#the hawke/lavellan one is boring and just snippets tbh
Grannyquisition or Hawke/Lavellan convo for WIP thing?
from this WIP fic meme/writing game :)
hehe I think I’ve mentioned Grannyquisition on here before, but it’s some snippets about my elderly mage travelyan. She’s 75 years old, didn’t discover she was a mage until after she’d had several kids, at which point she moved to the Circle (but being from a noble family, got more contact/visits with her family than mages taken in childhood would be allowed--hence her being able to argue her way into attending the conclave). I mean, the CC lets you make older OC’s so like, why not????
ANYWAY she’s too old to care about other people’s opinions and is just happy to be able to go out whenever she wants, and no one tells her “No” to things anymore, and frankly everyone in the Inquisition is growing increasingly alarmed. She makes them all call her “Granny”.
“Take that, you whippersnappers!” the Inquisitor screeches hoarsely, descending on the wide-eyed Venatori rogue before her. The last thing he sees is the blunt end of the 75-year-old Trevelyan’s staff swinging towards his face, clutched in her deceptively feeble-looking arms.
“Hah!” she crows, watching him drop like a stone. “That’ll teach ‘em! Don’t need mana to whip these upstarts into shape!”
Dorian can do nothing but stare in half-horrified fascination as their elderly leader kicks a stray helmet in triumph, and then proceeds to hop about cursing as she massages her stubbed toes. Blackwall is already hurrying over to her, a health potion clutched hopelessly in one hand. But before he can even offer it, the Inquisitor spots him, and spits derisively. 
“I told you! I ain’t drinkin’ no more of those foul concoctions!” This proclamation is accompanied by an accusing wag of one of her long spindly fingers. “They give me indigestion! Oh, but while you’re here…” Granny Travelyan’s eyes gleam like an aged magpie as she bends to rifle through the pockets of the unconscious man at her feet, shoving a short sword, an old locket, and a battered pair of boots into Blackwall’s unresisting arms. “Carry these for me now, would you sonny? You know how my back gets. But waste not, want not! Oh, what I would have given back in that blasted circle for a decent pair of boots, now and then…”
:’) i love her
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