#woy is next on my list
soroka-vorona · 2 months
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Childhood faves
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berensteinsmonster · 6 months
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. girls who hold forbidden dark powers. girls who are distressed girl who are cringe.. look up those words n youll see her... Shower Curtain Wizard
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and shes like sooooooooo weird..... i lvoe her ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
(reblogs help my posts be seen :) (more lore in readmore but its messy lol)
shes like one of the migrating jellyfish in woy but gained sentience somehow and went to magic school to learn magic. but then she learned too much magic and accidently fused her body with WATER MANIPULATION POWERS🌊🌊🌊 that gave her new arms and eyes. The bowl on her head helps her contain it
She's ranking below the Top 50 of the villain leaderboards but that doesn't mean she isn't dangerous. She just doesn't do the conquering planets often
shes actually like. normal
shes so boring and normal and thats why ppl think shes weird
i ehmmmm i wanna write more lore abt her and emperor awesome
her lore is kinda unfinished but the main idea of it is what i said above abt her gaining sentience and absorbing magic into herself ^^
i like to think that before she went to magic school she and emperor awesome used to be.... BEST FRIENDS!!!!
i like to think she and emperor awesome used to be GEEKS they used to be NERDS and emperor awesome wore braces
they were like Those Two Guys in school everyone hated them but they didnt care lol
also shes trans so she used to be a boy. i think she may have transitioned after entering magic school becuz until now Emperor Awesome only remembered her when he was in his brace-face phase and basically never contacted her after that cuz they interests change and they felt like they didnt know eahc other anymore :(
. also shes trans becuz ehmm yipepeee lalallalaa whooooo!!! ^_^
after she left for magic school they basically never met eachother again until now in what id imagine to be season 3
shes basically like omg hi friend its so good to see you again :)))) and hes like OH FUCK MY LAME PAST. and i think that like he finds it weird at first. not because shes a girl now, but because she still acts the same as she did when they were best friends and that also means shes still the weird kind of kid hes grown to be ashamed of now.
so while shes one of the rare amount of girls that emperor awesome actually treats normally he tries to keep it low profile with how he used to be lame like her while shower curtain wizard is just confused about why emperor awesome acts so distant to her... sad :(
character development is probably needed here for them to repair their friendship and become buddies again yay :)))) wander would be of help here
she does not live in the galaxy that woy season 1-2 takes place in. its like. just a galaxy next to it
most of my ocs live in that galaxy and were probabily next on lord dominators to-destroy-list if wander and co didnt stop her
She is however on the Star Force Enforcement Force's To-Stop list because even if she hasnt reached her full potentional, her ability to manipulate ALL kinds of water (Orble juice, orange juice, planet water and so on (but not veins)) make her note-worthy threat to their self-righteous quest to deliver justice
i prommy ill write abt it in a text post another time i think ive gone on long enough
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signor-signor · 8 months
WOY Haikus - The Shorts
Some folks took a liking to my episode haikus, so I’ve decided to do some for the shorts.
Lord Hater’s broadcast. / Attempt to destroy Wander. / Starts out with shout-outs.
Wander keeps grinning. / Hater wants him to look scared. / Funny faces are made.
Peepers interferes. / Foreshadows villain contest. / Hater gets testy.
Wander sings the theme. / Hater shows him how it goes. / Stupid guitar song.
Hater is absent. / Wander goes to check on him. / A Watchdog breakdance.
Forgetting your lines? / Which one sounds more impressive? / Now “conquered” sounds weird.
Hater nails his speech. / He proceeds to zap Wander. / Him aim needs more work.
Attempt number eight. / Somehow the screen keeps freezing. / A chase and a sob.
Sylvia phones in. / Wander wants nothing from Bloyd’s. / No fries for Hater.
Did Hater give up? / Wander tries to take his place. / Implied plans denied.
Only one take left. / Emperor Awesome is fought. / Tell me you got that!
Aaaand because I’m inclined to believe The Eye on the Galaxy is canon, I’ll add its shorts to the list.
Hater’s chase resumes. / Andy starts a brand new show. / The leaders go first.
Old-timers are next. / Two and a half gallons left. / Launch of the Eye Drone.
The groups share their needs. / Garden, kitchen, ants, and van. / A squad seeks vengeance.
On to the youngsters. / They look for growth and playtime. / Names of the triplets?
Tough folks have their spot. / They also have their own plans. / Where has Ryder been?
Talks with ex-villains. / Threat wants to be a mentor. / New girlfriend for Cube?
People who have jobs. / Fourteen interviews are done. / Break no promises.
Magic and wisdom. / An orbble-powered vessel? / The Eye Drone’s third run.
Animals and beasts. / The fire lion can translate. / Eye Drone gobbled up.
Ol’ kettle-head’s turn. / Can’t settle on what to do. / Talk of things to come?
Not much time is left. / Remaining folks have their say. / The Skullship crashes.
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acustardduckling · 2 months
10 Comfort Shows / Movies
Got tagged by @emeraldhazeart to do one of these? Thanks. c: Likewise I'm not going to do these in any order because I'd have to think a bit harder about it, but I'll try not to list (all of) my favourite movies of all time and focus on stuff I find comforting. 🌺
The Care Bears Adventure In Wonderland - I have to mention this one because I rewatched and rewinded it so many times as a child that the videotape got worn. Rewatched it again recently and realised I can still heavily relate to the film's 'Alice', so it left a lasting impression. Psps, this one's up on Youtube for free...
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2. Come Outside - Another show from my childhood, which I haven't gone back to rewatch. It's sort of like a kid's version of how it's made with a sweet auntie figure and a mischievous but cute dog.
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3. Wander Over Yonder - Okay so this is just leaking into my favourite shows, but I really like WOY. It's funny and visually stunning and Wander's optimism can be infectious.
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4. Kiki's Delivery Service - I could put a lot of Ghibli films on this list, like My Neighbor Totoro or Ponyo or The Cat Returns, but I'm choosing Kiki because it spoke the clearest to me about being in a difficult place and sharing kindness with others - and without having as intense themes as something like Howl's Moving Castle or Princess Mononoke or Spirited Away, which I also like, but for different reasons.
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5. Pokemon 4Ever - Hnngh I didn't even watch this one as a child. I watched it for the first time, like, last year. But it's really special and I love Celebi I can't even begin to describe it. Maybe it's because it's got that Pokémon Colosseum thing going on, I don't know.
