#will definitely add on to this post as we further develop but <3 for now the basics
caerolina · 1 year
𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃  𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄,   𝘱𝘰𝘪𝘴𝘰𝘯  𝘪𝘯  𝘵𝘩𝘦  𝘸𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳.   w/  @hrtached​​​‘s  christa  marsh .
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      mallory  &  her  husband,   bill  denbrough   ( @gruvies​ ),   had  both  been  through  a  lot   「  .  .  .  」   all  of  which  only  brought  them  closer  to  the  people  they’d  needed  most ;   friends   ⸺   their  chosen  family .   it  was  then  that  beverly  marsh  entered  their  lives,   and  it  felt  like  mallory  had  met  a  long  lost  friend :   they  clicked  immediately .   and  in  the  blink  of  an  eye,   their  families  became  one,   spending  holiday’s  and  more  together   ⸻   &  mallory  found  herself  getting  particularly  close  to  beverly’s  younger  cousin,   christa  marsh .   a  fashion  student  that  had  been,   at  that  point,   desperately  searching  for  a  new  model  to  fixate  on,   a  position  that  mal  agreed  to  with  excitement .   not  long  after  they  became  close  friends,   they  shared  their  stories .   their  individual  traumas  only  tied  them  together  further,   &  in  a  way  mallory's  views  on  her  had  changed  from  sisterly,   to  maternal .
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grainjew · 3 months
Nikaposting Pt 4: Sun God Tropes
This is the fourth of a series of posts about Nika & associated religious practice in the One Piece world. As I write and post the rest of the series, I’ll add links to this header.
Pt 1: Crypto-Religion | Pt 2: Symbology & Syncretism | Pt 3: Joyboy was Shandian
Enormous credit to @oriigami for being my discussion partner through all of this and having a substantial influence on the final product. Check out our ao3 series Joyful for a narrative rather than analytical take on the Nika tradition, and definitely go read her OP blog @kaizokuou-ni-naru for meta and translation fun facts.
So Luffy’s a sun god, or the embodied power of the wishes for one, or whatever. But does he do mythological solar deity things?
Yes actually.
This post is the fourth and last (as of now) in this series, and it’s entirely for fun. I’ll almost certainly miss things as I go down the list here- if you can think of other solar or dawn deity things he gets up to, please add them in the replies!
With no further ado, here is a list of sun god things Luffy has been known to get up to, & which will no doubt inform the mythology developing around him in the One Piece world. (How many people were deifying this guy even before he awakened his devil fruit? Like it was definitely not zero is all I’m saying.)
Getting eaten by snakes
What started this whole list was me turning to @oriigami in the middle of the night after we’d been rewatching Little Garden and trying to make an accurate count of how many times Luffy’s been swallowed whole and going “you know what’s sun god shit? getting eaten by snakes.”
Sun gods are often doing this. Take Apep in Egyptian myth, who tries to devour the sun god Ra every day. Or Rahu, the Hindu shadow planet and serpent, who swallows the sun to cause solar eclipses.
Luffy is also often doing this. The most notable example is of course the Nola Incident in Skypiea arc, but if we expand the definition of snake to include generally snakeish sort of guys, he also gets briefly ate by Kaidou very shortly after awakening, and just now by Mister Sandworm in ch 1110. (And by Kaidou fish-fish fruit equivalency I’d argue we can also count the Little Garden goldfish and the crocodile that ate him as a kid here but obviously that’s more tenuous and mostly just funny.)
Slightly more tenuously as well, there’s Amaterasu of Shinto lore retreating into her cave (a cave is a kind of snake), as well as the Norse wolf that chases the sun Sköll (occasionally merged with Fenrir), the Javanese god (described as an ogre) Batara Kala who eats the sun and moon to cause eclipses, and the alchemical Green Lion that devours the sun.
Storm and sky gods are also often interacting with, killing, and being eaten by snakes, which is less relevant here except that Nami is storm god coded and she also got ate in the Nola Incident. So that’s fun!
Having a chariot that circumnavigates the world
Many sun gods, especially in the Indo-European sphere of traditions, have some sort of chariot or boat that they ride from east to west each day to carry the sun across the sky. Often they have attendants (sometimes dawn and dusk gods; or sometimes these gods have their own chariots or horses as well) to help them with this.
If you want a list of sun vehicles the wikipedia page for solar deities has a whole bunch of them. Have fun.
I think Thousand Sunny speaks for herself on this front: not only is Sunny a ship designed, destined, and dreamed up to herself circumnavigate the world with Luffy as her captain, but she also has the Sun on the front as her figurehead in a manner that does kinda remind me of some depictions I’ve seen of the sun being carried across the sky in such a chariot. Also, she can fly!
Association with royalty
Kings and emperors love to use sun gods to give divine legitimacy to their rule. This is in no way universal (there’s lots of storm gods out there who also do this, just off the top of my head) but take Amaterasu (Shinto), Inti (Incan), Amun-Ra (also Aten) (Egyptian), Sol Invictus (Roman), etc.
Obviously Luffy is going to be King, and is currently an Emperor. But also, he tends to go around and toppling kings and gods and tyrants and vaguely lending legitimacy to whoever is stepping up to the throne in their place. He’s got the Mandate of Heaven (this is a joke mostly but we HAVE all read Loguetown)! And also distributes it to people he likes. Thanks Luffy.
Solar discs, radiate crowns, and beetles
A solar disc is a flat circle, sometimes with rays, that symbolically represents the sun or the sun personified. If you have read pt 2 of this series, you will recognize the Nika symbol in this description.
In the same vein, when applied to a personified depiction of the sun, the solar disc has the habit of becoming a halo or a radiate crown (such as the one worn by the Statue of Liberty - the radiate crown used to be an emperors and sun gods thing and has since become associated with personifications of liberty. So That’s Fun). Obviously Luffy is not in the habit of having either of these representationally, except of course for. The hat that encircles his head in gold.
The final note on symbology I have here is that the Egyptian god of the morning sun, Khepri, is associated with scarabs/dung beetles. A fact that I think known beetle-lover Luffy would appreciate. Get this guy some scarab symbolism stat. Check these bugs out!!!
Bonus: descending into the underworld and eclipse stories
Katabasis, that is, a descent into the underworld, is in no way a sun god exclusive, although solar myths do often involve the sun god, having traveled across the sky by day, needing to find their way through the ocean, the underworld, or some other sort of nether realm to return, overnight, to their morning home in the east. And it’s very fun to look at in the context of Luffy, eclipse myths, and the Marineford saga.
So obviously the Impel Down arc is is a very literal katabasis. It’s Hell, it’s got all the Dante’s Inferno theming, and, like in so many katabases, Luffy descends to the depths in pursuit of some goal, eventually emerging miraculously alive but unsuccessful (see, for a very quick shortlist of katabases of this type, Orpheus & Eurydice, Inanna, and Izanagi & Izanami).
So that’s delightful. But I think it’s even more fun to think about the Marineford saga in general, eventually culminating in the timeskip, as a prototype for an eclipse story.
Solar eclipses, though predictable, are something like a rarer and more frightening form of night, and so their associated myths have a general tendency to involve a more dramatic and/or violent symbolic death of the sun- see, for example, the various devourers of the sun mentioned in the first bullet point of this post.
So, we have the timeskip. The fire goes out. The sun, having descended into the underworld and pushed himself past his own limits, is defeated, disappearing completely from the world for two years. Until- In a way that was, technically, predictable, if you had the correct sphere of knowledge, he returns, miraculously renewed.
I’d incorporate that into my belief system, is all I’m saying.
Thank you all for reading! This is all for the series so far, but not, I hope, forever. Many more thoughts to have and webs to weave!
Have a lovely week!
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99corentine · 4 months
Afterword: Will there be a sequel to GHD?
After almost four years, GOL HAH DOV is finally a finished project. 50 chapters, just shy of 375K words (about 4-5 full novels’ worth of writing) and I don’t want to know how many hours of furiously typing, here we are at the finish line. As we started getting near the end a few people asked whether I was going to write a sequel, but the answer was too complex to put in an author’s note, so I thought I’d discuss it in more detail here.
Unfortunately, the short version of this is probably not, but let me explain why.
So, there are many things that could go in a sequel. Off the top of my head, I’ve yet to write about: the events of the Dawnguard DLC. The truth about Chrysanthe’s past. How they contend with Hermaeus Mora, who is still gunning for them. How the civil war unfolds when the First Dragonborn looks at both the Empire and Stormcloaks and says ‘nah, I’ll make my own faction’. How the Thalmor react to this. Miraak’s rise to power when he’s not allowed to use his mind control powers, and Chrysanthe’s general struggle to keep Miraak on a morally good path.
All of this could definitely make for another longfic but what I don’t have is any sort of romantic development. The trouble with writing a soulmates fic is that once the couple have overcome their personal issues, there’s very little further tension. Chrysanthe and Miraak actually got together very early in the fic (about chapter 12 out of 50) and the rest has been about them learning each other, becoming more intertwined… but I’m not really sure how they can get more intertwined, after the events of GHD. There are many external points of tension (politics, Thalmor, daedra) but there’s nothing internal - only Miraak’s dubious morality, but we already know that he’ll change his course for Chrysanthe, so what else is there to add?
Essentially, I can’t see how to further develop the relationship, and to me the romantic tension is what makes a fic worth writing. Without it, I just know that even if I started a GHD sequel, I wouldn’t have the enthusiasm to see it through to the end. Now that may change, and I might think of something new… but for the time being, I’m going to put GHD down and focus on other things.
Those other things are: 1) The Tav/Astarion Baldur’s Gate 3 longfic I’ve started, Tooth for a Tooth, which has all my attention at the minute. It’s darker than GHD but the protagonist has the same steely-stoic paladin vibe, so if you liked Chrysanthe you might like him too 2) A while ago I posted a fic idea in which the Last Dragonborn (Chrysanthe, or a totally new character) ends up in the past with pre-Apocrypha Miraak. Again this is a longfic that I’m not sure I really have the spoons for, but I’d say I’m more likely to write this than a GHD sequel 3) Various other bits and pieces, unfinished oldfics, etc.
I know that might be disappointing for some to read, but I hope my reasons make sense at least! And I hope that you still enjoy GOL HAH DOV as its own piece of work, and come back to read anything else that I might write in the future. Thank you again for coming on this Skyrim adventure with me!
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avalentina · 5 months
My newest fic, this one will most likely end up being published as a series. For now it is in my Harry Styles page on my Masterlist. I'm not sure how long it will be, and I'm still working on the story itself so it might be a bit before I post more, but the poll showed that about 2/3 of you wanted it now. So without further ado ...
Word count: 4,074
Warnings: bits of anxiety, depression, feeling overwhelmed; Robin Twist's death, grief; unnamed douchebags who want you for your money and title
Noble!Harry (Peerage!Harry) x Princess!Y/N
Note: This story features certain words in multiple languages mainly traditional Chinese, but I have put the English word or phrase in parentheses directly after the translated word or phrase.
Ex: Mǔqīn (Mother)
The Princess's Lover
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Zero: Enchanted Love
(any and all pictures are not mine, all I do is collage them, pictures of Harry are a reference for his appearance during the specific moment, all other pictures are only for the purpose of an outfit/hairstyle/accessory, Y/N can look however you would like her to)
I remember the day as though it was just yesterday. Hard to believe it was closer to five years ago now.
I was at yet another ball, sometimes it feels like my parents, the King and Queen of MiraZhou, host one every week. I'm 19 year old Princess Y/N, the only girl to graduate from my private high school without ever being kissed. I've had a few offers for courtship, none of which I've accepted, all of them just a family's desperate attempt to increase their wealth, status, and favor in the eyes of my parents. I'm being the perfect princess, as I usually tend to be. I've never found anything I wanted to rebel for, I mean I’ve always wondered what it would be like to have more choice in my life, but I guess you could say I'm terrified to actually find out what that would really entail.
This ball tonight was a masquerade, not that it actually made a difference in my case, seeing as I’m stuck wearing a tiara. The one I'm wearing may be my second favorite tiara, and my favorite formal tiara, but it does a wonderful job at making it known exactly who I am. For that reason, I've actually been trying to avoid talking to anyone at tonight’s ball.
