#y umm
queerdraws · 7 months
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it's zoro's birthday!! happy birthday big guy, may you say many more insane things to your enemies in the coming years
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nariism · 7 months
a simple mission — neuvillette
accidental confession + "say it again. please."
synopsis. oh. oh no. you were most certainly not supposed to overhear this conversation between the iudex and the duke, but now you don't even know how to act right.
wc. ~1k
— for an anon bff 🫶 | event masterlist ✉️
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You didn't mean to eavesdrop.
Really, truly, you didn't. All you had come for was to deliver the new reports from Poisson, have your usual polite chit-chat, then take the rest of the night off for your date.
Really, truly, you wish you hadn't overheard the conversation on the other side of the door—the muffled voices of who you presumed to be the Duke of the Fortress of Meropide making his rare overworld appearance and the Iudex of whom you held so dear.
Really, truly, you meant to walk away when you heard the passing of your name from Wriothesley, the curious tone and the silence that followed.
"I don't get you." A sigh, indignant and frustrated, then: "You're supposed to tell people how you feel. Jeez."
"It's quite complicated."
"Complicated? Come on, I'm tired of watching the two of you make goo-goo eyes at each other."
"... 'Goo-goo' eyes?..."
You stifle your laughter at the strained voice, though you have to wonder if your crush on Neuvillette was so obvious that even the warden had noticed from afar.
"You're seriously just going to let them go on a date?"
"That is their decision to make. Not mine."
"Whatever. I'm just saying you should consider the possibility that you should pursue this."
"My feelings for them don't amount to anything, so just forget—"
The door swings open faster than you can blink and you're left flailing around pathetically with your stack of papers. Both men stand dauntingly in the doorway, peering at you in mortification (and, to your horror, a shine of amusement in Wriothesley's eyes).
Really, truly, you wanted to melt into the Primordial Sea right then and there. And perhaps you should have turned heel and bolted away to do just that, if only to miss the incriminating colour blooming on Neuvillette's cheeks.
He was right. It is complicated, and the way he can't meet your gaze makes it all the worse.
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You've called off your date tonight.
It's not the first time. It certainly won't be the last if this keeps up.
Unsure of what to do or where to go, you end up soaked in the rain at the edge of the city. The bridge overlooks the flooding Court of Fontaine—a pretty, weeping sight that Neuvillette had shown you what felt like eons ago. Back when the two of you were just friends and nothing more, when his name didn't stir something scorching within your heart.
What should have remained a professional, civil relationship between you and the Iudex grew into something more as the years passed.
You noticed the glow of his lilac eyes, the way they softened when you entered a room; the undeniable fondness in his expression as it crinkled with his smile, dignified but warm; the lingering of his hand over yours as he accepted whatever you brought to him for that day, a gesture which he hadn't graced others with to your knowledge.
Wriothesley had bugged you once about it before during one of his visits, calling you a lovesick fool. As it turns out, he loved drama of all sorts and was making it his personal mission to witness this opera himself.
You hadn't expected him to bring it up with Neuvillette as well, thinking that he would be too off put by the judge's apparent indifference toward you.
The soft pitter-patter of rain hushes as an umbrella unfolds above you, shielding you from the onslaught.
"You'll catch a cold."
You visibly deflate, head burying into your arms along the stone railings. Oh, dear. You don't know how to act right now. How are you supposed to act in front of the person who admitted to having feelings for you just a few ago?
Neuvillette takes your silence as his cue to continue probing. "I wanted to chat with you about what happened today. But, if you're busy then..." He turns his head left and right, searching for any signs of the date you had thrilled about earlier this week.
(A date that you wished could erase all the feelings you had for him, to no avail.)
"I'm not busy. I canceled," you tell him quietly. You stand up straight, turning to face him but with avoidant eyes. "What is it?"
"I want to apologize if I made you uncomfortable this afternoon. I understand it is unprofessional for us to be involved with each other, and I won't bring it up again. Not even to Wriothesley."
You blink at him, half surprised yet half not. The sudden downpour of rain roars in your ears deafeningly, somber weather matching his darkening appearance.
"You don't have to apologize. I wasn't uncomfortable, just..." You look away awkwardly. "Confused."
"What is there to be confused about?"
You bite the inside of your cheek. "About why you never told me how you feel."
(Hypocrisy at its finest, honestly.)
Silence overcomes you again as he considers your words, deep in thought. You can tell just by the minute twist of his lips and the narrowing of his eyes, and it makes you sick that you can read every single tell of his emotions.
"I wouldn't want to burden you. I am unfamiliar with feelings such as these. I don't think I am fit to be your partner."
"Nobody is perfect," you remind him gently, reaching out to wipe the wetness from the rain off his cheeks. "Do you think I'm perfect?"
His quickness makes you snort with laughter, hand withdrawing from his space to take the umbrella.
"Wrong. Very wrong. I eavesdropped on you today, you know?"
"I know," he mutters, cheeks flaming with colour again as he remembers how flustered you seemed with the door swinging open. "How much of it did you hear?"
You hum, a soft smile spreading across your face. "Enough."
Neuvillette shrinks back in embarrassment. "And I suppose Wriothesley knew you were behind the door the entire time. Nothing escapes him."
"I'll have to thank him later," you giggle.
The Iudex stiffens. "You will?"
"Well... only if you say it again."
You watch the Adam's apple in his throat bob as he swallows, unable to regain composure.
"If I had feelings for you, would you accept them?"
You close the umbrella and shake it off, relishing in the sprinkle showering over you.
"A million and one times, I would."
He smiles, taking the umbrella from you. His hand lingers over yours for a moment, as always.
"Then I believe you do have some thanking to do."