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6. Beauty and the Beast - Uh favourite Disney movie. Again I have a few of these. It good. Next
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7. Come Dine With Me - I used to watch it a lot. I like cooking competition trash TV, sorry... This only wins out over Cake Wars because I'm pretty sure I saw more of it, but I love that too.
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8. Poirot - One does not generally think of murder when one thinks of comfort, but this basically encompasses any and all murder mystery shows my grandma has playing on the TV when I go to her house. I haven't seen Poirot for a while, but I think he's my favourite of the main chracters I see on these things - and I don't get as riled up as I do while watching Doc Martin, Heartbeat or Father Brown!
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9. The Way Of The Househusband - I think I watched all of what was available of this in one sitting when it came out, and I haven't really returned to it since ... but that's a lot more than I do for other shows. You've probably seen snippets of the manga on Tumblr. It's simple, it's one running joke, but it's a good one.
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10. Wallace and Gromit - All episodes / films of Wallace and Gromit have a few intense and scary scenes for young children! But I would still watch them for comfort. There's just something reassuring and familiar about this man and his dog.
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I feel like @yaspup9000 would enjoy this one so have a tag! Umm and if anyone else wants to do it I tag you as well ok!!
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itsnotdot · 2 months
Some moments of my first glamping that altered my brain:
1. We arrived earlier than check-in time and went around to take photos. Me: "eh ambik gambar kat situ jom. Ambik kat sini pulak. Situ pun cantik tu". Aisyah: "kau ni macam mak aku dah" 🤣 idk why, but i don't enjoy taking pics on family trips like i was with them 😭
2. Dayah urged us to play outside faster because she said, "wa, khemah lain ni ramai ah. Kita kena cop cepat nanti dorang conquer. Dorang trigger aku punya introvert lah". At this point, I knew I grew a lot from the old version of me because I don't feel scared to face a group of strangers anymore. Taktau la because they looked like they're younger than me or cause I'm familiar with the place orr being a tourism student changed me for good 🤣
3. The four of us hyping each other up despite being suck at archery 😭 one of us: *misses the target board*, others: "WO WOW WOUU"
4. Dayah insisted to play badminton: "cepat cepat main badminton. Eh mana net dia wa?" Me: "tu yang syahdu tu" Dayah: *don't want to play anymore* 😭
5. Dayah saying that one ride looked like a wheelchair tapi best okayy laju pulak tu 🤣
6. It rained heavily so we played Ludo. Starting from Ludo to Uno, Snap, and Musang & Anak Ayam, Dayah and Ecah always lost the game and got the last turn through lat tali lat 😭
7. *Cooked Oden for dinner* nisha, vlogging: "ni resepi siapa ni? Sapa nak claim?" Dayah: "takda sapa" Ecah: "taknak claim" Me, out of nowhere: "Aku la claim"
8. *eating dinner peacefully* Ecah: "sapa sepak kaki aku ni?? *laughs* kau kenapa sepak kaki aku nisha?" Nisha: *do silent signals* Ecah: *turns around* "WEH BABI" It's literally a babi guys, a big one 😭😭
9. *gathered around campfire and ate marshmallows together* Me: *uploaded a photo I took of the campfire* Dayah: "wa, kau buat aku rasa nak delete la story campfire aku ni"
10. We had a late night talked in our tent and know some things that we never knew. Idk why, when and how Ecah remembers all stories about all people. She's indeed a hometown girl yang tau semua cerita orang kampung centu 😭 I also told them about my situationship and they looked through my following list to find that guy and they're shock when they know who he is HAHAHAH LAWAK 😭 They scooched nearer and nearer to my bedside when I'm telling the story. At first, Dayah was like: "wehhh comell laa. Kau cari dia balik wawa!!" Pastu Dayah: "WEHH WAA NI BUDAK VAN AKUU" Ecah with her every wrong guess and being shocked at every name that appears on my following list is funny 😭😭 "WEH AD?? S?? HAH I??" Also her when she found out: "ohhh ini taste wawaa" Nisha: "wa, kalau kau dengan dia mesti senyap senyap je kan"
11. *All of us trying to sleep but couldn't do so cause the other guests are talking and laughing loudly macam takda common sense* I heard my friends sighs, twist and turns, every few minutes. Pastu Nisha bangun, so I woke up with her and went in front of the tent, contemplating whether to call them out or not. Ecah: "bising ah, macam la kita ni tak bayar nak duduk sini" Me: "aku jerit eh?" Dayah: "jerit la kalau kau boleh" Me, suddenly possessing a really deep and angry, the real garau jantan voice: "WOI SENYAP SIKITLA" and at that moment EVERYTHING goes silent 😀 aku pun tercengang dengan diri sendiri, dari mana datang nya suara gitu 😭 pastu terus slow weh suara dorang the whole night LOL the next morning we discussed about it, Dayah: "yang takleh bla nya dia pusing cakap kat aku dia nak jerit dengan ayunya, sekali ha kauu. Aku siap mimpi wawa jerit weh malam tadi" Nisha: "Aku ingatkan dia nak jerit 'Awak semua boleh tolong senyap sikit tak~~' ala ala akak faci sekali WOI warden yang keluar" Ecah: "aku ingatkan wawa cakap kat abang staff tu suruh tegur dorang sekali dia cakap aku yang tegur" HAHAHHAH tapi ya Allah weh sepanjang dorang bising mengilai mencarut terbahak bahak tak ingat dunia tu dalam hati aku duk cakap ya Allah tolonglah bagi dorang experience benda seram seram ke tegur dorang. Jaga la sikit kat tempat orang ni duk galak sangat malam malam. Sekali aku yang jadi seram 😭😭 sumpah ye tu first time suara aku jadi jantan sejantannya. Aku rasa tu effect suara baru bangun dari baring + sleepy voice HAHAHAH Nisha kata "nasib baikla malam tadi masa aku pandang dia, dia tak cakap APA PANDANG PANDANG memang aku ruqyah terus kat situ. Betulla orang kata kalau nak kenal orang tu kena tidur sebantal dulu" 🤣
12. Kak Huda: "Laa, kenapa tak whatsapp akak? Kalau najwa whatsapp akak, akak boleh sound kan dorang" Ecah: "takpa kak, dah ada yang sound dah semalam. Ni ha *points at me* sampai keluar suara jantan dia"
Overall, I feel like the place and staff at that time was a meh. I was a bittt dissapointed sebab I just knew that Njmd was there the whole night and he also mentioned that the other guests were being loud but he didn't even tried to tegur them while knowing that we're there too? It's like he's trying really hard to ghost me macam la aku datang situ sebab nak ngorat dia wtf?? 😭 aku kat sana as guest tau. Treat me as one lah. Your sister managed to do that just fine, but you?? Dahlah dan dan je malam tu ada hal pastu tak bukak cafe. Kalau ko bukak pun aku tak pergi lah 😭 Pastu cam tah la aktiviti banyak rosak, banyak takleh main and in poor condition. I have to agree with some of the bad reviews from their past customers 😭 at this point, i only maintain my relationship w kak huda amd aunty jelah. Tu pun since I already stayed there, I think I'll only contact them as invitation to my wedding jelah kot sjsjsk
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wanderfan2000 · 4 months
So, what happened in 2023 for me? 
