#yes i saw this movie and thought i immediately have to gif that
buffy-annes · 8 months
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Missy Peregrym as Hayley Graham in STICK IT (2006)
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wcters · 2 months
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pairing: matt sturniolo x fem!reader
word count: 2.5k
summary: a video that someone put together of moments where you and matt where being cute
warnings/notes: established relationship, swearing, pda, i’m trying to be inclusive so please let me know what i can do that i haven’t done already!
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In the beginning, you could say you were kept a secret, but only because you didn’t want to be in the public that early in your relationship. Besides that, your and Matt’s relationship was never kept hidden. Matt loved you and liked to show you off, but you weren’t a social media person. You were fine with being in the background of things and posted on his social media, but you wanted your private life to stay private. You knew what you were getting into when you decided to date an influencer, and you had no problem with it as long as he respected your wishes, and he did.
You didn’t even know he was an influencer when you met, not being on TikTok a lot. You were working ━━ and still are ━━ at a clothing store in LA when you first bumped into each other ━━ quite literally. You were coming out of the back when he backed up into you. You both apologized and went back to what you were doing. You asked your co-worker if she knew who he was because you thought he was attractive. She told you he had been there a couple times before but didn’t know his name. When you were ringing him through, you gave him his receipt. He grabbed it, wrote something on it, and handed it back to you. Low and behold, it had his phone number and name on it.
Ever since then, you two had been . . . You. You immediately kicked it off, going on dates and hanging out, finding out about how he was a triplet ━━ you assumed after seeing the three of them in the store ━━ and finding out he was famous. You used that word, he denied and told you he wouldn’t call it that making you laugh. You had moved to LA for school, and told him that you wanted your private life to stay private if you got together . . . And it did.
You did end up being in the background of videos and livestreams, posted online, and you did feature in a podcast episode, but you never expected videos or compilations of you or matt, let alone just you, so you were surprised when you saw a video titled 7 minutes of Y/n and Matt being cute. You have to admit you smiled and took a screenshot, planning to show Matt when you next saw him. You would wait if you weren’t impatient . . . But you were. He could watch it later. You hadn’t really had a clue as to what would be in it. You didn’t really pay attention to clips of you or you Matt. You had Matt as your boyfriend to experience those moments.
The first series of clips to show up was the many times you had walked in to Matt’s room while he was streaming, and not realizing until you stopped looking at your phone and saw him looking at you. This was always followed by your voice off camera apologizing and him replying with ‘it’s alright babe. You need me to get off?’ He always asked you that when you walked in, not wanting to put the stream over you, and he never did. If you said no, you’d either lie down in his bed and go on your phone or head out to the couch to watch a movie. If you said yes ━━ which you rarely did unless you had a bad day ━━ he would immediately end his stream with a quick goodbye and his attention was on you in an instant.
There were multiple times where you had to help the boys with something for a video. Whether it was setting something up, figuring something out, etc. you were always there. Sometimes it was off camera, sometimes Nick would cut it out, but this time it wasn’t. You remembered them filming this video, being over there when it happened to help if needed and make sure nothing bad happened (them burning another house down).
The three of them had managed to get it out of the box and bag and get it into the right position, but not how to get some of the poles in. “Maybe we should ask Y/n?” Chris suggested as he held up the tent. “No, we don’t need to.” Matt shut down the question as he fiddled with the metal pole. The oldest and youngest were caught looking at each other before they both yelled ‘Y/n!’ You were seen running in, panic in your eyes before you realized nothing bad had happened. “You scared the shit out of me,” you told them, half scolding them, “either way, what’s up?”
“We need help.” Nick smiled, holding up the tent. “You don’t know how to set up a tent?” “We do, it’s just a bit more confusing inside.” Chris answered. “I had nothing to do with this.” Matt butted in, hands up in defense. “Alright. Back up.” You noticed why Nick maybe kept it in as you watched the clip. You were instructing Nick and Chris who were holding up the tent as Matt was gathering more poles. When you asked him to pass you one, you kissed him on the cheek as a thank you forgetting you were on camera. After that, Matt had looked at you like you hung the moon and the stars. To Nick and Chris, you did as you had help them set this whole thing up. To Matt . . . He was just admiring his girlfriend.
After you had gotten together, it became second nature for him to let you know if he was coming up behind you. His hands would grab your waist while he made his passed you. It was seen in the background of multiple TikToks. You didn’t really notice it happening after the first few times because it had become so normal for you, but clips of these motions had made it into the video. You didn’t think those were caught on camera . . . But you didn’t really mind. You thought maybe part of it was because of you how you met, but you really didn’t know, and you’ve never asked.
The next clip was one you’d never forget. When Nick and Chris asked you to help them prank Matt . . . How could you say no? You would never be involved if it was something bad, and this one wasn’t. You knew about Matt’s “crush” on Liam Neeson ━━ having had an idea before he ever admitted it by the amount of times you watched movies and Liam Neeson just happened to be in it ━━ and almost laughed when they told you the idea.
They had asked you to distract him for a long enough time that they could set up all of the pictures, blankets, etc. You wouldn’t say this to Matt’s face, but his room was a little boring - he had the same black pillows and comforter. Without any of your stuff that you had “left” in the room, you were worried about what it would look like. When it got closer to the time that you would be heading back to the house, you had started to get excited. Matt had noticed this and asked what was up, so you had to play it cool . . . You aren’t good at that and you ended up texted Nick and Chris saying something along the lines of ‘he knows somethings up, I don’t have a poker face.” Either way, he didn’t have a clue what was happening.
Your and Matt’s footsteps could be heard through the camera as you made your way toward the door. Matt had texted his brothers and when they didn’t answer, tried to FaceTime them. That’s what could be seen when Matt opened his bedroom door with you behind him smiling. “Oh . . . my god.” Matt spoke, shock on his face. Chris and Nick laughed in response. “This is the prank?” He asked them, “Liam Neeson all over my bedroom is the prank?” The boys nodded. “Wait - Were you in on this?” Matt asked as he turned to you walking toward him and into the room. “‘Maybe.” You shrugged. “I knew something was up,” he wrapped his arms around you as you walked, “you were acting weird.” “I don’t have a good poker face!”
Matt continued to look around the room before Chris turned his camera to face you. “How do you feel about this?” “Well, it’s just a little more Liam Neeson than normal, but it spices’s his room up a little bit more.” “Totally.” Nick agreed.
You had a habit of leaving your things with Matt. Most of the time, it was due to the lack of much needed pockets in women’s pants. When you didn’t ━━ or forgot to ━━ bring a purse, you’d ask him to throw a chapstick or a hair tie into his pocket or wallet. Other times, you were just too lazy to carry something and didn’t want to stick it in your bra.
You also tended to get Matt little keychains to hang on his backpack or car keys. Most of the keychains were from when you went back to Canada to visit your family and bought him something, but you also liked to thrift them too. He would always take them and immediately put them on something. It was his way of silently showing that your his girlfriend and that he loves you, and the things you do for him. Giving him things was your way of saying he’s yours too.
When they posted the TikTok of guess who’s is who, you expected them to only do their things because it was about them, but you were surprised when you saw little bits of you in there. A Canada keychain hanging on his car keys and backpack, a hair tie with his jewelry, and chapstick with his skincare. The comments were flooded with people talking and mentioning you, knowing which one was Matt’s stuff. You smiled when you saw this being featured, and your comment that said ‘girlfriend duties”.
When you had featured on the Cut the Camera Podcast, you had mentioned the Let’s Trip and Versus tour and how you and Matt had to do long distance for a bit. You went to a few of their shows - being flied out per Matt’s request ━━ but because fn your job, you couldn’t be with them the full time. When they were on tour, it felt like you and Matt never saw each other, but in reality you two spoke almost all the time. To some people, Matt could be described as clingy, but you were too . . . And you didn’t mind that about each other.
You never knew that your FaceTime’s were ever caught in camera, but they were in this video, so you guess they were. The boys had done vlogs on the bus, as well as TikTok’s, and this video showed Matt talking to his phone that showed a blurry you. You didn’t even spot that. You could hear you and Matt talking, but too quietly to make out what you were talking about. Long distance was always hard for you and Matt, but you made it work. You would be stupid not to.
When the boys travelled for videos, you usually didn’t go. Not that you didn’t want to, but you had a job in LA and couldn’t be travelling all the time. But when Matt, Nick and Chris asked you to come with them to Texas to shoot a video for Sam and Colby and tour the city, you said yes. You’ve been to a couple of states in the U.S. and thought ‘why not?’ to visiting Texas. Plus, Matt had talked about that amazing thrift store they went to while on your and you were a sucker for vintage.
You didn’t feature in the Sam and Colby video ━━ besides little bits of you in the background ━━ and offered to film if they needed someone to. Matt was scared, and wanted you there. Nick had gushed to you about him wanting to do the Estes method, and you and him wanted you to witness it. You did, however, feature in the Texas vlog the triplets put out on their channel - being seen in the background. But this clip was a specific one from the video.
You were used to the cold, having grown up in Canada, and handled it pretty well. But one night when you went out for Italian, you didn’t dress well enough for the weather. You didn’t think Texas would be that cold . . . But you assumed wrong. While Nick and Chris were talking to the camera, you were in the background shivering with Matt beside you. You were in a long sleeve, vest, and sweatpants. Your legs were warm, you upper body? Not so much.
“You alright?” Matt asked you, moving behind you to wrap his arms around you. “Yeah, a little cold. But it’s fine.” You replied, leaning into him. Matt was like a walking heater. “You sure? You want to switch jackets?” He leaned his chin on your head, swaying you back and fourth. “I’m alright, but thank you. You’re too sweet.” Your conversation wasn’t heard by the camera, but your movements were. Matt could be seen moving his hands up and down your arms and holding your hand as you walked into the place.
You and Matt had similar, but different music tastes. You would recommend each other songs and made playlists, as well as a playlist you both shared with music you both liked. You two would listen to this constantly; while hanging out, in the car, baking and cooking, just doing regular tasks. Matt had given you some guilty pleasure songs, and you had given him some . . . Though he would have never admitted it to anyone besides you. That was until the truth or eat video.
“What is your guiltiest pleasure song and when was the last time you listened to and got into the groove?” Nick asked Matt. He paused, a couple songs immediately popping into his head. “I got to check,” he said as he took out his phone and opened your shared playlist. “This is one that Y/n showed me one time and she loves it.” Matt clicked the song and it started to play. “That sounds like Y/n,” Chris nodded as Nick agreed. “Yeah, that would be my guilty pleasure song. It’s one of her favourite songs so it’s on a lot.”
You remembered seeing a lot of top comments on the video taking about it and seeing the clip a couple times on TikTok with the comments being the same. The next clip after that one was an Instagram story you posted of you two in the car, Matt driving and lip-syncing to the song. Everyone had freaked out over that.
People would also freak out when you would wear his clothes. You had a habit of doing that, you lived oversized and Matt has Great style. TikTok’s and Instagram stories of you wearing a sweater or sweatpants that people recognized were Matt’s were also littered through the video as well. And moments of him slipping a sweater on you or turning you around to see if it was his.
A lot of the moments included in the compilation were just regular things that couples did . . . But you loved the video. You liked it, and sent it to Matt over text with the message ‘people must really like us’. Safe to say, the person who had made it freaked out.
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adriennebarnes · 12 days
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Charles gets easily jealous when his girlfriend fawns over her fictional or celebrity crushes
Warning: spelling and grammatical errors
A/N: all the characters and celebrities mentioned are people I find attractive. If you don’t have a crush on them, that’s fine, to each their own
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Y/N and Charles were watching American Assassin because Charles wanted to watch an action movie and he has never seen it.
“Ugh, Dylan O’Brien could get it.” Y/N said and Charles turned so fast to look at her.
“What?” Charles asked.
“Dylan O’Brien could get it, he is so fine, I already thought he was cute as Stiles but as Mitch Rapp? Ooh, so fine, I’d let him choke me.” Y/N said, eating chips and Charles just looks at her. “What?”
“Were you always this unhinged?” Charles asked.
“A little, but have you seen his veiny arms when he was being held at gun point? I wanna bite them.” Y/N said and Charles looked at his arms and back at the screen.
“Mon ange, my arms are veiny, you could bite mine.” Charles said.
“I bite yours all the time when we’re not in public. There’s just something about Dylan O’Brien playing Mitch Rapp that does something for me. Like look at those abs.” Y/N said and Charles immediately retaliated with
“I have better abs than him!” Charles exclaimed, making a point by taking off his shirt and standing next to the TV to compare him and Dylan O’Brien
“Ay muñeco, Im teasing, don’t take it too seriously.” Y/N said, pulling him back to the bed and kissing him.
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The next time Charles got “jealous” was when Y/N was on TikTok and she saw a video of The Drivers Era performing.
“Ross Lynch es tan guapo, no wonder when he performed in Mexico, todos le estaban diciendo que se encuere.” Y/N said and Charles was brushing his teeth in the bathroom. Charles poked his head out to see Y/N in bed. “What? Ross is 6’1, our height difference is literally perfect.”
“Are you trying to hurt me, Mon ange?” Charles asked before spitting into the sink.
“Of course not muñeco, he’s just a celebrity crush, it’s not like anything will happen.” Y/N commented.
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Then it happened again when Charles and Y/N were out with Pierre and Kika. They saw a movie poster for the ministry of ungentlemany warfare.
“We should see this movie, the trailer looks amazing.” Kika said.
“And so does Henry Cavill, I love how curly his hair is.” Y/N commented.
“Just once I would like to go out and not listen to you talk about other men.” Charles said.
“Whats happening there?” Pierre asked
“Charles gets butthurt when I talk about my celebrity crushes.” Y/N said.
“What do they have that I don’t?” Charles asked.
“Well Ross and Henry are 6 feet tall, Ross plays hockey and I LOVE hockey boys, Henry played field hockey, but you’re taller than Dylan O’Brien, I’ll give you that.” Y/N said and Charles stared at her.
“You weren’t supposed to give me a list!” Charles exclaimed while laughing at how ridiculous this conversation was.
“You literally asked!” Y/N exclaimed. “But I also want to see the movie for Eiza Gonzalez, totally support her making it big in Hollywood.”
“Yes! Loved her in Baby Driver!” Kika said and her and Y/N started talking about movies.
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Y/N was watching Supernatural and eating ice cream.
“God I love this episode, he looks so good.” Y/N said. Charles looked at the screen and back at her.
“Really? The Winchester brothers in prison? Isn’t the guy who plays Dean like 50?” Charles asked.
“Um, he’s 46, and he looks good for his age considering he’s white.” Y/N said.
“Cant believe you love Dean Winchester. Why not Sam?” Charles asked.
“I love both Winchester brothers, I just relate to Dean more. And in the later seasons, I don’t like Sam’s hair. But Sam’s hair in season 1 and 2? LOVE.” Y/N said.
“What about my hair?” Charles asked.
“Muñeco, you know how much I love to pull on it when we’re kissing and other stuff.” Y/N says, kissing Charles, running her hands through his hair to make a point, he pulled away.
“Mm, I love when you do that.” Charles said smiling.
“I know you do.” Y/N said, continuing to play with his hair. “There’s no reason to be jealous of my celebrity crushes, okay?“
“I’m not convinced, how about you show me that you’re mine and mine alone.” Charles said, hand wrapped around Y/N’s throat, not applying pressure.
“It would be my pleasure.” Y/N said, holding Charles’s hand to run to their bedroom.
The End
Hope y’all like it!
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chrolloluvr · 3 months
Hey, I saw some other headcanons similar to this and absolutely loved the concept! Adam x reader, love at first sight? Like he just makes it his mission to go out with reader afterwards?
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Adam falling love at first sight
Note: TY FOR REQUESTING!!! This is also before the big fight on ep 8!
Warnings: Cussing, creepy behavior, adam is smitten for you 🌺🌺
When he first sees you, he immediately was struck by an unfamiliar feeling. Who the hell is this chick?
He has never felt this way about Lilith, or even Eve, so what was different about you? He had to find out. And usually when he sees a pretty face on a woman, he thinks of vile, guttural thoughts. But with you, all he thought about was the way you looked so graceful, and how you carried yourself, and your beautiful eyes, and your glistening skin, and your-
Lute had violently interrupted him from his daydreaming, by basically yelling at him for the whole promenade to hear.
He had Lute immididietley do some detective digging on you. He at first was going to go up to you to ask for your digits, but he felt... nervous?
After lute reported back about her findings, she had told him all about you. He didn't know it, but he was truly in love. He just could not stop thinking about you, and how to get you.
He told Lute about these feelings, and when she explained, 'Sir, it seems you are in love', he flat out refuses it. He tries to convince himself you are just some hot broad, that he just happened to run into.
If he were in a meeting with Sera, he would have you running laps in his mind. Planning the next extermination? Goddamnit, get out of my head you stupid bitch!
He comes to the conclusion that to stop thinking about you, he needs to talk to you. So he sad Lute figure out your number and address, and thats when he tries to get with you.
This man will literally rehearse his first meeting with you in the mirror, as if he is a teenage boy going on his first date. But he isn't, and this is definitely not his first date, or at least, this is his first real time trying to impress a woman. Because usually, he does not need to act fly to get any girl he wants.
After you find out he is THE Adam, you flat out say no, because you dont want that kind of attention. So you start to ignore him. But that just motivates him to keep contacting you.
Hey babes, wyd? you down for dinner tonight? Just you and me.
Or maybe we can watch a movie and chill?
C'mon babe, how can you refuse me? Ill meet you there in 30 ;)
Hey, respond?
