#which would be fine except for premium shop
pretty-idol-hell · 1 month
So, guys, what do you think is gonna happen tonight?
The monthly update is usually at 12:00 JST, and there is a bunch of stuff in Prism Stone ending at that time.
But maintenance is starting from 13:00 JST, only an hour later. Right? Hmm.
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2af-afterdark · 5 months
Oof, it's been a hot minute since I've sent you an ask... Sorry 'bout that and also for not sending you any New Year's wishes, irl stuff kept me pretty busy lately. I hope you had fun celebrating! <3
...Admittedly, part of the reason for my absence was that I've also been feeling unpleasantly drained by the Nightmare Pass missions, on top of everything else. I feel a little bad about pretty much coming here and complaining, but I'd like to hear your opinion since you have the Pass activated and I'm f2p, so I wonder how our experiences differ.
I feel like the rewards are.. lackluster, in all honesty. The yellow keys are nice, the frame is pretty... And that's about it. Aside from a small bonus of getting some gems after completing the daily missions, there's really not much to look forward to. It feels like there's far too much effort required and not enough rewards.
Not to mention the missions themselves. God, the missions. I hate the way they work with a passion. The fact that you need to log in daily is fine, the fact that you need to grind a bit is also fine... But then there's shit like "claim a likeability reward" which I'd love to do, except I only have one left over from Andrealphus and still half a Pass to get through. I remember you writing that it feels like being punished for unlocking content, and I completely agree. That's exactly how it feels. I am not going to waste all of my red keys in an attempt to get a new L-grade card since I have all S-grade devils maxed out already.
And speaking of wasting red keys! The "special draw" missions also leave a bit of a sour taste in my mouth. I remember making those single-pulls while sighing deeply because, well, it just doesn't feel like all of the resources I'm consuming are going to be compensated. I spend Solomon's tears, both types of keys, a lot of energy (in-game and irl) and most of the time I get... A few boxes of randomised jellies? That I can get extremely easily through other means? At least make them select-type like the ones in event shops, damn it!
Basically, I'm salty and kind of sad. I love the game dearly, but I think I'm going to give up on the Nightmare Pass. Once I hit a likeability reward mission that I cannot complete, I'm out. The frame is pretty, but getting one from an event shop is going to be way easier and less stress-inducing. I don't want to burn myself out (any more than I already did) by trying to complete it.
So sorry for such a long rant, I ended up getting a bit carried away... I'm really interested in how the effort/reward ratio feels like with a purchased Pass. I'm not really active in the fandom (I pretty much only follow you and the official acc, lol) so I haven't seen people speak about it yet. Hopefully, at least some people have a better time with that hell of an event.
— 💛
So, I used my premium pass from the pre-order rewards on the Nightmare Pass so I could study the way it works from a p2p perspective. I must say, the reward you get in p2p are much better. I received many yellow and red keys, Solomon's Tears, Puddings, Books, Coins, etc. I had unlimited auto-fights in the nightmare dungeon so I can grind coins for the shop easily. Over all, the amount of rewards you get may justify the $60 price tag IF you can afford it and you want the card at the end. Also, this assumes they do this within limited quantities. Like, I would say once every few months at most. Maybe very 2-3 months at most. Still sucks you can only get the card if you're willing to pay out the nose for the rewards. I did look at the f2p rewards and... yeah, not worth it. That is a lot of grinding for very little payoff. I was getting 2-4 reward every day because I was getting the rewards for every tier so it felt more worthwhile.
Also, yeah. I have been playing the game less since the Nightmare Pass started because I was afraid of locking myself out of future requirements for the missions. I had trouble with likability (something I usually max out within 2-3 days of getting a new unit), I was afraid to level up characters and their skills, I wasn't promoting anyone, I wasn't doing anything because I was so afraid I would screw myself by playing the game.
That's why I think Nightmare Pass kind of sucks the most. I felt like I was being punished for having played the game up until this point. Some missions were, as you said, fine. Any missions involving pleasing someone in the Secret Club were fine (not the unholy board because some of those I had maxed out already and it was pain to advance them more). Any missions where I had to fight were good. That I can always do. But missions that have finite end points are terrible (there is a max number of levels characters can have, a max amount of promotions I can do, only so far I can go on an unholy board, likability stops at 100%, characters can only evolve 5 times before they are maxed). Those missions suck because I can screw myself by actually having invested the time into the game before the Nightmare Pass is even out. It actually sucked to basically stop playing this game because I was afraid to play and screw myself out of getting Gabriel.
And the missions are kind of sucky too. Because each stage only unlocks after the previous one is completed, it's hard to know what is coming up and easy to screw yourself. Not everyone has 20ST available multiple times. Not everyone hoards their keys to do the multiple draws over and over again. And having 25 stages that can only be unlocked once daily rather than continuously (since the one mission on each day is to login) it means that if you miss a few days, you are screwed. You can pay to unlock the path with Nightmare Coins, but that assumes you have enough (and each reward gets more expensive as you go).
Overall, Nightmare Pass feels like the kind of event that is aimed toward people who dedicate time to the game to complete the rewards, but those same people can easily get screwed if they put in all that effort too early. The nightmare Pass isn't terrible, but it definitely needs some tweaking. It's the kind of event I would only continue in the future if I really want the card/haven't invested so much I screw myself. Honestly, it feels like the kind of event you finish and only debate purchasing the other rewards after you see how far you've managed to get to see if you can justify the expense.
Also, never feel like you can't rant to me. I rant all the time. Goodness knows I rant all the time... I don't do it because I hate the game. It's me trying to point out issues for others and because I want to see things changed for the better.
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vinay885 · 8 months
Dlf Mini Camellias Sector 42 Gurgaon|Prime Living Apartments
Gurgaon, regularly dubbed as the "Millennium City," is recognized for its fast urbanization and modern lifestyle. With its sprawling skyscrapers, bustling corporate hubs, and bright social scene, Gurgaon has attracted people from all walks of life. If you are searching for the epitome of a luxurious dwelling in this dynamic city, Dlf Mini Camellias Sector 42 Gurgaon is a title that stands out. This lavish residential project offers a range of 2/3/4 BHK luxury residences that redefine opulence and comfort. Let's delve deeper into what makes DLF Mini Camellias a dream vacation spot for homebuyers.
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Location Advantage
One of the most massive selling points of Dlf Mini Camellias is its top area in Sector 42, Gurgaon. This upscale locality is strategically positioned, offering residents the easy right of entry to quite a number of services and facilities. Here are some of the key blessings of this location:
Proximity to Corporate Hubs: Sector 42 is in shut proximity to Gurgaon's major company and commercial enterprise districts, making it a perfect choice for working professionals. This skill much less time commuting and greater quality time spent at home.
Educational Institutions: There are renowned faculties and educational institutions nearby, making sure that your kids have get right of entry to quality training except for long commutes.
Healthcare Facilities: Leading hospitals and healthcare facilities are without problems accessible, imparting peace of thought in instances of scientific emergencies.
Shopping and Entertainment: Sector 42 is domestic to various high-end purchasing malls, fantastic eating restaurants, and amusement hubs, making sure that you have the whole thing you want inside reach.
Luxury Redefined
Dlf Mini Camellias Gurugram provides a range of 2/3/4 BHK luxurious flats that are meticulously designed to cater to the wants of contemporary city dwellers. Here's a glimpse:
Spacious Interiors: The flats are designed to grant adequate housing for at-ease living. The well-thought-out ground plans maximize the use of reachable space, making sure that each and every nook of your home is functional and aesthetically pleasing.
High-End Fixtures and Finishes: From premium floors to top-notch fittings in the bathrooms and kitchens, no element is overlooked when it comes to the fine substances used in DLF Mini Camellias.
Smart Home Features: The apartments are geared up with smart home automation systems that enable you to manipulate lighting, security, and different components of your home with the contact of a button.
Amenities Galore
DLF Mini Camellias would not simply provide luxurious apartments; it additionally offers an array of world-class services that cater to your each and every need. Some of the standout services include:
Swimming Pools: Take a dip in the pristine swimming pools to unwind and relax.
Fitness Center: Stay in form with a well-equipped health core that consists of trendy health club equipment.
Clubhouse: Enjoy socializing and recreational activities at the clubhouse, which gives spaces for both relaxation and entertainment.
Landscaped Gardens: Beautifully landscaped gardens and inexperienced areas grant serene surroundings for residents to rejuvenate.
24/7 Security: Your security is a top priority, with round-the-clock protection and surveillance structures in place.
Dlf Mini Camellias Sector 42 Gurgaon, is a testomony to luxurious residing at its finest. With its high location, meticulously designed apartments, and world-class amenities, it affords a lifestyle that is second to none. Whether you are an expert looking for convenience, a household searching for a blissful home, or an investor searching for a high property, Dlf Mini Camellias Sector 42 Gurugram has something exceptional to offer. Don't miss the possibility to journey the pinnacle of luxurious dwelling in the heart of Gurgaon.
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smallnetbusiness · 9 months
Cask Cartel America's no1 Premium Spirits Marketplace
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Cask Cartel America's no1 Premium Spirits Marketplace. Cask Cartel distinguishes itself apart in its reputation and products, embarking on a journey with the best spirits America has to offer. There is an obvious allure that draws you into the realm of exquisite flavors, fragrances, and time-honored traditions as soon as you step foot inside this market. Cask Cartel is more than simply a marketplace when it comes to navigating through the wide variety of spirits; it's also a curator of experiences. Each bottle on its virtual shelf has a narrative to tell about the workmanship, the time spent in oak barrels, the tasteful combination of ingredients, and the master distillers who put their hearts into every drop. Cask Cartel celebrates the craft of distilling and brewing in addition to merely selling alcoholic beverages. Furthermore, Cask Cartel's continuous dedication to quality and authenticity is what sets it apart. It provides insights, taste notes, and historical information that both inform and attract both experts and beginners. Shopping here is less about making a transaction and more about being a part of a community that appreciates the complex history and nuanced characteristics of fine spirits. The Market's Evolution over Time The Embattled Start Cask Cartel began as a little niche for spirits enthusiasts before the flashing lights and web glamor. The creators envisioned a market that distinguished out from the competition because they were enthusiastic about quality and authenticity. The original Cask Cartel shop was once a retreat for those looking for the more profound essence of spirits, and it was tucked away in a charming area of the town.  It was more than simply a shop since the wooden shelves were lined with meticulously chosen bottles, each with its narrative.  Customers were drawn in by the atmosphere, which had an old-world charm, and shared tales, experiences, and mutual admiration for the craft in addition to making purchases.  The owners made sure that each visitor departed with more than just a bottle by often engaging in discussion and sharing their contagious excitement. As word got out, Cask Cartel's fame quickly expanded beyond its modest home, laying the groundwork for the digital revolution it would eventually embrace. The Switch to Digital Cask cartels evolved along with technological advancements. Moving online provided the opportunity to connect with a larger community of booze fans, not simply a change in platform. An extensive collection, engaging experiences, and consumer feedback were all made possible by the digital age. Passive browsing was converted into an interesting learning experience with the help of virtual tastings and webinars led by business professionals. The brand's focus on quality and authenticity remained unchanged with the convenience of online buying, making sure that each bottle reflected the same passion and dedication that the founders had fostered in their brick-and-mortar days. In essence, Cask Cartel was transformed by the shift to digital media from a local shop to a worldwide phenomenon. Why does Cask Cartel excel above its rivals? Curated Spirits Selection The selection procedure is rigorous and includes spirits from every region of the nation. On the virtual shelves, only the greatest bottles are shown. Exceptional Customer Experience It becomes more than simply a shopping experience the moment you log in. It's a discovery voyage with in-depth tasting notes, historical tidbits, and match recommendations. Authenticity and Reputation Every bottle sold demonstrates Cask Cartel's ongoing dedication to its clients by never sacrificing on quality. Getting to Know the Spirits Landscape The Development of Small Distilleries Drinkers in the modern day seek more than just a bottle; they look for a narrative. And because of their artisanal processes and distinctive products, craft distilleries have carved out a position for themselves in this market. Trends in Spirits for 2023 Classic cocktails have witnessed a comeback, flavored whiskey sales have soared, and consumers' preferences for eco-friendly and sustainable companies are growing. The Cask Cartel Platform: Navigation Cask Cartel's platform is fundamentally user-centric, from a flawless checkout procedure to an understandable search tool. The website is kept at the forefront of technology and user experience thanks to frequent upgrades. Initiatives in the Community of Cask Cartel Not simply spirits are involved. Cask Cartel has a strong commitment to civic engagement. The company is dedicated to giving back and has started green practices as well as sponsored local activities. What Does the Future Hold for the Cask Cartel? Cask Cartel will develop together with the spirits world. The future is bright, whether it's adopting augmented reality for virtual tastings or working with global businesses. Conclusion Cask Cartel, the top marketplace for premium spirits in America, has succeeded in carving out a position for itself in the wide digital realm of e-commerce. It's about sharing a love of spirits, commemorating history, and creating a community, not simply about selling bottles.  FAQs How does Cask Cartel make sure that its goods are authentic? Every item offered is 100 percent real thanks to close relationships with distilleries and a rigorous quality control method. What distinguishes Cask Cartel from other online markets for spirits? Cask Cartel is famous for its in-depth information, customer service, and community efforts in addition to its sizable collection. Do they provide shipping abroad? Yes, a few overseas locations are served via Cask Cartel shipping. Always review the shipping requirements before submitting an order. How often is the collection expanded with new items? Product launches and seasonal promotions often coincide with the regular addition of new items. Can I exchange or return products? Yes, there are liberal return and exchange policies at Cask Cartel, however, there are restrictions. Before making a purchase, always inquire about their return policy. Read the full article
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gofiji · 1 year
7 Restaurants in Fiji Where You Can Enjoy Delicious Food | GoFiji.net
7 Restaurants in Fiji Where You Can Enjoy Delicious Food
Fiji is a small island nation in the South Pacific Ocean that attracts travellers from all over the world. This country provides visitors with an intriguing experience because it is blessed with more than 300 tropical islands with fine, white sand. The two most populous islands, Viti Levu and Vanua Levu, welcome visitors from all over the world. Every visitor would want to stay in this country for its rocky landscapes, coral reefs, palm-lined beaches, and crystal-clear lagoons.
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Numerous well-known restaurants in Fiji have been established to serve the greatest international and local cuisines in order to satisfy the ever-increasing number of tourists who are arriving in Fiji virtually every day. According to their customer's interests and preferences, they supply a variety of cuisines to travellers looking for various foods.
The Most Popular Restaurant Choices in Fiji
Fiji continues to have the widest selection of foods and dishes in the entire world. The greatest cuisine from across the world is served at all of Fiji's top restaurants, including Mexican, Japanese, American, Indian, Thai, Italian, and traditional Fijian fare. Fijian restaurants offer recipe options in accordance with the preferences of particular visitors. The most well-known dish, nevertheless, is the seafood from Fujian, which is known for its distinctive flavour and rarity worldwide.
1. Nadina Fijian Restaurant
For those interested in Fijian cuisine, the renowned Nadina authentic Fijian restaurant continues to be a popular and essential stop. One of the top Fiji restaurants on Denarau Island, it virtually always serves all varieties of Fijian specialties, cooked with premium, fresh seafood to combinations of various vegetables. You will be sufficiently enticed to bring the recipe back home after sampling one of this restaurant's well-known Fijian delicacies, Kokoda.
Must Try: Kokoda, Papaya Daiquiri and Pina Colada, Cassava Cake, Seafood.
Location: Building C, Shop R1 & R2, Denarau Island, Viti Levu, Fiji
Cuisine: offers seafood, Polynesian dishes, vegan and vegetarian options, and gluten-free options. 
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2. Wicked Walu Seafood Restaurant
Wicked Walu Seafood Restaurant is a place that only serves adults and is open every evening for dinner. It has been chosen as Fiji's top restaurant since it is one of the most well-known Fiji eateries with international recognition. This restaurant offers delectable meals for its respected patrons who appreciate listening to the distinctive tempo of the waves touching the coast with its mouth-watering assortment of top seafood grills, char-grilled steaks, and decadent desserts.
Must Try: Char-Grilled Steaks, Fish, Seafood Grills, and Delish Desserts
Location: Warwick Fiji, Korolevu, Viti Levu, Queen’s Road Fiji
Cuisine: Seafood, international, vegan, gluten-free, and veg-friendly cuisine are available.
3. Beach Cocomo Vakacegu Café
This charming cafe, which differs somewhat from Fiji's typical dining establishments in terms of food quality and flavour, serves up delectable meals with a focus on customer service. The food is made utilising the ancient earth oven-cooking method known as "love" in native Fijian customs, making this the best place to sample food in Fiji. This café is the best choice for you if you're seeking traditional Fijian dishes.
Must Try: Beef Dinner, Fijian/Asian Fusion Food, Potato Basket First Course
Location: Lot 1, Navoto Sovi Bay, Sigatoka, Viti Levu 000, Fiji
Cuisine: the variety of vegan options, vegetarian-friendly foods, and gluten-free foods
4. Tokoriki Oishii Teppanyaki Restaurant
One of the few exceptional Fiji restaurants on the island, the renowned Tokoriki Oishii Teppanyaki Restaurant stands out for a number of noteworthy reasons. The restaurant's authentic Fijian cuisine, which includes beautifully cooked traditional Japanese teppanyaki meals, is made clear by its name alone. This restaurant, which is situated in the lovely tropical gardens of Fiji, also keeps up a great ambience.
