#yeah i a lot has happened since sunday
ss-trashboat · 9 months
me: actually have free time! where i don't have to worry about time constraints! can actually be active again!
life: potentially moving, apartment hunting hell, tendonitis flare up
me: :')
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hella1975 · 9 months
my mum picking me up this morning: you're not as hungover as i thought you'd be
me, just yacked in an alleyway: yeah haha
#it's 3pm now and i still cant believe that happened that was. an experience#basically my mate's 21st coincided with her sister's 30th so they both had this big joint Event last night#where they literally rented out a farm house and the field nearby and set up a whole campsite and barbeque and everything#it was really random but also really good esp bc ive been friends with this girl since we were super young#and our mums were friends so ive just got. lots of connections to her family and it was nice seeing them all again#but there was fully like 60 people at this thing and i DID drink more than i meant to but i wasn't paralytic which is good#and my hangover ISNT that bad in terms of how bad my hangovers can get#it's just that my mate's dad picked us both up at 9am this morning which was already going to be... rough#and then proceeded to do the bumpiest drive down the country lanes ive ever experienced#i was literally grinding my teeth like i am NOT about to throw up in this man's car please if there is a god do not let me throw up#and i didn't! my mum picked me up from this (thankfully very quiet) road that has this rickety old alley coming off it#and i had the very humbling moment of 'im actually going to be sick aren't i' and had to WAIT FOR AN OLD WOMAN#TO FUCKING MEANDER OUT OF THE ALLEY AND WALK FAR AWAY ENOUGH FOR ME TO AT LEAST HAVE A SHRED OF DIGNITY#and proceeded to throw up. in a public alleyway. at 9:30am on a sunday. so of course i needed to tell you guys about it#im now force feeding myself garlic bread. im going to manchester tomorrow. i have a flight at the crack of dawn on tuesday#what is even going on anymore#also fully did just do nos last night with some 30 year olds. i cannot express how fucking odd a thing that is for me to do#actually no i can express it bc youse know that im funny about drugs so for me to not even be that drunk#and get offered a fucking balloon of all things and be like 'yeah why not!' is.... odd#i know i inhaled wrong though bc it didn't do a thing which honestly im happy about <3#hella goes home
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harrysfolklore · 5 days
oscar piastri being obsessed with his girlfriend: a compilation
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Oscar Piastri was known as the introvert and reserved driver on the grid.
While other drivers basked in the spotlight and didn't shy away from sharing details about their personal life, Oscar often preferred to keep his privacy.
However, when it came to his girlfriend, it was a different story altogether.
Oscar was what people called "a total simp" when it came to his girlfriend, always bringing her up in interviews, promo videos and casual conversations, and fans couldn't miss the opportunity to make several compilation videos and tiktoks about it.
The most popular one was called "Oscar Piastri being obsessed with his girlfriend: a compilation" and the 15-minute long video was filled with moments that made fans both awe and laugh.
It started with the clip of the first time he publicly talked about her during a podcast interview, rumors about him not being single were spreading around but nothing was confirmed.
"I do have a girlfriend, yeah," Oscar said, a small smile playing on his face.
"You're not very public, aren't you?" the interviewer asked.
“We keep it to ourselves and try to be out of the spotlight and just live normal lives,” he replied, “We have been dating for over four years now, she has been there for me since the start of my career and I couldn't imagine my life without her. She's my biggest supporter and keeps me grounded.”
The next video showed Oscar and Lando sitting next to each other wearing their McLaren shirts, filming a game called "Green flag or Red flag."
"Picky eaters," the interviewer asked and Lando immediately waved the green flag.
"He's a very picky eater that's why," Oscar said, making Lando laugh, "But, what if they eat fish, cause you hate fish."
Lando dramatically raised the red flag, making everybody laugh again.
"You wouldn't date a pescatarian then," the interviewer said.
"No," Lando shook his head, "They shouldn't be here."
"My girlfriend's a pescatarian, actually," Oscar said, looking at his teammate with a raised eyebrow, "I'll pass that on to her.”
"Noooo mate!" Lando immediately shook his head, waving his hands in mock horror, "Don't tell her I said that, I don't want to be in trouble with your missus! She's a lovely girl."
"She is indeed, but I don't think she'll like you very much after this."
The next segment was from his "Day in the Life" video with Quad Lock, where Oscar gave fans a glimpse into his daily routine. In one particular clip, he was in the kitchen making breakfast.
"So, this is where the magic happens," Oscar said with a cheeky grin as he poured pancake batter onto a hot griddle, "My girlfriend loves pancakes, so I make them every Sunday. It's become sort of a tradition for us."
The camera then panned to a candid shot of his girlfriend, who was sitting at the kitchen island, sipping coffee and smiling fondly at Oscar. She blew him a kiss, which Oscar caught with a playful wink.
"There she is, sitting pretty while I play housewife."
The next clip in the compilation was from a press conference, where a journalist asked him how he manages to stay focused with such a demanding schedule.
"Having a supportive partner really helps," Oscar said earnestly, "She understands the pressures and the demands of the job. She’s my rock and makes everything a lot easier."
"Does it get hard for her when your schedule is too busy for your relationship?"
"My schedule is never too busy for my girlfriend, I always make sure to make time for her. That's why we've been going strong for four years now."
Another McLaren game with Lando was included, this time they were playing Finish the Lyric with Taylor Swift songs.
"Do you feel confident about this game, Oscar?" Lando asked his teammate.
"I do, actually," Oscar nodded confidently, "My girlfriend is a huge Taylor Swift fan so I know a lot of her songs."
"We should get your girl to come and play then," Lando teased.
"She'd probably beat us both, hands down. But I'm not giving up just yet." Oscar chuckled, shaking his head.
The compilation video then transitioned to a moment in the McLaren garage before the first quali of the Hungary Grand Prix. Oscar was off to the side, chatting with his girlfriend, who had joined him for the event.
They seemed to be in their own little bubble, Oscar's attention completely focused on her and his smile wide as he listened to her talk. The camera captured a sweet moment where he gently tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead. It was a simple gesture, but it spoke volumes about their relationship and fans absolutely melted at the interaction.
The next clip showed Oscar at a fan event in Australia, hundreds of fans gathered to meet the drivers and see them up close, Oscar was answering questions from the interviewers when he suddenly addressed one of the fans in the front row.
"I've got a girlfriend, thank you," he said into the microphone, making everyone laugh but look confused at the same time, "For everyone wondering, she just asked what my number was," the crowd laughed again even louder, "But I'm a happily taken man. You're nice but I'm not interested."
In that same event, he got asked what did he miss the most from the UK when he was back in Australia.
"My girlfriend," he immediately said, "Other than that the food is better here, the weather is better here. So my girlfriend, that's it."
The following video was also a fan interaction, this time it was a fan recorded video while he was signing stuff for those waiting for him as he arrived to the paddock for the Austin Grand Prix.
Oscar was signing autographs and taking pictures, when a fan handed him a photo of him and his girlfriend from a race weekend.
"Oh, this is a great picture," Oscar said, grinning as he looked at the photo. "This was taken at Silverstone, right? It was her first time at a race with me. She loved it."
"What's her favorite part about the races?" The fan smiled and asked.
"Probably the adrenaline and seeing me in action," Oscar chuckled, "But she also loves hanging out in the paddock. She gets along really well with everyone here."
The next clip showcased Oscar during a Twitch stream, where he was playing a racing simulator. His girlfriend walked into the room, and the chat exploded with excitement.
"Hey, love," Oscar greeted her, pausing the game.
"Am I interrupting you?" she softly asked.
"Nope, come here," he encouraged to come closer, "Everyone, this is my girlfriend," she waved at the camera, and Oscar wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her into the frame. "She's the reason I'm still sane," he joked, earning a kiss on the cheek from her.
The video included one of everyone's favorite interactions between the couple, captured by McLaren's instagram team.
Oscar had just finished a quiali, earning a P2 position, the camera caught as he reunited with his girlfriend who threw her arms around his neck as soon as she saw him.
"Hiii," he shyly said, a hint of a blush on his cheeks.
"You did such a great job, baby," she said, still wrapped around his arms, planting a kiss on his cheek.
"I couldn’t have done it without you cheering me on," he replied, his voice soft and genuine.
The final clip was from the FIA Prize Giving ceremony, Oscar stood on the stage, dressed in a sharp suit, the Rookie of the Year trophy shining in his hands.
"First of all, I want to thank my team, McLaren, for believing in me and giving me the opportunity," Oscar began, his voice steady but emotional, "But most importantly, I want to thank my girlfriend. She's been my rock through it all, supporting me every step of the way. This award is as much hers as it is mine."
The camera panned to his girlfriend, sitting in the audience with tears in her eyes, smiling proudly. The fans watching the livestream couldn't help but gush over the touching moment.
As the compilation ended, the screen faded to black with the text, "Oscar Piastri: The Ultimate Simp, and Proud of It."
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lvminy · 2 months
i LOVEEEE ur writing !!! can I request a bff gojo x fem reader where gojo starts to get close to another girl n the reader is kinda sad/worried ??? idk i was just thinking about the song dark red by steve lacy and the lyrics “only you my girl,only you babe” IT CAN BE SMUT OR SFW AAA
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⋆ slightly angsty but also fluff because of course, we don't believe in sad endings in this house ‹3. jealous reader + oblivious satoru.
 ⋆ I was hearing that song while writing this and hello?!? it's so good like !!! so bff satoru coded waaaah, also thank you for the compliment, sending you many hugs 🩷
I will work on the bff satoru masterlist soon ^^
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there have been moments in Satoru’s life when he felt uneasy, although none of those moments were strong enough to stick for more than a couple of hours, much less for a whole week. but you are a mystery.
he’s not certain why you’ve been refusing his hang out invitations, Satoru senses your coldness even through texts, the usual back and forth teasing no longer there, and replaced by a disgusting ‘k.’
Satoru’s phone bounces on the bed for the fifth time in the night, followed by his palms rubbing on his face and the slight tug on his soft, white hair in sheer frustration, you’re messing with his head, making his chest tug, and palms itch. the phone call goes straight to your voice mail, —most likely filled with his pleading voice. the option of visiting you is always present, but the blue eyed is certain your short, black haired roommate is already sick of him, eyes rolling behind the crystal of her glasses as she speaks in that annoyed tone, “i told you she’s not here”.
it’s all lies, Satoru knows it, he is your best friend and has already memorized your schedule by heart, “can you tell her I seriously need to speak to her?” Satoru responds, eyes filled with worry as he leans on your apartment doorframe, attempting to take a peek into the place, but quickly getting his hopes broken by the door smashing right in front of his face. for the nth time.
walking down the memory line didn’t work either, his focus was on the last time you hung out, on how your mood suddenly shifted after Satoru casually met with one of his new colleagues, who happened to be going in the same direction to you both, and her hand was awkwardly eager to be holding onto the white haired’s bicep. but then again, you were not a jealous person, and Satoru made sure to remind you how he’ll never replace your spot as his best friend.
“are you sure you’re alright, sweetheart?” he had asked that night, watching you mindlessly play with the hem of the blanket draped over your laps as you watched a movie, concern etched on his words.
“mhm, just tired” you mumble back, yet your eyes didn’t sparkle like they should, nor did they miss the way his phone rang with a text from the girl you saw earlier.
we should hang out soon ;)
and Satoru was quick to send a ‘sure!’ completely and utterly oblivious of the girl’s flirting.
“want me to leave? so you can take a nap” he says, brows furrowed and eyes locked on your face from above the rim of his dark glasses, he did not want to leave, but your health was more important; although in your ears his suggestion sounded more like a ‘i’ll leave so I can hang out with that girl’ and that bothered you quite a lot.
“yeah,” you’re quick to reply, standing up abruptly and dragging the blanket with you, “see you another time” and that was another lie, since you did not meet with Satoru in the next 3 days.
“fuck” he mutters, staring at the ceiling, strands of messy hair splayed on the pillow, “you’re not that busy... are you?” Satoru asks himself, about to slam his head against the wall.
it’s Sunday and he’s most likely looking like a stalker right now, pacing back and forth in front of your apartment complex, waiting for anything, until the sign comes, your roommate is quick to leave the building, a gym bag and a strange stick-like tool under her arm, and he knows you’re at home, of course he knows.
Satoru is up in three steps, and two knocks on your door. “Maki, did you forget your keys again?” your voice echoes in the room and his heart skips a beat.
“dunno where are yours but you can ta— Satoru...?” you ask, eyes widened slightly at the imposing form of your best friend towering above you.
“mm, i’m glad you still remember my name” he murmurs, attempting to tease but the sight of your tired face burns in his chest, flicking a single hair strand away from your forehead, “can I come in?”
you swallow, “what are you doing here?”
“pfft, can’t I visit my stunning best friend who has been ignoring my calls?”
“i haven’t...” you murmur, drifting your gaze and stepping back to allow him to get in, it was obvious Satoru were not going to leave any time soon, “i’ve been busy”
he snorts, splaying on the couch in your living room with long legs resting on the coffee table, “you’ve been worse and yet at least answer my texts” he taps the seat next to him, expecting for your thighs to brush like you always sit, but instead, your distance hurts.
“tell me what’s wrong”
“nothing’s wrong!” you say, slightly defensive, “i told you i’m busy”
“you were just fine a week ago, but got mad out of nowhere” Satoru speaks softly, squeezing your knee, not realizing the slight tremor running down your spine, “doll, if you’re jealous of—”
you clasp your hand on his mouth, “don’t finish that sentence” and Satoru’s eyes fill with realization, nodding like an obedient child.