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© ALABOADOA 2023 — please do not translate or post my works to other platforms.
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nkogneatho · 5 months
they say that the curse king sukuna doesn't have empathy, cannot love, cannot feel the pain, but they're so wrong.
when you appeared in front of sukuna, he felt like he had used all his luck. a person he has loved for over a thousand years. the one that was taken away from him right in front of his eyes back then. you were responsible for the being he was today, for the rage, for the superiority he bears. for the first time, a event that so rare that it had never been documented in history, sukuna's eyes filled with tears. the raging eyes softened, the brows relaxed, and the lips quivered. he waited for you for so long. a shaman had cursed him when he was a human, saying his love would be killed in front of him, and that's what happened a thousand years ago. so for you to reborn after what felt like an eternity and stand in front of him clueless, he felt...happy. the real happiness. god how many years had it been since his heart warmed up, a heart that wasn't his but human boy's yet he could feel the beat fasten. sukuna wanted to hold you, to kiss you. he was going to tell you about all those years he waited for you. he was going to make up for not saving you. he was going to reunite—
but history repeats itself. he let his guard down. shit. he let his guard down and now you're on the floor, beheaded by mahito. he felt the rage build up but he couldn't act on it. his grief was stronger than his anger. the instinct to hold you, to...to save you was stronger than killing someone.
"the king of curses, ha? but what is a king without a queen he loves. a man? just a man with no purpose? a living man that is already dead?" he whispered holding your body close. he didn't let those tears fall. couldn't let them. vulnerability is not what he was afraid of, it was loss that he scared. years after years it was the same thing.
"a shame isn't it? i have the power to kill anyone but i hold the curse of not saving you. i can end the world but what difference would it make? you went again without hearing what i had to say. back then...and now too." he hugged you closer. "i love you. i always have. i will love you for eternity, y/n"
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yeahimcal · 3 months
Bad News (Terry McGinnis)
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“Terry McGinnis is bad news, you don’t want to mess with him.” was the first thing you heard about him.
“He’s a bad boyfriend. Skips dates, flakes on plans, always has weird bruises is and really tired. None of his partners have ever caught him cheating, but he definitely does.” Was the next several things, all said in a hushed whisper as you were ushered past the black-haired boy in question.
He certainly didn’t… look like bad news. You’d dated guys who were bad news before, and very few of them had looked like Terry. Acted like him, either.
He was nice. He had helped you with your homework when you cried at the study tables in the library, smoothing a soothing hand over your shoulder blades almost unconsciously as he walked you through your chemistry exam study guide. He’d given you some gum, a smile, and a pat on the back before he promptly fell asleep on the table in the back corner of the library, snoring softly.
You’d slid your number into his hand when you left, and that was it for a while. He didn’t text. You saw each other in passing, and he’d smiled and you’d smiled, but nothing more.
Until you’d gotten the call.
“Hey.” He breathed into the speaker, his voice sounding oddly pained. “I’m sorry to call at this hour, but, uh, this… this isn’t really something I can call my mom for.”
He’d given you the address of an abandoned warehouse, begged you not to be freaked out when you got there, and hung up.
You went.
You didn’t really know why you went, for all you knew it was a really elaborate booty call or kidnapping scheme, but ten minutes later you parked next to the warehouse and slipped inside.
There, leaned up against a wall, bleeding and bruised, was Terry.
“You’re- you’re studying to be an EMT, right?” He asked with a pained smile that was supposed to be charming, gesturing to his wounds. “I figured you’d appreciate some hands-on experience.”
“What the hell?” You’d breathed, giving him a shocked look as you rushed to examine his wounds. “Terry, why didn’t you call the police?”
“Not the sharpest, are you.” Terry grunted in what might have been amusement, hissing as you poked and prodded him to see what was hurting. “Can’t call the police, they’d arrest me.”
“Arrest you?” You’d echoed, and then you took in his outfit. All black, with a red bat on the front. A cowl was clutched in his hand, the ends sharpening into little points. “Oh my god.”
“Yeah, I’m Batman.” Terry chuckled, but it was more at the look of shock on your face. He moved to sit up and then groaned, cringing and covering his wound. “Can you patch me up before I die here, please? Kinda called you for your specific set of skills.”
“You are so stupid.” You chided, but reluctantly dug around in your bag for hydrogen peroxide and bandages.
“And you’re old school, doc.” He breathed, smiling up at you cheekily. “You don’t carry those fancy little kits that heal people up on the spot?”
“They don’t sell them to anyone other than certified medical personnel.” You said, giving him a pointed glare and dousing his wound in hydrogen peroxide. “And I’m not a doctor.”
“Ah-” Terry hissed, tipping his head back and gasping in a little breath. … he was pretty. He was really pretty, and it was a little distracting. The voices of your friends rang out in the back of you head, warning you that he was trouble, but you couldn’t find it in you to listen when he swallowed thickly and turned to look at you, a lopsided smile on his pale face. “Same difference.” He breathed, chuckling.
You looked back at his wound, face flushed and feeling dizzy from the laps your brain was having to do to see Terry- scrawny, ‘bad boy’, Terry- as Batman. It seemed ridiculous, but his muscles were right there underneath your hands, tensing as you bandaged him up. He looked bigger than he did when you saw him in passing, stronger- when you saw him, he was always wearing bigger clothes that nearly dwarfed him, making him look smaller than he was. His hair was damp with sweat that ran down his face and made him look a little bit red, his lips parted as he breathed in air. He was gorgeous.
Suddenly, it made a little more sense why his exes had kept on giving him chances.
You worked quietly and efficiently, only sparing a few looks at your accidental patient before you finished patching him up.
