#yukiko's dumb thoughts
clandestine-poet · 3 months
For context, before anything else, I myself am a lesbian.
Alright. So I don't quite know how to explain it, but Hualian really just has lesbian vibes. At least to me.
Being a lesbian is a lot of: "You girls must be such good friends!" "Do your boyfriends know you're here?" "How come I never see you two apart?" "Haha, two girls kissing? They must be best friends."
And look. Listen.
Hualian is constantly having people be like "You two must be such great friends!" from most of the other heavenly officials (until later on).
Xie Lian and San Lang at Puqi Village getting the "where's your wives?" every .5 seconds.
Xie Lian is constantly asked/talked about with "where's YOUR crimson rain sought flower?" or "If you are here, Crimson Rain is not far behind".
THEY KISS SO MUCH AND MOSTLY GET LOUDLY TOLD "there's other ways to exchange spiritual power!"
Also, there's something inherently powerful about a queer couple.
Being queer creates a space outside the norm. That unites us so much.
And it just feels like Hualian are the most lesbian-coded gay man couple I have seen in a long, long time.
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dumbass-duo-showdown · 6 months
CHAI & 808 (hi-fi rush) vs CHIE SATONAKA & YUKIKO AMAGI, ship name YUKICHIE (persona 4)
btw please check out the propaganda under the cut before voting!
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Chai & 808
One of Chai's plan consisted of blowing himself out of a canon to reach a far place. 808 was happy with that
Chai is a guy who is dumb as hell and 808 is a cat-robot that takes on the personality of whoever is 'attuned' to him at the time. Most of the time 808 isn't tuning to anyone so it just does stupid rockstar poses with Chai. The whole game centers around Chai, who stumbles into a corporate conspiracy to mindcontrol people through their artificial enhancements' nerve connections. He only gets in this mess because his heart is surgically attached to an ipod nano and he doesnt see the problem with that. ALSO the devs have said that Chai is inspired by Scott Pilgrim, who isnt stupid persay but he is in that archetype of 'clueless protagonists'.
Literally only one character from the Investigation Team has more than one Braincell and it's neither of these two. Maybe other characters from that game would fit more but like. These two are girlfriends who are dumbasses together
First i will drop this, second. They made Kanji scream because they thought they were going to kill an innocent child with their cooking
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disasterinbound · 5 months
ever so often i think about yuri souyo (souyuri?) with bodyguards post and im like so true op. Cuz like. Maybe fem!yosuke (sticking with same name cuz im dumb) is like the popular model for JUNES corp, so some bodyguards are hired to ward away creepy fans
Bodyguards are the investigation team. but split in half for fem!yu as well :>
maybe on yosuke's side it's yukiko, naoto and teddie as her bodyguards. meanwhile on yu's side it's rise, chie and kanji. insane, i know
i think when yu comes to town, yukiko catches wind that one of her old friends (kanji) are in the same area and of course yosuke meddles around a bit and says "let's go meet your friend :3"
the 3 of them then meet up with yu and the bodyguard trio and yu immediately forms a small crush on yosuke that slowly turns into a mega fat one when they click. and then yu turns into this sighing lovesick mess after yosuke leaves (and falls but at least theres no wounds)
meanwhile yosuke is over here after leaving going "fuck fuck fuck why is she so pretty. it's fine to think other girls are pretty right. totally normal. yeah yu is hot and that's totally friendship thoughts. from a platonic standpoint. i would date her- wait isn't that going a bit too far? nah it'll be like a date! for friends. friendship date. yessss. i want to kiss her. friendship kiss."
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gertritude · 2 months
how are you liking p4 so far? thoughts? 🎤🎤
It's been hard to go from the UI/combat of persona 5 to this game, but I persevere....
I've seen people call this the "happy" persona game, but it has a kind of grungy and uncomfortable atmosphere to it that I find interesting? The harsh color visuals of the TV world are really cool - I looooooove that opening area with the outlined bodies on the ground. I'll hold off on actual opinions about characters until I see more of them, but so far, I really like Yosuke and how they handled his shadow + his whole deal with Saki (whom I am sad is dead... I liked what little we got of her)... he feels shockingly nuanced for being the "dumb best friend" character, which I really like??? Chie's got a lot of fun energy to her, and I like what I've seen of Yukiko so far. Dojima will suffer my hand for how he neglects Nanako idgaf if he's a single dad on the police force go hire a babysitter
I'm still pretty early in the game (Yukiko's Castle Dungeon), so the only thing I really can say I dislike (aside from obvious downgraded UI) is the cutscenes? The 2D animated ones were one of my least favorite part of P5, and I am not excited to see they still look really bad here... I wish there were nice 3D ones instead.......
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yumedeer · 11 months
TW: s*x ed (kinda) and Crowley being an overprotective dad
🪞Crowley: I wouldn't give a thought to any student in this school. You can't be too sure these days around boys! Vultures and flirts the lot of them!
😼❄️Both twins: ...
🐾Grim: What?
🪞Crowley: Just look at their tactics! They target vulnerable, young boys and girls... And build false senses of trust, and then ISOLATE them on "magic rides" of sort!!
🐾Grim: Huh?
🪞Crowley: And when the moment is right... *whispers*...They whip IT out!
😼❄️*both Yuu and Yukiko cringe*
🐾Grim: They whip what?
🪞Crowley: You know *Yuki plays dumb and Yuu covers Grim's ears* Their songs!
❄️Yukiko: Oh! Songs...!
😼Yuu: Songs?
🐾Grim: Why's that bad?
🪞Crowley: Beware of young boys that whip out their songs, my dear twins! A song is often a prelude... To a d*ck!
😼❄️ *both twins wince*
🐾Grim: To a what?
😼Yuu, covering Grim's ears again: He actually said it!!
🪞Crowley: A song is a d*ck in sheep's clothing!!!
❄️Yukiko: He's not backing down!!
🪞Crowley: There's a famous musical that has a song about this topic! Let me play it for you! Whenever in doubt, just remember it!
😼Yuu: Wait! NO, NO, NO!
-Crowley's phone: A song is a d*ck in sheep's clothing~ A song means a d*ck on it's way~
👻 Ramshackle ghosts, appearing furiously from nowhere: HEADMASTER!!!!!
🪞Crowley: *realizes what he's doing and freezes*
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hauntingmiser · 3 days
( holy hell I am late I am so sorry I slept and also I forgot about it I'm sorry )
tw : impaling and ( gore? Idk really 👀 )
After our heroes defeated izanami it was time for the killing strike until teddie just swam with a spear in his hand and impaled the fellow goddess of death
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*cough* *cough* "well played......" izanami said as she bleds out "you did succeed in finishing your goal..." she fades in and out of obscurity "and now....my time is up....." as izanami fades out and the fog evaporating with her she says her last faithful words
"well played teddie....well played...hehe...."
