#yandere  lelouch
animeyanderelover · 1 year
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I’m going with platonic Yandere here since it makes me more comfortable.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, manipulation, paranoia, manipulation, gaslighting, abduction
I’m still your family!
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♟️He's always been doting on Nunnally and you during his childhood, before he lost his mother and started despising the empire. Lelouch is quite protective over his sister, no matter if she's younger or older than him. If you're older than him though, he's very clingy in a childish way. He's often found attached to your hip and is sort of embarrassed if you treat him like a naive kid. He often tells you that he'll protect you when he's older so that you can rest easy and don't have to worry about anything. He wants to grow strong so he can take care of both you and Nunnally. Whilst he is a bit embarrassed when you coddle over him, he secretly also enjoys it. If he's older than you, he treats you accordingly. If you have problems or worries, he insists that you always come to him and chides you when you do something stupid. As the older brother he believes himself to know better than you so he wants you to follow his advice and rely on him.
♟️ Lelouch is a very perceptive and intelligent child so he might sometimes sense that something is a bit odd though. You don't look very much like his parents and at times he sees how other nobles look at you or how they start whispering. He's still only a kid though, runs to his mother at one point and asks her why everyone is acting so strange around you. She gives him a smile and tries to ease his mind by distracting him, tells him that nothing is wrong. Lelouch has a feeling that it's a lie though, especially since the very short look of shock and surprise on her face didn't fly over his head. He tries to ask his father who isn't quite as gentle as his mother, telling him sternly that nothing is wrong before sending him away since he's busy and doesn't want Lelouch to question him further.
♟️ For a short time he might wonder if you're a child conceived by another woman instead of his own mother but he quickly throws that suspicion out of the window since you still look nothing like his father. That's when he suddenly has the idea that you might not be related to him at all and that thought suddenly worries him. It would make sense though considering how other nobles talk about you or look at you. Because if his suspicion really is true, they most likely don't think that you belong within the Imperial family. What if they would treat you rudely because of it? How would you feel if you would ever find out? Would you still want to be with Nunnally and him? He's scared even if he tries to tell himself that this isn't confirmed but the "what if" question latches onto his mind like a leech.
♟️ You find yourself surrounded by Lelouch the following days a lot after but you're happy since he's your beloved brother. Seeing you all happy and smiling when he's playing with you breaks his heart a bit. If you really aren't related, he can't let you find out. You think that this is your family and he just knows finding out that they might not be would shatter your heart and in the worst case you might avoid them and be kicked out of this family. He could never let that happen. Lelouch has to know the truth though so he tries to investigate as good as he can even if it's hard to do so since he's still only a child. When the fateful day arrives where his mother is killed and his father decides to banish him, he decides to give his son the last and final push. He admits to Lelouch that he's aware that his son has been trying to dig into your past and reveals to Lelouch the truth.
♟️ You were adopted, your real parents nobles who were close to his mother which is the reason why she decided to adopt you. Other nobles were aware of that and not happy that someone who isn't even related to the king was taken in by the Imperial family and received immense power thanks to it. It was forbidden to talk about it though. Hearing that you two truly aren't siblings breaks Lelouch's heart, especially since you genuinely think of Nunnally and him as your siblings. He's distraught but the final blow is given when Charles announces that if his dear fake sister is so important to him, he'll banish her together with Nunnally and him. He shall not reveal your true identity to you yet though, a last mercy for his son. It's that moment that makes Lelouch hate his father truly.
♟️ Lelouch keeps this truth a secret from both Nunnally and you as he just can't bring himself to tell you nor her the truth. He thinks it's better that way, if both of his precious sisters never find out. Lelouch tries to act normal so none of his siblings notices but sometimes it just slips through. Especially if someone points out that you don't really look anything like Nunnally and Lelouch. He's filled with indignation as soon as he hears someone even joking about it, turns more intimidating and demands an apology. After that he reassures you that you shouldn't listen to such people. After all you three are the only family you all have left now. He's constantly a bit on edge though when Japan is conquered by Britannia. He is scared that you three might be found and that you'll find out the truth then.
♟️ He goes all platonic Yandere when he receives the Geass from C.C. He grows over both of his sisters very obsessive and protective, set on his goal to create a world where both of them can be happy and where you will never be confronted with the truth. Everyone will treat you like you're truly of royal blood. Lelouch follows a path of violence and destruction which slowly starts gnawing away his sanity. He knows that he can't stop what he has started though and seeing you spending time together with Nunnally and both of you laughing despite everything you two went through, he regains his bitter motivation. With him being Zero though, he also grows more paranoid for your safety. It goes without saying that both of you are never aware of the atrocities Lelouch commits and the lives he sacrifices. He could never let you find out, terrified that both of you would end up being scared of him and not seeing him as your brother anymore.
♟️ With the increased encounters and involvements of the Imperial Family he dreads that by any chance they might encounter you and tell you the truth. He found out during his first ambush on Clovis that by now all the other members of the family have found out the truth about you so he can't let you meet you under all means necessary. Whilst he has a feeling that Euphemia would be gentle and not confront you with the truth since she knows how precious your family is to you, he's not so sure when it comes to other princes and princesses. He has lost almost complete faith in the royal family, except as already mentioned Euphie. He doesn't even view most of them as his real family anyways, the only family he wants and needs, the only family you need, has been with him for the last few years.
♟️ He considers using his Geass on you but for now he has no reason to do so. You're still unaware and knowing that he can only use Geass once on a person makes him more careful. He has to think this all through. Lelouch wants you to spend all your time with Nunnally when he has to leave, sometimes calls you and begs you to stay inside when there is a battle going on. The moment you end up finding out or even suspecting, it's over though. At first he tries to tell you that this is a lie and that you shouldn't fall for it but when he sees the tears stinging your eyes and the pain in your gaze as you ask him if he knew about this, his mask cracks. His composure falters as he starts raising his tone, telling you that he's always seen you as his beloved sister, that all he ever wanted was to protect you and that he's your family as much as Nunnally is. You love both of them after all too.
♟️ Then suddenly he stops as he regains a semblence of sanity and looks at you calmly. He walks over to you and takes you in his arms, apologizes softly for shouting at you. You're terrified but are even more sad and betrayed that he never told you. Then he looks at you, his Geass activated, and tells you to forget everything you've just found out. He'll always be your brother, Nunnally will always be your sister and you will always love them as your family. Then your mind suddenly becomes all fuzzy and hazed as all your memories suddenly disappear. When you snap out of it, you feel a bit dizzy but luckily your brother is there to secure you. Your brother, Lelouch. You ask him confused what you're doing here, unable to recall why you even went here in the first place or what happened. He just gives you a small smile and tells you that you haven't felt well and went to him. You truly don't feel good in that moment but your brother takes you home, advices you to rest a bit.
♟️ C.C praises him sarcastically for his lack of remorse for keeping the truth from you, something Lelouch counters with his own beliefs. You were suffering when you confronted him about the secret, finding out the truth would have only made you unhappy and depressed. Isn't it better to remain oblivious and instead have a happy life surrounded by the people who love you and who you love instead of feeling lonely and betrayed when finding out the truth? When the green-haired woman counters that Lelouch is just scared that you'd leave him and never see him in the same light again if you were to know that your real parents died and that you were adopted, Lelouch gives her a short glare. She's wrong, this is for the best. This is to keep his family save.
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gingersnap2010 · 1 year
Yandere Platonic Lelouch x male Autistic! Kid! reader (Code Geass)
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Name: Lelouch
Type: Platonic, Protective, Possessive, Delusional, Obsessive, and Controlling
Nickname: Name, possum, chaos in the flesh, and lord of discord
 Lelouch at first has no idea what to make of you. He probably meets you at one of Nunnally’s special classes. He’s shocked to discover your just a kid. Though with your needs it makes sense why you were here since Nunnally attending special classes for people who need it had greatly increased. 
 When he finds out you are autistic, he isn’t very sure what that means. He literally has to ask more than a dozen people, before researching it online himself.
 Eventually, you come over with Nunnally for dinner and he gets to see your quirks in action. You eat out of a compartment box, which has the correct amount of portions you can handle. You hate veggies with a firey passion, more so than his hatred towards his father. You proceeded to tell him your conspiracy theory on the veggie industry and how they will take over the world. 
He pretended to be interested even though he had absolutely no idea what you were even saying to him at the rate you were going. He learned you talk fast and loud when excited. Personal space is a word that is not in your vocabulary, also privacy.
You are very blunt and see the world bluntly, if Nunnally needs help getting into her nightgown. You offer with absolutely no intentions of doing anything funny with her. It makes sense for your age but with sex questions well…
He’s worried that no one has told you about how babies are made. Only to be proven wrong with your very open discussion on the topic. He learns you like being prepared for future events, your boldness of sex. Is a copping measure to make sure you don’t do sex wrong.
 He finds it endearing in a strange way.  Though you couldn’t discuss sex so often, then again you were one to discuss open issues in society so he doesn’t mind. Though he does keep ohgi the hell away from you!
However you have no table skills, you use sporks only, with the occasional spoon for deserts /cereals, and soups and a knife for meats. You have a variety of strange interests. You know more about zero than the average joe, which makes him sweat like you wouldn’t believe. 
Then there’s your animal hobby, you just love possums hence the nickname. He actually learns more about the animal than he used to because of you. Then there's the time you spout some random ass animal fact out of the blue and it catches him off guard. 
“ Hey lelouch! Kangaroos pause their pregnancies in times of drought! Isn’t that neat?!” you yelled rushing into his bathroom as he was getting out of the shower.
Cue him being perplexed as to why you are there and then you follow up
“ also there’s soap on your-” he cuts you off before you announce it to Nunnally
“ ah I see thanks name! Got it!”