- I saw The Super Mario Bros Movie, (fell in love with it and the soundtrack.) 
- Celebrated both Craig McCracken and Jack McBrayer’s birthdays. 
- Got obsessed with The Lonely Planet. (Again as always and posted stuff about it non-stop.) 
- Made a bunch of fan made mini trailers for my newest Halloween movie, Scared McBrayer 3: The Jumpscare. 
- I turned 23. 
- I saw Elemental, fell in love with it as well. (In fact, I thought the music was going to remind me of WALL.E because of Thomas Newman, but instead, I believe the score took inspiration from the score for the film, DUNE.) 
- I recreated some YT videos featuring an old unreleased Pokémon 2000s score that I’m currently obsessed with. 
- I had another successful Wander Over Rewind. 
- The Wander fandom was geeking out with the discovery of the 2011 WOY pilot. (I was the first person in the fandom to see it entirely on Internet Achieve, and another person uploaded it to YT for everyone to see. Great minds think alike, I suppose.) 
- Watched tons of 30 Rock on Hulu\Disney+. (I loved watching my favorite people in it too, Alec Baldwin, Tina Fey and Jack McBrayer AKA: Wander) 
- WOY’s The Heebie Jeebies S T I L L scares me even after it was released seven years ago. (”Dancing ghosts mimes that bounce just like springs.” AKA: the one lyric that A L W A Y S haunts me!) 
- Became obsessed with the WALL.E video game version of “It Only Takes a Moment.” (I’m also obsessed with the original song and “Put on your Sunday Clothes.” I’m a WALL.E fan, what can I say?) 
- I got into Gremlins! (Hopefully to watch Gremlins 2 next year). 
- I watched A Very Minty Christmas all December. (”That’s what I love about Christmas, hard to believe that it’s almost here. That’s what I love about Christmas, have a merry one this year.”) 
- I have a great Christmas. 
- I made tons of new friends with both old and new WOY bloggers. 
- I’m making a list of what I did in 2023, wait a second… 
- Me watching Jack McBrayer voicing Badgey in Star Trek: Lower Decks…THIS CHARACTER TERRIFIES ME! (But there’s also some funny moments with him, too. Don’t get me wrong.) 
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stubobnumbers · 1 year
Television History - 1950
TV History - 1950.
I'm starting the journey through TV in the year 1950. All information is from wikipedia. First up, the new shows that debuted in 1950, sorted by network. (If I don’t post years next to a show, that means it only lasted one year…or no year is listed on wiki.)
CBS: What’s My Line (1950 version) – The show ran from 1950 through 1967. Beat The Clock (1950-1961). Abe Burrows Almanac (I’ve never heard of this show.)
NBC: Your Show Of Shows (1950-1954). The Colgate Comedy Hour (1950-1955). Four Star Revue (1950-1953). Stars Over Hollywood (1950-1951). Hawkins Falls(?) (Wikipedia says it ran from 1951-1955, but it’s listed in 1950.) Your Hit Parade. September 18 – The Paul Winchell Show debuts on NBC with the title The Speidel Show.
Other shows: September 5 – The Cisco Kid, starring Duncan Renaldo and Leo Carillo, premieres (1950-1956). September 7 – The game show Truth or Consequences debuts (1950–1988). October 5 – The comedy quiz show You Bet Your Life, featuring Groucho Marx, premieres (1950–1961). (I actually watched a bunch of this on PBS.) October 12 – The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show debuts (1950–1958). October 28 – The Jack Benny Program, starring Jack Benny, premieres (1950–1965). July 11 – Andy Pandy premieres on the BBC (1950, 1970, 2002). July 3 – The Hazel Scott Show on the DuMont Television Network (1950). (I’ve never heard of the "DuMont Television Network".
Events listed for 1950. February – European Broadcasting Union (EBU) inaugurated. February 15 KENS began transmissions as KEYL. It was the second television station to sign on in the San Antonio market. WSTM-TV began transmissions as WSYR-TV. It was Syracuse’s second television station, signing on a year and three months after WHEN-TV (now WTVH). February 21 – WOI-TV signs on the air as Iowa’s second television station (following WOC-TV, now KQWC-TV), and the first in the Des Moines area. March 27 – WHAS-TV signs on the air. It was the second television station to sign on in the Louisville market and the Commonwealth of Kentucky. April 2 – WTKR began operations on channel 4 as WTAR-TV. It was Hampton Roads’ first television station and the second television station in Virginia, after WTVR (channel 6) in Richmond. May 1 – WLNS-TV began transmissions as WJIM-TV. It is Michigan’s second-oldest television station outside Detroit. June 1 – WWMT signs on the air as WKZO-TV. It was West Michigan’s second television station to debut after WLAV-TV (channel 7, now WOOD-TV channel 8 in Grand Rapids). June 17 – WAND (at this time called WTVP) goes on the air in Decatur, Illinois. July 1 – WHBF-TV signs on the air. It is the fifth-oldest surviving station in Illinois, and the oldest outside Chicago. July 26 – First television broadcast station in Mexico, XHTV, Mexico City on channel 4; Gonzalo Castellot Madrazo is the first announcer to appear. September 18 – First television network in South America launches, PRF-TV on channel 3 in São Paulo, Brazil. September 30 First BBC television broadcast from an aircraft. WSMV-TV began transmissions as WSM-TV at 1:10 pm CT. It was Nashville’s first television station and the second in Tennessee. October 10 – The U.S. Federal Communications Commission approves CBS’s color television system, effective November 20. October 25 – Cuba signs on to television as Havana’s Union Radio TV signs on for the first time, the first television station in the Caribbean.