“come on, I told you you’re my only best friend, darling” he whispers, sliding his hand from your knee and up your thigh, across your side until it settles on your nape.
“i don’t think what I feel is simple friendly jealousy.” the grip on the back of your neck tightens as soon as the words leave your mouth, breath hitching and eyes widening slight.
there’s a slight twitch in the corner of his lip at your confession, leaning in just briefly, “yeah?” he mutters, attempting —and failing miserably — at concealing a smirk, “are you in love with me?”
“don’t get too cocky” you mumble back, frowning but unable to tear your gaze away from his lips and eyes.
“you just admitted it” he grins brightly, a slight blush adorning his cheeks, brushing his nose across your jaw, “so that was the problem, hm? you’re so cute when you’re jealous”
“Satoru, i swear...” you start, mixed feelings of embarrassment and longing settling in your chest.
he sighs deeply, breath fanning over your skin where Satoru slides his lips across, inhaling your scent deeply, fuck... how much he missed you, “don’t ignore me again...“ he starts, ghost touches now turning into brief kisses on your jawline, trailing up until his lips press on the corner of your mouth and his thumb slides under your bottom lip, long fingers caging the side of your face, “...i like you too...” he breathes, meeting your gaze and flicking to your lips, “i just want you, only you, my girl”
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reblog and/or comment if you want me to write the smut for this 🤭🎤
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natailiatulls07 · 2 months
Can you do reader is Lando’s little sister and favourite but they barely see each other cause reader is at boarding school and she surprises him at the race. Also cameo of some other drivers too please.
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Lando Norris x sister!reader
Summary - Request above xo
Warning - Like one swear one
During her last year of primary education, Cisca and Adam both sat their youngest child down and discussed the possibility of boarding school. 
Both knew it would be hard for the whole family to separate. Yet they both also knew that it would make their lives a lot easier. 
With Landos up and coming career in motorsport racing and the rest of their children's careers also slowly building up, neither parent wanted to deprive or abandon Y/n. So with her agreement, they enrolled her into a well reviewed and well known boarding school a few miles out of Bristol. 
Laurence Crawford Boarding.
The first few days, of course she was homesick. Missing Lando more than anyone else in the family. Of course. But eventually Y/n made friends and was becoming more and more independent by the day.
“Hey Mum!” The young girl giggled down the phone. She was in her shared dorm with a few friends when Cisca called. “Annie! No stop! Ew!” 
Cisca took note of her daughter's divided attention, taking an easy guess that she was hanging out with a few friends. “Hi sweetheart, am I calling at a bad time?” Even though neither could see each other, she had a warm and proud smile on her face just thinking about how far Y/n has come.
The innocent giggle down the phone grew quieter and quieter. Y/n was walking away from her friends. “Sorry mum, yeah I can talk. We were just having a games night in my dorm…” Ciscas heart just warmed, happy that her youngest child was growing up and maturing.
“Oh no worries, go and hang out with your friends! Have fun!” And with a couple goodbyes and a ‘I love you’ between the two, Y/n was back hanging out with her friends. 
Unlike her younger years of boarding, Y/n hadn’t been home from school on the weekend in a long while. She couldn’t; especially with her exams quickly approaching, she was in her dorm studying and revising most  weekends.
This meant the youngest Norris hadn’t seen her family in a few weeks. Of course she had spoken to them but hadn’t been home since the end of January, and they all understood why. It was harder for some to swallow that pill - well harder for one person particularly e.g Lando.
The Silverstone grand-prix was just around the corner and all he wanted was for his youngest sister to be there. Yeah it was selfish but he missed her, to be far the last time the two saw each other was early January. He missed her so much.
“Are you sure you can’t just take the exam early and then come and support me?” His rough voice rang through Y/n's phone whilst she was highlighting her revision. Lando wasn’t even trying to hide his annoyance.
A gentle laugh followed by a sigh was heard from Y/ns side of the call. “I’m sorry Lan…I can’t ask them to move the exam, it’s against the rules of the exam board…”
She didn’t have an exam that week actually, she was lying. Y/n was going to be in Silverstone that sunday. It’s just that Lando didn’t know, oh no it was a surprise.
What he thought was happening was that everyone else from his immediate family would be there, except Y/n. 
Everyone was in on the surprise. All excited to see the pair reunited. Surprises were always one of the things the Norris family loved to do.
Y/n - Good luck today! I’ll be juggling revision and watching the race, I hope to hear our national anthem pleaseee  Lando - Thank you angel, don’t wear yourself out Y/n - I should tell you the same thing
Lando thought she’d be tucked away in her dorm room whilst they were texting back and forth. A vast contrast to her current location; in the passenger seat of Oliver's car. The sun was shining through the windshield and down over her bare knees.
Y/n was wearing a white summer dress, some comfortable trainers and her signed mclaren 4 cap. Looking ready to spend the day in the British summer sun supporting one of her older brothers. 
She was smirking. He really had no clue about this. “Okay so he thinks I’m still at school, oh my god I can’t wait!” 
With her gcses, Y/n hadn’t been to a race in a long time and she missed it; watching from her dorm was not the same. In her dorm, she didn’t get that real excitement that would course through her like it would in the McLaren garage.
Looking over to Oliver, he was also smirking. Just remembering how he had to deal with Landos sulking and the clear signs that Y/n was by far his favorite. “Yeah he’s gonna be so happy when he sees you!”
Once they arrived, Y/n was quietly escorted through the back way to the McLaren garage. They couldn’t have the press ruining the surprise. Luckily for Y/n, her spot in the garage couldn’t be seen from anywhere Lando would be.
She stood between her parents whilst her other three siblings stood on either side Cisca and Adam. “I’m so excited!” When she was handed her headset, the girl got even more excited because she could hear her brother's voice through the radio. 
He had yet to win his first grand prix and she hoped he would get to that top step of the podium, especially at his home race. And hopefully without him knowing she is here, he will focus on that exact outcome. 
It was a hard race, lots of action and stress. Something Y/n liked, she hated a boring race - this sport was about racing, not riding cars in the same positions in several circles. But the most important thing to note from this race was the number four McLaren parked in front of the number one place in Parc Ferme.
The papaya garage was very much in celebrations, including the Norris family. Turning to face her mother with tears in her eyes, she noticed how Cisca also had tears in her eyes. “He did! He did!”
Adam, who is also over the moon with the win, takes her hand and starts to lead her over to the Parc Ferme to surprise the driver. Reaching the Parc Ferme they stand waiting amongst the McLaren staff and up against the barriers.
Lando pulls himself out of the car and makes his way to celebrate with his team. It’s only when he moves to give Adam a hug that he notices his little sister and he gasps. 
“Y/n?” He can’t believe his eyes, he thought she was back in her boarding school revising. 
Immediately the driver breaks from his father's embrace and races to collect Y/n in his arms. The two siblings were laughing and crying together. Finally reunited after a long time, in their opinions. 
After a few seconds, Lando moves to collect her face in his hand gently - trying to see if his eyes are deceiving him, they weren’t. “I thought you had an exam!” He shouts over the cheers around the two of them. 
Y/n just smirks cheekily and shakes her head. “Nope! Surprise!” Soon her smirk turns into a groan when Landos hand moves to mess up her hair, laughing breaking out between them once again. 
Everyone saw. The cameras around Parc Ferme all broadcasting the reuniting of two siblings who just missed each other. “You’re such a little shit!”
Shrugging her shoulders, Y/n smiled. “Everyone was in on it! Our family loves a surprise!” So when Lando turned to look at his father, Adam just nodded - Happy to reunite two of his children.
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satoruhour · 8 months
Nanami, who bakes fresh bread at least once a week probably subconsciously kneads your ass when you cuddle, sometimes even in his sleep. You'll give each other massage often and he'll spend tad longer literally kneading your breasts and ass fghj
a/n: PAUUUUSEEEEE THIS IS SO CUTE !!!! made it a little n*sfw too
warnings: fem!reader, making out, dry humping, p -> v sex, slow morning sex, n*sfw under the cut
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bread has always been part of nanami’s life. whether it’s the hindbærsnitter and direktørsnegl his grandparents made him when he was young or when he’s mellowed out into a buttery croissants and cream puffs and now, when all he’s got time for is simple cinnamon bread and sourdough. he’s not complaining — it’s not like he doesn’t have the money, he’s already making bread once a week.
not to say that it’s expensive, but it does take up a lot of time; in the time where it takes him to properly knead everything, he could’ve already made two trips to the bakery and buy his baguette sandwich.
but nanami likes organic when he can afford it, and so ever since he tries his best to make weekly bread on sundays. it’s a habit even after successfully asking you to be his partner with red cheeks, an annoying gojo holding up a boombox and a yuji shaking a banner in the background, and you’re saying yes whilst keeping in your laughter. later they both agreed it was because of them that you said yes, while nanami only asked the older to shut the fuck up.
that habit garners other habits, like how he purses his lips when he needs to get the exact measurements. he does it all the time now when he’s focusing on some sort of task, twisting his mouth here and there. the other relates to the gathering and pushing of dough, having kneaded so much these few years that it’s the only way now to work out the kinks in his body. and yours.
you realise it after date night at home, ignoring every single piece of dialogue in the movie to make out with your boyfriend. you’re sat in his lap, grinding slowly into his clothed bulge as his lips work wonders on yours. you’re sinking more and more into his embrace, leaving him breathless at your hips.
“sorry, i only ever invited you under the ruse of watching a movie,” you grinned, brushing the sweaty blonde locks from his forehead, “i was hoping this would happen.”
“i’ve got a scheming one on my hands, huh?” nanami’s smile is relaxed, letting his hands trail over your ass, but not before he asks and you’re putting them there yourself (“you don’t have to ask every time, kento.”). your ass is so plump and full, he just can’t help but pull and push at the flesh as your lips meet his again. you pull at his hair as the kiss deepens, feeling his hot breath every time you both come up for air. his hands move subconsciously, nudging you deeper into his arms via your ass, but you don’t say anything.
that next morning you’re awoken from the same thing, groggily stirring and blinking through the brightness of the sun, but something else pulls you from your state of unconsciousness — that is, nanami’s hand upon your bare chest, kneading at your breasts. you have to stifle a laugh because you can hear him rouse from sleep, too.
he continues on for a while, grinding his pelvis into yours and now you struggle to hold in moans. you feel dizzy from the bare morning wood pressed into your ass, trailing a hand to your clit to relieve some of the frustrations. you’re wet within seconds, paired with the hand on your chest and the feel of his shaft against your back—
“already in the mood?” nanami mumbles against your neck, pressing feather-like kisses there as he continues to buck his hips into your ass. without much effort, you’re lifting your legs and grabbing his half-hard cock.
“y . . yeah,” you moan softly. with your boyfriend’s help, he pushes past your cunt and in. the feeling overwhelms you as much as it does him, shown in the way his hand squeeze your tits, “f-feels good, kento . .”
where nanami likes to get ready quick in the morning, he likes to take his time when he has you around, hips moving slowly and stretching you out so early in the morning. he flips you over gently as his thrusts stay slow. too slow for your liking, because you’re already fucking yourself back onto him.
“patience, little lady,” he sighs, loving how your ass moves each time it meets his pelvis and the sheer coat of your juices gets him hypnotised. he grabs onto your ass, not sparing you one glance as his hips meets yours halfway and a drawn out moan leaves your lips.
“do you know— you do that . . by the way?” your eyes are scrunched up but you aren’t left to pleasure just yet. you turn your body just right so you could meet nanami’s eyes.
“do what?” nanami grunts out, tongue darting out to lick his lips.
“that.” you nod towards his hands, soft pants leaving your mouth at the two contrasting sensations of the gentle morning and your lewd actions. they’re kneading your ass again and nanami doesn’t seem to know what you’re talking about until you voice it out plainly. “you like to knead my tits and ass quite a bit, don’t you?”
he hums, leaning forward over your body to line his chest up to your back, “yeah. yeah i guess i do.” and he laughs, grinding his cock into you and you gasp; he takes the opportunity to kiss you deeply, hands sneaking back onto your tits and he kneads more knowingly, now, smiling into the kiss.
“can’t blame me with how soft you are.”
“not you comparing me — shit . . — t-to bread,” both your laughter mingles even as his hips speed up and your eyes roll back into your head, wrapping an arm around his neck to feel all of him and he whispers possibly the cheesiest line you’ve known to date, making you both clench around him and giggle uncontrollably.
“it’s true . . i need you daily.”
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evie-sturns · 3 months
no one has to know what we do - Chris Sturniolo
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summary: ever since you met the triplets in 3rd grade, youve had been closest with chris. you've never admitted it to anyone but you've been madly inlove with him for a few years now. the triplets 20th birthday comes around, they celebrate by inviting the friend group to their house for the weekend, what happens when you and chris are left alone in his bedroom, will things stay the same, or will you two be forced to sneak around.
contains: smut, fwb!chris, sneaking around friends, swearing, fluff.
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♫.. no one has to know what we do, his hands are in my hair, his clothes are in my room..♫
I've known the triplets since i could walk, marylou and my mom met in highschool so i've grown up around the nick matt and chris my whole life. ive always been closest with chirs,
but i hate to admit the fact that i've been thinking about him differently, a lot differently. i've never though about matt in that way though, even though they're practically the same. it's something about chris's hair, i've always wondered how my fingers would feel laced through his brown locks while he rests between my thighs.
6:39pm, friday night.
i push open the sturniolos front door to find nick, chris, matt, madi, nate, and several other friends from highschool, hannah, grace and yolanda, leaning on the counter, all laughing with eachother.
