#whoops I’m not hyung line biased or anything
kpopfanfictrash · 7 years
hey Shan! what's some good got7 blogs you'd recommend?
Hi, anon - some great GOT7 blogs I follow on one account or the other are:
@got7-updates , @hoodiejungkook , @got7doubleb , @umma-jy , @jypnior , @yourmajestyqueenchelseachels , @protectmarkjin , @kissbbom , @dsouls , @cutepimook , @got7europe , @holyfuckmark , @nyeongificent , @jingogi , @defwang , @tuanpumpkins , @j1ny0ung , @amerithotkongs , @jaebumskitten , @huggableyoungjae , @m-yien , @itsjjptime , @husbandsjjp , @pinkhoodiemark , @imeightout , @cuddletuan , @2jaekisses , @soulmatesjjp , @marksseunie , @katbeom 
Some of these are multi-fandom, and I’m probably forgetting some - but there you go!  
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fandomsonrequests · 3 years
christmas with ateez (maknae line)
reader: gn!, m!, f!
notes: some cussing. read the hyung line >> here  happy holidays everyone!
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It was Christmas morning and everyone knew what that meant— gift opening time. Well, it wasn’t actually morning, it was more like early afternoon. But you and San didn’t care, you weren’t going to be late for anything so why not sleep in for a while? Anyways, you both deserved it.
San was practically vibrating with excitement at the thought of being able to give you your gift. Yours on the other hand was wrapped up neatly and tucked away in your jeans pocket. You smile to yourself, trying not to give away your own excitement. 
You were pulled away from your own thoughts when you felt something large but light plop onto your lap, making Byeol (who was on your lap) scamper away by your feet instead. You gawk at the size of the gift, it was almost as big as your whole body. You stared up in pleasant surprise at San who only beamed at you, his cheeks flushed and dimpled. 
“Merry Christmas _____!” He greets you, and leans in to kiss you. It was full of teeth and smiled but neither of you minded. “Go on, open it.” 
You put the gift in between your legs and opened the wrapper carefully, letting out a gasp. A little backstory— you and San met at a plushie store, aiming for the same one before letting him take it in exchange for a coffee date the next week. You were both stuffed doll enthusiasts; so you were filled with joy and gratitude when you pulled out a rather large unicorn stuffed toy.
It was one you wanted when you passed by a plushie store but couldn’t get due to the lack of time. It was soft to the touch and silky, making you squeal in delight. “Oh my God, San— I love it!” You lunge at him, pressing kisses all over his face. 
He wraps an arm around your waist, laughing along with you. “I’m glad you like it, baby.” He muses. 
Now it was your turn to bring out your gifts. You pick up a small package from under the tree and call for Byeol. San raised a curious brow at you but said nothing, watching as the cat jumped onto your lap and purred when you started scratching behind her ear.
“How come she listens to you more than me?” He pouts when his cat basically bathes in your affection, making you giggle. 
You shrug, unsure of why she prefers to listen to you. “This is for the little cutie. I’ll give you yours after you open up hers.” You tell him, the grin never leaving your face.
Once again, your boyfriend gives you a curious look before opening the gift to see a cat-sized sweater perfect for Byeol. “Oh it’s so cute! Byeol look what they got you.” He cooed to the feline who pawed at the sweater curiously. You two struggled a little to put it onto her but manage to do so. The both of you give a successful cheer when she makes no move to remove it from her body. 
While San was distracted with taking photos of the cat, you stood up, pulling out a small box from your pocket. You knelt down in front of San and curled your throat, managing to get his attention. He turned to you with a puzzled look before it melted into one of shock after seeing the position you were in and the velvet box in your hand.
“_____,” He gasps, wide eyes glazing over with tears that were threatening to spill. 
“San,” You breathe out. 
“Yes, yes, yes, yes _______ I’ll marry you—“ He says, unable to hold back the tears while you laugh gently. 
“I haven’t even said anything yet..!” You protest playfully but move to slip the ring onto his finger. 
“Well either way I’d still say yes..!”
