#yea that's about tua
sadly, sometimes i have thoughts,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
((don’t read the tags. i’m serious. don’t open them))
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booklover223 · 2 years
SPOILERS FOR TUAS3 (The Umbrella Academy s3) as well as like s1+s2
Alright I’m seeing a lot of people saying that “oh we’re only coming after Allison cause she’s black what about the other characters and what they did?!”
No. NO. It’s not cause she’s a black woman at all.
I wanted to fucking murder Diego in season 2 when he wouldn’t shut up about JFK and ACTIVELY tried to ruin shit.
I wanted to lock up ALL the sibs (besides Klaus and Ben) in season 1 for the way they treated Viktor but I also wanted to fucking deck him myself because he was being a little BITCH.
People keep talking about Allison losing Clair and how she’s justified in killing Harlan bc he killed their (the umbrellas) mothers, and therefore killed Clair, first of all no he didn’t kill Clair she just never fucking EXISTED in the fucking first place bc Allison didn’t exist.
As soon as she’s back in the future (a completely DIFFERENT future like Five tries to tell them but they’re all literally dumbasses) she’s immediately all about “finding my daughter” and “finding Clair” BITCH YOU DIDNT CARE ABOUT HER FOR LIKE 2/3 YEARS WHEN YOU WERE WITH RAY!
I’ve never liked Allison, I kinda hated Luther and even the rest for treating Viktor the way they did but for the first 2 seasons I actively disliked multiple characters choices/actions. But what Allison did was unforgivable and I despise that she got her happily ever after (at least for now) while the others suffered/are going to suffer and I hate that they kept choosing to trust her.
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Do you watch The Umbrella Academy?
Yes, and I quite enjoy it! I will say though that I haven't gotten around to watching the new season yet because it's something I watch with my whole family and we haven't really been watching anything recently. We'll watch it eventually...probably...if it takes too long then I'll watch it on my own, though that might take even longer because I watch things so infrequently
however, I don't mind spoilers so if you'd like to talk about it then feel free! I won't be able to really say anything about the newest season but I can be excited/distraught/furious/etc. with you!
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knifeslidez · 2 years
kk so i know theres a shit ton of bad elements in tua and the comics r so much better but the fuckin sequence with harlin n the mothers' deaths set to House of the Rising Sun is one of the most gorgeous sequences ive seen in a mainstream show (especially post-mcu)
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artsykerfufflespam · 1 year
Do you have a favorite color combo? Any art styles that particularly inspire you?
Hmmm idk if i have any fave color combos or color palettes, pink is my fav color so ones with it are maybe more likely to catch my eye, but i like all color palettes id say :]
As for art styles, i absolutely have some that inspire me a lot! Ive got a pinterest board of pieces I've collected that I think have some really nice things about their various styles
Things like thin lines, interesting face proportions, fun uses of shape n anatomy, color, and shading, can all really make me enjoy the art style
Heres some of my fave artists on tumblr n why ^^
@pedromirfilho lovely fun and wacky animations with great use of shapes and colors! Plus i like the absurd themes
@anticmiscellaney simply wonderful style, anaptomy, color, everything is so on point and cohesive, i just love it
@vivtanner just! So good! The pastels and amazing lineart with the soft and lovely themes, just so amazing and relaxing, and amazing and pure art style
@jmfenner91 god so coooool! Such popping colors immediately grab your attention, and the composition and themes of the pieces are just so interesting, i spend i long time looking at them, theyre so cool
@ozomilk lOVE! their art! So good! Anatomy is spot on, the poses are always so dynamic, their OCs are interesting l, and most catching to me i think is incredible and fun use of shading and highlights! Just so damn good ive followed them probably the longest
@notmusa UGH! YEAS! LoVE the way they play with anatomy and poses, and the faces of the people they draw, i aspire for their art style its so skrungy and yet so well put together i love it a lot
@namelyjamie does such a good comic-book-esque style with the use of dots for shading, it amazes me every time i see their art bc like wow i dont think i could ever do that! Its so good, and they capture peoples faces really well (they often make fanart of tua, and the actors are very recognizable in their style)
@sumpfbold love their style and use of anatomy and line, plus the colors are just *mwah!* Lol the themes they go with too i love, trans art and angelic beings, absolutely splendid things!