It’s not until I’m summoned to my parents’ side for the formal ‘thank you for hosting’ part of the night that my care for this particular event heightens. My family knows everyone in our court based on their voices alone. As a family of four gets to the front of the line. I recognize the voices as Duke Desmond, Duchess Anne, and Lady Gemma of Duchy Holmeshire, but it’s their son that I can’t say I’m familiar with. As they make their approach, I catch eyes with him, the soft green of them is mesmerizing, I feel as though I could get lost in them and just be happy.
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“And I see Lord Harry has returned from University, Cambridge in England correct?” My father asks Lord Harry directly.
“Yes, your majesty, uh sir.” Lord Harry replies, fumbling his words slightly probably to do with being away for so long, but he has an english accent that he must’ve developed during his time abroad, and it definitely suits him well.
“It’s good to have you back in MiraZhou Lord Harry.” My mother says, offering him a gracious smile. “I don’t believe you’ve formally met Princess Y/N?” she adds.
“I have not, It’s a pleasure to formally meet you, your highness.” Harry says to me as we make eye contact again and he does another short bow.
I can’t help the wide smile that appears on my face as I return the introduction. “Likewise Lord Harry,” I say and offer him my hand to kiss. A gesture I don’t give out lightly, and you can tell that by the tiny gasp that slips out of my mother’s mouth before she stifles it, and the way Duchess Anne’s smile grows a tad bit wider.
As the Styles family of Holmeshire takes their leave so the next group of nobles can greet us, Harry and I caught eyes one more time and I mouthed silently ‘bye’ with yet another wide smile.
After the “thank you’s” were over, my mother and father turned to each other. I heard my mother tell my father, “I’ll invite them to the palace for dinner one day next week.” I smiled to myself and excused myself for a brief restroom break, that I spent staring at where Harry had kissed my hand, remembering the softness of his lips, and how I really hope he didn’t have any other potential matches. Harry and I didn’t get another chance to talk that night, but we always seemed to be catching each other’s eyes, even from across the large ballroom.
“Y/N, darling, the Duke and Duchess of Holmeshire will be joining us for dinner tomorrow night.” My mother said at breakfast that following Tuesday morning. My attention perked up at that.
“Are Lady Gemma and Lord Harry joining them?” I asked, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.
“Not this time, but they both will be joining their parents here for dinner on Thursday night.” She said with a smile that I returned. “I don’t want you to get your hopes up about a courtship dear. Tomorrow night will allow your father and I to find out about Lord Harry’s current status, and any potential matches he may already have.”
“I know Mǔqīn (Mother), thank you, and I apologize for my obvious reaction, I’ll work on those some more.” I say, apologizing.
“Xiǎo jiāhuo (little one), we're happy you're actually excited about a possible courtship. I saw the way you lit up that night, it reminded me of how happy the first few conversations I had with your mother made me. Which is why you, Lizabeth, and Helena will be having dinner in the slumber party suite you used to enjoy. That way we can shield you from whatever potential hurt there may possibly be.” Father adds to mother's comment.
“And darling, your expressions are wonderful, a princess should not be void of emotion, nor always show indifference, your emotion shows your honesty in that feeling and that is what makes you an amazing princess. Your manners and etiquette are exactly where they should be. True feeling is just as important as manners and etiquette. Now run along, you have classes to get to.” Mother finishes out our conversation. I love attending University, it's the only time I'm allowed to wear jogger pants and hoodies in public. With no makeup or tiara or heeled shoes. I am intentionally supposed to look unimportant, because it does help me blend in a little bit more and instead of eight guards I only have three, all dressed down to appear as students as well.
My midnight violet Lamborghini centenario topless with ‘gongzhu (princess)’ as the license plate is the closest resemblance to royalty I get. After my classes for the day are done, Creyton, who is my lead guard, and I head to my favorite nearby pizza truck for a slice each before we return to the palace. Our usual nearby chess table is taken today and when I look again, it's none other than Lord Harry and a friend of his playing while enjoying a slice as well.
I elect to take the table next to them which happens to be open. As Creyton and I begin our setup and start talking, Harry turns to me, having probably recognized my voice.
“Your highness, what brings you out into the city today?” He asks quietly, careful to avoid drawing attention to me. He turns to Creyton and offers a handshake.
“I attend university in the city, so classes, but my lead guard, Creyton here, and I usually stop for a slice or two and a few plays on a chessboard before heading back.” I say with a small smile.
“We really should be going Y/N.” Creyton comments, now that I've been ‘recognized’ we have to head straight back or risk breaking protocol, and I like having Creyton around too much to let him get fired for something as simple as a protocol violation.
“I'll see you at dinner on Thursday night H.” I say to him, not wanting to compromise his lunch either. With that I head back to my car. Creyton follows me closely and we met up with the other two members of my security team. They share a very brief ten to fifteen second report before we get into the cars and head back to the palace.
“Princess, you know you're not supposed to talk to anyone besides me during that time, and you're definitely not allowed to advertise my name and who I am.” Creyton says to me during the quiet drive back to the palace.
“I know, I'm sorry Creyton, I wasn't expecting Lord Harry to be there, let alone at our usual table. It won't happen again, and I fully understand any repercussions that arise.
Lizabeth and Helena were not the best of distraction that night. Especially considering all they talked about was Lord Harry's return from England, and how attractive he is.
“Ladies, please, his parents are downstairs having dinner with my parents.” I say aloud and both girls turn to me.
“He's here? Lord Harry is here? Y/N please you have to introduce us.” Lizabeth practically begs.
“He, is not here, just his parents, and I will consider introducing you after they find out if he's available for a match. And if he is, I've pretty much already got dibs, I hope. Did you two miss the candids of him kissing my hand and the wide, stupid smile on my face.”
“Oh my God, Y/N has a crush! It's about time.” Lizabeth squeals.
“And on that note, we promise to back off, but if he has any extremely attractive friends please promise to introduce us.” Helena states and I smile.
“I know he has at least one semi-attractive friend. But he definitely wasn't from here. His accent sounded way too Irish.” I said and they both just looked at me. “I’ll look into it, I promise, just not right now.” They both grumbled a bit, but agreed.
It was late Thursday morning when my mother and father both entered the study I use for my schoolwork. I have three different 20 page essays due next week so I decided to have one of the kitchen staff bring breakfast to my study. I just finished finalizing and submitting one, and was polishing the second when they knocked. I closed my laptop so I wouldn’t be distracted by my essay while they told me whatever it is they have to say.
“Look at you, working hard on your economics degree.” Father said, smiling proudly.
“But that’s not why we’re here Damien.” Mother interrupts before he can continue on that line of topic further. “We’re here because we thought you might want to know more about Lord Harry Styles before dinner tonight.” She continued.
“He is not currently courting anyone, and Duchess Anne mentioned that he asked her to help him get up to speed on where you’re at and what has been keeping you occupied lately.” Father said and I legit squealed. It felt like hundreds of thousands of butterflies were dancing in my stomach. “We figured that would be your reaction and wanted to make sure you had ample time to put your finest princess foot forward for dinner tonight. We’ve arranged a walk through the rose garden for the two of you before dinner starts. Lord Harry will be here at four, and dinner is at six.” He finished saying.
“So in girl terms, you might want to start getting ready now.” Mother added with a smile and I quickly excused myself and hugged them both before taking off towards my rooms at nearly a full sprint.
“Mel, Marie, Helga!” I hollered into the staff door from my entry room. Mel and Marie are my new ladies maids and Helga is assisting them in learning everything before she officially retires next month. The girls tie half of my hair up into a braid and a bun, and then curl the remaining pieces, I have a simple gold and diamond tiara, gold gladiator flats, and a one shoulder golden gown. I ended up on the gold because i knew it would reflect in the sun during our walk, and it’s also a color I’ve always loved wearing. Plus it’s proven to be a confidence booster, and I have a feeling i’m going to be in need of a lot of that tonight. Other than my title, I have no idea what I have going for me in regards to why I’d make a good match. Though I’d rather he like Y/N, rather than just Princess Y/N. I needed to be radiant tonight, for myself, although, who wouldn’t want to look golden?
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At exactly 3:56 pm I make my way towards the main palace entrance, it’s a solid five minute walk from my rooms, and it usually takes guests anywhere between fifty and seventy-five seconds to go from the drive, up the stairs, and finally step inside the doors. Which means that if I timed this correctly he should be just stepping inside the doors as I step off the last step to get to the entry foyer.
I maintain my normal pace and arrive to the front entry in exactly five minutes. However when I get there, Harry is already waiting for me in a mostly black suit, a bit of gold on the shirt, and a black suede hat.
“My apologies Lord Harry, it took a bit longer to get ready than I had anticipated.” I said to him as soon as I had made my approach.
“Well, it was well worth the minute long wait, you look radiant your highness.” He says back with a bow. “Shall we?” He suggests and holds his arm out for me to take.
“You’ll have 12 feet of privacy.” My mother informs us as I take his arm and we depart. I wave a small goodbye to my mother and father before turning all of my focus onto my walk with Harry.
“You’re going to have to guide me, I’m afraid I have absolutely no idea where we’re supposed to be going.” He says with a small chuckle.
“I suppose, though getting lost does sometimes lead to finding something unique, fascinating, and totally unexpected. A left at the spiral hedge just up ahead.” I say.
“That’s true, it’s an adventure, that much is for sure.” He replies with a smile.
We walk in silence for a minute or so as we enter the rose garden. He pauses just before the first fountain.
“Why me?” He asks a few seconds after we stopped. He’s staring into my eyes and I can’t help but stare back. “My mum told me that you have a habit of turning down courtships, and being very selective about who you let kiss your hand, so why let me? I mean you could have your choice of princes from distant lands, lords with so much more wealth, and fame than myself, the male heirs of duchies that make mine look infintesimal.”
“I hope this isn’t awkward of me to say but to be honest, the first time we caught each other’s eyes, I felt like I could be lost in the soft green of them for eons and be happy for each second of that time. That’s not a feeling i’ve ever had before.” I say, he smiles and the way it lights up his entire being is pure magic. I can’t help but smile too. “It’s actually why I wore gold today, I knew I would struggle to say what I wanted to…”
“And you needed the confidence boost?” He finished my exact thought. I nodded and he smiled again. “Me too, I knew I would need it to even manage to say a word to you.” He continued as we started walking again. “I can't help but feel leagues below you.”
The conversation flowed so easily from there, it was one of the easiest conversations I've ever had. We talked about university, our degrees, our families, our childhoods, my dogs, our favorite books, movies, shows, anything and everything. As we approached the entrance again he paused one more time.
“I’d like to have another outing with you soon, and I also want to aopolgize for making you violate protocol in the park the other day.” He says to me, and I have never met someone who means everything so genuinely, who is so kind hearted, and it just feels almost right to be around him.
“I’d like that as well, and as far as the other day is concerned, that is my fault, I know not to engage with the public while undercover like that, I couldn’t stop myself though, because it was you and I wanted to have a conversation with you.” I say back, desperately hoping it’s not too much.
“May I?” he asks and begins to reach for my hand. I gladly let him take it and press his soft lips to it once again. I feel the blush rising in my cheeks, and I smile as he offers me his arm once again. We make our return in silence, just sharing smiles with each other.
Harry and I had about two outings each week for the next couple of months, but he still hadn’t asked for permission to court me. It was beginning to stress me out to the point where my parents took us down to one outing every other week. We would text in between, but I was still terrified that he would never ask me, that he didn’t see in me what I saw in him. The every other week outings turned into two outings over a three month period, the texts had stopped, and I was afraid that I was going to have to accept a courtship out of obligation rather than want. It might sound weird, but after almost seven months of knowing Lord Harry Styles, I was in love with him. I was in love with someone who didn’t even want to court me.
The Styles family joined us for dinner on a Monday night, and I was to tell Harry that a courtship was no longer an option, I was to be courting another Lord within the week. I was at least happy my parents agreed to let me tell him privately with a chaperone just twenty feet away.
