#yuuka ide
crazykacey · 1 year
Funny thing called life happened after I returned from Japan so had to sort that crap out which is why it has taken so long with the Sera Myu Chronicle pamphlet translations (and also cause the I couldn’t be bothered to translate the first bit, but I did anyway lol) SO LET’S CONTINUE WHERE WE LEFT OFF
(remember that not all translations are 100% accurate)
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Greetings from a few staff members (aka my personal hell)
When I came across this production, it was really shocking to see how sensational it was for women to become soldiers, and as they continue to fight in modern times, I feel the persistence of human beliefs and justice in the fact the the world is demanding it.
Last year the baton was given to us after the many trials of Bandai’s musicals and that is all thanks to the efforts of many people.
I feel a great sense of responsibility and gratitude for being involved in this production that has a lot of history. Among them is the choreographer, Satomi Touma, who has been involved in Sera Myu for a long time. Whom achieves both “unchanging history” and “changing entertainment” with her choreography from working with the Sailor Senshi to the enemies. In that way, the “Sera Myu-ness” that cannot be expressed in words has been handed down to us and keeps on living without fading.
Without forgetting the respect for all the people involved in this production, all of us are determined to put our hearts and souls into this radiant show so that we can repay Takeuchi-sensei for all the wonderful encounters. Please enjoy the beloved songs and the brave pretty soldiers who keep on fighting till the end.
Stage manager - Kaori Miura
I am truly grateful to be able to take part in the 30th anniversary celebration of Sailor Moon which is loved throughout the world. When talking about the songs of Sailor Moon, it goes without mention that Moonlight Densetsu has such an impact that it is difficult to describe it. Even for me, who didn’t watch Sailor Moon when growing up, hearing that impressive melody and lyrics, the silhouettes of those pretty yet pretty heroes come to mind. I have been the music composer since the previous musical and finally the vague silhouettes of the heroes have finally become real. Furthermore, combined with the individuality of the cast who basically live their own characters, I’m very proud to see the company grow into a more wonderful company that attracts all Sailor Moon fans. I have great expectations fo the further leap forward, and I myself would like to enjoy this FESTIVAL to the fullest, as it will be a perfect opportunity for me to experience the numerous masterpieces of the older musicals.
Composer - Go Sakabe
Congratulations on the 30th anniversary!
The first time I was introduced to the Sailor Moon musicals was in 2014. It has been 8 years since then.
We have worked hard with many Sailor Soldiers from different generations.
The stage is more brutal than you can imagine. However, in addition to the scale of the production, there is the strength of each actor’s ambition and challenge. And after every time a performance is over, I look at everyone and notice how different everyone has become and how they have grown… They truly are like soldiers. The tears shed shed at the Senshuuraku(final performance) are like the tears of a pure girl but they are also tears full of pride and strength, that is what I think when I see them. Surely, we will all be guided by the production “Sailor Moon” in meetings, in challenges, whether we are friends or enemies, or whether we have to fight against ourselves. That is what this production has thought us. It is something universal and unwavering that pushes us forward. Thank you so much for coming to see 30th Anniversary Musical Festival Chronicle! I am overwhelmed with emotion to be able to share this time with everyone on this special milestone. I would like to continue to protect his eternal brilliance with all of you.
All of us are soldiers.
Looking forward, together.
Choreographer - Satomi Touma
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Sailor Moon/Super Sailor Moon/Usagi Tsukino
Riko Tanaka
Protector of the Moon, the Planet of Love and Justice, the Soldier of Mystery!
Normally a clumsy crybaby. She excels in the power to purify evil, and that power increases as she grows. In her previous life she was Princess Serenity, the Princess of the Moon Kingdom, Silver Millenium.
Inner Solar System Sailor Soldiers
The 4 Soldiers who protect the Princess of the Moon(Sailor Moon)
Sailor Mercury/Ami Mizuno
Kanon Maekawa
Protector of Mercury, the Planet of Water, the Soldier of Wisdom!
Genius girl with an IQ of 300. She is also the brain of the Sailor Soldiers.
Sailor Mars/Rei Hino
Rei Kobayashi
Protector of Mars, the Planet of Fire, the Soldier of War!
Unwavering cool beauty. Good at fortune-telling.
Sailor Jupiter/Makoto Kino
Kisara Matsumura
Protector of Jupiter, the Planet of Thunder, the Soldier of Protection!