Hey sugar, lets do something tmrw isntead since your clearly busy 😘
He will send you huge bouquets of flowers, along with a handmade book he made, filled with "anonymous love letters" which you can clearly tell are from him due to his messy handwriting.
He will then eventually "accidentally" bump into you. Every time he does, you are basically forced to talk to him and listen to his tangents, on how going out with him is the best choice you will ever make.
And honestly, he just does not stop bothering you. Even if you were to straight up tell him to leave you the fuck alone, he wont.
"Hey y/n whats up? Whacha doing tonight...? Maybe it can include me. im free yknow, if you ever wanna hang. Im great at choosing places or if you want you can choose-"
He is truly in love with you. He wants you to eventually be his future wife in his mind, making you the third. And in his mind, you already are.
If you just keep telling him off for months, hell, maybe even years, he will never get over you and your beauty.
If you eventually say yes to a date, he will be so excited, but will play it off because hes just chill like that. But he is down so bad for you, and honestly wants you all to himself.
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waitimcomingtoo · 5 months
Hot N Cold
Pairing: Tom Holland x Actress!Reader
Synopsis: you and Tom can’t stop teasing each other in interviews
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“You three have spent a lot of time together making this movie. And you all seem to get along so great. Is it going to be hard to go back to making movies when you aren’t working with your best friends?” A journalist asked you, Tom, and Jacob one day on the press tour for your upcoming movie.
“No. I can’t wait for that.” Jacob answered. “I hate working with these two. They’re always arguing.”
“What? No we are not.” You insisted.
“We kinda are.” Tom said out of the corner of his mouth.
“No we are not. Why do you always have to disagree with me?” You asked and playfully smacked Tom’s arm.
“That’s a good point. You’re right. I do always disagree with you.” Tom said sincerely. “But maybe it’s because you’re always wrong?”
“You wish.” You scoffed. “Name one time I was wrong.”
“Yesterday, when you drove on the wrong side of the road.” He said immediately.
“That couldn’t happened to anyone, okay? It was not clearly marked.”
“It was clearly marked but you flew past the several giant “wrong way” signs because you’re a speed demon on the road.”
“That’s sexist.” You pointed at him. “You’re saying all women are bad drivers?”
“No. I’m saying this woman is a bad driver.” Tom said and pointed back at you. “You really don’t help the stereotype, darling.”
“Whatever. Fake news.” You rolled your eyes. “Ask us the next question please before I kill him.”
“All righty then. So, you’re all a few years out of high school now. How did you prepare for getting back into the mindset of a teenager?” The journalist asked.
“It was a really fun process actually. The director wanted to emulate a kinda 80s high school movie feel so he asked us to watch a few old movies so we could get the vibe he was going for. Like Breakfast Club, Back to the Future, stuff like that.” You explained.
“Yeah. We watched a few of them together.” Tom smiled as he looked over at you.
“Yeah, we did.” You smiled back at him.
“On your little movie dates in Tom’s trailer. That I was never invited to.” Jacob added. Tom blushed and looked down at his lap while you playfully rolled your eyes.
“They weren’t dates.” Tom insisted. “We were just watching the films we were told to watch.”
“You didn’t think those were dates?” You asked him, sounding hurt. Tom went bright red and scrambled to come up with something to say to explain himself.
“What?” Tom gulped. “No. I mean, I never thought of it like that but-“
“I’m messing with you.” You cut him off when you saw how flustered he got.
“Oh. You scared me so much just then. I didn’t know what to say.” He laughed and touched a cold hand to his hot face.
“I knew it would scare you. You’re so easy to make flustered.” You teased him, making him blush again.
“Hey.” He pouted. “I am not.”
“Yeah, okay.” You said sarcastically.
“Okay.” He mimicked you by sounding as dumb as possible.
“That actually brings me to my next question which was to ask you all to do an impression of each other.” The journalist said, making you and Tom remember that you were in an interview.
“If you want to impersonate Y/n, just whine and complain a bunch.” Tom said. “And leave your jumper on every plane you go on.”
“Okay, I’ve lost like three sweatshirts around you. That’s hardly anything.” You defended yourself.
“Imagine losing your jumper every time your travel.” Tom said to the camera.
“Imagine losing 13 colonies at once.” You snapped back.”
“Stop. You know I’m sensitive about that.” Tom jokingly whined, making you laugh.
“I can do a Tom impression. Um I want to ask Y/n to go to dinner with me um tonight but um what if I ask her and she says no?” Jacob said in a whiny voice coupled with a bad British accent.
“What?” Tom sputtered. “That’s not what I sound like.”
“Yes it is.” Jacob insisted. “I heard that every night during filming. In fact, I still hear it.”
“Aw. Wait, that’s so cute. Did you actually do that?” You asked Tom.
“Only in the beginning, okay? It wasn’t as pathetic as Jacob made it sound. I wanted to hang out with you but we didn’t really know each other yet so I was worried you’d say no.”
“Aw, honey.” You chuckled. “I would’ve never said no. I wanted to get to know you too.”
“I’ll never understand you two. You were fighting two seconds ago. Now you’re all nice and friendly?” Jacob pointed out.
“That’s just how we work.” You shrugged.
“Yeah.” Tom agreed. “We run hot and cold.”
“Exactly. But we’re friends most of the time. I don’t think we fight that much.” You replied.
“You kinda do, though.” Jacob insisted. “I’m expecting at least two more fights before the end of this interview.”
“We’ll see.” You shrugged but knew he was probably right.
“So, the press schedule is obviously very rigorous for a movie this size. Do you guys ever get a day off to do your own thing?” The journalist asked.
“We actually had a day off a little while ago. For Washington’s Birthday.” Tom answered.
“George?” You asked him.
“What other Washington is there?” He turned in his seat to ask you.
“You were just talking about one the other day. When we were asked what historical figure we’d have dinner with.” You reminded him.
“I remember the question but I didn’t say Washington.” Tom frowned on confusion.
“Yes you did. You said that Washington guy and then said it was a super British answer or something.” You insisted.
“Who are you talking about?” Tom shook his head and laughed endearing at you.
“That guy. Don’t you remember? You just said it yesterday.” You whined a little and pushed his arm. Tom looked at the camera in confusion before he connected the dots in his head.
“Wait, do you mean Winston Churchill?”
“Oh God.” Jacob groaned. “Here we go.”
“Oh yeah. Him.” You nodded and pointed at Tom.
“You thought his name was Washington Churchill?” Tom laughed incredulously.
“Well I don’t know who he is. It sounded right in my head.” You defended yourself.
“You don’t know who Winston Churchill is? He’s super important to history.”
“Oh yeah? So who is he?” You challenged Tom, knowing damn well he didn’t know the answer.
“He…” Tom started to answer and then trailed off.
“See!” You clapped your hands. “You don’t even know. I knew you were bullshitting yesterday. You have no idea what Washington Churchill-“
“Winston.” He corrected you.
“Whatever. You have no idea what he did. And yet you said you wanted to have dinner with him just to sound smart. Ugh. So pretentious.” You groaned and playfully rolled your eyes.
“All right, smart ass. Who was your answer?” Tom leaned on his chair and asked you. You were both in your own little worlds now and fully ignoring everyone else in the room.
“Jonbenet Ramsey.” You said like it was obvious.
“Are you kidding me? You’re making fun of my answer but you would pick Gordon Ramsey’s daughter out of anyone in the world to have dinner with?”
“First of all, dingbat, Jonbenet Ramsey is a little pageant girl who was murdered in 1996 and they still haven’t solved the case. I want to have dinner with her because I want to know who did it. It’s a very famous true crime case but I guess they didn’t teach you that in college. Oh wait. You didn’t go. You were too busy making movies nobody ever saw.” You said and poked his chest.
“Don’t even go there.” Tom warned. “If I pull up your IMDB right now, I’d have to scroll through dozens of commercials and straight to DVD films before I got to any substantial roles. Don’t think I forgot about all the time you spent on the Hallmark channel, darling.”
“Do it. Pull up my IMDB right now. I dare you. You know what, I’ll do it for you.” You said and pulled out your phone. Jacob immediately snatched your phone and put it in his pocket.
“No. Please, no more. We’re not doing this again. I can’t hear the IMDB argument again. You said you weren’t gonna fight anymore.” Jacob pointed out.
“All right. Fine. I’m disengaging.” You said and held your hands up in defense.
“Finally, some silence.” Tom sighed in relief. You gave him an icy stare and his smile immediately dropped.
When you sat down to do press the next day, you thought about what Tom had said about running hot and cold. You liked the playful fights you got into but you didn’t want him to start to think you actually disliked him. So when he came into the room and sat next to you, you got an idea.
“Good morning, darling.” He said politely.
“You know what Tom, why don’t we make a point to not fight today?” You suggested.
“Well darling, that’s the first good idea you’ve ever had.” He said with a smug smile. You smiled sarcastically at him as you narrowed your eyes.
“You’re so funny.” You said sarcastically. “How come you’re perpetually single?”
“Because I haven’t worn you down yet and gotten you to go out with me.” He quipped.
“Aw. You want to wear me down? So romantic. I can feel it working already.” You gushed and winked at him. Even though you were kidding, he felt himself blush and had to look away. The interviewer came in then and started to ask you a few questions. You managed to get through most of the interview before any fighting broke out.
“Okay. Now we’re gonna play a game called kiss, marry, kill. Your choices are Scarlett Johansson, Robert Downey Jr, and miss Y/n L/n.” The interview said.
“Oh God. That last actress is the worst.” Tom mumbled under his breath. You gave him a look and he faked an innocent smile.
“I mean I love her.” He corrected.
“Well Tom’s answer for kiss is obviously me.” You said simply.
“What? Obviously?” He scoffed.
“Yeah. Obviously.” You scoffed back to mock him.
“Excuse you. How is it obvious?” He asked and turned in his chair to face you. He mostly did this to keep the camera from seeing how much he was blushing.
“Please. You want to kiss me so bad. And marry me and kill me. So Tom’s answer to all of them is me.”
“That’s what you think, huh?” Tom smiled and leaned on his chair to be closer to you.
“That’s what I know. I can tell you’re dying to get with me. There is no use hiding it.” You shrugged, making Tom grow redder.
“Do you hear how conceited she is? What a diva you are. I’m gonna spread a rumor that you’re difficult to work with.” Tom teased you right back.
“Maybe you find it difficult to work with me because of how bad you want me.” You shrugged.
“Oh please. You’re just projecting because you have a big fat crush on me.” Tom replied.
“What?” You laughed. “In your dreams, maybe. I only go for guys over 5’9. You just missed the cut off, buddy.”
“Not just in my dreams. In my reality.” Tom insisted. “And I’m the average height of a woman so now you’re the one being sexist. But come on, we said no fighting. What would your answer be?”
“Oh yeah. I forgot about the question. Okay, let me think.” You tapped your chin. “I would kiss Bradley Cooper-“
“What? He wasn’t even an option.” Tom laughed in surprised.
“Oh shit. My bad.” You covered your mouth with your hand.
“How did his name even come up?” Tom asked you, feeling a little jealousy bubble up.
“Because.” You smiled coyly. “Have you seen him? He’s double handsome. He looks like a sexy UPS truck driver. I’d sign for that package I’ll tell you that right now.”
“I can’t believe you’re cheating on your husband with Bradley Cooper.” Tom shook his head.
“My husband?”
“Me.” Tom said like it was obvious, making you laugh.
“I know you’re kidding but you kinda are though. I was just saying that to Jacob the other day.”
“About me? You said I was your husband?” Tom smiled in surprise.
“Yeah. You’re my work husband. That’s why we’re so hot and cold. Because we’re like an old married couple.” You smiled and patted his arm.
“Aw. We are.” He gushed. “But you still never answered the question.”
“Oh my God. Who were the choices again?”
“Johansson, Downey, and yourself.”
“Okay. I think my answer is kill Johansson, sorry Scarlett, I love you. I’d marry Downey for that Iron Man money and then kiss myself.”
“You’d kiss yourself? Why?” Tom wondered.
“Because no one else will.” You groaned. “When I woke up this morning and I tallied in my head how long it’s been since I’ve been on a date and once I reached a conclusion, I started to cry.”
“Oh God. Has it really been that long?” Tom laughed.
“It’s been so long. We can’t talk about this right now. I’m gonna start crying again.” You said and pretended to wipe your eyes.
“Wow. I didn’t realize this game would bring out so many emotions.” The journalist laughed.
“Me either. God. I need a date.” You sighed in exasperation.
“All right. I got the hint. I’ll go out with you.” Tom rolled his eyes playfully.
“Oh, please. You wish I’d go out with you.”
“On every eye lash and 11:11, yeah.” He replied. You laughed and playfully smacked his arm as you wondered if he was telling the truth or not. The interview went on but you were barely paying attention as you were too busy wondering if you relationship with Tom was part of the reason you had been single for so long. No matter how nice or funny a guy was, you always ended up comparing them to Tom. If they couldn’t make you laugh as much or keep up with you the way he could, they just didn’t interest you. It didn’t help that In between your arguing and teasing, Tom always managed to slip some flirting in there. The more you thought about it, you realized he hadn’t been in a relationship since meeting you either. And maybe that had something to do with you.
“What do you think?” The journalist asked you. You blinked a few times and came back into the conversation.
“Sorry, what?”
“What was going on in there? You seemed so deep in thought.” Tom smiled fondly and poked your head.
“Don’t touch me, nail biter.” You said and swatted his hand away.
“At least I don’t stink up the whole hotel room by painting my nails every single day.” He shot back in a playful manner.
“Excuse me for wanting polished nails for these interviews. I just happen to chip them a lot. And if you don’t like the smell, go back to your own room. Stop always hanging out in mine.”
“But then how would I get to see you?” He asked with his stupid charming smile.
“What are you talking about?” You laughed. “We literally spend all day together in these interviews. Isn’t that enough for you?”
“With you, darling, there’s never enough time together.” He said with a sarcastic suaveness.
“Shut up.” You laughed again and looked down at your lap so he couldn’t see how that made you blush. He saw it anyway since he couldn’t never seem to take his eyes off you.
The next day, your relationship with Tom was heavy on your mind as you sat in your glam chair. You were spaced out all during hair and makeup as you thought about the possibility of becoming more than friends. You were more than ready to see him but when you walked into the press junket room, you only saw two chairs and Jacob occupying one of them.
“Oh. We’re paired together today?” You asked without realizing how disappointed you sounded.
“I’m sorry. I know you’d rather be with your boyfriend.” Jacob chuckled. You playfully rolled your eyes at him and hugged him hello.
“He’s not my boyfriend. But I do miss him.” You admitted as you sat in your chair.
“You know nobody believes that, right? You guys are clearly together.” Jacob snorted.
“We’re really not. I know how it looks but we’re just friends.” You insisted.
“Come on. There’s no way you two haven’t made out or something.”
“Maybe we have, maybe we have.” You shrugged, making Jacob gasp.
“Oh my God. I knew it. He wouldn’t admit it but I knew you two were hooking up.” He clapped his hands.
“We’re actually not.” You laughed. “It’s just funny to see people fight for their lives to prove that we’re together. I like to feed the flame sometimes with these interviews. You know, keep them all on their toes.”
“Really? Because I could’ve sworn you two were hooking up on set. You were always sneaking off together and no one could find you.”
“That’s just because we liked to spend time together. But we would never hook up. If we ever get together, it’s gonna be the real thing. I’m talking marriage and kids and a picket fence. And whatever the British equivalent of the American Dream is. Beans and toast maybe? I don’t know. But definitely not a hook up.”
“So what’s stopping you guys from being in a relationship now? You like him, don’t you? Why not just date?” Jacob wondered.
“I don’t know. We’ve gotten really close the past few months. I know we tease each other a lot, but I’ve never had that kind of banter with anybody. Talking with him and going back and forth is the best at part of my day. And of course I like him, but what if I say something but he doesn’t feel the same? That’ll make our friendship super awkward and don’t forget- we signed on for another movie. I don’t want to make things weird by suggesting we go out.”
“Oh my God.” Jacob laughed. “You’ve got to be kidding.”
“What?” You wondered.
“You can’t be this oblivious. Why do you think he’s always starting fights with you?”
“Because he’s irritating?”
“Well, yes. But also because he’s crazy about you.”
“What? No he’s not.” You scoffed. “He just likes to push my buttons.”
“Y/n, seriously, I’m telling you-“
Before Jacob could finish his sentence, the interviewer walked in with the camera crew. You and Jacob quickly dropped the conversation and turned to shake the interviewers hand. Your interview began and you had to force yourself to listen instead of thinking about what Jacob was about to say before he was interrupted.
Later that day, you went back to your hotel room and collapsed on your bed. It had been a long, long day of press and you weren’t with Tom for any of it. You saw him briefly at lunch but barely got a word in before getting shuffled to the next interview. You had just kicked your shoes off when there was a hasty knock at your door. You groaned and went over to it before opening it up.
“What?” You whined like a little kid. Tom put his hands on his waist and pushed you into the room before shutting the door behind him.
“If you’re gonna stay here I’m warning you right now that I chipped my thumb and I’m two seconds away from pulling out my nail polish-“
“I heard what you said.” He blurted to cut you off.
“Um, can you be more a little more specific?” You laughed. “You know I try to talk to you as little as possible.”
“Can we be serious for one minute?” Tom said hastily. You frowned in confusion but nodded your head and sat down. You’d never heard him sound so serious before so you dropped your usual mocking banter. You patted the spot next to you and he nervously sat down.
“What’s up?” You asked him. Tom scratched the back of his head before nervously cracking his knuckles.
