#white pony tattoo
meetinginsamarra · 2 days
mayprompts2024, #32 determined
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Chapters 1 to 8 here on AO3
If you like the tattoo AU give it some love on my AO3, please. It would mean a lot to me. TYSM!
The remaining chapters will be uploaded one every following day.
White Pony Tattoo - Part Twelve (determined)
Sherlock was completely stunned by John’s angry rant.
For once, witnessing the fierce side of John’s, the fearsome soldier, the way he was bristling with furious energy and righteous anger about Sherlock deriding and loathing himself was simply spectacular.
Also, because thinking about what John had actually said, Sherlock realized with growing surprise that firstly, he himself had never seen it this way and secondly, that John had made a brilliant deduction Sherlock had been so far uncapable of observing and thus, John was pretty damn smart, too.
Sherlock blinked rapidly, trying to compute the new point of view.
“I’ve never thought about it this way before.” Sherlock said in a small but not unhappy voice.
“Obviously.” John commented gruffly and sat down in the recliner chair again.
They were quiet for the next hour, the only sound to be heard was the whirring of the tattoo gun and Sherlock’s occasional instructions for John how to hold the arm.
It was a comfortable and contemplative silence as each of the two men pondered what had been said and what there was to be learned from it.
Sometime in the midst of the tattoo job, Sherlock began to speak.
“The tattooing helped a lot, with coping, I mean.”
Then the dam of keeping his past inside broke quickly and Sherlock told John everything. He had not been right out rejected by John after confessing his junkie past and the ongoing struggle of resististing to cure the itch. He hoped that John would still not reject him after confessing how stupid and gullible he had been.
“I’ve been studying chemistry at uni and apart from the equations and chemical reactions and experiments everything else bored me. I had no other hobbies and I especially had no friends. All of my peers thought I’m was weirdo and an asshole and shunned me for very good reasons because I was both.
I always wanted to be perfect, to fit in. Just be normal. But I am not a likeable person, I’m abrasive and obnoxious and I see things that people want to hide and I hurl these into their faces so that they’ll leave me alone.
One day I met Darren on campus, a drug dealer looking for new clients and he introduced me to cocaine.
It was heaven, John.
The cocaine softened all of this. I could concentrate better. I was happy, really truely happy with myself and my life for the first time since I was a teenager.
Shortly after, I fell in love with my now regular supplier and he became my first boyfriend. Darren might even have really loved me but that didn’t stop him from taking advantage of me.
He soon talked me into using my proficient chemistry skills for synthesising Ecstasy and I didn’t think a lot about it because he gave me free cocaine that I had quickly become addicted to.
I’ve been on a continuous high for over one year and have been able to hide it very well from everybody. In fact, my peers had become more friendly and open with me now that I apparently acted like what was generally perceived as “normal”. Which only confirmed my belief that without the drug I’d never be able to function adequately.
I had developed a severe drug addiction in the meantime. I was injecting cocaine several times a day and the veins in my left arm were utterly ruined.
The first time I tried to shoot up with my left hand using the good veins on my right arm I accidentally overdosed. It happened to be right here in the shop. Back then, the locality had still been a café. Mrs Hudson had run it, serving coffee and the best home-made bakeries. She found me unconscious on the toilet floor, barely breathing. She called the ambulance and I died on the way to the hospital due to cardiac arrest but they could reanimate me just in time.”
Sherlock was grateful that all the while he talked John merely listened without any judgemental comments. Being allowed to finally let go of at least some of the hurt was a huge relief.
“While I was in rehab, I made the acquaintance of another recovering addict who was a very skilful tattoo artist. When we were both clean, I asked her to put the white pony I had designed onto my back. Her art of painting with ink on skin intrigued me and she taught me all there was to know.”
“And now you are here.” John stated.
“And now I am here.” Sherlock confirmed. “And I’ll do everything to keep being here.”
“Including to keep everybody from eventually becoming part of your life?” John asked quietly. It sounded a bit defeated.
Sherlock sighed. “So far, yes.” He looked at John. “But that might change.”
“I’d be very happy if it would.” John gathered his courage. “If you would let me into your life.”
They watched each other silently for a minute, examining their feelings and what might be found in the depths of each others eyes. The seconds stretched out, trickling by agonizingly slow.
“I’ll make you a deal.” Sherlock said, fiddling with the tattoo gun. “We’ll finish your tattoo now. You will let it heal thoroughly for two weeks and I will think thoroughly about all that’s been said today. We both have to be sure.”
