#you have to listen for the noises in the trailer
ikoraswife · 9 months
i feel like i haven't seen anyone freaking out about this because what the hell is this horrifying arm-ribcage-spine thing? and why is it alive/making noises?
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silent-stories · 1 year
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Pairing: Eddie x F!Reader
Summary: Wayne didn't trust you, until one night.
Warnings: angst, fluff, nightmares
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Wayne Munson just wanted to protect his boy. And that's why he was so reluctant towards you.
It wasn't that he didn't like you, it was that he didn't trust you: after all the years Eddie had spent almost alone in school, you came in the picture. You, saying you cared about him, saying you were interested in the music he listened to and the books he read, saying you loved him.
It all seemed too perfect and Wayne just knew there was something wrong.
Not because he was a bad person, Wayne absolutely wasn't, but because he was afraid you were playing with Eddie's feelings. He was afraid that one day you'd laugh in his face and tell him there was no way a girl like you could ever love someone like him. An outcast. A cult-leader. A freak.
The worst part was that Eddie, on the other hand, was really in love with you. He could see it by the way he talked about you when you weren't around, by his loving gaze when you visited him at the trailer, by the smile that appeared on his lips whenever he mentioned you in a conversation.
Wayne was afraid Eddie would suffer when you left him.
Because he knew you would. It was just a matter of time.
After what had happened in the upside down, after Eddie had almost died (because yes, he knew the whole truth even if he had a hard time believing it at first) he often woke up due to nightmares.
Often he heard the bed creak as if Eddie was tossing and turning in pain, sometimes he heard him talking but never understood what exactly he was saying. He was probably calling your name, the name of girl he was in love with, poor naive boy.
Once, he opened the door to his room slightly, slowly and asked if everything was all right, watching the figure curled up on the bed, his legs drawn up to his chest in a defensive position.
Even in the dark he could clearly see that Eddie was shaking.
It was pretty obvious that no, he wasn't all right. He was far from it.
Eddie told him to go away, that he was fine. Wayne pressed for a while but Eddie didn't seem to want to talk to him. Finally he closed the door and went back to his room, hoping that giving him the space he wanted would help.
He wasn't sure if it had really helped him when he started hearing muffled sobs coming from his room.
He really didn't know what to do. Eddie should have talked to someone about it, vented in some way but he didn't seem to want to do it with him.
He didn't seem to want to talk about it even with you, his "girlfriend". Wayne had expected this too: You wouldn't be there for his boy when he needed it.
After that night, Eddie had locked the door to his room, so even if Wayne wanted to go inside to check, he couldn't.
One night though, Wayne woke up to a noise coming from the room next to his, from Eddie's room.
He sighed running a hand over his face, tired, knowing he was going to have another sleepless night and that Eddie would too.
Thar time though, he heard the door to Eddie's bedroom open and the sound of bare feet making their way down the hallway where the phone was hanging on the wall.
What the hell was he doing?
Wayne got out of bed and headed for the door to his room but, when he was about to open it, he heard Eddie's voice on the other side of the door and stopped.
He knew eavesdropping was wrong, but that didn't stop him.
"Hey, sweetheart."
Wayne realized Eddie called you. At two in the morning.
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." Eddie whispered, almost as that was all the voice he could get out at the moment.
"Yeah, don't worry. I just... I think I just wanted to hear your voice. I'm sorry, I'm sure I woke you up. Yeah, I told you I'm fine." Eddie muttered, if his words were to sound convincing, he was failing miserably.
He sounded like a kid scared by a thunderstorm, in moments like that Wayne wished Eddie's mom was still there with him, some things really would've been easier.
“No, that's stupid, I shouldn't even have called, you probably just want to sleep and not worry about my dumb problems. It's just…I'm tired, Y/N. I'm so tired and the nightmares won't stop and I… I don't know what to do. Every time, every night I'm there again and there are the bats and the lightning and- and It's hard to sleep without you. I'm scared Y/N. I'm scared they'll never stop, that I'll never be okay." Eddie sniffed.
Was he crying?
"But it's okay. I mean, yeah, I- don't worry and-" he probably stopped to hear what you were saying.
Were you telling him to go fuck himself for calling in the middle of the night? Were you trying to console him? Wayne couldn't know but either way, he didn't trust you. He had never done that.
"No. You don't have to. No, Y/N, no please, really, I-" Eddie stammered before silence fell on the other side of the door.
You hung up the phone. You hung up the phone on Eddie's face when he needed someone to listen to him and when he trusted you enough to call you and talk about how he was feeling.
Wayne knew it would end like this. You never loved Eddie like you said you did, you didn't even care about him or you wouldn't have hung up the phone. Maybe it was a joke all along, "make the freak your boyfriend, make him fall in love and trust you and then leave him when he needs it most and break his heart."
He knew how mean teenagers could be, they always managed to hit where it hurt the most. And, of course that's what you did with Eddie, you played with his heart that had already been broken too many times for someone so young.
He heard Eddie pacing nervously down the short hallway a couple of times, and just as Wayne was about to walk out of the room despite having no idea what to say, he heard the trailer door open and close.
Eddie went out. And Wayne wasn't going to let him spend the night in the cold or whatever that boy was up to.
The older Munson finally came out of his room and made his way to the door Eddie had disappeared through.
He opened it slightly and looked out, finding himself faced with the most unexpected scene he had imagined.
There you were, your car parked in front of the trailer, the door still open, and you were striding towards Eddie.
The sky was dark and moonless, only a few stars were visible, a nearby street lamp allowed the man to see what was happening.
Wayne leaned against the door frame, watching the scene a few feet away from him.
As soon as you reached Eddie you wrapped your arms around his neck and pushed him towards you, he immediately wrapped his arms around your body in a hug Wayne wondered if it could actually break any bones.
Eddie held on to you as if his life depended on it, squeezing the fabric of your shirt with his hands and closed his eyes, letting out a sigh of relief as he hugged you, as if having you there in that moment solved all his problems, as if Eddie was okay again just because of your presence.
"I'm here. It's okay, I got you." You said holding him, your voice soft and sincere.
That was the moment Wayne realized he was completely wrong about you, all along.
"You didn't have to come." Eddie whispered, not letting you go.
"But I wanted to." You responded by stepping away from him slightly, cupping his face with your hands and running your thumbs on his cheeks.
"I swear, you are something else." Eddie said with a slight smile. "Thank you for coming, really."
And Wayne, seeing you looking at Eddie as if he was the most precious thing in the world, wondered what had been on his mind every time he doubted your sincerity, every time he thought you didn't really care about Eddie.
You went there in the middle of the night because you knew he needed it, and he didn't even ask you. That was all it took to know that you were a good person. That you were there for his boy.
"I love you." He murmured before bringing his lips to yours in a light but affectionate kiss. Wayne had to look down, feeling he was slipping into a too intimate a moment.
"I love you too." You responded leaning your forehead against his. "And I'm here for you. I'll always be here for you, you know that."
"Do you- think you can stay the night? I understand if you can't- if you don't want to- I mean-"
"Eddie, I've come to stay. I wouldn't leave even if you begged me, right now." You reassured him.
He nodded, leaving a kiss on top of your head. "I love you so much."
You smiled grabbing his hand with yours, intertwining your fingers ready to reenter the trailer.
Your eyes met Wayne's still in the doorway.
Eddie's hand squeezed yours tighter as you reached for him.
"She's spending the night here whether you like it or not." Eddie announced to his uncle.
Wayne looked between you and Eddie, then back to you as you started to talk.
"I'm sorry I showed up here in the middle of the night but I can't leave now, I-"
"I'm sorry I didn't trust you." He finally admitted.
A surprised expression came onto your face.
"I was wrong about you, I was wrong from the start." He said leading you into the trailer.
Eddie smiled at his uncle's words.
"It's okay, I understand where all your resilience came from. Really, don't worry about it." You answered with conviction.
Wayne patted your shoulder. "You are a good kid, thank you for being here."
You smiled again. "You don't have to thank me. None of you have to."
Eddie put his arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer to him, up against his Metallica shirt he used to sleep in.
"We're going to sleep, uncle Wayne." Eddie said before heading to his room, dragging you with him.
You turned one last time to Wayne before disappearing behind Eddie's bedroom door. "Good night."
The man's gaze softened even more. "Goodnight kids."
Eddie was in good hands now, he always had been even when Wayne didn't know it.
You were always there, even when Wayne didn't know it. You were family.
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Tags: @jacklesdeanvessel @morning-sky7
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steddiealltheway · 7 months
Steve glances down at his watch and looks around at the kids anxiously awaiting Eddie's arrival. He's five minutes late. In any other situation, this wouldn't be a lot, but considering that Eddie makes it a point to be either on time or (most likely) early to anything involving D&D with the party... it's highly concerning.
Steve glances at his watch again just to give himself something to do when Dustin finally bursts out, "Okay! This has to be a prank, right? Like someone has to be in on this."
Steve glances at all the other kids staring blankly at Dustin and finally decides to take matters into his own hands. "I don't think that's what's going on, Henderson, but thanks for the input. You guys stay here, and I'll go check on his place."
"I'm coming with you," Dustin states firmly.
Steve furrows his brows. "No, you're staying because if Eddie gets here and you're gone then that just means more waiting." When Dustin crosses his arms and continues staring, Steve sighs, digs his wallet out of his pocket, and hands Dustin a few bills. "Order a pizza and hang out for a bit or something. Walkie me if he gets here."
Dustin smiles brightly and takes the money immediately rushing off to Mike who is already on the phone calling the pizza place. Steve puts his hands on his hips and asks, "And what do you say?"
"Thanks, Mom," Mike says flatly, raising his eyebrows and looking entirely unimpressed.
"Thank you!" Lucas says as Will smiles and gives him a quiet, "Thank you, Steve."
Steve waits for Dustin who rolls his eyes and says, "Thank you. Now check on Eddie." Steve raises his eyebrows. Dustin sighs, "Please."
"You guys are going to be the death of me," Steve says as he makes his way up the Wheeler's basement steps. He wishes Max and El were there to have his back, but they had taken the chance to have a sleepover while the guys were too distracted to interfere with their girl time. He thinks calling Max to ask her to check on Eddie would also count as interfering.
It's not that Steve minds too much. Really, he rarely gets alone time with Eddie, and it's been a while since he's truly checked up on him. After the bats, Steve often went to his place and helped with wound care since he personally knew what he was going through. But as time went on and their injuries slowly turned into scars, it was harder to find excuses to see Eddie alone.
So, Steve settles for seeing him when the kids invite them both to something, and he's started to even hang around during their D&D sessions, soaking in all of Eddie that he can. He still refuses to play, too afraid of the kids making fun of him for getting confused, but he easily gets lost in the campaigns through Eddie's storytelling.
He thinks it's easy to get lost in anything Eddie's passionate about. It may go right over Steve's head, but he would do just about anything to listen to Eddie ramble - sometimes it might just be an excuse to stare at his lips, but no one (except Robin) needed to know that.
Steve nearly misses his turn while thinking a little too hard about Eddie's lips, but he makes it, turning into the trailer park and parking outside of Eddie's place fairly quickly. He sees Eddie's van in the driveway and takes a deep breath, hoping Eddie just somehow lost track of time or something.
Steve quickly rushes out of the car and knocks on the front door, waiting to hear Eddie's footsteps or grumbling as he makes it to the door.
But silence is the only thing coming from the other side.
Steve knocks harder, hoping the neighbors won't start snooping with all the noise he's making, especially when, a few seconds later, Steve decides he has waited long enough and pulls the door open. He quickly closes it and locks it on instinct as he calls out, "Eddie?"
The living room and kitchen are empty, but Steve doesn't hear the shower running, so he quickly bursts into Eddie's room calling out his name again.
His eyes fall on Eddie lying in bed with the covers tucked all around him, but his pale face is slightly visible through the dark strands of hair covering it. The last time Steve had seen him like this was in the upside down when...
"Eddie!" Steve says, rushing to the side of the bed and brushing the hair out of his face. He cups Eddie's face in his hands and nearly shakes him before he sees his brows twitch as he begins frowning.
"What..." Eddie groans out, eyes squinting open.
Steve breathes out a sigh of relief as he nearly tackles Eddie into a tight hug, ending up nearly on top of him.
"Good morning to you, too," Eddie jokes, squeezing Steve back. "Wait, what time is it?"
Steve pulls back and looks down at him. He runs a hand over his cheek, feeling the warmth of it against his palm, a reminder that he's okay. "It's past five, and it's Friday."
It takes a few moments before a look of realization crosses over Eddie's face, his eyes widening as he curses, "Shit! I couldn't sleep last night, and I decided to take a nap around... three? Maybe?" He shifts back on the bed and starts trying to sit up.
Steve places a hand on his chest and pushes him back down.
"Hello," Eddie says as a blush spreads across his face. "This is fun, but I have a dungeon to master," he jokes, showing off his dimples.
Steve nearly forgets how to breathe for a second, but he finally gets it together enough to say, "You and I both know how hard it is to sleep after everything, so if you're able to sleep now, then you're sleeping."
"I'm fine, re-" Eddie yawns and covers his mouth. "Really."
Steve raises his eyebrows at him.
Eddie sighs and turns on his side to directly face him. "Steve, the kids will kill me if I don't do this session tonight."
"And I'll kill them if they give you shit about it. Does tomorrow night work?"
"I mean, yeah, probably but-"
"Great," Steve interrupts as he stands up and grabs the walkie Eddie keeps on a designated shelf. "Hey, Dustin, this is Steve."
"Is it a code red? Over." Dustin immediately replies on the other side.
"No, everything is fine here. We just need to postpone until tomorrow night if that's fine with everyone."
"There is no postponing D&D!" Dustin screeches.
Steve sighs and replies, "If you complain again I'm giving you no rides or money for a month."
There's a long pause from the other side before there's a response, "Tomorrow works! See you then!" Lucas answers.
Steve looks back at Eddie and gestures toward the walkie. "See?"
Except, Eddie is already beginning to doze off again, head nodding and snapping up every few seconds.
Steve smiles and slowly makes his way back to the bed, gently guiding Eddie back down before tugging up the covers and leaning over to press a gentle kiss against Eddie's forehead. "Goodnight."
As Steve begins to move back, Eddie's hand latches onto his wrist. He stares up at him sleepily and asks, "Stay? You need the sleep, too."
And he's right. He absolutely does need the sleep, and there's no way he's going to turn down the offer from Eddie, but... "Eddie, you're half asleep, you don't know what you're asking."
Eddie looks him in the eye and says, "I know exactly what I'm asking, and if I read the signs wrong then sue me."
Steve's heart beats a little faster in his chest. "Eddie..."
"Let's talk about feelings and everything when we wake up, okay? If you don't want to stay, that's okay. But know that I would want you here no matter what."
Steve looks down at him for a few seconds before he turns to take off his shoes. When he turns back, Eddie is smiling and holding the blanket up.
Steve accepts the invitation and finds himself wrapping his arms around Eddie and pulling him against his chest. Steve gently runs a hand through Eddie's hair, only stopping when Eddie grabs his hand and presses a gentle kiss against it.
Steve responds by bending down and planting a kiss on Eddie's head. He smiles when Eddie happily hums.
As Steve focuses on Eddie's breathing evening out, he finds himself matching it and slowly starts drifting off, falling asleep easily for the first time in a long time with happy thoughts of what's to come when they finally wake up.
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stevieschrodinger · 1 year
Wayne knows something big must have happened. Well, he knew objectively that it was big, Eddie spent a couple of weeks in the hospital and half the town fell into a trench, so yeah, Wayne was aware. But it wasn't until Wayne saw that Eddie was suddenly hanging out with a girl called Nancy, pretty and clever and even to Wayne's untrained eye 'a cool kid' that Wayne knew the world had shifted when he wasn't looking.
Eddie had never had friends, not really, and the friends he did have were brought together by that godawful music he likes and roleplay games (yes, Wayne knows what that is, he does listen when Eddie speaks). So, Eddie's never had much in the way of what you'd call social standing, not in the pecking order of the local high school at least.
This thought may have occured to Wayne at the sight of Nancy, but it was driven home by the sight of the Harrington boy coming through the front door of the New Trailer. Even Wayne knows who the Harrington boy is, and Wayne knows he basically lives under a rock. Eddie's told him enough times.
Eddie mumbles something about a shower and a quick change and Harrington looks twelve shades of uncomfortable as Eddie abandons the poor kid in their lounge. Wayne is absolutely certain nothing about the New Trailer is up to the standards the Harrington boy is familiar with.
Still, he's just a kid, and When Wayne indicates the couch next to his recliner, the kid sits gingerly and they both get to the job of ignoring one another.
Until theres a bad fowl, the ref makes a shitty call, and the Harrington kid makes a noise in the back of his throat that Wayne can't help but echo. "Shitty," Wayne comments passively.
Steve hums agreeable, and then says, "he was having a good run, too".
"Yeap, seasons just warming though."
And then Steve says something, and Wayne answers, and before he really knows what's happening he's having an in depth discussion with the Harrington kid who looks, if anything, equally enraptured, if the way he's leaning forward on the couch is anything to go by.
Eddie isn't at all interested in sports, but the Harrington kid sure as hell is and Wayne quickly discovers that it doesn't matter if it's baseball, football, or basketball, the kid is all over it. He's even started twittering about the Olympics.
Wayne can't help himself, he's not had anyone to talk to like this for a long time, not outside of his very occasional visits to the local bar, and before he knows what's happening the Harrington boy is now Steve and he's swinging by on Saturday afternoon to watch the game.
Eddie stands in the hallway, shocked and appalled, "I leave you alone for ten minutes..."
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yanaromanov · 28 days
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rockstar nat headcanons 🎸
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warning: contains nsfw content, minors dni
- rockstar!nat who takes you on tour with her and her band. each night after her show, she slips back into her trailer to find you waiting, always there for her to use.
- rockstar!nat who met you at one of her shows, spying you in the audience before tracking you down afterwards. she pinned you into the bathroom stall where she’d found you, spilling out confessions over your beauty and her attraction to you. despite being taken aback, you couldn't resist her charm or sultry looks so eventually let her trail you to a room backstage. after that first taste of you, natasha knew she was hooked.
- rockstar!nat who teaches you to play guitar in her trailer. standing so close you can feel her pressing against your back, her body curving into your own. of course she knows the effect this has on you, only teasing you further when she places kisses to your neck each time you play a chord correctly.
“you’re doing so good, angel. maybe you can join me up on stage one night.”
- rockstar!nat who dedicates the song to you on stage, calling out to the audience that this one is for the “pretty girl out there who’s listening”. a lot of the fans like to think she’s speaking to them but you know she means you.
- rockstar!nat who writes little songs for you, letting you sit at her feet as she plays them and you just stare back up, absolutely whipped for your talented girlfriend.
- rockstar!nat who gives you all of the flowers that are chucked on stage, collecting them and handing them over to “her perfect girl” because she claims she couldn’t do it without you.
- rockstar!nat who lets you sign her guitar and makes all of her fans start to speculate just who this person might be that is so close with their favourite band member.
- rockstar!nat who is covered in tattoos and lets you trace them with your fingers as you fall asleep together. you particularly enjoy the way her stomach always sucks in air as you trace over the legs of the black widow spider tattooed next to her hip bone.
- rockstar!nat who takes any opportunity to have you sat in her lap. whether it’s a band meeting, some sort of venue check, or simply just her hanging backstage with her bandmates, you’re always seated on her thigh with her hands wrapped possessively around your waist.
- rockstar!nat who winks to you on stage. whether you’re in the wings or the audience, she’s always looking in your direction to let you know she’s thinking of you.
- rockstar!nat who makes you wear her old red guitar pick on a chain around your neck.
“how else are they gonna know you’re mine, baby?”
- rockstar!nat who notices the way you stare when she plays guitar for you. eyes fixated on her fingers as they dance across the fretboard of her bass, consumed by thoughts of what else those fingers could be doing. it’s never long before natasha is able to read your thoughts and throws her guitar to the side, taking you into her lap instead as she makes you grind down on her hand, listening to the string of moans and whimpers that cascade from your lips.
