#yandere Fgo
yanderedreamer · 2 years
If requests are open could you pretty please do some Merlin hcs? 😩🥺
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Yandere Merlin / gender-neutral reader.
Synopsis: General yandere headcanons.
Warnings: Blood-drinking.
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When Merlin realised that you're someone whose future he couldn't see, his interest is immediately piqued. His younger self had been hurt by the truth that no matter what he did, he can never alter the outcome of a predetermined future. But you were an anomaly he found, a sliver of hope that the cycle of destiny can be broken. He then decides to dedicate his time in watching over you from his tower in Avalon.
He eventually finds himself clinging to you like a child and calls you his Hope of Avalon, which he chants under breath whenever his eyes follow your form. Soon, he realises that simply watching you isn't enough; he needs to be near you, he needs to feel you.
Since his illusions can affect the human psyche, he can easily invade your dreams and interact with you there. You were surprised when you first met him in the middle of a spring flower field under the winter stars. The fact that a beautiful and charming man like him knew you made you flustered, and that sight of you made Merlin unable to resist covering your mouth as he kisses the back of his hand.
Thanks to his unique skill, Independent Manifestation, he was able to summon himself as your Servant while you were wishing for the male Arthur Pendragon, effectively sabotaging the summoning ritual. Merlin's unexpected appearance surprised you greatly but you were happy about it nevertheless. Merlin then invited you for a hug by spreading his arms, which Mordred who was with you at the time found odd. She later warns you to not fully trust Merlin but with how kindly he treats you, you heed her warning lightly.
Although Merlin is mostly used as a support for your Buster Servants, he'd insist that you use him as a damage dealer too. His B strength isn't just for show, and he proves himself when he effortlessly decimated the enemy Servants that attempted to take you hostage with his Excalibur during a mission. With his signature smile, he happily announced that you're safe before hugging you tightly.
When you've rayshifted to another era for an expedition, Merlin would make you sleep on his lap, claiming that it's more comfortable than the cold ground and that it'll be easier for him to watch over you this way. Unbeknownst to you, once you have fallen under sleep's spell, he would devour your dream and absorb the emotions within it. He then cups your face, his thumbs caressing your cheeks as he licks his lips. Your dream is wonderful, and he wonders if your blood will taste the same? Baring his fangs, he brings his face closer to your lips but swiftly pulls back when Bedivere shows up with a blanket for you.
The Magus of Flowers thinks that you're not appreciated enough in Chaldea. You have worked so hard to save humanity and proof of your efforts are shown in the scars you got from the countless battles you fought in. As he traces every scar, he sings you praises and tells you how proud he is to have you as his Master. You take comfort in his embrace and miss the eery glow of his violet hues.
Merlin follows you around Chaldea much like Fou does. He speaks of the king's tales and the fascinating events he observed from his tower in Avalon. You're unaware that as he chats away with you, he also uses his clairvoyance to steer you both clear of the Servants seeking your attention. How foolish of them to think that an inhuman mage like him is generous enough to share you with them.
When Merlin devoured your dream for the first time, he was overwhelmed. Your dream is so pleasant to the heart and he immediately became addicted. Your dreams are full of love that every time he absorbs the subtleties of your heart, his obsession for you only grows - to the point where he'd lose touch with his human side and give in to his carnal desires.
As he removes his intricate white robe, he crawls into bed with you in the middle of the night just to watch you sleep, his arms carefully holding your delicate body that could easily snap under his full strength. It reminds him just how weak yet strong humans are against fate. Merlin can be as lecherous as his incubus side, but he'll save that for the inevitable moment he traps you in Avalon with him.
Merlin's addiction to your dreams should not be taken lightly. He'll run around Chaldea like a starved beast if you're separated from him for even a day. Once he finds you, he'll pounce on you without warning and sink his fangs into your pulse in deep bites. He immediately laps up the blood drawn and since there's mana in your blood... you'll be in for a long night with a hungry incubus.
Sooner or later, Merlin will whisk you away to his tower once he feels that he's had enough fun in the present world. You'll spend the rest of eternity in the sealed utopia with him, where you'll be happy and protected by his magic. At least, that's what he believes.
Don't be sad, you can dream as much as you'd like in Avalon - and he'll make sure that they're pleasant dreams too! He casts a powerful illusion spell on you when he kisses your forehead, and catches your body in his arms as you fall in an unending slumber. You won't be alone in your dreams because he'll be there, spending your happily ever after with you. You can never run away from him, even in your dreams.
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icantthinkyandere · 4 months
Hello there! Could i ask for yandere Gudako hcs, please? (I feel lile we don't get enough content for her) if not then you are free to ignore this.
This is both my idea of Gudako and what I've gotten from the game. I will also be writing her love interest as a staff member of Chaldea. If you want a master version, I will definitely do it!
I love her and am very happy to give her more content. I'm also surprised how many people want yandere fate grand order! I'm working on another, and I've gotten 1/3 of it done.
Gudako doesn't have a lot of time to focus on relationships. She's close to her servants, and that's nice and all. But she regrets how she doesn't have time to interact more with the staff more. So, depending on where you work, she'll spend her time hanging out with her servants admiring you from afar.
If you work in the kitchen, it doesn't matter if it's breakfast, lunch, or dinner, she'll make sure to spend your whole shift with you. If you work at the counter and she can't just hang out there, she'll just order multiple times, stating that she has a lot of training to do or is just under estimating how hungry she is. It'll mean the world to her if you start making her personal meals or keep in mind what she likes and try to help her eat enough.
If you're in the kitchen and can't talk to her easily. She'll ask for cooking lessons for food that will help her be more energized for training. As well as ways for her to make quick and easy snacks for when she's on missions.
If you work in the medical area, it will be pretty similar. She asks for tips and tricks to make sure if she gets injured during a mission. You're also the first person she will go to, even if she gets slightly injured during training or any possible injury no matter how small it is.