and she disappears for one last time and after the investigation team finds out about the whole temple going to fall they got out of there quickly
when they got out of the TV world the whole team went outside and it was beautiful the sea was glittering with fresh water, the crystals have evaporated and the bones of many are gone except for the ones buried in the beige-like sand
All of the crystals and fog were gone
"yaaay we did it!" said chie joyfully while hugging yukiko
"high-five naoto" kanji breathing heavily after he carried naoto to the entrance of the dungeon when they were escaping and naoto proceeds to high-five him then she got off him and started dancing
rise however is still mad she didn't even beat izanami up but she still happy regardless then proceeds to dance with naoto
"I'm glad to be a navigator for all of you but y'all are still dumb to me"
"yeah tell me about it!" yukiko said after getting hugged by chie
"says the one that wants to talk trash and chew bubble gum" chie replied after she hugged yukiko and is now pointing at rise
"now listen here you-....know what you kinda right tho...." rise said aggressively then realizing it's kind of true
"hey one of you try and catch me!" Naoto said as she bolted while rise following her "YOU GET BACK HERE!!!!" rise yelled "eat my shorts dolphin idiot" naoto replied
"NAOTO YOU DON'T HAVE ANY SHORTS YOU ONLY HAVE PONCHOS!" Kanji yelled out after followed both naoto and rise after they went far away from the team
Yu after looking at this, he looks at his hands and then looks at yosuke "hey partner..." yosuke politely said "yeah what is it yosuke?" yu replied "I can't believe we've done it, the whole sea is saved thanks to us and the whole gang" yosuke replied with tears in his eyes and him trying to wipe them *sniff* "now saki can rest now knowing this nightmare is over"
"mhmm...she can finally rest now knowing her brother be alright without her" yu said until rise throws a soft can at him and then he stares at her and proceeds to throw an apple at her therefore almost proceeding to run until yosuke stopped him and said "instead of chasing her...why don't we get some popsicles from the surface the money's on me"
"yosuke....I thought you would never ask....of course I would like some!" Yu said
"haha yeah!" yosuke replied and yu and yosuke proceeds to swim to get popsicles from the surface
And as the sky reflects the two sides of the ocean the saltwater and freshwater sea the waves were calm and steady, the sand was hot and the clouds were peaceful
It was now just another day at freshwater inaba.
★{[ T H E ♥︎ E N D ]}★
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Fun fact : thank you for making it this far!
I am so glad I did this challenge even though I kind of burnt out of motivation to do so but I finally did it
Thank you all for supporting me in this challenge alone I couldn't thank you enough for y'all to get you all but I have ever got motivation by making this complicated lore and making it really amazing for all of you to see
I appreciate all of you and happy pride y'all
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indvcible · 4 months
don't mind me...coming to class late and unprepared. 😳 you can find more about rie under the cut while i work on eventually getting her pages up probably later than sooner soz. still going through everyone's intros, but pls hit that heart button down below and i'll slide into your ims to plot if you don't beat me to it!! xoxo, always super late girl 😘
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tw: mention of death
originally born as nakamoto yukiko (mom used to call her yuki before she gave her up to her bosses lol)
her mom was (and actually still is) the secretary of an up and coming cosmetics company who were on track of becoming super super big throughout japan!!!
(tw: mention of death) at their peak, the company heads lost their daughter (tw end) who was coincidentally around the same age as yuki
after a few years had passed, they asked her mom to take yukiko in as their own as they were in need of an heir and unable to produce more of their own (for timeline purposes, yuki was prob about 12-13 years old at the time)
to this day, she still has no idea what conspired between the adults involved in the discussion, but she's sure as hell bitter that her mom had given her up so easily on top of the fact that she was a "replacement daughter" and her "parents" never let her forget it
to say she was an angsty teen would be an understatement, but she never reacted outwardly or rashly. rather, she just acted as a lifeless doll, never really reacting much to anyone around her or showing much emotion around her "dear family"
this was beginning to raise questions throughout high society as the sato daughter, who had hardly (if ever) made any appearances when she was younger, had always been said to have been clingy but endearing towards her parents. but now that she was a frequent event attendee, the daughter was now the complete opposite
in order to hide the truth and keep others from digging too deeply for the dirty details, yukiko (now rie) was shipped off to study abroad in south korea, where she couldn't harm the company's prestige
there, she was forced to play the role of the perfect daughter or risk being cut off financially
for a while, she remained quiet in the background, allowing others to assume whatever they wanted to about her. at the time, she could barely make out anything they said anyway — she simply wanted her time in the country to pass
but then they appeared [subplot 7/muse l + m!!!] and changed her life around. now that she had friends that she found dear and could (sort of) open up to, rie was a bit brighter and expressed herself a bit more. their company also made a rapid difference in how quickly she was able to advance her korean language skills
when the whole "seduction" plan was brought up, she'd honestly thought it to be a dumb little game that she didn't care for whatsoever, but she went along with it anyway bc they wanted to do it
the one time she decided to act on her feelings and do something of her own volition to make herself happy, it ruins her entire friendship and rie is suddenly back to being on her own all thanks to someone she doesn't even end up with in the end
this incident makes her shut down once more and now she's beginning to understand that maybe her "parents" were right in insisting that doing what she was told and looking pretty was for the best. so she does just that and quietly makes it to graduation
the same thought process continues in the present day; she's become the face of her "mother's" cosmetic brand and is currently a grad student majoring in operations management, ready to step in and take over the company whenever the time comes
she does still see her birth mother every now and then, but chooses to ignore her whenever possible
plot bunnies 🐇
the only person she's ever come close to revealing her secret to; that her entire identity is a sham. but something always came up that kept rie from doing so
someone she considers a true friend. though she remains closed off around all others, you break down those walls. she's always ready to drop what she's doing to be at your side if you ever needed her to be
you were enemies in high school and you're still enemies now. despite doing everything in her power to avoid you, somehow you always end up appearing before her, proving to be a constant thorn in her side
a colleague begged rie to go on a blind date in her place, and there she met/reunited with you. can you two hit it off or will this be a horrible disaster?
she gets a little homesick every now and then, but your presence reminds her that she's not alone (req. muse must be from or have lived in japan)
current fellow snu grad students
one night stand turned regular fling
fellow models/industry workers
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Persona 4 characters as things I’ve thought about while stoned
Fun fact: I keep a notes app of the dumb shit I’ve thought while high so I never forget them and it only just occurred to me to make it into a p4 meme so here you go
Yu: I’m never gonna get to have sex while high because I’m legally intoxicated and can’t properly consent. This is absolute fucking bullshit
Yosuke: Could you drown while drinking a glass of water?
Chie: Why would you eat the rolled ice cream with a spoon when you can just pick it up and eat it like a hot dog?
Yukiko: Imagine marrying a woman named Mike.
Kanji: Tyra Banks looks like RuPaul.
Rise: Why does my subconscious believe that 47% battery power is higher than 50%. Cuz I’ve I’m going to bed and I see my phone is at 50% I’ll be like “shit that’s half battery, I should put it on the charger” but if it’s between 40-49% I’m like “eh it’s enough” and not charge it.
Teddie: Saliva is just sweat off your tongue.
Naoto: I hate being touched but I love feeling contained.
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lord-radish · 1 year
I think there are three important criteria when it comes to judging a modern Persona game: Social Links, Dungeon Crawling and the Stupid Guy Best Friend.
Please note that this is more an indicator of personal taste than me trying to objectively quantify any of these categories.
Social Links: 5 > 3 > 4.
god I just looked up the Persona 5 social links for the first time in forever and I love all of them. I was seriously gonna consider ranking 3's social links highest, but Persona 5 really does have it all. Even with the reputation Ohya has, I LOVE her big orange bubble sunglasses. Weakest link is Mishima.
The third game has the worst social link out of them all, but it also has - imo - the best one too. The Moon arcana, with the gormand who steals your money and tries to get you into a cult, sucks. The Sun arcana, where you spend your Sundays with a terminally ill man? Absolute fuckin tearjerker. You also have the elderly bookstore couple and Mutatsu the Monk on top of that. Maya is an iconic social link, and I like Keisuke too.