- rockstar!nat who needs to fuck you after every new concert location, claiming you need to christen each new town or city you venture to.
- rockstar!nat who likes to fuck you in her favourite band tees. reading the tour dates as she pounds you from behind or pushing the fabric up past your tits as she eats you out, then leaving you in nothing more than the shirt one she’s done making you cum over and over.
- rockstar!nat who will let you apply her lipstick before she goes on stage, watching amusedly as your face scrunches up in concentration. without a doubt, she will always leave at least one red kiss mark against your skin before she ventures out for that nights concert.
- rockstar!nat’s calloused fingertips from years of playing guitar, that are always so perfectly hard as she plays with your clit, always eliciting such sweet noises from you as you melt like putty in her hands.
- rockstar!nat who makes out with you in the back alleys behind the venue. pushing you up against the wall and riding her hand up your skirt as she sings your praises from the heavens.
“god, you’re so beautiful, baby. just stand there like that for me, that’s it. 'atta girl.”
- rockstar!nat who fucks you in a bathroom backstage just before the show starts. management is searching for her everywhere, calling her to stage for final checks. you can hear them through the thin bathroom walls but natasha simply covers your mouth with her free hand as she continues to pump her fingers into your wet cunt.
“shh, now angel. you don’t want them to hear you now, do you?”
- rockstar!nat who takes you guitar shopping with her, asking your opinion on all of the models even though she knows your knowledge is very limited and you won’t choose based on anything other than looks.
“you like that one, huh? it is very pretty. though, nowhere near as pretty as you.”
- rockstar!nat who will shower you with gifts, pouring all of her extra income into expensive lingerie sets and new outfits just for you. (or maybe sometimes just for her)
- rockstar!nat who always let you parade about in her leather jackets. you think you are sneaky stealing from the redhead's wardrobe, but she knows all about your tactics and in fact, loves the way you walk around with a piece of her constantly attached, letting everyone see just how you are her girl. not to mention just how hot you look with the leather draped over your shoulders, sometimes just covering up the lacy bra nat had chosen for you to wear. whatever the circumstances, natasha watches you wear her jackets with a wide smirk on her face, simply set on the idea of fucking you later with the leather still clinging to your skin.
- rockstar!nat who loves giving you hickeys. not just on your neck but all over; your tits, your thighs, anywhere she can get her hands on. she loves the way you'll walk around practice the next day with remnants of her still clinging to your skin, even if some are in places only she would ever see. she loves the way her bandmates and management will trace their eyes over the bruises littered on your visible skin, smirking to herself as she sees just how unbothered you have grown to all of their stares.
- rockstar!nat who makes you eat her out before she goes on stage, riding your face as she tenses and moans above you. sometimes when she can’t find you, lost to the backrooms and twisting corridors of the backstage venue, she’s all the more worked up when she does eventually locate you. she'll force you into the closest empty space and slam the door closed behind her, just desperate to get some form of release before she has to go perform.
“hurry up, i’ve only got twenty minutes before final checks. get on your knees.”
- rockstar!nat who passes you the cigarette she’s smoking, encouraging you to take a drag knowing you always do it wrong and end up choking on the smoke. she simply chuckles to herself as she watches you cough, taking the cigarette back from you before taking a long draw, almost as if she’s mocking you. blowing the smoke back into your face and watching you cough more, natasha’s amusement only increases. she pulls you close as she gives you a bitter kiss and mumbles “too much for my little baby, huh?”, stroking your hair as you desperately try to rid the tickle in your chest.
- rockstar!nat who tells you she loves you every second of the day. whenever she gets the chance, she’s whispering it into your ear, nipping at the skin as she reminds you how much she just loves and needs you in her life.
“you’re so beautiful, baby. you know that? god, i love you so much. you’re so perfect for me. so, so perfect.”
- rockstar!nat who you get drunk with one night and finally agree to let her pierce your nipples. it hurts like shit but once they've healed, nat can’t get over how loud you whine whenever she pulls on them. at any chance she gets, she will accidentally brush up against them just to watch the way you bite your lip at the contact. then she'll mumble “something wrong, baby?” only to smirk back as she watches you shake your head in response.
- rockstar!nat who always tucks a pair of your underwear into her pocket before she goes on stage, claiming it’s her good luck charm. sometimes you even watch in horror as a lacy red thong slips slightly from her jeans, on show for anyone in the audience who might care to look for it.
- rockstar!nat who will sign her autograph on to everything you own, just as a reminder of how you're hers. “don’t want you to forget,” she’d murmur, pen cap stuck between her teeth, as she signed her name, handing your possession back with a wink before kissing you on the head and walking away to whatever she was doing before. you know she does it because it especially winds you up, claiming her ego was growing too big as her fame climbs, but there's no denying the small smile that grows on your face every time you see the redhead's small signature etched into everything you own, an everlasting reminder of your love.
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wynnyfryd · 8 months
Trailer Park Steve AU part 5
part 1 | part 4
“…Henderson? Oh, holy shit, Henderson!!”
Eddie sounds like a kid on Christmas morning as he comes bounding across the street, movements like a great dane tripping over gangly limbs. He barrels into Dustin and tackles him in a great big hug, swings him off the ground in a circle and puts him back down so they can do some elaborate handshake with slaps and switchbacks and an ending tap-tap of their ankle bones.
What the fuck?
Steve watches this whole thing go down with his hands on his hips and his face doing something horribly sour because seriously what the actual fuck? Stupid handshakes with Henderson are his thing.
“What are you doing here, man?” Munson asks Dustin with a jovial pat on the back. Dustin’s squeezing him around the middle, tucked into his side like a little kid hugging a giant teddy bear, face just lit the fuck up with excitement over this. Steve feels his nostrils flare in a brief flash of petty rage.
“Steve!” he shouts happily. “Why didn’t you tell me you’re neighbors with Eddie?”
Eddie’s face falls when he looks up and sees Steve. Feeling’s mutual, dickwad.
“You’re here to see Harrington?” He asks in a voice like flat soda, all the earlier enthusiasm sucked out into the void. He takes a tiny step away from Dustin — just the smallest bit of distance, a subtle lightening of his touch against his shoulder — but Steve doesn’t miss the flicker of hurt that passes between Dustin’s brows. As if he needed another reason to hate this guy.
“Uh, yeah?” Dustin asks, confusion coloring his tone. “He’s my brother.”
“He’s your what?”
Steve’s chest swells with pride. “He said I’m his brother.”
“Not my blood brother,” Dustin clarifies, and Eddie makes a little noise. “But yeah. He’s fucking awesome. And you’re fucking awesome—”
“Language?” Steve tries for Claudia’s sake, but Dustin’s on a roll now, getting louder and more exuberant as he starts talking with his hands.
“—And oh, holy shit, this is the best! Wait ‘til I tell Mike and Lucas about this. With you guys living so close, we can hang out all the time! And we won’t even have to make two bike rides!”
Dustin leans in to squeeze Eddie in another hug, so stoked he’s bouncing on his toes a little (so stoked he doesn’t even bother to ask Eddie if it’s cool if the whole party shows up at his door, but that’s Dusty for you). His face is turned into the front of Eddie’s shirt, and over the top of his baseball cap Eddie gives Steve this look that Steve’s pretty sure he returns. Serious. Somber. Resigned. A fucking gallows stare, because…
Because fuck. Fucking- goddammit.
They’re gonna have to pretend to tolerate each other now. For Dustin.
Steve’s left eye starts to twitch.
“Are you selling him drugs?”
“Excuse the fuck outta you??”
Okay. Yeah. Bad start. Backtrack. Steve knows this is not the right way to approach a conversation, especially not when it’s Saturday night and you just interrupted your neighbor’s house party to be an accusatory dick to him. The Munson trailer door is wide open behind Eddie, and Steve can see a couple guys he vaguely recognizes from school sitting in the living room — a chubby white dude, a nerdy black guy, and a baby-faced kid with a scowl to rival Mike’s. They’re eating pizza and smoking cigarettes and sipping some cheap-ass brand of beer, and Steve is clearly interrupting.
“Sorry,” he tries again.
“Wow,” Eddie smirks. “Didn’t know you knew that word.”
“Shut up, man- just— ugh.” He takes a deep breath, wills himself to stop rolling his eyes at the guy he needs to ask a favor. “I’m sorry, okay? Can I just talk to you for a second?”
Eddie considers him for a moment; chin tilted up, lips pursed; and then he steps onto the porch and shuts the door behind him. “I’m listening,” he murmurs around a fresh cigarette, hand cupped around the end to light it.
He holds the pack out to Steve. “You want one?”
“Do I- what?”
Eddie shakes the box for emphasis. “Do you want one?”
“No, I heard you, I just…” The weird ceasefire between them is tripping him the hell up. He doesn’t think it’ll go too well if he says that out loud, though. “…Yeah. Fuck it. Thanks.”
They smoke in silence for a moment, shoulder to shoulder, looking out into the dark of the woods that kind of freak Steve out if he lets himself look too long. Something about the branches like long, spindly fingers in the dark; like jittering spider legs; like a Mindflayer made of—
“You wanted to ask me something?”
Steve rubs his brow with his thumb, lets the panic out on a slow breath. “Yeah, I just… Look, I’m not trying to— I mean, I shouldn’t accuse you of anything, man. I just spent the afternoon getting myself all worked up thinking about it after he left, and- and Claudia needs me to look out for the kid, so—”
“Who the hell is Claudia?”
Steve tilts his head at him. “Dustin’s mom?”
“I thought you two were close.”
Eddie shakes his head, curls bouncing around his shoulders, “Nah, man, not yet really. I mean, don’t get me wrong, the little guy’s cool and all — smart as shit, too—”
“Isn’t he?”
“Fucking genius. He’s gonna cure cancer or some shit, I swear.”
Steve catches himself smiling; hides it behind another quick puff of smoke.
“Anyway,” Eddie says, “I don’t really, like, know the dude. We just met because I run Hellfire.”
Oh. “The DnD club?” No wonder Dusty’s obsessed.
Eddie shoots him a look, a quick blink of pleasant surprise. “Yeah, exactly.”
“Cool. He loves that game.” Steve pulls in more smoke, takes his time on the exhale; lets the nicotine buzz swim in his veins. He forgot how nice it feels. “So yeah, Claudia— his mom—asked me to look out for him, y’know? And I just, I know you used to supply the weed for my house parties and shit— and it was good quality shit and all but I don’t—”
“Hold on,” Eddie says, snorting a little in disbelief. “You think I’m gonna sell weed to Dustin?”
Huh. “You wouldn’t?”
“Hell no! One, he’s way too young; that shit’s, like, bad for young minds or something, allegedly.”
Steve frowns to himself, thinking back to him and Tommy smoking weed in Tommy’s basement in middle school; the brain damage they probably gave themselves doing it. Whoops.
“Secondly, can he even smoke? I thought he was sick or something.”
“What? Why would you think he’s sick?” Oh, shit, is he sick? Does Steve not know about it because he missed all those family dinners?
“Dude, take a breath.” Eddie waves a dismissive hand, wafting smoke in pretty tendrils under the trailer’s flood light. “I just meant, like, chronically. ‘Cause of his bones and shit?”
“Oh,” Steve breathes, relieved. “Oh, yeah, no, he’s fine, he’s just like missing collarbones and stuff; he can bend like Gumby.”
Eddie laughs at that, dimple popping out, and Steve can’t help but laugh a little, too, remembering the last time he told someone that. “Don’t tell him I said that, though, he’ll get pissed.”
“Scout’s honor,” Eddie salutes.
“You a boy scout, Munson?”
“Nah, Harrington. Just figured you were.” His eyes are bright and playful, sort of magnetic as he drops the last of his cigarette and stubs it out with the toe of his boot. “Anyway, I gotta get back to the boys. You wanna stick around for a beer, or are you satisfied with my answer, Nanny Steve?”
“Okay, do not fuckin’ call me that,” Steve laughs, sharp and short. Tries to season the words with a glare, but Eddie’s face is too impish and pleased to hold on to any real anger. “And I appreciate the offer, but I think your friends would try to kill me.”
“Mm, yeah,” Eddie agrees, wiggling his fingers as he waves a hand to gesture at the whole of Steve. “Gareth is not exactly a fan of your kind.”
Aaand he’s pissed again. Jesus Christ. “My kind?”
“Yeah. Jocks? Rich assholes?” His lips tip up in a crooked smirk, “Or, well—”
Steve’s just done with his stupid jokes suddenly, and Eddie must hear how much he means it because he raises his palms in surrender and steps back. Always stepping back and away, this guy. Fucking coward.
Steve doesn’t know why he reacts like this, but the shame is turning to fiery fury in his gut, curdling his blood like sour milk, pricking hot at his lash line. Damn it; he’s not about to let Eddie Munson of all people see him cry.
He scoffs at himself, shoves his hands into his pockets. “Whatever, man,” he sniffs as he turns his back on him, “Enjoy your party. Screw you.”
The most pathetic part, Steve thinks to himself as he writhes and twists in his tangled, sweaty sheets; 2am and he’s up again after a nightmare because of fucking course he is; is that somewhere between the insomnia and guilt over the way their conversation imploded earlier, his staring-blindly-at-the-ceiling-until-his-eyeballs-start-to-burn morphs into, like, daydreaming about how it could have gone.
He keeps repeating the scene in his mind, rewinding the tape to let it play out in richer detail.
It goes like this:
1. Eddie comes over.
2. Eddie comes over and apologizes.
3. Eddie comes over in the middle of the night to apologize because he’s so, so sorry that he just can’t wait until morning, even though it wasn’t really his fault; no, Steve’s the sorry one; no, Eddie is; no, they’ll both agree to do better, for the kids.
4. It’s two in the morning, after the cars are all gone and the party’s died down, and Eddie comes quietly across the yard; taps gently on Steve’s window so he doesn’t wake his mom.
Steve leans out and snaps, “What?” because he’s still a little pissed, and Eddie makes big, contrite eyes and plays with his own hands; fingers dancing in nervous circles; spinning rings.
“Listen, I, uh—” Eddie begins, “I might have… Shit, man, I might’ve been a bit of a massive dick earlier, and seeing as we have to play nice on account of the kiddos, I— do you- I mean— come have another smoke with me? Please.”
It’s a pleasant dream. Steve rewinds again, lets it play out in his head for a few more loops. Falls asleep just as he’s getting the dialogue right.
When he wakes up, Munson’s van is gone.
They don’t talk again for weeks.
part 6
tag list got absolutely outta hand lmao and i can’t tag some of y’all bc of your privacy settings, so sorry if i didn’t tag you but here ya go i did my best 🩷 follow the tag #trailer park steve au for future parts. @steves-strapcollection @discorporatedmess @questionablequeeries @nburkhardt @disrespectedgoatman @a-little-unsteddie @thedragonsaunt @ledleaf @perseus-notjackson @devondespresso @loop-deloo @annabanannabeth @thewyvernkore @callas-shitshow @sentry-nest @aliea82 @anne-bennett-cosplayer @steddie-as-they-go @insominaticthoughts @lofaewrites @crazyhatlady86 @gothwifehotchner @potent-idiocy @discount-izukumidoriya @hbyrde36 @goldensnitchbcs @mightbeasleep @lawrencebshoggoth @beckkthewreck @silversnaffles @dawners @hellion-child @stray-bi-kids @iswearitsjustme @ilovecupcakesandtea @slowandsteddie @gaysonthefloor @pennyplainknits
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riboism · 1 year
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》 pairing: c.s x f!reader, j.wy
》 genre: smut
》 wc: 1k
》 content: drug dealers! woosan, reader is san’s gf and woo may or may not have a crush on her, voyeurism, voyeur! woo, no mentions of drug use or violence, backseat fucking, reverse cowgirl, pussy slapping.
》 a/n: had to take a break after seeing that woosan outlaw trailer and write this…I literally can’t stop thinking about it.
🎧 speed- kali uchis
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Tensions were high, and it didn’t help that Wooyoung’s delivery guy was 20 minutes late and counting. The exchange didn’t go as well as he had hoped, and he figured some fried chicken from this new place that opened downtown would offer him some solace. He noted that this was the first and last time he would order from there.
His partner San had his own way of dealing with stress. A very loud and obnoxious way. Being forced to listen to you and San go at it like wild animals while rattling the van from side to side really didn’t help make his hunger pains go away any faster.
“God damn it, can you guys keep it down back there?” He spat, losing his count of the wad of cash in his hands. 
Neither of you heard him, not over your loud moans. You were sprawled over San’s lap with your back facing him, his fingers grasping on to your waist tightly as he fucked up into your pussy at a harsh pace. You had started off slow and steady, mindful not to make too much noise so as to not bother your boyfriend’s work associate, but San was always impatient, especially on nights like this, and he found your pace a little too slow for his liking. So he decided to take matters into his own hands- literally. He was holding onto you so tight that you were sure it would leave a mark. And as for you, well you tried your best to be quiet, but it was hard when San used you like his own personal cocksleeve. He rolled his hips up to your cunt, his hard tip reaching deep inside your sweet spot, and you two filled the van with the sounds of your guttered moans and slapping skins. 
Growing agitated, Wooyoung slammed his hand on the front dash of the van to grab both your attention. “Hey! Wrap it up already, I got shit to do!” He waved the wads of cash in his hand so that San could see. 
“Shut up or it’s my cock down your throat next!” San huffed, his thrusts getting harder and faster. San always respected Wooyoung, but his obedience would disappear the moment he’d stuff his cock inside of you. There was no way of getting him to listen now, and Wooyoung knew that. Annoyed with his distasteful words, and too exhausted to quarrel any longer, Wooyoung slumped back into his seat and started his count all over again. 
As he swiped each bill through his fingers, his eyes would occasionally glance up at the rear view mirror where he’d get a quick peek at you two. He always thought you had a pretty face, but your body was something else. He was mesmerized by the sight of your soft breasts bouncing up and down as San worked you open from behind. His gaze lingered down on to your wet cunt. He couldn’t understand how something so small and delicate could take something so big and ugly like San’s cock. Maybe it was weird to think this way, but although Wooyoung was smaller, he thought his cock looked a lot prettier than San’s. Shaking his head, he looked back down at the cash and continued his count. 
“Fuck, Sannie, f-feels so good! Gonna cum!” You cried. Your moans grew loud and raspy, and Wooyoung had no choice but to look back up at the rear view mirror. Your sounds alone made his pants tighter but seeing you rub and tug your clit while San continued fucking you made a wet spot form in his boxers. Spreading his legs, Wooyoung couldn’t help but palm over his erection while watching you in the mirror. He thought you were so tight and that you took him so well, and all he wanted to do now was cum at the same time as you. 
“Pretty baby gonna cum for me? Yeah? Gonna cum all over my cock?” San grunted into your ear. His hands slid up to your breasts, kneading them as continued thrusting. You were so wet now that Wooyoung could hear your squelches from up front, and god did it almost destroy him. He stuffed his hand into his pants, rubbed his thumb over his slit, and licked his lips as he watched you turn into more of a hot mess over San’s stiff cock. He noticed your eyes getting droopy and your breathing getting shakier. 
“Go on baby, cum for me,” Wooyoung whispered to himself. “Be a good girl and cum.” 
Right on demand, your thighs squeezed together as a rush of warmth filled up your stomach. Your whole body crunched over as you came until finally your body gave up and you fell back into San’s chest. Your legs opened up again, giving Wooyung a great view of the milky white cum leaking out of your pussy. 
“Yes, yes, yes” Wooyoung mumbled as he stroke himself. “Good girl,” he breathed as his hips jolted up. Your leaky cunt was the last push he needed to cum, forcing him to press his eyes shut and use his free hand to cover his mouth to mask his moans. Once he finished, he carefully peeled his eyes back open and hesitantly looked up at the same mirror, relief rushing over him when he realized neither of you noticed. 
“Good fucking girl” San praised, striking your sensitive cunt with his hand. You yelped at the impact before giving him a giggly kiss. 
