.
Every clothing item was gone.
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my dear, it is not so dreadful here (Completed) by thedivinemove (AO3) Relationships: Michael Langdon x Mallory | Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Hades and Persephone Mythology Fusion, Alternate Universe - Angels & Demons, Canon-Typical Violence, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, Religion, Biblical References, Eating Disorders, Demons, Demonic Possession, Torture, I'm Sorry, Played Blasphemy Bingo Writing This, Self-Harm, Christ, Antichrist, Cunnilingus, Rough Sex, Apocalypse, Time Travel, Alternate Universe of an Alternate Universe, Misty/Cordelia & Madison/Zoe in later chapters | Completed (7/7 Chapters) | 35350 words | AU / Angels and Demons  
He smells like ash and dirt and death, and her breath catches, for the last time. “Don’t scream,” he says.
And they plunge into the ground.
Or: the Lord of the Underworld steals the Daughter of Heaven; the Earth pays the price.
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Paradise in Purgatory (Days of Our Xavier) (Completed) by EmWrites4 (AO3) Relationships: Xavier Plympton x Original Female Character | Tags: Recreational Drug Use, Past Drug Addiction, Fluff, Slow Burn, Romance, Drama & Romance, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Smut, Super Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Mentions of Masturbation, Edging, Oral Sex, Fingering, anal pleasuring, Sex, rough con sex, Unplanned Pregnancy, mentions of trouble with childbirth, AHS Apocalypse AU, Soap Opera AHS 1984, Briefs mentions of Xertie, Brief mentions of Xantana, Brief mentions of M/M sex, Jingles Drama (my son!), Fictional Richard Ramirez, Light Xavier - Freeform, Dark Xavier - Freeform, Crack Fic, Fluff and Crack, Smut | Completed (9/9 Chapters) | 22732 words | Post Canon Divergent
Continuing with the finale of the show “American Horror Story: 1984”, our story begins in the present day. Xavier Plympton has been trapped at Camp Redwood for decades. Along comes Lara, a determined believer in redemption on a mission to help Xavier and the others escape the perpetual twilight of purgatory, driven by a hidden agenda of her own. These are the Days of our Xavier.
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Reckoning (WIP) by sweetfaytanner (AO3) / @sweetlangdon​ (Tumblr) Relationships: Michael Langdon x OC/Reader | Tags:  Violence, Blood, Blood Kink, Blood Magic, Bloodplay, Knifeplay | Last Updated: 2019-11-04 (5/? Chapters) | 15819 words | Canon Divergent
A Gray accidentally finds Michael while he’s performing the ritual. Things take an interesting turn.
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Til the Fire Fades (Completed / One-Shot) by TheFandomLesbian (AO3) Relationships: Cordelia Goode x Misty Day | Tags:  pre-Seven Wonders, Nightmares | Completed / One-Shot (Part 41 of Raulson One-Shot Series) | 2521 words | Canon Divergent
Since the acid attack, Cordelia has fought sleeplessness. She finds she isn’t the only one.
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Thank you to those who sent in these works! Please continue sending submissions to ahs-source.tumblr.com/submit or through the Tumblr mobile app. (As a reminder, any and all characters and their pairings can be submitted, so long as the pairing includes a character from American Horror Story!)
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raleigh-ocean · 4 years
one more time (one more chance) | cordelia goode & raleigh ocean
Summary: Sometimes Cordelia thought she was in the verge of losing Raleigh forever, between her own fears and choices. She thought that she would spend the rest of her life yearning to fix whatever was left of their relationship, aching in silence till the day it didn't matter anymore. But when the oportunity came up, Cordelia decided that she wasn't going to die without fighting for what her heart wanted.
She didn't know, however, that Raleigh was trying to aim for the same in her own way.
words: 12, 406
n/a: What a trip, whatta trip! I've been writing this for several days, building the closure and new start these two deserved. So i hope you enjoy it as much as I did while writing. I love Ray with all my heart and soul, she's my favourite oc and I want her to have the oportunity to live a happy life. And I also love Cordelia a lot, of course! I’ll leave you here the song that inspired the title and the emotions behind it!
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Cordelia pressed her hands to her forehead, trying to discern if it was a good idea to actually go alone that time to San Francisco. 
Obviously she didn’t want to go alone, being around those warlocks was a pain in the ass for sure, even when Behold tried to make her visits easier and actually nice at some points. But she always had one of her girls by her side to accompany her and give her a hand when she couldn't think straight between the constant overflow of magic around her mixed with the tiredness that came with it all.
Looking away from her papers and all the men that she would have to interview and test, Cordelia's eyes fell to her companion in the office. After almost five years, it didn't feel out of place having the red haired woman in dark purple blouse in the desk by her side. Wilhemina was writing something in her laptop, glasses perched on her nose and eyes a bit squinted which was sign that whatever she was doing it wasn't having the outcome she wanted. Taking her coffee from where she abandoned it a couple hours ago, Cordelia tried to subtly keep watching her and wondering if maybe Wilhemina wanted to go with her to this trip. She soon scratched the idea, because why would she want to be around Cordelia in the first place; and, second, she needed someone that already knew a lot of magic theory, and the other woman was still far from that point.
"I don't know why, but I usually hear your head working like a train station, Goode," Wilhemina's voice boomed in the silent office with a tone that totally said 'stop from doing that'. "Are you going to tell me what's wrong or do I have to fetch your wife so I can have some peace to work?"
That was one thing she liked about her co-worker, how direct she could be without losing her focus on what she was doing.
"Actually...I don't know what to do," she confessed without missing a beat, not bothering in hiding her worries from the other woman, who, at that, focused on her finally. "I fly in a few days to get all this stuff at Hawthorne sorted out, but none is available to accompany me," Cordelia got an inquisitive look from Wilhemina, asking her to keep going. "Zoe and Mallory are in vacation, they needed it; Queenie and Madison have to stay or we'll be short at teaching; Misty, well, I'm not forcing her into a plane right now...and Coco and you aren't still qualified enough to help me in that aspect, so I'm wondering what to do."
Wilhemina hummed in response, bringing a finger to her chin for a second, curling it so it rested under her lower lip - dark lipstick not that perfect anymore after half day gone. Cordelia almost mimicked her, opting for placing her chin in her hands and just resting her elbows in the table, trying to think a bit more.
"Why don't you ask Raleigh?" Wilhemina started typing again at her laptop, resuming her thinking. "She could easily help you."
Ah, yeah, why wouldn't she ask her? Cordelia felt her chest tight, mostly because she wanted to avoid bothering the other woman or imposing on her in any way. And she felt that she lost the right to ask her for anything after the stunt Cordelia played on her three years ago. It marked in their records the point where they started to drift apart from each other, and Cordelia didn't blame her at all being completely honest...but her heart twisted in her chest, as if it was nagging her about the whole thing once again.
"She's probably too busy," the excuse fell from her lips easily, easier than saying she was afraid to ask matter of fact. 
"If busy means wrestling with the dog in the backyard or wrestling the cat to touch his paws," Wilhemina snorted ever so softly, raising both her hands. "Fuck, she is president's busy level."
"Wasn't she doing some research on warpping spells and was elbow deep in it?" Cordelia frowned at the statement, having heard about that a few days ago from Queenie when she asked why Raleigh seemed so distressed one afternoon before her lessons with the youngest. 
"Sometimes I forget that you forget how she is," a heavy sigh that weighed in Cordelia's chest for the both of them. "She finished that yesterday night after pulling two days of non-stop schedule, so now I have a hyperactive five eleven gremlin till she finds another 'not so correct' spell that needs of her," they locked eyes for the first time in hours since they were there, and Cordelia could see how Wilhemina had a different glow from usual, more relaxed, and was wearing her hair down. She checked her phone in a swift move and then sighed. "Well, at least I had one until she ran out of battery three hours ago, apparently."
It only gave Cordelia time to feel the blush going up from her chest to her face, fast like a shooting star, and she cleared her throat in an attempt to also clear her mind. She still was getting used to everything related with Wilhemina and Raleigh, but at least she could say she was getting better at not thinking about it so much.