@vanessagillings so soft and sweet and lovely and relaxing, in theme, color, and use of lines. Absolutely beautiful artwork that makes me happy, and such a beautifully simple style that still includes great amounts of detail and texture
@k-eke so fun! Lovvve the colors and the pixel art and especially the animation, their animal animations never fail to make me smile
@kailysander love their art with their use of shapely anatomy, especially in the faces, and their use of color and line, just ugh so so good!
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kaimaciel · 1 year
Boa tarde kai! Tudo certo? Espero que sim!
Today (Mother's Day) I was at my grandma's house and we were talking about Japanese desserts and culinary (btw im nipo-brasileira for more context) and my grandma started to actually explain the origin of many Japanese food names and in fact many of those come from Portuguese words. Because of this matter, when I headed home I came to your blog search for that post you've made about Port's culinary (amazing post, one of my favs). And since we live in a very "googled" world everything that we tend to look in internet appear to us in youtube. And that how I came across this awesome video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiXtAPfMj6o
So yea... Not specifically hetalia related, I'm just here to thank you for your amazing posts and to share a bit of my discovery, and also, maybe to hear more of your thoughts about it (of course if you want to) <3
~That's it, have a nice one, lots of love and take care :D
Olá Yumi! Feliz dia da mãe! Espero que tenhas tido um dia muito bom com a tua avó 🥰
I really like the video! I knew about some of the foods that had Portuguese origins, but not the ones like sweet bread. Thank you so much for sharing!
Leaving a mark through food after so many centuries is kind off amazing, right? It means it was good enough to stand the test of time and people liked it enough to pass on to their descendents.
It also makes me a little sad because it's an obscure fact that most people won't know unless they dig deep. There's this whole connection with Portugal that was forgotten 🥲
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bookpersonmaryj · 1 year
Tell us about your current project(s) – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
6. What character do you have the most fun writing?
8. Is what you like to write the same as what you like to read?
13. Do you share your writing online? (Drop a link!) Do you have projects you’ve kept just for yourself?
25. What part of writing is the most fun?
1.ooof okay so I have A Lot of current projects, but the one that I've been working on the most over the last week is probably the tma chatfic (working title, I'll have to come up with something better at some point).
it's, well, a chatfic, which you can probably guess from the title, but more specifically: (spoiler warning for the magnus archives here!!!) basically, all the avatars have a groupchat and Annabelle Cane adds Jon at some point after he gets promoted, because they all think he's Aware of serving an eldritch fear entity and are Surprised when he is clueless as to what the hell they're all talking about
i've been writing on it for over at least... two years i think? and a few days ago edited the bits i wrote separately to fit into the bit that's more story-like, at which point i discovered that i'm at 95 pages??? somehow??? so yea there's progress, despite there being literally no plot besides Jon Finds Out About The Entities And Has A Few Breakdowns.
what i love about it: Everyone Is Queer (because i was figuring out my gender at the time and thought i was just being supportive to trans/nb people and not relating that stuff to myself) and There Is No Angst (okay that's a lie, there's a bit angst, but mostly it's really entertaining and not angsty) and I have so much fun writing the characters???
pretty sure a lot of the characters are OOC but I don't really care, it's far too funny to have the avatars bully Jon for having a crush on Martin (yes this fic is also jonmartin with jon getting over his denial Very Quickly during what constitutes as s1)
honorable mentions here to the other fics i'm working on right now: the doctor who bodyswap au we all needed after potd where they Actually Bodyswap, the doctor who fic where some evil scientist tries to use regeneration energy for their own gain (it is as angsty as it sounds, yes), the tua fanfic where klaus refuses to let luther lock up viktor in that creepy basement in s1 (with added nb klaus and trans viktor because yes!), the sandman fanfic where dream loses the ability to speak after being locked up in a glass bowl for centuries (called 'cat got your tongue' because I Am Hilarious), and the ouat fanfic that's purely self-indulgent because i have a I Could Fix Her mentality when it comes to Regina (not just because of that but it's definitely part of it...)
