#with some crunchy bread
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man-im-so-high · 2 months
It's 2:40 am and i've been wanting to make myself a goddamn sandwich for hours now but i haven't had the time and now i'm too lazy to fry my vegan chicken because it's almost 3am
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alicedrawslesmis · 9 months
switching from late 19th century (russian) lit straight to a french romantic (who wrote in the early 19th century tho this book is from 1850) is like if you're eating some really fancy carpaccio and then you switch to an ice cream sundae I don't even feel like I'm in the same restaurant here
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recovery-is-brutal · 1 month
Is there anything better than cold night air coming in from the open window while you have a hot bottle under the blankets with you
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etakeh · 5 months
Ok I know this is wrong, but it really put me in the mood for egg salad.
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dead-doveing · 10 months
it's like... my primary ship in spn is destiel (tho not my primary interest in the fandom by a long shot) and yes i'm a late arrival to the fandom but the schism between destiel and wincest shippers is really weird to me? maybe it's that i came in without years and years of baggage but the division just seems like a... i don't know that i want to necessarily call it a downer, but the fact that the fandom schism runs so deep i felt it necessary to set up a side blog for some of my content is just. idk. i stumbled into fandom in the age of webrings and the vibes and culture were very different then.
another thing is that in my spn fandom travels i've stumbled across the inactive and defunct blogs of multishippers who felt that they had to pick a bloody side (in the delightful words of crowley) and it's just a shame to lose that blog diversity.
i completely understand that wincest can be triggering to folks (especially survivors of incest) but the vitriol feels unwarranted if ppl are just staying in their lane. there are toxic and confrontational ppl on both sides of the fandom and tarring everyone with the same brush just feels unproductive and allows those toxic ppl to operate unchecked on "their" side of the fandom.
also like. even tho i may not actively "ship it" i do see wincest as being integral to understanding the text of spn, whether you read it as a platonic co-dependent dynamic or a more gothic romantic/sexual one. so many puzzle pieces just really click into place when you say that yeah, intentional or not, this is A Thing and a driving dynamic in the narrative.
i've tried to write all this down multiple times to post on my main blog and always found myself equivocating to a ridiculous degree so. here's to the freedom of an anonymous side blog.
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katierosefun · 1 year
holy fuck . . .. cheese and honey on toast SLAPS
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the-mewrderus-duck · 9 hours
Listen It might be because I'm ace but I couldn't give two shits about sex but I would fucking kill for fresh sourdough.
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amara-laz · 10 days
My friend ran into the room, holding a tinfoil wrapped sandwich, asked if I wanted a sandwich, and dropped it in my hands before running away. It was a very good sandwich.
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kmartmithril · 4 months
Hot take based off of today’s adventuring party: I don’t like croutons in salads
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torchiiko · 7 months
had (pieces of) a scone for the first time today it was Not what i thought it was but i kinda liked it :)
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nemxricultrix · 9 months
(my bitch ass 100% intends to make the Inness Grilly Cheese tomorrow when I get things cleaned up in my house as a TREAT. Burgers can wait grilled cheese is a god send.)
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i-am-hungry-24-7 · 26 days
[I almost killed your boss with my grilled cheese sandwich]- Mafia!TF141*F!Reader
Summary: You sigh when it's the fifth time someone fights in your poor tea shop this month. You just open it two months ago, in an area ruled by mafia called '141'. Maybe you should find their boss and give them money or what to stop the bullshit keeps happening in your shop. (well, here they come)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
After the unexpected encounter with Soap and Ghost, your shop finally owns the vibes of peace.
The customers become so ‘normal’, almost feels like you aren’t in the same area as before – if you ignore the blood on their shirts or recall the memory of seeing them punching someone across the street. You assume the men must tell them to behave in your shop, but you must say the minions become a bit overreacting. They call you ma'am, chat as quietly as possible, and one of them even apologizes when he accidentally touches your finger as if you will chop off his pinky. You start doubting if they view you as a secret henchman of 141.
It’s morning now, the shop usually has more people at this time, but you haven’t had a single customer since you opened it 30 minutes ago, they just vanished without any hint, hence you start testing out new recipes for your bread.
Lilting the song that’s fully out of tune, you slice the bread you just baked into pieces, and throw one into your mouth. Perfectly crunchy outside, fluffy like clouds inside. Oh my, you’re such a genius.
