#your letter webtoon
webtoon-brackets · 12 days
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coconut530 · 19 days
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brisalec · 5 months
Webtoon - Recomendaciones (Parte I)
Están ordenados por orden alfabético y no por orden de preferencia. 
Annarasumanara (mismo nombre en español)
Capítulos: 27 -  Completa
De verdad te da una sensación mágica. Disfruté mucho ver el desarrollo de los personajes y la metáfora de Na Ildeung me pareció maravillosa. 
“What kind of life is a decent life? So many grownups present answers... How would a naive kid answer to such question? Would it be a wrong aswer?”
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Cheese in the Trap (mismo nombre en español)
Capítulos: 298 - Completa
Quizá al principio puede resultar confuso debido a todos los recuerdos que muestran, pero con el pasar de los capítulos se vuelve más sencillo de entender y vale completamente la pena. Se nota el esfuerzo de la autora con la cantidad de detalles, que si no los notas no pasa mucho, pero sorprenden. 
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Daily JoJo
Estado: Publicándose (en inglés)
Desde Yumi’s Cells se nota la creatividad de Donggeon Lee para expresar situaciones y sentimientos (Si no han leído Yumi’s Cells, háganlo). Es una historia realista sobre el conflicto entre preocuparte por tu futuro, considerar lo que cargas del pasado y cuidar de tu yo del presente.
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This magical moment 
Capítulos: 108 - Completa (inglés)
A este grupo de amigos lo quiero mucho <3. Es un grupo diverso, cada uno lidia con distintas preocupaciones, pero a fin de cuentas los cuatro son jóvenes intentando entender la vida. También vemos algunos temas desde la perspectiva de niños con reacciones muy acorde a su edad. 
En el mundo de la historia existe la magia, sin embargo, es realista. 
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Salty Studio 
Capítulos: 66 - Completa (inglés)
En general, cualquier historia de OMYO tiene esa sensación de calidez, crecimiento personal y vínculos sociales significativos, pero esta historia es mi favorita. La relación que se da entre los protagonistas surge de forma natural y el apoyo entre los hermanos me pone sentimental. Me encanta el romance, pero la amistad en esta historia para mí es lo mejor. 
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PIGPEN  || Matadero 
Capítulos: 67 - Completa
Es un poco fuerte, así que asegúrate de consultar las advertencias. 
Es una historia engañosa, pero muy interesante. Cuando la acabé no podía dejar de pensar en el final y aún me cuestiono el destino del protagonista. 
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Romance 101 || Guía de citas para principiantes
Estado: completa en inglés
Yo vivo huyendo de historias con más de un interés amoroso, sin embargo, en esta historia lo llevan tan bien que no me importó y las relaciones son sanas. A pesar de ser romance, las vidas de los personajes no giran en torno a ello, sino que es otro aspecto que les permite crecer como individuos. Además, seguro te hace reír al menos una vez en cada capítulo. 
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Spirit Fingers 
Capítulos:166 - Completa (inglés)
Para mí tiene las vibras de un kdrama, cuya historia describiría con la palabra confianza. 
La ilustración y los atuendos de los personajes son fabulosos. 
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Triple Nacional 
Estado: completa en español 
Es como tomarse un respiro para sonreír en medio de una semana estresante. Igual toca temas importantes, pero ver a los personajes crecer es lo que te hace sonreír. 
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Unholy Blood || Sangre vengadora 
Capítulos: 92 - Completa 
Acción, romance, vampiros, comedia. Estas cuatro palabras fueron suficiente para llamar mi atención. 
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 Your Letter || Tu carta
Capítulos: 11 - Completa
Corta, pero significativa. Es muy tierna y Sori es una protagonista de las buenas. Además el arte es precioso. 
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3 notes · View notes
treebloods · 2 years
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6 notes · View notes
exhaustedracoon · 7 months
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Severely underrated
Your Letter
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spectredreamer · 1 year
se suponía que debía dormirme a las 10 pm, recordé que quería leer un webtoon y se me hizo una increíble idea comenzarlo... fue bastante triste saber que sólo tiene 10 capítulos pero fueron los mejores que he leído en estos días (me hizo llorar) y bueno, ya son las 12 am
también estoy pensando si faltar a mi primera clase... sólo es una hora so
good night
0 notes
secondlina · 16 days
My wife and I were comparing notes when we realized we both read Crow Time but on different platforms. We were curious about the minor stylistic differences between Tumblr and Webtoon: do you have an 'intended' platform for your comics, or do you simply make edits to fit the different formats?
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Since I ink traditionally, Crow time is drawn on 6x9 inch paper, which is graphic novel size, but also a great format to convert for scrolling if you take that into account when lettering. I use the square format on social media as its the most versatile format for it (instagram & bluesky mainly take square). Usually, it fits pretty well, but occasionally if I do a full bleed 6x9 page I need to slice it or zoom out. So, I would say the page format is the default, it just fits nicely with a scroll format.
My preferred format tends to be books lol. I do love the square format, square books are also super cute.
