#yoooo home stretch it feels! just a week left?
gallawitchxx · 2 years
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a couple of years ago, @gallavictorious wrote this meta ficlet about mickey being put on "time out" by being cuffed to the bed & the whole thing is honestly so peaceful. it ends with a note that the sex will be glorious, but that that's another story for someone else to tell. i guess this is part of that?
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day 23: handcuffs for kinktober 2022 by @gallavichthings
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Whatever, so Mickey had been in a mood, and Ian had cuffed him to the bed like he was fucking twelve years old, sneaking out past curfew. 
But now? Now the joke is on Ian.
Because Mickey fucking liked it—being restrained. Made him feel good, calm, and at ease. Likes it even more now, pulling at where his wrists are encircled, feeling the slight give of the wooden headboard and the delicious drag of Ian’s fat cock inside of him.
Ian ghosts his lips over Mickey’s, “Touch me, Mick. Please.”
“M'a little tied up at the moment,” he grins.
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nat-roman0ff · 5 years
iii. halloween (prelude to a canadian winter)
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 series of blurbs // a certain time and place
iii. halloween (prelude to a canadian winter)
the one where they finally meet.
wc: 3,130
warnings: naughty words, the weedypuff, really bad puns & starbucks lovers.
Halloween. The one time of year it’s socially acceptable to be an adult and dress up in a costume without someone thinking you have some sort of weird fetish. 
 In the city of Toronto, Canada, the air is crisp, the leaves change their colors, and Shawn is on the hunt. 
 He’s maneuvering the last piece of his costume onto his body with the help of his best friend, Brian. He’s dressed as Julius Caesar; wearing a homemade cardboard cutout of a salad dressing bottle and a wreath crown.
 “I still don’t get it, man,” Brian scratches his head as Shawn stretches, figuring out how well he can move in the restrictive piece. 
 He sighs, “dressed as Julius Caesar, get it?” 
 Brian scrunches his face, “it truly is a mystery as to why you’re still single.” 
Shawn rolls his eyes, “well I’m sorry but dressing up as Ron Weasley for the sixth year in a row isn’t very creative. At least I have some originality.” 
 “There aren’t many options for gingers, alright? And you’ve dressed up as every version of Harry Potter in existence; steampunk Harry, goth Harry, there was even that one year you did Rainbow Bright Harry-” 
 “I get it,” Shawn cuts off, “I just want tonight to be different.” 
 Now it’s Brian’s turn to roll his eyes, “is it that girl? God, I can never remember her name. The one who used to date Jonah? Joe’s cousin? She’s Allie’s best friend or something-” 
 “She has a name.” 
 “Well I’d certainly hope she does,” Brian deadpans, “you’ve never even spoken to her, what’s got you so twisted up over her?” 
 “Don’t know, man,” Shawn gives himself a once over in the mirror and shakes out the nerves, “just have a feeling, you know?” 
 The party is really fucking loud. 
 She’s never been a fan of house parties. Too many people crammed into too small of a place with shitty music being played off of someone’s home grown Spotify playlist, the alcohol is always lukewarm and the weed sucks. 
 Normally, she doesn’t attend such events, but her sort of - kind of - not really boyfriend had broken up with her four months ago and her best friend decided it was goddamn time she showered and get out of her apartment.
 “What’re you supposed to be?” Someone hiccups from beside her. 
 He’s glassy eyes, clearly drunk or stoned or some type of combination of both. He stands leaning just a little too close to her, his drink nearly tipping out of his red solo cup. 
 “A Cereal Killer,” she pips, taking a sip of her Diet Coke, not making eye contact. 
 “That’s really fucking weird,” he shouts above the music. 
 She shrugs, “well I guess I’m really fucking weird then,” and steps away. 
 She wanders for a bit, bopping her head to the (shitty) music and catches up with a few people here and there. Her best friend is no doubt flirting with the dude she’s been trying to get with for like, ever. She doesn’t mind being left alone, she prefers it, in fact.
 On the other side of the house, Shawns’ nearly chewed through the side of his plastic cup. He’s not sure why the Hell he’s so nervous. They’ve met before in passing, but she was always with her boyfriend and Shawn never wanted to be that guy. So he let it go. 
 That is, until two weeks ago, when Allie told her friend Stella that Jonah and his girl were ‘like totally for sure over for good this time’. Everyone knows Stella can’t keep a secret, so it eventually got to Jake who told Matt who told Brian who eventually told Shawn. He felt his heart get a little lighter that day. 
 Maybe it was the poet in him, that idolizes the idea of a person instead of who they really are because in reality, he didn’t really know her. Sure, he knew that she was beautiful but not in that obvious way that had a dozen cargo shorts, fake Yeezy, tube sock wearing dudes drooling around her, it was in her own different way. He noticed the way her face lit up when someone said something funny; she’d let out a giant thundering laugh and then immediately cover her mouth, her cheeks turning a brilliant shade of pink that reminded him of the roses in his mum’s garden. She walked like there wasn’t a weight on her shoulders, like she wasn’t holding a secret, she reminded him of a warm spring day just as the seasons changed. 
 Yeah, it was definitely the poet in him.
 “Yoooo, Earth to Mendes,” Brian says, waving a hand in front of Shawn’s face.
 Shawn blinks. 
 “Last I saw her she was in the living room talking to Ricky Hurley,” Brian says sipping his drink, “fuck that guy” 
 “He really is an asshole, isn’t he?” Shawn groans, “I’ll be back.” 
 “Go get ‘em Julius!” Brian yells as Shawn shoves his way through the crowd.
 He finds her in the living room, nursing her red solo cup and leaning against a bookcase. She’s casing the room, looking for anything mildly interesting to eavesdrop on. There isn’t much; a couple making out on the couch, a fight about to break out, beer pong games. She rolls her eyes and scans again once before seeing Shawn. She chokes on her soda when she sees that ridiculous costume.
 She’s actually kind of impressed when Shawn finally does approach her, he leans so casually beside her but she can tell by the crimson shade that rests high in his cheeks that he’s far from calm. 
 “So what’s your costume?” Shawn asks. 
 She tugs on her shirt to show off the various individual sized boxes of cereal taped to her, “I’m a Cereal Killer. We’ve got Honey Nut Bundy-O’s,” she points as she goes along, “Rice Krispie Dahmers, Honey Bunches of Gacy, Shredded Zodiacs and my personal favorite Cinnamon Toast Manson.” 
 Shawn chuckles, “that’s great. But Charles Manson never actually killed anyone.” 
 She rolls her eyes, “close enough.” 
 He shrugs it off and a silence falls between the two of them. Shawn takes two more sips of his water before he has the guts to talk again. 
 “Fun party, I guess?” 
 She gives him the side eye, “if you have to say ‘I guess’, that probably means it’s a shitty party.” 
 He grins, “yeah, I suppose you’re right. What are you still doing here then if it’s so shitty?” 
 “Socializing, I guess?” She replies. 
 Shawn leans closer, “if you have to say ‘I guess’, you’re probably doing a shitty job at socializing.” 
 She smiles for the first time and he feels goddamn honored to have put that on her face, “touche. Do I know you from somewhere?” 
 Shawn always hates this question; he never wants to come off arrogant and assume everyone knows his superstar status, but he also doesn’t want to lie or play dumb to anyone. It’s a double edged sword, so he treads lightly. 
 “I think so. We always seem to be at the same parties but I’ve never worked up the nerve to actually talk to you,” he replies. 
 “Oh the nerve?” She teases, “that implies I’m something to be feared.” 
 “Maybe you are.” 
 “But you don’t know me,” she winks, “so what do you do...Julius Caesar?” 
 “I, uhm, play music.” 
 “Oh that’s cute,” she replies, “are you in like a band or something?” 
 Shawn starts to fumble with his words. 
 “I’m fucking with you,” she says lowly and holds his arm, “I know who you are and what you do. I’m just really bad at small talk.” 
 Shawn lets out a relieved breath, “yeah, me too.” 
 “Yeah,” she starts, “it’s like I just go from zero to one-eighty. I’ll take a conversation about the weather and turn it into a therapy session about my deep rooted male abandonment issues. Do you happen to have a close relationship with your mother?” 
 Shawn stares blankly and she cracks, her face spreading into a wide smile, “I’m still fucking with you, Shawn.”
 He covers his face with his hands, “you’re gonna give me a run for my money, aren’t you?” 
 She shrugs and something comes over her. It takes Shawn about four seconds to realize her hand is in his and another three to realize she’s pulling him towards the bathroom. He doesn’t question it, and insteads mutters “sorry” and “excuse me” every time he bumps someone with his costume. He’s counted six spilled drinks by the time they reach the bathroom. 
 Once the door closes behind them Shawn’s being shoved against it and her lips are on his in a mad fury. However, she keeps getting hit in the chin with his stupid fucking costume. 
 “Ow, ow, ow,” she mutters in between frantic kisses. 
 She isn’t sure what’s come over her. She’s not usually the type of girl to pull a stranger into the bathroom and mouth harass him. Helen Keller could see that Shawn was definitely at least interested in her, so why not? She was single for the first time in two years and -
 Okay, maybe she was a little desperate.
 “Wait - this isn’t working. Sit on the counter!” Shawn suggests and she follows order, hopping up on the counter top. 
 It doesn’t work, that’s apparent when Shawn struggles to fit himself and his bulky costume between her legs. She pulls away and holds his face between her palms, “such a pretty face for such a big head.” 