“You should get that checked out at an actual hospital.” You said, helping him to his feet. “And I still don’t understand why you called me. We aren’t… friends.”
Terry shrugged, cupping your face in his hand and grinning a toothy smile at you. “Yeah, well, we definitely are now, doc.” He teased, tapping your nose and pushing away from you to head towards the doors opposite of where you’d parked. “Text me sometime and we can go out and get some drinks. I feel like you’ll be better company when you’re not crying over your study guides.”
He slipped the cowl on over his head and you could very nearly feel his stupid smile, which you already knew was going to get you in more trouble than you had bargained for, as he slipped out the doors and into the Gotham night.
When you walked back out to your car, it had a flat tire, and the window was broken.
… okay, maybe Terry was bad news.
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yeosin-n · 5 months
Do you have relationship headcanons for naut yeo? 🥺
BUT OF COURSE!! here's a very old pic to set the mood thank u for asking ; O;;;
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When he likes you
Loves to flirt and have playful banter.
Goes out of his way to make sure you don't get hurt. Like putting his hand over corners and stuff so you don’t bump into them, etc. Shielding you from things with his body.
Straight forward with his feelings but also think it’s fun to throw hints at you to see your reaction. He’s pretty patient too so he’ll just keep hinting until you realize something is up haha. 
You catch him stealing glances at you often. He’d give you a little smile before looking away.
Would lightly brush his hands/arm/etc against yours when you’re sitting or standing next to each other. 
Little things he does
Always making sure you have a drink or something to snack on
 Brings you anything you ask for / no matter what he's doing, he’ll drop it to help you or to even just give you a kiss. You'll never have to wait long.
Every time he walks by, he makes sure to give you a little kiss/nuzzle or lets his hands linger on you.
Favorite date activity
Cuddling / anything that has something to do with physical contact
Love languages
-Physical touch***
- Likes to give you things. If he sees you wanting something or if he sees something that reminds him of you, he’ll just get it for you
- Acts of service. 
- Would hate to do something you disliked but if he thought it would keep you safe, he'd just have to ask you to forgive him later. 
If he gets jealous, he'll basically stick to you like glue?? Hovering behind you and being handsy is usually enough to make him feel better.
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leclercstarrs · 5 months
hate fucking peacekeeper coriolanus ; mdni
coriolanus snow hates you. he hates the way you challenge every single thing he says, he hates the way you don’t respect him despite him being a peacekeeper and holding so much power over you, but most of all, he hates the way you know exactly how to make him feel better after a long and exhausting day of his usual work duties.
the way you dig your nails into his back, specifically avoiding his scars, as he thrusts into you, taking all of his cock as your cunt clenches around it. your desperate moans sound like music to his ears as he fucks you, occasionally kissing at your neck, sure to leave marks for him to tease you about the next time he stops you as you’re walking around district twelve, even though he secretly loves the way you wear them with pride, warding off any creepy men.
“mm, so close.” you moan.
“yeah, you gonna cum for me, pathetic slut?” his icy blue eyes look back at you, a demanding look in them.
your head tosses back and your nails dig even further into his skin as you’re cumming on his cock. coriolanus does the same when he feels your own release, filling your pussy up with his own cum.
then, as always, he leaves your room without saying much, going back to despising you, even though he’s fully aware he’ll be coming right back to you the next night.
he hates you, but when no one’s around except the two of you, he wonders if he actually does.
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yuzurins · 11 months
# unrequited
a bittersweet short sae drabble, no warnings really
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“what do you want for your birthday?” sae asks, out of the blue.
you look over at him, trying to suppress a teasing smile. “what’s with that all of a sudden?”
he stares at you for a few seconds, before turning back to look at the ocean.
there’s a quiet silence between the two of you, and you can hear all the waves crashing into each other, sounding almost like a song.
it’s oddly comforting, but that’s why sae doesn’t have to say anything for you to know what he means.
your birthday’s in two months, but sae’s leaving for spain next week.
you purse your lips as you try and muster up a half-assed response believable enough for no further questions to be asked.
because you’re vulnerable around sae. too much small talk and he’ll end up discovering what you’ve been hiding for the past 5 years that you’ve known him.
“nothing much really, maybe something that i can wear or display in my room.” you answer after a bit, and before you could think further, you decide to add, “just something i can remember you by.”
he looks over at you and scoffs, light smirk flashing his face. “you’re acting like i’m going to war.”
hearing him take your response mindlessly eases you from the rapid beating of your heart. of course he’s dense.
“yeah, you are. even the greatest in the world has fierce competition, itoshi-sama.” you tease, still looking at the ocean.
“hmm,” he thinks out loud. “but we’ll be fine. i won’t forget you or anything.”
his gaze is piercing into the side of your head now, but you still won’t do him the favour of turning your head to look at him.
take it as if he noticed your ears turning red, because he ends up saying something so out of character for him.
the smirk turns into a grin now as he asks, “are you gonna miss me that much?”
and now you’re prompted to look up at him, locking eyes with his teal ones that just have the slightest difference from his regular indifferent stare.
“yeah.” you answer him, voice so quiet so that it almost gets drowned out by the waves.
but you know he hears it, because he looks back to the ocean with bittersweet grin and faraway look in his eyes.
sae’s got a dream, and though you are his best friend, he’s not letting anything stop him from going across the world for it.
so you’ve expected it to turn out like this anyways. that this love of yours would turn out unrequited, since the first time he caught your attention.
yeah, you’d wait for him. you’re not even sure if you could even go a whole lifetime without forgetting him.
but you’re not sure if he’d ever feel the same, because his yearning for football surpasses anything he’d ever feel for another person.
so all you can do is just support him from the sidelines, foolishly getting lost in his presence, for that’s all you’ll ever be in sae’s story.
as a supporting character in his journey to become the best, it feels as if all your answers were already set in stone, like a game dialogue that you could not alter.
and despite how much you want to go against the rules and tell him right now,
all i want for my birthday is just to be yours.
it’ll never work out.
