#wynter the wolf
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Tried coming up with some potential color palettes for Poppy, Buddy, Wynter, and Rascal
I got four done for Poppy, then when I tried saving anything for Buddy's, the app I was using started acting up on me. Apparently you're only allowed to save 10 individual colors before it starts charging money, which,,,, I don't get, but whatever
Some explanations for these under the cut, because yeah
First off, these would only be for their body, hair, and eye colors. I wasn't factoring clothes into this or anything
For Poppy's- the two shades of purple would be the main colors of his body. For two of the versions, I was thinking his eyes might be blue, with pink and green as accent colors. Then in the other two versions, the purples stay the same, but blue and green were the accent colors and orange was his potential eye color
For Buddy's- the varying shades of blue would be his primary colors, with grey being the accent color. I also considered green as an accent color too, but eh. Then for contrast, I figured that it might look cool if his eyes were red
For Wynter's- white and the really light blue-grey were the primary colors on her body. The darker grey and black (or teal, if you're looking at the second version) would be the colors of her hair. Then lastly, red was for her eyes. I'm a little iffy on keeping her eyes red though, because I don't want any repeating eye colors (given that Buddy's might end up being red)
For Rascal's- the first two lighter shades of green would be the primary colors on his body. The darker green and brown-green could be for his hair (if he ends up having hair, since idk yet), and the bright yellow-green color would possibly be for his eyes
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jplupine · 5 months
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[WIP] Lemme show off these Kenpachi tiddies 😤
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undeadzed · 2 years
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atwotonedbird · 2 years
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A trio of OC's commission for Whitefang Kodeshi and Laria
 Laria, Whitefang and Wynter 😺🐺😼
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xxhanachanxx · 1 year
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🩷🌸✨pride '23~
The sapphics have entered the chat, I wanted to draw my Halloween and Christmas OCs for this year's Pride month! Apologies for the janky anatomy and low effort, it's been a while that I've been in the drawing board and I'm already on summer break! With that being said, hope you enjoy and HAPPY PRIDE~ 🏳️‍🌈♡
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bluesettes · 7 months
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Here are three of my lovely Icerun wolves from Lorwolf! In order:
Wynter was mated to Raine. He loved her dearly and was devastated when she passed on baring her first litter. He devoted all his time to raising their puppies the best he could and was supported by the pack. His sons left to find their own way but Oceà chose to stay. They'll still very close.
He later took Pearl as a mate.
Pearl and Wynter have had many litters together but she cares for his previous mate's children like they were her own.
Oceà is mysterious and prone to disappearing for days on end. She always returns with food though, so thus far pack leader Verona has let it go.
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percentstardust · 2 years
willa has two betas. there is no written rule that an alpha has to have one beta. so, she has made it so wynter is also her beta due to how close she is to the twins. ergo, wynter is a beta.
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Wyatt Lykensen x Reader
Fandom: Z-O-M-B-I-E-S
Note: This one’s been kicking around in my brain for a while. I think witches would fit in really well into the ZOMBIES world. This takes place after Z2 but before Z3.
Summary: Being the new girl in town is no easy feat, especially in a town full of zombies and werewolves. Wyatt takes a quick interest in you, but will he stick around once he learns about the magic you’re hiding beneath the surface?
Warnings: witchcraft? I guess? Other than that, none, I think.
Word Count: 4.7k
Reader is: A witch, implied to be female (they wear a dress) but I don’t think I ever used she/her pronouns.
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You had been somewhat hesitant to move to Seabrook with your family. Something was brewing there, you could feel it in the wind, in the stars when they twinkled. There was magic there, of a few different kinds, which called to your own.
You and your mother were what were called Moonborne witches, a rare bloodline passed down through generations. Meanwhile, your father was a descendant of the Mysticwood coven, which had origins out in Massachusetts. But the Moonbornes were different. The Moonborne Coven had origins right there in Seabrook, which is why after three hundred years, your family was finally moving back.
It had been a few days since you’d moved in. Thanks to your magic, the boxes seemed to unpack themselves. Although, just because things were still…shaky in Seabrook after the introduction of werewolves to the community, you and your parents had decided to glamour for the time being, until you knew things were safe.
So, instead of your usually purple hair, you were rocking a nice, natural, human hair color. It was fine. Glamouring full time did tend to tire you out, but it was a sacrifice that needed to be made to ensure your family wouldn’t get chased out of yet another home.
You’d taken it upon yourself to be the one to paint the front door. It was a witch thing. The front door was to be painted purple, and while you did so, you’d also inscribe it with a protection sigil, to protect the house and bless all the people within it. It was while you were about halfway done that you felt a presence behind you. Two of them, technically. Definitely not human, swirls of magic lingering around their souls, and they smelled heavily of the woods.
“Excuse me? Sorry to bother you.” One of the wolves, a boy, said. His voice was deep with a slight rasp. It was familiar to you in a way you couldn’t explain. “You just moved in, right?”
You turned around to face the strangers. You were correct. Two werewolves, one boy and one girl. The boy was tall, covered in toned muscle. He had short brown hair with a very distinct white streak near the front of his head, a few purple markings on his face and tattoos on his forearms. He had pointed fangs in his mouth, the tips of his ears coming to a point as well.
The other, the girl, was shorter. She had a wilder energy to her, long straight brown hair with a large chunk of white. He could have been the Alpha, but you didn’t think he was. He had the presence, but not the energy of the first in command.
“Hi. I’m (Y/N). We just moved in, yeah. Nice to meet you.”
The boy looked stuck, a lump in his throat or something of the sort as he stared at you. His breath hitched and his mouth opened, but he didn’t speak, just looking at you with this hypnotized kind of glaze in his eyes.
“Wyatt.” The girl hissed, elbowing him in the stomach.
Wyatt. You repeated in your mind, committing it to memory. It suited him, you decided.
“Oh! Um…” He gathered his thoughts, seemingly tugged back down to earth from wherever his mind had floated off to just then. “Right. Sorry about that. I’m Wyatt, this is Wynter. We’re from the local wolf pack, and we took it upon ourselves to, uh, introduce ourselves, welcome you to the community, and invite you to our picnic this weekend.”