San takes a moment to admire the engagement ring, seeing the simple jewel on top of it glint from the afternoon sun. He practically throws himself onto you, crying happily into your shoulder before pulling away to give you a deep kiss. It was wet and salty— but you could feel the way he poured all his gratitude and love and passion into it. 
You reach up to brush away his tears, leaning your forehead against his. “I love you so much San.” 
“I love you more, _____.”
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“Chunghee, Mingi— look at the camera!” You call over to your fiancé and your brother. 
The two boys turn their attention from their snowboards and sleds and towards the camera you had pointed at them. They strike a silly but cute pose, waiting for you to take the photo before asking you to take another one. You indulge in their request, snapping a few more photos before letting them do their thing. 
You, Mingi, and your younger brother decided to enjoy the snow for a bit. And what better way to do that than going to a ski resort? It was only for a few days but still- you were surprised, to say the least, when Mingi presented you with the confirmation email of your stay from the ski resort. 
“Alright bud, just don’t hesitate. It’s a lot like skateboarding— only on the snow.” You hear your fiancé tell Chunghee as he prepares to snowboard down a small hill. 
You beam at your brother and give him a good luck pat to his shoulder. “You got this. We believe in you.”
“Okay, yeah I got this. Easy peasy— no big deal.” 
Your brother inhales and takes a deep breath before pushing off and going down the hill. You and Mingi cheer excitedly when he manages to slide down without toppling over, the both of you jumping up and down. Your brother beamed up at the both of you, giving you two a thumbs up. 
“HELL YEAH CHUNGHEE!!” Mingi hollers, his grin so wide that his eyes turn into small crescents. He turns to you this time, his smile shifting into something more mischievous. 
You know what the smile means and you shake your head, backing up from the man. “Mingi, no—“
“I haven’t even said anything..!” He protests as he advances towards you. 
But before you could run, he lunges at you and pulls you right into his arms. He kisses your cheek before blowing a raspberry onto your skin, making you laugh. You try to wriggle out of his arms, arguing that Chunghee was waiting for him at the foot of the incline. But that doesn’t work because he was tugging you towards a rather large circular sled.
“Just this once, I’ll be behind you. I won’t let anything happen to you.” Mingi says, brushing away a bit of snow that fell to your hair. “Promise.” 
You glanced over to the sled with cheesy Christmas patterns painted onto the side. You hear Chunghee calling out for the both of you, particularly the way he was cheering you on. “C’mon, _____! If I can do it so can you!” 
“See? It’s no big deal.” Mingi adds as he was already settling into the back of the sled.
He pats the space in front of him, the dorky smile never leaving his face. You chew the inside of your cheek before relenting, releasing a defeated sigh. “Fine,” You whine as you settle into the spot in front of your fiancé. 
You immediately feel his arms wrap around your waist, tugging you closer to him. You settle your hand over one of his much larger ones, and squeeze them in gratitude. He starts to push the sled forward with his other hand before calling out to the teenage boy waiting for you. “Get ready to film their reaction!” He tells them. 
“Mingi wh-aAAAHHHH” Your sentence is interrupted as he launches off, the both of you sledding down the hill.
The wind rushes through your ears and you could feel the icy air brush past your face. You hear Mingi’s excited whoops and cheers as you descend. You on the other hand were yelling out of surprise and adrenaline. Sooner or later you reach the bottom of the hill where Chunghee was rushing to you, phone in hand. You couldn’t process what he was saying, the feeling of your heart beating out of your chest and the blood pumping filling your senses.
Your fiancé gently shook your shoulders, looking over at you. “You okay baby?” He asks you with a giggle. 
“Y-Yeah,” You reply as you stand on shaky legs. Your brother hugs you tight, telling you how he was proud of you for braving that hill. Mingi joined in a couple of moments later. 
“See? That wasn’t so bad.” The older male says as he pecks your cheek. “We’re so proud of you.”
“You wanna go again?” Chunghee asks. 
You look up at the top of the hill where you came from, seeing that the drop wasn’t as big as you thought it was. Your lips slowly form into a determined grin. “Alright, lets do this again.”