However, no matter the job if she is shown concern about how not taking any breaks or anything of the like. She wants them to think she's strong and capable of not just having the world but also protecting them from danger. God forbid they offer to help her personally. She doesn't want them to be hurt or be under the same stress she goes through.
She would hesitate to confess her feelings because she won't want them to worry about her all the time. If her paranoia gets any worse, she might after avoiding them so they don't have to worry about her in a personal way anymore.
But being away from them and getting closer to them have the same outcome. She wants to make sure everyone is safe, especially them. So no matter what, her paranoia will drive her to become over protective them.
Possibly even assigning a servant to watch them. Of course, it would be one she trusts 100%. Like if it's the kitchen Raikou or Emiya and if the medical area Sanson or Irisviel.
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mako-neexu · 8 months
oberon idol AU with his (to-be) girlfriend ritsuka (i kinda made her possessive of oberon lmaooo) smut scene i wrote for practice.
(oberon is drugged accidentally since he took in something with his water tampered that he didnt know until too late. ritsuka finds him and help out)
for: @bitterrosebrokenspear @randomlywanderingmoth since i would never post this until i saw you guys expressing interest www (feel free to erase this from your minds if this fic kinda feels cringe to me lmao)
words: 4.5k something..
Ritsuka has her leg entangled with his, her hand moving to grasp his chin to tilt his head in her direction, capturing his lips with her own.
Soft, warm, moist with a hint of sweetness, it lasted until she belatedly registered Oberon whimper for air.
She pulls away to see his reaction, her throat growing dry as he looked like he needed more. Her first kiss… and its Oberon. Even though the circumstances were a little less than ideal, her heart still fluttered despite it all.
(She felt so dizzy. Even if this was just out of helping him out, she still felt happy that her first kiss was with Oberon.)
And who was she to deny him that?
Ritsuka angles herself on top of him, slowly settling down on his lap to imitate the position they were in a few weeks ago. She feels him twitch even within the thick fabric of his pants, hears him groan with need as he lifted his hips up to press against her core just like what he had done last time.
She couldn’t help the moan that escaped past her lips as it took everything within her not to just grind against him just like that. Her body was beginning to grow hot as well. But she shouldn’t rush the situation.
She needs to have a build up that would… help the both of them now. Settling her palms against his lower abdomen, she hears him hiss under his breath.
…He must be so sensitive right now from the drug amplifying his sense of touch. The thought of it made her mouth water as she looked forward to touching him more, have his body aching for her more.
With half-lidded eyes, Ritsuka greedily took in this rare occurrence of seeing him expose more skin than what had seen from him, feel for the combined softness and firmness of his chest, spreading her hands as wide as she can to cover all of his body as she moved forwards with it.
When she reached his breasts, she let the pads of her thumb rub against his nipples, the barest brush of it being her warning before toying with them just as she managed to reach his lips to kiss him once more.
For a few moments, she indulged in playing with his pink nubs. Using her fingers to flick it, twist, and squeeze–
Having him tremble and cry so sweetly for her as if his body didn’t know whether to give in or shy away gave her all the more reason to tease him.
With a harsh pinch to his nipple, Oberon gasped, Ritsuka using this as her chance to have her tongue enter past his lips, capture his own to make it hers, locked in a dance that made her crave for more.
With one hand, she cups the back of his head to have him kiss her further, the other one moving to his cheek where all she could do was drown the both of them in this sweet sensation.
God- Medb had taught her how kissing worked just by pointing things out without giving her a hands-on practice.
But she never told her how good it felt to kiss someone. Not just anyone though. But someone that made her feel so overwhelmed with his presence alone. Someone that made her heart thump erratically.
Oberon’s tongue fought weakly against her while she moved hers to claim everything he had to offer. Every nook and cranny, every inch of his wet cavern, every breathless moan swallowed by her-
Ritsuka was getting addicted. Oberon’s taste was like sugar itself. No matter how much she tasted, she wanted to eat more.
But the heat in between her legs was becoming unbearable. She could feel herself losing the ability to think, lose the ability to control herself for Oberon’s sake.
Just a little… she could loosen up and think of this simultaneously rewarding herself for helping him. Indulge in her desires just a little…
Pressing down as she gave in, she rubbed her heat against the erection that stood so proudly against her stomach, and a simultaneous moan from the both of them resounded.
Again, she dived down for another kiss, slotting her mouth perfectly against his so no space was spared.
This time deeper than before, her tongue desperately wanting to reach the back of his throat for more. The kiss became sloppy as they slowly let go from everything that held them back.
This time- this time, Oberon is all hers for tonight. A one-night dream she could spoil herself with as she touched him and reduce him to an honest mess.
Reaching down, Ritsuka’s hand slipped past his sweatpants to cup his hard on through the boxers.
The response she got was a loud moan she had instantly swallowed and a snap of his hips stuttering against her palm. She rewarded him by rubbing his clothed shaft, making sure she was kissing him in a way that she wants him to know just how much he affected her also.
She couldn’t help but think that this was a honey trap laid for her. Something to blackmail her with since the treat underneath her was laid bare and for the taking when she entered.
He was simply defenseless underneath her touch, he could only buck his hips to where it made him feel good, he could only moan and writhe beneath her as his brain further turned to mush the more she touched him.
And what would happen if she were to take him in now?
Already, she could feel his precum leaking, staining his boxers, so eager to escape the confines of his remaining clothes and thrust into a hole he could pour his seed in–
She couldn’t help but be rougher with her kiss, bite his lower lip and glare at him for making her feel so starved for him.
Feeling him tremble under her touch, a sudden thought occurred to her.
—Has he slept with anyone before?
To be completely foreign to something like this, to be utterly weak and helpless against something like this was just–
Ritsuka groaned as a wave of arousal overwhelmed her, causing her to grind herself against his cock. Is he what she thinks he is? What if it was true? What if it wasn’t?