When they arrived that night, something felt different between all of them, something had happened to them. I was dressed in a ruby red and gold Qipao with a gold plated ruby and diamond tiara, my hair was pulled back into a woven ponytail style with curls for volume. Harry was in all black except for his shoes which were a camel color, and his long hair was also pulled back. It was the first time I had seen it that way, and it was definitely doing something for me, no matter how much I wished it hadn’t. When he finally removed his sunglasses for dinner, I had initially wondered why he was wearing them in the first place, but I saw firsthand why, when he politely removed them before dinner. His normally bright, soft green eyes were slightly puffy, he had definitely been crying.
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Dinner was terribly quiet, no one felt like talking, Harry seemed to be trying to avoid eye contact with me and it felt like everything was seriously ending. I excused myself for a few moments which I used to try and compose myself, what I was about to do was beginning to feel overwhelming and almost painful. As I went to make my return, Harry was already waiting for me in the rose parlor as my family called it. It looked out to the rose garden and the vases were filled with roses of all colors.
“Harry? Did something happen? Your entire family was quiet during dinner, it worries me.” I asked him quietly.
“Yes, I’m not sure how much you actually know, but my parents aren’t actually together. My mum maintained her title when they split just because of how loved she was by the people of Holmeshire, your parents actually had to approve it. I was only seven when they split, and have maintained a relationship with both of them, my mother moreso though. She has had two relationships since, one which none of us speak to anymore, and the other, Robin, he passed from cancer a little over three months ago. It was getting progressively worse and I just knew I needed to be there for my mum, which is why I stopped texting you, and why it was hard to find time to see you. You have to believe me when I say I wanted to see you, Robin was a good man, he made sure I had good values, and taught me that it’s actually ok for a man to cry.” Harry explains to me, I just sit and listen quietly, knowing he just needs to get all of this out. “My mum has been trying to slowly reconnect herself back to my father over the past six weeks and while it is definitely an adjustment for all of us, I want to start doing things for myself again, rather than just doing things for my family, I want to get back to spending more time with you.” He finishes speaking, and the tears I have been trying to force down, overflow.
“Harry, we can’t, my parents are expecting me to start pursuing other potential matches at tomorrow night’s ball. I’m supposed to tell you that,” I cry while trying to explain it all to him. Harry being the gentle and beautiful soul he is, uses his thumbs to wipe away my tears. I take a few deep breaths before continuing, “Harry I’m to tell you that courtship is no longer an option for us, I’m meant to tell you goodbye, and it breaks my heart to say that to you. I… I need to go.” I say and attempt to rush out but Harry stops me with one word, “wait.”
“Y/N it’s not tomorrow yet, let me try one thing.” He says and steps closer to me.
“Harry, we shouldn’t, I can’t, you can’t do anything Harry, our chaperone is right there, just twenty feet away, and my father…”
“Relax, I’m not going to do anything like that, I want to ask for permission to court you in front of everyone, tonight.” He says with a smile.
“I suppose it’s worth a try, I don’t want to say goodbye to you Har.” I say softly.
“Then it’s settled, and we’re doing this now.” He offers me his arm and I take it, hoping it won’t be the last time.
When we get back to the dinner parlor where everyone else is, still sitting in silence. Harry grabs their attention immediately.
“Excuse me your majesties, Princess Y/N has just informed me of everything, and it upsets me greatly, especially because with my family’s recent loss of Robin, I needed to take time to put them first, and put their well being above my own, even though I would have much rather been spending that time with her highness. Which is why since it’s not tomorrow yet, I’d like to ask you for your formal permission to begin a courtship with her highness Princess Y/N.” Harry announces.
“I suppose you are correct Lord Harry, it is not tomorrow yet, and I suppose…” my father begins, turning to look at my mother, who nods at him, before continuing. “I suppose that my wife and I can excuse your recent absence and forgive you for upsetting our daughter.” he wraps up.
“And as long as it’s what the Princess wants…” My mother picks up and looks at me, I nod eagerly, a wide, bright smile returning to my face for the first time in months.
“It is, it’s everything I want.” I say happily.
“Then you have our permission, and our blessing to court Princess Y/N.” My father announces. I’m just so happy that I was wrong about Harry not wanting me, I hug him. He’s surprised at first, but hugs me back almost immediately. It’s the best feeling in the entire world, to be in his strong arms, I'm impossibly happy.
“Okay, that’s long enough.” My mother says as my father wraps an arm around her waist.
“Sorry mother,” I say, breaking apart from Harry. He takes my hand and kisses the back of it though.
The conversation for the night livens up after that. Harry and I are allowed to sit next to each other on one of the couches. We’re holding both of each other’s hands and whispering to each other for the entire rest of the hour. Just before we go our separate ways for the night he whispers the best phrase in the entire world to me.
He simply says, “I love you,” squeezes my hands again, kisses them both, and heads towards the Velychnyy (Majestic) Suite.
Hope you enjoyed!
As a quick reminder as of 1/17/24, I'm still working on this story, I don't want to post any of it until I'm finished writing it (mostly potential format changes) so please be patient with me and let me know if you'd like to be tagged in future The Princess's Lover (TPL) posts by commenting below!
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blusical · 10 months
The sexualization of hockey players is too normalized.
(TW: Sexual harassment, stalking, victim blaming(?). Reader discretion advised) (Notes: No DNI on this post since I want this to be an open discussion, just don't be an asshole and keep it SFW). To clear any potential confusion, I wanna add some disclaimers. 1. No, this isn't about real person fiction as a whole. The concept of RPF is a more complicated subject that crosses fanfic discourse territory, and that kind of discourse is not something I want to promote on this blog for my own comfort. 2. For the record, there is nothing wrong with having a crush on a player, or finding a player hot or cute. However, trying to sexually harass them is when it becomes a problem. 3. Yes, this is about the Alex Wennberg situation. TL;DR: We as hockey fans need to be more fucking respectful of a hockey player's boundaries and privacy. Again, having a crush on them or fantasizing about them isn't a bad thing, but going to their social media and saying such things crosses the line.
I think we can all safely say that we've all had our moments where we developed a crush on a hockey player. I think we can say that we've all had our moments where we had *certain* fantasies about them too. However, I think we all need to learn that there are times where it can go too far. And that is exactly what's going on with Alex Wennberg. Who's Alex Wennberg and what's going on? Alex Wennberg is an NHL player currently playing for the Seattle Kraken. Recently, his wife has spoken out against some sexual harassment that has been occurring against him, particularly in the form of writing. (Warning: NSFW comment in one screenshot)
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However, this ultimately only led to further harassment against not only Alex, but his wife as well.
This ultimately led to Felicia and Alex making further statements shown below. (I've had to take multiple screencaps of the statements since they get pretty long). Felicia's statement:
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Alex's statement:
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This has been a problem for a while. Unfortunately, this isn't new. You might have seen this video featuring Connor Bedard, who was seventeen at the time. Tbh, this isn't sexualization per se, but it's still very uncomfortable and still an example of how obsessive hockey fans can be. In the video, Connor Bedard is signing jerseys, and a mother and a daughter come up to him, with the daughter asking Bedard to be her valentine, with the mom demanding that Bedard says yes. Bedard does eventually budge and say yes. Though while it might be easily brushed off as a "haha fans having fun" thing, keep in mind that Bedard was only 17 at the time. I have no idea how old the daughter was, but either way.
And it's not just limited to that. It's not uncommon to see really cursed signs. Including *this* one.
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There's also something about Tyler Seguin's wife stalking Seguin as well, however I have no clue on the validity of that claim since most sources have been gossip blogs. However, that's not to say that there isn't some creepy stuff towards Seguin either, and the screenshots I've seen are definitely real.
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(And no, I'm not posting the one with his address). The Double Standard when it comes to harassment towards players. Until now, this issue wasn't being talked about, let alone called out. However, I believe the reason for that being is a double standard. If the players were female, there would be a lot of discussion around it. The fans that were harassing the players, especially the male fans, would get shunned easily, and would probably be driven off the site. And of course, if the roles were reversed, the players would be called out for sexually harassing the fans as well. So... why is it any different when a male player gets sexually harassed? The answer is simple: It isn't. It's still harassment, regardless of gender. And I think we as hockey fans need to understand that. And I am absolutely astonished that this kind of behavior is normalized and even *encouraged*. Learning when the line is crossed. Again, I get it. We've all had a crush on a player. We've all had fantasies about a player. For example, I've felt similar about multiple players. There are some I do find cute, and I do fantasize about being with them. However, does this mean I'm going to go onto their Twitter or Instagram page and share those fantasies? Absolutely not. This is where the line is. They don't need to know what I think about them outside of how good they played, and they certainly don't need to know about what you think of them outside of how good they played either. It becomes a problem when you go towards that player's social media and comment those things on said social media page, or if you tag the player you're talking about. After that, it's not really a healthy obsession or a healthy crush anymore. It's straight up harassment. And of course, you can write and read fanfic about them all you want. Hell, I'll admit I've read some hockey RPF of my own. However, if you're going to post fanfiction about a player, don't tag the player in question, especially if the fanfic is NSFW. And especially don't fucking send it to them either. After that, the "fiction" in RPF is less fiction and, you guessed it, just straight-up harassment. Fiction is supposed to be just that: Fiction. Final Thoughts. I think we, as hockey fans, need to do better when it comes to how we treat hockey players and athletes overall. Not just in this particular context, but in general. The truth is, hockey players aren't just fictional characters or mythical beings or toys that we get to play with. They're living people. They're living, breathing people. They still have boundaries and they still deserve privacy, and that needs to be respected. (And sidenote: If I see anyone say that "being a celebrity means giving up privacy" or anything among those lines, I'm blocking you). Lastly, I'm thankful that Felicia and Alex Wennberg spoke out about this, even though they honestly didn't have to (and in fact they really shouldn't have to even reach that level, but alas..). And I honestly hope this creates conversation and helps hockey fans reevaluate what they say online. And, to Hockeytok and Booktok in particular, if you're reading this right now, I only have one thing to say: Do better.
(Tags are for reach and filter purposes) Edit: One more thing. if you genuinely think Alex and Felicia are at fault for the harassment they're getting, please block me.
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kalena-henden · 2 months
Lee Je Hoon's Chief Detective 1958 starts today. Can't wait to watch! I enjoyed him in Taxi Driver and really want to watch through his filmography eventually.
Lovely Runner is knocking my socks off! Byeon Wook Seok and Kim Hye Yoon are killing both the comedy and the drama. Wook Seok is the cutest loser in love! The mystery and unexpected twists are fun and interesting. I hope this quality storytelling continues. I'm on the edge of my seat.
I only have 3 episodes left of Love Me Love My Voice which has been wonderful and heartwarming. I love the main romance but the friendships and secondary romances have been given ample time to shine as well. I'm always here a good found family. I really like how the dramatic readings and song perfomances have been carefully woven into the story to further the character development. Definitely recommend.
Now we come to our debrief on The Smile Has Left Your Eyes. Whoa, what a rollercoaster. The first half was interesting with many characters' selfish and dark intentions mixed with a little mystery were set up in contrast to our optimistic, self-sacrificing female lead. However, the second half drowned in major events happening and then being dismissed as if they never happened, multiple secret keepers refusing to tell the secret multiple times an episodes even when asked point blank when the answers could stop so many bad things from happening, and the existential dread I felt about what the big reveal was going to be only for it to completely dismissed. (FYI I found out what I thought was going to be the big reveal IS the actual reveal in the darker Japanese version it's based on.) After episode 14, I wasn't sure I could continue watching the show. But after a night of uneasy sleep, I decided to finish it the next morning on double speed to get through it. I did watch the last 10 minutes at regular speed. While there were some well done things about their relationship in the second half, it couldn't save the show for me even though I went in knowing this was not an HEA. Overall, I was just left feeling angry and exhausted. As a Seo In Guk fan, this was a show I had long wanted to see, just to find out what my opinion on it would be. I'm sad that the SIG fanmeet has been post-poned, hopefully I will be able to make the next date. But this means I feel okay to stop my SIG show binging so I will not be watching Hello Monster anytime soon. I'm actually impressed with how much of SIG's filmography I've already seen (7 shows as a ML, 4 shows as a cameo, and 1 movie). I'm pretty sure it's more than I've seen any other kdrama actor or actress.
