#youjin scenarios
kpopjust4u · 1 year
Kinkmas - Day 17: Fingering W/ Youjin
Post Date: 17th December 2022 Content: Smut - KNK Youjin x Reader WC: 1.2K TW?: Fingering/ Dom!Youjin/ Brat!Reader
Summary: Naughty or Nice? Youjin makes that decision of you for himself, as his fingers do all the magic.
Masterlist               Kinkmas Masterlist                     Prompt list
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Oh, how much he wanted to treat you for your behaviour but he just can’t, you’ve been behaving so badly. If he was Santa, you’d definitely be on the naughty list. 
He’s willing to give you a chance to prove yourself worthy of a treat, seeing how long you’ll last without trying to be a brat on him. He wasn’t counting on very long but anything longer than a day would be more progress than anything.
He’s planned 12 days of Christmas gift ideas for you, really wanting to treat you this year since he adores you so much but you’ve definitely been pushing his buttons. One moment you’re a little angel, being sweet and adoring, then you’re giving him whiplash by turning into a right brat, trying to get your way in the worst way possible.
“Are you going to behave?” He cocks an eyebrow up at you as your grin up at him from your phone, nodding but in reality, you’re already plotting a way to annoy him next. 
“Promise?” Pointing his pinky finger at you, you just laugh, going back to scrolling on your phone as you eye it up, contemplating whether or not you’re actually going to try and behave. 
Knowing yourself, you knew it would be broken in an instant if you did promise, so you chose to play it safe, not making it bound. 
His hand slaps against his thigh when he drops it, scoffing at you whilst trying to stifle a laugh himself. You are adorable, he can’t deny it. He loves you with every ounce of his being, even when you’re being a brat but you just test him, all the time. 
Though he has to admit, it makes things extremely interesting for the both of you, like a little game but you’ve noticed that he’s becoming too used to your behaviour and is managing to ignore it at the best of times. 
“Right, you behave, you’re allowed to have that gift I was telling you about,” He softly speaks, taking your legs to drape them over his lap, getting extremely close to you before going on his phone himself. 
Nodding in reply, you smile at him, scrunching your nose cutely. He reaches over to place a soft kiss on it before going back to his phone. 
And now, it was time for you to play murder. 
As much as you wanted to see what the gift was, you just can’t help yourself. You can’t help but poke his cheek, which he dismisses. You can’t help but pinch his arm, and he does the same for that too. You can’t help but bite your lip as you lean in against him, moving your legs off his lap as your hand brushes over his crotch, instantly going back onto your phone to act like you weren’t doing anything. Nothing at all.
At first, he’s dismissing all of this, until you start to repeat it, biting his earlobe as you whimper playfully into it, hand back on his crotch and then pulling it away with speed. 
“Will you stop teasing me?” He hisses, side-eyeing you, not looking too impressed in the slightest. Though the bulge that starts to grow in the restriction of his trousers shows differently from what his face says.
Another brush on the crotch. 
“I’m not doing anything~” You sing playfully, licking your lips as you go to move away from him but he traps you, body over yours on the couch as he lays you down, not giving you any room to move.
“You’re not behaving, I guess it’s my turn to tease now, you brat”.
Excitement makes you squirm underneath him, grinning as you welcome the switch in his personality. His eyes pierce yours as he presses his lips on yours, not even going to give you the chance for light and soft kisses. Oh no, he’s hungry to get you all worked up, in hopes you’d expect him to eventually be nice to you. 
“You’ve been so naughty, you’re definitely on my naughty list,” He nips at your lip, then your jawline, making his way down to your neck, making you gasp and lightly whimper at the feeling of his lips on your sensitive skin. 
Whilst he’s kissing your neck, his hands work magic by swiftly removing your shorts, and underwear to join them on the floor, leaving you bottom half naked, giving him perfect access for his fingers to easily glide through your slickened folds. 
Widening your legs with a gasp that follows the second his fingers graze over your sensitive bud, looking at him with lustful eyes, his the same but darker, annoyed with you but he can’t wait to have his fun to punish you for being so naughty. 
At first, he’s going to let you enjoy it, his thumb drawing circles on your clit as you’re whimpering underneath him, nails digging into his shoulders. He’s peppering you with heated kisses as you try and chase his lips after each time he pulls away. 
The way he’s changing the pace of the circling on your clit has you gasping for more, his two fingers playing at your entrance as you’re almost begging for it, mouth agape as you want to get the words out but you just can’t. 
“Oh, now you’re quiet,” He quips, smirking as the corners of your mouth start to curl up, fighting with your body to get at least a word or two out.
All you could manage was, “Bite me,” making him jerk his head to the side in a quick response as his smirk grows bigger, pushing the two fingers into your hole, stretching you out quite a bit as you yelp at the slight stinging sensation.
The least he could do was to let you adjust to his fingers being inside of you as your breathing starts to normalise, slightly. His thumb is still teasing your clit as you slowly adjust, fingers getting tangled in his hair as you pull him in for another heated make-out session. 
Only then does he slowly move his fingers in and out of you, curling them up against your g-spot, making your back arch so much it could break. The way you’re crying on his lips gives him such an ego boost.
The way his fingers curl inside you with a come hither motion, accompanied by his thumb abusing your clit, you were sure you were going to break any moment, but the second he senses that he pulls his fingers out, placing them over your heat as you cry in distaste to his action. Just as he wanted to. 
“Why should I let a brat cum, huh?” He bites in a low voice, lips curling at the edges as you whimper, begging for him to go back to doing it, “Will you behave if I let you cum?”.
Almost immediately you’re nodding, the beginning continues as you try to thrust against his hand but he pulls away. Waving a slickened finger at you for you to behave. 
But something in him caves into your begging, his fingers right against you as he eases them in, happy with the gasp that you let out as his thumb goes straight back to your clit, abusing it just like before.
“Keep behaving and I’ll think about letting you cum,” he breathes against your lips as you nod, accepting his lips on yours as you cry on them, doing just as he says so you can cum this time. 
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Tags: @scuzmunkie, @ateezreactionsandscenarios, @trashlord-007, @fanfictrashlord-007
8 notes · View notes
shina913 · 1 year
Cortado | KNJ
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Pairing: Namjoon x Fem!Reader
Rating: PG-15 (SFW)
Genre: strangers to lovers; meet-cute; tooth-rotting fluff; tiny bit of angst
Warnings: some cussing; brief mention of weed; self-consciousness/insecurity; it's just disgustingly cheesy and fluffy--sorry!🥴
Word count: 4,290 words
Summary: "There must be something about trains. You never know what to expect."
A/N: Here you go, @borahae-k! This is a couple of days late because I couldn't make up my mind about what kind of Joon I wanted to write based on his Spain insta-photo dump. Eventually, I happened to remember a show I saw that I thought would be the perfect scenario for this. Also, I just want to stunt-cast Namjoon in all of my fluffy fics! Thank you, Sim @itdoesntmatterwhy for looking this over and giving me notes (and just general screaming)! I got a little too into the ending that I almost didn't want to stop writing it 💕 The banner kind of sucks but hopefully, the story makes up for that!
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“The train will be leaving in ten minutes…” the announcement echoed through the station.
Your eyes flick back and forth at your surroundings. Everyone was glued to their phones and devices. You hardly remember a time and place when people actually sat down and had a solid conversation without having to pull their smartphones every second to scroll around aimlessly.
Did anybody text them? Did they get a like on their latest reel?
If it weren’t an absolute necessity for your job, you’d have yeeted your own phone into a river. While you ponder on your cynical thoughts about technology, you are startled by your own annoying little device. 
You look at the screen to see who it was. Recognizing the caller, you answer, “Hey, mom.”
She asks if your train was right on schedule.
“Yeah, we’re just about to leave. The ride should be a little under three hours. Can you still pick me up? …Great, thanks. I’ll give you a call when I’m close so you don’t have to wait too long. …Okay…see you, bye!”
You hang up and set your phone on the table in front of you. You were lucky enough to get to the station and secure seats tucked in the back row. 
It was the end of the semester and the doctorate students from your program were given the option to take a short break before beginning their new projects.
You also took advantage of that option so you could finally move the rest of your things into your new office space. The university took care of moving your furniture and other personal belongings out of your flat and into your new location. However, you decided to bring some of your books. These editions were too precious for you to entrust to some stranger.
It wasn’t ideal to be lugging this many things around during a train ride since you didn’t drive. Thankfully, the seats across from you were vacant so you had enough room to set your textbooks down, along with a box of random knick-knacks from your former flat.
Still, you didn’t want to take over the whole space so you set them all against the window, leaving some room for anybody who would like to sit across from you.