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evillillad · 7 months
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pumpkin pickin date
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mortt-artsy · 2 years
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Better than you with Style 💅
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abyssalic · 11 months
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putting on my big squeaky clown shoes as i manifest my 4th au and get more content done for it than the ones ive been working on for a year and a half!!!
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askthe-kinitocrew · 1 month
”THOSE” KinitoPET fanart be like:
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poppinspops · 2 months
Let me love you; Lamina
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Paring: Lamina x fem reader
Words: 13.4k
Summary: Lamina is trying to get you to freely love her without being afraid of what others think, set in District 7 before the hunger games
Warnings: internalized homophobia, emotionally abusive mother, ooc lamina cuz we didn't get to see or read much about her before the game's so I wrote her how I thought she might act so um... my bad, but I like confidentish lamina
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You and your mother had another fight again for what seemed like the hundredth time because of your feelings for lamina your friend that’s a girl because you’re a girl as well and girls aren’t supposed to want to kiss or even marry other girls but you do. Which has only caused you and your mothers screaming matches to get worse.
You stared at your mother with as much disgust as you could at her rambling about how she could have birthed such a disgusting little girl before storming out of the house leaving your mother to run after you onto the porch of your wood house screaming for her ungrateful daughter to get back in that house at once but you didn’t. You kept walking down the dirt pathway that you knew so well towards the woods to just get away from everything.
You walked into the woods that you used to play in with lamina when you both where twelve years old and had a whole hell lot of free time to just be kids. You kept walking until you saw the familiar old tree that was thicker than the rest of them, the tree you used to climb to get away from everyone until lamina found it and would come and sit outside in the cold with you for hours until you felt better. You looked at it for a moment before starting to climb it, it took a minute as you wanted to get to the highest branch you could and sat on the tree branch looking at the scenery In front of you admiring how everything always looked better when you where sat in a tree.
Everything was so very quiet until you heard the crunching of a leaf and the snapping of twigs on the ground scaring you out of your staring almost making you lose balance on the thick branch you where sat on your head almost snapping down to see what was making the noises. You where quiet upset until you saw red hair that was almost styled in a victory roll immediately knowing just from the rose red hair that the person walking towards the tree you where sat in was lamina your friend since she asked for your name a few years ago.
Loved her for years even though I knew it was wrong, I’ve loved her with my entire being and soul.
Yes of course you knew logically and well according to your mother morally that these feelings you have for lamina was wrong and disgusting, and yes your mother has engraved that notion into your skull but you for the life of you, you just can’t help but think lamina was pretty. A pretty girl, a girl. But before you could think more about your horrid feelings for lamina you heard laminas voice yell your name.
“I knew I’d find you here.. you always did like the view from up here huh y/n?” She spoke or rather yelled as she stared up at you for a minute too long catching your eyes as you let out a small snort covering your mouth after making lamina smile a bit.
“yeah yeah just get up here lamina!” you said with a small smirk as you watched the lamina with a small smile cheeks a bit red from her staring. The girl walked up to the tree to climb up it and sit with you as she usually did on warm days like this. Lamina didn’t need to say anything as you already knew what she was doing instinctively you scooted over on the branch making room for her to sit next to you comfortably.
You watched as she climbed the tree with grace the sun hitting her just right making her red hair look like fire and her skin practically glowing in the sun making your heart ache in your chest and your face flush slightly as you looked away now diverting your gaze to your fingers that you’ve been picking at for years the skin torn on some parts, scabs on pieces of the torn skin.. your fingers so unbearably ugly to anyone who has seen them not hands that little girls your age should be looking like.
You hadn’t noticed that lamina had already sat beside you until you felt someone’s rough hand grab your own intertwining them together giving your hand a light squeeze, your eyes darted over to lamina as she gave you a soft smile bringing your hand up to her slightly chapped lips kissing the back of your hand making your cheeks warm and your lips tug upwards but soon your face fell remembering that you and her weren’t normal. You quickly pulled your hand away like her touch burned as you frowned forcing your gaze away from her as you spoke quickly.
“Lamina, we talked about this you know we can’t do this-“ Lamina cut you off mid rant as she rolled her eyes biting her bottom lip out of frustration why wouldn’t you just stop caring about what others thought and let her just love you freely without always pushing her away.
“Stop being scared of what others might think.. I was too but y/n we have something that people would bleed for something some are still looking for to this day! I need you to not be afraid to let me love you.. I would stand with you till the day I take my last breath.” Lamina proclaimed as she grabbed your hand again looking at you with such passion in her now glossy dark eyes as you just sat there stunned, you looked at her with wide eyes as she held onto your hands with tears that were threatening to spill down her rosy cheeks as she had almost pleaded with you to just stop hiding this relationship from everyone and love her freely without fear any signs of her previously smiling face was gone now replaced with a frown.
You finally mustered up the courage to look at lamina, looking into her dark eyes your face now a deep shade of red from how she spoke with such passion it made your head hurt from thinking so much as you opened your mouth but closed it again not knowing what to say to lamina, it always ended like this her pleading for you to not be scared and you running away like the coward you are that’s what you’ve always done haven’t you.. just running away from all your problems and who says you’d stop here.