“A picnic? That’s really nice.” You smiled. “I’d love to go. Is it at the park?”
“It is.” Wynter nodded. “Everyone is invited.”
“Do you need us to bring anything?”
Wyatt smiled, warmth in his eyes. “You don’t have to. You can if you want to, though.”
“Okay, awesome. I have a wicked recipe for cake cookies.”
“Cake cookies?” Wynter’s face lit up. “Is it a cake made of cookies or cookies made of cake?”
“They’re cookies, but they’re made from cake mix. They come out super moist and soft.” You explained, chuckling at just how hyperactive she seemed to be, especially compared to her counterpart. “They’re great.”
“They sound like it. So, uh, where did you move in from?”
“Just moved in from Michigan, actually. Kind of beautiful there, but uh…I don’t know, I’m excited to be here.” You shrugged. “This place has a really unique energy to it.”
“Well, don’t let us big scary wolves chase you off.” Wyatt joked, tilting his head at you. There was something glimmering in his eye that you couldn’t quite place. Something mischievous and…maybe even nervous? “I…I have a feeling you’re gonna make a great addition to our town.”
“I think so too.”
The day of the picnic, you put on your glamour, baked your cookies, and headed out to the park with your parents. You were nervous; you didn’t really know anyone aside from the werewolves who had showed up on your doorstep, but it seemed this was the whole point, to get to know more people.
You half-expected staring eyes, looks of disgust and fear that usually accompanied you and your family, but you didn’t find them. Sometimes, you almost forgot you could wave your hand and wish away your natural witchy features, blending in seamlessly with humans. It was almost unfair.
“You made it!” A cheery blonde girl beamed, walking up to you. “You must be (Y/N)! I’m Addison and this is Zed!” She introduced the rather tall, lanky zombie boy beside her.
“Nice to meet both of you.” You greeted warmly. You held up your container full of cookies. “Where should I put these?”
“I can set them with the rest of the food.” Zed offered, taking the container from you and bringing it over to one of the tables.
“Did you make those yourself?”
“Yeah, I did. I like baking.” You shrugged. “Didn’t have much time to before the move, all the packing and whatnot.”
“Oh, I bet. Well, I’m super glad you guys moved here! If you need anything let me know.” Addison said, her voice sincere.
“I will.” You promised. Your parents were off with the other adults, chatting. You wandered for a bit before walking right into a tall, warm, muscled body. “Oh my gosh, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” Of course it was Wyatt, his fanged grin confident and warm. “You came.”
“Of course I did. This is all great. Do you all do this often?”
“Only when the weather is this nice.” He motioned around at the perfect blue sky on the warm, sunny day. “And on full moons, but that’s more of a wolf thing.”
“Gotcha, gotcha.” You nodded.
“Want a hotdog? Bonzo and I just finished grilling them. We have vegetarian options, too, if you don’t do meat.” He offered, making sure to cover all of his bases.
“I’ll have a hotdog, yeah.” You chuckled. “The meat kind is fine. You guys have mustard?”
“We’ve got a little bit of everything.” He offered you his arm and, blushing, you took it, letting him guide you through the food options. You couldn’t ignore his warmth, nor the way his touch set your fingers tingling, your heart racing.
Something zinged through you, a floating, burning feeling. You’d never felt it before, but you’d heard whispers of it among the few remaining members of the Moonborne Coven. Strange things were said to happen when werewolves and witches crossed paths.
You pushed the thoughts out of your head. Wyatt was kind. He was beyond kind, actually. And already you could tell there was more to your connection than what lay on the surface.
After the picnic, Addison promptly got your number and added you to several groupchats, most of them including Wyatt as well as the other wolves, a handful of Zombies, and her friend Bree. They welcomed you with open arms, and it wasn’t long before they’d invited you to hang out with them. They’d agreed to meet at the bowling alley.
“I haven’t been bowling in ages.” You grinned, putting on the neon pink and green bowling shoes you’d rented.
“I haven’t been bowling ever.” Wyatt replied, putting on his shoes as well, tying them carefully despite the long claws he sported.
“It wasn’t until recently that we were actually let into town.” Wyatt told you, his demeanor shifting a little. He shrugged. “It’s nice, though. I like it here and I’m glad things are turning around.”
“That’s good.” You agreed. “People are really weird about differences and it sucks.”
“You think so?”
“Yeah. I mean, that’s kind of why we moved here. We heard things were getting…better. Still not perfect, but better. Our last town was really closed-minded, especially about…well, everything supernatural, I guess.”
“You’re human, though.” Willa said, her eyes narrowing at you as you spoke with her brother. It seemed she was always listening. “Why do you care what other humans think of us?”
You hesitated. “Right. Yeah, but…I don’t know, it doesn’t mean I have to put up with hatred.”
Wyatt smiled. “That’s really awesome, actually.”
“Thanks.” You chuckled. “Be the change you want to see and all that.”
You stood up, going to get a bowling ball, Wyatt close behind you.
“I’m sorry about her. She gets a little…defensive.”
“Don’t be sorry. After everything you guys have been through, I couldn’t blame her for being cautious. I’m a stranger. It makes sense to make sure I’m actually a decent person before getting comfortable.” You chuckled.
“Well, for the record, I think you’re more than a decent person.” He winked, causing you to laugh.
“Thanks.” You picked a pastel purple bowling ball off of the rack, weighing it in your hands before deciding it was adequate.
“So teach me, how do I pick a good one? I wanna make sure I’ve got a fighting chance at beating you.” Wyatt asked, playful. This was fun, you decided, getting flirted with by a werewolf. You kind of hoped it would continue, if you were honest.
Once you all picked your balls of choice, Bonzo set up the bowling games on the handful of lanes you were occupying and you all got started. You couldn’t help but notice, however, Wyatt coughed a bit, his eyes flashing yellow. You felt it in his magic, then, something flickering. Something wrong.
“You okay?” You asked him, turning to him in concern.
“What? Oh, yeah.” He nodded, stifling another coughing fit. “Allergies.”
You didn’t think that was the case, but you’d have to keep an eye on him. It was concerning.
