#ziggs i jinx
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teiahn-frost · 11 days
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I never got any of the Odyssey critters so I will just draw them and the crew instead (・`ω´・)
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shadowtread · 4 months
mildly freaking out because i found the league wiki page holding the odyssey: extraction english announcer lines that I have been searching for. forever. for years. for these lines for both referencing and nostalgia purposes.
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chokko-artdump · 1 year
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Sketch of my explosive beloveds
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lady-griffin · 1 year
Ziggs: If another human tries to hug me or treat me like their personal stuffed animal, I am going to shove every explosive devise I have, down their throat.
Heimerdinger: umm... so, what’s this?
*Camera pans, revealing Ziggs being hugged by Jinx like he’s her personal stuffed animal*
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That comic about Ziggs and Jinx dating is just weird especially considering how they establish that Jinx thinks Ziggs is one of her hallucinations. (mainly, her conscience) 
So for one thing, Jinx doesn’t actually think Ziggs is real.
Jinx also dates her hallucinations?
Jinx thinks dating is just blowing stuff up. Actually Jinx thinks sex is two people blowing stuff up until they blow each other up.  (well, one person and Yordle (which...?????))
But also Jinx makes it clear to Ziggs that she thinks he a hallucination and like...my dude...why don’t you try to tell her that you’re actually real???
Idk, I feel like there are some slight consent issues here if the girl you’re on a date with thinks you’re a hallucination when you’re not. Like, you don’t know if she would even wanna date you if you weren’t a hallucination. It’s very deceptive not to tell that girl that you are, in fact, real.
And you know what?
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ravenkinnie · 2 years
I ship jinx with that Yordle, thoughts?
cursed because she did fuck that yordle but valid because that's the single most canon jinx ship out there because she did fuck that yordle
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antleredoctopus · 2 years
How do u feel abt Hextech Mayhem (the story spevifically not the game itself)
It's cute and incredibly charming! The back and forth dialogue between Heimer and Ziggs is a lot of fun.
I also like that it keeps to Heimer being this very intelligent mentor type that still has a lot to learn from those around him, because that’s a reoccurring theme in his sort of narrative I always found very sweet.
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sarahshoots1st · 1 year
Ekko: I can fix her
Jinx: You can't fix me
Lux: I can fix her
Jinx: I can make her worse
Ziggs: I can make her worse
Jinx: I can make him worse
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piltover-sharpshooter · 7 months
So the question people are asking now is 'What new champion will show up in Arcane season 2?!" and I actually leaning more towards the "Probably one or two or maybe even none". The showrunners have proven that largely they'll focus on a few character rather than spam us with champions, so most likely we'll see a new champ at best.
Currently Arcane has: Caitlyn, Vi, Jinx, Ekko, Jayce, Viktor, Heimerdinger, Singed and Warwick (In the form of Vander)
That leaves: Camille ,Ezreal, Orianna and Seraphine for Piltover. And: Blitzcrank, Dr.Mundo, Janna, Renata Glasc, Twitch, Urgot, Zac, Zeri and Ziggs(?) for Zaun.
Here are my guesses.
No chance: Dr. Mundo, Janna, Renata, Urgot ,Zac, Ziggs. Mundo's story of 'being turned into a weapon' will probably be filled by Vander so no use repeating it, Janna being a literal god would come out of nowhere to do a Deus Ex Machina so that's not happening, Renata was made after Silco was rejected as a champion idea so I doubt they'd add her to the story after it's been outlined, Urgot could stand a chance but Noxus has so little involment so far I doubt it, Zac same deal as Mundo but just being born a weapon, and Ziggs has no narrative reason to be there.
Maybe?: Ezreal ,Orianna, Twitch,Zeri. Ezreal's whole deal is exploring outside of the cities so narratively he has no reason to be there unless it's him leaving in the end, Orianna was probably teased as Singed daughter but we have to see if that goes anywhere, Twitch MIGHT be Huck but so far that's just speculation, and Zeri would fit with Ekko's group but the timeline of when she was created vs when the show was written might make it impossible.
