#xander: headcanons.
narrativedoomed · 1 year
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mafiasliege · 2 months
Grayson Hawthorne Headcanons ✨🎻🏊‍♂️
(there's still like 10 hrs left on my poll but I'm impatient so 🙃 here we go hope y'all like them)
• he likes snow cones
• he sleeps hot (his brothers too, except xander) so he always needs the aircon to be really low
• he's had like 17 different tailors throughout his life because of how specific he is about his clothes 💀 (it's the only fragment left of his purported toddler nudist history, he NEEDS then to be comfy)
• has a natural profiling tendency (he's profiled multiple people in TBH)
• can sing well (canon), also he actually really likes to as well but never cultivated it as a yearly skill cuz he wanted at least one thing he liked to not become a competition 😞 (fuck you tobias)
• definitely keeps journals
• loves the sauna (there's definitely many of those in the house)
• loves eddie south and also likes to play jazz music more than classical, but tobias forbade it and made him focus on classical :( (cuz classical focuses more on perfection rather than jazz which is looser in approach)
• hates his gray eyes because he thinks they're really dull and cold 🥺
• he was that shy but smart kid in class whose report card description is always smth like "polite, quiet, and smart" (basically me tbh I was the shy kid 🤭)
• loved holding Jamie and Xan as babies 🥹
• sleeps like the dead (canon) but when they were all kids, he used wake up IMMEDIATELY when Jamie had a nightmare and wanted to be in his room 😭
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cherryschaos · 6 months
Inheritance games headcanons because I finished my finals
Thea pours milk into the bowl before cereal
The Brothers ways wanted a dog, but Tiramisu is the first because Tobias Hawthorne never let them
Pen whore Grayson will never admit that dollar store pens are some of his favorites @riddles-n-games
Nash has made appearances in soap operas as a heartbreaker with a heart of gold
Xander and Jameson are trying to find Atlantis
Alisa makes those how would you say ___ in legal speak videos
Max’s way of “cursing” is what everyone in Hawthorne House does now
Avery and Libby watch anime together
Grayson wants a relationship, he's just afraid of being open and vulnerable to someone only for his heart to be broken
Gigi volunteers at animal shelters so she can hang out with cats
Libby has given Grayson advice on the whole having younger sisters thing
Grayson changed Jameson’s ringtone to the “I'm just Ken” parody as a joke
Jameson has yet to retaliate
Avery is still going to major in actuarial science, because she likes it
Xander wants to sample every bakery in the world and compile a list of the best for each dessert
Max hosts a Star Wars podcast
Nash reads romance books
Libby can't read spice without blushing
Xander actually wrote “The Care and Feeding of Your Broody Twenty-Year-Old Brother” he recommends leaving a trail of pens or traffic cones leading to the desired destination
Nana insisted on giving Avery and Libby etiquette lessons (think the princess diaries movies)
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cherrys-writings · 7 months
Thankyou for replying so fast!can I request grumpy x sunshine dating hcs with grayson hawthorne where reader is the sunshine in the relationship?:)
Grumpy!Grayson x Sunshine!Reader
Thank you for being patient! Once things got rolling I may have gotten a little carried away, but we can never have enough Grayson Hawthorne
Sunshine Reader works at a nonprofit animal shelter. You happened to be working when Grayson came in to assess if the place was worth the foundation's donations 
Grayson being impatient with you at first, how could you not know he was the representative sent to evaluate the place for a grant from the foundation?