A few weeks later and Wyatt’s condition hadn’t improved. In fact, you were pretty sure it was getting worse. You took it upon yourself to study up, turning to the several books your parents kept on every magical creature they could find. It came in handy, especially when moving to an area where they were the most common in the known world.
You scanned the books and found one on werewolves, plucking it from the shelf. As soon as you pulled it, however, the book next to it fell off of the shelf as well, sitting on the floor. It had a brown cover, but the letters on the front of it were embossed in a metallic, shining silver.
“Huh.” You said, bending down to pick it up. You set it back on the shelf and turned around to leave with your book on werewolves, but heard a thud behind you. Sure enough, when you turned back around, it was sitting on the floor, innocent. “Okay…”
You picked it up off of the floor. Whatever was in the book wanted to be read and who were you to deny it. That was the thing about magic, sometimes it knew what you needed more than you did. You left the study and started to walk back to your bedroom to do your own research when you heard your mom calling you downstairs.
“(Y/N)! Your friends are here!”
“Coming!” You called back, glamouring as fast as you could and setting the books down on your way to the door, where Addison, Bree, Eliza, Willa, and Wynter were standing, dressed for a day on the town. “Oh, hey guys. What’s up?”
“We’re going shopping for dresses for the Summer Solstice Celebration! You wanna come?”
“Oh! Uh, sure! Let me grab my purse.”
“Here.” Your mom handed it to you, urging you out the door. She loved that you were fitting in so well already, but she had something else in her eyes. Her intuition was the best in the house; you had no doubt she knew something you didn’t.
“Thanks. I’ll be back later.”
She winked. “I know you will.”
The girls took you to a place downtown, a cute little dress boutique full of dresses for the occasion.
“So, you guys celebrate the Solstice? That’s really cool.” You noted, browsing the racks.
“It’s a wolf thing.” Wynter explained. “We used to celebrate it back when the witches still lived here.”
“Wait, there were witches in Seabrook?” Addison asked, her eyes wide with excitement. You really did love her enthusiasm for the supernatural. The world needed more of that. “What…happened to them?”
“They left.” Willa all but growled. “Our pack used to be bonded to their coven and they left us here as soon as things got tough.”
Your heart was racing, cheeks basically on fire. You didn’t know Willa was harboring such harsh feelings for your coven, and given that none of them knew you were a witch, you couldn’t speak on it without outing yourself immediately. You were trapped between a rock and a hard place.
“Oh, come on, Willa. They were chased out. They didn’t…I don’t think they meant to leave.” Wyatt’s voice was unmistakable, even though you didn’t expect him to be there. Your head whipped around at the sound of his voice. He looked…weaker than when you’d last seen him, dark bags around his eyes.
“Wyatt, why are you here?” Wynter asked. “I thought you were getting some sleep.”
“I probably should be.” He chuckled, shrugging. “But I knew you’d all be here and…I wanted to talk to (Y/N).”
You tilted your head, smiling softly. “Me? You can always text or call me, you know.”
He grinned, taking a few steps closer to you. “I know, but uh…I wanted to do his in person.” Wyatt stopped in front of you, his hand rising to your face, clawed fingers careful, tentative, like he was waiting for you to wince away from his touch. Instead, you took his other hand with your own, savoring the warmth he always seemed to exude.
He took a nervous breath. “(Y/N), will you go to the Solstice Celebration with me?”
“Yeah, of course I will.” You nodded, eyes sparkling as you looked up at him. “I…really like you, Wyatt.”
Wyatt sighed in relief, the tension rolling out of his shoulders. “Awesome. That’s…that’s great because I really like you too, (Y/N).”
“YES!” Zed burst out of one of the changing rooms, pumping his fist in the air. “I told you she’d say yes, dude! Congrats, both of you.”
“Zed?” Addison questioned, laughing.
“Hey, babe.” He pressed a quick kiss to her cheek on his way to Wyatt. “Now that that’s settled, it’s boy’s night!”
Bonzo, also coming out of a dressing room, shouted what you assumed was the equivalent of “BOY’S NIGHT!” in zombie and followed the others out the front door, Wyatt, looking back at you the whole way out, grinning like an idiot.
“That was…weird. Very on-brand for Zed, though.” Eliza laughed.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so excited! I can’t believe he finally asked you out!” Addison squealed. “He’s liked you since the day he saw you.”
“He has?” You grinned, heart racing. “Awwww…”
“I know you don’t need me to tell you this, but if you break his heart—”
“Willa, chill.” Eliza said, rolling her eyes. “We’re all friends.”
Willa, surprisingly backed off, choking down her next words.
“Anywayssss, what do you want to wear? I think you’d look really pretty in this one.” Addison held up a pastel purple dress.
“That’s pretty, but…” Your fingers wandered to a floor-length glittering black down hanging on the next rack. “I think this might be the one…”
The Solstice had arrived, finally. The morning of, you and your parents celebrated privately, as you always did on your witchy holidays, and put on your glamours for the day. Your mother had a club meeting with the other mothers in town, your father had to pop into the office for a bit, and you had to get ready with the girls.
They were all assembled at Addison’s house, getting into their dresses, doing their makeup and hair. Addison helped you with yours, pulling your hair up into a bun and accessorizing with a few sparkly clips, sealing it with hairspray. If there was anything the cheerleaders knew, it was hair. You did your own makeup, sitting in a chair in front of the mirror. Willa stared at you for a long moment. You half-expected her to confront you again, but instead, she approached you with an eyeliner pen.
“Hey, um…could you do mine?” She asked tentatively. “Yours looks really good, and I don’t want to mess mine up.”
“Yeah, of course!” You hopped up out of the chair and let her take your spot instead. She handed you the eyeliner and you got in close, carefully and expertly doing some basic eyeliner. “Do you want wings?”
“Um, sure.”
“Big thick ones, or thinner, sharper ones?”
“Big, bold ones.” She replied, confident.
“Coming right up.” You finished the lines to her specifications, proud of your handiwork. You stepped away so she could take a look for herself.
Willa smiled, looking at her reflection. “Thank you. They look great.”
“And…I’m sorry, for everything. I guess I still have my walls up when I should be letting them down, getting to know people. It wasn’t fair of me to treat you like that.”
