#will i do more of the month? uhhhhhhhhhh
placesyoucallhome · 3 months
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Miqomarch #1 these two guys
Ruhka- skypirate, magitek engineer, angst laden idiot, gremlin, likes dresses
Nemo- jeweler and mammeteer, grumpy, respectable I swear, tired, short a left hand and foot, likes fishnet
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randomscropio · 8 months
Crap I have a crush
Note: if there are these things --> 《》around the words it means that it is the palisman talking
This was requested by @probablyhuntersmom
warnings: crushes, Hunter being in love
Waffles chirped at Hunter while he washed the dishes.
《You've been suspicious! What's going on?》
"Nothing is going on."
《Sureeee》 Waffles sarcasticly chirped at the seventeen-year-old boy.
He looked a lot better than when he first carved her, his eyebags were starting to fade away, he was happier, and he was a bit more energetic. But recently he was a blushing mess whenever a certain girl [*cough* Willow *cough*] was mentioned or when he looked at a picture of her.
《You sure that you aren't, oh I don't know, in love?》
Hunter froze and looked at the blue jay palisman, "whaaat? No, I-Im not in love!" He chuckled awkwardly.
《Okay, so Willow's just a friend, then?》
Hunter's face and ears turned completely red when Willow was mentioned. "Uhhhhhhhhhh, heh heh. Yeah, a very very very very very-"
《Are you done?》
"No. Very very very very very veeeeeeery-"
《Okay, you have to be done now.》
"Very very very close friend. It's not like I have a crush or anything! It's just whenever I see her or whenever she's mentioned I blush a lot, like a lot a lot, and my insides feel like they flipped upside down, and I feel all like... loopy? Is that the right word? Anyway! And I feel like my heart is beating at least five times faster and yeeeeep I have a crush."
《Hah! I knew it!》
"Okay, fine, you're right! I have a crush. Now how do I tell her?"
《I can set you up!》
"No! You helped me try to set up Gus and Matt and that went horribly wrong!"
《But they still got together!》
"It was still a disaster, it took a week to clean the café."
《Oh, I forgot about that part... Well, I can do better!》
"Waffles, that incident happened last month!"
《Fineeee! I won't set you two up. But maybe I can get someone else to.》
《Ugh, you're no fun.》
Hunter rolled his eyes and continued to wash the dishes, not noticing that Waffles had gone to tell Clover everything.
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cliffburton · 4 months
tagged by @machinefetishist ty:)
last song: strange wings by savatage
favorite color: purple!!!! if you can't already tell
last movie: málmhaus 2013. again.
sweet/spicy/savory: sweet. i have a sweet tooth tbh
status: single, idk how the worst dudes ever get gfs and i don't but it's fine there has to be a girl for this girl
last thing googled: rickenbacker double neck first production. #rickbassuser #geddylee (i would've guessed production started in the 70s and yeah it was 1975)
current obsession: uhhhhhhhhhh. well. i've been getting up and almost immediately start playing, my amp and my case are beside my bed and for that reason im leaving my bass in the chair. ive been playing and playing and playing and watching málmhaus again and again. those have been my obsessions i think.
last book: split between to live is to die (cliff's biography) by joel mciver and parts of a lovecraft anthology.
looking forward to: doing my cover/tribute thing for cliff this year :) and writing. and watching the livestream for cliff's day. and listening to more music. and for my cliff day 2024 shirt to arrive. and going to more concerts this year. and. well. yeah in general ive been and will continue to be doing, like, cliff related stuff, expected for this month really.
idk who to tag. i'm going to sleep. uhhhhhh,,,, @czerwonykasztelanic
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darthpastry · 9 months
Incorrect Quotes of the Kingdom Pt. 4 (Ft. FNaF SB... again)
Link: *while opening the fridge* LOVE IS AN OPEN DOOOOOOOR
Rauru: Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.
Link: But also socially dead.
Vanny: Your ancestors will find you incomprehensible and your descendants will despise your grave.
Link: *sitting in a pile of animatronic parts holding a juice box* This is by far the best compliment I've ever received.
Gregory: I was arrested for being too cool B)
Roxanne: Charges were dropped due to lack of evidence.
Rauru: Learn to pick your battles.
Link: I am full of rage and picking all of them.
Gregory: just to avoid using offensive language i'm going to start using 90's surfer dude slang because inadvertently offending someone is totally bogus dude.
Tulin: People might not want to be called dude.
Gregory: you are radically right and that is so not tubular my friend i apologize.
Riju: I find your poor grammar and spelling to be offensive to my eyes.
Gregory: watch me catch this gnarly wave of i don't care
Link: I am dumber than a mouse. I saw a glue trap in drawer and I didn't know what it was and pressed my entire hand in it and now I'm stuck in a glue trap.
Gregory: Hah! What kind of sauce looks like glue?
Link: ... barbeque sauce.
Cassie: No offense Link, but why did you stick your entire hand into what you thought was a barbeque sauce tray?
Link: I saw it, it was dark in the drawer, and I went "hehe... sauce time".
Link: I'm going to make Ganondorf cookies.
Ganondorf: Why would you- I don't want cookies.
Link: It's not optional :)
Link: Revali just gave me a get better soon card.
Mipha: Really? That's nice of him.
Link: I'm not sick. He just thinks I can do better.
Tulin: Drinking water be like *slurp*
Gregory: So true.
Tulin: Haha, tell me about it.
Link: We make eye contact and I connect to the Wi-Fi in your brain. I delete half your memories and make you left-handed.
Glamrock Chica: But I already am left-handed and I have a poor memory so good luck finding anything worth deleting.
Glamrock Chica: ....
Glamrock Chica: WAIT A MINUTE-
Glamrock Freddy: What's the hardest thing for you to say.
Roxanne: I need help.
Monty: I was wrong.
Link: *crashes through wall with go-kart carrying him, Tulin, and Gregory, all wearing 8-bit sunglasses* "WORKESTER- WORSHURSHUR- WORCHESTER-
Glamrock Chica: Worcestershire sauce?
Link: YEAH!
Link: Is it still murder if I give them a heads-up?
Sidon: That's called a threat.
Link: Dang.
Purah: What's wrong with him?
Zelda: *snickering* Nothing, really.
Zelda: Where's Link and Gregory?
Cassie: Link's teaching him how to drive.
Zelda: WHAT?!
Link: So, there's two pedals. Sometimes three but you can ignore the left one.
Gregory: I don't think-
Link: The lines on the road are more like suggestions. Like the speed limit.
Gregory: Are you sure-
Link: I'm not sure how to turn on the blinkers. Ready?
Gregory: Uhhhhhhhhhh
Link: GO GO GO!
Gregory: *floors it*
Ganondorf: What the... what bees?
Ganondorf: Wait-
Link: *approaches, aggressively shaking a jar of bees.*
Ganondorf: WAIT NO-
Glamrock Freddy: Gregory, Roxanne almost got hit by a car this morning!
Gregory: Yeah, almost. *Side eyes Link*
Link: *sighs* Yeah. I know. She was faster than I thought.
Glamrock Freddy: Wait-
Link: I'll get her next time though.
Zelda: Hey Link, what do you want for Christmas?
Link: Revenge.
Zelda: What practical thing do you want for Christmas?
Link: Intruments of torture.
Zelda: What harmless thing do you want for Christmas?