You pick up the novel that you’ve been reading and open it to your dog-eared page, hoping to stave off any unwanted conversation on the train. You were a woman, traveling alone, and would be considered a perfect target.
Although, if you were being honest…you sometimes wished you’d experience a real-life meet-cute. Strangers on a train, having a random yet perfectly meaningful conversation–kind of like the novels that you were into.
God, you were so lonely.
It’s been a while since you’ve been with someone. Admittedly, you were jealous of your friend and colleague, Youjin, who somehow manages to balance her romantic life with her post-grad work. She was an inherent social butterfly and had a talent for spinning literature from the middle ages into the most romantic, sensual talking points during her dates.
Sometimes, you wonder what it was like to kiss someone again. The feel of their lips brushing against yours. The problem was, you really didn’t get out much and didn’t see the point of forced efforts of socializing. You were typically hostile to any ‘pickup’ attempt. 
You glance across the aisle to find another woman who was animatedly chatting with a couple who sat in the row behind her. They were putting away their luggage when she strikes up a conversation with them after complimenting the woman’s outfit. She twirls her hair between her fingers while they trade travel stories.
She reminded you of Youjin. Her carefree laugh and confident demeanor were qualities that you thought most men found attractive–qualities that would make them naturally approach her. And you have noticed, some of the male passengers who pass her do not hesitate to give her a once-over.
When she was done with her conversation, she settles back into her seat. For a brief moment, she turned her head in your direction, saw you looking, and gave you a friendly smile. You smiled politely back at her before she turns her attention to her phone screen. 
You were not Youjin or this woman. You were an awkward bookworm who had only been on a total of one or two dates since starting your graduate program.
You put your book down carelessly on the table and shifted in your seat. Straightening your posture, you turn to glance wistfully at the view from the window and sighed.
…Maybe you could do something to change that.
After thinking about it some more, you decided that you would step out of your comfort zone and dare to engage with the next man who talks to you. The thought of it sounded ridiculous but you figured, good things happened to people who took chances.
You move your books aside to make some room. You look up and glance at other passengers who were still making their way through the car before the train departs the station.
Next, you see a man smiling and excitedly greeting everyone he passes in the aisle.
You pick up your novel again and duck your head. Too chatty, you thought. Please don’t sit here, you internally plead as you avoid eye contact.
Much to your relief, the chatty guy finds an empty spot adjacent to your seat with another woman who, like him, was an eager conversationalist.
Not far behind him was a man who looked very questionable to you. He carried his bag with him–both arms wrapped tightly around it, hugging securely against his chest as if someone was about to steal it.
He had a skittish look in his eyes that scared you. Again, you silently hoped he would sit somewhere else–which thankfully, he did.
The overhead announcement informs you that the train is leaving in two minutes. Your shoulders sag and put your book down again, feeling defeated.
Maybe it just wasn’t the time.
Seconds later, another man huffs down the aisle, dragging his bag along.
He was tall and dressed in all black–a leather jacket over a black hoodie and black pants. Dark strands fell loosely above his eye line. He raked his hair back with his fingers whilst scanning the car for any open seats.
Your heart raced a little as you attempted to subtly get his attention, inviting him to sit across from you.
He pauses and makes eye contact when he reaches your position. You nudge your books aside, beckoning him to have a seat.
“It’s free,” you say meekly.
Just when you think that he was about to settle in, he glances across the aisle and takes the open seat next to the woman who reminded you of Youjin.
Your heart sinks to your stomach just as the train pulls away from the platform.
The train is approaching its third stop when you start getting another call. 
“Hi, this is YN.” It was the moving company.
“Oh, hi! Thanks for calling me back.” You proceeded to clarify your new delivery address since you mistakenly entered the wrong unit number. The representative on the other line was understanding, updated their records, and assured you that your things would be delivered within two business days.
”Sounds good, thank you so much!” You signed off. After you hung up, your eyes wander across the aisle and notice that Youjin’s doppelgänger had gotten up from her seat to reclaim her bag from the overhead rack.
You smiled to yourself as it left the man in black all by his lonesome.
You silently watch her walk down the aisle, toward the exit. After she had gone, you turn your head and happen to lock eyes with him again.
You cracked a smile, which he returned this time. You couldn’t help but get all flustered. He was devastatingly cute. You wished that he would drop you a cheesy line or two.
A lightbulb goes off in your head–you could initiate the conversation.
Overcoming your anxiety, you open your mouth to say something to him but are startled when the skittish guy with the backpack gets up–completely agitated–then starts yelling at the person they’re sitting next to. He accuses them of trying to steal their stuff. Seconds after his outburst, he hurriedly walks further and took an empty seat several rows down from you.
You and the man in black look at each other and grimaced.
“Man, there must be something about trains. You never know what to expect,” he muses.
“I’m not gonna lie…that actually scared the shit out of me a little bit,” you remarked. You clutched your chest, your heart still beating fast at the strange man’s outburst.
His expression immediately changes to a look of concern. “Well, either way–I’m not the type to just sit around. I wouldn’t have allowed anything to happen to you,” the man in black replies.
Although you loved romantic novels, you thought that ‘blushing’ was such a clichéd, uninspired way to describe someone who was incredibly flustered. And yet here you were…blushing at this stranger’s remark.
You mouthed your thanks to him.
“Are you coming from one of the universities?” He asks.
“How’d you guess?”
He points his chin forward and gestures at your things. ”Uhm…that pile of academic-looking books next to you,” he chuckled.
“Oh,” you remark, now blushing in embarrassment. “Yeah,” you affirm. “Some of these are rare and I personally didn’t trust anyone else to transport them.”
He bobs his head in a nod at your explanation.
“So…what do you do for work?”
“I work in tech. I was just visiting our office down south.”
You nod, thinking about how else to keep this conversation going. “Are you on your way back home?”
“Not yet. I have a friend that I’m meeting up north. I don’t drive and…although I could have taken a plane up here, I figured, why not take the scenic route,” he shares.
“Ah,” your eyebrows lift in curiosity. He struck you as somebody from out of town so you thought you could recommend a local landmark or tourist spot. “There’s a great museum up in that area–I don’t know if you’re into that kind of thing.”
“Oh, I know,” he responds. “It’s primarily why I’m going up there.”
“Oh–I…thought you said that your friend lived there?”
He chuckles. “Eh, we went to university together and he said I could crash at his place. I took it as a window of opportunity.”
You nodded. Suddenly, you felt the conversation slipping away. In a panic, you think of another random but perfectly neutral topic to bring up.
“What are–”
You both crack up when you speak at the same time. “Uhm, why don’t you go ahead,” he urged.
“So–what does that mean, exactly? That you work ‘in tech’? I feel like, people say that all the time but I’ve never fully grasped it. I just kind of nod along.”
“Well, I work for a company that targets advertising for social media sites.”
“Oh! So you work in advertising?”
He shook his head gently. “No, I work in tech,” he corrects you. “I handle a bunch of accounts for companies and help them direct their resources properly so they don’t waste their money. We run algorithms based on…”
…And now he’s completely lost you. It’s the same thing that happens when someone tries to explain TikTok and how you can customize your ‘FYP’ settings.
“Nice,” is all you say as politely.
“What about you? What do you do for work?” He queries.
“I’m a scholar. But if you want to get specific about it, I’m a medievalist.”
He stares at you blankly. “Right,” he comments.
It was a reaction that you were used to whenever you engaged with someone outside of your field of study. “In my line of work, there’s not much technology going on there,” you say dryly.
“Maybe because processors were too slow back in those times?” He counters.
You snorted at his dorky joke. You couldn’t help but feel flutters in the pit of your belly.
“I’m sorry…this angle is killing me,” he says, gesturing at his neck. It occurred to you that you were sitting across the aisle from each other, facing the same direction that the train was moving, so he had been craning his neck while he talked to you.
“Would you mind if I sat there?” He points to the empty space in front of you.
You try not to squeal or look too eager. “Oh, of course,” you smiled politely.
“Thanks.” He gets up and takes the seat across from you. Now, you were sitting face-to-face.
“There. That’s better,” he grins. “Where were we?” He asks, hoping to pick up your earlier conversation.
You laugh nervously and fidget with your book. “Gosh, I can’t remember now.” You were frazzled–he didn’t just look good from a distance. He was even more handsome up close. You were in big trouble.
“Actually,” you piped up, snapping out of your haze. “Can I ask you a random question?”
“Sure,” he answers.
“When you were coming down the aisle earlier–what made you decide to sit next to her when you had the option of the two seats?” You were referring to the woman who had just gotten off the train.
“Ah, well,” he rubbed the back of his neck. “I just prefer to sit facing in the direction the train is going. I have a small issue with motion sickness,” he confesses shyly.
Your chest twinges at his admission. At the same time, you feel a small sense of relief knowing that he wasn’t put off by you for whatever reason.