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sxsilly2 · 4 months
ed distractions
all of this is from distractions.carrd.co!!
out and about - ☆ people-watch ☆ sit outside ☆ go window shopping ☆ try out clothes w/o buying them ☆ get a mani/pedi ☆ cloud-watch ☆ make a shopping list ☆ go on a shopping spree ☆ find a new location in your city to visit on google maps ☆ go stargazing ☆ go to the library ☆ go thrifting ☆ pick flowers ☆ go to a new coffee shop you haven’t been to ☆ go camping ☆ go to a museum ☆ go to a park and draw people walking by ☆ see a movie in theaters
moving - ☆ play tennis ☆ ride your bike ☆ go swimming ☆ make your own workouts ☆ swing ☆ make a playlist of workouts ☆ climb something ☆ go for a jog ☆ take a walk ☆ go hiking ☆ do some yoga ☆ do your work out routine ☆ pilates ☆ stretch
creative - ☆ draw, add a pos over it and draw all over again ☆ make a collage out of book pages ☆ make flower arrangements ☆ style your school uniform ☆ copy celebrities’ signature looks w things in your closet ☆ draw many puzzle pieces ☆ make your own zentangles ☆ create your own signature symbol ☆ dry flowers and make a flower diary ☆ learn to crochet ☆ make gift cards for your friends ☆ make a google docs template ☆ copy tattoos w a marker ☆ make stickers ☆ create your own digital museum ☆ make friendship bracelets ☆ make a diy bath bomb ☆ make a movie ☆ tye dye a t-shirt ☆ make playlists for moments ☆ write a letter ☆ decorate an envelope ☆ write jokes ☆ scribble and turn it into a drawing ☆ splash paint onto paper ☆ try to recreate art ☆ recreate notion/carrd pages you see online ☆ make a graphic novel ☆ build a fantasy world ☆ draw a map ☆ draw a webtoon ☆ decorate a notebook ☆ collect dried leaves ☆ make tattoo ideas ☆ do commissions ☆ draw pixel art ☆ make powerpoint templates ☆ make a subliminal playlist ☆ make edits of ppl ☆ make a notion template ☆ write a cringey wattpad novel ☆ write fanfiction ☆ decorate flower pots ☆ paint your phone case ☆ make diets for your fav characters ☆ write a love // hate letter ☆ make lyrics out of random words ☆ paint rocks ☆ decorate a hat ☆ cut out your clothes to make new ones ☆ up-cycle thrifted clothes ☆ draw on your wall ☆ make a bullet journal ☆ doodle on anything around you ☆ memorize a poem/song ☆ come up w original thread ideas ☆ make jewelry ☆ make soap ☆ crochet // knit ☆ draw a self-portrait ☆ draw w your eyes closed ☆ scrapbook ☆ paint some cloth ☆ animate something ☆ start a dream journal ☆ start a blog ☆ bake a cake ☆ cook something new ☆ create new outfits ☆ color ☆ learn origami ☆ draw an original character and give them their own backstory ☆ color-code your google calendar ☆ draw your dream home in detail ☆ paint on a canvas bag ☆ make a jar filled w movie titles and pull one out randomly to watch ☆ start your own private instagram account as a digital diary ☆ write a screenplay ☆ direct your own movie ☆ make lists
educational - ☆ research a random topic (then make a presentation on it) ☆ learn all the countries on a certain continent ☆ learn all countries’ capitals ☆ educate yourself ☆ catch up on current events ☆ go on a study space and study ☆ join a google classroom ☆ take a masterclass ☆ sign up for a course ☆ practice public speaking ☆ finish your assignments ☆ improve your memory ☆ memorize things ☆ organize your notes ☆ learn a new study technique ☆ learn morse code ☆ annotate a book ☆ learn curse words in other languages ☆ learn how to play an instrument ☆ pick up a new skill ☆ learn some psychology tips ☆ learn some cool facts ☆ learn a new language on duolingo ☆ learn about finances
hang out with yourself - ☆ induce a glow-up ☆ induce your honeymoon phase ☆ choose a signature smell ☆ interview yourself ☆ write about your day ☆ figure out a crisis you’ve been having ☆ romanticize your life ☆ get a signature look ☆ get on another twt side ☆ use subliminals ☆ put all your thoughts on paper ☆ decorate your personal journal ☆ watch a childhood movie ☆ go through your old playlists ☆ discover a hidden talent ☆ ask yourself weird questions ☆ write a love poem to yourself ☆ make a goal list ☆ create a vision board ☆ make a time capsule ☆ look at old photos ☆ write a will ☆ practice gratitude ☆ declutter your phone ☆ practice meditation ☆ make an online quiz about yourself ☆ create a five-year plan ☆ plan out your week ☆ write three short-term goals ☆ work on current goals ☆ use a body scrub ☆ do a hair mask ☆ take yourself out on a date ☆ plan YOU days ☆ journal your feelings ☆ write letters to your future self ☆ make a top-10 list of your fav anything ☆ examine your birth chart ☆ color or cut your hair ☆ start a happiness jar ☆ write down your manifestations // affirmations ☆ watch self-improvement videos ☆ give yourself a spa day ☆ update your resume
social life - ☆ facetime your friends ☆ interview someone ☆ do a virtual meet-up w friends ☆ get a penpal ☆ learn about recent drama ☆ boost your socials ☆ talk on spaces w your moots ☆ volunteer ☆ contact an old friend ☆ plan a meet-up w friends ☆ call a relative ☆ plan fun outings // themed nights for you and your friends ☆ hug someone
