#wip: ysbwm
digital-chance · 5 months
i realized i didnt have a strong enough theme for one of my wips so im revamping the entire thing.... and separating it so its not such a monster project.
ive also been intensely researching the topic, enough so that im looking through archives in person and emailing speciality archivist librarians
im having a blast!!
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digital-chance · 11 months
find the word tag game
thank you @squarebracket-trick for the tag!! [x]
He’s been getting his groceries from his doorstop once every few days, which would have been the best excuse to slip past his 24/7 guards on rotation, but they evidently planned for that.
trap -> strapped
He has an IV in his hand and is strapped down to the table with various restraints. Other restraints dangle off the table, broken.
He reads some books he recognizes. ‘The Great Gatsby,’ some Agatha Christie - though he skipped some of the more gruesome action scenes,[...]
The two boys run off together, Bucky extending his hand out to Steve. He grabs it without hesitation and follows him downstairs. Maybe this place won’t be so bad after all.
gently tagging : @quinnharperwrites , @all-write , @leisoree , @anonymousfoz , @snehithiye , & @wrenofthewords
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digital-chance · 8 months
Treat for your choice of wip 🖤🧡🖤
thank you!! (from trick or treat tag)
i tried to find a scene that i like that i hadn't shared before. this is from my wip ysbwm
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Steve spent time by himself while this media whirlwind was happening. He smoked Bucky’s cigarettes, even though he rarely smoked. He laid quietly in his cot, drawing in his sketchbook or just staring up at the leather canopy with distant eyes. When it was time for him to be dispatched on another mission or on another war committee, he always snuck into the crowd of people at the last possible moment.  He never talked with the others around him like he used to and there was this look of raw pain if you looked carefully into his eyes. Black smears underneath his eyes were prominent in these months, even with the serum’s enhancements. There was only so much it could do in the face of Steve's grief. Others around him eyed him with a look of empathy. They all lost someone close to them in the war. Someone they ate with, laughed with, smoked with, hell, even shit with sometimes. They understood. And they helped him eat and go through the motions. Sometimes on one of the worse days, one of the Howling Commandos would stop by and play a game of cards or bring a beer, or just sit with Steve, watching the tree line.  The Howling Commandos never saw him go through Bucky’s bag, except to grab the last cigarette packet out of the front. He’d been alternating between chain-smoking them and boxing a tree on the worst days when they were stationed out on the line. But that was the limit of Steve going through Bucky’s bag. They didn’t even touch Bucky’s stuff and took what they needed, like they usually did. All the rounds of ammo, the knives, even the rations and blankets were left just how Bucky left them. By the time Steve steeled himself enough to look through it, his time was filled with the mission to take down HYDRA.  And then the plane crashed into the ice.
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digital-chance · 8 months
[ find the word - tag game ]
thank you to @bluberimufim for the tag
my words are: linger, sea, begin, and bridge.
; linger (wip: ysbwm)
“Mmmm, I think so,” Steve murmurs, watching him change out of his slacks. He let the alcohol be the unspoken excuse for the lingering gaze.
; sea -> seam (wip: yswbm chap 1)
Against the backs of Steve’s bare arms, he can feel the seams of a soft cotton quilt. Knots made of yarn tickle his wrists with the chill of the room prickling against the tops of them.
; begin -> beginning (wip: yswbm chap 1)
Of course, they’d want to keep him as a prisoner. He saw the way the scientists glanced at each other when he was caught at the beginning of the mission on the last HYDRA base. He knew they wanted the serum. 
gently tagging: @thebejeweledwatercat @dazzlerazz @kae-luna @janec23 @another-white-void @leisoree @ntzsche9 @wingedcatastrophe @gummybugg @ashwithapen @sparrowcraft @sam-glade
your words are variety, usual, same, and change
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digital-chance · 11 months
Author Ask Tag Game
thank you @rmgrey-author for the tag!
I'll be using "you still would've been mine" for this. Template beneath cut.