“That’s okay with me.”
“And then, we will go out on a date and have dinner, if you’re still interested in getting to know me by then.”
John had already opened his mouth to strongly object that he could ever lose interest in Sherlock but was shut off by Sherlock’s gesture to keep mum.
Sherlock smiled softly and pointed to his shop sign. “No arguing, John.”
“Okay, fine, good.” John nodded and swallowed. Somehow, a tiny tear of joy at the prospect to have a chance formed in his eye.
Sherlock smiled some more. “Also, no crying, John.”
Two weeks later, John arrived exactly on time at “Angelo’s Italian Restaurant” to have dinner with Sherlock.
This time, John did not hover in front of the door, he did not hesitate, or oscillate around on the pavement.
This time, John knew what he wanted and what he needed to do. Determined, he opened the door, entered and saw that Sherlock was waiting for him at a candle-decorated table for two.
(and they tattooed happily ever after)
Thank you all for reading, liking and commenting. It's been great to write this!
tagging some people @calaisreno @totallysilvergirl @lisbeth-kk @raina-at @peageetibbs
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dianattdz · 1 year
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deftones white pony tattoo
cr @dianattdz
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sennamaticart · 11 months
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A finished tattoo commission for a client!
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animefangirl00 · 1 year
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pixiv ID: 105435627 Member: 泡沫 彼骨
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micheldelarosaphoto · 28 days
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White Pony
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lunaplush · 3 months
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Some fresh ink ...had to get the white pony and crosses logos after seeing Chino preform live and meeting him in person I knew I had to get them
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valley-in-sin · 5 months
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A gift to my self 🎄
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vamp1rexgf · 1 year
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pigmartyr · 8 days
no thoughts just chinos shuddery inhale at the start of be quiet and drive
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highpriestessofhell · 6 months
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meetinginsamarra · 14 days
mayprompts2024,#20 do-over
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Apparently there will be another AU happening. No beds but tats.
A Tattoo Shop AU.
I've no idea where this will go so I'll surprise us all. LOL
White Pony Tattoo - Part One (do-over)
Dr John Watson stood in front of 221 Baker Street and – for the first time in a very long time – felt anxious.
He was wondering why this actually happened to him right now. The London afternoon was mild and sunny, summer was about to begin and yet, an aura of foreboding seemed to hover around the well-kept Victorian building.
John shook himself mentally. This was completely ridiculous. There was nothing to be afraid of. There was no danger.
For God’s sake, he had fought for Queen and Country in Afghanistan, had saved several lives and countless limbs in the field hospital and also on the battlefield under heavy fire. He had not felt anxious then. Wary, yes. Cautious, of course. High on adrenaline, surely.
He had been shot in the shoulder while he was on a scouting mission with his team and had woken up in his own field hospital. When his fellow army doctor had disclosed to John in blunt medical terms that he might lose his arm, then John had been frightened.
After a long rehab process the arm was functioning again but John had been honourably discharged because of an intermittant tremor in his hand that made him unsuitable to work as a field surgeon.
Two years ago, John had returned to London and after struggling for three months he had found work as a physician in a local clinic. He had soon met a wonderful nurse named Mary Morstan, fell in love with her and they had married quickly.
Which brought John back to the reason why he was standing in the middle of the pavement in front of 221 Baker Street, staring at the tattoo shop like a village idiot.
The tattoo on his right upper arm needed a do-over.
“White Pony Tattoo” was not what John had expected. It was located in a small shop with a red awning above its single window. There were no flashing neon signs or colourful and enlarged pictures of tattoo designs the artist had created. No advertising of the shop’s services whatsoever. Everything was clinical and sterile, even off-putting. Had it not been for the single metal sign placed in the middle of the window, no one would have thought a tattoo shop would be behind it.
Maybe it was the sign that made John feel so anxious.
It read “White Pony Tattoo” and showed a stylized white running pony on its right side. On the left the sign read “no arguing, no crying, no boring designs”. This did not bode well. Just by the look of it, John would never have thought about setting a foot in there.
Yet, John had done his fair share of internet research to find the best tattoo shops in London because he really did not want some would-be tattoo artist botch up his skin.
White Pony Tattoo had topped several lists. The only shortcoming that people regularly mentioned was that the artist was capricious. The lesser polite said that he was a total dick. However, Sherlock’s – John assumed it was a pen name -artistry was highly acclaimed and he had won several competitions over the last years. Getting an appointment was difficult and being accepted as a client was even more so. But sometimes, when Sherlock was interested enough, he accepted walk-ins.