After a bad experience at the new dentist yesterday, where the hygienist manhandled my teeth and they tried to upsell me on services, I was in need of a comfort rewatch. I've been thinking alot about Lee Jun Young lately and decided to break out the first thing I ever saw him in, Imitation. I was only going to watch a few favorite parts from an episode or two and ended up binging my favorite parts of most of the series. lol I really hope his upcoming Cinderella romcom with Pyo Ye Jin is going to be good.
I slowly picked Vigilante back up again this week and was excited to see Lee Joon Hyuk's character finally emerge to add a boost of energy and chaos to the story.
Now that I've got some time and the second half of the series has finally dropped, I will continue watching Chae Jong Hyeop's Eye Love You.
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mrprince3 · 2 years
Why SaNami Over LuNami
Let me first start by saying I'm not here to offend the contrary. My goal is not to prove why SaNami is better than LuNami but simply show why I think SaNami is a good ship. Also, similar assessment has probably been done before so I might be repeating what other people have said without knowing so just know that. I've read a lot of posts from LuNami supporters and their evidence as to why they think it's a good ship and to be frank, I'm quite surprised because they had a lot of 'evidence' but not really at the same time but that just what I think you don’t need to take it for granted. Once again, this is my personal opinion. I'm not here to do anything negative of any sort, I'm simply just sharing my thoughts. Without further ado let's begin.
1. Nami is Sanji’s number one + More
Yes, wow! Amazing right? I know I know. Okay, if you're the person who is going to disagree with me now and say "But Pudding loves Sanji so they should be together." Then, you either hate Sanji or you like Sanji and you just want him to be with a person that actually loves him. Which I wholeheartedly understand but as a person who likes Sanji very much I think Pudding doesn't deserve Sanji. I'm not gonna explain why as I already did in my previous post so read that if you want to know. Nonetheless, I do want to point at one thing about Pudding that I haven't noticed in my post regarding her. Big Mom said that Pudding will have an awakening that'll allow them to decipher the poneglyphs. I think she was referring to the special ability of the 3-eyed tribe. Big Mom may have been defeated but she is definitely not dead because Zeus didn't disappear and she said it herself that it wasn't enough to kill her. So perhaps we will see Pudding again and if Oda ever tries to add more on her redemption maybe just maybe I could accept her and even be willing to say that she deserves Sanji depending on how significant her redemption is. Viola is another contender that I see, as of now I’d rather have Viola instead of Pudding, because both Sanji and Viola shared mutua romantic interest. However, the problem lies in developing their relationship and the two just weren't given the time to do so. Even if they are both in love, Sanji is gone. Unlike Pudding, the chances of Sanji seeing Viola again is very low because she has no other roles to play except for her role as a princess of Dressrosa. My point being that Sanji will just become more attached to Nami or have more interactions with Nami which may or may not further advance their relationship. Now let's start talking about Sanji. Some LuNami fans disagree with SaNami because of the fact that Sanji loves all the ladies in the world. So he automatically doesn't have the sense of commitment which I think is false. He was committed to the marriage with Pudding and was ready to give up his adventures with his crew and dreams if it meant saving their lives including his father figure Zeff. I mean he was so committed that he didn't have his usual reaction (heart eyes) when seeing Nami enter a whole yonko territory to save him. Sanji's kindness and bias towards women probably won't change but I think Sanji is definitely capable of commitment. You can’t hate Sanji for liking other girls because he isn’t into a relationship with anyone. It's all a gag that I personally find funny but preferred to be lowered down. Oda has undoubtedly made Sanji more perverted than he ever was post time skip and it's hurting his character. I do think after Wano things will become much better for Sanji and I do hope he doesn’t encounter female opponents. I do think Nami is conscious of Sanji's affection towards her so he does take advantage of that sometimes but I really don't mind and Sanji enjoys it so who cares. Nami also cares a lot about Sanji (She wanted to get Sanji back as soon as possible Zou and WCI highlights). Despite saying “I’ll never forgive you” to Sanji in WCI, she was overjoyed when Sanji caught her, preventing her from falling to the ground.
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Part of me thinks she's just playing hard to get or even acting like a tsundere sometimes but I'm probably wrong. I mean who wouldn't fall in love with such a dependable and smart man? The only thing that's ruining Sanji’s chances is his lack of commitment and out of control perverted behaviors which annoys Nami often. Sanji's post time skip has undeniably become worse in regards with his pervertedness towards pretty ladies. But out of all the female characters in One Piece Sanji had most of his interactions with Nami. They had several moments with each other which just forced the belief on me that being them being together in the end. Oda could've simply not have included those moments but he did like the wedding theme exclusively for Nami and Sanji the groom and the bride. I don't know why but their relationship reminds me of Usui and Misaki from Maid-Sama if you know you know😉. If you don't know, I'd recommend watching it. Misaki's confession is how I would imagine Nami confessing to Sanji though the chances of this happening is probably close to zero. The difference is that Usui is an actual giga chad and is only dedicated towards one girl. I think Sanji and Nami just need a scenario where they can better understand and develop their feelings towards one another. Though the chances of this is very low due to it being a battle shounen it's still possible. Since Sanji has been with Nami all this time and has had some sole moments with her I do think that she's more special compared to other girls given that she's the only girl Sanji calls with San suffix and he’s the only guy Nami calls with Kun suffix. Which could just refer to respect but then again at the end of the day I find it cute because it's what a couple would do. Towards the recent chapters it was shown that Sanji actually lost control of himself and even gave Zoro a heads up to kill him if he ever goes berserk. 
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 Maybe at one point Sanji will be forced into transforming into a monster to save his friends, probably more towards Nami and Robin. His emotions of course are what will cause this transformation. He'll unleash the devil that is hiding inside of him to save the person that he cares for the most, Nami (biased). I could really see this happening to Sanji. Sanji transforming into this monster will finally make Nami realize that she isn't just any girl for Sanji and she might be aware of this already but who knows. Nonetheless, perhaps Sanji could lose control like his siblings and have no remorse or the sense of value like he once had. Then, maybe Nami could do something to calm him down which would prove to her that Sanji's love for her is more special than she may have initially thought. This is all speculations and chances of it happening is slim to none. At any rate, Sanji and Nami's relationship is undoubtedly just going to progress. I would also like to mention those people that say “Romance between the crew would destroy the image of friendship that they have going.” I understand what they mean but you have to understand one thing: Sanji has had a different intention towards Nami ever since they met. Yes, they are friends as of now, but them being together wouldn’t destroy anything because Sanji has viewed Nami more than just a friend and in chapter 991 Sanji actually calls her MY nami-san. Perhaps you think oh it’s gonna ruin it because it’s going to be forced since it’s a one sided love. Again, I understand what you mean but them being together has yet to happen and I don’t think Oda would simply make Nami love Sanji romantically for no reason. 
For the second part of this talk I will discuss some of the plausible hints that may or may not prove anything. Though one thing before I do that, I wanna talk about some of the reasoning of LuNami fans and try to interpret it with my own logical reasoning instead of biased reasoning. Please bear me with me. 
1. Nami and Luffy are the only ones wearing crowns on some of the color spreads which apparently shows that they are both King and Queens meaning that they will be together at the end. Now this could be the case, but it could just show that Nami is the heroine of the story, the main girl. Similarly, Luffy is the protagonist and has a crown on him and it would also lead to the idea of his dream being the KING of pirates which is mentioned by him a lot. However, the idea of QUEEN of pirates has never been mentioned of any sort. The closest we got is Boa Hancock being referred to as Pirate Empress. Therefore, calling Nami that is just pure speculation with no relevance to One Piece but I do understand what the LuNami fans mean. 
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2. Nami and Luffy are the only ones that appear to be raising their hand on some of the color spread. Now Luffy is raising his hand because there's  treasure which would mean he'd be able to eat a lot of meat. Similarly, Nami is raising her hand also because there's treasure and as we know Nami loves treasure.
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3. Luffy putting his straw hat on Nami's head. Now I have no idea how this turned into a romantic gesture but I guess there's no point in questioning it. If anything though, Luffy giving his straw hat to Nami shows his trust to her even though she betrayed them which shows that Luffy still considered her as Nakama. Luffy knows his nakama very well and will do anything for them. Sanji literally went on a brutal beatdown on him and he took it without using haki because he understood Sanji’s sacrificial motive. Unlike Nami, who believed Sanji’s act, Luffy knew the truth. Sanji just thought of it as Luffy just being selfish but Luffy knew what Sanji really wanted, which was to be back with them. It’s one of the reasons why Luffy is such a good protagonist his always true to his words. It goes to show the lengths Luffy will go to once he views you as a nakama. Luffy treasures his nakama and puts his hat on Nami and says "Of course I will" after Nami asked for help. My point being, his hat is his treasure and was a way of confirming to Nami that he still viewed him as one of them. This is because Luffy could've just said "You're my friend, of course I'll help you." Instead, he took the hat route as means to say you're my friend and I view you as my Nakama.
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4. LuNami fans like to use movies, especially strong world, for hints. But those movies are not canon...in other words it never happened in the real story. You can call it fanservice if you will. Some argue and say what matters is Oda's intention. I'm just like😂🤷 because sure it was his intention FOR the movie which is not CANON. The hints or moments in the movie are for the movie exclusively. It's like blood type just because we're both humans doesn't mean we have the same blood. We can't use each other's blood if they DIFFER as means for transfusion. (I was not arguing please don't hate me.)
5. LuNami fans also bring up Usopp Gallery where Oda apparently called one of the SaNami fan arts 'stupid' and 'delusional'. All I can say is it's called Usopp Gallery for a reason which means that it's Usopp's commentary not Oda! Even if we say it was Oda's intention it just wouldn't make sense because Oda made those Sanji and Nami moments knowingly that it'll create some sort of ship between the two. So if it was his commentary then it wouldn't make sense because it's like his calling his own creation stupid. Usopp though calling it stupid makes a lot more sense. Also, one of the fan arts indicating SaNami commentary stated "This is Sanji's dream" which would prove SaNami right? Since One piece is all about reaching your dreams. Again, We don’t have a way of confirming it 100% if it was Oda's intention or just Usopps but if you're a SaNami fan don’t take it for granted and let it deviate your initial thoughts.
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6. Portgas D. Rouge, the mother of Ace, apparently looks similar to Nami. We don’t know anything about Rogue history to make comparisons in regards with character. So saying they’re similar is quite invalid. Appearance wise they do not look alike at all: different hair color, eye shape, and eye color. I also don't think she's a navigator or part of Roger's crew because the navy didn't seem to have known her. Luffy and Roger are comparable but not really in terms of character. Roger is more intelligent than Luffy in terms of being captain; he knows what he needs to achieve his goals. Luffy on the other hand, was just lucky enough to stumble upon the right people and had to save them to build trust vice versa. Roger seems to not have a problem killing people as he did for Squard’s crew. Luffy is less proud because he is in fact willing to kneel in exchange for favors and mercy. Whilst, Roger seemed to contain a lot of pride as we can see with Ace. Luffy also has the ability to draw everyone on his side which I doubt Roger had. Luffy and Roger share the same passion of becoming the King of Pirates but they are very much different. As a result, they are not gonna have the same outcomes except of course becoming the king of pirates.
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7. Nami’s punches working on Luffy actually means something other than being a GAG. Garp calls them “Fist of Love '' so LuNami fans think that there's some connection between the two. In reality, unlike Nami, Garp knows Haki so it makes sense that his fist actually hurt Luffy. In an sbs Oda confirmed that it’s not that Nami’s hurting Luffy physically but his spirit.
8. They would also point out Oda’s wife cosplaying Nami and use it as a hint and say Oda thinks of himself as Luffy. However, when asked what he thinks about Luffy Oda said that Luffy is what his “ideal child” would be. Did you know that Oda’s a chainsmoker and a pervert? Well now you do. That reminds me of someone that we One Piece fans know very well…..Ohhhh that’s right, Sanji! My point being, if anything Oda is more of a Sanji than a Luffy. Thus, this hint is logically more favored towards SaNami.