Ok, the wikipedia page on "DuMont Television" is fascinating. The DuMont Television Network (also known as the DuMont Network, DuMont Television, simply DuMont/Du Mont, or (incorrectly) Dumont[a] /ˈduːmɒnt/) was one of America’s pioneer commercial television networks, rivaling NBC and CBS for the distinction of being first overall in the United States. It was owned by Allen B. DuMont Laboratories,1 a television equipment and set manufacturer, and began operation on June 28, 1942.
The network was hindered by the prohibitive cost of broadcasting, a freeze on new television stations in 1948 by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that restricted the network’s growth, and even the company’s partner, Paramount Pictures. Despite several innovations in broadcasting and the creation of one of television’s biggest stars of the 1950s—Jackie Gleason—the network never found itself on solid financial ground. Forced to expand on UHF channels during an era when UHF tuning was not yet a standard feature on television sets, DuMont fought an uphill battle for program clearances outside its three owned-and-operated stations in New York City, Washington, D.C., and Pittsburgh, ultimately ending network operations on August 6, 1956.
DuMont’s latter-day obscurity, caused mainly by the destruction of its extensive program archive by the 1970s, has prompted TV historian David Weinstein to refer to it as the "forgotten network". A few popular DuMont programs, such as Cavalcade of Stars and Emmy Award winner Life Is Worth Living, appear in television retrospectives or are mentioned briefly in books about U.S. television history.
This hurts me. DuMont produced more than 20,000 television episodes from 1946–1956. Because they were created prior to the launch of Ampex’s electronic videotape recorder in late 1956, they were initially broadcast live in black and white, then recorded on film kinescope for West Coast rebroadcasts and reruns. By the early 1970s, their vast library of 35mm and 16mm kinescopes eventually wound up in the hands of "a successor network," who reportedly disposed of them in New York City’s East River to make room for more recent videotapes in a warehouse.
Although films submerged for decades have been successfully recovered (see The Carpet from Bagdad as an example), there have been no salvage-diving efforts to locate or recover the DuMont archive. If it survived in that environment, most of the films have likely been damaged. Other kinescopes were put through a silver reclaiming process, because of the microscopic amounts of silver that made up the emulsion of black-and-white film during this time.
It is estimated that only about 350 complete DuMont television shows survive today, the most famous being virtually all of Jackie Gleason’s Honeymooners comedy sketches. Most of the existing episodes are believed to have come from the personal archives of DuMont’s hosts, such as Gleason and Dennis James.
Huh. TIL There were other tv rating systems besides the Nielsen's. The earliest measurements of TV audiences were performed by the C. E. Hooper company of New York. DuMont performed well in the Hooper ratings; in fact, DuMont’s talent program, The Original Amateur Hour, was the most popular series of the 1947–48 season. Two seasons later, Variety ranked DuMont’s popular variety series Cavalcade of Stars as the tenth most popular series.
In February 1950, Hooper’s competitor A. C. Nielsen bought out the Hooper ratings system. DuMont did not fare well with the change: none of its shows appeared on Nielsen’s annual top 20 lists of the most popular series. One of the DuMont Network’s biggest hits of the 1950s, Life is Worth Living, did receive Nielsen ratings of up to 11.1, meaning that they attracted more than 10 million viewers. Sheen’s one-man program – in which he discussed philosophy, psychology and other fields of thought from a Christian perspective – was the most widely viewed religious series in the history of television. 169 local television stations aired Life, and for three years the program competed successfully against NBC’s popular The Milton Berle Show. The ABC and CBS programs that aired in the same timeslot were canceled.
Life is Worth Living was not the only DuMont program to achieve double-digit ratings. In 1952, Time magazine reported that popular DuMont game show Down You Go had attracted an audience estimated at 16 million viewers. Similarly, DuMont’s summer 1954 replacement series, The Goldbergs, achieved audiences estimated at 10 million. Still, these series were only moderately popular compared to NBC’s and CBS’s highest-rated programs.
Nielsen was not the only company to report TV ratings. Companies such as Trendex, Videodex, and Arbitron had also measured TV viewership. The chart in this section comes from Videodex’s August 1950 ratings breakdown, as reported in Billboard magazine.
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So,I just finished Kim Possible,and honestly,that was one of the best series finales I've ever seen-
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sightkeeper · 6 years
Confession: I haven’t seen a single episode of Adventure Time
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dive into my life episode 1.
August 28th 2020.
The hardest day I’ve ever faced in the lifetime, woke up from a very short nap and got a text from my mom who slept next door.
“Hasil swab ibu positif, titip dan jaga mbahkung, adek dan bapak ya mbak. Ibu perketat isolasi mandiri.”
It was like my world crumbled down at once.
So, 5 days ago my mom was being informed by our family doctor for being a suspect of coronavirus, after attending her friend’s funeral who was tested positive for it. Dari situ, semua yang ada di rumah langsung bener-bener jaga jarak dari nyokap yang sementara itu lagi isolasi mandiri di kamar.
Monday morning, my mom off to her office. Disana bukan kerja, dia dites untuk statusnya yang “suspect” itu. Unfortunately, rapid test-nya positif, dan langsung diarahin buat swab test di hari yang sama. Nyokap pulang dalam keadaan happy, cengar-cengir dan ya… bisa dilihat kalo emang dia nyantai aja, but I knew… she thought a lot about the test result. Gue ga ajak dia ngobrol banyak, dia bersih-bersih abis itu langsung nyomot roti di meja makan dan off to her room for rest. She was tired.
Fast forward to Friday evening, when it was all started became a nightmare came true. I woke up from a very short nap and got a message from my mom who slept next door. The whole message I read… gue cuma fokus ke nama nyokap yang ada dalam list positif coronavirus. GUE. OF. COURSE. KAGET. BANGET.
Mau nangis? Oh tentu gabisa… gimana pun gue harus tegar ngadepinnya. Gue anak yang paling diandelin di rumah ini karena satu dua hal yang emang bikin gue harus jadi pengganti nyokap kalo semisal nyokap gak ada. And yeah… I got a feeling if my mom has to go to another place buat kepentingan isolasi.
