#wip of magpies and mages
littlemisspascal · 1 year
Work in progress meme
Rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it!
Thank you for the tag @valkblue 💙
The problem with my wips is I gotta a lot of them but not a lot to share and/or tell about them cuz I’m a snail writer 😅😬
Formula 101
Wolf Runner
The Fox, The Mage, and The Cupboard
Mailroom Crush
Infinity Cube
NP tagging: @oonajaeadira @writeforfandoms @magpie-to-the-morning @psychedelic-ink @supernaturalgirl20
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myhusbandsasemni · 2 years
Of Magpies and Mages: Intro Post
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Title: Of Magpies & Mages
Genre: Magical Fantasy
Setting: The magic savvy, merchant-based city of Brookset and the rural countryside around it. 
Tropes: Found family, curses, familiars and magic users, slight framed magic users, rich boy running away, rich boy neglect trauma, hurt people hurt people
Taster: When a curse trapping two magic users is set off, one is killed by the unwilling hand of the other, and a young runaway apprentice is caught in the middle of it all.
The Characters: 
Haphik (Golden Uncle) warm, loving, powerful
Aiden (Summer Child) inexperienced, determined, curious
Riften (Midnight Stranger) struggling, angry, desperate
Keith (Troubled Brother) proud, strong, soft
Story: Aiden, the 7th son of 9 children born to the rich merchant family of Belliaro, was set to be a pawn in his parent’s game. The second magic user in the set of children, he only saw his parents every couple of months on special occasions where he was to be dressed up and showed off on along with the rest of his siblings and never trained to use his natural abilities in magic. When Aiden was old enough, he realized that he was being guided into being a trading card for a future marriage alliance with another merchant family. He ran away to find a magic user who would teach him how to use his abilities and met Haphik, who took in this spoiled rich kid and showing him what true love. Deep in the countryside, an old curse calls Haphik and Riften together to fight to the death, and Aiden is left to try and sort out the emotional damage left behind for himself. 
Oooh! Pebbles!: The fun things in this story are: Familiars, Magic User Genetics, The Immortalities, and the Merchant Families of Brookset
Where we at?: I am currently writing what I like to call, the rough. It’s not even really a draft yet. It’s a set of snippets exploring the characters and the world and the possible plots I might want to go along with. There are a lot of meme references involved and I might under up posting my favorite snippets here on tumblr.com. :)
Of Magpies and Mages tag list: @thepotatowriter @thethistlegirl​ @writingonesdreams
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rachelswritings · 4 years
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wip introduction -> a kingdom worth saving
“What should have been—that was a strange phrase to use to a group like this. Isham should have been standing at a queen’s side. Lyria should have been a fine lady of her father’s noble house. Magpie and Vorokh should have been free upon the mountains. Khetara should never have set foot on the Kaskyes. And Rhydion, of course, should have been nothing and nobody. Yet the stars that might have led them to those fates had instead been reshaped to bring them to each other.”
WORKING TITLE -> A Kingdom Worth Saving
GENRE -> YA high fantasy
POV -> Third-person limited POV
THEMES -> Found family (both good and bad ones), fate, power and responsibility, monarchy, prejudice, courage, duty, good vs. evil
On the northern, windswept islands called the Kaskyes, Queen Isadel’s word is law. Her knights and her Guard are hunting down the most powerful magic-wielders in the land, whether they serve earth or sky or neither, whether they are witches, wizards, or mages. With dreams of a glorious Kaskyan Empire, she will stop at nothing to gather them for her army.
Isham, a nineteen-year-old witch taught his craft by the Queen Mother herself, is now on the run. He has a little girl in tow, Magpie, a child with the most raw magic he’s ever seen. As they’re forced north, with him a brown-skinned foreigner and her a blue-skinned elf, they become more and more recognisable.
To escape the Queen’s clutches, they need all the allies they can get. A survivor from Magpie’s decimated elven clan. A mighty swordswoman from far to the east. A charming young man unlucky enough to be blessed by the spirits of the air. And last but not least, a wizard who’s been running from the Queen—and something far worse—since she was born.
They’re a small force compared to the Queen’s knights. They might still be able to make it out of the country, find a ship to Ghazar or Valaguerra. Yet as they discover the full magnitude of the Queen’s plans, they begin to realise that they cannot abandon their home—and that the only way to truly escape Isadel’s war is to stop it, once and for all.