Must Try: Sushi, steak, fried rice, and seafood are all must-tries.
Location: Fiji's Mamanuca Islands
Cuisine: Japanese and Asian cuisine, vegetarian options, and gluten-free selections
5. Taste Fiji Kitchen
Taste Fiji Kitchen provides everyone with distinctive and fresh food and is consistently rated and evaluated as one of the top restaurants in Nadi, Fiji, by its patrons. This restaurant has become a popular choice for many tourists. As the recipes are prepared from locally grown fresh Fijian ingredients, this restaurant has become a sought-after option. Despite having a variety of mouth-watering sweets, it has been providing breakfast, lunch, and afternoon tea.
Must Try: Desserts, cakes, coffee, tea, and reviving fresh fruit juices are must-try items.
Location: Namaka, Nadi, Viti Levu 9169, Fiji
Cuisine: Cafe, fusion, vegan and vegetarian options, and gluten-free food are available.
6. Flying Fish Restaurant in Fiji
The Flying Fish Restaurant of Fiji is recognised globally for the combination of its unique, inventive culinary dishes and impressive ambience. Apart from maintaining food quality and hygiene, this restaurant is recognised for serving food which is considered truly inspirational. People visit here to explore fresh Fijian seafood, although various other items are also served with so much variety that everybody willfully visits again.
Must Try: Fish Tacos Or Niçoise Salad, Fish
Location: On the Beach, Denarau Island, Viti Levu, Fiji
Cuisine: Seafood
7. Ocean Terrace Restaurant in Fiji
The seaside Terrace Restaurant is tucked away among the lush green palm trees near the seaside. It is a well-known restaurant that serves guests amazing food of the highest calibre. This family-friendly restaurant is an ideal setting for a first date because of its lovely surroundings. Here, you may find the best of traditional Fijian cuisine, including dishes like coconut and white fish crepes and unusual tandoori salads.
Must Try: Apple Pie, local fish, curries, pizza, burgers, salads, stir-fries, pasta, and curries are all must-try foods.
Location: Sunset Strip RGCX+G8W Korotogo, Coral Coast, Fiji
Cuisine: International, vegan, vegetarian, and gluten-free options are available, as well as seafood.
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sparksinthenight · 2 years
Letter to Edmonton city council about homelessness 
My name is _______ and I am a _______ in _______, in ______. I am writing to you to ask you to end homelessness in Edmonton, be ensuring that every unhoused person has a place to stay and has basic resources. This is very possible, and it also must be done.
First, let’s talk about the homelessness crisis in Edmonton. There are 2 800 unhoused people in Edmonton, according to recent estimates, and that number is only going up. This is obviously horrific, as absolutely no-one ever under any circumstances deserves to be homeless. There is so much devastation and psychological torment that comes with having no home, having nowhere to be, having no protection against the weather and the elements, and having to be outside for almost the whole day, except for when you’re eating meals or spending precious little time in a shelter. Being unhoused is horrific violence. No-one deserves it.
But we can end the homelessness crisis, we can house everyone. I know that you are wanting money from the provincial government to help tackle the housing crisis. But we do not need to do that. If the province gives us money, that’s fine and great, but we do not need their money. We can end homelessness on our own.
Let me explain:
-There are 1.4 million people in Edmonton. Let’s be very generous and assume there are 500 000 people working.
-Let’s tax the top 250 000 working people and tax them $20 a month.
-That’s $5 000 000 a month.
-Divide that amongst 3 000 unhoused people.
-That’s $1 666 per unhoused person.
-With that money we could build apartment complexes that have one room apartments for every single unhoused person. Renting a one room apartment costs $500 a month.
-They would have $500 a month for food, which would buy more than enough nutritious food for the whole month.
-They would have $100 a month for a monthly bus pass, which is more than enough.
-They would have $200 a month for phones, wifi, communication, etc costs.
—They would have $200 a month for hygiene products.
-They would have $150 left over, which we could use to pay for therapy and addictions counselling.
-We could also collect donations to help pay for therapy for all the unhoused people.
If you’re worried that they’d use the money to buy drugs, just directly give them goods instead of giving them money. We can have volunteers go shopping once a week, that’s not much to ask.
Twenty dollars a month is literally nothing. The richest half of working Edmontonians can definitely afford that easily. An average Starbucks coffee is $4. This is five Starbucks coffees. This is one Netflix Premium subscription. It’s a tenth of a family meal at an upscale restaurant. It’s a moderately priced t-shirt. It’s two Revlon nail polish bottles. The richer half of Edmonton’s income earners can easily afford it. But the unhoused can’t afford to be be left out in the violence of the streets.
We would be creating jobs by housing all the unhoused as well, because we will have to get people to build homes and to repair and maintain homes. We will also have to create jobs for therapists and counsellors. And we will be reducing crime by making it so that less people are so desperate that they resort to crime.
Please implement my plan, or another plan that will eradicate the problem of homeless.
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the-crows-typist · 3 years
Thank you for you patience on this, here is the first installment of the Valentine’s event with Jade and the word ‘Chocolate’ which was requested by  @takumipineapplexd. Enjoy.
CW: For potential OOC and Slowburn with small bits of Angst
Word count: 6378
A Heart from Me to You
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“Welcome to the Sweet Tooth, may I take your order?” Deuce says as the customers enter the café in an excited hurry. From your position behind him, you couldn’t help but smile at their reactions to the confectionary seen within your shop; they were your creations, after all.
“I’ll have the lovers’ bite with some black coffee…Oh, and a tuna sandwich with some extra chips.”
“Alright, please take a seat and your order will be with you shortly.” The young man motions them to a nearby table with comfortable chairs and when they giggled to themselves, Deuce got to work on the order given to him. Just as the loud clatter overtook your hearing, you looked away, drowning the voices out to concentrate on the batch of brownies that had been cooking in the oven, the smell of chocolate wafting through the air and mingling with the smell of roasting coffee. You were proud of your achievements and you were proud of the atmosphere you’ve cultivated through your hard work.
“Ah, come on. Let me pay this time!”
“No, let me. I was the one who took you out on a date.”
“That’s not fair! Why don’t we pay half?”
“Eh, but—?”
But through your hard work, you ended up skipping on the life most people your age have. While you created beautiful pieces of art with sugar and meat, couples young and old enjoyed them. While you went out to get supplies, others spent time with people they wish to build a life together with. You couldn’t be angry at them, they deserved the happiness they found, but there was always that pang of jealousy and longing of what might have been had you just looked away from your work for one second.
You shrug your shoulders, hearing the timer ring. Then again, things wouldn’t have been any different.
“Deuce, can you clean up table 3 for me after you deliver the orders? I’ll be preparing the brownies.”
He smiled and nodded his head enthusiastically “I’ll go right to it.” and got to work. You were grateful to have him by your side, though you often felt guilty for the times you asked him to work alone during the days you needed to restock and resupply. Despite his insistence that he was fine, you could see the small tinge of exhaustion in his eyes.
You let the brownies cool on the counter and watch the small business thrive on the love of your heart. You are happy to see it flourish but you couldn’t help the biting bitterness of a love you yearned in return. Shaking the feelings away, you go back to work and grabbing a bar of chocolate, some milk, and hot water. The brownies aren’t gonna garnish themselves.
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The next day was relatively quiet, the two of you replenishing the stock of your products and making small talk between each other. Deuce talked about his family while you gave your own opinions and listened. It wasn’t until near completion that customers rolled around. Two tall waltzed into the café, both of them wearing apparel far too expensive for a visit to a small establishment.
“Welcome to the Sweet Tooth, may I take your order?” You took to the counter prompting Deuce to continue the restocking by himself. They looked like identical twins, only distinguished by their eyes and blank hair strands against messy and neat teal hair.
“Let’s see.” The one to your left said, his hand coming to his chin to think as he browses the menu. “I’d like a chocolate lava cake, the hamburger steak set…and some mint tea. What about you, Floyd?” He turned to his twin who had messier hair and droopy eyes. A small hum and he shrugged his shoulders. “I’ll have…french-fries. Ah, there’s flavors available, right?” Floyd leaned down and his towering figure making you falter but only for a while.  
“Yes, we currently have cheese and sour cream at the moment.”
“I’ll take the cheese, then.”
With a motion of your hand, you guided them to one of your plush seats. “Please have a seat and wait for your order, thank you.” As they went, you look to Deuce who had the same expression of fear and surprise on his face. The two of you congregate together while working on the orders. “I could feel my heart leap outta my chest, they look so scary.” He whispered to you.
“Shh, don’t say it too loud.” You chided, bumping his shoulder lightly. “But you have a point.”
Deuce pulled out the fries from the fryer and let it cool just as you began setting up the hamburger set carefully and slowly heated the lava cake. “I don’t know what business fancy-looking guys have with our café but…Profit is profit. Are the fries ready?”
“Just gonna put the cheese powder. The water for the tea is ready.”
“Good. Clean up the area, I’ll be the one to deliver the order.”
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“Sorry for the wait. Here’s the hamburger set, a chocolate lava cake, mint tea, and cheese fries.” You set the food down onto their table and set two small pieces of chocolate. “We have a special promo today that if you order a certain amount of food, you get one of our premium chocolates.”
“That’s wonderful, thank you.” The neater looking twin said just as his brother began eating the fries. You nod your head and gave him a polite smile. “Please enjoy the meal.”
The twins ate quietly, their eyes looking over your creations with healthy scrutiny. Floyd’s tongue slipped out of his mouth as he ate his fries and Jade took a bite from his hamburger. They both hummed, looking at each other as if communicating through their thoughts.
“My, such flavor.”
“Does that mean Jade likes the food?” Floyd leaned closer to his brother with a giggle. “We’ll have to see. Let’s finish this up, shall we? Would you like to split the cake, Floyd?”
Floyd stuck out his tongue towards his brother again and grabbed a fork. “Okay~. It looks pretty yummy too.”
The small cake was split between them and the aroma of chocolate hitting their noses.
“Jade, this is…”
“Indeed. Let’s finish up this meal and report to Azul, shall we?”
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“I believe this will cover the payment.” Jade offered a card to you, allowing you to input the amount. “May I ask, do you create all the food you here?” As you give the device to him for his card number, you nod your head. “I do. Well, except for the core ingredients and bread I make everything I sell by hand with help from Deuce.”
“Just the two of you?” The receipt prints out and he takes his card.
“Yes, just the two of us. We are a small café, after all, so we don’t expect a long line of customers compared to more corporate and well-known shops.” You let out a small laugh, a hand to your cheek. “Though I wouldn’t mind a small line one in a while.”
Jade laughs along with you, his voice soft and calm yet smile so practiced. “I hope that it would one day happen.” He slips his card back into his wallet then produces another card, handing it to you carefully and respectfully. “I am Jade Leech and this is my brother Floyd, thank you for the wonderful meal.”
You take the card from him and he gives you one last smile before he leaves with Floyd waiting for him by the door. “We’ll come by and visit again one of these days.” Jade gives you one last smile and both you and Deuce were left alone in the empty café.
“The Octanivelle Co.” You read the card out. “Have you heard of this, Deuce?”
He drew a little closer and hummed. “No, not really.”
The two of you walked to the table the twins ate on and found the plates were empty save for a few crumbs of cake and cheese powder. The two of you exchanged looks and couldn’t help but smile. “Looks like they enjoyed the food.”
The door’s bell rings suddenly and an old couple looks at them from the counter. “Can we order some tea and cookies?” One of them asked with uncertainty and you quickly let go of Deuce and walk towards them. “Of course, what kind of tea would you like?”
Deuce looked at you with a smile, seeing your face now vibrant and happy. Just as he went back to his duties, he took the card into this hands and looked at the name. Jade Leech. Octanivelle Co. Why does it sound so familiar?
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“We’re back!” Floyd announced just as he entered through the apartment door with Jade following close behind. Azul Ashengrotto had been reading some papers by the coffee table before hearing the two come in. He got up from his chair with a smile, a warm blanket over his shoulders, and clothes baggy and drooping. He looked quite tired. “Welcome back. How was the small trip around town? Did you find anything interesting?” Jade hands him a single piece of paper, a flyer. The young man’s eyes arched.
“The Sweet Tooth?”
Jade’s smile remained pleasant while Floyd plopped onto one of the comfortably plush chairs. “While we did go to the restaurants you asked us to sample, we chanced upon a small café with a wonderful array of pastries and confectionery. I had a nice chat with the owner who makes all their products from scratch.”
Azul brought a finger to his chin in thought. “And what of the food?”
Floyd leaned back on the chair with a hum. “I took a look at them while cooking. They’re pretty careful with food prep and had the right equipment on them.” He looked to the side, remembering how he stared at the owner as a way to look beyond what was allowed to be shown to him. “The assistant reminded me of a mackerel, always flopping around but pretty strong when it comes to it.”
“While I enjoyed the flavor, I think it would be best that you have a taste of it yourself, Azul. Perhaps The Sweet Tooth’s menu is exactly what we’re looking for.”
Azul looked at the flyer again. Its design was basic and borrowed and printing style, it was not at par with those used by more popular cafes. “I’ll take your word for it, thank you. Let’s schedule this for the end of the week.” The smallest of the three set the flyer down on the coffee table.
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“Here’s your order of assorted chocolates, a cream and strawberry cake, and some black coffee.” Deuce put all the food into a plastic bag and set it for the customer to take. “Thank you for shopping at The Sweet Tooth, please come again soon.” Sighing, the boy leaned against the counter to stretch his stiff neck. With the last customer on the line gone, the shop was now silent; a cold object hit his elbow and you smiled at him, handing him the cold soda. “You look like you need some refreshments.”
He gratefully took the can from you and popped it open to take a swig. “I’m just happy that I got everyone’s orders to them on time. I know we can handle it but boy does my arms hurt.” You stood next to him and shrugged your shoulders. “Cakes can be deceiving, can’t they?” He nods his head and continued to drink the soda. “But now that it’s the end of the week, I can surmise that we’ll get a few more customers.” You whisper to yourself then look over to Deuce. “Why don’t you take a break? I’m sure you’re tired.”
“It's fine a good ten minute rest won’t hurt, right?”
Just as Deuce was about to say something, the bell rang as the door opened, three people entered your establishment. Two familiar and one not. He wore clothes that both fit and hid his figure, his hair neatly styled and white, his blue eyes scanned the quaint shop he just entered. “What a lovely aroma.” He commented. “Is that chocolate?”
Nodding your head, you took your position by the register. “Indeed, sir. Ah, I think I remember serving your friends a few days ago.” You turned to the one with slightly messy hair. “Mister Jade Leech, right?” The three of them chuckle and Floyd pointed to his brother next to him. “Wrong Leech.”
“It’s quite alright. The two of them have told me about your shop and I’ve decided to try some of your food out. I’ve heard nothing but praise from the two of them.” Your cheeks flushed and your heartbeat was sudden, a smile formed on your lips. “Ah, I’m so happy you think that!” you exclaimed but quickly clear your throat when the twins chuckled at your reaction. “Might I suggest our roast beef sandwich? Oh, and a nice slice of chocolate cake??”
The small man nods his head. “As well as some tea, for three please? Mint will do.”
“Understood. Please take a seat while we prepare your order.”
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“Thanks for waiting.” You set down the order on the table along with the tea and three cups. Azul lets out a hum of approval when he smells the food. “It’s as Jade says, it smells very good.” The other twin, Jade, chuckles. “They used their spices quite well, don’t they? I have to doubt in my mind that it will be an enjoyable meal.”
“Ah, shucks, I don’t deserve such high praises. I’m just following the recipe.” You say sheepishly, scratching the back of your head as Azul took a bite of the sandwich. “Recipe? Did you get all these outta some cookbook?” Floyd wondered. “Most of the food here is my Uncle’s. Ah, but, the sweets are mine.”
“Are you a family business?”
“Yup. The business went to me after my Aunt retired, I’ve been running it ever since with Deuce.”
Azul swallowed his food and licked his lips. “Interesting. This Deuce person is your assistant, correct? Is he a recent hire?”
“No, he’s my cousin. We’ve been working together since the business was passed down. As for assistant…Honestly, we’re each other’s assistants, sir.”
Jade leaned back against the plush seating, his long legs splaying out. He looked like a model with his clothes on, the way his dark turtle neck defined his face and his light-colored long coat accented his look further. Oh geez, you felt yourself staring and decided to look to Azul. You could hear him chuckle at your movements and you felt this petty frustration boil in you.
“That’s all we wanted to know, thank you,” Azul said to you and catching himself. “Ah, where are my manners? Please, call me Azul. Might I ask for some extra water for the tea?”
“Of course!” You take the teapot from the table. “One moment. Please enjoy your meal.”
Once you were out of sight, Azul took a bite into the cake and his eyes went wide.
“What do you think?” Asked Jade while Azul continued to eat.
“I think we found it.”
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“The meal was lovely, thank you.” Azul reached into his pocket and produces some bills. “I’m surprised you don’t have customers coming to you in groves.” Shrugging your shoulders, you input the amount and slip in the bills. “I wish for that to happen but I don’t think Deuce and I can handle it with how we are now.”