“It’s okay, Willa. I get it. You…you guys have been through a lot. More than I can imagine. You’re the Alpha, the protector. It makes sense that you’d want your pack to be safe, your brother or otherwise. I never took it personally.”
“I really appreciate that.” She smiled, putting her hand on top of yours. “And I think you and my brother are going to be great together.”
“How…how is he, by the way?” You asked, concerned. “I know he’s got something going on, but…”
“I’m sure he’ll be fine.” She nodded. “Maybe ask him about it tonight. Let him know he’s on your mind.”
“I will.” You were a little confused by what she meant, but werewolves loved their secrets, and you figured she was leaving it up to him to tell you this one, whatever it was.
The doorbell rang.
“I’ll get it!” Addison announced, rushing to get the door in her pretty pink dress.
The doorbell rang three more times before she got to it. Unsurprisingly, it was Zed and the guys on the other side, Zed being the one who rang the doorbell repeatedly.
“Babe! You look great!” You heard him compliment loudly while the boys shuffled in to see how you were all dressed.
Wyatt stood in the doorway for a long time, staring at you, looking absolutely starstruck. He swallowed. “W-wow. (Y/N), you look amazing.”
He had cleaned up nice, himself, wearing a sharp black suit, a purple bowtie with a moon pattern on it the only thing that called back to his usual attire.
You smiled. “Thank you. You look really nice, Wyatt.”
“Thanks.” He held out a little plastic box with a corsage in it, a white rose surrounded by smaller, purple flowers. “This is for you.”
You admired it for a long moment. “It’s beautiful.”
“I tried to find one as beautiful as you, but this was as close as I could get.” He told you, his voice soft and sincere, hints of that wolfy confidence in his tone as he slid the bracelet onto your wrist.
“You keep talking like that, I’m gonna melt into a puddle right here on the floor.”
“Well, we wouldn’t want that, now would we?” He chuckled. “How would I take you to the dance, then?”
You shook your head at him, laughing as he offered you his arm, escorting you out to the limo. Addison’s mom, the mayor, had pulled some strings and you were grateful she did. You sat down next to Wyatt and he settled an arm on the seat behind you. After a moment, he coughed into his other elbow, eyes glowing golden once more and his moonstone shining. It was a pretty bad coughing session, and it obviously hurt him a lot. You were worried.
“Wyatt, are you alright?” You asked again, concern in your eyes.
“I’m okay.” He insisted, nodding. “I…well, I will be.”
Before you could ask what that meant, the rest of the group joined you in the limo and you took off, headed for the dance, which was being held in the town’s community center, a large, modern building that they used to host all kinds of holiday events, according to Addison. This was the first time, however, that a summer solstice had been celebrated there.
You were all making Seabrook history, in a way, and you were about to make even more. Wyatt escorted you inside, where people were laughing and dancing around on the dance floor. There was a table of snacks and beverages, and the DJ of the evening was none other than Addison’s cousin, Bucky, who looked like he was having almost too much of a good time.
The group of you took some pictures together, chatting, dancing around and having a good time. Finally, Bucky played something slow and you looked up to catch Zed standing beside him, flashing Wyatt a thumbs-up.
He took a nervous breath and turned to you. “Hey, do you wanna dance?”
“I’d love to.” You told him, taking his hand and walking out to the dance floor with him. Wyatt’s hands found your waist and tugged you closer to him as your arms settled around his shoulders while you swayed to the slow song. It was nice, dancing with him, being so close to him. It felt cosmic. Even though he didn’t know about your magic, didn’t know you were anything more than human, there was an undeniable bond between the two of you in the way only a witch and a werewolf could be bonded.
“Hey, um…could we actually go outside for a second?” He asked, eyes nervous and brimming on golden. You could tell there was a lot going on in that head of his.
“Yeah, of course. Come on.” You two walked out the door leading to the garden, which was decorated for the occasion as well, twinkling lights draped around a beautiful wooden gazebo. He led you into it, sitting on the bench within and staring up at the stars before looking back at you.
“Um, so…You like me, right?” He felt the need to check. “Like you really like me?”
“Of course I do, Wyatt, what’s going on?” You took his hand, tilting your head.
“I—” He coughed again, turning his face away from you, eyes glowing as bright as the twinkling lights all around you. Once he finally had his composure, he tried again. “This. All of this is because I’ve been hiding something from you. I just, well, I didn’t know how to tell you without…scaring you away.”
“Whatever it is, you could never scare me away. I promise. I…honestly, Wyatt, I knew there was a reason we moved here and I thought it was just that the people here would be more accepting, and they are…but the real reason we moved here is you. It has to be.”
He took a long breath, nodding. “I’m really glad you said, that actually. Because, well…I imprinted on you. That day we met.” He let out a huge breath, his eyes glowing for a moment before settling again, as though things were shifting back into place within him now that he’d finally gotten it off of his chest. “I…I imprinted on you. You’re…well, if you accept me…you’d be my mate someday. But again, I understand if…if that’s not something you want.”
You stared at him for a long moment, letting the information settle in your mind before you rushed into his arms, pulling them around yourself and resting your cheek against his shoulder. “I want that, Wyatt. I want you. I…”
“Oh thank the moon.” He let out a relieved sigh, holding you tighter and letting his head rest against yours. “This is going a lot better than I thought it would.”
“Good. But uh…there actually is one more thing.” You pulled away from him to look at him. “You haven’t been the only one keeping secrets.”
His eyebrows furrowed. “What do you mean?”
“I’m not human, Wyatt.”
He took a long inhale, as though he was trying to get a whiff of what you actually were, deep down, but the glamour did a lot of things, one of which being it covered your natural scent. “You smell human.”
You chuckled. “Yeah, I bet. I…I think it’s probably just easier to show you.” You lifted a hand, summoning your magic to your fingertips and letting it cascade down your face and hair, taking off the glamour you’d used to hide for so long. You got a little choked up, tears welling in your eyes as you revealed yourself, your true self, for the first time in a very, very long time, purple hair cascading down your shoulders.
His expression melted as soon as he saw your tears, cupping your face in his warm hands and resting his forehead against yours, memorizing this new scent of yours. “Don’t cry. It’s okay. It’s okay, I promise. I…I love you (Y/N).”