''hey!!" chris says with a wide grin, running up to me and wrapping his arms around me. "chrisss" i smile back at him.
this weekend is the sturniolos birthday, they've invited madi, me, nathan, and 3 other friends round for friday night, saturday and sunday, for those three nights chris and i are sharing a room, alone.
he grabs my small tote brag i brought and chucks it into the spare room. i walk into the kitchen and greet everyone else, instantly getting dragged by nick into the living room.
"we're watching the grinch." madi declares, "fuck no! its the middle of fucking august" nick yells back, nate chimes in, adding something to the debate.
before i can open my mouth i feel a cold hand grab my arm, its chris.
my head swings around, my hair hitting his neck. "c'mon" chris says, taking me over to the couch and throwing himself down and patting the spot next to him. i flop next to him, cuddling close to his side as everybody else piles down, "so we're watching the grinch?" madi says with a cheeky smile, "no." nick instantly replies, switching the tv on.
the intro song to rapunzel blasts through the small room, a loud cheer comes from the 7 other people around chris and i.
i'm basically frozen, my mouth won't move and i can feel my heart pounding out of my chest. sure, chris and i have been friends forever but god hes been so physical the past few weeks its been hard to hold myself together.
"you okay?" chris whispers down into my hair.
"yeah!" i chirp back
"you seem nervous"
"im not."
im 90% sure he knows.
"im sorry this movie is ASS." nate says, interrupting the movie. "gotta say, i do kinda agree with you." madi replies, "i told you the grinch was better!" she says, earning a boo from nick.
nick leans over to me, "go get a boardgame from chris's room cause these fuck heads aren't happy with rapunzel." he tutts.
i heave myself up off the couch, "chris where do you keep your array of boardgames" i scoff, shaking my head with a smile. "first of all i dont have 50 boardgames i play" he laughs as he walks over to me.
i walk upstairs towards chris's room, him closley behind me still yapping about the fact hes not that big of a fan of board games.
i open the large wooden door to chris's room, the familiar sight filling my vision.
chris shuts the door behind us, i don't question it, he probably just wants to keep his room air conditioned. i look back at him,
"so where are the-" i start but get interrupted by chris's hand on my jaw, he looks at my lips then my eyes, then my lips before slamming his onto mine.
i kiss him back. of course i do? i've practically dreamt about this moment since i was 16.
"i know i make you nervous y/n" he rasps into my lips, his second hand grabbing my cheek as he walks us back, our lips still connected as my back hits the wall, pinning me down slightly with his mouth.
he pulls away for a second, scanning my face for a readable expression. "chris" i breathe out, running my hand through my hair.
"im sorry, im so fucking sorry i shouldnt've done that-" he starts, taking a step back, "chris." i interrupt him, reconnecting our lips.
"you make me nervous, really fucking nervous." i say into his lips, his hand finds its way to the back of my head, his fingers intertwined in my hair.
suddenly the door to his bedroom rattles, i instantly pull away, my head spinning round to look at the door which is being pushed open/
madi, matt, nick and 3 of our other friends walk in, all laughing with each other about god knows what, i scramble towards the closet, looking for any board game i can.
i pull out the despicable me version of 'game of life' which has several minions on the front. a small laugh exits my mouth before i join the small circle which has formed on the floor with our friends.
"y/n...." matt says with a laugh, grabbing the board game off me "despicable me?" hannah says with a scoff
"im sorry! chris doesn't have the collection of board games i expected!" i tease back.
"it'll be okay!" grace says, a somewhat optimistic smile painted across her face.
chris joins the circle of friends on the floor, sitting down opposite me. hes got a small panicked expression, his lips red and raw, his cheeks a deep pink. his eyes are fixed on mine.
"so whos gonna roll first?" nick chuckles.
madi won the boardgame about 30 minutes ago, i've been laying on the floor of chris's room with all of our friends, execept for chris.
he disappeared while everyone was celebratings madis 'epic' win.
"we've gotta play truth or dare.." yolanda says, "like the corny middle school shit you know?"
nick claps his hands with a goofy grin, followed by matt rolling his eyes but later agreeing.
"nick, truth or dare" grace laughs,
i stand up off the floor, walking out of chris's room while everyones distracted watching nick try to do a head stand.
the wooden stairs creak as i jog down them, i swing open the back door and im met with chris. he's sitting on the outdoor bench, scrolling aimlessly through his phone.
his head shoots up to look at me as i walk over to the bench, sitting under it.
"hey!" he says smiling, then putting his phone down on the armrest.
"how was despicable me game of life?" chris nudges me in the arm, a stupid smile on his pink lips.
"shut up!" i scoff, flicking his arm softly.
a silence fills the air, only sounds of distant cars vaguely humming in the background. chris runs a hand through his brunette hair, his long fingers peeking through the strands of his hair.
"um-" chris clears his throat.
"chris.." i whisper i start, then get off by his voice
"i dont think i'm ready for a relationship."
my heart sinks.
i didnt even say i liked him like that to his face?
"come with me." he declares, standing up abruptly grabbing my hand and pulling me inside.
everyone's hanging out in the living room, nobodys really paying attention to rapunzel anymore. nicks head shoots up "y/n come over!!" he smiles at me.
"we're gonna go get ready for bed, super tired." chris speaks for me. i run over to nick, giving him and matt a goodnight hug before returning to chris. he grabs my hand firmly then pulls me upstairs into his room, slamming the door shut behind us
my heart thumps as chris looks down at me, his hand reaches out for my chin, his other hand firmly gripping my waist as his fingertips lightly squeeze my waist. i stare at his lips, he stares at mine before colliding them for the second time today.
without another word his shirt is across the room, his necklace resting on his chest. my shirt follows, ending up somewhere around the room. "chris" i moan lightly into his lips as his hand snakes round to my back, unclasping my bra and letting it fall to the floor.
he frantically rips off his sweatpants, i shimmy my shorts down my legs.
the air surrounding us grows hot as i fall back onto his bed, "chris- we can't, nick always tells me that he'd kill me if i even though about his brothers sexually, i mean-" i ramble, but chris cuts me off.
"no one has to know what we do." he whispers, his hands intertwined in my hair.
my eyes switch from chris, to the amount of our clothes scattered across his room, the same room chris and i grew up in.
i nod "okay." a smile creeps across my face.
chris pulls off my panties, throwing them ontop of his desk. he pauses for a second, his eyes exploring every inch of my body. "oh my god." he mutters, "you okay?" he asks quickly while he pulls down his boxers, his hard length springing out. his dick is strangely perfect, "yeah, more than okay.." i whisper, my eyes fixed on his cock.
he nods "you've done.. this before right?" chris laughs slightly. "yeah- yeah" i giggle. "you're so pretty." he says, stroking his length while his eyes stare at my exposed body.
"ready?" he asks, his tip lightly pressing against my hole.
i'm not even fully processing whats happening right now, the boy i've secretly been practically inlove with for a few years is now about to fuck me.
"very." i tease, gripping the sheets for support. he pushes into me, a low whimper escaping his mouth "squeezing me so well." he stutters, bottoming out in me.
i let out a string of moans as i arch my back off the bed "so good, doing so good." he says, his thrusts rapidly increasing in pace and intensity. his fingers lace into my hair, tugging lightly but not painfully.
i let out a desperate groan "chris- fuck!"
he reaches a hand down and presses on my lower stomach, feeling how deep he is inside of me. "you feel me?" he says in between thrusts.
I squeeze my eyes shut, my vision fogged.
"i said you feel me?" he mumbles, his hair flopping with each time his tip hits my cervix.
"yes! yes-" i blurt out,
chris grabs my throat, pinning me down to the bed.
my eyes open in shock, a few short breaths exiting my mouth.
"finish, finish for me."
and with those words i do, i clench around him and release my built up orgasm. chris instantly lets go of my throat being careful not to push me too hard, he pulls out, painting my stomach with warm streaks of white.
"fuck...." he groans, throwing his head back.
i catch my breath as chris collapses next to me, he pulls me ontop of his body as he strokes my hair.
"you did so well." he whispers into my hair.
after a good 10 minutes of laying in silence i break it,
"um chris.."
"yes?" he replies.
"what are we.. now."
another silence fills the room "i dont know." he says, a bit of guilt in his voice.
he starts "i mean if you give me a few weeks we can put a label on us or we could just stay friends and forget this happened but i dont know if i want that because i really enjoyed this but i mean we could be friends with benefits-"
i interuppt his rambles "friends with benefits!?" i say with a small smile.
"if you want, could be fun like sneaking around.."
i nod frantically at chris's words "i'd like that."
(saturday 5pm)
after yesterday nights unexpected encounter chris and i have kept our promise, this whole day everyones been hanging out at the pool but currently we're in the bathroom, and hes fully inside of me.
"fuck-" he mumbles, slamming into me as i sit on the countertop. my bikini bottoms are pulled to the side as he pounds into me repeatedly, "close." he warns.
i clench around him, the knot in my stomach snapping as i release around his length with a scream of his name. he pulls out, orgasming on my thighs.
"you okay?" he asks, panting as he wipes my thigh with his hand.
i collide our lips together "yeah." i mumble into his mouth.
a few seconds pass before we pull away, he helps me down off the countertop as i catch my balance.
he grabs my hand and unlocks the bathroom door, he guides us both back to the pool, rejoining all our friends like we weren't fucking each other 3 minutes ago.
i lay down by the poolside, my legs shaking slightly from the intensity of the past events.
chris sits down next to me "you got a little something." he whispers with a laugh, quickly reaching down and wiping my thigh where we missed a spot.
(1 month later)
a month ago today chris and i were sneaking around at his 20th birthday party, for the past 4 weeks we've been meeting up at each other's houses, hooking up every time we get the chance. we didnt speak about anything, i think hes happy staying friends with benefits even though i want more, ive needed more for 3 years.
i roll over in bed, checking my phone one last time before i fall asleep. suddenly my phone frantically vibrates,
its chris?
i pick up the phone "chris its late..." i groan into the phone.
"i need to talk to you, can i come over.. please?" he asks innocently, "okay if you want to just talk, im so tired."
i hang up, after a couple minutes i hear the rumble of chriss car in my driveway, followed by his footsteps upstairs. he swings open the door to my room "hey!" he says nervously, jumping into bed beside me. "you alright?" i ask, holding his hand.
he stays silent for a few seconds, before starting.
"i think im in love with you?" he blurts out.
"you- what?" i repeat, confusion painted in my voice.
"i know, but for the past few.. years? ive liked you- alot.. and i dont just want you to be my fuck buddy anymore, i want to be more."
he takes a deep breath, i stay silent in shock.
"i feel the absolute exact same Christopher." i say, looking over at him.
"do you wanna.. make things official." he asks quietly.
i roll over ontop of him, smothering him in kisses "yes!" i laugh, wrapping my arms around him. relief washes over his face.
we lay still for a few minutes, "can i stay the night?" he asks with a laugh, "please do." i reply, my eyes fluttering shut.
we lay in silence for a few minutes, but a small laugh exits his mouth.
"yeah?" i smile into his chest.
"nothing it was just painfully obvious i was head over heels for you, how did you not guess" he laughs
"chris, im sorry but i was terrified to make a move purely because of how it wasnt obvious." i say, planting the 84th kiss of the night on his face.
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atinystraynstay · 5 months
Game Night - Yoon Jeonghan
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Synopsis: Jeonghan was the type of guy who joked around, the type to be not so serious. I guess that's why you never took his flirting to be anything more than him trying to get you to laugh. Jeonghan was now determined to make you see differently.
Pairing: Yoon Jeonghan x fem reader
Genre: friends to lovers! playful competitiveness with Jeonghan
Word Count: 1.8k
"So, y/n, what are the chances of you letting me be yours for the night?" Jeonghan asked teasingly. "Maybe when you learn to stop cheating at Guess Who!" You groaned.
It was a typical Sunday night for you and Jeonghan. You two always had game nights together, ever since you can remember. Both of you were quite competitive, so you were equal competitors for one another. At this point, most of the members have given up on playing against Jeonghan anyways.
Jeonghan and you had become good friends over the past few years. However, you never believed Jeonghan was into you. He sometimes liked to flirt with people because he thrived on making people feel uncomfortable for a second before making them laugh. He definitely was a trickster.
Recently though, Jeonghan didn't see his flirting towards you as just teasing. He was starting to realize he was starting to like you. More than a friend. It took a lot to scare Jeonghan but what scared him the most was you ever finding out about his little secret. If anything, he amplified his flirting with you to try to keep his crush concealed for a little bit longer.
He was sure he would tell you eventually. He just didn't know when.
"I can't help that you are bad at dropping hints. Seriously, y/n. You make it too easy for me!"
You rolled your eyes at Jeonghan's antics. To anyone, they might find his confidence insufferable. However, to you, you found it endearing. Jeonghan was the man who could be silent when he needed to be, especially when encountering new experiences and new people. When he was comfortable and relaxed, he let his true colors shine.
You were just blessed to be one of the lucky ones who got to experience his entire rainbow.
"Okay, let's actually play this time. Honest and fair." "Honest and fair."
I his mind, the gears were turning. Sure, he wanted to win the game but he had an alternative motive. A lot was on the line.
"Have you selected who I am going to guess right?" You asked challengingly.
Jeonghan rolled his eyes playfully but he couldn't wipe the smile off his face. Whenever he was around you, he found himself smiling brighter than ever before. You just managed to pull that side out of him oh so easily.
He also has never encountered someone who was maybe just as competitive as he was.