4. mhhhh let's see!
There’s something going wrong in her mind, something is wrong with this whole regeneration, of course it is, forced regenerations aren't ever simple, but this is more than that, because she just let the Master leave with Yaz, with her TARDIS, and that’s not what the Doctor does, that’s not-
Is that still who she is? Is she still the Doctor now?
Yaz didn’t notice. The Master didn’t say anything, didn’t even gloat, didn’t even- And she’s not acting like the Doctor should, so what-?
She curls around herself, feeling unmoored when it’s different than before, the Master’s body – hers now – new and ill-fitting like putting on a glove that’s too small, or maybe it’s too big, or possibly both, somehow.
this is from my doctor who bodyswap fic, and i really liked this bit, because thirteen is questioning her own sense of self, after gallifrey, after techteun, after getting swapped into a body that isn't hers, and i just think that's a really neat concept to explore
actually, have some more of that fic, cause there are several lines i really like:
“Wait wait wait, can’t we talk about this?” she yelps, ducking behind machinery and twisting out of the way of more shots.
“The Cyberium is destroyed. You have destroyed the Cyberium. You will be deleted.”
They’re advancing on her, and she doesn’t have her sonic on her, it’s in her coat pocket, stupid Doctor, stupid Master, means she’s defenceless, means-
Except, she reaches into her pockets out of instinct, and there’s something in there.
“I don’t-” The words get stuck in her throat because they’re so untrue, doesn’t she want to do this, and it’s different now, this is a step she’s not been prepared to take, is she really going to do this?
“Stand down. You will be deleted.”
Yeah, right.
Them or her. Them or Earth.
The decision, in the end, is far too easy.
And then the Doctor stares at the tiny Cybermen, the Master’s TCE still raised, and something in her mind is spinning wildly out of reach, something has changed and she doesn’t quite know what it is, or if it can be reversed.
thirteen making master decisions instead of doctor decisions! love to see her make Bad choices
“I see you had time to change.”
The words spark memory, and the Doctor raises a brow at him, lifts her arms in a mockery of presenting the new clothes, and replies: “I always dress for the occasion.”
Is that amusement in his eyes or is she imagining it?
She lets her arms drop, crosses them over her chest again, considers him. It’s strange to stare at her own face and have it look back, except those eyes aren't hers, those eyes have always been his, she’d know them anywhere.
what's more 'master' than changing your outfit for the Drama of it?
yeah, I don't know where this story is going, but the second i've finished it i'll upload it! ^-^
EDIT: just found the Actual scene i wanted to share but got distracted from looking for, this is from my other dw fanfic where someone wants to take regeneration energy
All his attention is on the Doctor, beautifully bathed in gold, brimming with light and life, the force of a nuclear explosion coiling inside her, infecting her surroundings, leaking into the air and causing everything in her path to self-destruct.
i adore writing thirteen as incredibly destructive force of nature ^-^
that's all, carry on!
6. good question... I have a lot of fun writing the thirteenth doctor, but honestly? it's Klaus Hargreeves from the umbrella academy. i just can't seem to stop writing Klaus, especially nonbinary he/they Klaus who figures out their powers and chills with Benny while his siblings are ignoring the both of them. (this probably says Something about me but I Do Not See)
(honorable mention to my ouat self-insert which i Cannot write anymore because i started writing her before i figured out that i am not, in fact, cis, and now i'm having trouble identifying with the person that used to be me)
8. mhhh... in terms of Queer things yes, i read and write both of those things.
i do think i Write far more angst than i Read angst.