Link: A new tea kettle.
Zelda: I'm not going to get it if you're going to be pouring boiling water on people.
Link: *sigh* A new pair of heels?
Zelda: And you won't stab anyone with them?
Link: *horrified gasp* Why would I do that to the heels?!
Tulin: Dashing through the halls!
Gregory: Failed my test today!
Tulin: Don't know what to dooo!
Gregory: With my life, hooray!
Gregory: Takin' L's!
Tulin: Hit me with a sleigh!
Gregory: I'm so done.
Tulin: This isn't fun.
Tulin and Gregory in unison: THERE GOES MY GPA!
*Post SB Princess Quest ending*
Glamrock Freddy: Vanessa, we need to talk about your professionalism.
Vanessa: *sitting cross-legged on the table with Gregory, Link, and Tulin. All wearing 8-bit sunglasses.* Mighty fine words for someone standing in lava.
Link: You know, when I was your age...
Gregory: You know, when I was your height...
Link: ... Shut up.
Link: 13 dollars to see a movie? *Slams Rauru's arm on the counter.* What? You want this to?
Purah: Link, I told you if you keep duping diamonds the economy will-
Link: I am a SENIOR CITIZEN! Where is my discount?!
Yunobo: You're mad!
Link: *gluing a korok to a pile of bombs on a trebuchet* Thank goodness I am. Because otherwise this would never work.
Link: I don't think we can gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss our way out of this one, guys.
Glamrock Freddy and Rauru: *Staring at Gregory, Link, and Tulin in disappointment.*
Rauru: Why is it, when something happens, it's always you three.
Tulin: In my defense, it was their idea.
Link: Hey look, I'm fire-bending! *Stabs spear with flamthrower at a bush*
Rauru: Link, Zonai devices are not a toy-
Link: Wo'er bendin'! *Throws splashfruit*
Rauru: Link, Hyrule is in danger-
Link: EARTHBENDING! *Uses earthquake technique*
Rauru: Link, please-
Link: I AM THE AVATAR HAHAHAHAHA! *Uses Tulin's sage powers*
Purah: Do you need help getting up?
Link: Nah, I'm good down here on the floor.
Link: Change is inedible.
Riju: Do you mean inevitable?
Link: *spits out several rupees* I do not.
Link: My girlfriend turned into a dragon.
Sidon: That's rough, buddy. Anyway, did I tell you I'm engaged?
Rauru: Small creatures are much more vicious because they have a smaller body to bottle up their emotions.
Ganondorf: Ridiculous, give me some examples.
Gregory: Wasps?
Link: Terriers?
Gregory: Link?
Link: Gregory?
Gregory: Why do people have different blood types?
Link: So that the mosquitos can enjoy different flavors.
Zelda: Link is a perfect cinnamon scone who has never done anything wrong.
Glamrock Freddy: I hope you three have an explanation for this.
Tulin: Not just one...
Gregory: We have four, actually!
Link: Pick your favorite!
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leorawright · 4 months
Ok Im very excited Ive been wanting to request again for months but I work the whole day on Fridays :') but im back to request another mashup cause things have changed since the last one!
i would like to request a TF2 mashup (preferably romantic) with any of the main mercs (might exclude pyro unless you want to make it platonic).
Some stuff about me:
Im a hetersexual cis woman who wants to be a freelance artist, either in illustration or in character design! Right now Im studying illustration and its really fun to learn new techniques! I do get insecure from time to time with my art, but Im very determined to learn what I can and just have fun making art
Personality wise, Im very stoic and serious-looking, keeping to myself most of the time, but once i get comfortable I cant stop talking, like sometimes I have to remind myself to tone it down a little heheh
Once I get into something like a tv show or other series, Im very focused on it and think about it non-stop. For example, Ive been into Seinfeld for almost a year now to the point where one afternoon I spent an hour planning what a Seinfeld video game would look like, yknow, because I could. Sometimes I think about not being as involved in my interests as much as I do, but at the same time thats what makes me happy and drives my creativity, yknow?
Ive also been developing some stories of my own! Im no writer myself, but I love creating storylines and developing them further, whether they're original concepts or based on tf2 or something
As for what Im looking for in a partner, I want someone who can make me laugh. I admire someone who can talk so openly to other people but still be gentle and comforting with me even though Im not a very extroverted person. I want someone who admires my creativity and can listen to me when Im saying something, whether its something serious or not. I want someone who can share in some of my interests, and even when he doesnt he can still appreciate my enthusiam and not say something along the lines of "you're still talking about this?", yknow? Whenever I feel at my worst, I want him to just whisper sweet nothings, without having to try to 'fix' my problems immediately, just letting me slowly feel my emotions and junk. Im pretty much rambling on at this point but basically i just need the bare minimum like opening the door for me to fall in love with someone heh
I have a bit more confidence after attending art school, and Im trying to socialize more, but its still a little draining sometimes, but its still worth it in the end I think!
Uhhhhhhhhhh idk what else to put, this is mostly the bare minimum but I hope you're doing well! Take care and have a good day!
I have the perfect person...
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He has the strangest sense of humor but whenever he's able to make you laugh, he absolutely lights up
If you're having a bad day, you bet Demo will do everything in his power to comfort you, whether it's listening to you talk or just telling you terrible jokes until you feel better
Or if you're having one of those days where you just need to cry, Demo will lay beside you and whisper about whatever until you fall asleep
Whenever you talk about your interests, he pays as much attention as possible so you know he's interested
Also, he praises your art so much and loves watching you draw, he thinks it's mesmerizing
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primumincaelo · 2 months
about the mun!
Name: i go by Dust! Age: 26, almost 27 Pronouns: he/they Sexuality: gay-ace Single Or Taken: single and a lil unsure about the mingle Hobbies: doodling, writing, cosplay... i also participate in a rocky horror shadowcast group and that's been really fun! Favourite Colour: probably purple tbh? Fandoms: ― Current: uhhhhhh hahaha mostly just hazbin hotel these days, my audhd ass is hyperfixated babey ― Past: oh boy there's a lot. good omens, south park, adventure time, stranger things, gravity falls, steam powered giraffe, welcome to night vale, camp here & there, homestuck, nbc hannibal, doctor who, sally face..... there's still more but i'll stop there easfrgth Other Blogs: my main is onhigh (canon div angel dust), i also have disventura (hazbin au wednesday addams), clawtender (sinner oc; blog is still kinda wip efsrdgth), incisura (fallen exterminator oc; low activity), and then i'm working on a super secret trio muse blog for my heavenly muses (which includes st peter - currently at pearlkeep until the mini mumu is done!). i also have a multimedia mumu, dustified, but since hazbin has consumed my brain i haven't really used it much. Favourite TV Show: hazbin prolly atm Do You Cosplay?: ABSOLUTELY I DO i've been doing it for like 12 years. i'm in the process of putting together luci and adam, plus i've cosplayed angel before! Favorite Media: i dont entire get this question? uh... i like watching youtube a lot? Favourite Book: i don't really read all that much? i've recently started house of leaves, it's been pretty good so far Favourite Band: i'm here to post Detour North propaganda (i'm actually, genuinely friends with the singer, we were in high school theater together). technically they're not together anymore but their music still goes fucking hard. also huge fan of will wood/wwatt, waterparks, calypso, front bottoms/flat stanleys, flatsound, hozier, ricky montgomery, tally hall/miracle musical, ghost, chonny jash.... again there's a lot here, i'll stop before i make this too long Favourite Movie: bright young things from 2003. i can't remember when i came across it but it's been a comfort movie since i first watched it Do You Have Pets?: we have a black cat named wednesday! she's still a junior, only about 2 years old i think, she's a stupid lil thing there's not a thought in that head Favourite Animal: opossums or raccoons i think :3 Do You Play Any Instruments?: i took piano lessons from grade 6 up until i graduated high school, i took a couple months of violin lessons, and i can kinda pluck at a ukulele, but i'm by no means extremely good at any of them lmao Favourite Hellaverse Character(s): hhhhh lucifer and adam. no hesitation. i thought when i came back i'd be right back to angel dust? nope. lucifer and adam come in and sweep up the title like it's candy from a baby
tagged by: @brokendreamscreation (ty!!) tagging: uhhhhhhhhhh you <3
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Made from old ENTER schematics to decrypt the LEAP Virus, Arma's creation was rushed in a bid of desperation by Dr Philip. As a result of a raid moments after being activated, Arma was later rebuilt with more up to spec hardware from the insurance money gained from the destruction of the P.I. building. Now with Heightened combat prowess and a deeper under standing of ENTER and their old tech, Arma is now more than capable of taking LEAP by force and gets restless when no progress is made in LEAP's capture thats what Arma was programed for after all Although Arma is directly based on the ENTER worker drone model, they share their want to stand out and be unique with their Creator, philip, and hates the fact that they are not their own. to compensate Arma after being rebuilt was remodeled with a more modern face type and artificial hair.