You’re totally unaware of your visitor until he stirs the air with a cough and his voice.
“Pardon me?” He calls you again, but you’re left in a trance when you land your eyes on him.
Damn, he looks just like your imagination of the man in the Dilf next door fic you just read yesterday on co5. Your eyes travel from his well-trim beard, south to his belted waist. Why does a man with a toned body – which his khaki coat can’t even hide –  have such a tiny waist? Your mouth's agape at the sight as you’re about to respond.
“mmsadjsmm” The man raises his eyebrow in confusion, and you hear your voice not forming a proper sentence too. Ah, you forgot the bread’s still stuffed in your mouth.
“ehemm, Sorry Sir, I mean what would you like to have?” Quickly swallow the bread and try to pretend you didn’t just dumbfounded in front of him, you speak again.
“English breakfast, please.” He croons with an infatuating smile as he saunters to take a seat. 
His voice is quite soothing, you admit in your mind as you start brewing said man’s tea, just like you presumed the Dilf in the fic… okay, you really should clear those nasty brainrots during work.
The tea is nicely served in the tea cup and brought to the man shortly after.
You can’t help the smile crawling onto your face when you see him grin at you after a sip. You love watching your customer enjoy your tea, and he obviously relaxes with it have you bask in your achievements.
“Don’t finish your breakfast?”
“Just trying a new recipe. I want to add it to my menu.” you reply with a shake of your head, and after a brief halt, you add a question “ Have you eaten breakfast yet, Sir”
“Call me John, love.” The man – John sets his cup on the table before continuing “And no, I haven’t”
“Then… would you like to have a grilled cheese sandwich? I can’t finish the bread myself, it would be great if someone could help me with it... Of course, it isn’t a must!" You hurriedly complement when John widens his eyes slightly at your suggestion, but he meets your eyes with interest within.
”I would love to.”
You beam up as you get the affirmation, and walk behind your counter again.
Slices of bread are already prepared. The pro tip for a delicious grilled cheese sandwich is giving the bread some nice seasoning first, so you pick up your black pepper jar before inquiring about John’s preference.
“How much pepper would you like, John?”
“Would be great if it’s more.”
You turn back to season the bread, but when you pick up the pepper jar and about to shake it, a question slips into your brain making you pause.
How much is “more”?
The man doesn't have time to sit here and wait for you to contemplate the philosophy of seasoning, so after biting your bottom lip and thinking for 30 seconds, you shake the jar. More is better, you recall what John told you as your hand keeps moving.
You shake it 10 times, since more is better.
Apart from the bread, you hold full confidence in your grilled cheese sandwich. Placing generous amounts of cheese in between, the coveted smell flooded your little shop as you plate the well-toasted sandwich.
“It surely smells great.” John praises before diving in.
You hang a big expecting grin until John takes a bite and starts coughing like you will put him into the ER with a sandwich.
“It’s– it’s okay…love…” He tries to comfort you when you apologize abundantly and rush back to your counter to fill him a cup of water. Holy, isn’t more pepper better? Now you're going to send the man to heaven with a grilled cheese sandwich.
“Here’s water!” You go back to John as fast as you can with the cold water in your hand, you’re busy checking out John, who stops coughing madly but cheeks pink with the spices, and you don’t see the leg of the chair sticking out of its usual place.
A pair of arms catch you from slamming onto the floor, but the cup isn’t that lucky as it flies with Newton’s help and clatters on the floor.
“Shit! I’m so sorry!” You stabilize yourself in John’s support. But wow,  now the man not only just recovered from a fatal attack to his throat, but also has a wet spot spreading along the chest part of his shirt.
“No worries, love. It’s just a shirt.”
Even though John attempts to calm you, you still can’t help the sheepishness creep to your cheeks and stain it with the same pink as John’s, or stop thinking about if the balance in your bank account is able to buy the man a new shirt. You remember you wanted to get some cash out of the cashpoint but it shoved an ‘insufficient funds :(‘ into your face.
You really don’t want any customers to come in right now, even if it means your little tea shop will close down because you only have one from the start of today, but fate always gifts you things you crave when you don’t need them.
“Sorry boss, I’m late.”