“Now you’re facing the opposite way,” you point out to him.
“Right, but I’m facing you so my little quirk can take a back seat.” He shrugged, “It’s not a big deal, you know. It’s not like it dominates my life or anything crazy like that.”
“Would you like to switch seats?” You offer kindly.
“Yes, I would love that. Thank you,” he immediately responds in relief. You both rise from your seats, sidestepping and shuffling in the aisle to switch places. The train hits an uneven part of the track knocking you off balance so you grab onto the first thing you could to keep yourself upright.
Your breath hitches when you cling onto his bicep and elbow. He had removed his leather jacket now and didn’t have that extra layer on him. You felt slightly inappropriate at the invasive but purely accidental contact with his body.
“S-sorry,” you mumble as you let go of him and carefully settle into the opposite seat.
“That’s okay, it happens,” he says in consolation. “Where are you traveling to, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Oh, I’m moving to my new place…which also happens to be really close to my hometown so my mom is coming to pick me up from the station to stay with her for a couple of days. It’s just until I get my stuff delivered,” you rationalized.
“You say that with a hint of anxiety,” he points out. You appreciate how perceptive he seems to be so you take that as your cue to open up a bit more.
“I enjoyed living far from her these last few years. And the idea of coming back home for a couple of days…” you inhale through clenched teeth, “It’s a little daunting. But don’t get me wrong–” you immediately add, “I love her…it’s just that I can only take her in small doses these days.”
He smiled in commiseration.
“Plus, she’s also in this phase where she’s given up watching TV or having WiFi.”
“What?” He says, clearly taken aback.
You giggled. “I don’t know. I think that she’s going through some mid-life crisis.”
“Damn…no WiFi? Sheesh,” he shook his head, thinking that he didn’t want to be in that same predicament.
“Yeah. Although, in doing all that–she’s recently focused her energy on the arts and other simple things. She paints, writes poetry, listens to talk radio…tends to her plants.”
“Wow,” he says, sounding impressed.
“And she also rediscovered the benefits of weed so–”
“Ahah,” he chuckled. “I knew there was a catch!”
Your mom always waxed poetic about how she used to be such a free spirit when she was younger. Maybe you could pick up a few pointers from her.
“That’s funny… She kind of sounds like my brother–minus all of the creative, artsy, mid-life renaissance parts.”
You laugh at the little bit of personal information that he shares with you.
“He’s like Snoop Dogg, Willie Nelson, and all of Woody Harrelson’s performances rolled into one…giant joint.”
“He sounds very interesting,” you laughed.
“Yeah, maybe he and your mom can link up,” he jokes.
You were pleased with how long you’d kept this conversation going. And you had to commend your social battery for staying strong!
“So…tell me about medievalism,” he says.
You chuckled at that. “Like, in one sentence?”
He shrugged. “Sure.”
You roll your eyes subtly. “Of course you’d want an elevator pitch since you work in advertising.”
He clicked his teeth. “Tech. I work in tech,” he emphasizes while keeping his tone light.
You blew out a breath and shifted in your seat. “I don’t think I can explain what medievalism is in one train ride let alone one sentence.”
He nods in acquiescence. “I get it.”
“You seem to be the type who likes things that are straightforward. Kind of like a…’what you see is what you get’ kind of thing, right?”
“Yeah,” he agrees.
You hummed. “Well…I like things that take a bit more time to define. Things that can’t be easily explained. Things with multiple layers that you have to peel back, only to discover that there are more layers to uncover…more questions and answers that have yet to be revealed.”
“Kind of like an onion?”
You lift a shoulder. “Yeah, if you want to simplify it. Just like an onion.”
“Right but couldn’t you just cut right through the center of it? Get right to the point?”
You laughed. “Sure…but where’s the fun in that?”
He pursed his lips, leaned back against the seat, and nodded softly at your point.
“It’s like…” You clicked your teeth, trying to find the right metaphor for it. “It’s like this neverending prologue, you know?” Your expression softens. “Because once you begin reading a story…you know that the end is coming.”
“I’m the opposite, I guess,” he counters. “I’d like to think that I’m more practical and tend to see things from a logical perspective. What is this thing called, show me how it works; how does it fit into the big picture? I don’t think like a scholar. I prefer to know things that I can apply to my daily life.”
“That’s fair,” you say to him, acknowledging his point of view.
Then, after gathering up more courage, you tell him, “I’m really glad that you came to sit here with me.”
“Better than the other guy who looked like a murderer,” you say in jest.
His eyebrows furrowed. “Who?” Then his face visibly relaxes when remembers who you were referring to. He cranes his neck to take a peek at the guy who sat a few rows down from you.
When he turns his attention back to you, his expression darkened. He rests his elbows on the table, fingers steepled, while he leaned closer to you.
Squaring his jaw, he says, “I’ve got news for you, YN…you’ve made a fatal mistake.”
You recoil slightly. “Huh?”
He continued, his tone growing threatening. “I’m the murderer here. I’m sorry to tell you that this is a thriller and not the romance novel that you pictured.”
Your brows knit in utter confusion. Your pulse raised while you contemplated throwing your heavier, hard-bound books at him to defend yourself.
After a few beats of silence and intense eye contact, you see the corner of his mouth twitch. It effectively eased the tension and you both break into laughter.
“Holy shit, you should have seen your face,” he says in between cackles.
“Oh my–do not ever do that!” You were also relieved to find an even bigger nerd than you were.
After catching your breath, you switch tact. “By the way, how do you know my name?” 
“I kind of overheard your phone conversation earlier. Sorry,” he says apologetically. “I’m Namjoon.” You smile and shake his hand after he introduces himself.
“I didn’t realize that you were paying attention,” you say. 
“Yeah…I just…I don’t know,” he scrambled for an answer but failed.
“And who said anything about romance?” You cock an eyebrow at him and he turns sheepish.
Now it was his turn to look all flustered.
You don’t know how it happened but it’s been nearly three hours since you and Namjoon were completely lost in conversation. You bounced from one subject to another, rarely missing a beat. It felt so easy to talk to him. Presumptuous as it was, you felt a connection there.
The intercom announces that your stop was approaching in a few minutes. Hearing that takes you by surprise—and you also realize that you got so carried away that you forgot to call your mom to give her a heads-up on your arrival. 
Your face falters when you take your things, which he kindly offers to help gather. His expression turned sober as well, unsure how to move forward. His destination was still an hour away.
When this train ride began, all you hoped for was a random, real-life meet-cute. Then Namjoon came along and now you felt torn between wanting to live out some fantasy or pursuing this real-life thing…whatever this thing is.
“Well…uhm…i-it was really nice to meet you,” he stutters.
“Same,” you reply.
“You made the journey feel a lot shorter than usual.” Your cheeks warm at the compliment. 
There you were, face-to-face–lips pursed, looking like you were both trying to gauge each other’s thoughts.
And you didn’t know why, but all that confidence you felt earlier seemed to be slipping from your grasp. It occurred to you once more that this was real life, not a romance novel.
In the end, you would walk off this train feeling grateful that a guy like him had even taken a remote interest in you.
“I guess, I should be going now,” you muttered.
“Oh…y-yeah,” he stutters.
You get up and he follows suit. “Would you think it inappropriate if I were to give you a hug?” He asks.
You shook your head. “Not at all.”
With your consent, he opens his arms wide and wraps you in them. You inhale deeply, taking his scent in, further torturing yourself.
You both pull away reluctantly. With a heavy heart, you approached the car doors to wait for the train to slow into a halt…until the loud screeching of the breaks knocks some sense into you.
Did you really want to go through the rest of your life living vicariously through Youjin’s outrageous escapades?
It was now or never, you thought. You had to take a chance!
“Namjoon?” You turn around abruptly to face him again.
“Yeah?” He responds nervously.
“I never do this but–would you like to get off the train with me? We could get some coffee and…keep talking?” The words spill out of you a little too quickly.
You wait an agonizing few seconds for his response.
Then, his face breaks into the most boyish, absolutely knock-your-socks-off grin. He smiled so broadly that even when he relaxed his mouth, the creases of his dimples were still evident on his cheeks.
“I thought you’d never ask.”
He stands up and hurriedly grabs his bag overhead and walks towards you. Smiling, he takes a few books off your hands and you both off-board the train. As soon as you step onto the platform together, it began to drizzle so you both run for cover.
You both laugh while watching the rain start to pour from the skies. You glance sideways at him to find him grinning while staring at you.
Asking him for coffee was already a huge step out of your comfort zone. But something about Namjoon–the connection you shared and how easy and natural everything felt.
As cheesy as it was, you decide to take another huge leap.
Seizing the moment, you say, “You ever wonder what it’s like to kiss in the rain?”