NAME:Arma AGE: few seconds(first appearance), few months(last appearance) PRONOUNS: uhhhhhhhhhh idk lol any for now lol HIGHT:5'2ish without horns personality: simple drone(first appearance), well meaning angsty teen(after rebuild), more chilled about the whole existing thing(later half) shit i cant think of any other bio stuff FEATURES: -Tail transmitter: originally used by the ENTER corporation to remotely collect information in their worker drones for "operations" via shortwave radio waves! and Arma shares the technology even after the remodel. -Horn Receivers: what it says on the tin. the counter part to the Tail transmitter that collects the needed information. although it's signal effectiveness is fluctuating depending on location -currently no function for the little eyes on the helmet other than to look silly, original ENTER era worker drones do not share these features -walking stabilization! after the remodel, more modern algorithms were added, so along with the old ENTER era walking tech Arma can now walk up stairs!! -ENTER era Reel spool compatibility: it makes things from thin air!(kinda) along with brand new ones created by Philip.
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haloburns · 9 months
a collection of tag games
hi hello i have returned from the dead (danny phantom puns abound, i know) i've felt like SHITE for months now, so i'm going to mass answer some tag games i've been tagged in by @jadenoryuu and @deathcomes4u (i know penner has tagged me in some but theyre not showing up in my notes??? i'll find them in my emails later and reblog)
these will all be under the readmore with the original post linked!!
Wip themes tag!
Core themes are in blue, minor themes are in orange (mostly because yellow hurts my eyes).
i uhhhhhhhhhh have so many wips, i'm not sure which one jade was talking about, but i'll use my invisobang!
addiction | beauty | betrayal | change vs. tradition | chaos vs. order | circle of life | coming of age | communication | convention vs. rebellion | corruption (the crime) | courage | crime and law | dangers of ignorance | darkness and light | death | desire to escape | dreams | displacement | empowerment | facing darkness | facing reality | faith vs. doubt | fall from grace | fame and fortune | family | fate | fear | fear of failure | free will | friendship | fulfillment | good vs. bad | government | greed | guilt and forgiveness | hard work | heroism | hierarchy | honesty | hope | identity crisis | immortality | independence | individual vs. society | inner vs. outer strength | innocence (and the loss of) | injustice | isolation | knowledge vs. ignorance | life | loneliness | lost love | love | man vs. nature | manipulation | materialism | motherhood | nature | nature vs. nurture | oppression | optimism | peer pressure | poverty | power | power of words | prejudice | pride | progress | quest | racism | rebirth | relationships | religion | responsibility | revenge | sacrifice | secrets | self-awareness | self-preservation | self-reliance | sexuality | social class structure | survival | technology | temptation and destruction | time | totalitarianism | weakness | vanity | war | wealth (and the lack thereof) | wisdom of experience | youth
enjoy the teaser! i'll be posting my invisobang next week!
Author self-rec!!
This one is from death! i have 88 DP fics in two years, so uhhhhhhhh this one is a hard one. All titles are links directly to my ao3! (there's gonna be more than five, i'm sorry alkjsflksjdf)
First off:
Any thing from Phic Phight
2022 or 2023! Literally all of those are my favorites, I can't pick and I'm not adding them to my 5 because that feels unfair (to me).
of course i love you (it is my fault that you have not known it all the while)
this one was a dream-related idea i had, and it turned into danny and maddie working through the early stages of post-phantom-reveal relationship. it's one of my absolute favorites, and the title is from le petit prince, which is one of my all time favorite stories.
Danny is still adjusting to his parents knowing his identity after the Disasteroid. It's...going. It's only been a few days, after all. But when Sam and Tucker go away on an academic convention trip, Danny's left completely alone for the first time since the accident and things do not go well. Danny does not cope well, and like usual, doesn't ask for help. Maddie finds him losing a fight he shouldn't be, but when she tries to help, she accidentally makes things worse and finds out just how bad things are for her son. She doesn't know a lot about all of this halfa business, but she does know that she loves her son. That has to count for something.
this is the moment (damn all the odds)
ohhhhhh i love this one. it's probably one of my first mateo-centric fics, and i wrote it while i had covid (lying on the floor, trying not to die, i wrote 4k and it was actually comprehensible) because i needed ghost light softness in my life. it's some early stuff as i wanted to flesh out their relationship a bit more. title is kudos to death, ironically lmao
Mateo is hurt and a little stranded, and there's only one person he can call. Danny drops everything to help him, and that... that does something.
This is The Moment that he starts to view Danny in a different, more interested light.
there's no way out (i gotta hold you somehow)
this is a companion to "it's just another day without you (and i can't sleep)" but more zoomed in. another mateo centric fic that gives us a look into his pov during their week apart, and also gives us a peek at his family dynamic pre-this is the road to ruin. it wasn't SUPPOSED to be 5k, but i was having too much fun to stop. i love mateo with all my heart and i will continue to subject everyone to him until the itch has ceased
Mateo is hurt and a little stranded, and there's only one person he can call. Danny drops everything to help him, and that... that does something. This is The Moment that he starts to view Danny in a different, more interested light.
when the nightmare fades
this is one of the earliest fics i came up with for this series. it changed A LOT. this is where danny and mateo's first kiss was supposed to happen, but the boys got out of control and that happened a fic or two ahead of time, so that changed the tone a bit. instead of it being so charged, it just became SOFT. it will forever hold a special place in my heart
The terrible hunted feeling hasn't left Danny in weeks. Midterms are approaching, and the stress has finally caught up to him. A terrifying nightmare wakes him from his unrestful sleep, startling Mateo awake too. When Mateo asks if he's alright, Danny actually opens up instead of hiding away like normal.
quit telling everyone i'm (permanently) dead!
started as an ectober prompt that grew......wildly out of control. danny and teo go home to amity park for thanksgiving and shenangians ensue. it has lots of soft and cute relationship stuff that actually set me up for ANOTHER favorite of mine that ALSO grew wildly out of control
Thanksgiving break is quickly approaching, and Danny really wants to make good on his promise to Mateo. So he invites him home for the holiday. It'll be the perfect opportunity to make up for the weekend he spent stuck in the Fenton house while Danny kinda-sorta almost died again. But, like everything else in his life, Amity Parkers don't plan on making that attainable for him, his friends and family included.
this is the road to ruin (and we started at the end)
honorable mention HAS to go to last year's invisobang. this is the end of the original pieces i had planned for the series, and it wasn't necessarily supposed to be the end, but up until posting it, that was all that i had originally plotted. a year's worth of work led me to that, and i could NOT be prouder of it. i've reread it quite a bit because i'm just. in love. maybe that's a little conceited, but i put SO MUCH effort into it, so i like to enjoy it from time to time.