also, this question depends entirely on whether it's meant as reading books or reading fanfiction, because obviously i read the sort of fanfictions that i also write, and i guess yeah, i do also read the books that are sort of close to the sort of fanfiction vibes i like to read / write
13. yes i do! mostly just fanfictions, nothing 'original' just yet (i am working on it though!).
the ao3 link to my published fics is here, and there's also a German self-insert ouat fanfic on a German fanfic site, but uhhh that's sort of Very Unfinished and was started when i was still in school sooo... (i am planning on rewriting it at some point, and will try to finish it as well...).
as to the rest: there are... several projects that i've kept to myself, yes. i've taken my three (?) finished harry potter fics off the internet for now because i don't feel comfortable having them up with the way jk is behaving, and i won't post any of the ones i'm still writing on (i'm mostly just writing on them because if i have an idea i need it Out).
i also have A LOT of fanfics that are simply not finished yet, and because i know that i will not be able to stick to a posting/writing schedule i'd rather finish them before posting them, they'll stay on my laptop for now.
I am also working on a superhero book, but I've had to change a few of the original ideas i had because they don't really fit with the rest of the vibe of the book anymore, so i don't know when that's gonna be finished, if at all...
25. tough question... I have a lot of fun writing something with a twist, like, I as the writer am aware of a piece of information about the story/character I am writing that the reader is Not aware of but i am layering little hints into the story, and at some point i have a Reveal of the thing. i wasn't aware that this was something i did for a bit, until someone (you, dimitri, very specifically you) pointed it out in one of my fics and i realized that i Liked doing things like that actually, so yea!
also uhh i guess i really like how i can sort of work through some of my problems by projecting them onto characters? it helps sometimes...
i also enjoy writing something, and then having an idea, and suddenly the story is going in a wildly different direction as before, and i didn't anticipate it but i actually like this new direction, so i just roll with it. it's nice that writing is... alive, in a way.
wow, i wrote far more than i expected. thank you for asking these questions @rearranging-deck-chairs I had a lot of fun answering!
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kirbylord · 2 years
btw i am going tag umbrella academy spoilers as “tua spoilers” so yea
sooo allison just killed harlan? and it was like brushed over? like everyone was fucking defending her and i was mourning my boy harlan. viktor and him deserved better. fuck allison. although i do still feel bad for her idk i need to think
also stan? like? ok. i liked him a lot and then BAM there he goes bye bye fuck u i guess
oh and there goes half the sparrow academy bye bye there goes sloan luther’s wife and now
nobody has superpowers and luther looks like a twig and i hate it. damn everyone is so weak without their powers and also hargreaves owns the world i guess
and all for love too aka fuck you reggie i don’t give a shit about ur dead wife why does everyone have to die for her sake what even happened this season i can’t comprehend anything
anyway i loved it greatest show ever can’t wait for the next season (not being sarcastic it’s actually amazing and also the worst thing ever at the same time. don’t take this too seriously i’m so tired man)
oh haha claire is back (ignore very obviously not the same actor)
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mrs-weirdo · 7 months
I'm boarddddddddddddddddddd
And my fried won't text me back, but I'll guess that's cuz I did Spanish instead of English (i did it like, 2 or 3 times right? And now she won't, she just says no)
I wanna read angst but like, I'm only reading Atsv rn cuz I watches the movie so yea, and I'm weird like that
Theirs not alot of SBG angst on A30, and those are the only 2 things I'm reading rn,
I wanna write but then I open the app I can't, I also don't know what to story to write
I wanna just go to bed but it's only 7:07 and I'm technically babysitting (it's just my siblings, their 6 and 3, and I am checking on them, but their just playing rn, don't worry,)
I also should clean my room but, I don't have the energy to
I got a pumpkin ice coffee from McDonald's today, it tasked horrible (I couldn't actually taste the coffee, L)
I might try to see if one of my friends wanna play roblox, I just thought about that but idk
I'm just bored
And tired
And feel weird, I guess
And just
I wanna read angst so, if anyone has any fic recommendations (A3o, preferably with the author and the fic name, and what Fandom,)
Uh, if u wanna leave some here are what I like:
ST (mostly just byler is all I read tho,)
TWD (I'm only just now on season 8, so)
Red white and royal blue
ATSV (Spider-Man across the spider verse)
Gravity falls
Uh, yea so if ur this far slay, and thx for listening to me rant and whine lol!
