#xander: study.
narrativedoomed · 1 year
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ashmaenas · 2 months
I don't know if this is anything, but I was thinking about Willow's will-be-done spell from S4 (as I often do) and in a way it did eventually come true again in a less literal sense, in relation to Willow's relationship with the Scoobies.
To Giles she says "You say that you do, but you don't see anything." The intention behind those words is that Giles doesn't see Willow's pain. In season 6, Giles does call Willow out but he doesn't actually see how bad things are or take concrete action until things are already way out of hand.
About Buffy she says "Why doesn't she just go marry him?" Willow's intention behind those words is that Buffy needs Spike more than she needs Willow, and so she isn't paying attention to how much Willow is hurting. Buffy never literally marries Spike, but in season 6 (and even 7) that dynamic is once again revisited (this time in a romantic context).
To Xander she says "You're a demon magnet." Now is that true in a literal sense? Well, yeah it's the hellmouth. From a metaphorical standpoint though, Xander is often the one that people (and especially Willow) unload their demons onto. The absolute biggest example of that would be Dark Willow and the crayon scene. Xander is Willow's demon magnet.
Idk, this might be bs but it's interesting to think about.
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haunted-xander · 8 months
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Placing textbubbles is a nightmare
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Forbidden Fruit
A Grayson Hawthorne x oc fic
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Warnings/notes (regarding the whole fic) : slight cursing, sexual innuendos, no smut, MLM, friends to enemies to lovers, might be a lil ooc (forgive me first fic ever if you dont count 'Wine and Woes'), i also changed Cassian to a human instead of a faerie, also, it's gonna be a little slow, please bear with me.
(please heed that this only a work of fiction, so do not be influenced by it, and for the love of God don't do anything that's happening in this fic.)
(trespassing is not a light matter, especially when you're breaking into a multi-billionaire's house. Doing this will have its consequences 🙏💀)
Word count: Idk man, lots of words here 💀
Summary: Grayson Hawthorne had always wanted to be like his grandfather. He had never been in the business of making friends, until he meets someone who is going to turn his life upside down, and possibly make his brain short circuit
Part 1
"your ego is bigger than Jupiter itself. Your IQ on the other hand, is the complete opposite"
"i know you ain't talking like that when you don't know what basic slang is, blondie"
"i prefer doing more productive things than spending all my time on such uselessly mind-consuming pieces of media"
"........ This is why you have no friends and no bitches"
"i have you." Grayson smiled, something he rarely did "maybe that's all I need."
Grayson Hawthorne was not in the business of making friends, much like his grandfather, Tobias Hawthorne. Even though he was only 13 years old, he relied on himself, he did not ask for help. Grayson knew he was extraordinary, his grandfather had made sure he knew.
He was prepared for every possible outcome in every possible situation. Or so he thought, until he was face to face with a rather unusual looking boy
Unusual in the sense that the boy was wearing muddy overalls, his fluffy brown hair had leaves and twigs stuck in it. His smile is too big, too bright, much like the sun shining overhead. Grayson's eyes trail down the short boy's appearance, hes holding his hands out to Grayson, holding two red geraniums in them. The geraniums are muddy too. Grayson's face scrunches up looking at the filth.
"Who are you?" Grayson glares at the boy "And how did you get in here?"
For anyone else, Grayson's glare would have been terrifying. His silver eyes making them uncomfortable in their own skin. But this boy? He kept grinning, and holding out his flowers. The audacity he had to ruin Grayson's peaceful garden time agitated Grayson.
"My name is Cassian!" Cassian smiles brightly "Whats yours?"
Grayson did not want to answer, this boy's innocence was.....annoying, but he did so out of politeness, and perhaps the hope that maybe this boy would leave if he knew who he was talking to was far superior.
"Grayson" Grayson introduced himself "My name is Grayson Hawthorne."
Grayson did not see any flash of recognition in the boy's midnight blue eyes. That agitated him more. First, this boy had the audacity to interrupt his peaceful garden time, Now, he didn't even know who Grayson was?!