However, once it passed a few seconds, only one sensation filled the Supreme: uneasiness. It was more because a part of her was eager to take the offer, but the other part of her was screaming and shaking her head madly at the simple idea.
"I'll think about it over dinner," was the only thing Cordelia managed to say, not giving an answer yet making, without noticing, Wilhemina to grin sideways ever so softly. "I'll have to make you or one of the girls take her classes and-"
"Oh no, you pay me to do your taxes and other stuff like that sweetheart, we both know I'm not suited to teach History of the Coven, I barely keep up with the basics," there she was again, making Cordelia chuckle lightly with her antics, the woman she was starting to appreciate in a more personal way. Wilhemina hummed for a second, checking her wristwatch. "And it's time for me to prepare for lessons, so I'll leave to get another coffee before that."
Cordelia barely waved goodbye to her, her eyes focused again in the information Behold had sent her about everyone, when Wilhemina closed the office's door with a 'the kingdom as all yours now'. She didn't pay attention to the different portrait pictures of the warlocks, so it was only intel what was she reading. Checking her email once again, Cordelia thought to herself why they needed her approval this time. Maybe it was because they relied for too long in the Council since the Supreme was missing most of the time before you came around, a little voice in her head replied and it only made her just rest her forehead in the desk. 
Damned Fiona and whatever she didn't do for like forty or fifty years.
At least there weren't many spots to cover, so in maybe two days she would be back home if everything went according to the plan. But if she was alone, two days would be three and she couldn't help but groan a bit louder with that possibility in mind.
When she heard someone knocking at her door minutes later, still forehead in the desk and eyes closed, she didn't actually pay much attention and groaned again to let them in. Students knew her office was open for them from breakfast to mid noon and it was past six already, so the only ones allowed were her girls.
"In need of a super massage? Rumor has it that you were feeling super stressed."
Upon hearing that voice, Cordelia finally lifted her head from the desk, forgetting altogether for a few moments that she had a red mark in her forehead and about her own worries. Misty was there, peeking from the door ajar with a half smile and offering her warm magic to her, like she always did every time they were in the same room.
"If the rumor was wearing purple, don’t pay much attention,” Cordelia felt herself smiling softly when she gestured Misty to come in, moving her fingers a bit till they were laced with her wife’s. “But I wouldn’t say no to a kiss and maybe the super massage later.”
Misty laughed at that, moving towards her wife and leaning in to give her what she wanted. It made the knot in the back of Cordelia’s head ease and it made her hum in response, now circling her wife with both arms and pulling her to her lap. Misty whined a bit for that, only making Cordelia to tighten the hug and nuzzle her face against her shoulder, both hands finding their right place in Misty’s swollen belly. 
“Where’s our tiny hurricane?” asked Cordelia, pushing her own magic to her wife, warm and soothing in equal parts. “How the other one is behaving today?”
“Rhia is taking a nap under Coco’s extreme watch, which means Coco is sleeping too,” Misty sighed placidly while her hands went to the papers over the desk, letting herself be pampered in tiny kisses across her shoulders and Cordelia’s thumb caressing her side. “She’s been calm so far, let’s see if tonight stay the same or I have to add another restless night to my count,” she chuckled tiredly because of that, but she was now interested in what she was reading. Even when they decided not to know the baby’s gender, Misty was firm believer they were another girl. “This people is really...talented, mon Dieu, how can this one know all of that? He’s barely eighteen and he’s almost as skilled as Leighs...and she’s really old.”
It was the time for Cordelia to chuckle, because she also saw that. Taking a peak from over Misty’s shoulder, she tried to point some information around the lower part of the paper in which stated that the young man came from a long lineage of warlocks.
“Hawthorne has had a steady come and go of students for years, sweetie; we’ve been almost eradicated until I become the Supreme, so I think they have the advantage in that I guess,” Cordelia shrugged and then pressed her forehead between Misty’s shoulder blades. “And I’ll try to ignore the fact that you called us old, by the way. Auch.”
“You know what I meant, only you two are in this...can I call it level? It's a bit scary, I now get why they want you to test them," scattering the different file cards as if they were a fan. "I wouldn't even know how to proceed."
Pressing her cheek in Misty's back, Cordelia tried to form a thought or at least something to say next, but she found herself speechless. Some of the young men in the file cards had an amazing record, but at the same time it showed everywhere that many of those had it because of their families or because they were closer to some of the authorities at hand. It scared her too seeing people capable of doing so much at such young age apparently and, as she drew a little pattern over her wife's belly, her mind drifted again to the other person in the whole Academy that took her time to teach her how to build her confidence when she was young. Misty kept commenting about the file cards, more to herself than for Cordelia, until she had to put her hands over hers to get her attention.
"I'll be late to the lesson if you fall asleep, Dee," a soft chuckle that became a lovely smile. "Shall we start going or are you staying here today?"
Cordelia wanted to hide and not to think about what should she do in the next few days, stay with Misty in bed only caring about her and about Rhiannon and their unborn baby. But she decided to put on a brave face and nod, groaning a 'let's go, today I'll watch you work' and making them to finally stand up. She didn't pay much attention the second they were out of the office, letting Misty to guide her towards the Ancient Room.
When they arrived, everyone was already there except for Zoe and Mallory, which were probably fast asleep somewhere in Europe. Queenie smiled at them wide and Madison kept chattering with Coco, who always tried to pass by before the whole thing started since she wasn't ready yet to assist those lessons, with Rhiannon in her arms, who lightened up at the presence of her mothers. Wilhemina was reading something in her notebook in the end of the couch and the couple took a seat by her side, Cordelia taking the middle between her wife and the red headed with her daughter in her arms, all cuddled and ready to take another quick nap in the next few minutes.
"If I didn’t know you well, I would’ve been impressed that you tried to outrank us,” Mina mumbled to Cordelia when she was sure Rhiannon was distracted with Misty’s rings. “But I know you two just talked in that office.”
The bickering was eternal between them, easy as pie, and it made Cordelia feel warmth crawling up her neck because she knew what the other woman was referring to. She was about to reply something clever, something that would outsmart the other woman, but right when she tried to open her mouth a new voice in the room made everyone there be silent.
"Okay everyone, let's get started," Raleigh made her way to the space between the couches and the fireplace, making her look even more imposing with the light from the latter hitting her from behind. "Today we are going to finish the underwater-on-earth cantrip, so I hope y'all are ready to put in good practice what we've learnt the last couple of weeks. Then we'll move to start with a new spell." Clapping her hands together for a second, she turned around to look first at Cordelia and then Misty. "I'm not making any of you put it on Misty, however, so her partner will cast it on me...which it will be fun. Who's gonna be the brave witch this night?"
Cordelia fell silent after that, just trying to focus in how the lesson went from there. Rhiannon fell asleep in her arms after getting a soft cuddle in her cheek from the teacher, so the only thing she needed to take care was holding her baby against her. 
It was easy to watch over Raleigh working, she was pretty clear in how things should get done and which were her goals to fulfill that day. Even when she wasn't part of the class, she felt as she was learning just by hearing her talk and watch the rest perform things. There was something in her that made her wonder how could Raleigh know where was the flaw when something didn't go well, how can she pick point that fatal little line in each cantrip, spell and hex that made them not work. Raleigh was precise in her craft, she believed to have the right answer to a difficult task, and that made her able to know how to proceed at any given situation.
There, watching Queenie perform the cantrip on Raleigh, Cordelia thought about what Misty told her in the office. They knew a lot of complicated magic and procedures because they were...old, in the sense that right now both Raleigh and her were the oldest members of the Coven to have been completed their training and developed their skills by basically become scholars.
Cordelia had become one under Myrtle's supervision, her own talent for potioncraft becoming the thing that she felt most confident about and later on what she mastered in the end. Before having all the powers that came with being the Supreme, she honed her skills and wrote several papers about potions, plants and different approaches to this specific craft.
