#xander: open starter.
narrativedoomed · 1 year
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forestofstarlight · 7 months
Open Starter: Stress Relief Research (Male, Female, or Futa)
A loud groan of frustration and panic echoes throughout the library as Xander rushes back to his work desk, a large stack of books and papers in his arms. A flurry of brown and white feathers fall to the floor as he speedily rushes past your muse.
He sloppily throws the bundle in his arms onto the desk, scattering a few books and papers onto the floor. Rapid muttering came from Xander as he frantically scribbled down notes and occasionally took quick sips of tea, his feathers fluffed and messy.
It was clear that he needed a break, though it would probably be difficult to pull the owl-type bird man away from his work.
Perhaps a certain someone can persuade him to take some time away from his work...
@rico-hyuuga @nightmare-the-mercenary @harmonyloveangels1990
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ofmarigclds · 2 years
open to: females connection: girl he found, possesses strong magic plot: this will be based on a webtoon i have been working on reading. xander is a high sorcerer known across the country for having a “harem” in a wing of his estate. little do people know these women are actually an elite team of sorceresses who are trained to protect the royals, him, and the country if needed. your muse’s house mysteriously burned down with her husband inside (could have been her fault or some other reason), and she was picked up by xander’s guards when it was figured out she had strong magic powers.   
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“Good you’re awake,” he spoke, turning from where he was standing at a table in the common room checking over some documents. “You gave the guards quite a fight during the carriage ride, so they had to knock you out.” He looked her over for a moment, noticing that his doctors had cleaned her up well. “We tried to recover any personal items from your home, so you could wake up to some familiar things, but everything has been completely lost. The girls have provided you with a wardrobe you can borrow until I can have some clothes made for you,” he said, referring to the five other ladies who stayed there. He knew well of the rumors about him and the women whom he boarded, most wild and nefarious. However, they were simply his collection of the most powerful magic users in the country. And he was about to acquire the help of a sixth, which hadn’t happened for a few years, but as soon as he saw her he knew the potential she wielded.    
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viewjaded · 1 year
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who: xander + anyone
where: the sasquatch
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"here," the glass slides across the surface -- a little shot glass filled with clear liquid -- until it stops perfectly in front of the other. xander takes a seat beside them, raising her own glass as they not towards the one they'd slid across the bar. "you look like you need it." and without a word, they raise theirs to their lips, knocking it back before slamming the empty glass onto the bar.
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29thdegree · 10 months
intended for , anyone ( m or f or nb ) & ( mutuals only ) . muse , xander trivedi .
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feigns  enthusiasm  when  a  random  party  -  goer  approaches  him  ,  and  a  secretive  side  gaze  leaves  their  countenance  for  a  moment  before  miraculously  landing  upon  them  ,  in  the  far  posterior  of  the  mingling  crowd  .  unsure  if  xander’s  presence  has  been  noted  of  ,  he  seizes  the  opportunity  to  leave  the  desperate  person  and  path  towards  his  ex  .  an  ex  he  thought  he  would  never  contact  again  ,  but  it  is  new  year’s  eve  and  as  always  ,  it  is  possible  to  ditch  the  past  and  remake  new  memories  .  “  hola  .  ”  he  smugly  greets  ;  a  concealed  smirk  reaching  the  inner  corners  of  his  mouth  .  “  five  minutes  to  the  new  year  .  ”  an  act  to  be  casual  .  inside  ,  nerves  are  dialed  to  the  hundreds  .  “  did  you  come  with  someone  ?  ”
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bcbyblux · 2 years
open to: anyone muse: Xander Evans (30-35 age gaps welcome above 21) Criminal & business owner  Plot: your muse maybe overheard some kind of threat? or caught wind of his underlying business? kinda can be creative here. 
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“i think you heard me wrong.” xander leant his back into the wall behind him as he stared down the other not daring to break the contact. 
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"Hm. Wonder how m'boy's doin'..."
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gypsybelladonna · 6 months
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tag drop for xander king
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spritethorne · 2 years
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Tags ⚡️
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Apple of His Eye - Crosby Crew blurb
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A little Crosby Crew blurb inspired by this video of the cutest Penguins Junior Starter ever...