(There is no taglist yet but I can make one if people are interested!)
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Grannyquisition or Hawke/Lavellan convo for WIP thing?
from this WIP fic meme/writing game :)
hehe I think I’ve mentioned Grannyquisition on here before, but it’s some snippets about my elderly mage travelyan. She’s 75 years old, didn’t discover she was a mage until after she’d had several kids, at which point she moved to the Circle (but being from a noble family, got more contact/visits with her family than mages taken in childhood would be allowed--hence her being able to argue her way into attending the conclave). I mean, the CC lets you make older OC’s so like, why not????
ANYWAY she’s too old to care about other people’s opinions and is just happy to be able to go out whenever she wants, and no one tells her “No” to things anymore, and frankly everyone in the Inquisition is growing increasingly alarmed. She makes them all call her “Granny”.
“Take that, you whippersnappers!” the Inquisitor screeches hoarsely, descending on the wide-eyed Venatori rogue before her. The last thing he sees is the blunt end of the 75-year-old Trevelyan’s staff swinging towards his face, clutched in her deceptively feeble-looking arms.
“Hah!” she crows, watching him drop like a stone. “That’ll teach ‘em! Don’t need mana to whip these upstarts into shape!”
Dorian can do nothing but stare in half-horrified fascination as their elderly leader kicks a stray helmet in triumph, and then proceeds to hop about cursing as she massages her stubbed toes. Blackwall is already hurrying over to her, a health potion clutched hopelessly in one hand. But before he can even offer it, the Inquisitor spots him, and spits derisively. 
“I told you! I ain’t drinkin’ no more of those foul concoctions!” This proclamation is accompanied by an accusing wag of one of her long spindly fingers. “They give me indigestion! Oh, but while you’re here…” Granny Travelyan’s eyes gleam like an aged magpie as she bends to rifle through the pockets of the unconscious man at her feet, shoving a short sword, an old locket, and a battered pair of boots into Blackwall’s unresisting arms. “Carry these for me now, would you sonny? You know how my back gets. But waste not, want not! Oh, what I would have given back in that blasted circle for a decent pair of boots, now and then…”
:’) i love her
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lunarosewood23 · 3 years
You still taking the WIP meme asks? If so, how about Sibling Shenaniganry, Fortemps Therapy, Passage of Arms, Feral Ladies and Highest Honor?
Alright this is going under a cut bc you asked for some that are gonna require some SERIOUS explanations... <.< I've thought too much about some of these shush...
SIbling Shenaniganry
This AU is the who god damn reason I have a Charibert alt (that I REALLY need to play on... <.< Maybe after I catch up on EW on my main, he’s on primal!) but this basically boils down to "What if Charibert was adopted by Auriella when he was young and went with Raven when she went to gain better control of her powers?" They experience the MSQ together, and while he can't fight against primals at first, he bails her out of plenty of dungeons. (I haven't figured out when he gets his Echo yet.) The ships that I have for the Cross siblings still kind of happen, but they're tragic, as Haurchefant is instead invited to join the Heaven's Ward, and what happens with Yotsuyu still...happens. (I hate thinking about what happened with Yotsuyu...) It's tragic later as Raven eventually succumbs to Light poisoning and crystallizes post 5.3, leaving Charibert to fight Fandaniel and Zenos on his own.
Fortemps Therapy
Oh boy...this is gonna require some context. So basically the TLDR of this is that with the help of Khadagh and Hisana Oronir (Rukia’s parents, who end up in a very cozy and wholesome triad with Edmont), the Fortemps gents finally air out all the shit that’s happened, especially how Edmont’s infidelity caused so much pain on his sons. Plus the whole “I’m in a very loving relationship with these two very wonderful people.” thing referring to the fact that he fell in love first with Khadagh, then fell in love with Hisana when she was untempered and was welcomed into their lives.
Passage of Arms (Of Vengeance)
Coronette, knowing she can’t fight primals, passes her sword to Serella to slay Thordan with because she can’t get her vengeance for Haumeric or for the rest of the Ward (but especially Haumeric.)
