#wwdits discord
theweirdsenpai · 2 years
Is there a What we do in the shadows discord I could join to talk about my favorite show in existence🥺 👉👈
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asytho · 19 days
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Ladja at the Met Gala
Full view below the cut!
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kyrilu · 2 years
One of Nandor’s 37 wives that he brings back from the dead. He is very fascinated with Guillermo, and insists that he tell him stories about where he comes from and his upbringing. This makes Nandor uncomfortable, so he sends him back to the dead. 
i’m still mourning that there was a scene written in the 4x2 script where one of Nandor’s guywives tries to flirt with Guillermo, and Nandor was weird about it, but it got cut out
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indashadows · 1 year
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La Chancla™
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bottombaron · 23 days
so like,,,
Guillermo being turned in Nandor’s homeland….
so they can share ancestral soil…
but in s5 we were shown the possibility that Guillermo wouldn't need to carry a separate container for ancestral soil as long as he remains within the (waves hand around indicating whatever arbitrary border line the lore dictates to be 'homeland') of which he was turned because all of it would be considered homesoil (as seen by him sleeping in the motel or in the foot locker without a bag of soil from the gas station with him).
and Nandor (even taking away the fact that he had sorted out the details of Guillermo's turning beforehand as shown in the s5 finale) simply by having lived in the same place for two centuries should know that Guillermo wouldn't need to share homesoil if they were, to say, hypothetically, sleep in the same coffin (as is often the fan theory to why Nandor insisted on turning Guillermo in Al Qolinadar)
so. the question this brings up is thusly: why would it mean anything to Nandor to share homesoil with Guillermo if Guillermo could still sleep with him (in his coffin) without having to deal with a second pot of soil??
my answer: oh yeah, Nandor doesn't want to share homesoil with Guillermo so Guillermo can sleep with him (in his coffin). he wants to share homesoil so Guillermo would have to sleep with him (in his coffin).
they would be forever connected by more than just the romanticism of simply sharing the same soil but the necessity of it. it's Nandor’s solution for keeping Guillermo close to him no matter what.
and i love that for them ❤️
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vampirictranssexual · 9 months
I’ve got a bit of a theory brewing in my noggin regarding the Guide. I’m placing bets that the Guide’s storyline points towards her villain arc. Hear me out-
In season 3 the Guide is appointed to assist the new leaders of the Vampiric Council, our Staten Island vampires. She has been an underling for the vampiric council for centuries and manages the Temple of Blood-Devourers.
She has followed the orders of many legendary councils, "the best of the best" as she refers to them. Now she is in the hands of a group of vampires who do not care about the rules and who violate the vampiric code by which they live at every turn. But she is required to help them and so she does.
In season 4, she quickly finds that she cannot control them. Laszlo and Colin destroy artifacts from the Chamber of Curiosities. Nandor and Nadja neglect to feed the sire and he escapes. She oversaw the sacred reliquary for hundreds of years and they dismantled all of it in a matter of weeks. Then Nadja suggests they turn the whole place into a bar. She is completely opposed to this idea and only comes around when Nadja tells the Guide that the liquidator of underlings of the Supreme Worldwide Vampiric Council, Lord Tyractus (?), said that it would be better used as a bar.
This is of course a lie but the Guide cares what the Supreme Vampiric Council thinks of her and her dedicated work. So, she agrees to the bar. She can’t get her wraiths to help with converting the space into a bar because “they know what her heart really wants”. To help get through this mental block, Laszlo books her for a therapy session. That’s where we discover her history of falling in love with a Van Helsing. (I would also like to point out that the picture of the Guide with the Van Helsing in her flashback is the same one we see in the open credits for season 5) Her form of punishment is to serve the Vampiric Council as an underling for eternity. She explicitly tells Laszlo in her therapy session that “if anything gets changed here something very bad will happen.” Could this be hinting towards some greater power beyond her control?