You look at the tan-skinned man standing like a model just escaped from his manager, staring at you shoving a towel on John’s chest and both of your cheeks smeared with suspicious red.
“What happened?”
I almost murdered your boss with my grilled cheese sandwich. Apparently, you can’t answer with this, so you face John for help.
and he’s looking at you too, with a sly smirk awaiting your explanation.
You wonder if you can just make two sandwiches to shut these men up, with one more for yourself to end this predicament now.
a/n: ty for reading :D have a nice day/night!
No John Price is harmed in this chapter.
tag list :D - @blackhawkfanatic @nexthyperfix @danielle143
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writingwithfolklore · 4 months
Describing Foods - A Masterlist
                As a broke university student, I love reading about food. It’s almost like eating a real meal myself <3.
I get a little angry when characters are eating a meal and I barely get to experience it with them. In that, I mean I don’t just want to know what it is, but what it’s like to eat that food—how it tastes, smells, sounds, and feels. Is a perfect croissant still a perfect croissant without the crack of the exterior, the airiness of the pastry inside, the smell of yeast?
                Probably not. When writing about a dish, the smell, texture, technique, taste, and how it looks are all important to painting the experience, so here’s some words to use when describing a meal:
Acidic: Sharp tasting. Often used to describe tart or sour foods as well.
Aftertaste: A different taste that remains in the mouth after eating something
Bitter: Tart, sharp, and sometimes harsh flavour.
Bittersweet: Less harsh than bitterness. Tartness + sweetness.
Bland: Has no significant flavor or texture
Briny: Just means salty. Often describes pickled foods.
Citrusy: Bright flavour like… well citrus fruits—oranges, lemons, limes, etc.
Cooling: Mimics that cooling feel—like mint.
Earthy: Reminiscent of soil. Can be used to describe wines, root vegetables, and mushrooms.
Fiery: Another word for spicy.
Fresh: Light and crisp—describes produce or herbs.
Fruity: Sweet and reminiscent of fruit.
Full-bodied: Rich and ‘feels heavy’ in your mouth. Can describe wines or soups.
Herbal: Bright, fresh, sometimes earthy from the presence of herbs
Honeyed: Sweet or candied taste like honey.
Nutty: Taste similar to the flavors of nuts. Often used to describe certain cheeses.
Rich: Full, heavy flavour. Often dishes that contain cream taste rich.
Robust: Rich + Earthy. Used for lots of wines or aged liquor.
Savory: Describes meaty, earthy dishes and soups.
Sharp: Harsh, bitter, or tart taste. Used to describe acidic foods.
Smoky: Reminiscent of the smell of smoke.
Sour: Biting, tangy, tart flavor.
Spicy: Burning taste.
Sweet: Sugary.
Tangy: Tart, biting taste—feels tingly
Tart: Sharp, bitter, or sour flavour. Used to describe acidic foods.
Woody: Earthy, sometimes nutty taste. Describes some coffees or cheeses.
Yeasty: Earthy taste reminiscent of yeast. Describes beer and bread.
Zesty: Fresh, vivid, or invigorating flavour.
Sound has a lot to do with texture, so I've combined them for this section!
Airy: Light, pillowy texture (think inside of croissant)
Brittle: Hard but easy to break
Bubbly: Usually during heating, when bubbles rise to the surface—low sound.
Buttery: Smooth, creamy texture (think certain pasta sauces)
Chewy: Food that needs to be chewed thoroughly. Can be light and bouncy (chewy bread) or heavy (steak) and sticky (candy)
Creamy: A smooth and rich texture, comes from dairy.
Crispy: Light texture with slight crunch.
Crumbly: Food with loose structure that falls apart into crumbs.
Crunchy: Firm, crisp texture with a sharp, loud noise.
Crusty (behave): Food with a hard outer layer and soft interior (many loaves and breads)
Delicate: Light and fine, feels like it can come apart easily.
Doughy: Soft and heavy, usually pale colouring.
Fizzy: Usually liquids—a hissing sound, feels like ‘static’
Flaky: Light, characterized by layers that come apart during eating.
Fluffy: light and airy.
Frothy/Foamy: Airy bubbles, usually in a drink like a latte.