Up front, Wooyoung cringed seeing you two kiss. He felt good during his orgasm, but now he was annoyed again. Annoyed with the failed exchange, annoyed with the late delivery person, and annoyed with the fact that he has to sit around in his soiled underwear while listening to you two smooch each other’s faces off. He thought it was more insufferable than hearing you two have sex. 
“Offer’s still on the table, you know,” San winked teasingly. Wooyoung saw San looking back at him in the rear view mirror, a smug look plastered over his face as you kissed along his neck. Wooyoung’s face wrung up in a scowl once he remembered the gross comment San made to him earlier. 
“Fuck off.” 
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neonghostlights · 2 months
Part two to this (the one where Eddie tells reader they can’t be friends anymore because he has a girlfriend and reader is leaving for college)
The first day without you Eddie was fine.
He took his girl out to the lake to enjoy the summer weather before a few days of overcast came in.
They spent the day drinking on the sand and letting the warmth soak into their bodies.
The second day without you Eddie kept himself busy with noise.
They drove to Indianapolis to a music store there. He browsed the aisles, flipping through the records and laughing so loud at his own jokes that the owner wanted to kick him out.
The first week without you Eddie kept himself occupied.
The second week without you he started to notice the gaps.
He hadn’t seen your car parked in front of your trailer or heard the gravel crunch under the tires as you drove at your snail pace to avoid potholes.
Not that he had been listening out for you.
He also hadn’t seen you sitting out on your little trailer porch with a book in hand as you sat in one of those dangerously weak dollar store chairs that was cracked up the legs from the seasons spent out in the elements.
Not that he had been looking for you.
He couldn’t help but notice that every store and street in town was missing your presence. Hawkins was small and going days without running into you at the grocery store or passing by you on Main Street was odd.
Not that he had been searching for you.
The third week without you, Eddie crawled out of bed the second the sun shone through the gap in his blinds from where he had pulled them back so often to see your trailer from his room.
He left her in his bed as he pulled on his sneakers and crossed the gravel path to you.
Your car wasn’t there and he wondered if maybe you were getting it worked on by an actual mechanic since he told you to stay away from him. He’d have to make a note when you got it back to sneak over here to look at it every so often so you wouldn’t have to pay an arm and a leg every time you needed an oil change.
He unlocked your trailer door with the key he kept on his key ring still. He should have pulled it off already but never brought himself to. He didn’t think he would like the empty space all that much.
The trailer was empty save for your mom’s things that she had left out as she got ready for work that morning. He was thankful she wasn’t here to see him creeping around your trailer just to peek at you like a stalker.
He pushed your bedroom door open, cringing at the squeaking hinges giving him away.
But you weren’t in the made bed.
And you weren’t the crinkled up paper that sat on top of the covers.
Eddie lifted it with shaking hands, already knowing what it would say once he saw the school logo on top and the lack of your favorite belongings that used to be spread across the floor.
You were gone.
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teapartyprincess4two · 2 months
Omgg can u do some matt x actress!reader hc?? Love you xx
Actress- M. Sturniolo
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pairing: Actress!reader x Boyfriend!Matt
classification: SFW & NSFW head cannons
warnings: some 18+ content, use of y/n, established relationship, slight cursing
summary: head cannons of Matt with an actress girlfriend!
Matt thought he knew everything there was to know about fame; the screaming fans, the off guard photos, and the rumors. When he started dating you, though, he was shocked at the intensity of your life.
☆ Every time you’re out in public, you get recognized by a fan or paparazzi, without fail.
☆ You’re waiting in line for your coffee, holding Matt’s hand as you engage in meaningless, light conversation with him.
☆ A loud gasp interrupts you mid sentence, causing you to look in the direction of the noise.
☆ A fan stands there with a hand covering their mouth, eyes blown open in pure shock. “Oh my God! Y/n?! Can I have a picture please?”
☆ You never turn a fan down and soon, when other people realize who you are, it’ll become like a little meet and greet, and Matt becomes the photographer.
☆ When the paparazzi recognizes you, though, you’re not as quick to pose for a picture.
☆ “Matt, don’t look,” you warn, eyes darting between him and the paparazzi snapping pictures of you through the restaurant window.
☆ Matt never listens, he immediately cranes his neck to see what you’re talking about. “I said don’t look!” you squeak, trying to pull his attention back towards you.
☆ “Fuck off,” Matt groans, throwing the paparazzi a middle finger and returning to his meal with you.
☆ Matt is always excited about your newest project, whether you’re playing a main, side, or background character.
☆ You’re getting ready for the premiere of your newest film, Burn It.
☆ “Matt what are you wearing?” you laugh.
☆ “Just supporting my girl,” he replies. He does a small twirl, showing off his outfit. He’s wearing a shirt with the movie poster printed on the front, your face right smack in the middle and the title in bold letters right above it.
☆ “It’s the premiere, you gotta dress up,” you laugh, secretly enjoying the sillyness of it all.
☆ “Fine. But I’m wearing this under my suit,” he replies, exiting the room. After a while, you start hearing the trailer to the movie playing from your room.
☆ He’s equally as supportive of your small roles.
☆ “Hey guys! So Chris, Nick, Y/n, and I are at the movie theater and we’re about to watch Y/n’s new movie The Escape,” Matt says, introducing the theme of their YouTube video.
☆ “Babe, I literally played cashier #3,” you chuckle from behind the camera, holding a big bucket of popcorn.
☆ “I’d watch it if you played a piece of grass,” he replies seriously.
☆ Whenever a new movie of yours releases, you’re usually booked and busy with press tours and interviews.
☆ During these interviews, the initial questions are usually about the movie, but as the interview progresses they become more personal.
☆ “So, Y/n, have you found Mr.Right?” the interviewer asks, fidgeting with the cue cards in front of her.
☆ The question is corny, and you’ve been asked it millions of times before, but you always answer truthfully because you’ve never hidden your relationship status.
☆ “Yup and his name is Matthew Sturniolo,” you reply cheekily, sending the camera a wink. When Matt watches the interview, he feels like a fan who just got a shoutout.
☆ There have been roles that require you to kiss your costars and Matt is never a fan of those.
☆ “Beautiful take!” the director exclaims, clapping his hands loudly in approval. “But let’s get it one more time! Add a little more fire! More passion,” he instructs, snapping his fingers.
☆ Matt joined you on set today, and quite frankly he wishes he didn’t. He hates seeing you kiss another man, even if it is just for show.
☆ Once the director gets the perfect shot, you’re all sent to lunch. “Hi baby,” you hum, walking over to Matt and wrapping your arms around his waist.
☆ You go in for a kiss and he quickly leans in, wanting to claim you in front of everyone.
☆ You are no stranger to rumors and speculations, especially not when a male costar is involved.
☆ “Actress, Y/n trades in her YouTuber for a REAL celebrity,” “Y/n found a new boo?,” “What happened to Matthew Sturniolo and who is the new guy in Y/n’s life?”
☆ Matt can’t stop reading the gossip newsletters and blogs, and even if he knows they’re just rumors he finds himself becoming sad.
☆ “Matt! Where are you?” you shout through the house. You find him on his bed, scrolling relentlessly on his laptop.
☆ “Whatcha doing? Wanna play Mario Kart?” you ask, crawling into bed next to him. Your eyes blow open in shock when you see his screen.
☆ “Matt stop reading that shit!” you exclaim. “I can’t help it,” he groans, running his hands down his face.
☆ You snatch the laptop and drag him out of bed for a night full of Mario Kart and cuddling on the couch.
☆ With a schedule as busy as yours, it can become difficult for you to make time for your personal life.
☆ “I miss you,” Matt whispers through the phone. You’re on a press tour for your newest film and your side of the bed has been empty for 2 months now.
☆ “I miss you too, baby,” you murmur. It hurt to know that you still had another month of this tour left.
☆ “When you come back I’m never letting you go,” his voice is sad, but he knows 3 months isn’t forever.
☆ “I can’t wait,” you giggle, eyes falling on the digital clock across the room. It’s getting late and you have an early interview tomorrow.
☆ “I have to go baby, but I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?” Matt’s sad to let you go, it feels like he rarely hears your voice nowadays if it isn’t playing from his TV.
☆ “Okay, beautiful.”
☆ When you’re invited to events or award shows, Matt always joins as your plus one.
☆ “And the nominees are…” the announcer says, listing the names as she reads them from the teleprompter.
☆ Matt squeezes your hand when your name is said, a huge smile spreading across his face.
☆ “The winner for best actress in a leading role is…” the suspense is killing you, but you feel the victory in your soul.
☆ “Y/n!” The entire crowd cheers at the mention of your name and you can’t help but shoot up from your seat in excitement.
☆ “Oh my God, Matt! I won!” You exclaim, pulling him in for a kiss.
☆ You scurry on stage, nervous hands taking your award and preparing for an improvised speech. You end the speech with a special thanks to your friends and family, making sure to specifically thank Matt as you blow him kisses from the stage.
☆ He watches with teary eyes and a huge, dopey smile.
Matt loves joining you on set and sometimes things can become a little heated between you two.
☆ You hated photo shoots, especially when it involved lingerie and/ or bikinis. Matt, on the other hand, loved photo shoots and he was always quick to join you for them.
☆ “I’m so cold,” you shiver, plopping onto the couch next to Matt. You’re wearing a lingerie set so small that you might as well be naked.
☆ “I know of a few ways to warm you up,” Matt replies, only half joking. He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively, earning an excited giggle from you.
☆ “Oh yeah?” you tease, pulling him in for a kiss.
☆ Before you know it, he’s pushed your panties to the side and is fucking you so hard the couch is moving with each thrust.
☆ Although Matt knows your relationship with your male costars is purely professional, he can’t help but become jealous.
☆ “How was work today?” Matt asks, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead.
☆ “Eh same old same old. We’re stuck on the same scene,” you reply, hoping he won’t ask any further questions.
☆ “Hmm that sucks,” he hums. “What scene is it?”
☆ You gulp nervously, knowing how much Matt is going to hate your answer. “The bathroom sex scene.”
☆ You feel his body stiffen immediately. “It’s just because the set is small and the angles are awkward,” you continue.
☆ “Mhm,” is all he says.
☆ Later, when you’re getting ready for bed and doing your nighttime routine, he pins you against the bathroom counter and fucks you dumb.
☆ “This pussy is mine,” he grunts into your ear, earning a whimper from you.
☆ When you’ve been gone for long press tours, he becomes needy and you two have to resort to phone sex.
☆ “I miss you, baby,” he murmurs. “I miss you too, so much,” you reply.
☆ “No, like, I miss you,” he reiterates, allowing his hand to travel below the waistband of his sweats.
☆ “Touch yourself,” you instruct. “Pretend it’s me.”
☆ You continue to talk him through it, not stopping until you hear his beautiful, breathy moans.
☆ “You did so good,” you praise and he swears his dick gets hard again.
☆ When you finally do return from your long trips, Matt is extremely needy.
☆ He’s waiting for you impatiently at the airport, ready to engulf you in his arms as soon as he sees you.
☆ When you get home, he attacks you with a bunch of kisses until they become more needy and passionate.
☆ His hands wander all over your body, massaging and kneading at your skin like it’s the first time.
☆ You push him back into the bed and straddle his lap, bouncing on his cock until he’s satisfied.
☆ “Oh my God!— Fuck! I love you,” he moans, bucking his hips into you as he climaxes.
☆ “Holy fuck. Maybe I should go on tour more often,” you giggle, peppering kisses along Matt’s face. “Please no,” he mumbles.
a/n: 📸📸📸 working on Arranged Ch.2, a Johnnie fic & another Matt headcannon!
Also ily2 thank u for the request! xoxox - L.A.M.B👼🏻💗
taglist: @nicksmainbitch @sturniololovers @raysmayhem-72 @worldlxvlys @gnxosblog @meg-sturniolo @creamoncreamoncream2 @mattnchrisworld @sanyi5 @lustfulslxt @whicked-hazlatwhore @tworosesblackthorn @mxqdii @fawned01 @junnniiieee07 @sturniolololover @missriddle03 @k-l-a-w-s @maryx2xx @biggesthat3r @herxyzblog @getosuckers @sturnioloarchive @tillies33ssss @fratbrochrisgf @aurizp @riasturns @sturnikitty @sturnrc @sturtriple16 @sillyfreakfanparty @imwetforyourmom @mattslovelygf @stingerayyy2 @cartiiwannagotoplutoo @mimi-luvzyu @somegirlfromasgard @l0vergrlll @pepsicolapussy333 @unbruisable
note: if you want to be tagged in my fanfic related posts, you can access my TAGLIST and comment 💐 if your user is striked through, I wasn’t able to tag you :(
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eiightysixbaby · 11 months
cruel summer
no rules in breakable heaven
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word count: 6.7k
pairing: modern!fuckboy!eddie x fem!reader
summary: eddie is your summer fling, your friend with benefits - or at least, that’s all he’s supposed to be. what happens when your feelings get in the way?
cw: 18+ ONLY MINORS DNI - SMUT. eddie is a fuckboy!! he acts like an ass in this, fingering, unprotected piv, creampie, angst, hurt with no comfort (yet), alcohol consumption, use of pet names, reader cries, like a lot honestly, miscommunication/misunderstanding, use of Y/N, as always if I missed something feel free to lmk!
author’s note: this fic is, of course, based on the song cruel summer by miss taylor swift, so I highly recommend listening to that if you haven’t! part two will be in the works soon! no idea when it’ll be posted, but it is coming >:)
Your fingers dug into the soft material of the mattress, face smooshed against the cotton sheets. Your brain felt foggy, the alcohol in your system making your whole body buzz slightly. Your back arched almost involuntarily as Eddie’s hips snapped roughly into your aching heat, bringing you fully back into the moment. He was railing you relentlessly from behind, rough hands taking a firm hold on your hips, keeping them in place for him. If it didn’t feel so good you’d almost feel bad for fucking in a bed that didn’t belong to either of you, Eddie having pulled you into a spare room at Steve’s house, escaping the noise of the party for some alone time. This is how things went with the two of you as of late, the wild and free atmosphere of summer leaving you craving each other and crossing boundaries. He’d call you late at night or maybe you’d call him, asking the other to come over. Letting Eddie fuck you raw till your insides burned and your body was spent. Leaving his trailer at 2 in the morning with your mascara running and his cum dripping down your thighs, just to do the same thing all over again in a few days.
You knew Eddie got around, knew you weren’t the only girl he was hooking up with. But the way he’d look at you when you were riding him and the way he’d caress your face as he’d lean in to kiss you made you feel like you were the only one. Like you were his. His energy was intoxicating, the sex even better, and you couldn’t get enough of him. No matter how hard you tried, he kept pulling you back in for more. Another hard thrust into you brought you back out of your drunk haze, his cock pulling all the way out just to slam fully back in. Your pussy welcomed him, enveloped him in the warmth of your walls, never wanting to let him go.
“Shit, baby, this pussy loves me,” Eddie grunts. “Suckin, me right in, fuck.”
You bite down on your lip hard, stifling what would’ve been a rather loud moan. Eddie pulls out and flips you onto your back, pushing your thighs to your chest, folding you right in half for him. Your pussy is on perfect display for him, wide open and pleading for him to come back in. He moves his hips expertly, cock gliding into you with complete ease despite his size. Your moans are staggered as he fucks you at a brutal pace, your whole body bouncing on the mattress with every thrust.
“My favorite fuckin’ girl, such a slut for me. No one lets me fuck them like you do, baby, mmmmmfuck,”
Your head spins at the praise, his choice of words. His favorite girl. You can’t help but wonder how many other girls he calls his favorite, too. You shake the thoughts away promptly, trying to allow yourself to just enjoy this moment with him. Enjoy having him for as long as you can. His calloused fingers are pressed into the doughy skin of your thighs, gripping with such intensity it almost hurts. Before you can fully process it you’re cumming around him, walls tightening over and over in a staggered pattern.
“G’na cum inside this pussy, baby, shit,” Eddie grunts before finally letting go.
His release paints your insides, your tight cunt milking every bit out of him. He pulls out once he’s fully spent, smacking your ass for good measure. You hear him zipping up his jeans, his belt buckle clanking as he secures it. He grabs a few tissues from the bedside table, gingerly wiping you clean before tossing them in the wastebasket.
“You’re such a doll, you know that right?” he asks, bending down to give you a quick peck on the lips.
You give him a half hearted smile, but he doesn’t seem to notice there’s any sadness behind it. He cautiously opens the bedroom door, slinking out under the guise of “letting you get situated”. Just like that, the euphoria is over. Your moment with him is gone, and he’ll slink back to the hustle and bustle of the party, leaving you in the shadows. You didn’t want to fall so hard for Eddie when your whole charade started, you really just wanted a fuck buddy. It’s just that he’s so goddamn alluring, and he’s sweet when he wants to be. He makes you feel good in ways no other guy has been able to, and it’s like you get drunk on him. You’re tumbling head over heels for Eddie, and to him you’re just one of many notches on his belt.
You fix yourself up, tidying up your appearance before heading back down to the party. A song you don’t recognize blares over the speakers, colorful lights flashing in the otherwise dark house. You check your phone for any texts, reading one from Nancy asking where you went. You decide you really don’t feel like answering that right now, slinking into the kitchen for another drink and slipping your phone back into the pocket of your jeans. You pour yourself some of whatever inebriating mixture sits in the pitcher on the countertop, the bright blue liquid filling your red plastic cup. You sip the drink, probably quicker than you should, walking past groups of people - couples getting a little too friendly with each other, a shirtless guy you don’t know standing on a table, a few girls huddled together on a sofa taking selfies.
You walk out to the backyard, the noise of the party becoming too much. The night air is warm and it smells sweet, a bonfire lit in the fire pit on the opposite side of the backyard. The unmistakable scent of the burning wood clings to your nose as you glance up into the trees where fireflies blink slowly. Your thighs ache, and you swear you can feel Eddie’s cum still leaking out of you. Your stomach twists in knots at the thought of it, wishing he’d stayed to help you clean up, wishing he’d kiss you in front of everyone to lay claim on you, wishing he’d let you snuggle into him as you sat around the bonfire. Wishing so desperately that he’d make you his, the way your friends always joke that he should because they can always sense the tension between the two of you.
You’re pulled from your thoughts when you hear a high pitched squeal and then a splash, looking up to see a girl’s head protruding from the water in the pool.
“Eddie!” she squeals, over exaggeratedly loud. “You got me all wet,” she pouts, “you’re gonna have to come in here with me.”
“No can do, sweets, can’t ruin the hair,” Eddie jokes, sitting down at the pool’s edge.
The unfamiliar girl pulls herself out of the water to sit beside him, reaching out and pretending to scrunch his hair with her wet fingers. Eddie laughs and leans away, grabbing her wrists with his much larger hands to stop her. She giggles as Eddie pulls her closer to him, slinking an arm around her waist. You feel like you could throw up, the skin of your cheeks heating up significantly. Eddie notices you standing up against the side of the house, meeting your eyes for only a moment before you turn and enter the large house once more. Your cup trembles in your hand, your stomach turning as you process the scene you just witnessed. He just fucked you raw upstairs, and already he’s got a new girl with him. He doesn’t even have the decency to wait until you’ve left, prick. You scowl, but the worst part is you know you can’t stay mad at him. You don’t actually think he’s a bad person, and you don’t know if you ever could. Tears prick at the corners of your eyes when you feel a delicate hand on your shoulder.
“Y/N? Hey, are you okay? Where have you been?”
“Nance - hey. Uh y-yeah I’m just… not feeling so well all of a sudden? I think I’d better get going-” you stammer, furiously wiping the wetness from your eyes.
Nancy’s eyes are no longer trained on you but instead are gazing out the floor-to-ceiling windows of the sun room. You turn to follow her gaze, and see that she’s looking right at Eddie, who’s now in the pool with the giggly girl, kissing her with her arms around his neck.
She looks back at you, catching the way you nervously chew your bottom lip and also catching the hickey that was left on your neck.