 She taps his cheek and hops down, “I don’t think this is going to work out.” 
 “I mean I can take off the costume -” 
 “No, don’t bother. Remember when I said I was bad at small talk?” She rubs her temples. 
 “Yeah that was like ten minutes ago -” 
 “Are you always so literal?” She snips, “sorry.” 
 “Okay, so, bad at small talk, go on,” Shawn instructs. 
 She catches her breath for a moment, “right, right. So like, I saw this guy on and off for probably like, two years? And he just never really gave me the time of day. So I was always chasing after him. I think he got off on it, in a sense, how I would always come to him. It was so gross and desperate so when I saw that you were flirting with me. I don’t know - it was just nice. Different than what I’m used to.” 
 She picks at a hangnail on her right ring finger. 
 “People don’t flirt with you?” Shawn asks. 
 She shakes her head, “I’m wearing fucking cereal boxes taped to my body while every other girl is out there wearing a corset and fishnets. I’m a pariah.” 
 “That’s stupid. You’re great, people are just -” 
 They both laugh. 
 “Yeah, horny,” Shawn agrees.
 He links his arm through hers, “c’mon, let’s get back out there and I’ll try and forget your terrible kissing.” 
 She punches the cardboard. 
 “Hey! Don’t dent my dressing.” 
 She reaches for the knob but it doesn’t turn. She gives it a jiggle but it still doesn’t budge.
 “I think the door is stuck.” 
 Shawn raises an eyebrow, “let me in there.” 
 She puts her hands up, “alright big strong man.” 
 He struggles with the knob and she watches with her hands on her hips as he pulls and wiggles the door, “okay we’re locked in.” He finally gives up. 
 She takes her spot back on the counter, “we’ll just have to wait for the next person who has to use the bathroom.” 
 “I could think of worse people to be stuck in a room with.” 
 “Justin Bieber?” 
 Shawn grins and nods, “definitely.”
 He carefully starts to pull off his costume, and takes a deep breath when it’s finally off, placing it gingerly on the floor. 
 “That is a really great costume, by the way. A girl loves a good pun.” 
 Shawn grins, “thanks, my mum helped me make it...which I’m now realizing is probably something I shouldn’t be admitting out loud.” 
 “I think it’s sweet, she did a Hell of a job.” 
 He looks proud, “thanks,” he replies with a grin, “so what do we do now?” 
 She fishes in her back pocket and pulls out an orange lighter and a joint, “brought this for Plan B if tonight really sucked. Do you smoke?” 
 Shawn sighs a breath of relief, “yes, yes I do.” 
 Shawn reckons he can see the sky on the ceiling of the bathroom, the clouds swirling above his head as they move through the atmosphere all white and puffy. He tries his best to remember the feeling of her warm body pressed against him and breathes in the scent of her (lavender?) shampoo. He can feel every hair on his body vibrate, and when he waves his own hand in front of his face, it moves in slow motion.
 They’ve managed to finish almost all of the joint, squished next to each other in the bathtub, their limbs hanging out over the side of the tub. It’s been easily an hour at this point and no one had come to their rescue.
 “Drake is the best Canadian artist to ever exist, point blank,” he says, lulling his head over to look at her. 
 “Are you high?” She replies.
 Shawn sorts, “actually, yeah.” 
 She rolls her eyes, “It’s all about Alanis Morissette, dude. Jagged Little Pill defined my entire middle school persona. You Outta Know was my breakup song for all my imaginary boyfriends” 
 “Honestly? After meeting you that makes so much sense.” 
 She slaps his chest, “shut up.” 
 Shawn rests his head on her shoulder, “is this alright? I’m a little dizzy.” 
 She replies by putting her hand on his thigh, “yeah,” she mutters and closes her eyes.
 She can hear his heart beating along with the music from the party. It’s a harmonious mix and she’s sure it’s because shes stoned out of her mind but it’s the most fucking beautiful sound she’s ever heard. She tries to place the beat, to follow along with it but it changes; crescendos then relaxes again. Shawn’s hand is rubbing the small of her back and it’s then that she realizes they’ve somehow ended up cuddled into each other. 
 Shawn certainly doesn’t mind it. He listens for her soft breaths and tries to decide if she smells like a rainy summer day or a lavender field. Eventually his lips find her bare neck and he barely even touches her and her skin prickles wherever he makes contact. Just existing beside her is the most fun he’s had all week. She’s everything he expected her to be, and more.
 Finally, when they’re face to face, he presses his forehead against hers, “do you believe in soul mates?” 
 She cackles, and pushes him away, “alright I think you’ve hit your max for tonight.” 
 Shawn leans back and away from her and sighs, “yeah, guess so,” he grumbles. 
 She follows suit, propping her hands behind her head and listening to the music reverberate against the tiled walls of the bathroom, “it’s almost kind of peaceful, isn’t it?” 
 “I hate to be the bearer of bad news...but I have to pee,” Shawn states, clamoring out of the tub, “close the shower curtain.” 
 “What? Don’t want me to see your pasty white ass?” 
 He glares.
 “Fine, fine,” she agrees and pulls the curtain shut in front of her.
 The familiar first notes of one of her favorite songs starts to play, “are you playing Blank Space right now?” She questions.
 “I didn’t want you to hear me peeing!” 
 She can’t contain her laughter anymore, and it’s coming out in snorts and gasps and she doesn’t care how much like a dying cow she sounds like. It’s the most carefree she’s felt in too long and she’s going to embrace it while she can; before the walls start to cement themselves up again and she’s back in her fortress of blah. 
 She’s still in the midst of her laugh attack when Shawn rips open the curtain, folding his arms across his broad chest. He looked extra tall from where she was sitting and she’s pretty sure a bead of drool slips out from the side of her mouth when she looks up at him. She licks her lips once, he speaks before she does.
 “I’m hungry. Want to get out of here?” He offers a hand.
 “I cordially accept your offer, but only under the pretense that we go to McDonalds. I’m seriously craving some chicken nuggets right now.” 
 Shawn smiles, “it’s a deal.”
 He pulls a little to hard and catapults her into him. Neither mind, and Shawn makes a mental note of how perfectly she fits against him, all their nooks and crannies lining up. He fights all his urges to kiss her until it physically pains him to hold her so close and not be able to do anything about it. Shawn takes a half step (whole step for her) back and lets go.
 She’s the first one to the door he catches her look and they both groan in unison, “fuck, the door.”
 Someone bangs on the other side now, though, “oy fuck man I gotta take a leak!” They yell. 
 There’s pushing and pulling until finally, something breaks and the door crashes open, leaving her and Shawn to fall on their asses. It takes her a second to shake off the stinging feeling in her ass and lower back. 
 “Oh my GOD! There you are! I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” Her best friend passes through the doorway, pushing past the dude now whizzing in the toilet nonchalantly. 
 “Been kind of stuck,” she replies, getting up. 
 Shawn helps, and rubs the small of her back for her. 
 “With him?” Her friend questions, “really?” She mutters a bit lower and out of Shawn’s earshot.
 She nods, “I had a great time actually.” 
 “That’s fantastic and I’m very happy for you, but we have to go -” 
 Before she can turn back to Shawn, she’s being pulled out of the bathroom and towards the front door of the house. She gives her friend credit, she can hustle in those five inch heels. Shawn can barely keep up through the crowds of people as he chases after them. He’s desperate for anything, desperate for her. He has to see her again, get her number, something that proves tonight wasn’t all in his head. 
 By the time he’s reached the front walkway he sees the car pulling away. He thinks about chasing after her but stops himself, his feet glued to the ground below him. Shawn stands on the cobblestone pathway for what seems like forever, watching until the taillights blur into the distance, 
 just as the first snowflake hits his shoulder.
hellooooo! here is part 3. i really love this one, i think it’s really getting into their characters and the banter and all that fun stuff. i’m truly considering making this into a full fledged series with an oc once the last part (5) is posted. 
please let me know what you think! :)
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morgana-ren · 5 years
Yoooo! If you’re still taking requests, can I get a Short where maybe a “mom friend” member of the league takes care of them, and it’s super fluffy and cute? Shiggy or Dabi would be great!
Oh man, while I’m super happy to get a request for some fluff, I’m SUPER bad at it, so I apologize in advance for that. Also, the timeline here is SUPER fucked up. I’m not caught up on the manga, but for my idea to work, Kurogiri is gone and they’re living in an abandoned building together. Magne is there, because I love her. I don’t know if all 3 of those go together, but they do here. I tried my best! I hope it’s okay! I went with the shigman cause I’m still learning Dabi.
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“Oh, I’m so hungry! How much longeruntil it’s done?” Magne whined, clutching her stomach. A deep frownsettled on her face, eyebrows hiked up high on her face as she eyeddown the stew pot that was currently settled over a large fire. “Iswear I could eat a horse!”
“It smells so good too!” Togamused, twirling a small blade between her deft fingers. She satcasually on a dusty sofa with a pleasant expression, but it wasevident with the way she kept running her tongue over her fangs andstaring longingly at the pot just how starved she really was.
You gave them both a small smile,lightly tapping a small vial of spice into the mixture as you stirredit. “It’s almost done. The meat is nearly cooked, and I promiseit’ll be worth the wait when you taste the vegetables. They were alittle stale, so it’s better to let them absorb all the flavor.” 