He couldn't help but admire your dedication when you ramble about animal personalities, way off track from his original question
Before you were together he thought you were stupid for being kind and optimistic all the time
He still doesn't get it
Grayson is slow to warm to physical contact
Calling him sunshine 
He loves when you touch his face, the way you run your thumbs across his cheekbones 
Telling people "he's smiling on the inside"
The easiest way to pull Grayson from his thoughts: nose boops  
Grayson pretends to be annoyed (he loves the little grin on your face but how do you always know when he's too in his own head)
Grayson being a Hawthorne, pulls out all the stops (kinda over the top and doesn’t know when he’s being too much)
You tell Gray that he’s all you want
He cries, how could he not? Someone he’s head over heels for chose him, told him that he’s enough
Everyone thinks the two of you are adorable
Cuddling touch starved grumpy Grayson, he never knew how much he needed it
He's practically addicted to cuddles
Teaching him to find beauty in the smallest things
In my head (and I hope this happens in The Grandest Game) Grayson builds a relationship with the Graysons (if you felt weird reading that I felt weird writing it)
Savannah having the exact same initial reaction Grayson did
Gigi being your cafe buddy
Attempting to tackle hug Grayson 
Dragging him along for walks on rainy days
Grayson giving in and walking without an umbrella because “it’s not fun with an umbrella”
Nash telling you it's like some part of Grayson has woken up since being with you
Everyone afraid of the absolute murderous look you get when he says Eve keeps trying to contact him  
Both of you give flowers to each other
Grayson confiding that he hasn't felt this happy in a long time 
"Sugar, why are you crying?"
Reassuring Grayson they're good tears 
Grayson slowly being more emotionally expressive 
You convincing Grayson to volunteer at the shelter 
The Brothers welcoming you immediately
Teaching Gray that he doesn’t have to be constantly suspicious of everyone
Becoming besties with Libby, the level of sunshiness is almost too much for everyone
Got some smut and hurt/comfort in the works.
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inmyheaddd · 22 days
heyy love your work could you please do the Hawthorne siblings headcannons?
hawthorne sibling head cannons
thankyou sm for the reqq, hawthorne brothers you will always be famous!! wc: 848
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when nash saw how skye was with grayson when he was first born, he was finally happy that his mom was more involved, but that was extremely short lived.
grayson would sit and talk to baby xander up until he was around 3 because he felt like he couldn’t really talk to anyone else.
xander and jameson made it their mission everyday to annoy grayson.
deep down they didn’t want to annoy him; they just wanted some sort of reaction out of their brother, like all little siblings do.
“grayson can i borrow your camera really quick?” xander would ask, knowing that he and jameson snuck into his room and hid it.
they would be stifling their laughs while grayson looked around his room for a minute, when he finally realized.
“you guys aren’t funny.”
whenever they’d pull something like this and it would go on for too long, nash would have to get involved.
xander and nash were getting ‘told off’ by nash, grayson standing beside him.
“jamie, would you like it if somebody took your things and you had to search the whole house to find them?" he rhetorically asked with a serious look on his face. jameson on the other hand, was anything but serious and was smiling widely.
“actually yes, i love searching for stuff.”
there was a beat of silence followed by nash muttering under his breath,
“yeah, i shouldn’t have asked you that.” he turned his attention to xander, who was starting to fiddle with his small hands and bite his lip.
“xander, would you like it if if someone too-“
“okay fine i’m sorry!” he blurted out suddenly. “i just wanted to play with you guys but i didn’t know grayson would actually get mad, jamie told me he wouldn’t, he said it would be funny and- and-” he rambled on so quickly nash couldn't even comprehend some of his words.
nash’s attempt at a stern face softened, “aw kid, you can always just ask to play, you know that, right?”
“but you guys are always busy,” 6 year old xander countered.
grayson finally spoke up after staying silent for 10 minutes. “i’ll always play with you, i just don’t like it when you steal my things.” he said quietly.
jameson agreed “yeah same, ill always play with you.” he paused and then continued, “but i actually really like it when we steal grayson’s thi-"
nash, grayson, and jameson came to the realization that they didn't make the best decision that day, because xander was like a never-ending talking machine, constantly asking them to play.
one time, nash and alisa were hanging out, and 8 year old xander burst into the room. “hi guys, can i play robots with you?”
5 minutes later, alisa and nash were sitting in silence, their clothes slightly wrinkled, sending each other looks sometimes, while xander was droning off about the game, the different robots, and what they do.
he went silent for a few seconds, then suddenly spoke up. “nash, were you playing with mommy’s makeup?”
