#zk fandom event
Hi, I’m new to the zutara fandom. Why does it seem like every month is a zutara month or every week zutara week? What does it mean?
don’t worry anon, there’s only one actual zutara month and zutara week! but the fandom is so creative and cool that we’re constantly having zutara events of some kind, which is why it can seem like there’s always something going on haha.
but you know, in the immortal words of mae whitman, katara’s voice actress:
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2023 ZKMC Prompts
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October 22nd - October 28th
Like last year, we have two prompts per day. The first is a monster/creature prompt and the second is a vibe/style prompt. You can use just one or both!
Thank you to everyone who voted! Prompts also listed below the cut.
Day 1: Magic Mirror --- Ancient
Day 2: Vampires and/or Werewolves --- Revenge
Day 3: Hunter/Monster --- Cure
Day 4: Angels & Demons --- Constellations
Day 5: Living Statues --- Sleep
Day 6: Talking Objects --- Asian Folklore
Day 7: Soul Eaters --- Disguise
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lunaathorne · 3 months
I'm very serious when I say that Zutara antis in their blazing fits of righteousness often end up perpetuating far more dangerous and disgusting ideas about colonialism, race and eugenics than the supposed "problematic" ZK fans do. You cannot pick and choose aspects of postcolonial theory when it suits your narrative of Zuko and Katara being a horrible toxic imperialist ship and discard the rest– aka counterarguments that are posited by actual poc and people from marginalized communities (including colonized cultures)– because you have already assumed you have the moral high ground. If you have to criticize ATLA or its fandom, you have to look within your own circles too instead of stirring shit up where you are not welcome (in ZK fanart, fanfic, ship events etc).
And btw making joke assumptions about race, sexuality, political beliefs and "fetishes" for clickbait over cartoon shipping wars will never not be pinnacle immaturity. Get help. See a therapist. Talk to someone. Maybe gardening or crocheting will cause less despair. Weirdos.
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ecoterrorist-katara · 2 months
Twitter found your posts about Firelady Katara, and they are being really rude about it. It's super annoying, I'm sorry
Anon, I appreciate the heads up & the nice sentiment! In the future though, I’d prefer not to know about how people react to my posts unless they’re being very nice. I don’t want to engage with negativity & smoothbrain takes, but I am VERY easily tempted lmao. My background in competitive debate / academia / leftist politics means I’m extremely argumentative, but I know nothing good comes out of Internet arguments so I need help ignoring antis. 
Anyway it’s helpful for me to remember that I’m in the Zutara fandom because I love to see people inspiring each other to create things. I’ve read so many wonderful metas, feasted my eyes on incredible fan art and edits, laughed at funny posts, foamed at the mouth over epic fics, and generally have been in awe of what this fandom has produced over the years. I mean…we’ve had colouring books! An EP! Animatics where Dante Basco himself lent his voice! This fandom has been around since before I was allowed to use the family computer and it’s so cool to me that it’s still thriving. By contrast, reacting snarkily to content that other people create is like…the opposite of generative and does nothing to better a community — which is why I fundamentally don’t care for antis and don’t want them to be part of my fandom experience. Anyone can make their half-baked opinion known online, but it takes spirit and dedication to create things you like for your ship. Anyway here’s a reminder that ZK Big Bang signups are still open for one more week! I still haven’t decided which role I want to play in this event but I encourage everyone to sign up! 
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longing-for-rain · 2 months
What incident are you talking about that makes zk mad and have personal beef with you?
Actually now that I’ve done some investigating it’s unclear exactly who is mad at me because there are two cliques mad at me for opposite reasons.
Basically, I hold what I used to think was a very simple and uncontroversial opinion, which is that fiction is a great way to explore dark themes and topics, but at the same time, can spread harmful and insulting messages if these topics aren’t treated respectfully. Too much nuance for tumblr, apparently. Some people called me a terf for saying rape is bad and some people called me a pedo for so much as mentioning sexual themes in my writing. So we’ve got polar opposites here.