You hand Azul the receipt and he looks through it, quiet for one moment. “Say, do you do catering?”
“Not at the moment, no.”
“Shame.” He pouted but moved to take a card out of his pocket. Azul Ashengrotto. Octanivelle Co. Your eyes widened at the familiar name. Was this Azul working with Jade and Floyd? “Come along, you two.” Just as the two walked out, the resting area’s door burst open with Deuce clutching his phone to his chest and face full of surprise. “You gotta see this! I can’t believe—!”
The trio left as Deuce approached you quickly. “I searched for Octanivelle Co. Look at all this! Their brands, the events!!” He pushed the phone to your face which you swatted in surprise. “The CEO’s name is Azul! That was him, right? Azul Ashengrotto?! He ate here!”
You moved quickly and ran outside the shop in your uniform, chocolate stained apron and all, to find the three. Oh, you should have known! You should have known!! You turned the corner to the nearby train station and soon as you moved to turn another side, your eyes collided with a dark-colored wall.
“Oops.” Said the person you bumped into, a pair of hand-holding your shoulders lightly. “Are you alright—Hm, aren’t you…?”
Jade Leech tilted his head down at you and you pulled yourself away. His shocked expression turned into a knowing smile. “Ah, I see.” He says and you’re sure you’re starting to feel the strong urge to pinch this man’s cheek…If you only you could reach him. “Azul, someone is looking for you.” He said to someone behind him as he let go of your shoulders.
“It’s you. What a pleasant surprise.” Azul’s smile was just as conniving as Jade’s but you could save the petty anger for later. “You asked about catering, right? I’ll do it.” You breathed in again. “But I need to know what you’ll need first.”
Azul’s back was straight and head held high as if he was triumphant in battle. “We need your food for my sister’s wedding.”
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The shop was closed for the day as per the suggestion of Azul, the two of you using the time to discuss and plan, to add and remove, to agree and disagree. “Okay,” Azul began, tapping his pencil on the table. “My sister loves strawberry shortcake so that will be the flavor of the wedding cake. The other finger foods will be the smaller version of the—.”
Deuce stood by the counter away from the two and watching Jade and Floyd rummaging through the kitchen and adjusting themselves to the environment. “When will the wedding be?” he asked, looking to one of the twins. Floyd pulled out a can of condensed milk before looking at him. “In few months, three or four, I think. Enough time to get the order done.”
Jade sets down some cups of tea and tea leaves. “When Azul sees something he likes, he won’t stop at anything until he gets what he wants.” He pours some water into a prepared teapot and added the leaves. “He has enough resources to make his vision a reality.”
“But with just the two of us…” Deuce’s words trail off as Azul continued his speech.
“I’ll have Jade and Floyd help you with your preparations.” Your eyes widened and you looked to the two twins standing at the ready, Jade smiling at you while Floyd waved. “They are fast learners and have been trained in many culinary techniques, just show them the ropes of your establishment and they’ll do the rest.”
You could feel yourself flush at the sudden act of kindness. “T-thank you very much, Mister Ashengrotto. I won’t let you down.”
“I’ll leave you to it, then.” He leans to look at the twins, nodding his head. “Jade, Floyd. Be here first thing tomorrow morning, you’ll be learning The Sweet Tooth’s recipes to perfection.”
“Got it.”
The twins smile in unison, your heart feeling the heavy pressure of the responsibility put onto you while Jade poured each one a cup of calming tea.
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Training the twins and running the shop took a bit of time to get used to. You made sure the schedules lined up and two people were always available at the counter at any given time. In the kitchen, you stayed with each twin and made sure they understood the recipe.
Floyd was a natural but often very flimsy when something different catches his attention. You often had to pat his back and tell him to be careful with adding ingredients. “Add the sugar in little by little. Good. Now mix until you’re to make ribbons easily.” You say, guiding his hand by holding his wrist.
“This takes a lot of work…My wrist is starting to hurt.” He complains and you pat his back. “The molds are the fun part. Just a little more and we’ll get to that, okay?”
Just as you move away from Floyd, Jade had just come out of the walk-in freezer with his mold in hand. “Ready for the testing?” You asked as he carefully set down the flimsy material and turning it over to let the pieces carefully slip out. Jade’s work was the polar opposite of his brother with actions precise and instructions followed to the tee.
“As I’ll ever be.” He says, handing a piece to you.
As you chewed, you felt the burst of chocolate hit your tongue and you let out a small noise of approval but there was something in his creations that unnerved you. It was perfect. Too perfect. “It’s good…But it lacks.” You say and Jade’s eyes widen a small bit. “I do remember adding all the ingredients as per the recipe.”
“No, no. It’s not about that. Your handling of the ingredients was perfect and precise but…” You take another bite of his chocolate and continue to chew the piece yet feeling nothing in it. You backtrack a little bit, scratching the back of your head knowing that your next explanation was going to sound stupid to those who don’t understand the concept. “Ah, how do I explain this? It isn’t just the balance of sweet and bitter, you need to put your feelings into it.”
The silence that followed was nerve-wracking and you couldn’t help but cough into your hand. “I-if that made any sense.”
Jade’s smile was what brought you a small ounce of relief and his hand on his chest. “I understand,” He says. “I’ll improve on that as we work together.”
“Hey, chef, can you taste this for me?” Floyd called out to you from behind. “I can’t get the balance right.” You turned around and hurried over to him with a spoon. “Let’s have a taste—Ack, it’s so sweet! What did you put in this?”
Jade’s hand never left his chest, his palm feeling the steady and soft beat of his pusher. “My feelings, huh?”
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“It’s quite festive outside.”
Deuce grunted, setting down a box full of milk and following Jade’s eyes to the crowds of people gathering and walking outside. “Ah, yeah. The town has a special night market that pops up once a month. Even people from outside of town come here to check it out.” Jade begins piping the cream covered cake and carefully decorating its top. “Really?”
“Yup. They like it since it’s a nice time to relax but recently, it’s become a place where people like to have dates.”
Jade laughs and begins adding the strawberries on top and sprinkling powdered sugar. “I’m sure the two of you have had your fair share of dates then?” Deuce scratches his chin, remembering his dates. “I have a few times.”
He looks to his cousin, watching them laugh with customers. “But I get guilty having to leave the store to them while I’m out having fun.” He hands a carton to Jade which he stores overhead. “They keep saying they’re fine but I can tell they get tired. They’re not very good at hiding it.” Deuce sighs and takes the box again and moves to the freezer. “They always put the shop first and I’m happy it’s still up and running. I just wish they knew that it was okay to have fun.”
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The air was cool and the roads silent, you took a deep breath in after staying in the café for so long. Just as you were about to take the in the signboard, a pop of color and voice of awe distracted you from your activity. Fireworks colored the sky with bright colors, the wind blow again and offered you comfort after a long day. To your left, a couple held hands as they watched and you forced yourself to look away and begin to take the signboard from the ground.
“Good work out there.”
Something cold touched your cheek and Jade stood over you with a glass of water. “Thanks for helping out too. You and Floyd were a big help.” He took a sip of water just as more fireworks flew into the sky. “Do they always do this?” He asks and you shake your head. “Not often. But it’s beautiful to look at, huh? It’s been a while since I’ve seen the fireworks.”
Jade looks to you just as another rocket soared into the sky, the colors of pink and blue, red and green, illuminated the sky in a grand finale. Its colors reflected in your eyes, the shine of the light against your skin that cast a different glow to your sweaty face, he blinks then looks back to the people with their loved ones clapping their hands.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”
You look down at your cup of water and chuckle bitterly. “It is.”
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“You didn’t have to accompany me on a supply run, y’know?” You say as Jade helps load butter and sugar into a basket. “I would but your cousin was worried about you being tired so I decided to tag along.” He smiles at you in the most cryptic way imaginable, you couldn’t tell if he was making this all up or Deuce was trying to set you up.
“Besides, we’ll be working together for a while so it’s only right that I get used to the routine.” He took another look at the list and reached for the fruits too high up for you to take. While his height had been a bane, it was also a kind of blessing for reaching high places. “Now, what should we get next?” You look through your list and nod your head. “That’s all of it. We can grab a quick bite to eat before heading back.”
Once leaving the store will all the bags in tow, the two of you walked the streets. “How come you didn’t go to the night market yesterday?” He asked, your eyes looking to him. “You let Deuce go but he eventually came back to help.” Shrugging your shoulders, you look away with a pout. “Someone needs to look after the shop, that’s all. Can’t have the business suddenly tanking because of monthly market.”
“Besides…” Jade’s eyes widened slightly, seeing such an embittered grin on your face. It seemed that you had been hurt by this before. Your brows furrowed and eyes closed in a weary smile. “With all I’ve done, I don’t think I have time for that anymore.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—.”
“It’s fine, it’s just personal experience on my part. Let’s go back to the shop, Floyd and Deuce are probably wondering where we are.”
Jade continued to walk beside you but his eyes never watching as the bitter smile relax to one of content and nostalgia. He looks forward, thinking of something to say yet wondering if he should say anything at all.
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“And that should be the last piece.” You say, popping the last chocolate strawberry into the container and sealing it. Floyd takes the box and chucks it into the freezer. “This warrants a celebration, don’t you think?” Deuce nudges Jade’s arm. “I hope you got everything prepared.”
“Of course. It’s only your company that’s needed.”
Your confused expression is what prompts Jade to motion you to follow him to the back. “Follow me.” The four of you walk deeper into the shop and you begin to smell a charcoal grill and hear the crackling of a fire. A small party area had been made. A clay grill and some meat laid out to be cooked.
Floyd let out a noise of happiness and you looked to Jade. “Surprised? Good. Let’s enjoy the meal.”
The four of you were merry as you ate your fill of meat and assorted vegetables, Deuce and Floyd sharing their own stories while you and Jade listened. At first, you didn’t think the two would get along but seeing them be so comfortable with each other made you smile.
“Will I see you at the party?”
Jade had poured himself a cup of tea and looking at you expectantly; your stunned silence was what prompted him to explain a bit more. “It is only right that you attend, you did agree to supply delicious food for the wedding.”
“Oh, uh…I suppose I can go. I might need to get a wardrobe check first.” You took a bite of the meat and chewed. “Though, parties like that tend to get wild as the night progresses right? It’d be nice to see you getting wild.” He took your tease in stride and chuckled. “My, is this an excuse not to see you at play as well? I’m certain your hand and eye coordination in sweets making will extend to your ability to dance.”
You hit his shoulder slightly, cheeks flushed yet smile wide. Your dancing skills weren’t anything to be proud of but you could keep a beat. You swear on that!
Jade laughs, his brows furrowed and shoulders shaking. “What I mean is, you’ve worked all this time. It’s time for you to have fun.”
Fun. Your shoulders hunch over with a smile on your face. Jade sets down pieces of meat on the grill while you think. You had spent so much time at The Sweet Tooth making things from the bottom of your heart. You had spent so much time skimping and ignoring what could have interested you for so long that it made you question if you deserved it? The fun most people you know have, the happiness they found and cultivated.
“Ah, I almost forgot.” Jade reaches down and pulls a box. “You did say that my work lacked a certain something so I’ve been practicing with the help of Deuce and Floyd.” Opening it, the smell of chocolate hit your nose. “I think I’ve perfected it.”
You pop a piece into your mouth, the sweetness and bitterness mingled and taste whole and honest. As you chewed, you tasted the memories and the conversations you had with Jade up until this point. His teasing remarks and his honest comments. It was perfect.
His look was expectant. “Well?”
You swallowed the sweet morsel and smiled at him, nodding your head “Well done.”
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The wedding was beautiful, the ceremony was solemn and the dance floor was filled with people dancing together. You were dressed in your best attire and nursing a drink in your hands. “There you are.” Azul’s voice pushed through the noise, behind him was his newlywed sister. “This is the owner of The Sweet Tooth, they’re the ones who made all the sweets,” Azul said with the bride, his sister, next to him. “Your sweets are the best. Everyone loves them!” She says, taking your hands in hers. “Your strawberry cake is delicious, I couldn’t stop myself from taking another slice.”
“I’m glad you liked it.” You say, smiling at the infectious sweetness of the newlywed bride’s smile. “Please, enjoy the food to your heart’s content.”
She nods, shaking your hands. “Enjoy the party! You’re welcome to dance with us if you’d like.” Azul chuckled as his sister ran to entertain the guests. “That girl, always too excited for her own good but I’m glad she’s happy. Thank you for helping, I really appreciate it.” You laugh, shaking your head. “It’s not a problem, Mr. Azul. Just seeing people happily eat my creations is enough for me.”
Nodding his head, he moves to step away. “Do enjoy the party.”
The music shifted to a slow beat and you couldn’t help but chuckle at the sudden shift of mood as the guest scrambled to dance with their respective partners. Your loneliness wouldn't sit for long when Jade took to your side. In his hand was a plate of strawberry cake.
“Enjoying the food?”
“I’d be lying if I wasn’t.”
He continues to eat while you watch the people dance in the center, the bride and her groom waltzing it away in the center with foreheads connected and smile wide. “Would you like to dance?” Jade looked down at you, his hand at the ready. You hesitated for a moment before taking it and walking with him to the dance floor.
The music was slow and so were your movements. Jade’s held your hand as you spun around slowly, the distance between you and him growing smaller and smaller. “Having fun?” He asked just as the lights dimmed to match the mood of the floor. “You always ask lots of questions, Jade.” You said, leaning your head to his chest. “I can’t help but be very curious, that’s all. I only want to make sure everything I do is satisfactory.”
You spun again, changing sides. “So you’ll only act if the person likes it, then?” He chuckles, eyes furrowed and sharp-looking teeth showing. You never admitted to it but, seeing him this way made him look so cute. “When you say it that way, you’re making me up to be some kind of boot licker.”
“Ah, c’mon. There’s no harm in making people happy. But you gotta think for yourself.”
“How ironic of you to say that.”
You stuck out your tongue at him in defiance and he laughed again just as the song shifted to one more intimate. “But…If I were to have things go my way.” He pulled your hands a little closer and letting go to let them settle on your waist, rocking you side to side. “I would want you to stay a bit longer.”
Your foreheads connecting and your noses almost touching. “That’s what I want.”
The hands on his chest bundle into fists, your cheeks quite warm. “I-if…If that’s what your heart desires.” Did you really deserve this kind of happiness? You asked yourself that millions of times yet never thought to answer it yourself. Did you deserve the singing feeling in your heart after ignoring it for so long?
“Then, will you dance with me again?” He asked, your body shivering as he held you close to him,
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The wedding ended and the guests began to leave. You stood at the edge just as the taxi you flagged down came to a crawling stop. Jade stood behind you with his hand holding yours. “Well,” You say, turning to him with a smile. “This is goodbye, then. The wedding is done and the customers are happy with the food. A perfect run, don’t you think?”
The two of you stood together for a while before you spoke to break the silence. “Thank you for tonight, Jade. I had lots of fun.”
Your heart soared remembering the dances you had with him but it soon plummeted to your stomach knowing it would probably be the last you’d do that with him. “I’m glad.” That was all he could say, “I’m glad you had fun.”
Nodding your head, you turned around and opened the car door. “Yeah. Real fun. Goodnight, Jade.” He nodded his head and your hand slipped out of his hand you. He put his hands behind his back and watching you speed off home, his tall figure growing smaller and smaller as the distance between you grew.
“Where to?” Asked the taxi driver.
You sniffle, looking away with a sigh. The moment of happiness you felt became a distant memory to come back to. The answer to the question you’ve always asked yourself was all too clear to ignore. You spared no second in answering.
“Baker’s Street.”
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The new day had started and you thought it couldn’t get any worse. You had slept through your alarm and Deuce was nowhere to be seen. Hastily donning your uniform, you sprinted your way to the shop only to see loads of boxes being hauled in. Deuce watched by the door.
“Deuce, why didn’t you wake me up? What’s going on here??”
Your cousin gave you a questioning look that turned into realization. “Didn’t Azul tell you? He was planning a visit after the wedding.” Azul and his sister, as if on cue, walked out of the store. “Good morning, sorry for the mess we’ve caused.”
“N-no, it’s not a problem really but what are you doing here?”
“Everyone loved your foods last night and thought to have breakfast here before leaving. Deuce told us you were short on hands so I had the twins help out.” Deuce chuckled and scratched his head. “You looked so tired that I didn’t want to wake you up.”
“Azul, everything’s ready.
Jade came out, his apron stained with oil and hair slicked back. The two of you alock eyes with one another for a split second. “Right. Let’s have a nice meal, shall we?” He and his sister went back in and leaving you alone. Deuce was quiet with his exit, only letting out a small laugh as he left you alone with Jade.
“Good morning.”
“Good morning.” You scratched your cheek with a small laugh. “I didn’t expect to see you again so suddenly.” He drew closer, taking your hand in his. “That’s not a bad thing, is it?” In your hand was a piece of chocolate, the very first thing you taught him to make.
“I just wanted to make sure everything is perfect.”
You popped it into your mouth and chewed. The morsel was not too sweet and not too bitter, the memories of the both of you making your heart soar to the heavens. “What do you think?” The hold on his hand never left yours.
“I think you’ll know what I say.”