"Yeah, angel. I'm ready to watch you get frustrated. You're really cute when you get flustered, you know? I always love the way your nose scrunches up and you get a bit red in the face." "That doesn't happen,' you lied. "Oh right, it doesn't when it is with anyone else. I guess I just have that effect over you," he snickered.
You could feel your cheeks heating up the more he spoke. It didn't help he was staring you down with that smug grin on his face.
God, why does he have to be so damn attractive?
"Shut up," you muttered. "Let's just play, ok?"
He leaned back in the chair, arms crossed over his chest. He was easily amused by how easily he could make you crumble.
One of the very first things that Jeonghan noticed about you was how independent you were. You weren't afraid to call people out on their bullshit, and always felt the freedom to voice your opinion. You weren't the type of person who needed to rely on others to do something.
It was quite the treat to watch you lose your train of thought if he just looked at you. You often forgot what you were going to say the moment Jeonghan said something flirtatious to you. He almost didn't register the possibility of you liking him back until he noticed how you looked away to try to conceal the wide smile on your lips and pink blush coating your cheeks.
The two of you have been doing this waltz around confessing your feelings for a while now. And frankly, Jeonghan was getting tired of playing that game. He wanted something new.
"Pretty ladies first," Jeonghan announced.
There you go again, blushing at his words. It was almost too easy.
"Does your person have facial hair?"
He took a moment to act as if he he had to think about it. You raised an eyebrow, knowing that he was up to something but you couldn't quite put your finger on it.
"Oh come on, Hannie, we just started. There's no way you forgot already who your character is," you teased.
His heart fluttered every time you called him that petname. A lot of people called him Hannie. But when you say it? It was music to his ears. It made him feel all warm and tingly at the prospective of him being exclusively yours and you being all his.
"No, my character doesn't. I was just trying to make you annoyed again," he snickered.
You rolled your eyes but kept a light smile on your lips. Anyone else would be underneath your skin, but he just had this way of finding his antics endearing. Your pointer finger got to work at flipping down the 8 characters you successfully eliminated.
"So, my sweet girl," he began. Oh, here we go. "Does your character have glasses?"
You smirked as he guessed incorrectly. You looked up at him with this look of amusement on your face. Honestly, he has never found you more attractive than when you let your competitive side free. He liked a challenge.
And getting to be your man was his greatest challenge yet.
"No strike, buddy. Better luck next time."
You and Jeonghan continued going back and forth like this for a few rounds. Jeonghan had still had six character cards flipped up, whereas you only had one. You were about to go in for the kill.
"Is your person Charlotte?"
Finally! You beat Jeonghan!
"Oh, I'm sorry. That's incorrect," he smirked.
Your eyes grew wide as they flickered between the game board and Jeonghan. That was impossible. You had literally one character card left. Your eyes narrowed on him as he just sat there with a wide grin on his lips. He had his elbows resting on the table as he watched I amusement.
"You said honest and fair this time," you whined. "And I have been honest! You were asking for my person, and all the things you were asking did not match up with who I selected." "Oh really now? Okay smartass, prove it."
Very slowly, Jeonghan got up to make his way over to you. You raised an eyebrow, but with each step he took towards you, your heart beats faster and harder. What was he doing? You wanted to question him but you were drawn speechless. Again. Only Yoon Jeonghan could make you tongue-tied. It was as if you were glued to your seat too as you watched him make the short journey from his end of the table towards yours.
"I'll describe my person to you. Maybe you accidentally flipped them down."
His voice was now softer, almost deeper. What is going on? All you could do was nod your head, eyes trained on him in anticipation.
"My person also has these eyes that quite literally are like two disco balls. They capture whatever light is reflected into them. I can't even tell you what color their eyes are because I've never see a shade like it before. But it is my favorite color." He had now approached your side the table, leaning against it as he looked down at you. "And just as bright of a smile to match."
You wanted to melt into a puddle before him with how warm and fuzzy he makes you feel by just doing the simplest of things. It wasn't fair.
"My person has long hair. Sometimes they curl it, somewhat they straighten it. Each time though, I want to run my fingers through it."
As he spoke, he lifted on hand to run through your hair. He tucked a few strands behind your ear. His fingertips moved forward until they grazed against your cheek. He didn't miss the opportunity to cup your cheek, keeping your head tilted up towards him so you couldn't look away no matter how badly you got flustered.
"My person also has this infectious laughter that makes me want to know every little joke, every little secret they might have. She also has this adventurous, competitive side of her that is so attractive. I think you two would get along just fine," he winked.
Your lips were slightly parted as you gazed up at him. This had to be a dream, right? There was no way this was actually happening.
"Y/n, you asked for my person. It's been you this whole time," he whispered.
For the first time, he seemed almost at a loss for words. It as if he couldn't believe he actually confessed to you. And now that his feelings were out in the open, he was afraid of the repercussions of being so vulnerable with you. His biggest fear was losing you, and he was afraid he was heading in that direction.
Slowly, you stood up. In fear, Jeonghan removed his hand from your face. Fuck, how can I fix this?
Instead, you wrapped your arms around his neck, and he didn't hesitate to hold your waist. He looked at you with excitement now in eyes, almost like a little boy on Christmas Day. You couldn't help but giggle at how adorable he looked.
"What are you waiting for, Hannie? You've got me where you've always wanted to me," you whispered.
He didn't need to be told twice. Ever so gently, as if you were made out of glass, he pressed his lips against yours. He couldn't fight the smile that grew on his lips. He squeezed your hips affectionately before pulling you in closer. You tilted your head at the right angle to kiss him deeply, without holding back anymore.
The feeling was indescribable. It was a mixture of joy and relief, knowing that years of pining after you finally amounted to this moment. He could really let every emotion, every thought of you free and not just dwell in his mind. And the best part was that it was reciprocated.
You were the one to break the kiss at first but kept your face close to his. You wore a similar goofy smile, just as in disbelief that you kissed not only your best but but the man of your dreams.
"I can't believe you used a board game to confess your feelings to me." "But it looks like I won after all," he smirked.
You rolled your eyes playfully before leaning up to press your lips against his again.
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Fall For Me (Poly! Sleep Token x Fem! Reader) - Part I
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Well, it happened... After trying to evade the hype for so long they finally got me 😂😂 This story has had me in a chokehold (haha, get it?) since I started toying around with the idea of it. Hopefully you guys enjoy it, let me know if you'd like to be added to the tag list for future chapters and/or Sleep Token one shots!
Part II
My Masterlist! ~ AO3 Link!
Credit to @spookyghostjelly for beta reading, ily bb 💗💗💗
You sat with your feet propped up on the counter, one of the magazines you had yet to sell spread open on your lap. "Be fashion forward this fall." You read out loud to the empty store in a mocking tone as your eyes grazed over the pictures of chunky sweaters, jeans, and boring, brown leather boots. The bell over the door jingled as a customer entered the store, your eyes darted up, expecting one of your regulars. You were met with the sight of someone in a black sweatshirt with the hood pulled up over their head. 'Great,' you thought to yourself, 'just when I thought I was going to have an easy evening.' You watched the man carefully, waiting to see what exactly he was going to stick in his pockets. Now, you normally turn a blind eye to shoplifters up to a certain extent, everyone deserves to have something to eat. But, being an independently owned store you could only take so much of a loss on your inventory. To your surprise, the man didn't pick up a single item. He took his time looking over the contents of each shelf, his hands never leaving his sweatshirt pocket. "Can I help you find anything, sir?" His head turned slightly in your direction, but not enough for you to see his face.
"What time do you close?" You were caught off guard by his British accent, it was an uncommon occurrence to get outsiders in your small backwoods town.
"Eight o'clock." He nods his thanks and hurriedly exits your store, almost bumping into one of your regulars on the way out.
"Everything alright?" He asks as the strange visitor leaves your store.
"Do you know him?" You ask quietly, as if he would somehow be able to overhear you despite having rounded the corner of the building already.
"Yeah, he's one of those… those cultists that set up shop in the woods." He explains. You were a bit shocked at the realization. You had been seeing headlines in the local newspaper for months as curiosity rose around the small group of men that had built a few Cabins on the very edge of town. Reporters didn't dare venture into their camp for an interview, but that didn't stop them from snapping a few pictures from the safety of the treeline. Four cabins sat at each corner of a small clearing, a large fire pit dominated the center. From what you could make out they seemed to have some sort of root cellar and a lackluster garden, which would explain why you hadn't seen any of them in person until this afternoon. "You be careful, (Y/N). Freaks like that might just try to sacrifice you to some goat demon they worship." He warns. You can't help but roll your eyes at the outlandish statement.
"Mark, those boys haven't done a single thing to bother anyone since they got here. They've been out there for months, if they were going to take someone they would've done it by now." You argue.
He chuckles, "Trust me darlin', I hope you're right. But until then me and a lot of other folks around here plan on keeping a close eye on them. You'd do best to stay away from them."
"You think I can't take care of myself?" You challenge, raising an eyebrow at him.
"Now, Miss (Y/N), you and I both know you'd beat my ass to next Sunday if that's what I was implying." The two of you shared a laugh. "I just don't want something bad to happen, that's all. These strange men show up out of nowhere one day and no one knows where they came from, hell none of us have ever seen their faces. They all wear these black masks, least that's what the reports are saying. You can never be too cautious."
"I'll take my chances." You smile politely in an attempt to get him off his soap box. "Now, I take it you're here for your pack of Marlboros."
"Yes ma'am, and an extra one for Donnie if you don't mind." He responds with a nod as he fumbles for his wallet in his back pocket.
"You got it boss." The rest of your evening was spent rather uneventfully, save for the fact that you would practically jump out of your chair every time the door opened. You glanced up at the clock, there was about twenty minutes left until you closed. "Maybe he decided to not come back." You shrug. Moments later an old, beat up pick up truck rumbled into the parking lot. You watched as the driver got out, his head dipped low to hide his face in the hood of his black sweatshirt. He pushes through the door, the jingle of the bell the only sound to cut through the tense silence. "Welcome back." You tried to sound friendly despite your unease. He nods at you in response, not saying a single word as he makes his way quickly and directly to everything he needs. He approaches the counter, unloading his arm load of supplies before taking a step back. "You got a name to go with those big, broad shoulders of yours?" You ask in a bit of a teasing tone, trying to do what you could to lighten the mood. He remained silent, despite the fact you couldn't see his face you couldn't escape the feeling of his piercing gaze. You opened a bag, carefully organizing his contents inside. "$18.75, sir." He slaps a twenty dollar bill on the counter, not even waiting for his change as he grabs his bag and flits out the door. You watched as he drove off, not sure exactly what you were supposed to make of that interaction. You had a similar occurrence every day for almost a week. He would come in, grab an armful of groceries, put down his money, and he left. You would try and greet him whenever he would come in your store, it was always met with a curt nod.
"Vessel." You froze as he finally spoke up. You looked up, your eyes met with 6 slits on an odd looking mask. "You can call me Vessel." You couldn't think of how to respond at first. He had barely acknowledged your existence before tonight, what had changed?
"Vessel… (Y/N)." You stick out your hand to shake his. "It's nice to finally meet you." You smile as his hands clap into yours.
"You're different from the other people we've run into from town." He remarks.
"The reporters?"
"Some of them, a few others we just happened to cross paths with." You could feel him studying you. "You don't seem scared."
"Vessel, you've been coming in here for over a week now. If you were going to try and hurt me you would've done it by now." You notice the corner of his mouth quirk up in a smile.
"I guess you have a point." He chuckles. You finish scanning his items and give him his total. He places the money down on the counter and picks up his bag.
"How come you never take your change?" You ask as he's almost out the door.
"I know you run this place by yourself, think of it as me tipping a small business." He flashes a brief, brilliant smile at you. You try to hide your shy smile by fixing up your register. "Oh, and (Y/N)?" You glance back up at him. "It's nice to finally meet you too."
Tag List: @herripinkle @mustluvecho @jumpcauseimfroggy (If you would like to be tagged for Sleep Token stuff let me know!)
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rosiesroseas · 9 months
No period = frantic boyfriend
suguru x f!reader + pregnancy scare
angel: Not in today, just threw up
Amongst the class, only sat Satoru and Suguru, Yaga should be in soon. Suguru suspects Shoko is with you, possibly using actual medical attention on your since it doesn’t sound to severe.
“I do know the basics, leave me alone,” she muttered. “It’s for y/n ‘cause she gets sick a lot,”
Suguru grows flush, mind roaming through possible answers.
“I see,”
“It’s not what you think!”
suguru x: Are you ok?
suguru x: Text me if you need anything so I can bring it after
“The missus?” Gojo inquired, his head protruding out a bit to gaze at the messages. But Suguru retracts it.
“Yeah, supposedly sick,” he huffs out. As bored as his tone lets on, only Satoru and you could decipher that he worries (it’s not particularly hard, since it’s in the way he grows distant in his current circumstances)
Satoru chuckles, “cheer up! Y/N-chan is probably just on her monthly!”
Suguru’s scowl deepens.
“What? At least you know you’re not going to be a father anytime soon,”
Suguru chokes. A small series of coughing ignite within his throat. He hears the maniacal laugh of his friend soon after.
“Don’t speak about that so… comfortably,” he utters, his brows furrowing out of shock.
“Blah, blah, it’s nothing to be ashamed of,” Gojo dismisses, “Sex is natural Suguru, you should know,”
Satoru wiggles his eyebrows, and Suguru feels himself fall into a pit of shame instead of his friend.
It’s only been a few months since his first time. You were his first (and hopefully, his only) It was an agreement between you both; once you both hit the age of 18, was when you two could finally give in to the temptation.
Ever since, he feels the desire more deeply than before.