As for “incidents” I’ll give a brief overview under a cut because (warning) it involves sexual abuse and suicidal ideation.
To summarize:
I became active in the Zutara fandom during mid-late 2020 as a result of being online due to the pandemic. Just before the pandemic, I suffered a sexual assault and Zutara (ship and community) became a source of escapism and comfort for me
Shortly after becoming active on tumblr, I joined a fandom event and was paired up with a beta reader. This person proceeded to groom and sexually abuse me over the course of about a year. To put it in perspective, this occurred during the height of the pandemic and we were often on discord calls for hours every day. It was a very involved and predatory “friendship”. And I want to make this extremely clear—do not try to find this person. I’ll only answer questions about this in DMs if you legitimately have personal safety concerns. I don’t think they’re even active anymore and I’ve made peace with the fact I’ll never get proper closure or justice and any attempt will only result in more victim blaming and abuse. So please don’t bother. I’ve been over it
I didn’t realize what was happening to me was sexual abuse at the time, only that it hurt and that something was wrong. Due to the sort of culture I’d been sucked into, I wasn’t allowed to properly express my discomfort and had difficulty articulating what was wrong (being autistic doesn’t help there either). So every time I tried voicing discomfort, I was shamed into silence until it reached a breaking point
As I gradually started waking up to the fact I was being abused, I also, as a result, started unpacking some of the harmful ideas that were directly enabling my abuse and questioning them. This made my abuser angry; they felt their control slipping I imagine. I started exploring these ideas through my writing and asking questions about things. That made people angry
My abuser knew what they were doing. They were a self proclaimed “fandom old” and knew how these communities operate much better than I did at the time. So they got a notoriously loud and stupid Zutara stan angry with me, who proceeded to (predictably) write a bunch of unhinged tumblr rants and dogpile on me over discord. As a result, everyone in her clique also decided I was evil and scapegoated some other bullshit (at this point I don’t even remember everything I’ve been accused of) onto me. She also used sexually degrading language (I don’t think she knew this but it was word-for-word things that had been said to me by men who abused me in real life) and this resulted in me being triggered, suicidal, and it was a whole mess. Lots of people were fighting and there was even a rumor (I have no way of confirming this) that anti-Zutara people got in the mix because they enjoyed watching the infighting
I actually did attempt suicide once, and seriously considered it on a few other occasions. These people only used this as further evidence that I was crazy and couldn’t be trusted or believed
Then, as I stated increasingly using writing to vent about what I experienced, people got mad at me for that too. Even called me a pedo. I think that’s the worst part—that the message from all this is that women’s sexual assault and torture is meant for titillation and entertainment, but serious and meaningful exploration of it is forbidden
Currently, people still share out of context pieces of this story and act like I’m some horrible prude and/or pervert. People who don’t even know me spread rumors without asking me a single thing. They’re spineless and believe whatever their respective clique does. So that’s where I’m at
At this point I more or less keep to myself and focus on writing. I do really love writing and Zutara, and despite everything, it still did/does bring me comfort while dealing with the worst few years of my life. I also have received so much positive feedback about my writing—people telling me it helped them, it resonated, it made them see things in a new light. That’s meaningful to me so I continue doing it.
And I try not to take what happened too personally either. Over time I realized I’m not the first person they treated like this and I won’t be the last. That’s just how cliques work, and how people who are different are treated. Tale as old as time: once they’ve decided you’re a witch, they’ll burn you no matter what you say.