“I just gotta talk to you about something.”
“Tom, you’re freaking me out. What’s going on?” You asked and put a hand on his back. He took a deep breath and looked at you.
“I heard you when you were talking to Jacob. I was walking by and I heard my name so I stopped and I listened.” He admitted.
“Oh, shit. You heard all that?” You grimaced. Tom was unphased and kept looking into your eyes.
“Did you mean what you said? Do you really think we’re gonna do the real thing one day? House and kids and-“
“-And beans and toast.” You cut in.
“Yeah. And that.” He chuckled softly. “Did you mean all that? Do you really see a future with us?”
“I mean, I did before I found out you were an eavesdropper.” You mumbled out of the corner of your mouth.
“Are you kidding me? I’m trying to have a serious conversation with you for once in our lives but you can’t be serious for one minute.” Tom huffed and sat on the bed next to you.
“This is who is am.” You shrugged. “You came to the silly lake and you found a silly goose. I don’t know what to tell you.”
Tom let out a dry laugh before looking at you. You looked into his eyes and saw that for once, he looked completely serious. You frowned at the unexpected candor in his eyes and gave him your full attention.
“Tell me you want me.” He said. “As much as I’ve wanted you since the day we met.”
“You do?” You asked doubtfully.
“Why do you think I invited you to watch all those movies with me? Or hang out in your hotel room every night? I want to be around you all the time. I just didn’t know how to say that since we’re never…” He trailed off as he searched for the right word.
“Serious.” You finished his sentence for him with a knowing smile.
“Exactly. I love joking around with you. I love how much you challenge me to come up with a better insult. I even love being teased for my nationality. But I also love when we just get to talk. I love to hear your perspective on things. I just like being near you.”
“Is this a practical joke?” You asked skeptically.
“Bitch, do I look like four lifelong best friends who compete to embarrass each other to you?” Tom sassed you. You gave him a warning look and he mumbled an apology.
“So you’re telling me you actually like me? For my personality?” You asked him.
“No, darling. I like you in spite of your terrible, garbage personality.” Tom teased you. You rolled your eyes at him but found yourself leaning in closer.
“I hate you.” You narrowed your eyes at him.
“I hate you too. See how much we can agree on?” Tom replied and smoothly put his arm around you. You looked over at the arm that was on your shoulders as you thought about what he was saying.
“You do realize if you were my boyfriend, we’d be fighting all the time.” You pointed out.
“We do that anyway.” He shrugged. “Why not throw some kissing and domestic partnership in there?”
“Oh, so I was right? You do want to kiss me, huh?” You raised your eyebrows as you teased him.
“Well, I have lips, you have lips, why not put them to use?”
“You have lips?” You pretended to gasp. “Where have you been hiding them this whole time?”
“Oh my God. You are such a little-“
You cut him off by cupping his face and pulling him into a kiss. He insulted left his head immediately as he wrapped his arms around you to kiss you back.
“I want you too.” You told him once you pulled away. He smiled in surprise and pressed his forehead against yours.
“Even though we can’t agree on anything?” He joked.
“Even though your hairline is receding, yes.” You replied.
“That wasn’t what I-“
“Shh.” You hushed him and kissed him again. “Don’t ruin the moment.”
Tag List 🏷️
@thebookwormlife @imanativeofswlondondahling
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@justcallmehitgirl @jackiehollanderr
@emmamarshmellow @unbelievableholland
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@whereismytelephone @so-very-asleep @white-wolf1940
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@dhtomholland @insomniac-nerd-posts-things @prancerrparkerr
@hallecarey1 @adayasgeorgia @blackwidowisthebest @imawhoreforu
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finnsbubblegum · 1 year
I Don’t Deserve You {Part 1} (Joel Miller x Reader)
Pairing: post-outbreak!joel miller x f!reader
Warnings: fluff, protective joel, use of (y/n) and (y/l/n), age gap (reader is in her 20s and Joel is in his 50s), mentions of abuse, vague mentions of period (lmk if i missed any)
Summary: You were popular in Jackson but you have been single your whole life. Despite many men flirting with you, you have never found your ideal type. Until one day, you saw Joel and you fell in love at first sight.  But he felt insecure.
Words count: 2.2k
A/N: There will be part 2 for this one so stay tuned!
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
“Hey (y/n)! You’re here!.” Your friend, Lily greeted you.
“Hi Lily! It’s Friday night and I have nothing to do at home. I heard tonight is the kids’ movie night. I thought I’d stop by and see my students. What are they playing tonight?”
“The Lion King. It's the third time they’re playing it again. Ugh.”
“Oh! Well, I can’t blame them. Kids love The Lion King. ” 
You were a teacher in Jackson so you knew how much the kids love that movie. They would ask you to sing Hakuna Matata every day in school.
“(y/n) look there.” Lily gave you a sign to look behind you.
You were familiar with Tommy and Maria. But you didn’t recognize the other two. You saw a man who looked similar to Tommy but older and a teen girl walking inside following Tommy and Maria.
“Newcomers?” You asked Lily.
“They came a while ago. I heard his name is Joel Miller.”
“Miller? So he’s Tommy’s brother then?” You tilted your head.
“I’m guessing older brother. He came with the girl. I assumed she’s his daughter. But no wife. Probably single.” Lily smirked and lightly bumped her elbow to you. 
Lily knew you’ve been single your whole life. You were pretty popular in Jackson. You were beautiful inside out and everyone adored your kind and altruistic self. You have had many men flirting with you but you have never found “The One”.
“Why are you giving me that face?” You slapped Lily’s upper arm.
You were slightly annoyed with Lily’s action but deep down you liked it. He was probably a lot older than you but you couldn’t deny the fact that the middle-aged man looked hot with his salt and pepper hair. His shoulder was broad and he was a lot taller than you. His face didn’t look friendly but you could see a strong man from his eyes.
“Well, I mean he looked pretty hot for his age.” You put your hand behind your neck awkwardly.
“I know right! Why don’t you try and go talk to him?” Lily pushed you.
“Oh no no, that’s not why I’m here today. I’m here to watch a movie with my students.” 
“Ugh..You’re no fun (y/n).” Lily crossed her arms.
“Okay, enough talking about men. Now, I’m gonna get me some popcorn and enjoy The Lion King.” You walked away giving a mocking face to your friend.
“Ms. (y/l/n)!” A little boy called you and hugged your legs.
“Hey Timmy! Are you here with your parents?” You crouched to be the same height as the little boy.
“Yes! There!” Timmy pointed his index finger to show you where his parents were.
“Do you want some popcorn?” You smiled as you caressed his hair. 
“Yes! Yes!” He jumped excitedly.
“Okay, Timmy. Calm down.” You chuckled as you took two bowls of popcorn for you and Timmy.
“Here.” You gave Timmy his popcorn.
“Thank you, Ms. (y/l/n)!” He ran to his seat as the movie was starting.
Your heart was warm just by watching how excited the little boy was. You smiled as you stood up. You looked to your right and found Joel staring at you. He looked away immediately when you made eye contact with him. You pretended it never happened and walked to find a seat.
“Pretty, huh?” Tommy teased Joel.
“What?” Joel acted dumb.
“I know you were starin’ at that pretty girl right there, Joel. Don’t even think about it. All the men in Jackson have tried winning her heart but no one has succeeded.” Tommy scoffed.
“I wasn’t even thinkin’ about it.” Joel growled.
Joel lied. Deep down in his heart he thought you were attractive. You were beautiful in his eyes, especially the way you were so kind to the little kid before. For the past 20 years, kindness was something that was not common to see. So he felt warm in his heart when he saw someone so pretty and kind before his eyes.
The night ends with you having a split second of eye contact with Joel.
On Sundays, you took part in church services as one of the singers of the choir group. You were singing and found Joel sitting beside Tommy, Maria and Ellie. You saw him staring at you as you were singing. You tried to focus and avoid eye contact with him. Again, the two of you never had a conversation. Just eye contact. You went with your week without bumping into Joel. You couldn’t help thinking about him. He was your type and you wanted to get to know him more. But you were scared of how intimidating he looked and people were talking about how grumpy he was.
One week had passed since you saw Joel. It was Saturday night, you were suffocated in your bedroom as you couldn’t stop thinking about him. After a few moments of rolling on your bed, you decided to go to the bar where Lily worked.
“Oh, (y/n). I’m glad you’re here. One of our workers didn’t come to work today. We need help. Will you help us?” Lily sighed and gave you the puppy eyes.
“Yeah, sure. Why not?” You followed Lily behind the bar counter and put on the apron she gave you.
“Thank you so much. You’re my lifesaver. So, you know the drill, right? You’ve helped me here a few times before.” Lily put her hands to hold your upper arm.
“Of course.” You nodded. 
Apparently, you have always helped Lily at the bar whenever she needed help. You loved your friend so you were always there to help her whenever you were available. It was hectic for a few hours then people were starting to leave. That was the moment you saw Joel walking inside towards you. He chose a seat in front of the bar counter. You were wiping some glasses as he sat in front of you. 
“What can I get you?” You asked him.
“Just a glass of beer.” His eyes looked tired but he tried to give you a smile.
“Here.” You passed him the beer.
You were thinking maybe this was your chance to have a conversation with him. With the man who had been occupying your mind the whole week. You gathered your courage and started a conversation.
“Long day, huh?” 
“Nearly got one of the guys killed on patrol today.” He told you as he drank his beer.
“Oh. Is he okay?” You tried to sympathize with him.
“He’s fine. Got a few stitches but he’s fine physically. I’m not sure about mentally.”
“I’m sure he’ll be fine.” Hoping your words could help him calm down.
He nodded and looked at you. You could see his lips moving. It looked like he was trying to say something but he was hesitating.
“You were amazing the other day.” He finally found his words.
“Huh?” You were confused.
“I saw you in church last Sunday.”
“Oh! You mean choir. Thank you.” You couldn’t hide your smile from his compliment.
You flinched as you heard Lily calling your name, cutting off your conversation with Joel. Joel was eavesdropping.
“(y/n)! Thank you so much for helping us. We have less customers now. You can go home and rest now. You can have a voucher for a free drink if you want.” Lily was grateful to have a friend like you.
“It’s nothing. That’s what friends are for. I’m always here to help. Anyways, can I have that free drink tonight?” Lily smirked as she knew what you were going to do.
You took off your apron and walked towards Joel. 
“Can I join you?” You asked Joel.
“Sure.” He nodded and dragged the chair next to him for you to sit. 
“I’m (y/n). I haven’t got your name.” You extended your hand to shake his hand. 
“Joel. Joel Miller.” He shook your hand.
“Miller? As in Tommy Miller?” You pretended like you didn’t know him.
“He’s my brother. Younger brother.” 
You hummed and nodded as if you just connected the dot. 
“So, you work here?” Joel faced you and asked.
“Uhm..No, I was just helping my friend today. One of the workers didn’t come so I came to help.” 
“How nice of you. Don’t think there’s someone who's still kind enough in this ruined world.” 
“I guess there is still hope.”
Joel scoffed. 
“So, if you’re not a bartender then..” 
“Guess. What kind of job do you think I’m doing?” You tried to flirt with Joel.
“Uhmm.. nurse?” Joel shrugged.
“Hmm..nope.” You shook your head.
“Teacher? I don’t know but I think you will make a great teacher like teaching kids. You look really patient.” Joel answered with a doubting tone.
“No way? Really? You’re right though. I teach kids in this town. I’ve been teaching for a few years now.” You chuckled.
“What do you teach? Fractions?” Joel tried to joke. (TLOU ep 1 reference 😂)
“Yes, yes. It’s one of them.” You threw your head back and laughed.
Joel shook his head and smiled. He looked like he was proud of getting the right answer.
“How about you?” You asked him back.
“Me?” He pointed at himself on the chest.
“You do patrols?” You nodded and drank your beer.
“I..uh.. arrived here not long ago. Still figurin’ things out and helpin’ doin’ patrols at the moment.” 
“You must be a tough guy.” You gave him a light fist on his upper arm and you could feel how strong his biceps were.
He flinched at the touch as he was getting butterflies from your slight touch. He didn’t know he would ever feel that feeling that he hadn’t had for years. 
“Oh shit.” You sighed as you saw Josh, the man who was obsessed with you coming towards you.
“You know you shouldn’t say that word when you’re teachin’ right?” Joel teased you not knowing about the situation.
“Hey, baby. Why are you drinking without me?” Josh put his arms around you as he sat next to you.
“I don’t have a reason to drink with you, Josh.” You rolled your eyes as you shoved his hand away.
“Cranky. Are you at that time of the month?” He mocked you.
Josh had asked you out before but you didn’t like him. You knew he only wanted to get inside your pants. Just like the other guys. But he was obsessed with you. You rejected his proposal to be his girlfriend but he kept coming after you. 
Joel watched you as you clenched your fist gripping your jeans. He knew you were not comfortable with Josh’s appearance so instead of leaving, he stayed beside you.
“So who is this old man? I haven’t seen you.” Josh looked at Joel.
“He’s my friend.” You answered him coldly.
“I’m Joel.” Joel introduced himself without extending his hand to shake hands with Josh.
“Well, Joel. I need time alone to be with (y/n). Can you leave?” Josh moved his hands back and forth as he was trying to tell Joel to go away.
You were scared. You didn’t want to be alone with Josh. Not after that time, when he slapped you after saying no to be his girlfriend. Your hands were shaking and Joel noticed.
“We were about to leave actually. I promised (y/n) somethin’.” Joel lied to help you get out of this situation.
You looked at Joel and let out a sigh as you felt safe that Joel would protect you. Joel stood up and held your wrist to get you out of the bar.
“She’s staying.” Josh grabbed your other wrist.
You gasped and your eyes were teary.
“You really don’t want to mess with me, kid.” Joel growled.
You could see his death stare at Josh. Josh got scared as Joel was bigger than him. Even though he looked intimidating, you weren’t scared of him. Instead, you felt safe and comfortable. As you and Joel walked a few steps far enough from the bar, Joel stopped.
“You’re shakin’. Are you alright?” His voice was soft. It sounded very different from when he was talking to Josh.
“I-I-Uhm-I’m fine. Thank you.” You couldn’t breathe properly because you were too scared.
Josh’s appearance made all your bad memories came to your head again. 
“Hey. You’re safe now.” Joel rubbed your back up and down to make you feel calm.
“Where do you live? Let me walk you home.” 
“Uh-It’s- 15 minute walk from here.” You guided Joel to your house.
“So is this Josh guy your ex-boyfriend or somethin’?” Joel asked.
“Ugh. No. He asked me out but I said no. And then he slapped me. Many times. I got bruises from it.”
“Jesus. I’m sorry that happened to you.” Joel closed his eyes as he was shocked to hear that happened to you. He wondered how someone could hurt a kind and nice person like you. 
As you arrived at your front porch, you faced Joel.
“Thank you for helping me out today, Joel.” 
“No problem. Just find me whenever you need help.” He shoved his hands in his pocket.
The night ended. You were glad you finally talked to Joel today. And your head couldn’t stop rewinding that scene when he saved you from Josh. You giggled and kicked your blanket thinking about him. You just talked to him once but your feelings towards Joel had already grown deeper. 
To be continued..
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
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yourimagines · 8 months
Favourite person
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* English is not my first language I apologise
* Triggers; fluff
- Summary; you are Harry’s favourite person
I was watching a movie when my phone blew up from messages. “What the hell.” I paused the movie and picked up my phone. People were tagging me in a post, sending me private messages and friends of mine were texting me. I opened one of the text messages
Bestie❤️: oh my god, you have to see the new sidemen video
Bestie❤️: just watch the video at 13:43
I opened YouTube and went to the newest video. I saw a lot of comments about harry.
‘Aww he so cute.’
‘I wish i had a bf like that.’
‘Nahh who make me cry.’
I started the video at 13:40.
‘But who’s your favourite person then?’ Tobi asked harry ‘Uhh my favourite person? It has to be Y/N.’ Harry smiled ‘Really?!’ Ethan asked, Harry nods. ‘Yeah I never get tired of her but I do get tired from you guys.’ They all laughed. ‘Okay, so your girlfriend is your favourite person?’ JJ asked him ‘Yes, why are you so surprised, I thought it’s a normal answer.’ Harry threw his arms up. ‘It is Harry, they just don’t know it yet.’ Josh said, causing them to talk all at once. ‘I just love her mate.’ Harry says while picking up a new question card.
I sat alone in my room, smiling brightly at my screen. “I’m his favourite person.” I giggled and tried to call him but he didn’t answer. ‘He’s probably filming a new video.’ I lay down again and started the movie.
I heard someone open the front door. “Hello!” Harry yelled through the apartment. I stood up and ran to the living room. He stood there with some groceries. “Hey, I’ve missed you.” I jumped at him, hugging him close. “I missed you to.” He returned the hug. “How was your day?” He sighed. “Long, exhausting.” I nod as I picked up the bags. “But I brought you some stuff, your favourite food.” I gave him a quick kiss on his cheek. “Thank you Harry.” He smiles at waved me off. “Nahh don’t thank me.” I unloaded the bags. Harry took a seat on the sofa, pulling his shoes off. “Are you staying here tonight?” “Yes, if you want me too.” I looked at him. “Harry, I always want you.” He laughs. “Good, it would be very awkward if you didn’t want me.” I placed the last items in the fridge and walked over to him, crawling on top of him. My hands where resting on his chest, his hands where on my hips. “You are my favourite person Harry.” He blushes and throws his head back. “Oh no you already saw it.” I started to giggle. “You are so cute.” He slightly pushed me. “Stop, I’m not cute.” I leaned forward and gave him a kiss. “It was adorable.” He groans. “Everyone is talking about it today.” “Do you regret it?” He shakes his head immediately. “No, no I didn’t mean it like that, I would say it thousands times more, I mean it more like, people acting so weird about it, do I really neglect you in that. It’s like they don’t know I love you.” I cupped his face. “Who cares what the people on the internet says, I know you love me and you don’t neglect me Harry, you always show your love to me.” He smiles at me. “Good because I don’t want to lose my favourite person.” He placed a kiss on my hand. “Good I don’t want to lose my favourite person either.” He pulled me close to cuddle me. “So who told you?” “A lot of people Harry.” “Dammit.”