Prediksi gue bener, Sabtu paginya, petugas terkait dateng ke rumah buat ngelakuin test swab untuk the rest of my family, daaaan… the doctor asked me to led her to my mom’s room. I knocked twice and she unlocked the key and opened half of the door. Dokter minta nyokap buat isolasi di fasilitas khusus COVID daerah. MY MOM CRIED!!! OMG : ((( She was sad for being away from her family.
Siangnya di hari yang sama pas gue di-swab, I texted my mom. Satu rumah padahal tapi gabisa ngobrol langsung, sedih? Iyalah pasti. Intinya gue minta nyokap buat nurut apa kata dokter untuk isolasi di faskus daerah dan gue minta beliau buat ga mikirin hal lain selain kesembuhan dia. I volunteered to take over her job as a mom, kaya gue harus jadi wali buat adek gue buat sekolah online dan ngurusin tugas-tugasnya. My mom agreed dan Sabtu sorenya, jam 4, nyokap dijemput petugas faskus untuk berangkat buat isolasi. Gue mewek, even my dad got headache. Pusing udah kita semua. Huft.
I told my closest friends buat curhat keadaan nyokap sejak beliau jadi suspect, gue nerima dukungan dari temen-temen dan gak sedikit dari relatives gue. Gue seneng karena banyak banget yang support dan ngedoain nyokap sama keluarga. Tapi, setelah gue share info soal nyokap yang positif covid di medsoc punya gue, wah… banjir hujatan juga ya. HAHAHA. Kenapa gue ketawa? Ya karena people +62 itu lucu-lucu banget deh, gemesin! Pengen banget gue cubit ususnya!
Gue dapet banyak DM di Instagram, ada support dan doa, dan ada juga yang nyinyir soal cerita dan info yang gue share ke medsoc.
“Mamanya gapake masker ya?”
“Makanya dong dipake maskernya!”
“Duit tuh duit biar ngalir.”
ADUH! GA NGERTI LAGI DEH. Kok bisa-bisanya bilang kaya gitu. Dari mana sih ga pake masker? Kaya tau aja deh hidup orang! Kenal anda juga engga. Even kalo emang nyokap ga pake masker dan positif COVID gara-gara itu, keluarga gue juga ga ngemis bantuan dari pemerintah, kok! Siapa juga yang mau kena musibah kaya gini? Gak ada, sob. So, mikir dulu ya sebelum judge orang! Kaya hidup anda semua ini udah pada enak aja.
The reason why gue share semuanya ke medsoc karena EDUKASI semata, not more than that. Dibaca syukur, ga dibaca yauda. COVID IS REAL. Kalian nyinyir soal pandemi ini bakal berhenti kalo dana bantuan berhenti? HAHAHA KOCAK BANGET. GAK GITU WOI! Mungkin (gue juga denger-denger aja dari orang) ada yang kongkalikong soal ini, cuma gak sedikit warga Indonesia bahkan dunia yang merana karena pandemi ini. Gue engga memanfaatkan isu ini bukan untuk seeking attention. THIS IS REAL, sedang terjadi di keluarga gue. Dan kerasa banget dampaknya. Banget. Banget! Mungkin emang bener ya, people will never truly understand something until it happens to them. Ayo dong mulai nyari faktanya dan belajar dari apa yang sudah terjadi, jangan bisanya cuma nyinyir doang, ya!
Oiya! Don’t forget to always wear your masks everywhere you go. Keep the physical distancing as much as you could do. Eat healthy food and always do workout thingy to keep your body fresh and strong. Semoga semuanya sehat-sehat aja, ya!
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raph-fangirl · 4 years
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A Tale of the Shapeshifters
previously - chapter i | next - chapter iii
Athena Everleigh is a young girl living in Dublin, Ireland in 1905. She tricks her parents into letting her work for a mysterious man–Sir Claudius–in a castle not far away from the local village. But, unbeknownst to both, Athena and Sir Claudius are shapeshifters. Will this strange relationship between a half-human/half-cat and half-human/half-dragon… work itself out?
Also available on:
Chapter II - A Father’s Favorite
“Ma! Ma!”
Athena trotted through the tall grass, chasing after her mother.
Once her daughter reached her, Mrs. Everleigh turned around, put a finger to the girl’s lips, and gave her a stern look.
“Ma!” Athena attempted to say, prying her mother’s finger away from her mouth.
Mrs. Everleigh turned around again, facing the forest.
Athena let out a “Humph!” then stated, like a baby reading for the first time: “*Maidin mhaith a Máthair.”
Mrs. Everleigh pirouetted and caught her daughter’s eyes, then said so sweetly it ought to have been a song: “Dere, dat’s all dat had to be spoken, me lass.”
Athena smiled, her cheeks turning to rosy red apples.
“Now, what’s da story dis time?” Athena placed herself upon a nearby tree stump, then unruffled the wrinkles in her skirts.
“Oh, Ma! Look what I found!” the girl handed her mother the slip of paper.
Mrs. Everleigh’s eyes traced over it for a few moments. “And what exactly do ya plan ta do wit dis?” she queried.
“I plan to work, Ma! T’ink of it--all da gold in da world could be ours!” Athena squealed, kicking her feet through the grass in delight.
“Child, dere’s so much I still must teach you…”
“Ay, I know, Ma! But I t’ink I’m old enough now and know enough about how to talk da people! I can do some simple housework. Why, I’ve been doin’ it me whole life!” she giggled. “And den an apprenticeship! I’ll be studyin’ under Sir Claudius!”
“Sir Claudius?” Mrs. Everleigh gasped.
“Ay, read da fine print.” The girl trailed her finger down the page until reaching the very bottom. In tiny script--much tinier than the bold lettering up top--it was signed:
Sir Claudius, of Beochaoineadh Castle
“No, me lass, I won’t allow it,” Mrs. Everleigh concluded.
“What!?” The girl almost began to sob.
“I won’t allow it. You haven’t enough years ta understand.”
“I do so!” Athena retorted, reaching for the letter. Her mother crumpled it up and put it in the hem of her dress. “Ma! I’m almost sixteen now! I should be allowed ta work for me livin’.”