“You say the word and I swear to god I’ll kill him,” Nancy says, getting the sentence out just as Jonathan comes up behind her.
He doesn’t even need to ask who she’s referring to, and you see his eyes flicker up to look out the windows, becoming another witness to Eddie’s bullshit. He frowns slightly before turning his attention to you.
“Hey, kid, you okay?” he asks, patting you on the back with one firm hand.
You try to open your mouth to speak, but you can’t bring words to come out. Your throat feels thick and your lips start to wobble. You shake your head ‘no’ in favor of trying to talk and starting to sob, and your friends can tell you’re close to tears. You can hear Eddie and the girl shouting outside, and before you can turn around to look Nancy’s hurrying you out of the sun room. Her and Jonathan guide you into an empty bedroom, Nancy sitting beside you on the soft mattress of the bed, rubbing your back tentatively.
Your friends don’t know all of the details to what’s going on with you and Eddie, but they know enough. Considering most of them are your and his mutual friends, it’s not hard for speculation to go around based on the way the two of you act towards one another. And, quite frankly, they’re not stupid. You and Eddie disappearing for the same amount of time at group hangouts, the occasional flirtatious glances you share, you being visibly upset when he hasn’t spoken to you in a while, the pieces add up. They know you’re more sweet on Eddie than you let on and they know he’s a complete fuckboy asshole half the time, never quite knowing what’s going on with him and why he has to act the way he does with women. They never let Eddie in on your presumed feelings, they keep that secret guarded with their lives and for that you’re grateful. You know they know and you also know they’ll never make you say it out loud unless you’re ready to. But you have a feeling they must grow weary of picking up your pieces when he lets you down yet again, in ways they don’t have the full details on.
Nancy and Jonathan offer to get you a glass of water, both of them embarking on the rather simple task solely so they can discuss the situation at hand.
“What the fuck is his problem!?” Nancy seethes loud enough for her boyfriend to hear over the music.
“I don’t know, Nance, I don’t know. But I do know that if I have to see Y/N break one more time because of him I’m gonna lose it,” Jonathan responds, weaving past people in attempt to keep up with her.
Nancy just looks at him, her eyes sad and a little defeated. Jonathan understands the look. The look that says she knows Eddie upsets you far more than you ever tell them, a look that says she wishes she knew what to do in this situation.
She turns on the tap in the kitchen sink, filling a cup with ice and then with cold water. She jumps, spilling a little bit of the cup’s contents as Eddie walks in from outside, whooping and hollering and very intoxicated. The girl from the pool is clinging to his side, her hands roaming all over him. Jonathan rolls his eyes, leaning against the kitchen counter and facing away from the commotion.
“He’s such a fucking asshole sometimes,” Nancy says finally, having refilled the cup, now wiping her wet hand on her skirt. “Someone needs to knock some sense into him, or I’m gonna knock his teeth in.”
“Oooo, kitty’s got her claws out,” a voice purrs from beside her.
Nancy gasps, earning a roar of a laugh from Eddie. She smacks him on the arm, typically open to Eddie’s jokes and antics but extremely done with him in the present moment.
“Who’s got you so worked up, Nance?” Eddie slurs, stumbling a little before Jonathan shoves him back upright.
“He’s talking to me right now, actually,” she gives him a fake tight lipped smile, trying to push past him and get back to you.
“Me? What’d I do? You’ve barely even seen me all night!” Eddie shouts, almost knocking into a couple party goers as he tries to catch up.
“I really shouldn’t have to tell you what you did wrong, Eddie. Get your head out of your ass for once and figure it out yourself!” Nancy yells.
There’s a lull in the music as she says it, and several people turn to look in their direction, Steve and Robin sharing confused glances at the sight. Nancy storms off, leaving Jonathan face to face with Eddie.
“Think about it, man,” is all Jonathan says before he walks away, following after his girlfriend.
Eddie stands there, in the middle of a room packed with people, suddenly feeling very, very alone.
It’s been a week since you sat in a bedroom in Steve’s house, crying into Nancy’s shoulder as she did her best to console you. It’s been a week since you’ve had any interaction with Eddie, and your heart ached. Not because of how he behaved at the party, no, you couldn’t bring yourself to stay mad at him. Your heart ached with a longing to see him, a deep desire to have him. You’d kept the ringer turned up on your phone, hoping he’d call or text and ask you to come over, but to no avail so far. You huffed, dropping your phone down onto your bed beside you after checking it for the hundredth time in the last ten minutes. Your bedroom window is open slightly, letting the soft breeze and the sounds of summer nights penetrate your otherwise quiet abode. You lay with your legs dangling off the edge of your mattress, staring up at your ceiling and trying to will yourself to get up. You finally bring yourself to stand, pulling your coziest sweatshirt over your head and slipping on some shoes. You trod down the stairs to the lobby of your apartment building, stopping in front of the vending machines they so nicely placed there for residents. You were running out of snacks because you couldn’t bear to go out and go grocery shopping, so this was your best bet. You deserved some Cheetos and maybe a chocolate bar, god dammit. You stand there for a moment, skin glowing a blue-white hue from the fluorescent lights inside the machine. Your phone chimes in your pocket, breaking you from your haze. You grab it embarrassingly quickly, almost dropping it as you hold it up to look at the screen. It’s only Robin, sending an embarrassing photo of Steve at work.
You sigh, stuffing your phone back in your pocket and letting your head hang. You take a breath, trying of make yourself feel some sort of normal right now. You’re fine. You don’t need Eddie. You’re not gonna die. You press a few buttons on the vending machine, inserting your card before it dispenses your selections. You’re trudging back up to your apartment, ripping into your bag of Cheetos when your phone rings. You manage an impressive amount of self control as you wait till you’ve fully opened your door and taken your shoes off to see who’s calling. Eddie’s name lights up on your screen, and you feel your stomach do a somersault. You answer the call with shaky hands.
“Hello?” you force out around your mouthful of cheesy snacks, trying to sound as graceful as possible.
“Hey, sweetheart. I’m sorry I’ve been a little MIA lately. I missed you,” his voice purrs into the phone.
“I missed you too…” you admit, going against your brain telling you not to give into him.
“What’re you doing right now? Can I come pick you up?” he asks.
“Yeah, yeah of course. I’m not doing much of anything,” you can’t help but smile as you say it, your cheeks heating up.
“Cool, I’ll be there in fifteen,” Eddie promises before ending the call, leaving you standing in your living room with your cheese powder covered fingers, smiling at your phone like an idiot.
You hurry into your room to change, slipping on a loose little tennis skirt and a snug fitting crop top, the fabric hugging your body and accentuating your breasts perfectly. You pull a thin cardigan sweater over top of it to ward off the chill of the nighttime air. Eddie’s true to his word and in about fifteen minutes your phone chimes with a text from him.
‘Here. Don’t keep me waiting ;)’
You scurry out the door, grabbing your bag and your keys. You hurriedly apply a bit of lipgloss as you run down the stairs, knowing Eddie likes the flavor of this one. Eddie watches you from out his windshield as you come bounding towards his car, giving him a sly little wave in the process. He licks his lips as his eyes rake up and down your frame. You swing open the passenger side door, sitting down on the seat and letting your bag drop to the floor.
“Hey, sweets. You look pretty tonight,” he says, grabbing one of your hands and kissing it as he winks at you.
You blush, wondering if he’s sweetening you up to make up for the events of the party. You once again find yourself clinging to the notion that this time it’ll be different, this time he won’t leave you, this time he’ll stay the night after and you’ll make breakfast together in the morning and dance together in the kitchen. His hand squeezes yours as he drives, and he turns up a song on the radio. His stereo is tuned to the oldies station, as per usual. Hysteria by Def Leppard blasts through the speakers, Eddie tapping the fingers of his left hand on the steering wheel as he sings along exaggeratedly.
“I gotta know tonight, if you’re aloneeee toniiiiiight!” Eddie sings, off key and purposely pitchy to make you laugh.
You giggle in the passenger seat as he steals glances at you while he sings along, his right hand entwined with your left.
“Can’t stop this feelin’, can’t stop this fiiiiire,” he continues on, bringing your hand to his chest and pounding on it in a passionate performance.
The drive continues that way, Eddie singing any song he recognizes and turning every single one into a ballad somehow, serenading you. You’re a fit of giggles and stolen glances in his direction, smirking whenever you meet his eyes. You feel more alive in this moment than you have all week.
Tires crunch over gravel as Eddie’s car finally pulls into a parking spot behind The Hideaway, a local bar-slash-restaurant that leans further into the bar aspect with cheap drinks and greasy food, perfect for a summer night. Eddie jogs around to your side of the car to open the door, grabbing your hand and helping you out. He’s being much more chivalrous than usual and it makes your heart swell. This feels like a real date, and your hands tremble with giddiness. The two of you grab a table once you’re inside, the skin of your thighs sliding over the cool material of the booth. You order a couple drinks and whatever food strikes your fancy, one of Eddie’s hands reaching across the table to stroke your arm now and then as you sit and talk. You don’t miss his wandering glances down to your breasts and your lips, and he doesn’t miss the way you eye his ringed fingers and the chain around his neck.
Once you have a few drinks in you, you’ve loosened up quite a bit. Music plays loudly throughout the building and several people have gathered on the makeshift dance floor, moving to the rhythm. You’re pulling Eddie out of his seat, walking backwards onto the floor to dance with him. You pull him close till he’s pressed against your backside, letting your hips sway against him. You don’t miss the way he stiffens when your ass presses into his crotch, his body going tense and his grip on your waist getting tighter. You lean your head back a little bit, inviting him in to kiss your neck. His soft lips press into your sensitive skin, nipping at the soft spot where your neck meets your shoulder. His dark curls hang in his face and tickle your skin, the cold metal of his rings digging into the soft skin of your waist left exposed by your crop top.
You dance like this for a while, touches growing more intimate and lips becoming more reluctant to leave each other’s skin. Finally, Eddie decides he can’t take it anymore. He’s rock hard pressed up against you and the way your body moves is sinful. He pulls you off the floor and into a private bathroom, locking the door quickly behind him. As soon as he does he pulls you to him, kissing you with fervor as his hands roam your body. You melt right into him, your body pliant to whatever he wants to do to you. Your tongue prods into his mouth and you roll your hips into his, taking what you want. Your hand tugs on the collar of his shirt, his breath coming out of his nostrils in heavy huffs as he kisses you like his life depends on it.
He walks you backwards to press you against the small counter for the sink, smiling into the heated kiss when you jump to sit on the counter immediately. His fingers find their way up your thighs, roaming further until they reach the sticky heat between them. Eddie wastes no time, hooking a finger under the fabric of your panties and sliding them to the side. You groan into his open mouth, and his cock twitches in his jeans at the sound. He dips two fingers inside of your warm, wet cunt, the digits being sucked in instantly.
“Pussy’s so fucking greedy for me, did my favorite girl miss me?” Eddie’s voice is a husky growl as he speaks, lips mere centimeters from yours.
All you can do is nod, a high pitched moan escaping your lips. His favorite girl his favorite girl his favorite girl. It never gets old hearing him call you that, he knows exactly what to say to get you to bend to his every whim. His fingers scissor inside of you, your wet walls squelching as he pries them apart.
“Fucking filthy, baby. Such a little whore for me, hm?” he grins, his pink tongue rolling over his front teeth.
Your moans leave your mouth in breathy spurts as he continues to pump his fingers in and out, curling them right into your sweet spot. You lean your head forward, resting on his chest as his free hand comes to rest on your lower back, keeping you close. His thumb presses to your clit, rubbing the sensitive bead with just the right amount of pressure. He knows exactly what you like, exactly how to bring you to the edge. You’re whimpering for him, his lips coming to crash against yours, teeth nipping at the plump skin. The alcohol in your system amplifies your senses, making every touch he gives you feel magnified.
“You gonna cum for me, sweetheart? Gonna cum for me so soon?” Eddie groans, sensing how close you’re getting by the way your walls tense around his fingers.
You can’t even reply before waves of pleasure wrack your body, your orgasm hitting you incredibly quickly. You cry out his name as his fingers continue to curl inside of you, a smirk gracing his face, cockiness taking over completely.
“Suuuuuch a fuckin’ slut for me, hm? Gonna let me fuck you baby?” his husky voice fills your ears, along with the sound of his belt being undone.
He knows you won’t deny him, knows how badly you need this. You hear the zzzzzzzip of the zipper on his jeans being tugged down, watch as he pulls the black denim down just enough. Keep your eyes trained on him as he grabs his cock from beneath the green cotton of his boxers, yanking it into view. His boxers get shoved down with his jeans, resting just below his ass. The pink head of his cock is shiny with pre cum as you wrap a hand around it, lining him up with your aching hole. He sucks in a breath as he pushes the tip in, reveling in the way you tilt your head back in ecstasy as he parts your folds. Your tits are propped up perfectly thanks to your snug top and your push-up bra, swells of skin on display for his eyes to rake over. He dips down, attaching to your collarbone and sucking the thin skin, licking over the stinging bruises he leaves behind.
“F-feels so good, Eddie,” you choke out, gasping as he thrusts as deep as he possibly can, knocking the breath out of your lungs.
“I know it does baby, know how much you love this cock,” Eddie growls.
His hands dig into your hips, holding you in place while he fucks you ruthlessly. The lewd sounds of his shaft gliding in and out of your soaked cunt echo off the bathroom walls, his balls slapping with every jolt of his hips. You tangle your fingers in his curls, knowing it drives him crazy. Eddie doesn’t let you in on a whole lot of the things that make him weak, but the hair pulling one was discovered involuntarily. You’d done it the first time you ever hooked up and he’d moaned embarrassingly loud before he could stop himself, and you’d been using the knowledge to your advantage ever since. He curses as you tug on his dark brown locks, his cock pounding into you even harder. Your body feels like it’s on fire in the best way, so close to release again already. Another bar patron knocks on the bathroom door, only grabbing your attention for a fraction of a second before Eddie grabs your face with one hand, turning you to look directly at him.
“Don’t worry about that, focus on me,” he instructs, his jaw hanging open in a moan as he drives particularly deep into you.
His forehead rests on yours, brown eyes staring straight into yours as he ruins you. The movement of his hips grow messy, and you know he’s close. You’re free falling over the edge in no time, your heavy-lidded eyes trying their best to focus on Eddie as your second orgasm crashes through you.
“That’s it, baby, so good for me,” he grunts, not slowing his movements even a bit.
“Cum inside me, Eddie, please,” you whine, clawing desperately at the collar of his shirt.
“Gonna give it to you, baby, gonna fucking cum,” he’s panting, rolling his hips a couple more times into your soaking cunt until he’s a goner.
You feel him twitch slightly inside you as spurts of his cum fill you to the brim. His eyes squeeze shut as he rides it out, slowly rocking in and out of you, milking himself for every drop. He pulls out of you carefully, causing you to wince at the emptiness. You hop down from the counter on shaky legs, his cum mixing with your release as it slowly rolls down your thighs.
“You’re so fucking hot, babe,” Eddie almost whines, grabbing your face to kiss you.
He situates himself back in his jeans and leaves you to clean up, telling you he’ll be at your table from before. You wipe the mess off your thighs with the horribly thin toilet paper the bar offers, sitting on the grimy toilet seat to pee. You deem yourself good to go after washing your hands and open the door, catching Eddie giving you a little wave from the booth you’d been sitting at. You bound over to him, an unmistakable wave of relief at the fact that he was waiting right where he said he’d be. The two of you are about to leave, throwing cash on the table for the staff to pick up, when you hear a chipper voice call your name.
You spin around, searching in the direction of the voice when your eyes land on a head of strawberry blonde hair and bright blue eyes.
“Chrissy? Oh my god, it’s so good to see you!” you shout, turning to Eddie briefly. “I’ll be right back, kay? I have to catch up with her real quick!”
You jog towards your old friend, wrapping her in a tight hug. She doesn’t seem to take note of who you were with, or if she does she doesn’t pry for details, and you’re grateful for that. You hadn’t seen Chrissy much at all since high school, and the two of you get right to chit-chatting. You tell her about your job, she tells you about her breakup with Jason, so on and so forth. A little more time passes than you’d intended, so you leave her with a mutual promise to get together soon and yet another hug. You turn to find Eddie so you can leave, your brows furrowing when you don’t see him.
Finally your eyes land on him, sitting on a stool at the bar, a blonde bartender leaning over the counter with a hand on his bicep, and another woman standing on his one side, eyeing him up. The bartender leans further over the counter, her tits pressed together and on display from her low cut top, basically staring Eddie in the face. He seems to be laughing, striking up conversation in his disgustingly easy manner. Your stomach turns and your face grows hot, and you bring a hand to your mouth to muffle a cry as you rush out the door of the bar. The tears flow instantly, there’s no use in even trying to stop them. You grasp your phone in a trembling hand, dialing Nancy’s cell. The lights from the street go blurry as your eyes burn with tears, your chest heaving as the dial tone rings in your ear.
“Hello?” her voice picks up, concern evident in her tone given that it’s 11pm and you’re calling her.
“Nancy,” you sob, trying to steady your voice but it’s fruitless, “can- can you please pick me up? I’m at The Hideaway,” you stutter, wiping your nose with your sleeve.
“Jonathan and I are on the way. Sit tight, ok?” you agree and the call ends, leaving you alone until they arrive.
You tilt your head back, leaning against the brick wall of the old building, sobs wracking your entire body. Stupid, stupid, stupid. You curse yourself for believing that this night with Eddie would go any differently than the others. Your mind replays the way he sang to you in the car, the way he held your hand, the way he opened doors for you and stroked your skin at the table earlier. The lump in your throat is impossible to swallow, and you gasp for air between your cries. Nancy’s car pulls up at the curb in front of you, Jonathan in the drivers seat. She immediately jumps out and runs to you, leaning down to your shriveled frame as you curl into yourself. She all but scoops you up, an arm around your shoulder as she guides you to the backseat of the car. She gets in beside you rather than returning to the passenger seat, a gentle and soothing hand resting on your knee as Jonathan starts to drive. You catch the way he glances warily at you in the rearview mirror, face riddled with concern. Your head is pounding, the drinks you had earlier still making your thoughts slightly hazy and everything around you feel slow. When Eddie picked you up, you’d imagined yourself going home with him, making out in his van, tangling up together in his bedsheets. You hadn’t predicted yourself to be drunk in the back of your best friend’s car, crying like a baby on your way home. You mentally scold yourself, embarrassed with the way your friends have to see you, the way they have to try and pick up your pieces when they don’t even know what’s wrong. This is the second time in a week that these two have consoled you, and you feel horrible for making them put up with it.
“Were you with Eddie tonight?” Nancy asks cautiously, but there’s no judgment in her voice.
All you can do is nod, your eyes glassy as you gaze out the window. She squeezes your knee, and the rest of the ride back to your apartment is silent.
Nancy makes sure that you get safely inside, leading you into your room to help you change into some comfortable clothes. She fills your favorite water bottle and grabs your favorite blanket off of the couch, handing them both to you.
“Nance-” you go to thank her, but she cuts you off.
“You don’t have to thank me. You don’t have to say anything. Just take care of yourself, alright? Call me if you need anything,” she squeezes your hand and gives you a tight smile before leaving, closing the door quietly behind her.
The sobs that had started to subside come back in full swing once you’re left alone, hot tears rolling down your cheeks. You take shaky breaths, your heart feeling like it’s been shattered to pieces in your chest. You wanted to believe that Eddie was going to redeem himself this time, and to see that he had no shame about flirting with other women while in the bar that he drove you to stung deep to your core. What hurts even worse is that all you crave, still, is his arms around you, his lips on yours, a moment of peace in a fragile heaven. You curl into a ball on your mattress, letting all of the feelings out in the quiet of your lonely apartment.