He chuckles, moving with you to enter the shop. The bittersweet taste lingering on your tongue for longer than it should. Your fingers intertwined as you turned the sign over, signaling a new day of business at your shop. This was your happiness.
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Feline A Little Clawstrophobic ||Nicole & Nadia
TIMING: Back in April  PARTIES: @nicsalazar & @humanmoodring SUMMARY: Two cat ladies walk into an elevator CONTENT: Drug manipulation (balam ingesting catnip)
Lack of focus was always a problem for Nicole, but it was safe to say things took a turn for the worst in the past weeks. She was hardly present anymore. To the point where she jumped on her truck and drove aimlessly for hours. Like sleepwalking but conscious, she mused. It was better to drive than to walk, though. Not only because she was forced to do light activity after breaking her ribs, but it was better for her if she put her mental energy into an easy task. Walking used to be how she processed things, and she wasn’t ready for it. She couldn’t think about that night without fear constricting her throat.
Wandering around the shopping center was manageable. It would take real bad luck to break her bones again. Nicole held onto a bag items she didn’t recall buying, and tired of just circling around the same places, she headed towards the elevator. She pushed the button for the first floor, but as the doors were closing, another person entered. The eye contact was minimum before she lowered her gaze, shoulders tensing at the presence. Her lips pressed into a thin line. The woman would be able to tell it was meant to be a smile, right? It didn’t matter, in a few seconds she would never see that stranger again.  
With the weather getting less shitty, and with her body healing more and more each day, Nadia was slowly but surely getting more comfortable with going out and doing things. And, seeing as she hadn’t done shit for her own birthday but it was well over a year since she’d found and rescued her cat, Rhiannon, Nadia decided she was going to do something nice for the little fucker. She was grateful to have the cat back in her apartment, even if she woke up with a giant mound of fur crushing her. It was a good reminder that she was still alive. She’d gone to the store and bought a few cat toys with her groceries, ended up snagging a thing of catnip before she was starting to feel fatigued and decided it was time to head out.
The woman in the elevator with Nadia felt like grief and fear and something numb, familiar and numb. Even if it was probably not as overwhelming as it could be, something that she was beginning to expect from many of the residents in White Crest, it was still a lot, and she felt herself tensing up in response. Still, she managed to give the woman a tired smile of her own and a murmured “thank you” before she shifted her weight a bit and waited for the elevator to take them down. Except there was a grinding noise, a jerk as the elevator came to a violent stop. Nadia grabbed at her side instinctively, even though she wasn’t at risk of stitches popping open this late in the game. “Shit,” she hissed, looking around, trying to figure out what was going on.
Nicole lifted her head when the elevator came to an unexpected stop. For a split second she expected the doors to open for another person, but the woman’s reaction made her realize what was happening. The elevator malfunctioned. They were trapped. “Uh—” she swallowed, slowly processing the situation. The feeling of being caged wasn’t exactly one she was fond of, and she fought to keep her rising anxiety in line.  She let out a nervous breath, eyes fixing on the emergency button. “It— it should be fine” she shrugged, leaving her bag on the floor. The less effort she made carrying extra weight the less oxygen she took out of the room, right? “Un— less...unless there’s a blackout or some— some shit like that” She pulled at the extra hair tie on her wrist, absently playing with it. What could be worse than being in a confined space with a stranger? Even her nightmares were nicer than that. “But... it’ll be fine” she met the woman’s gaze through the mirror on the wall, before pushing the button a few times. When she took a deep breath in, something tickled the back of her throat. Brow furrowed, she glanced at the woman again, trying to decipher her scent. Nothing was particularly strong, yet— she licked her lips, trying to concentrate on the smell.
This was cool, this was fine, Nadia thought as she felt her own nerves mingle with the stranger’s. She wasn’t a fan of tight spaces, she was learning, the way it reminded her of being able to look out her own eyes but not move as she lacked control of her own body. She dug her fingernails into the palms of her hands, the gesture grounding. She was real. It was a shitty situation, but she was real, and she was fine. She almost wished she could walk through the fucking wall like she was still a ghost. Almost. She never wanted to be like that again. “It’s totally fine. Someone’s gonna come, and, yeah, it’ll be fine.” The other woman just really kind of radiated a sense of anxiety that Nadia couldn’t quite get over. This was great. This was why she didn’t get out much. “Just my fucking luck,” she muttered. “Go to the store and get stuck in a damn elevator.” She leaned against the wall and slumped a bit, her bags hanging by her side. When she met the stranger’s eye, she tried to give a half-hearted smile. The other woman’s emotions had changed a bit as her brow furrowed, though Nadia couldn’t quite tell what it was. “Is the, uh, the help button working, or are we in a dead zone?”
Right. It was a good thing they were both staying level headed considering the situation, Nicole thought. Everything would suck so much more if one of them started panicking and sucked all the air in the small elevator. She looked down, hiding a smile at the woman’s words. It was nice to know she wasn’t the only one annoyed by the situation. Had she been better at conversations, she would’ve enjoyed spending the time complaining about shitty luck and poorly maintained machines with her. That was a thing adult women bonded over, right? “No… don’t think it’s working” very slowly, she lowered her hand, as if she still held a glimmer of hope that something would happen. She retreated back to the opposite wall, licking her lips again. What was in the air? It was familiar, yet she couldn’t place it yet. Some sort of plant. Nicole blinked once, twice, tongue poking between her teeth. Wide brown eyes stared intensely at the other woman. Searching, assessing. And then— She took a bite of air. Oh, no. Her heartbeat raced. In the back of her mind she was aware of what was happening, but she didn’t think she’d be able to stop it. Fuck. Still conscious, she tried to pass off the odd movement as a yawn. Good, quick thinking and — Oh, it was creeping on her so, so fast. Premium shit, it had to be. She didn’t think she’d care for long.  “I’m— I’m...do you—” poor woman, Nicole smiled lazily. “Have...cat?”
“Oh, good. Hey, I was worried this would be resolved quickly, right?” Nadia sighed, running a hand through her hair and hoping she wasn’t coming off as an ass. It was just, fuck, being stuck in an elevator wasn’t exactly how she’d imagined to spend the day, and at least she wasn’t alone, but she also wasn’t alone, which meant she had to deal with herself as well as someone else. Normally, she preferred that, preferred that she could focus on someone else instead of herself for just a bit, just a fucking bit, but maybe not while both of them were stressed over being stuck in a goddamn elevator. Nadia liked being able to focus on positive emotions, or even fun emotions like anger. Not anxiety. She had enough of that on her own. There was no need for anymore, thank you. She checked her phone. Yep, yeah, that seemed about right. No fucking service. She bit at the inside of her cheek before she felt a wave of just… mellow wash over her. She looked up at the other woman, the smile on her face and the look in her eyes, and Nadia raised an eyebrow in confusion. “Uh, yeah. Yeah, I’ve got a cat. She’s a total asshole. I actually came to the store to get her a few things and…” she trailed off. “Do you… like cats?”
Nicole inhaled deeply, enjoying the absence of stiffness on the side of her chest. She took in as much of the scent as her lungs allowed. The cast on her wrist was forgotten. The effect was much stronger now that her brain recognized the minty fragrance. She tilted her head back against the wall, transfixed by the emergency lights. “Fuck” she let out a breathy laugh. “I’m so so—” she wanted to apologize, knowing she would embarrass herself, but the words faded from her brain. Nice. “Mmm...I’m cats” She closed her eyes, a blissful smile plastered on her face. It was hot inside the elevator, Nicole registered. But for a few seconds there was nothing to worry about. No dreamscape, no cliff, no anger getting out of control. Just the fast beat of her heart to focus on. Not quite euphoric yet. She needed—  craved more. The scent just wasn’t enough. Her mouth was watering. Pupils were blown when she opened her eyes again. She got off the wall, taking a few clumsy steps towards the human. She offered a mischievous smile, nodding at the bag. “Hey... c’mon” she pleaded softly, before getting close enough to peek inside. Her prize. It was driving her wild. She gripped the human’s wrist, forcing her to lift the bag, before rubbing her face against it. Almost. Her patience ran out quickly, the human was so slow that she smacked the bag out of her hands, content spilling on the floor. She dropped to her knees, trying to rip the catnip bags open.
“What the fuck do you mean, you’re cats?” This was a little weird, even for Nadia, but she couldn’t deny that this chick’s emotions? They felt so much better than her own. Pure fucking contentment and happiness and relaxation. It’d been awhile since she’d felt that, and, sure, maybe it wasn’t full-throttle, but, god, it felt nice. It was weird as hell though. Nadia backed a bit into the wall, pushing herself against it. The woman grabbed Nadia’s wrist, the one that had been snapped sometime during or before the exorcism, and Nadia winced. “Hey, hey, no grabbing, let’s not-- let’s not grab, okay?” Nadia… knew this feeling, sort of. She recognized it from the few college parties she’d been dragged to, the way she’d felt it coming off of people from the crowd and filling her, making her want to go back for more. “Dude, are you-- are you fucking high right now? How? We’re in the-- you just spilled my shit, holy fuck.” She watched as the bag of catnip and toys spilled out on the elevator floor and the woman went down to the ground. “I just bought that. Fuck. Wait-- you’re cats. You… you want the catnip.” Okay, cats. Cat people? Cats. This was fine. This was totally normal. “I’m stuck in an elevator with a high cat lady. I wish I was a high cat lady,” she muttered, and she slid down the wall to sit, shooting the woman a tired look. But, hey, at least she was relaxing.
Nicole heard the sounds. Words, she knew. Vaguely. Not that it was ever her strength, but she couldn’t exactly form a coherent sentence at the moment. Her head bobbed without a clear direction, attempting to nod. A cat lady. Curious eyes observed the woman for a moment, waiting for some sort of reaction, any reaction to her trying to tear the bags opens. She was rude but not that rude. It confused her, tilting her head as the woman quietly slid down the wall, but it was the permission she wanted.
She crushed the catnip between her fingertips, nostrils flaring when more scent was released. All tension left her body. Nicole was weightless. She brought the catnip to her mouth, getting a taste of it. A hoarse grunt escaped her mouth. Shit. Shit. Her body tilted forward in slow motion, until she couldn't keep her balance and face planted on the ground. She rolled on her side, letting out a strangled laugh. Something out of the corner of her eye made her jump. She was ready to pounce when she realized— Oh right, the forgotten human. She could enjoy the catnip too, otherwise why did she buy it? Nicole wasn’t selfish. She pawed the air, until she got a hold of her sleeve and pulled her down to the floor. She laughed at that, before breaking down some catnip.  “Here…” she mumbled, her clumsy hand rubbed it in the woman’s face.
There was a woman getting high off of catnip, and Nadia was stuck in an elevator with her. That was what was happening. That was her life now. At least the woman seemed to be enjoying herself. Nadia could feel the relaxation and ease that was working its way through the woman, and it was nice to hear a laugh. Nadia managed a small one herself as she watched the woman struggle with movement. It was funny. It was enjoyable. It almost made being stuck in an elevator for the near future something that was almost tolerable.
Or, at least, Nadia could have believed that it was tolerable until she was pulled over and down to the floor with a groan. “Hey, no, no-- fuck.” She was on the floor with a woman that was high on catnip, and that woman was dragging her down and rubbing catnip in Nadia’s face. Sure, it smelled alright, but it wasn’t, like, weed or shit. “That was for my cat,” Nadia said, her tone dry as she plucked a piece of the catnip out of her hair. “But, hey, glad you’re enjoying it, you know?” It was hard to stay mad with the good vibes.
Nicole gave the woman a blank stare. She wanted to understand what she was saying, she really did. The words were floating above her, but they sounded like a foreign language as they reached her ears. She hummed in response, trying to keep a serious face. Whatever she was saying sounded important. Her cat, something about her cat. Her smile kept growing however, stretching until it hurt her cheeks. She buried her face in the bag again, taking as much as she could before discarding it somewhere on the floor. She allowed herself to close her eyes for a moment, eyelids heavy as warmth swept her body. The sensation was barely familiar. But it wasn’t new, just long forgotten. Like feeling loved or cared for. Being safe on her mother’s lap. She couldn’t remember the last time she felt anything similar.  
Jealousy filled her chest. The human had to be a great cat owner. How come no one was doing that for her? She turned her head to see the woman, watched her remove the catnip from her hair and while confusing, the message was understood. “Oooh” Nicole would’ve been embarrassed by what she was doing. So embarrassed that she would’ve considered moving out of town. But when the scent of catnip was impregnated in every corner of the elevator, shame was hard to register. A clumsy hand reached out to help, patting her head with no delicacy and tousling her hair in the process. Her human brain still pushed to communicate, thank the woman for bringing such a nice gift to her. Making her feel safe. But words kept failing. Instead, she settled by her side, gently pressing her forehead against the woman’s shoulder. Her breath slowing down.
The cat lady, who was a different kind of cat lady than Nadia’s type of cat lady, was well and truly high on catnip. Of all the things that she expected to happen when she came to the store, this just wasn’t it. Maybe, like, getting attacked by one of those fucking mime creatures. She could have seen that happening. Or maybe the sky raining fish. She’d been there, done that, even if she didn’t get the t-shirt. But this was… a little weird. Not the worst thing in the world, but a little weird. It was hard to be too mad, though, when the woman was smiling and felt genuinely content. It was weird as hell, but she wasn’t, like, malevolent. Nadia had been in worse situations.
“Shit, fuck, ow, yes, thank you, thank you, that’s very nice,” Nadia said as the woman swattered at her head. It was just like dealing with Rhiannon. If Rhiannon was a grown ass woman that was swatting at Nadia’s head. Really, it was practically the same thing. She reached up to fix her hair before giving up and resigning herself to it. Then, the woman leaned against her, calm and relaxed and, yeah, okay, maybe Nadia relaxed a little bit, too. Despite being locked in a fucking elevator, this really, really wasn’t the worst. “Maybe don’t, like, fall asleep. Just in case someone comes to get us out of here, soon.” But she was also a little tired. Just a bit. Not much. But Nadia was always tired. Always. But this was kind of relaxing.
Nicole could hardly remember what her life was before she was on the elevator floor cuddling with a stranger. Nothing extraordinary, surely. But she couldn’t care less. The back of her head was tingling pleasantly and that was all that mattered. She had a moment of utter relaxation and she was going to make the best of it. The human beside her wasn’t too bad either. She made a decent cushion compared to other human cushions, and some of the catnip scent had impregnated on her clothes, making her perfectly comfortable. She barely registered what the woman said, because it was time for a nap. And what was more important than that? So she hummed, letting silence fall on them as she enjoyed the best moment in her miserable 27 years of life. Nothing was going to ruin it.
The floor underneath them shook abruptly. The metallic sounds so jarring to her sensitive ears that her body jumped, suddenly on high alert. Nicole was on her feet faster than it was humanly possible, taking her surroundings in. Her brain was foggy, and though it felt like she should’ve been worried about the source of the sound, all she felt was confused. Not yet conscious, but the sensations gradually subsiding. She narrowed her eyes, staring at the woman on the floor with a puzzled expression. “Wha—?” she let out a big laugh, trying to understand why a woman would be lying on the elevator floor in a mess of bags and herbs.
Nadia was resigned to this. This was her life. She lived in this elevator now. She’d never get home. Her only hope was that Ms. Carmody would see about Rhiannon when it appeared that Nadia wasn’t going to go home. She’d never leave this elevator, and she’d die being essentially cuddled by a stranger that was high on catnip. Her saving grace was the second-hand relaxation that poured off the woman in waves, making Nadia not totally perturbed by her situation. Really, it could be worse. There were more tragic ways to go out. More terrifying ways. More nightmare inducing, memory tugging ways that she thought about all the time. This? This was fucking peaceful. Nadia could allow this, even if she’d miss her friends, her people. She was relaxed. She was chill. She was--
She was jolted away when the elevator started moving again, as well as when the woman moved. Nadia sat up, brushing the catnip out of her hair for real this time as she looked around them. The elevator door opened up, and she stood, grabbing her things. There was a guy that opened the door.
“You ladies alright?” he asked.
“Fine, totally, appreciate it,” Nadia said. She looked at the other woman who was still dazed. “We, uh, we should get off.” Nadia couldn’t tell what happened, but she’d gone from high to coming down relatively quickly, and that seemed to have left a lot of confusion in its wake. She didn’t even mind being laughed at. “Unless you wanna stick around the elevator, that is.”
The rumbling continued, and the elevator began to descend. Nicole felt as if she was being pulled in two drastically different directions. On one side, she tried to navigate the thick fog in her brain, recall important information, like who the fuck was the woman with her and why was she suddenly fond of her. On the other, she gripped the sidebar, her stomach filling with the primal urge to hunt down whatever monster was causing those awful sounds. It didn’t make any fucking sense. She gritted her teeth, but it wasn’t enough to contain the hiss she directed at the emergency lights. Her cheeks flushed, embarrassed. Great. Her awareness grew, but somehow so did the grogginess. Part of her was falling asleep while the other was waking up. And no one seemed to agree on who was going to take control yet.
When she looked down again ,her companion was sitting, brushing off whatever it was she had on her. Cat...nip, she read on the bags. Catnip. The wheels began turning faster. She breathed out, relieved to be able to read. The scent was still floating in the elevator, but it had no effect on her anymore.