at-home - ☆ take a cold shower ☆ re-organize your bathroom ☆ try on your clothes ☆ take a bubble bath ☆ visit a digital museum ☆ paint your nails ☆ do a movie/book/game marathon ☆ clear out your closet ☆ drink water ☆ put together a skincare routine ☆ go through your emails ☆ use a bath bomb ☆ do a face mask ☆ plan your meals ☆ re-arrange your books ☆ clean your room ☆ have a picnic on the floor ☆ stick pictures to your walls ☆ organize your drawers ☆ redecorate your room ☆ clean your makeup brushes ☆ declutter your makeup ☆ organize your photos ☆ clean your electronics ☆ do your laundry ☆ take a nap ☆ make a fort ☆ clean your desk area ☆ print posters and decorate your walls ☆ brush your teeth ☆ back up your laptop and phone ☆ update your passwords ☆ clean your car
just for fun - ☆ pretend you’re vlogging ☆ plan a trip ☆ copy ppl’s insta stories ☆ pretend you’re a model ☆ plant a flower/tree ☆ play uno or another card game ☆ play scrabble ☆ make a tournament of a game like “true american” in new girl ☆ make an amazon list ☆ learn dances ☆ do a makeup tutorial ☆ play loud music ☆ do buzzfeed quizzes ☆ read a webtoon ☆ look at memes ☆ look at thinspo ☆ make a youtube channel ☆ watch vlogs ☆ count your money ☆ discover new makeup styles ☆ tweet something stupid ☆ google yourself ☆ read fanfiction ☆ find new music ☆ write online reviews ☆ read shein reviews ☆ sing karaoke ☆ play never have i ever ☆ play with bubbles ☆ try to rap ☆ recreate your fav movie scenes ☆ make a shrine ☆ make a treasure hunt ☆ play chess // checkers w yourself ☆ start a controversy over a stupid topic ☆ donate some money ☆ learn to hula-hoop ☆ do a sudoku ☆ save tweets to your bookmarks ☆ make a tbr list ☆ go through old ana forums ☆ take a survey ☆ make a wishlist for when you reach your ugw ☆ make an elaborate conspiracy theory ☆ play w legos ☆ start a new show ☆ make a new playlist ☆ listen to a podcast ☆ surf pinterest ☆ read a book ☆ make a bucket list ☆ shop online ☆ sell clothes online ☆ test out a new hairstyle ☆ look up recipes online ☆ watch true crime ☆ watch a rom-com ☆ play video games ☆ redo your phone layout to a new theme ☆ watch a yt documentary ☆ start your own cult ☆ try dimension shifting ☆ record your own videos of you talking to yourself ☆ re-organize your pinterest account and all your boards ☆ scream into a pillow ☆ go through the app store and look for cool apps
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lucidloving · 4 months
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Sing Shong, Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint // Black Box // R.M. Rilke, "The Guardian Angel" // George Seferis, "The Return of the Exile" (trans. Edmund Keeley) // Studio Dragon, Because This Is My First Life // John Banville, The Sea // Aeschylus, Agamemnon (trans. Herbert W. Smyth) // Anne Carson, "The Anthropology of Water" // Anne Lamott, Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life // @toupou39 on tw // Jennifer S. Cheng, "So We Must Meet Apart" // Madeline Miller, Circe // @chuunicalesimp // Richard Siken // Neil Gaiman // Richard Siken, "The Torn-Up Road" // Jamie Varon, "Does The Universe Fight For Souls To Be Together?" // Jennifer S. Cheng, "So We Must Meet Apart" // Sing Shong, UMI & Sleepy-C, Omniscient Reader (Webtoon) // Frank Bidart, "Guilty of Dust" // Lasah – Taixu // Ocean Vuong, Night Sky With Exit Wounds // see 1 // André De Shields & Hadestown Original Broadway Company – Road To Hell (Reprise) // @toiriot on tw // Unlike Pluto – We're Screwed // @moonbends // m.h // Euripides, Herakles (trans. Anne Carson) // Unlike Pluto – We're Screwed // Google search results // @toiriot on tw // see 1 // Chxrlotte – Come With Me // @roach-works // Lasah – Taixu // Sing Shong, UMI & Sleepy-C, Omniscient Reader (Webtoon) // Chxrlotte – Come With Me // Frank Bidart, "Guilty of Dust" // @dsssctd_ion on tw // Hans Christian Andersen, "The Snail and the Rosebush" // Will Stetson – Writing on the Wall // Michael Kinnucan, "The Gods Show Up" // Richard Siken, "Planet of Love" // Sufjan Stevens – Futile Devices // Warren Zevon – Keep Me in Your Heart // Katie Maria // @SION_428 on tw // see 1 // Pablo Neruda, 20 Love Sonnets and a Song of Despair // Mitski – My Love Mine All Mine // Vladimir Nabokov, Letters to Vera // Mahmoud Darwish, Memory for Forgetfulness: August, Beirut, 1982 // Sing Shong, UMI & Sleepy-C, Omniscient Reader (Webtoon) // Tim O'Brien, The Things They Carried (via @jomeimei421) // see 1 // @soracities // Black Box // see 1
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ranhaitanisgf · 5 months
heyy congrats on 2k! can i request delinquent & class president + stuck together with baji? thanks and congrats again
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—baji keisuke // delinquent & student council president // stuck together
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☆ ˎˊ˗ i went. soooo . overboard . this was too good though once i got going i couldn't stoppp omg. all this is lowk inspired by that one scene from the webtoon a reason to die, so iykyk :3 thank you for requesting anon, and i hope youre still around 2 years later to read this! enjoyyy xoxo
☆ ˎˊ˗ warning! small references from the 'a letter from baji keisuke' prequel series!