Her lips travel upwards, kissing his cheek, just below his eye, his temple before whispering to his ear lowly, “Have you ever been touched before, Oberon?”
The blush on her cheeks further reddened. She sounded… just a bit possessive. At least, that was what she thought. Her tone was as if someone was going to take something away from her before it was even hers in the first place.
If he did then that wouldn’t be a problem to her. She can accept that. If this was his first time to be intimate with someone though—
Ritsuka had moved her hands to cup his breasts, squeezing them just as she rolled her hips to his throbbing erection, giving her a sweet keen as he grapled for the sheets. Her lips moved to kiss his weak spot underneath his ear, then to his neck where she peppered him with kisses.
Though she can’t leave a mark like last time again… she could prolong the one he had further, have him bear her mark and walk around town for a few more weeks, forced to cover his nape so no one knew that he belonged to her.
Just a crush, her mind screams. But for tonight, she was going to ignore logic and treat him as hers.
As her hands ran up and down his body, her mouth latched onto his bruise, delightfully savoring the sweet and salty taste of his sweat as he exposed more of his nape to her in submission, her body growing to be further infected by the heat, as if she had consumed whatever he had taken in and had affected her as well.
Oberon could only lay underneath her and take it. Just like what happened before, she took the opportunity before her and went to drown them both in this feeling that felt so hot, so good at the same time.
When she let go, a string of saliva connected her from his bruise, darker now that she made it that it would last longer. Whether it gave him trouble at work or not, the only thing that mattered to her was that he would be conscious about it, remind him just who gave him this mark.
She swallowed heavily, leaning in for another open-mouthed kiss, coaxing his tongue outside to intertwine it with hers, suck on his tongue and play with it as if it was her toy.
…She really, really couldn’t get enough of him. And who knew she would be so weak to kissing him? She should be touching him now, help solve his problem faster… and yet she wants to prolong what they had right now.
Still, she wants to get a taste of the rest of his body, savor this chance as if it was her last.
Lips traveling down once more she gave him butterfly kisses all over his neck, his shoulders, his breasts where she only sucked and played his nipples with her tongue before releasing them with a wet pop so as not to leave another mark that would have her wanting for more.
Down to his abdomen, her hands now slipping beneath the waistband, pulling it along with her as she travels further down with her kisses.
When her eyes saw his cock straining against his underwear, her mouth watered.
Finally, finally-
Slowly, as if in a hypnotic trance, her face pressed against his cock, breathing him in, taking in his scent with a soft moan. Feeling him twitch against her cheek eagerly, she felt herself get wetter, her core aching with need to be touched as well.
Ritsuka mouths his shaft through the fabric, nuzzling against his erection that twitched with need to be inside her.
It really wasn’t enough. She needs him, she needs him-
Opening her eyes, her heated gaze was on his cock, taking in how wet a part of his boxers were from his dripping precum, then her eyes catches hazy blue drowning in pleasure and need all at once, “Oberon…”
She kisses his tip ever so sweetly, her tongue darting down to taste him.
Though it was barely a drop, she licked her lips regardless and hummed in satisfaction.
She can’t wait to drink him all in.
But first-
“You haven’t answered me yet, Obe.” Though her voice was soft and a little raspy as her throat felt parched, Ritsuka massaged his inner thighs, feather light as her fingers danced to tease him further.
“Have you done this with someone else?”
She asks the question again, her head resting on his thigh, her other hand bringing his erection down to the right to have it press against her cheeks as if it was her captive, as if that part of him already belonged to her.
Her smile was both soft and a little mischievous, “If you answer me honestly, I’ll be sure to reward you.”
She couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing, hearing right now. Oberon, Oberon, Oberon-
An overwhelming sensation that threatened to consume her. A feeling of sheer possessiveness, the warmth that made her pulse with need, she herself trembled more than him at this moment.
No good… If Oberon calls her by her name again or pleaded, she will only be able to barely hold herself ba–
"Please, Ritsuka-"
Her eyes went dark as his sky blue eyes filled with unshed tears stared up at her as if she was the only one who could alleviate the heat that filled his body and made his cock needy and weeping before her.
Without another word, her lips latched on to his right thigh and sucked.
A high pitched keen ripped out of Oberon’s throat as he arched his back in pleasure while she rubbed his clothed erection while she busied herself in making sure he bore more marks from her.
How dare he. How dare this guy beg so easily for her and expect to be left off easy? Does he even know that every reaction he’s made until now was a drug itself to her?
The more he showed her how much of a mess he could get, how much he could whimper her name and open his legs, the more she would be more inclined to do more debauched things to his body.
As if it was her beloved plaything to enjoy and use.
Ritsuka was rough as she rubbed him with her hand on his twitching hard on still underneath the cloth. And she couldn’t care less at the moment if he was begging to be touched directly instead of having the only barrier left removed.
After all, it was his fault for going beyond her expectations and more.
She bites just a little more harder on his inner thigh she knew to be sensitive the most even without the effect of the drug. She licks the area, kissing it sweetly to make sure it made a pretty design that would last long on his skin.
Her teeth marks would be visible if he looked closer but other than that, it would only seem like an everyday bruise you’d get from bumping into something.
She wished she could bite harder… maybe draw some blood as tasting just his sweat and skin only fueled her hunger even more.
Moving on to his left thigh, she busied herself on a spot much closer to his cock, lavishing it with the same attention as the other but-
Her hand quickly pulls on his underwear downwards – just enough to reveal everything without taking it off fully – causing it to bounce and slap against her face, interrupting her as she moaned a little louder than expected in the process of marking him further as hers for tonight.
(A bolt of pleasure went down her spine and into her core as he gave her another generous keen, bucking forwards to have his cock meet her when she had it exposed to the heated air.