Raleigh, in her side, had become one by trying to outsmart herself by studying and polishing her spellcraft. Cordelia still didn't know how she thrived so much just on her own, but she knew for a fact that the woman now trying to break a cantrip earned every right to be respected by anyone.
Which made both a scary pair, a force to be reckoned with if they ever worked together.
The thought of getting back to the warlocks in their space, their own terrain that they 'paved' to grow stronger than any witch, just made Cordelia's magic start vibrating with excitement. 
Who were they to look down on them, just because they were coming back from the ashes? Who were they to try and belittle the giant steps witches were making? And also, who were they to set in stone how things should work when magic itself didn't like to be contained.
Those thoughts stayed in Cordelia's mind for as long as the lesson lasted, making her to think about how to act with her new resolution. She was still pretty much scared of taking that step, but the fire that started in her chest was enough to build up courage and try to live behind her worries. She needed her best friend by her side in this, and she wasn't going to settle for less. 
When Misty walked towards her, Cordelia put Rhiannon in her arms with care and took a deep last breath after kissing both in the cheek with a 'I'll see you in a bit' barely whispered. Dinner was about to be served, so it wasn't weird at all that the rest were quick to make their way towards the dinner hall. Except Wilhemina, who was talking privately to Raleigh while facing the fireplace.
"Raleigh, do you have a moment? I wanted to have a word with you," Cordelia cleared her throat softly to announce herself and both women looked at her with curious eyes. "In private."
Wilhemina raised an eyebrow for a second but then she gave her girlfriend a kiss in her knuckles before excusing herself. Raleigh waited for Mina to exit the Ancient room before actually using her powers to close the doors and have the privacy the Supreme wanted. Both didn't know, however, that outside the room their respective partners shared a victory grin upon seeing this.
"Are there any new witches that need us to retrieve them again?" was the first thing the latina witch asked, moving towards one of the individual sofas to rest there. She was visibly tired but she was holding it up really well for someone that roughly slept three hours. 
"Oh no, none that I know of yet at least," Cordelia dismissed the possibility fast enough to not let the other woman to form the thought. "I was actually going to ask you a favor."
A soft warmth started to spread in her chest when Raleigh's lips formed a little 'o' and her face showed that she was both curious and surprised about what she was going to ask her. Squaring up in her seat, Raleigh made a gesture for her to continue and Cordelia felt the light pang of regret trying to get her. But she pushed forward, because good Lord she wasn't going to back up now.
"I have to pay Hawthorne a visit, test some younglings because they are changing staff," she started, fixing her eyes to her lap for a second and then doing a move with her hand. "And I want you to come with me, because…" she looked up to lock eyes with Raleigh, which was paralyzed in front of her. "Because you are my best witch and I feel you'll do a great job helping me with this."
Then the silence came. 
Cordelia was used to Raleigh's silences, knowing every of them by the back of her hand. But this one was unknown and it was weird enough to make her wonder if she was too bold to ask her anything. It was scary, because the silence held the feeling of someone that was waiting at a bus stop for one they knew for a fact wasn't going to pass by. You knew you were waiting for something that it wasn't going to happen, but what if luck was with you that day? The only thing she could do was wait for Raleigh to move, to say something, and she did the former suddenly.
Her hand on her chin and the free one in her hip, she walked towards the fireplace to put some distance between them. For once she didn't know what was going on in her head, indeed, Cordelia didn't know what was going on around Raleigh's mind since the day she came back for good to the Academy. But she was hoping for a good outcome she felt she didn't deserve.
When her friend finally talked, however, she couldn't believe the wave of relief that washed her whole.
"I'd love to accompany you, for real," there was a hint of something deep and old tinting her voice, was it excitement as well? "What are the details of the trip? You have to tell me before I pass out, I'm barely holding it together right now."
And her laugh, shy but clear, made Cordelia feel how her eyes watered a bit. But she laughed too, sighing with all the relief she felt at that moment, and gesture her to start moving.
"Come on, I'll fill you up while we get dinner, okay? Then I'll let you sleep to your heart content."
Cordelia didn't know how Raleigh was capable of not going full bananas in that moment.
She felt herself getting enraged each second that passed and the man before them just kept talking and talking about things that were meant to impress them somehow. But it was getting annoying and her patience was getting cut short. Behold gave her a silent apology from his seat, while John just huffed annoyed. Ariel and Baldwin seemed to be amused with the whole thing, along with some of the other men they were testing in a couple hours, while the some others seemed uninterested about it.
Raleigh was looking at him as if she could dig holes in his skull right in that moment just by staring. She at least could recognize that, because it was the same way she used to look at Myrtle when she was alive. 
"Is it something the matter, miss Ocean?" 
The private lunch seemed to wake up from the stupor of this man talking when one of the two women in the table was addressed. Cordelia was a bit amused when Raleigh's face seemed to grow annoyed and almost looked as she used to look when she was young. The nice clothes and overall looks  - the high waisted pants, the long sleeved shirt that marked her arms, dark frame glasses and too long hair down - helped to sweeten her rough edges, those she didn't need to hide at home, but she was imposing even more like that. It reminded Cordelia of a tired CEO that showed up from time to time and leave the building feeling even more tired.
"Yes, now that you bring it up," Raleigh pushed her plate away from her, already having finished. Her hands were manicured in black, which only made her look more deadly for some reason. "You can go back with your brothers, I'm not going to test someone that holds over everyone's head how good he allegedly is." She put her hands in the arm rests, just getting a bit relaxed. "I was discerning to give you a chance to at least fail, but giving that you don't know when to shut up I decided against it."
That made Cordelia almost laugh, almost because Baldwin Pennypacker suddenly stood up with all the rage of a five four tall man could muster. Ariel put a hand over his arm, trying to soothe him to not make a scene. 
Oh this is going to be fun, was the only thought she could come up with when she saw the warlock got out of the room.
Raleigh then looked at Cordelia, her hazel eyes glistening with the same fun she was feeling, and waited for her to say something. Lunch was already done, they were having some kind of table talk time but now it seemed to need to be resumed before someone exploded in the nasty way. So she cleared her throat a bit to get everyone's attention before making the statement that the tests were about to begin. Having her best friend by her side gave her more energy to put up with all this foolery.
"How many spots they had to cover again?" mumbled Raleigh in her ear while they started to move to the library, where the Great Chancellor had decided as the assigned place. "Because I'm having the feeling that they will have to be the same four cats for another decade."
"You promised, no electroshock," warned Cordelia in a soft chuckle, moving her finger in front of her friend's face. "I don't want to start a war over something that silly."
"Ray can't get a little electroshock, as a treat?" Another little whine that made Cordelia chuckle, watching Raleigh pout but giving her another long stare that only meant warning. "Aw dang, then I'll just do my job and hope for some ice cream afterwards."
That little interaction only made Cordelia's day, being completely honest. It also made the next four hours less painful, her brain less tired while watching all these people march in front of her and show them what they could do. 
They moved as if they never got separated for fifteen, almost twenty years. The heaviness that Cordelia usually carried in her chest started to loosen, enough to not think about what would happen when the trip was over and just enjoy while she could this chance at things. Even when Raleigh rolled her eyes subtly and let her do the talking, not wanting to voice her opinion about some mediocrity, she felt good to be the one voicing what they both thought. Only when a boy, around twenty two years old, came the last one of that day batch is that she felt like she could let Raleigh speak freely.
They watched how the boy - which in a weird way, he reminded her of her friend a lot - managed to pass everything they made him perform, without showing off or smiling smugly afterwards, and Raleigh started to ask him more stuff for the sake of it. Cordelia knew most of those things were really difficult to perform and somewhat dangerous if they weren't done correctly, but having the other woman being that interested in something that wasn't revolving around whatever was inside her head was an absolute bliss.
Even Behold and John, which were watching the whole thing with the rest from the upper baranda, seemed impressed yet proud of this particular individual. Maybe he was their favourite, she wondered, or maybe he was their protegeé. Either way, along with another one of the candidates, he was one of the few they took in consideration for the role.
And this particular thing seemed to bother Ariel Agustus to no end, apparently.