“You two should be more gracious. Their cooking is farbetter than anything we’ve scavenged or stolen in weeks.” Mr.Compress chided them, gesturing at the pile of discarded wrappers inthe garbage can. “There is nothing quite like a home cooked meal,and I, for one, am eternally thankful.” He bowed deeply at you,ever theatrical. A small flush washed over your cheeks, andyou raised a hand and scratched the back of your head in slightembarrassment. “It’s nothing really. I wish I could make somethingbetter for everyone, but I was only able to acquire a few packs ofmeat, and I had to throw out a lot of the vegetables we stole. A lotof them had already gone bad, but I was able to salvage enough thatthis should feed everyone, at least for today. I’ll figure somethingout for the rest of the week, though. Don’t worry.”
“I miss Kurogiri.” Spinner sighed,head cradled in his hands as he sat in the corner. “There wasalways food at the bar.”
Your spirit fell a little at hiscomment. You’d tried to take up the role of caretaker to the Leaguein Kurogiri’s absence. You knew you weren’t him, and you didn’t havethe connections or the experience he had, but you were trying. Thingshad been a nightmare for them lately, and it was taking a toll.They’d been reduced to raiding garbage cans or stealing to feedthemselves, and the makeshift hideout definitely didn’t have the samecomfort level that the bar had.
You had done your best to make itsomewhat homey, putting together a team effort to scavenge for bedsand basic comfort items. With a little help, you had even managed torig up some plumbing and electricity so that everyone could stayclean and have light. It wasn’t great, but it was the best you coulddo under the circumstances.
“You all sure complain a lot forvillains.” Dabi had stretched out on a ratty sofa with multicoloredcushions, arms crossed behind his head. “You act like you’ve neverbeen homeless before.”
He seemed the most indifferent to thesituation. Going with the flow, sleeping on beds, sofas, or mustyfloors with little to no complaint. He ate when there was food, andslept when there wasn’t. You assumed that living like this wasnothing new to him. Sometimes he disappeared for hours on end,returning at absurd hours of the night with his clothing singed andashy and smelling of death. You never asked what he did.
“It’s pathetic.” He continued. “Ifyou fall apart every time things get a little rough, you’ll nevermake it, and you might as well leave.”
The room fell quiet, contemplating hiswords. Was the pain of hunger, discomfort, and dirt enough to breakthe spirit of the League?
“Dabi is right!” Toga broke thesilence. “Things aren’t so bad! Let’s quit being such downers!”She jumped up from her spot, smiling as she began spinning excitedlyaround the room. Twice winced, pushing himself further into the wallto avoid her blade which was slicing the air as she made her wayaround the immediate area. After a few seconds, she slowed to a stop,staring at you with a loving yet deranged expression as she tappedthe hilt of her weapon with her finger. “I still wish you wouldhave let me cut up the meat though!”
“Himiko, that blade killed a manyesterday, and I’m fairly certain you haven’t cleaned it.” Youshook your head, stirring the pot some more, prodding at the meat.
Pouting, her shoulders shrugged downand her arms dropped to her sides. “It would have given it moreflavor.” A few people around the room gave a disgusted sound, andshe scowled at them in turn.
You chuckled, tapping the spoon on therim a final time. “It’s ready, grab a bowl and come and get some!”
The League lined up excitedly,snatching whatever dishware they could find and hungrily grabbing atthe pot. Everyone with the exception of Dabi, who sauntered overslowly, maintaining his facade of nonchalance. He slowly grabbed thelast bowl and lazily filled it with the stew, taking a few moments tolet it simmer before dipping his fork in.
For a few moments, the room was filledwith the sound of people eating, devouring the meat and vegetablesand slurping down the juices left over. It brought a smile to yourface to see your companions so content, and the atmosphere wasnoticeably lighter as they ate. The cacophony of growling stomachsslowly died down, and everyone settled into a temporary state ofcontentment.
“Oh! It’s so good!” Toga yelled,gulping down the remainder of her bowl. “I’’m so happy you’re mybest friend!” She chucked her bowl into the sink and skipped overto you, giving you an overwhelming bear hug. You hugged her backtentatively, careful to avoid the extremely sharp blades that adornedher outfit. “You’re so cute!” Her face started to turn red,grinning wildly as she clung to you. “We could be as close assisters!”
“Careful Toga, you’re getting workedup. Why don’t you come relax?” Twice noted. “Yeah, relax,girl! Calm down or you might explode!”
Reluctantly, Himiko let you go, huffingwhile she returned to her spot on the sofa and began to sharpen oneof her various knives while everyone else finished up the remainderof their meal. Magne was humming happily as she chewed a bit of meat,toying with a vegetable on her fork. Mr. Compress dabbed politely athis mouth with a napkin. Everyone seemed relaxed, even happy, and itfilled you with a sense of warmth.
Spinner his bowl down beside him,swallowing the last bits. “It was really good, thank you. I feel alot better with a full stomach.”
Everyone nodded in agreement withSpinner, giving small words of praise about your cooking. Dabi saidnothing, but turned his head in your direction and nodded, which inDabi language was as good as a hug. An involuntary smile lifted yourlips and you nodded back.
Some time passed, and everyone settledinto their nightly shenanigans. Toga practiced with her knives,yelling incoherently about her various obsessions every now andagain. Mr. Compress performed various magic tricks for Spinner andTwice, who occasionally tried to guess how he did it, to no avail.Dabi slept on the sofa, snoring quietly with his head buried in hisarms. It was like almost every night they had free when they weren’ttraining or plotting, but something felt wrong.
Your head turned upward, toward thestaircase and the room at the top. It was an average door, but thesense of foreboding was palpable. Everyone knew to keep away. Herarely ever left his room, and it was even rarer that you actuallysaw him these days. He had taken the recent events rather hard, andit made him even more volatile and reclusive than ever. He onlyinteracted when absolutely necessary, and it was almost alwayscombative.
“Hey, has anyone seen Shigarakilately?” You asked apprehensively. It took a few seconds for anyoneto answer, no one wanting to voluntarily participate.
“Hasn’t left his room in days. He’sstill sulking.” Dabi muttered, his words muffled slightly by hissleeve.
“Do you know if he’s eaten orshowered or is even alive?” Chewing your lip, you glanced at thedoor again, and then down at the stew pot. There was still food left,and it technically belonged to him.
“There hasn’t been any dishes in thesink, or any new food in our storage, so I would have to assume not.”Mr. Compress crossed his arms, leaning against the wall. A hush hadfallen over the room at the mention of their temperamental leader.Things had always been tense between the League and Shigarki, withhis fits and horrible temper, but he had gathered their respectenough that they followed him. Things had been getting better, andeveryone had almost been getting along, at least until Kurogiri wastaken. Then his mood had plummeted.
You sighed, pressing your fingersacross your nose. You weighed your options, pretending you didn’talready know what you were going to do. Anxiety welled in your gut,and you took a deep breath. There was a million ways this could go,and frankly, none of them looked particularly positive for you.Still, the League was your family, and if you had to take care of itsdysfunctional leader every now and again, so be it.
You quietly picked up a bowl, fillingit with the stew, grabbing some silverware and a napkin while youwere at it. Slowly, you walked towards the stairs, taking a deepbreath before ascending. A few of the League members looked at eachother with worried expressions, questioning your sanity.
“I don’t know if I would do that,dear.” Magne reached out slightly towards you, lip twisted in ananxious grimace “It’s probably best we leave him alone and let himdeal with this on his own time.”
“He needs to eat.” You persisted.“If he won’t take care of himself on his own, then I’ll make him.”It had been meant to come out much more confidently than you had saidit.
Magne exhaled, looking up at younervously, but retracted her hand. You heard Dabi scoff from hisplace on the sofa, no doubt thinking it would be the last time heever saw you due to your own foolishness. Everyone else just glancedaround uneasily. They didn’t think this was a good idea, not at all,but they knew better than to try and stop you.
You crept up the stairs, carefullybalancing the bowl and dishware in your hands. Trying to make aslittle noise as possible, you gently padded toward the door,gathering all your courage to prepare yourself to knock. If youlistened carefully, you could hear him typing away furiously on acomputer and clicking a little harder than you thought was necessary.There was also the muffled sound of a television, but you doubted hewas paying attention to it. Whatever he was doing, he was incrediblyfocused.
You sucked in a breath, swallowing yourfear and bringing your hand down on his door several times. You heardthe knock echo though his room, but his typing never faltered. Afterseveral moments, you tried again, rapping gently on his door. Still,he ignored you, typing manically. You groaned under your breath,re-situating the bowl in your arms. You understood he was technicallyyour boss, but you didn’t appreciate being ignored.
You knocked again, louder and longerthis time. Panic wormed its way down your limbs, taking a hold ofyour gut as you heard the typing stop. You heard an exasperated sighas he angrily pushed away from his makeshift computer station,footsteps approaching. Each one was loud and deliberate, aforewarning that you had irritated him.
His door opened, only just enough thatyou could see a beady crimson eye zero in on you, narrowed inannoyance. He looked even more tired than usual, deep purple bagslining underneath his eyes with a droopy expression and cheekssunken. He made it clear he wasn’t open to conversation, lip curleddownward in a deep scowl, placing his full body in front of the doorso you couldn’t even see inside.