Although she is very strong and good in fights, she prefers cooking and sewing.
Sailor Venus/Minako Aino
Marin Makino
Protector of Venus, the Planet of Beauty, the Soldier of Love!
The leader of the Inner Soldiers. Aggressively active in love, truly a “Soldier of Love”
Outer Solar System Sailor Soldiers
Lonely Soldiers who watch over space, other worlds and even time.
Sailor Uranus/Haruka Tennou
Shinjyu Terada
Protector of Uranus, the Planet of the Sky, the Soldier of Flight!
A special person who is both male and female. Works as a professional car racer.
Sailor Neptune/Michiru Kaiou
Ayana Kinoshita
Protector of Neptune, the Planet of the Deep Sea, the Soldier of Embrace!
Is a world-famous violinist.
Sailor Pluto/Setsuna Meiou
Chisato Minami
Protector of Pluto, the Planet of Space-Time, the Soldier of Revolution!
Is calm and has a kind heart.
Sailor Saturn/Hotaru Tomoe
Yuuka Ide
Protector of Saturn, the Planet of Silence, the Soldier of Destruction and Birth!
A quiet and mysterious girl.
Other characters:
Sailor Chibimoon/Chibiusa
Chise Niitsu
Usagi and Mamoru’s daughter from the future moon. Traveled in time to the present day to train as Sailor Chibimoon.
Yune Sakurai (Cat form)
MARISA (Human form/Snow Luna)
A black cat that guides the Sailor Soldiers. A Messenger of the Moon sent to Earth in a cold sleep state
Princess Snow Kaguya/Ms. Frozen
Sayaka Okamura
The true form of the comet “Princess Snow Kaguya”. She tried to capture and rule the Earth and was supposed to be purified by Super Sailor Moon…
Tuxedo Mask/Mamoru Chiba
Riona Tatemichi
Usagi’s gentle boyfriend who always protects her.Whenever Sailor Moon is in trouble, he always comes to her rescue. In his previous life, he was prince of the Kingdom of Earth, Prince Endymion.
Moeko Koizumi, Ayumi Sakisaka, Ayano Nagasawa, Yuri Hirano
After that is the Musical Numbers which you can find here.
Then is a really amazing pic of all the Senshi! Would love this as a poster <3
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That's it for now! I will translate the rest when I have time! (Should be easier since I'm out of my personal hell lol)
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correctproseka · 5 months
Do you think Mizuki ever started laughing over her sister's name being Yuuki and this one stranger she met online being Yuki?
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gloomyswritings · 9 months
in your dreams | satoru gojo x fem!reader
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warnings : none
notes : season two/high school gojo. a lil something in between my joshua fic. not proofreading this or anything since it’s just a quick little fic. lil angsty bonus because i can’t resist.
“He’s totally dreamy though ______.” Your coworker sighed dreamily as she stocked the shelves with various beauty products. You groaned rolling your eyes, “Dreamy? Yeah, no. Yuuka don’t get involved with Satoru he’s a playboy.” You warned her furrowing your brows.
“Yeah you only say that because you go to school with him. You have some bias against him.” Yuuka muttered as she stood to her feet flattening the cardboard box, “Anyways I’ll be back. I’m gonna take the trash out to the recycle bin keep an eye on the store.” She sighed before walking away finally leaving you in peace. Generic pop music echoed through the empty cosmetics store but you didn’t mind the lack of customers, it was nice to not have to deal with people. You hummed quietly to yourself as you continued stocking the shelves. When the doorbell chimed signaling a customer coming in.
“Hello welcome to-“ you began to greet them when your eyes landed on the familiar set of fluffy white hair.
“Continue on.”
Nope. You turned your attention back to stocking the shelves. “Aw come on ______ don’t be like that.” Your frenemy whined coming closer to you. Your face scrunched up. God even his voice was grating!
“What the hell do you want Satoru?” You finally snapped turning to face him. You placed your hands firmly on your hips staring up at him. Satoru smirked and held his hand out, a plastic bag dangling in his finger tips. “Got you lunch. Scratch that got us lunch.” He said that stupid sly smile playing on his lips. You wanted so badly to slap that stupid look off his face. “I didn’t ask you to do that. Why do you always insist on bothering me everywhere I go? You annoy me at school and now you come harass me at work. What are you a stalker or somethin’? Go bother Suguru.” Your voice was laced with pure annoyance but it seemed to only fuel the white haired sorcerer even more.