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rollinouttahere-writes · 11 months
Pfft hear me out yandere trio Luffy , Zoro and Nami reaction when female reader admits that Buggy kinda cute (HE IS !! Don’t judge me 💅) since it’s a running gag in the show/movies that this trio always pulls a face hearing his name XD😘
please !🙏 He’s a clown but he’s my clown 🥰🤣
I can't judge, I get it. Goofy men are cute and you're 100% correct
What the Heart Wants
Yandere Luffy, Zoro, and Nami x Fem!Reader (plus Buggy but he's only mentioned)
1.9k words
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This was risky, you knew it was, but it happened on an impulse and it was too late to turn back now. Your pulse quickened as you snuck off into the girl’s room with your newest acquired treasure. You paused at the door and pressed your ear to it to listen for anyone else heading this way.
Nothing. You’re in the clear.
Scurrying over to your bed, you fish the rolled up piece of paper from your sleeve. You didn’t even think about it when you saw the bounty poster on the wall. It was like your hands had a mind of their own, ripping it down and stuffing the poster into your sleeve without your brain even fully registering the action.
Sure, this could backfire if someone finds you with it, but so long as you’re careful it should be fine.
Unrolling the paper, you can’t help but giggle and kick your feet at the sight of the man on the poster. It felt silly to be so giddy over just seeing a picture of the man, but you couldn’t help it. Buggy had this sort of goofy charm to him, and it had a chokehold on you. You’ve always found people like that endearing, it’s a majority of the reason you joined Luffy’s crew. 
This time though, the endearment went beyond being platonic. Instead of simply feeling a warm fondness towards Buggy, you found your heart beating erratically when you thought about him too much. The last time you’d seen him in person and made eye contact, you immediately felt blood rush to your face and had to avert your eyes.
In short, you were down bad.
You were so transfixed on the poster, that you didn’t hear anyone approaching the room until the door was thrown open. In a panic, you leap up from your bed and held the poster close to your chest in an attempt to shield it from prying eyes.
Nami was standing in the doorway, looking confused and slightly startled by your strange reaction to her entering your shared room. She wasn’t dumb, much to your chagrin, and quickly took note of how flustered you look. Then her eyes drifted down to the poorly concealed poster and you could practically see the lightbulb come on over her head.
Her lips curled into a grin, “What’cha got there, (y/n)?” The way she stalked towards you was downright predatory, making you feel like a mouse being cornered by a house cat.
“Nothing! Nothing at all, just a piece of paper!”
“Just a piece of paper? I don’t know about that, it looks like a bounty poster to me,” her smile looked downright malicious as she circled you, trying to get close enough to take it from you. “I wonder why you would be keeping a bounty poster to yourself like this?” Nami definitely already knew the answer, but she wanted you to say it.
“No reason! I just- Um- I don’t even know how this got here! It must have slipped into my pocket while we were out! Yeah!” You internally cringed at how bad that lie was. Even Luffy was a better liar than this.
Nami cackled at your attempt, “Oh really, that’s the story you’re going with? Come on, just be honest with me. We’re both girls here, you can tell me about your crush!”
You whip your head around to glare at her, “I don’t have a crush!” You absolutely did. 
With a speed you didn’t think she possessed, she leapt forward and snatched away the paper. You tried to get it back, but she held it out of reach and used her free hand to push you away, “Yes you do~! I can’t believe you would keep this from me, we’re friends! We’re supposed to talk about things like this.”
Nami danced out of your way, and you swear it felt like the world was in slow motion as she finally pulled the poster down to be able to look at it. Immediately, the mischievous glint in her eyes went cold and her smile dropped. The once coy and amused expression morphed into one of pure horror as she looked between you and the poster in rapid succession.
“No,” was all she said as she shook her head in disbelief, “you can’t be serious.”
“How about you give me that, and we can forget all about this. Please?” You wanted to crawl into a hole and never be seen again. This was the one thing you didn’t want to happen, and her reaction is precisely why.
You can assume she didn’t like your response based on her soured expression and the way her hands crumpled the paper in her tight grip. Without another word, she ran out of the room. 
With. The. Poster.
That was how you got to where you are now. Forced to sit at a table with three of your crewmates sitting with you. Nami, Luffy, and Zoro specifically.
“Guys please this is so dramatic!”
“It’s not! This is a serious matter, one we can’t let slide!” Nami slammed her fists onto the table that you were all seated at. Why were you all gathered here? For an intervention regarding your taste in men. 
It was bad enough that she knew, but why did she have to drag your other crew members into this? You can’t say you understand her choices either. Luffy was hardly the type to weigh in on someone’s love affairs, and Zoro wasn’t even awake. 
“Why are we all here? Are we gonna play a game or something?” Luffy was drumming his fingers on the table impatiently.
Nami slams the partially crumpled wanted poster on the table, “This is why we’re here!”
Your face was buried in your hands and you let out an over the top groan from the sheer embarrassment of the situation. 
“Buggy? What about him?” Luffy perks up, “Oh! Are we gonna go kick his ass again?!”
“No. Well, yes but not yet,” Nami explained. “(Y/N), would you care to explain what you were doing with this poster?”
“Nope, sure wouldn’t,” you didn’t bother taking your hands away from your face. 
“You and me both know why you have this, so how about you just tell the truth so we can fix this,” Nami sounded like a mother scolding her child.
Luffy was looking back and forth between you two, trying to put together what was going on. You could practically hear the gears turning in his head, “Are you planning to fight him? Oh, I know! You’re trying to be a bounty hunter!” He looked to Nami expectantly, hoping for confirmation that he was right.
She pinched the bridge of her nose and let out a sharp sigh, “No, Luffy, she isn’t trying to become a bounty hunter.”
Whatever, you’re just going to go ahead and rip the bandaid off, “I have a little crush on him, okay? There! Are you happy? Can I go now?”
“No! How can anyone be happy knowing that?!” Nami yelled. “Why him of all people?! He’s literally a clown!”
“... He makes me laugh.”
Luffy exploded into laughter, “What’s that got to do with it? I make you laugh all the time, more than he does I bet!”
You tried to get up and leave, but Nami’s hand latched onto your wrist like an iron shackle. With one yank, you fell back into the chair.
“Please just stop! Why are you even doing this? It doesn’t matter if I have a crush on him or anyone else for that matter, so can we please act like none of this ever happened?” You wanted to cry from the humiliation of being shamed by your friends over a little crush. 
Luffy shrugged and nodded along, “It is pretty funny, but I agree with (y/n). Why are you so mad about it, Nami?” Bless him. Even though he did laugh at you previously, at least he was attempting to deescalate the situation now.
“Because she is crushing on Buggy the Clown of all people!” 
“Why is that such an issue?! He’s cute!” You tried to defend yourself (and him).
“Eww! No he isn’t!” Nami full on shuddered at you calling him that, “What is wrong with you? At least fall for someone good looking!”
“Well maybe I care more about personality!”
“What are you talking about?! He’s an egotistical weirdo who has a temper tantrum if he so much as thinks someone said something about his nose!” Nami looked like she was ready to rip her hair out.
“He can be nice when he wants to be, and like I said before, I think he’s funny!”
“There’s a huge difference between someone actually being funny, and someone doing stupid stuff that happens to be funny,” she slapped a hand over her face and dragged it down exasperatedly.
She had a point, and you hated it. You huffed, “Yeah, well, I don’t care. He’s my type and that’s that.”
Nami gagged like the drama queen she was dedicated to being in this moment, “I almost want to set you up with someone else just to give you better taste, how is a clown your type?!” She ground her teeth in frustration, “Okay, new rule: you’re not allowed to leave the ship if Buggy is around.”
“Why is everyone yelling?” Zoro yawned and stretched, looking around the table with mild curiosity.
Nami slapped the back of his head, “I brought you here to help, not to sleep! (Y/N) is crushing on Buggy and we’re trying to stop her.”
“Oh,” Zoro didn’t look all that concerned. “So are we gonna kill him or something?”
“NO!” You shrieked at him. What is wrong with these people?!
“That would take care of the problem,” Nami hummed thoughtfully. “We can’t risk letting this become something more, what if she tried to leave to be with him?”
Luffy laughed at that, “It’s not like I’ll let that happen!”
“What do you mean you won’t let that happen?” That honestly threw you off a bit. What was that supposed to mean?
“It means that I won’t let him take you away from us!” Luffy flashed you his usual blinding smile, but there was something slightly… off about it. It felt a little too wide, and weirdly tense.
“Take me away? No one is trying to ‘take me away’. Besides, if I wanted to leave to be with someone, then I’m allowed to do that,” you were distinctly not a fan of how he was talking about you as if you were a piece of treasure being fought over.
The entire atmosphere of the room changed the second you finished speaking. All eyes were on you, “See! This is what I was talking about! If she gets a crush on someone, she’s going to want to leave!” Nami’s hand found its way to your wrist again, you were sure you’d have a bruise from how tight her grip was.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, let’s all calm down! I didn’t mean I was going to leave just like that! I like it here, really!” You tried to placate your crewmates, but your pleas did nothing to sooth them. It was too late to backpedal now.
“We’ll have to get rid of him next time we see him,” Luffy nodded resolutely.
Zoro shrugged, “Should be easy enough.”
You should have never taken that poster. Now you’ve unintentionally put out a hit on Buggy, and have no idea how to stop it.
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neverfindmegone · 3 months
Hi people, so I'm not a writer and I never wrote anything but my darling @pinkthrone445 is always writing the most amazing things, so I wanted to write this in her honor. Sorry if it's extremely silly and not well written but is my first try 🖤
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What I can see
You and Melissa had been friends for a couple of months now. You met the red head during your first day in Abbot. You were nervous as hell to work as a teacher's aid, but you have always loved children and working with them was a dream.
At first, Melissa wasn't very friendly, she was extremely sarcastic, making fun of you every chance she got.
You still remember your first meeting, Ava had come to introduce you to the red head and you couldn't form one proper sentence, being stunned by her beauty.
- What's the matter Hon, did the cat get your tongue?
After that you started to spend more and more time with the older woman, and the intimidation you felt started to turn into a deep admiration. Being her helper was such an interesting job, the learning range was big, from teaching kids with special needs to having the number of a guy who could help you with racoon problems.
Yes. Melissa was an interesting woman and you started to fall for her more and more each day.
At first you believed to be a innocent crush, but the more you had one on one conversations, you saw that you couldn't stop thinking about what hurricane of a woman she was. Her presence, her personality, her looks, you were completely obsessed. What resulted in you finding every excuse possible to be around her all the time. You would bring her coffee, invite for lunches, drinks, movies almost every week after work.
Melissa seemed to appreciate the extra attention you gave her, sometimes you could swear you caught her staring when she thought you weren't looking.
Her bright green eyes shined when you overshared and her hands always found away to touch you, shoulders, hands, thighs.
That's how you found yourself in the current situation. Ava was giving one of her Ava speeches, and you had Melissa sitting right next to you, her arm touching yours. You were caught giving her looks from the corner of your eye, every time your skins would brush.
- Does she sound drunk to you? She whispered in your ear.
The hairs on the back of your back stood up immediately and you were frozen for a second. Her breath ghosting your skin made you feel dizzy whenever she was this close to you. Damn this woman had put you wonder a spell or something. When did you start to be so easily affected?
Melissa noticing your lack of response, shoved your arm slowly. - You okay?
- Yes, I mean no, not drunk, maybe hung over? I saw on her Insta last night, she was at the club until late.
- Club on a Wednesday? That's brave even for her. She eye rolled, looking back at the stage.
- Come on Schemmenti. You looked at her. - Can't you handle going out on a school night?
Her head snapped immediately, green eyes finding yours, nostrils inflating. You liked teasing her, it was a part of the flirting banter you had going on.
You raised both of your eyebrows challenging her. - Too old?
- Are you kidding me kid? You, me, club tonight. She said snapping, challenging you back.
- Deal, I'll pick you up at 7.
Later that night, you knocked on Melissa's door at 7:15. A bit late, but nothing that would bother the older lady. When the door was opened, your jaw dropped. She was wearing a tight red dress, her creamy cleavage completely in display.
You couldn't stop staring at her breasts, your breathing getting elaborated. This was definitely the rack from God.
Melissa's voice broke up you from your paralysis. - What's the matter hon? Am I over dressed?
You frowned, seeing her insecurity.
- Are you kidding me? Mel, you look... You paused, your eyes raking over her body up and down slowly. - Exquisite.
- Really? I'm not sure about this. She said entering the house, with you following. - I had other options. She gestured for you to follow her into the bedroom.
- Maybe these black jeans? She pointed to the bed, where a bunch of clothes were scattered. - I haven't been to a club in a while, I don't know what I was thinking.
You looked around seeing the mess in the room, realizing that she was probably over thinking this. You wanted nothing more than reassure her, this woman was divine, how couldn't she know that?
- No, you look perfect, I promise.
Melissa made a face, showing that she didn't believe you, she walked to the large mirror in the corner of her room, before standing there, observing herself. Her hands moved over her dress, tiding it up. - Am I too old for this?
- Melissa, please. You giggled, how did this goddess believe she was too old for anything. That's when you remember your teasing earlier, you started to feel guilty. She wouldn't have been upset over that, would she?
- Is this about earlier? You asked approaching her. - Let me show you something. You continued, moving yourself behind her in the mirror slowly, afraid to scare her away. Your desire was to prove to the woman how gorgeous she really was.
- What do you really think? She said looking at you, finding your eyes in the mirror.
You moved your hands to her hips gently, holding her in place, while making eye contact with her.
- I think you will be the hottest woman there. You squeezed her hips gently, before giving them a tap. - Come on.
Melissa huffs, before looking at you with vulnerable eyes. - Oh please.
You move closer, keeping your eyes on hers, before resting your chin on her shoulder. - I don't think you are aware of the effect you have on people. Your arms hugged her from behind while you spoke.
The older woman eyerolled. - Huf, you have to say that, you're my friend.
- Melissa stop. You moved your hands to hers, before squeezing them. - Please see what everyone can see... What I can see.
She blushed deeply. - Listen kid, I...
You moved closer in a fast manner, making her stop talking. You pressed your front against her back completely, before starting - First, look at these arms. You moved your hands up and down her shoulders gently. - They are muscular and strong.
You felt her tense up, looking at you with uncertainty. You gave her a wide smile before you felt her relaxing again, she gave you a small nod, letting you know it was okay to continue.
You shifted your hands to her stomach, stroking it with your fingertips. - Look at this waste, so gorgeous and just the right shape. Her eyes shifted to your hands movements, and her breath started to increase it's path, as she felt you caressing her skin.
- And these hips? Your hand moved down her curves, touching her more intimately now, increasing the pressure of your hands.
- They are so attractive, when you walk, people at school can't stop staring at them. You know when I first met you I couldn't stop thinking about your hips and thighs.
She shaked her head no. - It's true. You breathed in her ear. - You carry such power and swag when you walk, it's impossible not to look.
Her eyes starting to shine, lips quivering as she felt your hands moving to her behind. - I don't think I need to tell you about this mouth watering ass of yours, do I?
Your eyes found hers, completely black now, your hand moving up and down her butt cheeks. Your touch was maddening, Melissa was starting to tremble and you heard a small whimper scape when your nails traced her shape, teasingly.
Your face moved closer to hers, your nose brushing against her cheek, your eyes never leaving hers. - But do you wanna know my favorite? You said slowly, letting the tip of your tongue brush against her earlobe.
She nodded, not trusting herself to speak.
Your hands roamed up her front and the red head felt like her skin was on fire, it was as if hot oil was being poured in every spot your fingers touched. Your hand stopped on her chest and you stretched your fingers to her neck, squeezing it gently.
- Y/N. She whimpered, her voice full of emotion.
Your fingers grasped her chin before turning her face to yours. - It's your face Melissa, I'm obsessed with your face. Your eyes kept drinking in hers while you spoke - Your eyes they are so green and deep. - Your smile lights up the whole room, it's contagious.
You leaned closer, letting your fingertips touch the tip of her nose - Your nose is sharp and perfect. You traced a path to her lips, observing her face deeply, like you were a painter and she was your master piece. Your fingers moved to her lips softly, the pressure light but steady.
- And your mouth, God your mouth.
Melissa held her breath, her eyes started to close, she was hypnotized by your caresses. Her eyes snapped open when she felt you pulling away. But before she could protest in disappointment you moved your hands to her breasts squeezing them roughly. You couldn't keep yourself away from them for one more second. - And these are the star of the show. You felt her nipples get hard while you played with them.
Her head fell to your shoulder before she groaned. - Fucking chirst Y/N.
You lost any self control you had left and turned her around, pressing her back against the mirror, trapping her with your hands beside her head . - Do you see it now? You asked, your eyes full of lust.
Her lack of response gave you the impression that she was uncomfortable, so you started to move away shyly. - Fuck, sorry Mel, I know we work together. Before you could finish your sentence Melissa grabbed your face and crashed her lips against yours. She was furious and putting all of her desire and longing into that kiss.