Two Feral Elezen Ladies
Raven and Serella vs Grinnaux and Paulecrain in their trial by combat, and them utterly TROUNCING their bitch asses because they fucked with Alphinaud and Tataru. I wouldn’t be surprised if one of them made a comment about how they (Raven especially) is as ruthless as another mage they know.
Highest Honor
This one is actually kind of sweet. It’s set a little before Heavensward, when Zephirin calls upon the strongest to join the Ward. Charibert goes to tell Auriella that he’s been asked to join the Ward, even though he still has stitches on his face that later become his scar. Also this is where Magpie, their sibling who is a Viera, finds out that “Hey big bro’s not dead!”
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littlemisspascal · 7 months
The WIP Pit
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP list, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it. And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thank you for the tag @nothoughtsjustmeds @elvenmother @novemberrain-writes @prolix-yuy 💗💙💚💜
Here are mine:
Rockford & Roan
Formula 101
The Fox, The Mage, and The Cupboard
Infinity Cube Epilogue
Fast Cars and Lightning Bolts
NP Tagging (sorry if you've been tagged already!) @beecastle @guess-my-next-obsession @undercoverpena @writeforfandoms @magpie-to-the-morning
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myhusbandsasemni · 2 years
Casual Intro: The Corvid Series
I’ve started a new story. Please let me know if you want to be tagged.
So, what is the Corvid series? It’s about five books/who knows how many one shots, that I’m writing alongside Plains, Ether, Hearth because brain needs multiple stories to function.
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The books are as follows:
Of Magpies and Mages
When a curse trapping two magic users is set off, one is killed by the unwilling hand of the other, and a young runaway apprentice is caught in the middle of it all.
Seven Crow Sorcerer
Raven’s Revival
Jaded Jays
A Chough’s Chiding
This story has magic users who bond to familiars (animals with magical qualities) that strengthen or expand their magic. Corvids are one of the more sought after familiars. 
I’m currently writing planning snippets for Of Magpies and Mages. 
Random Tag list Let me know if you want to be added @thethistlegirl​ @merigreenleaf​ @doubi-ixi​ @oshi2413 @thepotatowriter​
Here’s a picture of Aiden Drawn by @wolfeyedwitch​
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myhusbandsasemni · 2 years
OC Associations Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @writingonesdreams I am heccin excited about this one
I want to do some stuff for Of Magpies and Mages so I’ll do Aiden, Haphik, Riften, and Keith who are basically the only real characters I have at the mo XD
-- Late morning - Aiden (Not too early, but not late either, the perfect warmth of the earth just finishing waking up, plenty of time to get everything done that needs to be)
-- Sunset - Haphik (The golden glow that warms your skin as a last good bye to everyone sitting on their porches with a good pipe before the world become blue and then fades into twilight, the last heat from the day rising up from the ground, already missing the sun.)
-- Sunrise - Riften (a dark sunrise, the sun is rising, but hiding behind the clouds. It smells like rain and books.)
-- Afternoon - Keith (the sun beating down on a field, working and knowing you only have a few more hours until you can leave the field and take care of chores around the hours, sitting underneath a tree now and again for a quick break before getting back out under the sun.)
-- Son - Aiden (the teenager who is just now realizing how much trauma they have stored inside of them, the loving kid nonetheless, the potential wrapped up in a single body.)
--Uncle - Haphik (loving and smart, careful and wise, passing out advice as well as opportunities to gain some grit out in the garden with him, as well as have a treat afterwards. An empty hole now that he is gone.)
--Stranger - Riften (you may have only seen him in the street with a feather in his dark hair, or you may have thought you knew him, but either way, he is rather hard to get to know. It is difficult for him to open up to other anymore.)
--Brother - Keith (he will be there to beat up your bullies, loving and helpful. He will take you under your wing if you look like you’re lonely enough. Hides his problems from you so he can help you with yours.)
-- Winter - Aiden (sitting inside, reading the books that your mentor needs you to read, warm drink in hand and notebook by your side where you take notes quickly before hiding your hands back in your blanket or against your drink as the snow gently falls outside and piles on the window sill.)
--Summer - Haphik (Walking down the lanes to visit neighbors, sitting outside on the porch, waving at passersby, sitting in the shade of trees and watching the kids run around and play out in a field as the light filters into speckles between the leaves above.)