Finally they are able to gut the chambers for Nadja’s bar. Nadja treats the Guide and her wraiths so poorly the whole time. Despite all this, she sticks by Nadja’s side. She does her best to fulfill her duties despite their constant mistreatment.
We learn in the beginning of season 5 that she is once again left waiting at the Vampiric Council. At this point she has mostly given up on trying to make them follow the legacy of the vampiric council. So instead, she pursues respect and admiration from the vampires. But she cannot make her way into the clique.
She wants to live with them, but they make up a fake excuse about there being zoning rules that limit four vampires to a house. Then she tries to support a depressed Nadja after the bar burned down from the fire Nadja started. The guide can’t get through to her, so she suggests maybe it is a hex. She asks Nadja if she has been unkind to anyone in her past. Nadja is in denial that she could have possibly hurt anyone, let alone the Guide.
The Guide knows witchcraft, so it would make sense that she placed this “hex” on Nadja. But is the hex even real? Or did the Guide just say that to scare Nadja into realizing her own selfish behaviors?
Now the Roast is where we see things shift for the Guide.
At the roast she tells Baron that Guillermo was the one who set him on fire, because she felt bad that he wasn’t in on the joke. She mentions how bad it feels to not feel included. But then she also tells the Baron that Guillermo is a Van Helsing. This I believe is purposeful.
They have neglected her, given her nothing to actually guide, and left her aimless. She ends up apologizing and admitting to Nandor and Nadja that she told the Baron that Guillermo burned him. But she purposefully leaves out that she told the Baron about Guillermo's Van Helsing blood, too.
In the end, she is an underling for the Vampiric Council. She will not risk everything for these vampires, because her loyalties lie with the Supreme Vampiric Council. I am theorizing that she may end up selling Guillermo out to show her loyalty to the Supreme Vampiric Council and as a way of getting some revenge on the vamps for how they’ve mistreated her. I believe it’s possible she could be working with this “mysterious, illustrious” vampire (possibly part of the Supreme Vampiric Council?) to lure Guillermo into a trap.
In the screen capture for the 9th episode, we see Guillermo and the Guide standing next to each other. I don’t believe the Guide has any good intentions towards Guillermo after seeing how she betrayed him by telling the Baron about his slayer blood.
I mean there’s only so long someone can put up with being left out of a friend group and being unappreciated.
I mean, the Guide has barely been a part of the last few episodes. They added her to the main cast/opening credits but her character's only story so far is that she wants to be roomies with the vampires. She made no progress in her own story up until the Roast. She took matters into her own hands by divulging Guillermo's secrets.. and if she continues in that direction then she could very well become the villian. It just doesn't make sense to have so little story for a main cast member. They have to be taking a big jump with her character in these last two episodes. Otherwise the whole Nadja and Guide subplot will fall completely flat. And imagine Nadja's surprise when she finds out that the Guide was behind the hex?
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beansprean · 10 months
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Before we all start sliding toward the finale I gotta put this prediction out there.
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flashbcaks · 11 months
Making a new post for s5 to reflect all the changes we've had, but I run a What We Do In The Shadows Discord server!
Some points about us:
We're 18+
290+ members, as of this post
LGBTQIA+ friendly
Designated channels for Season 5 content, Food Crimes, pet-sharing, and much more!
Notification roles for gaming sessions and new S5 content
Fun color roles, and occasional commemorative roles
Channels for companion properties ( Good Omens and OFMD, in particular)
50+ custom emojis and stickers
Fun server events (including art collaborations, and streaming parties)
We're listed on Disboard [x], but here's the direct link to the server, as well [x]. (Please Note: In order to stay in the chat, you must pick a minimum of one role from our available lists in #the-server-protocols; It can be applied by asking an admin.)