You stared into laminas eyes noticing how you’ve torn this girl down to her core staring at you with so much emotion that it made you sick you wanted to tell her that you loved her too but you just couldn’t. In that moment all you could think of where your mothers harsh words, her screams of frustration of why you couldn’t just like boys like a normal girl does her cries as she prayed for God to fix her only daughter…
It was all becoming too much for you to handle your breathing became erratic, Lamina was staring at you with concern she was speaking but you couldn’t seem to hear her or anything. Lamina reached out for your face hands just barely grazing your cheek it all became just too much for you as you felt her fingertips against your now very hot skin.
“I’m sorry I just- I just can’t lamina I’m so sorry” You whispered under your breath as you leaned away from her eyes looking away down at the ground than back at her than again at the ground breathing heavy as you felt deep guilt for making lamina so sad all the time.. all you ever did was make her cry and chase after you but you truly couldn’t handle this right now.
So you ran away like you always did when things got too complicated.
You jumped off of the tree branch as quickly as you could scrapping your hands up as you landed on the floor but you just got back up and ran away like the coward you are as lamina watched you disappear into the dark forest. She let out a shaky sigh looking down at her hands, her bottom lip wobbling.
She knew she would wait till the end of time for you, no matter how many times you made her cry she couldn’t force herself to love another person even when you made her want to pull every strand of hair out of her head whilst simultaneously screaming at you for being so stubborn.
Even through everything her heart was yours and yours alone. Your all she wanted but couldn’t seem to catch. Lamina finally let herself cry.
Her sobs loud as she sat leant against the tree and just broken down from yet again failed attempt to get you to just allow her to love you, though she knew it was your mother’s fault that wretched women put things into your head making you feel like a freak for loving Lamina a girl instead of a boy.
The next day started out as the first one did for you, running away from your house into the woods as your mother screamed and ran after you until she enviable gave up at the porch again, cursing under her breath as she walked home.
You’d passed by Treech on your now jog to the woods you both gave a nod to each other as you jogged into the woods. You knew treech from working at your father’s lumber yard since Treech would come in and sell the wood he cut down a boy of few words but admirable still.
You had jogged back to your normal spot in the woods the big tree you’d climb everyday to cool off after a argument with your mother, but when you walked closer to the large tree you saw Lamina leaning against the tree.
You slowly walked towards the tree your eyes never left hers as you stopped in front of the tree she was sitting on. Nervousness from the events of yesterday were all coming back to you making, you want to run away once again from your feelings.
Once your eyes met Lamina's your heart started to thump in your chest from both anxiety and solicitude from the girl. Your palms started sweating as you stiffened under her gaze.
As you stared up at Lamina where she was sitting on that branch. The same branch you left her at. You tore your eyes away from the girl, you couldn’t bare the almost devastated look in her eyes. You always hated that look you now of days saw. Which of course was your fault. When was it not?
“Y/n?” Lamina spoke softly, her voice full of concern as she looked down at you. Shifting to the edge of the branch, ready to either climb down the branch or jump down. Whichever came first.
You felt frozen as you heard Lamina’s voice. You wanted to say something, but you felt your own throat tighten and your mouth felt dry. And it felt hard to breath for some reason. Time felt slow and too fast at the same time! As you stared.
Like you were on autopilot you turned you back on her to run off like the pathetic coward you are. Before you could even start to run, Lamina jumped down from the branch she sat on.
Lamina fell to the ground but quickly got up as she grabbed onto your hand to keep you from running away, a desperate expression on her face.
“Y/n, please. Don’t run away again.” Lamina almost pleaded as she stared at you with those eyes big puffy red eyes, making you gulp harshly before looking away from her intense gaze as she spoke again she sounded more confident when she spoke.
“Look y/n I have loved you since the day I met you at your father’s lumber yard when you where working the counter.. you where so pretty and I know you feel the same about me aswell, so why wont you be mine” Lamina almost sobbed out as she broke out into tears once again, her hand left your hand in favor of holding your face that was now a deep maroon color she let out a shaky breath through those chapped lips breath hitting your face as your noses almost touching from how close you both are now.
Your eyes flickered from her lips to her eyes.
“lamina I was always yours” You said so softly more like a whisper giving lamina a wobbly smile as you let yourself break down in front of lamina your silent sobs being seen as you left yourself rest in her hands the only things that were holding you up now closing your eyes as you did.
you never where a pretty crier, but it was alright as lamina wasn’t either.
It took a while for you two to stop sobbing, your tears had stopped after a few minutes but laminas tears where still there silently flowing down her pale cheeks. You opened your now puffy eyes to see laminas staring at you with adoration that was reserved for only you.
You placed your hands ontop of laminas that where holding your face so very delicately as your eyes once again flickered from her eyes to her chapped lips up to her eyes again and lamina did the same with a small smile on her face making you look away as a sudden wave of nervousness washed over you the minute you saw her smile.
“I love you y/n” lamina whispered and she only smiled more when she saw your face deepen a shad of red Shed never seen before.
You turned to face her again as you let yourself smile too before leaning closer to her noses now touching as you breathed out slowly “I love you too lamina” you breathed out as you leaned forward and gave her a small peck on the lips her lips where rough but that didn’t make that quick little peck any less great. You pulled away just as quick as you leaned in.
You stared at lamina seeing her shocked expression making you break out into a big smile. “I love you so dearly lamina” you whispered out as you leaned forward again kissing her again but lamina reacted quicker this time reciprocating the kiss, it wasn’t heated nor was it rushed it was slow but quick it was perfect.
Lamina pulled away first a smile blooming on her face that made your heart skip a beat. Lamina after a moment if silence leaned forward letting her four head rest against yours, you let out a small laugh at this feeling at peace with lamina here in the deep depths of the woods. It was just you and lamina just how it had always been, you and lamina.
“promise to marry me” You breathed out as you closed your eyes lamina let out a breathy laugh at that as she replied back soon after.