Here is chapter one of the series -
@pattiemac1 @penstxgal1968
Tuesday, December 26th 2023 – Crosby House, Sewickley PA
“Momma,” Callie called from the bottom of the stairs, “Your phone is ringing.” Sera’s head turned toward the door of Cole’s nursery.
“Callie Girl,” she called down, “Can you read the name and tell me who is calling?” She pressed her lips together when she heard Callie answer the call herself. “I swear to God,” she sighed as she wiped Cole’s plump rump, “You may look like your Daddy’s twin, but that girl- she is his spiritual twin. They both don’t listen well.” Cole smiled at his mother as she finished the diaper change.
“Hello, this is Sera Crosby’s phone- Callie speaking,” Callie spoke loudly into the phone. She beamed with pride that she was able to answer the phone on her own.
“Uhhh, Callie?” the voice on the other end spoke in confusion, “This is Coach Sam. I need to speak to your mother. Is she available?”
Callie froze in place, “You need to speak to my mother?” She racked her brain if there was anything negative her coach could report from a recent practice. “Am I in trouble?” she questioned.
“Of course not, Callie. I just need to speak to your mother,” her coach answered.
Callie ran up the stairs and rushed into the room. She thrust the phone into her mother’s hand and ran out of the room. “Uh, hello?” Sera questioned as she watched her daughter disappear in a flash.
“Sera?” the coach questioned, “This is Coach Sam. Is Sid around?”
“No, what’s up?” she pulled up Cole’s pants and placed him on the floor as she cleaned the changing table.
“The Penguins reached out to me. They would like a representative of the team to be the Junior Starter of the game on January 6th,” he explained as Sera listened. “I would like Callie to be our representative but I know that Sid is very conscious of the appearance of any sort of favoritism because of his position.”
Sera mulled it over as she walked toward Callie’s room. The curly haired girl was nowhere to be seen. Sera leaned against the door, “If Callie’s last name was not Crosby, would she be the one that you would select?”
“Absolutely! She is the leading goal scorer and a leader on the ice,” he explained.
“Then I think that she should be offered the opportunity if she earned it on her merits,” Sera smiled, “Unfortunately, she seems to be missing in action. I guess you will need to ask Xander.”
“Nooooooo,” Callie screamed from her closet. The door flew open and she ran out. “I am here. What portunity? What portunity?”
Sera handed the phone to Callie, “I will let your coach tell you.”
Callie put the phone to her ear and listened intently as her coach explained the opportunity. Her eyes filled with tears, “I really am not in trouble? You want me to represent the team?”
“Yes, Callie,” Coach Sam answered, “You earned it. I can’t think of anyone on the team that works as hard as you at every practice and every game. You are very talented Callie, but your hard work ethic is the best.”
“Thank you, Coach Sam,” Callie squealed, “So I will get to go stand next to Uncle Kris for the anthem?” Callie gasped and looked at her mother, “Can we surprise him? Can we surprise Uncle Kris?”
“Ummm, if you want to,” Sera smiled, “I don’t know how we will keep your Daddy to keep his mouth shut but we will try.”
Callie’s nose scrunched up, “Daddy can keep a secret.”
“Daddy can keep a secret from you,” Sera protested, “But he can’t keep a secret about you. He will be bursting with pride.”
“Umm, Callie?” Coach Sam interjected, “Can I tell the Penguins yes?”
“I am sorry,” Callie blushed, “Yes, please tell them I will do it. Can you tell them that I want it to be a secret?”
“I don’t think that they normally tell the players, but I will let them know that you don’t want them to know,” Coach Sam laughed, “Remember we don’t have practice again until the weekend of the 13th. I will see you at the game though.”
Callie turned to look at her mother who simply raised her eyebrows. The high pitched squeal reverberated through the house. Cole looked up at his big sister in question, unsure what the squeal communicated- delight or terror. When he saw the smile spread across her face, he joined in with his own squeals of delight. Callie ran and lept into her mother’s arms. “Momma, Momma, Momma - I get to be on Daddy’s ice before a real game. I get to wear my uniform and be a real Pittsburgh Penguin!”
“Yes, you will,” Sera replied as eyes filled with tears, “I am so happy for you.” Three members of the Crosby crew collapsed onto the floor in a pile of hugs and kisses.