"Woah! You have a cool name! Grayson. Gray, like your eyes" he says in awe, as if he had never seen gray eyes before
What was Grayson even supposed to say to that? Grayson frowns at Cassian. Hoping that maybe he'll see the obvious annoyance and leave. But Grayson's hopes were nothing if not futile, because Cassian just smiles at him.
Instead, he just tells him something Grayson does not want to know
"My last name is Moonbeam!" he smiles
Cassian Moonbeam? What a ridiculous name..... Grayson thought
It was also not a name Grayson recognised, so one, this boy was not from a prominent family, and two, he was not a worker's son. Since those children never approached Grayson, knowing who he is.
"You do realize that you're trespassing, right?" Grayson raises an eyebrow, looking down his nose at the boy
Cassian cocks his head to the side a little "Trespassing?" he says, expression neutral "but there's only one of me, wouldnt that make it unopassing?" he grins
This boy..... Grayson's mind comes up with a few rude words, but he decides to keep them to himself.
Instead, he calmly says "That wasn't funny"
"it wasn't meant to be."
"How did you get in here?"
"i slid through the tall border thingy" Cassian points at the tall border that separated the woods from the estate. Grayson's eyes slid from the metal border back to Cassian
"And no one saw you? Not even one of the guards? And how in the world did you manage to slip through the gap?!"
"oh. Um. Well, i kinda watched the guards routine a lot, so I slipped in when they were away." Cassian grins "And it's not that small of a gap. Plus, I'm small and lean"
Grayson was so done with this kid and this whole conversation. He wanted this boy gone
He sighs and states "Trespassing, especially onto the Hawthorne estate, is a crime"
Cassian's grin disappears and he cocks his head to the side "Crime? Are you saying the police are gonna arrest me?"
"im saying they can if they are notified"
"Then let's not tell them." Cassian slightly juts out his lower lip
Grayson was appalled. Things like this should be notified. So no one else creeps onto the territory. Tobias Hawthorne was a man whose head multiple people wanted. Grayson didnt know who those people were or why, but he knew that with power, came risk.
"Are you seriously telling me I shouldn't tell someone that someone trespassed onto the territory?!"
Cassian shrugs and Grayson wants to strangle him, instead, he sighs exasperatedly
"How old are you?"
"11. Why?"
"Doesn't that explain so many things" Grayson says sarcastically and rolls his eyes
"What does that mean!?"
"Nothing you should be concerned about considering the situation you're in. How do you even plan to get out of here?"
Cassian looks a little confused "Huh? What do you mean? I'll just go back out the same way I came in"
Grayson scoffs "Thats not what I meant. Now, hypothetically, I don't tell on you, but do you really expect to just leave without a scratch? One of the guards could see you as you're trying to get out. Fate isn't in your hands"
Cassian pauses "But I already have scratches"
Grayson grits his teeth "Those are not the kind of scratches I'm talking about, Cassian"
"Doesn't matter." Cassian frowns slightly "What about you? How old are you?"
"I have no reason to tell you" Grayson replies dismissively, pauses, and then says "13"
The smirk on Cassian's face is smug "oh, so you're a baby. Like me"
"Baby?!" Grayson looks offended "I am not a baby!"
"You are" Cassian leans forward, and with one muddy finger, boops Grayson's nose "Boop!"
That's it. How dare this....this commoner touch him?! It was bad enough not knowing who he is, now this?!
"Do that again-" Grayson starts to threaten, but is cut off with another boop to the nose "Wha-"
"You said 'do it again' " Cassian smirks cheekily
"I swear to God-" Grayson takes a deep breath, composing himself. It was not like him to lose his temper over something like this "Do not do that again. Now, state your business for bothering me"
"Flowers." Cassian holds up the geraniums "For you."
Grayson paused, processing this information "......"
"you trespassed onto Hawthorne property to give me flowers?!"
Cassian nodded excitably
"You are either exceptionally smart or extremely stupid" Grayson sighs "i do not want your flowers"
"ill forgive you for calling me stupid, since I want to be your friend."