You had no idea how long she had craved this, how long she had craved you. And having your hands and whispers seducing her like that was enough to take the red head to a breaking point.
All she could see was black, her hands moved over your body frantically, squeezing every piece of flesh she could find.
You moaned feeling how dominant she had became, letting her take charge of the kiss. Your hands moved to her shoulders, clutching with force, returning all the fire the woman was giving you. You opened your mouth, accepting her tongue in. Your mind was dizzy with desire, and you couldn't stop yourself from moaning again.
- Holy fuck. You panted. You kissed for minutes, or what seemed to be hours. You couldn't get enough of her taste and she seemed to be obsessed with yours. Every time you would stop to breathe the other would pull in again with force, continuing the intense kiss. Your hands tangled in her gorgeous hair and hers groping you forcefully.
When you felt yourself close to fainting from the lack of air, you moved away from her, catching your breath so you could take a sight of what had just happened.
You moved your hand over your chest, trying to recover.
- Wow Schemmenti, I always assumed you were a good kisser but this, this is something else.
When you caught her eyes, she was still silent, chest and face red, she looked dangerous, almost a predator looking at her pray. - Mel?
She moved closer to you before shoving you in the bed savagely. You fell on your elbows harshly. - Ouch! Melissa! You said looking her with surprise.
- You had your fun seducing and playing me like pudding in your hands. Now it's my turn. She said while moving on top of you.
Her hands moved to your neck before squeezing it. - And you know something Y/N? She said while leaning in, letting her mouth hover over yours. - I don't think I want to go to the club anymore.
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Young, dumb in love
Theseus Scamander X Wizard!Reader
Summary: Theseus and Y/n had always been in love with the other. Now that an extraordinary event occurs, it will bring them closer
Warning: Pregnancy/ Mention of birth/ inaccuracies (powers, medical)/ use of Y/n/ not really following the movie timeline
Word count: 1.5k
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Y/n and Theseus met because of Newt. All 3 of them were in Hufflepuff and Y/n didn’t have any friends. Newt sat next to her one day and they became friends, then, she met Newt’s older brother, Theseus. She was instantly attracted to him, and it was the same for him, he thought she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Years went by and they were both 20. After a one-night stand, Y/n started to feel nauseous, she feared that the protection they wore, didn’t do its job. So, when the test came back positive, it was time to break the news to Theseus.
‘’You might want to sit down’’ Y/n warned the man. ‘’What are you going to tell me? You’re not pregnant, are you?’’ he joked. Y/n’s heart sank, she became pale. ‘’Well, yes, I am Theseus, I did 4 tests, they all came back positive’’ she nervously said. Theseus immediately felt bad from what he just said. He was happy, he was going to be a dad, having a family of his own as always been his dream. ‘’Oh my! Y/n that’s an amazing news! I can’t wait to tell Newt!’’ He smiles. Y/n breath out in relief, her eyes fill with tears, happy tears. ‘’So, you’re happy?’’ she asked. ‘’Yes, it’s wonderful!’’ he exclaimed, hugging her.
‘’Thank you for inviting me over, it’s been a while since I’ve saw you. How are you, Y/n?’’ Newt says, sitting at the table. Y/n and Theseus didn’t have a game plan, they didn’t think about a way to announce it. ‘’I’m great, Newt, by the way, you’re going to be an uncle.’’ She blurted out. Newt dropped his fork as he looked at them. ‘’What?’’ he mumbled. ‘’I’m pregnant, Newt. And Theseus is the father’’ she smiled. ‘’Really?’’ he smiled. Theseus nodded and took Y/n’s hand. ‘’That’s amazing! Congratulations! I’m going to be an uncle!’’ he exclaimed, he looked really happy. ‘’That’s why the Qilin was so excited, he saw the baby’s soul’’ he murmurs. ‘’This early?’’ Y/n asked, putting a hand on her stomach. Newt nodded and smiled. Theseus smiled to his brother as they continued to talk about life.
Her stomach was starting to show, she was so happy. She was looking at herself in the mirror, smiling. ‘’Theseus! Come here!’’ she yelled. He ran upstairs, afraid something bad happened to her. ‘’Are you okay? Is the baby, okay? Do I need to call Newt?’’ he quickly said. Y/n laughed and shook her head. ‘’Look, I’m showing! Can you see it!’’ she lifted her shirt, exposing her small bump. Theseus calmed down and looked at her belly. ‘’Oh my, that’s amazing!’’ he dropped to his knees and put his hand on her stomach. ‘’Hello little one, I’m your father. I don’t know if you can hear me, but I can’t wait to meet you’’ he whispered. Y/n’s eyes filled with tears. ‘’You made me cry’’ she said, wiping her tears. He got up and hugged her, kissing her cheek in the process. They didn’t figure out what their relationship was, it pained them both. ‘’Y/n, what are we?’’ he whispered in her ear. ‘’I don’t know, but I know that I love you, more than a friend’’ she replied. They stopped hugging and sat on the bed. ‘’I want to be more than a friend to you, Y/n. I love you, you’re the mother of my child, that’s the most important thing. I want to be with you, if you’ll allow me to’’ he confessed. Y/n cried even more. ‘’I love you too, yes, I’ll allow it, silly’’ she laughed as they kissed.
‘’Why is the Qilin in our house?’’ Theseus asked his girlfriend and brother as he entered his home. Y/n turned around; her belly was getting bigger. 3 months left in her pregnancy, they recently discovered that she was carrying twins, a boy and a girl. Her belly was really big, but she was happy. Newt looked at his brother and smiled. ‘’He was grumpy, and the only thing that calms him down is seeing the twin’s soul.’’ Newt explained as Y/n petted the small animal. Theseus looked at Y/n shirt, it had a weird shape. ‘’Oh, the Niffler is in there, he wanted somewhere warm to sleep’’ she explained. Theseus swore under his breath and let out a sigh. ‘’Newt, I don’t want you creatures to roam around the house and risk hurting – ‘’ Y/n cut him off. ‘’Shush! They’re kicking!’’ she said, touching her belly. Theseus stopped his sentence and went near his girlfriend. ‘’Here’’ she took his hand and placed it where the baby kicked. He smiled to her when he felt it. ‘’That’s beautiful’’ he whispered. ‘’Newt, do you want to touch?’’ she asked. He nodded and put his hand on her stomach. They all looked at each other, smiling, tears in their eyes.
‘’For the last time, Thesus, it was a Braxton Hicks contraction. I’m okay’’ she said, rubbing her stomach. ‘’But if you go into labour and I’m not there!’’ he said. ‘’I will call you. I’m safe, Newt’s coming and the Qilin can sense the babies, I promise, go to work, get that promotion’’ she said. ‘’If there’s any change, even another Braxton Hicks, call me’’ he said. She nodded as he left his home, at the same time, Newt entered. ‘’I thought he’d never leave’’ Y/n chuckles. Pickett comes out of Newt’s pocket to jump on Y/n’s belly. ‘’Hello, you’’ she squeals. The creatures smile and jumps on her belly as a sign of joy. ‘’When’s your due date?’’ he asked, sitting on the couch. ‘’Yesterday, that’s why he’s so nervous’’ she says, smiling. The Qilin gets out of Newt’s case and sits next to her, resting his head on her belly. ‘’He’s always been nervous, but I get him’’ he says. ‘’Can you do me a favour? Can you go and make some raspberry leaf tea, Muggles say it helps the woman going into labour’’ she explains as Newt goes to make tea. She pets the Qilin as she waits for her boyfriend’s brother. She feels a pain in her stomach, so she takes deep breath to make them pass, but it doesn’t work. She doesn’t tell Newt, because she’s not sure if they’re real or not. The Qilin rise his head, looking at Y/n. His eyes talk: C’mon, tell him. Y/n shakes her head, Pickett squeaks. ‘’What are they trying to tell you?’’ Newt asks as he puts her cup down. ‘’They want me to tell you that I’m having contractions, but I’m not sure if they’re real or not’’ she confesses.
‘’I swear, you’re lucky I’m carrying two! Because I’m not doing this again” she moaned in pain. Theseus rubbed her back and tried to support her the best he could. She had been in labor for 13 hours without medication because it could be dangerous for the babies. ‘’You’re so strong, my darling, keep breathing, you got this’’ he praised her. Y/n felt pressure down there, like she needed to push. ‘’I need to push, like right now!’’ she announced. ‘’Go ahead, sweetie’’ the nurse called out. She pushed with all the energy she had left to try and get one of her babies out. ‘’You’re a warrior, come on give me another push like that and one of them is out’’ the nurse encouraged her. She pushed again. This time, the room was filled with cries, baby cries. Y/n let out a breath as she looked at her baby. ‘’It’s a boy’’ Their baby boy was born first, Y/n sobbed with joy. ‘’You did it, my love, our boy is here’’ Theseus calls out. ‘’Come on, Y/n, push again’’ the nurse calls out. ‘’Bollocks, I have to do it again’’ she groaned in pain. Theseus chuckled as he supported her again. 15 minutes later, Y/n was sitting with her girl in her arms, while Theseus was holding their boy. Newt came in the room, with Tina, Jacob, and Queenie following him. ‘’Congratulations!’’ Queenie squeals. Y/n smiles, she was exhausted and only wanted to sleep, but she wanted to be there for her guests. ‘’How did it go?’’ Tina asked, more calmly. ‘’It was so long, but I’m happy that they’re here’’ Y/n says. ‘’Do you want to know their names?’’ Theseus says, looking at the guests. ‘’That’s Emory Scamander’’ Y/n announces, smiling. ‘’And that’s Eugene Newton Scamander’’ at the sound of his name, Newt’s eyes fill with tears. ‘’You named him after me?’’ he softly asks. They both nod and smile. ‘’Oh’’ he softly reacts. ‘’Two E names, was it intentional?’’ Jacob laughs. ‘’Emory means strength and leadership and Eugene means noble’’ Y/n explains. ‘’You guys are such a beautiful family’’ Queenie says. Y/n and Theseus felt like it, a family. After all this time of loving each other, they now had children together. They were the happiest they’ve ever been.
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bayothemayo · 3 months
If requests are available, can I please request head canons for an Akira kurusu with a s/o that's is a persona user but under the terms, of the s.e.e.s. Later on his s/o invites him over to their room then goes out for a bit then finds the evoker??
P.s I genuinely love you're writing .
Akira Kurusu x S.E.E.S! Reader Headcannons
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Warning: Swearing
Note: The reader doesn't know that Akira is a Phantom Thief but has suspicions.
He doesn't know that you were a persona user, due to him thinking that the only way to summon a persona is ripping off the mask and that the Metaverse is the only place where shadows can exist. So he was essentially clueless even if you two dated for a while.
When you invited him to your house to hang out he was excited, he was excited to see what your room was like and to see your personality shine through it.
And indeed it had your personality and your likes slapped all over it. Posters of your favorite band/game/movie and some of the items you own in your favorite color.
You have to excuse yourself to get something you left downstairs, so Akira was left alone in your room.
Akira just stood there awkwardly, he didn't want to snoop around but something caught his eye.
There was a sliver case peeking out under your bed, the blanket almost covering it.
It caught his interest. He kneels down and takes the case out under your bed. He wanted to respect your privacy but curiosity got the better of him.
He carefully open the case, and he immediately saw something that shook him to the core.
A fucking gun.
A unique-looking gun at that. Another thing that caught his eye was the red armband that was sitting there, waiting to be worn again. He didn't want to touch it in case you noticed that it moved once you opened the case. But he can see the letters S.E being shown while the rest of the letters are hidden.
There was something else that caught his eye, but it was a lot more innocent compare to the gun.
It was a group picture with people, a dog, and a robot? that he doesn't recognize other than you of course. The people in the picture were wearing a school uniform. You looked younger in the picture so Akira can guess that this picture was taken years ago.
"Oh shit I can explain!" You quickly shouted when you saw Akira looking at your Evoker case. You thought that you had hidden the case better.
"...Why do you have a gun?"
"It's not a gun it's an Evoker!" You try to explain but it didn't really help with another. You quickly responded, "Look, let me explain, and hope this won't change your opinion of me." You then explain on how you had gotten this Evoker, S.E.E.S the Dark Hour, the shadows, and a little bit of your teammates. You didn't tell him about the more... sensitive parts when you were part of the S.E.E.S. It took a while for Akira to process the information because he was shocked that there were other Persona users and something similar to the Metaverse. Akira did feel bad that you had to explain this to him which is probably one of the most private parts of your life. So Akira spoke up.
"(Y/N)," Akira said softly, "thank you for telling me this. To make things fair, I want to tell you a secret." Akira then mentally prepared himself for your reaction, "I am the leader of the Phantom Thieves."
Silence fills the room. You sigh as you run your fingers through your hair, "I had my suspicions...and I had a feeling that you were more special than others." You put your hand on his cheek, "You are being careful with being a Phantom Theif right?"
"Yes, I am..." Akira put his hand over yours.
You stay silent and then you spoke, "I want to join you guys." Akira stiffens but then slowly nods. Despite him not wanting you to join, you already have experience with shadows. More than him actually. So he reluctantly let you join.
You Had Join The Phantom Thieves!
Akira let you tell the others what you had told him.
When you all got to the Metaverse and started to fight the shadows, he (and the others) got a heart attack when you put the Evoker to your head. He felt a little better when your Persona came out instead of your brain bits.
It is going to take a while for him to get used to it, maybe never.
Despite you having more experience, he is still a little protective over you.
...and maybe gets a little flustered when you are being a badass.
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itskattkm · 6 months
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Based on a request
Tara Carpenter x Fem Reader
Warnings: Christmas stuff, slight fluff, being nervous and shy as f*ck
A/N: Sorry for my bad writing, sorry for switching the perspectives :D I hope that the translation was at least good. Have fun. I tried my best.
When you’re home
Y/n sat on her armchair in her two-room apartment as she comfortably drank a ginger tea. When she took a sip of it, she slightly twisted her face and whispered "spicy." She smiled and looked out the window. It was snowing and the snow breathed the city of New York into a beautiful white. She ran over to the window and sat down on the window sill to watch the snow.
It was her first Christmas in New York. Before that, New York seemed to be a dream world for her. A world she only knew from movies. If her ten-year-old self could only see her now. She lived in a small overpriced apartment near her college. She studied (insert) and even had a girlfriend.
She was surprised herself. She could never have guessed how things would develop after she moved here. Y/N had a girlfriend. How strange.
As y/n continued to observe the falling snow, she had to think of Tara. What did Tara do right now ? She asked herself. She hadn't seen her girlfriend for a week because they were both busy with their exams. Now it was finally the weekend. For now, that meant that she could switch back and relax. No learning for now.
A flashing light attracted y/n attention. She looked to the left and could see how her neighbors opposite the house decorated their windows with fairy lights. "Oh shit," y/n said to herself. She had forgotten to buy and decoration for Christmas herself she totally forgot because of all the exam tasks, after all, tomorrow was already the first Advent. Y/N sighed and put her cup aside. This was her first Christmas alone. Without her family. Otherwise, her mother had made sure that everyone in the family came to decorate. She always bought the Christmas decorations.
Suddenly y/n cell phone rang. She looked over to the living room table and saw a picture of herself and Tara.
She answered and said shy "hey"
Tara laughed into the cell phone "y/n where are you? We're waiting"
Y/n looked confused out of the window
"What do you mean?" She asked laughing slight
Tara sighed slight
"Decorating. Christmas. You. Me. In... my apartment?" She said in a cute way
Y/n laughed and felt her heartbeat running faster "is this your way to ask me if I Wanne come over to decorate with you?"
Tara hesitated with the answer and grinned broadly when she said "maybe?"
Y/n grinned "wow who's the shy one now?"
Tara laughed "thin ice y/n... thin ice"
Y/n grinned wider and felt the heat in her cheeks. Normally y/n was always the shy and nervous one of both, but there were those rarely sweet moments when it was exactly the other way around.
"Okay Fine..." said Tara and sounded like she was giving up "would you like to come over for decorating? Since it will be our first Christmas together?"
"But it's not Christmas yet" I said teasing
Tara sighed again but y/n could already see in front of her eyes how Tara smiled, her dimples came out and the slight blush appeared in her cheeks.
"My god do you two always need so much time to get to the point?" I heard Sam say on the other side of the line.
Suddenly the cell phone rushed at Tara's side and Sam said to Y/n "please come over y/n. We wanted to decorate the apartment and we had the idea to invite you"
I smiled broadly and nodded even though she couldn't see it.
"I'll be there in 20 minutes... Should I bring anything?" I asked out of intuition and looked through my apartment. Im such an idiot I have no decoration at all I thought.
"Yes, I had the idea that the three of us could eat something... meet Tara in the New Bodega store you can help her with the groceries," said Sam
"Okay, I'm on my way"
Both ended the phone call and y/n put on her coat and gloves. She packed her keys and left the apartment. Outside, she immediately hit a light gust of wind with thousands of snowflakes. She straightened her coat and made her way to the bodega. As it was getting more and more windy, she tried to hurry.
When she saw the lights of the bodega, she sighed with relief and ran across the street. She ran into the bodega and a warm wave hit her. She took a relaxed breath and looked around to find Tara. At that moment, a laugh also had to refrain. Tara was too small to be able to see her across the shelves. And just as this thought went through y/n head, Tara appeared in the next aisle and looked at her warningly "I know exactly what you just thought" she said and pointed her finger at y/n.
Y/n laughed nervously and was thrown off by Tara with a pack of napkins the next moment. Y/n just caught the pack and looked at Tara with a crooked head "Sorry...?" Said y/n shyly.