☆ ˎˊ˗ fem!reader
☆ ˎˊ˗ wc ; 2.5k+
masterlist || 2k masterlist
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the breeze of the early evening wind was doing wonders for you at the moment; it was nice to take a moment for yourself amongst all your responsibilities and just relax. 
it was even nicer that you were able to enjoy a cold beverage after completing all your student council duties; the vending machine on the rooftop was a great investment, (you’d been against it when someone pitched the idea, but you’re so glad you approved it). all of this paired with your favorite music playing through your earbuds from your iPod? 
yeah, this was a perfect moment. 
you perked up a bit when you heard the door to the rooftop open, looking to see who was there. 
“hm? oh, baji-kun!” the boy looked over to you at the call of his name, the corners of his lips turning up when he recognized you. “what’re you still doing here? i thought you would be home already.” you asked, pulling an earbud out of your ear. 
“chifuyu and ryusei were helping me with some stuff after school and we just finished up. how ‘bout you? it’s getting pretty late.” you sighed at his query, the stress coming back to you just thinking about all the things you have left to do. 
“there was a lot of club budgeting to finish because a lot of the clubs are requesting more budget. all the presidents are getting mad at me for choosing another club over them, but it’s like, maybe if you were more productive with your club, i would allot more budget, y’know? gah, just thinking about it gives me a headache…i haven’t even finished the revised budgeting for half of them…” you shook your head, sighing at the predicament. when you looked back up, you saw baji adjusting his glasses awkwardly, as if he didn’t know what to say.
“sorry about that, baji-kun. i just came up here for a small break from it and ended up complaining about it to you.”
“nah, it’s fine. ‘m kinda like that with studying too.” 
“oh, right! how has the studying been going for you-? wait, hm…” noticing that he was still standing, you paused, slipping your school blazer off and laying it down next to you, patting it. “here, come sit down! you don’t have to keep standing, y’know. i’m not gonna bite!” you teased, feeling satisfied when he came and sat down next to you. 
“anyways! how has the studying been? have your test scores been alright lately?” 
“yeah, they’ve been alright. enough to pass.” 
“i’m glad to hear it! you’re improving so much, it’s so impressive! oh, you can also always ask me for a tutoring session or if you need anything. that’s what i’m here for!” you offered, smiling at him. “i admire your diligence, so i’m happy to help with anything!” 
baji nodded at your words, a small smile on his lips. “yeah, thanks.” 
after a few moments of silence, you offered one of your earbuds to baji, who accepted. you weren’t sure if the two of you had the same music taste, but you figured it was worth a try, and surprisingly, he didn’t seem to complain at all. in fact, he even complimented your song choice, which made you feel a very normal amount of happy. a very normal amount. 
˗ˏˋ ☆ ˎˊ˗
you were scared awake by a sudden yell, jerking as you immediately sat up, wondering what was going on. 
“hey!! open this door right now!!” the banging on the door drew your attention to baji, who was no longer by your side and was yelling at the door. “hello?! shit…” he walked away from it, sighing a bit. 
now that you were a bit more awake and coherent, you realized that it was dark outside. 
oh shit…
“ohhh my god, i’m gonna be in so much trouble, ohhhh my god…” you mumbled, scrambling for your phone to check what time it was. when you finally found it and flipped it open, the only thing that popped up on the screen was the dead battery symbol, making you groan. 
“uh…” baji started, seeming a bit awkward. “the door…is locked.” 