“no?” nash responds confusedly, as this question was extremely out of the blue and caught him way off guard.
“then what’s that red stuff on your neck?”
hangouts were at alisa’s house from then on.
grayson and jameson were honestly inseparable before emily came around, and the old man’s expectations tore them apart.
whenever they would actually get along, for days in a row even, grayson would suddenly snap and go back to being distant. jameson would think he did something wrong, and he was honestly angry at grayson in a way, because all he wanted was to just talk to his brother. but he never ever voiced those thoughts outloud.
grayson on the other hand, felt like he was becoming weak and like he had to put on that strong persona and unbreakable facade in front of everyone, even in front of the people who were practically half of him.
"it's going to be you one day," the old man’s voice echoed in his mind
though sometimes his brotherly love for jameson — for all his brothers —overpowered and silenced that voice in his mind. 
at the end of the day, his brothers always came first. above everything.
xander and jameson (and sometimes nash) lowkey make fun of grayson when he acts all emo — xander's words.
“honestly, he’s like if edward cullen had a child with chuck bass. the most broody, seriois, and annoying guy to walk the earth.” 
xander’s attempt at being quiet at the dinner table failed, and grayson heard it. he tried to hide his laugh by taking another sip of his water.
xander and jameson always feel like they’ve accomplished something when they make their older brothers laugh.
when everyone was in different stages of their lives—xander in high school, jameson about to graduate, grayson already being graduated, and nash always off somewhere—moments when they were all having fun together were cherished tenfold.
one time jameson called a 911 because he “missed everyone too much." grayson didn’t come, and then the leather pants punishment came to life. 
the lack of their childhood in the books is literally criminal
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When the character is happy go lucky and always cracking jokes so their trauma gets ignored
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silly-little-gooses · 23 days
my controversial tig opinions
(not in any specific order)
we shouldn’t be shipping lyra and grayson yet. they barely know each other and we barely know who lyra even is. there is so much fanfic and headcanons for them, even though they are practically strangers.
avery isn’t boring! she’s an intensely deep, complicated character who many can relate to, which doesn’t often happen with main characters in these kinds of stories. she’s just a teenage girl who’s been dealt a bad set of cards, which is both very realistic and engaging.
max is hilarious. I’ve seen people say she’s cringey, but they are simply wrong. she’s charming, sarcastic, and I love her fake cursing. I will accept no max hate.
libby and nash is an underrated ship. they’re so adorable together and they’re complete opposites, which is what makes them so good together. goth x cowboy, who could’ve expected that? similarly, stop sleeping on nash! he’s responsible, he’s a gentleman, he’s a feminist, he’s a great guy.
xander's trauma is so overlooked, it makes me sad. he thought everyone hated him for his entire life and people are still thinking that he’s just the happy go lucky funny guy.
eve doesn’t deserve forgiveness. idc about a redemption arc, she is a bad person. I’m not the biggest grayson fan, but I’m on his side in this scenario. she had no right to abuse him like that.
alisa ortega is hispanic. this is how i imagine her, especially since her last name is spanish. people who fancast a white woman as alisa or draw alisa has incredibly light-skinned are portraying her wrong. everyone is allowed to envision characters how they want, but I think this one is obvious.
in the beginning, rebecca was annoying. she has gotten better over time, but at first, all she did was whine and cry and be angsty. I’m glad she’s found love and has grown into a strong, resilient young woman.
that’s all I’ve got, pls don’t cancel me! these are my opinions, I’m not saying anyone else’s opinions are wrong, this is just what I believe. you can believe whatever you want <3
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drdtfuitgumies · 19 days
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four people who i believe are the most likely to have played pokemon mystery dungeon: explorers of sky during their childhood, permanently altering their brain chemistry. source: trust me
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hearthown · 3 months
AVERY : what's your biggest fear?