“Also Nunnally says hi!” you chirp
“ hi back!” Lelouch yelled trying to cover himself 
Then there was the whole fancy dinner incident. Truthfully he should have told Milly you wouldn’t understand caviar.
” Where are the nuggets?”
“ name this is a fancy restaurant they don’t have chicken nuggets,” Lelouch whispered
“ macaroni?” you ask
“ no,” Suzaku said eyeing you 
“ Is there a kid's menu?!” you shout at the waiter, who turns confused
“ oh my god……” Milly groaned
“ Can we go to Mcdonald's?” you ask
Lelouch smacked his head on the table.
He  becomes your dad, without realizing it. He’s like Mr. mom, seriously he figures out a schedule for you after he convinces your guardian to let you move in. May have used his geass for that. 
Your social skills are zero to none, and so, is the perception of volume.
“ HEY LELOUCH!!!! NINTENDO!!!!” you scream happily pointing to a  pokemon manga
“ name!! shush we’re in a library!” Lelouch hissed 
 When you get hurt or sent to an area he’s gonna wreak havoc on, that's when yandere mode goes on full. He keeps you locked up after that. He feels a bit guilty but he may use your trust in him, to make you stay away from the television if he’s not there, and so on. But it’s honestly for your own good. 
He goes permanently after a bullying situation at school where someone calls you a retard after you did not understand something. He was livid at the person and has a smile the next day when they are found dead. 
This is a good display of his protectiveness, his delusion is in the thinking you are like Nunnally who he perceives is made out of glass. So instead of helping you in a way that would let you become more independent, he caters to your needs.  
  Don’t like watching movies if there's a sad moment in it? Perfect he’ll set up animal documentaries, and animal learning shows instead.  Or craft shows, you name something g rated he’s got it hooked up to the tv. C.C. is like a mum to you so he sees you often cuddling up to her. It makes him jealous, though when you cuddle him he gets flustered easily. He’s shy about hugs sometimes.
C.C. basically gets you stuff to keep busy with, she also teaches you about the history she had experienced. So your understanding of history greatly improves, and you learn a few more languages. She also is great to teach you anything since she is patient and mellow, and has also learned various teaching methods over the years. 
So while your skills don’t improve with people, academically you skyrocket. You're able to get your point across faster with higher-thinking words. Such as parched, instead of thirsty, and so on. It helps you fit in with the higger standing kids when you do go outside so that’s a plus.
  Lelouch calls you chaos in the flesh after the tube city incident in the club room, your idea which you somehow convinced Milly of. Then again she’s had outlandish ideas too. Was to make a giant system of tubes for hamsters. Then set them loose across the school as animal enthusiasm and awareness. 
  You also drench yourself in paint and tried to paint with your body. So yeah, chaos in the flesh. He calls you the lord of discord for the poker game incident that drove him and Suzaku up the wall. When they learned you had somehow been playing with Uno cards. Then said Yahtzee at the end. Truth be told he should have guessed that smile did not seem to get the point of the game. 
C.C. then congratulated you on the discord you created. Hence the nickname.
 You also hog the blanket, yeah you sleep in his bed. You have trouble sleeping alone. Your mind at night tells you that if someone is there they will protect you from whatever monster may come after you. You are not wrong in his case, but the point still stands. Every night you also sleep walk so he has put up baby gates and extra walls, in order to prevent you from getting hurt.
 When he becomes king, he’s hesitant about how you’ll take his death. Since you seem not to deal with the concept very well. So he may tell you he’s gonna be back. This is before he knows he's got code. You also like stealing his hat and sitting on the throne with your favorite drink and people watch. It spooks the guards that’s for sure. 
 You also like playing with the limo’s buttons. Much to the annoyance of the driver. Your favorite thing to do though is to sneak under his robes without him knowing then pop your head threw them scarring him every single time!
You also take a fancy to watch sleeping beauty. He’s not sure why though….
When’s he back with memories and code, you launch yourself at him before kola hugs him. He’s trapped by you and knows it. It takes bribing from Suzaku before you even consider letting go. You watch him like a hawk since he was gone for so long. 
  Lelouch sighs and lets you lay on him as he walks with C.C. to their next location. Yeah, he’d figured out how to keep you with him, so you ain’t dying anytime soon. When you ask what the funny tattoo is for, Lelouch just tells you it’s like a bracelet.
C.C Has dubbed you The Jelly bean of absolute Mayhem. You like it cause it makes you sound powerful, as you try to imitate what Lelouch does with his eyes. Lelouch just sweats in confusion when he sees you trying to act all threatening. 
He tried teaching you chess once, and he watched in horror as you ate the pieces. C.C. learns you are more of a tic-tac-toe person. You do it in the dirt with a tree branch you found.  The most recent incident was when you managed to find a possum and wanted to keep it. It liked you, but it hissed at Lelouch with fiery hatred! The possum had to go, but he got you a plushie which you dubbed mrs. possum.
All in all, not the worst yandere…. right?
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How about yan lelouch with childhood friend who think she he is her brother
Yandere Lelouch Vi Britannia
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Lelouch would definitely be more overprotective than normal.
He grew up with you so the emotional bond is really strong.
Maybe you've been his friend since he was a little kid and you followed him when he was deported to Japan.
However, it is probably more likely that you only met him in Japan.
So you probably know Suzaku too.
You two would have a normal relationship before he became Zero.
After that, Lelouch started to become obsessed with keeping you safe.
He doesn't want anyone to hurt you.
And he's sure they will if they find out his true identity.
This is why Lelouch initially pushes you away.
But he is ultimately unable to do so.
So it's time to move on to another extreme solution.
Lelouch believes you will understand.
Big brother only thinks of your best interests.
You wouldn't want to hurt his feelings would you?
Lelouch is really manipulative.
But if you rebel too much he won't hesitate to use his power on you.
He does feel guilty.
But he believes it's for your own good.
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yandere-romanticaa · 6 months
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Let me ramble about Lelouch a little, because he just deserves it.
Lelouch, who holds you in the palm of his hand but you also always manage to escape his grasp. Just when he thinks he has you, just when he thinks he can finally rest, you catch him off guard. Your mere existence foils his plans as it does not allow him to do what needs to be done. He sits in his chair, wearing the mask of Zero as he looks far away in the distance. To the untrained eye he looks as though he is scheming, coming up with future plans for the Black Knights to follow. But the way in which he gets startled gives him away, his quiet "Huh?" always making people like Tamaki chuckle and laugh in pure amusement.
"Well well, even a guy like Zero has a soft side!"
They have no idea just how utterly soft their brave leader really is.
Lelouch, who becomes absolute putty in your hands whenever you touch him, even if it was just accidental. He is used to the brutality of battle and blood, something so soft is... Ethereal. Unimaginable. It sets his heart ablaze, forcing him to speed up his plan just a little bit. He just wants you to be safe.
Lelouch, who can't read you at all and that drives him like crazy. He can't play you like the other pieces on his board, you're too precious for that. He is the King and you are the Queen on that board. He started to accidentally protect the Queen in actual chess matches of his King, much to the bewilderment of his opponents. In his mind, the King is worthless without the Queen. And in that same way, Lelouch would be nothing without you.
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omkookie · 1 year
✨Take a screenshot✨
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I tried... lol
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matchasilver · 2 months
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I FINALLY started IkePri Clavis' route, and am realizing how much I love Belle in this route so far! She is so snarky and yet cunning and composed?
I'd flip my shit if I were in her shoes, cry, and call for Rio. Now, Clavis is absolutely one of my faves, BUT in chapter 1, Belle only knows she can't trust him at his word.
The Cybrid MCs all seem to hate murder for any and all reasons (even to save her own life fbfbfhf), but unlike Ikesen Mai, Belle has the sense to not just trust everyone at their word as readily. 😂👏
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theyareweird · 3 months
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, Rolo Lamperouge —Aesthetic
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Rolo Lamperouge's Character & Personality
Rolo is a sixteen-year-old student at Ashford Academy. He's also an agent, officer and assassin. Rolo is kind-hearted and innocent, but this is a facade when he's in disguise as Lelouch's little brother. He eventually reveals his true personality as a cold and ruthless killer. After a while, Rolo starts to become attached to Lelouch and becomes more of a brother to him. Unfortunately, he becomes extremely possessive over him and wishes to be Lelouch's only sibling. As a result, Rolo is willing to kill and injure anyone who stands in his way of preventing his "big brother" from reuniting with his sister. Over time, he becomes more selfless and loyal to Lelouch, as he's willing to save his brother's life and sacrifice his own life for Lelouch.
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rolorules · 1 year
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Various parodies by Muga.
I only bothered to check out Rolo's, and it parodies the same CD (an audio drama, I would assume) as this picture. It is titled ヤンデレの女の子に死ぬほど愛されて眠れない (I can't sleep because I'm loved to death by a yandere girl). In Rolo's case the title was changed to 'yandere boy', for obvious reasons. The original cover looks like this (source: Amazon JP):
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If you know more about the other parodies, please write it in the comments.
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thatanimeramenchick · 4 months
Five Love Languages: Dark/Yandere Edition
Let’s take a perfectly wholesome good thing like the Five Love Languages and make it dark and toxic because… I don’t know, I’m literally the worst.
TW: Mentions on dub/non con and verbal abuse; Just general dark romance stuff
Words of Affirmation
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Words are powerful. The pen is mightier than the sword, as it sways the heart. Your lover here will let you know just how much they care for you and every single detail of what they find lovely about you. This is in the typical compliments, but also can be expressed in sweet love letters or messages. At the same time, they will expect you to reciprocate in like manner. If you two are in a more… turbulent era of your relationship, they may withhold things until you tell them what they want to hear and in the proper sweet tone that they expect.