And to finish up this post, here are three of our more popular server memes:
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i know the popular fan theory right now is that marwa hates nandor because nandor hates himself and while i fully agree that that is a man with deep self loathing I actually disagree that it’s the wish that made her feel that way. the exact wish was that she likes everything he likes, not that she dislikes everything he dislikes, which i feel is an important distinction. the djinn has lawyer fae bullshit rules, remember. he’s going to follow the letter of the wish, and he’s never going to make it more convenient for the wish maker. he’s probably not going to increase the span of it to make it so that their preferences are entirely identical, which is arguably closer to nandors meaning at the time. which means that marwa’s dislikes may be a rare source of free will for her, and the fact that she has begun to display a pretty strong hate for nandor is indicative of how this state may be affecting her and the rightful pain she feels at nandor for it. like. the sheer internal turmoil that must be caused by having your likes and dislikes inexplicably having zero internal consistency. suddenly experiencing a noticeable shift in your own preferences and not knowing why. realizing that there’s a nexus around one specific person and it’s the person you married right after it happened. she’s canonically a smart woman. she may have begun to realize that whatever’s happened, it’s tied to nandor. and personally I hope she fucks him up for it
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megaawkwardhuman · 8 months
ok so now that memo is human and isn't in the right head space to be a vampire atm what do we do now?
welp a common fan idea I see being passed around is making memo a witch (if he can never get properly prep himself to become a vampire)
I mean memo has direct ties to witches all the way back in season 2 and if nandermo get together memo will have a good supply of supplies if you know what I mean
now I'm really REALLY down with this idea (I'd love for him to be a vamp buuuuut I wouldn't be mad if he ended up becoming a witch ya know?) but there's like one big thing that makes this thing seem not at all possible is the fact that this show ain't known for bringing up things that happen in past episodes/minor characters much
don't get me wrong half of the reason I love this show is that bat shit crazy things happen/are implied/are said and then just never get brought up again (that kinda shit is my jam)
buuuut in order for the whole thing to work guillermo is going to need witches and the witches from the episode of the same name have never been brought up since that episode
so that's it then? there's no chance it'll happen? here's my little take
well 1 we all thought evie wasn't going to show up ever again and she was in this season
plus this show is very unpredictable and they might just show up one day so jot that down
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2 and the whole reason why I'm making this post people tend to forget one tiny little thing
and this isn't a one and done thing no no no
she's used it in seasons 4 and 5 and they were used in big ways (well at least as big as a b plot)
and the guide herself likes memo enough to spare him from being trapped in season 5 episode 9
so here's what I'm pitching:
the way (or at least a way) you become a witch in wwdits canon is through reading and learning from books
books that the guide canonically have, have read, and on the rare occasion use
books she could share with memo!
so in season 6 I think we should see the guide and guillermo interact and talk to each other more
maybe after a bit have the guide slowly but surely teach him some magic (maybe guillermo asks her out of curiosity? maybe she's using it as an excuse to talk to him more? idk idk)
and after a bit if guillermo likes it have him borrow books from her and become a full on witch!
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asytho · 5 months
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Random outfits sketches
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charliespaddys · 1 year
um so i just spent like 5 hours making a discord server for fanfiction and like fan fic recs and discussions so idk like hmu if you’d like to join, warning it’s bare bones rn
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cottoncandysprite · 1 year
So obviously I'm super entrenched in the tumblr fandom but I'm only barely keeping tabs on wwdits twitter and guys it is SO confusing. Either there's leaks they got that we somehow missed or they're treating injokes/offhand remarks from shadowsfx (which is apparently mutuals w all the stan accs?????) as canon and either way its terrifying
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indashadows · 1 year
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Ah btw i finished the coaster design :3
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tharannas · 2 years
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Today I give you Colin Solas Robinson.
Tomorrow? Who knows.
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vampirictranssexual · 9 months
If y'all don't stop drawing Guillermo skinny.. it's about to be hands 👊 like genuinely I'm about to combust just thinking about all the missed opportunities to accurately portray his fat body. And I don't wanna hear any of that "but that's my style" - ah ah ahhh, no excuses !!
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