The smile still playing on Nicole’s lips faltered, and as the door opened, everything clicked. Well, fuck. The woman’s voice came, and she saw part of her confusion reflected on her face. Nothing but babbling sounds came out as she tried to speak. God dammit, what did she do? And why did she still want to laugh? She nodded curtly at the suggestion, picking up her bags and following the woman. She clenched her jaw, wondering if she could spontaneously combust due to the humiliation. The doors closed behind them and there was silence. “Yeah, uh— sorry about...” she shook her head, pointing in the direction she was about to go. Making a mental note to never leave her house again. “Know what? we...we don’t have to,” they didn’t need to talk. Ever. Why bother? “We’re just not gonna...never” she continued to nod, gripping her bag with sweaty palms. Yeah, that was perfect. She turned around, too scared to wait for the woman to add anything. Eyes fixed on the ground, she bolted towards the nearest exit.
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lokilickedme · 4 years
It’s been a long time since we were “that family“ in a public place, but dear god when we do it we do it up right.  The boys and I decided to hazmat up and go to this big warehouse store for a little out of the house time, which has been at a very strict premium for the last 8 months so we were, you know, inordinately excited about it.  Gigantic building, open doors, two customers per square mile, very low risk.  99.5% safe with the other .5 covered by our masks and good sense, no worries.
Except Little drank slightly out of date chocolate milk and some beef jerky before we left.  And we would have made it, if I hadn’t stopped in the textiles aisle to look at some Mizhrahi yarn...but I did, and so we didn’t.  Poor kid had started complaining about his stomach feeling sick after we’d been in the store for maybe 20 minutes, so I had turned us all toward the front and started working our way to checkout.  We were so close we could see the exits.
Damn that Mizhrahi yarn.  But he’s holding it together and I keep telling him he’s not gonna puke, he’s just thinking about it too much, and he’s standing there gulping air and nodding his head trying to agree with me.
Turns out I’m full of shit and shouldn’t be a parent.
So a few minutes later we’re actually just stepping into line when the child leans over and starts that godawful hrrrrrtttt....hhhhrrrrrrrrtt noise that comes right before the payoff, and before I can grab him and steer him away from the people in line six feet in front of us, he fills his mask.  And then he fills it again, because apparently he wants to see how much it can hold.  (Spoiler: it failed on the second hhrrrrttt)
So I pull him away from everyone and he unloads on the floor minus the mask, and then he starts again so I pull him halfway down a nearby aisle and he unloads again, all over himself and me this time.  I’m trying to remember where the bathrooms are (hint: they’re one row over, dumbass) and he unloads yet a third time (plus two for the in-mask loads) and at this point people are starting to notice and I’m starting to hear the general verbal mayhem of a mass freakout.  My escape reflex fires up and I drop my bags and purse and grab the kid and run to the bathroom, leaving Big standing there in a catatonic panic. 
Now, if you’re a mom to an autistic child, you know the catatonic panic isn’t anywhere near as calm or contained as it sounds.  Nope.  I’m in the bathroom with Little with the door standing open and he’s unloading again in the sink when I look out and see Big pacing back and forth talking to himself, flapping his hands and lunging each third step, which is his thing he does when he doesn’t know what to do.  It’s something I see a lot so it doesn’t seem out of place to me, but three people who work in the store have come running out to survey the mess and they’re a little bit freaked by this very tall young man pacing violently and reassuring himself in a loud voice up and down the christmas candy aisle.
So I yell out the door “He’s fine, he’s with me!” and Little hhhrrrrrttt’s again in the sink; meanwhile I can hear one of the store staff shouting orders for someone to get mops and paper towels and it’s becoming real obvious real fast that nobody’s happy with us, the lady who seems to be in charge is shooting me The Glare Of Death through the open bathroom door but all I can think right that moment is that Little managed to hit both my boots AND get it inside my shirt and that there oughtta be some sort of award for that.  And my purse and shopping bags are abandoned up near the registers.  Fortunately they’re splashed in puke so odds are good nobody’s going to walk off with them.
A few minutes later the circus seems to be over.  Little says his stomach isn’t pissed off anymore, so we wash up and gather Big, who has lapsed into his secondary self-reassurance mode of reciting the symptoms of Covid-19 out loud (yeah I dunno, he says it helps).  This isn’t sitting real well with the store staff or the remaining customers, needless to say...so I send both boys into the open-air lobby by the exit while I gather my bags (THERE IS PUKE INSIDE MY PURSE GOD IN HEAVEN WHYYYYY) and I make my way to the checkout, a shell of my former self.  I have vomit on my clothes.  A couple of items I have to hold up so the clerk can see the tags without touching them, because...well, you can guess why.  I apologize to everyone within earshot on my way out and me and the boys sorta run to the car, throw our bags in, and get ourselves gone.
We’ve all taken our turns in the shower now and everyone’s feeling better - most of all Little, whose status bar went all the way back to full the second he purged the chocolate milk.  Big will be a nervous wreck for the remainder of the evening, convincing himself it isn’t Covid by reciting the expiration date from the milk carton that he dug out of the trash to himself over and over until he realizes Little hasn’t puked any more.
And me?  I’m a mom, this is pretty much business as usual, and I’m telling you all that somebody needs to make a mask that will hold a minimum of three hhrrrrttt’s because that’s just about how long it takes to get a kid out of line and into the public restroom at a warehouse store.  I’ve done the fieldwork for you.  Get to it, this is something the world needs.
Also as a side note it’s amazing how many people wearing God Bless The USA teeshirts with religious inspirational home decor in their shopping carts and rhinestone studded crosses on their concealed-carry handbags in a store that plays loud Christian music will shout JESUS CHRIST!! the second a stranger starts vomiting on the floor.
It’s a wild world out there.  We’re going back behind closed doors for a while...for our protection, but maybe more so for everyone else’s.
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foxrp · 3 years
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under the cut are our rules as they stand for right now. we want to put these out early not only for your sake, so you know what is expected prior to our opening, but also for our sake - in that you have a chance to share your opinions with us about these if you need to prior to our opening. with this, feel free to reach out, talk to us, any of that sort of thing. we do have reasons for each of the rules below, but we really want this site to be a site that we all benefit from. we want to take suggestions and have that open forum of discussion. additionally, if you think we maybe missed anything, please let us know that as well. it’s entirely possible we didn’t think of something as we are all definitely human and having the time pre-opening to fix anything is useful for all of us. please remember that these are taken directly from the current site, so the wording is all for an opened site. that said, we hope the guidelines are straight forward, and appreciate you taking the time to read them!
1.1 when registering an account, please be sure to register with your character's first and last name in all lowercase (i.e. harry potter). if naming customs calls for this being changed for the character, that is completely fine, just remember to have it in lowercase. if you accidentally register in any other format, you can fix it via the name change feature under your control panel which does not require admin approval.
1.2 we ask that members try to refrain from duplicating names, which does include all spelling variations (ashley and ashleigh). the only exception to this rule is last names if characters are related or canonically have the same name. please be sure to refer to our member list before registering your character's name to avoid confusion.
1.3 we ask that members refrain from duplicating aliases as well. in this, we will allow variations such as membera, membera2, membera3. however, there must be a distinction to set the two aliases apart, to save on possible confusion.
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2.2 we will be using the 5 +/- rule which means that your face claim can be no more than five years older or younger than your character's appearance age. if you're portraying a character as looking 27 then they should be portrayed by a face claim between the ages of 22 and 32 to look that age. because of this rule, we ask that you keep images used of them to within this same time frame as well. additionally, please keep in mind we only allow characters aged eighteen or older.
2.3 your first five characters are free of restriction when it comes to creation, but anything beyond that must be purchased from our points shop which can be found here. the only exception to this is with the use of coupons. coupons can be randomly earned via our giveaways channel in our discord. all site buzz participants started with two free character slot coupons.
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2.5 as far as canons of color, we do require that these characters remain characters of color. on the other hand, if you would like to make a canon who is white into a character of color, that is allowed, as we recognize that the canon list is very lacking in diversity. this is another reason we allow for original characters and international characters. along those same lines, with face claims we do not allow whitewashing. if the face claim is half black, that character should be as well. still, we are au. if you would like to make siblings adopted to use face claims of varying ethnicities, that's completely okay. basically, characters should ethnically match their face claims and families should ethnically match each other but, if you want to use someone specific, there are options for that as well that we're open to. what we aren't open to is whitewashing - be that to a canon, or a face claim. what this all boils down to is that we should be more careful in rp. it holds us all more accountable to perspectives we don’t normally consider, and that's important to us.
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3.3 we ask for one of the following every ten days to remain active on site: one thread post, two shipper posts, or three communication posts. please note that here at fallout we also have no word count so rapid-fire threads are fine and will count as in-character posts.
3.4 we do allow for claim inquiries due to inactivity between activity checks, but these must be at least ten days following the ending of an activity check on site and never during an activity check. additionally, a pm will be sent to the account in question and they will be given forty-eight hours to respond before their account is archived and claims opened.
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4.2 respect is the golden rule here. respect your fellow members, staff, and guests alike. no one should feel like they can't speak up because another member has made them uncomfortable in some way or because they don't feel welcome. give respect to those around you and if you feel at any time that you are not getting that respect in return, please consult a staff member.
4.3 we have a zero tolerance policy for bullying or harassment and will take swift and decisive action that can include a permanent ban. if you feel you have an issue with another member that you can't handle yourself, come to a member of staff and we'll do our best to help you get everything sorted.
4.4 additionally, if you fill a request here on fallout please note that staff will reach out to the member who posted the request to get their approval. we ask that you do this in advance of the staff doing so for clarification in case any adjustments may be needed. the requesting member will have twenty-four hours to give their okay. should they not respond during this time, staff will move forward to accept the application as if it were not for a request.
4.5 along the lines of respect being key, we do ask that you read through our faq as some of our unwritten rules are there, and want to remind you that we are always open to questions and suggestions. please do not hesitate to message or dm a member of staff, or use our discord ticket system to have a discussion.
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an avatar of 200px by 450px
410px by 450px application image
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two 50px by 50px images
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The main 10 cheering up a crying Scholar (Y/N) finally part 2!
Here are Neha, Raquel and Tadashi! I had to cut the last 5 in 2 posts because tumblr doesn't allow more than 250 blocks of text... But anyway! I finally did it! It's been 84 years... though I feel like those are not really headcanons anymore. They're all so long that it would be more accurate to say that they're scenarios. Sorry! It's probably gonna be really annoying scrolling up and down.
- crying is a really good way to let your emotions out and it always worked out for you
- whenever it's all too much you make yourself cry to feel better afterward
- one day, once you finished crying your phone rang
- it's from Neha, she's inviting you to her room
- oh boy.
- when you moved into the dorms Karolina did say that the previous owner of the room would put loud music on and they would hear it
- 'did Neha hear me cry?' God you hope not
- When you knock, the door immediately opens as if Neha was right in front of it waiting for you
- She pulls you in and starts taking your measurements
- "I've decided to use you as my model for my next outfit."
- "W-what?!?"
- now you're almost sure that she did hear you, or else why would she make an outfit just for you when she's got Karolina?
- surprisingly a few days later the outfit is done! Does it really take that little time usually? You're pretty sure that Neha already had the design ready in her sketchbook
- during that time though, everyday until the "outfit" was ready she would go out of her way to talk to you everyday even though she's usually either busy or with Karolina
- she knows that it annoys her but even when Karolina was around Neha would still come and chat with you for a bit
- You're guessing that she didn't want you to feel like you're alone in your hard times
- when the outfit was done she called you over again
- "Here, try it on!"
- there's more excitement in her voice than usual and it's really freaking cute
- "You mean right here, right now?"
- she keeps staring at you in silence before coming back to her senses
- "Oh, right. Sorry. I'll turn away while you change."
- but then while you're taking your clothes off the door flows open
- "Neha, did you see my-"
- Karolina looks at the both of you and while she's trying to process the scene all that she gets from the situation is: you taking your clothes off in their room, and Neha waiting for you to take them off while facing away?
- "N... Nevermind. Just do your thing I'll come back in one hour. Or uh, two hours. Actually."
- She closed the door in a hurry. Welp. She probably misunderstood.
- Neha kept on facing the wall but you could see her ears getting red
- that little accident is quickly forgotten when you've put the outfit on
- it's so elaborate and classy. it's making you feel self-concious
- Even though Neha was the one who made the outfit she blushed when she saw you in it
- "You look so lovely- uh. I mean the dress! The dress looks lovely on you, obviously, since I'm the one who made it."
- her bashfulness is making you blush too but you tell her that you can't pay for it
- "Are you kidding? It's a gift I've made for you. No one else in the world owns this and won't own it because I won't put it on sale. It's a special outfit only for you."
- She takes her sketchbook and rips out a page, it's a sketch of the outfit and... you're the one wearing it on the drawing!
- "To be honest, I had already heard you crying a few times in your room and I didn't know how to help. So uh... I guess what I mean is. I've been planning this for a long time but I wasn't brave enough to ask for your measurements until recently and um..."
- She's rambling and rambling, you've probably never heard her talk this much
- "Basically... when you're sad come over. Or ask me to come over, whatever. Our rooms are right next to eachother so whether you cry in your room or here I'll hear you anyway so you might as well be with me."
- this was maybe not the best way to phrase it, but you got the feeling she was going for and that's all that matters
- Noticed that you weren't feeling good right away
- but more in a "are you catching a cold?" kinda way
- but it didn't have anything to do with your health
- You actually wanted to explain what happend as soon as it did but when you tried to, tears came down immediately from the very first sentence
- Raquel grabbed you by the shoulders
- "It's okay! You can tell me later if it's too hard."
- The next day when you were getting ready to go to school Raquel came to your room dressed in casual clothes
- "Hey Y/N! Let's skip today."
- You tell her that you can't because you're a scholarship student and all but she ends up convincing you anyway
- "It's all fine, it's just for one day! Everyone thinks that you're a really hard-working, punctual and honest person! They'll believe whatever you say."
- "Raquel... I am a hard-working, punctual and honest person..."
- "Exactly! And that's why you can take advantage of that and no one will doubt you."
- Oh well...
- it's not like you were looking forward to that math test anyway
- you sneak around and get out of the school through Raquel's knowledge of... blind spots?
- you feel a little guilty about it since you'll have to lie to the teachers later about "not feeling well"
- Raquel makes you forget that pretty easily though
- "Okayyy! Now let's go have our breakfast, I know a place."
- "Ah, cool."
- "You don't sound really excited... But you know, the both of us sneaking out of school to go on a date: isn't it a little bit like we're secretly lovers during war time between two kingdoms in a movie?"
- Wait, this was a date?? You had no idea
- You spent the whole day just walking around town in different fast foods, parks, and shops
- everytime you wanted to buy something Raquel would try to buy it for you
- You refused everything except the food, she was being extremely pushy about paying for the food
- on the way back you decide to tell her about your troubles again, this time hopefully you won't burst into tears
- She's incredibly understanding and doesn't let you downplay your feelings
- anytime you say "it may sound stupid"/"maybe I'm being too emotional" she's like
- "No! Fuck that! There's a reason why you feel this way and it's not dumb."
- You get a little bit teary eyed and before you can even think about crying Raquel hugs you
- then she whispers in your ear
- "Did it hurt?"
- "Uh... what?"
- At first you thought she meant your feelings because obviously it did hurt, you just spent like 20 minutes explaining what had happened
- but then you understood
- is she seriously trying to cheer you up with pick-up lines?
- "So did it hurt or did it not?"
- "You mean, when I fell from heaven?"
- She makes the biggest grin before replying
- "No, when you fell for me."
- You're trying your best not to burst into laughter
- "Nah, not really. It was a quick fall."
- Oh no, you outsmarted her lame pick-up line
- you guys end the day with the most stupid pick-up line fight
- little do you know that Raquel will shoot a ball in the face of a certain someone for hurting you
- maybe multiple times if she feels like it
- To be honest he didn't really notice at first
- maybe it was one of your "bad days", Tadashi knows what it's like so he totally gets it
- but then when it's been 3 days in a row and you're still in that state?
- he cancels all of his work and assignements for the day
- calls you over in such a professional manner that it's kinda scary
- he literally asks you to meet him in the student council's room
- tells you to "please sit down" in front of him
- Honestly, this situation is making you really tense. Did Tadashi figure out that one time, 3 months ago, when you stole a smoothie from the cafeteria?
- "Look, I'm sorry okay? I was just really thirsty and I needed sugar. Also, it's not like I wasn't allowed to get one! There was no one at the counter so I figured it wouldn't hurt to..."
- Tadashi IAmConfusion™ looks at you
- "Why are you talking about that now? Don't worry, I know."
- Now it's your turn to get confused
- "You mean... you knew and you didn't give me detention?"
- Now he looks a bit frustrated
- "Come on Y/N, I'm not that mean. I won't give you detention just because you came 5 minutes late to our meeting."
- This is most likely a misunderstanding...
- "This is what you were talking about just now, right? That the reason why you came here late is because you were drinking a smoothie. I figured you were probably busy doing something so no need to feel so guilty about it."
- "Oh. Oooohhh... yeahh... totally. Sorry."