Saturday, January Sixth – PPG Paints Arena
“Where are Aunt Sera and Callie?” Nikita asked his mother again as they stood by the glass for warm-ups.
Anna tried to avoid the question as long as possible. “Sera is doing Callie’s hair. She wants it to look special,” she finally stammered as an answer as Cole squirmed in her arms
Nikita gave his mother a side eye, “Callie never misses warm-ups. You are not telling me the truth.” Anna shot him a look that conveyed a very stern “Let it go” message. Nikita acquiesced and turned his attention to his father who had just taken to the ice.
On the other side of the arena, Callie stood in a hallway adjusting her shin pads as her mother taped her socks. “Mama, we’re going to be late,” she whined. Sera checked the time and confirmed that they were not late.
“Callie Girl, warm-ups just started. We have at least twenty minutes before they come to get you.” Sera remarked calmly.
“No, we go to them. That’s what Mr. Mark said,” Callie interjected, “We meet in the tunnel by the big stack of chairs. He showed me.”
Sera shook her head, “You’re right. Now let’s get your chest pads on and head that way. I wouldn’t want the Junior Starter of the game to be late. I hear that the Penguins Captain is a bit of a hard ass.”
“Momma!” Callie squealed, “You said ass. You are not supposed to cuss around me.”
“Hey, if you are going to be a Junior Starter, you have to get used to the hockey words,” her mother joked back, “but don’t use them until you are older.”
A few minutes later - Mark, the arena crew member, smiled as Callie walked towards the tunnel. “There is our Junior Starter of the game,” he smiled. Callie glanced back at her mother for reassurance. As much as the arena was a second home to her, the nerves were beginning to activate. She regretted telling her mom to not invite Nikita to come to the tunnel with them. Her best friend would make her feel calmer.
Sera sensed her daughter's anxiety and decided to get the logistics out of the way. “They said to leave her jersey off?” Sera stated as they were directed to the chairs, “Something about a mic?”
“Yes,” he said, “Let’s get you mic’d up. I think that the Penguins want to capture the audio and video.”
“The Penguins know?” Callie began to panic, “It’s supposed to be a surprise! It’s supposed to be a surprise!”
Mark laughed at first but looked at the very real expression of disbelief on Callie’s face. “Callie, look at me,” he said as she began to wind herself up. She glanced in his direction. “There are about five people who know that you are the Junior Starter of the game- the social media person, the announcer, your mom, you and me. That’s it, Callie. No one from the team knows, okay?”
Mark bent down to give Callie last minute instructions. “Now after they give the introduction, I will give you the signal and you can go stand next to your dad.” Callie’s eyes widened in surprise. In all of the times that she had mentally pictured this moment in her mind, she always stood next to Uncle Kris. That’s where all of the Junior Starters stood for the anthem. She looked up at her mother, then back to the handler. “I stand next to my Dad? Are you sure?” she questioned.
“I don’t see why not,” Mark smiled, “You know where he will be right?”
“Don’t worry about it dude,” Callie answered flippantly in an attempt to disguise her nervousness, “I know what I’m doing.“
The remark was met with swift rebuke from her mother. “Calliope Crosby, be respectful! Apologize right now.”
“I am sorry, Mr. Mark,” Callie quickly offered, “but I know where my dad stands. It is the same for every game.”
“Yeah, the Captain is a creature of habit, isn’t he?” Mark remarked with a smirk.
Callie nodded and began to feel the nerves again. Suddenly the house lights went dark and the music began. Callie inched forward and watched the screen as the pregame hype video began on the big screen. Her heart began to race and she rocked on her skates back and forth. Then she looked up on the screen just as the video switched to a live feed of the team coming from the locker room. She smiled as her father appeared on the screen. “Daddy,” she whispered to herself. The sight of him calmed her nerves and she noticed the intense look on his face. She tried to match his expression. Sera looked on from the side. She smiled to herself as she watched her daughter transform into her father’s mini-me.
Callie focused on the tunnel as the Penguins took to the ice. She ducked down when her father whizzed by her. Most took laps around their zone and headed to their bench. Five players, including her father, took their place on the blue line for introductions.