During all dinner, after wrapping the examinations, only the major warlocks and them were allowed in the private room, so the tension that seemed to have died in front of the students arised with a new strength that made Cordelia start to have a headache. While discussing the points of view they had, Raleigh's hand was always near hers, while she kept feeding herself in silence. It was like an offering, a comfort between all the bullshit they were putting her through, and she was really tempted to take it.
"...you have no idea who did you discarded, did you?" Ariel's voice boomed around the room and made Raleigh finally to look at him, starting to lift her glasses from her face and put them in her head to have a clear view. "They were the best of this generation, they were more than good enough to fill those roles."
"Hawthorne isn't Robichaux, Cordelia, we work differently and have other points to achieve," Baldwin retorted that with a tone that sounded almost as if he was looking down on them. "We do care about who teach our people, we go an extra mile to get them the best."
"Then why you precised of our help to do your job, do please tell me?" This time Raleigh talked with all the anger vibrating under her skin, Cordelia could feel her magic trying to attach to hers. "Oh right, because times have changed and now you can't do as you please. Are you trying to treat us as mere bureaucracy? I don't remember Quentin Fleming to be treated this way when he was alive."
Cordelia saw Behold looking at her friend first and then looked back at her, his posture clearly showing his surprise for the outburst and also curious to see where was this leading. Ariel hit the table with both hands before pointing at the woman that was confronting him.
"I've been around longer than you to know how things work," Cordelia saw Raleigh's fist trembling over the table, where she was pressing it. "So I won't take any opinion from you, witch. I don't even know why are you here, treating us as if you actually have a say in anythi-."
"She does because Raleigh Ocean has been appointed as chancellor by me, your fucking Supreme, so she has every right to voice her opinion."
Her heart was beating so loud in her throat, her ears and basically her whole body, that Cordelia thought she was going to burst in flames right at that moment. But she couldn't stop now that she was standing up, her magic all over the place as if she was at the mansion and not somewhere she couldn't even point as close to her.
"So I suggest you fall in line, Ariel Augustus, because all her opinions are those that reflect mine. Are we fucking clear here? Because if that's so, I think is time to wrap this gathering and for us to deliberate in private."
Cordelia didn't fail to notice, before walking out of the room with her new chancellor in tail, how Raleigh was trying to hide the utter surprise of what just happened but the slight 'o' forming in her lips was enough to make her hide her blush behind a strategically placed hand in the side of her face.
Hearing Raleigh laugh so clear and pure was something Cordelia didn't expect to hear, even less being the main reason behind her laughter.
After they managed to get back to the room the warlocks had prepared for the Supreme, every serious undertone fell apart like butter over warm pan, having both women cracking up just for the sake of it. They didn't even have to say something at first, but then Raleigh couldn't stop herself from putting her best impersonation of an old lady to exclaim 'Cordelia Goode, that's not how a lady behaves, such potty mouth you have', and that only made Cordelia to give her a double middle finger up in response followed by more laughter.
"I swear, I didn't expect you to blow the fuck up just with words like that," Raleigh had her back pressed to the wall near the door, holding onto her stomach. "It's really amazing."
"I've been dealing with them for almost ten years and I'm so tired of them trying to impose their old traditions and visions," Cordelia moved from the desk where she sat to go to her suitcase. "Keeping them will only get them killed eventually, it almost happened to us, but they are adamant."
"I'm pretty sure being tired of them isn't the only thing that fired you up, remember when we were at the Academy," she couldn't help but try to hide her soft smile by getting her vanity case and some more things out the suitcase. "It took me five years to make you break one of Myrtle's rules...and now look at you, smashing the shit outta them with only a couple of sentences."
When she turned around a bit to see her companion, Raleigh was just sitting in bed with her back towards her. She seemed distracted by playing with her hands and Cordelia found that endearing. Now her friend wasn't a mighty witch standing her ground in front of all those warlocks, it was only Ray, feeling out of place, in a room that only had one bed and probably considering to stay up just so Cordelia could rest for the night. There in fancy clothes, she mimicked Cordelia to get some things out of her bag while still paying attention to the other woman in the room.
"I learnt from the best, and he was being rude to you, which I didn't like at all," she stood there, trying to discern what to do for a second. "Are you taking the bathroom first or…?"
"Sure, I was always the fastest and you took forever," that drew another laugh from Cordelia, a fake offended one for sure, but it made Raleigh to chuckle in return. "Let me take some of my stuff out and then I'm on it."
A book, a notebook and some highlighters later, Raleigh made her way with all her night clothes bundled up in her arms in a messy way that made Cordelia wonder how could Wilhemina, one of the most meticulous and impeccable women she ever met, live in the same space as the 'tidy mess' that her partner was. But then a tiny voice similar to her...comrade sounded in the back of her head, asking just the same question, knowing that Misty was another mess too.
With a sigh, Cordelia moved in the room to seat in the bed and wait. Her phone seemed a good distraction while waiting and she was looking through the staff group chat when her eyes found the book Raleigh took out. She wondered, again, what was she studying this time and she took a peek for the sake of satisfy her curiosity. To her surprise it was just an old copy of A Midsummer Night's Dream, which seemed to have seen better days yet at the same time it looked as if the owner have done anything in their power to keep it away from the claws of time.
She didn't poke around more, keeping in mind that the least thing she wanted was to break the trust she was trying to build with Raleigh, and soon found herself just lying in bed with her legs hanging from the edge and her hands over her stomach. Cordelia felt younger, with her eyes now closed, transported to a happier time of her life and she decided to stay there with the memory in her own silence, the sound of the shower in the background ever so softly.
"I'm surely strong enough to put you under the covers without waking you up, that didn't change at all," when Cordelia opened her eyes, Raleigh was in front of her with a little grin lighten up her tired face. She was wearing an old t-shirt and sweatpants, her glasses softening her features and wet hair in a bun on top her head. "But I know you like to sleep once you get a shower, so come on miss Supreme, your turn."
Cordelia couldn't help but smile freely once she was in the privacy of the bathroom, pressing her hands together with the reminder that Raleigh had helped her to get up with such easiness that made her chuckle in the moment. Even when she was getting dressed again, her usual nightgown and robe, while trying to dry her hair as much as she could, she couldn't help but feel that something was going right for them, between them, for once in a really long time. And that was...good, great even, because Cordelia had been so afraid of messing everything up more since the day Raleigh moved out of the main house to the adjacent one.
Now she felt more confident even with the feeling that they weren't going to fix their friendship any time soon attached to her very own soul.
The first thing she saw once she was out of the bathroom, gave her new strength to keep going because of how quotidian felt. 
Raleigh was lying in bed, sprawled all big she was, under the covers as if she was trying to spread her warmth all over the place so it wasn't that cold. When they were young she used to do that for her, because she knew Cordelia was always cold at night and Raleigh was like a human radiator. She wasn't reading, as she expect her to be, but was just looking at the ceiling with a calmness that shook her. Her arms were uncovered and Cordelia felt as if she shouldn't seen them, full of marks from various origins as far as she could see and she was sure none of them came from a good motive. The one that scared her the most was in Raleigh's left arm, the inside of her elbow, as if someone had put a vial several times there till the point it formed a nasty scar.
"Are you trying to tell me I'll sleep in the couch tonight?" Cordelia tried to joke and she got a chuckle in return. 
"This place is cold, I thought you'd have a hard time sleeping because of that," Raleigh moved her arms and legs a bit, as if she was making an angel in the sheets. "Just let me stay a bit more while you get ready and I'll let you the bed all for yourself."
She wasn't that wrong after all, but the outcome wasn't one she desired.
"I want you to stay, Ray." 
Before she could think about it, Cordelia was saying what her selfish heart wanted. Selfish as she saw it but it felt good to get it out of her chest. Because it wasn't only directed at 'stay in bed with me' but 'I want you to stay in my life', yearning to be said in that way for years.
"Then get over here already, Deli."
When she finally laid in the right side of the bed, Raleigh moving to the left to leave her space, she felt her ears warm, the rush of energy that her confession made her feel going somewhere in her body. She only had to flicker her fingers to turn off the main light of the room, but Ray already turned on the night lamp in her side. The orange-ish light was enough for them to see each other in the otherwise dark room.