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“Honey, no offense but what the fuckis that?” Wooyoung asks in slight horror when he sees your runny icing batter. 
You sigh in slight frustration and drop the large spoon into the bowl, wiping your hands on the apron around your waist. “I knew it, I knew something went wrong.”
Your boyfriend only chuckled, shaking his head. You see, the two of you thought it would be a great idea to bake a gingerbread house from scratch. Granted, you two got a fairly popular recipe from the internet but it’s the effort that counts. And for a while, things were going great. The gingerbread pieces came out alright and we’re cooling down on the trays.
It was the icing that was supposed to hold them that was the problem. Wooyoung was tasked with the cookie people and house pieces, as well as some other parts to add to it, while you were tasked with the icing. Unlike your boyfriend, you weren’t blessed with much skills in the kitchen. Which is why you left the cooking to him and you were stuck on cleanup duty.
“Okay baby boy don’t panic,” he tells you as he grabs some of the powdered sugar to add to the icing in order to thicken it. 
He looks up to see you by the side with a small pout on your lips, causing him to laugh and hug you. He nuzzled into your cheek when one of your arms came up to wrap around his waist, pressing a kiss to your jaw before leaning in to give you a proper one. “Don’t be sad, you actually did well for a first try.” He mumbles against your lips, pecking them one last time before pulling away completely to continue mixing the icing. 
“That’s a biased answer,” You argue as you clean up the kitchen counter, curiously poking at the gingerbread pieces. “You’re only saying that ‘cos you’re dating me.”
“What? No, no, no, I’m being genuine.” He refutes as he sets down the spoon once he was done mixing the icing. “Now help me dye this icing.”
You waddled over to him and nuzzled into his neck, hugging him from behind and placing a sweet kiss to his cheek. “What would I do without you..?”
“Burn this whole kitchen down probably,” He teases as he basks in your affection. He pulls you back towards him with his adorable high-pitched laugh when you throw him an unamused glare and detach yourself from him. “I’m kidding, don’t give me that look.”
He turns around and wraps his arms around your neck, your own going around his waist. He leaned his forehead against yours and nuzzled your nose with his. “I’m proud of you _____. Thank you for doing this with me.”
You couldn’t help but crack a small smile at that, closing the gap between you two for a short but sweet kiss. You grin into it, him doing the same, bursting into another bout of giggles when your fingers tickle his sides. He begs you to stop, saying that one of you could knock over the food, and successfully pries your wriggling digits away from him. 
“Come on, this gingerbread family needs a house built for them.”
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“Areum, can you open the door please?” You call out to your teenage sister who was brooding on the couch, phone in hand.** **
She sighs heavily, irritation clear in her tone. You couldn’t really blame her- she did go through an ugly breakup this season. One that was done over the phone when she caught her boyfriend cheating on her with a good friend of yours. You tried your best as an older sister to get her cheered up. One of these attempts was calling your boyfriend Jongho over. The two practically adored each other, so hopefully being around each other would lift her spirits. 
Areum’s gloomy face brightened significantly when she saw her future brother-in-law(strike that) your boyfriend behind the door. “Hey,” She greeted him with a hug who reciprocated it. 
He ruffled her hair and stepped in when she allowed him in. “Why the long face, kiddo?” He asks. 
“Its Jack; he cheated on me with Winny _and _dumped me over the phone.” Areum sighs as she sits down on the couch beside him. 
You soon join the two on the couch as she pours her heart away to him. You’d occasionally provide some information, supporting your sister’s story. By the end of her story, tears were slowly trickling down her cheeks. Jongho reached up to gently brush them away, hand traveling down to her shoulder and offering a supportive squeeze. 
“What do you say that we put into the snow and get your mind off of it?” He suggested and looked over to you, eyes silently asking if it was okay. 
“That sounds like a good idea,” You add and nudge your sister with your elbow. “Wanna have a snowball fight? Us against Jongho?” 
The said man gave a whine of protest, successfully eliciting a soft chuckle from Areum. She sniffles and brushes away the rest of her tears. “Alright- get ready to lose big guy.” 