It just took everything within her to stay still, to make sure he was left craving for more while she indulged in her desires.)
Seriously, why did he have to… be so big…
Ritsuka wipes her drool off her chin using the back of her hand. His body was just lewd.
Each inch of his skin was covered in a scent she wants to be wrapped around with, the way his lower torso’s pelvic line dipped made it easier for her thumb to hook on his boxers, and a light sheen of sweat had her running her tongue all over the forming bruise on his left thigh while she left his aching erection untouched.
Oberon cried and shook his hips towards her, still calling out her name helplessly while she could only smile against his thigh…
He was so cute. He was just so cute she wants to spoil him and torture him at the same time.
With the reminder of her main goal from the start, she finally directed her attention to his cock. Closing her eyes, she kissed his tip slowly as if this was the real first kiss itself unlike earlier.
Hearing him be breathless as she finally began to touch him has her looking back at him while she continues to pleasure him.
Peppering kisses down his glans to his shaft, all the way to the base of his length, she made sure to take him in his entirey, have his scent ingrained into the back of her mind and cherish it forever.
She makes sure to tongue his frenulum a little before moving on, delighting in the quiver of his body.
Ritsuka starts from the bottom, this time sticking her tongue flat against the base of his cock before slowly dragging it upwards while the rest that she couldn’t cover with her tongue was stroked.
He moaned and thrusted for more, but she slapped his inner thigh fresh from the bruise she gave in warning before soothing it with a caress.
And once she reached the top, she suddenly engulfed his head, sucking as hard as she can, hollowing her cheeks as her grip on his cock got tighter before letting go with a loud pop.
Another sweet high-pitched cry ripped out of his throat, she could practically feel her own juices spilling out of her panties to stick in between her thighs.
She hissed with a smile, reaching down to touch her clit and relieve herself just a little in this situation. “You moan like a girl, Oberon. Did you really like getting sucked off this much?”
He couldn’t speak as he was busy catching his breath, concentrating on being her obedient toy, but his dick twitched as if saying yes, her response to it was to laugh at him before kissing his cock.
Then, her finger accidentally entered her pussy, eliciting a keen of her own, her shaky breath exhaled against his length.
….Seeing him just right before her has her aching so bad. She was in a skirt, and she wants nothing more than to just part her underwear to the side and slam down without warning.
She wants him inside her, feel him and shape her insides to fit only him… but she knew that it wouldn't be appropriate now. She was- She was only doing this to help him out of his problem.
She was just a friend. No more, no less.
Unable to take it anymore, Ritsuka finally directed him to her mouth, taking care to quickly adjust her jaw to accommodate his size. Tears filled the edges of her eyes the more she took him in, but seeing as she was only half-way through made her moan.
Why did he have to be bigger than she’s seen from the guys in those lewd videos she used to watch with a classmate once?
She couldn’t breathe. The only way to do so was to have her oxygen directly mixed with his musk, something she already couldn’t take. But as he was inside her throat, the thought of it made her constrict around him further.
Urged with how eager he was inside her, Ritsuka continued to take him in all the way to the base of his shaft, her drool dripping down onto the bed sheets the more she went further. And as soon as she was there, she began to bob her head up and down, making him fuck her throat and writhe further.
Her other hand cupped his balls and began to massage it, hoping- hoping he would cum hard enough to fill her stomach, just enough to look as if she was pregnant from taking in his essence.
Her body felt so hot but Oberon’s own felt searing. She really really wants to press up against him and pleasure each other while kissing, riding him as he hugged her, but a sense of thrill to have him under her control was undeniable.
The normally composed Oberon completely undone just because his nipples were teased, and now she was sucking him off.
She can’t imagine how good he must feel right now.
The thought of it was just erotic that she couldn’t help but moan and get lost into her thoughts, her tongue entangling with his cock every time he entered her mouth-pussy, humming in delight the more precum welled up from his slit.
Hearing moan more and more as well as feeling his hips practically thrust into the heat of her cavern, Ritsuka sucked him off faster and harder, both of her hands now on his shaft as she pumped him, telling him to give her his cum so she could savor it for herself.
She herself was turning into a mess the more he moved to her mouth in tandem with her coming down. Still, she treats him as if he was like ice cream, taking care to make sure this treat before her was enjoyed thoroughly before it could melt.
Her blowjob became more and more sloppy as well and the only thing she could do was pump him quickly against her mouth, kissing and suck at the slit of his head, eagerly waiting for him to pour what he had to give her down her throat.
And as Ritsuka gave another particularly harsh suck when she took all of him once more, she cried loudly even as it was muffled by his shaft inside her, tears ran down her cheeks as the sweet but salty substance filled her nicely.
She even felt both of Oberon’s hands entangle with her hair, pushing her even further to take him in while he came hard.
And that alone made her even wetter. To be used by Oberon as well as nothing more than someone to dump his cum into. She felt so aroused by how he handled her that she couldn’t help but encourage him further by pressing his hand on top of her head with her own.
It was so warm. His cum was so hot and thick that she could practically feel it going down her throat and into her stomach to settle.
For that alone, Ritsuka had never felt so happy that she might also have an orgasm without even touching herself.
Once he no longer had anything to spill, Oberon’s tense body collapsed back onto the bed, his flushed chest heaving from exertion.
As for her, she still wanted him to see her before passing out.
Ritsuka climbs on top of him while she herself tries to catch her breath, sitting on his lower abdomen with her soaked panties showing.
Seeing his eyes stare at what was below instead of her eyes, she had to bite her finger to keep herself from making any more sounds. But her hips still moved on their own, her slick staining his chest as she rocked against him to give her clit more and more of the stimulation she needed.
But even as it went on, she grasps his chin to direct Oberon’s stare into her eyes, she pushed whatever cum she had on the sides of her mouth and on her shirt inside her, licking her fingers clean and making a show of how much she enjoyed drinking him in.