“Almost time. You ready?” he asked, “Go move out to the carpet. You know where to go? Can you find your dad?”
Yes,” she answered, “He will be closest to the boards.”
“Great,” Mark gave her a thumbs up, “Have fun!”
Callie stepped out onto the carpet as the introductions started. The Penguins faced away from her but her eyes were transfixed on her father. She shivered slightly as the crowd erupted at the line, “And the captain, number 87….. Sidney Crosby!”
The Penguins removed their buckets and turned slightly to face the carpet. Well, all of them except one. Kris Letang squinted his eyes in disbelief then he shook his head, “No way.” Behind him, Rickard Rakell leaned to the side, “Is that Callie?”
Sidney stood with his head down. His mind was focused on his pregame routine and he only half-listened to the arena announcer. It was time to announce the Junior Starter of the game, then it would be time for the anthem. He focused his eyes on the ice.
The announcer began her introduction, “Welcome to the ice tonight’s Junior Starter of the game- wearing number 87 - Calliope Crosby of the Sewickley Penguins.” The crowd erupted in cheers as they realized that the Junior Starter of the game was none other than Sidney Crosby’s daughter.
The roar of the crowd penetrated Sidney’s ears. “Wow,” he thought, “The crowd seems pretty fired up tonight. I bet the Junior Starter is a cutie.” He turned to watch them skate. His eyes settled on the small figure skating toward him. “Wait,” he thought, “They go next to Tanger. Why are they skating toward me?” Then he noticed the jersey. “Huh,” he questioned, “Callie’s team jersey looks just like that. Her breezers look just like that too.” Then he looked at the face beneath the visor.
Callie neared Kris Letang and flashed a smile, “Surprise Uncle Kris!” Then she skated past him toward her father.
Sidney stared and tried to make sense of what he was seeing. Why was Callie on the ice? He looked up and noticed her picture on the jumbotron. He read her name and the words “Junior Starter of the Game”. He made eye contact with his daughter and smiled, “Daddy, did I surprise you? I am a starter just like you. I get to be on YOUR ice.”
“Just like you” - The words hung in the air. His baby was here on the ice, with him. She was here on HIS ice. The reality that this would be the closest that he would come to playing hockey with one of his children. Sure, there would be exhibition games and scrimmages, but it wouldn’t be the same. It would be in a game atmosphere. He stared at her in stunned wonder.
He choked out the words, “Yes, Callie - just like me!” His eyes suddenly filled with tears and he titled his head back to keep the tears from falling.
The roar of the crowd continued. Through the noise, he could hear Geno laugh and call to Callie. “Callie- You play on my line. We score lots of goals.”
Callie yelled back, “Uncle Geno, I don’t actually get to play!” He gave her a wink and continued to beat his stick on the boards with the rest of the team.
The anthem singer was announced and Sidney looked at his daughter and his heart skipped a beat. The absolute pride coursed through his veins and radiated from his eyes. She looked up at him with a shy smile. “Callie,” he said softly, “Take off your helmet for the anthem, okay?”
She nodded solemnly. She knew that this was part of the pregame routine that her father strictly adhered to without exception. She took off her helmet and held it to her side, just like her father. On the sidelines, Sera watched with the same pride that Sidney felt. They, along with Cole, were the center of her universe and her heart burst with joy. She had not admitted it to anyone but there was a small part of her that had been disappointed when they found that Callie was a girl. Although she knew that she would love the tiny bean growing insided of her, Sera worried that Sidney might miss out on moments like this. She worried that he would love a son just a little more.
She shook her head and chided herself for not realizing that these moments would create themselves, regardless of their child’s gender. She had been wrong. There was no way that would have loved Callie more if she had been a boy. No, that girl was the apple of his eye and his love for her knew no bounds.
As the anthem began, Sidney looked down at his daughter. Gone was the smile. It had been replaced by the focused intensity of a game day. “Where did she learn that from?” he thought to himself as he turned and faced forward. His expression matched Callie’s. He nearly lost it though when he felt her small hand wrap around the pinkie of his glove. Despite the tough facade, she sought the comfort of her father to ease her anxiety. Sidney could not think of a higher honor than that. To be her safe person, the eraser of fears, her rock in this crazy word - that was his life’s purpose. Everything else was small potatoes. No, this - this moment in time was more precious than any hockey related accolade
There was not a dry eye among the parents in the crowd who watched this tender moment between their beloved captain and his daughter. For a brief moment in time, they witnessed him not as a decorated hockey veteran but in his greatest role as Callie's dad.