John straightened his back, raised his chin, took a deep breath and opened the door of the tattoo shop. A melodious door bell chimed and announced his presence.
IIt was cool and dim inside the shop and it smelled faintly of a fresh lemon fragrance. A thick purple curtain behind the wooden counter closed off the rearmost part of the shop. Quiet classical violin music played in the background.
“Hello?” John called out, taking off his jumper to let his tattoo show. “Is there anybody here?”
The curtain moved and a man stepped up to the counter. It was easy to recognize Sherlock from the few pictures John had seen on the internet.
“Hello, I’m here for a do-over…” John began.
“Shut up.” Sherlock commanded. His baritone voice was silky and opulent just like the luscious black curls that framed his aristocratic and unusual face.
John was so surprised that he closed his mouth with an audible plop.
Sherlock’s eyes roamed over John’s face and upper arms, then the rest of his body. Piercing blue grey eyes took in every detail, precise like an x-ray machine or better, like a computer tomograph. They missed nothing, pinning John to the spot and stripping him down to his very bones, unable to hide anything. It was uncanny. Disconcerting.
“Firstly, it’s called a cover-up, as you should very well know.”
Sherlock chided, frowning. His voice rumbled like the high-end engine of a race car and filled John with an unknown desire.
“Secondly, I’ve already deduced what you want. I won’t do it because it’s boring.”
The one(s) who know and tell me where the shop's name comes from will get a cameo in this AU (nothing bad, I promise). Are you game?
tagging @peageetibbs @totallysilvergirl @calaisreno @lisbeth-kk @raina-at
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aeolar · 2 years
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Lotties tat designs
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thybeholder · 2 years
i gotta get the white pony outline tatted on me i must !
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haileybeehappy · 1 year
Pre Concert Rituals
Word count : 1.1k
Warnings : oral (male receiving) dom harry, swearing, horny harry
Summary : you and Harry enact pre concert rituals
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Harrys green room smelled of shaving foam as you sat on the counter with harry standing between your splayed legs. His face tilted upwards as you glide the razor across his skin. Shaving the prickly hairs off his chin. He twitches as your non dominant hand grazes the side of his neck to steady yourself.
"Don't move or I'll nick you," you whisper yell him.
"Sorry lovie you tickled me," his hands rest on your hips. Thumbs rubbing your exposed skin between your crop top and leggings. With one last swipe of the razor you put it down into the sink next to you. Grabbing his face with both hands and making sure you didn't miss any stray hairs. "All clean?" he asks eyebrow quirked.
"Looks it," you smile. He steps away from you and to the sink. plucking the razor out and starting the water. Testing it with his fingers to make sure its not too hot. He quickly washes his face and pats it dry with a white towel. He looks at you with a smirk and rubs on some aftershave. A small smile resting on his lips. "Handsome as ever," you laugh as you grab his hand and pull him towards you. He slots himself between your legs again. Kissing your lips softly as you creep your hands to his chest. Rubbing your hands up and down his black t-shirt. Aching to touch his skin.
The kisses become less sweet and more hungry. Full of desire and want. His hands coming around your back sneaking under your shirt. nails raking at your skin. He pulls back away from you.
"Gonna get me all riled up before I go on stage?" his grip quickly moving up your back and pulling at your hair.
"You started it," your hands drift back down from his shoulders where they were resting into the waistband of his sweat pants. Running your fingers gently back and forth between his hip bones.
"You gonna help me finish it lovie?" he says as he grabs at your ass, his hands hitting the counter. You raise your self so he can kneed his hands into your cheeks. Pulling down the front of his pants slightly. "Fifteen minutes before I gotta head to get dressed," He pulls you off the counter and you drop to your knees in front of him.
"You and I both know I don't need fifteen minutes bub," You pull down the elastic of his pants and his dick bounces free pretty much fully hard. His head drops back as you wrap your hand around him. "Already so hard for me baby," your wipe the precum from his tip with your thumb. He thrusts into your grip as you begin to pump his cock. Leaning forward you stick out your tongue to taste him. He gasps as you make contact against his skin.
"Come on baby don't tease me," he wraps your hair into a makeshift pony tail and pushes you towards him. You open your mouth wide and take him down your throat. "Such a good girl for me baby," he groans as his tip hits resistance. You lightly gag on him and he pulls back. "Sorry honey," he lets out a whine. Your throat aching at the pressure.