The main reason why I choose SaNami over LuNami is mainly because I don't see Luffy as someone who is interested in romance. I don't think Oda will change Luffy's character and turn him into a character that appeals for romance like Sanji. This could possibly change after he is able to achieve his main objective of becoming the king of pirates like Roger suddenly having a baby. However, for Roger he had a reason why he wanted a kid which was to inherit his will of becoming the next king of pirates. As you can see the Roger pirates were too early. 
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So he made sure to have a kid that could inherit his will which we now know as Ace. Unfortunately, Luffy will be the man Roger is waiting for and become the one that he hoped his child would become. Therefore, Luffy wouldn't really need a child to inherit anything because he already will be the one finishing the mission. Now, Luffy can still definitely have a kid but he is the embodiment of freedom. I'm not sure if Luffy would desire such responsibility. Luffy can also just end up with someone with no child like Rayleigh. Sanji has a sense of commitment as I established earlier; he just needs to be loved back and taken seriously. Despite Sanji being one of the more intelligent straw hats he has yet to discover the WAY to Nami's heart. Nami could personally just ask Sanji to do so and Sanji would probably be able to maintain composure and just love only Nami and still be kind to other girls which is not a problem and Nami actually favours it though not the point of him killing himself because of it. Like how Nami respected his chivalry in Enies Lobby. Personally, I just find SaNami really cute even though it's one-sided as of now. The slow burn romance of two friends slowly becoming true lovers at the end MaMa Ma Ma! that would indeed be sooo satisfying. My headcanon is getting more severe as we speak. If you have read until here you're a legend. T'was mostly nonsense coming from me but thank you for reading have a beautiful day.
Today marks the birthday of Nami-Swaaan July 3rd
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cybergurlz003 · 2 years
Using Pinterest to get the most out of your fashion inspo!
Hi guys! Today I will be explaining how I use Pinterest to better understand my personal style. I used advice given by r/femalefashionadvice to originally develop my board. 
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The first step is to definitely create a board solely dedicated to fashion inspo, or to create a whole new account entirely. This helps keeps things organized and makes your inspo easy to reference when you need it. Creating a new account can be helpful later on so that the posts pinterest recommends you are geared more towards fashion. 
The second step is to break your board down into specific sections. Above is an example of how I have broken my board into sections. They don’t have to be like mine. It should be tailored into how you break outfits down. For example outfits can have a top and bottom piece, so you might make top and bottom sections. But jackets for you might not be in the same section as tank tops for example, so you can make different sections for each. I really hope this is making sense :’)
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The next step is to start saving stuff to your new board. You can use social media to analyze what styles or aesthetics you like seeing people wear, or ask friends about their style or brand of clothes. You can then use those key words to help you search for clothes to go into your board. When I first started my board a year ago, I first searched for cottagecore and streetwear styles. But now my board looks like this! 
Be aware that at first your board will probably not look curated at all. It may be messy, and that’s ok! The more you add to your board, the more it will make sense. 
After you have a sizable amount of pins, you can start to analyze your clothes. Looking at the example of my board above, we can pull a few observations. I seem to save tops that use a soft or stretchy appearing material. Some of these tops also have a v or straight neckline. Some also have a 3D or applique element, like lace, beading, or buttons. See all that we observed already? We can use these observations the next time we go shopping.
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Now, we go shopping. Online works, but I prefer in person so I can try on and consider the clothes I’m purchasing more deeply rather than buying impulsively online. The trick is to buy one or two new pieces, not a whole new wardrobe. This is because a style or trend might be appealing at first, but you may end up not liking it. So buying a limited amount of pieces helps save closet space and is less wasteful. It can also help you integrate your new pieces into your wardrobe and see how it fits in with your other clothes. 
I find it helpful to pull up pinterest after before I put an item in my cart and after I try it on. After I pull an item that I like, I compare it to the section it fits in my board and see what it shares in common with the clothing I often save. If it’s something that doesn’t match, most of the time I will put it back. If I find a piece that shares common details with clothing I often save, I will try on.
After I have found a few pieces I like, I consider three things: if it truly fits with the stuff I have saved on my board, the functionality of the piece, and how it could fit into my wardrobe. If it fits my board, functionality and how it could fit in my wardrobe helps me further consider a piece. Often we save pins that might be influenced by the dream of being a bad bitch, or the people we follow online. But consider, would you actually wear this piece outside your home. For example although I save a fair share of high heels and boots, it wouldn’t make sense for me to have many pairs because I walk a lot at school and can’t wear them to my job. So owning many pairs of heels wouldn’t make much sense. For fitting in the wardrobe, see if you can make 3-5 outfits in your mind if you had a new piece.
That’s all my advice for today! I hope this helps my fellow critically online fashionistas :)))
happy pinning
xxx- ur favorite cybergurl
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denble · 1 month
[ARCHIVED - TLTTNW] Which Gold Saucer date (FFVII OG) is canon?
Of all the optional scenes and choices dialogues, the Gold Saucer date (FFVII OG) is one that get much debated as to which of the four choices is the canon one. Yes, objectively, it's four, not two. Aerith, Tifa, Barret, and Yuffie. And in this post, I'm doing best to find the most plausible answer that question.
1. How to decide which option is canon
Now, when a scene has options, how to concretely decide which of the options is the canon? In my opinion, it's gonna be either or all of the below:
The chosen option itself is later acknowledged in a NON-OPTIONAL scene.
The chosen option is NOTICABLLY LONGER and provide USEFUL information to the plot as a whole
The chosen option is the MOST LIKELY to happen.
And as said in my opening post, I won't count any remarks outside the game itself. Some core personnel could go on an interview and said "this is the canon" and it's still an invalid statement. In case we still haven't noticed, up until the release of Remake trilogy, Square Enix has never made a conscious effort to clear up the Love Triangle Debate. If anything, they are actually encouraging it, keeping it flaming by having contradicting details spread throughout the side materials.
2. Case study: Shadow Hearts and Chrono Cross endings
Shadow Hearts
Let's move a bit from FFVII and turn to Shadow Hearts (if you don't know the game, please just google). Basically at the end of Shadow Hearts, if you go with the flow of the event, Alice will die. If you do a bit of extra fighting, she will live. Both ending gets its own FMV. So far, I would say both endings are canonical. Because while the good ending requires a bit more work, it's reasonable enough, and it still has its own FMV where Alice open her eyes (she lives!).
But then Shadow Hearts II came out, on the premise that Alice died in the previous game. Bam! Now we know of the two endings of Shadow Hearts, which one is canon... And Shadow Hearts II is neither side material nor spin-off game. It's the second installment, with Yuri remains the main character. So we can't invalidate its presence as to what really happened, canonically, in Shadow Hearts.
Chrono Cross
Another game from Square. Like Shadow Hearts, you can do a Good Ending or Bad Ending, all depending on how you tackle the final boss. Bad Ending is easier to achieve since you only have to attack randomly, whereas Good Ending requires a bit more planning.
Anyway, who to decide which one is canon? Unlike Shadow Hearts, there is no sequel to decide that for you.
By my definition, the Good Ending is probably canon, because you get a lengthy cut-scene, and after-credit FMVs, whereas you get nothing (just credit roll) with Bad Ending (that's more like a Game Over if you ask me...).
Now, back to FFVII
3. Barret or Yuffie is certainly not canon
None of the four dates get mentioned later in the game. So by my definition, point (1) can't be used.
Coming to point (2), Barret's and Yuffie's date are short compared to Aerith's and Tifa's, and add little value to the plot (except for a bit of character development on their sides).
Coming to point (3), then Barret and Yuffie are out of the picture. Because to get to date either of them would require you making very specific choices right from the beginning. Which means the chance that you get to date either of them is rather slim, under normal circumstances (ie. without a guide).
So we are left with just Aerith and Tifa.
4. Aerith or Tifa?
There are two points people present to argue that Aerith's date is canon.
It's because Aerith OFFERED Cloud a date as payment for his bodyguard work.
It's because Aerith started off with more affection points (50 vs 30 to be exact)
Let's discuss further.
The Date payment
Aerith OFFERED Cloud a date as payment for his bodyguard work. And the Gold Saucer date is THAT day. But during the scene, Aerith just asked Cloud to go on a date, without ever mentioning about the "date" payment (and it's Aerith who has to "pay" the date, she owes him that, not the other way around). And no matter what, THE date can still be missed altogether, because it's not non-optional. If it's so important, they would have made it non-optional.
The Affection Point Mechanism
Aerith starts off with more affection points than Tifa does (50 vs 30 to be exact), meaning it's easier to date her (or so they say). What people fail to mention is that, Tifa appears in the game earlier than Aerith does, and you can score points with her right from the beginning. Meaning if you start to favor Tifa from the beginning, by the time you meet Tifa again, the point gap might not exist at all. So from a gameplay perspective, I could argue that Aerith's higher point of affection compared to Tifa's is not because the game wanted to give her a head start with Cloud, but to give her a fair start instead. You can try to see how exactly the date mechanism work here.
It's also worth noting that:
It's easy to score big points with Tifa from the early chapters.
You don't score many with Aerith when you spend time alone with her in Sector 5 (suprised?!).
If Tifa was chosen as Don Corneo's bride, telling Aerith to help Tifa will upset Aerith (points deduced). If it was Aerith that got chosen, Tifa would prefer Cloud to go help Aerith instead of asking if her (Tifa) is alright (points added). Interesting eh? (only if it wasn't a coding mistake...)
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I don't have a suitable explanation as to how the all points addition and deduction the works the way it does. The way I see it, the game just tries to make the chance equal to both girls. And through my experience of playing the game, it's most likely the case. You just have to make the obvious choices favoring your girl, and then keep her in your party once you leave Midgar and bam, you get a date!
The game code
Another piece of information that I MUST mention: in the game code (according to the internet), in case Aerith and Tifa gets equal points, Aerith's date will play out.
If that's the kind of proof that you need to prove that Aerith's date is canon, I won't argue with you. It's clear that Aerith's date does take a higher priority (albeit only ever slightly) than Tifa's date, according how the game is coded.
WHY is it, is another matter. We can only guess. You can say it's because the game wants us to see Aerith's date (well yeah..., the game totally doesn't want us to see Tifa's date, sure). My explanation? It's because Aerith's screen time is limited in the game, so the game prioritizes her, when there's a chance. Still, that doesn't make Aerith's date canon, because despite all the apparent "favor" the game has for her date, it can still easily be missable, as it's never hard to get Tifa's date.
5. Which date is the most appropriate to the flow of the story THUS FAR?
This part is purely my (a player's) opinion, and actually doesn't hold any weight to the issue.
Well, Barret's and Yuffie's are certainly just there for the laugh, and for THEIR character development, not Cloud's.
Aerith's shreds some light on her back story (she knows somebody whom Cloud resembles), her awareness of Cloud not being himself, and her desire to meet the "real" Cloud. That much is clear.
Tifa's date, on the other hand, is a bit more complicated to interpret. On the surface, it's easy to see that she was about to confess but failed. But with the knowledge of how the game story eventually unfolds, was that really the case? Or could it be that Tifa was actually trying to talk to Cloud about his mental state?
I don't know, honestly, but my thought on Tifa's date is:
The atmosphere clearly gears towards a romantic confession than to a therapy session. The game certainly wants you to think that it's a confession (whether or not it's true is another story; it's not exactly a new thing for FFVII narrative to be misleading).
It's a bit out of place at that point of the story for Tifa to try confess her feeling to Cloud. She has better concerns on hand (particularly, his mental state) than to get Cloud realize her feeling. Not totally implausible, but definitely not well handled in my opinion.
In FFVII Rebirth, Tifa really did confess in that Gold Saucer scene though (provided that you get to date her). Just saying. Not that what happens in the Remake Trilogy, stritcly speaking, matters to what happens in the OG though. BUT, I do feel that a confession in Rebirth is appropriate, because Cloud and Tifa's relationship has been developed steadily ever since Remake (that's not the case in the OG though).
So yah, all things considered, I think Aerith's date adds more value to the plot AT THAT POINT than Tifa's because it provides players more apparent information (Zack, Cloud not being himself, Aerith being aware of the situation and her wish to meet the "real" Cloud).
Tifa's scene is not bad, but if it was EVER the game's intention to mislead us that it's a therapy session instead of a confession, they overdid it to effectively convince me that it could actually be about her trying to talk about Cloud's mental state.