You choked on a sob, meeting his eyes. “I love you, too.”
“So you’re…you’re a witch?” He asked carefully.
You nodded against him. “I’m a Moonborne. My family’s coven is from here. Willa was right. We…we abandoned you. I don’t know why they didn’t stay here and it took us so long to come back, but—”
“But you’re here now. And you’re mine. And…you’re not going anywhere this time, right?” he checked, eyes searching your own for confirmation that this was permanent.
“Right.” You nodded, whispering your promise to him. “We’re staying right here.”
He admired you for a long moment before leaning in and pressing his lips against yours, careful not to get you with his fangs. You melted against him, kissing him deeply as fireworks went off in the sky. When you returned to the friend group in a few moments, you knew everything would change. They would know who you really were, your secret would be out on the table and Wyatt would be your boyfriend.
But really, there was no way you would rather have it.
You and Wyatt walked back into the dance, hand in hand, your hair bold and purple. The others cheered, supportive and excited for you on all accounts.
“Love the new look!” Bree complimented. “But how did you do your hair so fast?”
“I’m…I’m a witch, you guys. I’m sorry I hid it from all of you for so long, but…my parents and I have been chased out of so many homes and Seabrook is the first place that’s actually felt…safe.”
“You’re a witch?” Wynter asked, looking you up and down.
And while you expected Willa to change her opinion of you once again, her expression softened too. She got it. You knew she would. “Witch or human or anything else…you’re part of our pack, (Y/N). Thank you for showing us who you really are.”
You took a long breath, giving Wyatt’s hand a little squeeze, which he reciprocated, leaning down to kiss your cheek. Though you had been afraid of Seabrook and what you might find there, now, you knew it was where you were meant to be. It had been your ancestor’s home, and now it was yours, and you knew it would be for the rest of your life.
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
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“Y/n! Wait! Y/n!” Wynter cried as she tried her best to catch up with you when you finally stopped in your tracks to remove the earphone from your ears to acknowledge the frantic wolf. “Woah Wynter what’s wrong, why do you look so out of breath?” Winter only responded by putting her hand up in the air as she tried to regain her breath before finding the words within her to finish what she chased after you for, “Wyatt’s in trouble, big trouble this time.”
Your smile faded as you heard the seriousness in her voice and place your hands on her shoulders, voice now brought down to a whisper to avoid any unwanted attention from the quadrant of nosy elderly sat upon the park bench across the street. “Wynter, where is he now?” Wynter swallows thickly, this plan was going all too easily that it was starting to make her overthink and when she began to overthink words would begin spilling from her mouth without much restraint; it’s a habit she wasn’t quite sure of how it started but try as she might it was near enough impossible for her from not saying anything for long periods of time! Silence kills her! Well not really but- “Wynter,” your voice drew the werewolf from her thoughts and the look in your eyes told her to not piss about anymore then she already had done.
You were protective of Wyatt ever since he came to your hometown and would actively get into fights, both verbal and physical when someone dared question his or her and Willa’s worth. It was one of the main reasons she and Wyatt liked you but with Willa it took a lot longer as she was the least accepting of outsiders due to the potential threat you posed to her pack and you respected her immense loyalty and her as a person in general. Though not making it apparent incase you’d make your situation with Willa even more awkward and strained. Wynter was now regretting even agreeing to be apart of this stupid plan that Wyatt had came up with the longer she tried to find the words that wouldn’t expose the true purpose of her visit.
“He’s at your place waiting for you.” Is all she could say before you were already booking it down the street with purpose. “I leave that little shit for less then five minutes and he’s already-“your voice trailed off when you saw a familiar face staring back at yours, sheepishly trying to hide the bouquet of flowers he held behind his back as his other hand rubbed the back of his head out of sheer embarrassment of being caught. “Hey y/n, didn’t- didn’t expect to see you here.” Wyatt tried to act casual by going in to leaning against the wall but his hand missed by a mile and within seconds he was splayed out on the floor looking up at you in confused wonder. “Well I do live here Lykensen, the real question is what are you doing here?” You asked, helping the helpless wolf off the floor and dusting off some of the dirt that clung to the fur collar of his outfit.
“I was just…admiring how nice you house looked?” Wyatt cringed at how oblivious he was being, but being near you did that to him and he didn’t know how he could act cool and suave one minute but meek and almost shy the next whenever you breezed past. It annoyed him countlessly so he came up with a plan after conversing with Eliza about his feelings for you and what that meant but so far it didn’t seem that things were looking up for Wyatt Lykensen. You chuckled, swiping the bouquet of flowers from behind his back and holding them up to your face for a good whiff, humming, “hmmm, (y/f/f), my favourite. Oh if you were trying to ask me out, you failed in that regard but since your quite cute to deny how about we go on a date sometime?”
Wyatt nearly chocked on how straight forward you were being but couldn’t find it within himself to deny how good it looked on you as he continued to unknowingly gawk at you, “ye-yeah sure, that sounds fantastic.” Is the only coherent sentence he could muster up with his mind suddenly going black, not hearing you wishing him a goodnight nor seeing you close the door soon after. “I got a date?” He asked himself for a minute before a wide smile grew across his face, his fangs making an appearance, “I got a date!” He cried as he rushed back to the cave to tell Winter the good news.
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𝗘𝗹𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗪𝗲𝗿𝗲𝘄𝗼𝗹𝘃𝗲𝘀?!
⇚ 𝙄𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪?!⇛
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𝗠𝗼𝗼𝗻'𝘀 𝗣𝗢𝗩
I honestly wanted to take cotton swabs and just shove them in my ears since I couldn't take Bucky's obnoxious talking any longer, but luckily I didn't have to do that because Zed jumped onto the stage right next to him.
"Zombie strong!" he yelled out, and everyone cheered in surprise, with me being the loudest.
"Hello, everyone. My name is Zed, and I am running for president," he said, but was cut off by Bucky as he shoved him aside.
"Zed can't steal my spotlight. What about the whole anti-monster thingy?" Bucky said to Principal Lee I rolled my eyes and jumped onto the stage as well, and some people cheered for me. I smirked and threw them all a wink before turning to the maybe gay cheerleader.
"Anyone can run for president, Bucky." I started, and Principal Lee nodded.