- Now that this is out of the way, he asks you to tell him what's on your mind
- At first you hesitate a little but, if there's someone with whom you want to share this with, it's Tadashi
- he's listening really closely to what you're saying without cutting you off but sometimes you can see his eyes getting a bit darker
- Like, you're not being specific enough about a detail or something and he's probably taking notes of all the questions he has so that he can ask them when you're done
- At some point though, you become really emotional and your voice starts cracking when you're talking
- You end up crying and your tears fall on the desk
- Tadashi jumps out of his seat, his chair falls down as he panics
- "Hey! Y/N?? Err... Um..."
- Takes you in his arms carefully, like he's not really sure if that's what he's supposed to do when this type of thing happens
- "It's okay! I'm here... I'm here so... d-don't cry Y/N I'll do something about it no problem!"
- when you've calmed down he puts down his wallet on the desk
- "Uh... what?"
- "You can use it."
- "You mean your money??"
- "What else?"
- he explains that you can take all the smoothies and premium food in the cafeteria with this
- "Are you kidding? I can't use your money for that."
- He's literally trying to cheer you up with money which is obviously not the way to go about it
- He sees that you're not convinced so he pulls out his phone and shoves the screen on your face so closely that you have to take a step back in order to read what's on it
- It's Tadashi's to do list, probably the place where he writes all of his tasks for the week
- The spot on number one is you. It reads "1. Y/N"
- when you look at him Tadashi is furiously blushing and looking away
- this is incredibly sweet until you notice how wrong this sounds
- "Wait... Tadashi?"
- "Yes?"
- "I'm first on your... "To do" list? Seriously?"
- "What's that's supposed to mean? Of course you're number one on my- Oh god..."
- he just understood how wrong it sounded and took the phone back before rewriting the list
- He's making it so easy for you to tease him
- the poor boy is literally begging you to stop it but you can't until he shows you his phone screen again
- this time it's written "1. Make Y/N smile again", you're literally his number one priority. This is so sweet to the point where you can't tease him anymore. It would be too mean.
- As for Tadashi, let's just say that he's about to get "really mean" with the person you were talking about just now and he's not going to hold back
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in-class-daydreams · 4 years
Blue Star | Oikawa x Reader | Ch. 2
cr- Pairing: Oikawa Tooru x Reader
- Word Count: ~ 2600
- Genres: Fluff, angst, Ushijima doesn’t know what a meme is
- CW: Mild swearing, and sexual implications/content 
- Summary: Sometimes, (Y/N) wonders if it was hard for her father to send her away. To a new prefecture, a new home, a new school. It all just might be worth it when after becoming the (suspiciously knowledgeable) manager of the Aoba Johsai boys’ volleyball club, she meets Oikawa Tooru. Together, they do their best to exorcise demons they thought would never leave. They learn about progress, when to strive for it, and when to accept the realities that cannot be changed.
Chapters: First | Previous | Next (coming soon!)
“Then what character would Oikawa be?” Iwaizumi asked.
“I’d be Togami!”
“Shut up, you’re not hot enough to be Togami.”
Oikawa looked at (Y/N), horrified. He nudged Iwaizumi to the side, forcing the
shorter boy to share half his desk chair. Bracing his forearms on the desk, he asked, “(Y/N)-chan, that’s what you like? The nerdy asshole type is what gets you?”
“Byakuya is a fine anime boy, change my mind,” (Y/N) said, crossing her arms.
“That doesn’t answer my question!”
Iwaizumi nodded along, “Yeah, that’s fair.”
“Oikawa, gives me strong Monobear vibes,” she added.
“I see it,” Iwaizumi agreed.
As the classroom filled up, (Y/N) was getting more and more uneasy. Lately, Oikawa hung around her and Iwaizumi’s desks to chat and hang out before class started. During lunch, the three of them sat in the classroom together and watched anime on (Y/N)’s phone. Ya girl had Runchykroll Premium like a bad bitch, she doesn’t go with the standard membership. She doesn’t speak broke.
Today, though, it felt like people kept looking at her. She was used to getting side-eye at her old school, but it was weird to be getting it at a new school where she hadn’t done anything to draw attention to herself. At least, as far as she knew.
She noticed some girls off to her left openly staring at her, she raised a questioning eyebrow, to which they quickly turned away and frantically whispered among themselves.
“I, uh,” (Y/N) mumbled, “I’m gonna go pee.”
“Have fun,” Iwaizumi deadpanned.
“Uh huh.”
(Y/N) got up out of her seat, uncomfortably aware of the eyes watching her every move. Even walking down the hallway, groups of students stopped their conversations to gawk at her.
When she finally made it to the bathroom, she let out a soft sigh of relief.
‘Well, that was weird,’ she thought.
She turned the sink to its coldest setting, leaning forward to splash some on her face. Behind her, she heard the bathroom door open behind her, though she thought nothing of it.
Straightening up, she saw three girls in the mirror, glaring back at her. The four of them stared at each other for a bit, waiting for the other to say something.
‘Dammit, I’m in a kdrama and I’m a poor laundry girl and these are my bullies and I’m gonna have to get with some rich asshole with a bad perm,’ (Y/N) wanted to cry in frustration.
Just one day. Couldn’t she get just one day where people minded their own business instead of getting all up in hers?
(Y/N) turned around to face the group, faking a smile and moving to shuffle past them. The bigger girl on the side shoved her backwards, making her stumble a little.
“What’s your problem?” she asked, annoyed.
“What’s your relationship with Oikawa-san?” the one on the left demanded.
‘Oh boy, I really am in a kdrama. Or a teen movie. Do I have to be the Lindsay Lohan of this movie? Wait, no, I wanna be Regina George. Wait, shit, she gets hit by a bus. Ooh, actually, maybe I do wanna be Regina George.’
“Nonexistent, I guess?” (Y/N) shrugged, “I’m gonna go.”
“Not so fast!” the one in the middle said. She seemed to be the leader, with natural-looking dyed red hair, though you could see the brown roots beginning to grow out. Trifling Bitch had a slim figure, and stood taller than (Y/N) herself.
“We’re not done talking to you,” Bad Dyejob Regina George glowered.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes. After everything that happened at her old school, her bullshit tolerance had gone up. The thing was, she was getting her first weeks of peace in a long time, and she’d be damned if she loses it because of Oikawa and his fangirls.
She pursed her lips, “Yeah, well, I’m done talking to you, so I’m gonna walk out of here, and you’re gonna make it easy for me to leave.”
Making her way towards the door, she maintained eye contact with the giantess on the right, daring her to touch her again.
“Don’t think you and Oikawa-san are on the same level just because he took the train home with you,” Annoying Beanpole called after her.
‘How would she--?’ the train is usually empty around the time she and Oikawa are on it, ‘Except…’ She remembered those two girls wearing the same uniform as her. Glances were typical, when she was with Oikawa, but in hindsight, those two were looking over much more than the average fangirl.
‘Of fucking course.’
“We’re just here to warn you that you’re not worth his time,” Completely Irrelevant finished, smiling as if she’d won.
“Whatever makes your life better, girlfriend,” (Y/N) dismissed.
Getting-On-Her-Last-Nerve put her hands on her hips, “I’m serious! Stay away from Oikawa-san, or else!”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes, “I’m shaking.”
With that, she shoved past them and stalked through the door.
No way. No way she was doing this again. Things had gotten so bad at her old school, she got shipped off into the next prefecture just so she could make it through the year. There was no way in hell that she’d go through that again so she can hang out with Oikawa.
Whenever she had the time, she could study with Wakatoshi, or she could spend time with Iwaizumi when Oikawa wasn’t around. Either way, she wasn’t about to sacrifice her peace for anyone. Not even him.
Sliding back into her seat, she caught the tail end of their conversation, “--can’t today. My grandmother has grocery shopping to do, and I always go with her.”
“You’re everyone’s dream grandson, aren’t you, Iwa-chan?” Oikawa turned to her, “Come get food with me after practice?”
After what just happened in the bathroom, (Y/N) was inclined to say no, but those big doe eyes and enthusiastic smile were making it difficult.
‘Crap. You’re gonna make me fall for you, and you won’t even feel sorry for it, will you?’
“You’re not coming, Hajime?”
The tanned boy shook his head, “Not today. My grandmother needs me to carry the groceries.”
“M’kay, we can get breakfast in the morning, if you’re free?” she offered.
The two boys in front of her gave their agreements.
“But you’ll still get food with me today, right?”
“We’re already getting breakfast in the morning, why do you--”
“But I’m craving milkshakes now,” he whined.
(Y/N) frowned, “I thought you were lactose intolerant?”
“I am, but I’m not a weak bitch. Also, ever heard of lactose pills?”
Iwaizumi facepalmed. (Y/N) sighed, wondering how she ended up associated with this type of person.
‘Oh my god, I can’t believe this boy,’ she thought. Then she remembered that little exchange in the bathroom, and how those three girls were completely happy ordering her around. Backing down, acting like she never met Oikawa, it would be easy on her, sure. She stole a glance at him and his big, dumb smile and his stupid brown curls. (Y/N) thought about how nice it was to have him and Iwaizumi as friends and how happy going home from school with Oikawa made her.
‘Fuck it. Fuck you and your mean girl stereotype and the fact that you think you can order me around. I know what my own personal hell looks like. I’ve been there. So now? I’m going to do whatever I want, whether you like it or not.’
“Alright, fine,” she sighed while Oikawa cheered in victory.
“I hope you know what you’re getting into with him,” Iwaizumi said.
(Y/N) sighed, “I hope so too.”
“Wouldn’t Hajime look good with a nose piercing?” (Y/N) asked absentmindedly.
Oikawa took a long sip of his milkshake, leaning back in the booth.
“Yes, but you know what would look even better? A lip piercing.”
(Y/N) gaped at him, “I’d be gone. That would kill me.”
“Tell me about it. I’m handsome and everything, but dear god, Iwa-chan is something else.”
“I get why you have a fanclub, but why the hell doesn’t Hajime have one? That boy is a work of art. And he uses those arms to help his grandmother! Tell me that’s not prime boyfriend material!”
“No doubt, no doubt. Maybe it’s because I’m flashier than he is? I mean, I interact with my fans. When girls come up to Iwa-chan, he just thanks them and leaves.”
“F’s in the chat.”
Considering she had just moved to Miyagi, she didn’t know any good hang out spots. The diner Oikawa brought her to was very American 50’s style with its neon signs and leather booths. It was cute. She never saw anything like this back home. But despite how fun it was just hanging out with Oikawa like this, the conversation from earlier still lingered in (Y/N)’s mind. Curiosity having gotten the better of her, she asked him,
“Do you know a redhead girl? Tall, greenish eyes, hangs out with two other girls, one of which looks like she could snap your neck with one hand?”
“Sounds like Tachibana Akari. Why? Are they bothering you?” Oikawa asked seriously.
(Y/N) waved her hands in front of her.
“No, no, nothing like that. I just… I dunno, I was curious.”
He quirked an eyebrow, “I feel like you’re lying to me.”
“Good, because I am,” (Y/N) sighed, “Do I have to tell you?”
“I can’t make you do anything, obviously, but I’m your friend, and it’d be nice if you opened up to me about these things.”
The shorter girl gave him a dirty look, “That was weirdly honest.”
Oikawa shrugged, “Well?”
(Y/N) stirred her milkshake, “They’re just being kinda petty, is all. Your fangirls get
a little possessive, is all.”
(Y/N) tried to act like it wasn’t a big deal. The whole thing with what's-her-face
itself wasn’t, but if hanging out with Oikawa was gonna get her bullied, (Y/N) was having a hard time deciding if it was worth it.
“Yeah, they get like that sometimes. They mean well, it’s just...” he trailed off.
“Bitches be cray?” she offered. Oikawa nearly choked on his drink. His clenched fist came up towards his mouth, trying to stifle his giggles.
‘Ugh, he’s adorable. Gross.’
“Maybe a little… But they’re not gonna do anything to you. I think.”
“You think?”
“Yes, (Y/N), I think. I’m not a mind reader.”
“Whatever.” (Y/N) swatted at the hand creeping towards her fries, “It’s not a big deal. I was just curious, I guess-- Hey, fuck off, you have your own fries.”
“You got curly fries! How are you not gonna share?”
“Come near my fries again, and I will end you,” she threatened. The glare in her eyes gave Oikawa a clear warning that she was not playing around. This bitch will end you if you come near them fries.
The teens stared at each other intensely, the look in their eyes challenging the other. For Oikawa, two things could happen if he goes for the fries.
One, she ends his ass and he can have curly fries in the afterlife. (Y/N) goes to jail for his murder, but the jury finds out her motive and they say, ‘Oh yeah, that’s fair,’ and she ends up with 3 months community service instead.
Two, his prayers are answered and she soft enough for him by now and lets him take them.
Honestly, even he wasn’t going to take those odds. He settled down and picked at his own regular fries.
“This is just my opinion, but if I were you, I’d do the opposite of what they want me to do.”
“So you think I should hang out with you more?” she asked.
Oikawa waved a fry around as he spoke, “Yeah. Out of spite.” He took one of her fries while she was distracted, “But it also shows that you don’t care about what they want you to do.”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes, “That’s what you’d do cause you’re a petty bitch.”
“Yeah, but maybe petty’s the way to go.”
She stopped to think about it for a moment. When she transferred to Seijoh, she planned to let any kind of drama roll off her back, like Wakatoshi advised her to. The problem was, that just wasn’t her.
Oikawa started talking about some dumb thing Makki and Mattsun did that got them in trouble with the captain. (Y/N) hardly noticed as she watched those soft lips move around his words. Did he use a lip scrub? He totally would. That boy probably bought the latest Cactha one, preordered.
‘You know what? Maybe I will do the opposite of what they want me to do. Stay away from him? So I’ll…’
Before common sense could kick in, she shoved their food to the side. While Oikawa was busy being confused, she grabbed him by his Aoba Johsai VBC jacket and yanked him towards her.
Just inches away from him, she asked, “Yes or no?”
Oikawa wished he could have recovered from his confusion sooner, but all he could really do was nod his head yes.
She tilted her head, leaned forward, and pressed her lips to his. They were just as soft as they looked.
The tall boy sighed into the kiss. He was just about to cup her cheek before she pulled away out of breath. At the loss of her lips, Oikawa whined in displeasure.
(Y/N) stopped halfway out of her seat, “Did you just whine?”
She smirked evilly, “Oh, this will be fun.”
Oikawa found himself being dragged by the wrist out the door. When he invited (Y/N) out, he wasn’t expecting this outcome, but damn if he wasn’t grateful.
“My parents are out of town on an overnight trip,” he said simply. The girl in front of him nodded, getting the hint.
Once inside his house, (Y/N) was on him again. She threw her arms around his neck, kissing him deeply. Long fingers dug into her hips to keep him grounded. Eventually, though, he had to pull back for air.
“So,” he panted, “Is this how you’re getting back at Tachibana?”
She tugged at the hem of his shirt, urging him to take it off, “Yep. Is that okay with you?”
“Uh, yeah,” he slipped his fingers under her shirt, “Maybe a little more than okay.”
Oikawa sat her down on the bed. As he loomed above her, (Y/N) snickered.
“Cute,” she said sarcastically.
The much bigger boy above her yelped as she slammed him down on his bed. (Y/N) straddled his hips. Her smaller hands ran over the outline of his abs.
Oikawa looked like he wanted to protest. His large hands gripped her thighs.
“Please,” he whispered.
(Y/N) put her hand to her chin and pretended to think.
“Hmm. Please what?”
He looked stressed, “Please, (Y/N)-chan?”
She smiled, “Since you asked so nicely, I’ll allow it.”
Unbuttoning her already horribly rumpled shirt, she sat against the headboard and spread her legs. Oikawa all but lunged at her, his curly brown locks disappearing under her uniform skirt. Her hands found purchase in those locks and he had to clamp her inner thighs with his strong hands to keep her from crushing his skull.
“Oikaw-- Ahhh!” she squealed when he made contact. He smirked against her center. One elegant finger looped around her panties.
“Can I take these off?” he asked.
(Y/N) glared down at him over the one hand covering her mouth.
“Alright, alright,” he giggled, “Itadakimasu~”
God, he was fucking insufferable.
(E/N): I pay for Runchykroll Premium in this group, and my wallet does little cries every month. Also any Danganronpa fans here?
- Admin Kiwi-Chan
(A/N): This took so long. I sorry. Words hard. Mango dead.
- Admin Mango-Chan
Taglist: @cristaldoodleskies @br0kenskeleton
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websitebuildertips · 3 years
How to Select the Best Site Builder in 2021
I do not know about you, but I was not fond of learning how to code. I tried, but failed miserably! However, I wanted to have the ability to construct a web site for myself, mainly to share photos and post articles.
Finally, this demand for an easy-to-use site tool directed me to find my very first site builder, which was Weebly. This was in 2009, and since that time, site builders have exploded in popularity.
But to this day, we still use site builders such as Wix, Weebly, and Jimdo for lots of our own endeavors.
Website builders are an ideal solution for individuals and smaller businesses to begin a website without hiring a programmer. But, finding the best site builder may be tricky for novices.
There are a lot of website builders on the current market, how can you know which is the correct solution for you?
In this guide, we will help you decide on the best site builder by going over the pros and cons of the most popular alternatives.
Selecting the Best Website Builder -- What to Look for?