What is the main lesson of your story (e.g. kindness, diversity, anti-war), and why did you choose it? I would say that the main lesson is anti-war. I heard once that all war movies are anti-war, and I'd even extend it to writings. Showing war and showing the impact of it on society and overall life is not only exactly what I want to show but also a huge part of anti-war. // I chose that theme because I was thinking about Captain America and his timeline. He went into a war and woke up and had to continue fighting for SHIELD. It didn't seem like he got much of a break. And also I didn't like how Endgame happened. It was too sudden and implausible and pissed me off. He deserves a break but I really wanted to do it my way.
What did you use as inspiration for your worldbuilding (like real-life cultures, animals, famous media, websites, etc.)? tumblr, pinterest, webcomics, sometimes kdramas or tv series. inspiration comes and goes at the most random of times so I honestly can't quite say for sure. i also have shitty memory so idk haha
What is your MC trying to achieve, and what are you, the writer, trying to achieve with them? Do you want to inspire others, teach forgiveness, help readers grow as a person? Cap is the main MC and the main POV of the fanfic and he is trying to achieve balance after being thrown out of time. I hope to show people his recovery and stabilization and to show people how that process is different for each person. Bucky is the other MC/POV and with him I wanted to show that self-forgiveness and being able to let things go is important.
How many chapters is your story going to have? I have literally no idea. It'll have as many as it needs. Hopefully it'll be an even number.
Is it fanfiction or original content? Where do you plan to post it? It's fanfiction and I'll post it on ao3, here, and maybe wattpad too.
When and why did you start writing? I started writing initially as a kid because I wanted to read a story and no-one else would be able to write it like how i wanted it.
Do you have any words of engagement for fellow writers of Writeblr? What other writers of Tumblr do you follow? Just write. Literally just open up a word document and write shit down. It doesn't have to be any good quality content, but it is something. I've learned with art and again with writing that the empty page is worse than literal scribbles or ramblings. Using brackets [] as placeholders is also a useful way to keep this flow. // I follow quite a few writeblrs. I tend to tag the writeblrs I follow in most tag games and the ones below are just part of the amazing community on here. The one section of writeblr i heavily depend on are all those writing prompts. I love you guys and couldn't do this without you <3
gently tagging : @tea-and-mercury, @scribbling-stardust , @anonymousfoz , @squarebracket-trick , @leisoree , @bethodical , @mthollowell-writes , @all-write , @karolinarodrigueswrites , @janec23 , & @daughter-of-inklings
What is the main lesson of your story (e.g. kindness, diversity, anti-war), and why did you choose it?
What did you use as inspiration for your worldbuilding (like real-life cultures, animals, famous media, websites, etc.)?
What is your MC trying to achieve, and what are you, the writer, trying to achieve with them? Do you want to inspire others, teach forgiveness, help readers grow as a person?
How many chapters is your story going to have?
Is it fanfiction or original content? Where do you plan to post it?
When and why did you start writing?
Do you have any words of engagement for fellow writers of Writeblr? What other writers of Tumblr do you follow?
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digital-chance · 10 months
no context spoilers
thank you for the tag @inflarescent!!
rules: share something (text, photo, song lyric) that could be a spoiler for a wip but without context it’s not
from my fanfic ysbwm
“Not that Barnes. I can read the fucking debrief for that. The fact that everyone heard that the fucking symbol of America is apparently homosexual,” the man says.
“It’s just for now. Just for warmth, so he gets better.”
In the small foxhole there's nothing much else to do than huddle up next to Bucky. It's frigidly cold, and even the costume Howard upgraded couldn't even withstand these conditions for long.
gently tagging: @all-write, @turnthemasunder-if, @ntzsche9, @leisoree, @scumpleforeskin, @janec23, @halfbit, @holdmyteaplease, @fire-but-ashes-too, @daughter-of-inklings, @phynewrites, @clairelsonao3, @scribbling-stardust, @mthollowell-writes, & @toribookworm22
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digital-chance · 11 months
Heads Up 7 Up
thank you @daughter-of-inklings for the tag!