"She actually has a point, Mr. Bucky." She agreed, and Bucky gave her a look of betrayal.
"A zombie president?"
"Ew!" the Aceys all said.
"As the first ever zombie president, I will allow zombies to go to the prawn," he announced, and all the zombies cheered.
"If you vote for me, I will bring you prosperity and awesomeness!" he shouted, and the cheers got louder.
"Zed! Zed! Zed! Zed! Zed! Zed!" They cheered.
"As your president, I will make Seabrook a place that embraces zombies and..."
"Werewolves?!" Bree shouted, pointing to the doors. I looked, and I saw eyes peeking into the room.
"Uh, no. Why would we want...werewolves!" Zed yelled. I jumped and covered my ears at the loud commotion as the doors burst open, revealing a whole pack of wolves. I felt my wrist vibrate a little, and I looked down and saw my mate necklace lighting up.
I made contact with the male wolf and realized that he was the same guy that I saw in zombie town, and now that I was looking at him, he reminded me of Wyatt.
"Look over there!" he said, pointing to where I and Addison were standing, and I raised an eyebrow and looked around, making sure he wasn't pointing to someone else.
As they came towards the stage, Zed quickly got in front of us.
"Football team! Defense, Z 24!" he yelled out, and the team instantly came over, creating a border around all three of us and blocking the wolves from getting to us.
"Right! Let's go, Mighty Shrimp!" They yelled out, ready to take the wolves if they had to, but I could see and sense the fear in their faces and in their bodies, which made me snicker.
"Pussies," I muttered under my breath, crossing my arms.
I noticed that one of the wolves that had space buns in her hair was staring at me intensely and cocking her head as if she were studying me or something.
She honestly looked exactly like Wynter, just by looking into her matching eyes.
"Uh, Eliza? What are you doing?" Zed asked, and I looked over to Eliza and saw her trying to remove her Z-band.
"Let's smash our Z-bands and zombies out. We can use our strength to fend them off." She said it in a determined voice, but I reached out my hand to stop her from taking it off, and she gave me a confused look.
"We can't lose control. We are not monsters." Zed protested, and I rolled my eyes. We sure are monsters.
"Our razor-sharp claws will gut 'em and splatter their blood." The girl with the space buns said so, and everyone screamed.
The girl's eyes widened, and she quickly looked to the alpha and beta, who gave her a look while I let out a loud snicker, but it was quickly silenced by Zed elbowing me in the side.
"Too much?" she asked, and they both nodded before the girl's eyes glowed orange and her moonstone glowed blue.
"Wolves! On my command!" She said as all of the other wolves bared their teeth and claws as their moonstones glowed blue and mine also glowed, and I looked down in confusion before my eyes widened.
Wait a damn minute.
My head snapped up to the girl leading the whole pack, and I realized she was the same girl that me and Addison saw in the woods, but now I was able to get a more clear look at her, and my heart instantly stopped that curly brown hair with those streaks of white on it and those dark brown eyes.
I looked down at her wrist and saw a bracelet that resembled mine exactly, and it was glowing.
It was her; it was really her; it had to be.
"Willa," I said, and all eyes snapped to me, including the packs.
She turned to look at me, and she squinted her eyes before they widened. I saw her let out a soft gasp before her eyes widened and her eyes turned back to their original brown color.
She looked down at her wrist and finally saw her glowing bracelet before looking back at me.
"Moon?" She mumbled while the two other wolves on her side looked at her in disbelief.
I knew it had to be Wynter and Wyatt because nobody else but my sister wears her hair in two space buns, and Wyatt always had those two streaks of black lines under his eyes.
I walked down from the stage and brushed past the football players.
"It can't be," Willa said, shaking her head, and I gave her a soft smile before raising my hand and revealing my lit-up bracelet. The rest of the pack looked surprised, and their postures faltered a little.
"I told you I would always find you, didn't I?" I said.
Within seconds, she wrapped her arms around my neck in a tight hug, and I wrapped mine around her waist.
"It's actually you," she mumbled into my neck, and I nodded.
"Of course," I said.
"I never stopped looking for you," she said in a shaky voice, clutching me tightly.
"Guess the feelings are mutual," I said.
When we pulled away, I was caught off guard by Wynter tackling me to the ground.
Everyone gasped, and I saw Zed step down from the stage. "Moon!" He yelled.
"No! Zed, I'm fine!" I said and stood up with Wynters help.
"Too much?" She asked, and I smiled before pulling her into a hug.
"Never," I said, hugging my little sister tightly and kissing the top of her head.
"Come on, Wy," I said, opening my arms to my little brother, and he instantly hugged back.
Even though he wasn't my blood brother, he was just as special to me.
We all pulled away, and I looked at Willa again, who was watching with a ghostly smile, most likely because everyone was watching us.
"Wolves stand down," she said, and they all straightened their postures before acting like nothing happened, and I stood next to her.
"Sorry. We werewolves so admire your town, and we just came here to... join your school." I almost snickered at her lame excuse of acting like she totally wasn't going to make the pack attack everyone.
"What! They can't join our school!" Bucky intervened, pushing some kids away.
"Bucky, you do remember the forbidden forest is within the school district, right?" I spoke up, and he gave me a look before turning away.
"So? Welcome to Seabrook!" Addison perked, giving the whole pack a bright smile while I just rolled my eyes.
I felt like I was going to pass out because my whole pack was squeezing the life out of me. "Ok guys, please let go. I need air!" I grunted, and they quickly backed away while I tried to catch my breath.
"Where were you? We came back to find you and looked everywhere, but we couldn't find you." Wynter asked with a frown while everyone else nodded their heads and waited for my answer.
"Well, after I hid Willa, I kept running until I reached zombie town, and Zed, the boy who you saw on the stage with me, took me in and has been raising me ever since," I said.
"But believe me, not a day goes by that I don't think about you, Wynter, or all of you," I said to my pack, and they gave me bright smiles.
"Well, since we got you back, you can lead us to the moonstone, right?" Wyatt asked, and I nodded.
"Yeah, I can; I've located it, but the problem is that it was before my necklace started to lose its charge, so my powers are kind of shit at this point," I explained, and he nodded.