The sentimental tears turned into laughter as both Callie and Sidney made the Sign of the Cross and kissed their necklaces simultaneously as the anthem ended. Then she turned to skate off as she had been instructed. “Callie Girl,” he called out to her. She stopped in place while he bent and kissed her forehead. “Good job,” he spoke softly, “Good job!”
She looked up into his eyes and flashed a beaming smile. “Thank you Cap,” she answered, “I gotta go now. I am not supposed to doodle.”
“You mean dawdle?” he corrected.
“Yeah, dawdle, not doodle,” she corrected herself before skating off, “Bye!”
He stood and watched her skate toward the tunnel. He felt a pang of disappointment that she had not given him a hug before leaving. Then he remembered that she would have given detailed instructions on what to do. Knowing his daughter and the numerous times she had been told to “listen the first time”, she would follow the instructions to a T.
His eyes found his wife and they exchanged a look and a head nod before he turned to go to the bench. Callie was almost to the carpet when she stopped. Sera looked at her daughter in concern. Callie mouthed, “Sorry!” before turned around and started skating back across the ice. “Daddy! Daddy!” she yelled as sprinted across the ice.
Sidney turned around abruptly and watched her race towards him. Then he squatted down and opened his arms wide. She threw herself into his embrace and hugged him tight. “I’m sorry, Daddy. I needed a hug. I couldn’t go without a hug.”
“It’s okay, Callie Girl,” he soothed, “I wanted a hug.”
They stood and embraced for a moment. The noise of the crowd faded into silence as they clung to each other. He was just a dad hugging his precious child. The Buffalo Sabres awkwardly skated around the duo to get in position for the face-off. The rest of the Pittsburgh Penguins skated by them gingerly. Letang whispered softly as he passed, “Sid, it’s time.”
Sidney set Callie down and placed a kiss on the top of her helmet. “I love you so much, Callie Girl. I have to go to work now.”
Callie paused before she turned to yell at the Penguins bench. “Pittsburgh Penguins, what are you going to do tonight?” she yelled.
In unison, they yelled back “Listen the first time, do our best, and have fun!”
She gave them a big thumbs and skated off into her mother’s waiting arms. Sera covered Callie’s face with kisses. “Baby Girl! You did so well. Did you have fun?” she asked, “Was it fun to stand there with Daddy?”
Callie buried her face into the nape of her mother’s neck. “This is the best night of my whole life!”
“Your whole life? Wow, that’s something!” Sera laughed.
Sidney did a slow lap around the neutral zone to regain his composure. When he settled into position for the face-off, Tage Thompson remarked, “Cute kid”. His comment was met with an ice cold stare. Tage gulped and got into position only to have Sidney win the face-off decidedly.
Four Hours Later - Crosby House - Sewickley PA
Sidney carried Callie’s sleeping body up the stairs as Sera followed behind carrying Cole. He paused at the top of the stairs to allow Sera to kiss Callie’s forehead and whisper a prayer. Then they separated ways. He went to tuck Callie into bed while Sera went to breastfeed Cole for his final feed of the night.
After tucking her into her bed, Sidney knelt down beside it to gaze at her peaceful face. He pushed her hair out of her face and caressed her forehead with this thumb. “Best night ever,” he said to himself.
“That’s what I told Momma,” Callie answered although her eyes were still closed.
He paused before responding. He didn’t want to risk her fully waking up which would incite the wrath of a very tired wife. “Daddy?” she asked, “Were you so, so proud of me?”
“I’m always so, so proud of you Callie Girl,” he whispered.
“Were you surprised?” she yawned.
“Very” he grinned at the memory.
“Coach Sam said he picked me because I earned it- not because you are my dad,” she said sleepily.
“Of course you earned it, baby,” he leaned forward and kissed her forehead, “Now go to sleep and you can tell me more in the morning.”