Rules: Post 7 lines from your current WIP and tag seven people.
gently tagging : @hallwriteblr , @wrenofthewords , @mthollowell-writes , @thedeerwight , @squarebracket-trick , @anonymousfoz & @quinnharperwrites
Current wip: ysbwm (Draft 1)
1 - She pinched Steve’s cheek fondly every time she told him, which he’s been shrugging off recently. He’s the man of the family, he doesn’t need to be babied anymore. He is, after all, 12.
2- No one told Steve how hard it would be to sit there and rest. Even as a kid, he always begged to go out and play with the others, no matter if he was coughing and wheezing.
3 - Steve downs the last of the beer in the bottle, head drooping on his shoulders as he feels it kick in. He zones in and out, hearing the crowd around him fade. The lights glitter around him with people constantly moving. The pounding of the beat and the cheers accompanying it are like a heartthrob.
4 - I don't want you to see the war like I do. I know you, darling, and that's why I say this. Your sense of justice would not allow for all these men to suffer and you would give everything away just for others. It may be selfish for me to say so but I don't want you to. I want you to stay bundled up and warm, making your films and seeing the world. Of course you can take care of yourself, my dear, but if you did come here I'm sure if one of these goddamned N-zis don't take me, worry would. Stay safe, my dear. 
5 - “Mr. Rogers, the war has ended. The Allied forces have won. You were asleep in the ice and we rescued you. Thanks to your efforts, hundreds of thousands of lives were saved.”
6 - Steve watches him, feeling unusually flushed, his heart pounding faster in his ears. He kicks at a rock on the ground, trying to calm himself. His chest is heaving and he can feel the asthma cutting at his breaths. That’s what this feeling is, it’s the asthma. I’m tired from running. That’s all.
7 - They both know this won’t ever happen again. Steve won’t talk about it because he’s scared to and Bucky won’t mention it because Steve won’t.
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digital-chance · 11 months
Find the Word Tag
thank you @vollzz for the tag!!
my words are time, sparse, distant, and trust!
He keeps sneaking peeks over when he thinks Bucky isn’t looking. He gets caught every time but Bucky doesn’t say anything, just winks with a sparkle in his eyes.
sparse -> sparsely
His tent in the war was decorated, even his and Bucky’s apartment, both sparsely but still done with passion. This room speaks very differently to him. It’s staged, evident by the purposeful placement of things. Brand new magazines carefully placed on the coffee table instead of being placed there after someone read or intended to read them. It’s a very alien experience. 
I softly say, “I won't. Trust me on this.” I turn and walk down the hall, to the front entrance.
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gently tagging : @ellierenae , @quinnharperwrites , @vorskra , @janec23 , @tea-and-mercury , @emelkae , @fire-but-ashes-too, & @mthollowell-writes
your words are create, music, deep, and clue.
excerpts from ysbwm & an unannounced wip
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digital-chance · 11 months
writing is crazy. i was editing a scene and then realized i knew nothing about how doctors treated asthma in 1930, so i had to research that.
then i got in a research rabbit-hole because one of the characters has at least six different medical conditions and the scene requires me to know the bare minimum about each of them.
that was about an hour ago. i'm finally back ready to edit the scene and suddenly i dont want to edit 😭😭
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digital-chance · 11 months
Nine People Tag
thank you to @mthollowell-writes for the tag! find their post here.
Last Song: Dancing On My Own - Calum Scott
Last Movie: Mission Impossible: Fallout. I quit right as the second act started, but i've seen it before. It's alright, not much to say atm.
Currently Watching: Doctor Who and i'm thinking about starting the Falcon and Winter Soldier series. i've got other series on the backburner.