You told the pair to go on ahead, tossing Areum her gloves, coat, and scarf. Jongho makes small talk with her when he notices her suddenly stop mid-sentence and freeze. He saw that her haze was elsewhere and followed it all the way to a teenage boy with a girl on his arms. It didn’t take long for him to realize that the guy must’ve been her boyfriend. He looked back to Areum who had fresh tears pooling in the corner of her eyes.
His heart clenched at the sight and a quiet rage was lit inside of him. Jongho leaned down to grab a fistful of snow, compacting it into a tight ball before catching your sister’s attention. “Hey Areum, watch this.” He smiles, a bit devilishly, before chucking the snowball towards the boy.
The snowball hits the poor kid straight in the face. This causes Areum to snort out in laughter. She decided to partake in the fun, allowing Jack and Winny’s momentary confusion to give her a chance to make a couple of snowballs, throwing it at the two of them. Sooner or later, you and Jongho were tossing a merciless volley of snowballs at the two, making them whine in protest. 
“C’mon man what the fuck???” Jack yelled in annoyance. 
“You’re lucky that’s all you get for messing with my baby sister!” Jongho yelled back and stepped aside to allow Areum to throw another ball at him.
You rush outside to see the commotion. The sight was funny, seeing the younger couple be hit relentlessly, but the pacifist in you told you that it was too much. “Okay, okay- you two they got the message.” You laugh as you stop them, looking back to the others to see them dusting the snow off their clothes. “God, you guys really let them have it.” 
You manage to calm the two down, steering them away from the cheaters when Jack called out. “Yeah that’s right- get your bitch ass sister to protect you..!” 
The insult makes you stop in your tracks, the cheery disposition dissipating. Without another word, Areum grins and hands you a snowball which you gladly took. And before Jack knew what had happened, you threw the ball right at him, hitting him directly in the face and causing him to fall back into the snow. Areum and Jongho let out an excited whoop. 
“You wanna say that again?!” You ask, moving to gather more balls.
Winny, being sensible enough, tugged Jack away before the three of you could chase them away. You three share a laugh, watching as the pair run away like cowards. Serves them right. 
“You ladies are deadly,” Jongho muses. 
Areum couldn’t help but laugh. “That’s why you’re so into my sister. That’s your type.” She chuckles. But before Jongho could quip back, she had already tossed a ball at him, followed by you throwing another one. 
He laughs, baring his cute gummy smile. “Alright- you two asked for it.” 
You and Areum squeal in delight as he chases the two of you around, volleys of snowballs being exchanged. Sure the day started off glum, but at least now it could end with joy paired with the warmth of hot chocolate that was soon to come.
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cinnaminsvga · 7 years
my friend told me the E version photoshoot makes them look like pokemon gym leaders and now i can’t get it out of my head so i wrote a bulletpoint list as to what type of leader i think each person would be!!!
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NAMJOON - electric type specialist
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namjoon is the first gym leader you have to face when you set out on your journey. you’re hesitant at first when you were starting out because your parents were well-known trainers back in the day, so you were scared that you wouldn’t match up to their reputations. however, meeting namjoon was a breath of fresh air because he held no expectations of you whatsoever. coming from an elite family of pokemon trainers himself, he was able to relate to your self-doubt and encouraged you instead to go on your own path to self-discovery
(that “encouragement” just so happened to be an hour long sermon, so you weren’t really sure exactly what he said after the 20 minute mark, but you assumed it was something along those lines)
you come back the next day hoping to battle him immediately, but like all gyms, his was designed as a puzzle.
“All trainers think that all it takes is power and experience to become the greatest out there. What they tend to forget is that intelligence and strategy are just as important!”