Tara's facial expressions became gentler and she smiled as she slowly approached y/n. She grabbed her coat and pulled y/n closer to kiss her.
Y/n closed her eyes for a brief moment and had felt a pleasant wave of goosebumps all over her body as Tara's gentle lips touched her.
"What will we cook later?" I asked Tara as we separated from each other.
Tara looked at the little note in her hand "Just some pasta. Nothing special. But on Christmas Eve... you'll get the best Mexican food you have ever eaten"
She said excitedly. Y/n sprays a pleasant warmth in her body when she nervously said "so I’m invited for Christmas?"
Tara smiled wide and moved closer to y/n
"Your my girlfriend... did you though I want to spend Christmas without you?"
Y/n shrugged her shoulders "Yes but... Sam... your family?"
Tara slowly put her arm around y/n waist and kissed her gently on the cheek as she whispered "your my family now..."
Tara detached herself from y/n and searched the shelves for the last ingredients. Y/n looked at her with admiring eyes as she still felt the kiss on her cheek and Tara's words repeated themselves in her head. If only Tara could know how important these words were for y/n. Y/n didn't even knew it herself until that moment. Y/n came out of her trance and followed Tara.
Finally arrived at Tara's and Sam's apartment. Y/n Smiled amazed it was the complete opposite of her apartment. It smelled like baked cookies and there was decoration everywhere. When she entered the living room of the carpenter sisters, it was felt with warm light and a large Christmas tree.
"Wow..." y/n said speechless and looked at the top of the tree that touched the ceiling.
"Sam had to exaggerate a bit with the tree" said Tara and laughed behind y/n.
"Yeah sure... at least we have a Christmas tree. Now let's get this started," said Sam, who came out of her room and pressed a box into y/n hands. Tara brought the groceries to the kitchen and I stood in the living room like a lost deer. I looked around nervously and didn't know where and how to start. My heart began to beat faster and faster and I looked around slightly panicked.
The next moment, Tara took the box from me. She smiled warmly at me "Take off your coat and then help me..."
I nodded silently and went back into the hallway where I hung up my jacket at the cloakroom. I took off my gloves and went nervously back to the living room.
I stood in front of the tree with my arms crossed and looked up to the top with a concentrated look. Since the tree was too big, the top was bent a little because of the ceiling.
"If I get scissors... I could try to cut off the tip. So that a star still fits on it," I said shyly to Tara.
Even before I could finish my sentence, Tara was already holding scissors in front of my face.
I laughed lightly and took it from her.
After I took one of the dining table chairs and climbed on it to get to the top better, I struggled with the scissors to cut through the wood of the tip.
"How's it going up there?" Tara asked and without looking I knew that she was just grinning. I sighed "if you want you can give it a try," I said in a sarcastic tone and looked down at her.
She stood there with her arms crossed and grinned dirty "no thanks. Im good. I like the view tho..."
I looked away nervously and couldn't resist a slight laugh. I immediately felt the heat in my ears and shortly afterwards in my whole face.
After a few seconds, I managed to cut off the tip. And then threw it at Tara with a grin as I got off the chair.
"Hey!" She called and threw the tip back.
I caught it and put it on the living room table.
"I have to admit... I feel a little overwhelmed," I said nervously and looked at the tree and the boxes with the decoration.
Tara hugged y/n from behind and put her head on her shoulder.
"Relax..." she said.
I sighed "relax? Decorating the tree was always stressful at home. No matter how I and my dad had decorated in, my mom then corrected everything afterwards," I said and laughed nervously.
Suddenly I felt Tara's lips on my neck and I got very stiff.
I felt a tingling at the point where her lips had touched me. My thoughts were empty and I began to perceive more the pressure of her arms around my body.
"It's okay..." she now whispered in my ear and I had goosebumps again.
I went to relax my body and let myself fall into Tara's embrace. She held me tight and gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek.
"Come on lovebirds..." said Sam and joined us in the living room.
Y/n blushed slightly again and started decorating the tree with the carpenter sisters. They began to tell each other their weirdest Christmas story's and made sure to not break any Christmas decoration.
When we finished decorating the tree, Sam and Tara began discussing about who could be the one to put the star on the top. I just kept grinning watching them discussing.
"Tara you don't even reach the top and I bought the tree" she said teasing and held the star up so Tara couldn't reach it.
I had to keep my laughing back so hard. I never thought Sam would really tease Tara because of her size.
"Oh really? Watch me!" Said Tara competitive and managed to get the star out of Sam's hands.
Tara walked towards y/n and said
"Pick me up"
"What?" I said and laughed.
Tara looked at me with a tilted head and a slight serious look.
I stopped laughing and nodded. I bent down and put my arms around her thighs and lifted her up the next moment.
Sam laughed "I can't believe it"
We laughed when I held tara up so she could reach the top.
"Everything okay up there?" I asked grinning after Tara still didn't manage to put the star on.
"Why don't you try?" She said slightly annoyed, but I heard a smile.
I grinned broadly and held her tighter.
"Im good... I like the view" I said teasing and looked up at her while her ass wasn't far away from my face.
Tara stopped in her move and looked down at y/n with a grin, before putting the star on top of the tree.
"Finally..." said Sam and left into the kitchen.
I breathed out and let Tara down careful.
She wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a soft kiss on the cheek.
After decorating the rest and eating together it was already dark outside.
"Thank you for the invite..." I said shy and finished to clean the last dish from our dinner.
"You don't have to be y/n... you’re part of the family" said Sam with a warm smile and touched slight y/n’s shoulder as she left the kitchen.
Again I had that goosebump on my whole body. Family. I repeated in my head.
I turned around and leaned on the kitchen counter when Tara walked towards me and grabbed my hands and intertwined our fingers.
"You good?" She whispered and moved closer to y/n
"Yeah why?" I asked quite and looked into her dark welcoming and shining eyes.
Tara shrugged her shoulders and smiled shy
"You seemed to be a bit off..."
Y/n let go of Tara's hands and placed them on Tara's hips and pulled her closer in.
"I'm good..." I whispered with a slight smile.
Tara moved her hand slowly around y/n neck and moved even closer whispering "you stay the night?" Her lips brushed slight y/n’s.
Y/n blushed and grinned shyly.
"Only... if you help me next weekend to decorate my apartment cause I totally forgot about Christmas and have nothing for my apartment".
Tara smirked and kissed y/n deep before whispering "I'll take care of that".
One week passed. It was Friday evening y/n was lying on her couch in black joggers and a hoodie. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.
Y/n furrowed her brows and got up. Who could that be. She didn't had invited anyone. As soon as she opened the door she saw Tara, Mindy, Chad and Sam. Holding many shopping bags and boxes in their hands.
"Hello there!" Called out Mindy like y/n always did.
They walked past y/n and got into her apartment.
"Damn we got some work do to here" said Sam. While y/n looked confused after chad, Mindy and Sam. Tara was standing beside y/n with a wide grin.
"I told you I'll take care of that"
Y/n looked shy at Tara "thank you..." she said quite.
There was this spark in Tara's eyes again. She moved closer to y/n and held up suddenly a mistletoe.
Y/n blushed more and felt caught off guard.
Tara kept grinning "your so shy sometimes I love it" she whispered while grabbing y/n by her chin and kissing her deep.
Y/n felt herself melting away in Tara's hands. She felt the warmth of her hands on her face and her soft lips on hers.
She pulled Tara closer and kissed her back
After both stopped kissing, y/n rested her forehead on Tara's and whispered "you feel like home to me you know that right?"
Tara smiled and caressed y/n cheek
"I know..."
Y/n kissed her softly and pulled her arms around Tara "we're family now..."
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the-offside-rule · 4 months
Pedri Gonzalez (FCBarcelona) - Punto De Vista
Requested: on wattpad
Prompt: 5) "Will you just.....hold me please?"
Warnings: angst
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Pedri walked through the door with a heavy sigh, his shoulders slumped from the weight of a particularly challenging day at training. He walked into the kitchen where Y/n was plating up some dinner. "Hola, amor." Pedri practically mumbled. Y/n, noticing his demeanor, greeted him with a warm smile. "Hey babe. How was your day?" She asked, concern in her eyes. "It was alright." He replied, opening the fridge. "I have dinner. I don't think-"
"Just getting a drink." He said, cutting her off. Y/n arched a brow. "You okay?" He nodded, grabbing the two plates. "Yes. Let's just get dinner over and done with." Over and done with. What the hell? Pedri sat staring blankly at his food, using his fork to move it around but wouldn't dare eat it. "Pedri? You okay?" The sweet voice of his girlfriend pierced through his train of thought. He looked up at the concerned girl and gave her a reassuring smile. "I'm fine. Just thinking." She didn't buy it. "You know I can tell when you're in a bad mood." She said. "I am not in a bad mood. Can you just leave me alone for one minute?" His voice was raised. Y/n, taken aback by his sudden outburst, sat in shock for a moment before realizing something deeper might be bothering him. "Pedri, what happened?" She asked gently, concern replacing any hurt she felt.
He hesitated before blurting out, "I can't get anything right. The pressure, the expectations—it's too much." His voice cracked. He immediately regretted his outburst as he saw the hurt flash across her face. Y/n recoiled slightly, her eyes widening in surprise at his uncharacteristic response. She took a moment to process before she noticed the tears welling in Pedri's eyes, his vulnerability laid bare before her. "What exactly is wrong with that?" She asked.
"Nothing is wrong!" Pedri shouted. She stared at him, dumbfounded. "I-" He sighed and let out a deep breath. Y/n approached him cautiously, her tone softening. "Pedri, you don't have to carry all of that on your own. I'm here for you. Talk to me." With a shaky breath, Pedri looked up at her, his eyes filled with raw vulnerability. "Will you just hold me?" He paused. "Please?" He whispered, his voice barely above a broken plea. Y/n, understanding the vulnerability beneath his tough exterior, embraced him without hesitation. Y/n's heart swelled with tenderness as she wrapped her arms around him, pulling him close against her chest. She felt Pedri's walls crumble in her embrace, his sobs muffled against her chest as he let go of the weight he'd been carrying alone. They stood there, cocooned in each other's warmth, the only sound the steady rhythm of their breathing.
After a while, he pulled away, wiping his tears with embarrassment. Y/n cupped his face and said. "Pedri, it's okay. You just got back from from injury and you arent going going hit the ground running. You don't have to do everything alone. I'm here for you, no matter what." He nodded, appreciating her support, and managed a small smile. "I don't know what I'd do without you." Y/n kissed the tip of his nose. "How about we watch a movie for tonight? Sound good?" Pedri sniffled. "Sounds perfect." Y/n picked up his plate. "Come on, we'll eat in the living room tonight."
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gay-wh0re-slut · 4 months
Can you write rhea x fem!reader where they are at the movies and they decide to sit all they way in the back away from everyone because reader doesn’t like being near anyone and rhea gets the idea to fool around while they watch the movie (smut please)
heyyyyyyy thank you for your request hehehe i’ve always wanted to do this
this is so cheeky oooooo let’s see how this goes
Two Tickets
rhea x fem!reader
content: sexy fun times with your hot buff wrestler gf in a movie theater. def some touching and teasing, def some kissing
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“Thank you, baby,” you say as you walk through door held open for you. You insisted on bringing a blanket because you always go too cold in the theaters, she loved cuddling up to you anyway.
The buff woman chuckles behind you, letting the door close behind the two of you. She quickly walks in front of you to the ticket counter.
Rhea saw online that they were doing a special showing of Friday the 13th. If you wore merch, you’d get fifty percent off the tickets, so of course you had to go. Half of her closet was horror movie merch.
“Two tickets for Friday the 13th, please,” her accent echoed a bit.
The worker looked intimidated by her, which was funny to you and almost immediately rang you up for the tickets. “Uh..anything else?”
She turned towards you, “popcorn?” she shrugged her large shoulders.
“Sure,” you chirped.
“Medium popcorn plea-”
“And a large lemonade!” you added on.
She rolled her eyes playfully, “and a large lemonade please.”
“Y-you got it,” he pushed buttons on the screen. As the card reader loaded, he scooped the popcorn and got the lemonade, placing both on the counter in front of your girlfriend. The tickets printed after she removed her card and he handed them to her.
“Thank you,” she handed the drink to you, then took the popcorn and tickets.
“Enjoy your movie,” he said quietly as you walked away.
“We will,” she winked towards him.
His knees almost buckled right then. It was fun having her around you thought, you almost got everything you wanted.
Walking into the theater, there was more people than you thought there would be. You froze for a second before Rhea looked at you with a soft smile, letting you know that everything will be okay. You followed her to the very back, right under the projector. Both of you sat down and situated yourselves under the blanket. This theater had the seats that could move so that you were basically laying down.
The previews played as more people trickled in. To your surprise, no one else sat in the back row. Was it Rhea's aura or did they want to be scared? Either way, you didn't mind.
The movie finally started. The wrestler hit your leg playfully out of excitement. She told you earlier that she has always wanted to see the movie on the big screen, "I was born too late," she would say.
As the movie went on, you finally realized that her hand was resting on your thigh, luckily under the blanket. Which wasn't any different than normal but what was different was that she was slowly moving it...up your leg.
"Baby," you whispered.
"What?" she whispered back teasingly.
"We're in pub-"
"The movie is loud and we're the only ones back here," her accent tingled in your ear as it sent chills down your spine.
She leaned over to start kissing on your neck, "c'mon baby," her whispering got more sensual as she talked.
"I thought you wanted to watch it on the big screen."
"Well, yes..." her hand was insanely close to your center now, "but you are much more intriguing." Her other hand reached to your chin and gently pulled you towards her. She glanced into your eyes then flicked her gaze down to your lips then back to your eyes, "be a good girl for me, yeah?"
You bit your lip trying to silence the whimper that was pushing its way out. Nodding your head in desperation, you scoot yourself closer to her wishing that the arm of the chair could fold up, but unfortunately it couldn't.
The movie played as her teasing went on. The more suspense in the movie, the more pressure she put on your center, and the more you struggled to keep yourself together. Every so often she would kiss your neck holding your face away from her for better access. Her tattooed hand massaged its way to your core as the people in front of you cowered in fear. The jump scare got closer and closer as her hand added more and more pressure.
"SHIT!" you screamed in arousal as the rest of the crowd screamed in fear at the jump.
She chuckled in your ear as the crowd died down and removed her hand, but only slightly.
Finally the movie ended, "get your ass in the car," she growled as she ripped the blanket away from the two of you. You quickly grabbed the half full drink, barely eaten popcorn and basically ran out to her big truck. She followed close behind you lazily folding the blanket.
Squirming all the way home, you jumped out of the car, dropped the popcorn and the drink on the counter and before you could make it to the bedroom-
"Uh uh, princess," as she caught you from behind, engulfing you in her big arms. She carried you back to the couch and threw you down.
You giggled as you plopped down.
"You did so well, my love," she kneeled in front of you landing her hands on the outside of your thighs.
You relaxed the muscles you didn't know you were holding tense. Letting out a long breath as you did, you let your head fall back, resting on the back of the couch. Your hands tangled themselves in her raven dark hair as she kissed along your thighs. Her hands toyed with your waistband, tugging on them hoping you get the hint.
Of course you did, but you loved the feeling of her teasing you, "not yet," you breathed.
"Correct answer," she grinned. She continued to kiss up your thighs and grazing her hands all over you. They trailed up to your sides, to your stomach, to your tits then finally back down to your legs. She slowly pushed them open causing her to kiss the inside of your thighs.
A small moan fell out of you as you readjusted yourself to move closer to the edge of the couch. You heard a faint giggle come from below you, sending a shock through you straight to your core.
Instead of tugging this time, Rhea purposely pulled harder on your waistband, silently telling you to lift your hips. So you did, allowing her to pull your pants off and thrown to the side as you helped.
"Look at you," she sat back holding your legs open staring at the arousal that soaked your underwear, "all for me?" she cooed.
"Mhmm," you whined, "please baby..."
"So desperate," she mocked. Her devilish smile dove back down to kiss on your now bare skin. Finally, after what seemed like forever, she trailed the kisses up to your core. Planting her soft lips right above where you need them most.
You shifted your hips closer to her but she backed away in perfect timing, "uh uh, you know the rules babygirl."
You sigh loudly, "hmph," as you drop your hands from her shoulders.
"Aw, a lil frustrated are we?"
"No," you lie.
"Right, so me doing this," she carefully grazed her thumb over your clit, "doesn't do anything?"
Your hips jerked as you grunted in frustration, "n-no."
"Right...and this?" she did the same motion but added slightly more pressure.
"Fuck," you said under your breath. You took a short but deep breath, "no," you growled.
"Uh huh," the devilish grin grew back. Her icy blue eyes flicked over your body, watching you writhe in front of her. It didn't take her long to figure out what to do next. She stood, then bent at her waist, placing a hand under your chin, lifting your head up to match her gaze. "Stand up," she whispered sternly.
You followed orders and stood as your legs shook, but only slightly. Her hand was on your chin the whole way up. She grabbed you more aggressively, then pulled you in for a long deep kiss before pushing you to the side. She took your seat, manspreading in front of you. You watched in awe as if she's never done this before. She draped her arms on the back cushions. Once more, her eyes danced over your body before she patted her thigh to tell you to sit down.
You followed her command and straddled her waist, resting your arms on her large shoulders.
"Hmm," she hummed in content, "I love making you like this."
"Like what?"
"Sooo... desperate," she trails a finger down your neck, to your chest, "sooo needy," the finger continues to the elastic of your underwear, playing with it.