“‘Kay,” she yawned again before rolling over. “Daddy?” she asked as he stood up straight, “Who is the luckiest Daddy ever?”
“Me, Baby Girl, Me,” he paused and responded.
“Why?” she asked.
“Because I get to be Cole’s daddy and your daddy,” he smiled and headed to the door.
“Daddy?” she asked, causing him to roll his eyes with her obvious stalling tactics.
“Yes?” he sighed.
“Who is the luckiest girl in the whole wide world?” she asked.
“I don’t know,” he answered, “Who?”
“Me - do you know why?”
“No, but I am sure you will tell me, Callie,” he said with a hint of impatience in his voice.
“Because I get to be your baby girl, Daddy. I get to be your baby girl and Momma’s baby girl,” she yawned again.
“Well, I guess then we are both the luckiest,” he smiled, “Now go to sleep.”
“I love you to the moon and back, Daddy.”
“I love you to the sun and back,” he responded as he walked out the door.
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aeviterncl · 1 month
Who would've thought reading the assigned textbook for this class would be so much harder than the ones for his other classes? It was one thing to need a magnifying glass to have a chance at reading a normal textbook, but this book was closer to a novel printed in a small size—which made it just that much harder to read. Ugh, this all really sucked! How could he write up this assignment in time when the tool that would help him make sense of this nonsense drawing was back home and when the assignment was due within the next few hours? Rubbing his eyes, Xander tried to focus on the tiny text on the page, but the light in the library was absolutely bothering him.
It hurt like hell, actually. His head hurt too. Taking a moment to pinch the bridge of his nose, the redhead redirected his thoughts away from the throbbing ache in his skull. He had to finish this assignment tonight.
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As much as he would stay in his dorm room, he couldn't read properly in dim lighting either, hence why he was even here to read in the first place (and the library helped him focus on his work better too). The redhead had hoped there would be an large print version of his book here, but he had no such luck when asking the librarian about it. So, here he was—stuck without a reasonable excuse for not completing his assignment on time, the word document on the laptop sitting in front of him mostly typed up but still missing the key components that required analyzing components of the text he couldn't magnify properly with the tools he had brought with him to college.
Glancing over at the person sitting beside him, Xander decided to enlist some help. He knew this was breaking the unspoken rules of not bothering people who were studying, but what else could he do at this point when even going back to his dorm room wouldn't change much of anything? Reaching out hesitantly, the boy gently tapped on the person's shoulder, hoping this person would be nice.
In a quiet voice, he tried to explain himself, ❝ Um, sorry to bother you but... do you mind helping me read this? The drawing is way too tiny for me to read. ❞ The redhead held out the book to the page he was stuck on—one with a chemical compound drawings and tiny letters and numbers that he needed to reference, ❝ or if you could draw it larger on a sheet of paper...? ❞
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ofmarigclds · 2 years
open to: females connection: someone looking for his help
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The sorcerer scoffed as he shook his head at her. “The kind of potion you are wanting is very costly. And the coins you seem to have,” he gestured to the small leather bag she placed on the table separating them both, “ wouldn’t pay for a single basilisk fang from the recipie.”
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lyrakanefanatic · 5 months
Congrats on the 100, well deserved. Good luck for all the wonderful things you will create!
☕️ phone girl and grayson (matches your whole blog)
Now the name I put for phone girl is Lily, because I feel like that’s gonna be her name in the grandest game and also I’m not gonna call her “ms. Thomas” or just straight up “phone girl” 💀💀
Grayson was drunk. Out of his mind, ridiculously drunk. “The Game” had commenced months ago, and Jameson wanted to play with me, Xander, him, and Nash just for fun. Now, Grayson wasn’t one to turn down dares, but the rules were that if you were unable to carry out your dare, whether you attempted it or not, you still have to drink. And it seemed that Jameson was giving him near impossible dares just to spite him. It seemed they all were. His brothers watched, laughing as he took yet another shot. Something had happened when he took this shot, and his mind wandered off as he imagined a beautiful girl in his head. Lily. He could picture her laugh even now, quick and loud as her dark eyes would twinkle and she’d lean her head back. Since the day that she called him, there had always been something about her that intrigued Grayson. Her voice, for starters, was magnificent and addicting to listen to, and was what had made Grayson fall in love with her at first. He had never acknowledged it before, but now drunk he could see that he had truly started to fall for her. Her and her riddles. And maybe she wasn’t perfect. But neither was he.