H O L Y SHIT was this dude a fucking sadist or something because his gym was a fucking MAZE
you were essentially stuck in the dark, maneuvering your way blindly while stumbling across trainers to boot. the place was filled with doors and hallways, each room only accessible after solving a riddle or trivia about pokemon
after much stumbling and a lot of bullshitting your way through the answers, you eventually find your way to namjoon
“Ah, so you made it! You were definitely much faster than (rival’s name). I’m excited to see how well you do!”
despite being generally nice and supportive, he definitely did not go easy on you during your battle
“What? Do you expect me to be the easiest gym leader just because I’m your first official battle? Not a chance, darling!”
suffice to say, you almost got smote out of the sky by his powerful raichu, whom you thought you could have easily defeated with your ground type pokemon
electric types have very little weaknesses (read: only two) so Namjoon is pretty much an expert when it comes to dealing with those weaknesses. 
you got a ground type? bitch, he has pikachu that knows how to use SURF
“Holy shit? I thought surfing pikachu was a myth!”
“The only thing mythical about my pikachu is that it’s about to pound you to dust!”
In the end, however, you were able to defeat him (although, you might have had to rechallenge him a few times. But you got there eventually)
“Wow. It feels just like yesterday that we just met. I’m sure that I will be hearing more great things about you in the future. I’m already excited to see how much you will grow! ‘til our next battle!”
((he ends up climbing the ranks and joins the elite four. so that next battle comes sooner than you could have imagined!))
SEOKJIN - normal type specialist
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“normal type gym leader? are you kidding me?” you said when you found out from the residents of this small town about their gym leader
after defeating namjoon’s electrifying team, you were expecting the next gym leader to be just as intimidating. but normal type? oh c’mon!
when you first meet him, however, you definitely forgot all about battling becAUSE HOLY MOTHERFUCK
“Wow he’s FUCKING gorgeous”
“Thanks jagi. You’re not the first one to be in awe of my beauty.”
Whoops. Did you really say that out loud? AND HE HEARD?
unlike namjoon’s gym, seokjin’s gym was laid out less like a puzzle and more like a restaurant.
“I modelled it after Unova’s striaton gym! Isn’t it glorious?”
unlike striaton’s as well, it had less trivia questions and more--
“YUP! you gotta eat these five bowls of ramen before you can challenge me! be careful though, some bowls of ramen have a ticket at the bottom that says whether you gotta battle another trainer instead of me, soooo good luck!”
suffice to say, you weren’t exactly the luckiest person in the world
five full bowls of ramen later, you decide to start the battle immediately and get it over with. you call out your trusty starter pokemon, thinking that you wouldn’t even need to send out your type advantaged pokemon to defeat him
the admittedly beautiful pokemon didn’t even have a scratch on her. neither pokemon nor trainer seem to have broken a sweat
“Did you think I was easy or something? Jagi, everyone knows beautiful people never play easy.” He smirks, blowing you a cheeky kiss as he tells you to train harder and come back next time
in hindsight, you probably shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. note to self: never underestimate normal type users
((while training near the outskirts of the town, you find nine more other trainers practicing there too.))
((”You got your ass handed to you by seokjin-ssi too?” “Holy shit, all of you lost to him? What kind of monster is he??” “This is going to be my fifteenth time challenging him. Believe me, he’s the worst.” “I’d still date him though.” Everyone choruses “same” and gets back to training.))
YOONGI - steel type specialist
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holy fuck. HOLY FUCK
you thought seokjin was hot? WELL T H I N K AGAIN
(whoops that’s my biased ass talking ha ha ha)
“What’s the hold up? Stop gawking and let’s get to battling. Or are you too brain dead to function?”
despite his prickly words, he hands you a bottle water anyway, looking away as he does so
“it’s for your pokemon, alright? don’t think just because i’m nice that i’ll go easy on you.” R I G H T
anyway, he definitely wasn’t kidding when he said he wouldn’t go easy on you. EVEN HIS FUCKING GYM WAS CRAZY AS FUCK
his gym was as prickly as he was
“What’s with all the spikes?” “It’s my aesthetic. Don’t judge”
Anyway. Yoongi’s gym was mostly geared towards coordination with your partner, so you had to work together in order not to fall to your deaths into THE GIANT GAPING PIT FULL OF SPIKES
“Isn’t this, like, a safety hazard?” “Well, no one has died yet, so why tf are you complaining?”