“Shut up,”
Suguru resumes going through his phone, and Satoru continues to talk (nothing new)
angel: i’m late asw
Suguru’s hand shoots out, landing firmly onto Satoru’s shoulder. His friend had been chatting about something irrelevant after his teasing rampage, Suguru seemed occupied with his phone, but Satoru knows he can multi-task his hearing.
“What?” Satoru raises his eyebrows.
“I’m going to pass out,”
Satoru has seen his friend covered in blood, witnessed him take blows after blows from deadly opponents, gazed upon the sight in which Toji Fushiguro left him in, he has once never passed out because of them.
But now, Suguru is safe, in an environment in which he relaxes into. And he utters words like that?
But Suguru isn’t true to his word, matter-of-fact, he’s capable of pacing around the classroom like madman rather than someone who was at the brink of becoming unconscious.
“what the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck,” Suguru mutters.
Whilst he’s in his anxious state, Satoru takes it upon himself to see what made his friend so… weird.
angel: i’m late asw
“Oh shit!”
Both boys pace around frantically, Suguru doesn’t take notice of his companion doing the same as him. He’s too deep in thought: What if he’s not a good dad? What if his baby grows up in this mess-of-a-society? What if Satoru gives them a sweet tooth? What if you’re not ready? What will happen to you if you proceed with this? Wouldn’t it hurt your body?
Satoru is the same: I need to work on my baby skill. Would Suguru let me take him out for ice cream every Sunday? Will you let him? Will the baby even like sweets?What should I get for the baby shower? Maybe Suguru will let me do those cliché gender reveals.
Yaga walks through, his stern expression growing more intense as he stares at his two idiotic students.
“What are you two doing?”
They both still. Suguru glances over to Satoru, Satoru glances back; both completely panicked.
“Sir! Suguru is due to be a father!”
“Am not!”
Suguru sees his teacher, and for once, it isn’t masked with a sense of authority and annoyance. He can do that? He seems in disbelief, his arms slightly unfolding, but he still remains set.
Suguru stumbles, “no, it’s-it’s nothing like that, sir,” —shaking his head— “Satoru, here, doesn’t know what he’s talking about,”
Satoru bashfully sways on his feet when Suguru glares skillfully at him. Yaga too, seeming as it wasn’t his information to spill.
“No need to be ashamed or scared, you-you know kids aren’t all that bad, they get a bad rep because of parenting but most aren’t as—”
“Sir, I don’t think this is necessar-” Suguru is cut off by his teachers life-lecture, he feels himself internall curl into the depths of shame and worry, possibly even anger at himself that he didn’t think of this consequence efficiently.
He sees his phone has received new messages.
angel: NVM
angel: just had a shower, and it all came out
angel: it was disgusting
Purposefully out of his persona, he lets out a large sigh, falling into his seat, disrupting the tangent his teacher had carried onto.
“She has it, no need to worry now,”
Yaga grunts, he feels like his words went to waste.
“Don’t worry, sir! I shall use that information wisely,” Satoru exclaims, saluting promptly as if he were a soldier at war.
“Shut up, will you!”
“Satoru just texted, said him and Suguru just finished panicking,” shoko utters out, “and that Yaga gave them a talk about kids,”
“Wow, I didn’t think it would scare him that much,”
“Any guy who gets that text is bound to react like that, Y/N,”
“You’re right,” you said, eyes lingering on into thought, “I wonder what Yaga said,”
“Now that you said that,” Shoko quips, her cigarette coming out of her mouth, “me too.”
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moonsaver · 4 months
Hi! It’s @pix3lplays! (On anon because I have another account and I can’t switch which account I’m asking from haha)
I wanted to say thanks for being so nice when I responded to your comment on one of my posts~I really appreciated what you said hehe, definitely made me feel bit more confident and inspired me to keep writing :)
So I thought I’d throw an ask out since requests are open~
If you’re not interested no problem but I’ve thought about it a little and I thought maybe you’d have some thoughts.
Yandere!Sunday when his darling somehow gets seriously hurt, how do you think he’d feel, what would he do?
Personally I think he’s a complete control freak already when it comes to reader, so it just gets WORSE…ANYWAYS I wanna hear YOUR thoughts if you’re interested in the prompt hehe~ also if you’ve already talked about this oops I must’ve missed it, sorry in advance-
But yeah thanks so much, it was really cool to talk to you, take care of yourself, please!!
Hello Pixel! Thank you for sending in this ask, you're very sweet haha <3 i like your writing and im glad i helped you become more confident in it. Also,same issue here, i cant send asks from this account specifically, so i use anon or just use my personal blog to send asks.
Anyways, onto the request,
Ooh, my Yan!Sunday brain is ticking.. he really is an absolute control freak, and is a bit of a mess when he sees you seriously injured. A miscalculation, ignorance, negligence, or perhaps just.. an oversight from his part? Whatever the reason is, he's in high-drive now, and absolutely stressed about it. He only has a worried and distant look on his face, and at this stage he's prone to easily snapping at anyone, but his mind would be on a completely different level of stress. How dare they? How dare anyone lay a filthy inch of a finger on you? To stain you with their sins, and to breach your skin in such a grotesque manner.. he's absolutely enraged.
He insists on tending to you himself personally, unless it's so serious paramedics have to be involved. Stays by your side until he cant, sitting on the egde of the bed, body turned halfway to face you, fingers ghosting the edge of your face with tenderness.
However, this tenderness is only limited to your recovery period.
After you wake up or recover a bit, practically any freedom you would have had is gone. Completely.
Scolds you, borderline yells at you, holds you still with a deathly tight grip on your arms, forcing you to look into his eyes. This happened because you left. This happened because you were out of his watch. This all happened because of your freedom. Don't you dare even bother mentioning going out anywhere. You will be surveillanced almost all the time. He spends a suffocating amount of time next to you, harshly spitting back whenever you try to protest or reason with him. His words aren't gentle at all, and you're getting on his nerves. Perhaps he should just look over you himself, force you into a borderline coma in the dream fluid, and deal swiftly with the perpetrators.
Robin catches wind of this at some point.. she tells you that he's just worried, and there's a lot of people that don't quite hold The Family in high regards. Just.. its okay. Let him do this.
Let him pick out your clothes, brush your hair, check your healing wounds, gently ebb the water over them as you bathe, and kiss the skin of your shoulder when both of you stay silent after another argument.
If you still continue arguing.. he doesn't have a choice. He slumps a bit, a hand coming up to massage his temple as he sighs, and tells you in a softer voice that he's terrified. The worst thing that could happen did happen. He almost lost you. Can't you just go with it and let him be assured? You're dragging it out much more than it needs to be. He's spent many sleepless nights, ideas of dreamscapes turning into nightmares as the image of your hurt face flashes in his mind. Just cooperate, for Aeons' sake.
And no one speaks after that. He emotionally blackmails and manipulates you as a sort of final resort. Surely, you'd understand. It's not like it's far from the truth anyway. He is scared. But more than that, he's enraged this happened in the first place.
Adding on more to it,
Once things calm down.. in a twisted sort of way, he realizes just how perfectly he can get you under his complete control from these events. He may even not so subtly orchestrate similar events to scare you, to keep you in check, forcing you to rely on him completely, as he swoops in at the right time, acting as some kind of a "savior". Its a sick mindset, and he's not ashamed of it. Oh dear, you were just so pleasantly compliant after that event. And it just solidifies his statement that you shouldn't be going outside anymore, or be constantly accompanied by the Bloodhound Family guards, after only a few incidents of various threat levels.
In the end, it's a cycle that repeats up until you finally give in and let him take any and all freedom you have. He sets down your hairbrush with a gentle 'clack', kisses the crown of your head, and tells you it's alright. He will take such good care of you. Just listen to him. Listen to his every word. He has your best intentions in mind. Don't think about anything, anyone. You're a smart girl, surely you understand?
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eichornia · 4 months
So I had a thought:
- It's 2024. Daniel is back in the grid, his hand is completely healed, his curls are thriving. He feels confident again and he's happy. He's in a low dose of antidepressants and the therapy does wonders. 2022 seems really far away.
- He's starting the season in a good mood, flirting his way through the paddock, joking with the Netflix boys. It's Thursday and they're in Australia. Australia, baby, his favourite place in the world. His family is coming to see him race, Isaac being old enough to really enjoy being in the garage. He's curious and funny and Daniel misses him a lot when he's away. He loves Isabella too, she's his princess. But she's not really interested in the sport (yet) and she's in a hardcore Bluey phase. So Isaac asks him if he can go with him to the garage and when they're there, he asks if they can go visit the Red Bull garage because he's obsessed with the RB and to be honest, with Max too. Just like his uncle, Blake likes to say. Usually that makes Daniel to show his karate moves but not for long because Blake is a scary motherfucker sometimes even if he hides it well.
- So to the RB garage they go. They chat with Christian for a bit (Do you want to run for us when you're big, Isaac?, he asks) (And Isaac says yes, yes, yes) and they dodge Helmut when he appears in the garage because he's scary and not in a nice way. (Isaac says he smells like moths and Daniel has to fight really hard not to laugh) and then they spot Max. He's talking with GP but when he sees them, he waves smiling and he talks with Isaac like he's an adult (and even invites him to look into the car and explains to him everything, twice when Isaac asks again about some things).
- And yeah, Daniel has feelings. Like, he knows he had feelings for Max since... Well, a long time ago. He knows but he was scared of being bisexual (thanks Josh Allen for fixing that) and older than Max, and he was scared of being reciprocal because yeah, like Max was his teammate? His hot, younger, faster teammate.
- But now Daniel is (even) older and has learnt to not give a fuck about what people thinks. And yeah, watching Max with his niece? It's doing things to Daniel's heart.
- So yeah, Australia is awesome, racing in Australia is even better, getting points in Australia is a dream come true after these past years. He's high on endorphins and that's his excuse to intercept Max when he's on his way to his driver room after the podium. (Hey, hi, Maxy, Maximus, I was thinking, like, congrats in the podium, by the way, good trophy and all that, but I was thinking of asking you if you wanted to come to Perth?)
- The craziest thing to happen is that Max says yes. No doubts at all, just his big smile that makes his eyes go small and a 'yes, Daniel'.
- PERTH. It goes like this: Max comes to the farm, falls in love with Daniel's house, Daniel's falls in love a bit more with him. And Max knows nothing about it because Daniel is a bit immature but he's not stupid (not about this anyway) and Max is one of his best friends and he doesn't want to ruin their friendship.
- So he says nothing and he enjoys having this week with Max in his home. They race dirt bikes, they cook together (well, they try) and they play with Isaac and Isabella when they come to visit. And then it's Sunday, a whole week has passed and they're going to fly together soon to Japan. They're enjoying the hot tub after having a nice dinner and Max is laughing at Daniel's impression of Toto and Daniel feels like his chest is filled with helium, feels high, lucky, funny. And that's his excuse to kiss Max.
- Max doesn't stop laughing for a second even in the middle of the kiss and then he stops moving and breathing and Daniel is panicking a bit. Because he knew it would ruin everything, this thing he feels for Max. But then Max's hand is in his neck, drawing him against his lips again, magnets in the dark.
- So yeah, that's a thing they do now. Making out. Heavy petting. Every time it happens, Daniel wants to flail his arms, run in circles, scream like fucking Tarzan. It's like getting a podium over and over again, it's like champagne bubbles getting trapped in his chest. Max kisses him like he races (point-blank, non-stop, making him weak at the knees) and he likes to make Daniel straddle him and he likes to caress his thighs, draw his tattoos again, the three against his lips before kissing each of his fingers.
-It makes Daniel effervescent with happiness and when they're racing in Japan, he's fourth in the race, almost a podium and he comes back to the garage and hugs everyone and laughs and almost cries because he's coming back, baby, he's so coming back. And he goes back to the hotel and doesn't go to his room, he goes straight to Max's room and he doesn't stop to think because he's going to chicken out otherwise.
- And he's on his knees.
- He's on his knees for Max, and he puts his forehead against Max's tummy and kisses his belly button and blows a raspberry against his hip and Max pushes his head away, silly-laughing, and Daniel says let me, let me, please, I won't do it again, Maxy, but let me and Max touches one of his brows and touches his hair and then brings him against his body.
- And kissing Max is like getting a podium but blowing him is getting second place, getting drunk, getting sweaty, getting high-high-high.
You can read the continuation here.
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hubbvrd · 4 months
13 with Adam maybe? Only if you’re comfortable of course <3
Feelings | Adam Fantilli
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summary — Adam and y/n have been friends since they were little. Both have had feelings for each other for a while. But what happens when the two suddenly get closer at a sleepover party?
pairing — adam fantilli x reader
words — 2760
notes — thanks for your request. I hope you like it!🧡
Everyone has that one day of the week that they particularly look forward to.
For most people, it's definitely Friday, which marks the end of a hard week at school or work and the weekend at last.
For others, it is Saturday or Sunday, which stands for sleeping in, free time, time for yourself and doing nothing.
Your favorite day of the week was Saturday. Especially those special Saturdays when your best friend Adam wasn't on the ice fighting for the win with the Blue Jackets.
But the Saturdays that were just you and Adam.
These Saturdays didn't come around too often during the year. But when that special Saturday came around again, it meant a sleepover with Adam.
Adam and you grew up together thanks to your mothers, who have been friends for a long time.
Adam is just eleven days older than you, which means the two of you have been more or less inseparable since you were born and have walked almost every step together.
There was hardly a day when you were ever apart in your childhood, because not only were your mothers best friends, but the Fantillis' and the Y/L/N's houses were next door to each other, so you played together in the big garden every day in the summer.