Before assessing the very best website builders, we suggest that you write down what you need to do with your site? What are your targets and what features do you want to see on your site.
By way of instance, you can write down things such as: have a site section, photo gallery, online shop (eCommerce), reservation system, contact type, SEO attributes, social networking features, etc..
If you're unsure about what you would like, then take a look at your competitors or other sites for inspiration.
Most site builders give an intuitive drag and drop user interface to build your new site. You can benefit from the trial accounts (free plans), or the generous money-back guarantee to check drive before making your final choice.
Next, you want to think about your growth choices. Are you incorporating regular updates to your site? Do you require a blog section? Could you be selling more products on your own site in the future?
You will need to be certain the site builder you select is capable of handling your needs as your company grows.
Criteria for Our Very Best Website Builder Review
We've helped over 200,000+ customers begin a site, and over the past two decades have tested pretty much every website builder available on the market.
We look at several different criteria when reviewing the best site builder picks for every use-case, but our best five components are:
Ease of Use -- we would like to guarantee that the site builder is easy to use for complete beginners (non-techy users). It has to include a drag-and-drop builder, powerful editing tools, and customization choices.
Prices -- Since it is a competitive area, we search for which site builder provides the most value for the purchase price. We ask questions such as does it provide a free domainname, free SSL, free business email, free eCommerce features, etc.. If not, then how much could a small business owner must spend on extra extras / hidden costs.
Layout & Features -- we would like to guarantee that the site builder provides tons of professional website templates and give flexibility to include other features such as Google Analytics, third party marketing tools, etc..
Customer Support -- While we anticipate the web site builders to give an intuitive user friendly interface, we would like to ensure 24/7 customer service is available when required.
Data possession & portability -- Frequently beginners do not think about it, but being in the industry for more than two decades, we pay additional attention with regards to service to make certain you have your data, and it is portable should you will need to switch.
That having been said, let's take a look at the very best site builder platforms to get your site without hiring a programmer.
What types of sites can be produced with a site builder?
Site buildersThe great thing about site builders is they provide templates for a selection of different businesses (check out these templates by Wix, by way of instance ). You select the one you like and just add your own text and graphics. You don't need to start from a blank slate, making it super simple to achieve impressive effects very quickly.
Website builders are fantastic for small companies, portfolios, photographers, online shops, restaurants, and resorts, in addition to clubs and associations.
On the other hand, sites that need a database (real-estate listings, job boards) are not very easy to create. They take a different tool and much more time. Your very best bet in this case: WordPress.
And since we get this question often: No, hypercomplex websites like Airbnb, eBay, or Facebook are entirely out of reach. You will have to hire a development team to construct a site like that.
If you are interested in selling digital downloads, especially, then have a look at this complete guide.
What about domains in free sites?
You won't get a proper domain name, because .com or .net domain names always come at a cost. As you have observed, most providers will provide you a subdomain such as yourname.providername.com.
A free subdomain may be fine for a personal website, but we would not recommend it for professional or commercial websites for the following reasons:
It seems unprofessional.
You are not doing yourself any favors when it comes to search engine positions (more on this below).
It is not easy to remember such a long name
There's really a place where you can get free domains which are not subdomains. At Freenom you can find a few (admittedly, vague ) domains at no cost: .tk, .ml, .ga and a couple of others. So you might name your website mycoolsite.ml, for instance. I would not recommend building your business on top of this a free domain name.
But if it is only for a private project that'll be totally fine. Freenom allows you to forward your domain name to a URL (including your free site's subdomain) or to point it to a site, which is a tiny technical procedure. Pointing your domain is truly the expert manner as then it will entirely run on this domain name and nobody could ever find the subdomain.
Our Select for The Best Website Builder
After carefully assessing all of the popular online site builders, we think that WordPress.org simplifies all site builders in overall functionality, ease of use, cost, and flexibility.
WordPress is an exceptional choice for beginners, private sites, and company websites. Some of the world's top brands are using WordPress in their sites. See all of the reasons to select WordPress as your site builder.
If you would like to build your site with the best website builder, then begin with WordPress using Bluehost. It's definitely our #1 choice.
You may read our detailed guide about how best to make a web site for detailed instructions.
Searching for company name ideas? Try our A.I powered company name generator tool to find creative brand name ideas.
If you are trying to build an internet store (eCommerce site ), we then recommend BigCommerce as the best eCommerce site builder since it offers all the features you will need at the best price.
If you would like a WordPress choice, then we recommend using either Continuous Contact Builder or Gator.
Constant Contact Website Builder is the most effective free website builder. It features an intelligent A.I powered site builder for small companies that will help you build a customized website within minutes. You can get started for free to construct a blog, company, site, and even an internet store.
Gator is a premium site builder platform provided by the popular web hosting company, HostGator. It has a great deal of powerful features that you'd want to begin.
We hope that our website builder reviews helped you opt for the best site builder for the project. You might also wish to see out listing of resources that will help you grow your site.
As you have seen, there are a whole lot of different site tools out there. The most popular choice with our subscribers overall is Wix. They've become a fairly dominant force in the web site building business. But that does not mean their opponents are necessarily worse choices. It really depends upon your use case.
If you're still unsure about what to pick, I would again suggest running our Smart Finder and answering 5 easy questions. Great luck with your website project!
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anyu-blue · 3 years
I'm just venting here cuz I don't have anyone to really vent to right now.
I know I'm being 'too much' and 'over the top' again... I know I'm throwing a hissy fit I don't need to, and I recognize I'm hurting at least one person with it.
But God damn I'm pissed and I guess I want to be pissed.
There's so much I want to do and so much I feel obligated to do and more... A lot of what I want to do... I just don't have the energy for. I wanted to make all these custom cards for my family since I should be able to ship stuff out this week... But I pulled Everything out and found... I just really didn't want to put that effort in..I mean I REALLY do... But just... Everything was turning out terrible. I'm honestly shocked I managed the 14 for my ex's family for Christmas... I want to do it... But at the same time I don't.
Cuz what's the point? All that effort.. all that care.. when I could just buy them a stupid card instead. So I'll go buy them a card... Because my eldest and younger sister decided to head to the grocery store without me and now I have to steal the car right when I'm off work to do my own necessary shopping anyway (or risk not being able to go at all this week). All because they were nearly out of toilet paper and Tevie wanted to get me cash for her car insurance bill...
Now I wouldn't be so mad except... They didn't even ask if I had extra toilet paper in my bathroom, which I do. AND I told Tevie that she didn't have to worry- I have enough to cover the insurance for her car.
But no. She just HAD to go today so I could have the money by tomorrow when it pulls!!! Um... Tomorrow (technically today, now) is SUNDAY. How the FUCK am I supposed to deposit the $ into my account like she wants when it's a freaking Sunday?! Or or at all when uh.. she has the car until like... 7pm every day anyway?!
Uuuugh... I already told her too, I'm not depositing Anything unless I absolutely need to either. Which I don't cuz I just got paid. AND I told her her insurance will be a part of what she pays me (if she does) for all her other bills!! If I got it I got it. What part of that is so hard to understand?
Apparently all of it...
Or none of it, but it doesn't matter because she doesn't pay attention to stuff like that anyway. Literally just does whatever she wants.. and you know what? I know that's absolutely fine. Sure it inconveniences me because, well, I needed to go to the store too (and told her as such), and had nothing for dinner while they fed themselves again (didn't even ask me AND used a service I have/can get free stuff with if they use my account like I've asked EVERY SINGLE TIME we've EVER used it!!!). (Why did I EVER cook and feed them so much? I was 100% right in that they have no interest in doing the same. They BARELY cook for themselves!! And you can probably already guess what I'm going to say about it... It's all JUNK!!! Cheeto mac and cheese, ramen, air fried chicken and fries, microwaved meals- you should see our pantry right now. Almost entirely instant meals and it makes me want to vomit. What's not instant is the stuff I picked out/ingredients that have just sat since I stopped cooking.. you should see our FRIDGE right now!! Not a vegetable or fruit in sight!! It's all warm fruit cups for Tevie and idek what W0lfie eats to get her vitamins and nutrients- cuz the vitamins I bought haven't been touched except for by me, Though I told them it would be a good idea of they took some each week too.. I'd wager she doesn't!! And that's partly why she's so gd MISERABLE all the time!! She doesn't take care of herself!!)
But in reality it's whatever. Technically Tevie did nothing wrong. She's just living her life how she wants to live it. Who cares about wasting more gas? Apparently not Tevie even though she told me she did... Apparently that's out the window. Who cares about my needs? Apparently not Tevie Though I've been fighting with our property managers and walking her through every gd adulting problem she has (I'm even supposed to help her with her taxes AGAIN cuz she can't do it) and taking care of the house and all the paperwork and all the phonecalls and everything... So it's not like I've been looking out for her and our little sister at all 🙄 or thinking of them and trying to make THEIR lives easier or nothing.
They don't owe me anything obviously... Not even the requests I made of them to do particular adulting tasks on their own (like put in a simple maintenance request, or cover up the open window downstairs, or even buy the materials so I could take care of that stupid problem better than I already have with the shit we had on hand).... It's up to them if they want to follow through. And they don't. Like ever. Because it'll just be done by me because I actually DO care about how much our power bill is.. Tevie sait she does and then pulls that shit. W0lfie says she does and then pulls the shit like letting her room get ULTRA cold- which guess what happens when she opens her door for the day? You guessed it. The temp of the house goes down and the heat/furnace churns and chugs to make up for it.
I'm so FUCKING DONE.. but guess what? I CAN'T be. I'm not even supposed to be pissed about this stuff!! I'm the bad guy!! Because I'm mad!! Because I can't just let it go or deal with it quietly. Or not be a bother.
I AM THE REASON THEY HAVE THE SHIT THEY DO!! THE ROOF OVER THEIR HEADS, TEVIE'S CAR, LOWER BILLS (not just because I pay my part, but because I literally put in all the work to make sure stuff is taken care of and that I don't use excess/as much as I want or need sometimes), PAID BILLS (EVERYTHING comes out of my account. I've asked Tevie to do it. Several times. To set it up or to even just pay it once or twice... Has she ever? No. Not even when I showed her how and offered to write it all down for the future- and still she comes back at me like 'well you put them in your name' like, bitch... The water bill HAD to be in my name because at the time they only set it up in person!! Doesn't mean you can't pay it!! All the information is RIGHT THERE!!! You have my permission!!! In fact I've ASKED you to!! And the internet- we switched it to my name so it would lower AND give us a better speed!! And autopay gives us a discount anyway- Something YOU approved of!! And GUESS WHAT? The power ISN'T in my name!! It's in yours!!! Why on EARTH do you still expect me to pay it every single time?! It's not even on autopay!!! And the car insurance.. well SORRY if you have a wreck on your record that would make the premium double or triple what it is now!!! I did that for you!! I even called and asked and compared and did EVERYTHING FOR YOU YOU WOULDN'T/COULDN'T!!! And the cellphones are in my name because years ago when we GOT the plan you didn't have a credit score which was REQUIRED... Guess who did?! ME!! So guess who did all that and set up autopay so we wouldn't get charged $20 more a month?! It's not like we COULDN'T change these things, YOU just DON'T want to deal with it OR you want those discounts and agreed to it in the first place- so your 'well they're all you're responsibility Because they're in your name' is BULLSHIT), EXTRA MONEY EVERY MONTH, EVEN TEVIE'S BANK ACCOUNT, EVERY DOCTOR/DENTIST/SPECIALIST SHE HAS EVER SEEN AFTER OUR MOTHER WAS KICKED TO THE CURB... Even W0lfie is not exempt... Because what I don't do for her, she goes to her mom to take care of. And she's told me things and I've had to ask why she hasn't taken care of it. Well. She either doesn't know how (and in some instances refused to learn cuz it happens again), or was just going to suffer through it because she assumed that was what was right (without asking anyone or even GOOGLING the information)... Gods... Half my 'knowledge' comes from google and checking at least two or three sights and sources before I act... I feel like I'm the only one in my house who has that skill despite the top-notch cellphones and computers and shit laying around everywhere. Despite my little sister literally building her computer... Can't adult life at ALL...
And I just... I just...
I'm so mad and upset.
I want to have the carefree lives they have some days... But then I realize someone wild have to be doing all the shit I do for them for me... And then I get depressed Because literally no one would or will. Even Lon didn't... He took care of his bills sure... But everything else? Well.. unless I asked him to step up, he never would.. and he to never would more than the day I asked. Another red flag I shouldn't have let slide...
No matter how sick I get. No matter how crazy I go... It's still all up to me. I don't have people I can go to to ask to do these things and know they will... I have tos er Everything up and do all the work or it never happens. Especially not more than once.
I hate nagging... And I'm just the bad guy if I try anyway.
Idk what the point even is anymore. I hate my life.
I want so badly to love it and be happy to be around... But I just want to disappear and see what happens when that happens. Would they step up? I mean they'd HAVE to and then I'd be the bad guy again... But ugh...
None of this is easy. None of this is easy especially when all alone.
Few people reach out to me... The ones that do are just as overburdened as I am and can barely talk too because they're so busy... But we try...
I appreciate every one of them/you and I feel awful I'm so drained I can barely say thank you or reply.
I know what it's like... I do... Maybe I don't 100% know the specifics of the reasons behind what you're feeling, but I can feel it with you.
I'm trying. I'm angry. I'm tired... But I'm trying my best.
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kodzusken · 4 years
Peter Parker + a dog chasing him while in the spidey suit (you pick which one lol)
*insert iMovie title text*
Peter Parker has always been fond of his dog, Sandwich. Especially since Sandwich had the potential to make a very good sandwich...... nevermind. Hunger could dictate many emotions in Peter, clearly.
Being a dog from the street, there was no doubt Sandwich was homozygous dominant for ugly. He had a great, loving personality, but 🤢. Combined with a certain Dorito stench, beady eyes, and a dumb-looking face, Peter knew all too well he had to locate in his heart the needle of compassion in the haystack for that stupid dog. Yes, that’s right, it was time for Sandwich to get a girlfriend.
You were probably not expecting that. Neither was I- the author. Peter could explain.
It all began the summer of last year, back when Tony Stark had permitted him to work as an intern. (Yes, you may cry.) Coolest job ever, right? Wrong.
He was out fighting crime day and night, missing school, hopping out bus windows while Ned covered for him, simping for Liz, who he ditched.. all that jazz. He got beat up more times than he could count, and even crushed under a building, no sweat. Seeing as there was no trace of his hauntings on Buzzfeed Unsolved, it was clear he was very much alive- just as Ned had predicted, unfortunately. In spite of it, at the end of the day, it was what he was required to do, and he executed. There was overwhelming stress that came along with the job— being a high schooler and all, sure— but if he didn’t look fly on @spideyno1fan’s vlogs, what was the point?
But then, the internship took turn for the worse. Right after he was brought back, Tony died, and he bestowed upon Peter a responsibility that would change his life— official babysitter of his four-year-old daughter, Morgan. This... was magnitudes worse than fighting villains. What do you even do with a girl who has a wild obsession with princesses and an insatiable appetite for cheeseburgers? Not to mention Tony’s right-hand-man, Happy, falling in love with his aunt.
That was fine.
All of this, and not even a single paycheck. Peter had had enough.
After thirteen hours of ignoring MJ’s trail of thirst texts and scrolling through his celebrity twin, Tom Holland’s, social medias, Peter came across Tessa. She was a true source of inspiration for what Peter was about to do. Tessa was a cute, stocky dog, and meanwhile, Sandwich was not. But Peter noticed the attention Tessa got. Everyone loved her— some to a point where they weren’t afraid to show their [true colors] in the comment sections... but Peter tried not to think about that.
It was late August, excruciatingly hot, and Peter’s only comfort was a panting mutt at his side and May’s two-decade-old electric fan. Yet slumped there in the bosom of the couch, strands of his curls dancing against his glossy forehead to the soft breeze of the fan, he had a revolutionary idea. Peter was going to find Sandwich a mate and become a breeder.
It wasn’t founded on a whim. The boy had done his research on WikiHow and Yahoo Answers, and considering Sandwich was a male, he could make some nice, adorable, puppies. Peter cackled at the thought. He often referred himself to that one Bernie Sanders meme— in desperate need of financial aid. Before he was unable to afford failure. Now, he couldn’t afford even a single pencil. 😂. If he sold puppies, maybe he’d get some income. Or even get rich?? Everything seemed so possible. Maybe he’d call the business “Parker’s Pupperia” or “Dog’s Frick Chamber”— both sounded equally bad.
Promising Sandwich to be back with a girlfriend, and promising his own he did, in fact, have protection, Peter left his apartment in search of a proper mate for his four-legged friend. Peter, a skilled member of the Avengers, knew there was no better way to find a great selection of dogs than by house-by-house “inspection”. After all, he was the “friendly neighborhood Spider-Man”, except he wasn’t so sure about the “friendly” part. Was it pet-napping if he’d return the dog later? The answer was yes, and Peter was inconsolable. But he was so poor he decided to do it anyway.
Peter had learned from his last experience of not bringing the suit with him. He pulled the mask over his nose and secured it— this was going to be a Grand Theft Auto, dog edition, and who knew? If people were being troublesome it wouldn’t take much for him to blow up their home. Just saying.