They may also use verbal intimidation to control you. I see them as knowing how to use their tongue to make you feel weak and helpless without them. Also may be the type to tell you that you're "mine" or "you belong to me" if they're on the more dominant side.
Triggers: A fast way to get yourself smacked in the face is to say that you hate them. There are lots of creative ways to rip their heart out though if you have a fast mouth and wit. Pointing out failures, flaws, relationship issues, past traumas will all really get under their skin, and depending on their personality, it may result in some volatile reactions from your “lover.”
Headcannon Examples: France, Vox
Quality Time
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They never want to spend a moment apart from you. If it was up to them, they would have you with them 24/7. This can be impractical though, so, they may simply settle for having you in a closed off space and being able to check in on you whenever they want. I see this also manifesting in nosiness. What are you doing and why? Surely if you aren’t doing anything wrong, you have nothing to hide? Besides this, there is a demand for constant undivided attention. When they want you to watch them do something or interact with them, they expect you to do so.
Triggers: The fastest way to piss them off is to purposefully ignore them. The cold shoulder or the silent treatment will get you disciplined. You want to act like you’re too good for them to respond? They’ll find a way to get your attention, and you’re probably not going to enjoy it.
Headcannon Examples: America, Lelouch Vi Britannia, Russia
Acts of Service
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Of all the languages of love, this is the most subtle and faithful. I see these types liking to take the time to “observe” their lover and put in the extra work to make their life pleasant, especially if they’re on the more subservient side. Especially submissive yandere may do all they can to help you achieve your goals. More domineering ones will express this quite differently. Acts of service may also be displayed in wanting you to completely dependent on them. They may upend your life from behind the scenes just so you can be rescued and cared for by them. They can then be your knight in shining armor, saving and caring for you like no one else ever could. More controlling ones may also expect you to assist them in their daily life or with their dirty work.
Triggers: Destroying or interfering with their goals or work. If you’re going to be a spiteful little brat and ruin their life's work, you're going to learn who's in charge around here. While they don’t believe life is tic for tac, you could at least not have the decency to mess with what isn't your business.
Headcannon Examples: Alastor, Germany, Light Yagami
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It’s said that your money is where your heart is, and these men believe that. These types take a special giddy joy in buying you things that they know you will enjoy and seeing the look on your face when you receive them. Some of these gifts may be a bit inappropriate for the status of your relationship, such as fine jewelry if you are only friends. If they are the stalking type, they may send you presents based on what they have observed you looking at when you are at the store or online.
On a darker note, I see these types as liking to “collect” little gifts from their lover. And I don’t just mean collecting what you leave lying around. Depending on how extreme they are, they will root through your bags, lockers, drawers, and even your trash to find things to remind them of you. There’s really nothing like lying in bed and breathing in your scent through an old sweater they found in your closet.
Triggers: For your sake, let’s hope you never find their little museum of items. Even if you don’t though, you’re going to be in for it if they give you something important, and you purposefully dispose of it or happen to lose it.
Headcannon Examples: Canada, L, Phantom of the Opera
Physical Touch
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These are types who may be guilty of forced kissing, hugging, and hand holding, as well as insisting you sleep beside them at night. If you are distressed, their solution may be to sit you in their lap and cuddle you until you calm down. I can see this type as falling into the type who is shy and only likes being touchy feely with you, as well as someone who is just touchy in general and therefore wants to shower you with their “love.”
Despite physical touch being their main way of accepting affection, I don’t see them typically trying to rape you, at least not forcefully. I actually see them as being the least likely to do something like that. Physical touch is an expression of love and tenderness, and forcing themselves on you would be the ultimate betrayal of that love. They aren’t above manipulating you into the act though, which would still obviously be along the dubcon/noncon lines. I just don’t see them being directly violent about it.
Triggers: Being physically violent, especially when they are trying to be physically affectionate. Biting or headbutting them when trying to kiss you comes to mind. Physical touch is supposed to be a gentle expression of love, how could you be so cruel as to not only deny them that, but to retaliate with harshness?
Headcannon Examples: North Italy
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animeyanderelover · 2 years
Anonymous asked: Can I have Hc's for Lelouch, Suzaku, C2, Kallen, Cornelia, Euphy and Schneizel from Code Geass?
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, clinginess, paranoia, delusion, isolation, manipultion, sabotage, blackmail, stalking, guilt-tripping, gaslighting, abduction, death
Yandere Code Geass Hc's
Lelouch vi Britannia
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♟️He's shown to be bored with the mundane activities of life and enjoys challenges so he'll most likely seek you out if you catch his interest permanently. ​It most likely starts going down the moment he receives his Geass and turns partially delusional since he sees himself as the only one who can change the world for the better. During time he turns significantly more possessive and manipulative yet no one notices. Lelouch usually engages in the act of the likable and social guy who is quite easygoing which hides his true nature quite well, even for you. Even without his Geass he is already quite manipulative, tries to charm you the normal way whilst getting closer to you and pushing you with small compliments and friendly advices towards his ideal vision. He wants them to see things the same way he does, believes himself to be in the right. Also quite arrogant, he looks down on others who might like you or the other way around. Maybe his aristocratic upcoming speaks out of him a bit.
♟️​Lelouch is quite controlling and the more obsessed he gets, the harder it becomes to refrain himself from doing so. Especially the more trauma he suffers during his time as Zero which makes him increasingly more protective. He keeps you under all means away from any warzone by asking you to look out for Nunnally or arranging it that you're somewhere else. He starts to become slightly more pushy what you think of Zero and his ideas and will do about everything to change your opinion if you should have a negative one. What do you know anyways about this all? He knows better, he's seen more. At one point he turns downright monopolizing, constantly wants to know where you are and with whom you are as he keeps on getting more paranoid. Whilst he believes himself to know better than his s/o, Lelouch also seems to understand that his obsession goes too far. At the very beginning he might feel a bit guilty but eventually his morals get tainted and he stops caring. He's selfish, wants you for himself.
♟️​Since he grows worse and worse over time with his behavior overall, this also is reflected in the way he starts feeling around other people when they interact with you. He grows more bothered by it yet keeps up the facade of the easygoing student though he will interfere if someone is too close to you for his taste. Very obsessive, he starts befriending your friends for the sole purpose of keeping them and even you under check. When he grows closer to you, he wants to quickly establish the image that you can rely completely on him. If you have troubles in school, he helps you and if you have forgotten something, he's quick to get it. Passive-agressive when someone flirts with you or when he notices that you seem interested in someone else, to not only them but you as well. He wants you to understand that he's best for you so he can't help but feel frustrated with you too if you don't seem to realize that.
♟️​Not one to dirty his hands but he doesn't need to either. Lelouch is such an intelligent individual, I'm sure he'll solve the problem through his intelligence. His Geass is another factor that he can use though he uses his power wisely since it only works once on someone. Since he doesn't want to waste his power carelessly, he is more careful. He's aware what might happen if someone would find out that he is Zero and fancies you which makes him slightly paranoid yet he manages to keep his cool. Just like his behavior towards you grows worse evertime, his ways to handle threats does too. He turns more merciless against someone he can't use Geass against and who wants to harm you. Whilst he doesn't kill someone directly, he blackmails them and in the worst case makes them a casualty during a clash of England and his force. He plans it out as he always does though so no one else finds out, C.C. even assists him out of pure amusement due to Lelouch's obsession.
♟️​Going back to his morals getting tainted over time, this is one of the prime examples. At the very beginning when his obsession was still in the process of blossoming, Lelouch probably looked down on such a tepid act. Over time his opinion changes though the more risky his situation gets and the more he gets lost in the Geass and the conflict. If you reject him one to many times, get yourself in danger, find out his identity and don't support him or distance yourself from him and he can't do anything against it, Lelouch is willing to take away your freedom. It might be initially a bit difficult to find a place where he can keep you and not let others like Kallen find out about you but he's determined to find a way and once again, weirdly enough C.C. lends him a helping hand gladly. He might even use his Geass on you to disable you from running away or telling others about him if push comes to shove. If he has already established himself as the new Emperor, things are easier.
♟️​The green-haired witch finds the situation with Lelouch's little obsession quite entertaining, she helps solely for the purpose of being able to observe how far the man is willing to go and how you handle it all. Lelouch is going to be less trusting and very controlling if he knows that you don't support him or his opinions at all. He makes sure to isolate you from others so you don't consume any harmful opinions and goes into fullblown gaslighting once you are kidnapped and he is, only next to C.C., the only one you can interact with. He hesitates greatly to force you to love him with his Geass though, it wouldn't be real and so he hopes for Stockholm Syndrome more than anything at one point, coupled with a lot of manipulation from his side. If his relationship with you is fairly good, he gives you more freedom around others, at least you have the feeling that you do, and opens his heart more around you. He has an especially easy time to deal with everything, if he is indeed at that time Emperor since your chances to escape are low at best in this scenario. He has too much influence.
Kururugi Suzaku
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⚔️Suzaku is initially mainly very obsessive and smitten with his darling. They’re all he thinks about, one of the main reasons why he wants to change the world for the better. They’re precious, have to be treasured in his eyes under all means necessary and considering his unhealthy adoration, he’s the borderline of a worshipper. He’s very open from the get-go, wears his heart on his sleeves and it’s quite obvious that he likes you a lot. The more he tumbled down his obsession, the clingier he grows. He’s constantly helping you to carry your staff, makes a small fuss when you’re sad or sick and is willing to do a lot for you. If you need something, he’ll get it for you without even being asked to do so. All to help you and make you happy since your well-being and your happiness are all he needs to continue his days. Suzaku is more aware though, even if fairly slow-witted he eventually realizes his unhealthy attachment and his obsession as you are by now the only thing on his mind.