And in winter you spent most of your time in front of the fireplace or on a nearby ice rink playing hockey with Luca Fantilli, Adam's brother, and your little sister Lucy.
"I'll be fine" you mumble as you climb the last few steps, resting your chin with difficulty on the many blankets you're holding in your hands and hoping you don't lose them on the last few meters to your room.
"Is that special sleepover party coming up again tonight?" Out of the corner of your eye, you see your sister waggle her eyebrow as you walk over to your room.
"Yeah, Adam's coming in about an hour," you let her know as you put the blankets down on your desk and then survey the little mess of clothes in your room.
Earlier, you had gone to look for the same two pairs of pyjamas that you and Adam wear every year. They had been so far back in the wardrobe that you had unintentionally created a little clothing chaos.
"Then you're storm-free. I hope you use the time very wisely." With a broad grin, Lucy drops onto your bed.
"Yes, well, by watching a movie, eating some snacks and chatting a bit," you mumble more or less to yourself, but loud enough for Lucy to hear you as you start to carelessly throw all the clothes scattered around your room into the closet.
This wasn't the best idea, but it's the quickest one right now, because you still have a few other things to prepare before Adam will be at the door.
And that's why the closet was at the back of the queue and had to wait until tomorrow for its turn.
"You know exactly what I mean, y/n." A loud sigh can be heard from Lucy's direction as you start to rebuild the cave that Adam and you used to make out of blankets and pillows when you were four years old.
By now you were able to build the cave in your sleep. At the age of 19, some people would probably consider this cave too babyish, but you and Adam still loved this cozy cave so much and it brought back a lot of childhood memories that you like to talk about.
"No, I don't know about that." You carefully start to stretch one of the blankets for the roof and then carefully attach the end to the wall.
"If Adam and you carry on like this, you won't be a couple even when you're pensioners," your sister snorts formally and before you can say anything cheeky back, your mother's voice calls Lucy from downstairs.
"You got lucky again, y/n. Mom really saves your butt a lot from this conversation. See you tomorrow then. Don't forget to use contraception if you make it that far this time and ever get close."
"Lucy!" you hiss, startled, as heat rushes to your cheeks and you reach for a pillow to throw in Lucy's direction.
However, your little sister has disappeared from your room so quickly that you don't even have the chance to throw the pillow.
"Oh man..." you murmur quietly to yourself as you just stand there for a few seconds and breathe deeply.
It's no secret that you like Adam, really like him and are more or less in love with him, but there hasn't yet been a good time to really let him feel it.
"Maybe today," you answer your feelings out loud as you continue to get the height ready.
- - -
"I heard there's a special sleepover party here?" Adam looks at you with a beaming face after you open the door and let the older man into the house.
"Correct," you reply with a grin and after you close the door behind Adam, you are immediately pulled into a warm hug, so that Adam's aftershave surrounds you and briefly makes you gather yourself again.
"I missed you, y/n," he murmurs into your hair before letting go of you too quickly.
"I-I missed you too..." you stammer, a little confused, as you tug sheepishly at the sleeve of your sweater.
"I hope I've got everything with me" Adam babbles as he pulls the rucksack off his shoulders and then taps the full rucksack once.
"Well, I hope you haven't forgotten the nachos with your mother's best cheese sauce," you reply with a wry grin as you run ahead up the stairs and Adam follows you.
"Nope, Mom made sure I packed them for sure."
A grin grows on your lips. "Great, she knows what's good for me.
"Yeah, I'm good for you" Adam winks at you before walking into your room, thankfully not seeing your cheeks turn a shade of pink. "Wow. The cave looks mega, as always."
For a few seconds, you bite your bottom lip to somehow chase away the tingling sensation that's slowly making its way through your body before following Adam into your room. Adam has actually just been flirting with you.
Adam is crouched in front of the den, which is filled with countless pillows and blankets and has various fairy lights hanging from the ceiling, illuminating the den a little and bathing it in a warm light.
"All that's missing are our pyjamas..."
Adam turns to you and looks up at you from his crouched position.
"They almost got on my last nerve. I had to search until I found them. I was panicking that they had gone missing" you babble on as you walk over to your dresser and take down the pyjamas.
"Luckily you found them, otherwise we would have had to cancel the whole party," Adam jokes, suddenly standing in front of you and holding out his hands for his pyjamas.
"Or we would have had to buy new ones."
Smirking, Adam reaches for the warm fabric of the pyjamas and his fingers graze yours for a few seconds, his gaze fixed on you and he seems to sense how you're reacting to this little touch.
While a tingling sensation breaks out inside you again, you try to be as relaxed as possible on the outside, but you don't really succeed.
Your eyes widen slightly as your mouth opens slightly and the warmth rises in your cheeks again.
Damn, I really have to pull myself together! Otherwise Adam will think God knows what of me, you try to pull yourself together somehow, hoping that this evening will be more relaxed and that you won't come into contact with Adam too often.
But that would be boring, wouldn't it?
- - -
Dressed in your pyjamas and snuggled up under the warm blankets in the cave, Adam and you lie next to each other. There's a cushion between you so that you can relax a little more and take a deep breath.
While you lie there and watch Adam, he starts to get various snacks and drinks from his rucksack. These include various pastries that his mother has prepared especially for you.
"Please tell me these are exactly the cookies I think they are!" you almost shriek as Adam holds the Tupperware container with the large cookies in front of you.
"These are my mom's world-famous cookies" he proudly presents to you, uttering the sentence you've been dying to hear.
"I love your mom for this" you gush with your mouth full, because you just couldn't wait to leave the cookies untouched any longer.
As you start to chew with relish, Adam watches you with amusement and a smirk on his lips.
"What are they? They're awesome," you mumble with your mouth full. "And instead of staring at me now, you could choose a movie, Fantilli."
Adam starts to turn red within a few seconds, so he quickly turns his head away and goes to your laptop, where he opens Netflix and then starts looking for a movie.
Did Adam really just turn red because of me? you ask yourself. No, that can't be it. There must be another reason...
"Uh, what genre?" Adam mumbles quietly, his eyes still fixed on the laptop and his voice sounding slightly nervous.
"You decide" you reply, popping the last piece of cookie into your mouth as you continue to watch Adam and begin to wonder if he's really nervous about you right now.
Does he perhaps feel the same as you?
Do you trigger exactly the same feelings in him as he does in you? Was that really possible just now? Or are you just imagining all of this?
You would love to open your mouth and ask Adam all the questions that are running through your head, but when you open your mouth, not a single word comes out. It's probably for the best, because you don't want to be wrong and end up damaging your friendship or upsetting or hurting Adam.
"Then let's look at this one" Adam interrupts your train of thought as he selects a movie and then places your laptop between you so that you can both see clearly.
"Can you tell me his name?" you ask as the movie starts and you begin to sit down a little more comfortably.
Adam tells you the title of the movie, which you haven't heard before, so you are all the more excited about the movie and can hardly wait to immerse yourself in the story of the protagonists.
- - -
An hour and a half later, the black screen of the movie appears, which you comment on with a slight pout.
The movie drew you in within a few seconds and didn't let go so quickly that you can hardly believe it's over.
The movie was about two best friends who grew up together, were inseparable and suddenly went their separate ways until one day they found each other again and then fell in love.
The story was a little like you and Adam, but a little different, so you start to wonder if Adam chose this movie specifically to confess his feelings to you through a flower?
No, that was silly. Stop getting yourself into things! You're almost becoming obsessed, you admonish yourself again.
"The movie was good," you say quickly to silence any further thoughts that might come to mind.
"Yes, it really was," Adam replies and you hear a soft rustling beside you.
Shortly afterwards, Adam is quite close to you so that you can smell his aftershave again.
Within a few seconds, your heart starts to beat a little faster and the nervousness inside you begins to grow.
"Y/n," he almost whispered over to you, causing you to feel his warm breath lightly against your cheek.
The tingling in your body begins to awaken again, while you are unable to touch yourself even a little.
"A-Adam," you whisper back nervously as the rustling of the blanket sounds next to you again and shortly afterwards you find yourself in Adam's arms again.
"What are you doing?" you whisper again as you slowly manage to look at your best friend.
"What I should have done a long time ago," he replies in a whisper, sounding rather nervous.
His eyes rest gently on yours as his hand moves towards your cheek, where he places it and begins to gently stroke the small scar on your temple with his thumb, the one you got when Adam and you climbed up into the trees together and you injured yourself on a branch.
"I don't want this to be like it was until today," he begins to say as he continues to run his hand over your scar and looks you in the eye.
Unable to speak, you just stare at the person opposite you while your breathing is almost intermittent and your heart is pounding so fast you feel like Adam can hear it.
"I...I guess this could change everything now, y/n. But I have to risk it. I can't hold back my feelings anymore. My feelings for you are getting stronger and stronger. And every time I see you, it hurts not to be allowed to do this..." as Adam speaks, he comes closer and closer to you until his warm lips are on yours shortly afterwards.
Fireworks explode inside you so that your whole body starts to tingle within a few seconds and you open your eyes in shock for a few seconds because you are so taken by surprise by Adam and his lips on yours that you need a moment before you close your eyes again and return the kiss.
All too quickly, Adam detaches himself from you again and rests his forehead against yours so that you look into each other's eyes and your breathing quickens a little.
"I'm madly in love with you, y/n," he almost whispers, as if he's afraid to say the words out loud.
"Adam?" you whisper softly.
"Yes?" You can't help but notice that his voice sounds a little nervous.
"I'm in love with you too. And have been for so long," you whisper back and within a few seconds his lips are on yours again.
This time the kiss is much more intense. His lips move gently against yours, while his hand continues to rest against your cheek, gently stroking your cheek.
Your hands move to his neck, where they intertwine and you carefully pull Adam closer to you to somehow show yourself that this is real.
After a while, you slowly pull away from each other, whereupon Adam lies down on his back and pulls you with him, so that you carefully lay your head on his chest and Adam pulls the blanket over you.
Silence begins to reign between you, but it is anything but uncomfortable. On the contrary, you both use the silence to review the last few minutes.
A grin spreads across your lips as you snuggle closer to Adam, who wraps his arms around you and then rests his head on yours.
"Adam?" you murmur contentedly into the silence as you enjoy the closeness and hope that this closeness will never disappear.
"You're the first person that's ever made me feel so safe" you murmur as Adam's closeness and warmth begin to make you slightly sleepy.
In fact, you've always felt so safe around Adam.
Every time Adam protected you from older boys who teased you.
Every time your teacher tried to force you to read aloud, even though you were too nervous to read a single sentence.
Every time you had a driving lesson and Adam sat in the back seat to be with you.
The time you had an appendectomy and Adam sat next to your bed after the operation and held your hand when you were in pain.
The time you got the email from your dream college and he sat next to you and held your hand.
There were so many moments when he made you feel safe.
Too many moments to list them all.
But now, after the two kisses and the moment when you're lying in his arms, you really realize that Adam was the one person who made you feel safe.
And you are sure that there will be countless more moments when it will be the same.
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biibini · 4 months
Could you possibly write hcs for Mizu properly introducing reader to her adoptive father for the first time??? I'm curious as to how that would play out :3
modern!mizu x reader meets eiji for the first time
tags: modern mizu, mizu & reader in relationship, meeting the parents trope, meeting the parent?, eiji is mizu’s adopted father, kohama is staged around the pacific northwest, heidi shindo &blood-soaked chiaki mentioned, TW: m*k*o, author needs to eat before she writes
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a/n: ok for some reason i cant edit my drafts on my phone bc of gifs :( ima get thru these asks fr,, hope yall like the show references teehee
when u and modern!mizu first got together, u guys figured u would take it slow
it was mizu’s first relationship out of a toxic one
and u didn’t mind the slow pace
going on dates, hanging out, relaxing together
it was a blast
until one day u guys were out downtown, having a lil cafe date
and one of eiji’s clients recognized mizu as u hopped on the back of her motorcycle, zooming off to get lunch
modern!mizu ends up getting an unexpected phone call from her adopted dad
they keep in touch every few days
but she had just called him yesterday
Mizu was lying on her bed, scrolling through her phone. Her homework lies on her desk, ready to be done.
She groans in frustration and gently throws the phone down.
Ok, enough scrolling. Let’s get shit done-
Her phone starts to vibrate. Mizu flips the phone to spot the contact name “Swordfather”. The contact name is paired with a 0.5 selfie of him winning against Mizu. It continued to vibrate on Mizu's bed.
That’s odd. I just called him yesterday.
“Hey dad, whats up?”, Mizu answer.
“Who’s in the back of your bike?”, he yells into the phone.
“How- who- what are you talking-“
“Mr. Shindo come to me earlier today.” He starts, stern and loud, “He say he saw you with girl behind you on bike.”
Mr. Shindo was a regular at Eiji’s Repair Shop ever since Mizu was young. A man with temper and sass, he only trusted Eiji with his services. But with sass came a lot of gossip. Mizu wouldn’t believe the amount of drama happening the neighborhood if it wasn’t for Mr.Shindo’s loud mouth.
“Ok dad, I know it’s a girl but-“
“And he say he saw you hold hands! And drive off?!”, Eiji yelled with concern.
Mizu never really heard him this loud. There was the occasional disagreement and arguments about the Sunday game or who’s cooking for dinner. It was just banter at the most.
When Mizu told him about Mikio and why she left him & all his problems, he stayed calm and silent. Not many words were said when she admitted everything he did during the relationship. But it was comforting to know that her adopted dad was there, quietly listening to her sobs at the dining table.
“I know it’s not a guy but-“
“Guy, girl I do no care. Who is she?”