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gemgirl28 · 11 months
How do you make friends in zutara fandom? It’s been really hard for me because I seem to find myself in bigger discords where it feels like everyone is in a clique and it’s hard to connect, and they talk so badly about people they don’t like to the point I’m afraid to say anything because I don’t want them to do that to me too. I don’t know if it’s gotten worse lately or if I’m just looking in the wrong place
Hello anon! First off I'm sorry you've struggled to connect with other people in the fandom. It definitely can be difficult when we are all interacting with each other online, but I hope you do make some genuine connections 🫂
I will say, making fandom friends in 2023 feels VERY different from 2020/2021 when I first got into fandom, and that is very much due to shutdown vs things opening back up. When I started engaging with the zutara fandom in August/September 2020 I was working full time from home doing a job that was often dead (read: I was online during working hours) and a part time job on the weekends that was soooo slow it allowed the brainrot to really sink in as I daydreamed about zk while working. Now I work in office a minimum of 3 days a week and while we are in our slower season, we still have a ton of work to do to prep for our busy season.
And that's just me! I know people who are engaging in other fandoms, have also had work ramp back up, have had family stuff that pulls them offline, etc. It's a different space than it was when I was first making connections with people (and I would be curious to see if anyone who was already online pre-Covid has written a dissertation about the waves of online engagement due to shutdown).
Also, I do struggle to make connections in larger servers, mostly because I get overwhelmed at the nonstop activity and end up muting them. I do think they are great places to keep up with fandom activity, like events, fanart, fanfics, etc, but for initially making friends I find it tough.
So all that to say, here is my personal method for making fandom friends (results may vary):
Engage with the same person over and over. Like their posts, comment on them, reblog with commentary/additional tags, just over and over engage with them.
They slowly start to engage back (liking your posts, responding to comments, reblogging your reblogs, etc.).
Slide into their dms and ask them how they are doing, then tell them what about them made you slide into their dms (I legit messaged someone that their vibes seemed nice and it worked).
Talk about fandom stuff but also about your interests outside of fandom (IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: DON'T SHARE IDENTIFYING INFO. I'm talking about things like fave foods and music, not where you live or your mother's maiden name).
Be friends forever.
Now that I'm reading that back it sort of reads like instructions for getting to know someone on a dating app. But also, if you aren't trying to fall a little in love with all your mutuals, what's the point?
tl;dr: It can be tricky making friends now that real life has ramped back up, but if you give it a little time and effort, you can make some great connections in fandom.
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Meet the Mods!
We have an awesome team of mods working together to put on this event, so we figured we'd introduce ourselves as we prepare for sign ups to kick off on the 26th of March!
Sav, aka @badlucksav
Mod Sav here! My favorite ships are Irosami, Makonora, Makorra, YuTen, Zutara, Azutara, and JetLee, but I like any ship that makes my brain sparkle. I’ve been in fandom for almost 3 years, joining during the Renaissance initially as a ZK shipper but branching out into different ships and then into LoK as well. I’m a writer and sometimes artist, and occasional beta. A fun fact about me is that I wrote my longest fic (273k words) in just under six months.
Sooz, aka @it-is-sooz-again
Hi, I’m mod Sooz! I’ve been a part of the Avatar fandom since 2011, but only really started making fanart for it in the last couple of years. I’m a multishipper and rare pair fanatic, and can be sold on just about any ship that passes my way, but I have a soft spot for anything involving Jet or Ty Lee. Unsurprisingly, my favorite ship is JetLee. A fun fact about me is that all my headcanons are depressing 🙂 !
Orange, aka @orangepanic
Hello, I'm mod Orange. I'd never even heard of fandom until summer of 2020 when I suddenly needed a creative outlet to offset the fact I was locked inside my apartment and busted out 60k words of spiteful canon fix-it. My favorite ships are Irosami and complete and utter side character crack like Ursa/The Boulder, Lin Beifong/Lightning Bolt Zolt, June/Col. Mongke, Azula/Joo Dee, Baatar Beifong/Eska, and Viper/Jargala Omo. Fun fact: I've written nearly 25% of the Irosami tag on AO3.
Neva, aka @neva-borne
Hi, I'm mod Neva (pronounced knee-vah). I started writing for the fandom back in 2019, finishing my first fic a year later, though I've been a fan of ATLA since I was a kid. I kind of dove headfirst into fandom and running events. I'm an artist and writer, and I've dabbled in betaing through my event experience. My favorite ships are Zutara and Jursa, and I actually wrote the first ever Jursa fic on Ao3!