"It's okay, I like to hear you moan Haz," his hands tighten in your hair. His other hand coming up to your chin and wiping saliva away from your skin and pushing it back into your mouth.
"Good girl, so good for me," you close your mouth around his thumb and suck lightly. "You ready to take it again baby?" you nod with a hum. "Good," He pushed himself back into your mouth and you instantly close your lips around him. Suctioning your mouth around him. Wrapping your hands around the base of him taking what you can't in your mouth. You swirl your tongue around his slit and push into him. You keep a good pace bobbing up and down on his cock until you feel the familiar ache in your jaw. You pull back and whine. Resting your head against the tattoo on his thigh. Pumping him in your hand.
"Getting tired baby?"
"My jaw is achy," you whine at him.
"It's okay," his hand wraps around yours and helps you pump his cock. His rings digging into your skin. "You feel so good against me no matter what you have wrapped around me," He lets out a low grunt. "Your hands," he moans. "Your pussy. Oh fuck!" he whines as you bring your mouth against his head. "Your beautiful mouth. Oh shit," His hand grasps the back of your head and guides you up and down. Sucking him as he dips back into your throat. His grip on your hair tightens and his thighs quiver. His cock twitching in your mouth.
"Oh fuck I'm gonna come baby, ready?" he asks you hum around him in confirmation. He groans as you suck a little and his thrusts into your mouth become sloppy. He twitches again and his warm cum spills into your mouth. You let him finish completely before you open your mouth so he can see. "Such a good fuckin girl," he groans out as you swallow him down. You both stay still for a moment before you rise up and he tucks himself into his pants. You turn to sink and rinse your hands off. He comes up behind you and makes eye contact with you as his hands find your hips and to your stomach.
"Fuck you're too good to me," his head nuzzles into the crook of your neck and he places soft kisses on your skin.
"You got like five minutes till you gotta go haz," you moan as he begins to suck on your neck. His hands now rubbing at your inner thighs. Your hands grip onto the counter, white knuckles.
"You and I both know that I can get you there before that five minutes is up," he smirks as he sinks to his knees behind you.
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helloliriels · 16 hours
✍️ May Masterpost 2024
Saving a MASTERPOST for returning to these delicious fics, ficlets, limericks, and more inspired by @calaisreno 's prompt list. Most have made it to the AO3 collection (linked), but also (more ... much, much, more!!!) findable on their Tumblr pages:
✨ Open Your Eyes by @jrow : John fell and Sherlock's about to fall apart.
✨ Come What May by @weeesi : Ficlets, 221Bs, no particular theme or timeline, mostly johnlock.
✨ Ravelling by @calaisreno : Sherlock ruins John's favourite jumper. To make amends, he secretly learns to knit and replaces it.
✨ Trifles 3 by @calaisreno : A 3rd series of drabbles, 221Bs, flashfics, mini-epics, written in response to one-word prompts.
✨ Screw Spring, May is for Limericks by @ghostofnuggetspast
✨ 2024 May Prompts from @ Calais_Reno by @thegildedbee
✨ May Has 31 Days by @bs2sjh : What if one day everything changed? 31 - 221Bs shorts 
✨ MayPrompts2024 by @starkraivennemad : All 31 of them in list order.
✨ Sandbox by @copperplatebeech : Playing in the Johnlock sandbox for May.
✨ The Perfect Place by @meetinginsamarra : Bed shop boys, actually ... 😏😎 Sherlock needs a flatmate and already has the perfect person in mind.
✨ White Pony Tattoo by @meetinginsamarra : John Watson needs a tattoo covered up. Sherlock Holmes is one of the best artists in London.
✨ May Prompts 2024 Ficlets by @raina-at : A collection of stand-alone ficlets I wrote for the Tumblr May challenge.
✨ There Once Was a Man Lived in London by @friday411 : A limerick for each of the 31 daily prompts for the challenge + 1. plus Sherlockian Limericks of Dubious Memory to be ongoing ...
✨ The Luckiest Girl in the World by @lisbeth-kk : Rosie thinks back to the day her and John's life changed because of Sherlock Holmes.
✨ You're Not Designed to be Alone by @thalialunacy : A journey from friends to more, told in bite-sized pieces.
✨ May is for Limericks by @helloliriels : Johnlocked angst. Sorry!