Eddie was in a slight panic when he couldn’t find you anywhere in the bar. He had gotten bored while you were catching up with Chrissy, so he went to get himself one last drink before the two of you went on your way. He sunk himself onto a seat at the bar, where a brunette about his age was chatting with the bartender. The second he sat down, he could feel their eyes roaming all over him. The flirting was incessant from the get-go, and truly, all Eddie wanted was to take you home with him, his body craving a second round of you. He had no interest in the two women before him, but for the sake of keeping the peace he just allowed them to fawn over him, roaming hands and seductive eyes drinking him in. He made small talk, forcing smiles and even a couple laughs just to appease the crowd before he could dip. He downed his drink fairly quickly, intentionally so, so that he could make his exit and find you. All he wanted was to grab your hand and kiss you and hold you all night long and- fuck.
He shakes his head as if to rid himself of the thoughts. His brain had been overwhelmingly full of you since the party at Steve’s, and he was uneasy about it. The situation with you was strictly friends-with-benefits, nothing more. It can’t be more. Dark eyes scan the premises, searching for you but coming up unlucky. He checks with Chrissy, who didn’t see where you went after you said your goodbyes, he knocks politely on the bathroom doors to no avail. He goes out to his vehicle only to find it empty. He calls you once, twice, three times, only for the line to ring and ring. With ever perfect timing, a text pops up on his phone screen.
Jonathan: Nancy and I drove Y/N home. What happened, man?
Eddie’s brow furrows as he reads the message, why did you call them to take you home? What did happen? He curses to himself, climbing into his car and peeling out of the parking lot, heading in the direction of your apartment. His fingers drum nervously on the steering wheel, every red light feeling like it takes years to change to bright green. He finally pulls up to your building, his body feels unsteady as he walks up the stairs to your door. He knocks with a shaky hand.
You’re startled by the knock at your door, your crying having stopped for the time being and your body starting to relax. The knock comes again, urgent sounding, and you trod down your hallway and towards the door. Your head pounds and your sinuses are stuffy from your breakdown, and you wince as the loud banging sounds on your door yet again. You pull it open, met with the shaggy hair and big eyes of the man you’ve been wallowing over.
“Y/N, what the fuck!? You scared me half to death, why did you leave without me?” Eddie nearly shouts, running a hand through his hair.
His question dumbfounds you, and you almost want to laugh at the absurdity.
“Why did I leave? Why did I leave!? I don’t know, Eddie, why don’t you ask the bimbo bartender and her friend, and god knows what other women you flirted with when I walked away for maybe twenty fucking minutes!?” the words spill out of you, and you’re shocked at your ability to call him out.
“The bartender-? What? Sweets, I wasn’t flirting with anyone I was just-”
“I don’t want to fucking hear it, Eddie, okay? You pulled the same shit at Steve’s party last weekend! Hook up with me and make me feel sooooo special and then turn around and woo someone else right after. I’m sick of it!” your voice is raised, leaving Eddie wide-eyed in front of you.
“Oh, you’re sick of it? You’re sick of me?” Eddie no longer feels like he owes you an explanation, his need to defend himself taking over.
“I’m sick of keeping secrets, Eddie! I’m sick of not telling our friends what the fuck is going on between us because I don’t want to make you out to be the bad guy! I’m so god damn tired of watching you flirt with every woman under the fucking sun,” your voice wavers, anger trickling in.
“Why the fuck do you care if I flirt with other women? Why does it matter?” Eddie counters, holding his hands out in exasperation.
“Because I love you, Eddie! I’m in love with you!” you shout, tears streaming from your eyes now in a mixture of sadness and anger and passion.
The silence is palpable as Eddie just stands there, shaking his head a little bit. Your heart feels as though it might beat out of your chest.
“What, is that the worst fucking thing you’ve ever heard?” you challenge.
He turns on his heel and exits without a word, leaving you to slam your door shut. You sink down on the inside of it, tears flowing harder than ever before. His silent exit was worse than any words he could have said, cutting you right to the bone, leaving you to bleed all alone.
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artaxlivs · 10 months
This is ridiculous.
Eddie has important stuff To Do. He's a busy rockstar with a never ending list of stuff his manager and agent keep reminding him that he needs to get done while he's not on tour.
But. His house is being remodeled. And one of the carpenters or handymen or journey...men? journey people? whatever. One of the dudes in a tool belt. Well - he's hot as all hell and Eddie can't seem to find a single fuck to mark off that To Do list.
Every day this man shows up in jeans that hug his ass, a tool belt slung low to one side and this pristine white polo shirt with a logo over his left pec. The other people - people not men because there are actually three women in the mix, all with arms that could crush Eddie, and if he was into chicks, he'd be looking respectfully - are all in various dark colored shirts with a similar logo on the back or in the same spot on the chest.
But White Polo is the only white polo. White Polo must be in charge. He does seem to give a lot of orders. He's got big sexy hair and a strong voice. The first time Eddie was close enough to hear him talk, he had some feelings about that strong voice giving orders. The kind of feelings he explored later that night in his own bed. Alone.
It's not a mean voice though, not aggressive. Rather, it's the kind of voice that steadies you in a storm, that you can rely on. The kind of voice that probably sounds gravelly and sleep mussed on a Saturday morning. The kind you want to wake up to. The voice that Eddie wants to wake up to.
And it's not just the voice and the looks. It's the competency, too. Earlier this morning, White Polo was helping the crew put some kind of wood frame up. He hammered something in and then twirled the hammer and stuffed it in the tool belt all without looking. That was going directly to Eddie's spank bank. Maybe he could find other things for them to remodel so White Polo never has to leave.
"Mr. Munson?"
Eddie startles, almost dropping his Garfield coffee mug. There's a lot of noise in the house and he was sort of doing one of the things on his list. Writing a song in his head. It was definitely not about a man in a tool belt. Nor was it about anyone getting nailed.
Jesus Christ.
Clearing his throat, Eddie turns to White Polo, "It's just Eddie."
"Well, Just Eddie, I'm Steve." His voice is soft, strong though, with that little bit of gravel. It's not Eddie's fault at all that he's imagining him whispering in Eddie's ear when they're both sleep warm and too comfortable to get out of bed. "Looks like we'll be done here in another two days."
"Oh." He says dejectedly, not meaning to have such an honest reaction but he can't help himself. He's wasted three days just glancing at White Polo - Steve - from afar. Now Eddie's on a time limit. Two days isn't nearly enough time. Would it be inappropriate to invite him to dinner? Or to stay? Ask him for --"Coffee?"
Steve smiles and it's kind of small, like it's a secret smile, just for Eddie. Brushing his hair back over his ear, Steve says, "I shouldn't but...your coffee smells kinda great so...sure."
Grinning, Eddie tells him that he gets the beans from this little mom and pop shop that brews their own beans. The band discovered them on tour years ago and he still gets his beans shipped from them every few months. He's babbling but he can't seem to stop himself, telling Steve about different roasts and his fancy machine that cost more than his first van back when he was sixteen and living in a trailer park.
Leaning against the counter, Steve listens patiently, watching Eddie with hazel eyes and that little smile. He's got these cute moles that Eddie wants to kiss. Broad shoulders he wants to feel pressed up against the backs of his knees.
Shit. He almost spills the coffee when his face suddenly heats up at that.
"Everything okay?" There's concern in Steve's voice and he reaches out to steady Eddie's arm. His callused fingers brush Eddie's arm just over his bat tattoo and...oh.
It's like nothing he's ever imagined. So much more than all the stories. It's the biggest, brightest, most intense thing Eddie's ever felt. Just a brush of fingertips and the spots light up with gold. Three brushes across the bats' wings and a fourth smaller one off to the side. Eddie can feel the tingling on the underside of his forearm where Steve's thumb must have brushed as well.
Surging forward, Eddie cups Steve's cheek, leaving a bright gold palm print on his jaw, a thumb smear up by the cheek bone, bits of gold in the shapes of fingers curling along the side of his throat, and one little dab on the lobe of Steve's ear. Their lips are pressed together before Steve's fully reacted to the soul bond but that's okay. They don't have two days, they've got forever.
A few years later, when Corroded Coffin wins album of the year at the Grammys, Gareth takes the mic away from Eddie as he's doing all the polite thank yous to managers and agents etc - and he thanks Steve, telling the world, "If Steve had never been a hot guy in a tool belt, Eddie would never have written Golden Bats, Hammer of Love or, Eddie's favorite," Gareth says, grinning and leaning really close to the mic like it's a secret, 'cause it kind of is, "Ride the White Polo."
My Masterlist
While there are other gold touch soulmate mark fics, I've only ever read them in @kangofu-cb's Gold on Your Fingertips in the Winterhawk fandom and it will always be both one of my favorite soulmate fics and one of my favorite Clint Barton fics.
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momotonescreaming · 6 months
Part One (You are Here) | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five
“So.” Jeff starts, voice rising over the Dio cassette Eddie put on, volume down low for once. It makes good background noise. Filling the space of Eddie’s bedroom. Not that it’s not full already.
“Okay so we’re doing this?” Eddie asks, turning around from where he was sorting through the pile of stuff on top of his dresser, stray D20 in hand. He flings himself onto his bed, bouncing on the mattress. He’s looking at Jeff with a shit-eating grin, although it’s not unkind.
“Doing what?” he replies, frowning, turning from where he’s sat at the small desk by the door. There’s not a lot of space, not a lot of wiggle room, so Jeff is immediately faced with Eddie staring at him knowingly from the mattress. They’ve known each other since middle school, since Eddie moved into town, and he can tell with just a glance that Eddie is seeing straight through him. 
It’s only fair, he concedes, he saw straight through Eddie.
“This thing you can’t stop thinking about, but haven’t told anyone. That thing?” Eddie starts, resting his head in his hands. It almost looks like he’s going to start kicking his feet like a girl in a sleepover. The kind of scenes you see in movies. All cliche and shit. “We’re talking about it?”
“Yeah.” Jeff sighs. Takes a deep breath. He looks over at Eddie, watches as his best friend raises an eyebrow, smiles, silently prompts him along.
“You know your horrific crush on Steve Harrington?” he eventually starts, fingers absently tapping at the wood of the chair he’s claimed. He can feel it swirling in his chest. The words, the feelings, all the stuff he had been running through his mind. Eddie won’t be mean about it, of course he won’t, but there’s going to be gentle ribbing and he’s really not sure if he’s ready for it. Maybe with just the two of them it'll be okay. Eddie gets it, after all, maybe better than anyone. 
Eddie just snorts. “I’m aware, yes.”
“And how I teased you for being into the preppiest jock in Hawkins?” He adds, resisting the urge to tap his foot, bounce his knee, run his socked foot along the carpeted floor.
“Also, yes.” 
“Well.” Jeff says, and he grimaces. Leaves the sentence there. He doesn’t need to finish it just yet, Eddie will pick up the pieces. Slot them into place.
He sees the exact second Eddie gets it. Watches his eyes light up as it clicks. The glee on his face is evident, the bastard. It's fucking radiating out of him, leaking out through his pores. 
“No,” Eddie gasps, scrambling to sit up on his bed, inching towards Jeff. He's gripping the sheets, the tan floral fabric strained between his fingers. “No fucking way. You have a crush?”
He just nods, humming in affirmation. 
“Well who is it?” Eddie asks, bouncing in place. He's giddy, fidgeting and not quite staying still. “C’mon, tell me. Are they more attainable than Steve Harrington, at least?”
“On one hand they're more attainable,” Jeff starts, gesturing with his hands. “Because, y'know, straight.” 
Eddie hums, nodding, eyes wide. He wouldn't ever admit it, but he was an incorrigible gossip at heart. Always wanting to know things about people. Listening when Wayne talks about the guys from the plant, picking up rumours from people who bought from him, slowly learning what's happening in the trailer park. Who was sleeping with who, who doesn't do their job, who was moving in.
So when Jeff hinted he had a crush? Eddie was all over it. He was also his best friend, so that helped.
“But on the other hand they're less attainable,” Jeff says, taking a deep breath. Bracing himself for whatever dramatic reaction Eddie was going to spout. “Because it's Chrissy Cunningham.” 
His traitorous heart leaps in his chest the second he says her name. A smile threatens to creep across his face. Chrissy Cunningham. Out of all the cheerleaders, she was the one who stood out. She was cute, and kind, with a smile that lit up the room. The curl of her bangs that framed her face, the way she matches her eyeshadow to her scrunchie. Jeff couldn’t stop staring at her. Couldn’t stop noticing things about her. 
Eddie looks positively giddy, bouncing on the worn springs of his mattress, grinning like the devil himself. Wide eyes and bared teeth, ringed fingers gripping his sheets even tighter. He’s electric, he’s vibrating out of his skin. If he were wearing his wallet chain, Jeff would hear him jingling. 
“Yes!” He exclaims, hair swinging around his face as he moves. Not unlike he’s headbanging. “Jeffery! Jefferson! Join me in Hell!”
Jeff can’t help but concede a laugh, ducking his head, almost pressing his chin to his chest. Hiding a smile, almost shy. It’s kind of nice, having it out in the open now. Having Eddie welcome him into the world of crushes on the most popular kids in school. 
“The fucking karma is so juicy right now Jeffington, oh my god! Eat shit!” Eddie adds, excitedly tapping his feet. He bounces back onto his bed, patting a spare spot of mattress beside him. “But I’m just too excited, Jesus Christ, you get it now!”
“I fucking get it now,” Jeff laughs, getting up off the chair and flopping onto the bed beside Eddie. Feeling the worn sheets beneath his back, looking up at the yellowed ceiling of the trailer. “There’s no way in Hell anything is going to happen, I know this, but fuck, she’s the cutest girl I’ve ever seen.”
“Yeah, says you and half of Hawkins High,” Eddie replies, laughing, looking over at Jeff, crossing his legs underneath him. 
“Like you’re one to judge, ‘Mr I have a crush on Steve Harrington,’ the most popular guy in school. Even him stopping throwing those parties didn't make people hate him.” Jeff laughs, gently shoving at Eddie, moving him towards the edge of the bed. “You call him an asshole and then turn around and daydream about his laugh, or his eyes, or his hair.”
“Listen,” He retorts, splaying his hands out when he talks. “I am but a humble homosexual, and even I can’t deny the fact that that preppy, douchey, jock is a fucking smokeshow.”
“What?” Jeff laughs. “You want him to slap your ass and hook up with you in the locker room? Woo you with all his dumb jock shit?”
“Literally, yes,” Eddie laughs, flopping down onto his bed now next to Jeff, the corner of his mouth pulling up into a grin as Jeff snorts. Locks eyes with his best friend, and lets his gaze soften a bit. “But tell me about Chrissy, how did this happen?”
Jeff sighs, and is only a little embarrassed at how wistful it sounds. His stomach swoops, organs melting into something soft and gooey as he paints her in his minds eye. As he pictures her. 
“I just,” He starts, and then stops. Sighs again. “I always noticed Chrissy, always thought she was pretty — because y’know, cheerleader, it's a given — but I didn’t think much further than that.” 
“Until?” Eddie asks, drawing out the word. He nudges Jeff's leg with a socked foot.
“Until I held open a door for her one time,” he sighs, giving into Eddie's prompting. “And she giggled, and thanked me, and it sort of hit me just how much I wanted to kiss her.” 
Eddie fucking yelps, grabbing and shoving at Jeff's shoulder. He laughs along with him, his energy infectious. Let's himself move along with the motions, shoving back at Eddie, bedsprings creaking underneath the pair of them. A part of him absently wonders how much of this Wayne can hear. Raising Eddie, he's probably used to it — the noise. The energy. “Jeff, you sly dog!” 
“I didn't actually kiss her,” Jeff laughs. “I just thought about it.” 
“Oh I bet you thought about it,” Eddie teases, wiggling his eyebrows, continuing to grip and shove at Jeff's arm. 
“Oh shut up,” Jeff laughs. “Like you're one to judge.” 
“Oh, I'm not judging,” he replies, stopping his shoving so they're just resting on his bed together. Hair splayed out across the mattress, fingers absently picking at his sheets. “You remember the things I've said to you about Steve.” 
“I do, yes.” 
“But,” Eddie says, rolling over onto his side, propping himself up and looking down at Jeff. “We’re not talking about how much I’ve talked about wanting to suck Steve’s dick right now.”
Jeff snorts.
“It’s more than that, isn’t it?”
“Yeah,” Jeff exhales, the air leaving his lungs softly, as he lets himself melt a little further into Eddie’s mattress. It’s easy, here with Eddie. His best friend, whom he knows everything about and knows everything about him in return. “I see Jason hold her hand as they walk through the halls, and hold her books for her. One time I saw them at a movie date together at The Hawk when I was out with my parents, and I want that.”
Eddie makes a noise, low and soft, as he looks over at Jeff. 
“I’ll never get it, not with her, but oh man,” he adds. “I can’t stop thinking about it.”
“I get it.” Eddie adds, voice still soft and low. “I know I talk about how hot Steve is, but I saw him and that Wheeler chick in the halls. How he’d swing her round and kiss her.”
It sort of hits him, just then, just how much Eddie wants this as well. Wants soft kisses, and romantic gestures. Intimate dates and someone happy to see him. But he can’t be seen wanting things he’ll never get. It hurts too much. 
“When we get out of Hawkins,” Jeff says simply. “We’ll get this. We’ll find people who find our metal music and shitty garage band endearing. You’ll find someone who wants to kiss you in the halls.”
Eddie snorts, but he’s smiling sort of bittersweetly while he does it. “And you’ll bag yourself a cheerleader.”
Jeff smacks Eddie’s side, waving his arm out half-heartedly. They stay like that, sitting in the silence, chilling on Eddie’s bed together. It’s nice. 
“So we agree we’re not telling Gareth about this?” Jeff says, propping himself up to look at Eddie.
“Oh we’re absolutely not telling Gareth about this. '' Eddie replies automatically. “He’ll be so annoying about it.”
“One day he’ll get a crush on a prep,” Jeff replies, smiling. “And then we’ll tell him.”
“The Corroded Coffin curse?” Eddie laughs. “Getting a crush on a prep?”
“Definitely,” he replies. “First you, now me. Frank’s next, and then Gareth is going to eat his words about those hot metal chicks he definitely has a crush on.”
“Who are definitely real, and absolutely not just models in magazines he jerks off too,” Eddie laughs, and it’s nice. Sharing this. Sharing this with someone who gets it. It’s not just that their crushes are preps, or jocks. It’s that their crushes are popular, and hot, and people who are never going to look at them twice. 
Jeff laughs, an exhale of air, and nudges his foot against Eddie’s. 
Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five
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unsolved-duvall · 1 year
𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐞 - 𝐞.𝐦. (𝟏𝟖+)
eddie munson x fem!reader
summary you and eddie broke up because you were too scared to love him. so when you need someone and he's the only person you want to run to, what are you supposed to do? (4.8k)
warnings talk of a bad home situation, mentions of abuse, references to mental health, anxiety, crying, very subtle mention of a panic attack, angst i suppose?, fluff, smut, kissing, unprotected sex (don't do this!), lots of feelings. i have probably missed something i'm so sorry <3
The downpour of rain beat down against the windows of your car and was almost loud enough to drown out the myriad of thoughts that were swirling around your mind. 
You didn’t know why you were here. 
That was a lie, you knew exactly why you were there. It was because this was the only place you could think to go. And Eddie was the only person you felt safe with. Never mind the fact that you had broken up last month. You had been the one to break up with him. 
But tonight every emotion you were feeling felt too overwhelming. The sadness and anxiety that you could normally let go of seemed to consume your every thought, washing over you like a wave until they drowned you. Of course, it didn’t help that the only sounds around to drown out your thoughts were those of a not-so-calming nature. 
Your mom and her boyfriend had been fighting constantly. Screaming, shouting and harsh words became a sort of white noise in your household. You would listen with your door cracked open in case you needed to call for help. You felt an innate need to protect her, even from herself. 
The fighting was so common that it rarely bothered you anymore, but tonight everything had gotten to be too much. It was non-stop, pushing you to the edge and causing you to get in your car and drive over here without thinking twice about it. 
And now you were sitting in your car, fiddling with the necklace that hung delicately around your neck, before slipping it back underneath your jumper, letting the ring that hung from it hit your cold skin. And tried to figure out what the fuck you were thinking? What made you think he would even want to see you? You had broken his heart, he had told you that. And those words played on repeat in your head every day, like your own personal form of torture. 