-- Spring - Riften (long coats to block the rain and wind, careful of where you step as mud appears along every part of the ground, the smell of the world awakening, and the chance to go about the world in a new way.)
-- Autumn - Keith (Going out to the fields and hurrying to harvest everything, hours spent picking beans or moving gourds, kids asking if they could help eat-I mean help pick the berries and letting them do so. The soft rustle of dead stalk against dead stalk and the glorious sunsets where all of the world is bathed in warm light and clouds are painted in bright splashes of color.)
— Whirlpool - Aiden (Small and beautiful from a distance, but as soon as you come in too close, you will be dragged in, drowned and embraced all the way down.)
— Drought - Haphik (Hot and burning, a glare that will dehydrate you completely when on his bad side. Ominous in a clear sky sort of way.)
—Plague - Riften (A creeping painfulness, quiet and slow, but inevitable. A pain that spreads with too much contact with other people.)
— Landslide - Keith (A quiet rumble, followed but a horrifying realization that the land is moving. All you can try to do is get out of the way as you watch the landscape changing right in front of your eyes, trees and boulders being swallowed up by the tons of mud and dirt.)
— Koi pond - Aiden (Beautiful, but in need of constant care and maintenance to keep clean and heathy. Potential for many different shapes, sizes, and looks.)
— Mountain Range - Haphik (Strong and steadfast, sometimes very mysterious, but beautiful in the mornings. At once loving and dangerous, protective and destructive. Welcoming and forbidding.)
— Snake River - Riften (Yes, this very specific river. Long and weaving, large and inviting. Dangerous in certain places, but also a good place to hang out and make memories at. Standing on an observation deck and looking down at the river of water, making its way through the world in a hesitant and weaving course, but making it nonetheless.)
— Plains - Keith (Wide and open. Often windy, but hiding no secrets. Waves of plants, living from the wide expanses, open to the sun. Easiest to travel, earth below, sky above.)
Holy crap that took way too long to complete. I’ve been picking away at this for, what, a week now? That was fun though. I’m not really going to tag anyone for this game (I mean go for it if you want) so I’m just going to put in the Magpies and Mages Taglist
Of Magpies and Mages tag list: @thepotatowriter @thethistlegirl
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myhusbandsasemni · 2 years
hi dragonheart!
7) How did you first get the idea for this story?
8) How much has the story changed since its original incarnation?
<3<3<3 I think I'll answer these both for Plains, Ether, Hearth and Of Magpies and Mages
7: How did you first get the idea for this story
PEH: There's a pinterest meme somewhere -scrambles to find it-
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There it is. The post that started it all. I was new to the internet, scrolling through Pinterest and read that. I realized that I hadn't ever heard Minecraft music so I pulled up a playlist just as I was enlisted to do the dishes. I listened it, realized how lonely Steve must be in a world much below his intelligence, and then wrote a Minecraft fanfic snippet which turned into many which turned into rewrite after rewrite. Now, it just is.
MM: I was vibing on the Writing discord that Sleepy owns and one night I wanted to write something different. Asked for some vibes and whatnot to write about and that ended up being a snippet which turned into 2 which became fur which became many. I work on that at the same time as PEH to keep everything fresh. MM is a mix of a lot of things, from a magic system inspired by a Dream SMP fic I read and the vibes they gave me as well as the desire to write droplets of magic and talk about Corvids in general because they're so cool!
8) How much has the story changed since its original incarnation?
PEH: It's about 3-5 times removed from its orginial source TBH
MM: Still very bby because I've only had it for a couple of months, but even the new snippets are fairly different from the first one. There are inconsistencies, painfully obvious ones, that I'll have to fix. I'm still sorting through ideas so I'm sure it'll change a lot between now and a couple of months from now.
Of Magpies and Mages tag list: @thepotatowriter
Plains, Ether, Hearth taglist
@dowings @creativewritergirl1 @artrayasnow93 @extraisthmus @mouwwie @merigreenleaf @inkchantress @writeblrfantasy @thethistlegirlwrites @doubi-ixi @thepotatowriter @badasspupqueen @shaheenarnitipsyart
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myhusbandsasemni · 2 years
find the word tag
Thanks for the tag @sleepyowlwrites
I finally have enough writing in my new rewrites of my stories to actually play this game!
true, next, play, find. BONUS: patience, protective
Next (Opportunities Multiply as they are Seized - A Dream SMP story)
Techno smiled a little as Amit and Kashal wandered in. Techno counted up the brothers, finding he had been doing this mental headcount a lot over the past 2 and a half years. 