What goes up, must come down. Danny is forced to come down hard when Clockwork arrives with news he never wanted to hear. Now Mateo and their friends are in danger, and Danny has to be the one to figure out how to protect them all on his own. Mateo wants to help, but Danny's being too stubborn and ghostly to even think about accepting it. Tension between them grows as the new threat stalks closer, and Danny is forced to make a decision he's never wanted to make: kill or be killed.
my resistance was once much stronger (i can't go on like this much longer)
the follow up to "this is the road to ruin" in what was only supposed to be 10k max and ended up being just over 50k instead. it changed A LOT over the course of writing it, because i did a lot of character study in it. i will always love danny and mateo growing closer, even when they fight and don't communicate clearly
actually, the entire "road to ruin" arc up until "heaven's grief brings hell's reign" is my favorite. all of it. i'm just SO fucking proud of it.
Danny's home for winter break, and that's all he wants: a break. But after a breakdown in front of his mom, and with the help of a certain meddling older sister, Danny reveals to his family what exactly has been happening while he was away at Berkeley. He hopes for some space from Mateo, because it'll make leaving easier in the long run, but one poorly timed phone call snowballs into Maddie inviting Mateo to stay with them for Christmas and Truce. Danny can't say no without revealing exactly why he doesn't want his boyfriend coming to spend the holidays with him, so he accepts. Now he has to balance his complicated jumble of feelings with Mateo being so close and so hard to ignore. So much for a break.
come back and let me hold you (darlin' i just got started lovin' you)
OKAY HEAR ME OUT i KNOW this is a country song title but a) i'm southern as FUCK and two) this song is SO FUCKING SWEET
i wanted to write something for ghost light recently but i needed it to be short, so i told myself i had to write less than 1k AND LO AND BEHOLD I DID. this is literally just post-heaven's grief sweetness. technically a song fic because i used the lyrics to craft the fic and maybe thats cringe, but i'm freeeeee so its whatever
Danny and Mateo are settling into their new normal in their second semester after Christmas Break, and Mateo is reluctant to leave their little pocket of bliss just to attend classes. Danny convinces him to stay for just a little while longer.
this life is overwhelming (and i'm ready for the next one) & underneath your skin (the ghost within)
these go together, and they're just so different from what i normally write, but they're REALLY fucking good in my humble opinion. pitch pearl has a grip on me, too, and i've been writing some absolute BANGERS with them
Danny just wants everything to stop hurting. His parents are too obsessed with getting their ghost portal up and running to notice that he's struggling to adjust to high school. They definitely don't notice when things take a dark turn and a few new scars crop up. When they fail to get the portal up and running, it's like their children don't exist at all. Everything that had been building in Danny over the last two years finally snaps. Stepping into the portal with blood dripping down his hand had been an accident. The cutting part had been easy, but as the faint whine of a machine powering up reached his ears, he realized regretting all of it was so fucked.
Danny's still alive, and he's not happy about it. After his halfway successful suicide attempt, Danny is living with the consequences of an activated Portal: ghosts targeting him, a new secret identity, and juggling high school. Things are not going well, until he discovers a new aspect of his ghostly self: his ghostly self.
Anything from Perky Beans Cafe
Emeralds and I are co-writing a coffee shop enemies to lovers au, and it's INCREDIBLE
Phantom just wanted a hot chocolate... But Danny Fenton (aka Amity Park's very own Blue Hunter) has other ideas. Things do NOT go to plan, but neither party can say they're…unhappy…about the results.
the haunted museum job
a crossover fic that i'm STUPID proud of. i wrote it in like two hours and it's got some of the best character-voice writing i've EVER done. i would love to write mroe for it but alas the muse is in hiding
The Leverage team has been tasked with retrieving an ancient Egyptian artefact from a small, Midwest museum. Easy job, won't take more than a Sunday afternoon to complete, and then they'll have more than enough cash and the favor of the Egyptian government on their side. But Amity Park is not your average Midwestern town, and they accidentally crash another team's heist and find themselves out of their depth very quickly.
the magic that binds us series
DEATH STARTED THIS SHIT, AND IT IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE THINGS TO WRITE holy SHIT i cannot wait to get back to working on it!! magic goth danny is BABEY
Danny got into sleight of hand and showman's magic to spite his parents -- he never expected it to be real. It had started as a joke. His parents kept insisting ghosts were real and were convinced they were building a Portal to the other side just to prove it. Danny, being a little shit, had made a comment about the magic they must be working against to create said Portal. Then his mom had reprimanded him for believing in something as childish as magic. Danny was nothing if not a petty little bitch, so he decided that if his parents wanted to play that game, then they would play that game. He had no idea just what kind of game he was getting himself into.
Little guy maker!!
enjoy this little mateo i made. he is ready for fall.
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Fic Stats Game!
Rules: Give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the least words.
I'm just doing my DP fics because I am NOT dragging myself like that alskjfdlksjdflksdjf
Most Hits
going...! to be in so much trouble... this is my first ever DP fic and the fic that launched me into my au......... surprised my dpxdc fic hasn't overwhelmed it, actually, but it's close!
Second Most Kudos
okay, well, it's the same fic as above, apparently, so i'm just gonna link the top kudos because it's the one that has the SECOND most hits, so like... it evens out, right??
stealing cars is a love language, too
Third Most Comments
oh wow, that's wild. i would NOT have thought it was this one!!
and they were history project partners
actually, yknow what. i'm not surprised alkdjlksdjf it's UFS adjacent, so that actually makes sense. plus it's a phic phight fic so like... yeah, that tracks lmao
Fourth Most Bookmarks
this life is overwhelming (and i'm ready for the next one)
also not a huge surprise there. it's an angsty gen dp fic, what did i expect?? lmao
Fifth Most Words
it's just another day without you (and i can't sleep)
i think this was my first BIG dp fic and it was just. pure. angst. also mateo au, so like.... that tracks
Fic with the Least Words
when you sneeze so hard you accidentally half-die in front of your boyfriend for the first time
this was crack that i wrote on my ten minute break during a particularly nasty allergy season bc i was GRUMPY. it's actually surprisingly popular, considering it's technically danny/oc fic.