He reached out a finger booping you on your nose, “I’m your stalker ______. Just can’t get enough of ya.” He smoothly said only causing you to scoff even more. “When’s your lunch break? I’m pretty hungry so hurry up.” He said. You rolled your eyes, “When Yuuka gets back.” You snapped. His bright blue eyes widened, “The tall blonde one?” He asked. You nodded. She’s pretty hot but I’m not into gyarus. I prefer my women to be sorcerers just like you, ______.” He sounded so serious which caused your face to heat up but he quickly began to laugh loudly clutching his stomach, “Aw your face got all red. I love when you get all shy.” He laughed. Before you could yell at him Yuuka came in she practically squealed when she saw who was beside you. “Gojo hi! You’re back! Did you come to see me?” She shyly asked fidgeting with her fingers. Gojo winked, “Of course I did. Id love to spend more time with you but ______ made me bring her lunch so next time I owe you a date.” He smoothly said. Such a player. You thought annoyedly, snatching the plastic bag out of Gojo’s hand you began to walk towards the back of the store, “Yuuka I’m going on lunch. I’ll be back in like an hour. Come on Satoru.” You muttered the white haired boy following close behind you excitedly.
Sitting on top of the brick flower bed you crossed your legs pulling out the food from the plastic bag. Satoru watched eagerly as he sat across from you, “Got you your favorite. McDonald’s.” He said, “Did I get your order right?” He asked curiously watching as you opened the box of chicken nuggets. You pretended to examine the nuggets and fries closely before slowly taking a sip of cola then you nodded, “Hmm I suppose you did get my order right. Good boy.” You laughed softly. “See I know you so well. It’s almost like I’d make the perfect boyfriend?” He asked wiggling an eyebrow as he took a bite of his burger. He looked so proud of himself for getting your order right without asking, it was almost cute? Pfft yeah right.
“Boyfriend to who? Me? Yeah no in your dreams.” You laughed. Satoru pouted, “Come on ______. You know you want me. We’ve known each for other for like ten years? So why don’t we make it official.” He whined. It seemed like an on going situation between you and him, him constantly asking to be your boyfriend. It wasn’t like you actually hated him you did like him but it was complicated.
“I’d rather not get caught up in Gojo clan affairs seems to stressful. Plus I told you I’d rather not date a sorcerer too stressful wondering if they’ll die or somethin.” You mumbled avoiding his intense gaze. “Luckily for you my dear lovely future girlfriend that I’m the strongest sorcerer to live so you never have to worry about me dying. You can go become a housewife or something while I take care of you never even have to interact with the clan.” Satoru said leaning closer to you. Sighing you looked up at him, “Meh maybe one day I’ll consider it. Might have to convince me more.” You smirked. Satoru chuckled shaking his head, “God you want me to play the long game huh? Fine I’ll play your games.” He returned your smirk. It was nice to have someone like Satoru in your life despite how obnoxious he was at times.
You fell to your knees sobbing face buried in your hands. “Satoru…Satoru..” you choked out in between sobs. He was gone and it was Itadori’s fault or so you found yourself blaming. He was just a kid but you felt like if Satoru had never taken a liking to him he’d still be here today. Maybe if you stopped Suguru all those years ago this wouldn’t of happened. Maybe if you were stronger you could of saved him. It was too late now you’d never become Satoru’s stupid housewife.
So many scenarios rushed through your head all the what’s ifs. Maybe if you accepted his proposal he would of retired and you’d be raising a family together now. It wasn’t fair and you’d never be able to see him again.
You felt a gentle hand on your shoulder, “______ come on now your bleeding a lot.” Shoko’s gentle voice broke you out of your thoughts. She was right you were drenched in blood from your injuries. The brunette held her hand out as she gently pulled you to your feet, “Satoru wouldn’t wanna see you like this. He’ll be fine. He’ll find a way out.” She offered you a weak smile which you returned giving her a nod. “Y..yeah Shoko.” You coughed out.
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sailorfailures · 1 year
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Some photos from the Sailor Moon Store's official Instagram account of the display set up for Hotaru Tomoe / Sailor Saturn's birthday (January 6th), including a poster sighed by Yuuka Ide, one of the actresses who portrayed Sailor Saturn in the contemporary stage musicals.
