#would there be crediting problems
chalkflint · 11 months
i've said a few times that my story ideas would actually get written if i could just pay someone to sit me down for half an hour each week and ask me questions about my wip to get the brainstorming juices flowing and help me figure out stuff i'm stuck on and then watch me write for 15 minutes to make sure i don't get distracted. if i just had that in my life then i could join the rest of the writeblr people who actually write and i might get a complete first novel draft done for the first time in my life. but alas.... 😔
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brsb4hls · 10 months
Ok, but if you wanna circle that Siken quote around, maybe post the whole thing?
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The second part is the important one.
Also, for those who still can't seperate fiction from reality and are obvi already pestering him, because he dared to name that ship:
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gaywarcriminals · 7 months
Shen Jiu: I’m like chain around your neck dragging you down…
Yue Qingyuan: Good thing I’m into that!
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originalartblog · 2 years
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I just think Chuuya deserves to snap for this arc. Crumble under his unaddressed trauma. Be evil for a little while. Make Dazai face some consequences for a change. A little corruption arc, if you will.
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alexturner2005 · 1 month
why does every am/tlsp post lately have no sources and 300 notes…..please…..if it doesn’t have a source don’t give it notes 😭
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adzy-drawz · 6 months
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alt version without the text bubble under the cut
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crtastrophic · 6 months
would love for my faceblindness to stop fucking me over
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theneighborhoodwatch · 10 months
thinking.... i definitely don't have the time to pull this off now, but i wonder if it would be possible to set up a welcome home wiki on one of the non-fandom.com wiki platforms like miraheze or wikitide some time in the future. i haven't heard anything bad about the one on fandom.com, and it actually seems pretty decent, but it would be nice to have something on a platform that isn't shooting itself and its users in the foot constantly.
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nickywhoisi · 1 year
so how did Pizzahead get the means to make a bunch of Fakinos anyway???
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this is my headcannon for that lol
Peppino does not live on a ground floor btw....
Apologies for the hard to see linework here and there, I tried my best but it's not easy making a comic old-school style where you need one pose to be the same at all times. But I still managed, and am very happy with it! Also these are my designs for them both since I'm finally figuring out how to consistently draw them, especially Pizzahead; I gave him vague hair curls to make him seem like...almost human? Totino-ish? Not really tho XP
This was made over the span of quite a few days so I hope you enjoy! pchooooooooo
Reblogs > Likes, Thank you!
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boasamishipper · 1 year
so is the whole 'sam is a leader on this team and the new highly sought after star footballer of afc richmond' storyline ever going to get brought up again, or are the writers done caring about sam now that he isn't rebecca's love interest anymore
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prisonpodcast · 2 months
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heyassbuttlmao · 2 years
ngl but I don't get why so much attention is being placed on whether AI art is "real art" or not instead of??? the fact that it's using stolen art?? like that feels like the actual problem here for me???
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laesas · 1 year
KPTS Playlists
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Kim's Album || Chay's Album
So the concept behind this is that Kim releases a post-canon album and Porchay releases an album of his own in response. I love the idea of how the songs on each of these would affect the other person listening to them, as well as giving both characters the ability to use songs to communicate feelings that they can't express openly in person.
KimChay - Why else would I tutor you?
A big mixture of both KimChay albums + some extras that didnt fit either album but fit KimChay as a whole or inspired me while writing.
Additional Playlists and rambling under the cut 🖤
VegasPete Shoot Me || VegasPete Let it Out
I love both these VP moods but struggled with mixing them in a single playlist! The vibes were too all over the place - so now theres one for the emotional stuff and one for the self-destructive decisions bourne from hedgehog funerals and bisexual lighting
SO! Thoughts on playlists:
The concepts behind the KimChay playlists are my favourite and they're the ones I put the most thought into! - I started them back in july and I'm still adding to them now! They're not necessarily all about Kim and Chay's relationship per-se, there are a couple that I think really fit Kim's relationship with his brothers for example, or the way that Porchay feels living in the compound with his lack of autonomy. I've tried to keep a consistent sound/vibe throughout and match both the lyrics and the sound to the melancholy post canon situation!
My absolute favourite is Chay's album (lovingly referred to as the chaylist). Picturing the absloute breakdown Kim would have listening to some of these songs sang by Chay is so delicious to think about. Hopefully these would be the catalyst to a KimChay resolution!
There are a couple of other less developed/experimental playlists like for KinnBig, Tankhun (sad lol) and KimBig on my spotify profile! (as well as some other non KP playlists)
If you liked any of these, found a new favourite, or found them useful/helpful for art/writing/rotating the faves in your mind, feel free to share and to come yell at me about them here! DMs are open, anons are on! I'd love to hear your thoughts!!!
#KimChay#The Chaylist is out lads#there are somehow... 4 people following it... already..... which is like girl i have shared this nowhere..... how did u get here lol :')#kim kp#chay kp#playlists#if you guys make anything inspired by this I would love love LOVE it if you tagged me! not to credit! like just @ me in the replies!!#like no pressure to do so I would just love to see it!#I'm nosy and excitable and I want to *S E E*#also I tend to be incredibly picky with *vibes* + lyrics so out of not wanting to offend anyone I'm not going to take 'add this!' requests!#but also if there's a song that's perfect for the blorbos that isn't on the playlist - anon is on and my inbox is open! I love music recs!#also if you have just general ''think about this character + this song!'' thoughts i would LOVE that! hehe#if u have a character... that you want a song rec for........... i could do that lol#my head is full of nothing but little guys#I have thoughts about pretty much all of the characters + xyz song *constantly* haha#I dont have a 'happy' kimchay playlist but that's only bc the vibes were near identical to the PatPran playlist I already have titled ):)#also if you spot the playlists where i went through taylor swifts entire discography and worked out every song where she was in a car#and then every song where she uses public transport#then no you dont.#that would be. unhinged...... 👀#I think my next one will be a Tankhun happy playlist which would refine the sadder Tankhun playlist a bit better#it's a similar problem to VegasPete. The dichotomy of my favourite boy knows no bounds!#ANYWAY#Send tweet or whatever#kpts
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reputayswift · 6 months
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you-are-my-neverland · 8 months
ok. nano in one week and i have two (2) options:
drafting the post-chosen one wip. obviously this is the choice is should do with it as it is already started, i just kind of dropped off the last couple weeks. unfortunately, i have one glaring problem, which is that the most recent chapter went off the rails and i also reached the stopping point in my plot and now idk how to move forward. i know what's theoretically going to happen later on, but i need to seriously sit down and outline to smoothly draft. will i actually do that in a week? who knows.
start my pirate wip. the option i want because it's my current obsession, but i'm also very much in the creation stages and fleshing out worldbuilding details. so it's all bare bones, and i know starting it might be fun, but i don't have a firm enough grasp on the story itself yet unless i plan like crazy over this week. again, do i have time to do that? who knows.
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fauvester · 1 year
my own purely fictional-fictional headcanon that garak hesitated just for a microsecond before attempting founder mondicide because he realized bashir was on the founder's planet and would die too if he succeeded, and that brief hesitation may have prevented him from succeeding
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