“What?” His tone was agitated anddrawn out, purposely said in such a way that you felt small andinsignificant. You gulped, despite the fact that you were just tryingto help. You were in uncharted waters here, and it was a very realpossibility that this encounter could end with your death.
“I made food.” You managed to say,although it came out meeker than you would have liked. You lifted upthe bowl to show him, and hopefully tempt him into calming. “Ithought you might like some,”
He eyed it suspiciously for a fewmoments before bringing his eye back up to yours. “Did I say I washungry?”
A feral strike of anger burned throughyou. You knew that Shigaraki could be a spiteful little man-child,but you were just trying to help.
“You haven’t eaten in days, boss.”Keeping your tone even was a bit of a chore. “You need to keep yourstrength up.”
He glowered down at you, chapped lipspursing. “Are you implying I’m weak?”
His three fingered grip on his door waswavering, pinky trembling slightly. Whether it was in anger or lowblood sugar, you weren’t entirely sure. “No. That wasn’t what I wassaying at all. I just think you need to eat is all. I promise it’snot horrible.” You held the dish up for him to grab again, hopinghe’d settle down and just take it.
Staring at it for a moment, you noticedhe was swallowing hard. You were hopeful, until in an instant, hiseyes were burning into yours, face sneering. “Leave. You’re pissingme off.”
He slammed the door in your face,almost causing you to fall backward and spill the contents of thebowl. White hot anger simmered in your stomach, crawling up in yourthroat, and your free hand clenched. He might be the leader of theLeague of Villains, but that gave him no right to treat people likethis. For a moment, your common sense was replaced entirely by yourstubbornness.
You could hear him typing again, andthat only made you more angry. Raising your fist to the door, youknocked even harder, practically pounding on the already decrepitwood. He had obviously resounded to ignore you again, because heshowed no signs of answering. After a few more tries, you decided totry a new approach.
“I’ll sit outside this goddamn doorall night if I have to!” You yelled through the cheap wood, knowingfully that if you could hear him, he could likely hear you. “AndI’ll let you know now that I’m a loud sleeper!”
The typing stopped again, and yourbravado fell with it. You heard him push away from his desk, quietlythis time, and approach the door. He opened it more fully this time,leaning on the frame as he stared at you with a look you couldn’tquite place. He was wearing his typical black on black jeans and top,but his shoes were missing. His hair was messy and tousled, as wellas slightly greasy, like he hadn’t brushed it in several days.
“Why do you insist on annoying me?”Surprisingly, there was no trace of anger in his voice, only seemingcuriosity.
“Because…” You tripped on yourown words. Why were you soset on doing this? “You need to take care of yourself. We all do.And if I can make that a little easier, than I will. Even if it meansannoying you.” A blush blossomed on your face. “I’d rather seeyou healthy and annoyed than unhealthy. And if that means you hateme, then fine.”
For amoment so brief that you could hardly justify believing it at all,you swore you saw his face soften. He eyed you, and then the soup inyour hands, letting his gaze fall on it for too long to not betempted. “If I take the damn food, will you leave?”
You nodded, holding it toward him withthe dishware carefully balanced between you pinky and index finger.You kept your vision on your hands as he took it from you gingerly,four fingers wrapped around the rim with his pinky hoveringcautiously. When you brought your face up, you realized he wasstaring at you, red eyes studying you with a practiced detachment.Your cheeks flushed so hard it was almost painful, and you quicklylooked down at your feet, praying he hadn’t seen. What was thatabout?
“I’llbe back in about an hour for the bowl.” You stammered, trying tocompose yourself. “I hope it’s empty.”
Hedidn’t acknowledge you, just shut the door as you turned and walkedback downstairs. Your comrades were surprised to see you unharmed,let alone alive after impeding on Shigaraki’s private time. Dabi hadlaughed, ruffling his hair with his hand as he said “I guess helikes you better than the rest of us.” You weren’t sure if he wasright, but a small part of you had beamed when he said it.
Youbusied yourself the rest of the night taking care of the dishes,making sure everyone had clean towels and leftover clothing that theycould wear if they chose to shower, and cleaning up the debris anddust that littered the hideout. Little by little, it was coming tolook more like an actual homeand less like an abandoned building. Slowly, the group in the frontroom began to dwindle as they went off to bed, the hour growing laterand later. By the time you realized just how sleepy you were, themoon was high in the sky, darkness encompassing the entire horizon.
Youlooked up toward Shigaraki’s room. He had taken the food, there’s noreason he wouldn’t have eaten it. But still, he still had the dish inhis room, and Shigaraki could be very unpredictable. He’d beexpecting you, right? You told him you’d be back. Might as well gograb the dish so that you could wash it and retire for the night.
Youtiptoed up the stairs, trying to move as quietly as you could, butyou weren’t entirely sure why. Stopping in front of his door, youpaused for a moment. Did you just ask for the bowl and leave? Did youtry and make passing conversation? Apologize for trying to strong armhim? How exactly did you handle this? A part of you hoped he wouldjust do what he did earlier and would ignore you knocking.
Younoticed the typing had stopped, so may be he was asleep? Would it berude to knock? It was quite a bit later than you told him you wouldbe by. The sound of the TV was still going, but it was quiet as ithad been earlier. Somehow, absurdly, you felt a lot more anxious thanyou had the first time you knocked.
Youresolved to knock lightly, and if he didn’t answer on the firstround, you’d leave. You could ask him for the dish another time. Yousucked in a breath, and tenderly tapped your fingers on the door. Itwas so soft that even you barely heard it. Chewing on your nail, youwaited for a few seconds before you “decided” that he had likelyfinally settled in and was sleeping. Either that, or he was ignoringyou. You just had hoped that he had eaten first. Either way, youshould probably leave.
As youturned to do just that, you heard a raspy voice from the other sideof the door.
Okay,now this was unprecedented. What did you do? What was acceptable? Didyou poke your head in? Did you just talk from the doorway? What wasthe appropriate etiquette here?
Clutchingthe knob, you turned it sluggishly, pushing open the weak door andcreeping inside the room as silently as you could. You stoodawkwardly for a few moments, unable to see with only the light fromhis computer shining dimly from the monitor.
“Isaid come in.” Hesounded agitated now. You could hear his voice from a corner of theroom, but you couldn’t see him quite yet. You stumbled over your feetwalking further into his domain, standing with one hand on thealternate elbow, doing your best not to look nervous.
“Shutmy door. I don’t need the idiots looking in.”
Hisrequest took you by surprise, but your body wasted no time complying,pushing it shut with your palm. You stood in the dark, looking aroundrestlessly. Your eyes slowly adjusted to the dreary nature of hisroom, but it wasn’t much help. You could see his room was messy,smelling of must and dusty construction. The windows had been tapedover, and there were piles of black clothes and garbage sitting inpiles across the floor.
“Shigaraki?I came for the bowl, so I can finish the dishes.” You hated lookingso clueless in front of your boss, but a part of you knew he did iton purpose. There was no winning with someone like that. It wasbetter to just play his stupid game. “Could you turn a light on, soI can see?”
He sighed, muttering something underhis breath. He let you stumble around in the darkness for a few moreminutes before you heard a heavy click, and a small light clicked onfrom the corner of the room.
His room was a disaster. Discardedwrappers and energy drink cans were all over his small desk and nightstand, with debris and small pieces of plaster littered across thefloor. Piles of ash were everywhere, things he had disintegrated infits of anger and rage while everyone else had pretended not to hear.He had a large cot he had pushed into the corner that had a smallbundle of dark blankets he was sitting on, head down with his handsin his lap. If he hadn’t been the leader of a villain organization,he would look exceptionally like a young man in the middle of a deepdepression or perhaps a grieving session.
You surveyed the room and tried todecide the best course of action. You couldn’t let him continueliving like this. He was going to get sick. There were entire piecesof wood with rusted nails sticking out just hanging around, and itwas apparent he was living on granola bars and energy drinks.
“The bowl is on the table.” Athin, spindly finger pointed at his desk, just beside his computer.You glanced at him, wanting an official okay before venturing furtherinto his room. He only looked up at you through his thick hair,vermilion eyes emotionless. You nodded at him, making your way towardhis desk and brushing aside the empty wrappers to find the bowl.
When you found it, you picked it up,tipping it from side to side curiously. The contents of the bowl wereentirely gone. Peering around as inconspicuously as you could, youmonitored your surroundings. No wet spots on the floor, no garbagebag he could hide it in. His window was taped shut, so he couldn’tdump it out. You supposed he could have ashed the vegetables and meatbut you weren’t entirely sure how his quirk worked on waterysubstances. From the looks of it, he had actually eaten it. It wasthe only real meal of yours that you had seen Shigaraki eaten sinceyou’d known him.  
It surprised you that he hadactually eaten it, though you weren’t sure what you had expected,honestly. Maybe for him to leave it full out of pure spite or to justdump it on the floor. He didn’t seem to have a problem with a mess.You peered back at him, curiosity overwhelming your better senses.You found that his gaze was focused on you still, eyes droopingsleepily, but still alert somehow. He kept his vision steady as youturned to face him. His attention felt so invasive somehow.
“You actually ate it.” Younoted, holding the bowl in your hands and lightly gesturing to it.
Scowling, he huffed a harsh breathof air and crossed his hands over his chest. “You thought I’d wastemy time making some scheme to rid of soup?”