“You already live a fine life, me lass. Your Páthair makes sure of it.” She cupped the girl’s face. “I am content wit da life I lead, and you will learn to be content wit’ your own…. But I understand dat you are only tryin’ to help your family. You’ve benevolent intentions. Dat’s all any Máthair could ask for.” Mrs. Everleigh wiped away the girl’s tears. “I must be off ta feed da little ones now.”
“Ay, I’m sorry, Ma.”
“You’re forgiven, me lass.” And so she went.
The family sat around the fireside that night, as they did each evening after supper. Athena’s younger brothers and sisters sat nearer to their mother, while Athena perched at her father’s chair, letting him rub her head. He brushed his palm down her golden-brown waves for several minutes before she asked, “Father, won’t you read a story tonight?”
“Of course, my darling! But I’ve read all of them on the bookshelf already. Aren’t you bored with them?”
“No, Father, I could never bore of the stories.”
“Alright, darling.” He rose and traveled to the bookshelf near the fireside. Athena followed suit. She gazed over the bottom row and he the top.
Mrs. Everleigh said nothing, only watching out of the corner of her eye.
“Now then, what about this one?” He lifted a blue book.
“No! We read dat one last week!”
“That one, my dear, that one,” he corrected.
“That one,” she muttered, tracing her finger over the spines.
“What about this one?” he asked, his lips tilting upward into a tired smile. He held a reddish-brown book with the pages falling out. “One of your favorites when you were little.”
“No, I’m older now so I needn’t bother with it.”
He chuckled. “If you say so, my darling.”
“You shouldn’t let da lass say such t’ings,” Mrs. Everleigh chimed in.
“Oh, but she’s almost sixteen now!” He picked her up and swung her around, as though she were a wee child. “She’s almost sixteen and pretty as a rose! It is time she had new books anyway! No more childish fables. I knew that’s what you really wanted, Athena Darling.” He pinched her cheek.
“You always know what I want, Father,” she giggled.
“Givin’ da lass what it is she wants will only spoil ‘er,” Mrs. Everleigh spoke, louder this time.
Mr. Everleigh refused to listen. He only laughed alongside his favorite daughter--favorite child. They stayed up all night--him describing the plots and characters of some of the greatest literature ever written, and her picking out the ones she wanted. By the end of it, they had a list of novels he vowed to buy for her when he visited Dublin again. One by one, the other children went to bed, and eventually, Mrs. Everleigh did, too. It was then that Athena asked:
“Yes, my darling?”
“What would you think of it if…”
“If…?” “If I began to work?” “Work?” He laughed a deep belly laugh, throwing his head back. “Why would you work? It would only mar your pretty hands.”
She listened closely for her mother’s deep breaths hailing from the master bedroom. Once she heard them, she commenced: “I thought it might help the family.”
“Darling, there is no work around here worth enough money to ruin your girlhood forever. Once you start working in this town, you never stop.” He crossed his arms, lifted his head, and shut his eyes.
“But Father!” she urged, “he pays in gold.”
Mr. Everleigh remained still for several moments, then unraveled himself. “Gold, you say?”
“Yes, Father.”
His face lightened. The bags under his eyes almost seemed to disappear before he sunk back into the chair once more. “No, no, it is still not worth it, Athena Dear. You are too young and too precious to me. Marry a wealthy man instead, so you never work a day in your life.”
“But weren’t you once a wealthy man?”
He might have smiled. “Once.”
“What happened?”
“Let’s just say that wealth has a way of disappearing in this town.”
“Woy is dat?”
“Athena, we must work on your pronunciation: that. And not ‘woy’ but ‘why’.”
“That. Why.”
“Better. Oh, it just does. Especially when you’re married to her.” She gazed into his dead brown eyes. “So, my final answer is ‘no’. I won’t allow it.”
She pouted, “That’s just what Mother said.”
“What Mother said?” He bit his finger, eyes chasing around the room. He, too, began to listen for her deep breaths. “You already spoke to her about it?”
“Yes, Father.”
“And she said ‘no’?”
“Yes, Father.”
Mr. Everleigh huffed. “Well, then, I’m not quite sure of what to do.” He looked at the poor girl, who began to cry. “Oh, darling, Father’s here.” Athena nuzzled into his chest and blew her nose in his handkerchief. “Now, what is it that you want to do? Hopefully, you do not want to be a flower girl or a costermonger. Although, those would likely be the cleanest jobs….” He sat in deep thought while stroking her hair.
“Oi--Oi had the paper…”
“I, not oi.”
“I had the paper that advertised it, but Mother took it from me. Although, I remember it just as it said: ‘Wanted--Apprentice and Housekeeper … Paid in gold … Sir Claudius, of Beochaoineadh Castle’.”
“Beochaoineadh Castle… I thought it abandoned, but perhaps not. Hmph.”
“It’s not abandoned. I’ve heard people in town talking about it.”
“I’ve no doubt about that, my little adventurer.”
“And I want to work there as a housekeeper and apprentice.”
“Apprentice? Of what?”
“Whatever Sir Claudius teaches.”
“I must see to it that I meet this man--since my daughter will be working there.”
Athena perked. “Oh, Father, really?!”
“Of course, my darling.” She hugged him so tightly it almost strangled him.
“Thank you, Father. Promise you’ll keep it a secret,” she whispered, her silvery blue eyes as large as the full moon.
“I promise, darling.”
Mr. Everleigh stroked his daughter’s hair for a few more minutes until her breathing slowed to be in rhythm with the cascading waves of the nearby coastline. He then carried the girl off to bed.
* Maidin mhaith a Máthair - Irish Gaelic for “Good morning, Mother”
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A template for the New Year
It’s a few months off, but I’ve prepared a New Year’s Day letter template too! Here’s the download link, and the full letter is in the read-more below. Hope everyone has a great end to 2018! Love to ya’s! -Mod Fancy
 Happy New Year to those at Disney!
We, the fans of Wander Over Yonder, hope you have been had a wonderful 2018. It has now been two years since the 5-year-old Craig McCracken series has ended, and the fans whose hearts have been touched by the lovely cartoon are still going strong in an effort to one day revive it for a final season.
With the beginning of 2019 underway, and the few holiday reruns of Wander Over Yonder having aired, I believe it may be time once again to write and ask, as written above, for the approval of a third and final season of W.O.Y. All the fans are aware of Craig McCracken’s green light for a new series pilot, and of course we are all looking forward to whatever he has in store for Disney next. However, we feel that this doesn’t rule out the possibility of letting his previous series get the proper ending it deserves someday in the future.