6. Conclusion
So, in my conclusion, either of the dates can be canon. Normally I would say it can also be that neither is canon. But then, the Gold Saucer date scene ought to happen (because you know, Cait Sith's betrayal came next). The Gold Saucer date scene is actually non-optional, only whom you go on a date with is.
In any case, having no clear answer to that means whom Cloud dated during the Gold Saucer scene adds no value to the love triangle debate (for all we know, he could just have had some bro time with Barret, or got pecked on the cheek by Yuffie). And even if one particular date is canon, it still doesn't say much or even anything about Cloud's feelings, with the way the scenes played out.
On a side note, the whole date mechanism is NOT to determine which one Cloud himself preferred to take on a date, but to determine which one would to drag Cloud on a date :))))))))))) Ie. it's about THEIR affection towards Cloud, based on how he behaves around them (based on HOW THE GAME WANTS to add or deduce points). Asking Tifa if she was okay in Don Corneo's mansion certainly showed care and concern to her, but will get your points deduced.
You see, you think you have choices in the game, but do you really though?
7. Extra: Cloud's reaction to the dates
I'm not including Barret's and Yuffie's here because we can all agree that their dates are just pure comedy.
Aerith's date
At the end of the date with, Aerith asked Cloud:
“Don’t you like being with me?”
To which Cloud can reply either “No, I don’t.” or “That’s not it.”
Tifa's date
At the end of the date, Cloud asked Tifa:
“By the way, what did you want to say a minute ago?”
I honestly can't get much from the dialogues. As far as I'm concerned, Cloud is pretty neutral and doesn't show much to both girls. If anything, you actually have the choice to be rude to Aerith by choosing to say you don't like being with her, whereas you're quite okay with Tifa. But as you know I don't do choice dialogues, we can skip that one.
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fmpyear2kb · 2 months
Development Post #4
I perfectly understood how camera shakes worked which was perfect a I wanted to add a camera shake when the cars exploded to add to the action.
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I created a new camera shake component and immediately manipulated a couple values inside it.
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I increased the necessary values for some intensity and then moved onto adding it into the code where the zombie cars blow up.
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I added the play world camera shake and changed the values of the inner and outer radius. It had been a while since I had used a camera shake however, so I experimented with the values of the node. I eventually was satisfied with the camera shake after dialling down the shake as I did accidentally make the camera look like there was an earthquake, which was definitely not suitable for our game. Once all was done, I made sure to place it just before the sound effect of the car blowing up was played, producing a very satisfactory result.
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After some consideration, we decided that it would be best for Frankie to used a different gun as a pistol surely would not blow multiple cars up, so we settled on a machine gun.
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When the left mouse is clicked, a camera shake is played and the bullet actor is spawned every 0.05 seconds. This firerate was crucial to get right as the weapon needed to have the machine gun feel. As for the shake, it's a very short burst that should represent a bullet being shot which was mastered when we originally made the first Da'Car. We just reused this asset. The floats on the bottom half of the screenshot give the bullets what is referred to as 'bloom' making it so the bullets aren't just shot in a straight line, instead there being some variation as it randomises the roll, pitch, and yaw.
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And at the end of the code, I made it so the bullet shot noise plays from the same gunshot audio bank that was created for the original Da'Car. The pitch of the audio is then randomised even further than just the random bank, allowing for variation of the played audio so that it is slightly ,ore unique than hearing the same 7 sounds over and over as the player will need to be shooting quite a lot in the third level.
At this point I decided it was time to find a model for the gas station in the second level. I had found one however, the assets were too high detailed that it affected the textures on the player and the zombies, making them appear blurry. To prevent this I then modelled the gas station within magica voxel as I'm not confident with proper 3d modelling.
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There was an issue with Unreal Engine not being able to find the correct music for the specific level the player was on.
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First I created an array that contained the music for each level, which was then plugged into a find node that would help select the correct one.
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I've also got a custom event that helps load the next level as there is three levels meaning that the simplicity of changing levels the same way is now more difficult. This event gets the current level name, finds the level from the level array and adds one to the list. There is an equal to 3 node that allows the menu and first game to be loaded upon completion of the third level, if the number added is not equal to three, it just follows the regular code and opens the level by name. If the levels value is 1, its the first level, and if it's equal to 2, it opens the second level, and if its value is three it opens the final level, but when one more value is added, it just reopens the first.
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I had to put in a big box that wasn't visible in game as when the player's cursor was over the sky when shooting, it would just shoot at the original coordinates of the level. This proved to be an irritating feature when playing the game myself. There's no coding for this box, I put the bounds material over it so I knew it was an object that had a purpose, but was not visible in game.
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Once this was done, the player is now able to shoot at the sky without the bullets redirecting to a completely different position.
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mochaarucan · 4 months
Role of Placemaking and Third Places: A Case Study on Cubao Expo
Before Metro Manila, there was just Manila. During the Spanish colonial period, Intramuros was the center and first gated community in the Philippines. Intramuros began formal urbanization in the metropolitan area consisting of schools, churches, hospitals, municipalities, global trades, and marketplaces. Such builds inside Intramuros were further developed beyond its walls and continued during the American colonization– towards what is Metro Manila now. A normal travel around the region would consist of car congested roads, long queues for public transports, and endless shuffle of high rise and low rise buildings. To add, remarks such as “Saan na tayo?” (Where are we?) is a common question while in transit. This is because of the absence of distinct boundaries between each city and the repetition of the same establishments. In order to distinguish one’s location, signifiers would be attached to the large mall, establishment branch, government tarpaulins, or formal green sign nearest to you.
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The City Who Had Two Navels, Philippine Arts in Venice Biennale
Metro Manila is a salad of post-colonialism, political power, and big enterprises. The Philippine Pavilion during the 16th Venice Architecture Biennale presented The City Who Had Two Navels, curated by Edson Cabalfin. The ‘two navels’ in the art installation represented the two forces that shaped the metropolitan— a confrontation on the tension between the vicissitudes of the past and the challenges of constructing contemporary subjectivity (Cabalfin 1). The art and research discussed the impacts of colonialism on the formation of the built environment and how the process of neoliberalization reshaped the urban landscape of Metro Manila (Cabalfin 3). This study will only challenge the force of neoliberal urbanism in Metro Manila. Neoliberal urbanism is defined as the following:
“Neoliberal urbanism is a concept used to describe the progressive privatization and the commodification of our cities as profit making machines. The overarching goal of neoliberal urban development policies is to “mobilize city space as an arena both for market oriented economic growth and for elite consumption” (Brenner & Theodore 368)(Gonzales 2)
“The effect has become pervasive across the globe, often linked with the process of globalization, where public and private lives are placed under strict governmentality and control, despite the ideals of personal liberty” (Stiglitz)(Cabalfin 19).
The simple definition of neoliberal urbanism is its aim for modernisation and privatization of assets in a city, a global widespread pursuit initiated by people of power. Such prolific progression is not ideal because it leads to more layers of urban problems. The consequences of neoliberal urbanism are discussed in the paper of The City Who Had Two Navels and was categorized into seven factors. Homogenization of cities is a characteristic present when observing cities and is one of the collective outcomes of neoliberal urbanism (Cabalfin 25). This paper will only be covering the product of homogenization of cities. Homogenization can be interrelated with Marc Ague’s Non-places (25); the following are the :
They are the product of supermodernity such as motorways, shopping malls, airports and more.
“non-places are the real measure of our time; one that could be quantified - with the aid of a few conversions between area, volume and distance - by totaling all the air, rail and motorway routes, the mobile cabins called 'means of transport', the airports and railway stations, hotel chains...”(79)
It reflects time because it transforms and modernizes premodern figures. It does not totally erase the past but keeps premodern figures in the shadows.
“Modernity does not obliterate them [premodern figures] but pushes them into the background. They are like gauges indicating the passage and continuation of time” (Auge 77).
“non-place creates neither singular identity nor relations; only solitude, and only similitude (103).” “If a place can be defined as relational, historical and concerned with identity, then a space which can not
be defined as relational, or historical, or concerned with identity will be a non-place (77).”
The duplication of the same build whose sole purpose is in relation to certain ends are most likely seen as profitable or ‘successful’, yet these builds are clearly not economic workings that contribute to a
economically and culturally is the third place. The third place is where people spend time outside of their home (first place) and work (second place). It is a term coined by Ray Oldenburg in his book The Great Good Place. Oldenburg describes these places as informal public gatherings that foster community and relations. Examples of these third places are bars, restaurants, coffee shops, barbershops, and other public spaces where people meet, gather, and connect. It is a place where people go to ‘just to enjoy each other’(Jeffres, et al. 334).
“Third places, manifesting as a component of good public spaces, are argued to be vital ingredients of successful cities, enhancing civic identity, cultural identity, quality of life, social capital, economic development and community revitalization. Third places being centers and gathering spaces of a community, these places can contribute to creating a diverse and active neighborhood through placemaking.” (Cilliers 73)
Placemaking focuses on a community-based and people-centered approach. These are important in societies because of its social benefits of the development of a sense of belonging and participation. (Ellery 238) “Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they
lively urbanization or culture. (Jacobs)
Meanwhile, one of the anchors of a community that contributes
are created by everybody. (Jacobs 238) With this, it is important that communities are exposed to more than just non-places but spaces made by and for the community.
Back in the 1970s, Marikina Shoe Expo was built and located in General Romulo Street of Cubao (Baltazar) close to the Ali Mall, the first mall in the Philippines (Clement). This U-shaped compound was a quaint space for Marikina shoemakers to showcase and sell their leather products (Baltazar). The space closed down during 1997 and reopened again in 2000– as today’s Cubao Expo or Cubao X, as nicknamed by its frequent visitors and mainstayers (Baltazar). It was no longer a landmark for shoe retailers; it has adapted into a creative district that housed different kinds of third places– homegrown bars, shops, cafes, galleries, restaurants, and alike.
Amidst its location in a modern commercial estate, Cubao Expo retained its old shophouse build that kept its charm. When entering, the third places in the compound are abreast with one another and each displays its own unique identity and provides different needs to its community or visitors– may it be art, coffee, music, antiques, and other finds. Cubao Expo is a melting pot of subculture and this is sustained through the “community-driven effort” from its tenants (Aquino). Subcultures are social groups, or groups of individuals who share similar lifestyles, belief systems, or other commonalities... subculture refers to individuals who are a part of a group that is different from the dominant culture or dominant people in a particular part of society (Lennon, Johnson, & Rudd 292).
“Cubao X (or Cubao Expo) are prime examples of the community’s efforts to revitalize otherwise underutilized areas. Cubao X, originally known as the Marikina Shoe Expo in the 1970s, was transformed into rows of boutiques, second-hand stores, restaurants and artist-run spaces... Exhibitions, gigs and events are still held there, forging a specific lifestyle that caters to enthusiasts and the youth.” (British Council 8)
If Marc Auge’s Non-Place is a product of supermodernity and similitude, then Cubao Expo being a product of the local people and diversity is the opposite, an anthropological place– in a cesspool of supermodernity. This paper states that Cubao Expo is an anthropological place that fosters social cohesion and diversity through third places and placemaking.
This study intends to find evidence and support evidence on the importance of Cubao Expo and places alike in societies. In order to accomplish this study, the data gathering will be conducted in Cubao Expo through surveys and interviews. Interviews will be made with the current tenants in the area such as Bellini’s and My Breathing Space. The production of this paper will be a contribution to the study of placemaking for the reason of the lack of academic research published. (Legaspi 2) In economic literature, quality of life (QoL) is seen and measured as an ‘economic good’ that benefits intercity competitiveness, this paper gives evidence that the deployment of arts and cultural third places brings economic good (QoL) to a community.