"But let's talk about how tall you are! I remember you used to be as short as a tree stump."I said, and the whole pack burst out laughing while Wyatt gave me a glare.
"It's called puberty," he mumbled, walking away from us, and I wiped my fake tears.
"Oh, come on, little brother, I was just kidding." I laughed out just as the bell rang for the next class.
"Oh yeah, I gotta get you all registered so that y'all can continue to go here," I said, gesturing for them to follow me.
The next day, I woke up instantly happy and quickly got dressed before I raced out of the house, forgetting to even say goodbye.
When I got to the school, I saw the pack waiting at the front. When Wynter saw me, her eyes lit up, and she raced towards me.
"Wait, Wynter, hold on." I was cut off by her jumping on me. I groaned when my back hit the concrete, and some people passed us with weirded-out looks but were scared away by the pack as they bared their teeth at them.
"Sorry, I just had to make sure you were real and it wasn't a dream." She laughed out loud with a soft smile. I shared a similar one with her and gave her a side hug.
"Well, I just ate this morning, so I'm pretty real enough," I chuckled out as the pack laughed with me.
"She's not wrong, though," Wyatt replied, walking up to me along with Willa.
"Well, I'm here now, and I don't plan on going anywhere," I said to all of them.
I walked towards Willa and extended my hand to her. "Shall we?" I asked, giving her a wink as she smirked and intertwined her fingers with mine.
"Lead the way," she stated.
We walked through the doors, and eyes were on us immediately. I liked this school, but now that I had my pack back, I was sticking with them one hundred percent; no way was I going to lose them again.
"These sheep just let us in baaaad idea," Willa scoffed, and I let out a small snort.
"Willa, we agreed to play nice," Wyatt said firmly.
"Oh, come on, Wyatt, what's the problem with a little scare here and then?" I said to him with a fake pout that made Wynter laugh.
"Yeah, and this is me playing nice," Willa said, dragging her claws along the lockers.
"Now let's find that moonstone," she said, tugging on my hand.
'That was hot as hell' I thought, smirking to myself. She had definitely changed over the years, aside from the attitude, but she changed psychically a lot.
If I wasn't checking her out before, I sure am now.
The bell for class went off, and we all let out a howl before separating.
Before I could get to class, Willa tugged me towards a janitor's closet and shoved me in before closing the door behind her.
The only thing I saw was her moonstone necklace light up and her eyes turning a glowing hazel before she switched on the lamp and leaned on the wall opposite me.
"We didn't really get to talk much yesterday," she said, tilting her head.
We just sat there and stared at each other before I decided to speak up.
"So, how have you been?" I asked.
"Fine," she simply said and went back to looking at me. Not gonna lie, it was getting kind of uncomfortable since she hadn't blink once.
"You look good," she said, looking me up and down.
"I always had the best fashion sense, didn't I?" I said it with a smirk and leaned back against the wall with my hands behind my head.
She gave me a small smile and rolled her eyes. "I guess not better than mine, though," she said, giving me a pointed look.
"You're all grown up now, and you look even more beautiful than you did before." I saw her smile get wider, but she was trying to cover it.
"Don't hide that smile from me, Wils; you know how much I love it," I replied, and she turned back to look at me.
"So how was the pack when I was gone?" I asked.
"They're ok, but they won't be soon if we don't find the moonstone," she said with a hint of worry in her voice.
"Hey, it's ok, I'm back and I'm here to stay, and it's time I fulfill my promise to the pack," I said, taking her hands.
"Which is?" she asked.
"Finding the moonstone, of course, and I'm going to need my mate to lead the way with me," I said, giving her a smirk.
"I forgot about that part," she mumbled.
"What? You're my mate; I expected you to be honored," I said, but let out a yelp of pain when she stomped on my foot.
"Don't flatter yourself, Moon," she snarled, baring her canine teeth at me.
"You look hot when you do that," I teased, wiggling my eyebrows, and she rolled her eyes.
"Screw you," she mumbled.
"Maybe later," I chuckled out and pulled her into a tight hug, which she returned. "I missed you a lot," I said.
"I mised you more," she replied.
"Now, seriously, question how you have been holding up, and don't try to hide your thoughts from me either," I said, and she clicked her tongue.
"To be honest, complete hell I tried looking for you every day for years, waiting at our spot for hours just hoping you would show up and come home to us...to me," she said.
"I thought about you all the time, and it pained me that I couldn't find my way back to you and the pack. From now on, I promise to stay by your side no matter what, ok?" I asked, and she nodded.
I looked deep into her dark brown eyes and felt myself leaning towards her so that our foreheads were touching. "Can I?" I whispered over her lips.
"Yes," she whispered back, wrapping her arms around my neck as she attached her soft lips to mine.
The kiss lasted a sweet few seconds before we both pulled away with smiles on our faces. She chuckled playfully, backing up a little, but that only made me tug her closer by her hands, and I wrapped my arms around her waist so that she couldn't move.
"Well, since I'm back, doesn't that mean I'm your boss?" I said, and she scoffed. I raised an eyebrow, and my lips stretched into a mischievous grin.
"Nobody is the boss of me," she sassed, turning her head away from me, but I forced it back.
"Oh, really?" I challenged.
"Yeah," she said, giving me a look as if daring me to say something else that looked honestly made me want to take her right here in this closet, but I held the temptation back and just nodded. "Alright, we'll see." I walked toward the door and opened it.
"After you?" She rolled her eyes and was going to walk past me, but I grabbed her hand, wanting to mess with her one last time.
"Oh, and also, you won't have to worry about spending your next mating season alone," I whispered into her ear, laughing as I saw her face turn a deep shade of red, and she pushed me away and stormed out of the closet.
I chuckled under my breath while shaking my head and watching her retreating figure with a soft smile.
She must have noticed because she stopped and turned to me with a questioning look. "Are you coming or not? I need to find the library." She asked.
I nodded and followed after her, taking her hand.