“what?!” you exclaimed, shooting up and walking towards the door. you tried the doorknob to no avail, proving baji’s words to be true. “oh my god…dude, i’m so dead. school administration might actually kill me if they find out about this…” 
baji was running a hand through his hair, also seeming to be very stressed. “my mom’s gonna kick my ass…” 
now that you were looking more closely, you realized that baji had ditched his glasses and that his ponytail was gone, making him seem almost unrecognizable. in fact, you might not have recognized him if you’d passed by him on the street looking this way. 
in all honesty, he actually looked so much better without the thick lenses of his glasses blocking the view of his amber eyes, and you thought that his dark hair being free from a hair tie suits him a lot better. you’re curious to see how he dresses outside of school now; he would probably fit streetwear pretty good-
wait, you have to focus. there are more important things to be thinking about right now. 
right, right. 
“baji-kun, does your phone have any battery?” 
“no…” he mumbled, his hands shoved into his pockets as he looked at the sky. you sighed, trying to think of something. in the midst of your thinking, a chilly breeze blew by, making you shiver a bit. 
“ahh, i can’t believe this is happening.” you murmured, laughing a bit at the ridiculousness of the situation. “actually though, i’m sorry about this, baji-kun. you wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for me.” you said, feeling a bit guilty. after all, you had been the one who had offered for him to sit down with you, and from what you remember, you were the one who fell asleep. 
“it’s fine, i fell asleep too.” he said, leaning down to grab your school blazer off of the floor. “here, put this back on. it’s cold.” he tossed it over to you and you gladly accepted it, brushing some of the dust off before slipping it on. it helped a bit against the cold, but you supposed you underestimated how chilly the nights get in the spring. 
baji sat back down, taking his school blazer off and setting it beside him, loosening his lie. he leaned his head back against the wall and shoved his hands into his pockets. he seemed to have given up in trying to get someone’s attention, instead accepting the situation. you were about to sit down again and do the same, but you suddenly got an idea, shuffling around in your pockets for some spare change. 
“yes! 500 yen!” you whispered excitedly, walking up to the vending machine. “hey, baji-kun, do you like red bean?” 
“huh? yeah, why?”
“one sec…” you answered, putting the coins in the machine. you picked out two red bean buns, watching as they slowly dispensed and fell into the bottom compartment. reaching into the bottom, you grabbed both of them, walking a few steps and sitting next to baji. 
“i mean, it isn’t exactly dinner, but it’s something!” you said, offering one of the buns to baji. he accepted it, saying something about paying you back as he opened the wrapper, immediately taking a huge bite. you did the same, not realizing how hungry you were until you started eating it. 
“i’m actually such a genius for this!” you exclaimed, continuing to munch on the bread. “it’s so lucky that i ended up approving the budget for this vending machine!” silence fell over the two of you as you continued eating, but you felt more content than awkward. you’re glad that you ended up stuck here with someone nice like baji. 
speaking of baji, you were still a bit caught off guard by how different he looked without his glasses and ponytail. of course, you’d noticed how cute he was even before, but the word you would go with now is more like…attractive? 
really attractive, but still cute. 
“you were lookin’ at me.” you felt your cheeks flush, a bit embarrassed at the fact that he caught you looking at him. 
“oh, i was just thinking, you look a lot different without your glasses. do you actually need them?” baji seemed to think for a moment before he spoke again. 
“nah, i jus’ don’t want people gettin’ the wrong idea about me.” he ended up saying. “i’m trying to get better with school, so if i go around lookin’ the way i do…” 
“girls will be attracted to you?” baji sputtered at your words, almost spitting out the bread that was in his mouth. 
“hah?! no!! it’s ‘cause i don’t want people knowing i’m in a gang!!” your jaw dropped at his words, and he subsequently smacked his hand over his face. 
the information was a huge shock to you. of course, you’d heard the rumors, but you’d chalked them up to just that; rumors. after all, even though baji wasn’t someone with perfect grades, you always saw him trying his best to get his grades up, and you really admired that. 
“you…pff…you’re in a gang?! riiight…” you managed to get out, giggles starting to overtake your words. “baji-kun, you literally dressed in a sailor school uniform to get extra tutoring-!” 
“hey! that was one time!” he grumbled, his ears turning pink. you finished laughing, wiping some tears from your eyes as you calmed down. 
“okay okay, sorry. i mean, are you being serious though?” you asked, feeling a bit curious.
“yeah. only losers lie about stuff like that.” 
“okay, which one then?” 
“toman.” again, your mouth dropped at his answer, but you recovered quicker than before. 
“t-toman, like tokyo manji gang…right. yes. wait, would you get arrested if people found out you were in a gang? why can’t anybody know?”
“it’s ‘cause then random dudes start showin’ up at school to fight, and then i get in trouble for fighting.”
“ohh, i guess that makes sense. why would they bother you at school though? school isn’t the place for that stuff…”
“dunno. it just gets annoying to deal with after a while, and my mom always kicked my ass when the school called her, so it was kinda crap.” you nodded thoughtfully at his words. 
“well, your secret’s safe with me, baji-kun! pinky promise i won’t say a word to anyone!” you held your pinky out, but he just looked away from you. 