“Lily.” I say, suddenly snapping out of my trance and looking up at my brothers. “Where is she?” Jameson raises a brow at me, but Nash is the one to answer. “She’s with Avery and the other contestants, Gray. Why?” He asks me. I struggle to focus, and in my mind I can see her again. Her loose dark curls flowing down her back. The sad smile when she would talk about her father. There were so many things that Grayson had yet to know about her. And so many things he wanted to know about her.
“I think I’m in love with her Nash. And god, I’m drunk.” I answer, leaning my head back against the wall and squeezing my eyes shut. I struggled to focus on what I was doing, and her. There were so many words to describe Lily, but none of them seemed as big and brilliant as her. I feel a hand slap down on my head and tilt it down. I open my eyes and see Xander staring at me, his eyes a bit wide but a smile on his face. “And what makes you think that, Gray?” He asks me. I’m 99.9% sure that I just end up saying whatever I’m thinking when I’m drunk, and that Xander knows this and is just trying to get information out of me, but my head hurts so bad I can’t control it.
“Everything, Xan, everything. The way she smiles, her voice, her laugh, I fall in love with every bit of her. I love the way her brows crinkle when she’s stuck on a clue, the way she hides her face when she’s trying not to laugh, and the way she always knows what to say to the right people. But love is too small of a word for her. It’s too simple when my love for her is so complicated and bold and too big for a dictionary or thesaurus to comprehend, so I don’t know what word to use. She’s everything to me. But she’s not perfect, and for once, when I’m with her, I feel I don’t have to be perfect either. And she’s unexpected. And brave. And loyal. And too smart for her own good. She’s a raging fire and I’m so in love with her I struggle to think about a time when I loved anybody else. And her eyes are so dark and secretive that I wish I could just stare into them for hours at a time and figure out every little thing behind them.” I finally finish. Jamie and Xan both look shocked at my sudden declaration, but Nash looks completely unsurprised.
“Well, that was gonna’ come out sooner or later. Let’s get you to your room.” He drawls, looping his arm around my back and pulling me up out of my chair. Suddenly, I push him off me and throw up on the carpet. Great. I can hear my brother’s groans as I turn around and stumble out of the kitchen, towards the living room. I barely keep myself from falling on my face, as I slump into the couch, not moving once I was laying there. I felt my eyes start to close as I drifted off, and my head sang a familiar tune, stopping me from sleeping. Lily. Lily. Lily. Lily. Lily. Lily. Lily. I could remember asking her what she would do with the money if she won. I could hear her listing the things that she’d get for her mother, and then one thing she would have gotten for herself. “But these are all just wants,” She said. “I would need to get a new house for my family, since our current one is old, and an upgrade on our furniture. That’s what I need.” She turned to me, her eyes sparkling as a small smile touched her lips. “Oh, right, you’re a billionaire. You don’t need anything, right?” She said. I stared at her then, just barely holding back the answer I wanted to give her. I don’t need anything other than you, Lily.
My head started thundering so loud that I was unable to stay awake a second longer, and I drifted into a dreamless, peaceful sleep.
I GOT THIS IDEA FROM ONE OF MY HCS VIDEOS, AND HERE U GO! also, does anybody else think that her names gonna be lily? i also saw other people saying her name could be calla, which could work too
i’ve actually had this idea for a while and was just waiting for people to ask me for a phone girl and grayson fic sooo yeah thank you 🙏🙏😭
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viewjaded · 1 year
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where: the daily grind
who: open
"god, that smell." xander inhales deeply, wafting the smell of coffee towards her with a wave of her hand as they walk away from the counter. looking around the shop, they spot someone seated alone — perfect, absolutely perfect — and she flops down into the empty seat across from them with a wide smile. "i feel like i must be sick for coming here even when i don't work." they nod towards the other. "what'd you order?"