Persona 4 has some good social links, like Dojima, Nanako and Naoto. But it also has Ayane, and even the characters I liked spending time with had social links that felt meandering. Rise had a good social link, Yukiko's ended up feeling like a rut. Since this is my first playthrough, I didn't even start a couple of the social links - that's my bad. There's also the fact that I'm 27, and I played P3 as a teenager and P5 in my mid-20's; I might be growing out of this sort of cliche-laden Anime stuff. But so far, I honestly think 4's social links are my least favourite. Except for the Fox, I like the Fox.
Dungeon Crawling: 3 > 4 > 5
For the record, Persona 5's dungeons were fan-fucking-tastic. They look and feel incredible, they're incredibly well made. But they're also static areas and I prefer the procedurally generated areas of 3 and 4. There's Mementos, but driving around in the Monawagon got really old after a while. Excellent levels and gameplay, but the PS2 jank is really fun.
Persona 4 had some good maps. I adored the RPG one, I really like the sci-fi one, the Golden-exclusive map was great and there's a great endgame map too. But the maps all cap out at about ten floors. I felt like I was playing the Bathhouse map for way too long, and eventually it boils down to a noticeable formula.
I really like Persona 3's unconventional dungeon structure. Climbing an evergrowing tower with over a hundred floors? That rips. Unlocking new floors with bosses is kind of an oddball, but I like it and it's explained in the game. It's blocky, it's randomly generated, and it's really fun. I love when a simple concept is done well, and that's Persona 3's dungeon crawling to me. The spectacle of 5 is incredible, but sometimes it's the little things that affect you the most.
Stupid Guy Best Friend: 5 > 3 >>>>>> 4
Ryuji is a real bro. He's dumb, but you could do a blood pact with him and probably feel secure that he's gonna pull through for you. Undoubtedly the best Stupid Guy Best Friend in the Persona series.
Junpei is kind of a flake, but I thought he had a pretty good story going for a while there near the end. Junpei probably ends up being the most "human" Stupid Guy Best Friend? The dumb pervy anime stuff begins with him, but he actually ended up having an intensive emotional story.
Yosuke Homophobic Moments Pt. 7.
Yosuke spends most of the game being inappropriate with women and making homophobic comments to Kanji for his perceived sexuality. For some reason, TV Tropes editors are much more heated about Chie for how she treats him, i.e. getting mad at him for breaking a DVD and spending a bunch of his money on a gift for someone else - but this is the guy who signed her up to a beauty pageant against her will and then lost his shit when she retaliated, and basically cornered her into wearing a bikini and guilted her until she gave in. Yosuke fucking sucks - trash character 0/10. I do not like Yosuke.
And I know there were plans to make him a gay dating option that got cut late into development - to the point that there was English dialogue recorded for it. Could it have saved the character and retroactively explained a lot of his toxic traits as overcompensating for his sexuality? Maybe, with a lot of side-eye to match. But that got left on the cutting room floor, and the overly perverted and outwardly prejudiced Yosuke we got in the game is what we got. I really, really dislike Yosuke.
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shsl-baby · 1 year
therapy session
“So, Yukiko-”
“Yuu-kun.” They interrupt, casting a glare up at Hinata. His face doesn’t change, but they’re certain of what he’s thinking. Why can’t he just suck it up and call them the nickname? It’s not that hard. They stopped calling him Kamkukura relatively easily, once they got tired of people like Saionji yelling at them over it. But he insists. Every single time.
“Yuu-kun.” He starts over, scratching the back of his neck. “Did you have a nice Christmas?”
Picking at the creaky wicker chair they sat in, they shrugged. “Yeah. Sure.” They got a few cool things. Mizuki seemed to like their drawing. It wasn’t nearly as good as Keiko’s, but that was to be expected. They didn’t see the point in everyone celebrating a holiday like that, but whatever. Mioda gave them some cool CDs to listen to, and Komaeda gave them a macaroni necklace that he somehow managed to burn. How do you burn uncooked pasta? They reached up, feeling the shape of it through the fabric of their hoodie.
Hinata shifts in his seat. “That’s nice. Are you looking forward to the new year?”
A dumb question, and they show it by crinkling their nose at him. He falters, sighing softly. They don’t even need to open their mouth for him to know exactly what they’re thinking. He runs a hand through his hair, brushing away brown strands and letting them catch a glimpse of the white scar hiding just underneath. “Y’know, Yuu-kun, there’s a lot to look forward to next year. I’ve been talking to Makoto about letting us attend some of the Future Foundation’s formal events. You’d get to dress up and eat lots of fancy snacks.”
That wasn’t going to happen. There he goes again, getting his hopes up for nothing, and if they say what they’re really thinking, he��s gonna give them that pitiful look they hate. So instead they pull their legs up onto the chair and drag their hoodie over their knees. “Yeah, sure. That sounds cool.”
Brown and red eyes narrow at them, and they know he isn’t buying it. “You can be honest with me. I won’t get upset.”
A lie. They aren’t stupid. Eyes locked on the floor, they lie back. “I’m being honest. That sounds like fun. Will Keiko get to come, too? She’d like that a lot.”
He knows what they’re doing. Using the subject of the other child to switch topics on him, get the heat off themselves. What is he doing wrong? Why don’t they feel safe enough to talk to him about how they’re really feeling? After so many months, he feels like their once rapid progress towards healing has stagnated. Like they’re frozen in place.
“Let’s talk a bit about before the tragedy.” Now it’s his turn to change the subject. With the way their eyes widen, they aren’t expecting it and it’s extremely unwelcome. He hates making them uncomfortable, but he’s reaching his wit’s end. They’re just a kid and he can’t stand the thought of letting them live in misery the rest of their life. “What was it like, when Enoshima was raising you?”
They’re startled to say the least. Even thinking her name felt like screaming a swear word at the top of your lungs, and he’d just said it so casually. They felt the need to hide suddenly, as if the mere mention would make her appear, as if she were some kind of evil spirit that would climb up through the floor at the call of her name.
But he just waits patiently for them to stop reeling, to come back down to Earth and process his question. It takes them some time, but finally their lips part. “It was…”
Should they lie? Should they be honest? Is there a difference between the two anymore? Hinata is looking at them, smiling. It’s a simple question, right? Just answer it. Answer it, dummy, just answer it.
“I…” Their voice breaks and their throat feels thick, like it’s going to swell shut. Their scalp burns, their eyes water, and suddenly he’s wrapped around them, muttering apologies, a thousand ‘i didn’t mean to’s spilling from his lips as he brushes their hair from their face. They’re reminded of something - no, of someone. But the memory feels so far away they can’t grasp it. When they try, it vanishes like smoke.
Why would Hinata make them do this? They hate these therapy sessions. They aren’t helping. This is stupid. He’s stupid. Why doesn’t he understand? Why can’t they make him understand? What are they doing wrong?
“I hate you.” Their voice comes out a squeak. His heart aches and he sighs. “I know, songbird, I know.”