“i believe you, you don’t have to-”
“c’mon!! it’s not a pinky promise if you don’t lock pinkies, y’know.” 
“...fine.” you cheered as baji relented, gently wrapping his pinky around yours. you shook your crossed pinkies and let go, feeling satisfied, (why did that small contact with him make your heart skip a beat?) 
“there! and you can beat me up or something if i break it.” you joked, leaning your head back against the wall.
“i’m not gonna beat you up.” 
“eh? why not?” 
“i don’t hit girls.” he said matter of factly, his tone quite serious. “only assholes hit girls.” you stared at him for a moment, seeing the dead serious look on his face before you smiled, closing your eyes. 
“y’know, you’re a pretty stand up guy, baji-kun. i like that about you.” you hadn’t meant to say the last part, but you were hoping he would just ignore it. 
“...thanks.” after that, there was a comfortable silence between the two of you, the only light source being the moon. you enjoyed living in tokyo, but if there was one thing you didn’t like, it was the fact that you couldn’t see the stars at all. 
“this wall is so uncomfortable…” you muttered, trying to get comfortable enough to sleep again. you’d long since given up on trying to get off the rooftop, so you figured that you might as well get some sleep since you were sure tomorrow was going to be interesting, (you weren’t looking forward to having that conversation with the principal). 
abruptly, you felt baji’s arm across your chest, pushing the side of your head to land on his shoulder. 
“better?” he asked, seeming to have no reaction. 
“uh, yeah…isn’t this uncomfortable for you though?” 
“o-okay…” you said hesitantly. if you weren’t so tired, you probably wouldn’t have been able to sleep from how flustered you were right now; after all, you’ve never had a boy offer you his shoulder to sleep on, so why wouldn’t you be flustered?
it definitely wasn’t because it was baji. 
definitely not….
it was definitely because it was baji. 
˗ˏˋ ☆ ˎˊ˗
chifuyu and ryusei both looked down at the sight in front of them, shock filling their bodies. 
they’d been worried when baji had skipped the toman meeting yesterday evening, and they had been even more worried when his phone had been switched off, spending the rest of the night trying to find out what happened to him. however, now that they knew what had happened, they were about to burst their seams from laughter. 
“pff…do, hah, do we wake them up?” chifuyu whispered, his cell phone out and snapping pictures. 
“n-nah, haha, they look pretty cozy…pfff…” ryusei whispered back, his cell phone also out and snapping pictures from every angle. 
in front of them was baji and you, your head resting on his shoulder and his head resting on top of your head, dozing off without a care in the world. he had draped his blazer over the both of you as a blanket, and if one didn’t know any better, they might think that the two of you were a couple. 
“pff…this is some good blackmail stuff,” ryusei chuckled, exuding a proud aura. “look at toman’s little keisuke, all grown up now and sleeping with his crush! that’s what dreams are made.” chifuyu spluttered at ryusei’s words, a shocked expression on his face. 
“baji-san has a crush on (y/n)-san?! isn’t she the student council president?!” he whisper-yelled. ryusei nodded and shrugged. 
“the heart wants what the heart wants, or something.” 
“both of you, shut the fuck up.” 
baji glared at the two boys in front of him, holding up a finger to his lips, telling them to shush. 
“what’re you still doin’ here? scram.” they both immediately made a beeline for the door, fearful of baji’s wrath after being woken up from sleep. 
baji rubbed his eyes, yawning a bit as he looked around. he’s not sure what time it is, but he’s glad that it was only those two idiots who saw the two of you and nobody else. 
we should probably get up and get to class before someone else comes up here. 
he turned to the side to wake you up, but he stopped, looking at your sleeping form. he chuckled a bit when he saw your messed up hair, wondering how it got so messed up when the two of you were sleeping sitting up. he leaned back against the wall, staring up at the clouds passing by. 
just five more minutes. 
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itgr · 1 month
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Something on Past! Gyrus and Kodya
desperation sits heavy on my tongue, tumblr user tullipsink / wanna be yours, arctic monkeys / tumblr user twoheadedfawnn / room of swords, webtoon / sharp objects - gillian flynn / tumblr user inanotheruniverse / virginia woolf, letter to violet dickinson / katie maria / tumblr user inanotheruniverse
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webtoon-brackets · 25 days
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Your Letter:
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fantimati · 5 months
"Venti sus"- list of things that makes Venti (and Mondstadt) incredibly weird and suspicious
Venti is talking to Aether in the Webtoon. This takes place before the game since Aether's elemental signifier thingys are black. But it's also much later then Vanessa's time since he is wearing the outfit he has in game. We do not know if this is the abyss sibling or the traveler.
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Aether asks if entering Celestia makes you a god. Venti completely dodges the question.
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Venti then proceeds to list several irl gods and genesis myths as "in distant worlds". This gives him a meta aspect similar to alice
Speaking of Alice, he knows her well enough that he helped set up a summer vacation for her daughter and her friends. Twice.