“I just wasn’t sure you wouldactually eat it. I know it’s not Kurogiri’s, but-” You cut yourselfwhen you noticed his eyes yank from yours, flashing dangerously atthe mention of Kurogiri. “I hope it was at least wasn’t awful.”
He stared down the wall, arms pulledtightly to across his midsection as if he was chilly. You knew hewanted you to leave, to be left alone, but something in youpersisted.
“Hey, I just got a fresh load oflaundry back from the laundromat and everyone is asleep.” Yousqueaked out, unsure how he would react. You saw him cock an eyebrowunderneath his bangs. He probably wondered what the fuck you werebabbling about. You knew you should leave, it was safer that way, butyou kept going. “If you wanted to, you could shower in peace. Iknow you probably don’t want to be bothered.”
Every self preservation instinct inyour body was screaming at you to go.You were really digging now, inviting yourself into a territory whereyou had no business. Still, your feet stayed planted to their spot,facing him, unable to leave until you knew you had done everythingyou could.
He moved his head back to face you,bringing his palm to his eye and rubbing harshly as the other honedin on you. He seemed like he had no idea what the hell you weretrying to do, and truth be told, you didn’t either. He seemeddistrustful, like he thought you had an ulterior motive or maybe youwere trying to trick him somehow. The skin around his eyes tightened,the small cracks of flesh doubling over themselves as he glared youdown.
“It’s just an offer, I thought-”You paused, trying to compose your words in your head. Nothing wasforming in your head, not as his bloodshot eyes bore into you and youfelt a deep swell in your stomach, the feeling of which you couldn’tquite name. Something in your chest ached as you looked despondentlyback at him. “I thought you might want to bathe in privacy. If youwant, you could-” You stammered again. “I know you’re busy andit’s hard and-”
You took a deep breath. You weren’tsure how you wanted this to go, but you knew this wasn’t it.Embarrassment made your cheeks tingle, and you wanted to run. He wasstill staring at you passively, equally as confused as you. You hadto say something.
“If you wanted to shower orsomething, you could. When you’re gone, I could pick up some of thestuff in here. I know you probably don’t have time, being the leaderand all. Anything I can do to help. I just want to make things easieron you. If you’d let me do that for you, I’d feel a lot better.”
You gulped down, preparing for whatwas about to come. He was going to start yelling, asking you if youthought he was incompetent or unable to take care of it himself.Stomp towards you and demand why you thought you knew better than hedid at how he should live. Maybe even kick you out of the League, andat worst, turn you to ash. You closed your eyes, preparing.
It never came.
You felt his shoulder brush past youas he left the room, stalking down the hall. He had left you alone inhere. Was he that angry? Did you drive him out of his own sanctum?Had he gone for a walk and when he got back he would turn you to dustand keep you in a plastic bag to warn everyone else of the dangers oftrying to boss him around?
Your thoughts halted when you heardthe pipes creak and the shower turn on from the other room. Had heactually taken your offer? You two were the only ones awake at themoment, so it must have been him. Panic struck you, and you realizedyou were alone and completely unsupervised in Shigaraki’s room. Hisroom. His room that you’dpromised you’d clean.
You quickly put down the bowl andwent and snatched a garbage bag from downstairs, picking up all thewrappers and cans placed around the room. Breaking down the decrepitplanks and placing them in as well, alongside the random debris andplaster that littered the floor. You didn’t feel comfortable enoughtouching his computer, but you lightly organized all of the randomknickknacks around it that he’d taken from various places, as well asthe piles of video games and movies he’d stolen that were tossed onthe floor. All of his laundry was scooped up in your arms and placedinto bags which you would take to the laundromat tomorrow, and youmade a mental note to steal some hangers for all the sweatshirts andlong sleeved shirts he had. You opted to not touch Father or any ofhis ‘family’. That was too daring, even for you.
You weren’t entirely sure when itcame to his bed. It was such an intimate place, somewhere you knew hefound sacred. Even standing close to it, you could smell his naturalscent, and that unsure feeling came back again. You resolved to makeit as best as you could without disrupting his nest, just in casethat’s how he slept. However, the season was turning cold, and thethin, ratty blankets he had probably wouldn’t be enough to keep himwarm.
You’d managed to keep a stash ofblankets you’d 'acquired’ for the League for colder days hidden away,and you grabbed a small, dark, fuzzy one for Shigaraki. He wasprobably cold but too damn proud to ask for a something. Bringing itinto the room, you placed it among his heap, in hopes he wouldn’tnotice. You ruffled it in an attempt to make it look natural. Withany luck, by the time he noticed it, he wouldn’t care to mention it.
You were just placing the finishingtouches on his room when you heard the pipes silence and the watershut off. He’d be back soon. You scurried around, picking up anyspare garbage and organizing in a flurry, looking for anything youforgot. Your heart was racing, pumping blood into your ears andspiking your adrenaline, but you weren’t sure why. Were you really soafraid of him? Or was it something else? You tried to shake thethought.
You heard his door squeak, and youturned to greet him. However, the wind was knocked from your lungsand almost dropped you clean to the floor. Shigaraki was standing inthe doorway in nothing but a towel, held up by four of his fingersaround his bony hips. His shaggy periwinkle hair fell down around hisface, small droplets of water falling off onto his chest. His palebody was covered in scattered scars, ranging from long and jagged tosmall and round, placed variously around his lean torso and arms. Youimmediately turned from him, feeling as if you violated himsomehow.“Sir-Boss-I-” You stammered, unable to get asentence out. “I-just-finished-I’m-sorry-I-didn’t-mean-to-” wasall you could really manage.
“I didn’t have any clean clothes.”He whispered, almost sheepishly. He pulled the towel up a littlefurther along his torso, likely feeling exposed.
“Oh!” You slapped your handagainst your forehead, feeling foolish. “I think I have some fromthe last load. Let me check really fast!”
You scurried past him and down thestairs, quickly tearing through the laundry and searching foranything he could wear. You pulled aside a shirt and pair ofsweatpants of his, carefully gathering the rest of his clothing inyour alternating arm and sweeping it together as you tried to stand.You maneuvered it up the stairs, thankful you hadn’t dropped anythingbut unsure exactly what to do when you reached his door. It was stillpartially open, but just barging in felt wrong.
“Um. Boss? I have-”
“Get in here.” His annoyed voicewas back. He didn’t sound happy. You braced yourself.
You entered, kicking the door shutbehind you without prompting. You noticed he was sitting on the bedand the light had been turned off. Unsure of exactly what to do, youheld out the arm with his pants and shirt to him, turning your headaway out of respect. “Here, boss.” Without thinking, you startedwaving the clothing around like a toy for a pet. “I hope thesework. I have all your other clothes here too. I promise I’ll get therest done tomorrow.”
He yanked them from your grip, andshortly after, you heard his towel drop. Another involuntary blushbloomed on your cheeks. The sound of the fabric rustling as hedressed himself filled the room, but all you could hear was theheartbeat in your ears. It seemed like an eternity until he wasdressed.
After enough time had passed, youfinally brought yourself to speak. “Where would you like the restof your clothes?”
“Just throw them in the corner.”
You slowly turned around, notingthat he was fully dressed now and sitting on his bed, controller inhis hand and booting up a game. You shuffled over to a corner of theroom, dropping his clothes unceremoniously on the floor. He saidnothing as you did so, ignoring you in favor of his game. You smiledsoftly, watching his still wet hair cling to his face. He stillneeded to sleep, but you felt much better about his state now.
Before you turned to leave, youtried to memorize the scene. He was clean, well fed, and at least alittle more content, you hoped. His room wasn’t awful, and maybe he’dsleep a little better if it felt a little more like home. Yeah, youweren’t Kurogiri, but you could look after them as best you coulduntil he returned. You opened your mouth to say goodnight.
Your brows furrowed. Were youhearing things?
“Can’t you hear? I said stay.”He wasn’t looking at you, but you were absolutely sure you’d heardthat. You stayed, feeling petrified and looking at him as if he hadgone crazy. His eyes met yours again, then turned down briefly to thespot beside his on the bed before returning his attentions toward theTV.
You were frozen. Had he really askedyou to stay? Did you imagine that? You stayed in your position infront of the door. You didn’t dare move.
“Boss, did you want meto-”
“Don’t make me ask again.” His gaze didn’t turnfrom the TV this time. He was asking you to stay. You hadn’t imaginedthat.
You slowly walked toward his bed,pausing for a moment. Did he want you to sit next to him? Did he wantyou to sit on the floor? What was he asking? Why were youoverthinking this?
He turned and gave you an irateglare, large hand removing itself from the controller to point to thespot next to him. You immediately sat beside him this time, adjustingyourself accordingly as the bed groaned and creased your weight andbrought the two of you closer than you originally intended. Your skinfelt hot as it rubbed against him. You’d never been this close to himbefore. The wetness from his hair dripped onto your shoulder, and youcould smell him now, his natural scent mixed with the soaps from theshower.
His eyes were on you again, sendinga shiver down your spine as his cold hand passed you the controller,fingertips purposely brushing against yours.
“Do you play any video games?”                                                                                                                
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 44) "Don't Talk Shit Around Nix."
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"Who EVEN is she though?? I mean, WHAT is this? She's this underground thing and in a week she's everywhere? With everyone? Like she's the new coming of Diddy. Featuring people all up in her video. Singing with MGK on stage. She's nothing without these people."
It's Monday morning in NY and BeBe Rexah is rattling off to Charlemagne on The Breakfast Club.