Currently Reading: Husband Material by Alexis Hall, The Best-Laid Plans by Sarah M. Eden, and i just finished the Evening Crowd at Kirmser's by Ricardo J. Brown. I'm also planning on reading Indecent Advances by James Polchin soon. i'm reading a TON of stucky fanfiction on ao3 at the moment and going through them pretty fast (they're great, i'm eating them up as fast as i can find them).
Currently Craving: mmm not sure. monster or mountain dew sounds good, but so does cheap microwavable meals.
Last Thing I Searched (for writing): "history of telephones timeline" and "brainwashing." both for my current wip yswbm, so i can have some references. brainwashing, because one of the characters got brainwashed, so i was interested in the physiology of it and how the brain interprets it.
low pressure tagging: @wip-nook @squarebracket-trick @thedeerwight @janec23 @careful-fear and @anonymousfoz
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digital-chance · 11 months
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yswbm fic moodboards. all original images belong to owners
steve + bucky
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And I'm kissing you lying in my room Holding you until you fall asleep And it's just as good as I knew it would be Stay with me I don't want you to leave... - K. (Cigarettes After Sex)
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steve rogers
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I've waited a hundred years And I'd wait a million more for you [...] If I had only felt the warmth within your touch If I had only seen how you smile when you blush [...] Well, I would have known what I was living for all along - Turning Page (Sydney Rose)
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bucky barnes
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And here it is, our final night alive As the Earth burns to the ground Oh, boy, it's you that I lie with - As the World Caves in (Sarah Cothran)
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links : original post | playlist | lyrics from k. by cigarettes after sex , turning page by sydney rose, and the cover of as the world caves in by sarah cothran | more
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digital-chance · 11 months
Characters out of Context
Thank you for the tag @daughter-of-inklings and @mthollowell-writes for your tag!!
Rules: Include one character quote of your choosing ⁠from each chapter of your WIP (or as many chapters as you'd like). Give absolutely no context, save for what's between two parts of an interrupted sentence, should that occur. You may mention who said it. Have fun! No pressure!
gently tagging : @fire-but-ashes-too , @leisoree , @writingmargo , @toribookworm22 & @holdmyteaplease
from: ysbwm. excerpts from first draft.
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Chapter One
Bucky: That’s a lie if I ever heard one.
Steve: Yup, they give me toys and sweets when I’m good. My mom says if I’ve been good today I get a sweet!
Chapter Two
Steve: Yes, back in the stone ages, we somehow managed to have telephones.
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digital-chance · 11 months
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everybody here is watching you cause you feel like home you're like a dream come true but if by chance you're here alone can i have a moment / before i go? - when we were young (adele)
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losing your memory - ryan star [link]
timeless (taylor's ver) - taylor swift [link]
when we were young - adele [link]
from the start - laufey [link]
somebody else - the 1975 [link]
nothing's going to hurt you baby - cigarettes after sex [link]
miss americana & the heartbreak prince - taylor swift [link]
brooklyn baby - lana del rey [link]
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more on spotify xoxo , original post
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digital-chance · 11 months
started watching band of brothers for my stucky fanfic. why? cause sebastian stan said he watched it before doing his role as bucky in the first movie.
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digital-chance · 11 months
Last Line Tag
thank you @stanrendipity for the tag!!
here's my line
The queen smiles at Bucky knowingly. “Now now, I don’t think that’s your biggest worry at the moment. Take your boy home. Poor thing looks like he’s going to pass out any moment now.” Bucky’s fingertips brush against Steve’s cheeks.
tagging some people, no pressure : @hallwriteblr @deadgirlnarrative @rmgrey-author @careful-fear
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digital-chance · 10 months
i'm nearly done with the first chapter of 'you still would've been mine.'
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I've got another scene to edit and one or two to flesh out, so that word count is definitely going up more, but I'm beginning to see the end of it!!
I've been so nervous and wishy-washy about writing this story throughout the last two weeks and finally yesterday I sat myself down and wrote. It wasn't very good and I honestly don't think it works with the plot right now, but I wrote it. (to be fair with myself i'm redoing the plot all over again so maybe it'll work with that iteration)
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