"I can't help it," you moan at her touch.
"I know," she whispered in her husky voice. She grabbed your face with her free hand and pulled you in for a sloppy kiss, quickly followed by her other hand diving underneath the cotton and straight to where you needed her most.
You were moaning loudly at her touch, as she held your head in place, not letting you go. Her skilled hand was forming small circles on your clit. Your hands flew to her hair gripping at anything you can.
She finally lets go of her death grip, "that's it, baby," as she pushed some stray hairs out of your face before cupping your jaw.
"Holy fuck," you whined. Her hand was going full force now, giving everything you wanted. The pressure and pace was perfect. You didn't realize you were grinding on her hand until she placed her other hand on your ass helping you through it. You moaned and whined into her neck, resting your head on her shoulder.
"Look at me," she said quietly, but you didn't listen. She immediately stopped her working hand.
"No please don-"
"Then look at me," she said harsher.
So you did.
"Good girl," her eyes were dark and hungry. "Now, I can tell you're close," she slowly starts again, causing you to ache for a release, "I need you to look at me when you come...undone," her pace quickens a bit, "can you do that for me, love?"
"Mhm, yes, yes I can, y-yes," you pleaded hoping she would stop teasing.
"Good," finally, she quickens her pace and adds more pressure perfectly as her other hand supports your back.
You almost immediately drop your chin to your chest before picking it back up again. One of your hands grip onto to her neck and the other is braced on the back of the couch. Your breath becomes more shallow, your hips are moving back and forth quicker than you thought possible. Moans and whines continue spilling out of you. You rest your forehead on hers.
"Oh shit, Rhea," you were basically whimpering now.
"C'mon baby," her voice was deep but breathy.
The knot that had been forming in your stomach since before you left the theater finally snapped, "FUCK," you cried out, throwing your head back. Loud moans filled the room as you rode out your high on her hand, slowly calming down as she followed suit in slowing down her pace.
As you caught your breath, you laid your head on her shoulder. She took back her hand and wrapped her arms around you letting you rest.
You finally lifted your head, "you're so fucking hot when you're mean to me by the way."
"Yeah? Should I call you a slut next time then?" she giggled, half joking.
"God, yes," you groaned.
"Well, then," she easily picked you up and began carrying you, "let's see what happens when I do," as she took you to the bedroom.
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luvtak · 11 months
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stray kids as cliche romance tropes
❀ pairing skz x gn!reader
❀ genre/tw fluff fluff fluff!! a smidgen of angst, slightly (like the slightest) suggestive, some are est. relationship, some getting together <33
❀ w/c 2248, about 200-300 for each member (do not ask me what happened with linos hehe
❀ a/n here it is!! this took me like a month to write lol so i hope its good!! personal faves are minho and innies, let me know which one is yours <333
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Chan: Childhood Sweethearts
You’ve lived your life holding Chan’s hand.
You met in elementary school, immediately infatuated with the boy and his shy smile. He called you pretty on the first day of school and spent the rest of the year taking care of you: sharpening your pencils and sharing his lunch. Adults would coo and call it puppy love, laughing at the lovesick smiles adorned on your faces, but there was nothing childish about how you looked at each other.
Middle school is spent going to the movies and sharing ice cream, swimming, and sharing sweet laughs. First kisses in the fall and gumball machine promise rings given in the spring—it’s innocent in the sweetest way, forever is simple when you’re thirteen.
Teenage years give way to deeper feelings and new experiences; There was no question you were together—even if you never had the conversation, his hands locked in yours tells everyone what they need to know. High School is defined by stolen kisses on doorsteps and promposals, nights spent giggling into each other’s mouths to keep quiet. You think you know his body and soul as well as your own, like leaves plucked from the same tree.
Childhood eases into adulthood, and suddenly you’ve loved each other longer than you’ve been alive. There’s no question of a future together, no pressure to ask what you are or what you will be. Sometimes you wonder if you missed out on something, if it would’ve been better to have loved more, but when you see him there is no question. It’s easy together, a quiet breeze encasing you in his affections, and you’ll continue like you always have, hand in hand.
Minho: Second Chance Romance
When you saw him again, you didn’t realize it would hurt so bad. He’s gorgeous, somehow even prettier than he was a year ago. You think the grocery store is an interesting place to have this interaction—an unusual intruder to your midnight snack run, haloed by ice cream.
It’s strange, looking at him like you’ve never met, as if he hasn’t seen the inner workings of your mind or mapped your skin with his hands.
You can’t deny you’ve missed him, still grieving the relationship you thought you’d be in forever. You broke up because you didn’t feel appreciated, you were always unsure about how he felt, and he was always too busy and too cocksure to change that. So, you were certain he’d ignore you and you’d both go on with your lives, but when he sees you, he smiles.
 It’s such a contradictory thing, to feel at ease at his figure, but anxious to hear his voice. You know how he’ll sound, so soft and charming, the perfect mix of arrogance and kindness.
When he finally stands in front you, there is so much the same as the last time you saw him, yet distinct differences in how he looks at you. A year ago, his eyes were filled with tears and now they’re so bright it’s blinding. He tells you it’s good to see you, that it’s been too long; he doesn’t want to bother you, but he doesn’t know the next time he’ll see you and he needs you to know that he’s missed you.
When he asks to walk you home, you surprise both of you by saying yes. Sharing stories of the year spent apart and lamenting over lost days together. He wonders if you’ll want to do this again, if you’re up to trying another time equipped with more love and more patience. And how can you say no, when he came back to you like an angel in the frozen food aisle.
Changbin: Damsel in Distress
When you fell, you wanted to die. There you were in the middle of the gym running on the treadmill when you lost your footing and fell directly on your face. It was not your proudest moment, and you were dead set on never setting foot in this gym ever again, maybe not even leaving your house you were that embarrassed. Until you hear someone asking if you were okay, and suddenly he’s fussing around you and lifting you up.
Changbin has seen you here before, watching you work on the equipment, and fantasizing about coming up and introducing himself, but he’s never gained enough courage. It was in the middle of one of these daydreams when you tripped, and immediately he was filled with worry. Rushing over, he checked your hands and pulled up your leggings to see if your knees were scraped and introduced himself while putting band aids on your cuts.
He's cute and nervous, and you can’t help but be swayed by how kind he is. He sits with you while you recuperate and asks to take you to lunch to make up for the embarrassment. The whole time he introduces himself as someone wonderful, you find that he’s silly and so sweet. When he admits to have been crushing on you, you laugh and wonder why he never came up to you before. And as the day comes to an end, you come to be a little grateful for the fall.
Hyunjin: Fake Relationship/Wedding Date
Hyunjin has been your friend for a long time, and your family has always wanted you to be together—it’s been years of awkward questions and dinner invites. When your sister got engaged, she told you to bring a date, and single as can be, the only person to ask was Hyunjin.
At first, he was hesitant. He knew and loved your family, and the idea of lying to them and pretending to be your boyfriend when he is certainly not, is hard to stomach. When he finally agrees he still wonders if it’s a good idea, but seeing the bright smile on your face makes up for it.
The family is ecstatic when they see who your date is, and as the night goes on you start to see why they’re so happy—on a superficial level, you’ve always known how beautiful and wonderful he is, but seeing him  here all dressed up and smiling down at you, you start to see what your family means when they say you’re perfect together. You’re dancing and talking, and he becomes so much more than just your friend.
He’s always loved you, maybe not romantically, but he has. And something turns when he’s dancing with you, maybe it’s the lights or the music, but he can feel something shift. When he takes you home that night, he wonders if it’ll still feel this way in the morning.
Jisung: Best friends to Lovers  
You know everything about each other, it’s as if you’re one person—finishing each other’s sentences and sharing inside jokes. You’ve spent your lives together, yet it has been purely platonic. You’ve both had relationships and never saw each other as more than you are, until one night he looks a little too pretty under the TV light and suddenly you’re overthinking every little interaction you’ve had.
If it’s normal to be so close to someone who’s just your friend—If other people put their best friend before anything else, including significant others. Jisung loves you, that much is obvious, but you’re not sure if he sees you the way you see him; he takes up every inch of your heart, everything you do is for him.
In Han’s mind, you know how he feels—it’s so clear to him how you feel for each other, while unspoken he thinks his  actions speak louder than words. He’s just been waiting for you to be ready, maybe that’s his mistake; you’ve both been waiting to make the first move.
Your friends are frustrated, waiting for you to finally see what they do. Lecturing the both of you on admitting your feelings, but neither you nor Jisung want to mess with the relationship you already have.
When you finally come to terms with how you feel, you confess to your feelings like a crime, he tells you like whispering a secret you already know. Shakey and tired of feeling so overwhelmed with how big your feelings are for him, you admit to realizing how much you truly love him. All he can do is laugh, wondering why you were both so anxious to tell each other this one secret, when you’ve shared all the others.
Felix: Vacation Romance
When your friends decided to go on vacation, you could never have dreamed of meeting someone as wonderful as Felix. You met him three days into your three-week trip, and if you thought he was lovely from afar, he’s even sweeter up close. The relationship was eager, escalating quickly over the course of your stay. Within days you felt like you’d known him forever, sure that you were somehow meant to meet.
Days are spent in the sun, soaking up love and light—watching new freckles arrive on his cheekbones as the weeks fade. His skin is always touching yours, hands in your hair and kisses pressed into your neck. He thinks he’s a little bit in love with you, even so, the threat of the end hangs over your head; you never thought this would last, in fact you knew it would be too hard to continue, but you throw yourself headfirst into it anyway.
Your first kiss is cautious and your last is hasty, a million little touches in twenty-one days leading up to a goodbye. You wonder if you’ll ever see him again, or if it only worked because it was temporary. Your friends laugh at you, thinking you’re taking this little fling too seriously, but they’ve don’t know what it feels like to have his eyes on you.
The night before you leave, he tells you he’ll miss you, and you think that’s it—that the vacation will just become a romantic memory to look back on, but he asks if he can call you, and you think that maybe this could lead to so much more.
Seungmin: Opposites Attract
There was no question, you two were very different people—while you were bubbly and bright, Seungmin was often blunt and withdrawn. Sure, he can be silly, and you don’t think you’ve met anyone funnier than he is, but often he can be cold. When you first got together all your friends wondered how it would work, if someone as sunshiny as you could really feel fulfilled by someone like him.
What they don’t see is how effortlessly sweet he is to you, taking care of your heart like it’s his own. It was difficult in the beginning, to accept both sides of him—the outside version who would barely hold your hand and the inside one, thoughtlessly grazing your skin. He has so much admiration and respect for your open nature; sometimes he wants to be more like you, but he doesn’t think you’d love him so much if it weren’t for your differences.
 You balance each other in the best ways, speaking up for him when his social battery gives way; laughing away his jokes when they could come off too hard. On the other side, Seungmin allows you a respite from the constant smiles—it can get exhausting keeping a positive attitude, but he loves you in your quiet moments as well as your loud ones. 
He’s loved you for all your differences, appreciated you more for them—even if no one understood it didn’t matter because when it’s just you two alone together, there’s nothing different about you.
Jeongin: Boy Next Door
You can count your life in moments spent walking home with Jeongin—he smiles down at you, and asks about your day, and shares his snacks. Summers spent in each other’s backyards, learning to swim and ride bikes; telling scary stories and recitations of silly dreams. As you get older, he only becomes kinder and more handsome, offering to drive you places and invites you out with his friends. It’s only natural to have a crush on him, to feel stubborn butterflies when his dimples are directed at you, but as childhood drifts away and the infatuation becomes more intense, you’re certain you’re in love with him.
When you left for college, you didn’t think your heart would tear into pieces, but all year you missed him. You missed the sidewalk conversations and the sweet grin before he’d offer something to share—you missed sitting in his car, sat so close to him you can smell his cologne mixed with the leather seats, but mostly you just missed his body next to yours.
No boy at school amounted to him, none of them made you feel as giddy and charmed, none of them were able to mask the need you felt for him. You wondered if he thought that way about you, so sure that he was sitting miles and miles away from you, yearning for your company.
When you arrived home for the summer, it was almost like he was waiting for you. Perched on his porch swing and looking out on an empty suburban street. His hair had grown longer, and he seemed freer somehow, but he was still Jeongin—still the boy who’d walk with you and trigger your hundred-watt smile. And when you finally took your first steps outside and waved him over, he was still just the boy next door, smiling down at you.
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© luvtak
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httplilyyy · 1 year
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pairing: tara carpenter x reader
summary: everything must come to an end
warnings: descriptions of violence, murder, gore, blood (lots of it), multiple character deaths, knives, guns, swearing, scream vi spoilers, bad writing
word count: 4.5k
a/n: the final part for ‘new york, new rules’! I hope you’ve liked this little series as much as I have enjoyed writing it :)
scream masterlist | prev. part | epilogue
007. XIII - crazy lixx 
‘time to die!’
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Standing with your feet rooted to the floor, you watched as Sidney made herself known to everyone in the room. 
“I had a feeling you could use my help.” Sidney said, walking over to you, ignoring everyone else. 
“You can’t be here-”
“You just won’t die, will you!?” Jill yelled, cutting you off.
“I could say the same about you.” Sidney rebutted, turning to the younger woman. 
“Well, shit.” Bailey chuckled looking between you and Sidney. “Look who decided to show up.”
“Look,” Sidney sighed, clearly tired after doing this multiple times before, “I don’t know who the fuck you are and nor do I care, so why dont you just leave us be.”
“Oh, you know I can't do that.” Bailey tutted, shaking his head.
“You’ll slip.” Sidney shrugged, looking back at Jill. “They always do.”
“You just got lucky.” Jill snapped and at the same time Ethan lurched forward, his knife stabbing Sam just above her collar bone.
Tara took a hold on Sam's hand, pulling her sister away from Ethan. The boy held a large smile on his face as he followed after the two.
“Now, it wasn’t until I saw the photograph of what you’d done to him that I knew you had to fucking die!” Bailey shouted out from the top of his lungs, watching as Ethan and Quinn surrounded Tara and Sam.
Ethan felt his blood pump faster as Sam and Tara swung their bricks over at him whenever he got too close. Intense thrill coursed through his veins as he playfully swung the knife over at them, purposely missing every single time.
"You had to be punished, along with anyone else who stands in our way." Bailey's loud voice continued to echo throughout the theatre, a scowl on his face as he glared at the two.
Sam's eyes darkened as she glanced up to meet Quinn's eyes, the thoughts running behind them being anything but pure. Quinn noticed the change almost immediately, and she tucked her knife under her chin, lightly placing it against her skin as she tilted her head up. 
"There she is." Quinn whispered, closing some of the distance between them. "There's the fucking killer.”
"Real great parenting job by the way." Tara interjected, realising that their entire family had gone insane.
"Shut your whore fucking mouth!" Quinn screamed, shoving the shorter girl with a hard push, along with Sam who was standing right beside her.
"Have I been the perfect dad? No. Have I maybe over indulged Richie's love of these little movies? Yeah, maybe." Bailey told them, tears on the brink of releasing as his voice cracked slightly. "For me they're just a little dark, but Richie really loved them. He even made a few of his own." 
Everyone’s gaze turned to face the large curtain that was showcasing one of Richie's films. Unknowingly, you felt a scowl form its way onto your face, scoffing at how someone would want to recreate this nightmare.
"Did you- did you know?" Bailey began, walking over to the stage and climbing up the few stairs to get on top of the stage so he could see the screen more clearly. "There's a very special bond between a father and his first son."
Ethan's mouth twitched, the muscle in his jaw tightened as he glanced away from his father. Bailey brought out his hands to showcase the entire room as he told them, "Which is why I helped him build this collection."
"This was all his?" Sam questioned, looking around her.
“What a fucking creep.” You muttered, glancing at Bailey before turning to look at Jill, the older woman watching Bailey with excitement. 
"Yes, he's a very passionate collector, and he inspired others." Bailey gloated, glancing around the room at all the multiple different objects that he had given his son, remembering faintly the way his face lit up whenever he brought him something new. "Oh, we had to kill those two wannabe film students because, well, we had to kill you first, Sam."
"I put the theatre in their name, and then good old Detective Bailey would have just stumbled on it, but I didn't have to because my golly, that Gale Weathers is one hell of a journalist."
At the mention of Gale’s name you felt your body stiffen, a dark gaze swimming beneath your eyes, and it wouldn't take long for any of them to realise it if they simply turned around to look at you. 
"I built a tribute to my son, which is why this is where you have to die, Sam." Bailey's voice thickened, his facial expression blank. "Surrounded by all the things he loved the most."
"What happens next?" Sam asked frantically, glancing around at each of them to get a little more insight on their thought process. "When after you're done with us, what? You just disappear?"
"No, I gotta hurry over to the hospital and make sure Mindy and Gale don't pull through." Bailey scoffed as he walked down the small steps to get off the stage and pulled his gun right at the older girl. "Because everybody dies, Sam! Everyone who had anything to do with the death of my son, suffers and dies!"
"Fuck yeah, they do!" Quinn agreed.
"Yeah!" Ethan shouted, nodding his head along to his fathers words.
"Now put on the mask." Bailey ordered, his words seething through his teeth as Sam glanced down to the floor where the ghostface mask was lying.
"He was," Sam whispered, breathing heavily as she shook her head lightly, "so pathetic."
"Huh?" Bailey's mouth hung open as he tilted his head in disbelief. "Th- that's not true."
"Yeah, your son," Sam continued, eyes holding no regret for the words she was throwing out breathlessly. "He was a man baby who made his girlfriend do all the killing."
“He was a strong feral young man.” Bailey proclaimed, glaring at Sam.