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m0e-ru · 1 year
HI dumb silly liveblog im putting into tumblr post format from a year ago. P4GA vol 4 drama cd "Boo ~ I bear a grudge on you ~" featuring !!! the investigation team +marie horror summer school trip adventures. dojima and adachi at the pub. naoto getting scared to death again.
i am not fluent in JP and i just did this for fun the best i can i hope you can comprehend it at least. here's where i listened to it !!! please listen to it it has all the audio cues and context and it's part of the experience !! it's really fun
September 27, 2021
10:17 PM
synopsis: the IT is trying out summer activities with marie :)
the track: /kids screaming yelling/ /adachi at the pub/ /kids screaming and yelling/
10:18 PM
i mean it also did say 'a test of courage' so i get why'd they be scaring each other but why does golden always love to pick on naoto
10:21 PM
narukami going 'yosuke....goochab (good job)' was cute actually
10:30 PM
from what i can comprehend so far, the IT's on summer break and want more stuff to do and decide to have this 'test of courage' by hanging around yasogami in the middle of the night with marie
they all pull straws and walk around in pairs depending who they pull and theyre narukami and marie, yosuke and rise, kanji and yukiko, then teddie and chie
10:30 PM
i dont wanna rewind rn but yosukes like 'haha im with risette im gonna scare her in revenge (of something, i couldnt catch it)' but shes being a girlboss and sharing her own horror story of something that happened in a film set and yosuke's like '(we are walking in the dark hallways of this school) ths is fine im a brave boy totally haha'
10:32 PM
their segment ended off with 'aww senpai but it's toootally real !!' and wind wooshing and thumping noises scare yosuke and rise's just 'oh thats just the windows. haha hanamura-senpai's a scaredy cat' and all he could do was laugh nervously
10:32 PM
oh tebbi footsteps
10:34 PM
oh he uses watashi?my little mascot bear i never noticed from all the third person or this is a golden thing
10:36 PM
i... couldnt understand what happened. teddie's paired with chie but he was busy scaring each other like 'wh...what if this happens' and chie's like 'omgg!!!stop!!!!' then something scared the two but all i could understand were zipper sounds and punching
10:53 PM
okok so it's dojima and adachi at the pub with dojima already a bit woozy and adachi sober for the sake of keeping his boss in check and we get some mamasan interaction!! (mama-san is what you call the lady bartender at the pub)
anywho, dojima's complaining about naoto being 'prodigy detective' and 'the kubo kid' and almost smacking the soul out of adachi's body while adachi responds like a good subordinate listening to his boss' drunken complaining
it's concerning to know that he made his own cup (mug?) overflow with adachi's concerning 'dojimasan--stop, stop!' and even reminding him about...nanako
keeping him together with the thought of his daughter and hes like 'nanako....' while adachi gets a call about how dojima's doing and while acting in disbelief that his boss going off again when accused and he gets hung up on and he just finds dojima asleep and. yeah.
look, i also forget adachi and dojima's dynamic whether adachi's genuine or not, dojima is right to be grateful for his company woww a pair of besties if i see one
10:54 PM
im only halfway through this disc and i havent even heard marie for the second time but i know she screams
10:55 PM
omg it's kanji and yukiko ohhh she sounds so excited like 'ohh creepy dark hallways this is so fun dont u think so my dear kouhai'
10:55 PM
'whether it'd be a monster or a Shadow i'll fight it' hi kanji
11:00 PM
ohh my vocab is failing me but some lovey dovey dialogue is going down and kanji's misunderstanding it but yukiko's like 'i love.,.,.,.,scary things (I THINK)'
they enter a room and yukiko's like 🗿 and kanji's like 'senpai¿?' and yukiko's like 'ok yeah whatever——OH PIANO' and she plays a few keys sounding creepy something something midnight something something
kanji keeps talking and yukiko just slams on the piano and goes 'kanji.....kanji....!' and she laughs over some pun i couldnt understand
11:04 PM
ok yukiko keeps laughing over the piano and banging on the keys and kanji's 'what if satonaka senpai and the others hear this' and yukiko goes all monotone again like 'you hear that' it;s footsteps
and she slides open the door and kanji's like 'wtf amagi senpai' and she sprints out and he chases after her 'SENPAI????'
11:06 PM
omg,.,.., mari,.,...,.,.,.,narukami asks 'are you scared?' and she's like 'whats a scared?' like her usual genuine unknowingness
11:09 PM
ohh thats so cute narukami's like 'watch this' and in yosuke and rise pov does yosuke get a call from him and rise's like 'yusenpai???!!!' as usual but all he does is breathe into the phone all creepily and while theyre distracted marie sneaks up on them and goes 'boo' and the two lose their minds screaming jskdfasfgwyefgasf
11:10 PM
narukami: so how was it, marie?
marie: it was...fun
narukami: right?
11:11 PM
11:16 PM
from what i can understand it's like chie hid into teddie's costume along with him and hes just having a hard time moving around. hes the only one who can see though and these two are a bunch of scaredy cats (bears) where teddie's like 'theres a-a-a g-g-g-guy'
11:19 PM
before marie finishes her creepy chant, chie loses it and starts kicking and punching inside the costume screaming, but once she unzips it shes like 'YOU GUYS?????'
then narukami's like 'do you hear the other disembodied voice next to you' and teddie's just Dead and while chie's apologizing hes like 'ahh..sharing chie-chan's warmth was such an experience.,.,. i thought i could see the light (from almost dying??????)'
11:22 PM
it's kanji trying to look for yukiko like 'amagi senpaaaaai where are youuuuuu' and marie tries to scare him and he's like 'oaugh. u n senpai tryin to scare me?' and marie's like 'aw geez, old timer' 'im NOT old'
11:22 PM
seven more minutes to this
11:28 PM
kanji goes 'so have you seen amagi senpai?' and narukami immediately tells everyone else 'new goal (idk what the initial one was) let's look for amagi' and oHHHH marie
shes running with the IT and shes like 'im making a memory...my heart feels....' AND THE V ROOM MUSIC BOX STARTS PLAYING AND SHE STARTS MAKING A POEM ON THE SPOT OHHH,.,.,I LOVE HERSO MUCHH
something something kami, shinigami, any god out there, heart something something "forever dreamer" AAAUAUGHGHGHGHG....
and narukami's talking about yukiko totally unrelated to marie, to which she snaps back into reality tsundere screaming 'NOOO NAAHH I WASNT WRITING ANYTHING NOO STUPIDIDIOTIHATEYOU'
11:32 PM
ohh wait they split up lmao so marie's alone and she just heard narukami in her head. anyway theres no one around and she heard something and shes like 'ANYONE?? DOES ANYONE HEAR ME??' and it cuts to narukami, who kanji followed, finding yukiko and hearing marie yelling
theres a weak exhale, as if the person's dead, and kanji's like 'naoto¿??'
11:35 PM
back to adachi in the pub getting a call about naoto and hes like 'yeah yeah yup yup i got it' ending the call he does his usual 'everything's such a pain' then dojima's heard snoring. adachi asks for beer and ponzu and mamasan talks up and goes 'oh it's all a pain, you say. but it's not like you hate it all either, do you?' FUCK OFF
11:38 PM
golden loves bullying naoto huh like the golden anime christmas special wasnt enough
11:43 PM
anyway, new scene where the IT apologize to naoto and they go on a fit with stuff like 'why are you here??? you couldve damaged schoool property????youre all idiots!!!' and something about being at yasogami because of uhh,., adachi?