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nagimayo · 1 year
Top 5 uhhhhhhhhhh songs. Tell me (more) about ur taste in music. Enstars or otherwise idc
ok i am music-obsessed and constantly fixating indifferent things so i will do like my top 5 songs currently:
Going (Full) - H.E.R.
dirty dancer - Orion Sun
Do You Realize?? - The Flaming Lips
Violet - Daniel Caesar
Padam Padam - Kylie Minogue
fully listened to that last one for the meme but it is actually a banger lol happy pride month thank u kylie 🌈
ask me my top 5 anything!
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boypussydilf · 2 years
sherlock. what is it's gender. what is their deal. speak your trutg
oh dear with the state of my blog its now hard to tell when people walk up to me and say sherlock if they mean dgs sherlock the og or any of the several others ive started talking about. we need to like. color code them. anyway im gonna talk about dgs sherlock bc hes the one im most likely to have proper thoughts on and then probably also do one for mostly just. like. the general concept actually thinking about it i do have many thoughts on Non-DGS Sherlock i dont know why i allowed myself to think i didnt . i just get caught up in the bimbo dad but i like the entire folder hes stored in
dgs first tho <333333
Sexuality Headcanon: gay. Just gay
Gender Headcanon: If i had to make 1 decision. genderfluid <3 Sherlock Holmes (DGS) can fit so much gender in her !!!!!!!!!
A ship I have with said character: *looks at my blog* *looks at my pinned post* um i think you guys know . already. the only one i have . do i need to say it
A BROTP I have with said character: i mean. Iris. they r best friends for real ! they r like the most important people to each other ! they r this guy and their 10 year old daughter who packs peanut butter jelly sandwiches for them !!!
A NOTP I have with said character: im gonna be petty and say vanlock. i blocked the tag bc i got tired of seeing it. actually even moreso i like physically recoil when i see ppl shipping him with ryuu, it fucking. completely baffles me. like. nothing wrong with that. people who ship them aren’t weird in That sense. but theyre weird as in I can’t understand what compels you to do this . i dont like vanlock but i can Understand why people do i just got extra sick of it bc its semi common. i cant understand why people ship sherlock and ryuu. like youve misread the vibe badly. this is not it. oh dear god this just got 5 times as long as all the other sections of this fucking ask meme. power of being slightly annoyed sorry
A random headcanon: UHHHHHHHHHH OH MY GOD . I KNOW i have headcanons abou t this bitch he swarms around in my mind all the time. I am imagining Random Exploits of the DGS Cast on a daily basis where did the fucking Concepts and Ideas go. ill return to this once ive done everything else and see if i havent thought of anything fun by then. ive thought about it some more and my most recent thought on him has been like. she knows some russian and japanese right? actually a fucking lot of russian to be able to read entire newspaper articles but thats besides the point i just think that sherlock knowing several different languages is neat but, Like. its pure chance if she ever manages to learn enough to be able to …. use it. once every several months sherlock will get really really excited about a new foreign language and put in like 2 weeks of work before forgetting about it completely. he has the vocabulary of a very young toddler in half a dozen different languages and is remembering those vocabularies by sheer luck
General Opinion over said character: Im normal iam normal normal im normal and regular . im normal and im normal about him and i dont intend to put him under a microscope or anything. i am not putting him in a little plastic box and shaking him to find out what happens . *extends my hand ibuprofen style* who wants to speculate about dgs in hyperspecific ways with me. hello my like 3 dgs followers do you have thoughts on sherlock holmes. tell them to me. lets all be normal. Anyway uh hes funny
IVE GOTTEN THAT BITCH OUT OF THE WAY LETS TALK ABOUT …… im not even sure. The General Concept of Sherlock Holmes on a Wide Scale, which, like, ultimately probably just boils down to: acd holmes. time to get philosophical with it. thats not the right word.
Sexuality Headcanon: sherlock is either gay or aroace or some more specific combination of all previous terms. Hey does that… even count as headcanon? Ultimately my stance is “whatever as long as sherlock holmes is not interested in women” and it is stated very clearly explicitly and repeatedly in canon that sherlock holmes is not interested in women so . like.
Gender Headcanon: You know what’s funny is expressing disdain for women is an effective way to distance yourself from femininity in general, for instance, to assert masculinity as a trans man, or as a negative reaction to being a trans woman. So. Like.
A ship I have with said character: at first i was like “its just kind of an objective fact that sherlock and watson are gay but i dont have emotional investment in it” but that was a fucking lie
A NOTP I have with said character: The next time an adaptation tries to make him and irene adler straight together im going to thr authors house and shooting them point blank. shut up shut up shut up shut up. they would NOT
A random headcanon: man i dont even fucking know. he probably eats food off the floor and i mean this genuinely
General Opinion over said character: Sherlock Holmes is the ultimate Little Freak. Like 80% of the joy of any sherlock holmes media is “Watch this Freak Behave Oddly”. Some people think he would be hard to get along with personally i think we would make very good friends and i would love to hang out with the Freak.
Man. I hope this post isn’t actually as long and hard to look at as it looks in the mobile post editor. Unfortunately it probably is
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the-wardens-torch · 1 year
Heads Up 7 Up
Tagged by: @adeat like a month ago... I didn’t have a WIP at the time, but I do now!
Rules for those who want to participate are that you post 7 lines from a wip of yours and tag some other people.
He asks to buy me a drink, and although I want nothing more than a cup of hot tea, I find myself ordering an expensive spiced wine I otherwise couldn’t afford.  Of which I will be careful not to overdo, as I know better than to lose my senses in a place like this. As upscale as it may be, I know that the people within it entertain the same thoughts as those in the filthiest Ul’Dahn dive bar or brothel. But perhaps I can benefit some from this.  His clothes are plain but high-quality, and he smells faintly of herbs and leather… A merchant, perhaps? I’ve gone home with far worse people, and I’m tired.
This is from a WIP originally dated 6/4/17. It involves an angst-ridden young Fal interior monologue-ing his way through a potential romantic encounter that turns into a platonic friendship. I just stopped dead on it after about 500 words despite knowing exactly where I was gonna go with it. Maybe I didn’t want to write it because it dips its toes into Adult Situations, which I’ve never liked to write or been any good at writing.  Nevertheless it stayed with me like a corn kernel jammed between my back molars for the next 6 years. And now, mysteriously, I found my inspiration again.
Who didn’t I tag for the previous “post x number of lines from your WIP last time?” Uhhhhhhhhhh, @traveleorzea @actualanxiousswampwitch and @lettersnorth maybe?
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nocturnalswarehouse · 2 years
I was tagged by both @thequeenofthewinter and @blossom-adventures. Thank you both!
Relationship Status: Single
Favourite Colour(s): Pink, but specifically a pink that's a mix between Barbie pink and dusty rose. I can't totally describe it, but I have a travel mug that's the exact colour
Favourite Food: Uhhhhhhhhhh, good question. This constantly changes, I'm a big foodie. I will say my favourite cuisine is Korean.
Song Stuck in My Head: Nothing atm, but I've been on an Anastasia (the Broadway musical, not the Disney movie) hyperfixation lately.
Last Thing You Googled: Whether or not Carly Shay and Freddie Benson are end game or not. I'm watching the iCarly reboot and just got to the episode where they faked a relationship.
Time: 7:36pm
Dream Trip: PERU PERU PERU. I've been wanting to go since grade 4 and I have not been able to shut up about it. I LOVED learning about Inca mythology and I want to go learn more about it in its birthplace.