“promise” Lamina replied.
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Okay, I wasn't expecting this to be so long. Sorry if lamina is WAY too ooc for your liking we didn't get to read/see much of her personality at all in the books and in the movie so I kinda just went off of a few scenes where she seemed more confident and less scared but tried to still keep the more scared lamina there I hope yall don't get too mad at me😭
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kristalpepsi · 2 years
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Girlcat? Girlcat!
(4 @hools!)
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angeliteonfridgeduty · 5 months
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something something cube content
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judasgot-it · 1 year
Tachihara x Reader
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Scenario: You get a ride home with Tachihara after attending a company party. On the way back, you decide to attend a shitty pop-up carnival
I had this in my drafts for like over 2 months so I just wanted to like, finally finish it. I think it's silly and idk not the best, still figuring out how to write Tachihara TBH but I think he's a cutie patootie.
Side note this is like 3500 words ?? it's kinda long for tumblr but ima upload it anyway
As the secretary of the Hunting Dogs, you were unfortunately forced to attend their company parties.
If there was someone else in your department, you would have loved to complain to them about how this was 'unfair' and a 'worker's violation' as you were not even being paid to attend these.
Off the clock.
But no one else was dumb enough to take this job, so you were the only person in your department. Seriously, you did the paperwork for 5 people.
The dental was amazing, though.
But that left you as the only 'sane' person forced to witness the antics of the Hunting Dogs while they were drunk. Really, you forced to watch them sober, since you couldn't ever get more than a drink in before the drinking contest began.
You would think Tecchou would be better than this but as of now, he was doing karaoke with the commander while Teruko was laughing at...nothing. She was somehow standing though, which was better than Fukuchi who was shirtless and kneeling on the floor while singing whatever song was playing.
You could barely tell what it was, it might've been Taylor Swift. He seemed...passionate.
If you had to hear whatever sad song it was all night you were going to make your ears bleed.
Although thankfully, you had a backup plan. You couldn't drive - your car was destroyed in a recent bombing attack, so you were lucky that your bed for tonight was your desk.
Which was on the other side of the building, probably far enough away to at least let you sleep quietly.
You could probably get away with it. No one here would notice.
So you took your snacks - which were probably the best thing about these parties, and left for what would be your bedroom
Exiting the room, you could see now that it was quiet and kind of terrifying - a liminal space.
The hallway was now darker than it should have been, settled in an uneasy quiet. The lights above your head had sobered you up quickly, as you walked away from the room, leaving the sounds of laughter and screaming.
You felt something warm pull your shoulder to look behind you. The reaction you had might have been dramatic.
"Are you ok? You aren't scared are you?"
Tachihara was there, smiling as he looked perfectly sober - he didn't even smell of any alcohol, holding a juice box instead.
Now you felt a real fear coursing through your veins. He was going to say something, wasn't he?
"No, I was just heading out."
You weren't shaken easily - unsettled yes, but not truly scared.
"Do you want a ride home?" He said it with a genuine smile, not knowing the genuine terror that was running through your veins right now.
You really did care about Tachihara, as he was probably the most normal member of the Hunting Dogs, but there was one flaw you could not get around.
He drove a motorcycle. You hated motorcycles.
It was nothing short of terrifying every time you saw him riding it, let alone the thought of you getting on it. How could you? It was nothing short of a death trap.
There were no seatbelts either, there was just too much that could possibly kill you.
"No that's ok. I didn't plan on going home anyway, I was going to sleep in my office."
It sounded weird saying it outloud, but you were not going to let him take you on a ride on his deathtrap.
Tachihara just blinked.
"Really? Isn't it closed off still for cleaning?"
Oh. Right.
"Then the lounge. I can manage. Seriously, don't worry about me, just get yourself home, ok? I don't want to be a bother when it's so late."
You tried to sound serious, but Tachihara was still a man that had major flaws. His right now? Being too kind.
A good flaw, but a painful one to fight.
"No it's ok, you aren't a bother. Seriously, your house isn't far off from mine, it'd be very quick I swear."
He was earnest, already leading you in the opposite direction of where you were originally going. You decided not to fight it.
Home was better than a dirty floor anyway, so why not?
You let him guide you to where his vehicle of death was waiting, accepting your fate.
It would be a short ride, so you would just have to suffer through it for only a little bit. That's what you told yourself.
"Oh, Jouno! What are you doing out here?"
Oh god oh please no.
Just at your greatest inconvenience, you found Jouno outside the building, right in front of the parking lot, sitting right at the smoker's bench. His white head of hair peaked from underneath the overhang, nearly impossible to ignore.
"Oh, Tachihara. Are you heading home?"
"Yeah, I was bringing Y/n home too. Do you need a ride? I can't help but notice you're sitting here by yourself..."
Tachihara was too kind. You were already forced to accept his offer, but please, Jouno could take care of himself-
"Tachihara have I ever told you that you're one of the only people I respect on the team?"
Jouno had gotten up, strolling over to where the two of you stood underneath the light. You hated this. Jouno definitely was going to tease you about how scared you were, which was not fun at all.
Also, how were three people going to fit on his bike? It wasn't exactly the biggest, and shoving you between two full-grown men didn't seem ideal.
"Are you sure we're all going to fit? I could just go back inside or call a ride."
You said this in hopes of maybe getting out of it one last time. Jouno just laughed.
"Aw, are you scared?"
Tachihara, the angel that he was, reached over and patted your shoulder.
"You'll have me and Jouno. Know I won't let anything happen to you - swear on it."
"You swear on what?"
Tachihara paused, contemplating his next words.
"Um...my sword."