WAIT SO 'shin-chan' FROM THE FIRST CALL WAS REAL??? SHIROGANEKUN.,.,.,,.,.,.brb strangling adachi for a bit
then a loony cartoon sfx and we're into naoto's pov flashback where they kept running into the IT and accidentally scaring each other starting from yukiko banging on the piano and laughing, being the first one to scare chie and teddie,
and ultimately running away to be where marie is after they split up to find yukiko. from how naoto perceived it, she recites her poem rather,.,.,.,ghoulishly and finally they drop dead on the spot, which was the thump marie heard
11:46 PM
loony cartoon sfx plays again and the flashback is over and rise's like 'aww but all that matters is that youre fine!' and naoto's still in a daze back to yelling 'NO, SCHOOL IS A PLACE TO STUDY AND YOURE ALL MORONS' and the fun time montage plays and fin
11:51 PM
ok thats it for my sucky tl liveblog oh wait heres the thing https://youtu.be/PasKTZtKx
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clandestine-poet · 2 months
a full rewrite.
a full role reversal TGCF where Hua Cheng is the noble dianxia and Xie Lian is the ghost king but:
• make it a TRUE role reversal. What would Hua Cheng (Hong Hong-er) do in Dianxia Xie Lian's place? What would Xie Lian do in little Hong Hong-er's?
• role swap EVERYONE. BUT don't do the obvious. because i have seen the obvious, and i am quite annoying in finding a new way to do this. for example, instead of switching shi qingxuan and he xuan, switch shi wudu, shi qingxuan and he xuan with pei ming, pei siu and ban yue. why? cause it's interesting. and i like it.
• make it hualesbians because i am a useless lesbian and also just like lesbians. but don't just gender swap, make that fact effect the story, since sexism is canon in tgcf. think ling wen.
• also ngl, im in the works of this. i just don't have a beta reader and i kind of feel bad but tbh I just like writing
• don't make it blow for blow, but def follow some stuff. because like, this whole series carved out my heart. i just now want to throw a bunch of "what if's" at it because it's funny and i think i need to stop re-writing classical literature as lesbian (so far, my list is: the great gatsby, lord of the flies, the count of monte cristo, of mice and men, a christmas carol and a few others)
• come up with all their designs yourself because you're petty and want to be historically accurate and boy has anyone ever mentioned you have a hyperfixation on historical textiles and weaponry because oh boy i'm so sorry in advance
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Anonymous asked: What are Naoto’s thoughts on each of the Investigation Team members?
I’m going to try to be short & concise about this, as much as I can anyway. These apply to IT in general as a basis what can be plotted more in-depth. This is going to be a long post knowing my girl :'DD
For the squad who wants to see me trying to have a TLDR on each member in one paragraph, you can click the Long Post to see more ✨
Yu Narukami/Souji Seta - Narukami-san/Souji-san: Leader who apparently has the Wild Card and tries to act as the leader of the group of wanna-be teen detectives with their own agendas. By default she’s putting both pressure and trust on him, especially since he’s shown potential to be a mature person who doesn’t judge based on one’s looks or facades they might have and is civil and friendly to most people. Based on if he trusts his teammates equally and acts like a fair leader, she’s going to rely on him on the Phantom Thief case referred by her and use that as a method to try to socialize.
Yosuke Hanamura - Hanamura-san: The second-in-command who seems to act as the brains of the team and the son of the Junes’ store manager. Usually owns brain cells to not act like an idiot and has a long patience for idiot colleagues. Despite his common sense he’s shown that he puts his own selfish, immature and petty goals above the common good and ignores others’ agency to get his way. She sees Yosuke as a normal teenager and as smart and dumb as his peers.
Yukiko Amagi - Amagi-san: The future Amagi Inn heir who has a “honorable” (read: repulsive) challenge based on her reputation. Seems neutral and calm if you ignore her unique sense of humor and love of horror movies and horror stories. Is close to her best friend Chie and seems to hang out with her as often as she can from working in the Inn or studying. Naoto would like to speak with Yukiko more outside Junes HQ meetings but is anxious on if she’s not impressive enough or if she’s the third wheel if Chie is brought along.
Chie Satonaka - Satonaka-san: The tomboy of the group who loves kung-fu movies and steak from Souzai Daigaku. Has a weird dynamic between her and Hanamura-san, it’s not always clear to her if they’re friends or only close aqcuintances. Best friends with Yukiko Amagi and seems to want help people in her close circles. Naoto wants to speak with Chie as well but is afraid she’ll end up as the third wheel in their convos and that she’ll have nothing legitimate to say unless it’s on studying or IT topics. She sees Chie as occasionally immature and not always aware when a joke crosses a line on being funny or legal.
Kanji Tatsumi - Tatsumi-san: The falsely assumed hard-boiled, emotionless punk who helps his grandmother with Tatsumi Textiles. Seems to understand how gender stereotypes and how the mindset that being feminine is supposedly bad is BS. One of the people Naoto has confined in from week one and is one of the closest IT members to her due to showing that he gets her issues at least a bit and cares. She considers him a friend even though the School Festival happened (she puts the whole thing to the tab of guys being idiots and puberty after calming down), even though it gets a bit awkward due to the crush Kanji harbors to her and him acting rashly at times it’s mostly stable. 
Rise Kujikawa - Rise-san: Similarly to Kanji, she considers her to be a close friend of hers from the get-go. Has shown empathy and understanding on how she's not thinking Naoto is a cold-hearted bitch and went to lengths to share information about her Shadow to ensure Naoto she's not an outsider on having a problematic Shadow. Naoto is most protective/prone to hanging out with her and even though Rise has had some out of line comments the disagreements are fairly easy to deal with. Official Fashion Adviser, even though her guidance needs to be reeled in to be not too out there.
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tangentiallly · 2 years
agents and assassins
At the Kudo Mansion, Vermouth tells a story about Gin and Kir. 
~1.8k, Gin/Kir, Vermouth/Kir. canon-verse.
Personally, Vermouth never thought that Gin ever expected Kir to succeed when he ordered her to kill Akai.
As much as she disliked Akai Shuichi, she always understood how dangerou that man was. The Boss called him the silver bullet, one who could ruin the organization. Kir was competent enough - it was remarkable how she endured the questioning of that CIA agent and killed him, sure, but that agent, in the end, was just a NOC who’d spent years in the organization without getting a codename. Akai Shuichi, formerly Rye, was a totally different matter, Vermouth thought.
Even Gin had never successfully killed Akai. She doubted Gin ever considered Kir more skillful than himself. Gin liked Kir fine - as much as he could like anybody, really, probably - and recognized her competence and usefulness, but Vermouth doubted that he would think she could kill Akai when even Gin himself failed at it.
If anyone asked Vermouth, very much later, after all the events had long passed, that why hadn’t she helped Kir, why didn’t she try to save her from Gin, when at that time she was already playing with thoughts about eventually betraying The Boss and the organization, Vermouth’s honest answer would be - because she very much doubt Gin plan to kill Kir after her failure.
When it came to NOCs, Gin’s philosophy had always been to kill anyone who he suspected as NOC, even without proper evidence. As long as there’s suspicion it was enough for him to order the execution. The fact that he hadn’t killed Kir directly and instead given her a mission bound to fail was very telling. He would have already killed her if he suspected her of being a NOC, because that was the kind of person he’d always been. And he must know that failure at completing the mission was hardly any concrete proof for anything, considering that it was Akai, after all.
It was plain as day in Vermouth’s eyes what Gin was thinking - he wanted Kir to fail at the assigned task, but he wasn’t planning to kill her for failing that.
Instead, she was pretty sure that he intended for her failure to be a reason for him to keep an close eye on her, to keep her close by his side in the name of “ensuring her loyalty”.