Eddie knew you didn’t have a great home life. It was why you practically lived with him and Wayne when you were still together. You had your own drawer full of clothes and your belongings were always dotted through the trailer. A book you were reading thrown on the sofa, your blanket folded over the back of a chair, or your toiletries in the bathroom next to Eddie’s. 
You never spoke about the reason you were there so often. You didn’t need to. Eddie knew all too well what it felt like to live in that sort of environment, so you never needed to explain anything to him. When you would turn up at his door at midnight, tears streaming down your face and shaking hands clenched by your sides, he didn’t need you to tell him anything else. He pulled you into him and rested his head against yours and asked what you needed him to do. 
You just needed to be with him. 
So that became a sort of routine between the two of you. Eddie would wait for you each night, and when you would ultimately turn up in the early hours of the morning, almost no words would be exchanged between the two of you. Instead, you would walk to his bedroom and fall asleep next to him. He understood. He knew you were tired and didn’t feel safe falling asleep in your own home sometimes. 
If simply letting you fall asleep curled up next to him was all you needed, he would do it until the end of time. 
Until you let the guilt overwhelm you. Eddie deserved better, he didn’t deserve to be in a relationship where he felt like he had to protect you all the time. You could look after yourself, take care of yourself, you had done it for years until you met Eddie. But there was this nagging thought in the back of your mind that you were relying on Eddie too much, and would eventually hurt him in one way or another. The break-up was quick, you barely let him get a word in before you left him standing alone in his bedroom. Confused and heartbroken. 
You left so quickly because you didn’t trust yourself not to change your mind if you looked at him any longer. 
Which is exactly why you shouldn’t be knocking on his door right now. It was exactly why you should turn around and go home, instead of being in the one place you shouldn’t be. It was- 
“Oh- hey,” Eddie stood in front of you, his hair falling in loose curls around his shoulders. He looked tired, unsurprising considering it was almost midnight, but still, it was an unnerving sight. His usual honey-thick smile was nowhere to be seen. 
There was uncertainty flickering in his doe eyes. But he didn’t tear his gaze away from you for even a second. 
“Hey um- fuck, okay I’m sorry I should-” your voice trembled as you fought to get the words out. The truth was you weren’t entirely sure what you should even say to him. 
Do you apologise? Do you tell him what’s going on at home? Do you tell him that you feel like you haven't been able to breathe since you broke up? 
You hadn’t realised how long it had been since you’d said anything, but you see Eddie raise his eyebrows, almost hidden behind his hair, and you stumble on your own feet, taking in a shaky breath and opening your mouth to say…something. 
But nothing came out. So instead, Eddie said, “Look, why don’t you- shit, at least come inside, it’s too fucking cold to be standing out here.” 
You nodded your head and he moved to the side to let you step into the warmth. You felt something heavy settle over your chest, being back here it was… it felt like home. The soft orange hue of the lamps lit up the rooms. The aroma of home-cooked food hit you and you remembered how many times Wayne would make sure there was a spare plate of food set aside for you, in case you turned up. 
The TV was playing quietly with the soft murmurs of the dialogue, from the film he had clearly been watching, echoed through the trailer. You were pulled out of your thoughts by Eddie calling you over to the couch where he had already sat down again. 
You considered telling him you had made a mistake, but your feet carried you over to him like it was the most natural thing in the world. You sat down on the other end of the couch, pulling your legs up and sitting with them crossed in front of you. Eddie watched your every move, taking in all of your little mannerisms he had missed so much. 
“Are you…are you okay? I mean you used to come here if it got- you know if it got bad.” Eddie asked you, his eyes fixed back onto the TV the minute he started speaking to you again; almost as if he was afraid of what he would say if he kept looking at you. 
“Yeah, they uh- I don’t fuckin’ know why they do this shit to themselves. They fight all the time, they’ve gotta be miserable.” you tried to sound as casual as you could, but even you could hear the distress your voice carried. 
Eddie heard it too and it made his whole body tense up. He still wanted to fix everything for you. He still wanted to pull you into him and tell you everything would be okay. 
“Yeah I know sweet-” he cut himself off before he could finish the word, but it made you feel close to tears nonetheless. Even after what had happened, he still immediately wanted to call you that. Fuck. 
Eddie cleared his throat before he carried on speaking, clearly thinking over his choice of words. “I know but- you know they’re fully grown adults, you can’t…you have to let them sort their own shit out.” 
“That’s my mom, Eddie-” 
“I know, shit I know.” You swear you could almost see the way his eyes glazed over as his memories came flooding back to him. You didn’t know everything about his past, but he had told you enough. 
“I just worry about her. He’s not a good guy, you know? But I couldn’t stay there tonight, and I know that makes me the worst fucking daughter but-” 
“Hey, no. Don’t say shit like that.” his voice was harsher than it had been before, with a kind of authority to it that sent shivers running down your spine. 
He still cared about you. Of course, he did. -
“You are not responsible for protecting your parents, that is their job. You are not a bad daughter, you’re a- shit, we’re still kids. We shouldn’t have to deal with all of that, it’s not fair.” you knew he was talking more about himself now, and that made it hurt even more. You being here, the reason you were here, brought up a lot of trauma for Eddie. But he would never outright admit that.
You turned to face Eddie, moving closer to him so your knees scraped his, and leaned against the back of the couch, resting your head on your hand. “Yeah, you’re right.” Eddie fiddled with one of his rings as he listened to you speak. You had to resist the urge to lean over and hold his hand in yours. “It’s not fair. But there’s nothing we can do, so…” 
“So…here you are.” 
“Here I am.” 
There was a beat of silence, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. It was just…quiet, and relaxing. There was something unspoken exchanged between both of you. Some mutual understanding that right now wasn’t the time to talk about everything. Even though Eddie had a million questions for you, for now, he was happy enough to have you sit next to him again. Like you had done a million times before. 
You leant back again, sinking into the couch cushion beneath you and let your eyes drift back to the TV. Eddie copied you, relaxing into the couch and resting his head against the back of it as you both sat in silence. 
After ten minutes or so you couldn’t help but steal glances at Eddie every now and then. The light from the TV lit up his face, and from this close to him you could see the light freckles that dotted across his nose and underneath his eyes. His eyes were almost honey-brown in the orange hue of the room, and you could tell he had only washed his hair a few hours ago. His curls had a soft frizz to them and you missed how they felt between your fingers. 
Your gaze moved down to where his hands were resting. You didn’t realise how much you could miss someone's touch. He always used to have one of his hands on you. Whether he was holding your hand, resting it on your leg or letting it run up and down your back as you lay next to him. 
Soon enough the film ended and Eddie stood up to sort it out; you watched him and for a second you were sure he was going to ask you to leave. 
But then he stood up from where he had been kneeling down next to the TV and sighed before saying, “Come on.” 
“What- what are we doing?” you moved to sit up on the couch but didn’t stand up just yet. 
Eddie looked around the room for a second as if he was gathering his thoughts before he lifted and dropped his shoulders in contemplation and said, “What we used to do. I’m not letting you go home tonight.” 
You hesitated for a moment, “Well I can sleep on- on the couch.” 
“If that’s what you want to do then that’s okay. But you don’t have to, you can sleep in my room. No expectations, nothing. I promise.” A subtle rosy flush coloured his cheeks whilst he spoke, and you bit back a smile at how even the mention of it had him nervous. 
“No, yeah of course, um well thank- thank you.” You stood up and followed Eddie as he made his way to his room, turning off the lights as he went. 
Before you had time to ask Eddie for clothes to sleep in he was handing you one of his t-shirts and a pair of your pyjama shorts you must have left there. “You can get changed in here, I’ll go to the bathroom.” 
“Okay, thank you Eddie.” he smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes. With Eddie out of the room, you took a second to gather yourself. You felt your heart start to race and your hands shake, a tell-tale sign that you were getting overwhelmed. Only this time you knew it would all be okay because Eddie would be back soon. 
You changed into the clothes he had given you and you sat on top of his bed waiting for him to come back. Even though you knew you would be sleeping in his bed tonight it still felt somewhat presumptuous of you to get under the comforter already. 
You heard movement from outside his room and sure enough, Eddie walked back through his bedroom door a moment later. He had a pair of boxers on and the same t-shirt he was wearing earlier. 
You knew he always sleeps in just his boxers, but you also appreciated he probably left his t-shirt on out of respect. 
The truth was you wouldn’t have minded if he didn’t leave it on. Feeling his skin pressed against yours used to ground you when nothing else could. But you supposed things couldn’t be the same anymore. Of course, they couldn’t. 
Eddie’s eyes dipped down to your neckline, you weren’t sure what had caught his attention at first, “You still wear it?” 
The necklace. With his ring on it. He gave it to you after he had developed a habit of slipping his rings onto yours fingers whenever he got the chance. He gave you the necklace and his favourtie ring because then there would “always be a part of him with you.” Which was exactly why you still wore it. 
“Oh um- yeah, I do. I’m sorry if that’s strange or…” 
“No. No, it’s not weird.” you saw a pained expression paint his face before he smiled and turned around, facing away from you. 
“Are you gonna get into bed or?” You could hear his signature smirk even if you couldn’t see him, his back was turned to you as he finished taking his rings off. 
“Oh- yeah, okay. ‘M sorry-“
“You need to stop saying sorry, just act normal. This can be normal, right?” Eddie walked over to his bed and threw himself down under the covers, he was all long limbs and curly hair and for a second you didn’t know why the hell you had ever left him. 
You weren’t sure what you were supposed to say in response. It felt like he was giving you a chance to explain yourself. To tell him what was going on in your head. 
“Yeah this can be normal” was you all could say. Because you did want this to be normal, but you needed to know what Eddie was thinking, so as you lay down next to him and stared up at the ceiling you said, “Do you hate me?” 
“Do I- shit, why would I hate you?” you weren’t sure if the disbelief in his voice made you feel better or worse. 
“I was an asshole.”
“You broke up with me, that doesn’t make you an asshole, that makes you a person who has her own thoughts and feelings. And makes her own decisions” Eddie’s voice didn’t carry much emotion. It was flat and monotone, and you had never heard him sound like that before. 
“That doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to be… I don’t know- annoyed with me for how I did it.” 
“What? You came over, you told me you didn’t want to be in a relationship anymore and you left. What else were you meant to do? A break up’s a break-up.” you couldn’t see his face, both of your expressions shrouded in the darkness of the room. 
“I shouldn’t have… I should have explained myself to you, but I was… I wasn’t doing good, you know? And I guess-” 
“You fell out of love with me, it’s okay. It happens.” 
His words hit you like a punch to the chest and your breath got caught in his throat as you processed his words. Fallen out of love? No. No, you could never fall out of love with him. You loved him too much. You loved him so much it terrified you. A stillness took over the room, and all you could hear was the ruffling of the sheets as Eddie turned over, muttering a reluctant good night under his breath.
You didn’t want to push any boundaries he was clearly putting up between the two of you. You had hurt him and you knew he was only protecting himself. But it killed you nevertheless. You swallowed the lump forming in your throat and blinked back tears. Turning over to fall asleep, in the same bed you had done so many times, except this time you weren’t curled into his side with his arms wrapped around you. 
A few hours had passed and although you were trying, you couldn’t let yourself drift off to sleep. You lay in complete silence and let your thoughts ruin any chance of you getting a peaceful night. Eddie was asleep, you thought he was anyway. Just as you had decided to get out of bed and walk to the kitchen for a glass of water, you heard movement beside you. 
“Are you okay?” Eddie. His voice was thick with sleep, deeper and rougher than it usually sounded, but a voice you were all too familiar with. 
“Yeah ‘m fine.” 
“What’s wrong?” Eddie had turned onto his back now, waiting for an answer, and when you didn’ reply he simply said, “you only say you’re fine when you’re so far from it that it scares you.” 
“I just can’t sleep, that's all.” you lay back down and hesitated for a moment before whispering, “I never fell out of love with you.” 
You felt Eddie still next to you, and you could hear your own heartbeat in your ears and your cheeks heating up. 
“I didn’t want to hurt you. I was so scared that- that we would end up being exactly the same as everyone around us. I couldn’t do that to you, I couldn’t-”
“You still love me?” you could hear the pain that laced his voice as he breathed out the words. 
The words sat heavy between the two of you, the room was still dark, almost pitch black, but a lone streetlamp from outside allowed a slither of orange light to screep through the space between the blinds, allowing you to see Eddie’s face. His eyes cut to yours when he said, “Then why did you do it?” 
If your heart wasn’t already in pieces then Eddie had just made sure of it. His voice was soft, as if he was afraid of the answer. 
“Because what if we turn into our parents.” 
“Oh, sweetheart-” 
You were crying. Silent tears that fell down your face, pooled in the corner of your eyes and stained your cheeks with the reminder that you couldn’t trust yourself to love someone in fear of hurting them. Eddie didn’t cry, but that was because he had cried so much after you had ended things with him that he didn’t have the energy left to cry now; although hearing your breath hitch with every tear that fell threatened to send him over that edge with you. 
“Come here, it’s okay.” Eddie cooed, and you didn’t waste another second not being in his arms. You stretched out your arms to find his already waiting for you, pulling you into his chest and letting your head rest there, where it used to rest every night. 
You let him wrap you in his arms and you let yourself sink into him, throwing a leg over his and nuzzling your face into his chest. He whispered comforting words into the still air and you listened to him, truly believing him when he told you he loved you. 
You told him you loved him too. 
You lay like that and spoke about everything you needed to until you noticed the sun peeking in through the curtains, replacing the soft orange light of the streetlamps that had graced the room throughout the night. Eddie told you that you should both try and get some sleep, you nodded your head with the little energy you had left and let your eyes drift shut. 
You slept knowing you were back where you were always meant to be. 
By the time you woke up the room had gone dark again, and you felt a panic surge through you at just how long you must have been asleep for. Eddie was stil there, holding you. 
“What time is it?” your voice was raspy, the way it always was when you had just woken up. 
“It’s only the afternoon, you’re okay.” Eddie ran his hand over your back and pushed your hair out off your face to look at you. 
“Why is it so dark?” you aksed him, perplexed. 
“The sun got really bright, you know as the sun does,” you laughed at his words, more so you laughed at how he didn’t even realise what he said was funny. “And you started getting restless, I didn’t know if it was bothering you so I put a blanket over the window and drew the blinds again, so it would be darker.” 
He must have pulled you back against him when he got back into bed. “How did you… put a blanket… over the window?” 
“Don’t worry about it.” It scared you how sincere he could sound even when he was joking. “I’m magical what can I say.” 
“Yeah,” you agreed “you really are.” 
Eddie let out a sigh as you moved off of him, laying on your side and staring at him. Eddie mirrored your actions, moving to rest on his side so you were face to face. 
“I’m still so sorry about-” 
“What will it take to get you to stop apologizing to me?” Eddie asked you, faked annoyance in his voice. 
You smiled and your eyes flicked down to his lips. He noticed, the same way he noticed everything. “Can you kiss me?” 
“Yeah” he breathed out before he had his hand resting on your cheek and his soft lips pressing onto yours, your bottom lips between both of his. He kissed you like he had never stoped kissing you. He kissed you like it was the one thing he had been put on this earth to do. And you kissed him back like you had something to prove. But mostly you kissed as if you were kissing the life back into each other. 
The kiss stayed slow and gentle for as long as either of you could hold out for; but suddenly it all became too much and when Eddie’s tongue ran over your bottom lip you let the dam break and allowed it to consume your entire being. 
You kissed like the other could slip away at any moment. Somehow, in between desperate kisses and his tongue running over yours, Eddie had moved to rest above you, his arms caged around either side of your head, holding him up. You let your fingers get tangled in his hair and he let his lips move down to your neck, his head nustled there as he kissed over your most sensitive spot. You already knew your neck would be covered in small reminders of him by the end of this; red and purple love bites marking your neck. 
You let him kiss you and touch you and you were sure you would let him do whatever else he wanted. When his hand slipped under your pjyama shorts and you let him touch you, you knew you would have to let him do whatever he wanted later. Because right now you needed to feel him inside of you. You needed to be as close to him as the laws of the universe would grant you. 
“Eddie, fuck, please I need you to fuck me.” you had never been paticurally graceful with words, not being blessed with a way of words like Eddie was, but right now that didn’t matter because with Eddie’s lips on your neck and his hands roaming your body there wasn’t a chance in the world of you stringing together a coherent sentence, let alone sounding like Shakespeare. 
You felt Eddie‘s lips curl up into a smile against your neck before he pulled away from you, lifing his head to rest his forehead against yours. “You don’t want me to-” 
“No. No, please baby I just need you inside me” you didn’t like to beg but with the way his eyes bore into yours you knew you would beg until the end of time if you had to. Not that Eddie would let you do that. 
“Okay, okay angel. I’ve got you, gonna give you what you need, huh?” Eddie pressed a chaste kiss to your swollen lips before he pulled away from you again, pulling of his boxers whilst you desperately tried to get your shorts and panties off as quickly as you could, your shaky hands making the tast exponentially more difficult than it should have been. Eddie took over for you, pulling them down your legs and tossing them off somewhere into the darkness of the room. 
You pulled him back to you, your hand resting on the back of his neck and kissed him until you felt dizzy, and wrapping your legs around his waist.
“Sweets, I need to get a condom-” Eddie spoke between deep kisses. You knew he was right, but you were on the pill and you hadn’t slep with anyone else since Eddie so… 
“No. I need to feel all of you.” you knew your words had taken Eddie by surprise, but by the way his brows knitted together and his hips rolled against yours, you knew he was just as desperate for it as you were. 
“Are you sure?” Eddie looked right at you, watching your face for any uncertainty. But when all he was met with was a breathy yes and begging eyes he let himself do what you were asking of him. 
Shared okays and a bout of almost-nervous laughter was shared between the two of you, but was suddenly and brutally ripped away from you when Eddie sank into you and you felt the world re-align on its axis. Everything making sense again. 
“Fuck, you feel so fucking perfect sweetheart. I missed you so much, you have no idea-” 
“I missed you too.” 
Eddie let himself breathe for a minute or two before he eventually started rocking his hips gently into yours. He took it slow, wanting to savour every moment he got with you. He promised himself he would remember how your lips felt against his as he swallowed your whimpers and moans. He remembered how your nails felt scratching down his back whenever he hit that sweet spot inside of you that only he could reach. When your back arched off the back he let his arm slip underneath you, pulling you close to him and fucking you through everything you were both feeling. 
Not many words were exchanged, apart from the occasional whimper of one another’s name, because you didn’t need words to express what you were feeling right now. 
Once Eddie’s hand slipped between your bodies, you were coming undone underneath him like you had done so many times before. Only this time it felt like the start of something more. Eddie buried his head in the juncture between your neck and your shoulder as he came undone only a couple of seconds after you had. Both you of you held each other through the overwhelmingness of your highs, your hands running through his hair and his hands holding onto you like you were all he needed. 
You stayed like that for who knows how long. Sharing stolen kisses and whispered promises. Time didn’t matter when you were with Eddie. Nothing mattered when you were with him, that was the beauty of everything. You were the only people who could quieten each other’s minds.
authors note hi loves. i wrote this tonight in just under two hours with a raging headache and the occasion cry. so, if there are spelling or grammar errors i can only apologise. it is 1am and i don't have the energy to reread it and check. i hope it wasn't too bad nonetheless <3
taglist @lunarzstarz @emmalee-01 @lma1986 @eddieshoneyy @harringtonfan4 @leelei1980 @joeschains @keirasreplies @niname92 (this means i tried to tag you but i couldn't!)
tumblr please don't delete any of this thank you love you
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starrystevie · 6 months
18+ | cw: somno, smut | crossposted on twitter
eddie's loud, he can't help it. in everything he does, he's big & dramatic & commands the attention of the room. it's one of the reasons steve falls for him in the first place. when they're fucking in a tiny trailer with thin walls however it becomes a problem.
it only takes getting caught once with wayne's all knowing stare the next day when steve comes to pick eddie up for a date. he snuck out the window that morning to avoid being found but it turns out eddie's loud mouth did the work for them the night before.
if anything, steve's proud that he can fuck eddie enough that he can't keep his mouth shut. turn his brain and limbs to mush as he rattles out curse after curse, praise after praise. proud that he can get eddie so thoroughly fucked that his name is echoing off the walls.
at first it was cute, bending down to smother eddie's mouth with a kiss to swallow yet another too loud moan. at first they'd giggle when eddie would shout steve's name as he hit his favorite spot that set his nerves on fire. at first steve would whisper filth in his ear hoping he'd take the hint and quiet down to his level, slowing his hips to roll in an agonizing pace. but nothing worked. steve would still pound into him and eddie would still yell like they had the world all to themselves.