Without a word, he sets his things down. Oh no…you’ve royally screwed it up now. He looked like he might run off in the other direction. Mortified, you wished you could go back in time and take it all back.
But the rom-com gods were watching and they liked what they saw. They decide to throw you a bone.
He surprises you and takes steps backward– under the pouring rain. He was soaked in seconds.
He held his hands out to you and says, “C’mon, now’s our chance!”
Giggling, you clumsily throw your things next to his, run into his arms, and kiss him.
It was…just as perfect as you imagined it would be. You melted into the kiss, swept away by the sheer lushness of it. Your heart pounded fast, synchronized with the raindrops that pelted you.
His lips moved against yours at a soft and leisurely pace. That wasn’t to say they weren’t eager…because you surely felt it.
When you finally come up for air, you both laugh. You stood there drenched, with your foreheads pressed against each other’s and his arms securely wrapped around your waist.
It was the perfect ending to your romantic novel. …Or was this just the beginning?
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Main Fic Masterlist
You’ve reached the end! Thank you so much for reading!
If you loved it, please comment, reblog, or send me feedback! 📩. I love hearing from readers! If you didn’t like it so much, I would still like to hear about it. Help me become a better writer! 💜
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Tagging: @itdoesntmatterwhy @internetjunkdrawer @purplewhalewrites @yu-justme @joonschocochip @deepseavibez @majamarantha @yoongukie-ff
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dougiewonderland · 5 years
KNK // A Lazy Day With
Request: Hi~ I was wondering if you could write what a lazy day with each member of KNK would be like? (100% have Be Lazy by Day6 going through my head rn lmao)
A/N: I’m sorry this took so long hun! I included Youjin because you didn’t specify if you wanted him or not so all six members are included.  Also I hope it’s ok that it’s in bullet format - if you’d like mini scenarios for each instead let me know!
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Cinnamon roll just wants to wake up with you next to him
He’ll just watch you sleep peacefully for a bit
If you wake up he’ll cuddle you until you guys get hungry enough to get up
Otherwise he’ll get up and make you breakfast in bed
Either way baby boy is making you breakfast (though at this point it’s basically lunch, you guys stayed in bed for a while)
You insist on joining him in the cooking but he makes you sit back and relax
A new movie you guys have been wanting to see is finally out to stream so you guys watch that after you eat
Which leads to you guys watching a bunch of cheesy movies
(Imagine just cuddling on the couch listening to his little squeak laugh I’m not Seoham biased and I’m sOFT)
You guys end up making dinner together
You prank him by putting a little sauce on his nose, but eventually kiss it off
Instead of pranking you back he puts it on your lips to kiss it off (smooth amirite)
And guess what!
A new episode of your favourite drama comes out so you guys watch that while eating dinner
Eventually he falls asleep on your shoulder and you just sit there and admire his adorable sleeping figure
You guys just enjoy the cutest homebody day in your pjs
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(Idk that much about Dongwon yet?? He’s kind of an enigma to me, like he looks so hard and tough on the exterior but he’s a giant cinnamon roll??  I wish I knew more about him)
You wake up before him and just appreciate his gorgeous features for a bit
Eventually he wakes up and sees you watching him
“What’re you looking at?” he blushes as he covers his face with the blanket
“You’d think you’d be used to this after us waking up together countless times”
“Not you looking at me every morning no”
(And imagine that deep voice but even deeper because he still has sleep in his voice uGH)
Even though he’s hiding you see his cheeks in a big smile peeking out from the covers so you know he’s flattered by it
You just cuddle into him and lay your head on his chest, enjoying his warmth and the comfortable silence
Eventually he asks you what you want to do today and when you say you don’t have anything in mind he mentions a small carnival that just started not too far away
Thinking it’d be a cute place to go you nod and give him a kiss, making him blush again
“You know you’re cute, right?” you say, making the blush in his cheeks deeper
You guys take your time getting ready
After you guys get ready you head off towards the carnival, taking your time and walking through parks and along the river on the way
You guys eventually make your way to the carnival, mostly just enjoying people-watching
(You do convince him to go on some rides with you though, like the ferris wheel)
You guys grab food and walk around some more with it, watching kids play games and run around with their stuffed animals
He doesn’t say anything because he knows you guys aren’t near that point yet, but he hopes that one day that can be you guys and your kids
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This happy virus
Gotta love him but
Lazy day doesn’t mean quiet day
(Don’t get me wrong I love this man, somehow this dork is my bias)
He’ll just quietly lie next to you playing with your hair as you sleep
Until he thinks of something funny then he’s just laying there trying to stifle his laugh
And you wake up to his stifled laugh shaking the bed and him snorting through his hand, just glaring at him
“Sorry~~” he mumbles into your shoulder as he envelopes you in a hug, still trying to contain his laughter, now from your face when you woke up
You’re just too cute, he can’t help it
“Ya, what’re you laughing at now?!” you say when you see him laughing again
“I know you’re annoyed but you’re just so cute~ I can’t help it.  Now love meeeee” he says as he plasters any part of you he can reach with kisses
You guys eventually get up and change out of your pajamas into...more pajamas
At least it’s a clean pair
Inseong suggests a movie marathon which honestly sounds great to you
Y’all binge movies and popcorn all day until you decide it’s time for real food, so you guys get dressed and head to a nearby cafe/bistro place that sells salads and sandwiches you guys love
He just stares at you lovingly during your little date, blushing and smiling every time you catch him
But it’s ok, you keep stealing your own glances
He may be a butt that wakes you up, but he’s your butt and you love him
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I feel like even on a lazy day off Jihun wouldn’t want to stay home all day
It’s one of his rare days off with you, he wants to enjoy it and take you out
He wakes up a little before you, and watches you sleep peacefully for a little 
He likes chatting with you in bed before getting ready for the day
Once you wake up you cuddle into him while you chat a little
“Good morning jagi, how’d you sleep?”
After chatting a little, you guys get up and get ready to head out to breakfast together at a local place you both love
As you guys get ready next to each other he gives you little pecks and smiles at you in the mirror
He holds your hand as you guys walk to breakfast
He giggles and plays with your fingers as you guys wait for your food
Boy just loves the subtle affection of holding your hand
You guys just have a really fluffy soft breakfast time together
You guys just wander around and do some window shopping
He gets you a sweater he thinks you’d be really cute in that you liked
You guys pick up some ingredients to make dinner together on your way home
You enjoy feeding each other parts of the dinner as you make it to taste test (and because you guys are getting hungry as you prep the food)
When it gets dark you guys sit on your balcony together and watch the city lights
Jihun sings to you and runs his fingers through his hair as you cuddle in bed because he knows it calms you and puts you to sleep
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Wakes you up with a tickle fight
“Ya, sleepyhead!  I miss you, now wake up and spend time with me!”
You try to resist to no avail, there’s no resisting the tickle master
You may lose at all the tickle fights, but you could have the upper hand in, let’s say
A pillow fight?
Pillow discreetly in hand, you take the first chance to take a swing at him
“Ya!  Ok, you win! So mean~” he says as he cuddles into you
“That’s what you get for not letting me sleep in”
“You had all night to sleep, now it’s time to spend the day with me~”
“And what is it you want to do on your day off?”
Instead of answering you he just clicks on the TV with a movie queued up to play
He clings to you like a koala bear as you guys watch the movie, occasionally grazing your sides to let you know you didn’t really win before
You guys pause the movie to order takeout
As it’s his day off you let him pick what to eat and he picks chicken
At least it got you guys out of bed, even if it is in the afternoon
Eventually you guys are just chilling in the living room with a show on in the background
You’re reading a book as he starts strumming on his guitar, humming along to something
You join in the humming and he flashes you his gummy smile because he rarely gets this side of you (you insist he’s the singer not you after all)
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One of the things he’s most proud of in your relationship
Besides asking you out of course
Is that he got you into video games, especially ones he likes to play
Any day off you guys get, you guys play together
You might even be more into it than he is
Honestly it kinda scares him a little
When you get into stuff you get SERIOUS about it
But that’s something he loves about you at the same time
But everytime one of you wins a round, the other gives the winner a kiss
Eventually you guys get hungry and you’re both craving that new food truck down the street
So you guys head down and get some, as well as some snacks and drinks from the local convenience store
And that’s your big excursion for the day
You guys eat your food outside because it’s a beautiful day and you don’t want to lock yourselves up all day
After you eat you take your convenience store haul back home and settle back into playing games, this time opting for some cooperative gameplay
After several successful rounds, you guys decide to turn in for the night
Instead of going to bed you guys just lay there and talk about anything and everything for hours before finally drifting off to sleep
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koalataeil · 6 years
So Much Cuddling (Poly!JihunxYoujin)
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Pairing: Jihun x Youjin x Reader
Genre: Fluff and a little Angst
Words: 1356
Summary: Request: Youjin gets annoyed by Jihun and the reader being clingy and cute.