Still, seeing him like this…
It was as if they were together. As if they were lovers at this moment.
Her flush turned into something more sweeter that made her heart beat differently. Ritsuka takes one of his hands and intertwines it with hers.
This might really be the only time she’d be able to hold it like she was his one and only, after all.
Leaning down, her other hand moves to capture his cheek to caress it, her lips slotting to fit his own as they kiss.
Her tongue glided against his own, the both of them panting and making small noises while she continued to use his chest to relieve her own ache deep in her core.
—Suddenly, Ritsuka felt a hand other than her own cup her cheek.
The sudden rush of overwhelming emotions overcame her in an instant. No longer did she sit on him, but rather she made her body pressed flat against his own without parting from the press of her lips on Oberon’s.
No space left between them, merely succumbing to the pleasure of intimacy, Ritsuka drowned him in kisses, stealing every breath he’d make and claiming it as hers, swallowing every small sound from her ministrations.
And even with the passionate kiss, she was quick to notice his arms wrapping around her waist, pulling her closer even further, even slipping down beneath her skirt to squeeze her ass.
The suddenness of it has her unabashedly breathlessly moaning against his lips, her eyes rolling back helplessly as he touched her in return.
Ritsuka glared at him weakly. He was so cruel for doing that to her. She had a rapidly growing crush on him while he treated her as just a friend. So him doing something like reciprocating even in the haze of lust and from the drug, it just-
It made her heart cry out for him even more.
She didn’t want to hope for fear of getting hurt but… maybe she could pretend for now that he wanted her just as much as she wanted him too.
Another few more kisses made, short but no less passionate, Ritsuka began to move back–
Only to have something hard hit her ass.
…The drug…
Just how potent was it?
Nonetheless, she moved further back while she bit her lower lip until his hardened erection was leaning towards her as if it missed her, yearning to be inside her again.
She swallowed to moisten her dry throat. She felt so aroused, she was beginning to feel her control seriously slip just looking at how it weeped against her stomach.
…Wait. Just how far can he reach…?
Tracing a line down the head of his length with one finger… to the veins around his shaft, then to the base, Oberon was already moaning even louder, no doubt the sensitivity amplifying her touch.
Taking off her shirt, her breasts bounced even as it was held in place by her bra. Next to go was her skirt which she only unzipped before taking it out the same way she did with her shirt. Ritsuka tossed it to the side, uncaring of where it went before going down on Oberon for another kiss.
Feeling his cock twitch even more against her bare skin, she moaned into the kiss, guiding his arms to rightfully take its place around her waist.
Breathless, needing each other, they looked into each other’s eyes and saw how much they wanted each other.
Nothing more than pretend, she reminds herself even as she presses their foreheads together and tenderly held one of his hands.
Reluctant as she was to part, Ritsuka rose from her position, settling herself comfortably before his length, rubbing it with her hand as she sighed from how it was only one fabric away from entering her. It felt heavy in her hands- hot and craving more of the friction she also desired.
Reaching down to grasp one of his hands placed on her waist, Ritsuka kisses his palm, his wrist, lightly biting a finger and licking it.
She made sure to do this while she stroked his cock to have him shiver even further.
Hearing him moan out her name once more, her next bite was a little harsher before she was guiding his hand to her breast, underneath her bra- and before she could even wordlessly tell him what to do, Oberon squeezed her breast, eliciting a high-pitched moan from her this time.
She had quickly smirked though as she rubbed her soaking pussy against his cock, her hips snapping back and forth as he groaned. “So what do you want, Oberon? What do you want me to do?”
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spitdrunken · 1 year
Jasmine and Primrose for Gilgamesh from Fate + Cypress and Gardenia for Venti from Genshin Impact!
p.s. you know who this is, i love you mwah
hiii babe <33 love u too!! thanks for sending me asks about characters you know nothing about, purely for my own self indulgence HAHAHA like i mentioned to u before, ive split ur ask into two since they're different fandoms!
Yandere Flower Themed Asks
Jasmine - How would this yandere use their status/money in their favor? 
The real question is: In what situations does he not use his wealth or status as an argument? His power as a Heroic Spirit is simply near unparalleled, and there's not much you can do to get away from it. He would've been king of the modern world, if it had been worthy of his rule. Because he sees current humans as weak and disposable, he wouldn't have any qualms about killing anyone you might be dependent on, until only he is left. Though, besides that, he believes that there are few people who could resist the opportunity of getting the taste of all the pleasures in the world, which is a thing only he can provide.
Primrose - In the yandere’s ideal world, what would their relationship with their darling be like? 
This is a difficult question to answer, because Gilgamesh himself doesn't know exactly what he wants. For him to be 'yandere', or in other words, so obsessed with someone that he couldn't possibly get bored of them, is something he cannot understand or accept. It goes against the kind of image he has of himself. What he thinks he wants is to possess you. What he tells himself, and what he tells you, is that he'll revel in the moment where you break down, and become fully his. In every sense of the word. But when he achieves this, who knows if he'll feel fulfilled?
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nasuversekinkmeme · 4 months
Y-Yandere yan qing (NSFW please) 👉👈😳
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300iqprower · 2 years
Fauxzerker's, a Comprehensive* List
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(INO stands for "In Name Only")
*(Up until 2022 NA)
If Jalter and Kintoki's placement (or Erik's for that matter) does not make it clear, this is NOT a "Character quality" tier list in any way shape or form. This is purely in terms of their qualification as a Berserker servant.
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dgttwisted · 9 months
Floyd meet Jekyll&Hyde
for those who have known me for a long time you already know this about me but for those who don't.
this is Jekyll&Hyde the fgo version to be more precise
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an i love this character they are very near an dear to my heart now you may be wondering what this has to do with twst an the answer is very simple.