⚔️Very similar to Lelouch though, he changes over time more and more. Differently from his friend though, he tells his darling openly what his ambitions are and what he wants to achieve, he tells them almost everything. Suzaku turns also very paranoid and more protective the more he gets stuck in the repeating cycle of death and fighting and it’s obvious since he looks more and more distraught, holds tighter onto you with each passing day and sometimes calls you to beg in a desperate tone to stay home, to not leave at all. He’s pushed mentally to the brink, grows more hostile as soon as someone treats you badly are says something mean that hurts you as he grows more and more dependent on your support and your happiness. He becomes more monopolizing himself in the name of keeping you safe. Eventually he snaps when Euphy dies who he looked up to immensely. He shatters and suddenly his guilt is completely swept away by fear to lose you too which is why he turns partially delusional, starts to tell himself that all he does is ultimately to keep you safe.
⚔️A bit naïve maybe since he trusts you a lot, he’s somewhat easy to manipulate if he isn’t too paranoid at the moment. He is willing to let you leave alone, though it’s highly likely that he texts you every hour to check on you. He’s mainly just happy when you’re happy so if you’re all joyful and smile if you meet those you love a lot, Suzaku can be happy too. If you ignore him for someone else a bit too long, he grows more clingy though, grabs your hand or hugs you from behind. The occasional glare he gives someone who flirts with you doesn’t go unnoticed either. With time he grows so much more overprotective and paranoid though that rather than being jealous, he’s terrified that someone will hurt you. The man is hypocritical in the worst ways as he wants you to be happy yet fears that everyone might hurt you emotionally or physically at one point which is why he pushes them a bit away, even if you like them.
⚔️Suzaku wants to change the empire, wants to stop the cycle of violence and death yet he proves to be a hypocrite once again. He realizes this all himself at one point. He’s very overprotective at one point, lashes out as soon as someone has spit something cruel against you which caused you to tear up. Most likely doesn’t let them anywhere near s/o for a while after, not until they’ve calmed him down enough though he demands an apology and acts hostile for a long while after. Suzaku threatens people quickly as soon as they’ve hurt you and depending on how close they are to you and what they did, he’s either milder or very intense. He appears to be more and more trigger-happy each day and ultimately is Euphemia’s death the reason why he completely breaks. He grows more vicious and hostile out of paranoia to lose you, throws his goals at one point away. He won’t kill as long as you’re safe but the moment you get involved in any way, he will lose it and kill someone if they don’t leave during his first and final warning.
⚔️It’s all for your safety in the end, isn’t it? That’s what he tells himself once the damage is already done. At this rate he is neither fully delusional nor completely aware but he knows that he just wants you to be safe and alive. He can’t live without you, losing you would be akin with losing his heart. You literally witness how he grows more monopolizing during the cause of his career, how he constantly wants you to stay inside or how he glues himself to your side out of protection when he has time. The most likely trigger is the death of the princess which leads him to abduct you shortly after. As soon as he is one of the Knight of the Rounds, he has more privileges and tries his best to give you this privileges so you can live a good life as well. He provides you with all he thinks you would want and seems to initially accept your cold treatment. He crumbles at one point though and has a meltdown in front of you since he can’t take your coldness.
⚔️His darling becomes at one point Suzaku’s pillar of mental support the more traumatized he gets. He clings onto them with his entire might, willing to justify even slaughter if it means that you are safe and alive. There is a cold side he starts to develop if someone tries to hurt or murder you in which case he won’t regret the act of killing at all, sees it even as a sort of justice since that person tried to harm you seriously. Sees himself as your shield and sword, he will protect and attack for you, is willing to get seriously harmed as long as he guarantees your well-being in the end. Very co-dependent since he turns snappy and paranoid if he doesn’t hear from you or hasn’t seen you in a while, can’t concentrate as well anymore. Tries his best to hold back his affection for you as long as you still hate him, he doesn’t want to sink too low though it might happen that he forcefully kisses you if he has a meltdown out of desperation. If you start to accept him though, he turns very affectionate and clingy, stops feeling guilty.
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🟩C.C. is somewhat troubled when she notices that she has managed to fall in love after years of isolation despite keeping her apathetic act intact. She's an immortal witch, overly cautious about love since all who ever loved her have faded away over the years. Her trust in humanity itself isn't all that good either, she's lived long enough to know that many have a hidden side to them so she searches for that ugly side inside of you. The woman tries to keep her distance from you, if you do know her she'll act even colder and dismissive than she already is. She's stalking you initially for the sole reason of finding that selfish side of yours so she can get rid of those emotions building up inside of her but it comes to whiplash her back in the end. Whilst she notices your flaws, she can't help but see the good on you as well and how you also struggle with your flaws and insecurities. In the end all it does is worsening her obsession.
🟩​By no she has reached the point where she doesn't care anymore though despite being aware that her feelings are unhealthy. C.C. accepts her feelings though since she has by now acknowledged that she can't just erase her feelings like that. She continues her stalking for the purpose of her obsessive nature, even heads out despite knowing that Lelouch won't be happy but she does whatever she wants anyways. She's curious and wants to approach her darling, interact with them for real. A very honest person, more blunt to be precise, she is someone to speak what is on her mind. Manipulative too, most likely for the sake of keeping you to herself and letting you stay far away from the goals Lelouch is trying to fulfill. Once you got to know her, she also becomes surprisingly touchy with you.
🟩​I do feel like she's the type to look down on others a bit as well since she has high standards and if someone doesn't fulfill those standards, she tends to dismiss and ridicule them. That aside, she has a deep desire to be loved and accepted for whom she is and that resurfaces strongly with her darling in the picture now. She's lived a long time though and has learned to be patient so she can tolerate it if you're somewhat affectionate with someone or the other way around though she doesn't move her gaze away from you either. She probably just observes to find out what the relationship between you two is at first, she would like to pride herself better than to be victim of petty jealousy without a reason. If it becomes obvious that one of you two is interested though, she interferes in some way. She is quite cold and sassy which most likely turns darling's counterpart off.
🟩​C.C. makes an effort to initially hide her obsession even from Lelouch since it's a personal matter and she doesn't want anyone to know about it for now. She's a more islated woman as she is, solves most problems on her own with her intelligence and skill. She isn't one for mindless slaughter though, it's maybe a bit too much work for her. Everyone who bothers you and your time which she wants for herself, she ends up scaring away somehow. When Lelouch eventually finds out about her interest in you, she somewhat forces him to help her too as a fair exchange for all the help she gives him. She's very stubborn so she doesn't leave him much of a choice but to help her sometimes, even if she still solves most of it alone. C.C. is definitely not above taking lives though when she thinks that it's the best choice.
🟩​Deep down she is able to feel remorse and guilt and that somewhat stirs up especially strong the better she gets to know you whilst you're still unaware of her true nature. She doesn't really wish to tangle you up in her life as deeply as other people. There's also this fear to be rejected by you if you'd find out what she is and with whom she works, especially if you do not support Zero's actions. She values your safety, doesn’t want you involved in the crossfire. Since she is so secretive and also less controlling than Lelouch, she isn’t actually someone to get triggered to abduct her darling unless under certain circumstances where they find out the truth and plan to tell the empire. Even in that case she might instead prefer that the Geass is used and you’re instead forbidden to talk about it with anyone who isn’t working with them. If she abducts you, she wants you to stay somewhere where other members from the rebels can’t meet you though, she wants you for herself and also isn’t fond of being asked too much about you.
🟩​The green-haired witch can be quite shameless though when it comes to showing physical affection, even when someone like Lelouch is in the same room or someone else as long as she knows that their intentions aren’t bad. Lelouch is most likely the only one who knows about her darling and the one person who C.C. truly trusts the most when it comes to them. She escapes quite often so she can meet up with you to the point where she is most of the time not even with Lelouch unless he needs her for something. Still a very secretive person, C.C. keeps this certain mystery around her even after you got to know her better and she has told you a few things. She likes to tease you sometimes when you’re stubborn or make a interesting decision that only a human could make.
Kozuki Kallen
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🛡️​Kallen is very protective Yandere and looking onto her past, it is no wonder why. She's seen a lot of people die that she was close to, her brother and other members from the resistance group are only a few. She initially doesn't know how to feel about her romantic interest either, similar to C.C. she appears to be somewhat afraid to fall in love. You're somewhat of a distraction and as sweet that is, Kallen wants to focus on freeing her country from Britain. She hides her growing love for you though she tends to stare at you or space out a bit whilst thinking about you. If someone else asks her about you, she completely denies it and tries to act all tough even if she is also quite flustered. Is she really that transparent? Despises the act she has to put on in the Academy to hide her true identity since it makes things more complicated with her growing obsession.
🛡️​She's semi-delusional with her obsession. Whilst she is a strong-willed woman and a compassionate lover, Kallen also seems to recognize certain aspects of her love as more of a taboo. Those are aspects of her that she doesn't want others to know about her, you from all people especially not. Feels bad for lying about you in school with her whole act as the ill kid yet she knows that it's for now the best. Kallen wouldn't want to involve her darling into the life she has as long as they're only a citizen. Guarantees that you are never anywhere near a battle field so you don't end up as a casualty or get hurt. Truth be told, she wishes that she could open up and stop lying towards you yet she has no choice for no, her mission is important and if you don't support the goals of Zero and her or are unsure how to feel, she can't risk anything.