"you should just fuck me when i'm passed out," eddie moaned as they took advantage of wayne's overnight shift. "it'll -fuck- it'll be like the best wet dream i could ever have."
steve's hips stuttered as he thought about it, and then picked up even harder when he pictured it. "yeah? want me to keep you quiet, baby?"
it didn't take long for them to finish, took even less time to start round two after they got hard again while planning out the details. turns out they both are a little too into the idea of steve taking him apart when he's asleep.
the first time, eddie wakes up halfway through while steve is blowing him and is too excited to go back to sleep so he resorts to biting into a pillow to keep quiet. the second time, steve's too afraid of eddie waking up again so he settles with fucking into his own fist and then coming all over his bare ass. eddie wakes up while the sun rises to the sheets stuck to him with his cock hard and red which gets them both going again.
they finally hit the sweet spot after a while of trial and error.
they fall asleep curled around each other like they always do, only this time eddie's ass has been thoroughly stretched and steve falls asleep with his half hard cock nestled between his cheeks. when steve inevitably wakes up, skin sweaty where the two are pressed together, the fun can begin.
it doesn't take too long for him to get hard again, it doesn't take too long for him to slip his freshly lubed fingers into his ass, it doesn't take too long for him to get his cock fully surrounded by heat as he slides fully into eddie.
eddie snuffles against the pillow and steve freezes, an excited panic thrumming through his veins, until his boyfriend quiets back down with one final small whimper. he rolls his hips slowly, listens to the ambient noise in the trailer for any signs of someone else being awake and gently brings his hand up to cover eddie's mouth. just in case. just like eddie asked for however many times ago.
fucking into eddie when he's pliant is everything steve could have dreamed up. nothing will compare to being able to fuck exactly how they like to, loud and electric and fast and perfect, but this? grinding his hips with his nose pressed into the back of eddie's head, every inch of him on edge as he waits to either get caught or succeed, is a thrill in and of itself.
he comes probably too fast, too turned on by the whole thing. he comes buried deep in eddie, twitching out every last drop, keeping his hips pressed close. he comes with his mouth wide open on eddie's neck, teeth skimming over sensitive skin, whispering out curses that even the best ears couldn't hear because they're only meant for eddie's.
steve pulls out, sleepy & sated, reaching down to run his fingers through the mess of come & lube that follows. eddie whimpers something quiet & sweet so steve gives him his fingers against his lips like a reward for being good. for being quiet. for trusting steve like he does.
eddie's sore when he wakes up in the morning. he grimaces against the pull in his ass as he goes to stand until he realizes what happens. reaches between his legs to feel how tender his hole his. looks on the sheets and sees where he came against them in his sleep.
he wakes steve up with his mouth. considers it a much deserved payback until he's squirming against the mattress & whines out eddie's name.
"you fucked me?" eddie asks as he pops off with a grin. it's not a question that needs to be answered nor is the next one. "did it work?"
steve groans as he tangles his fingers in eddie's hair, bringing his mouth back where he wants it. mutters out a few curse words as eddie trails his fingers over his balls. "what do you think?"
"i think you need to shut up before i'm the one who has to keep you quiet now."
they have wayne's schedule memorized and eddie uses his standard early saturday morning shift that day as an excuse to make steve get as loud as he can, his name echoing off the walls this time around, driving him crazy with his lips and tongue and fingers.
little do they know that wayne now has his fingers plugging his ears with a grimace, wishing he hadn't swapped shifts with gary for the day, contemplating going in to work anyway to escape his loud ass nephew and his loud ass boyfriend.
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cherrychilli · 7 months
Slip of the Tongue
A mini series I 18+ I Enemies to lovers
Chapter one
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Eddie Munson, AFAB reader, neighbor! reader.
Reader and Eddie are the same age - she's in College and he's repeating his senior year once again.
Chapter Summary: You discover that Eddie's been practicing a very interesting new trick on his guitar, one which he offers to use on you under the guise of giving you some much needed stress relief.
A/N: Listen, series scare the shit out of me but I'm trying to challenge myself with a tiny one. I kind of already feel like I'm biting off more than I can chew but I'm going to give it my best shot.
Inspired by those clips of Steve Vai and Jimi Hendrix. ifkyk.
Chapter warnings: Nothing explicit this chapter. Some suggestive stuff but the real smut begins next chapter, so if you want more you better let me know!
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“Are you fucking kidding me?”
He's doing it again. Of course he's doing it again.
You tilt your head forward, forehead dropping into your hands. Heatedly, you mutter your annoyance under your breath, thumbs rubbing at throbbing temples and eyes squeezing shut when the music picks up to an ear ringing volume.
Eddie Munson took sick pleasure in riling you up – you were certain of that given how he only ever seemed to plug in his guitar when it was time for you to study your coursework, wrecking your concentration and making your temper skyrocket with a kind of ease only he was capable of.
For years, you’d taken issue with the fact that your trailer neighbored his own, your bedroom becoming an echo chamber for every blaring chord progression and heavily distorted guitar riff that strummed out from Eddie's open window.
And as always, you felt the need to make your displeasure known.
Abandoning your textbooks, you hastily shove your shoes on to stomp over next door. You knew from painful experience that it was best to head behind the Munson’s trailer and approach Eddie’s bedroom window than to pound on the front door, the sound of his playing almost always too loud for him to notice your knocking.
Trampling over the patchy, dry lawn that lay between your homes, you made your way across, rounding the corner and striding up to the open window, fuming with thoughts of what you’d yell at him this time when you caught sight of the metalhead.
As expected, he's rocking out in the center of his unruly bedroom. No doubt having tuned the rest of the world out, channeling so much of his wild, boundless energy into his playing.
His mop of dark messy curls aren't tied back today, allowed to sway, tumble and whip around his face as he played to an audience of some devilish looking posters and a couple figurines that stood on his crowded desk, probably a part of that fantasy game he's always going on about.
He's dressed in grey sweats that hang low around his hips and a ratty old band tee that tended to ride up, you couldn't help but notice.
‘At least he’s got clothes on today’, you thought to yourself mirthlessly, only a touch thankful for the silver lining of not having to confront him while he's shirtless or in his boxers again. Not that he’d ever minded you seeing him like that before.
Your last encounter with Eddie was one you hoped to soon forget, cringing because he'd caught your gaze wandering when you came over to reprimand him for the noise again, becoming noticeably distracted by his bare chest and the tattoos adorning it.
You don't know how it happened, only that you fell into a sort of daze when your eyes slipped lower to follow the slope of his pale tummy, leading to the sparse trail of dark hair which thickened below his belly button and disappeared underneath the waistband of his boxers.
D'you want a picture or something, darling?, he'd quipped, growing even more pleased with himself when your face turned hot and the embarrassment of getting caught had you stuttering out the first thing you could manage.
"F-fuck off, Munson", you spit back and retreated awkwardly, the sound of his barking laughter as you did so ringing in your ears long after you made it back into your room and hid underneath your blankets for a good hour.
Yeah, that was hard to live down. As was trying to expunge the image of Eddie's unclothed torso from your mind.
Most times he could anticipate your arrival, like a lightning storm only he could forecast but this time he hasn’t seemed to noticed you yet, tongue pinched between his lips in concentration while his fingers travelled skillfully over the ebony fretboard of his guitar.
Watching him play like that sometimes made you think that if he hadn't plagued you for half your life with all of his antics, you might have admitted that he was good musician - that he had talent most people didn't care to acknowledge and maybe even go so far as to say that you found it impressive that he’d managed teach himself how to play in lieu of any lessons.
But you weren’t about to sing Eddie Munson's praises. Not when he was seconds away from making you pop a vein.
Taking a deep breath in, you prepared yourself to start the unpleasant cycle of bickering with your neighbor once again, hoping against hope that, at the very least, it'll be a short exchange this time.
You meant to catch his attention with a single shout but the heated call flattens on your tongue in an instant, heart beat kicking up as you watch what he does next.
He lifts his treasured Warlock and you're half afraid for him when he casually flips the front of the instrument towards his face, its angular design and jagged edges enough to worry you even when he played on it the regular way.
But it's when his tongue stretches out, long and slick like a serpent, that things start to feel...hazy. Speechlessly, you stare as he slides it along one of the guitar's six strings, following the length of it from near the bottom of the fretboard while his left hand continued to flit over the strings by the neck, creating harmonics in a way you’d never thought was possible before.
Are my palms sweating?
The sound begins to shift again and your eyes bulge when he slides his tongue back down, flicking and picking the guitar strings by the tip of it with more speed and dexterity than you'd thought was possible, his fingers continuing to move seamlessly to hold down every note.
Eyes closed (and there was no chance of you letting that happen) there was no way you could've told the difference than if he’d been playing with his fingers all along, the sound just as sharp and crisp as as every time before.
It's filthy, bordering on vulgar the way he’s moving the silky pink muscle so expertly, so much so that it makes you feel like you're intruding, peeping in on something that only happened behind closed doors.
But that gnawing feeling isn't anywhere near enough to make you stop looking. Your gaze stays planted firmly on Eddie's mouth, the sight making your head crowd with static and your belly swirl with heat. Your thighs had been clamped together too, you realize, a sickening realization dawning over you when they rub together, registering the dampness pooling between them underneath your skirt.
Oh my god…am I w-?
And just as abruptly as the realization had sunk in, the song ends. Deafening silence returns to your shared corner of the trailer park when Eddie sets the guitar back down to hang by the strap fixed over his shoulder, eyes flicking to you as if he'd known all along that you'd been standing there, gawking at him.
"So, what do you think? pretty good, right? been working on it for weeks", he pants out, chest rising and falling softly with each labored breath.
Somehow, this feels so much worse than when he caught you staring the last time.
With luck, you're able to shake yourself out of your trance like state, round eyes narrowing in preparation to berate him as originally intended
"Fucking hell, Eddie would you keep it down? I'm trying to study!", you agonize, scrambling to find your fury again.
But your tone doesn’t seem to bother him, it rarely ever did. So he leans through the open window, elbows resting on the window pane, eyeing you up and down all amused.
"You look stressed", he observes, and it's the flippant way in which he does it that ticks you off, with the kind of lopsided smile you’d often described as annoying. For the most part because he’d almost always done something to that effect before flashing you one.
"I am", you confirm with an acidic glare, hoping he couldn't tell how frazzled his little performance had left you.
"And you're not helping so knock it off"
Turning on your heel, you're desperate to retreat back to your place for a reprieve, heart hammering inside your chest when he calls out to you again.
"I could help you relax, y'know"
The way he says it makes you pause, like he's about to let you in on a secret.
Your skin prickles with goosebumps. "I'm not buying weed from you Eddie", you answer back over your shoulder, trying to look unimpressed as you attempt to turn him down.
"I wouldn't charge", the boy winks at you without missing a beat, undeterred by your cold attitude and you hate that his persistence makes your face feel hot.
"But that's not what I was going to suggest"
You turn around to face him again, intrigue building.
He takes a moment to scan you thoughtfully, brows furrowing, almost as if he's weighing the outcomes of what might happen if he were to continue.
"You liked what you saw, right?", his brown eyes flicked down to his guitar and back up to you in quick reference to what you were hoping to avoid.
The mention of what you'd witnessed him doing with his tongue brings that hot, sticky feeling sitting at the base of your stomach back in full force, alarm bells ringing in your head.
"What does that have to do with anything?", you ask cautiously, realizing a second too late that you’ve only confirmed his suspicion.
Eddie curls a finger up at you, rings glinting in the sunlight, beckoning you closer and for some reason you actually oblige, stepping up to his window until you’re only a foot apart from one another.
Low and throaty, he whispers to you. "I can do a lot more with my tongue than just shred on my guitar", flicking the muscle salaciously between his lips like a viper ready to strike.
It should revolt you, watching the crude gesture courtesy of the bane next door, the implication behind it enough to make your skin crawl.
So why doesn't it?
Why does it make you want to leap at him and close the distance between the two of you, hungry to feel his tongue against your own?
"You're disgusting", you tell him instead in an attempt to deflect, voice wavering through the lie.
But he's too astute to be fooled now. "And you like it", he counters easily.
"So are you going to cut the bullshit and climb in here or what?"
You stare at the hand he holds out to you and before you can think to just walk away, before you can pull yourself together and stifle the roaring fire inside lapping at your bones, your fingers have found their way to his.
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mysticmunson · 1 year
press play: alpha!steddie x omega!reader
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(my blog is 18+)
authors note: hi i've been working on this for a bit and i hope u enjoy. special thanks to my loves, @lilacletter and @andvys for their constant support and feedback. feedback and requests are always welcomed.
warnings: smut, a/b/o dynamics, mentions of pain during sex
summary: while hosting the weekly movie night, eddie has a shocking revelation that leaves him and steve scrambling, but for more reasons than one.
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The humid rain covered the patches of grass and dirt at Forest Hills Trailer Park, clouds of grey hiding the light blue sky. It was movie night, the one evening when Steve did something mildly rebellious by sneaking a VHS from Family Video after his Friday shift, which he will talk about until Eddie does something more nefarious.
Stormy days made Eddie feel peaceful, enjoying the soft background noise it provided and the coolness it brought to Hawkins. After long hours at the garage, he enjoyed smoking a bowl and listening to it as he strummed on his guitar.
Grabbing the blankets from his cupboard, Eddie placed them on the couch in a blue and black pile, throwing the decorative pillows to one side. A gentle knock hit the front door, blending in with the patter on the roof. His heavy footsteps hit the thin flooring, the friends outside noting his approach.
Swinging open the door, you and Steve greeted him with smiles, yours more genuine than the boy beside you. Walking in, he got a whiff of your light perfume, the one you had worn since high school that smelled of hydrangeas. In a flowing lilac sundress, a pale yellow cardigan covered your exposed shoulders, leaving your neck open.
Along with securing the entertainment, Steve picked you up from your job on the way over, showing up around an hour after Eddie got off of work. He made sure to get rid of the smell of oil and grease, throwing his coveralls in the washer and jumping in the shower. 
He’d spray some cologne on, but dress casually in sweats and a band tee. Mainly because he didn’t have the energy to redress when the night was done and that his hands would be shoved in them as soon as the door locked. 
“What’s on the schedule for tonight, Harrington?” Eddie asked, shutting the door behind you both removed your shoes. Bending down to your Mary Janes, Steve and Eddie shared an accidental glance, both trying to see if the other was indulging in the not-so-friendly glance. 
“The Lost Boys,” He announced with a smirk, “Just came in, not even in our system yet, I have the morning shift Sunday, so no one will know a thing.”
You gasped, excitedly rising on your white sock-covered toes, grabbing the VHS from Steve’s hands. Eddie had been excited to see the film, even loved it, but he also knew about your bias for the Corey’s; Haim and Feldman. 
“I’m giving you two opportunities to say something about Thing 1 and Thing 2, that’s it!” Eddie protested, smirking as you gasped, smacking his chest. But Eddie’s playful comments couldn’t detour your mood, not when the sexy vampires looked back at you.
Walking over to the couch, you sat and looked over the cover, looking over the red poster on the front. Eddie smiled at your joy, looking until the startling realization hit him. Steve could see him tense beside him, shooting a strange look in his direction. 
“Hey, Steve I found this old VHS in my closet, let’s see if you guys have it at work!” Eddie spoke, cutting Steve off from his impending interjection, “Would you mind getting the popcorn started, sweetheart?”
You nodded, walking to the kitchen as the two boys departed to the bedroom, closing the door quietly behind them. Turning around, Steve threw his hands up in astonishment, accustomed to his friend's antics, but slightly annoyed.
“This is bad, we gotta get her out of here.” Eddie paced, “Or at least distracted.”
Furrowing his brows, Steve cocked his hip to the side, “Why the hell do we need to do that, she’s so excited-”
“I left porn in the VHS, man! I didn’t even properly stop it, so it’s going to come on full volume!” Eddie grits in a hushed tone, face blooming a fiery shade of red.
Both young men had presented as alphas a few weeks ago, confiding in each other about the inevitable awkwardness that followed. Many of their friends had yet to present, leaving them to navigate things on their own accord.
“Ah, dude.” Steve sighed, rubbing his palms down his flustered face, “Where did you even get that from, I see your rent history at work.”
Fumbling with his words, Eddie shot his gaze to the ground, scratching behind his head. 
“I bought it from some dude, it’s an alpha and omega porn.” Eddie blushed, his fingernail slotting between his teeth as his foot tapped impatiently. 
Due to the intensity being an alpha brought, it was hard to sedate one during the rut. He decided to track down a copy of some, watching it while out of his heightened sensitivity to ensure its authenticity. Most of the erotic films produced were by betas as they could keep their sexuality in check, abiding by a script or more than one partner.
He had experimented with those a few times, especially prior to becoming an alpha, but he needed more. It wasn’t enough to sedate him, typically becoming angry at the unsatisfying sex before him, furthering his resistance. 
Staring back at him with intensity, Steve awaits some more of an explanation, secretly craving more details. Neither of them had mated with an omega, only going off of textbooks and their imagination. 
“I’m taking that, repayment for all the movies I’ve taken.” Steve griped, thumb and index finger toying with the loose thread on his blue jeans on his thigh. 
“What? Fuck no, I paid a lot of money for that shit, it’s perfect too. Looks just like-” Eddie snarled, cutting himself off before his secret fell through the cracks. While it happened by accident, the omega in the film was perfect for him.
Throwing his head back in annoyance, blinking slowly at the ceiling, Steve began to pace. No longer focusing on the idea you may see Eddie’s pervy secret, but the fact he needed to slip that in his bag somehow.
“Looks like who, Munson?” Steve sassed, watching Eddie’s eyes flicker to his door and back, “Holy shit, it looks like her, doesn’t it?”
Unbeknownst to them, you had made the snack, putting it in a large bowl on the coffee table in the living room. Not wanting to disrupt them, you popped open the plastic covering to the movie, hoping to prepare it for them.
Pressing the red button at the left corner of the remote, the static TV showed a bedroom, making your eyebrows furrow. It was far too low of quality to be a film, the audio slightly muffled while you adjusted it to the lowest volume. The grey hue on the screen made it almost eerie, a king-sized mattress with tan sheets in an indistinguishable location.
Sitting against the couch, you watched as a man and woman ferociously made out, making your cheeks sting. The woman had hair identical to yours, a body built similarly, and synonymous facial features. That aspect alone had kept you honed in on the blurry interaction, anticipating the next movements they would conduct as their clothes were removed.
The scene quickly intensified, heat flooding every area of your body, particularly between your legs. You had yourself or seen anyone present, but watching this, you knew it wasn’t betas. Catching a few glimpses at typical dirty flicks, they were not like this, usually with loud music playing in the background and extravagant moaning.
There were no backing vocals as the man freed himself from his boxers, his erection larger than anything you had ever seen and intruding between the woman’s legs as she cried out. The scene should’ve traumatized you as she cried, digging her fingernails into his clear skin in, presumably, pleasure. 
But you couldn’t look away. Too infatuated by the way it created a stir in your body, pulling your knees to your chest, feeling your heart race within your chest. The erotic language used by them made your core melt, his unadulterated need to be inside of her as her unalloyed passion seeped into his ears. 