He sighed. “Any bets that Sumit slept through the bells again?” he asked, finding the third brother to be the one missing. 
“Probably,” Amit sighed. “Though, to be fair, he did just get back from Hypixel today, and you know how far away that city is from here.”
Techno nodded. “Should we let him rest, then, and catch him up to speed after?”
“Nah,” a voice said from the stairs and Sumit came down. “I’m here. You can’t have a meetin’ without me, anyways. No one else is going to tell you that your ideas are stupid.”
Techno chuckled at that before turning to the others. “Alright, now that we’re all here, we need to go over the next parts of this grand scheme of ours.”
“Is there fightin’ in this part?” Preet asked, perking up a little.
True (Here at the AHA Organization - A BNHA Fic)
The two came out into the East common room, the one with the best coffee pot, and Ms. Joke turned from where she was watching a true crime show on the TV. 
“Shota!” She cried, jumping up. “You’re alive!”
“Emi, I thought you were going to be searching for him too.”
“I was, but then I figured you were more likely to find him first.”
“So you started watching our show WITHOUT ME!?”
Emi laughed loudly. “Oh, Hizashi, you’re great.”
Aizawa ignored them and poured himself a mug of coffee, glad to find some already brewed. 
“What are you guys watching about this time?” Aizawa asked, interrupting their argument as he took a sip of his coffee. 
“Oh,” Hizashi said with a grin that Aizawa had to squint through. “It’s something about a muder at a cabin by a lake with this woman and these two guys-”
“I stopped caring, nevermind.”
Play (Of Magpies and Mages)
Keith was quite far out in the field. Aiden could see him wave, even from so far away, and Aiden waved back. Keith’s crow came out of nowhere, landing on Aiden’s shoulder and playfully pulling at his hair. Aiden laughed and reached up to stroke the bird. When Aiden reached Keith, the older man grinned. “Morning, sleepy head,” Keith said with a grin. “Took you long enough.”
Aiden scoffed as the crow took off from his shoulder and landed on Keith’s. “I wasn’t asleep for that long.”
“I’ve already finished with the cows! I think I would beg to differ.”
“It’s not my fault you go to bed at midnight and get up at 1 to bug the poor animals.”
Keith scoffed and pushed Aiden a little. “Better than sleeping in till noon.”
Aiden gasped, offended. “It’s nowhere near noon!”
Keith chuckled. “Near enough.”
Find (Plains, Ether, Hearth)
She reached over and picked up the pen. She put it very carefully on the desk on the other side of her. She went back to drawing. Ander reached for his pen to find it gone. He looked over and saw where Ril had put it. 
“Ril, could you pass me my pen?”
Ril looked up and nodded with a smile. She muttered something as she passed him the pen and the two went back to work. When Ander put the pen down, she picked up the pen again and put it down in the exact position she put it in before.
Ander searched for it once again and looked over. He sighed slightly and said, “Ril, that’s where the pen will be in the future.”
“Yup!” Ril said brightly, drawing a man Ander had never seen before. He looked to be an Evai with wild hair and a scar on his dirty cheek. 
“Can I have the pen back, then, since I need it now? When I’m done working you can put the pen there.”
“Oh,” Ril said, looking up from her drawing. “Sorry.”
Patience (Of Magpies and Mages)
Aiden waited too. Finally, with trembling hands and darting eyes he whispered, “What… do you think of Haphik?”
Riften sucked in a small breath. He hadn’t been expecting a question so close to his heart so soon. “He was the greatest man I’ve ever known. He was also the most patient.” Riften chuckled softly to himself, rubbing his thumb over the back of his other hand to soothe himself and his magic. “He Had to put up with me, afterall.”
“Was he your mentor?” Aiden asked, still hiding in the doorway.
Riften shook his head. “He was my best friend. We got the immortalities together. We trained together.”
“Then why?”