🛡️​A rather selfless girl who can sit back and not feel jealous when you spend time with others. You should enjoy a normal life so she doesn't want to interfere much with the people you are friends with. Sometimes Kallen does feel annoyed by someone and that's when she ends up in a corner since she knows that she can't act out of character. Sometimes she doesn't have a choice but to keep silent even if she wants to let a bit of her temper loose due to increased jealousy when someone flirts with you. Literally has to bite her tongue in order to keep quiet though she eventually finds a way to act in character as Kallen Stadtfeld to stop whatever interaction she is forced to watch. Sometimes she still falls out of character and snaps at the other person.
🛡️​She's one of the best pilots in the series and rather ruthless in battle though she can't be that way when she acts as Stadtfeld in school. It's easier to trigger her protective side than her jealous side. When other members of the resistance organization find out about her romantic interest in you, she rarely ends up turning to them when she needs a bit of help. She wants to be able to protect you herself, doesn't want others initially involved since she is also a bit stubborn even though she learns over time to also rely on the help of others when it comes to you. If someone ends up pestering you in front of her, her impulsive side might even get the better of her where she ends up breaking out of her act and acts as the skilled warrior that she is. What she'll tell you later on about is something she'll start to worry about after the guy has disappeared. She's less likely to kill though since she is behind her tough mask quite a caring and gentle individual. She just scares someone and manhandles them a bit to give them a good scare.
🛡️​Considering the fact that she is fighting for the freedom of Japan and her general love for her darling, Kallen is actually less likely to kidnap her s/o. Differently from Suzaku she won’t be a hypocrite by pretending like she wants the best for you only to lock you up in the end. There would be troubles if she were to lock you up and she doesn’t want to risk the possible ruin of your entire relationship with her. She just works extra hard so that there is never a reason for you to be kidnapped. She always makes sure you’re somewhere else when a fight erupts where she has to use her Guren and her identity is kept a secret though she might end up admitting to you that she is pretending in school after possibly having shown her true colors in order to protect you.
🛡️​One of the more tame Yandere in Code Geass, mainly because she isn’t very possessive nor too overprotective and paranoid. Kallen is in fact quite a selfless Yandere who knows that her fight might one day possibly result in her death which is why she wouldn’t want to forbid you any interaction with friends. There is increasing guilt inside of her the longer she lies to you though and it shows. If she knows that you are trustworthy though, she might at least tell you about her real self and that she is constantly pretending in school. She isn’t overbearing and instead very caring and gentle with you. If she manages to become your girlfriend, she becomes prone to being very quickly flustered as soon as someone teases her about you, doesn’t matter if she’s her real self at that moment or pretends.
Cornelia li Britannia
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💓The second princess of Britain is as possessive as she is strict with her darling. She's unsurprisingly aware enough of her own obsession, antagonizes her darling for it even in the beginning. The type to completely try to rid you out of her mind which results in her working even harder so she can concentrate on other things. It doesn't work as well though because you seep into her thoughts all the time. Eventually she seems to resign to her darker feelings but it comes with terrible consequences for her darling. It's like she expects you to make up for making her feel in such an intense way by completely submitting to her. Cornelia doesn't hesitate to ruthlessly use her influence against you to guarantee that you stay with her forever. She's aristocratic, expects behavior from you an if you act uncivilized or throw a tantrum, she's quick to lecture you harshly, followed by a punishment so you can reflect on your childish actions.
💓​Despite that, Cornelia is also more protective over her darling. Don't get the wrong idea, she is never the type to coddle over them but instead she makes sure to teach them in the Knightmare Frame combat and hand to hand combat so they'll be able to defend themselves if they should be attacked. You'll have to be able to do at least the basics and she literally forces you through it all, scolds you for being weak and not being able to learn properly. Her knight Guilford also tends to look out for you if she is currently busy or during events where you two have to go elsewhere. Cornelia makes it quite clear to anyone that you are hers and if you're out in public, she ends up forcing you to at least act semi-normal since it wouldn't make a good picture if you'd look unhappy. She won't really show a softer side unless you end up behaving. It's the classic good behavior deserves rewards system.
💓​Good luck if someone has the guts to talk with you out of interest since Cornelia makes your position quite clear to anyone. You're taken by her and so she almost naturally expects everyone to know better than to try to flirt with you. You've basically been educated by Cornelia how to behave around others. Her basics are that you act polite and don't dare to complain or beg for help to get out of the situation. If someone flirts with you, you shouldn't even dare to flirt back. You should ignore them, ask her or Guilford for help if that person turns out to be very stubborn. Otherwise she'll be quite displeased, ends up showing you the consequences later on. She'd never want to admit that jealousy creeps up on her sometimes too, she's far too prideful to admit that. If she gets jealous, she normally limits your social interactions for a bit until she's boiled down.
💓​The lady is a ruthless woman who doesn't hesitate to hand out harsh punishment to everyone who poses some sort of problem for her or her darling. Possible admirers are quickly scared away or even imprisoned if they don't understand her harsh warning the first time. She's in a position of power and uses that to her advantage. Cornelia is cold-blooded after all, not afraid to intimidate you by showing you what exactly she is capable of. Anything but merciful, only few people are able to get away if they do something against her will when it comes to you. Not even her own men are spared, a rare exception might be Guilford since she trusts him, aware of his loyalty for her. She's sure to eradicate anyone who stands in the ways of her goals, one of her goals has sadly become you over time.
💓​It's more or less a public abduction since many people can guess that you aren't exactly happy with the life you lead now. But no one can do anything against it. Cornelia is a princess, one of the most skilled combat fighters with the Knightmares and has her loyal men behind her who will head her commands, especially her personal Knight Guilford. It's cruel though for you if you notice that all of them seem to notice yet hardly anyone bothers to help, they all are too scared of her. If you're not a noble or even Japanese, you'll be given even more of this indifferent behavior. Your hope at one point might break that someone will help you and save you, you've seen how she deals with everyone who tries to help you to escape her tight grip. Being a princess and being ruthless and possessive is quite a deadly combination.
💓​Her punishments usually include locking you away, letting you go a day without any food or threatening you openly that she could involve those you love if you don't behave, maybe even the one or other bruise. You don't want to know whether she'd really do it or not. At least she guarantees that no one else disrespects you, especially if she knows that you did nothing wrong. If that should happen, she'll act as harsh and ruthless as normal to whoever disrespected you, demands an apology from them. Guilford and Euphemia are normally the people you meet the most besides her, Schneizel occasionally as well. Cornelia is the type who won't expose her softer side for you unless she realizes that you've grown accustomed to your situation and have started to behave more. Euphy normally talks to her and asks her if she can be a bit nicer to you since she feels like her older sister is sometimes too harsh.
Euphemia li Britannia
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💌​Euphemia is drawn to her darling fast after they've caught her interest with something. She's a very open-minded person even to those who aren't from her country so she won't feel ashamed or conflicted about it at all. In fact she doesn't even realize that her emotions are wrong. Euphemia is more on a delusional side and besides being somewhat shy around you and flustered when someone asks her if she likes her darling, she more or less allows herself to fall willingly. It's like her heart soars up to the sky, it's such a wonderful feeling that she can't possibly think about it as wrong. Euphemia is more obsessive though as she can't help but be curious about what you do each and every day and what your hobbies might be. She won't use her influence to find out forcefully but you are present on her mind a lot so it doesn't take long before she starts approaching you to get closer to you.
💌​The princess is very clingy and affectionate, even if you two are only friends for now. She can't help but link arms with you, hold your hands or give you tight hugs. If your living conditions should be bad due to not being from Britain, she makes sure that she'll help you, your family and your friends. I'd say her kindness is a problem because you have a hard time rejecting her if she asks you for something. It's never Euphemia's intention to pressure you yet she is so kind and nice to you and everyone you love that guilt pushes you to spend time with her, your family might urge you to return the favors she does for all of you just as much. There is this period where you suffer a bit though when her sister watches you with displeasing eyes and everyone seems to judge you for spending time with Euphy like this. You might try to avoid her but her hurt and pain eventually leads you to confess what's happening and afterwards she makes sure to talk with everyone so they stop doing this to you.
💌​Euphemia is dazzling, an angel of some sort and people are struck from her beauty and kindness when they meet you. She's incredibly friendly to everyone, she always stays open-minded and cares about your own happiness and well-being. As someone who isn't really someone who watches you all the time nor really wants to, she's one to give you a lot of freedom to meet up with others. Sure, she's more on a clingy side but respects it if you ask for some time alone to meet someone alone. The pink-haired woman feels almost a bit bad for feeling jealous, she trusts you after all if you are in a relationship with you. She stays very professional though since she never acts on those feelings, she doesn't see the need to be jealous if she is already your girlfriend. She won't say anything unless someone becomes very touchy or you ignore her for a good few minutes in favor of that person.
💌​It's so important for her that you're treated with respect even if you aren't from an aristocratic family or not even from Britannia. Especially in the two latter cases Euphy would be more protective over you since she is worried that people will target you and hurt you out of spite and disrespect. Her siblings are initially more iffy as well, especially Cornelia yet they decide to help her once they see the tears she sheds for her darling out of worries and sadness that they have to suffer so much. She's obviously not someone who wants crimes and war, she always tries to solve everything through talking. Yet I feel like the people around her who love her and care of her get more protective since they know Euphemia will be immensely sad and devastated if something would happen to you. Especially Cornelia and Suzaku grow very protective over her darling and are much more harsh with people who try to hurt you.
💌​One of the very few who won't end up kidnapping you. Whilst she is delusional with her love, abducting you is something that would only disgust her. Euphy gives her darling a lot of freedom, is never really demanding. They're free to continue living where they live now if they want to. A problem that is within the realm of possibilites though is that you end up being targeted due to the fact that you're the lover of the princess. If that is the case there will be little to no way around moving you somewhere else, somewhere where the army of Britannia can protect you better. If that should happen, Euphemia is equally upset as you, maybe even more. She cries, apologizes to you since she can't help but feel like she's partially at fault for your situation. She never isolates you though, still allows you to go everywhere and is more hesitant to let someone act as your guardian and follow you.