Floyd this silly goof
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reminds me in so many ways of Hyde everything from the attuited to the mood swings an his love of fighting.
back in the yander years of when i first started to rp Jekyll&Hyde an Andersen were the charcters i latched onto strongly for Andersen i thought he was a sad but but all around cool guy who historically might have either been bi or asexual(story for another day) who has we all know wrote the little mermaid.
an Jekyll&Hyde whose story on it's own is really neat but fgo has given of snips an peace's that they were friends with Sherlock an other such neat things which i will not talk about today or on this blog because that is not what we are here to discuss.
Hyde actions an personality lines up so well with Floyds that i fear is they ever met an became friends the universe would be done for(perhaps i'll write a crossover in the future)
i was in a bit of a slump a ways back i lost all motivation to write i would only chat with some mutuals an that was it for a long while. one said mutual recommended that i play twst when it came out in NA my interest was waning at best till chapter 3 came around an saw Jade an Floyd for the first time. my motivation heavily spiked because of these lil gangster eels especially Floyd.
thanks to that i had much more motivation not just to write but to even make a twst blog in the first place. this probably seems irrelevant but this is sort of what Jekyll&Hyde did for me when i first got into fgo.
i guess little shark toothed chaos babies are my favorite type of character you never know what they'll do next an that makes me happy to see always. granted Hyde's fights usually result in murder but if Floyd had a knife it would probably result in the same XD.
for me i think they have such a similar vibe an that's why i hold such strong feelings for them. which i will not apologize for an you cannot change my mind on this!!!
this a post more for me then anything else I'm very glad i got into twst it's made me much more motivated then before but even so i have no intention of getting rid of Jekyll&Hyde anytime soon they are to precious to me.
can't say i won't make them a apart of this blog somehow but knowing me I'll find a way.
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misterredroom · 7 months
Welcome to my blog friends
As you guessed from my bio, I am a Steven Stoughton irl. My source media is the pokepasta Strangled Red (and the other parts Door’s Open and Strangled) and you may have heard of me from the FNF mods Hypno’s Lullaby or Pokepasta Perdition. Apart from irl/fictionkin, I am also otherkin.
Other irls include:
Grey (currently exclusive to FNF Hypno’s Lullaby mod) [May be irl? But I’m sure of it] 💿🪦
Alternate!Cesar Torres (Mandela Catalogue) ☎️🥀
Kevin (Spooky Month) 🍬💢
Adam Murray (Mandela Catalogue) 👁️‍🗨️🍎
Inosuke Hashibira (Demon Slayer) 🐗🗡️
John Doe (John Doe) 👁️🦷 (has a separate blog @lil-doedoe +18 ONLY)
I also kin (but not to an irl extent like Steven):
Astarion (Baldur’s Gate 3) 🦇
Kotoko Utsugi (Danganronpa) 🎀
Ruby (Pokespe) 🧵
Kuromi (Sanrio) 😈
Medic (Team Fortress 2) 🏥
Mukuro Ikusaba (Danganronpa) ⛓
Seiko Kimura (Danganronpa) 💊
Kirumi Tojo (Danganronpa) 🕸
Tavros Nitram (Homestuck) ♉️
Giyu Tomioka (Demon Slayer) 🌊
Nezuko Kamado (Demon Slayer) 🎋
Black Pearl Cookie (Cookie Run Kingdom) 🔱
Randall Purpura (Purple) ☔️
Astolfo (FGO) 💗
Rosaria (Genshin Impact) 🛐
Lisa (Genshin Impact) (we even share the same birthday!!) 📚
Tate Frost (Purple/Frost Bite) (except he’s super fucking cunty /hj) 🪓
Maison Talo (House Hunted) (MIGHT be irl but I’m not sure yet) 🏠
Pest (Roblox Regretevator) (questioning if irl) 🪲
Hank J. Wimbleton (Madness Combat) 💣 (also may be irl) (also has a separate blog @sp1ndlebxtch AGAIN +18/WEAPONS/VIOLENCE WARNING)
And many more to come… (these lists are subjected to change)
(More below the cut):
My otherkin types (this list subjected to change):
Alternatekin (like the Mandela Catalogue)
Cryptidkin (more specifically, Mothman)
⚠️ Warning!! ⚠️
This blog may possibly contain shocking, terrifying or suggestive content that may not be suitable for certain ages or people. Viewer discretion is advised.
If you choose to ignore this warning and enter this blog intentionally regardless of what I have said, then so be it. I’m not warning you again so don’t blame me for your negligence and inability to obey my rules.
Minors!! This also applies to you too. Don’t be looking at stuff you shouldn’t be looking at and get out of here.
Also, don’t like what you see? Then move along or just block me. I don’t want to deal with you throwing a tantrum over my stuff.
Who is welcome:
Fans of FNF Hypno’s Lullaby or Pokepasta Perdition
Irl or fictionkin
Autistic/any form of neurodivergent
Vampire lovers
Weirdcore/dreamcore/nostalgiacore (tw for derealization?)
Creepypasta/pokepasta/general horror fans
Vintage/retro/silent film lovers
Goth, Emo, EGL, anyone alt
Roblox players
If you like male yandere/crazy boy dating sims
Fellow horror villain/slasher kinnies and irls (so I feel less lonely and learn to accept myself more)
General people who aren’t fucking assholes
Racist (n@zi, ss, kkk, etc)
Antis (you hoes are so fucking rude and creepy and for what reason)
Homophobic, basic anti lgbt
Transphobe, truscum, transmed and other bs
Allow cringe culture
Anti otherkin, fictionkin, irl, etc (why are you even here?)