Gamey: Usually refers to meats when they’re very “meaty”
Gooey: Viscous, sometimes sticky texture from moisture in a dense/solid food.
Hearty: Firm, robust texture.
Juicy: Tender and succulent texture from liquid in a solid food (steak)
Molten: Hot, gooey
Oily: Slick, heavy, lingers on the tongue.
Silky: Fine, smooth texture that feels sleek.
Smooth: Texture free of grit, lumps, or edges.
Snap: A quick, sharp, crackling sound when broken.
Squelch: A soft sucking sound when pressure is applied. Somewhat gross.
Sticky: Gluiness in the mouth.
Succulent: Tender and juicy
Tender: Soft and easy to break down
Velvety: Smooth and rich
Acrid: Strong, bitter, unpleasant
Comforting: pleasant, probably calls back to a nice memory
Damp: Wet smelling—probably a bit earthy
Delicate: subtle, faint, not overpowering
Earthy: reminiscent of soil
Fetid: Caused by decay—unpleasant
Fishy: reminiscent of fish
Floral/flowery: Reminiscent of flowers
Fragrant: Sweet or pleasing
Fresh: Cool, crisp, refreshing—produce, probably not cooked
Funky: Something’s gone off
Heady: Strong smell, pungent, rich
Musty: Not fresh
Perfumed: Pleasant, reminiscent of something (can be perfumed with citrus, say)
Piquant: stinging, pungent—tickles the nose
Powerful: strong
Rancid: Definitely gone off, decomposing
Ripe: Strong, usually unpleasant smell
Savory: spicy, salty, no elements of sweetness
Sour: has gone off
Spicy: Sharp, tingles the nose
Tangy: Strong and bitter but in a good way
Tart: Sharp
Woody: earthy smell, reminiscent of wood
Usually texture gives us a really good picture of what a food looks like, so here’s some non-texture sight additions:
Blistered: Bumpy exterior.
Caramelized: Usually golden brown
Cloudy: Splotched. Almost see through if not for a slight white or grey mist.
Colourful: Bright and vibrant
Glassy: Resembling glass
Glossy: Smooth, shiny
Marbled: Two colours intertwined
Opaque: Not transparent. Can’t see through.
Ripe: Colourful (can be to a fault). Nearing the end of its edible state.
Scaly: Covered in scales, fish.
Shiny: Appears wet or glossy
Sparkling: Glimmers under the light
Stuffed: An ingredient placed inside a larger part with no additional space.
Translucent: Allows light through
Vibrant: Striking, bright
Food Prep:
How the food is prepared gives it these other attributes. If your character is familiar with cooking (or is the cook themselves!) they may describe food this way.
Baked: Cooked in an oven. Results in browned or crispy outer layer.
Blackened: When food is dipped in butter and coated with spices then cooked in a hot pan—spices darken, making it appear ‘blackened’
Blanched: Food scalded in boiling water and moved to cold water so it stops cooking. Texture comes out soft.
Braised: Food that is briefly fried in fat and then stewed in a pot. Results in seared, crispy exterior with a tender interior.
Breaded: Coated with breadcrumbs/batter then baked or fried so it turns crispy
Broiled: Food cooked with intense radiant heat in an oven or on the grill. Results in a darkened appearance and crispy texture.
Caramelized: Food slow-cooked until it’s browned, nutty, and has a bit of sweetness.
Charred: Grilled, roasted, or broiled and gains a blackened exterior and smoky flavor.
Fermented: Food that’s sat with bacteria, yeast, or another microorganism and has produced acids, alcohols, or gases. Results in a biting, pungent flavor. (Kimchi is fermented)
Fried: Food cooked by submerging in hot oil. Creates crispy, crunchy texture and golden colour.
Glazed: Food with a coating brushed onto its surface. Appears glossy with a thin, flavorful, and crisp outer layer.
Infused: Food steeped in liquid with another ingredient so it carries the essence of that ingredient. Used with herbs usually.
Marinated: Usually meat soaked in liquid containing flavourful herbs, spices, vinegar, or oil.
Poached: Food cooked in near boiling water. Results in tender, moist texture.
Roasted: Food cooked with dry heat in an oven or over the fire. Results in browned exterior and crisp coating.
Sautéed: Food cooked quickly in small amount of fat.