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oepionie · 1 year
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dreamii-yume · 1 year
How the FUCK can anyone in Twisted Wonderland function properly when they have this absolute goddess walking on the same fields—pls im quaking in my boots, id be going p…pretty like the stuttering bitch that i am
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i think its safe to say that every “Yuu” that we’re going to have is a powerhouse lmao yuuka and yuuken would be def great friends ace and deuce could never—
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rinelica · 1 year
i have really enjoyed your yuki and mai analysis but because tumblr likes to mess up image resolution a lot of the smaller text was quite hard or even impossible to read on much of it
id quite like to actually read all of it because i really enjoyed what i could read. all the art are very cute aswell. your work is really fantastic.
Thank you very much!! Ah, this really is what I was scared of... I'll drop here everything that might be hard to read, hope it'll help :
Original post :
ZUN's comment :
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In case the pic still is unreadable, here's the link to the wiki page, use the search tool on this page by typing "Yuki" to find the ask faster :
Part I :
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Shinki : "I am the god of Makai. Therefore, little Yumeko isn't a golem or anything like that, she's an ordinary Makai person."
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PCB phantasm stage, Sakuya : "Hell is not as scary as Makai. Oni, compared to devils, are nothing at all."
IN profiles, Remilia : Devils, including vampires, are a race unconditionally hated by both humans and youkai. That's because all these girls are self-centered and selfish. (note : Reimu's MS ending confirms that)
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MS, Marisa
Shinki : "Do you think bogus human magic can stand up to me?"
Marisa : "Isn't calling it "bogus" a loser excuse?"
Shinki : "Hmph, how impudent!! I'll show you real magic."
Marisa : "Oh, I'm so happy ♥"
UFO, Sanae B
Shou : "Makai is, with such a terrible demonic atmosphere, a world unsuitable for most living things. However, some youkai train there and humans can learn magic."
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I wonder what Alice told to Akyuu (speculation) :
Akyuu : "So what kind of magician are you?"
Alice : "Oh I just learned magic as a kid."
Akyuu : "Ah, that makes you a human magician!"
Alice : "... Haha, yes..." Better not scare Gensokyo's humans off...
Part II/
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Yuki : "You bastaaard! You bastard, how dare you!! I'm serious now!!"
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Before fight :
Mai : ......?
Yuki : We'll be your opponents ♥
Yuuka : I see, two at once. Sounds fun ♥
Yuki : Whether it'll be fun depends of your skills ♥ Of course I want it to be fun.
Yuuka : Oh my ♥ Go on, give it a try.
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After fight :
Yuuka : Thank you ♥ It was fun in its own way.
Yuki : Who exactly are you...
Yuuka : I ended up pretty far into Makai. I wonder how long the way still is.
Yuki : Right here is...
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Left :
-> shows no care about your rampage or you reaching Shinki
-> simple bullets
just want to have "fun" (beat people up)
"the stronger the enemy is, the longer the fight will last, the funnier it'll be" mentality
as a result, she lacks seriousness
-only gets mad when she takes things personally (her ego or Mai hurted)->
Right :
-> impulsive, act before thinking
-> very passionate about what she cares
but is quick to forgive if showed some respect (Yuuka)
Part III
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Mai : "... Not bad, you."
Protag : "!?"
Mai : "Now that the burden is gone, I can finally be serious. And this time, I'll definitely beat you bastard!!"
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Marisa = magician. average in Makai.
Reimu = weird human on a flying turtle.
Yuuka = what???
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Yuki : "Welcome, guest from another world ♥"
Mai : "......!"
Yuki : "I will guide you to a world where you shall rest for eternity ♥"
(totally a spirit who should in theory be able to deal some spiritual damages ->)
Mima : "Alas, that's the world I come from..."
Mai : "...!? I see, is that so..."
Mima : "Therefore, I will on the contrary be the one who'll take you there."
Mai : "Yuki, stop saying nonsense, I'll beat her..."
Mima : "You sure look eager to go."
Yuki : "How irritating! Mai, let's beat her!!"
Mai : "Understood... ♥"
Mima : "As promised, I'll guide you to the other world."