A/N: I am SOSOSOSOSO sorry that it’s been so long since I’ve posted anything and am so sorry it took so long for me to do this request. I hope you enjoy!!! I also hope that youjin is doing better with his panic disorder and that the rest of knk are doing well.
The sun shone brightly through the bedroom windows, slowly waking you up. As you opened your eyes, adjusting to the lights, you smiled as you saw your two boyfriends still sound asleep beside you. Youjin had gone to sleep first, leading to him being in the middle. Youjin wasn’t a huge fan of cuddling and especially hated being in the middle during the night. Whenever he went to bed before both you and Jihun, you made sure to have Youjin in the middle. Jihun was cuddled up to Youjin’s other side. Trying your best to be as quiet as possible, you moved closer to Youjin, resting your head on his chest.
Before you knew it, Youjiin started to stir in his sleep before he finally woke up. Youjin, not knowing you were awake, attempted to move himself out from under you. You stopped him from succeeding by wrapping your arms around his abdomen and groaning softly. As this wasn’t the first time this has happened, Youjin knew you were awake.
“Y/N, please,” he whispered. When you didn’t respond, he continued, “I need to go to the bathroom.” You pouted as you moved off of him and watched him go into the bathroom.
After using the bathroom, Youjin didn’t come back to bed as he went into the living room. Starting to feel a little cold, you shuffled to cuddle up with Jihun. Jihun, still sound asleep, wrapped his arms lazily around you, starting to warm you up immediately. You overheard the TV from the next room, the muffled voices making it hard to determine exactly what Youjin had found to watch so early.
Lazily you started to play with Jihun’s hair. It was messy from him moving around throughout the night. Jihun moaned quietly and pulled you closer to him. He pressed his lips to the side of your head, giving you lazy kisses. You giggled, trying to push yourself away from him to kiss his lips. “I love waking up next to you,” Jihun mumbled, “Where’d Youjin go?”
“He’s watching TV. He didn’t want to cuddle with me,” you pouted.
“Aw, Y/N,” Jihun kissed your forehead. “I’ll cuddle you all day~” He pulled you close again, making you giggle again. “I’ll get Youjin to cuddle with us, even if it takes all day.”
“Good luck with that,” you smiled and rolled your eyes. Sitting up in bed, you started to stretch your tight muscles. Jihun smiled before getting up and walking to the living room.
“Youjin~” Jihun calls in his cute voice. You giggled, following Jihun’s lead and calling Youjin in a similar way. Jihun stops behind Youjin who was sitting on the couch, wrapping his arms around his shoulders and kisses his cheek a couple of times before Youjin succeeded in pushing him away. You took a seat beside Youjin, resting your head on his lap and starting to watch what was on TV. Youjin sighed above you as Jihun cuddled up on the other side of him.
“What are you two doing?” he questioned.
“Spending time with our beautiful boyfriend,” Jihun replies, a huge smile on his face. Youjin adjusted himself to get more comfortable with the two of you laying on and beside him. He didn’t try to question the two of you any further, as he knew that he wouldn’t be able to change your minds.
The TV show grabbed all of your attention, distracting you from your mission with Jihun. About halfway through the episode, you felt Youjin running his fingers on your back. You smiled to yourself, feeling comforted by the small act of affection by your usually unaffectionate boyfriend.
Once the episode ended and another show started, you twisted your body to lay on your back, looking up at your two boyfriends. Jihun’s head was resting on Youjin’s shoulder, and Youjin was watching the TV intently.  You caught yourself staring at the two of them as you were thinking about how lucky you were to have these two amazing boyfriends. Youjin’s hand started to lightly rub your upper arm instead of your back, and again you were comforted.
Eventually, your neck started to hurt, so you sat up, gaining the attention of both of the guys. Jihun gave you a questioning look, trying to push you to cuddle Youjin quickly before he got up and stopped the cuddling altogether.
Before you could continue with the plan Jihun was following, Youjin released himself from Jihun’s loving grip and headed to the kitchen and searched the cabinets and fridge for something to eat. Jihun sighed, mildly upset at you. You mouthed a quick ‘sorry’ before Jihun jumped up and wandered into the kitchen. He made some quick cute noises as he got into the kitchen. He started doing aegyo to Youjin, distracting him from his hunger mission. Youjin started to roll his eyes and tried his best to ignore the cuteness overflowing from Jihun. But Jihun started to be louder and more animated with his actions, doing his best to distract Youjin more.
You tried your best to copy Jihun’s aegyo as well as add your own things in that you thought Youjin would like. He wanted nothing more than for you both to stop your actions as he was just trying to figure out what to eat. Youjin couldn’t handle any more of your cuteness, quickly storming out of the room and into the bedroom. You gave Jihun a look, which he returned.
Before you two could do anything, Youjin emerged from the bedroom. He was dressed, his hair slightly more put together, and he was shoving his wallet into his back pocket. You and Jihun just watched as he put his shoes on and walked out the front door, not saying a word to the two of you.
You immediately felt apologetic knowing that Youjin doesn’t like when you overdo the cuteness or the cuddling. You started to blame yourself and trudged back to the living room and curling up under a blanket. “Y/N, it’s okay. He’ll be back,” Jihun kneeled beside the couch, petting your hair to comfort you. “We just went a little overboard and overwhelmed him.”
You nod, just wanting Youjin to be back and his usual self. Just wanting him to not be mad at you or Jihun.
The sound of the front door opening and closing, as well as the sound of some bags rusting around, peaked your attention. Quickly looking over to the door, you saw Youjin, slipping his shoes off and carrying two bags into the kitchen. He returned to your view, walking right over to you, “Y/N, I bought some take-out,” he said quietly. You nodded in response, getting up from the couch slowly. “Where’s Jihun?” he asked. You glanced around the room before shrugging. “I’ll go find him, help yourself,” Youjin says softly with a small smile.
You walked into the kitchen, sorting through the bags for what food was brought home. After getting plates, silverware, and the food ready for everyone, the two boys came into the kitchen. Both of your boyfriends were glowing with happiness at the sight of food.
After the first couple of bites, you finally decided to apologize to Youjin. “Hey, Youjin, I’m sorry we went overboard on the cuddling and cuteness. I know you aren’t a big fan of that stuff, and I’m sorry for pushing it onto you. I didn’t want to make you mad or make you leave. I just wanted to spend some time with you and Jihun together.”
“Y/N, it’s okay. I left because I didn’t want to take out anything on the two of you. I just needed a little bit of space, but I enjoyed our cuddling earlier. I’m sorry that I’m not the most affectionate boyfriend.”
“It’s okay, it’s not your fault,” you replied with a smile, glad to have gotten everything off of your chest. Both Youjin and Jihun returned the smile.
Jihun lifted his arms and said in his cute voice, “I love you~” which received laughs from both you and Youjin before you replied, “I love you too.”
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asianphones · 6 years
KNK as Dads
masterlist | monsta x
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ok so jihun would be that loud dad
he would always be cute around his child, random aegyo moments happening
he likes to spoil his child
he’d cuddle them every second
“babe, i think the baby just pooped on me!”
he finds everything the baby does simply cute
he’s always bragging to his friends about the baby too omfg
“yeah little junior just learned how to walk.”
the baby would say mama first, and jihun would pretend to be hurt.
“ah,” he’d clutch his heart dramatically. “it hurts!”
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he’s always screaming when something goes wrong
“Omo! He peed on me while I was changing him!”
he’s a playful dad. he enjoys playing with his son and his toys.
he likes to go places with you two and take pictures
he’ll laugh ecstatically as he splashes around on the beach with his son
“should i send this to my mom?” he’ll flash a polaroid picture in your face of the three of you happily on the beach
he lets his child play in his hair
occasionally sings them to sleep as he tucks them in
he wouldn’t mind having 12847683 more kids
“would you mind if we had one more?”
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if he had a girl, there’d definitely be doll time
the two of them always EAT EAT EAT!
seungjun and the baby always end up falling asleep together after eating so much
it makes your heart mush and you always sneak pictures of them sleeping
he’ll let the child play in his hair and he’ll play in their hair too
“seungjun, don’t brush too hard! you’ll make him go bald!”
weekly trips to visit grandparents!
you’d do family trips together all the time
seungjun would hold vlives and show off his child.