✨ One More Time (with Feeling) by helloliriels for @totallysilvergirl : Sherlock gets help with a do-over ... from another doctor!
✨ Home by @actually-a-girls-name : ficlets for May Prompts 2024 
✨ May Prompts by @peanitbear : Sherlock's past closed his heart. Will it ever open again?
✨ Plant's May Prompts 2024 by @solarmama-plantsareneat
✨ Penitence by @naefelldaurk : John and Sherlock find a way forward.
✨ + 26 Ficlets posted to the collection by @amypihcs !!!
✨ Updates! to The Private Personal Blog of Dr. John H. Watson by @deelaundry and;
✨ Sharing is Caring and Choice by @dragonnan : John takes care of a sick Sherlock. And when Sherlock and Mrs. Hudson first met.
✨ Hungerford Bride by @jolieblack : "We're chained to a boat?"
✨ Love Over Gold by @rudbeckiasunflower : 221B format ficlets
✨ Whatever Remains by @ snowy_firewind : A series of drabbles
✨ Kaiju AU for May Prompts so far posted, here by @keirgreeneyes : with links to the prior posts!
✨ Calm (Andante, andante) by @ohwhataniight : It finally happens on their holiday. 
And I know a ton of you haven't added yours to the collection yet (looking at you @totallysilvergirl ...) cause I don't see 'em here!! haha 💕feel free to link/reblog with! - Liri
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skyenish · 1 month
Twst mlp AU | thoughts behind the designs
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I made Leona an earth pony with a thicker build. Hes a square with sharp angles! Hes one of the first drawings I made for this ‘series’ so its a bit lackluster, but I wanted him to be nice and hairy. I gave him a more lion-like tail, and some jewelry from his culture. His ears are nicked and he has long, slightly tangled hair. He also has a lot of hair around his neck becuase he’s a lion! I gave him a color scheme vaguely resembling a lion as well. Also nice and hairy legs, i love to draw those on horses. His cutie mark is three claw marks over clouds of dust. There are multiple different meanings to this cutie mark.
Vil covers up his cutie mark for personal reasons, but its a spotlight shining behidn some curtains. I tried to give him a more ‘feminine’ look while also keeping sharper angles. I love his color scheme, and i made him a unicorn because I thought it fit perfectly. I considered making him an earth pony to really show how he works hard for everything and doesn’t take shortcuts, but in the end unicorn won. I might change it later though! I had to give him some elegant white spots too, because aesthetically it just clicked in my head. He has a purple bow and has his unique hair accessory in his bun. I gave him longer eyelashes, and instead of making his hair a blonde-purple gradient I made some locks purple.
Jamil!!! He’s one of my favorite designs. I know the obvious choice seems to make him a unicorn, but HEAR ME OUT ON PEGASUS JAMIL! It adds a lot of symbolism and extra layers I think, it’s very tragic. Plus, he looks pretty with wings. I gave him darker and greyer colors to portray his darker and jaded nature, and it’s a nice contrast to Kalim’s design. I tried to vaguely design him off of Arabian horses but it didn’t come through very well. Did you know that MLP has a race of horses called ‘Saddle Arabians’? I didnt and i think its absolutely hilarious. Jamil is also supposed to have bags attached to the thing around his waist, but I’m too lazy to draw them.. His cutie mark is an eye with the world as its pupil, and a snake curling behind it. I put a lot of thought into his cutie mark and I’m really happy with what I came up with! To me it has 4 different meanings! I kinda want to redraw Jamil because he looks so small compared to the others!
Kalim is a unicorn for even more delicious angst. His whole family is unicorns. He’d much rather be a pegasus, but at least he has the magic carpet! Jamil thinks it’s bullshit that Kalim can use magic AND can fly. I made Kalim’s colors more vibrant and yellow and lively. He wears lots of jewlery, has tattoos and is my favorite design of these four! He also took me the longest. His cutiemark is a sun or a coin with gems on it, and it has wings. This too has multiple meanings. I think in the Scalding Sands culture the snake jewelry was something the sorcerer of the sands, an alicorn, wore around his horn. Maybe the original was a magical artifact? Well, Kalim, and other people from the scalding sands, wear fakes to honor the sorcerer. Anyways, I made Kalim slightly hairier then Jamil to show how he’s softer and wilder.
I’d love to do more with this AU, because my mind is already full with so many cool ideas! Thanks for reading my rambles and have a nice day :)
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