You raised your eyebrow at him. He patted your shoulder again, trying to put your unease to rest.
"Let's just go."
Jouno walked ahead, towards what will be your sudden demise. You tried to stay calm following behind them as you saw the death trap in waiting.
Tachihara walked towards its side, taking the helmet he had let hang on its handlebar, and gently placed it on top of your head. You didn't bother fighting him, looking to the side as he fiddled with the clasps underneath your chin.
"You probably need this the most. Don't worry though, I'm a safe driver."
"It's not that - what if there's a drunk driver and they hit us? What if I fall off? What if we're all too heavy and we can't turn properly and we crash and explode?"
You felt a hand land on your shoulder as your heart pumped through your ears. Your fear was starting to overwhelm you.
"Don't be a pussy Y/n. Get on, I'd like to go home."
That was really reassuring. Thanks, Jouno.
You straightened up, holding your sandwiches closer to your chest. Tachihara sat on the bike, patting the seat behind him.
You got on, pressing your body behind Tachihara's. You didn't know what to do with your arms, so you just clutched your sandwiches. They were your sense of comfort right now.
"Y/n, you'll fall off if you don't hold onto something."
Oh. With one arm, you grabbed Tachihara's waist, trying your best to keep your head up and look forward.
"Scoot forward."
You felt Jouno sit behind you, pressing you closer against Tachihara. You felt his hand sneak around you, stealing from your sandwich bag. Bastard.
You swatted him away, trying not to fall off. It led to you leaning your full body on Tachihara, who was taking a long time to put his keys in the ignition.
"Did you forget how to drive Tachihara? I'm getting a little cold back here."
Jouno said this with a mouthful of your sandwich. He chastises manners but here he was, a thief and a brat.
"Who said you could have my sandwiches?"
"They aren't yours, know your place Y/n."
"You didn't even stay to eat any of them so shut up-"
The bike started, to Tachihara's joy. You felt the fear course back through your body again, but you didn't get to dwell on it it again as he only kicked back the leg and started bike, not giving you even a chance to adjust yourself.
You tried to hold your head up and stay strong, not show weakness - but the wind picking up around you and all you could do was bury your head behind Tachihara.
You heard Tachihara and Jouno begin a conversation but you didn't even acknowledge it, not even the sandwich stealing anymore as you held onto the man before you as if your life depended on it. Hopefully, his surgeries were enough to protect against your iron grip, as it was the only thing that made you truly feel safe.
The ride wasn't even a full 5 minutes but you felt like you were in hell that whole time. You'd think being pressed against two men like this would be more romantic but you didn't feel that way, instead feeling bile rise up in your throat every time you all turned.
"That stupid carnival is back in the city. I can smell it from all the way over here."
You perked up at that. Jouno had his head up, his hands loosely holding onto your waist - this type of ride really did seem normal to him, as he just looked out somewhere, eating his sandwich.
"Oh that seems fun. Do you wanna go? They stay open pretty late."
Jouno scoffed.
"No, they absolutely reek. I also happen to value my sleep, unlike some people." The people you assumed he was referring to were his teammates, who were most likely either passed out drunk or still singing their godawful karaoke.
"Why don't you and Y/n go, I know you absolutely love carnival rides, don't you Y/n?"
Your heart was speeding up. That was terrifying - you hated the idea of any of that.
"Who says I don't like my sleep either, Jouno?"
"I'd like to go! C'mon, it'd be fun! We can go on rides, maybe we'll even arrest someone!"
Tachihara was being so positive tonight. It was almost suspicious. It was tempting to say yes just because of his attitude alone, but there was that funny feeling in your stomach at the thought of it.
"But what if the ride breaks down and we all get crushed or fall out and die?"
You were simply being realistic.
"I'm a hunting dog, Y/n. I can handle something like that easily. Plus, if that happened Jouno would be there, right?"
"I'm not a chaperone for your little kiddie date. You can handle things by yourselves, the worst is just you guys getting scammed."
Finally, you'd stopped to drop off Jouno. He could've walked this distance, although maybe he had something to gain from the ride. Like your food, which was now all gone.
All you had left was an empty bag, the absolute prick that he was. He also left you a cold back, since you were squished between him and Tachihara during the duration of your ride. From his smirk, as he was walking away, waving goodbye to the two of you, he knew how agitated he had left you.
It made you pull yourself closer to Tachihara, trying to steal his body warmth in order to recoup what had been lost. Tachihara coughed, adjusting himself so the two of you could have more space on the bike.
"So? Let's go to the carnival."
It was a way to break the silence the two of you had fallen into. He said it was a confident smile, as if he practiced this in the mirror twenty times before. You simply nodded, not knowing how to reply.
He revved up the bike, heading in its direction. You didn't know what to say to get out of this, since a part of you did want to go.
It'd be like a fun date, even if you couldn't say that out loud.
"I'm scared of rollercoasters."
You told him honestly. You hoped he wouldn't judge you, seeing as he was a very earnest man.
"I figured. Don't worry, we'll conquer your fear tonight. Exposure therapy does wonders, and plus? I'll be there the entire time, so it's not like you'll be alone."
You said nothing, just holding his waist firmly. This seemed like a better idea than what you had originally planned for tonight, so why not? You could trust Tachihara.
He stopped the bike, in some lot a little walk away from the carnival. You could hear the pop music and screams coming from the place.
Turning towards you, he gave you a warm smile.
"If anything does happen, I'll be sure to protect you, ok?"
You handed him the helmet, giving him a smile. You did appreciate the gesture, as much as it was well-intentioned. That didn't stop you from not wanting to rip your own teeth out of your mouth as you got off the bike and forced yourself the walk towards the carnival, and not away.