"i do not want you as a friend. Why would you even want to be friends with me?"
"Because you're a loner with no friends to bring you flowers" Cassian shrugs
Grayson had to admit, that stung. He did have so-called "friends", but he never was close with them, so they were more like strangers that he knew. But was he going to admit he didn't have friends to Cassian? Absolutely not.
"i have friends" Grayson grits through his teeth, fists clenching at his sides. He was getting impatient.
"No, you don't. I would've seen them if you did" Cassian says smugly
Grayson pauses, inhaling a sharp breath "you were stalking me?"
"i wouldnt say that," Cassian takes a step closer as Grayson takes one back "More like, saw you sitting here alone everyday as I passed by."
"And if i dont believe you?" Grayson says, internally prepared for a fight
"Well, I'm already here and giving you flowers. Red, right? Your favourite color?" he holds up the flowers again
"Youre a wierdo," Grayson slaps his hand away "i dont want your flowers."
Cassian frowns a little "oh. That's okay, maybe you hate these ones. I'll bring you some more tomorrow"
"Do not come back" Grayson grits
"im gonna" Cassian places the flowers at Grayson's feet, stands back up, looks at Grayson, shoots him a mischievous grin, and boops his nose again, making Grayson's nose officially the most booped part of his body.
Grayson opens his mouth to finally curse but Cassian starts running away "Oh, no, you don't." Grayson runs after him
But Cassian is surprisingly fast, and dodges Grayson multiple times
"We're playing tag, now?" Cassian snorts a laugh
Grayson realizes what's happening and stops dead in his tracks and frowns, glaring at Cassian.
"Leave." he says, barely holding on to his anger
"Why-" Cassian begins, but Grayson interrupts
"Leave before I tell on you. I'm giving you a free card once, don't expect it again" Grayson takes a breath through his teeth
Cassian slowly blinks at him, but then smiles softly and says "Okay! I'll figure out how to get out by myself next time"
Grayson watches as the boy sneakily watches out for the guards, and then darts into the woods without being seen, and eventually vanishes out of sight.
Grayson lets out a huff of irritation, and begins to walk back to the House, when he notices the muddy geraniums on the grass in front of him.
He hesitates for a second before picking them up.
I'll just throw them away, it doesn't matter. He thought
But a small part of Grayson, that he desperately tried to push away, wants to keep them. He doesn't want to admit it, but he really did not have any friends to bring him flowers. He was still suspicious of the boy, but he decided to see where all of this would end.
But for now, all he had to focus on was getting inside, taking a much needed shower, because of that pesky boy, and then attend lunch with his brothers and Grandfather.
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Prologue part2
@never-enough-novels @pink-mask-06
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ratatouillestew · 1 year
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hopped on the barbie mugshot trend
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junixxoxo · 8 months
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drdttober day three - vampires/werewolves
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clockwards · 2 years
early cordelia you are so important to me. you are shallow and you know it and it's better to be alone with other people than just alone and you know the world is far stranger than you are willing to fathom so you won't, you'll ignore it till it's right in front of you and you'll scream for it to go away and you will be may queen and prom queen and anything you can be and you will listen to yourself as if you are outside your own body. you're just sixteen. you're looking for something.
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thefandomenchantress · 6 months
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For some reason I really want to see the DRDT version of this. To anyone who ships a 3-person polycule. Who is who?
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honeydots · 1 month
I would like some teasers about that Xander - Soleil father-daughter support fic please 💖
HEHEHE that'd be my pleasure~~!! i'll put a couple things under the cut c:
the fanart nattie drew for me is from their c-support!! the gist of it is that xander's employing a similar punishment to soleil as he did to laslow for excessive flirting :3 but as they're working in xander's office, they both end up falling asleep, hence the little scene in the art <3
the rest of the support is about soleil lying through her teeth about how she totally isn't flirting anymore so she doesn't get in trouble again, and xander completely seeing through her lie and doing a dad-thing of trying to make her come clean herself instead of directly calling her out !!