💌​Overall one of the most tame Yandere to have. She cares about your happiness and your well-being and never restricts any of your rights or your freedom unless it is for the sake of preventing an attack on you or might harm your health. Euphemia is also such a sweet girl to have, it is hard to not love her in some way since she does everything she can to make sure that you're happy. The people giving you the hardest time are the nobles who look down on you and also Cornelia since she is protective over her little sister and doesn't trust you. Euphemia eventually begs you to be less intense and cold towards you since she notices that you're scared of her. She wants you two to have a good relationship since she adores her sister and loves you. Loves spending good quality time with you and enjoys going out with you since she's often a bit more imprisoned herself due to her status.
Schneizel el Britannia
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🏅For Schneizel this all is frighteningly amusing even if it shouldn’t be. He’s the one after all who thinks that humankind ultimately is only greedy and chases after their desires even if it’s detrimental to them. Yet here he is, desiring his little darling insanely. He should be angry or frustrated but he isn’t, he’s almost fascinated by the feelings you trigger inside of him. Feelings that dwell darkly more and more inside of him. Worst is that he is all too conscious about his obsession, he knows that he is obsessed with you yet he is incredibly indifferent about it. He’s instead interested how far you can push him without you even knowing what is going on yet. As the Second Prince and the Prime Minister, he could technically force you just like Cornelia would but that isn’t within his interest. As possessive and obsessive as he is, he holds disdain for the idea of forcing you with brute force into submission. He wants to make you love him via his charisma and charms.
🏅He cheats though because he is so very manipulative. Schneizel might not force you openly to be with him but behind the scenes he does everything else. If you’re financially in a difficult situation or have other troubles, he suddenly appears before you like a white knight and offers to help you and also manipulates your surroundings so that he pushes you to rely more on him. Gradually he plans to have you depend on him, change your opinion on others until you think that he’s the only one who truly understands you. Despite all of his manipulation, there is no denial that Schneizel also knows how to flatter you and make your heart flutter inside of your chest. He’s sweet, attentive and gentlemanly to the point where initially you’re too busy looking through your pink glasses to notice how he slowly isolates you from others and turns slowly more monopolizing. At one point he basically knows your entire schedule for the day, plans it and alters it even to his own advantage.
🏅He’s patient and knows how to keep his composure. A lot from this confidence simply steams from the fact that he knows all too well that he holds too much influence to allow someone else to get closer to you to steal your heart away. Especially if people know about you two, they kind of stray away out of fear from Schneizel. There is maybe this half-amused look on his face when someone does try their best. He probably just watches for a few seconds before he interrupts that person politely. He never appears outright impolite but there is this hint of condescension around him coupled with a barely threatening glint in his eyes. He’s still possessive after all, only he should sweet-talk with you like this. You might catch him by surprise if you actually seem interested and flattered since he can’t clearly see what on them might permanently catch your attention. He’s never frustrated or really jealous though. If a problem appears, he can always take care of it. He’s usually more flattering than normally if someone happens to make you bashful.
🏅Schneizel appears to be someone who doesn’t think much of mindless slaughter and let’s face it, there is no need for him to even have to resort it. He’s a cold-blooded strategist who can even rival Lelouch and his influence as the Second Prince and the Prime Minister gives him an immense advantage against everyone. Whether he is truly kind when he threatens someone when you aren’t there to witness this vastly different side on him is something to doubt but indeed, if someone heads his warning and never shows their face again in front of him and you, he lets them go. He’s capable of turning someone’s life upside down if he thinks that it’s the best way to bring across his message though. He’s quite cold hearted and indifferent to their suffering afterwards, he gave after all a warning, didn’t he? Most people distance themselves from you because of him yet he makes sure to implant the image into your mind that they just left you because they are busy with other things or lost interest which leaves him as the only one who stays with you.
🏅Schneizel might end up coercing you into moving somewhere else where he can keep a closer eye on you and be near you. He has actually one legit reason, he’s aware that you’ll become a target if resistance groups and enemies of Britannia find out that he treasures you. He’d like to prevent the possibility of you being kidnapped before it even happens. The rest really is just his overall possessive and controlling behavior. If you know what he did and try to escape him, he ends up going with the slightly more forceful way but despite slight disappointment from his side that his efforts have reverted back, he hardly shows remorse. Instead he just begins to break you down and make you depend on him again, only that this time you know his bigger plan. He plans on Stockholm Syndrome, he’s next to Kanon the only person to interact with you and he’s still as gentle and suave as he’s always been.
🏅There is something very sinister about him and the way he basically just gaslights you into loving and adoring him, depending on him. His behavior overall probably never cracks, the most you saw is the terrifying glint in his eyes when you tried to rebel against him and he mocked you calmly for your futile attempts. Otherwise he never really lashes out, he never raises his voice but instead he isolates you completely, might threaten you with a calm tone that he might have to drag someone close to you into this all as well if you continue being so aggressive. He seems to have fun with this all to your despair. When his darling ends up cracking and depending on him, he stops this crueler treatment though since he's pleased. He starts doting on you more, starts to shower you in lavish gifts now that you stopped behaving so unreasonable. Never stops being toxic and manipulative, the main difference now is that his s/o believes him when he tells them that he only does what is best for them.
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dotster001 · 5 months
WIP List
This is not the order they will be completed.
Good Morning Palia!-Tish x reader, Reth x reader, Jel x reader, just a basic morning with your favorite Majiri
Ayakashi Romance Reborn
Ensemble Stars
Kuya x Reader. He's been a little too flirty lately
Ikemen Prince
Kaoru and natsume x reader with bad sleep schedule
The next chapter of Self aware
Spy AU Clavis x reader
Gilbert x reader- you end up with nine wingmen that you never asked for.
Sequel to No Touching
Sequel to Light of Life
Jin Grandet as a Yandere
Clavis Lelouch as a Yandere
Court of Darkness
Dating Fenn, and realizing you're also in love with Violet
Consorts x curvy reader
Continuation of "Sherry's route"
Fenn meets Asmodeus
Mermaid Dia x pirate Y/N (untitled)
Honkai Star Rail
This will be the one and only fic in this fandom, but I got angry and started one about how Blade and Kafka suck, and I'm divorcing them because how dare neither of them come home.
Obey Me
Asmo and aro Ace reader in a qpr
Fallen for you, the next chaper
Various Characters x ex gifted child reader
The Next Chapter of the Sheep Saga
Morosexual- Mammon x reader. Levi has to hold back his nausea as he plays wing man between you and his stupid brother.
Mammon gets overprotective of you after you die
Twisted Wonderland
A when you escape him story; Jade
Vice housewardens QPR hcs
Memories of Wonderland, the next chapter
Mc overblots
An Unhealthy Obsession- Yan! Rook x reader. Someone has been following you.
Characters break up with you for someone else and regret it, part two
Le chasseur d'amor, the next chapter
For Tuna, the next ending
Ace x reader- A sleeping curse uproots your entire life. Luckily you got a great friend who'd do anything for you.
Yan Neige x reader- he hasn't actually done anything wrong. So why do you hate having him around?
The next depression fic- it's Jamil's turn to take care of you during an episode
Ace is tired of your self hatred getting in the way of believing he loves you
Domestic moments with Trey Clover
Among us, the next chapter
Sebek 's Parents give you "the talk"
A Crowley fic that idk how to describe yet, Yan!
Jack's puppy dog eyes
Idia gets teleported out of your game
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Yandere Suzaku Kururugi headcanon
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Suzaku is a determined, loyal and self-aware yandere.
He would want to keep you safe.
The world can be a dangerous place. I
n addition to this, Suzaku wants to make sure you don't join that "rebellion".
In the beginning, he would be a perfectly normal boyfriend.
You wouldn't find anything wrong with him even with a magnifying glass.
But Suzaku's yandere tendencies are slowly rearing their head.
It's happening slowly but surely.
So slowly that you don't notice it at first.
Suzaku knows that this kind of behavior is not acceptable.
But sometimes you have to use dirty means to achieve your goal.
Suzaku just wants you to be safe.
With him.
He would not isolate you from your loved ones or friends.
But would almost always be with you.
Whenever you want to spend time with your friends, Suzaku is there.
He's there even if you haven't told him you're going to hang out with your friends.
For some reason, Suzaku doesn't like it when you hang out with Lelouch.
I wonder why.
Punishments are either isolation or blame.
Nothing too serious.
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vtoriacore · 1 year
༺𓆩 valentine’s brutal, darling! 𓆪༻
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♡‧₊˚‎ the inner working of the heart:
this event will only contain pieces that will either be yandere or nsfw! bear in mind, nsfw will only be written for afab readers and will use she/her prns but yandere pieces will always be gn! i do write wlw for nsfw.
now that we have gotten that out the way, here is some info regarding this valentine’s event! the entire selection of prompts (or rather lyrics which will be used as inspiration for the writing) is based on chase atlantic songs! there is no requirement for you to know about them or their music however, as the simple rules will explain everything you have to do! <3
these will be posted in instalments that will be sorted by fandom and nsfw/yandere! so it may take me a lil’ while to get everything out and ready. please be patient <3
‎♡‧₊˚‎ follow the heartbeat:
have i captured your interest? great! let’s move onto the rules shall we? don’t worry, they’re quite simple! all you have to do is send me the song title and the character you want it with after reading the lyrics from either the yandere section or the nsfw section! 
however! i will only write for a specific character once. and the same applies for the song title! so if, let’s say, the song ‘moonlight’ was chosen for ‘azul’, neither the song nor the character could be requested again! 
therefore, this event will work on a first come, first served basis. i will regularly update what characters and songs have already been chosen, so stay on the lookout for that dear! if your request doesn’t get written, this will be the reason why.
requesting nsfw for the twst first years is strictly prohibited <3!