Last Thing You Read: A reading for class. Some experimental essay thing that was interesting, but confusing to follow.
Last Book You Enjoyed Reading: It's been MONTHS since I've read for enjoyment over school. And I don't remember the last book I read, but I LOVE They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera. It's the saddest book I've ever read, and such a beautiful story.
Favourite Thing to Cook/Bake: Literally any cookie. My friends are obsessed with my matcha chocolate chip cookies, I make chai chocolate chip cookies using my family's chai spice, and since the holidays are approaching, I'm getting ready to bake eggnog cookies!
Favourite Craft to do in Your Free Time: I don't have a specific craft that I do in my free time, as in my free time I normally focus on media I need to catch up on (yes, need XD if I'm to go into the film industry I have to keep up). But when I absolutely can't focus and need to do something, I'll find a garment of mine that needs mending (currently have a pant leg I need to mend, but I can't find my thread and it's driving me nuts).
Most Niche Dislike: Okay, so I work in a kitchen and absolutely hate it; I'm hoping to switch to Front of House soon (I know I am for sure, I just don't know when). You must continue cooking one of the dishes I make until the sauce is thoroughly soaked into the noodles. Most of my coworkers, when helping me on my station (we've been getting slammed on panfry lately, to the point where I'll get 10 dishes at once, and the menu launch stresses me out), will shut off the stove and plate when there's so much sauce it almost looks like a ramen. I absolutely HATE that.
OH! Also, when someone doesn't tuck in their chair at a table. I got that from a summer camp I went to for three years where we had to tuck our chairs in or the supers (supervisors) would get mad.
Opinion of Circuses: If it's Cirque Du Soleil? I absolutely LOVE it. If you don't know, Cirque Du Soleil is a cruelty-free circus where all the performers are trained gymnasts, dancers, and musicians. I love going to the shows, and I've seen most of the travelling shows. I've seen a few that are set in specific locations (Mexico, Disneyworld). The one I want to go to the most is "One," the Michael Jackson Cirque in Las Vegas.
Do You Have Any Sense of Direction: I like to call myself a "human navigator." If I've been there enough, I know exactly where to go. In a mall back home, I'm the GPS because I know where every store is. If I've never been there, you want me to have the map because I can quickly figure out maps to real life.
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purplehoodiesimon · 2 years
WIP search tag game
The lovely @sflow-er tagged me to do this, so here we are! My words are hand, sun, gentle, and frantic. This is mostly not YR wips because most of my YR wips have been abandoned for like 6+ months but the last one is YR 😌💜
hand; from a Stranger Things fic where Eddie survives the Upside Down
"How are you doing, son?" Uncle Wayne asks, and Eddie gets a better look at him as he sets the newspaper aside. His eyebags are dark, posture drooping, the years old shake in his hands more intense than usual. He looks tired, and old.
sun(day); from a Stranger Things stoncy fic where I got really caught up in the religion feels
As such, she stops going (perhaps good, in the long term). 
Steve never attended much, his parents too caught up in their business and their affairs to care about it every Sunday. Jonathan is Jewish, as is his whole family. Neither one takes an affront to her change of heart. 
Her mother and father however, do (and as everyone knows, one must honor thy father and mother).
gentle; from a Narnia fic where I get into my feels about their return to England, then back to Narnia
Lucy stands at the bridge, the Great Lion by her side, and Peter can almost see the faint mirage of the woman she once was, standing behind her. Her blade glints in the sun, her cold smile visible across a river. It was Susan who was Gentle, and Valiance is not always shown by mercy.
frantic; I went ahead and found one in a YR wip, mainly because I don't actually have many recent other wips with the word frantic in them so here's a bit of some future part of iridescent rainbow where Wille is having an absolute breakdown
And suddenly the lead weights in their body are gone, and the freezing droplets of rain aren’t so cold anymore, and there’s a burning sort of frantic <em>fear</em> under their skin. It rises through their chest and desperation prickles in their gut, and they’re moving without realizing it, standing up to go inside. 
They stand in the middle of the living room for a moment, one hand cupped over the other, staring blankly at the lamp. Something about the light is fascinating, but Wille can’t say what as they stand there. They’re not even aware of it, really, just a looping thought of <em>’I need…’</em> playing in their head amid the panicked silence of their mind.
I am going to tag uhhhhhhhhhh @little---versailles to do this, no pressure whatsoever, and anyone else who wants to do it! Words are solid, soft, pink, and shining. Have fun!
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1, 6, 9, 18
1- What is your favorite trope to rp?
Not sure if this is a trope, but I rlly like to rp things where the character is either consumed by a- hunger, or b- fear. It’s rlly fun to write mheheheheh.
Oh and just. Angsty tropes >:). Specifically evil friend.
6- Name 3 things you love most abt your muse/muses
Let’s go with Genya for this one.
I rlly like the relationship they have with their brother and how they act around him bc it’s supper fun to analyze, I love how utterly unhinged this bro is(they threw a whole fucking tree without hesitation like?? Did they do this before? Or was this on the spot?), and I also rlly like how goofy they are- especially when it comes to their interactions with the Kamaboko squad.
9- Have you ever written fanfiction?
Silently stares at my main blog, my Quotev account, my Wattpad account, my ao3-
Anyways. Yeah, I’ve been writing fanfiction for a few years now- way before I started rping, which is why half the time I can’t make my responses shorter bc I have to record every single little detail about the characters and how they respond to situations and-
Yeah. And if I try to make it shorter, my response looks shitty.
18- what is one thing you’d like to see in the rp community?
Uhhhhhhhhhh bro idk dies
I just started to come back into the rp community like a month ago, so there’s not much I wish for???
I guess I do wanna find more rp blogs who’s mods r around my age- I only know like 1 or 2 blogs like that. But tbh I’m just chilling. Everyone I’ve ever interacted with is chill, they respect and tag shit appropriately and that’s always fun.
Unlike the wrITING COMMUNITY WITH THEIR UNTAGGED SMUT I DON’T WANNA SEE- the amount of that untagged shit I’ve seen is. Something. It’s getting better tho. I think.
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sasarasfan · 2 years
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has it been 2 months since the anniversary? yes. do i care? no.