Yuki : "Mercyyy"
Mima : "But the other miss is waiting for youuu ♥"
(Yuki cries)
Mai's only sentence unique to Mima's scenario has nothing to do with death :
Mima : "Let's leave the weaklings alone."
Mai : "That's super frustratiiing!"
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Left :
-> doesn't talk much
-> at least shows concern about you trying to reach Shinki (Reimu script)
lets Yuki do whatever she wants
somewhat analyses the situation
-"I can finally be serious"=> sounds like she, unlike Yuki, would rather be serious from the start->
Right :
-> can actually be pretty talkative
-> is salty when Yuki's plan backfires
sounds saltier toward you
is she only quiet against new foes?
Part IV
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Speculation on why they weren't serious :
Mai : "It sounds serious... Maybe we should go all out this time."
Yuki : "Nooo, there's barely any intruder who manages to go this far!" It's been ages!
Mai : "...... fine."
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2-kamikou-1 · 9 months
hi. I have thoughts on wxs symbolism.
So this doesn't come as much of a shock re: the recent event but I'm definitely not the first person to delve into word choice in project sekai, and hindsight is always 20/20 anyway. the entire thing revolves around the conclusion to the event that just came out so it's kind of a spoiler so I'll put it under a readmore.
so like. as we learned in this recent event, the kids are okay. like. they're not getting separated they decided to become a freelance group after all this impending threat and dread of disbandment.
anyway id like to bring the attention to nene and the singing things she has often been associated with. Two things, really; mermaids and canaries.
mermaid obviously comes from Nene's attachment to the little mermaid, which in itself is not dissimilar from wondershow's story- in the same ballpark as the theme of "wanting something that you can't have/can't keep" (and it's also originally a queer story but we don't talk about that) but also in that mermaids were derived from sirens, which are notoriously evil- singing beautifully about your greatest desires only to lure you to a watery grave. Of course the allegory here is visible- all of these kids joined this group because they had a goal and this group would help them attain it. It was in mermaid admiration when the looming threat of disbandment was first introduced- also the same event we learn about Nene's infatuation with the story and the start of her being compared to a mermaid. They're starting to recognize the siren's song for what it is, if you will- something that will lead to dismay, at some point. But why stop sailing? They have a goal to get to, after all.
The shift to canary metaphors is purposely made subtle, I think- you know until it isn't. The first time we see it is in Nene's 3★ card from the second half anniversary event, "to get closer to the canary", where she appears to be watching a video of Yuuka. It's a 3★ so its name isn't really broadcasted anywhere like the featured cards, but it's important to note, and i think they did that for some sense of subtlety.
It's specifically the word for canary used, no other songbird, so it clearly means something- canary in the coalmine is what's most often associated with canaries. When the canary drops it's bad and time to evacuate. In a way, if that card name is referencing yuuka, they're comparing yuuka to the canary in the coalmine- the one that alerted them about the fact they were going to have to split up someday. Then we got the event name "canary sings in a quagmire". Insert every quagmire toilet family guy joke here. Anyway a quagmire refers to a bog or any kind of surface similar to that that gives way under foot- but it's also just used metaphorically to mean a complex situation (a sticky situation, if you will. you know. like mud . like a bog. like a quagmire. im so funny.) The canary sings in the quagmire. The canary continues to sing in tbe awkward situation- do you see my vision here? The canary is still singing. It hasn't keeled over- they're going to be okay, they always were going to be, because it was never a siren singing in the middle of the ocean preparing them for what could very well have been one of the worst experiences of their lives, it was the canary that still sang at the hazardous quagmire near the water. They're going to struggle but they will pull through, because the canary will keep singing.
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landofanimes · 1 year
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Sailor Moon 30th Anniversary Musical Festival -Chronicle-  
Yuuka Ide as Sailor Saturn Chisato Minami as Sailor Pluto
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revenant-coining · 1 year
SniperMaskcharic / MakotoYuukacharic
[ pt: SniperMaskcharic / MakotoYuukacharic ]
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[ID: 2 rectangular flags with 5 equally-sized horizontal lines. colors in this order from top to bottom: white, light grey, grey, dark grey, darker grey. in the center of the first flag is Sniper Mask / Makoto Yuuka from High-Rise Invasion. End ID]
SniperMaskcharic / MakotoYuukacharic: a gender connected to Sniper Mask / Makoto Yuuka from High-Rise Invasion.