Whether Gin realized it himself or not, Vermouth could easily see Gin’s obsession with Kir. The elaborate plans he would execute to save her from the FBI, the strategic move of giving her a bound-to-fail mission just to keep her under his surveillance with proper sounding reasons. Vermouth didn’t remember the last time Gin tried this hard to save anyone - usually when an organization member became a liability, Gin got rid of them quicker before they had time to ask for help, no matter how loyal they’d been to the organization. Well, Vodka’s the exception, but mostly just because Gin had finally got an utterly loyal lackey who walked the fine balance of dumb enough to never question him or betray him but still smart enough to handle Gin’s orders, and he knew that finding another one soon wouldn’t be easy.
But Kir was different, she’s not Gin’s lackey.
She’d just apparently captured his attention and intrigued him.
Kudo Yukiko once asked Vermouth, after hearing Vermouth’s side of the story about her observations of Gin, that if that was the case, wouldn’t Gin suspect that something was not right, when Kir had successfully killed Akai? Wouldn’t that have made him wonder if this was an act, because as competent as Kir might be, Gin never believed her capable of completing the task. Plus, did Gin really think Akai Shuichi, his archenemy, would walk into something that so obviously looked like a trap?
“Looking back, that had been so risky,” Kudo Yukiko said disapprovingly, frowning at her son, who looked uncomfortable. “It was quite lucky that Gin didn’t go with that line of thinking like Bourbon-chan did - I’m so glad that you’re on our side, by the way,” she beamed at Furuya.
Kudo Shinichi’s face said “Really, Mom? ‘Bourbon-chan’??”
Furuya Rei flashed Kudo Shinichi a brief smirk before turning to smile politely at Yukiko. “It was indeed lucky, but also actually not an illogical turn of events, in retrospect. When Miss Vineyard said Gin didn’t expect Hondou-san to succeed, she actually meant that he thought there’s about 95% chance she would fail, and 5% that she would succeed - but for that 5%, he had an explanation for how that could reasonably happen, and even in that 5% he didn’t consider that there’s a chance that Kir might be tricking him.”
“What Bourbon is getting at,” Vermouth drawled. “Is that Gin and Rye had always been very alike in certain aspects, and usually followed similar lines of thought, which they were both aware of - hence they were often able to predict each other by putting themselves in the other person’s shoes. For example, Akai had been able to predict Gin’s way of thinking when he tried to rescue Kir and get her back. They were too similar - sometimes they just know, or assume, that the other would think the same way.”
“So you’re saying,” Kudo Shinichi began, “that Gin wouldn’t find Akai-san willing to step into an obvious trap surprising, that he would think it’s understandable for Akai-san to meet up with Hondou-san that night because -”
“Because it’s Kir,” Vermouth continued elegantly. “He assumed that Akai would be … fond enough of Kir to take this risk, even if it’s his life on the line. Remember, they think similarly -”
“Are you saying that Gin’s willing to die for Rena-chan?” Yukiko asked skeptically.
“Well, as much as he’s obsessed with her, obviously he wouldn’t - but as much as Gin and Akai shared very similar train of thoughts, he also knew that Akai and him were different in some very fundamental aspects - such as the sides of justice. He obviously wouldn’t die for her, but he would expect that if someone who, like him, liked Kir well enough, and this person was not a villain like him - they would sacrifice themself for Kir. And Akai Shuichi was this person.”
“................ wow,” said Kudo Shinichi.
“Did Rena-chan know of Gin’s thoughts? In the beginning, that is.” Yukiko inquired.
“Kir’s smart, has always been,” Vermouth says, matter-of-fact. “And Gin wasn’t not obvious. I heard from Vodka that Gin agreed to at least temporarily spare the life of the hospital workers at Beika because Kir said she didn’t want harm to come to those who’d taken care of her. When I tried to tell him it’s not necessary to kill someone, he just pointed his gun at me.”
“Same here,” Furuya agreed. “Which admittedly might be because he couldn’t stand the two of us.”
“True,” Vermouth drawled. “Rye couldn’t quite stand us either - further proof that he and Gin were on the same wavelength.”
“If Miyano’s here, she’d say, “or maybe the two of you are just that annoying’,” Shinichi supplied.
“Well, fuck her then,” Vermouth shrugged indifferently.
“Very hilarious, Kudo-kun,” Furuya replied sweetly.
“Speaking of Shiho-chan, what is your history with Shiho-chan’s mother, Sharon?” Yukiko asked.
Vermouth put a finger across her lips. “A secret makes a woman, woman.” She eyed Furuya. “But suffice to say it makes Bourbon quite jealous.”
“I’m not jealous!” Furuya protested immediately. “I don’t know how that rumor started but -”
“Oh, I know that one,” Shinichi raised his hand, like in a classroom. “Akai-san said Scotch said Bourbon’s reason for joining the organization was that he’s long admired the Hell’s Angel -”
“Kindly shut up please, Kudo-kun.”
“So Rena-chan knew, and you knew,” Yukiko said. “And you two didn’t do anything about it?”
“What do you mean ‘didn’t do anything about it’?” Vermouth raised an eyebrow.
“That Rena-chan didn’t let Shuichi-kun and Jodie-chan know this so we can pull her out!” Yukiko exclaimed. “It was Gin - that crazy killer. And you didn’t do anything about it, either.”
“Kir most definitely knew and did something about it,” Vermouth said. “Why do you think the organization could get taken down that fast? She realized Gin’s attention on her and decided to use that and played into it, had a very … let’s say intimate period of time with him, and during that time gathered much critical information that eventually helped the destruction of the organization. Kir knew what she was doing. Always did - don’t underestimate her, Yukiko.” There was something almost like admiration in her voice, if she were the type to admire people. (She wasn’t.)
“I guess in the end she thinks it’s worth it, but it’s still quite a sacrifice in some way,” Yukiko sighed.
Vermouth raised an eyebrow. “We all make sacrifices, Yukiko. This is real life, not a movie, you know,” she said, just a little condescendingly.
“As far as honey traps go, Gin is a far more difficult and dangerous target than most - especially since she couldn’t just kill him directly,” Furuya said smoothly, diplomatically cutting through the sudden tension between Vermouth and Yukiko. “My salutations to her.”
“True, at least Gin’s not too hard on the eyes,” Vermouth said.
“That is true,” Yukiko conceded. “Do you think if Yu-chan wrote this into a movie, we’ll need to cast someone handsome as Gin?”
“Well,” Vermouth drawled. “You can always cast me.”
“Oh, she’s very good at it,” Furuya agreed. “Did you ever tell them about that time you slept with Kir as Gin?”
“You did what, Sharon?” Yukiko demanded.
“‘That time?’ You’ll have to be more specific, Bourbon, it happened more than once.” Vermouth said lazily. “And it’s not as scandalous as Bourbon’s making it sound - it’s not just an affair, she’s also passing some very confidential information and evidence to me so I can take those out while disguised as Gin. She gets body-searched when leaving there but Gin doesn’t, and after we decided to work together, we agreed that me going in there as Gin would be the best way to do it. Having an affair with Gin’s girlfriend right under his nose is just a bonus.”
“And more work for me because you asked me to find a way to keep Gin occupied during that time,” Furuya accused.
“Oh please, Bourbon, don’t pretend you didn’t enjoy instructing your subordinates to cause problems for different companies affiliated with the organization all over Japan which forced Gin had to be flying to different places to take care of that,” Vermouth rolled her eyes.
“Mom, Dad’s not actually going to put any of this into a movie, is he?”