Nikki Minaj is sitting next to her, on her phone, sending out a text to Luna before she speaks. "Hold up. Hold up. Hold up." She starts, waving a long, hot pink, manicured finger in the air. NY accent THICK. "I know you ain't tawking bout That Brooklyn Bitch needing people." Nikki laughs as she leans back and glares at BeBe, arms crossed.
"I am. Who the fuck is she without them?" She cocks her head at Nikki.
Charlemagne is watching the women.
"Yous a dumb hoe." She clicks her nails at her. "How da fuck you gonna be from BROOKLYN, or even in da music industry and not know who da fuck she is?" Nikki looks over at Charlemagne, appalled. "What they say, Char?" She asks him.
Charlemagne laughs, reciting with Nikki.
"You ain't shit until you been shot by a LunaTic."
She points in his direction, sucking her teeth. "Word. You know what it is." She then looks BeBe up and down, with pursed lips, saying "Obviously YOU don't and ain't shit, you..." She stops herself. "You know what. Link me up real quick. You wanna know about That Bitch. Imma call That Bitch." She hands her phone to Charlemagne.
He takes it leerily "She gonna be HOT, Nikki." He tells her.
Nikki shrugs knowing Luna. "You know she'd be hotter wit somebody speaking on her name."
"Wait, wait, wait!!" BeBe interrupts "You're calling her?"
"YUP." Nikki pops her lips, irritated as she sits back in her chair again.
It's 7A in LA when Luna's phone rings.
"It is early as fuck, Nix. What's going on?" Nikki is going off on the other line. Sleepy and confused, Luna asks "BeBe who?"
Colson pops his head up, her phone had woken him up too. They're both on their stomachs, but she's facing away. He nudges her so she'll look at him. "Bleta." He says with half open eyes.
She gives him a look of 'What the Fuck?'
Luna answers the phone thinking she's only talking to Nikki as she starts in, hype. "Yo, Loons!! There's this chick, BeBe Rexha, runnin' her mouf bout you, tryin' to be all Sug Knight, comparing you to Diddy and shit."
"BeBe who?" She groans. Looking at Colson, it clicks to her annoyance.
"Morning, Bitch. Nikki forgot to tell you you're On Air" Charlemagne chimes in.
"NIIKKII!! Seriously!?" Luna asks, recognizing Charlemagne's voice immediately. Rolling over quickly onto her back, whacking her shoulder into Colson, both of them jerk from it as she sits straight up. "It's 7A!! Why am I On Air???" She groans again. This time in pain.
In the studio, Charlemagne gives Nikki an 'I told you so' look to which she flips him the middle finger. "Because Loons, this bitch got questions and wanna run her mouf..."
"I'm not running my mouth. I just said she popped..." BeBe interrupts Nikki.
"BITCH!! You is too!!" Nikki snaps.
"This can't be fucking happening. How is this ShitShow my fucking life." Luna thinks to herself in disbelief. Rubbing her face, she looks over at Colson. Making a decision.
"YO." Luna interrupts them both. "Chill. Charlemagne, you got it, My Dude. Official statement. Yes. That Brooklyn Bitch and Machine Gun Kelly are EXCLUSIVELY" She looks over at Colson again. He kisses her elbow. "Dating. Each other. And only each other."
Nikki let's out a whoop and a clap.
"Shut up, Nix." Luna laughs continuing more seriously "Bleta. I don't know you. I don't speak on you. BUT, you know, that you been known. He told you. Respect that. And keep my names out cha mouth."
BeBe starts in but Luna interrupts her.
"I don't wanna fucking hear it." She stops the stranger before continuing. "Char, since you got the official word... Y'all listening out there, check out Nightmare, it's fighting for our rights as women. Bad Things, banging a little love story. Both are streaming now. MGK, Hotel Diablo drops July 5th. Make sure you check that out. It's gnarly as hell..... Nix call me when you're done. Char always a pleasure. Bleta..... Take care. See you guys." Luna hangs up without waiting for any responses.
Charlemagne and Nikki laugh knowing Luna all too well. "I think that's the first time she's ever been on here." He says to Nikki.
"Probably. You know she don't roll like dat."
BeBe sits silently. Pissed as hell. Deciding she wants THAT song.
Walking out of the studio, Nikki calls Luna. She's not surprised when she doesn't answer, it's still early for her friend. Nikki had met Luna years ago back in Manhattan. Rapping on the corner across from The Apollo, she had caught Luna's ear and eye. Finding the woman mesmerizing, Luna started to shoot her. Nikki got pissed, causing an all out brawl between Luna and herself right in the middle of West 125th. Nikki breaking Luna's camera and busting her bottom lip WIDE open. Luna breaking Nikki's nose in return. Luna left, spitting blood, stating Nikki would regret her actions. Nikki blew the tiny white girl off. Later, they had found themselves both in Queens General, waiting for their injuries to be treated. After mean mugging each other for a bit. Nikki asked her why she was taking her picture anyway. Luna had told her that it was because Nikki was really good at her craft and she wanted to capture her still raw before she broke into the world. That she had thought it was a beautiful moment. Until Nikki had been a cunt. That broke the ice. Nikki moved to sit next to Luna as they continued waiting, loving her candor and unflinching hardness. Talking about music and life. Creating a friendship. They had walked home together sharing a blunt. Both laughing at Luna struggling with the 7 stitches in her lip. She has a scar to this day and Nikki regrets wrecking the photo.
Still sitting up, Luna looks at Colson.
"What the fuck was THAT?" He asks, passing her the joint he has lit. She shrugs her shoulder, putting her arms out like 'I don't know'.
Taking it from him, she lays back on the bed beside him to enjoy it. Sighing, she really doesn't know. "We're gonna have to pull it up later. Nix was on The Breakfast Club and so was Bleta? BeBe? Whatever the fuck her name is...I don't know. Nix said she was talking shit. You heard what I said." She hits the joint again.
He laughs "Yeah, free, killer fucking plugs. For someone on an independent lable, you sure as fuck know how to promote, Kitten." He laughs again, rolling over to kiss her.
"You're welcome." She teases, passing him the joint.
"Thank you." He's still laughing, looking over at Luna. She's staring off. "Hey, she's just mad....." He tells her softly, still smoking the joint.
"She can be mad. She can also keep my name outta her fucking mouth." She says kissing Colson.
It's not even 8A and they were up late as usual. She pops 2 percs. He puts the joint out. Climbing into him, he kisses her head.
"You outed us on The Breakfast Club." He chuckles.
"I knoooowwww." She whines into his neck before they both drift off to sleep.
Luna wakes back up, buried underneath Colson's naked body. Wiggling her ass into him, she stretches. He stirs in her hair, moaning her name. She wakes him up further, rubbing her soft feet along his legs, feeling his dick start to grow hard against her. She reaches for him, stroking it firmly as he slides his finger inside of her.
"You're always so wet."
He moans into her ear. His finger making her wetter. He slides into her from behind, lazily laying on his right side. He pulls her into him by the hips.
A moan escapes as she feels him fully enter her. He reaches around, playing with her tits and piercings as she slowly shifts back and forth on his dick.
"You feel so fucking good." She tells him as he slides his right hand under her and around her throat, pushing himself into her harder. She props up on her right side slightly to give herself more leverage as she slides along him harder.
Holding her by one hip and her throat. Colson is pumping into her faster, getting ready to cum. He stops suddenly, deep inside of her. He holds her tightly in place as he feels her body quiver and cum from his girth.
"Oh FUCK, Colson." She moans. With her body shaking in his arms, he gives her a few more deep thrusts before cumming hard. They lay there, wrapped in each other, tingly and sweaty. He kisses the back of her neck. "I love you, Kitten."
Sighing happily, she replies "I love you too, Bunny."
He slides out of her and the bed to find a joint before they take a shower.
Colson's in the kitchen with Slim and Rook. Luna hasn't made it down stairs yet. "This cunt is FUCKING retarded!!" He says in amazement, opening his Insta. The first post is by BeBe Rexha. It's an old selfie of them. The caption under reads:
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To the hardest working man in the industry. You do everything, Boo. Couldn't be more proud. You'll always be my #MCM 💕
"Yoooo... LunaTic is gonna SNAP." Slim says, agreeing with Colson that this girl has to be slow.
"Why would she do that?" Rook asks.
"I don't know." Colson responds, running his hands through his hair "There was some big thing between her and Nikki on The Breakfast Club this morning. It was so bad Nikki put Luna On-Air without her knowing."
"WHAAAAT!??" Slim is shocked.
Colson puts his face in his hands. "Bleta's jealous and taking it too far. Luna's gonna fucking kill somebody when she sees this." He says.
"I already fucking seen it." Luna says walking into the kitchen. She walks over to grab a cup of coffee.
"You ok?" Colson asks her. She has on a long green, army style jacket. She holds her arms out straight, the back of it stating 'I HATE EVERYONE" making Colson laugh.
"Am I in that group?" He asks as she climbs into his lap.
"Nooooo...." She sighs, "I'm just tired and hate the world." She looks down at Colson's phone on the table, seeing the post again. "This girl is dumb. Like, so dumb, I'm not even mad at her." She rolls her eyes as she lights a joint.
Rook and Slim agree in unison.
Knowing she doesn't have an Instagram, Colson asks how she saw it.