Anti xenos/neopronouns (they’re not that hard to use but no pressure)
Anti tulpa, endo, etc (tbh who has the time for that /s)
Minors (as I mentioned earlier, this blog contains subjects minors should NOT be looking at)
Trollers/bait accounts
If you judge others quickly/make fun of them based on their irl/kintypes or forbid someone from dating another because of their irls/kintypes (I love my partner dearly and I will make sure you understand that)
If you make fun of someone for their interests
Anti yandere people (idk if they have a name but I’ve seen them before)
Anti fujoshi/yaoi
General shitty people
Interact with caution:
Steven simps: Some of you guys are.. interesting to say the least. But PLEASE do not be weird to me because I am a person with feelings too.
Astarion simps: While not as bad as the two above me, I humbly request that you don’t obsess over me.
Ruby haters: Yes people are allowed to have opinions but don’t let it be your whole personality. And this is not a place to express how much you hate me/Ruby.
Medic simps: I’ve only seen a few but Medic simps seem to be like Steven simps. Please please PLEASE don’t be weird to me because I won’t accept your feelings.
Alt!Cesar simps: I was once a Cesar simp denying his feelings until I found out I was an irl of him. And oh my god the simps are no different than Steven simps. And for that reason I really don’t want you to be weird to me please.
Adam simps/haters: It just gets better/worse. If you’re here to slobber over me or be pissy to me I’d rather you not because I am not providing you with anything.
Giyu or Inosuke simps: Why do I keep getting the baddies /j but as per usual don’t be a creep.
John Doe simps or antis/haters: I’m sorry I can’t control this shit but I have a y/n of my own and I love them very much!!!! And if you’re here to talk about why I shouldn’t like dark media then the block button is right there.
And that’s all I have to say. Please be civil and kind on this blog and do NOT spread negativity here. Nobody has time for such trivial stuff and I know I don’t so just be fucking nice and if you see something you don’t like then just leave. I have zero time for your tears.
Have a good day and sending kisses to you all, especially a certain person out there 💋💋💋
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I got into "14 days with you" just a few years ago. Normally not a yandere fan, but holy shit. It is sooo good! I love Ren/[Redacted], but... my first thought when I saw [Redacted] was... "Why does he look like a modern version of Oberon from FGO"
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yanderedreamer · 2 years
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Yandere Merlin / gender-neutral reader.
Synopsis: Merlin can be cruel if he wants to.
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"You're quite the cunning one, aren't you?"
A smile that didn't seem quite typical of Merlin crawled over his lips as he pinned you on the ground. You flailed helplessly under his weight, and the Magus of Flowers merely chuckled at your pathetic attempts. Although he's slow at magic incantations, his rank B strength makes up for it and thus allowing him to physically overpower you.
Not that he couldn't bind you with his magic. He could do it easily if he wanted to, but he prefers getting physical in these struggles.
"It's been a while since I last met someone who can cause me a lot of trouble," he said, eyeing Medusa and Ozymandias who lay defeated around you, "It's smart of you to pit two Riders against a Caster like me. Such a shame that not everything went according to plan, my Hope of Avalon."
"Let me go! Or I'll use my Command Spell to return you to the Throne!" you angrily exclaimed, glaring up at him with your fists clenched. Merlin's smile widened as a shadow was cast over his eyes.
"Oh? Go on then," he said, knowing very well that you can't. His existence as your "Servant" isn't tied to Chaldea's summoning system, making your Command Spells useless against him; he's not dead and he can't die, so he has no place in the Throne of Heroes either. Before you could humour him with your futile attempt, a dark blur suddenly attacked him from the side which threw him off you.
"Do not lay your hands on Master," Medusa growled, assuming a battle stance with her twin daggers. As Merlin picked himself up from the ground, he wiped off the blood that trickled down his chin and summoned his staff.
"Kings, divine spirits... None of you will be allowed to stand in my path," he murmured, tapping his staff on the ground. A glowing pink glyph with floral patterns expanded beneath his feet, and your field of vision was soon obscured by pink flower petals. "It's time to wake up, (y/n)."
You suddenly awoke with a loud gasp as your eyelids flew open. The feeling of somebody's arm around you made you recoil, and before you could do anything else, your arms were pressed to your sides as Merlin hugged you tightly against his chest. The two of you were trapped in his tower in Avalon, and seeing the neverending blue sparkling with winter stars outside of your eternal prison reminded you that Merlin had already whisked you away to his sealed utopia at the end of the world.
"That felt more like a nightmare, didn't it?" he asked, laughing.
You didn't answer him. You didn't dare to move. All you could do was think about how cruel Merlin can be with his illusions.
"I don't particularly enjoy devouring your nightmares," he began, brushing away your tears that were rolling down your cheeks with faux kindness, "But being able to sense your fear and desperation to get rid of me is more exciting than I thought."
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icantthinkyandere · 4 months
I am not sure if I can ask this but hello nice to meet ya, can I send an ask of yandere Lan Ling.
I am writing this assuming that the reader is the master of Chaldea.
{Lan Ling}
Lan Ling is definitely one of the best yanderes to have. He is a gentleman and would never want to upset his partner in any way. That goes for harming other servants as well. Unless they're servants with a past of being evil and are still acting cruel.
He would hold off on confessing any feelings until he knows that his confession is good enough.
One of the reasons why he'd be so hesitant to confess is because he's unsure whether or they'd prefer if he wore his mask or not. He knows the master understands that his mask brings him comfort, but he doesn't want them to see him as weird.
He often follows the master around Chaldea to find out their favorite foods and practice making them so he can prepare dinner for when he confesses. He'd also listen in conversations when they're talking about their interests to study them for conversations during dinner.
Once he's finally ready for dinner, he doesn't wear his mask even with how nervous he feels being alone with the master.
After that, it just depends on if they agree to being in a relationship with him or not.
If yes, he'll thank them for giving him a chance before politely kissing the back of their hand.
Now, he'll take every opportunity to be around them. Asking them to ride horses with him, eating every meal together, and slowly starting to share a room together.