JAMESON : losing freedom and losing you, heiress
GRAYSON : Being unable to do anything to protect my loved ones
NASH : similar to Gray's answer, and also tight spaces
XANDER : Avery, you know there's only one answer I have.
AVERY : what.....?
*Xander stares blankly into Avery's eyes as if looking directly at her soul, takes a deep breath*
XANDER : losing another eyebrow
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f4iry-bell · 9 months
grayson hawthorne has dimples. it's not shown in the books bc my man only show them to me <3
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s-rosie · 6 days
Plz can u make Avery’s hc ? Thaaaaaaankkkssss
AHAHAHA MY FIRST ASKKKK!!! sry it took me so long to get to, im really busy but im so happy to make this. i hope you like it😊
Avery is a really good painter and painted a mural on the wall of her future baby’s nursery
avery has low iron and is dizzy all of the time (im projecting)
ave loves kids and whenever she meets kids that are fans, she gives them gifts and makes sure to give extra attention to them
she has a collection of snuggies because she is always cold (low iron)
she is a huge disney fan and sometimes dresses up as her favorite characters to heal her inner child
ever since she got a better group of people to surround herself with, she cries more often because she feels safe around them
even tho it she lived in a shitty town, she sometimes gets homesick for Connecticut and visits
she has a stuffed animal collection
her guard is always up, so if someone even comes up from behind her (not even trying to scare her), she will scream and possibly hit them (on accident, its just her reflexes)
when reading texts, she has the wildest expressions and everyone finds it hilarious
she has watched all of those shitty short movies (think “fated to be- my forbidden alpha”) and sometimes nash will watch with her
ave started taking ballet classes and she is surprisingly good, considering how clumsy she is
avery is obsessed with making those tiktok transition videos (like when they snap and they are dressed)
she says the most out of pocket things sometimes and the others religiously quote them (xander even got some of them made on t-shirts)
she can drop it down low, but only does it on special occasions
ave can pole dance (not in a dirty way) and only max knows she can (when she does in front of max, max throws cash at her, so ave stopped doing it in front of max)
she is an excessive nail biter and will not stop even if her nails are bleeding (and if there are no nails left to bite, she will bite the skin around her nail and cuticle) (im projecting again)
ave loves strawberries and all strawberry things, jamie got her a strawberry cardigan, and she wore it all spring
she is allergic to metal and has to put a clear coating over jewelry so she can wear it
avery is insecure about her looks because of haters, but she decided that she would document her insecurities and imperfections so little girls that look up to her would be confident in themselves and see that you can be beautiful and confident no matter what you look like
ave learned sign language so she could talk to fans (especially kids) with hearing loss
she owns many pairs of expensive pajamas, but only wears an old, beat up pair from before she got rich, or jameson’s pajamas
she has a media trained smile, but when she gets really happy, she smiles so big her eyes close and everyone finds it adorable
avery goes on rants sometimes about how surreal being rich and famous is
when she meets famous people, she acts normal then calls max and just rants about how star-struck she is about meeting them
these are the hcs!!! i hope you like them💖 please give me more requests anout ehat to make next. tysmmm
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mafiasliege · 2 months
Avery Grambs Headcanons ✨💸🪙💌
• smoked weed exactly once in her life (with her mom iykyk 🥺)
• snorts sometimes when she laughs too much (rare occurrence) and Jamie loves it
• likes to stargaze with Jameson and rant about constellations. She says it helps keep her humble to know how small she is compared to the stars and shit. 
• loves getting massages and gets them weekly (and quick lil massages in between from Jamie 💕)
• has a box full of sentimantal things like her mom's postcards obv, the receipt from when she had her first real date with Jameson, the coin she flipped with Jamie <3, the star wars merch xander gave her to "show how important she is to him" even though she has no use for it, a frosting tip of Libby's from their old life, ntm her old backpack she brought etc. 