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solorpgist · 5 months
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gamedevhellhole · 2 years
okay, okay now what if I ACTUALLY make a Nitrome Must Die fan comic???
the ms paint esque medium mix about shady business and distant dreams, all achieved in the coldest ways possible???
well except some elements of mechanically produced magic... but uhhh we might wanna leave it to the still developing worldbuilding???
okay fine but what's with the hustle? well it's a little passion project of mine that will revolve around made up postcanon events of NMD because that open ending can be interpreted in so many ways
yeah that emo 100th game anniversary Nitrome game uh huh
here's de synopsis: our two (2) protags are angsty fellow kids (sorta) planning on opening up a game studio of their own. why did they decide to do this – only the true OGs know /hj???
the main characters are very stupid! unemployed mfs from cheap apartments! except their supposed net worths are definitely not cheap. A and J do have quite a dark story behind of course, but nah, nah they are not traumatised by bit, quite the opposite here they're the ones that traumatize.
and so they try to start their ways out of spite! here's the catch: their puny souls can be fueled by anger and hate only, so they have to pick up some unhealthy hobbies to keep their inspiration afloat. (spoiler: cartoonish violence. exclusively. maybe mafia ca-chings)
they have no talent, they have no sheer will and any actual goals in life, but one specific thing to do, like again, out of spite.
however eventually this will quickly shift solve into a maniacal production phase which pushes them forward in game-making industry. (idk much about further stuff tbh... it's the synopsis)
the perfect result would be achieved if we make it really REALLY really close to the original source. while the source itself really doesn't show the characters' true personality enough... well I sorta strive to make all the style the writing and everything both as canon and as adapted to modern stuff as pozbl.
and yeah the artstyle?? like emo 00s cartoons sort of? you know the ones? i'm having a crisis in this field it's either making it funky as heck or not making it at all kind of stance.
ohh the world they live in is a quite an interesting place. but actually not really. generic edgy big city that has a charm I've yet to practice my writing and drawing skills for.
08 Mar 2024 update:
making it public so any fellow tumblr nitromians get another dose of nmd fan content
(because to be honest i can't get rid of the terrible hyperfixation i got on NMD alone until i do something big for it, then i'll do awesome stuff for other nitrome masterpieces after that)
this post here is not a teaser; maybe just a prompt, and so far it's a little reminder (for me it's been a prompt for a year... argh help)
the style picking is still ongoing, the script is planned yet not properly written, like for example idk what other characters to add if they're not canon to the original universe
the designs might just might get released here in a few months or so
aaand the planned page amount?? idunnow... prob 50-55 by default it needs to have a finished plot.
with this being a FAN project i take inspos from other comics that use canon characters for one's own plot (this exact genre of resurrecting the unused characters) and honestly they drove me to this haha
along with one comment under that nmd trailer vid on youtube with the same idea that got 8 likes by now.
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oh it got 10 already!!! (i couldn't get in contact with the OP sadly)
so yep... now it's a semi public post xd. wait not or wait wait wait cause I still try. btw happy women's day <3
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emmawabson · 1 year
WordPress Website optimization: A definitive Aide
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Envision you own a delightful book shop bistro in Boston. In the event that somebody look "book shop bistro close [insert an area in Boston]" on Google, you believe your WordPress site should spring up at the highest point of the query items, correct? You can guarantee your organization does as such by executing the best WordPress Web optimization techniques.
What is Web optimization?
Web optimization, or site improvement, is the most common way of expanding your site's free, natural traffic by working on your positioning and perceivability on web indexes like Google. At the point when you improve your substance, the probability it will show up close to the highest point of the SERP for the catchphrase you're focusing on increments.
Now that you comprehend what Web optimization is, we should jump into why it's pivotal for your business.
Why is putting resources into WordPress Website optimization so significant?
One significant note to start things off: The significance of site improvement isn't well defined for WordPress sites. Despite where — or how — you make your site, putting resources into Website optimization will demonstrate advantageous. Your WordPress site is no exemption.
Upgrading your WordPress site and content makes you bound to contact individuals effectively looking for data about administrations and items connected with yours. Since this happens naturally, you're not paying Google or one more web search tool to put your substance at the highest point of the outcomes page.
Making natural substance that positions on Google is likewise gainful in light of the fact that your site and data are bound to appear to be solid and reliable for guests (versus a paid promotion at the highest point of the SERP). Any individual who possesses a business site ought to work on their Web optimization as it is a basic and viable method for expanding traffic and striking quality, number of leads, changes, and that's just the beginning.
A Manual for WordPress Website optimization: 13 WordPress Website optimization Best Practices
Prepared to dive into twelve WordPress Web optimization best practices you can establish to work on your site, help natural traffic, and increment your image's clout on web search tools? This is the very thing that you want to be aware to get everything rolling.
1. Actually look at Your WordPress Perceivability Settings
Rule #1 of sorting out some way to add Web optimization to WordPress: Really look at every one of your crates. By ensuring your perceivability settings in WordPress are set up in like manner, you're helping yourself out. The product has a setting permitting you to conceal your site from web crawlers. This can prove to be useful while building or modifying your site; you don't maintain that guests should see your work in improvement.
The element is in your WordPress dashboard under "Settings."
2. Update Your Permalinks
A permalink is an extremely durable URL or connection to a particular post, page, or blog on your site. Permalinks obviously state what your post, page, or blog really is (in the actual URL) so guests understand what they're tapping on. Notwithstanding, they truly do have a subsequent reason, which is for Website optimization.
3. Use Labels and Classes
Labels and classifications permit you to isolate your site's pages and blog entries into explicit and general gatherings, individually. This further develops your Web optimization since it will empower web search tools to figure out your site's construction and content.
Special reward: fortunately numerous WordPress Website optimization fixes likewise assist with further developing client experience. Labels and classifications likewise your site's further develop client experience by permitting guests to rapidly find the substance they're looking for and make it simpler for you to deal with all of your site content.
Labels resemble catchphrases that you can use to portray what's going on with a particular page or post. For instance, in the event that we ponder your bookshop bistro's site, the labels on one of your pages might incorporate "books," "drinks," and "food."
To add another tag or view your ongoing labels, go to your WordPress dashboard and snap "Posts" and "Labels."
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longvs · 2 years
Trine 2 complete story not registering
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Soundtrack by award-winning Ari Pulkkinen, featuring a total of 30 tracks from Trine 2.
Do not vote until you have dedicated a substantial amount of time towards the game. Also features an exclusive look at material not used in the final game.
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Stand on a conjured box bouncing on any bouncy surface for 10 seconds. Collect all level experience in Belly of the Beast.
Voted time should be in-game time spent, from first starting the game to achieving 100%. Finish a level without taking any damage (Not the Tutorial) Alone and Mighty.
Do not vote based on a "fastest possible run", but rather your own experience in playing the game. SPECIAL PROMOTION -75 OFF FOR A LIMITED TIME Trine 2: Complete Story is a beautiful, award-winning sidescrolling game of action, puzzles and platforming.
Steam version of Trine 2 upgraded it to the Trine 2: Complete Story edition.
Trine 2 complete story not registering windows 8#
If you have Windows 8 or Windows 10, try running the game in compatibility. Trine 2 is a side-scrolling, puzzle-platform game developed by Frozenbyte.
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Voted time should be based on your own personal time spent working towards 100%. In digital products, in the sales of product activation codes, Turkish Commercial Code In accordance with the article. First off, make sure that you are running both the game and Origin as administrator. A side-scrolling puzzle-platforming game featuring up to three players working together to complete the campaign.Through the first three titles, the protagonists will come to discover, understand, and seek to control the powers bestowed upon them by Trine. Bound to a mysterious artifact called Trine, the three unlikely heroes use their unique skills to battle the undead, navigate treacherous environments, and solve challenging physics-based puzzles across a collection of perilous quests in this best-selling adventure series. The Trine series begins with Amadeus the Wizard, Pontius the Knight, and Zoya the Thief on a journey across a forsaken and ruined kingdom.
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With the full quadrilogy in one convenient bundle, Trine: Ultimate Collection is the definitive way for new players and veterans alike to experience all four games in the Trineverse. When it comes to the Ultimate Collection, Frozenbyte has this to say Now, it’s been revealed that Trine Ultimate Collection will also be released for Switch. While the former as announced for PC, PS4, Switch and Xbox One, the latter, a collection packing Trine Enchanted Edition, Trine 2: Complete Story, Trine 3: The Artifacts of Powerand Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince was not announced for Switch. Not long ago, Frozenbyte and Modus Games announced Trine 4 and Trine Ultimate Collection.
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Morimyu in Classical reference
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So, as for the fact that music in Morimyu Op. 3 resembles classical music in both progression and musical technicality, it's interesting how it's possible to keep coming up with different interpretations after re-watching the musical again and again.
I've made a thread on twitter about this before, but 1) word limitations and thread will never be enough to list all that I have to say lol 2) I'd prefer to have a fuller version noted down, especially one that I can edit and keep coming back over and over again when ever I come up with something new.
Either way, I am still (lol) not a pro in music theory and music history as well. All that is written here are based on my very very basic knowledge on music as well as something that I've picked up (and discussed) with my friends after watching Op. 3.
What's the point of this?
Why is it important? Lol I always need this to keep myself from writing off-topic but anyways. Why do the music sound good (except for the fact that because it does lol), and what do they represent? Surely there must be, and there always are, other things that are implied not only through the lyrics but also the music, and the flow in general.
Apart from the lyrics and the lines, it's also quite interesting to have a close look at the music - melody and harmony itself - to see how they portray the stories.
Most importantly, the continuality. How did Morimyu manage to insert so many songs and still managing to connect them as a whole? And how did they use music to go beyond what's on the pages? That's the most important thing about musicals - beyond the pages. We don't see stage or anime doing so very often, as they mainly focus on what's already there, bringing them to life as close as possible to how we imagine things might happen.
As for musical, they have the music. They have the arias and the songs. At some point, a character starts singing, and other characters followed suit. They have their very unique way of expressing the plot, and they have the orchestra, the arias where characters get their solo song, and the duets between characters with strong relationships, and the ensemble which emphasizes the plot, and so on.
A funny thing about duets in classical opera, they're often meant to show lovers' relationship because of the harmony but can also use opposition and all to show enemies' relationship. And in SherLiam's duet it's just both of them at the same time - thoughts connected while engaging in a chase, a hide and seek game of mystery. We'll go into that later.
Back to the topic. Morimyu follows the main plot strictly, but also uses their advantage with music to add all the side details that wasn't told in the manga to create a "complete" view of the plot. It is always available for musicals to do something unexpected (like how we never expected Lestrade's puppet show to be a whole 5 mins long piece lol). And where they did that they added arias and duets, they allowed moments where characters express and developed their emotions as well as going with the plan (yes Albert yessss). Of course there's both a good and bad side to this all the while.
💛 The good thing is they went all the way to show us sides of emotions that we don't see much in the manga or stage, the sides of the story that all of them have kept hidden while focusing on their grand plan. 💛 But then it does get too emotional at some point, especially those who came for the plot and the mind games behind all of it (like me - although I won't deny that I had a lot of fun picking out all the emotions behind the music here lol).
Musicals can always go beyond what we knew. As for Morimyu, their music is heavily influenced by opera and classical music, and it's shown quite clear. There is live music playing (instead of the entire orchestra we have a violin and piano duet), and they have distinctive arias and recitatives throughout.
So thanks to that, it's also possible to use a reference from classical music to interpret their songs.
A Sonata formation - The Narrative Series of SherLiam
Yes, songs arranged and analysed with reference to a Sonata formation, especially in the way they progress through the play.
Some notes before getting into the point
1 - Sonata = a piece of music consisting of several movements - very often 3, sometimes 4. First movement-Allegro: With the quick tempo, introducing the theme of the entire Sonata Second movement-Adagio/Largo: Slow tempo, can be emotional sometimes, as well as leading more towards the final movement Third movement-Rondo Vivace: The ending, quick-paced and vigorous, leading the Sonata to a close. A Sonata always has a general theme, a topic. The theme that I chose to write about is Mystery - the Hide and Seek game between the Detective and Lord of Crime
2 - Aria and Recitative = different types of songs used in an opera Recitative: Lines within a song that happens like a real conversation, as the characters sing they are also talking to each other Aria: A solo section where everything else is a freeze frame, while one actor remains and sing their own song about their thoughts, feelings, etc. In this post we're mainly discussing the arias of Sherlock and Liam, and the duet between them. But there's also some mention of recitatives here and there.