He tries not to worry about the relationship or be jealous of other servants. But some of them don't take the hint that the master is taken. Since he doesn't want to get into a fight that would potentially upset his new partner. He does the sensible thing and slowly isolates them from other servants/Chaldea staff.
If they were to reject him, he would be heartbroken. He doesn't think it's their fault, though. It's his, and he needs to do more research on them and what they want.
At first, after the rejection, he would avoid them and try to forget about his feelings. But it's hard when they're the only master around. So, he has to them often and watch them get along with other servant.
Following them, he writes down everything they take interest in. He gets to the point where he'll break into their room to see if there's anything they're keeping from everyone.
He does get slightly jealous when they're around other servants. Especially when they're getting along. Since most servants don't wear masks regularly like him, he'll start to wonder if that's the cause.
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yandere-romanticaa · 2 years
In Fate there are two characters who are yanderes but the polar opposite. Meet brynhildr or bryn
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Meet kriemhild
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These two are the wives of sigurd and siegfried respectively.
Bryn is the type of yandere who does the if I can't have you nobody can but she has changed so that she doesn't want to murder her husband. Her husband Sigurd developed a guts skill so that he can survive the potentially fatal blow. This might be my headcanon on what Bryn does is that every time she has the urge. She and Sigurd get a room and probably do something with Bdsm.
Kriemhild is best described as this meme
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Replace Arlo with her husband and you get the type of yandere she is. She also has a hatred for self sacrifice. The reason why is cause her husband siegfried who has a habit of self sacrifice. She also has an adopted son named Sieg. Kriemhild wanted Sieg to change his name to Hans or Schmidt so that he doesn't inherit her husband's self sacrificing tendencies. The community in fgo now calls him Schmidt. Why not Hans cause there is a character in Fgo who is also named Hans.
They look so CUTE and super interesting!!!
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drachenheld · 2 years
While trying to get my muse back, I’ve been doing the current JP event on FGO and this fucking image is killing me for way different reasons.
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“My wife is a Yandere, I’m sorry.”
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duskoon · 1 year
This is some ideas of mine, and I hope you can write them if you want to and can.
Yandere Morgan x Guinevere! Reader x Yandere Artoria
Guinevere! Reader doesn't mean that they are in love with Lancelot, but more like the reader replaces Guinevere as being Artoria's betrothal. Morgan at first just wanted to take revenge on Artoria by seducing the reader to have an affair with her but slowly and slowly fell into obsession with her sister's spouse while Artoria was kind of unaware of everything at first but after she saw her sister try to woo her spouse, she felt strangely possessive (perhaps the reader is too dense to notice or just feels uncomfortable and refused Morgan).
Perhaps I will dump some more ideas in the future about FGO. I'm sorry if that bothers you.
By all means dump, that’s such a wonderful idea. Also, congrats for being the first one to request poly (kinda) yandere. Always wanted to try my hands on em.👌
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nasuversekinkmeme · 4 months
Weekly Roundup: Prompts
Gudako want to find something in the room until she was attacked by a naked and drunk Saberlot.
can I request something like Faker getting summoned to Chaldea after the case files collab extra story? If it gets written I’ll give a thousand thanks to the author.
smut, Y-Yandere yan qing (NSFW please) 👉👈😳
Mandrcardo x Yan Qing! VA jokes and Kiribaku type of crackship.
Takeru x Aesc! Can be platonic, romantic or sexual, i just think the idea is neat
Summer BB x Summer Kiara! They're both Moon Cancer High Servants. BB has Pele and Nyarlathotep while Kiara has Shen and Yaobikuni (the mermaids).
Ritsuka has a bisexual harem (both guys and girls)
Ryouma and Oryou. That’s it, that’s the prompt. (Joking aside, I just really want to anything with Ryouma and Oryou. As lighthearted or as dark as the writer/artists want. If I get cavities from the sweetness or feel nauseous from the depravity, it doesn’t matter to me. As long as it’s Ryouma and Oryou.)
Walter White from Breaking Bad takes part in the 4th Fuyuki Grail War instead of Ryuunosuke, summoning Paracelsus
Yiffy Lalonde-Harley is summoned into Chaldea (as a Foreigner, on account of possibly having First Guardian hax) and proceeds to be a terrible influence on Abby.
Fate Stay Night x Pokemon SV prompt: Basically FSN cast living in Paldea region. The pairings: Nemona x Shirou Emiya and Arven x Rin Tohsaka.
Fate Extra x BNHA crossover prompt: Hakunon x Shinsou. Hakuno and the Extra/Extra CCC cast (the students) are in the same class as Shinsou, Class 1-C.
Kohaku and Hisui are now the maids of the Todoroki family, how would they take care of Todoroki Shouto?
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Hey! I read some of your works and i love them, it's so rare to find a fgo active account 😭 I wanted to send you a request but first i wanted to ask you, are there any rules or guidelines you'd like for me to follow when sending a request? Like what kind of stuff do you not want to write y'know I don't want to make you uncomfortable or whatever ❤️
Hi anon thank you for your kind message, I hope you are well. Technically I am not active, I am actually closed but willing to take a request every now and then (im especially weak to certain types of asks you see). It's just that I used to take a lot of requests at once, so now I just say I'm closed in order to avoid having a lot of asks sent in (and also if I have a lot of asks it will take me a super long time to get them done).
Sure, I'll link you to my rules and guideline posts, please find them below. Hopefully these guidelines will be of use for when you request sfw or nsfw.
Most important rule is that you can only send in one ask at a time.
I also won't write yandere works and 'possessive doms who control the bedroom works' tbh (like those alpha doms, i feel like that's just not my thing personally).
I have no dislike towards these kinks but, I also only write an extremely vanilla form of degradation kink, and i don't really write corruption kink, predator/prey kink; and personally with vore i'm not sure if i could do a good job of writing that.
Hope this helps. All the best!!
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