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27-royal-teas · 8 months
7, 9 12
7) what do you love most abt being a fic writer for your fandom?
THE PEOPLE. you guys are so nice!!!! like honestly, this is the coolest, most nontoxic fandom I’ve ever been in. it’s great, I have a good time, I can share my writing and people are SO NICE ABOUT IT. like, I’ve gotten so many comments that genuinely make me giggle and grin and like, sometimes I want to kiss you guys silly. you’re all so supportive and kind and I love u all and I’m so lucky to have a place here.
9.) what inspired you to write your first fic?
ok so before I joined the fob fandom and started writing rpf I mainly wrote for the umbrella academy, which I got into through my friend, who is a fic writer in that fandom— (she’s @chickadee2008 on ao3, go give her some love!) she showed me one of the fics she’d written and since I write, I figured I’d give it a try. I don’t write tua that much anymore, but it’s definitely made an impact on my relationship with fandom and its artists. if you really want to find my tua writing, it’s not on ao3, but some of it might be on my main blog from like two years ago (should be linked in my pinned post).
12.) what’s your favorite theme/subject matter/ trope/ ship to write about? why?
I used to like writing angst. now, it’s kind of harder to get into the space of writing that. I think it’s because its so dark in reality I don’t really want to add to that. that sounds kind of pretentious of me in retrospect. I really like to write fluff, because it’s a) easier, and b) fun. also, people seem to like it. I’m a big fan of realistic fiction, also; I’m considering doing more aus but with fall out boy’s history being as crazy as it is writing realistically for their timeline really is a lot of fun.
as for favorite ship, I’ve gotta say peterick is just so fun to write specifically because there’s SO MUCH to go off of, like, they practically write the fic themselves. jalex is also really fun because of the whole childhood friends to lovers thing. my rpf mentality is more for fun— of course they all have committed relationships to other people and in reality they are probably not together, but there IS evidence pointing otherwise, and also, it’s just really fun to pretend. am I gonna harass the people about it? fuck no. am I gonna write rpf where they kiss? hell yea.
I derailed a bit— but anyway, thank you so much for the ask!!!!
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so this is in terms of me being bothered by luther x sloane and i wanna talk about it a bit
i deleted the comment tho so you can’t find it and add to these thoughts. sorry
i’m not actually that bothered. all my posts about tua come from in the moment feelings while i’m watching the show. they’re literally just this is bothering me in this moment and that’s it
i do still think it’s weird, but frankly it’s not the reason i don’t wanna watch the show anymore, or the biggest thing im bothered by this season. i have other reasons from this season that rubbed me the wrong way
anyway. i don’t wanna get too much in detail about what actually did bother me about this season, or what bothers me about sloane and luther, but yea. i’m not as bothered as my in the moment posts make me seem
idk why i wanna defend myself on this but yea. i’m not as hot here’s as i seem. and i think i’ve just stopped liking the show as a whole so im finding anything i didn’t particularly enjoy
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frunbuns · 2 years
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This is how I sit too
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theseancekid · 2 years
i hate hate HATE starting from scratch i hate losing all my followers i hate having to individually look up and re-follow everyone from before i hate going through my archive and picking out pieces of my writing that i want to save i hate this feeling of emptiness
HOWEVER if u refollowed me here.......i love u and i am giving u a smooch on the head rn
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ratswithknives · 4 years
so i did a thing
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colleex · 2 years
i feel like every person deserves the chance to rock the absolute shit outta their shitty parents,,,
they may not succeed but they deserve the chance to!
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rapidhighway · 4 years
*starts talking about interests and is excited*
everyone: good good
*starts clapping from excitement because oh my god i’m talking about The Thing I Like*
everyone: ohh can you stop that
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