Crooked, aka @crookedmouth-mountainbones
Hello, I'm mod Crooked! I joined the ATLA fandom officially with the renaissance of 2020 but was first introduced to it back in college. I am a writer and beta reader in this fandom as well as others, and am your resident villain devotee. Rarepairs and crackships have always been my favourite, though I am -- to no one's surprise at this point -- partial to pairings involving Zhao. As for a fun fact, some of my non-fanfiction work has been published, which is cool, I guess, if you're into poetry.
And that's the team! We hope to see you soon!
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rosealiceroyal · 1 year
General Audiences
Archive Warning:
No Archive Warnings Apply
Vampire Knight (Anime & Manga)
Kiryuu Zero/Kuran Kaname Kiryuu Zero & Kuran Kaname
Kiryuu Zero Kuran Kaname Shindou Nadeshiko Day Class (Vampire Knight) Night Class (Vampire Knight) Original Characters
Additional Tags:
Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Gen or Pre-Slash Rumors Misunderstandings Valentine's Day
Challenged Accepted! KZ/ZK
Hey, Hey Did You Hear?
decaf and sleep (kohiii)
Hey, hey did you hear? The rumor about what really happened when Kiryuu-kun gave Kuran-senpai those chocolates on St. Xocolatl's Day...
written for the Challenge Accepted! K/Z Discord server event.
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badlucksav · 2 years
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I made this art piece for the @officialzutaraminibang for this fic. Be sure to check it out and all of the other fics in the collection plus the gorgeous fanart!
[Image ID: image shows Zuko, wearing Fire Nation armor with gold trimming and his hair pulled back into a topknot, and Katara, wearing a blue parka with fur trim and a light blue skirt, starting to dance. Katara stands on the left side of the image smiling at Zuko, while he stands on the right side, his scar visible. He holds Katara’s right hand in his left hand with a small smile on his face.
The image background shows a slightly blurred, snow-covered mountain range and a darkening sky full of stars and shooting stars. Zuko and Katara stand in an icy pavilion. End Image ID]
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authorjoydragon · 2 years
It is time to annoy you all with my reposts of the mini bang. 😈 This was such an amazing event! All the art and fics look fantastic and I can’t wait to read each one. Congrats everyone we made it 🥳💛
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zkwinterfest · 3 years
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The prompt cards are here!❄️🎉
As you can see, they are in the form of bingo boards. Prompts come in sets of three, and there are eight sets per card (three rows down, three across, two diagonal).
❄️ First, carefully read or review the ground rules before proceeding, either here on Tumblr or in the fest collection over on A03.
❄️ Prompt claiming occurs on A03. On the left side bar of the collection, you will see ‘Prompts.’ Use the cards here to find a combo you like, or browse there.
❄️ Each prompt set should only be claimed once. Do not claim an already claimed prompt, and only claim one prompt. If you are a writer and an artist, you may do both, but please put your artwork in your fic - beginning, end, or wherever you want in the story, doesn’t matter. Just please do not upload it as a separate piece.
❄️ Prompts are meant to inspire and help, not hinder! If you use all three prompts, extra kudos! But you can also use only one or two prompts if you prefer. It’s meant to be flexible!
❄️ Once you have claimed your prompt, you can locate this information from your own A03 Dashboard. On the left toolbar toward the bottom, you will see the 'Claims’ button. If you click on that, it should show you your prompt card and the relevant fest info, such as when your submission is due.
If you are finished and ready to submit, it’s time to post it to the collection!
❄️ You may post any time before the submission due date. The collection is Unrevealed until the reveal date.
❄️When posting to A03, you must post it to the collection ‘ZKWinterFest2021′
❄️ The days between the submission date and the reveal date are for the admins to check over submissions and ensure they follow the requirements.