There is still evidence that a conclusion of Wander Over Yonder would prove to benefit Disney as well as its fans, given in what has been happening over the course of another year.
By now, a lot more has been accomplished in addition to what we have achieved the year before; The main petition to order the show a third season has now reached over 52,000 signatures. (https://www.change.org/p/walt-disney-encourage-disney-to-make-wander-over-yonder-season-3)
A movement similar to what we call the “Trending Twenty-Seventh-- in which fans post Wander content on the internet once a month as much as possible at once to get the topic trending-- has been made, called the “Fanmail Fifth”, in which letters and emails are sent to the offices of Disney Animation. (https://savewanderoveryonder.tumblr.com/tagged/fanmail-fifth)
A charity livestream for the Make-A-Wish foundation created by WOY fans is still in the works, and on a holiday-related note, fans of the series have had several projects involving giving small gifts, such as Secret Santa exchanges, and sending holiday cards to children in the hospital. (http://savewoygiftexchange.tumblr.com/ https://itstodaywoyexchange.tumblr.com/ http://peepsqueak.tumblr.com/tagged/savewoy-holiday-card-project)
Other ongoing projects can be found in the link below, as well as a Tumblr blog that provides links to several other sources of what is called SaveWOY. (https://savewanderoveryonder.tumblr.com/projects)
More and more video content has been made about the series. (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD30N7h1pyZU5YV-AYBWRwyFm-sFZJgtb http://diregentleman.tumblr.com/tagged/Ponder-Over-Wander)
The cartoon’s most popular song, “I’m The Bad Guy” is now at over 10 million views. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdEo_t-iVbM&spfreload=10)
And as of the star of this year, Wander Over Yonder can be called an Emmy Award-winning series, for the well-known hit musical episode, “My Fair Hatey”, incidentally featuring the show’s most popular song as aforementioned.
Wander over Yonder continues to reach the hearts and minds of all ages, from all over the world, and I have no doubt it will continue to do so. I simply ask that you take our efforts and our feelings into consideration as to what this happy-go-lucky and brilliantly animated show’s fate will be; To be ended abruptly without a proper ending, or to finish it the way it was meant to be. I’m sure you will find if the latter path is taken, it will not have been a waste of your time, money, or enjoyment.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and once again, I hope you have a fantastic new year—hopefully after taking a vacation!
Happy New Year once more,
-A Wander Over Yonder fan
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alltheselights · 5 years
hello Emma, I just want to say I loved your drabbles so much and I would be completely fine if you would keep on writing them bc it's almost liek I don't want to part with your stories bc I want to keep "being" in their universe but I am so excited for your new work. much love xx
I feel like I really need to start getting some fics out, especially after a horrible 2018, but I’m definitely interested in doing more drabbles for my fics in the future. My goal for the next 2-3 months is to get out my plane fic, my farm fic, and then my mpreg fic......which is now maybe combined with my politics fic? I might’ve merged them in a conversation with my friend a couple weeks ago. But I do have a list of drabble requests saved that I can work on a bit after that! And I’d like to do an entire sequel to WOY at some point. So I’m sure you haven’t heard the last of any of my characters. Thanks for the support, bub!
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wherefancytakesme · 6 years
Trending 27th: All my reasons to SaveWOY
Wow. All of them?? Oh boy.
I got motivated to save Wander Over Yonder after days of depression when the show was ending. For so long, it had been one of my few comforts in the world, and at first I didn’t think there was much hope it could be brought back. But @suspendersofdisbelief​ made a post soon after the cancellation was confirmed that it wouldn’t be revealed what was going to happen in Season 3, because he still had hope somewhere that the show could come back, and it wouldn’t be right to just give away everything in a single post. I knew then that I had to fight, because we fans were the only hope WOY had of returning. Now, after nearly a year and half of having ended, in truth I don’t have as much hardcore motivation towards the campaign efforts; I’ve had to focus on other things additionally, and I’ve been facing depression every now and again as my job reaches a holiday hiatus at the worst time, and as my remaining period in college comes to a close and I try even at my age to get accepted into an abroad university. I want to keep at this, though. I don’t want to rely on one thing to keep me happy, but the project means a whole lot to me. I can’t stop caring about work and school and I don’t want to stop caring about this. In fact, my current state of depression reminds me of how WOY would cheer me up in some of the worst times before, and so even moping as I am, I suddenly have the motivation I didn’t this morning to really make an effort to tell everyone seeing this post just how many reasons WOY has to be saved. So, without further ado, here are my reasons listed out:
-The second season ended on a cliffhanger, hinting at the things we would have known about Lord Hater’s backstory in Season 3; why he’s an electric skeleton and a villain.
-The series needed proper advertisement, and if it came back, with said advertisement this time, it would be doing far better than it did before.
-The fans still care enough to keep a revival campaign going with things such as video projects, letters, trending the hashtag every month, fan maps etc. etc. and etc.
-Wander Over Yonder has helped countless people.
-The animation is more phenomenal than literally any show I’ve ever seen in my life.
-WOY, like any good and beloved series, deserves its intended ending.
-It became popular just as it was cancelled and not given a chance to take off.
-Many characters that fans loved would have come back in S3.
-The Emperor Awesome character, who went through a state of PSTD after being “taught a lesson” by the Lord Dominator character, would have gone even more through the wringer in the next season, and has been hinted to possibly have his whole character (a jerk jock villain) changed entirely. Trust me, watch his arc so far and tell me you wouldn’t find the remainder of it entertaining.
-Fans have been teased that the biggest threat the mains have faced, Lord Dominator, may at some point get her hands on Wander’s hat, an object that can give you anything you need, but anything you want if forced.
-Characters who barely got a chance to interact, such as Sylvia and Hater, Peepers and Wander, and the four mains as a whole, would have their own episodes together in Season 3.
-The third season would have been the first to test Wander, a picture of good deeds and wisdom, just as season 2 tested Lord Hater.
-There have been several hints at the threat of S3 being the biggest threat of the series. Where Dominator was a powerful bully, the threat... threats... would have been much worse. It’s been said at time to be three things, and possibly not a living villain, but more of a non-tangible threat.