Cordelia thought another silence would arose between them, one that she would probably won't know at this point, but her friend was fast to bring up a topic to talk. She indulged on it, finding herself making conversation over memories they shared and not what was of them in this moment, this present that they seem to avoid as much as they could.
While they were talking, they never fully face each other. Trying to respect their spaces in the bed, Cordelia didn't want to make Raleigh feel uncomfortable with the already strange situation, but she wasn't going to lie and say she wasn't getting more and more relaxed, her magic displayed around them without trying to break Ray's...but ready in case she reached for her. And she felt it when they had a fit of laughter, after one specific memory around how Cordelia broke someone nose by accident - 'but tell me now, was it really an accident?' 'Of course it was! I didn't see her in the first place!' -, tip toeing like a wave that's already in the last moments before going back to the ocean, making their laughs start to calm down until the truly known silence settled.
One that finally made Cordelia brave enough to turn her head and look at Raleigh with the feelings that never disappeared.
And she got her to look back at her, finally seeing the deep tiredness feeling those hazel eyes she loved once, seeing the dark circles under them, the lines around her eyes that she gained during these past four years of living in peace and how all of that made the fucking scary scar that crossed her face less important.
Was that a white hair in her left eyebrow?
Cordelia's hand traveled then to cup her cheek, unexpectedly, and her thumb was soon caressing the irregular edges of the scar, always making Raleigh self conscious of it. None except Cordelia could touch it, but she knew that Wilhemina was now the other person in the world capable of not sending the latina witch into a spiral of anxiety when doing so. And Raleigh closed her eyes at the touch, nuzzling ever so softly her face against Cordelia's hand and make her heart burst in all the love that she still got for her.
Love that didn't want to die that easily.
"I've missed you half of my life," she whispered, afraid that her ex-lover ran away if she spoke louder. 
"I'm sorry I made you miss me," Ray opened her eyes and there wasn't any trace of reproach this time, only deep and vast sadness and guilt. "I'm sorry I hurt you, I'm sorry for everything."
"I hurt you too, several times in fact," a heartfelt giggle that seemed to hide tears about to be spilled. "But I want to do us right, because I've loved you all my life and even when our paths aren't the same anymore...I want to keep walking by your side."
In great movies, scenes like this one ended up in kisses of true, desperate, and undying love. 
But in this moment it made Raleigh to turn her body to completely face Cordelia, who also did the same, and withdraw her warm hand from her cheek to intertwine her fingers. There was a soft smile tugging at the corners of her lips and her magic flow started to lace with the Supreme, as it did once in better times.
"Then why don't you start asking me what your heart wants to hear the most?"
The permission Cordelia had been waiting for twenty four years came with having Ray's free hand tugging a lock of her hair behind her ear.
"How did you truly got your scar?" Raleigh always knew that one was going to come eventually and Cordelia had it in store for a really long time. "I never believed what Myrtle said about you trying to escape the Academy."
"I got it the day your mother hexed me," Cordelia felt herself tensing up to the revelation, but she let her companion to explain herself. "I tried to fight against her, with all I got in that moment, but Fiona was ready to get what she wanted at all costs. Not only she awoke my Future's Sight but she also marked me more than she was already doing it," Raleigh's nose twitched a bit, making the skin around the part of the scar that was there to wrinkle. 
"Why she did that to you?"
"It seemed my mother denied her access to her own...gift. You know how your mother was, trying to prevent at all cost whatever was coming to take away her everything," Raleigh laughed lowly and Cordelia squeezed her hand in response. "So she took it as a challenge. I shouldn't have awaken that one but the roots were still there, somewhere deep in my magic channels, and she contained it by killing every possibility of me developing any other power, making my magic flow to sustain the artificial one and my Elektrokinesis along with my Power Negation, these two only because they were already there," the explanation sounded so technical that made Cordelia's stomach to do a weird sick flip, as if the other woman didn't see how sickening was the whole thing. "The hex was quite powerful, it was made by a Supreme after all, so that's what made me unable to do anything once my Future's Sight made me flee."
"You said 'was'...that means you don't have it anymore?" She wanted to help Raleigh to escape whatever Fiona made her, heal her and never think about her mother ever again.
"It was broken by another Supreme, blood of her blood, without her noticing it," that drew a clear laugh from Ray, even sounding playful. "When you use blood into crafting, only the same blood can do something against it. I took all the concoction you created to lock my power temporarily, remember? I knew you used your own blood to make a link and tie the source without actually altering my magic. I guess it only needed a right thrust to break the hex forever," she lifted her shoulders a bit, as if it didn't matter anymore. "You were a newbie in having a giganormous magic flow, we had sex and well, we already know what happens when one of us have sex, taking in count how much magic we have."
Cordelia hit Raleigh shoulder out of embarrassment more than anything, drawing more chuckles from the woman lying by her side. Of course she knew, when Misty and her started to be more active in private the problem of her magic trying to suffocate the nearest source that wasn't hers was obvious immediately. And she knew for a fact that Raleigh had the same problem with Wilhemina when they started dating. But taking all that part out for a second, knowing the truth relieved a part of her that was holding its breathing for too long. And it felt freeing yet wrong, because it was kept from her...however, in some parts, it seemed that not even the victim of such nefarious actions was really aware of what was going to happen.
"Now it's my turn," Raleigh's weight shifted in bed, making herself more comfortable without breaking the link they shared by holding their hands. "Were you out of your fucking mind when you married that guy? I mean Deli, I know I wasn't like the best, but I always thought you'd have settled for...someone better than him or at least someone that wasn't a witch hunter."
"Wow that's really rude and at the same time, with nine years of self reflection, one kid, a second on its way and being married to someone that truly loves me I have to say...I still don't fucking know," and there wasn't any uneasy feeling behind saying that, being welcomed with another laugh. "I want to say that I was young, but I was twenty eight at the time. He came to take me in his arms like a knight in shiny armour, he tried to make me feel validated at some point, and I needed a lot of that," there wasn't hard feeling at this point of her life when she talked about Hank, only a faint annoyance because now he wasn't going to be a thread anymore. "During those nine years that passed since you disappeared until I met him, I grieved you and thought I wasn't going to know love ever again. Quite the apocalyptic and terrible thought," scratching her cheek a bit with her free hand. "And I didn't know he was trying to kill us in my defense, I was more worried about Robichaux not getting closed...at the end, Madison was the first witch I ever teached to and she was my top priority...she still is, only that now I don't know what to do to make her see it."
"Do I have to tell her that so she doesn't keep avoiding you?" Raleigh had a new glint in her eyes, a satisfied one mixed with the old playfulness that still shone in her persona at times, and Cordelia put her finger over the tip of her nose as if she was threatening her. 
"No, you just give me some more time, okay?" A simple nod and a new squeeze was the answer to that, setting the mood for another question that Raleigh surely knew was coming because Cordelia no longer could hold the eye contact. "Why did you leave? You just said the hex was broken, so I still don't get why you had to go again."
When Cordelia looked again at Raleigh, there was a heavier shadow covering her face. She really looked troubled, more than she usually did, as if there was something painful behind thinking about that question in particular. She had literal no idea about what could make her feel like that but then her face relaxed a bit, looking at her back again with now an apologetic aura that she definitely felt through their magic connection more than her gesture.
"I want to apologize in advance because... I'm not fully ready to tell you a great part of that yet," her magic was slightly withdrawing and it made Cordelia panic for a second. "I know I've told you to ask anything you wanted, but I'm still trying to figure out some stuff from that part of my life," Raleigh nuzzled her face a bit on her part of the shared pillow and then looked at their hands. "I'm sorry."
There was a chance, a decision to make, one that she destroyed completely when Raleigh appeared with Mallory and Madison at tail in the Academy that summer of two thousand eighteen.
But rebuilding it now sounded like the right thing to do.