• isn't picky per say, but hates pickles
• had MAJOR trouble adjusting to being the centre of attention and Grayson gave her tips on how to manage too much attention as an introvert cuz they're both like that 🤭
• she occasionally loves wearing flannels but doesn't buy her own just steals them from her boyfriend cuz they're just too soft and perfect  (and smell good 👀)
• she used to protect libby from drake before they came to Texas 🥺
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cherryschaos · 17 days
I have this headcanon that all the Hawthorne Brothers took a number of years of ballet because Tobias Hawthorne wanted them to always move gracefully
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riddles-n-games · 4 months
Xander loves his curls and totally has a whole care routine for them. He takes his time and is meticulous with every step; you could say that when it comes to hair, he takes more time than even Jameson especially if he's feeling good and wants to look good (usually on a date with Max because he likes looking good for his girl). Anyways, this hair care routine is something he came up with himself after watching many tutorials and much research because of course the nerd in him wouldn't let him rest if he didn't. Then, he eventually made a tutorial video himself and posted it to YouTube and low and behold, it blew up. It's one of the most watched men's care routines however, of course the irony is that more than half the views are from Hawthorne fangirls who thirst over him more each time.
On the other hand, Mr. Flawless Skin (aka Grayson) secretly films his skin care routines, altering between a few to keep seeing which one works better. Xander, being the snoop he is, has discovered this one time by accident and proceeds to airdrop them to his phone and leaks the videos "accidentally" from a secure private account. It's a Grayson stan account. His brother finds out he's blown up and he figures out pretty quickly who it is and though Xander somewhat starts getting paranoid, Gray never says anything just to have his fun to see him getting harder at keeping a poker face until he fesses up one day. Xan wondered what he would do but Grayson never ends up doing anything in retaliation but he never tells him that watching him be paranoid and acting weird whenever he was around was the real "revenge".
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cherrys-writings · 5 months
I can't stop thinking about this, so now it's going to be your problem too
Imagine little Grayson, maybe 4 years old. Imagine there's a massive storm that woke him up. Now the lightning flashes make the shadows in his room creepier. Sure he can hide under his covers, but there's nothing that stops the near deafening clap of thunder that shakes his bed. Grayson musters all his courage and runs from his room, hands covering his ears. Bare feet slapping on the hardwood floor as he goes to the one place he knows he'll be okay.
By the time he gets to his big brother's room, little Grayson is crying. It's not hard to wake 10 year old Nash, given the loud storm. Sure Nash might act annoyed that one of his brothers is coming to sleep in his bed again, but he knows Skye wouldn't even let his siblings into her room, let alone into bed to comfort them. Nash sits up and makes room for his younger brother. He hugs him, rubs circles on his back until he's calm. Maybe he tells Grayson that thunder is just the cloud people going bowling. At some point they're joined by Jameson and possibly Xander (if it happened to be a really loud storm) Maybe he teaches them that you can tell how far away a storm is by counting the seconds between a lightning strike and thunder. All four brothers piled into one bed, Nash between Grayson and Jameson because "you're squishing me Gray!" They all doze off counting the seconds between lightning and thunder. Nash would not admit that he was a little afraid too and liked the company.
For the longest time, Nash is the person the three younger Hawthornes seek when they're afraid at night. Nightmare? Run to Nash. Hear something, but you can't find what made the noise? Run to Nash.
The Brothers finding comfort with each other throughout childhood. Of course, Tobias Hawthorne could appreciate the bond the four boys had. Until Grayson is around 8 or 9 and the old man says something about Hawthorne men not being afraid of anything. Maybe he even says he expected little Grayson to grow out of this already and that's enough to make Grayson stop going to Nash or Jameson when he gets scared. Grayson. Little Grayson, covers wrapped tightly around himself wiping away tears from the worst nightmare ever. Grayson telling himself that he can't disappoint his grandfather by not facing his fears. Little Gray might relay what was said to Jamie and Xander, but he still makes room if one of them needs comfort in the middle of the night. Grayson's sleep quality steadily declined. If he couldn't talk himself out of the fear from a nightmare he would just force himself to stay awake.
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buffygirlfail · 5 months
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