He is also on good terms with the hexenzirkel. A group that includes Gold Rhinedottir, the woman that had made at least 2 nation destroying abyssal dragons and rift wolves.
When he's waking up he has the same effects as Vennessa turning into a falcon. He is even briefly seen as a bird .
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This sigil seen here is also seen in liyue (I cannot for the life of me find a picture but yeah), in stormterror's lair and his hold skill
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He only wakes up when something bad is happening ie: the cataclysm, Lawrence clan's rule, dvailn. So... why is he still awake
"*Yawn* That was a refreshing sleep. Ah, Traveler, we meet again! What? You don't remember me? Ahaha, well, allow me to join you on your quest once again. I must see to it that the bards of the world tell the Traveler's tales!"
That's not what he said in the archon quest???? When does this take place??? Why would Venti expect them to remember him and why don't they???
He straight up god infected by the Abyss. He's fine. I don't think it's ever mentioned again.
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Why is his statue the one being hung like that
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Venti is mentioned in a letter in the Chasam. IN LATIN
Currently the only god who has wings other then the statue of the omnipresent god and Phanes
Was friends with the tsarista before the cataclysm. The had a falling out afterwards
Used to be worshiped alongside Istaroth
Mondstadt has TWO descendents of Khaenri'ah, Albedo and Keaya.
The base of the statue in Mondstadt reads, "Gateway to Celestia"
The hands of Barbatos' statue points directly to the spiral abyss portal
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phoenixblaze1412 · 6 months
Hello there, i really loved the child!reader x dottore, could i ask for maybe a oneshot (or headcannons) for wholesome moments where reader is happily playing with dottore and his segments or anything to your liking?
Very well^^ I'll also introduce some of the other segments here
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Let me introduce the segments, starting from the youngest segment up to Dottore himself.
Kappa, the seven year old segment, would always be your playmate whenever you're done studying. You two could be seen everywhere together. You would teach Kappa some other children games you learned from Childe due to you unable to leave the palace.
Eta, the teen segment, is one who babysits you the most, along with Kappa. He would make sure you don't get hurt whenever you're running around the laboratory. The first time you were introduced to him, he saw you as nothing but an insignificant pest. After taking care of you and getting to know you, he became more like a guard dog and would glare at others who even tried to get a few meters close to you.
Iota, the Akademiya segment, would be one of the segments who would teach you how to read and write, sometimes even solve some equations of your level. He would mostly teach you science and math. He would call you a mutt. It doesn't matter to him if you pout at the nickname he gave you, he would always call you a mutt. Why? You easily obey and listen to everything you were told, even act like a mutt. One time Iota was waving a lollipop in front of you and he would watch you follow the sweet with your hands out. When he told you he wouldn't give you the candy, you gave him the biggest puppy dog eyes that he sighed and gave you the candy.
Epsilon, pre-fatui Dottore segment, is one who would feed you sweets as a reward and would even teach you how to make them. You developed a sweet tooth thanks to him.
Theta, we know him as Webttore, the one who went to Mondstadt with Krupp, is also one of your tutors. He would teach you how to read and write. Him and Zandik (Original Dottore) are the only ones who can understand your handwriting. Would teasingly call you a dumbass because of your clumsiness and stupidity.
Beta, the other Webttore in the webtoon, the one who was annoyed because of the letter received from Mondstadt. He would be your babysitter whenever Eta is busy. Him and Gamma are mostly the troublemakers in the laboratory but they will make sure you don't get harmed from their mischief.
Gamma, one who teaches you anything related to fire. He is known as a pyromaniac that sometimes Zandik has to debate if he should let you under Gamma's care due to his worries that you might get burned. Nothing to fear, Gamma makes sure you're wearing protective gear. One time he singed the tips of your hair that he had to cut it short so there won't be any evidence the others could find. He bribed you with candy if you can manage to lie to Zandik on why you came back to him with short hair.
Zandik, the original Dottore himself, the one who took you in and raised you under his care, would be the last person you would always go to whenever the day ends and night time came. Due to him working in his laboratory overtime, his lack of sleep has been getting worse. The only person he would listen to aside from the Tsaritsa and Pierro is you. You would always make sure he would be sleeping with you, doesn't matter if it's on a couch or on the bed as long as you both slumber peacefully.
The sound of your footsteps could be heard as you walked down the hallways of the palace. You were a bit upset that your father didn't come visit you so you both can sleep. You would usually get nightmares whenever you don't get to sleep with someone holding you. You didn't want to bother the other segments since they were really busy with the project that they were planning to commence on Sumeru. They didn't tell you much details since they said they were 'big words for you to understand'... they didn't know that you understood every word thanks to the dictionary your Uncle Pantalone gifted you.
Letting out a small huff from all the walking, you finally reached your father's office. Standing on your tiptoes and reaching for the doorknob, you were able to open the door and quickly tiptoed inside. You immediately saw your father's figure working on his desk, the sound of his pen writing against paper is the one thing heard throughout the room.