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comiiical · 8 months
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In honor of Upload season 3 being out, like for a starter from:
Stephen (Robbie Amell, Froy Gutierrez, Oliver Stark, Rudy Pankow, Chris Evans, Casey Deidrick)
Luca (Max thieriot) - His Twin
Bellamy (Grant Gustinm Rome Flynn) - Younger brother
Preston (Matt Cornett, Ed Skrein, Grey Damon) - His younger brother (although he has his own starter call so for him that one may have priority)
Allen (Brant Daugherty) - His next younger brother
Eric (Chris Wood, Lucien Laviscount) - His babiest brother
Jace (Dominic Sherwood) - His adoptive brother
Phillip Halliwell-Ward (Paul Mescal) - His son
Eri Halliwell-Ward (Danny Griffin) - His son
TJ Halliwell-Ward (Will Poulter) - His son
Sebastian Halliwell-Montgomery (Jack Gillinsky) - His son
Roman (Luke Mitchell) - His best friend
Astor (Mason Gooding) - His best friend
Frey (Dacre Montgomery) - Past life’s lover
Colt (Ryan Reynolds) - His brother-in-law
Prue (Jensen Ackles) - His dad
Andy Jr (Chris Hemsworth) - His cousin from dad's side
Piper (Murray Bartley) - His uncle
David Nolan (Josh Dallas) - His uncle
Wyatt (Jeremy Allen White) - Cousin
Mel (Tom Holland) - Cousin
Phelan (Frank Grillo) - His uncle
Teddy (Max Riemelt, Joshua Orpin) - Cousin
Derek (Tyler Hoechlin) - Cousin
Phoenix (Matt Daddario, Joshua Bassett) - Cousin
Percy (Greg Sulkin) - Cousin
Parker (Brenton Thwaites) - Cousin
Peyton (Gavin Leatherwood) - Cousin
Page (Tahmoh Penikett) - Uncle
Owen (Tom Hardy, Pablo Schreiber) - Cousin
Joel (Glen Powell, Michael Provost) - son of Owen
Tanner (Jacob Elordi) - Cousin
Keith (Nico Greetham) - Cousin
Henry (Ronen Rubinstein,Karl Urban) - Cousin
Brendon (Leo Howard, Oliver Jackson Cohen) - Cousin
Kody Jr (Tanner Buchanan) - Son of Tanner
Piers (Christopher Meloni) - Gramps
Alan (Tom Welling) - Distant ancestor
Charles (Craig Parker) - son of alan
Ken (Wes Chatham) - Son of alan
Xander (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) - distant relative
Colt (Ryan Reynolds) - Brother in law
Clive (Jake Aunstin Walker) - Son of Dacre
Yorick (Ryan Gosling) - His familiar
Penn (Oliver Jackson Cohen) - Long distant relative direct descendant from his uncle's past life
Porter (Max Irons) - Long distant relative direct descendant from his uncle's past life
Pascal or Prescott (Robert Buckley, Jeffrey Dean Morgan) - direct descendants from his father's past life
Patrick (David Harbour) - ^^ and the uncle of the ones above
Xavier Johnson (John Krasinski) - second uncle once removed
Bruno Johnson (Charlie Cox) - second uncle once removed
Gerard Johnson (Derek Theler) - second uncle once removed
Dacre Ward-Johnson (Boyd Holbrook) - second uncle once removed
JJ Johnson (Dylan OBrien) - second uncle once removed
John Johnson (Drew Starkey) - second cousin once removed
George Johnson (Harris Dickinson) - second cousin once removed
Because It is impossible for me to have them all open, I will stick to the few first set that are chosen, and stop there, if someone else is chosen and I don't haev a back and forth reply, then I will close that and make the starters for those I haven't made. I may do exclusively one liners as my brain is not in the right place right now though.
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demidevildiva · 2 months
Open Starter
They stared up at the stars, imagined them all raining down around them and burning the world straight to hell. Scorching the plants, the trees, the animals, and all those lowly humans that roamed amuck. The image brought an instant smile to Valentina's lips and they signed with content. "Do you recognize any constellations?" they asked, turning to the person besides them. Hunter's head laid on their feet, while Xander kneeled off to their far left pulling out what seemed to be weeds from the ground. Hunter: There's the big dipper! "Be more original." Val bit back before rolling her eyes, "What about you? What do you see?"
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