❄️ Do not post your work on any other platform until the reveal. After the reveal, cross-post away! Promote yourself!
❄️ This blog will promote pieces through the month of December. In order to ensure your work will be reblogged, please @ this blog and tag your post with 'zk winter fest 2021’
Reblog, tell fandom friends, and spread the word!
As always, the ask box is open for questions or for any help you might need. So excited to see what this talented fandom will make!
Good luck!!❄️☃️❄️☃️
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Zutara Mythical Creatures Week 2.0
It’s that time of the year, folks! We’re hoping to run this amazing event again so we are checking interest! Please fill out the google form below letting us know if you’d be interested in seeing and/or participating in this event! We’re looking forward to hearing from you.
—Mods Neva & Sav
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naughtyzkwinterfest · 3 years
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The prompt cards are here!❄️🎉
As you can see, they are in the form of bingo boards. Prompts come in sets of three, so there are eight sets per card (three rows down, three across, two diagonal).
❄️ First, carefully read or review the ground rules before proceeding, either here on Tumblr or in the fest collection over on A03.
❄️ Prompt claiming occurs on A03. On the left side bar of the collection, you will see ‘Prompts.’ Use the cards here to find a combo you like, or browse there.
❄️ Each prompt set should only be claimed once. Do not claim an already claimed prompt, and only claim one prompt. If you are a writer and an artist, you may do both, but please put your artwork in your fic - beginning, end, or wherever you want in the story, doesn’t matter. Just please do not upload it as a separate piece.
❄️ Prompts are meant to inspire and help, not hinder! If you use all three prompts, extra kudos! But you can also use only one or two prompts if you prefer. It’s meant to be flexible!
❄️ Once you have claimed your prompt, you can locate this information from your own A03 Dashboard. On the left toolbar toward the bottom, you will see the 'Claims’ button. If you click on that, it should show you your prompt card and the relevant fest info, such as when your submission is due.
If you are finished and ready to submit, it’s time to post it to the collection!
❄️ You may post any time before the submission due date. The collection is Unrevealed until the reveal date.
❄️When posting to A03, you must post it to the collection:  ‘NaughtyZKWinterFest2021′
❄️ The days between the submission date and the reveal date are for the admins to check over submissions and ensure they follow the requirements.
❄️ Do not post your work on any other platform until the reveal. After the reveal, cross-post away! Promote yourself!
❄️ When cross-posting to Tumblr: please mind the Tumblr guidelines when posting adult content. This means that images must be hosted elsewhere, with the explicit bits cropped out. Tumblr’s guidelines do not require explicit text to be under a cut, but out of respect for fandom members who do not want to see a swarm of explicit fic text in the main tag, please still put explicit fic excerpts under a read more tag. To be clear on what explicit means: is there a graphic depiction of genitalia and/or sexual acts being performed? If the answer to both of these is no, it is not explicit.
❄️ This blog will promote pieces throughout the month of December. In order to ensure your work will be reblogged, please @ this blog and tag your post with 'naughty zk winter fest 2021’
Reblog, tell fandom friends, and spread the word!
And as always, the ask box is open for questions or for any help you might need. So excited to see what this talented fandom will make!
Good luck!!❄️☃️❄️☃️
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zutaracentral · 3 years
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Naughty Zutara Winter Fest 2021 (@naughtyzkwinterfest)
Note: This is a 🔞 event. A safe-for-work version is available for minors and those who prefer non-explicit works. Please heed the rules and tags.
📱 Event FAQs and Rules | Prompts | tumblr
💭 What is Zutara Central? Click here.
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jerkbend · 3 years
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be sweet 2 me, baby 🌸
for zutaraweek day 4: lavender 💟
dedicated to the lovely zk week moderator who graciously organized this event by themself for four years. thank you endlessly for all the hard work you’ve done for us all these years; i hope you know there people in this fandom who greatly appreciate you. we don’t deserve you.
let’s be kinder to each other, happy #zutaraweek2021
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