"Papa." you chirped out as you made your way around the desk and laid your head on top of Zandik's knees.
Zandik let out a small hum in reply as he briefly glanced at you before turning his attention back to his documents, his hand making its way to lightly ruffle your hair while his other hand continued to write. You let out a pout when your father didn't even stop with his work.
"It's already close to midnight, Papa. You didn't come to sleep when you told me you were almost done with work. You got to sleep soon! You're gonna look like a panda in my storybooks with your big eyebags!"
Zandik placed his pen down as he looked at you with a raised brow. You were confused at his reaction but was immediately surprised when your face was being squished.
"A panda? Is that how you're going to refer to your father now? Oh, how you wound me, dear. You cheeky little pup." Zandik said as he pulled and pinch at your cheeks with a small grin. You whined as you pulled away from his grasp, holding your swollen cheeks as you playfully glare at your father.
"Are you finished with work now, Papa? Can we go to sleep?"
Zandik glanced at the documents at his desk before returning his attention towards you, letting out a tired sigh as he stood up from his seat before picking you up. He decided to finish the rest tomorrow since if he doesn't sleep then that would mean you wouldn't sleep either, he didn't want to see his own child be cranky in the morning due to the lack of rest.
Letting out a small hum, Zandik laid you both down on the couch in his office, too tired to walk all the way to your bedroom. You laid your head against your father's shoulder and let out a yawn. You felt a hand rub the back of your head as you heard your father humming a small tune your Aunt Columbina sang to you back then. As much as Zandik despised singing, he did admit the tune was able to lull you to sleep.
When he heard your soft snoring, he tried to put you down on the couch but you had a tight grip on his clothes. Zandik let out a sigh as he adjusted his position so that you were asleep in his arms while leaning his head against the couch. A small smile appeared on his face as he watched you sleep in his hold. He found it ironic how an innocent child could sleep so peacefully in the arms of a mad man. Nonetheless, Zandik swore to himself that he wouldn't let you be in danger.
"May your dreams be kind tonight, my dear." Zandik mumbled as he placed a small kiss to your temple and drifted off to sleep as well.
There's still more segments that are left to be known. Let me know if you guys wanted a part two for it.
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utahlive · 6 months
Q&A yippeee!!
answering some questions from the inbox :D Some of these are a little old, so sorry u_u
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aw man I get you!! All the stickers are in plain white envelopes and contain the sticker + a little doodle from me :] Here's a little front + back view of what a typical letter looks like:
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no theres no lore whatsoever
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Maybe a 6 or 7? They do have a plastic coating and I've had mine on my sketchbook for a while, but I'm not sure how he would fare in the elements... he also may try to peel off and run away if you take him to work
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I don't know about Ao3 but I have considered posting this to Tapas or Webtoon. For now its tumblr exclusive! :thumbs_up:
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Youre right it was really fucked up of me to draw real wilbur soot getting murdered by his father, philza minecraft. that was really big news and my true crime rpf has gone too far
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yeah go crazy :D (emphasis on with credit tho)
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silvathemagicalgirl · 4 months
Everytime an anime-only makes a comment about Solo Leveling being cliche or only male power fantasy, it terrifies me more and more.
Because first off...
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But mostly....it scares me for the rumored ORV anime.
Because ORV starts off in disguise. It makes you think it's another run-of-the-mill male power fantasy (a good one, but in the genre nonetheless), and then it slowly peels back the curtain. ORV does have an overpowered male protagonist, but ain't no one want to be Kim Dokja. Not even Kim Dokja.
But it takes its time. Even the webtoon ain't at That Scene (Chap 188) yet. Let alone the full nature of The Fourth Wall and the existential meta exploration of reader, writer, and protagonist. It drip feeds all that.
Just read the reviews on Novel Updates. Read any review of a reader who never made it past chapter 100. (irl Renouncers if you will.) Abundant complaints about how it's cliche and Kim Dokja is too overpowered. It's uninteresting and doesn't do anything other action apocalypse fantasies don't. Blah blah blah etc etc. Compare those to any reviews marked "complete." Night and day.
Now imagine that on a much much larger scale. There are people watching SL rn that have never touched a manhwa or webnovel in their life. And you know as soon as an ORV anime comes out, people gonna be reviewing it based on those first couple episodes. They're gonna say so much stuff about how ORV is copying others in its genre and the main character is overpowered for no reason and a bunch of other things ORV does On Purpose so it can subvert them later. ORV is also a love letter to its genre, so first it has to be solidly IN the genre. So they're gonna criticize the genre instead of ORV itself.
The internet is going to be flooded with people who do not and probably will never know what ORV truly is. How plot threads that seem like they are dropped will come back when you least expect it. How you will finish the epilogue and question your entire existence as a person who reads. How Kim Dokja is both someone the reader can and doesn't want to project themselves onto. He's the Rule of Cool but also inherently tragic.
There are gonna be so many ignorant comments and it's going to be so hard not to THROW HANDS.
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