“He was a limp dick, little fuck, who cried before I slit his throat.” Sam said, her eyes hardening as she narrowed them down on Bailey. 
"Shut the fuck up!" Quinn screamed, finally losing control of her anger and running over to Sam with her knife, but Tara was already prepared for her little outburst, and she swung her brick right towards Quinn's jaw, throwing it into her face with full force and watching as a couple of her teeth were knocked out of her mouth as she fell down to the floor.
At that exact moment, Kirby appeared with her gun and shot a couple of bullets over towards Bailey. You ducked down and covered Sidney as you watched Ethan stab Kirby before Sam smacked a brick over his head. 
The older Carpenter took the knife from Kirby and stabbed Ethan repeatedly, the boy groaning in pain as he fell back.
"Sam." Tara called out, glancing back at her sister. “Come on.”
You got up and faced Jill, the woman looking at you menacingly. Sidney stood at your side, her gaze hardening on her cousin. 
Jill flipped the knife in her hand, a grin on her face told you that she had been waiting for this moment for a long time. 
“You really want to do this?” You questioned, getting into a fighting stance.
“You know I do.” Jill replied, her grip tightening on the knife.
“Then let's dance” You said, tilting your head and creating a ‘come here’ motion with your hand.
Jill ran towards you and Sidney, swinging her arm haphazardly, hoping to cut you with the knife in her hand. 
You coordinated your punches with Sidney and you eventually landed a heavy punch to Jill’s ribs, sending the woman back, reeling in pain. 
It didn’t take long for Jill to recover and she was soon running back towards you. Sidney went to punch Jill in the face but she dodged the attack and sent the older woman to the floor with a harsh shove.
Having the wind knocked out of her, Sidney stayed on the floor watching as Jill charged towards you, stabbing her knife towards your face. You blocked it and held her wrists back but got distracted when you heard a gunshot ring out followed by a scream.
You looked to your right and saw Tara grasping onto Sam’s hand as she hung over the edge of the balcony. The older Carpenter held Tara’s hand with all her might but due to the cut on her arm, blood dripped down making Tara slip from her hold. 
“Tara!” You shouted, momentarily distracted and Jill added more pressure to her knife causing it to slip through your hold and into your shoulder. “Fuck!”
Jill then used all her weight to push you down and the pin you to the floor. She straddled your waist and pulled the knife from your shoulder, trying to stab you in the face once again. 
Using all your force, you kept the knife away from your head. Sweat and blood ran down your face, some of it made its way into your eyes, making it hard for you to see. 
“Jill, stop.” You grunted, feeling the tip of the knife make its way closer to your face. “You don’t have to do this.”
“I don’t have to do this?” Jill repeated sarcastically. “I can finally get my revenge and become the famous final girl.”
“Stop with this final girl bullshit! It’s never going to happen!” 
“And what does it matter to you anyway, y/n? You won’t even be here to see it come true.”
“You forgot one thing, Jill.” You said, breathlessly, your arms getting tired. 
“And what’s that?” Jill hissed, grinning down at you widely.
“Never turn you back on Sidney Prescott!”
Sidney came up from behind Jill, stabbing a knife of her own in the younger woman's back. Jill let out a scream, her back arching in pain and she let go of the knife in her hand.
“C’mon, sis,” you sighed, wiping the sweat from your forehead as your hand reached for Jill’s knife, your fingers grasped around it and you plunged it into her side, just under her ribs. “you should know by now, never fuck with the original.”
“How sentimental.” Jill laughed through gritted teeth, groaning in pain as you pushed the knife in deeper with a hardened glare.
“It’s only a taste of your own medicine.” You said, your gaze hardening.
Sidney took the knife out of Jill’s back and you pushed her off you. Getting back on your own two feet, you looked down at Jill, your knife still in her stomach.
You took a step forward, kneeling over Jill as you tilted your head to the side, your eyes boring into hers. You took the knife out of her side and trailed it down from her throat and towards to her chest.
Twirling the knife against Jill’s chest, anticipation coursed through her, your hands itching to dig the sharp weapon into her body.
"Fuck you." Jill launched her fist upwards to try and punch you in the face, but you were the one with the knife, so you pushed the knife in just above her clavicle.
"I should have killed you when I had the chance.” Jill muttered, her words barely above a whisper, blood loss taking a toll on her.
“Probably, but you’re too late now.” You shrugged before you leaned down to whisper in her ear, “hold still.” You raised the knife, digging the sharp metal into her chest. She cried in anguish as you sliced her skin, watching the blood drip down her body. 
Jill placed her hands against your chest, trying to pry you off her body as she struggled to move from underneath you. You brought the knife upwards once more, impaling it into her body, digging it as far into her as the knife could reach.
“S-stop!” Jill stuttered, blood filling in her mouth as she tried to get you to stop in any way possible. “Please. Y/n, please.”
Your chest heaved up and down, you halted your ministrations and looked down at her below you.
“I’m sorry.” Jill coughed, blood splattering on your clothes. “I- I didn’t mean to do any of this.”
You stood up, looking to your side, you saw Sidney look at you with an unreadable expression. She reached behind her and pulled a gun from the back of her belt.
Wordlessly, she handed it to you. You took it from her hesitantly before looking back at Jill, her eyes going back and forth from you to the gun.
“No, no, please. Y/n, don’t do this. Please.” Jill begged, holding up her hands in front of her with all the strength she had left.
You gave Jill one last look before raising the gun up to her head before pulling the trigger. Everything felt numb as you watched your sister's body slump to the floor, blood still pouring from her wounds.
You were soon snapped out of your haze once you heard Tara let out a scream. From behind you, you watched as Tara got stabbed in the stomach by Ethan.
"Gotcha!" Ethan laughed, grinning from ear to ear as he ran his eyes over the girl's wound.
Tara recovered from the stab pretty quickly and shoved her knife deep inside Ethan's mouth, breathing heavily as she watched the pain in his eyes glimmer. 
She let him swallow up his agony for a few seconds before twisting the knife inside, enjoying the painful noises he was making as blood dripped down his mouth. 
"Now die a fucking virgin." Tara sneered, watching as his eyes widened before she pulled the knife out of his mouth. 
His blood splattered on her face and clothing, but she didn't care as she let out a low laugh, lowering down the knife and glancing up to meet your eyes with a smile.
Your eyebrows rose in surprise, a low whistle falling from your mouth as you looked at the younger Carpenter impressed. 
Another gunshot rang throughout the theatre and you looked up at Sam, the girl pointing her gun at Quinn’s body which fell with a loud thud, a bullet wound in the middle of her forehead. 
“I thought she’d put up more of a fight.” You mumbled as your chest heaved up and down.
“It seems that you three didn’t need my help after all.” Sidney said, resting a hand on your shoulder. 
“How did you even get in, anyway?” You asked, looking at the older woman.
“I have my ways.” Sidney smiled. “Being the final girl has some perks.”
You were going to reply but your words got caught in your throat as you watched Sam fall from the balcony and down to the floor below her with Bailey.
You rushed over to Sam, Sidney hot on your tail as the two of you had worried expressions pasted on your faces.
Sam coughed, holding her stomach as she sat up. You placed a gentle hand on her shoulder causing her to turn around and shove you to the floor, immediately regretting it once she saw it was you.
“You okay, there Carpenter?” You asked, looking up at Sam, your hands raised in surrender.
“Sorry.” Sam apologised, holding a hand out for you to grab.
Sam pulled you up from the floor and the two of you stood facing Tara and Sidney, finally being able to take a breath from all the fighting.
“I have a plan to kill Bailey.” Sam spoke up, a hand holding her ribs, still slightly sore from the fall.
“What do you want us to do?” Sidney questioned, looking at Sam intently.
“I need one of you to take these.” Sam said, holding her phone up as well as a voice changer. “And make a phone call for me.”
“I’ll do it.” Tara said, taking the phone from her sister’s hand.
“And what should we do?” You wondered, gesturing between yourself and Sidney.
“You go with Tara and stay somewhere safe until it's okay to come back out.”
“Roger that.” You smiled, sending a salute towards Sam before walking off with Tara and Sidney. 
You turned around and saw Sam putting on her father’s ghostface robe and mask before getting in her position.
Bailey groaned, rubbing his head as he got up from the floor. He looked around and saw that it was only him left in the theatre. 
Pulling his gun from his holster, Bailey jumped at the sound of his phone ringing. 
“Hello detective Bailey,” Tara said over the phone, the Ghostface voice coming through on Bailey’s phone. “I have one question for you.”
“Oh yeah?” Bailey replied, walking up to the stage where the ghostface mannequins were. “What’s that?”
“What’s your favourite scary movie?”
“Favourite scary movie?” Bailey repeated with a chuckle. 
“I’m asking because you’re in one now. You’re in my movie.”
“Oh, and I see you’ve put on your true face, huh? Your birthright.” Bailey said as he shot two mannequins in the head before looking at Billy’s mannequin which didn’t have a robe on it. “Poetic you’re gonna die in it.”
“This is what you wanted, isn't it?” 
“Now you know the truth, huh?” Bailey said after shooting another mannequin. “Murder’s in your blood. Stop fucking around and show yourself!”
“Be careful what you wish for.”
“Alright, I am a fucking police officer, how do you think this is going to go, Sam?” Bailey shouted down the phone. “Who d’you think they’re gonna believe, huh?”
“Probably the one who’s still alive.”
Bailey screamed, smashing his phone to the ground, panting as he shook his head. Sam walked on the stage behind him, tilting her head as he turned around. Bailey stammered back, screaming loudly as Sam stabbed every inch of his body that she could. 
When she finally stopped, Sam let Bailey fall to the ground as she took off her mask. The man looked up at her, choking on his own blood. As Sam was about to finish him off for good, Tara came up beside her, you and Sidney opting to stay back.
“My father was a murderer.” Sam said breathlessly. “No matter what you think, I'm better than that.”
Sam looked down at her sister, the latter tilting her head as she relaxed her face. Sam let a small smirk take over her features before turning back to Bailey.
“But you did fuck with our family, so...” Sam said, gripping her knife harder as she shoved it into Bailey’s eye, the man screaming in pain. 
“Nice.” Tara nodded, watching as life drained from Bailey.
“Thanks.” Sam replied. “You okay?”
“No.” Tara chuckled with a shake of her head. 
Sam gave a nod of acknowledgement as she took off her robe. You watched as the sisters walked to the stairs where they sat down, you and Sidney sitting beside them.
Tara rested her head against your shoulder and you gently took a hold of her hand, rubbing comforting circles on the back.
“Thank you for letting me go.” Tara said, looking at her sister as she kept her head on your shoulder.
“I knew you could take care of yourself.” Sam replied and the two sisters shared a smile between them. “I want to be in your life, but only as much as you want me to be.”
“I want you to be.” Tara said quickly. “I promise you I am going to get so much therapy after this. I’m serious. We're going to get through this. Together.” 
All of a sudden, the peaceful moment was interrupted when Ethan ran towards you four, blood dripping out of his mouth and down his chin. Before Ethan could get near, a broken TV was pushed off a table and onto his head, the boy falling to the ground, finally being killed.
“Saw that in a scary movie once.” Kirby smiled, looking over at Sidney as the woman held a look of surprise.
The doors to the theatre were opened, multiple cops running in as Danny followed quickly behind. Sam quickly got up and made her way towards him, being followed closely behind by you, Tara, Sidney and Kirby.
“Are you okay?” Danny questioned, looking Sam over as he cupped her cheeks with a worried look on his face before pulling her into a quick hug.
“Yeah.” Sam nodded with a small smile.
“I thought you might need some reinforcements. And I called the hospital, Mindy and Gale are going to be okay. Mindy’s on her way here now, they couldn’t stop her.”
“Not bad cute boy.” Tara nodded.
“Let’s get the fuck out of here.” Sidney said, placing a hand on your shoulder.
You gave a weak nod, walking out of the theatre with everyone. Once you got wind of fresh air you were rushed into the back of an ambulance. A medic tending to the cuts on your face along with the stab wound in your shoulder.
Sidney sat beside you, the woman holding your hand every time you winced from the pain. After the medic was finished they gave you one more check up before moving onto something else.
Finally feeling fatigue catch up with you, you rested your head against Sidney’s arm. The older woman let a smile form on her face as she wrapped an arm around you, pulling you into her embrace.
“You’re a brave kid.” Sidney said softly, rubbing a hand up and down your arm. “You should never have had to shoot your sister.”
“She lost the right to be my sister when she started killing people.” You said, moving out of Sidney’s embrace.
“Still, no one should ever have to go through what you’ve been through.” 
“I could say the same about you.” You chuckled, bumping your shoulder into hers.
“At least I didn't get stabbed this time, just a little winded.”
“You’re getting old for this, Prescott.” 
“Watch it, y/l/n.”
“Alright, alright, I'm sorry.” You said, a laugh bubbling up from your throat as you held your hands up in surrender.
“I think someone is looking for you.” Sidney said, nodding her head in the direction of a frantic looking Tara, standing beside her sister.
“I’ll be right back.” You said, quickly getting up and making your way over to the girl.
“Y/n!” Tara said, finally spotting you. She ran towards you, the two of you meeting in the middle. “Shit, are you okay? I- I was so caught up I forgot to ask and-”
“Shut up and kiss me.” You cut Tara off, gently placing a hand underneath her chin, using your forefinger and thumb to tilt her head up.
Tara’s breathing was erratic, her heart practically beating out of her chest but she complied. Tara wrapped her hands around your shoulders and pulled you down for a kiss. 
You both sighed contently into the kiss. Easily getting lost in each other’s presence. Butterflies fluttered all around in your stomach as you finally got to kiss your girl with no matter in the world.
“Sorry, that was a bit forward.” You mumbled pulling away, scratching the back of your neck as you rocked backwards and forwards on your feet.
Tara didn’t care and she placed her hands on the side of your face, pulling you into a kiss that took all of the air out of your lungs. Your eyes went wide with shock but you quickly fell back into reality and placed your hands on Tara’s waist, pulling her closer and letting yourself fall into the kiss.
Tara let out a small gasp once your lips separated and you smiled once you saw her chest rapidly falling up and down with a small blush coating her cheeks and you couldn't help the smile that threatened to break out on your face.
Due to the closeness of the two of you, both your faces barely an inch away from each other, you could see every intricate detail on her face. You admired her for a little while but you couldn’t contain yourself so you crashed your lips back against hers. 
The kiss broke naturally, leaving pecks as you moved your face away from Tara. You rested your forehead against Tara’s, small chuckles falling from your lips.
“Your sister is going to kill me.” You whispered, wrapping your arms around Tara’s shoulders to pull her into a hug.
“One-hundred percent.” Tara replied, wrapping her arms around your waist and resting her head against your chest.
“You’re worth it.” You mumbled, placing a kiss to the top of her head.
“Okay, you two.” Sidney said, walking over to you and Tara. “That's enough sappy shit for now.”
“Sid!” You exclaimed, looking at the woman in shock. “What the hell!”
“Oh come on, let’s go see Kirby.” Sidney said, walking over to where Kirby and Sam were.
You followed behind, hand in hand with Tara, taking your time together. 
“You ever need me, call.” Kirby said, talking to Sam, but turning to you and Tara as she saw you both walk over. “We’re all apart of the same fucked up family now. And also, legacy doesn’t always have to be a bad thing, okay?”
You smiled at Kirby but it quickly vanished once you heard Tara sniffle beside you, the younger Carpenter looking to the ground as her bottom lip started to quiver, tears falling from her eyes.
“Hey.” Kirby said, looking over at Tara, seeing as you pulled her into your arms.
“It’s just Chad-”
“Hey we got another one here!” A medic shouted, wheeling the boy out on a stretcher.
“Chad!” Tara shouted, running over to the boy with you and Sam not far behind her.
“How the fuck are you still alive?” You muttered, looking at him in disbelief.
Chad smiled, holding his hand up and showing five fingers. 
“Core fucking five.” Tara smiled, pulling the boy into a hug.
“Oh my god, you guys okay?” Mindy shouted, running over to you. “I know who the killer is, it's Ethan and Bailey.”
“And Quinn.” Sam said.
“And Quinn, fuck!” Mindy huffed.
“And Jill.” You added.
“Jill? But she was dead? Wait, I missed the monologue again!” Mindy shook her head, not believing it all, holding on to her brother's side as he was wheeled into the back of an ambulance. “Wait, are you okay? You don’t look okay. Oh my god we all survived.” 
As Chad and Mindy were taken away in an ambulance, Sam looked down in her coat that was hiding her fathers mask, seemingly in a trance she was snapped out of it by Tara’s voice.
“Sam.” Tara said, her hand grasping yours. “You coming?”
Sam nodded her head with a smile, dropping the mask to the floor. She walked up to you two and the three of you walked back over to Sidney, the woman standing by herself as Kirby was taken to a hospital too.
“You guys going to be okay?” Sidney asked, her gaze focusing on you for a moment longer.
“We will be.” Sam said, looking over at you and Tara.
“Yeah, we’ve got each other.” You smiled, tightening your grip on Tara’s hand. 
“Just like Kirby said, if you need anything, you call me. Okay?” Sidney said, reciprocating your smile. 
“We will.” You nodded. Sidney gave you one last look before walking off and down the road. 
“So…” Sam trailed off, looking at you and Tara then glancing down to your conjoined hands. “You two a thing now?”
“Oh my god, Sam!”
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tag list: @andsoigotabutterfly @dksjskx @dreifhraniquo29 @karsonromanoff @btay3115 @bananasplits-world @youralphawolf72 @beaniiekidd
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