‎♡‧₊˚‎ to your heart’s desire:
        ❥ twst [riddle, ace, cater, leona, ruggie. azul, jade, floyd, kalim, jamil, vil, rook, lilia, sebek]
        ❥ genshin impact [albedo, cyno, hu tao, kazuha, kaeya, eula, ayaka, ayato, lisa, mona, nilou, ningguang, ei, kokomi, heizou, childe, tighnari, venti scaramouche/wanderer, xiao, yae miko, yanfei, yelan, zhongli] 
        ❥ hetalia [feliciano, ludwig, kiku, lovino, gilbert, antonio, yao, alfred, ivan, matthew, francis, arthur, vladimir, elizaveta, tolys, lukas, matthias, emil, tino, lux, natalia, feliks, yong soo, allistor // luciano, allen, zao, flavio 
        ❥ ikeprince [yves kloss, clavis lelouch, chevalier michel, silvio ricci, gilbert von obsidian]
❥ 25/25 slots taken <3 thank you to everyone who participated! i will be writing these until april between my studying and by then everything will be out and this post will get a masterlist!
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♡‧₊˚‎ vtória’s playlist [yandere]:
❥ now paused [SCARAMOUCHE];
"friends - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
  ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ▶ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ and what the hell were we?
tell me we weren't just friends
this doesn't make much sense, no “
❥ now paused [FELICIANO];
"numb to the feeling - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
  ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ▶ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ heard you got a heart, let me see
heard you got a heart, let me see
i need you to split that thing with me
yeah, i need you to split that thing with me ”
❥ now paused [KAEYA];
"slide - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
  ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ slide, i can see the pain in your eyes
i don't wanna say that I'm good, but
i'll take you to heaven if you die “
❥ now paused [LOVINO];
"right here - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
  ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ it's happening again
well, i don't give a fuck about your friends
i'm right here, here
oh, baby, take a look around
i'm the only one that hasn't walked out “
❥ now paused [FLOYD];
"swim - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
  ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ you picked a dance with the devil and you lucked out
the water's getting colder, let me in your ocean, swim
out in california, i'll be forward stroking, swim
so hard to ignore ya, 'specially when I'm smoking, swim “
❥ now paused [XIAO];
"consume - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
  ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ and I know there's a blade where your heart is
and you know how to use it
and you can take my flesh if you want,
but baby, don't abuse it “
❥ now paused [IVAN] [tw - SH];
"uncomfortable - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
  ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ my head could be a vessel for your own mind
all you gotta do is talk
a flood is slowly building at your wrists now
and death is just a thought “
❥ now paused [LEONA]:
"paradise - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
 ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ▶ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ it feels like heaven on the inside
you’re calling my name and, oh, it sounds nice
the way that you're dancing in the moonlight
i think I'm falling in love with all these big signs “
❥ now paused [ANTONIO];
"falling - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ oh, we've lost it
screeching off with no names
you said, ‘watch this’
with your hands in the rain “
❥ now playing [CHILDE];
"what u call that - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ i'm sorry that i took my time to call back
well, i don't wanna spend time with your family
'cause i'm afraid i'll run my mouth and start rambling
wait, i know that your dad doesn't like me “
❥ now paused [YELAN];
"you too - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ knew you had a heart
didn't know that i would break it, off
don't choose
if you love it, then you cut the thing loose, yeah “
❥ now paused [ALFRED];
"triggered - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ telling you, i won't slow down, won't slow down
you gotta know right now, there's no way out
i’mma pull the trigger off
and i’mma let these bullets talk “
❥ now paused [RUGGIE];
"dancer in the dark - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ oh baby, maybe it's that look in your eyes
they been telling me you wanna leave
you’ve been dancing with the devil all night
it's like hell is where you wanna be ”
❥ now paused [ALBEDO];
"cassie - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
�� ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ shit i probably tore their heart right out
at least that's how it feels right now (yeah)
but we're holdin' on, we're holdin' on
we say some words, we land them wrong “
❥ now paused [VIL];
"her - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ i'm getting feelings that i didn't before
and all i wanna do is stay with them
but i know all i have is one day with them “
❥ now paused [AZUL];
"moonlight- chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ▶ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ we're diving through the bottom of the ocean
swimming through a bottle of emotions,
maybe i was thinking you would notice “
❥ now paused [GILBERT];
"heaven and back- chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ well, you lied
you said you were fine
but now you're terrified
say you don't wanna die
then you start to cry
you wish that you could take it all back “
❥ now paused [HU TAO];
"23 - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ i can't believe this is happening
what did i do?
what did you do to me?
this isn't true to me “
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♡‧₊˚‎ vtoria’s playlist [nsfw]:
❥ now paused [LUCIANO];
"slow down - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
   ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ i don't know if you already know how
but, i got the feeling that you know now
you're buried in the pillow, yeah, you're so loud
but i'm about to show you, baby, slow down“
❥ now paused [JADE];
"church - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
  ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ▶ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ and I'll keep leading you on
if you keep leading me into your room
the drinks are all gone
but that's fine, baby, so am i “
❥ now playing [ALLEN];
"devilish - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
  ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ sever off the head and watch the body fall
see you in the depths, that ain't a metaphor
sex, blood, fashion, dripping holy water
holy shit, she worshipping my dick like it's the Holy Father “
❥ now paused [JAMIL];
"okay - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
  ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ i can feel it in my brain
hit the tongue, watch it dissolve, just take a taste, yeah
she gonna make decisions either way
i swear ever since i hit it i ain't ever been the same, yeah “
❥ now paused [ROOK];
"meddle about - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
  ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ no, i wanna to see you undress now
i wanna hear you confess now
we only met each other just the other day
but you already got me feeling some type of way “
❥ now paused [YAE MIKO];
"too late - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ slide in, came with perfect timing
she climbed in, picture-perfect timing
slide and put her right beside me
sing this, i'm gon' bet she’ll date me “
❥ now playing [AYATO];
"oh mami - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ mamacita, i can see the devil in your eyes
muy bonita, tú quieres estar by my side
she might make me stay in for the night “
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emotionalmessss · 1 year
Rules & Masterlist
fandoms I enjoy writing for: hunter x hunter, jujutsu kaisen, code geass, my hero academia, naruto, tomodachi game, & the grey man
characters I enjoy writing for: chrollo, sukuna, dabi, shigaraki, lelouch, & lloyd hansen. I am also open to itachi, toji, megumi, yuji, hisoka, feitan, etc etc
things I will not write: omega verse, necrophilia, somnophilia, pet play, ddlg, human waste, & incest. no shame here, but I do not feel comfortable with those themes. if you are unsure if I am open to writing something, ask/inbox me <3
things I will write: much of my work have underlining themes of yandere & non/dub-con. Im not opposed to writing lighter stuff. I usually write drabbles, headcanons, & full fics (2K-15K words). almost all of my content is character x fem!reader. I write basically anything & would love to hear your suggestions and thoughts <3
requests & such: I'm open to a lot of ideas and concepts. if you want to ask something, please do! I love interacting with you guys! I ask only to let me know if you want a short drabble, headcanon, or a fic. otherwise I will kinda go my own way with it :)
drabbles/images -
headcanons -
chrollo: yandere/se!fharm themes | yandere/escaping
sukuna: flinching/frightened reader | fragile s/o
dabi: previous relations
fics -
sukuna: king of curses | plaything
chrollo: dead end part 1 | dead end part 2 | dead end part 3 | stuck
lloyd hansen: punishments
dabi: revenge | diabolical dealings
shigaraki: diabolical dealings
this is my first masterlist & I know it isn't organized the best. lol I tried :(
I plan to update it as frequently as I can & when I write more
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omkookie · 10 months
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♡ Suitors ♡ · Silvio, Clavis Nokto and Luke. 🩷
⌈ ⚠️ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ⌉ Yandere themes, slightly suggestive, Murder. Fluffy yanderes 15+ ☺️
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He hates the man from the moment he sees him. How dare he approach you? It was very fucking obvious that you were HIS woman. You were covered in HIS Jewellery, wearing HIS fancy collar. It was clear as day that you were Silvio Ricci's possession.
No one should be approaching you. Especially not that sneaky cunt of a nobleman who has a reputation of being a womanizer. After he sees the nobleman put his hand on your waist, Silvio snaps and is by your side in a split second, his hands grabbing the guy so hard that his rings leave imprints on his skin. He shoves him away from you, and you take Silvio’s hand to immediately calm him down. You just know that Silvio will turn this into a fight if you don’t. Silvio huffs, still very fucking annoyed by the nobleman as nobleman dismisses himself, coming up with an excuse to leave, and apologizing profusely as he does so.
When he leaves, you pull Silvio in for a hug, Telling your sweet boy how happy you are of the progress he’s made, and how he didn’t do something like dumping the man in the sea. Silvio nestles his head into the crook of your neck and listens to you, feeling somewhat content with your praise as you give him your affection.
He’s still beyond jealous. How could a scummy little nobleman touch you? Especially when he knows that you belong to Silvio. HIs mere audacity was enough to land him dead in the sea behind the palace. If it weren’t for you, Silvio would have the man tied and then drowned. It’s only because of your kindness and your ability to deal with his yandere tendencies that he got away… That doesn’t fully mean that he gets off the hook though. Silvio is hateful, Very hateful and possessive. He’ll make sure that the man’s business turns into a living hell. May that be a lesson to the scummy nobleman never touch you again.