"How expensive are these places anyway? I don't actually know if I have my wallet on me."
"Oh don't worry, we aren't paying."
Tachihara turned towards you, a strange look on his face. One you would associate with Teruko or Jouno - a grin that typically held ill intentions.
What was this man dragging you into?
Well, turns out - dubiously legal activities.
Being a hunting dog had its perks. For one thing, his government ID assured him discounts everywhere he went. It was great when he went grocery shopping - you would know, you abused Fukuchi's credit card as a perk of your job.
Although telling the ticketing staff that he was 'inspecting' the rides, and would arrest anyone who didn't comply with his orders, hardly counted as getting a 'free' discount.
You were now forced to play along with this. You didn't even know Tachihara had such a cruel side to him, bullying a bunch of carnival workers who just wanted to get a paycheck by making fun of teenagers and out-of-touch men in their 40s.
It was a hard job to have, obviously.
The staff stalked the two of you as you walked in, giving you goosebumps. It didn't help that the two of you were still in your work clothes, really selling the 'government inspection' that the two of you were giving.
Although by the end of the night, you were expecting your clothing to probably need a good dry cleaning.
The fair wasn't bad - but you could smell vomit near some of the rides, and they looked suspiciously rusty. Clearly, this place was in tip-top shape. You just had to convince yourself that the Ferris wheel wasn't making suspicious creaking sounds every time it started up again.
You clearly were just a bit paranoid.
"So what should we ride first? I'm thinking we start small and then build our way up."
Tachihara had his hands on his hips, looking around for the best ride to start. He was being nice at least, giving you the illusion of choice now that you've gotten this far.
You were stuck. It didn't matter what you did, you were the idiot that agreed.
"I'm ok with that. I don't think the hand gliders look that bad, they seem pretty tame."
It also featured a seatbelt. And a big, nice, safety bar.
The best part? It was a two-seated ride. So if something happened on that ride, you knew that Tachihara would be there with you.
Tachihara smiled, as clearly, this would be a good night for him.
The night was going about as great as you expected it to. Although, you could even say a little better, even.
If this were a date, you might have kissed Tachihara by the end of it. You sure as hell owed him something at the very least, as he had now been your human cushion on several rides, preventing you from being crushed against the greasy metal as they began.
It was a good thing he was a hunting dog. Your body weight against his was nothing to him, although he still felt like complaining once and a while about how much pain you put his ribs in.
As if you were the one with the bright idea to go here.
If he died because you crushed him to death, it was entirely his fault and his fault alone.
"You know what we need to do?"
You watched as he pointed at the ferris wheel - one that loomed over the carnival, due to it's sheer height. Seriously, how tall was that thing?
"I mean...yeah."
There were no arguments against him here. You've gone on every other ride already - you've even ridden the carousel 3 times. Tachihara used the excuse that you were 'inspecting the ride' for imperfections.
You were starting to think he was serious at some point, when he spent 5 minutes grilling a poor fair worker about the importance of safety and on how rusty their bolts were.
There was no time to dwell on that though - Tachihara was smiling as he dragged you to the last stop at the carnival of doom.
"I heard some kid saying that from the top they could see the entire city. That sounds pretty cool, doesn't it?"
He was smiling ear to ear.
You couldn't deny that offer when he looked like that.
So with your head in your heart, you let yourself be dragged through the motions, letting it drop to your stomach as you watched the city fall below you as your body raised to the sky.
You tried to stay at ease even as you were slowly raised higher and higher into the sky, the cart you were sat in shaking back and forth more than you were comfortable with.
It made you scoot closer to Tachihara, squeezing him as if he were your lifeline. He might as well be, since his body would survive a fall at this height while yours would splatter.
"Look! You can see headquarters over there."
He was pointing outward, towards a rather dark spot of the city. But it was visible, which to you felt amazing.
Also terrifying.
You clutched his arm tighter. As insurance.
He was also incredibly warm - it was cold so high up, and unfortunately, your work uniform did not account for this. You were practically trying to melt into him due to how cold you were, but you still had some pride left. You would suffer a little, having your exposed skin go numb from the cold.
"Hey, Y/n. I wanna tell you something."
"Are you going to kiss me?"
It was the perfect moment for it, really. You couldn't blame him. Everything was screaming that this was a "how I met your mother" moment anyway.
"What? Sorry. Um. No. Just-"
Tachihara looked at you, red in the face. He pushed you into his chest, holding you tight. If you squeaked, that was between you, him and the ferris wheel.
"I think I like you."
You blinked. Your hands were awkwardly held up around Tachihara, not knowing where to go. You could feel him awkwardly fidgeting with the fabric on your shoulders in your silence, as you tried to figure out a way to respond.
The ferris wheel creaked in the silence, keeping the two of you alone up top, watching the city.
"Um. I like you too, Tachihara."
You put your hands on his waist, feeling just below his ribcage. He was skinny for a guy, but you could still feel his strength.
"But how much?"
"How much?"
"How much do you like me?"
You huffed, gripping his uniform shirt and pulling him away. His eyes were almost wet with worry as he looked at you, trying to discern what you meant by your words. Fucking idiot.
"Enough to deal with this. And enough to want to kiss you."
You cupped his cheeks with your hands, looking him dead in his honey eyes. His gaze was dead set, looking right at you, not even at the city that was behind you.
"Kiss me. I'm not asking again."
You closed your eyes and waited until you felt his cold lips press against yours, finally obliging your order. It was all enough to distract you from how your stomach dropped at the thought of being so high up in the air, as now your stomach was dropping at his hands reaching down to touch your waist, his knees knocking against yours as he tried to pull you closer.
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ghostthostt · 1 year
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(please reblog my art if you like it)
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