(lucky for you, your flying pokemon did the trick wonderfully. you only shudder to think what type of horrors other trainers w/o flying type pokemon had to face in order to cross his death traps)
when you reach the gym leader room, you were surprised to find that he wasn’t even fucking there
“uhhhhh???” you looked around the room to find that there was a secret backdoor, which you found housed his own private studio
yoongi was fiddling with his laptop, mixing something or another for international stars from other regions
“Oh, you’re finally done? What took you so long?” he had grumbled, but he was actually secretly surprised that you had completed his gym really quickly. he hadn’t even gotten to boot up his laptop before you came in
having learned your lesson from seokjin, you had prepared intensely for this battle, and judging from yoongi’s fierce aura that he was definitely not an opponent to underestimate
but then. he sends out. a fucking aron. A BABY POKEMON
“I just caught the little dude this morning. Wanted to see how good he can handle gym-style battles.”
....were you supposed to go easy on it or....it looked like a fucking baby....
in the end, you fainted the tiny pokemon with the weakest move in your arsenal, trying not to hurt it too much. you even go so far as to run over to the aron afterwards, patting its head to see if it was ok
yoongi was impressed. compassion in pokemon battles was his core value (namjoon’s was intelligence & strategy, seokjin’s was humility and grit), and normally a lot of trainers would faint the baby pokemon in irritation, wondering why yoongi was sending out a runt of a pokemon instead of a real battle. he’s even encountered some demons who would use their strongest move on the baby pokemon, causing yoongi to kick them out and ban them for life
“Well. Color me surprised. Can’t believe a brain dead girl like you could pass my test so easily.”
after that little segment, the real battle begins. yoongi’s true arsenal of pokemon? h o l y f u c k (aggron, steelix, empoleon, lucario. FUCK)
(it may or may not have taken some tries to win. but if anything, yoongi was sure to remember you each time you come back to battle. and he may or may not have been anticipating them. m a y b e)
HOSEOK - fire type user
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you couldn’t say that you were surprised that this ball of sunshine was a fire type user
“Aww, am I that predictable? But I swear, my moves are going to wipe you out with a single flamethrower!”
his type specialty was pretty much the only thing predictable about hoseok. his gym was a mess of colors, fireworks, explosions, everything and anything that would cause your to lose both your hearing and eyesight at the same time
(you almost catch on fire from one of the fireworks that were meant to block you off from a section, but luckily, hoseok was watching and intervened)
“Honestly, i have NO idea what made me design my gym like this! I get scared by loud noises easily as well! Wow, forethought isn’t my forte.”
one almost singed arm later, you find your way to his main room
unlike his gym, it was calmer and peaceful. although, you might have to say that the HUNDREDS of figurines lining the walls were kinda--
“Oh, don’t mind those! That’s just my collection. Neat, huh?”
ignoring their beady eyes staring at you, you wanted to ask him first what his “value” was, since the three previous leaders all seemed to have a certain theme to their gyms
“Good thing you reminded me! I’m all about creativity, as you could tell from my gym, and this room! Speaking of, there’s a slight difference when it comes to my battles here.” the grin on his face seemed a little too happy to be trusted, so you waited for him to explain
in lieu of an explanation however, a big flat screen tv with two meters appeared, similar to the ones used in pokemon contests
and did you forget to mention? the floor you were standing on was made of glass, so you suddenly noticed that underneath the glass was not a blue floor, but was actually--
“Oh, it’s not boiling water if you’re curious! The steam is actually from the sauna, so don’t worry your little butt! It won’t singe you...too badly.”
so essentially, his battle was like this: just like a contest battle, you had to defeat your rival in the most creative manner possible. whether that meant aerial moves, explosions, colorful lights, whatever! if your moves dont have any appeal, your meter drops slightly.
once your meter runs out or your team is fainted... well... :)
(you may or may not gotten a soak after all. don’t worry, hoseok was there to help you dry up. he may be laughing now, but you swore that you would be last person laughing. plus, he liked wearing white shirts so you definitely wouldn’t mind if he got a little soaked too)
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