Oh, But Silivo’s jealousy will get toned down after you give him some kisses! Just don’t surprise him, and make sure that you give him a warning before you smooch him. You don’t want his face to turn the same color as a tomato’s while there are still other people around.
Or do you?
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A very long moment of silence, and cue to Clavis looking at the man with murderous intent. Ooh, what will he do to that man? He’ll dig a pitfall so deep for him, that he can fall in and possibly break a leg. He’ll fill it with poison ivy so that he gets problems with his respiratory system, and–
You notice your lover’s salty frown from across the room, then immediately know what’s up. You dismiss yourself and walk over to Clavis, enveloping your lover in your arms to hold him close. Clavis pouts, but hugs you in return before resting his cheek on your shoulder. “All he did was greet me. Clavis.” You tell him while snuggling against his chest.“
Clavis somewhat calms down, For now… And it’s only because you look so cute when snuggling against him. Still, In his head he schemes what he’ll do with the man late at night, before he returns home to you. He knows who the man is, and he knows how infatuated the man is with you.
That’s why he’ll deal with the matter later.
Now, Is it wrong, or is it right? Taking a person’s life just because they touched something that’s his? Was it immoral to be protective of what you hold dearest to you? Was it okay to stab someone, and then watch as the blood gushes out of them?
Clavis watches the blood seep out of the nobleman’s wound, and although he knows that he should feel guilt he feels nothing. In his eyes, he simply did what was right. The man shouldn’t have touched you. He shouldn’t have tried getting close to you, and it was his own damn fault that he was dead. Clavis kicks his body off of the cliff and watches as it plunges into the depths of a thick fog. The cold night air chills his skin, and the coppery smell of blood still lingers in the air. Letting out a resigned sigh, He decides to finally go back home to you. You’ll surely be waiting for him in bed, and he can’t wait to shower you in his hugs.
He’ll never hold another ball in his territory though.
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Oh. He’s mad alright.
He hates the man from the bottom of his heart. How could a disgusting insect like him kiss the back of YOUR hand? Nokto appears behind you and makes a show out of pulling you close to him by your waist, and then kissing your neck to show off that you’re his. Jealousy easily bubbles up within him when another man does as little as look at you. You are beautiful. Gorgeous, clad in one of the nicest looking dresses which he picked out for you. Other men getting to look at you was bad enough, But, having the audacity to touch you was foul. His display of affection, of course, makes the guy who kissed you leave awkwardly.
Nokto watches in annoyance as the man leaves, and then he pouts, looking like an annoyed little fox. He takes your arm to lead you toward the rose garden.
“Don’t go seducing other guys besides me now.” He teases you, trying to sound as unaffected as possible while you leave the ballroom together. But of course, you can see right through his facade.
In the garden, his lips are all over your body. His hands roam over your skin, and he sucks and kisses every inch of your chest. He loves you. He loves you so much, Your body, mind and soul. You’re perfect, and he adores you. So, don’t leave him no matter what, and don’t look at any other man. He’ll love you sweetly, and he’ll hold you even closer until his jealousy melts away… His jealousy of course, quickly dissipates when you cup his cheeks and kiss him. Your sweet words of reassurance make his heart melt, and he sighs in bliss as he rests his head onto your shoulder.
You coddle him all evening long, giving him your undivided attention and sweet affection. Needless to say, This wild fox is tamed and cuddly on your lap, absorbing all of the love that he can like a sponge.
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Your protective boyfriend doesn’t leave you alone. That’s why, It comes as a surprise to both of you when a rather audacious man starts hitting on you right in front of him. You chuckle, clearly not fazed by the man’s flirty demeanor, and obviously finding him rather ridiculous. Luke, on the other hand, just watches as you reject his advances and laugh at him. You don’t waste any time entertaining the man, and simply hug your boyfriend closer. He wraps a protective arm around you, and shoots a piercing glare at the man so that he finally leaves.
Once left alone, you go back to munching on your honey’d snacks, and enjoying the theatre’s play. You have a nice day with Luke and forget all about the man from earlier,  
Luke on the other hand hasn’t. He knows that the man who followed you to the theatre was a nobleman who was deeply in love with you, and thinking about how the guy must have been stalking you to get here was insufferable. He decides to take things in his own hands that evening so that the nobleman wouldn’t stalk you again. He waits for the man to appear behind a bar before grabbing him by the collar of his neck and slamming him against the building. Before he knows it, He strangles the nobleman to death– and then looking down at his hands, he feels guilty. 
He let his obsession get the better of him, and allowed his impulsive decision to take control of him.
Luke comes home looking like a kicked puppy and confesses what has happened, expecting you to immediately berate him for what he did… But you don’t. He’s surprised when you sigh in exasperation but still comfort him, and tell him everything will be okay. You snuggle against your gentle giant and pet his head until he feels better, and his heart flutters when you run your fingers through his hair. Even after finding out about something like that, you were still so king. Even though he killed someone, you didn’t look at him like he was a murderer. 
You still looked at him like he was your lover.
Luke hugs you tightly, then he kisses your forehead to thank you for not hating him. <3
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hungnitan · 9 months
Code Geass Lost Stories Main Story Summary (contain spoiler if anyone play this game)
I wrote this within mind everyone known Code Geass Lelouch of Rebellion stories
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So far, main story split into three part, 13 chapter for R1, 4 chapter for chapter 1.5 and still unknown for R2. For R1 and most likely R2 too, it's basically same like anime with additional our MC PoV + their own problem so here I only talk about the difference happens in R1 :
Disel (MC family name) family are Japanese-Britanian worked for knightmare's energy filler division. As MC parents got killed, they adopted by Claris Garfield, Disel's assistant. In short, they want to revenge on Britania as they killed their parents. This one still speculations but there's indication that MC using a geass on themself to forget the past.
As MC studies at Ashford academy, she coindentally heard conversation Lelouch CC saying that he want to crush Britania then asked for join forces as they have same purpose. So she become Lelouch's backstage supporter but different than CC, they actively support Black Knight as their second ace and even become a Britania spy for providing information.
Funny enough, MC joining Britania at special division as Suzaku's coworker
Mao didn't get introduce since MC busy with their spy mission (lol)
Later story, it reveal that MC parents killed by their aunt named Kali, the reasons why Kali killed MC parents so far I know it's just yandere sisterly things (lol) and now she want to kill MC too. R1 ended with with MC vs Kali while Kali injuried badly. Of course they don't know the reasons her injuries since it's knightmare fight (at R2 Lelouch telling them) and they still not know that Kali killed their parents too.
After Black Rebellion, MC become a main devicer for special division since Suzaku appointed as Knight of Seven. After MC learn about Lelouch disapperance, they still doing their spy mission while wait for him to comeback.
Main story 1.5 started around one year blank R1 and R2 from different person PoV (sometimes MC sometimes not). It's basically just side story since every chapter just contains 10 chapter while R1 contains around 14-20 chapter. These sidestory explained many things missed at R2 like the reasons custom knightmare become so many at that time and many area under Britania rebelling after Black Rebellion.
Chapter 1 (MC PoV) : Story started from Suzaku mock battle to become Knight of Seven, introducing additional two new character for support devicer Schnee and Red, and some side battle at area 2 along with MC. That time MC got a new meele knightmare
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This chapter explain some info like Schnizel fully support special division since he thought knightmare battle could change the course of war and that's the reason he send two new devicer to Lyord. In this side story there's indication Red send there to giving information to Kanon
Chapter 2 (Britanian and Black Knight PoV) : For black knight PoV story started from Urabe and Kallen go to India for searching Lakshata to repair Guren's right hand which is broken after Black Rebellion time. While Britania learn that information, they send a Glinda knights for clean up. Additionally from Britanian PoV story started from Schneizel start mass produce Lancelot test drive. It introduce a new Britannian family member Marybell along with her knight Oldrin plus Kimmel. If anyone remember, Kimmel is a should be Vincent user as he killed by Rolo at R2. As test drive success, some rebel group attacked that place then Suzaku save the day. Tbh I never read Oz the reflection so I don't know details around Oz and Glinda knights (lol)
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This chapter came with small details like Schneizel came up with mass produce Lancelot for everyone no matter how good the devicer to use, that's the reason Kimmel came and become Vincent user at R2 since he's just an ordinary user (lol). There's Cornelia meets Oz for searching more geass information
Chapter 3 (Britanian and Black Knight PoV) : For britanian PoV story started from Suzaku along with Schnee Red MC gone to other country to repel the rebellion. This chapter explain Suzaku title as "white devil" since he basically swop the rebel alone (with geass live too of course lol). From black knight PoV, Kaguya Diethard Lakshata came to China for protection and prepare things if Zero cameback while Kallen Urabe gone to Yokohama as their team still on chase with Britania army and meets CC there. CC too still on run after geass special corps keep chasing her
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This chapter introduce two original characters, Benio (Kallen's fangirl which she rescued at special administrative zone of Japan which later became Kallen underling) and Savitri (if I remember right, she's appear at Code Geass movie as Lakshata underling)
Some small info like Uni Europe rebel (Boukoku no Akito story) already done after general Smiley get killed so yeah it's just an afterstory, Anya Gino Bradley show their face to Suzaku for first time and Gino explain that even Rounds too still using a Glasgow custom at that time.
Chapter 4 (Black Knight & MC PoV) : This chapter started from Kallen Urabe CC invade Yokohama port to taking Black Knight knightmare which got themself into battle with Glinda knight. On MC PoV, they comeback to Ashford academy without knowing everyone changes after Charles put a geass on them and shocked especially after knowing Lelouch live normally alongside with his fake brother Rolo
So far R2 release around chapter 3 but I really like it's direction, some Oz the reflection and new characters element here makes additional info become entertaining to read
I gonna make R2 summary soon~
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