My bets: Blitzcrank, Camille ,Seraphine. Blitzcrank being a creation of Viktor most likely means he's coming though I'm willing to bet it's going to be one of those little things they show in the end, Camille has a solid chance to become the Villain of season 2 being the contrast to Silco in season 1 and represent Piltovian oppression, and Seraphine's story about trying to connect the cities would fit neatly when it seems the cities are ramping up tensions.
Mind you this is all just me guessing, there are a number of factors that can change that, Popularity, if the Champion's story will change, how MUCH it'll change, maybe they are cameos, maybe they have a larger part to play, who can say.
Most likely Arcane season 2 will finish Piltover and Zaun's story before we move on to another area, and my hope is that if that's the case, in the end they show us glimpses of what everyone is up to.
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saviourofzaun · 4 months
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Tagged by: @jinxe (mwah) Tagging: @zaunrising | @everybodysenemies | @adenial | @freedomsbounty | @frxnchapologist | @zigg--muses | @gauntlets-shot | @blackrosesmatron | @elisethetraveller | @silcosentropy | @misfits-of-zaun | @witchcraftandburialdirt
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Anne Rice (born Howard Allen Frances O'Brien; October 4, 1941) is a best-selling American author of metaphysical gothic fiction, Christian literature and erotica from New Orleans, Louisiana. Her books have sold nearly 100 million copies, making her one of the most widely read authors in modern history. Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. (November 11, 1922 – April 11, 2007) was a 20th century American writer. His works such as Cat's Cradle (1963), Slaughterhouse-Five (1969), and Breakfast of Champions (1973) blend satire, gallows humor, and science fiction. As a citizen, he was a lifelong supporter of the American Civil Liberties Union and a critical leftist intellectual. He was known for his humanist beliefs and was honorary president of the American Humanist Association.
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embershroud108 · 1 year
I’ve been thinking more about what a potential Jinx redemption arc would look like after my latest rewatch. I got an ask about this the other day and I didn’t really give a good answer so I’m going to try to unpack it more here.
The major sticking point for me with this question has always been: how does one define “redemption” in Jinx’s case? One way to define it that I’m more or less comfortable with is that she accomplishes something that makes up for the pain she’s caused, not just to others but to herself. Or, put another way, she gets to place where she has a healthy sense of self-worth and doesn’t feel like just a curse. But for a character who has been so broken by an escalating cycle of violence and degradation, basically her entire life, as to be basically defined by that brokenness and violence, how is that possible? The lazy easy answer that always comes up in this discussion is some variation of “she dies to save X” usually Vi, or including Vi.
Leaving aside the problematic fact that, unless she dies only protecting Zaun or people in Zaun, that this would effectively endorse the Piltover side of the conflict and Vi’s collaborationist worldview (sorry Vi stans), this possibility has never sat right with me because, unless it were handled very skillfully, it would feel too cliched, contrived, and OOC. I just don’t see Jinx as a heroic self-sacrifice type of character. The “accidentally saves the day and dies Gollum-style” type of “redemption” would fit her character better, but I don’t know if we can even call that a redemption arc as such as I defined it above. Plus it would make me sad. So let’s just table the “redemption by death” scenarios.   What would a redemption arc where she lives look like?  After considering it for awhile I think a character arc like that would have to contain, broadly and roughly speaking, three main elements. 1. New friend(s). Jinx needs a new friend or friend group who is not tied to her past and are a positive influence on her. “Positive influence” here means someone who can help her heal from her ingrained sense of paranoid isolation and resentment that Silco cultivated in her. I think an original character or characters would work best here. The only champion character I can see realistically fulfilling this role is Ziggs. As much as I want to see a Jinx + Viktor team up I don’t think he would be a good influence on her in this capacity. 2. A Greater Threat. Jinx needs to be overshadowed by someone or something else as the main antagonist in the narrative by the final act of season 2. Maybe that’s the Machine Herald. Maybe that’s Noxians. Maybe that’s Urgot (I doubt it). Given that they planted the seeds of the first two possibilities pretty thoroughly in act 3 of s1, I think this is very likely. And this isn’t even necessarily so Jinx can help fight against this bigger threat (although that too). It’s so that the powers that be in Piltover will deprioritize her as a threat and let her live free (presumably loose in the undercity) once the story concludes.