“tinkerbell, look who came to visit~”
imagine ordering chicken and having seungjun and the baby running to the door waving their arms around and scaring the guy away omfg
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piggy back rides through the park!
always wearing matching outfits because you keep buying them saying it’s cute
“i’m just like dad, i never shut up?” he’d question the t-shirt you bought.
he’s an expert at being a father??? the diapers are changed always
he tries his best to help and he stays up at night looking up parenting tips while you sleep
“no babe, you apply the cream like this,” he’d say in an attempt to help.
he’s so WHIPPED for his child
traditional trips into the mountains
he’ll be wearing a matching hanbok with his son
it makes him a little shy at first, but he likes taking you all to the local festivals for family time
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when i tell you he and the child do nothing but cause trouble
the mischievious duo. you say the child gets it from him
“oh heejun! (c/n)! where did all of the pie go?”
very inexperienced
“wait-- oh how do i change this--” *dramatically falls to the floor*
you’ll come home from work and see him singing along to the alphabet songs on the tv with his child
he likes to bring the baby up high into the air sometimes and it scares you shitless every time
he buys too many clothes and toys
“what do you mean the card is declined?!”
you think it’s the child leaving the toys around but it’s actually heejun
he and the child like to camp out in the living room at night and go on adventures together
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🌺soft bf! kim youjin🌺
🍃pretends he doesn’t care for skinship but low key always anticipates it 🍃texts you at 4 a.m and tells you to listen to his new favorite song 🍃really loves just relaxing with you (watching movies, listening to music, etc) 🍃if you’re more energetic than him, he’ll smile and support your antics as long as you don’t drag him into it 🍃likes to kiss the back of your hands and hold them tightly 🍃goes shopping with you and buys matching outfits/bags/shoes
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bubbleteascenarios · 7 years
Self-Control (Youjin)
Cute. Youjin smiled to himself. You were beyond adorable sleeping in his hoodie. Your small frame was completely swallowed up by it. If he didn’t see your hair spilling out from the hood he wouldn’t have even noticed you in it. He crashes down to the bed and pulls you on top of himself, waking you up. You groggily rub your eyes then look at him with sleepy eyes. 
“I’m here,” he grins widely at you. 
“I can see that,” you yawn and rest your head on his chest.
“Still sleepy?” 
“No, I’m just in the process of waking up.” 
“You say that, but your eyes are closed.” 
You exhale, “it’s part of my process.” Youjin attacks your cheek with light kisses until you whine and sit upright. “I’m awake! Happy now?” You pout. He sits up and pinches your cheeks. “For someone who hates skinship you sure like to touch me.”
“It’s only because you’re so cute.” He pulls you back into a hug. 
“You’re crushing me!” You push him away and hop out of bed. He snorts when he sees the hem of his hoodie past your knees. You put your hands on your hips. “What’s so funny?”
“I don’t recall you buying that dress.” You look down at yourself and roll your eyes. 
“Very funny.” 
“When did you take that hoodie from me anyways? I’ve been looking for it.”
“Um... You left it here?”
“Oh~ Did I?” You nod and he follows you to the closet. He stands behind you, chin resting on the top of your head and arms lazily draped around your shoulders. He laughs when he sees a pretty wide selection of his t-shirts and hoodies hanging in your closet.With all his clothes here people would think you lived together. “What should I wear for our date?” 
“You could just wear my clothes, looks like I forgot a lot of them.” You blush. You took every opportunity to take his clothes home because they smelled like him and his apartment. He never let you stay over and would never ask to stay at your place. Honestly, if it weren’t for all the kisses you shared it would seem like you were siblings. He was always treating you like a little kid. You figured it was because he was the oldest sibling at home, but you most definitely were not his sibling; you wished he’d treat you more like a woman.
“Yes, by all means, allow me to kill all my sex appeal on a night out.” You reach for one of your dresses, but Youjin’s long arms grab it before you. He takes it off the top rack and puts it in your hands. “I can do it myself,” you huff as your turn around to face him. 
“I know, but let me do that much for you.” 
“Next you’re going to start saying you’ll dress me.” 
“I will, if you want me to.” You wished.
“Get your big butt out of here!” You laugh. You push him out of the closet, with much difficulty, and get dressed alone. You exit the closet, greeted by another hug. "What’s with you today? You’re so clingy.”
“You’re just so cute. I can’t resist.” He kisses the top of your head then ruffles your hair. You grumble while fixing your hair.
“Stop treating me like your little sister or something. I’m your girlfriend.”
“Ah... Sorry about that. If you’re ready, we can get going.”
“I don’t want to sit on the grass! There are bugs and I’m wearing a skirt,” you crossed your arms. Youjin was already sitting on the ground, cross-legged. He holds his arms out. 
“Then sit in my lap.” You narrowed your eyes. Really? What was with him today? “Come,” he pats his lap. You sigh, dropping your hands to your sides. You hesitantly sit down, allowing him to put his arms around your waist. You thank the heavens he invited you to a fireworks show because you did not want to hear your heart thumping in your chest. You were both silent, too concerned with your burning cheeks and racing hearts to make conversation. Youjin clears his throat. “You look really--” 
“If you say cute again I’m going to kill someone.”
“I was going to say sexy. You’re always cute.” That was a first. 
“Oh... Thank you,” as if your face wasn’t already on fire. You two were usually non-stop chatterboxes, but you fell silent again and focused on the fireworks to distract yourselves. He never really thought about it because you were just naturally cute, but he did find you extremely attractive. He never let you or himself stay the night because he didn’t think he’d be able to control himself. You were extremely vulnerable when you slept. To be fair, it was because you trusted him and, while that made him feel good, he also felt you two were too comfortable. “Um... Youjin?” The fireworks had ended and people were leaving the park. 
Your voice brings Youjin out of his trance. He’s flustered. “Right. Yeah, it’s getting late. We should probably get you home.” He clears his throat and stands up. You thank him quietly. The walk home was just as awkward. He didn’t hold your hand so you had to boldly grab his yourself. He smiled shyly when you did and apologized. "I just have something on my mind.” 
“What is it? Can I help?” You were the something on his mind.
“Control yourself,” he mutters under his breath.
“It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.” He leans in to kiss your head as he usually does, but stops himself. He doesn’t catch you pouting, if he did he’d probably lose himself immediately. You reach your front door and stand before each other.
“I guess I’ll see you next weekend then,” you start.
“Yup,” he answers. 
“Okay, well... Bye?” He’d usually kiss you goodbye, but instead he turns away quickly and starts walking away. You watch him from behind and sigh. “One minute you’re all over me like a baby and the next you’re like this?” You turn to unlock your door when you hear his footsteps draw closer.
“You know, it’s actually pretty late. Do-- Do you think I could stay the night?” He asks sheepishly. 
He exits the bathroom while ruffling his wet hair with a towel. You look up from your phone when you hear the bathroom door open. You squeak and bury yourself in the sheets when you realize he’s not wearing a shirt. Maybe this is why he never stayed over. You’d probably die from a heart attack. You feel the bed shift as he gets in beside you. You peek up from the sheets and see him staring at you, the look in his eyes different from anything you’d ever seen before.
“You know why I--” 
“Don’t say it,” you put your hand over his mouth. “If you do, I might die on the spot.” 
“Thank God. I don’t think I’d be able to control myself long enough to explain.” 
You open your eyes to see Youjin’s bare chest. Your eyes widen and your cheeks turn red as you recall the events from last night. It really, finally happened. Youjin groans, pulling you closer, as if you weren’t close enough.
“D--Did you sleep alright?” You ask, your voice barely a whisper. 
“The best I have since I’ve met you.” You accidentally make eye contact and hide your embarrassment by burying your face in his chest, which only made it worse. “You really are so cute.” He exhales slowly and kisses the top of your head. “You don’t know how much self-control it took to not do this sooner.” 
“Why didn’t you?” You couldn’t believe the words coming out of your mouth right now. His low chuckle sends shivers up your spine. 
“Does that mean I can stay over more often?” You nod. “At least I won’t have to bring any clothes over, you little thief.” 
“Hey! It’s because they smell like you...” 
“Well, your whole apartment is going to start smelling like me because I’m not leaving.” You didn’t mind that at all.
I have two requests that I’ll be working on in a little bit. I’m currently being a biased shit, as usual. Real talk though, Youjin says his ideal type is some petite? BOI everyone is petite compared to you. Also, I love back hugs because I’m short so I use them excessively in my scenarios. In other news, I feel like I’m one step too close to writing smut. I won’t because I’ve tried and it was not good, but guuuurl I’m testing myself. xD
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knkinky · 7 years
Hello there! How are you?
Hey babe!!!! (sorry for this being late)
I have some fake snaps that I made just today based on how I kinda want the story to go….I will make fake snaps and texts with the scenario cafe part 3. I wlll post it here end of the month… i feel bad that i have been saying this for a while… but my free time is very limited at the moment. Thanks for the support!! Be in the look out for it soon.