@radiomogai , @imawanokiwaaa , @character-gender-archive
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[ID: a green and blue line divider with a blue infinity sign outlined in green in the middle. End ID]
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crazykacey · 2 years
Eye of the Storm by Sailor Uranus (Shinjyu Terada) and Sailor Neptune (Ayana Kinoshita). Sailor Pluto (Chisato Minami) and Sailor Saturn (Yuuka Ide) joined them for Celestial Born!
(If using headphones, it only works on the right ear. Also there is a lot of clapping cause everyone had the time of their life. So yeah I didn't edit any of them at all cause I only have my phone with me. Also also if shared, please credit me!)
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putschki1969 · 1 year
2023/03/03 Blog post by Wakana 桃の節句🌸〜意味深なおにぎりとミニミニ動画〜 
❗This is Fan Club EXCLUSIVE content❗ ❗PERSONAL USE ONLY❗ Do ❗NOT SHARE❗ on other sites ❗Join her FAN CLUB! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗
Hinamatsuri🌸〜Profound Onigiris and a Mini Video〜 
Everyone \\\\٩( 'ω' )و //// Today we announced the ticket details for the upcoming live broadcast of "Wakana Spring Shark Festival Vol.2 ~Talk & Mini Live~" with Yuuka Nanri. There will be an elaborate talk corner but we will also hold a mini-live accompanied by Shin-san's piano (*^^*) Let's all come together to talk, enjoy music and celebrate Yuuka's birthday! ! \(^o^)/ Click here for details♪↓↓↓ https://wakana-fc.jp/contents/614833
Hello, this id Wakana (0 ̄▽ ̄0)/
Today is March 3rd, Hinamatsuri. I didn't do anything special to celebrate but last week when I celebrated my niece's birthday, we all made hand-rolled sushi together(^-^) I tried hand-rolled sushi for the first time in a long time~(*´-`) With all the rolling I was trying really hard not to forget to add cucumbers. Cucumbers add a really nice accent and they are so delicious...😍 Also, shiso leaves are a must for me...😍💕
Since it's Hinamatsuri, I'd like to show you the video I mentioned last time (although it’s not at all related to Hinamatsuri)
This time, I wanted to provide a "little sneak peek of the album production", so the video is actually very short ^^;💦Sorry. But I think you can get a feel for the overall atmosphere... Note: Please be careful as the volume is really high😳💦This is more or less how the recording is progressing ・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+ For the time being, I wanted to film different sceneries from the recording so I brought the camera with me into the booth every single time. I also wanted to show you the catering provided for all of us so I filmed some random onigiris. There is no deeper meaning behind that footage 🤣 I want to share even the smallest things with you so I think short videos like this are a lot of fun (*´-`) I wonder if it will be enough to satisfy your curiosity? Was it enough to give you a good idea of the recording process...? 😊
I will post more updates soon, so please be patient a little while longer!
Well then, I shall leave it at that. Until next time~☆( *'▽'*)/
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‖Event details Botanical Land members-ONLY streaming event 『Wakana Spring Shark Festival Vol.2 ~Talk&Mini Live~』 Date: March 25, 2023 Time: 15:00~ Starring: Wakana         Yuuka Nanri <Guest>         Shin Hashimoto (Piano)
‖Ticket details Ticket sales: Bitfan tickets Livestream platform: Bitfan Live Sales period: March 3 to March 31 Archive period: ~April 1 ● Event viewing ticket ¥ 3,800 (tax included) ※For FC members ONLY; ❗ Join her FAN CLUB NOW! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗ In order to buy a ticket, please refer to the tutorial provided by Botanical Land! I have also written my own tutorial for her previous FC event so feel free to check that out! Bitfan is a very foreigner-friendly platform so be sure to use this opportunity!
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man i get yuuka. if i were old as balls and people kept fucking up my flowers id commit human (youkai) rights violations as well
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shiemori-writes · 1 year
HIII EVERYONE!! <3 i would just like to say that i now have an art acc! @vanrouu-wonders :> id appreciate some support (*cough* i drew yuuka...pspsps)
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im watching osana reimu
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kanohivolitakk · 2 years
Realized that there’s only two of my super big touhou faves (Junko and Sanae) who I strictly interpret as cis-women everyone else of my big faves I either see trans or enby OR I don’t have a strict gender headcanon for
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