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nobodycallsmerae · 1 year
i made a lil somethin' because these boys have been living in my head rent free.
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p-rainybee · 2 years
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"I know I should stop asking for her attention by now,
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but the small child in me won’t let go."
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g0reoz · 2 years
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boys who own a nokia brick ✨
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almoststedytimetravel · 10 months
I was re-reading some of the Fates supports, and the Oboro-Niles support might have rearranged my brain chemistry a little bit.
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holyfacehead · 3 months
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if not friend, why friend shaped?
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jasper-the-menace · 2 years
MTG fan lore question, what was Old Capenna like? Do you have any ideas™️?
Hey Faust, my dear friend! I had to think on this one for a while, to be completely honest with ya.
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Well, as we know, before the Phyrexians showed up and fucked everything, there was a Kingdom Era in the plane, where the five crime families started in different jobs than we see them in now. The Obscura were mystics, wizards, and advisors of the plane's angels; the Maestros were nobles and art aficionados; the Riveteers were artisans, blacksmiths, edificers, and architects; the Cabaretti were a popular druidic faith; the Brokers were paladins. It's even directly compared to the Bant shard of Alara.
We know that Old Capenna also had very few sphinxes, as they were very territorial and vain - they also had temples that they would draw the masses to, vying for worship through their visions and effectively only say the good stuff to keep the masses coming back. But we know Raffine didn't do this song and dance, instead crafting dark prophecies that were far more true and honest than the other sphinxes she knew - her mother, her rival, and her former lover, though she didn't care much for the first two and can't even remember the third at this point.
Xander is mentioned in canon to have been an ailing artist of an all-but-dead aristocratic house, showing that Capenna during the Kingdom Era was probably very, very similar to the romanticized idea of medieval Europe.
Ziatora is mentioned to be the last of the dragons who was able to survive through the power of her contract with an archdemon, so clearly Old Capenna had enough of them to go around and have a pretty sustainable "knight versus dragon" ecological dynamic. We also know that the rest of the dragons are now extinct, as seen in the lines "But where are the other dragons now? For all their righteousness, their gloating and purity, the great dragons of Old Capenna are dust."
The leonin druids that were the Cabaretti were founded by Jetmir, and they enjoyed the cycle of life, death, rebirth, and life eternal and were greatly connected to nature. They also served as entertainment to keep spirits up among settlers, who in turn would keep the druids fed and warm. This dynamic didn't change much when the druids moved into New Capenna and became a crime family.
But surprisingly, we don't actually know much about Falco Spara's past before becoming head of the Brokers, or even if he founded the order that would become them later. All we really know is that he has some of the clearest memories of the founding of New Capenna.
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So that's all canon with a bit of speculation at the end of Xander's section. So let's address the elephant in the room: the angels and archdemons.
Given that the only demons with that creature type are the crime lords (and Ob Nixilis as an interloper), that means there were no minor demons left around the time of the Streets of New Capenna block. So either minor demons were wiped out by the Phyrexian invasion that led to New Capenna's construction, or they never existed and only the archdemons did. Personally, I'm leaning towards "normal demons never existed in the first place", because it's hard to believe they would have all been wiped out without a trace. Perhaps the Capennan devils used to serve in that function instead, given that other planes such as Innistrad have them as the "lesser evil" to a demon's "greater evil". There were archangels above the regular angels during the Phyrexian invasion, so it doesn't make sense that archdemons wouldn't have some kind of servant.
I'm particularly interested in what drove the Obscura broadly to join the archdemons, given their closeness to the angels, but I believe it just comes down to survival. The archdemons had the best deals for New Capenna and could even repurpose the angels into Halo, so it makes sense that even the Obscura would turn against their angelic masters.
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Hopefully this gave ya something to think about, Faust!
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formulalina15 · 1 year
do you think grayson hawthorne would be a good study partner because that’s the only thing i can wonder while suffering through this hell we call “logarithms”
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