I want to answer some questions <3
1. Sometime around the fourth anniversary? Maybe July/august of last year. I got into hypmic because of a post that said “Happy Birthday Ichiro!!” And I liked the art style so I watched the anime :3c
2. The art style of the anime!! Idk I really like the eyes of the characters lmao
3. Hmm it was the first music based media I got into, the others being Milgram and a bit of enstars. I love it a lot <3
4. I thought BB was kinda boring,,,, I didn’t really like MTC at first ngl,,,, I thought Ramuda was annoying and I didn’t like his voice, and then he grew on me, but I liked Matenrou from the get go and I wanted them to win the first DRB. Doppo stuck out to me a lot. His screaming somehow reached my heart and I love him lots. Of course I can’t forget Sasara <3 he was so scrunkly I didn’t want to listen to the other divisions at first, but after ah Osaka dreamin night I was a changed man
5. I think Doppo was my first favourite?
6. Definitely Ramuda. I really didn’t like his voice, but he grew on me. Also the entirety of DotsuHom? Yeahhhhhh
7. Matenrou!! Was a Matenrou stan from the first episode I saw them
8. Sasara is my favourite character now <3 but Doppo and Gentarou are a close second
9. Whatever was first in the anima, but other than that I think maybe don’t stop the party or black or white? Matenrou song I think
10. Don’t Stop the Party but Comedian Rhapsody is slowly catching up
11. I love Ah Osaka Dreamin’ Night. I want to kiss it so bad
12. I haven’t listened to the stage songs enough to have a favourite :[
13. Bonus??? Like??? Duet???? If so, Nausa de Zuiqu
14. I like Hoodstar+ and SUMMIT OF DIVISIONS
15. G Anthem of Y City I don’t get why people don’t like it as much as Gangstas Paradise I think it’s better than Gangstas Paradise. Also JACKPOT! But that’s just because I love Jackpot (and I haven’t seen anyone really like anima songs :[)
16. Yes. Dotsuitare Hompo my beloved. Sasara Nurude my beloved. DotsuHom can make no bad songs. I love all of their group songs so much
17. Doppo probably he can spit some fire verses 😈🔥🔥 or Dice, Dice is good too
18. I haven’t payed enough attention to the composers sorry ahah
19. Once again, I don’t pay attention
20. Ah Osaka Dreamin’ Night or Hella Awesome Banquet, those two are very, very good
21. I do! I recently passed DJ level 100! Cant get my friend code rn but I would if I could
22. Hmmm I kind of want to see more Sasara and Gentarou I think it’d be funny
23. Yeah!! Hifudo and Sasaro mainly <33 love my skrunkles <33 I also think Doppo x Samatoki is cool, I liked their interactions in the shuffle drama track
24. me and sasara /j
25. Rosho and I would get along well I think. Same with like Hifumi and Doppo maybe? Jyushi as well. Actually, maybe Jakurai too
26. I don’t think I really kin any of the characters. Maybe Rosho? I try to do things as best as I can, but end up giving up if I feel like I’m dragging people down? Kinda???
27. I DONT [cries] I really want a Sasara mochi plush, or any Sasara merch, or any doppo merch :(((((((
28. Not really weird, but I think if there were mics that looked like their mics i would buy it immediately
29. Uhhhhhhhhhh I don’t really know??? Nor care that much??? As long as they look cool I’m fine with anything
30. Hifumi and Doppo, especially with all their history. The same with Rosho and Sasara kinda. Rei and Ramuda maybe? OH! Dice and his mom im kinda interested
31. look. i think. rio should get. much more love. I am so weak to that man. He could give me a little :( and id crumble at his feet weeping and sobbing going “sir, sir, I’d do anything for you :,(“
32. Sasara is so scrunkly. His character goes a lot deeper than just “haha comedian” and im excited to see more of his true character unravel slowly. I also like his character design and his songs slap so hard. I like Doppo a lot because I kind of relate to him? His raps are so cool and I like his personality. I wish I could give him a big hug :[
33. I saw somewhere that Rosho can’t sleep without hugging something and urgghrhdhh that head cannon has me in a chokehold
34. Uh. Yeah, they’re cool ig. Don’t really know much about them other than surface level stuff, but yeah
35. I like Matenrou because their dynamic is so soft. Like you could walk into a room with them in it and they’d just be having tea and chatting over little things with small smiles on their faces and HRGRGRRB that image just makes me love them a lot. I like DotsuHom cause the combination of Sasara telling his stupid jokes with Rosho chastising him for it while Rei is just sitting there slightly amused makes me laugh so hard.
36. Matenrou just have gatherings in like a garden or a greenhouse when their schedules allow them to hehe <3
37. I don’t have a preference? I know I’m going to love them either way so….
38. I follow Rios VA on Instagram, but I’m pretty disconnected to the VAs otherwise
39. I have not, mostly cause I don’t know Japanese. I would if I could, and I really do want to
40. I have a 10k sasaro fanfic in the editing process rn <33
41. I like the manga!! I think ARB is cool, but I can’t read Japanese, and I haven’t seen the stage, but I do like it. I think manga is the most bite sized? Kinda way to consume hypmic lore, so that’s why I prefer it. I also do like the drama tracks though. Just hearing them makes me smile wide
42. Sasaros break up + getting back together. Additionally, when Rosho cried because he was so passionate about supporting younger kids. I teared up ngl
43. I have not made theories, I just like, consume a bunch and let them brew in my head
44. Hmmm I haven’t payed much attention to what’s happened in the manga rn so I don’t have much to say about this
45. I made a 57 slide presentation about hypmic and successfully converted two people into hypmicism like two days ago. I also got another friend around November last year into hypmic! I love my friends dearly and I made the 57 slide presentation just for them which I think I took like 5+ hours on.
46. DOSTUHOM UEUEUEUEUEUEUEUE wish Sasara and Rosho make it to the top together!! Rei too ig. Maybe. I think it would be really funny if Matenrou somehow won again, but I think Dotsuitare Hompo is most likely going to win next DRB, or MTC
47. I hope it doesn’t urrrgh. Maybe with all the character lore explored, and wrapped up. I really don’t want an open end to any of the characters stories
48. A lot. I was able to make a lot of friends through it. I found something that I really, really liked, and I got to share it with my friends. I love hypmic so, so much, and I hold it very close to my heart.
49. The characters are all so unique, and the songs are so good! There’s at least one song you’ll like, out of the 100+ songs. It’s so fun getting to cheer on your favourite teams :] there’s so many talented people in the fandom as well
50. Hello future me! I don’t know when I’ll read this again, but I hope things have been good!! I got River and Chair into hypmic 😈🔥🔥!! I really like Sasara Nurude (hopefully you still do 🙄🙄) go listen to Comedian Rhapsody again. I know you want to. Please tell me we get more banger Dotsuitare Hompo songs. They can make no bad songs, but still. God I love hypmic so much. Everything about it is so great. I love every character, their flaws and their strengths. I love the stories that we’re given. I love the songs which I could dance my heart out to. The fandom is so great as well. I wish it would never end haha
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mangozcat · 2 years
happy holidays, my love! hAaa i came to request smthing, so— you were in a deep slumber, worn out from taking care of your baby and having so much to do in the house; completely forgetting that your baby has daycare. you didn't know jaemin took a day off from work, making breakfast and driving baby away. coming back home, you woke up from your husband's cuddles and eventually turns to a soft morning sex :D cums inside of her and lots of kisses, markings and body worship, please?
- okay, maybe i’m late uhhhhhhhhhh we don’t talk about it dw (im so sorry pls forgive me bae)
warnings: smut, fluff, markings, body worship, slight nipple play, very slow and sensual, jaemin is such a patient tease i hate him pls, prob badly written because i havent wrote anything in months #yolo (i do hope u enjoy tho) 
“please, honey, stop crying,” you said, cooing at your son. he laid in your arms, tears wetting his cheeks while cries left his mouth. you held him as close as possible, hoping he’d calm down shortly and eventually relax.
you were more than tired. your eyes were fluttering closed and your own humming was making you drift off. being a mother was a lot of responsibility- and a ton of work.
all you could remember after every day was how much effort it required to stay on your feet. your husband, jaemin, had a job and provided for the three of you, but he couldn’t exactly do everything else.
so, you were left to the busy work and taking care of your child. of course, it wasn’t like you were upset. it wasn’t your son’s fault— not in the slightest- but you were just overworked.
when his crying settled down, his thumb resting idly between his lips, he finally slept. taking this opportunity, you gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead, before wandering back to your own room to rest.
you had a monitor in your room, so you’d hear if he woke up. taking a nap didn’t seem like such a bad idea.
that is, until you woke up panting.
you weren’t sure why, but you suddenly felt heated. your face burned red and your insides churned as you slowly focused your gaze. your husband was on top of you, a cheeky smile on his face. he looked down at you, eyes filled with love and playfulness, and you smiled sleepily.