"I already made you go at my pace for a really long time, Ray, that now you ask me to follow yours is only natural," her voice was steady and resolved, which showed that Cordelia was being serious. "And I'll do it...because I trust you, I really do, so I'm ready for anything you have to tell me now, tomorrow, in ten years or when we are two old ladies with nothing more to do than drink tea and put some stupid cantrips in younglings for the sake of it."
After so many years, Cordelia never saw Raleigh sighed that deep nor that relieved for something. And it felt good when her magic hold onto hers strong as ever. It made her be true to her words, ready to whatever she was about to hear, good, bad, hilarious, terrible...you name it. She was just going to take it.
"I left because I wanted to keep you all safe and...destroy my Future's Sight. When I told you that day that I couldn't see the future anymore I was telling the truth," Cordelia didn't get the first part but she easily recalled that conversation, right after the Council made the decision that put both Raleigh and Madison between their 'ranks' again and she had to fill new reports about them. "During my time in the Academy in two thousand thirteen, I tried to take advantage of the concoction you made to find a more everlasting effect. My investigation came to a completely dead end when you decided to stab your eyes and, in some shakespearean stupid move, decided to take all the concoction left. I was blind by the time the Seven Wonders happened," oh, so much sorrow in her voice but she didn't need to apologize when Cordelia perfectly knew it. It was an 'I'm sorry for not stopping those horrors to happen'."But when you broke the hex, I managed to actually navigate through my Future's Sight instead of drifting away."
"It sounds relieving," was the only thing she could come up with while her body got closer to Raleigh's.
"It totally was. I took everything I knew I needed with me - and I'm still very sorry about stealing all your good herbs and ingredients, your necklace and Misty's shawl - and went where my power wanted me to be," it sounded so easy coming out of Raleigh's mouth, as if it was all set in stone for her. "I ended up in Los Angeles, the Hotel Cortez specifically, and stayed there regaining all my magic and trying to see through my power the exact moment in which I should perform the final cut," there was definitely more behind that, things to say that complete the picture, but it was clear enough for Cordelia to understand. "Then I woke up one day and knew what I had to do to reach my goal. I packed my stuff, got some painkillers that probably would made me addicted if I repeatedly took them and...came back to Louisiana." So close yet so far, it was ironic to know that she was so close to them now. "I'd studied Misty's mud long enough to know it would help me, along my own version of your concoction, so I took advantage that none seem to use Misty's sack to use it myself. After hiding my notebooks and place the right incantations, I only had to dig a hole and wait for the best...which, for the sake of this crooked narration of the events, came as our sweet Mallory eventually." 
"I can say that it surprised me to learn one of my best students had been hiding such tremendous secret from all of us for so long," Cordelia managed to say that without the hurt tone after years of forgiveness, because it was really a blow for her back in that time.
"It was all my fault, Mallory was just too sweet to actually let me die in that ditch," the joke fell into place easily and it kinda scared Cordelia for a moment. "But I did it. Well, we did it. We locked what made my life so miserable to make me get a chance to live…" and she left the rest of sentence hanging, as if Raleigh was lost for a second in the memory of that exact moment and had more to say about it, but decided not to...yet. "Cordelia, I owe Mallory a big time, you don't even know how big, so when I said I'd give my life for her I'm not joking. You have one of the most talented woman under your roof."
"You meant under our roof, because you are part of these big weird family that we've become," it wasn't a lie, not even a white one, they all - as in their original girls - considered Raleigh a part of them. "Rhiannon doesn't call you auntie for nothing, you know?"
The memory of the two years old blonde baby that was Cordelia and Misty's first born made the woman have a good laugh while mumbling 'okay, okay' in an attempt to placate her friend. She knew she had it hard to find a place to finally call her own, but the Supreme was pretty sure the Coven was almost there for her. Maybe she should talk with Wilhemina about that specific matter, try to get some more thoughts about the topic from the woman that spent a great chunk of her day by Raleigh's side. 
However she wanted to focus, today at least, on her best friend as much as she could.
"And talking about that…" Raleigh finally pulled away from holding Cordelia's hand, but surprised her when she got closer and threw an arm over her waist casually. "Can I ask you how you two started? Like... I've never asked you how Misty and you got together and I want the official version to torture your adult babies once they get partners."
They never build up the courage to tell her about them. Too focused in trying to keep going with their lives, Cordelia and Misty tried to avoid as much as they could to face the truth: that they shared Raleigh at some point in their lives but now they were the ones together. But she owed it to her, from the beginning to that moment, and she was going to tell her without being scared of her blowing up or something.
"I think falling in love with Misty has been the easiest thing I've ever did," she kept it as a whisper because she couldn't believe it after all these years. "She came back and well, she needed shelter and love and healing. I helped her through it, because I owed her that much, and then I slowly found myself worrying about Misty when I knew she was as fine as she could be at that moment," those days in which both spent several hours just reading or just existing in the same space started replaying in her mind. "And one day I woke up and the only thing I wanted was to be by her side every day, to see her become the witch, the woman, I knew was buried inside of her due to all the trauma," those two years after Misty's return from Hell hadn't been the easiest but they were worth every second just because of what they had now. "So one day I was dropping her at the shack, because you know she finds comfort there, and I saw myself not wanting to go back to the house, I wanted to stay there with her...and I asked her right there if it was right for me to do so," Cordelia felt tears pilling in the corners of her eyes, ready to be spilled at any given moment. "Asking someone out it's so hard? I thought I was just a silly worm trying to get the biggest and nicest apple from the tree," Raleigh made a face that only meant the metaphor sounded really bad in a few ways. "But it seemed I was the right worm in the end, because that same night she kissed me for the first time."
It still felt out of a movie, but she didn't want it any other way. Because with Misty she learnt how to love again, how to be happy while grieving deep inside, how to overcome anything thrown her way and still have energy to last as many rounds possible. 
The whole story made Raleigh smile in a comforting way that Cordelia wasn't used to, but she welcomed it with open arms.
"I'm not going to embarrass them, I'll make them fucking cry like babies," she stated, caressing her side with care. "That was really sweet actually. You two deserve each other...and this is coming from someone that have been going out with both."
"Oh yeah, remind me again how you two were screwing each other almost under my nose and I was the last monkey in the house to know about it," there wasn't reproach behind that, which made Raleigh audibly chuckle because that wasn't actually true. 
"The last monkey is actually Zoe, because I'm pretty sure she still doesn't know," Cordelia laughed this time, shaking her head in disbelief, but her hand found again its place in Ray's cheek. "And Mimi deserved more than what I gave her, I was a nightmare for sure, to her, to everyone...but I'm glad that in end she found the dream that kept on giving with you."
It warmed Cordelia's heart to listen that in a way, to feel that it was the right closure they needed. She wished one day to tell her the same, to be able to ask Raleigh what she saw in the red-headed demon clad in purple that she called her sweetheart nowadays, how they met and when she thought she was the right one. With all those feelings, Cordelia managed to finally close the gap between them and fully embrace Raleigh after nine years. Holding her like her life depended on it, holding her as if the world was going to end tomorrow or as if she was going to disappear the next second.
The embrace was returned gladly, and Cordelia had to admit that she understood why Wilhemina felt so confident and safe when she had her close. When they were younger, Raleigh had been always more bulky than lean but time treated her body selfishly, cruelly even, letting her be more like a big walking skeleton in between events. Now her bulkiness had returned in a way that fitted her current body, strong arms that held her close without trembling, giving her a new shape that actually felt like her. But at the same time it gave her the build of someone you knew she won’t let you go no matter what.
And Raleigh didn’t let go of her friend, though, she put her as close as she was capable. Cordelia indulged and hide her face in the crook of her neck, warmth and shampoo getting in her in a comforting way, trying not to cry right in that moment in which a new silence settled between them.
One that said ‘it’s okay, we’ll get there’.
“You know, after all that I’ve asked you,” she needed to break it, with a new joke to lighten the mood because that was their usual dynamic back then, but didn’t move a bit. “I thought you’d ask me something more.”
Feeling Raleigh’s laugh trembling in her chest and throat, Cordelia’s skin against hers, was a sensation she never thought she would have missed. It felt good to be like that, that intimacy both knew was enough to start to...heal.