She shows him her phone. There's texts and copies of the post from Nikki, Ashley and Bella. She hadn't responded.
"Your bitches don't play!" He laughs.
"Nope." She replies kissing him. She then asks "Can we turn The World OFF today and do something fun?" Overwhelmed by all of the exposure.
Kissing her back with a smile, he tells her "Absolutely." An excited Rook bounces around the kitchen asking what they're gonna do.
"Vegas?" Luna asks.
"I fucking love you." Colson chuckles into her hair, making her smile.
Rook and Slim's excitement solidify her idea.
"Let's figure out what we're doing so we can BE OUT!" Colson tells them.
"I'd be jealous too...." She thinks to herself honestly of the Bleta girl before kissing Colson.
To be continued.....
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****25 mile week****
I’m just over here chipping away at these miles! This injury is weird it flares up at random times. Some days weights feel good, other time they feel horrible. Sometimes I can run without tingling & other times it’s so present. BUT we had some small victories this week. In the past I hadn’t been able to do this one piriformis stretch because my left side was so tight & muscles would spasm. But this week I was able to! I also was able to run 7 miles, run a tempo run & walk 25,000-31,000 steps a day! So I count those as victories:) it’s September & im just going to continue putting in work this week. I’m trying to focus on more strength & cross training this week. This week is crazy busy, so it’s definitely going to be hard to fit everything in, but I’m making it a priority.
9/1-(strength) Ah it’s the first day of September! I slept like a baby last night 🤩 It was so nice to be in my room again! Then I woke up & it was really gross out, but I wanted to go to my gym at home so my mom & I quickly made our way there in the rain. Before the gym I had a baby yogurt bowl for breakfast that was basically just cereal.
Anyway I had planned to do strength & then swim for a little BUT guess what?! We got to the gym & swim team was going on & we were in a bit of a rush😂 So no swimming today, I’ll just have to come back tomorrow! Anyway I did a 40 minute strength workout. I know I didn’t take a complete rest day this week, because I moved my schedule all around & I really wanted to get a strength workout in. I did take today off running though so that’s something😂 Anyway I did 20 minutes of weights for my arms, 20 minutes of lower body/core & then inclined walking for 1 mile. I felt a lot better today than yesterday when I attempted strength. It just goes to show you that sometimes switching your workout around is better. As for tingling I actually felt pretty good during this workout. I was even able to do some squats! Post workout we had about 15 minutes at home before my haircut😂 So I legit just changed, ate a rice cake with yogurt & we drove to the haircut place.
When I got home I made a smoothie bowl & ate more cereal. Since there’s different types of cereal at home I just had to eat basically four servings of it todah😂 I need to stop tbh. I am fully addicted to cereal. Anyway my smoothie had berries, yogurt & spinach in it! It was quite good. Then I read my book because I never get time to read. So sometimes it’s nice to just lay in bed and read :) Then I went on a long walk (while listening to Sara Bareilles) because I basically sat for most of the day. Then my family came over for a birthday dinner celebration! We had all my favorite foods for dinner! Chicken Parmesan, salad, corn & pasta!!
For my birthday desert we had cake & fro yoooo! It was so good, but I got so full real fast. I totally overate tonight at my family birthday dinner. This always happens at our family dinner😂 Like it’s bad I have a total food baby & feel pretty sick right now. These things happen. There ended up being a horrible storm at night so I didn’t sleep good at all. I also had really bad heart buRn:( So eating all those foods really wasn’t good for me...
Snacks: rice cake with yogurt & berries, chips & salsa, desert
Today I’m thankful for my family & a new decade
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02/21/2021: Promotions, Old Friends, and Yellow School Buses
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February 21st, 2021
somehow i received a promotion at work last Friday even though i am literally probably one of the LEAST motivated people teaching at that school... fuck. so... now, instead of just being a regular-schmegular teacher, i am now the '6th grade head social studies teacher' which means that i have to run planning meetings for the social studies team, attend morning meetings discussing whole-grade growth and failings, and solutions for how we're going to get the kids to... not suck. uuuuuuggggghhhhhh!!! and this is for the rest of the year and the next!!!!
apparently, i am the 'perfect person' for this position because all of my classes have consistently performed better than the rest... but between you, me, and the entire internet, that speaks more to the abilities of my students than my own personal abilities as a teacher. i don't believe i'm a sucky teacher or anything but the fact remains that between work, grad school, delusional lovesick-related episodes, mental illness, and other varying distractions, i am not Doing The Best I Can. in fact, i'm literally in survival mode 95% of the time. the other 5% of the time, i'm in manic-as-fuck mode. so... do i really DESERVE this promotion? who even fucking knows? i like to believe, however, that i'll eventually figure out how to bullshit this new responsibility as well and no one will be the wiser. i mean, if this promotion came with a financial boost as well, i'd be more inclined to not fuck it up but, like... i'm doing more work for the same weak ass pay... i'm not as motivated with kind words and encouragement than i would be with a solid boost to my pay grade. anyway... whatever.
i was on tumblr the other day (i am fasting from all social media sites during the day for Lent but tumblr doesn't count because i literally just reblog five or six posts into the void, look at sad literature quotes, and log out just to do it all over again the next day... i am not addicted to tumblr as i am to twitter, instagram, pinterest, and linkedin... yes, linkedin. my quest to escape my job has led me down a very weird and addictive path) and i came across this post by user beetlejuices:
"isn't it all about old friends? like everything? all of it?"
and it is. i think so. i really do.
one of the things i've been conscious of in my early adulthood is that i am still chasing after the friendships i had in middle school. i wrote about this two Lents ago too. there is a memory that i remember so vividly in middle school and it reminds me constantly about how i felt so loved and appreciated and like the world couldn't go on without me if i somehow left or disappeared or went away. i think about it all the time. that is how freeing and loving and whole it is. just a simple memory of being three hours late to school (after a huge, blown out argument between parents who should've divorced years ago) and being startled by a flood of texts that starting pouring in at 7 that morning.
ashley: YOOOO where r u? they snagged all the donuts from the corner store!
alysha: you missed the bus this morning?
ashley: i bought donuts off eman 4 u... say im the best :D
kiera: u're always here early u good?
alysha: are you coming 2 school today?
ashley: are u ok?
Christyl: don't forget we have a test in math!! where are you?
kiera: babe?
ashley: are you ok? why is ur phone off?
alysha: i just talked to ashley are u ok?
Christyl: where r u?
kiera: i just talked to ashley r u ok?
kiera: none of ur sisters r here either... u ok?
ashley: i'll call again @ lunch
alysha: pls be safe
Christyl: i'll tell the teacher you're sick and maybe you can take it tomorrow
Christyl: are you ok?
and even more messages that were sent during and inbetween classes... i thought it was a bit too late (and too time consuming) to respond to them all individually so after being signed into school three hours late, i decided to wait for all my friends at our table in the cafeteria to surprise them before explaining my mess of a morning. i was nervous because i thought they would be mad at me for some reason. but as soon as they saw me, ashley, alysha, kiera, and christyl, they came barreling towards me screaming my name. it was an entire scene. people looking at them crazy and then raising their eyebrows at me, not seeing what the big deal was. i probably looked the same exact way that i did the day before. unspectacular, bookish, awkward. they couldn't see what the big deal was. it embarrassed me but it thrilled me at the same time.
they nearly knocked me to the floor pushing each other to get to me first trying to steal the first hug. in the end, i stretched my arms out as far as i could and they all fell into them. we probably looked a mess. a tangle of brown legs, arms, frizzy hair, loose braids, and scuffed dress shoes. i remember feeling so loved and wanted. i felt bigger and grander than i was. i had stopped the world for five entire minutes and i didn't do anything. i was just existing.
i don't really talk to any of the girls anymore. i follow them on social media and i wish them happy birthday every year and we're all on each other's close friends list on insta... so i still know a few, if not all, of their secrets... but we'll probably never be as close as we were in middle school. and that's ok. i still love them as much as i did when they tackled me in the lunch room that day. i still root and cheer for them like we still spend every night after school on the phone for hours talking shit and planning presidential campaigns and gossiping about boys. i will never forget that day in the lunchroom. ever. and, like i said, it has only occurred to me now, as a young adult, that i've been chasing that kind of friendship and sisterhood since it happened.
i like to treat all my friendships as mini-romances. i remember a tweet that said, "friendships ARE romance," and i agree. i think i'm in love with all of my close friends, if not all of my friends. it's embarrassing (just a bit) but i have probably fallen in love with all of my friends at least once or twice. this is especially true for my group of college friends (at this point, they are really family). i have been in love, at least once, with all eight of them throughout our four years. i don't actually find this embarrassing like i said earlier. what's embarrassing is that this information might embarrass other people which, in turn, would thoroughly embarrass me. but the fact itself doesn't embarrass me. that is how i am. i fall in love and out of love at breakneck speeds. i think it's important to be a little bit in love with your friends.
i really enjoyed being in undergrad and planning literal dates between all eight or nine of us. and we would call it that. "what are we doing for our date next weekend?" "so who's going on the date tomorrow?" "are we cancelling the date or does the weather not matter?" (the weather always mattered.) my favorite college date was valentine's day senior year. we all went to korean-style karaoke and ordered so much food and drink we could barely stand to sing. we were all sat around the tv singing horribly to mariah carey or beyonce or rapping to nicki minaj verses. we took so many bad pictures and tone deaf videos and we kept leaning or hugging or holding each other's hands. that's another thing i love about my college family. most of us are touchy-feely people. i am a touchy-feely person. i'm southern and my mom is ridiculously gooey so one of my love languages, inevitably, is touch. i, usually, reign it in A LOT unless i have a partner but in college, i somehow discovered a whole group of people who loved to kiss each other on the cheek and hold hands and lean on other people, and lock arms. i felt at home. really.
maybe it's not only about old friends, though. maybe it's about feeling at home.
there was another post on tumblr and i think about it a lot. it's a screenshot of a tweet from twitter user @HumbleCore.
