#yeah i’ve been sucked in
fallinallincurls · 2 months
just a fair warning, you’re going to start seeing a lot more f1 content around here (if you haven’t already noticed) but i’m invested now and love it so a heads up!
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filmbyjy · 1 year
TWITTER SUCKS! > thirty-three! jieun’s downfall
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a/n: I am not joking that was literally AI generated and I just😧😳 I thought I why not show it off because it made me blush a ton🙂
synopsis > who knew you could become famous overnight for paying $8 for a single blue checkmark? however, it does come with consequences…what happens when the actual BELIFT Lab comes knocking at your door. all because you simply impersonated your bias.
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series taglist[closed]: @lovers-szn @shiguresohmas @moonshoon @byunappetit @strvlveera @rikisly @4lythe @lalalalawon @beansworldsstuff @enhastolemyheart @jaehaki @shinsou-rii @jeanbob @sxftiell @renchai @nyfwyeonjun @invusblog @lhees01 @donghyckl @enhafika @dimplewonie @foxsunoo @run2-gyu @lvrjjun @curly-fr13s @bubblytaetae @raikea10 @ce1ight @luvlee1313 @rizzshimura @soobisrealgfnotfake @stantxtorurmissingout @l0tisflower @jseobsky @lovelickiez @liliansun @kyanmeai @nobodyshallenter @faeryhee @pkjay @mlink64 @luxurystark-jackson @aleombre @yenqa @heestrawberries @soaen @ckline35 @http-gyu @climbingmandevillas @stopeatread @y4wnjunz @aetherlol @whippedforbeomgyu @elisabeth-02
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real-skel · 6 days
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He’s tired after a long day of work he wants to see his BOYFRIEND
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15ktherapy · 2 months
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Sometimes I forget people still talk about us. Wdym we aren’t our own self contained thing?
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imogenkol · 4 months
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Submitting another eligible bachelor to the oc dating pool 💕
tag list (ask to be added or removed!): @adelaidedrubman @florbelles @marivenah @simonxriley @shegetsburned @voidika @kyber-infinitygems @v0idbuggy @inafieldofdaisies @statichvm @socially-awkward-skeleton @aceghosts @carlosoliveiraa @risingsh0t @unholymilf @thedeadthree @cassietrn @jackiesarch @gwynbleidd @shellibisshe @loriane-elmuerto @katsigian @captastra @simplegenius042 @theelderhazelnut
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chrollohearttags · 3 months
said I was going to sleep and instead, I’m thinking of whorish ace + eren fics
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usertransducks · 4 months
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they sure are having a terrible time in life huh
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zeb-z · 6 months
as much as Bad very much does care for the well being of all the eggs, as much as Leo of course cares for her tio, the fact remains that Roier is her closest family and caretaker right now, and he Does Not Trust Bad. not with the time of day, not with the location of Pepito’s room, certainly not with Leo. and it’s like, after everything that happened in Purgatory, it’s to be expected. it doesn’t matter how much Bad has cared for the eggs, it doesn’t matter how much we as the audience know he’d do everything in his power to keep any one of them safe - the fact remains that his actions have tarnished the trust he’s built with some of the other islanders. it remains to be seen how this’ll come into play with the rest of Red, as they’re still missing, but it’s super obvious with Roier.
I doubt Roier will be on tomorrow to take care of Leo, and I know Bad is planning on giving her cookies and taking care of her. and I’d bet money this’ll be another point of tension against Bad - yes, even though he’s watching out for Leo. I keep coming back around to actions having consequences, but it’s prevalent, and this is one of the many Bad is experiencing - a complete lack of faith and trust from the others because of his actions in Purgatory.
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wow-land · 4 months
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AHHHH IMA RAMBLE!! I know it’s been long since the change :’) but I still hate how we can’t really afk farm anymore.
Makes me remember when after we’d do some candle running. Me and my vet friend would go to that bonfire spot in prairie (can’t remember the name), and just chat and chill around as we slowly got our wax from the fire. I really did love those moments…
Now i can never do that again with someone because there’s those annoying orbs that spawn from the fire, and honestly it sucks. Cuz you can’t just chill, just let the game run while you’re busy doing whatever irl.
I don’t have much motivation to candle run anymore, even after I took a few months break from the game. I want wax, but I can’t make myself go and get much. With afk farming basically not a thing anymore it’s even harder now ;w; and i am suffering from the “becoming a vet and then all your friends vanish” sickness so… yah, can’t really cr with anyone either.
Idk I just find it sad :’) I still don’t understand why tgc saw afk farming as some “illegal activity”
But whatever :/
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bisexualseraphim · 9 months
People who see entire demographics of humanity as “the enemy” are so baffling to me, whether they’re incels/misogynists or racists or radfems or whomever I just look at them and wonder why you’d choose a life of such misery. People of a certain gender, sexuality, race or whatever demographic are not inherently your enemy just because they are part of said demographic. Gender and race essentialism is incredibly dangerous and untrue and it especially confuses me when people who claim to be trans allies abide by the former because that mindset is especially dangerous to trans people.
People are individuals, not a hive mind. Society as a whole has massive issues, and some groups may benefit from them more than others (like how the patriarchy hurts men but they still benefit from it far more than women ever will because it has men in mind, albeit only a certain type of man), but individuals are individuals. And what a depressing life it must be to instead navigate the world believing that millions of people are beneath you before they’ve even spoken a word.
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chilapis · 16 days
if you’ve ever been mean to the sweet little girl that is paimon i will kill you. i pray for public interest that this is common knowledge.
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bestomato · 1 year
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a collection of doodles
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Oh, you're absolutely not going to like the suggestion.
Maybe you could ask Lucifer to get you to a doctor? For the sake of your baby, iron deficiency during pregnancy is no joke.
Lucifer: *walks in and sees Alastor slumped in a chair and barely able to keep his eyes open* Oh my father! What happened?! *rushes over*
Rosie: He hasn’t been able to digest meat during his pregnant. He would get really sick so he stopped eating it.
Lucifer: So what has he been eating?!
Rosie: I think mostly plain foods and he’s been drinking tea.
Lucifer: Tea?! That’s not good for someone with anemia! It affects iron absorption! And he wasn’t getting any!
Rosie: I had no idea!
Lucifer: *pulls out emergency band, puts it on Alastor’s wrist and picks Alastor up* Can you watch Calliope? I’ll take him to the hospital!
Rosie: Of course!
Lucifer: *magics himself away with Alastor to the Sloth Ring Hospital*
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mayordoi · 1 year
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kaito for kaito’s birthday! happy birthday lil buddy!!!
(i haven’t. drawn in a while. and i had to break out of my “every piece of art i make must be PERFECT and worth every minute of effort” in order to get up and at least Make something. so what i’m saying is that don’t be afraid to take a few artistic L’s or two 🥰 only saying this because i forgot to flip the canvas throughout and when i did at the end i went so hollow and just decided to deal with it. anyway yeah)
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cryptcatz · 28 days
went into a restaurant recently and was immediately asked by an employee “is that a dog?” and kicked out because of my service dog. but what kind of question is “is that a dog?”. what if i said “no”? 💀 like no ma’am this is a certified Creature™
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dontneedmyheart · 2 months
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