“Well, you said we were walking side by side from now on,” her voice was clear even as a whisper, as if she didn’t want to disturb the peace both had fallen into. “I have the rest of our lives to ask you about the not that nice things,” Cordelia felt Raleigh’s hand caressing her hair and then pressed a kiss on top of her head. “But for now I just wanted to hear about what made you happy when I wasn’t there to do it myself.”
Cordelia would swear the kiss, the damned kiss, was the thing that made her breakdown in tears like an idiot. She cried and cried, buried in the safety of Raleigh’s arms without being judged, without being told to stop, and she thanked every second of comfort she was able to receive from her best friend. Best friend, but soulmate in a way, her heart told her that with a soaring applause that ringed all over her body. 
When she was able to stop in her own terms, the tiredness hit her harder than she thought. Warm, head partly clear, being held by one of the most important people in her life...one that she thought had lost long time ago. And Ray looked back at her when she managed to lift her head and passed a big clumsy hand over her cheeks to wipe away any tears left.
If this was a movie, it was the moment in which both characters kissed to seal the promise, their love making them be able to settle their feelings. 
However their story was more like a tragicomedy and they already knew their train left, but sitting in the same bench waiting for a better one was a good plan. One in which not only they existed, but one in which they could fit everything they loved and would share from now on. One with the laughs of children not shared, of the women they loved and their friends that became the closer thing to having children together they would ever have.
And for Cordelia, that was enough.
“I’m curious about something though,” there was a tint of new playfulness in Raleigh’s voice when she talked. “You didn’t need me to test this assholes, right?”
“I don’t deal with men by myself if I can help it, being completely honest with you,” Cordelia confessed right away and the honesty of the moment felt nice in her not-so-heavy-anymore chest, a giggle leaving her lips. “But I also thought you’ll enjoy giving them a bit of Hell...and well, I do needed you here to keep me sane after all.”
“Oh you sappy witch, you know the way to a woman’s heart,” the teasing tone made her flicker her fingers against Raleigh’s forehead. “Auch, but that means a Ray can have a little electroshock, as a threat?”
The answer was still a ‘no, thank you, I don’t want to have to punish you’ which only led to more and more jokes from the latina witch, but the whole thing was enough to relax them finally and eventually fall asleep. Raleigh didn’t last long, however, but instead of going back to her book he just stood there holding Cordelia to her chest and feeling that she was starting to move in the right direction finally.
Maybe they still had a lot of problems to fix, but they had time ahead to do so. And she was in much need of a break from feeling the world worst person ever, she thought while feeling herself drift into sleep one more time.
When Cordelia woke up the next morning, cuddled from behind by Raleigh, she felt capable of anything right in that moment. She was sure the other woman was asleep, and knowing how fucked up was her sleep schedule, she just let her be and went to get herself ready.
They still had to give the warlocks their decision over the matter at hand, so they needed to get some breakfast before running the few last tests. Once she was out of the bathroom, Raleigh was already in the middle of dressing and again Cordelia couldn’t help but fix her eyes in her body. Ray was putting inside her bag all the stuff she took out the night before, still without her shirt for the day on and letting the Supreme see a scar she never knew she had. It started in the base of her hairline, in the back of her neck, and went down till her lower back as if the scarred skin was full of roots surrounding her spine.
But then all was covered with the white and black shirt that fit elegantly Raleigh’s frame and the woman turned around to smile at her with the mischief showing in her hazel eyes, a cloud less in of them.
“Ready for the final round, Goode?”
And Cordelia couldn’t help to match her grin.
“As ready as ever, Ocean.”
After a long morning, they finally decided the best three warlocks out of those they had tested, and it was surprise to find Behold and John’s protégeé between those three. He was the only one too to approach them, shaking hands with Raleigh as if she was some kind Heaven’s sent and then shaking hers with almost a matching grip. 
For Cordelia it was funny when the boy, face completely flustered, asked Raleigh for her email to keep in touch and share opinions over their interests. It only made the woman laugh openly, stating that she was much older than him and also had ‘no interest in men’ in case he tried something weird, making the twenty two years old young man to blush even harder while Behold and Cordelia laughed at him. He got the email though, and Cordelia thought the air in Hawthorne was starting to make her see things, because she was pretty sure the way Raleigh and, now that she paid more attention to his name, Rowan smiled was pretty similar. Even the way both stood as the tallest yet seemed to want to occupy the lesser space possible was similar.
She couldn’t dwell much, however, because Behold and John accompanied them outside of Hawthorne to bid farewell finally. Behold promised to pay a visit as soon as he could to them, because after all those years the witches and warlocks had been trying to live ‘together’, he truly wanted to build a bridge between them, one that could be walked by both without trying to destroy each other.
The trip back to the airport was filled with silence and Raleigh trying to let herself be engulfed by the californian sun coming from the open car window after two days being underground, Cordelia barely watching her from the corner of her eye with a smile on her lips. They didn’t have the need of really talking right now, even when they commented on tribal stuff here and there, so once they checked in and were waiting for their flight back home the only thing they have to do was waiting.
Cordelia’s phone ringed in time to not leave them much time to do some more conversation, and she couldn’t help but smile upon seeing Misty’s contact in the screen. Raleigh asked her quickly if she wanted something to drink, since she was getting hungry, and after giving her a quick nod of ‘yeah, whatever you bring is fine’ she picked up the phone.
“Hello angel, did you have lunch?” was the first thing Cordelia asked her wife, before she could say anything. “Dee, I’m having lunchernoon, which is technically best because I can’t be stopped from downing three bagels with nutella.” The term they came up with to call afternoon snack still amazed her, and she huffed in response. “I think I can hear Coco already in the back, screaming at you.” she couldn’t help but laugh, knowing how paranoid the other blonde was about food. “She can’t yell at me if I’m not in the house, baby; Queenie adopted me for the day in the other house,” hearing Misty laugh was good, even with the bits of tiredness clinging onto it. “How was the trip? Do you have to wait much to come home?” when they weren’t together in trips, Misty always called for a quick update of the events, wanting to be left with the expectation of the full story once Cordelia got home. 
For a second she got silent, searching in the distance for Raleigh. She spotted her talking with the barista, waiting for her order, and she couldn’t help but smile at the sight.
“Dee?” Misty’s voice brought her back and she just blinked to focus again. “Yeah, sorry sweetie, we still have forty five to get in the plane and then the four hours or so to actually get there,” Cordelia started to explain, rubbing her forehead with her hand a bit. “I think we’ll be home after dinner, which I hope not to be too tired to eat.” Now was time for Misty to fall silent and Cordelia swore she heard something shuffling in the background along with some mumbled words. “Oh okay, then I take that ‘we’ll be home’ as a good signal?” Obviously Misty knew how nervous was Cordelia about the whole thing, and it made her giggle because there was nothing to be nervous for anymore. “I think it is Mist.”
She said that watching how her best friend walked back to her, a big container with two straws in hand and half eaten cheeseburger in her other hand. Resuming her conversation with Misty over the phone after exchanging some more sweet nothings and a little panicked ‘It’s okay, Wilhemina didn’t let anyone burn down the house, don’t worry.’, Cordelia took from Raleigh’s hand the big soda and took the first sip of many.
Orange flavor soda was Cordelia’s favorite, and the detail brought a new wave of satisfaction to her.
“So...am I chancellor now?” asked Raleigh, breaking the bubble they have built the last hours of their lives. “What on Earth that even means?”
Oh fuck, she totally forgot about that. And she showed that same feeling by literally slapping herself in the forehead, startling Raleigh while trying to sip on their soda and throwing her into a fit of coughs when a few drops went down the wrong pipe. When the sudden emergency was settled, now the cold plastic container pressed over Cordelia’s hand mark in her forehead and Raleigh trying to rub her glassy eyes, Cordelia managed to come up with an answer.