Mizu was stunned. Yeah, her dad’s English wasn’t the best but his words hit deep. The only time he pulled out the “I don’t care” in her lifetime was a foul customer.
A man by the name of Chiaki was on his knees close to closing hours, begging on his knees for Eiji to fix his motorcycle in hopes to make it faster. After constant days of his begging and pleading during open & closing, Eiji took it into his shop. After countless days of watching her dad attempt to fix the customer’s bike, Chiaki started criticizing and called him an “decrepit old man unable to fix shit”. Mizu wanted to rock his shit but her dad stopped her before she could.
“I may be old, but I do no care. Leave with your piece of shit you call a bike.”, Eiji said as Chiaki sped off, flipping the bird as he sent off.
"Mizu? You there?, Eiji asks. Mizu snaps back to reality.
"You tired of guys now, ha?"
Mizu scoffed, laughing at the unexpected response. She hears a hearty chuckle through the phone.
"Yeah yeah.", Mizu sighs in relief, "She's my girlfriend. Her name is Y/N.", Mizu answered, a blush blooming on her face.
"Ah good. Next time you come home, bring her. I'll make my barbeque special.", Eiji says lightheartedly.
Mizu's eyes lit up. It had been a while since she visited home. And to be greeted with the smell of her dad's honey BBQ baby back ribs and juicy prime rib? Yeah, she was sold.
"I will. I'll let you know when I'll visit."
"And Mizu?"
"Yes, Dad?"
"She take good care of you?", he asks in a concerned tone.
MIzu smiles, knowing the slow burn of confusion, hatred, and rage he witnessed over the many years. He was present during her silent middle school self, her angsty & stubborn teenage years, and her confused & rage-filled self during her previous relationship.
She looks at the wall where a photobooth strip of you two hung. It was during one of your exploring the city dates when you two found a vintage photo booth. A little dusty but it did the job of capturing you two together.
"Yes. Yes, she does, dad."
later that week, u get a text msg from mizu asking if u are free for the weekend
thinking it was another weekend date, u clear out ur schedule
and then she texts u its ab coming home w her for the weekend and see her dad
this was kinda out of nowhere
it rlly threw u off
it has been a few months now...
so yk what
maybe it is time u say hi
that friday u get on her motorcycle and ride to her hometown
its only an hr out but seeing the change from a college town to a smaller town felt like another world
You feel the motorcycle slow down as you head towards the exit. The wind calms down as you pass by the welcome sign to Kohama. As you go down the exit, you look out. Down below is a winding path to the seaside town. The town hangs next to a cliff. From your point of view, you could spot the deep blue ocean shimmers as Mizu takes you down the road.
She goes at a slower pace, taking in the familiar sights she left behind: the tall pine trees, a long coastline as far as the eye can see, and boulders scattering the beaches every once in a while. She rolls up to a stop sign and lifts her visor up.
"Smells like home."
You mimic her motions, lifting yours as well. The faint scent of sea salt mixed with the cool breeze from the ocean.
With both of you refreshed, Mizu continued along the path towards the middle of town.
u guys roll into her neighborhood
the houses share a similar bungalow-style
only changing in shades of color
however, something caught ur eye
more like ur nose
the smell of sweet barbeque caught ur attention
mizu immediately knew it was her dad cooking it up
meeting modern!mizu’s dad aka swordfather was a lil awkward
when u first arrived, he was busy in the back barbecuing and taking care of the dinner tonight
so u didnt meet him until u fully entered the house
hes busy in the back barbequing
and he does see u but the only thing he knows ab u is that ur dating his daughter
“Dad?”, Mizu calls through the house. You follow her footsteps down the hallway. She then opens the backdoor at the end, the midday shining into the hallway.
The sun blinds you for a second. You see a growing backyard with bushes aligning the fence. Tucked in the corner lied a storage shed surrounded by bikes and a few spare tires. Next to the shed is a grill in use, smoke coming out of the vent.
“I’m here Mizu.” An elderly voice called, his back facing you.
He turns around, a faint pout on his face. His eyes squinting from the harsh midday sun.
“You bring girlfriend?”
Mizu grins at her dad’s comment. She looks back at you and softly grabs your hand, pulling you next to her.
“This is Y/N.”
You smiled, waving at Mizu’s father. You know he’s not a bad guy, just a badass through Mizu’s stories of back home. However, you’re still anxious underneath your pleasing demeanor.
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you.”
You look up to meet his gaze. Old, tired eyes stare back. Stern but not mean or cruel. Amiable. You could only wonder how much wisdom he has behind those eyes.
“Nice to meet you. I am Eiji.”
He waves back, awkwardly smiling as he tends to the grill. The interaction had a striking similarity to when you first met Mizu: cordial, dry, and a little awkward.
Like father, like daughter, you suppose.
after introducing urself, mizu lets eiji cook
when ur making sides together in the kitchen, he gets a glimpse of how u guys act together
and he watches u help mizu make the sides like mac & cheese, baked potatoes, biscuits, and stir fried green beans
typically, he would be helping her cook
but seeing u help her mix the macaroni
and mizu helping u cut the green beans
hes a proud man and feels safe knowing mizu is ok
when mizu pops into the bathroom, he checks in on the cooking
You put on the red and blue mitts and carefully place the mac and cheese into the oven. You feel the fiery heat of the oven against your forearms.
“How is cooking going?”
You close the oven and look behind to find Eiji. You nod in response.
“It’s going good! We’re almost done.”, you say as you move to the side. He gets a view of your work with Mizu: a plate of stir fried garlic string beans with crispy fried onions, a stack of baked potatoes along with bowls of toppings portioned by Mizu, Red Lobster cheddar bay biscuits, and the max and cheese that’s currently baking.
“Thank you for inviting me over and letting me stay.”, you say politely as you put the mittens away.
He nods back, a small smile forming around his lips.
The conversation falls short. A silence fills the air.
For a little too long.
It’s almost uncomfortable to breath, let alone talk, in the kitchen.
“Ribs are almost done. Please help set tables with me.”
You follow his request and help him with the plates and utensils.
“You know,”, You look up from the dinner table, giving Eiji your attention. “I did not know Mizu would bring girlfriend back.”
He chuckled as he looked back at you. You hear the emphasis on “girl” and laughed along. After hearing about Mizu’s previous relationship during the beginning of your relationship, you started to understand her ways.
And now, you understood why Eiji was awkward earlier in the day. When Mizu first met you, it was anxiousness meeting you. For Eiji, it was out of concern from Mizu’s past.
“Yeah, I’m probably not what you expected.”, you tease.
A hearty laugh comes out of Eiji. You feel the heaviness in the room lifts.
“But I’ll be here for her. I plan to, don’t worry.”, you reassure him. As serious as you sound, it was all true.
He hums in agreement. He puts down the final fork and walks over to the stir-fried green beans. His fingers reach for a string bean and tastes your cooking.
“Mm. You are honest.”, he pauses as he takes another bite. “You also make mean green beans.”
You snort, the compliment catching you off guard.
“Mean green beans?”, you question. You take a bean from the plate.
He nods.
Mean green beans…
while u and eiji are having a moment,
modern!mizu is listening to all of this go down
she tries not to smile when she comes back into the kitchen
but on the inside, she’s relieving hes getting along with u
once u and mizu help set the food on the table, its feasting time
ik for a fact that those baby back ribs are dangerously juicy
practically ripping off the bone
and with that honey bbq sauce???
and not to mention the prime rib??????
perfectly cooked
super tender
u can literally taste thyme, rosemary, and garlic with every juicy bite
(i shouldnt be writing this while im hungry)
u all enjoy a delicious dinner
afterwards, modern!mizu would give u a detailed tour of her childhood home
her fencing trophies lined up in the living room
and hallway
and bedroom
eiji didnt always say it but he was proud
if u couldnt tell already
when u guys went out to the backyard, u spot eiji working on a motorcycle in the shed
its not the biggest shed
but a closer look inside painted a pic of who he was
him on a motorcycle w his friends when he was much younger
a framed pic of a lil mizu on her scooter with him on a motorcycle, both vehicles with matching colors
the grand opening of eiji’s car shop
young mizu at the beach nearby
another of teenage mizu holding her keys and next to a blue 2004 toyota camry
u laughed and pointed it out
eiji chuckling along w u and describing the picture as mizu’s first drive after getting her license at age 16
she looks so much younger but u giggle at the scowl
on the other hand, modern!mizu is kinda embarrassed from her high school self
as crazy and insane and stubborn as she was, it was a big moment for her and for eiji
her girl could finally drive
and she got her first taste of freedom
did she cringe as u stared and laughed at how different she looked? yeah
but at least eiji isnt reminicising alone
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nolita-fairytale · 1 year
make my heart surrender | carmy berzatto x fem!reader | chapter five: saturday/sunday
pairing: carmen berzatto x fem!reader
warnings: lots of swearing, angst, use of she/her pronouns, friends to lovers, references to sex, no use of y/n, second person pov
word count: 3.2k
summary: the morning after you and carmy cross that line again, you realize that maybe what you've been looking for has been right in front of you this whole time.
read: part four | masterlist
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The light flooding in through Carmy’s single bedroom window is exceptionally aggressive this morning. Or maybe it just feels that way to you. Maybe it’s the fact that you’d like to stay here forever – inside of this warm cocoon of sleep and peace that, if you opened your eyes, you’d realize it was all just a dream. You take your time, slowly blinking your eyelids open, to the feeling of another warm body in this bed with you. 
Holy shit. 
Carmy is in bed next to you. 
Your eyes snap open, and you can feel your heart pounding in your chest as you ever so gently turn to look at him. You pray that he doesn’t wake up yet. He stirs in his sleep, settling back into his slumber, and you feel relieved. 
You just want a little time to… you know… process. 
The events of last night come flooding back in, as you begin to replay them in your mind: going home with him, him cooking for you, crying out his name so loud you wondered if the neighbors heard. 
Yeah, there was definitely no coming back from that. 
What were you going to say to him when he woke up? 
Thanks for the carbonara.
Thanks for making me cum three times last night, you think to yourself, cringing at the mere thought of saying that to him. 
I think we’re in love with each other and I don’t know how I’m supposed to go back to New York knowing that I can’t ignore it any longer?
I still have to go back to New York.
“Fffffffuck,” you say out loud. Your eyes widen as soon as you realize that that hadn’t been in your head, slamming your hand over your mouth to cover it. 
You can hear Carmy murmuring next to you and instantly regret your little outburst. He rolls over, propping himself up on his side as he begins blinking his eyes open. He’s pictured this moment over and over again since what happened in New York: waking up to you without the sobering reality that his brother was dead and that he may have just ruined the best relationship he’s ever had in his life by sleeping with you. 
“Morning,” he says, sheepishly, a soft smile on his face. 
And as he looks at you, all of your fears, questions, and anxieties begin to melt away. It’s just you and him, and those baby blue eyes. 
“Morning. How’d you sleep?” you say, suddenly warming from the inside out.
“Best I’ve slept in a while.” 
You smile in response as he wraps his arms around you, pulling you closer to him. You leave a soft kiss on his forehead, then another on that big, beautiful nose of his.
“Hmm. Something different about… somethin’ unusual happen before you went to bed last night?” you ask, playfully, leaving a sweet peck on his lips. He laughs, pulling you closer to him. 
“Nothin’ I can remember, no,” he's quick to banter back, even if he's just waking up. 
You shake your head as he leans in, pressing his lips against yours – this time with more passion. You entertain him for a few more kisses, before pulling away, snuggling up to him. 
“How long till you’ve got to go into the restaurant?” you ask, dragging your fingertips across his shoulders. You catch one of them on the gold chain he’s wearing, noticing that it lays perfectly against his bare skin. 
You want nothing more than to stay in this bed forever, but the sobering reality that you both have to work later today is something you can’t deny. You’d never ask him to do anything but – never take him away from the thing he loves. 
“Gotta go in around 9:30… what time is it?” he asks. He turns away, causing you to groan at the loss of warmth – the loss of him – so that he can check the time. It’s not long before he returns to you, enveloping you in his embrace once again. 
“So two hours.”
You let out a dissatisfied hum in response. 
“You comin’ in this morning?”
“No,” you reply, lazily. “Marcus is flying solo for the lunch shift so that he knows he can do it without me. I’ll give him some feedback before dinner service.”
Without you. 
Carmy tries not to think too hard about it – that you’re only here temporarily. He’s not ready to let the thought rob him of the absolute nirvana you both have experienced in the last twelve hours. It’s a future problem for future you and him. 
“Well, what’re you gonna do before dinner service?” Carmy asks sleepily as he rests his chin on the top of your head, hugging you close to his chest.
“Well, you, hopefully,” you joke, only you’re so not kidding. He laughs and you wonder if you’re just imagining the hard on that’s beginning to poke at your thigh. 
“Think I’m gonna swing by the farmers’ market. I want to pick up a sourdough starter for Marcus. You know… as a gift,” you add. 
Carmy hums in response, leaving a kiss on the top of your head before rolling onto his back. If he doesn’t get moving soon, he’ll never leave this bed. 
“Uh oh. Don’t give him any wild ideas,” Carmy sighs out, a dry laugh following. He can’t believe this is real: that you’re here with him, that he woke up and it wasn’t all a dream.  
“There was a time that you loved wild ideas, Berzatto,” you point out, flirtatiously, rolling onto your side so that you are facing him. You remember that his sister called him ‘Bear’ last night, but you think it may be too soon to call him by the family nickname.