“Oh, Shin-chan, we already have some titles in mind,” Yukiko said. “What do you think of ‘The Clash of Red-and-Black’?”
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randoimago · 2 years
Day 14, Making Naughty and Nice Lists with Chie
FANDOM: Persona 4
Character(s): Chie Satonaka
Type of Request: Oneshot, 🎄
Word Count: 422
Note(s): Chie is really cute and I’m surprised by how quickly I grew to love her character when I played P4. I’m glad that she gets a festive oneshot.
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“Yosuke has been a jerk lately, I think he should be on the naughty list.” You smiled as Chie talked to herself as she put Yosuke’s name under the naughty list. 
You had suggested the two of you doing this as for fun. And it’d let you both hear about your friends more since you both spend different amounts of time with them.
“Let me guess, he’s been desperate to not be single for the holidays?” You guessed and Chie let out a long, exasperated sigh at that.
“I’m surprised he hasn’t started plastering his phone number on every sign post or bulletin board and hope someone calls.” You couldn’t help but laugh at the thought. 
“Okay well, what about the nice list then? I’m sure you put Yukiko down.” She is Chie’s best friend. Chie looked happy that you changed the subject from Yosuke as she looked over.
“Yeah, I have Yukiko and Nanako so far...”
“Not Naoto?”
“I don’t know, she can be very sneaky at times. Like she knows things that I don’t. It’s suspicious and I don’t know if I trust it.”
“Kanji?” Chie gave you a look at that. “He is very sweet, if a bit... well he definitely tries at least. It’s not like he purposefully does dumb things.”
“I guess, but he’s still pretty scary... Then again, he did scare the crap out of Yosuke before...” You shook your head as you watched Chie write Kanji’s name down in the nice section. She gave a hum before looking over to you. 
“What?” You asked.
“Trying to think if you go on the nice or naughty list.” You pouted at that. She had to think of which list to put you on? “You like teasing me and making me look like an idiot.”
“I do not like making you look like an idiot.”
“You cause me to become really flustered and clumsy when we’re in public!” Chie exclaimed and you crossed your arms at that.
“How is that my fault? You do the same to me.” Chie was starting to get flustered now as she grumbled something before putting your name under the ‘Naughty List’. “I see how it is.”
“Yeah well you better put me under the nice list,” she threatened as she looked over at you. You narrowed your eyes at her before doing as she said. She looked satisfied at that as she went to looking back to her list. 
You crossed her name off and switched the list when she wasn’t looking.
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forkanna · 3 years
The rest of the morning was spent getting dressed and ready for their day to begin. Rise only had a few of the more cliched touristy things in mind, since she had been planning it out with the whole of the Investigation Team — such as whale watching, or hitting up Okinawa World. Even though none of them were old enough to drink their fabled "snake liquor", they were all for exploring the caves that ran beneath the theme park.
When Ai had asked if she wanted her to return the favour, Rise declined. The truth was that while she desperately wanted to sate her urges, she knew they were both feeling a little out of sorts from all their exploration so far — which was why she thought the downtime would be good. Now they could sort through their feelings while sightseeing, and come back to it several hours later, hopefully having gained some kind of wisdom along the way.
Though there was one small problem…
"Will you stop that?" Ai hissed as she and Rise lingered toward the back of the group climbing the steps to the historical Shuri Castle. Yukiko was definitely the one most interested, but the others didn't mind seeing the notable sites.
"Stop whaaat?"
"Stop trying to grab me by the balls. I tried to tell you, it's not a toy!"
Pursing her lips, she pulled her closer to whisper in her ear, "It's my toy. I'm having a lot of fun with it." But then she dropped back with a giggle. "And we both know that if you didn't want me to, you'd try harder to stop me. But all you have to say is 'You need to stop' again and I'll know you're serious."
Ai pursed her lips… but said nothing. Perfect. She had a feeling she was enjoying the attention, even if not the specific form it took. "Dumb bitch," she said yet again.
"You love meeeeee," she cooed with a grin and a little bounce as they reached the top, leaning over to rest her head against her shoulder. Even though she decided not to grab for her unmentionables anymore, she wasn't going to leave her alone.
"Okay, you two," Yosuke sighed irritably as he laced his fingers behind his head. "I know you two have this whole weird 'bet' going, or whatever it is, but do you have to rub it in for the rest of us who don't have anybody? Like, look at Yukiko and Chie and Naoto; they don't have boyfriends! You're gonna make 'em feel bad, too!"
Apparently, he had thought appealing to their solidarity with other women would be more effective than pleading his own case. But Rise just giggled, because she saw the look Yukiko and Chie shared. Naoto was as stoic as ever… but she thought she noticed Kanji blushing. That would make perfect sense, those two — she just had no evidence they were also a thing.
Poor Yosuke. No chance at love unless Narukami came back, or he decided to give in to-
"WHAT A PRETTY CASTLE!" Teddie burst out in a gushy tone of voice, lacing his fingers together next to his own face as he stared up at the doorways. "Ohhh, can we live here? Pleeeeaaaase?!"
"No," Yosuke sighed very tiredly with no hesitation whatsoever. "And I thought I reminded you a whole damn five minutes ago to keep it down!"
Rise was laughing at that reprimand when her cell phone went off, making much more noise than Teddie ever had been. Holding up a finger, she stepped a little further away from the group to take it.
"Miss Kujikawa."
After a brief second of surprise, she managed to breathe, "Minoru-chan! What's… I mean, hey!"
Minoru Inoue's stoic voice returned over the earpiece of her phone as she turned away from the group. "I have been trying to call you all morning. Is there an issue with your cell phone carrier? Would you like me to look into the cause of-"
"No, no, it's… it's fine." This was inconvenient, but she wanted to get it out of the way as quickly as possible. "So what's up? I'm out with friends, we're on vacation."
"Yes, about that… I'm going to send you a couple of images. Tell me if you notice anything."
So she pulled the phone back in order to check the screen. Sure enough, within seconds the images were coming in via text, and when they finally loaded…
"O-oh, you saw those!" she laughed as lightly as she could manage despite the way her heart began pounding in her throat. So many pictures! Each one featured her and it behara laughing together, walking hand in hand, arguing… only one or two showed anything that could be construed as romantic, but all of them could have been explained away as friendship if one tried hard enough. "Yep, all according to plan. It's fine! They're fine, don't… don't worry about 'em!"
"Which 'plan' was this? Certainly nothing approved by the label."
"Something I thought of on the spur of the moment. It's so easy for an idol to fade into the background, isn't it? Well… here's me, finding a way to stand out! It'll be great — you'll see!"
"There are already a lot of polarising comments on the message boards," Inoue went on, and Rise found herself glancing around to make sure nobody else could hear her. A couple of her friends — including Ai — were glancing over at her to make sure everything was alright, but they were far enough away they probably didn't catch a word. "Everyone is very invested — for both positive and negative reasons."
"See? It's working!"
"No, you misunderstand, Miss Kujikawa. The label is uncomfortable with your career taking this direction. They're considering severing their association with you."
Rise felt her blood chill in her veins. "They're gonna fire me? Because… I'm dating a girl?" She had considered adding a 'maybe' in there, but decided against it. That wasn't how she wanted to move forward with her life.
"They're considering it. There's no real official position on these matters, but businessmen tend to be more conservative. Even if they like the idea of flash and attention-seeking behaviour because it typically only helps a celebrity's visibility, if it's the wrong kind of visibility, it could eventually reflect poorly on the label itself."