Here are the previews for cafe part 3 snaps:
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-Tinkermom Cami
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ahgasetay · 4 years
knk reacts! you’re the daughter of maleficent
requested: Hi can you do a knk reaction to the reader being the daughter oh Maleficent? Something for Halloween 🎃 👻
admin: jade
genre: other (meaning idk where this goes LMAO)
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“you mean like maleficent maleficent...okay, good to know”
after you told him some things started to add up, especially when you’d be mad. it made him a little more aware to stay off your bad side.
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“wait for real?!”
he ultimately was shocked and couldn’t believe it, maybe because he was scared? maybe because he was just so confused at how he even met the daughter of maleficent
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“oh, that’s nice,”
he honestly played along because he wasn’t sure if it was true or not. he also was too scared to find out if it was true.
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“uhhh yeah.. okay,”
he didn’t believe it and thought it was just a little prank you were pulling on him since it was halloween. maybe deep down he was a bit worried but he most definitely wouldn’t show it to you
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“uhhh what?”
he was beyond confused on if it was true or not. i mean you did have your times when you could be a little mean and he could add those together but at the same time it was around halloween you were telling him.
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“oh, when will i meet her?”
he honestly just smiled and nodded, he went along with whatever you told him after you told him about your mother.
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CLC Masterlist
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~Nothing yet~
~Nothing Yet~
~Nothing Yet~
~Nothing Yet~
~Nothing Yet~
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kpopjust4u · 2 years
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24 days of Advent, 24 days of Kinkmas
Posted: 1st - 24th December
Genre: Smut (Minors DNI) - Under the Cut
Warnings included with each scenario. 
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> WEEK 1:
🎄Day 1 - Stray Kids Felix x Reader
Cum play: Who doesn’t love a little treat on their first day of advent. You certainly do when Felix treats you early.
🎄Day 2 - ATEEZ: Wooyoung x Reader
Bondage: When decorating the house with Christmas lights turns into you tying Wooyoung up with the spare set.
🎄Day 3 - NCT: Jaehyun x Reader x NCT: Mark  
Threesome: Tensions are high when you “forget” your presents for each of them, giving them something they could never forget instead.
🎄Day 4 - GOT7: Mark x Reader
Brat Taming: It’s the season to behave...or not. It didn’t take a lot for Mark to switch when you tested his patience over Christmas party planning. 
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> WEEK 2:
🎄Day 5 - Monsta X: Minhyuk x Reader
Toys: Is it Christmas day already? Minhyuk suprises you with a little present that has your legs shaking uncontrollably. 
🎄Day 6 - Day6: Young K x Reader 
Edging: When drinking hot chocolate whilst watching Christmas movies turns into something else that would make Santa blush.
🎄Day 7 - EXO: Sehun x Reader
Oral Fixation: Sehun gets a little wound up when you wouldn’t kiss him under the mistletoe, putting that pretty mouth of yours to good use. 
🎄Day 8 - Seventeen: Mingyu x Reader  
Creampie: Christmas pudding wasn’t the only thing that you were getting filled with this Christmas. 
🎄Day 9 - Pentagon: Kino x Reader 
Mirror Sex: You admire yourself so much in your reflections through the town’s windows, Kino turns this into something for both of your pleasures.  
🎄Day 10 - Block B: Zico x Reader 
Dry Humping: When getting bored at the Christmas party, you and Zico find something else to perk yourselves up. 
🎄Day 11 - Vixx: N x Reader 
Master/Sir: After a hard working month at work, your boss suprises you with something a little extra special, a bit more than a Christmas bonus. 
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> WEEK 3:
🎄Day 12 - SF9: Zuho x Reader x Hwiyoung 
Cuckholding: When his date doesn’t go to plan, Hwiyoung gets something extra special to spend his Christmas holiday with you and Zuho. 
🎄Day 13 - 2PM: Nichkhun x Reader 
Marking: When you have a secret santa off a secret admirier, Nickhun can’t help but get jealous and makes sure that whoever it was, knew you were already taken. 
🎄Day 14 - SuperM: Ten x Reader 
Lingerie: Too cheer him up after a hard time over the holidays, you try on something a little special for him.
🎄Day 15 - SHINee: Taemin x Reader
Face Fucking - What does that mouth do other than sing those pretty little carols? Taemin bursts with the need to find out.
🎄Day 16 - U-Kiss: Kevin x Reader 
Wall Sex: Oh how pretty you look pressed up against the wall in your Mrs Claus outfit as Kevin is anything but nice. 
🎄Day 17 - KNK: Youjin x Reader 
Fingering: Naughty or Nice? Youjin makes that decision of you for himself, as his fingers do all the magic. 
🎄Day 18 - BTOB: Hyunsik x Reader 
Videotape: What’s Christmas without having a little keepsake of such a good time? This is the Christmas you’ll never get the chance to forget. 
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> WEEK 4:
🎄Day 19 - TXT: Yeonjun x Reader
Exhibitionism: What’s a night out with friends to watch the lights without your boyfriend being desperate to have them shine over you whilst he’s fullfilling his needs?
🎄Day 20 -  ASTRO: Rocky x Reader
Vanilla Sex: 1st Christmas together, how else to celebrate that giving each other a little something to celebrate the holidays?
🎄Day 21 - Wonho x Reader
Thigh riding: Oh how you looked so god in your Christmas party dress, making Wonho slowly lose his mind as you use his thigh to not ruin such a pretty outfit. 
🎄Day 22 - DPR ian x Reader
Corruption: Of course, he couldn’t help himself from tainting you with his deepest and darkest desires when it’s a season to be good. 
🎄Day 23 - Eric Nam x Reader
Praise: A long day of shopping turns into something more entertaning to keep your spirits up, and of course, you behave so well
🎄Day 24 - Woosung x Reader
Degradation: Claiming to have been so good all year to the Santa at your mall, Woosung makes it evident that it’s all a facade. 
Tags: @ateezreactionsandscenarios, @trashlord-007, @fanfictrashlord-007
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All Yours - Youjin Scenario
Put Spotify on shuffle and listen to the album where the first song that plays is inserted. Write a scenario inspired by it.
Album: Coconut Oil by Lizzo
Requested: No
Group/s: KNK
Starring: Youjin x Reader
 It was a warm afternoon. You were sitting alone at the corner of a cozy cafe, waiting for your boyfriend to arrive. You had both been very busy lately. Youjin had been preparing KNK’s comeback with the rest of the boys, and as that day came closer, he had more and more to do. You were overseas during the last weeks with your own group, performing an international tour. You had been given a week off and decided to come home and spend it with those closer to you. After your plane flight that morning, you hadn’t met him yet, and you couldn’t wait for the moment you would feel his warm embrace again. Your phone started ringing and you saw Youjin’s name pop up.
“Hello? I’m sorry, but Y/N isn’t available now. Please leave a message or call later,” you answered, teasing him.
“Oh yeah? Does that mean I can get back to practice and leave you there all alone?” He said, joining your teasing.
“No!” you said, louder than you wished. You were thankful the café was nearly empty, or otherwise your intentions of not being recognized would be gone. A chuckle was heard coming from your phone.
“Are you at the café?” He asked, after you heard what seemed like a card door closing.
“Yes. I arrived earlier.”
“That’s unusual. Did the girls finally teach you how to be punctual?” He teased you again, and you couldn’t help but smile.
“Stop it!” You demanded. “I just miss you a lot. And I didn’t want you to get here and not see anyone waiting for you.”
“Ah! Jagiya!” He said tenderly, and you started feeling warmer inside. “I’m leaving now. I’ll be there in a heartbeat.”
“Okay, I’m waiting. Drive safely.” You said and he hung up.
You stared at your phone for a few minutes, still not believing that after nearly two months you were finally going to be able to hug him. You were woken up by a gentle voice.
“Here you have.” You looked up and saw the waitress smiling at you while putting your request on the table. But what she was giving you didn’t quite match what you had asked.
“I’m sorry, but I didn’t ask for a beer.”
“Oh, that is from that gentleman at the counter.” The waitress replied politely, before going back to whatever she had to do.
You looked at the counter and saw a tall and handsome man looking at you with smirk and winking. Standing up, you picked up the beer and walked towards the man. You were not letting him get way with this.
“I believe you paid for this.” You said, dropping the beer in front of him.
“I did.” He answered, his smirk growing. He eyed you up and down, measuring him and apparently liking what he was seeing.
“Then drink it. I can pay my own beers.” You turned around to go back to your table.
“Hmm, you look even better from this angle.” He teased, standing up.
You turned around, ready to put him in his place, and that was when you realized Youjin was standing right behind him, clearly not pleased with the scene.
“Is there a problem Y/N?” Youjin asked, startling the man, who looked behind and sat down quickly, scared.