Just a wall over, Steve and Eddie’s intense conversation had taken a turn for the worse at the knowledge of the resemblance between you and the woman. Instead of planning on how to navigate the situation, Eddie sat on his bed in shame, staring at the ground as he awaited Steve’s disgust. The question of how could he have seen their precious best friend this way, who wouldn’t harm the smallest of creatures and cared for them so deeply.
“I’ve thought about it too.” Steve stated, looking at the Metallica tour poster hung on the door, “Thought about how when her legs would brush past mine and that they weren’t always shaven, thinking that her bush must be similar.”
“Steve,” Eddie began, though no rebuttal was followed as he had also conceptualized this imagery even further. 
Gulping his intensity down, Steve turned his body to face his friend, but didn’t look into his eyes. The clothes on his body felt freshly constricting than when he got dressed this morning, the room sweltering as he tossed off his jacket to the bed.
“She’s a neat girl, it’d be clean, but, fuck.” He chuckled, blushing at his own crass language, “Felt like such an asshole, wondering how she sounded, felt, and tasted.”
Mouth hung open in shock, Eddie’s breath added weight as he thought harder, sweat building beneath his pores. He wasn’t sure if this was for the better that both of them had thought these things as it didn’t validate the urges, but it felt better knowing he wasn’t alone.
“Thought about her begging for me, throwing her down on my bed and driving into her.” Eddie revealed, both boys now shooting daggers at Kirk Hammet’s tee on the poster that separates them from you.
“Having her over and trying to ignore how good she smelled, how pretty she’d look stuffed and pregnant.” Steve affirmed, Eddie’s cock lurching at the idea, his fists forming. 
The boys knew it was vile to be discussing you like this, knowing if someone else had been saying these things about you, they would’ve killed them. However, the inner craving that had been clawing its way through their layers of restraint was growing thin, diminishing into small pieces in Eddie’s bedroom.
Time was lost on the three of you as you continued to examine the spectacle before you until it became unbearable. An unprecedented inundation wave of fear settled within you, your body trembling as tears filled your eyes, confused as you weren’t glum.
Standing on shaky limbs, you hit the pause button, racing to the nearby fridge to drink from the plastic water bottle inside. While refreshing, it did little to quell the requisite sprouting, stuck between the feeling of fleeing and crawling into a ball. Your amativeness was deliberately resonating between your legs, it only increased as you tried to recollect yourself.
Noises from beyond the wall shook the men from their illusion, their heads darting upwards as Eddie rose from his position on the bed. The air was thick, quickly pondered if you’d be able to notice the change in demeanor. 
“I’m going home, sorry.” You squeaked in an absurdly raised tone, the quaint crack in your voice catching their attention immediately, their nerves dropping to their lower stomach. The worry that you had overheard them was evident as they looked at each other, almost tripping over their own feet to get out the door. 
In a blur of yellow and lilac, you raced toward the door, legs still unsteady from the influx of hormones you felt. 
Eddie noticed the paused screen before him, his fear becoming a reality as he noticed your unsettled state, blocking the door with his body before you could scurry away with your black shoes in hand. It was raining and you had been dropped off here, there was no way in hell you were walking home, nonetheless alone. 
“Shit, let me explain, I swear I completely forgot it was in there,” Eddie began to divulge, looking at Steve for assistance, but caught his fierce glare on your cowering structure. 
Looking mystified, he wondered what warranted this response from one of her closest friends, especially when it was mainly at the fault of himself and neither of them. You turned around, facing the boy behind you, dropping your shoes to the ground.
“Steve, what the fuck-” Eddie began, ready to berate him to no end for startling you, but neither of you flinched, only his eyes boring into yours. 
“You need to tell us right now whether you want to go home or stay.” Steve rumbled, his voice merely leaving his chest unscathed, sharpening its potential dredges. He was trying not to express his fierceness, but the months of repression were crawling up his chill-adorned skin.
The realization hit Eddie with the equivalence of a head-on collision, nearly knocking him to his knees as he detected the change in energy not just within themselves, but with you. 
Eddie was falling right behind him within his head, taking a step further to stand beside his friend. Your eyes flickered to his, hugging your own middle as they looked with preying eyes.
It wasn’t the boys making you unnerved, but rather the sensation itself, how each symptom became increasingly more evident with their presence. You were still unsure what was occurring, dampness coating your under eyes. 
“I don’t want to leave.” You peeped, watching as their jaws tightened, a slight hint of urge within their glimmering iris’. 
“Are you sure, sweetheart? I think you’re presenting.” Eddie consoled, pulling at your heartstrings at their worry. You could only imagine what they were resisting, the primal urges with a fresh omega available to them. Still, you nodded, tentatively inching closer and tucking a stray strand of hair from Steve’s stern face to behind his ear.
He impetuously pulled you to his body, lifting you with ease as your legs wrapped around his waist, meeting you with a kiss. His mouth tasted pleasant, a hint of mint on him along with the iced tea he had been drinking earlier in the car. 
As if preordained, he took you to the bedroom, kicking the door open and closed with his foot. Only Eddie stopped it from hitting his face, a scowl on his features as he heard you whimper into his touch. He set your body on the unmade bed, about to climb up onto it.
“Alright, asshole, this is my house.” He proclaimed, wrenching Steve up from over your body, assuming his position. 
Eddie’s mouth was different than Steve’s, but equally alluring. The mint was more prominent on his tongue, due to his adamant scrubbing before you arrived, but with the faintest hint of tobacco from his lunchtime cigarette. His caress was much more gentle, but equally feverish.
Steve caressed your sides, fingers trailing against the seams of your dress, his mouth meeting your neck and jawline. The wet pecks littered your skin, overwhelming your once coherent senses into pure urgency. The pain settled in your pelvic opening, fire spreading against your bones as sweat came from your skin. 
The heaving didn’t go unnoticed by the boys, pulling away and stroking you, Eddie removing the hairs from your forehead as Steve sat you up. With the other boy now on his haunches, Steve maneuvered the sweater to the floor, tossing it to the side and letting his shirt join.
Eddie soon removed his, smirking as he watched your awestruck expression at his frame. You sat up, scooting to sit against his headboard as they glanced at you. The layers of taut clothes began to irritate them further, grumbling to stand and forcing their pants off. Steve sighed at the alleviation sans the denim, while Eddie appreciated the lack of contact on his throbbing member. 
They planted their knees on the bed, Eddie to your right and Steve to your left. Subtly under gawking, their brown eyes fixated on you, the longer-haired of the two outstretching his inked arm to raise your dress. 
“M’sorry.” You murmured, their eyes softening at your quivering voice, looking down to see what you were referencing. Groaning in strange harmony, they saw your slick had basined the sheets beneath you. 
Mistaking that for disdain, panic grew in your brain, “I can go, I can walk home.” The comment was made in a haze, both boys knowing that even stepping outside would be dangerous like this. 
“Shh, it’s okay, that’s what we want. Means we get to help you.” Steve cooed, his hand sliding to your thighs, fingertips skimming your sopping core. 
“I liked the video.” You whispered, a wicked grin on Eddie’s face as he pulled the dress over your head, leaving you in your floral-printed panties and skin-colored bra. The garments kept you fully covered, but it only spurred their enthusiasm, feeling like opening a Christmas gift.
“Did you?” Eddie teased, fingers dipping beneath the thin fabric and against your dripping heat, “Oh fuck.” He shivered at the brush of skin, hips jutting in the air as his nose nuzzled against your cheek.
“Are you guys that big?” You gasped, Steve’s hands cupping your breasts as Eddie continued feeling your folds. 
The attempted stifle of their laughs didn’t work due to the close proximity of your bodies, feeling the change in lips and hand placement. Eddie snaked his hand to your back, letting the brasserie fall down your shoulders until he pulled it off.
“Don’t worry ‘bout that, honey, we’ll take care of you.” Steve purred, the words alone making you mewl, back arching into his touch. He went to your hipbone, ripping each side of your underwear to veer them off easily. 
With Eddie perched on his arm and laid on his side, your body slotted beside his as Steve went to pull off his boxers. Only catching the faintest glance, you gulped as he settled between your legs. Jitters boiled within you at the unknown, a flash of doubt in your head over if this would be detrimental to the years of friendship, but the egregious pain took control.
There was truly no one you felt safer with than them, but the brisk shift from even half an hour ago to now was shocking. It felt unreal as they touched you, being mollified into a world where they were the rulers. 
While you had contemplated being with either of them, the thoughts rolling like a rolodex in your head were pathetic. The pitiful thoughts convinced you that you would do anything to make them happy, crying at their feet and kissing the ground they walked on for even a juncture of their recognition. 
His thick mushroom tip prodded your entrance, yelping at the stretch as he inched in, the other man slinging an arm around your waist to pull you closer. He pressed kisses on the sides of your face, his brief-clad cock pressed against your thigh, feeling his subdue jut forward.
Choking on air, the burn intensified in your body, the new propensity to weakness you had been experiencing crashing in. A sob wracked through, much to their concern mentally as their bodies betrayed them, only becoming harder.
“It’s okay, omega, it’s okay. We’ve got you.” Eddie cooed sweetly, tilting your face towards his and kissing you gingerly. 
While alphas did dominate, they too faced vulnerability in their desire, wanting nothing more than to assist their omega through their turmoil. None of them had even heard of two alphas and an omega, or vice versa, making this no-mans land. Still, their typical kind selves percolated through the intense exterior, making your comfort at the forefront of their concerns. 
Your hands were clutching air as you tried to find some way to hold onto them, the magnitude of your disarray becoming evident. Senses that belonged to an omega enacted, you coveted their approval, now brutally cognizant of their own needs. 
To be an omega is to satisfy your alpha, just as an alpha is meant to tend to its omega. The delicate balance of the feeling of vulnerability mended into fulfillment. So with two alphas at your side, it felt near impossible, worrying you would leave one distraught. Thankfully, the boys weren’t in their ruts, so their stream of consciousness was far clearer. 
“Hey, hey.” Steve gently called, watching your eyes focus on him, “There she is, you have to stay with us, pretty girl.” The term of endearment made your walls flutter, reminding you how deep he truly was.
The incomprehensible babbling leaving your puffy lips leaves them concerned, Eddie possessing the aptitude to slip his thumb against them, drawing it into your mouth in an assuring manner. 
“Want your… in my mouth, please.” You sweetly puled to them both, not bringing yourself to the vulgarity that they could fill in on their own.
Exchanging a glance, Eddie was pulling his briefs off, shuddering in relief as he met the air. The man currently between your legs benignly slipped from you, a surge of torment knocking the wind from you, gasping. Much to your relief, Eddie soon took his spot, beginning to insert himself as you met Steve’s eyes.
Taking his large hand around his own throbbing manhood, he collected your abundant desire with locked eyes, licking it from his palm. The sight stifled you, back arching as Eddie tried his best to make it as comfortable as possible. Sending a glare at his friend, he mumbled for him to stop, leaning down to hover over you.
Just as the tip had fit snugly, Steve shot you a sly wink, making you wail and curl into Eddie’s chest. When he got halfway in, he sat up and smacked Steve’s chest who held his hands in surrender. 
“M’sorry he’s mean, angel.” He murmured, kissing your hairline and then your lips, feeling your tension dissolve with each slot of your lips. Pulling away with a strand of spit, it spills down your chin and chest, dripping between your sensitive breasts.
“I’m sorry about the teasing, honey. Just the tip, pull away if it’s too much, okay?” Steve smiled, leaning down to kiss your head as you got up on your elbows. Tsking, he put some pillows behind your back, propping you up with ease.
Tongue falling out, he slid the most sensitive part of himself against you, shuddering as you enclosed it with a suck. 
The pleasure consumed you, your leg kicking out subconsciously, which Eddie caught quickly as you whined. They both chuckled, Eddie’s ringed hand going to clutch your hip to hold you still, his thumb inching towards your clit. Ghosting the bundle of nerves, you gasped, choking with your head bobbing.
Hand springing down to smack it away, he retreated, apologizing as Steve wiped the tears that sprang from your eyes. Fighting the urge to let your eyes close and have them use you, you focused on their torsos. Skin you had seen in glimpses before, but in more neutral settings, but now you could feel the tuft of hair brushing against your body.
Eddie’s was pale, black ink on his arms and chest, plans to add more soon. Steve was golden, somehow maintaining a tan through the brisk Indiana weather. Both with brown hair, Eddie’s remained unruly as Steve kept it in top shape, making you want to pull it. Looking up at the boy’s hazel eyes made you choke again, whimpering as he pulled out.
The boys exchanged a look, trying to decipher what their next move was as you succumbed to the bliss of Eddie fucking you. Steve went to sit behind you, thigh on each side as he wrapped his arms around you, feeling his throbbing cock against your warm skin.
The tickle of Steve’s stubble hit your cheek, making you squirm as one of his arms kept you pressed to him, the other playing with himself. Eddie continued his pace, speeding up slightly as he felt his end growing near.
As an alpha, you not only need sexual satisfaction, but an emotional one too. So while Eddie may be fucking you, he’s not able to coddle you like Steve is doing as he watches you kiss. Steve is thriving with the affection, but his cock is feeling quite neglected after feeling you and resorting back to his hand.
“Almost there, shit. Let go, baby.” Eddie mumbled, glancing up at his friend who nodded, his own pace increasing. It was clear you were a bit far gone, looking at them in a trance as they maneuvered you.
Steve gripped both of your thighs, spreading them wider for Eddie to speed up and restricting your arm movement while he touched your clit. The wail that came filled the room, fat tears rolling down your hot cheeks as your body began to shake.
“I can’t, just give me your knot!” You shivered, the foreign feeling startling you, control slipping through your fingertips as they played you like a fiddle. 
“You won’t get my knot if you don’t come.” Eddie growled, his chest vibrating in the unusually low register he had taken on.
The choice of dominance was shown to be a mistake as your lip wobbled, mustering out a “What?”
Eddie looked up in fear as you began to panic, Steve trying his best to restrain and calm you after smacking his friend upside the head. 
“It’s okay, omega, he didn’t mean it.” Steve cooed, “He’s going to give you every last drop.” Your body seemed to relax more, but it was still on edge, your mind responding quicker to the words of assurance.
The man inside of you’s lip’s reached yours feverishly, catching you midbreath as the one behind you scattering kisses on your neck. The heat radiating off of their bodies increased your excruciation, but lured you to your impending fate.
The jubilant conclusion hit you hard, neither of their paces faltering as you gushed, Eddie’s hips bearing down as he released inside of you and Steve following soon after on his hand, teeth prodding into your shoulder. 
Radio static filled your senses as you lay between them, forgetting where you were or any worldly concepts. The room’s heavy weight had been lifted, a tranquil aura in its place as the boys regulated their breathing. Steve’s eyes fluttered open, vision focusing on you slouched against his chest, panting.
“You did so good, omega.” He cooed, earning a squeak in return as you opened your eyes, looking at him before he kissed your head. Eddie kissed the same place, stroking your hip lovingly. 
As his swelling diminished, Eddie slipped from your hold, making you whimper. Both hushed you reassuringly, Steve laying back after cleaning himself and bringing you with him, letting you curl against his chest. 
Eddie vanished into the trailer and returned with water and snacks, the popcorn and candy from earlier mixed in the bowl. Steve would scold him for not bringing a more nutritious choice, but also knew he likely had nothing in his pantry. 
With the exhaustion covering your eyes, you rubbed them with your fists, Eddie joining you on the bed as you sat up.
“Can we watch the movie now?” You yawned, grabbing a piece of the tepid popcorn, popping it in your mouth, and wincing at the kernel. Eddie moved to sit at your side now, leaning back against the propped-up pillows.
Steve scoffed, finger aimlessly running against your bareback, feeling the small divots he had only witnessed in stolen glances. He was feeling exhausted and couldn’t imagine you would feel far more energized, seeing your sluggish movements.
“I want to see my boyfriends, The Corey’s, on screen.” You protested with a lazy smile, settling beside them as they dramatically gasped and grimaced. 
However, this playful banter now felt more authentic, giving each other a look above your head. They both felt the instant fire igniting at the mention of another man, someone else having you in this way, and it made them sick. Neither considered themselves possessive, a bit protective, but nothing egregious until now.
“I’m burning that tape.” Eddie grumbled as you whined, making him smile at his subtle victory. 
“Don’t you dare, it’ll come out of my paycheck.” Steve grumbled, his fingers working through a knot in your hair as you looked at both of them in rapture, Eddie fixing the blanket over your body. 
Twisting to find a place of solace, you attempted to be weighed down by their frames, squishing beneath Eddie’s arm and shoulder before attempting to move Steve’s on the other side of you.
“What’re you doing?” Eddie remarked with a grin, lifting his arm so you became confined between his bicep and ribcage. 
“Want you both on top of me.” You grumbled as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, it made sense in your mind that had been scrambled like puzzle pieces for the past hour, finally making a semblance of a picture.
Yanking his arm up, you nuzzled beneath, humming contently at his warm skin, spotting the small freckles spread across the expanse of his back. Steve cuddled behind you while the other man twisted to face you, sandwiching you between them. 
The occasional peck to your skin from both of them occurred every few minutes, like they had forgotten you were there before having an epiphany, mending their own succor as their adrenaline settled again. 
As your own epinephrine began to appease, it was exchanged for a solid slumber, safe between the bodies of the two people you trusted the most. 
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The next morning came like a gentle breeze, the younger of the two boys rousing from his sleep, flummoxed by his surroundings till the events of the night before came to a head. Grabbing his boxers from the floor, he pulled on the grey clothes and realized parts of your clothes were missing.
Uneasiness fluttered in his chest as he shook Eddie who rose much quicker than anticipated, putting on his own underwear before they looked out into the rest of the trailer. The idea of you alone right now was enough to make them go mad, eyes scanning over every inch of the small abode.
“You don’t think she left, do you?” Steve whispered, pondering the question that loomed between the two of them as they went back into the bedroom. Just as they did, a scuffle sounded from behind his closet door, signaling them closer.
The apprehension in their shoulders loosened as they realized you were likely nesting, a common practice for omegas during their heats, explaining why both of their shirts were now missing. The wooden door creaked as it slid, uncovering you in a pile of clothes, sporting Steve’s top and surrounded by Eddie’s garments.
“Hi, pretty girl.” Steve smiled, watching as you reflected it with more timidity, burrowing your face into the mountain beneath you. The mix of their natural scents and colognes blended into a perfect dose to sedate your wavering sensibilities. 
As content as you were, they were antsy to dote on you, giving the other a quick look that secretly confirmed the paired thought. Eddie put his hand in the pile, feeling around cautiously before skimming down your nose, feeling a playful nip once he reached your lips.
A warning tap hit your nose without an ounce of malice, making you scrunch your features, pressing a kiss to the afflicted area on him. You rose from your cave, patting down your hair that had been mangled in your sleep and this morning. 
Waking up in a fog, a wanton urge surged through you, foraging any piece of them left discarded on the floor. The room felt too big, a massive counterargument to the typical stuffy feeling you experienced previously, and you tried to find a suitable spot to relocate. 
The daunting thought of deviating from the bedroom was too much for you as you scanned over the messy boys' bedroom, settling with the closet. Moving some of his forgotten trinkets to the side, there was a perfect place for you and your findings, surrounding the open space with their aroma.
Shuffling forward to them, they engulfed you in a shared hug, selfishly inhaling your new prominent scent that was not as noticeable yesterday upon first presenting. Your change in body language caught them before your mind processed it, stiffening and too aware of the skin on yours.
“Eds, Stevie.” You mewled, eyes closed with lips against Eddie’s pulse point, breath quickening as your brain caught up.
“It’s okay, we got you.” He mumbled, rising up as Steve helped you stand, guiding you to the bed that hadn’t recovered from the hours before.
Neither were quite sure what you were at the moment, if this meant the beginning of a genuine relationship or the start of a complicated friendship as their lips met your warm skin again. All they knew was you had laid between their arms with a satisfied smile on your face, embracing the warmth and comfort of them both. And that was their personal sublime for now.
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hi hi :)
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