3. Genuinely helpful. Specifically, to the people from her past that she cares about (so basically Vi and Ekko). And just as importantly those people have to want and even need her help. For instance, I absolutely love the theory that Ekko will seek out Jinx’s help when the enforcers invade and occupy the undercity. But I also think that this help needs to come, at least partially, in a non-violent form. Since a big theme in season 1 is that violence creates more problems than it solves, and this is especially true in Jinx’s arc, I think she needs a key moment where she can be helpful without using violence. Maybe she tips Vi and Caitlyn off with a critical piece of information or clue. Maybe she builds a device (that isn’t a weapon) that plays a pivotal (genuinely helpful) role. Something along those lines.
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blackrosesmatron · 6 months
I just realized that, with Arcane being part of Canon, Ziggs WHOLE STORY will have to be redone from zero. He is tied to the old Piltover/Zaun lore, in special with Jinx and Heimmerdinger...
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funnyscienceman · 9 months
saw some bullshit today so i dared myself to list every male-male non-romantic relationship (that i know of) in league
disclaimer i have not read all of runeterra lore so half of this is osmosis
Braum - Yasuo (RK rest point convos)
Braum - Pyke (RK, "you could never be on the list")
Darius - Draven (they're brothers)
J4 - Xin Zhao
J4 - Garen (shared a couple scenes in Lux comic + most of their screentime in Mageseeker was the two of them sulking about their loved ones being magic)
Master Yi - Wukong
Braum - Maokai (RK, maokai gives braum a cure for his people)
Nasus - Renekton (they're brothers pt 2)
Rengar - Graves (graves keeps referring to rengar as "my buddy rango")
Thresh - Viego (thresh 'helped' viego revive his wife, and also it's impossible to ship viego with anyone because he will not stop simping over said wife)
Vladimir - Viego (i'm pretty sure they're related?)
Warwick - Singed (listen i love monsterfucker singed as much as the next fella but in terms of canon singed remorselessly ruined ww's life lmfao)
Yone - Yasuo (they're brothers pt 3)
Xerath - Azir (although i personally think there's estranged mlm potential there so ymmv)
Heimerdinger - Ziggs (jinx comic + hextech mayhem, they've worked together)
Singed - Heimerdinger (Arcane, "love and legacy are the sacrifices we make for progress, it's why i parted ways with heimerdinger")
Nasus - Azir (i'm like 80% sure they're on speaking terms)
Shen - Zed (so i've heard, but i've also heard they could be read as exes so ymmv)
eighteen. now. actual 1000% confirmed mlm ships
Twisted Fate - Graves (you literally just need to read everything on their respective universe pages, even before Bombolini they were canon as fuck)
ships that COULD be
Udyr - Lee Sin (udyr voice lines)
Viktor - Jayce (bios + parallel short stories + Arcane)
Ekko - Ezreal (pulsefire short story)
now isn't that interesting.
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jynxd · 5 months
⭐️ (Ziggs and Jinx for the hc meme thing)
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Jinx considers Ziggs to be a part of her family. In fact she typically refers to him as brother a lot when talking about him. She doesn't always tell him in person. In cases where Silco is gone, she especially depends on the connection
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The delightful wild ride that is Jinx x Kayn in the Odyssey Universe
Jinx’s initial attraction to Bad Boys:
Jinx: Hi Kayne, how’s it going?
Jinx: Excuse me that’s Kayn - he’s a villian who feeds on aura!
She can excuse war crimes and attempted murder but she draws the line at messing with Aura and messing with your Bad Boy looks:
Jinx: Kayn is looking really gross...UGH that ore he’s been eating is poking out of his arm.
Just because she’s in love with him doesn’t mean he will be spared from her chaotic violence:
Jinx: Because he’s hunky and perfect!
Ziggs: He wants to kill us all!
Jinx: Not if I kill him first!
It’s Enemies to Lovers but with a lot more commitment to the murder part:
Ziggs: Why are you in love with a space vampire?
Jinx: He’s not a vampire. He’s an evil guy who drinks people from the inside. And we’re gonna kill him.
Kayn low-key crushes on her too:
Kayn: Why is that girl staring at me?
Rhaast: She is attracted to our violence.
Kayn: Oh...
Kayn: I admit, she was cute.
He gives her one hell of a pick up line:
Kayn: I’m everything you wanted and more, Jinx!
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