“Let’s say I’m trying to give Zoe, Queenie and Misty some space to do their own stuff aside of the Council usual work and well,” Cordelia rubbed her nape with her free hand. “I thought about appointing you as our Great Chancellor, if you were up for it, maybe? Give you some probation time, see how you worked and sorted some of the things we do on daily basis…and now we have two houses, so you and I could work as the Head of them.”
“If you don’t want to, it’s totally fine, I have still to talk with the rest,” the reassurement came out immediately, not wanting to stress her over the whole thing. “I can always see if Mall-”
“If you thought of me to do this then I’m in, Deli. I take your offer, be Great Chancellor and sound almighty while at it, even when I still don’t know shit about what that implies.”
There was shyness? behind Raleigh’s words, her eyes fixed in her shoes and trying to be courageous with her words even when her posture showed she wasn’t confident. And that was the only thing Cordelia needed to know they were going to be fine. If she didn’t care, she wouldn’t worry that much, right? She put the soda down between them before placing her hand over Raleigh’s cheek again, reassuring her in some way, and the exchanged tiny smiles full of hope.
It didn’t matter what was coming their way in the future, because if they were together they would overcome it with easiness. Lost brothers, kids, couples, annoying warlocks and maybe a some weddings and tears around the corner, you name it.
They weren’t ready yet, but they sure would be.
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pippip-cheerio · 5 years
7/10/19 (DD/MM/YY)
THE SEVEN (plus solangelo, reyna)
Reyna: @reynathesaviorofrome
Annabeth: @smartest-of-them-all
Percy: @persassy-basson
Hazel: @smol-gem-child
Leo: @leo-valdez-fire-boi
Will: @sunshine-b0i
Nico: @ghostkingnikodiangelo
Jason: @bricks-and-staplers but temporarily @official-blonde-superman
Piper: @pippip-cheerio
Frank: @be-frank-and-help-me
OTHER DEMIGODS (all books)
Samirah: @samirah-the-valkyrie
Mallory: @official-mallory-keen
Octavian: @savior-of-rome
Lityerses: @lityerses-is-lit
Pollux: @pollux-wine-child
Paolo: @paolomontesss
Zoe: @zoe-nightshadess
Bianca: @not-dead-girl-bianca
Drew: @drewtanaknah
Sadie: @the-sadie-kane
Billie: @billies-garden
Rachel: @prophetic-cave-dweller
Felix: @icy-penguin-magic
Alex: @dead-kid-with-a-garrote
Calypso: @just-calypso
Thalia: @thalia-the-hunter
Kayla: @kayla-knowles-in-the-house
Clarisse: @daughter-ofares2018
Grover: @natures-trashcan
Lou: @2twitchy-witchy-girl0
Connor: @connor-son-of-hermes
Blitzen: @blitzenthefashonista
Meg: @nutmeg-mccandied-apples
Luke: @luke-fucking-castellan
Michael: @yewbetterbelieveit 
Anubis: @anubis-puts-the-fun-in-funeral
Jake: @jake-son-of-hephaestus
Zia: @zebra-zia-rashid
Lacy: @lacyisalwayslate
Magnus: @swagness-chasing-me
Katie: @swordwielding-flowergirl
Tyson: @peanutbuttercyclops
Max Ollie: @max-ollies-house-of-fun
Hylla: @queen-hylla-rules
Valentina: @valentinas-valentines
GODS (all books)
Nemesis: @darth-nemo
Anubis: @anubis-puts-the-fun-in-funeral
Hermes: @the-god-of-thieves 
Astraea: @the-innocence-goddess
Hades: @collector-of-lost-souls
Dionysus: @tired-and-shouldnt-be-here
Artemis: @hateutothemoonandback
Mr D: @tired-and-shouldnt-be-here  
Loki: @loki-god-of-poki
Aphrodite: @loveisthestrongestmagic
Athena: @athena-the-wisdom-goddess
Hera: @hera-queen-of-the-gods 
Tartarus: @Litterally-Tartarus
Zeus: @big-boi-zeus
Hestia: @godess-of-fireplaces
Iris: @shade-never-made-anyone-less-gay
Hephaestus: @olympus-forge
Demeter: @eat-more-cereal-cowards
Mesperyian: @depressedangryandsuffering
Persephone: @queen0ftheunderworld
Apollo/Lester: @lester-apollodopoulos
Isis: @isis-the-egyptian-goddess
Poseidon: @i-gotta-trident
Sif: @the-goldilocks-goddess
Hebe: @goddess-of-youthfulness
Pan: @the-flute-dude
Nemesis: @revenge-mhm-yummy
Khione: @i-like-ice-sculptures  
Gaea: @bitchy-earth-mama
Zethes: @wind-bro-of-quebec
Hebe: @goddess-of-youthfulness
Ares: @best-war-god-of-all
Hecate: @magic-goddesshecate
Styx: @oaths-and-a-river
OC’S (original characters)
Corby: @hels-nb-child  
eliza saxon: @miss-magic-girl 
Phoenix: @pheonix-at-camp
Valerie Rivers: @another-damn-rp-blog
Honey: @sweeter-th4n-h0ney
Eliza: @adopted-by-minnie
Skylar: @skylar-cabin10
Emm: @emmers-young
Queenie: @queen-annes-lace-magical-girl
Serena: idk the url 
Takita: @takita-is-freela
Desdemona: @the-unlucky-archer
Maxence: @iammaxence
Carlos: @runfastsmokegrasseatass
Rosshu: @not-yo-typical-geologist
Nak: @imafuckinmiracle
Diogenes: @diogenes-daily
Cressida: @undertheskyandsea
Melony: @mel-the-gay-witch 
Atta beckett: @atta-the-magical-person
Melanippe: @melani-not-melanie-get-it-right 
Parker Gonzalez: @not-really-spider-man
Jessalyn Parks: @pipabxthmp4 
Adorei Rosshu: @not-yo-typical-geologist
Melody: @straight-from-cabin-7
Kindanico: @kindanicodiangelobutnotreally
Geier: @vxltxrecxltxre 
Daniel: @thenotsodrunkwinechild
Knight Ravenwood: @knight-the-nightmare
Kaftos (God - Heat and Pop tarts): @kaftos-is-demidead 
Maddison Victoria: @maddison-victoria
Stella: @starlight-eyed-girl
Charlie: @tiny-kroyfish
Equinox: @im-an-equal-nox 
Marina: @dont-wave-at-me
Clint: @goldengoodboy 
Lorry: @mad-hatter-without-a-hat
Sorin @the-littlest-minogoat
Max-Ollie @max-ollies-house-of-fun
Corey Saunders @sarcastic-wizard-corey
Jordyn @littledeer03 
Rosshu: @rosshulee-rosshuleavemealone
Miranda: @gardiner-everywhere
Eliza Saxon: @eliza-minn-saxon
Leah: @not-like-your-typical-girl
Buck: @buck-it-im-out
Max: @the-official-maximum-carstairs
Anastasia Stark  @daughter-with-a-high-iq
Chiron: @activity-director-chiron
Estelle: @aquamans-sister
Clio: @historically-a-mused
Sally: @number-one-demigod-mom 
Ella: @ella-ze-harpy
Festus: @festustheawesomedragon
Paul: @real-paul-blowfish
Hannibal the elephant: @dont-give-the-elephant-penuts
Juniper: @juniper-the-dryad
Arrow of dodona: @all-thys-and-thees
Coach hedge: @an-aggressive-hedge
Bricky: @jasons-real-bae
Hermione: @house-elf-protection
Ron: @quidditch-and-chicken
Ginny: @ginny-quidditch-weasley
Fred and George: @gred-and-forge-weasleyy
Pansy: @the-lesbi-slytherin-bitch
Sirius: @thatmarauderpadfoot
Luna: @loony-the-dreamer
Basilisk: @huge-motha-frickin-snake
Draco: @jdlightfulslytherin 
Voldy: @dark-lord-voldy
Nagini: @lord-voldemorts-deadly-snake 
Tonks: @finding-and-metamorphing
Harry: @wands-and-scars
Newt: @lizards-4-life
Queenie: @queens-annes-lace-magical-girl
((if i missed anyone dm me and ill add u on
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