"HUGE NEWS: finally found my best friend from middle school on FB. We've both been looking for each other for over a decade. I told her I think about her whenever I play any boardgame or drive by a church. She told me she uses my name as her password at work. A perfect reunion."
when i read that the other night, i cried. i don't know why. it was heavy and ridiculous and i was worried my roommates would hear me. i don't know why i cried. at all. and even typing it out like that made me want to cry again. the feeling is not as strong or as overwhelming as it was the first time but it's still there.
i think about a best friend i had in first grade. even before i thought of ashley as my best friend (i have known Middle School Ashley since the first grade. i thought we were destined to be best friends forever and ever and ever, which is what i wrote in her middle school yearbook). his name was Malik. or Malique. my memory fails me. but anyway, i loved him like crazy. we didn't do anything without the other. we shared lunch together, we HAD to be partners on every field trip, i cried when Ms. Sanchez moved my seat from his in an effort to stop us from disrupting her lessons and i hated her for an entire week. (a very long time from a first-grade perspective.) even now, i think about him whenever i go to petting zoos or farms and when i ride on yellow school buses with my students.
Malik/Malique was my first kiss. we were hiding from Ms. Sanchez and the other chaperones so we could pet the goats one last time. while we were hiding behind a barn, he kissed me. "for good luck," he said. and then we sprinted across the farm to get back to the goats. and we pet them again before Ms. Sanchez found us and ordered us back on the big yellow school bus where we held hands for the entire hour-long ride back to school.
it's very silly to think now but in high school when i was trying to determine whether i loved my first boyfriend or not i remember thinking, "well, does he make me feel like Malik/Malique?" it's silly but sweet. at fourteen, still comparing the way he made me feel behind a barn at 5 years old to how another boy, years and years later, made me feel. it is silly but i think it's sweet.
i don't actually have any interest in finding Malik/Malique or knowing for certain what he does or how he's doing because i seriously doubt i had such an impact on his life, but i hope he's well and alive and happy because that's what i always naturally hope for when i pass petting zoos or farms or see bright yellow school buses.
so, yes. i think everything, us, our relationships, the entire world, is about old friends. all of it. every last bit of it.
i have a whole-grade data analysis, 300 pages of reading, and two mini-papers for classes to finish before tonight so i'm going to get going... i just wanted to write about old friends first.
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fkyeahkpop · 7 years
BTS Jungkook Scenario: When Paths Cross
Request:  May I pretty please get a scenario where Jungkook meets a foreigner on the set of BTS’ new MV and she’s a dancer and they hit it off
Scenario: Ok anon but this is literally like a dream?? Life goals >_< Sorry for the wait my love, enjoy! xx
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It had been a day that could only be described as totally unremarkable. The clouds were blocking the sun from casting jet black shadows upon the ground. People seem to go about their everyday business in mundane fashion which could only reflect the shameless monotony of the day. Every minute ticked by agonizingly as you sat on your couch, eyes boring into the back of your phone, willing for it to ring as though your focused iris’ would somehow force it’s jingle to reverberate around your apartment’s walls. Amidst the excruciating silence your mind would often wonder back to the audition; the intense stares of your competition, the staff who would roll off the names and category number of each hopeful dancer and of course, the way their eyes followed each and every move your body made.
Your agent had contacted you about the audition weeks in advance with the forewarning that competition would be stiff- these boys were in high demand apparently.  The boys in question being BTS, a South Korean idol group comprising of 7 unreasonably attractive boys around your age. When your agent gave you a bit background on the boys one in particular caught your eye. Far from being unprofessional you usually avoided any kind of romantic or sexual feelings for fellow dancers or celebrities but this guy- the youngest apparently- was something else entirely. In all of the dance practices your eyes seemed to track him, he seemed to move in his own way and although an air of naivety surrounded him he certainly seemed to know what he was doing with his body. And so here you were, several weeks after the audition waiting to here something- anything- from your manager regarding whether you got the job or not.
What couldn’t have been 30 minutes later you had decided to leave your phone on the coffee table as you went to the bathroom. Seconds later your ringtone filled the house as you struggled to pull your jeans up and ran through the house like a maniac, yanking your jeans up despite not having the opportunity to actually use the bathroom yet before reaching for (and almost dropping) your phone and jamming it to your ear.
‘Hello??’ you said breathlessly, resting against the coffee table the steady your heart threatening to burst from your rib cage.
‘Y/N!’ your manager exclaimed, seemingly as dizzy as you. ‘What are you doing tomorrow??’ he asked urgently, barely even stopping for breath before telling you the words you’d be longing to hear: ‘you’re packing your crap, grabbing your passport and meeting me at the airport at 5am to catch the first flight to Seoul, okay?’ he said in a seemingly endless guffaw of blended words that you could only just catch the meaning of.
‘OH MY GOSH REALLY??’ you exclaimed, jumping up and down and almost stubbing your toe on your coffee table. Before you could even stop your high pitched squeal your agent had hung up on you, leaving you to dance with reckless abandon up the stairs to grab your suitcases and pack your very best dance outfits. As you did so you put on some of BTS’ music in order to familiarize yourself with their sound and quickly found yourself thoroughly enjoying it.
Mere hours later your plane’s wheels scraped against South Korean tarmac and you were whisked away to the secret location in which BTS would be filming a part of their new music video. After getting round the bustling bodyguards you were fully expecting there to be several other dancers, as in backing dancers, but it turned out that this was not the case. Upon meeting the director it was revealed that you were in fact, the only dancer and that you would be having a solo dance with each of the boys. You met each of them one by one as they bowed to you and you awkwardly bowed back, unsure of the customs as they would of course, take some getting used to. 
The leader, Rap Monster, spoke to you in English thankfully, and the others, bless their hearts, tried their very best. In particular the shy boy you knew to be Jungkook tried super hard, nodding in agreement with his leader and chipping in with his own words of broken English. He really was absolutely breath-taking and yet seemingly totally unaware of it. He seemed somewhat shy around you but was certainly trying his best to make you feel at ease, if you didn’t know any better you certainly wouldn’t know he was an international superstar. And yet, looking at him performing and the charisma he had on screen it wasn’t difficult to see why, their songs were well crafted and the group was clearly bonded inseparably with each member exuding their own individual charm.
This charm was only exhibited further with each of your dances, the way the choreographers had allowed them each to show off their own abilities was admirable to say the least. Jin’s was simple yet elegant while Rap Monster’s was more passionate with an element of intensity. J-Hope was a skilled dancer to say the least and so his was filled with complexity and isolation and yet each individual dance seemed to fit together to create a story around the song.
Yoongi’s and Tae’s were energetic and yet each had parts that were slower in contrast with the bridge of the song before yours and Jimin’s dance exploded into large movements with quick looks and stolen touches. And then there was Jungkook. You would be lying if you told yourself you hadn’t been looking forward to this but unbeknownst to you, he had been to. You had been too caught up in your work to notice the shy glaces and longing in his eyes as he saw all his fellow members dance with you while he waited oh so impatiently. Truth be told, Jungkook was quite taken with you in a way he hadn’t known before. He didn’t know you and yet he felt he should, he could hardly take his eyes off you and yet he had no right to your affections. But somehow he was sure that he wanted you to remember him long after you left for home.
Yours two dance was by far the most telling. You told a story of unspoken words, affection unrealized and untouched. Longing glances and outstretched arms, hands that seemed to fit effortlessly together as well as breaths mixed together in an effortless collision of both confusion, mutual want and sparks of attraction that threatened to hit the members who, in the heat of your moment had stopped what they were doing and watched their maknae dance with you. The song stopped abruptly as you two stared into each other’s eyes, breathing heavy as you both recovered from the intensity of your chemistry and choreograpahy. Needless to say, you wrapped the dance in one take to what you were sure to be both of your disappointment. As you began to pack up your things, the boys finished off filming. Rap Monster approached you with a note, placing it on the hair and makeup desk in front of you.
‘You like him, don’t you?’ he said knowingly, a smirk stretched across his handsome features. You giggled haplessly. ‘Who?’ you asked coyly, attempting to play the fool while you could see immediately, he was having none of it. ‘He definitely likes you too’ he said, nudging the piece of paper toward you. ‘Really?’ you said, turning round to catch Jungkook’s eye as he grinned shyly, immediately looking down as you grinned back, unable to catch the butterflies running ragged in your belly. 
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You looked up at Rap Monster while unfurling the piece of paper, to see a phone number scrawled upon it with the words written ‘Good dance. Text me? JK x’ You grinned and turned back to see him looking at you with hopeful eyes as you nodded, trying to suppress the blush rising to your cheek as he turned away, biting his lip as he trotted back to Taehyung and Jimin and you swore, you could hear them high-fiving. 
A/N: Yoooo sorry this was so long >_<
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