-Commander Peepers, the only character who seems to stay evil in spite of his bond with the mains, would have been given a backstory as well, including an arc where he would have been tempted by a darker side, possibly meaning he could choose to leave Lord Hater for the thought of a better shot at galactic domination.
-After being defeated by the good guys in Season 2, Lord Dominator would have a lot of things to struggle with, lacking any resources and still not accepting Wander’s kindness.
-Wander Over Yonder is just a sweet, happy-go-lucky series with lessons to learn and smiles to give.
-The music and visuals are wonderful if too you check them out.
-No one is asking for the series to continue on and on, but simply to get one more season, as was the intention.
-Season 3 having been intended as the finale one, Lord Hater would finally have to learn that he never needed to act evil, and eventually, become friends with Wander. Watching an awkward and immature skeleton-man go through an identity crisis like that would be fun, wouldn’t it?
Need I repeat it only needed one more season? There are so many more things others will say about WOY, because if only it had been given the chance it deserved, I’m confident it would have been picked up for just that one more. @disneyxd​ Even if our engines are running slow after all this time, we still are going to keep fighting as long as it takes, because that’s the only thing keeping WOY alive. There’s still steam in us, wind in our sails, even if little. It doesn’t matter; It only matters that there’s still steam. Let’s keep fighting! We all have reasons, let’s show people they’re worthwhile!
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geekyreverie · 7 years
My fave 27 episodes of Wander Over Yonder (part 1)
I’ve decided to take part in Wander Over Yonder Trending 27th, though my English isn’t perfect, sorry! But I love this show very much, so let’s give it a try!
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Here’s the list of my favorite 27 episodes of the show! Wow, it’s sooo hard to choose! Actually, I did write a huge list, then I had to remove many episodes with great pain in my heart, so now it’s 27! But again, most of WOY’s episodes are amazing and totally deserve to be watched (and rewatched)! In case you don’t know, Wander Over Yonder is a show about a nice little furry guy Wander who actually wanders with his friend Sylvia across the galaxy, while Lord Hater, a huge electric skeleton, tries to conquer it (with Commander Peepers and watchdogs’ help). I love almost everything about the show! Its style and animation, character design and atmosphere, kind humor and musical numbers! What I personally love the most about the show is that it has its own philosophy! I just love the show’s positive messages you can find in the episodes! Wow, it’s so deep! And wise, though at first it seems pretty silly. It just amazes me how deeper and deeper it goes! So, the first part of the list is episodes from Season 1! 1. The Picnic It’s the fist episode that I saw and it was wonderfully funny! So this episode is pretty special for me. I like how it introduces characters (though it seems actual introduction happens in next episode, The Greatest, I still like the way it is here and it seems right to me to see this one first to get idea of the main characters). And it’s just great to see Wander’s enjoying his picnic! I love it that he has his own point of view on what’s really important here, who needs all these battles between rivals when it’s so beautiful around? Aaand... Mustard or Mayo? 2. The Good Deed I love the plot! Everytime Wander helps, something bad happens after as a result. Well, usually I see in cartoons pretty simple idea: help and everyone will be happy. However, this episode shows that it may be complicated. I love that the show centers on helping and everything about it, it reveals that it isn’t so easy and simple at all. Actually it’s hard in many ways. But still... The quote from the end of the episode is one of my top favorites! ‘But I'm also saying that if doing a good deed leads to the universe getting destroyed... partner, that's not a universe I wanna live in anyway.’ 3. The Prisoner Commander Peepers tries to catch Wander and invites him in Hater’s spaceship. Characters are so emotional here, the very best of Peepers! And we can see what’s inside the spacesip! I love the way Wander and Peepers interact in this episode! And all the chasing is so fun to watch!   4. The Hat To save Wander Sylvia tries to use his hat, but it seems the Hat doesn’t want to help her. Another great example of how deep WOY is. The idea of the hat that gives you what you need, not what you want, is brilliant! Just brilliant!  5. The Little Guy Usually watchdogs are shown as an army and it looks like there’s no difference between them at all! However, it’s not! This episode proves it! I like Westley and his development as a character! And I like how Wander and Sylvia pretend they’ve been caught, that’s so nice of them, haha! The ending is wonderful as well! Plus the episode contains one of my fave WOY songs, it’s so charming!  6. The Nice Guy Wander tries to buy a bottle of Thunder Blazz for Sylvia in the store. That’s it. That’s all this episode is about, but it’s one of my most fave of all time! It manifests Wander and his philosophy perfectly! It never hurts to help!  And it actually inspires me to help more!  7. The Tourist Wander tries to visit as many places as other tourist he met. I like the theme of the episode! Happens pretty often to me (in everything: places, books, movies, etc), so I can totally relate! Once again, it reminds me of what really important is. It shouldn’t become some kind of competition, indeed! 8. The Void Wander and Sylvia step inside the door and then... One of the top episodes of the show! The visual side of the episode is astoundingly creative and totally mind blowing! Wow, just wow! And the song is awesome! As well as the message of the episode! It’s just perfect! 9. The Funk This episode is about Lord Hater and his depression. He interacts so funny with Peepers here! Just love it! Meh. :) The episode shows them from some different point of view! I mean their motives in conquering the galaxy. 10. The Rider Sylvia meets her old partner and it seems like Wander doesn’t fit in. This episode is about Wander and Sylvia’s friendship and it's very touching! And again I can say I can totally relate to Wander here. Just love the contrast between Wander and Rider!  @disneyxd
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konowaru · 7 years
My 27 (or less) favorite WOY episodes part 1
It's just a list, not "top" from the most loved to the least ones. Because it's hard to decide what i like the most, The End of the Galaxy or  The Void, they're completlely different.
We'll start with The Pet, really liked Wander here. How you must act on scary abandoned ship where the only alive being spits acid on you? Of course put a collar on it and pet! Sylvia is quite well shown here too. Her attempts to exterminate the alien, blow up the ship, her motivation - very touching. And all ended happily for everyone (except the Watchdogs)
Next one in my list is The Bounty. Excellent one, because it's mainly about Peepers and his hilarious floor crying. Looks like it's after the Bounty commander start pumping the iron.
@disneyxd Don't forget to sign a petition! https://www.change.org/p/walt-disney-encourage-disney-to-make-wander-over-yonder-season-3
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