“baby?” you murmured, wrapping your arms around him. you buried your head in his neck and sighed, inhaling the sweet scent of him. “why aren’t you at work?”
jaemin tsk’d, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek and pulling you into a gentle embrace, “if I went to work, who would cuddle you? besides, someone has to take our kid to daycare.”
“what?” you exclaimed, reaching to sit up. jaemin pushed you back down, shaking his head with a smile. “oh my- I must’ve forgotten. I’m so sorry...”
jaemin just gives you a soft kiss, one that has you yearning for more. you sigh into the feeling, returning the kiss with one of your own. it’s featherlight, so gentle that you want to cry. he’s so patient and caring, and at the thought, you pull him closer with a soft hum.
“have I ever told you how much I love you?” you whisper against his lips, giving him one last peck before pulling away.
jaemin closes his eyes, savoring your touch for a moment. then, his eyes flutter open and the two of you maintain a sweet gaze, one that shows so much love that it makes you want to explode. “maybe once or twice,” jaemin shrugs, leaning down to rub his nose against yours cutely, “can I hear it again?”
you giggle at the soft sensation and run your fingers through his soft locks of hair, nodding, “I love you.”
jaemin kisses your face, from cheek to cheek, to nose, to forehead, even your eyes and chin, “again.”
“I love you,” you hum out, beginning to feel dizzy from the nonstop affectionate flurry.
jaemin now pushes himself closer to you, lips trailing down your chin to your neck in a way that feels so much more sensual than before. he’s slow, lips sure to leave behind a red mark from where he kissed and sucked so hard and slow.
with a pleasurable hum, you rest your head against the pillows, whispering out, “I love you.”
fueled by the confession yet again, jaemin trails lower and lower until you feel his lips brush against the neckline of your shirt. he smiles up at you innocently, beginning to chew on the fabric with a nonchalant look.
“can I?” he questions, one hand roaming down to tug on your shirt.
nodding fervently, you begin to feel your stomach flutter aggressively. your shirt is discarded and the cold air hits your skin, making you hold back a whimper at the way your nipples quickly go erect.
he’s fast to act on it, though, as his lips envelop the bud and his teeth grind slowly against it. it’s slightly painful from the sensitive area but it quickly becomes far more pleasurable, and within moments, you’re moaning out his name in bliss.
while his mouth works on one nipple, his free hand twists the other bud slowly, sensually, clearly trying to rile you up.
he grins against your skin at the breathy murmur. his tongue soon starts to lap against your bud; small kitten licks leaving you effortlessly breathless in the light morning sun beaming into your bedroom.
as his mouth works against your chest, you feel his lower body begin to move. slightly at first, maybe the tiniest of movements, then it’s more confident and suddenly, he’s full-on rutting against you with quiet whimpers. you’re inhaling quick breaths now, a hand coming up to your mouth.
“so pretty,” jaemin murmurs against your skin. he pulls back, looking at your body with fond eyes. he begins kissing every spot, accompanied with a whisper, “your body is so beautiful.”
he kisses your breasts, “prettiest tits just for me.”
he kisses your stomach, “prettiest tummy, baby. so perfect.”
then, jaemin kisses the skin of your love handles. he grabs onto the area with a groan, “god, I love these so much.”
he squeezes softly, leaning down to then plant a kiss on your lips. he kisses you until your stomach begins to hurt from his overwhelming love and you feel the urge to cry.
“baby,” jaemin murmurs, his words accompanied by a low moan. he plays with the band of his underwear, pulling it back and letting it snap back against his porcelain stomach, “really need you, baby.”
you hum, your sounds quickly becoming whines once his hand teases your inner thigh, “oh, jaemin- please...”
jaemin nods to himself, peppering your neck with fiery kisses as his hand tugs down his underwear. just when you went to lift your hips to allow him to remove your own, he pushed you back down.
instead, he tugged your underwear to the side but left them on, revealing your heat to him.
you let out a surprised gasp once his fingers began toying with the area. you’d done this for years now, but the way that jaemin managed to bring you pleasure never ceased to amaze you. his fingers worked masterfully through your folds, spreading your already dripping wetness all over.
then, he lifted his cock to your folds and ran his member through, soaking himself in your essence.
you whined at the friction, trying to press yourself closer, only to be held back by jaemin. he shook his head, eyes fluttering closed as he spent time just enjoying the sensation.
once his eyes opened, he nearly drooled at the sight of you, “you’re so beautiful, baby. I’m so lucky, aren’t I?”
you didn’t respond, merely gripping onto his shoulders and pulling him as far down into you as possible. you wanted every fuck to be just as loving and meaningful as the last, and they always were.
“my pretty baby is gonna take my cock so well, isn’t she?” he murmured filthily into your ear. you nodded quickly, leaning your head back and allowing him access to your open neck.
as soon as his lips found the skin, his cock was pressing into you.
it was slow, a sweet and pleasurable burn that you never failed to enjoy. he groaned at the feeling, the sound going straight to your core, and you let out a whine at the slowness.
the two of you enjoyed that painstakingly slow cycle for minutes, staring up into each other’s eyes lovingly. he would plant sweet kisses against your face and suck marks into your neck. while you were his wife and everyone knew who you belonged to, he certainly made sure they’d never forget it.
by the end of the night, you were sure that your entire body would be highlighted in splotches of purple and pink bruises, all from his unending love for you- of you.
“jaemin,” you mumbled out, words slow, lips puffy, “you feel so good.”
“yeah?” he teased, hips slamming into yours suddenly. you jerked up, pulling yourself up into him with a high pitched cry. he smirked, pushing a few strands of stray hair from your face, “how about that? did that feel good too?”
“mhm,” you hummed, feeling incapable of making coherent words.
once he realized you were becoming dizzy from his ministrations, jaemin picked up his pace. his cock rammed into you; a sweet, quicker pace than before, but still not searingly fast. he knew just how you liked it: quick enough to make your mind turn to slush, but not fast enough that you’d cum so fast you wouldn’t enjoy it.
as he thrusted into you, his lips eagerly planted themselves on your body. he kissed more bruises, taking time to love and savor every part of your body individually, listing off reasons as to why he loved that area so much.
meanwhile, one of his hands toyed with your nipples, gently tugging and twisting- and to put it quite frankly, your mind was in overdrive.
“so close!” you whined, back arching off the bed.
jaemin closed his eyes tightly, nodding his head. his mouth was open in a silent moan, focusing on pleasuring both of you as he attempted to reach his high.
within minutes, the two of you were crying out confessions of love as his cum painted your walls, your own mixing with his in a messy heap that stained your bed, you’re sure. yet, it was all worth it.
the morning had just begun, and you were sure from the sweet smile that jaemin sent you, that he had plenty more ideas in mind.
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