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More of… whatever this is
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jplupine · 4 months
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[WIP] It's 👏 Sajin's 👏 turn 👏
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undeadzed · 2 years
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xeno-archive · 2 months
[Alphabetical Order]
🦡 - Aether 💟 - Alexis 🐝 - Amber 🔮 - Amity 🐉 - Artemis ❄️ - Ash 🌲 - Aspen 🗡️ - Avery 🌱- Basil 🦈 - Blahaj 🦌 - Briar 🐈 - Caliby 👓 - Charlie 🍀 - Clover 🏹 - Collei 🐶 - Conan ☀️ - Constance ☂️ - Cynthia 🤬 - Dante 😼 - Diona ⚡ - Dori 👿 - Draven 🌗 - Eclipse 🐄 - Elle 🦾 - Ena 🎃 - Ena (Demon) 🔥 - Ena (Diablada) 📺 - Ena (Static) 💕 - Enid 🦙 - Ganyu 😇 - Hermes 😈 - Jinx 🦊 - Juniper 🩸 - Kaori 🐼 - Kenny 💥 - Kiken 🧧 - Klee 🌸 - Lex 💎 - Lex (Sorcery) 🧙‍♀️ - Lucia 🐾 - Lyca 🏴 - Lyra 🍡 - Mitsuri 🖋️ - Monika ⌨️ - Monika (AD) 🥊 - Monika (DDFC) 📟 - Monika (Error) 🤺 - Monika (KNY / Slayer) 💖 - Monika (Magica) 🐍 - Monika (Naga / Monster) 👩‍💻 - Monika (Punk) 🚬 - Monika (Rivals) 🕷️ - Monika (Spiderverse) 🧙 - Monika (TOH / Glyph) 🎸 - Monimetal 🥑 - Nahida 🧁 - Natsuki 🥁 - Natsumetal 🌹 - Noelle 🧚 - Paimon 🧟‍♀️ - Qiqi 🦁 - Quill 🌊 - Runa 👹 - Salem 🦝 - Sayu 🐺 - Silver Wolf 🌤️ - Solei 🍌 - Split 🌿 - Tighnari 🦆 - Valkyrie 🧿 - Venir 🌌 - Vesper 💜 - Vinny 🀄 - Vulpe 🌨️ - Wynter 🌺 - Yae Miko 🔔 - Yao Yao 🍇 - Yui 🍷 - Yuri (Demon) 🎆 - Yurika 👽 - Zara 💿 - Zed 🥀 - Zuriel
🌑 - Blendy 🕴️ - Blurry 🎤 - New / Unnamed Alter 🎧 - Uncomfy
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msweebyness · 8 months
Weeby’s Birthday Headcanon Bonanza!!!
Happy birthday to me!!! Enjoy this y’all! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
(School for Monstrous Youths) If you’ve seen the ZOMBIES movies, when he feels that he’s screwed up, WereKim does the “Bad wolf!” thing that Wynter does, hitting the sides of his head with his fists.
(Class of Villainy) Ivan Oogie tried to scare MisShark once. She bit his hand and kicked him in the delicate zone.
(Class of Heroes) When Soo-Lin Lee first met Robette, he actually passed clean out and they were this close to calling an ambulance. Once he came to, he calmed down enough to simply ask for an autograph.
(Creepsters) WitchyLene, WitchyReille and WitchyRore love to sing Hex Girls songs while casting their spells.
(Ghoul Squad) When Mylentasma is excited about something, her laugh sounds like Phantasma from Ghoul School.
(WereMiraculous) The DuPont pack all sleeps in a huge puppy pile in their cave. They feel safer and warmer when they’re all together.
(Batraculous) The Bat Gang often has competitions to see who can do the best “Batman Voice”. Ivan is a frequent winner, as well as Rose, surprisingly.
(DuPont Cheer) Whenever anyone on the squad gets injured, the others drop everything to take care of them, no matter how minor.
(Shadyverse) It’s not a matter of IF a fight breaks out at the school, it’s a matter of how many happen that day.
(Descendants) Darcy is afraid of thunderstorms. Everyone who knows about this is sworn to absolute secrecy.
(Phantoms of Paris) One of the Phantoms’ favorite pastimes is to haunt and scare the crap out of abusers of all kinds. (And providing comfort to their victims.)
(DC AU) Aurore will get into VERY heated debates with people about the negative portrayal of sharks in movies. She can bash Jaws for hours on end.
(Class of Heroes) The heroes keep a running track of how long it takes Kimules’ sleeves to tear when he makes the mistake of buying a shirt with them. The record is ten seconds.
(Descendants) Uma and Lonnie are the only people who the other has never been able to beat in a sword fight. It always ends in a draw.
(WereMiraculous) As the Omegas of the pack, Marc and Adrien are not allowed to go anywhere alone, they must have constant protection. They commiserate over this.
(School for Monstrous Youths) If you’re a little on the prudish side, it’s best to avoid a certain set of corridors in the catacombs. It’s where all the couples go to make out and…you know, other things.
(Ghoul Squad) The squad likes watching human horror movies about their species and critiquing everything they get wrong.
(Class of Villainy) One of Mylensula’s favorite movies is Titanic…but not for the reasons one would typically expect.
(Favoritism AU) Marinette once went out of her way to ensure that EVERYONE in the family forgot Marc’s birthday, planning several events on the day to distract them. Only Kiran remembered and got his brother a set of quality pens.
(Creepsters) Marinette Von Bugg once successfully created a Time Machine, but unfortunately it broke almost instantly and she lost the plans.
(School for Monstrous Youths) WereKim, IsmaCat and BatNais form the WereKid squad. They like to go on hunts and play-wrestle with each other.
I hope you guys liked this!!! Feel free to add on in the comments and reblogs!
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exceptionalzed · 2 years
Z-O-M-B-I-E-S and Minecraft
Zed: Is this seriously how we are represented in your media?
*minecraft zombie groans in the background*
Addison: … well, uh, yeah I know it doesn’t look great, but-
Willa: It could be worse.
*cue the sound of a wolf yelping over and over while burning to death in lava*
Anyway, A-spen keeps taming dogs and naming them Willa. They all end up dying in absolutely horrific manners.
A-li has burned down at least four villages in the span of 20 minutes.
Wynter has too many cats, Wyatt keeps getting slain by everything he gets within 10 blocks of.
Bonzo has built literally the most beautiful mansion you’ve ever laid eyes on while in hardcore mode.
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