Seared: Food cooked in small amount of fat until caramelized. Finished by roasting or grilling. Results in crisp exterior and tender interior.
Smoked: Food exposed to smoke from smoldering wood for a long time. Results in that distinctive smoky flavor.
Whipped: Food beaten to incorporate air. Light and fluffy.
What did I miss?
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computrangel99 · 1 year
it's 2am and I'm craving garlic bread
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sipsteainanxiety · 1 year
"fuck," came katsuki's voice from the confines of your little kitchen.
"something wrong?" you called as you looked up from your position seated at the kitchen island. an edition of pros+ was open on the marble countertop before you, its gleaming pages showing pictures of various heroes posing for various collabs. you'd been lingering on the sections about dynamight, teasing katsuki with certain lines that amused you.
katsuki grumbled under his breath, lifting one of his hands to ruffle at his spiky hair. from your seat, you could see the outlines of his back through his black tank top. grey sweats hung lowly on his hips. he made a tch sound, his head bent forwards as he looked down at the stovetop before him.
"yolk fuckin' broke," he muttered. there was a scraping sound as he moved the spatula in his hand around the pan.
you shrugged and looked back down at the picture of katsuki you were admiring. pinched brows were pulled down as he frowned at the camera. "scramble them or something."
"'m not gonna fuckin' scramble 'em," katsuki said, offended. "that's not how y'make proper scrambled eggs."
"it is if the yolk broke," you replied, shooting him a grin when he casted a glare at you over his shoulder. he grumbled something indecipherable under his breath and turned back to the stove.
"yer the one who wanted sunny-side up eggs." he switched the spatula to his other hand so he could reach out and grab a fresh egg from the carton next to him. in a single motion, he cracked it on the edge of the counter and dropped it neatly into the pan. it sizzled and popped upon contact. you flipped to another page in the magazine as katsuki tossed the shell into the trash.
the toaster let out a ding! that made you jump slightly and look up. you slid off of the stool you were perched on, rounded the island to grab the two pieces of finished toast, and placed them neatly on the plate you'd set out. there were already six pieces of buttered toast on it—most of them for katsuki. you buttered the two pieces of crunchy brown bread and moved to set the plate in the middle of the island. you then walked over to grab two small bowls from the cupboard so you could spoon out some jasmine rice from the rice cooker.
the smell of eggs, rice, and bread mixed pleasantly together in the air, making your stomach rumble quietly. lazy morning light spilled gently through the open windows of the living room. you set the two filled bowls on the island just as katsuki turned off the stove with a click. you then grabbed two plates and pairs of chopsticks and positioned them across from each other. katsuki approached the island with the pan and spatula in his hands just as you sat back down.
"still readin' that shit?" katsuki frowned as his eyes flicked over at the pros+ edition on the island. you grabbed it so you could set it off to the side, a small grin on your face.
"what?" you asked amusedly. "i can't admire pictures of my boyfriend? you look so good in them."
his ears tinged a red that matched his eyes. he looked down at the pan so he could scoop out the eggs on it and set them neatly on the plates you'd set out. "'m right here," he mumbled—quietly. your gaze softened at his words.
"mmhm," you hummed, "i know." his lips twisted into a pout that disappeared as he turned to head back to the stove. you watched him for a moment, then looked down at your plate so you could grab a piece of toast.
"oh!" you blinked down at the full yolk that sat on your plate—lightly seasoned and round like the sun. a quick glance at his plate showed you the sunny-side up egg that'd broke, the yolk a sad mix that intertwined with its white companion. "you didn't have to give me the unbroken one—i don't mind."
katsuki gave you a look as he walked back to the island with a plate of filleted fish he'd cooked before the eggs. he placed it between the two of you and sat down heavily across from you. "ya wanted sunny-side up. why would i give you the broken one?" he said it like it was obvious.
you blinked at him, lost for words, and shrugged. "i dunno. why would you take the broken one?"
he frowned at your words and looked down so he could grab his chopsticks. "quit askin' questions 'nd eat your food."
you took a moment to quietly watch him—the flush that crawled up the bare skin of his neck, the adamance with which he refused to look at you. then you picked up your own chopsticks, a faint smile on your face.
"well," you said gently as he glanced quickly up at you then away so he could place a piece of fish on your plate, "thank you for the food."
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