3 - Videos used To make it easier to understand which songs I'm talking about, I also arranged them in piano. And also to have a listen at how they might connect. Just in case the videos beneath don't work (they didn't work on my phone), the three songs discussed are Nazo, Liam's solo, Kokoro no Rondo, all piano arrangements.
All of the songs noted in this section are arias and duets from Op. 3 - the Ghost of the Whitechapel. The additional "series" that Morimyu has added spreading throughout the play, Sherlock and Liam's narratives, which portrays both their emotions and the chase between the detective and the Lord of Crime.
First Movement - Allegro: Nazo(謎) song
Starting from Lestrade's exit after his puppetshow and proceed to the scene, Sherlock's aria introduces the theme of the imaginary hide and seek game that the Lord of Crime has started. The song repeats the word (mystery) over and over again with a continuous rhythm.
Ends with Sherlock just mumbling the word Nazo (mystery) and exiting the stage - no conclusions, just like a mystery that leads into further mysteries with no answer.
♛♛♛ In regards to a Sonata formation, this is the beginning of the entire piece. Quick in tempo, written in 3/4 time and introduces the theme of the entire piece - Mystery.
Uso ka Shinjitsu ka - Lie or Truth song
Starting after Sherlock learns the truth behind Jack the Ripper, wondering if Lord of Crime is a good person after all.
Now I had a really hard time thinking whether this piece should be included or not. For one, it's not an aria. It can be viewed as a Da capo Aria, a development section of the Nazo song, repeating the theme that is introduced, coming and going rather quickly. So, for continuality.
It also does not fit into the series as a whole, being 1) a recitative. The lyrics focus entirely on Sherlock's deduction and whether he should expose the truth or not, etc. so on. 2) The lines in here, unlike the other arias, are taken directly from the manga, so it's not entirely an 'added' element to this chase. 3) Also because if we compare this to a Sonata form, this doesn't really fit anywhere
However, among Sherlock's arias, this song can also be seen as an interesting development as I have mentioned above, so I've decided to have it here, still.
There's another thing about almost all of Sherlock's arias throughout the 2 stages - they never have a conclusive end. The detective's mind is always running, mysteries after mysteries.
Most of the other characters' songs ends with some kind of closing lines, and piano continues to conclude the piece with a strong end, and then goes on to start another piece. All of their problems in the songs are concluded. They made up their minds in some ways.
But Sherlock, his songs always end with him repeating the melody, a capella, and exiting the stage. Piano waits for him to exit, then starts a new song. Or in Op. 2's Mindgame case going straight into the next conversation. We never get to know how Sherlock's songs end, because they didn't really end at those points. There's a hanging sense of waiting for a resolution, a conclusion. Sherlock never seems to have his problems solved within the songs, they just go on and on.
An idea initiates, then something happens and he is once again in the dark. And he spins around within his own mind.
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Screenshot from Op. 2. Even if we look back to his aria Mindgames from Op. 2, this song doesn't really have a conclusive ending as well. He just starts singing, the music stops and he starts shooting and going on, resuming the play. It kind of has been a thing for Sherlock's arias?
Second Movement - Adagio/Largo: Liam's solo
♛♛♛ The "second movement" - the 'slower' piece - of the series, Liam's aria lol but actually the piano part of this song isn't slow at all but ok. The other side of this hide and seek game. The "development" section of the sonata series, where we see things in a much more emotional way.
This aria is much richer in harmony and melody. Not only Liam's melody, but also the piano's part which plays a beautiful melody in harmony.
I recall an interview where the stage director mentions how the "orchestra" - piano and violin are representations for Liam and Sherlock. It kind of applies here, where his music is created mostly by piano.
There is modulation, emotions rising and elevating quickly and strongly. But the harmony is beautiful, overflowing and rich with emotions. The song repeats certain lines, emphasizing aspects within Liam's thoughts.
Unlike Sherlock's train of thoughts that circles with no destination, Liam's solo has a definite ending in harmony -> Even with all his emotions in mind, Liam still has a goal already set before him. He has a brief moment of slowing down, pausing and sung about his feeling, before resuming the story.
Leading us to the final stage - Kokoro no Rondo.
Third Movement - Rondo Vivace: Kokoro no Rondo
Rondo formation: Rondo is a type of dance that revolves around a pattern, often ABA, ABACA, or ABACABA - where A is the ritournello ("meguri - kimi ni omou - meguru kokoro no rondo" section) that is repeated over and over with B, C parts in between. Rondo can also be combined with sonata form - this case applies to this song which begins with a key other than the tonic (Fm) before resolving to the tonic key (Fm) to put an end to the entire sonata series. For reference purposes, the last movement of Beethoven's Pathetique or the very typical Fur Elise is also written in a similar format. I also referred to Pathetique quite a lot when brainstorming this post.
♛♛♛ The "final movement" of this Sonata, the final scene of their "Hide and Seek" game. The song's tempo is vibrant and rapid, combining with the dancing sense, all the while strictly following the structure of a Rondo as mentioned above.
This is the stage where Liam and Sherlock's line interacts and reply to each other, as if in a real conversation - just like how the connection between them are now much stronger than what they had before.
In the ritournello, we have Liam and Sherlock's lines intertwining and chasing after one another, emphasizing the "Hide and Seek" element between the two of them.
The song comes to a definite ending, concluding with a strong tonic (Fm) chord. At this stage, there is no more question to be left open, for Sherlock at this point has already made up his mind to take the next step into solving the mysteries regarding the Lord of Crime.
Their imaginary game of Hide and Seek is coming to an end, as Sherlock came to a decision to take the next step - going to Durham.
That's the end of my first draft.
So far that is some of my thoughts noted down right after watching Op. 3 stream a while ago, with some edition made just now.
On the side note, at some point during my discussion with a friend, we also came up with the idea that a Suite may be a better reference. A Suite consists of 4 parts and a prelude, each of them having their specific characteristic. But we didn't go all the way analysing that idea, as 1) we couldn't find a 5th piece that can be added into the series. 2) Even if we did, the Truth or Lie song still would not really fit into the "aria" vibe of this series, as mentioned above.
But then quite interestingly, after a while, I've found another interesting fact that should have been quite obvious but I've missed for (lol) like ages.
The game of Hide and Seek between the detective and the Lord of Crime has begun ever since after Hope's case - that being said, ever since the end of Op. 1
And what is it that we have in Op. 2? "The Mind games of the Lord of Crime". The one where Sherlock went maniac rapping about all the thoughts he has and end up shooting randomly into the wall.
At first it begins like another recitative, but in the later half, the harmony starts to become more harmonious, written in 3/4 time flowing like a dance.
In that section, the melody of the piano and violin part resembles the one we have in Kokoro no Rondo, the Ritournello section, only that the melody of the violin in Op. 2 and the melody that SherLiam sung in Op. 3 are kind of reversed.
Coincidence much?
So now we have a collection of songs from both Opus, it becomes tricky. How do we connect them? And what's the story?
At this point, all these recitatives, aria and duets all in the theme of the Hide and Seek game. And they all connect to each other through harmony, progressions in harmony.
We know that the Mind games of the Lord of Crime has begun from ever since the end of Op. 1. We know that Sherlock keeps wondering about that in Op. 2, and then he wonders even further after he has been tested by the Lord of Crime. "また俺だけのメッセージなのか?" - Is this a message just for me?, as he wondered in the Truth or Lie song. We knew all of that. But Morimyu didn't let that stop them from emphasizing on this subplot even further.
They didn't let the gap between Op. 2 and Op. 3 stop them from making a smooth flow in plot either.
Correction, they didn't simply create a flow. They established a connection, all the while showing a strong progression of Sherlock's thoughts that goes on from Op. 2 straight onto Op. 3.
Very often, what makes a good plot is how their plots and sub-plots intertwine with each other. Morimyu has a main plot that follows Moriarty gang in the plan of changing society. And they have a smaller plot told from Sherlock's side of things. And they have this sub-plot told by harmony of how Sherlock is connected to Liam, or the Lord of Crime, by an invisible thread. A connection that is only expressed that clearly in Morimyu.
We have so many things going on, so many songs throughout the play. But each of those elements are all connected to something else, creating a sub-plot that enriches the main plot.
There is no loose connections. For everything that connects to the main plot, they're also linked to other elements. Each scene and every song has their own meaning not only in regards to other songs, but also to the plot as a whole.
Also, did I mention how Morimyu feels like a grand piece of music?
Opus -> What classical songs had that basically shows the order in which they are written. Morimyu - a title piece itself - has 3 Opus, 3 different parts with the same theme.
Classical music very often had all the different elements in it -> Morimyu had an overture, the song they sing just before the main theme song, just before introducing the stage. Then arias, ensembles and choruses. All of them are connected by similar harmony.
Classical music always had a big general theme, with each section having a smaller sequence connecting to each other. Subplots within a big plots. A Sonata piece has 3 movements, each having their own "sections" of development - expositions, development, recapitulation. -> Morimyu does the same to their plot and subplots, as discussed above.
Also, Opera reference
While Opus 2 used an opera reference to tell the story, I feel like Opus 3 has become an Opera itself. During Op. 2 the arias were mostly very loyal to the manga, taking their lines from the original work, like the Mind Games song. Their story progresses steadily but logically.
However starting from Op. 3, the aria became more independent. They developed and expressed even further what wasn't said in the manga. For instance, the 3 songs mentioned in the "Sonata" above. And there's also Albert's solo, and Patterson's solo and Milverton, which I haven't got the chance to discuss all.
But either way, they spring out of the original story, adding more emotions and "colours" to the characters. The aria became more original, all the while also much more expressive. We get to see new sides of the characters that we haven't seen anywhere before.
Anyways, it's probably time to go back to the main question: How Morimyu used music to go beyond what's on the pages.
-> Musicals aren't simply about music added to acting. The characters on stage don't just simply starts singing for no reason. All the songs are meant to express something, and while they do they also establish various connections to the plot's progression.
We don't get to see much of the characters' emotions in the manga. And we don't see much of the side story, the finer details behind each arc. Every time, Morimyu adds something original to enrich their plot. They express and develop what's already known to all the viewers, especially regarding the emotional and motivational side of the characters.
-> The manga shows us the entire plot, with details related, back stories that lead to the present, and all. But it doesn't give a lot of hint into how characters might feel. Surely, reading between the lines, it's up to the readers to interpret them.
But Morimyu gives us all of that, and they leave it to us to read between the music.
And even if we didn't, that's fine. Then the purpose of all of them linking together would be to create a performance where everything is connected harmoniously, allowing us to be emerged in the world of Yuumori.
-> The purpose of having a stage, primarily, is to allow the audience to engage in, experience and feel the emotions along with the characters they see on stage. The point of having a live stage, a plot, and the music, are all to let us emphasize with the characters on stage.
In Morimyu, we aren't just watching a plot between our favourite characters happening as we know it from the manga. We see a combination of mysteries unveiling slowly, the stories on the side of each characters as they slowly progress forward, as well as emphasising with their emotions in the story.
That's what I really like about Morimyu.
So I had to scroll back to the top (lol) to quote this and make sure I haven't gone too far from the main theme.
Regarding musical Yuumori, there's always so many things I'd like to talk about. And if I start going on about it then it only gets harder to focus on one single topic.
Since the topic here is Morimyu and their music, especially in classical reference, I've tried to keep everything I've discussed relevant. But whenever I start on something, there would always be something that comes to mind. Like how other songs might also have certain connections, or how they used stage directions and lightings, etc. I really want to look more into stage directions in Morimyu as well, but that would have to wait...
Anyways, I tried to keep this as simple as possible. When I sent the first version of this to my friends, I keep having the feeling that I got too technical with all the theories about harmony and structure lol
And once again, this is only some of my own interpretation of the series that I've picked up.
If something else came to mind... well. Either way, for the purpose of engaging in their wonderful music or for the purpose of watching a beautiful stage just for enjoyment, Morimyu definitely is worth watching. And to watch over and over again. I've said this for Op. 2 but I'll say this ten times as much for Op. 3. Truly magnificent.
And, that's pretty much it that I have for today, I guess.
Thanks a lot to all my friends who gave me lots of inspiration and motivation to complete this ヽ(・∀・)ノ Lots of love to @rikaaki as well ヽ(・∀・)ノ
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