"That's not fair," she immediately shot back. And then her higher reasoning skills kicked back in. "And they already know what a moneymaker my voice and my looks are, that I know how to work it. I'm cute, and I know how to be cute."
"The label wants you to be cute and available," he stressed. "They understand that most of our idols will marry eventually, but they hope to get as many men lusting after the idea of being your boyfriend for as long as possible."
"They're delusional."
"Yes, they are. But that's where the money is."
Sighing, she found a nearby pillar and leaned back against it as she thought about the entirety of the situation. Tried to weigh her options. "Well… okay, so I can ride the scandal for a while, can't I? Like, there hasn't been a lesbian idol. Not that I remember."
"Don't you think there's a reason why you can't remember? Because they aren't encouraged to be out publicly. And if they can't conduct that business in private, then the labels have no use for them."
Anger was starting to overtake her anxiety. "That 'business', huh? Maybe it's not any of their business."
"Of course it is. An idol in this country? Literally every aspect of your personal life reflects on your profession, colours public opinion. You know this as well as I do."
"Well… I don't care. Like, if they really want to cut me loose, they can go ahead, but I think they would really be shooting themselves in the foot if they don't see how this plays out first."
"They're already on point of doing that, Miss. You're already essentially 'retired' and trying to make a comeback. If there were going to be a homosexuality scandal, it would be ideally placed for when you're already riding high on the charts, or are on a slight decline — and even then, it's still very risky. So you should really start thinking about whether or not you want this comeback at all."
"Now you're starting to piss me off," she snapped. "This isn't a 'scandal' or a 'business' or any of that stuff! This is my life! Isn't the whole point for me to be entertaining? I can do that and be with a woman at the same time!" She heard him start to interrupt, but she pushed ahead, "Maybe it's about time Japan had an openly queer pop star, because there sure as hell aren't enough of us! So you can shut the fuck up until you have something a little less caveman to say!"
And she hung up on him. Deep down, she knew she was being unfair to Minoru; he was just trying to do his job, and seeing everything through that public relations lense. But she hated the fact that they were trying to tell her she couldn't even date the woman she wanted to date. Nevermind that she was serious about it, and they all thought this was either a publicity stunt, or just some random person she wanted to hold hands with for five seconds before throwing her away. Everything in the world of light music was so immaterial. She wasn't even sure she really was gay or bisexual or whichever label fit her; why did it have to be so important to everyone when it didn't even affect them?
Looking over at Ai was enough to reassure her that she had done the right thing. Even though she wasn't even paying attention to her at the moment, just looking around the brightly-coloured interior of the castle, she was still just as gorgeous as ever — and she was a woman. The only woman Rise had ever found herself thinking about as not just attractive, but as someone she was attracted to. Every time she tried to examine that and figure out if it was a fluke, she just found herself falling yet harder for the stunning upperclassman. Who wouldn't be? Plenty of boys wanted to be with her, so it was understandable.
Because at least some small part of her was lesbian. Maybe more than a small one.
As she stowed her phone, she took a look at Chie and Yukiko. Chie was cute in a playful, carefree way, and Yukiko was so elegant. Could she be into them? No, not really; she had never thought about them that way in the past and wasn't too inclined to start now. Though if she were to choose…
That was interesting. Her brain instantly whispered, "It would be Yukiko," and she didn't even understand the reason. Was she into girlier girls?! Turning her attention to Chie, she knew she was also appealing in a different way, but something about that extra-feminine… maybe it was because she associated that with Ai now. She and Yukiko were both very put together, even if Yukiko took a simpler approach to her dress and makeup and hair; more traditional.
Weird thoughts. Shaking her head out, she jogged to catch up with the group, putting on a happy face.
"What was that shit all about?" Kanji asked idly.
"Nothing," she said with a big smile, trying to put her best foot forward. "What about you guys? What's this all about?"
After a brief pause, Chie said, "It's… a castle…?"
"Well, um, yes, but are we all having fun? Come on, get excited — we're in Okinawa! Away from our parents and school and all that dumb stuff! Let's have FUN!"
Nobody could argue with that.
                                                ~ o ~
Only once they were at lunch did Ai catch up to her and confront her on trying to hide her true feelings about that phone call. After she had related the entirety of the conversation, Ai looked like she would throw her soba and chanpuru at the wall; she even threatened to pick it up and do that very thing.
"Shhh, stop that," Rise half-snickered. "It's not that big a deal."
"It is to me! That fucking asshole thinks he can push you around and tell you who to be?!"
"I know! It's so gross, and invasive, and… I just don't think it's very nice for the label to be breathing down my neck so much!"
Ai sighed as she stirred her noodles distractedly, posture slumping. "But you'd probably better think about doing as they say."
"Well, you have your entire future to think about, right? I don't want to be the one holding you back. They're gross, but they're probably also just reading the room. They know what it takes to get you where you want to be, and… I ain't it."
A flash of anger welled up within Rise as she picked at her rafute. "No. You're what I need because you're my friend and you make me happy."
"Friend, huh? You do that with all your friends?" When Rise opened her mouth, she held up her hand, chopsticks still between her fingers. "Just messing with you."
"Shut UP, oh my GOD." Then they both laughed very briefly before Rise felt another sigh coming on. "Honestly, I think they're wrong about this. I've checked the online spaces myself, too — don't they think I have? Don't they think I'm better at it than those old crusty guys are?!"
"Tell them, girl!"
"Are you two okay over there?" Chie asked with a little laugh.
"NO!" they both answered, only making both tables laugh. There hadn't been enough space at any one table at the restaurant they found, so most of them ended up at the big one. Ai had volunteered the two of them to take another small one nearby — and Rise now realised the reason was this interrogation.
"Anyway, if they don't want me on the label anymore, that's that. I can find a way to pursue music without them."
Mouth full, Ai just nodded and pointed her chopsticks at her for a second until she swallowed. "YES. The internet is here and it's queer, and they're old guard who are going to die out. Viral videos are really starting to become a big part of how artists get noticed. YouTube and Niconico and stuff. Who even cares about TV anymore?"
"A lot of people," Rise sighed resignedly. "Especially in rural areas — which will also be the same people who don't want to see me dating a woman. Just not kids our age as much as we used to."
"Well… okay, yeah, that's true."
"It's okay, though. The future isn't for old people, it's for us. Me being who I am, dating who I want to date, is part of pushing forward, y'know? Not that I want to be some big activist… I don't know enough about that stuff. Not as much as you probably do. But I'm not going to hide who I am just because some old people tell me I have to; I've done enough of that for a lifetime. Now I just want to figure out the real Rise and love her, and show the world who she is."
Though she had finished and gone back to eating a moment later, waiting for Ai to respond, she never did. So eventually she glanced up to see her simply smiling across the table at her, elbows leaning on its surface as her mascara-laden eyelashes fluttered a little.
"Nothing. Just proud of what a bitch you can be when you need to."
"Huh?! I'm not a bitch!"
"It's a compliment, dumbass. Bitches get shit done."
"Oh. Well, um… thank you?"
Ai chuckled at her for a moment, prompting Rise to kick her under the table. Then they both started flicking tiny bits of food at each other from across the tabletop until Yosuke asked what the hell they were doing, prompting a loud peal of laughter from them both. Even though at the time, Rise was mostly worried about her career and whether or not she was making the right steps, she would forever look back on that as a glorious moment she had shared with Ai Ebihara. With her girlfriend.
                                                To Be Continued…
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