There’s a moment between the two of you, where neither of you say anything. It’s a comfortable silence, and you let yourself imagine what life could be like if this was every Saturday morning. Yeah… you were going to have to talk about this eventually. 
“Thanks, by the way,” Carmy says, his eyes fixed on the ceiling. He feels shy about what he’s saying and he’s not sure how to do this. “You know. For last night.”
You giggle in response, “You’re so fucking bad at this.”
The two of you share another awkward laugh, before it’s quiet again. 
You wait a beat. 
“Never said I was done with you,” you say, a devilish smile on your face. 
“Yeah,” you answer, climbing on top of him. He breathes deeply, surrendering to you as you lean down to kiss him. 
That afternoon, you come in a little earlier than necessary so that you can meet and debrief with Marcus. As you enter through the backdoor, your stomach is filled with butterflies. It’ll be the first time you’ve seen Carmy after leaving his apartment this morning. 
After making you cum this morning… again.
You took the morning to yourself, enjoying the walk back to your airbnb. You took the subway to the farmers’ market and let your mind run wild as you explored the city by yourself. You’d quit your job in search of something that meant something. And didn’t this mean something? Was this what you’d been searching for? Soul, passion, inspiration… love.
But could you even stay? Would Carmen want you to stay, or was this just a fun fling for him – not that he was that kind of guy. You knew he wasn’t that kind of guy. But what if he thought you were absolutely insane to assume that, after just a few days, he’d want you to move for him? You wonder if you’re going totally insane for even considering moving to a brand new city for some guy. 
But he’s not just some guy. 
It’s Carmy. 
He’s your Carmy. 
“Hey, chef,” Carmy says, barely looking up from his work station as you pass by. You see he’s got a whetstone and a squeeze bottle half full of water, as he works at sharpening one of his knives. His fingers are wet with the water, and you hear the sound of the blade of his knife being dragged across the whetstone at its most precise angle.
Carmy’s precise. He’s always precise. 
“Hello,” you say quietly, hurrying past him towards the locker area. You’re afraid to make eye contact – to even look at him – because what if everyone knows? What if you melt into a puddle right in front of him and everyone knows?
You strip off your book bag, and then you’re coat, opening your locker to find it empty – save for a freshly washed, crisp, blue apron hanging up in there.
Where the hell is your knife roll?
You put your things down, before haphazardly slamming the locker shut and practically running back into the kitchen in a panic.
“Chef, have you seen my-,” you begin asking, stopping mid sentence as you notice your knife roll neatly tucked into itself, and folded up pristinely, sitting on the stainless steel surface next to where Carmy’s working. 
“Chef? Are you… are those mine?” you ask, checking to make sure no one’s listening in. 
He finally looks up at you, and you’re not sure how it’s scientifically possible that you haven’t turned to jelly right then and there. 
“It’s the least I could do,” he shrugs shyly. He then gives you a curt nod, trying to put on his best professional Carmy, even after doing the most unprofessional things with you.
 “Just wanted to say thank you is all.”
Thank you for inspiring Marcus. 
Thanks for jumping in on the line the other night. 
Thanks for jumping my bones last night and this morning. 
Your breath catches in your throat. Your eyes flicker to his face, and how hard he’s working to not look at you. He’s keeping his hands (and his mind) busy with the consistent, even strokes he makes with his knife against the whetstone. You see his gold chain peeking out from under his perfectly white t-shirt and flashes of seeing it against his pale, bare skin last night begin to invade your mind. Just when you think that you’re going to have to push his $300 knives and limited edition whetstone on the floor so that you can fuck him right then and there, you hear a voice calling out for your attention. 
“Chef! Hey, you ready?” you hear Marcus ask, snapping you out of how hot and bothered you feel. 
You clear your throat, as if that’s going to help you collect yourself. 
“Don’t worry. I’ll put ‘em back in your locker,” Carmy reassures, nodding his head in Marcus’ direction. 
You feel like you’re floating, on such a high from last night and this morning… and the fact that he sharpened your knives?
He might as well have just asked you to marry him right then and there. 
You don’t just sharpen anyone’s knives – let alone by hand. 
As you walk towards Marcus' pastry corner, he’s excited sharing how this morning went. 
“And I want you to try this, chef,” he continues, handing you a donut. “You see, when I was a kid, there was this donut. It was sweet and tangy, and had this bright purple glaze over it. I keep thinkin’ about that, you know?”
You take a bit, surprised by the tangy curd that hits your tongue. 
“So what I did here is I used some of that food coloring you brought in the other day. You know, to make it purple. And I made a passionfruit curd, just like you taught me. At first, I thought maybe I should fuck around with some guava. But no… it’s the passionfruit that hit just right.”
“Is this a cream cheese glaze?” you ask, dissecting each flavor. 
“Yes, chef.”
You take a moment to enjoy the donut. You’re proud too, of how far Marcus has come, in only a few days. 
“The brioche is a little dense so I want to hear a little more about your process so we can make a few adjustments,” you begin, giving him some feedback. “But the flavor pairings are spot on. It’s a really nice combo. Good work, chef.”
“See,” he starts up again. “I thought maybe it wouldn’t work. Like people wouldn’t fuck with a different kind of fruit, you know? But it sold out this morning. Well, except for the one I saved you, of course.”
“You keep following your instincts and making food you believe in, Marcus, and you’ll continue selling out,” you say. “This is really, really good work, Marcus.”
Maybe this is what you’ve been missing, you think to yourself. 
“Ooooh, can I try?” Fak asks, as he walks by. 
“What’s up, chef? You gonna share?” Marcus asks, teasingly as he nods towards Fak.
You chuckle, “Listen, as much as I’d like to hoard this for myself because it is fantastic, yes, of course, I’ll share, Neil.” 
You hand the donut over to Neil before excusing yourself. You hear Neil’s voice asking questions about the bright purple donut as you disappear for a moment in search of the sourdough starter you picked up earlier that day.
They continue to exchange words, and it sounds like Neil is more than complimentary towards Marcus’ passionfruit curd-filled donut. 
“I got you a gift, chef,” you say, returning to the pastry corner. You slide a glass jar across the workstation as Marcus’ eyes it. 
He catches the jar, picking it up to examine it. 
“Is this a-?”
“Sourdough starter? Yeah. Thought I’d leave you with one more gift,” you interject with a smile. “You don’t have to use it for the restaurant, but throw it in the fridge now and take it home… keep it for yourself. And when you’re ready… maybe you’ll work it in to your menu.”
“Ah man,” he says, a grin plastered across his face. “Thank you so much, chef. This is-, this is cool as fuck. Best gift I’ve gotten in a while.”
“Marcus got a sourdough starter?” you hear Sydney’s voice say, as he joins the three of you. 
“Marcus has been getting all of the gifts lately,” Ebraheim chimes in, pulling the attention of everyone in the pastry corner. “What? Carmy got him a teacher. His teacher got him a sourdough starter.”
It’s getting a little crowded in the pastry corner as Neil returns. 
“Oh man. That’s so nice of you,” he says. “You’re so nice. We need more nice people around here. I think you should stay and we should all be best friends.”
“Jesus, Fak,” Sydney scoffs, with a laugh.
“Uh, she didn’t ask for your opinion,” Sydney clarifies, shaking her head at him. 
“Nice? You should see her expediting brunch when three line cooks call out for the day,” Carmy adds, keeping his physical distance, even though he’s joined in on the conversation. 
“Oh ha. Very funny, Carmy,” you shoot back, sarcastically. 
“The fuck are you guys doing just standing here? You guys are blocking the fuckin’ walkway. Behind!” Tina shouts, shooing all of you away to disperse. 
But you all come back together in seconds, and it feels good to be surrounded by this community. 
 “I mean with this new menu, Marcus’ is gonna need more hands anyways, right Marcus?” Sydney suggests, looking from Marcus, then to you, hopeful as she hints and you maybe sticking around. 
Before you can say anything, Tina’s returned, her arms empty as she stops, a hand on her hip, glaring disapprovingly at all of you. 
“You pendejos must be blind or something,” she insults. Tina’s getting ready to spit truth here as she continues with:
“Carmy didn’t bring her in for Marcus. He brought her in because he needed to see his lady jeff.” 
Her comment earns a wide breadth of reactions. Neil’s eyes are wide, while Marcus snorts, and Sydney covers her mouth as she laughs. You can see Carmy’s face turning a few shades redder as he puts his head down, pretending he didn’t hear a single thing. 
“Oh my god, Tina!” Sydney exclaims, at her coworker’s audacity, through laughter.
“I’m just sayin’. In all the time we’ve known Jeff, you ever see him like this?” she adds, turning her attention towards you. “Shit, I wouldn’t mind you stickin’ around either.”
“Tina, you’re out of control,” Marcus says, trying to remain cool and pretend like she didn’t just say what she said. 
“What? I just said the thing we’ve all been thinkin,” she shrugs, before continuing to move through the narrow walkway. 
“I…” you start, on the verge of laughter. Carmy is avoiding your gaze, and you can tell that he’s the shade of a ripe tomato. “Think we should get back to work.”
“Heard, chef,” Marcus says, moving the conversation along.  
“Yeah, we’ve gotten really good feedback about basque cheesecake,” Marcus offers up, as you, him and Carmy discuss solidifying the dinner menu-revamp. 
“And I think both the tiramisu and the layer cake will give Marcus a good enough foundation. Customers will expect to see those things, but it gives him space to be creative if he wants to mix it up flavor-wise from chocolate to something else,” you explain, doing your best to pitch the ambitious plan you and Marcus have formulated over the last week.
Carmy takes a moment to think it over, looking over your proposed changes. 
“Okay, yeah,” he finally agrees, his tone commanding. “But Marcus, I want to approve any flavor changes – just at first – make sure the creative parts don’t fuck up your work flow. We can’t afford to get behind.”
“Yes, chef.”
“Chef, what do you need from me right now?” you ask Marcus, as you eye the clock. It’s almost time to start prepping.
“Nothin’ uh. I’m alright. I’ll let ya know if I need anything,” Marcus replies, politely bowing out of your conversation with Carmy. 
You can hear, Richie comin’ in, yelling at Fak about something he swears he didn’t fix right the first time. And there’s Tina’s voice, speaking to Louis in Spanish because he’s gotten into trouble again and the only way she can keep an eye on him is if he comes to work with her. 
“Good work, chefs,” Carmy states, as if it’s just a fact. You’re amazed that he can shut it off – be all business when hours ago, you had his dick in your mouth. 
“Thanks,” you reply, mustering up as much professional courtesy you can give him. “Hey, Carm?”
“What if I did family today?” you propose. These people have weaseled their way into your heart and it just feels right to show them before you leave. 
“Uh…” he trails off, searching for Syd. “Let me… Syd!”
“What?” she snaps back from another part of the kitchen. She appears, poking her head out from behind a corner. 
“You cool if uh…” he gestures towards you. “...she does family today?” 
Sydney exchanges a quizzical look with Carmy, wondering what this means. She makes a mental note to ask Carmy later. 
“Yeah,” she answers with a nod of approval. “I think everyone would really like that.”
read: part six
taglist: @lazypeachsoul @bookwormvoyageuse @allthefandomstogether @gaysludge @sobshoney
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theafterglow83 · 27 days
Stray thoughts on a Sunday morning.
Since the release of TTPD I’ve heard and seen a lot of Maylors rising from the grave. Some words of advice- stay buried.
Their claim is that Taylor has had a hidden relationship with Matty Healy for the past 8 years. I’ve even seen some claim Reputation is about him
I laughed.
I’ve heard people say kissgate was to make Matty jealous.
I laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes
They even think Maroon is about Matty😂
* shakes head
Let me tell you something honey- NYC ain’t screaming nobody’s name but Karlie Kloss who also just happens to be the only one Taylor’s ever dated who is fit like a daydream and Matty Healy’s lips and disgusting stained teeth are not the lips she called home.
Open the schools!
Dream girls
Do they even realize how utterly ridiculous that is?
Do they process any critical thinking skills whatsoever?
Please tell me why Taylor Swift would have to hide a relationship with a white male her own age ?
What’s the scandal?
Yeah, he’s rough around the edges but PR could have easily ironed him out if she was so in love with him as they claim. Nobody’s worse than the overrated, clout chasing, alcoholic, fading athlete she’s bearding with now. They covered up for him when his old tweets surfaced.
At least they got the hidden relationship part right - but she wasn’t hiding ratty you brainless wonders -she was hiding Karlie Kloss.
There also is that rumor that Taylor had a short lived fling with ol ratty from around Feb- March 2023 till around June. Thing is she was touring through most of that time. He was seen at a couple of concerts and out once in NYC. Hardly the making of a love affair - but a good diversion trail for her beloved Swifties to follow and take the bait that he was her secret lover she was hiding from the world if the topic were to come up in her songs.
The entire thing makes me scratch my head. It’s as crazy as the people who believe Karlie was PR to cover up Taylor’s relationship with Diana ( who there’s been zero connections to her in years) or Lily ( which in my opinion is completely fan fiction)
My God there’s more photos of Karlie with Lily than Taylor and not to mention that Derek Blasberg ( KK’s ride or die) is still friends with Lily. Does anyone really believe he would even associate with her if she betrayed his beloved Karlie.
Use your brains!
And please tell me why you would get Karlie Kloss who had multiple bi/ lesbian rumors attached to her to do a PR relationship with Taylor to cover up the fact that Taylor was bi/ gay.
Open the schools - hire more teachers
All roads always lead to Karlie Kloss … and my God who could blame her! Karlie Kloss is one in a 8 billion. Ratlors - Nice try -crawl back in your hole
Rant over - enjoy your day🤍
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