He moved past the man and put his hand around your waist, eyeing him.
“I got it, man. She’s all yours,” the stranger grabbed his drink again and put up a hand as in apology for what he did.
“Yes, she is.” You both turned around, his arm still in your waist and you sat back at your table.
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noris-nebula · 5 years
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Oh Heejun
meme board for the meme boy (the caption on those pictures was ‘cheejun😏’)
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koalataeil · 6 years
Basketball Player!Youjin (High School
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AN: this is my first time writing for any knk member and I'm a little scared, but I hope it’s okay!
Grade: Senior
Position: Starting Center
Skills: aggression, defense
youjin can look so intimidating
especially during lifting and games
underclassman, especially those trying out for the team, are highkey scared of him
like some guys have even been so scared of him that they decide to not even try out because they don’t want to be around him
but his teammates know how goofy and completely sweet he really is from spending so much time with him during practice
like he likes to imitate others on the court when he’s taking a break
or he pokes fun at the coach
and it usually gets everyone to laugh
he also makes a lot of silly mistakes during practice
and he just laughs it off
youjin’s intimidation really helps him during games bc his aggression definitely comes out too
which can make some of the other teams kind of scared of him
he LOVES defense
like on offense he’s always being bumped into and gets elbows in his side
which is so uncomfortable and annoying day after day
but on defense, he’s the one doing the bumping and elbowing
and his height helps him out a lot by being able to block a lot of shots
and on the rare occasions he actually gets his hands on the ball, his height helps him make some shots
youjin’s favorite part of basketball is the weight lifting during practice
he just likes being able to be in his own world
his muscles are something he takes a lot of pride in as well
he’s proud of his progress, but he also knows not to completely bulk himself up either
like he thinks his muscles are perfect for his body right now
so the training is mainly focused on him just maintaining the muscle he has
you’re actually youjin’s classmate in calculus
but you’ve never really payed much attention to him as calculus was confusing enough even when you were paying attention to the teacher
one day, your teacher decides to give assigned seats
and she’s met with a bunch of groans and complaining
and you end up sharing a table with youjin
the whole class, you tried to pay as much attention as possible to what your teacher was saying and your notes
but occasionally your eyes wandered to youjin
who was just doodling something on his notebook and completely ignoring the lecture
and when you were given time to work on your homework you struggled with the first problem, even relying on your notes
but youjin was already a quarter of the way done and he didn’t look any bit confused
you called his name quietly to get his attention
and he just looks at you with a blank expression on his face, confused as to why you’d be talking to him right now
“can you help me please?” you beg quietly
“because you know what you’re doing and I have no idea”
and he sighs but starts to explain the first problem to you
and you start to understand the concept a lot more and you get a couple of problems done before the end of class
when the bell rings you thank youjin quickly before heading off to your next class
and youjin smirks to himself for like 0.5 seconds before going back to his straight face and going to his next class
the next day, youjin walks into calculus wearing a nice suit with his hair pushed back nicely
and he sits next to you, opens his notebook, and starts his doodling again
the teacher begins the lesson and about halfway through, starts calling on people to answer the practice questions
and she calls on youjin, who clearly doesn’t look to be paying attention
he just looks up at the board, reads the question and answers quickly
the teacher looks mildly surprised but shows the class how to get to the right answer, which was what youjin’s answer was
after a couple of more questions, she calls on you with the last question
and while you’ve tried to keep up with what she was saying, you still weren’t confident in the slightest
and while you were studying the question and trying to do some quick calculations, youjin writes something on his notebook and slides it closer to you subtly 
you read the numbers and answer the question
and the teacher surprisingly says it’s correct
you smile at youjin who returns to doodling without saying anything
while working on the homework for calculus, you get his attention again
“why did you help me?”
“because I didn’t want you to be embarrassed for not understanding that teacher’s confusing teaching style”
“thanks.. how do you know all of this stuff?”
he just shrugs and starts working on his homework
you start to work on yours, struggling quite a lot, but you’re slowly figuring it out
right before the bell rings, as you’re putting your stuff away, you ask youjin why he’s so dressed up
and he just gives you a really weird look
like how do you not know that he’s on the basketball team and has to dress up for some of the games
so he just mumbles “I have a basketball game tonight”
“you play basketball?”
“yeah, have you never been to a game?”
you shake your head and he says you should come if you have time
the bell rings and you two go your separate ways but you keep going over the thought of going to the game tonight
and you eventually decide to go
you make it into the gym right as the game is starting
youjin finds you walking to the bleachers, his eyes lingering just a little too long as you look back at him
but he goes into his game mode
he’s in the middle of the court, jumping to get the first possession
and his vertical is impressive as he tips the ball to yoongi and runs to start the play
you watch the ball, impressed by everyone’s skill with both ball handling and shooting
and when youjin gets the ball and goes up for a shot
you notice how focused and intense his face is
it doesn’t match the same youjin that you share a table with in calculus that helps you
and you feel weird seeing this other side of youjin
the game continues, youjin’s team is winning by over 20 points, but he isn’t letting up on defense
you end up leaving as the final buzzer sounds
the next day in calculus, youjin’s hair is messy and he’s wearing sweatpants, vastly different than the day before
“did you enjoy the game?”
“yeah, you guys killed them”
youjin smiles, something you and many others haven’t seen before
the teacher interrupts your conversation, only to further confuse you with the new lesson
you just stare at the homework, not even sure how to start
youjin notices, “I can tutor you if you want” he mumbles
you nod, “when should we meet?”
“I have practice after school but after 6 I'm free”
so you make plans to meet at a coffee shop nearby that night
youjin arrives to the coffee shop a couple minutes later than you
and he looks tired from basketball practice but he kind of lights up when he sits with you
you two do meaningless small talk about practice or the rest of your day before getting started with the calculus
and he teaches the calculus in a way that you easily understand
he’s really patient with you and will go over explanations if you need him to
and when you get excited about getting a problem right, he also smiles and gets excited
and somehow you were actually starting to understand calculus and weren’t hating every minute of doing the homework
and at the end of the tutoring session, you had finished your assignment and both youjin and you were hella proud of you
and as you were both walking out of the coffee shop, youjin said “I can keep helping you if you want”
“I don’t want to be a bother, you spent all this time helping me and you didn’t get to work on your own stuff”
“it’s okay. I liked helping you”
you nod and say okay and as you’re turning to go home youjin calls your name
so you look back at him, and he’s just like “do you wanna hang out sometime?”
and you’re in shock for a couple of seconds but you smile and nod, waving to him and going home
so for the next couple of weeks, you get help from youjin and you go on these sweet little dates
like one time you two met at a park and he taught you the calculus lesson and while you were working on some problems he was shooting hoops 
and he kind of distracts you bc you end up just watching him shoot a couple shots before he notices and points to the book in front of you
and you pout and go back to calculus
youjin just smiles to himself
you two have gotten really close over time
like you’ve come to realize his goofy self and you question why people are scared to approach him like he’s such a dork
and you’ve gotten to know some of his teammates who love that youjin has finally found someone that isn’t scared of him
and youjin always tells you how much you mean to him
bc he isn’t scared to be himself when you’re around
and you just bring out the best in him
but you are also so grateful for him too bc without him you’d be failing calculus and you wouldn’t gotten to know the real youjin
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kollageimagines · 7 years
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A Valentine’s Day confession featuring Youjin of KNK
Please like or reblog if you save!
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“Finger yourself for me.” (Youjin to Eunbi)
random dirty rp starters | status: NOT accepting | @x-wearethefuture-x
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  Oh, how she loved it when Youjin spoke to her like that. Don’t get her wrong, Eunbi’s heart swelled when he chose words coming from the heart, when he said good night and I love you, when he promised to protect and care for Eunbi. All these things and ways, they mattered so much. But in terms of their ( physical ) intimacy, sentences like these nurtured the mutual desire and the singer couldn’t help it, she did not want to resist anyway. With Youjin in the chair, the female leaned against the glass door, behind it a small sunroom. Nobody could see them, nobody could disturb them, they were finally away from everyone in a country far far away so there was no need to hold back. Barely clothed in the first place, she did not bother her thong and pushed it to the side, teasing her wet folds for a while, sultry moans leaving Eunbi’s lips. “Youjin…” she mumbled, bottom rubbing the cold glass simultaneously and her eyes never left him, she needed to witness his reaction and let her dark orbs wander from his face to the crotch. “Daddy…” By now, she pushed a finger inside, gasping when the slick walls welcomed the digit and briefly, Eunbi wondered if her legs were trembling a lot. Yet the thought alone caused a thrilling sensation to run through her veins, she wanted Youjin to take her, take her against this transparent wall, with a beautiful way behind ( and in front ). “Daddy, I’ll use another finger, okay?”
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