Protective (Plains, Ether, Hearth)
Speaking of which, he could tell it was still raining. He couldn’t see the entrance of the cave from where he was being protected, but he could hear it. He listened a bit harder as the couple nuzzled each other playfully. Rowan jumped when a thunderous roar echoed outside of the cave. The clicking in Spine’s chest started up again as she fretted to comfort him and Rain disappeared to give a displeased roar of his own. There was an apologetic burble from outside and Rain appeared again. Spine shifted to allow Rowan to lay down a bit more and Rowan found himself falling back asleep, full, warm, and protected.
Fight, lovingly, sip, cloth, and glass
Tagging @writingonesdreams @thethistlegirlwrites @writeblrfantasy @writingamongther0ses
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myhusbandsasemni · 2 years
From ‘Of Magpies and Mages’
Aiden got into the carriage meant for him and his two youngest siblings. He watched his sister squabble with his brother. 
“Diana,” Aiden said after some hesitation. 
The girl looked up, curiosity in her 12 year old face. Aiden bit his lip before saying, “Um…. I love you, kay?”
Diana looked about as startled as most preteen girls would be upon hearing their teenaged older brother telling them he loved them.
She frowned. “Are you sick?” she asked suspiciously. “Are you, like, literally dying?”
“Uh, no?”
She glared at him. “You’re so weird,” she declared.
Accurate, honestly
Of Magpies and Mages tag list: @thepotatowriter @thethistlegirl @writingonesdreams
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myhusbandsasemni · 2 years
4, 5,6, 12 and 13 for the wip centric ask game? @writingonesdreams
Thank you @writingonesdreams you're the best!
Man, now I have to figure out which story to write about. Probably Plains, Ether, Hearth because I know a lot more about it than I do about Of Magpies and Mages (and I want to talk about the vibes for it cause it's blessed.)
4) Who's your favorite character to write?
That’s so hard! I love writing all of them for different reasons, but I think I can narrow it down to two people. I love writing Rowan because the walls literally talk to him and he is literally the best boi. My sweetheart child.
Then, there’s Ril. She is soooooo fun to write because she can see the future and constantly sees it overlapping her present. Which means it’s very fun to organize what she is seeing and what she would interact with. It’s fun to describe how she keeps putting a pen in a different place from where her friend wants it. It’s fun to write her having a conversation that hasn’t happened yet. It’s fun to have her draw people she hasn’t personally met yet. She’s just awesome!
5) What's your favorite location in the story?
MMMMMMMM HARD! I mean, yesterday I wrote about the Castle talking to Rowan and fell right in love with it (it’s so cute the walls were telling him he was silly) and it’s so fun to describe the place (though I do need to spend some time studying architecture so I can talk about it more) and it’s just good!
The other places I don’t know as well because I haven’t written about them since I changed the whole story. But the only other place I’ve written about is the Dao’lin clan that took Rowan in when he first arrived in the Balance. And it’s really nice, honestly. Cozy dens with decorated openings and all of the Dao’lin just out basking. Is cute.
6) What is the most frequent emotion in this story?
Uhhhhh, so far, confusion. My mans is confused by everything happening around him. Later on, that emotion might change to something else, but it’s been confusion so far. 
12) What would this story smell like?
Now, I’m not a very good describer of smells because I sense of smell never really returned ever since I got sick 4 years ago around Christmas, but I’ll try.
Plains, Ether, Hearth smells like crushed grass after you finished playing with your siblings, new grass stains on your knees. It smells like sun dried clothes and bread and brownies being made inside. It smells like juice and fresh strawberries and like river water. It smells like camping, it smells like potpourri, it smells like home. 
13) What would this story taste like?
I’m much better at this one.
Plains, Ether, Hearth tastes like the outdoors. Like wood smoke on the air, like the tiny seeds of the weed plants outside that mum said was edible, like raspberries and strawberries and smoothies. It tastes like ginger and honey and snatches of brownies. It tastes like water to clear everything out before you start in on the ham and potatoes meant to fill you up. It tastes like shepherd’s pie. It tastes like home.
A lot of the smells and tastes are very much tied to my childhood. Oh, and the seeds I mentioned that were edible come from the common mallow plant. My sibs and I made up a whole economy where the seeds were the currency, but that didn’t last long because we ate all of the money.
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