The wretch of society, his long-time middle-aged, blonde-haired neighbor, Karen, had the perfect dog her family had adopted a couple of years ago. Luckily for Peter, he knew for a fact it was a girl.
It took a relatively short time swinging from his apartment complex down to Karen’s house. Creeping in from an open window, he scaled along the bright “Live, Laugh, Love Forever” wallpaper, passing by her unvaccinated children with ease. Peter found his target dozing on the floor. She was a small, white pooch, with neatly trimmed fur and floppy ears— a toy dog at best. Still cuter than Sandwich by a landslide. Peter figured he would take his chances.
But this Maltese was alert, and very angry. It was the 🐶🔪 type. Suddenly, Peter was not a perpetrator, but a victim. He was running past buildings, trees, cars, swooping in and around backyards. He thought he knew how to run fast, but this dog knew how to run faster. How did the dog even get out of the house???1?1?1 Unexplainable and quite honestly should’ve been impossible. The longer he ran, the louder the barks got, and the closer the white furball monster approached. Peter never knew small footsteps could be so terrifying. Well, yes he did, but those were Morgan’s. His breaths were coming in and out in short outbursts, and he felt the fatigue catching up to him as much as the dog was. Then, the world went black.
Peter awoke to several text notifications from May, and a snoring Sandwich next to him. It was the usual, “Don’t do anything dangerous while I’m gone shopping, ok?” and “Clean your room for me, please?”. Ned had also found a premium set at the LEGO store and MJ wanted him to come over apparently.
Throwing his phone aside, he clasped Sandwich’s hairy face and leaned in close.
No, it wasn’t for a kiss.
“I will never, ever, make you mate for puppies so I can get rich and I love your ugly face so much, bud.”
Sandwich blinked in response.
Let’s make it really clear that this was not @parkershoodie’s fic and I wrote this as satire 💀💀💀
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artificialqueens · 4 years
losing all my cool (branjie, oneshot) - holtzmanns
Here's a oneshot full of headassery to tide you all over until the next multichap. Thank you all SO much for all the support that you send my way both on AO3 and here about my fics. It makes me so happy and really motivates me to keep writing more. So, this exists because of you, in a way. 
 Writ is the bestest beta and friend and cheerleader in the world and I love them. Also the title of this fic is from Cool by Dua Lipa. 
 NOTE: The mug bit at the end - you'll know when you reach it - is inspired by a scene in a ghostbusters fanfic that I read years ago. So. Just wanted to make it clear that I can't take credit for that idea. That being said, enjoy!
Brooke Lynn Hytes is a lesbian. A premium cut, 100% Canadian beef hunk of lesbian, and everyone knows it.
Brooke wouldn’t necessarily say that it’s a big factor of her personality, per se. She just makes sure that it’s abundantly clear for any potential ladies around her to catch on. Plus, she fucking rocks a good beanie, oversized shirt, jeans, and docs combo and really, who wouldn’t know it from looking at her? Having a flashing neon sign above her head reading ‘GAY’ would probably be a little bit more subtle.
Despite the blatant display of her sexual orientation, it’s been awhile since Brooke has dated anyone seriously - a year and a half, to be exact. The time since has been a lament of Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge, swiping right and left but not really ever clicking with anyone. Going out to the village but not really seeing anyone past a second date, because none of them really feel right.
Who would have thought that the dating scene in the city would have such slim pickings after awhile? Brooke feels like she’s wading through the same bunch of faces that she’s already seen before, way too many girls that have dated her exes or are her exes and really, she’s tired of it.
It’s a hard dilemma to explain to her friends, too, all of them either in long term relationships and happy or straight and having a way easier time finding guys for themselves. They don’t get the lesbian dating struggle.
“These apps are so dry. I’m going to be seventy years old and attending aquafit classes before someone pops up who’s going to actually catch my interest.” Brooke doesn’t mean for her words to come out in a muffled groan, but it’s hard for them not to when her face is buried in her hands.
“Aw, don’t be like that, B.” A’keria’s sympathetic hand reaches out to pat her shoulder, and it’s a little comforting, but not that much, not when A’keria’s other hand is busy texting her man. “You’re a catch.”
“I know I am. Problem is, I can’t find anyone else who is too.” Brooke shoves a forkful of pad thai in her mouth as she shrugs.
They really did all luck out, working in the same plaza. Brooke loves being able to catch up with the friends she’s made over lunch, Nina coming over from her bakery and Monique and Monet from their boutique and A’keria, Silky, and Vanessa from their salon. Having food options never hurts, either.
Brooke hears a snort as she takes a sip of her water, and looks up to see Vanessa rolling her eyes across from her, shaking her head.
“You are so full of yourself, miss thing.”
Brooke shrugs, sprinkling more peanuts over her food. “I know my worth. A little bit of self confidence never hurts anyone.”
“Apparently, it hurts your dating life.” Vanessa grins, raising an eyebrow, and Brooke can’t help but pout.
“Hey! You don’t get the struggle. It’s harder when you date girls.”
It’s true. Straight people have it better. Straight people can pick each other up off the street, in the line for Starbucks. Straight people never have to wonder about if someone they’re into is also like them, if they’re even remotely interested. Straight people never have to look for smoke signals from potential people to date as clues. So Brooke’s not saying that Vanessa hasn’t been through it like she has when it comes to dating, but she’s also not not saying it.
Besides, Vanessa’s taking a break from dating, anyway. At least, that’s what she’d told their group after she’d broken up with her last boyfriend a few months ago. That she needs to go back and find herself or something.
Vanessa, though, seems unperturbed as she clacks her acrylic nails on the table. “Is it, now? Tell me, Brooke. Tell me about your struggle being a lady Casanova.”
“Okay, now you’re just making fun of me.” Brooke sniffs, leaning back in her chair.
It’s fine, really. She’ll find a girl eventually.
Maybe before she’s seventy.
If Brooke is the world’s most obvious lesbian, Vanessa is the world’s most incognito bisexual.
To most people, at least. Sure, Silky and A’keria know that Vanessa had dated some girls back in college, that her Tinder is set to both guys and girls. But everyone else?
Vanessa hasn’t seen the point of revealing it yet. What’s the rush, if she’s not dating a girl anyway?
Nor is she dating a guy right now either, but that’s beside the point.
Vanessa gets how she’s perceived. Face always beat, hair always styled, an aesthetic that’s femme as hell. Long ass nails, because why wouldn’t she get acrylics if she’s not getting coochie anytime soon? She looks good, but she also understands why she has had to be the one to hit on girls in the past, rather than the other way around. Because they always think that she’s a heterosexual.
And here Brooke is, doing the same thing. Not that Vanessa is interested in her - she needs a little bit more time with herself before dating again, especially after the drama of her last boyfriend. All she needs in bed is her rabbit toy, and it gives more pleasure than she’s gotten from her last two partners put together.
But she knows how Brooke sees her - straight, because Brooke’s playing into her own stereotypes about how girls interested in other girls look, how they act. Brooke would be the last person to guess that Vanessa’s bisexual, that she enjoys going down on a girl just as much as she does. Brooke, sweet lumberjack Brooke in her ripped jeans and her plaid as if she’s about to go chop a tree down with her nonexistent biceps. Classic lesbian, practically begging to be messed with.
And Vanessa has an idea. It comes to her as she’s walking back to the salon with Silky and A’keria after their lunch break, their friend group dispersing towards their respective businesses around the plaza. Vanessa finds it hilarious that Brooke’s a ballet teacher, going over releves and arabesques while looking like she can’t lift her own leg over her own head in those jeans. Though Vanessa knows she can, from one too many drunk nights out when Brooke’s old ballet dancer persona shines through as they stumble from the bars.
“You’re gonna what now?” Silky’s brows are furrowed, her eyes slightly squinting - partly from the sun, partly because she doesn’t seem to be following Vanessa’s train of thought.
Vanessa pats her arm as they swing open the salon doors once more. “I’m gonna confuse the shit out of Brooke. Shove all of her sapphic stereotypes up her ass.”
“As if she wouldn’t like that.” A’keria snorts, and Vanessa groans.
“Nasty. Point is, bitch has no clue I’m into ladies too. So, it’s time for me to get in her head. Make her reconsider how she sees other people.”
“How you gonna do that? Hytes is sharp. She’ll figure out something stupid in no time.”
Silky has a point. How can Vanessa fool Brooke in a way that won’t make her figure out what exactly is going on?
Except Vanessa, despite her normal state of being a bull in a china shop, does know subtlety, especially when it comes to displaying signals.
Which means she knows just how to get under Brooke’s skin.
The beanie from the top shelf of Vanessa’s dresser feels weird on her head the next morning. It’s one that she hasn’t pulled out since her college days when she had been trying to figure out her personal style and what suited her. Vanessa’s not mad at it, though, as she looks in the mirror. She’s still curled her hair and she’s still wearing heels but the button down she’s wearing with her sleeves rolled up is miles away from her normal aesthetic.
Not that she doesn’t rock it.
“Phase one, ladies.” Vanessa strides into the salon with a swing in her step, a coffee in each hand. Her first client isn’t coming in for another forty five minutes, but she’s here early for a reason.
“One of those for me?” Silky holds a hand out but Vanessa’s quick to lift the cup high in the air, out of her grasp.
“No can do. This one’s for someone in that dance studio four doors down. You know exactly who.”
Brooke’s fiddling with her phone, swiping through songs that play on the overhead speakers as the dancers in her studio warm up on the hardwood floor. Vanessa has to hold back a flinch at the way the dancers bend in half, pull their legs up higher than they ever naturally should be.
“Morning, Brooke!” Vanessa’s voice is faux cheerful, a smile on her face to hide the way she already wants to crack up.
“Morn!” Brooke’s none the wiser as she puts her phone down on the speaker system, turns around to face Vanessa before she pauses, eyes wide.
Vanessa can feel Brooke’s eyes trail up and down her frame as she hands Brooke her coffee. “You good? Looking a little spaced out there.”
“What? Yeah, I’m good.” Brooke sputters, taking a sip of her coffee to mask it but Vanessa catches it, of course she does. “What’s the coffee for?”
“Oh, no reason.” Vanessa shrugs, leaning against the wall. “Just thought I’d grab one for you, that’s all.”
“That’s, uh-very nice of you.” Brooke’s eyes are still as wide as saucers, and Vanessa has to hold back a snicker, because she’s so easy. “I like the beanie. Never seen you in one before.”
“Yeah?” Vanessa reaches up, fiddles with it, as if she hasn’t noticed it today at all. “Found this old thing in my closet and my hair was a mess this morning. Figured I’d bring it back, y’know?”
Sure, it’s a lie. Vanessa’s hair is meticulously styled as always, but Brooke doesn’t need to know that.
“Sure.” Brooke pauses on her words before continuing. “That shirt, too. It’s a nice one.”
Vanessa crosses her arms, the rolled up sleeves along her forearms showing off the simple black watch on her wrist. “Yeah? Didn’t think you ever liked what I wear. Or that you ever paid attention to my outfits. But it’s nice to know that you do.”
Vanessa turns on her heels towards the door before Brooke gets to say another word, turning back towards Brooke as she’s about to step out. Brooke’s eyes are still on her, a crease in her brows, and Vanessa has never wanted to crack up harder.
“See you at lunch, Brooke.”
Lunch feels like it’s hours away, and it doesn’t stop V from fiddling with excitement throughout her morning appointments. The moment she gets to drop her styling shears and comb on her table is a relief, because it means that it’s time to execute the next part of her plan.
A’keria had originally made a face this morning when Vanessa had roped her into it, but Vanessa knows that she’s going to come through. Because A’keria is reliable like that.
Vanessa’s halfway through her dynamite rolls, but she feels like she has to scarf them down before the shenanigans unfold. She can’t focus on the conversations being held at their table, even though Monique’s story about their ridiculous customer from the morning is pretty funny. Especially because Brooke keeps peeking over at her while she picks at her tempura, which Vanessa catches because Brooke’s never been this quiet during their daily lunches before, so lost in thought with her brow furrowed.
Vanessa nudges A’keria beside her, their little signal. A’keria sighs a little before nodding, reaching for her phone, dialing Vanessa’s number. Just as they’ve planned.
Vanessa has to keep a snicker from getting out as Pussy Is God by King Princess starts blaring from her phone, because what better ringtone to choose for a scheme like this? Brooke’s head snaps up almost immediately, her eyes darting around the table to look for the source, and Vanessa takes the opportunity to stand up, hold out her phone.
“Gotta take this one, guys. I’ll be back, though!”
Vanessa has to try her hardest to not turn back, not peek at Brooke’s expression as she heads for the hallway with the sushi restaurant’s bathrooms, where she can answer A’keria’s fake call. “Thanks, bitch! I owe you one.”
“You really fucking do-”
Vanessa hangs up before A’keria’s done her sentence, and she can’t resist doing a twirl in front of the bathroom mirror, almost wanting to pat herself on the back. Because everything is unfolding exactly as planned.
She touches up her lipstick, dusts some more highlighter on her cheeks because she’s in front of a mirror, anyway, waiting for the time to pass. She watches the minutes tick by on her watch, and it’s hard, really, not to run outside right away, to see what Brooke’s face looks like at this very moment.
Kiki: what u got massive diarrhea in there or some shit
Kiki: come out already
Okay, maybe Vanessa should be waiting less than fifteen minutes.
It’s worth it, though, when she traipses out, sits right back down across from Brooke at the table, especially when Brooke’s face has about a million questions written across it.
“Sorry for leaving like that.” Vanessa holds out her phone, shrugs as she picks up her chopsticks once more. “Call from my ex, they’re in town. Wanted to catch up.”
“Oh?” Brooke’s face perks up in the most predictable way, and it’s exactly what Vanessa wants. Excellent.
Vanessa’s as cool as a cucumber on the outside, though. Quite an actress.
“Mhm.” Vanessa nods, grabbing an edamame bean as she does. “Think I’m gonna make plans with them for later this week. Our breakup was pretty chill.”
Brooke leans forward in her seat, ever so slightly. Just as she should. “What happened with you two?”
“We were just better off as friends.” Vanessa shrugs. “One of those people you still vibe with, y’know?”
“Sure…” Brooke trails off, tilting her head ever so slightly. “What did you say their name was again?”
“I didn’t.” Vanessa grins before standing up, tapping her watch with her other hand. “Though it’s almost one. Lunch is over, y’all.”
The corresponding groans echoing from the table, mostly from Monet, are worth it when Vanessa peeks at Brooke’s gobsmacked face.
She loves throwing her for a loop.
Brooke’s going to go insane. She really is. It feels like she’s in an alternate universe, where things are just not quite right, or maybe she’s been blind this whole time to it until now, but-
There’s something up with Vanessa.
It had started simple enough to be a coincidence. Vanessa in a button down shirt and a beanie. Sure, not her usual style, but we all experiment now and then. But then Vanessa’s ringtone had blared and it had been a fucking King Princess song, and she’d talked about an ex when she usually never does. Brooke had been listening, she really had, to see if she had been talking about a guy because, well…Vanessa’s straight, right?
But Brooke hadn’t been able to tell, and she’s still not sure. Because from how vague Vanessa was, she could have easily been talking about a girl or a nonbinary ex, for all that Brooke knows. But would Vanessa date someone who’s not a guy?
Brooke has no idea, and the mystery is killing her. Because Vanessa’s not gay. She can’t be. Can she?
Brooke needs to find out.
It’s a little while before Brooke sees Vanessa again, mostly because she has brainstorming lunch meetings with Detox before her friend begins to work on her dancers’ costumes before their spring showcase. It’s only for a few days, but Brooke feels like she’s going nuts, like she needs to investigate more or she’s going to lose it.
Detox notices, from the way her eyebrows are raised as she sits across from Brooke at her makeshift office in the studio. “Got ants in your pants, or something?”
“Detox.” Brooke rests her elbows on the table, leans forward slightly. “How good is your gaydar?”
“Gaydar isn’t a thing, dumbass. Straight people invented that.” Detox snorts. “If it was real, I’d be way better at hitting on the gay girls instead of the straight ones.”
“You just have a type, and that type is ‘not interested,’ apparently.” Brooke winks at Detox when her eyebrows raise. “Don’t forget, I was there all throughout undergrad when you’d cry in the bathroom after another straight girl turned you down.”
“Undergrad was traumatic. Don’t remind me.” Detox shudders, before holding out her hand. “I won in the end, though.”
Brooke fakes gagging upon seeing Detox’s shiny bling on her ring finger, as if she doesn’t want a girl for herself, too. “Don’t remind me. We know you’re married.”
“You’re just jealous of how cute we are. Now tell me, which girl has gotten your panties in a tizzy?”
“Tizzy-no, she hasn’t gotten them in a tizzy. Gross.” Brooke makes a face. “It’s one of the girls in the salon over there. I thought I had her figured out, but…”
“But now your signals are crossed?” Detox looks delighted, a little too delighted, by Brooke’s plight.
“But now my signals are crossed.” Brooke sighs, leans her cheek on her hand. “What straight girl likes King Princess?”
Detox shrugs. “I dunno. She’s getting kinda mainstream now, isn’t she? I swear I heard her play on the radio once. I think you gotta keep investigating, Sherlock Holmes. Find out more.”
Brooke gets her chance to do just that when Nina texts their group chat to make a plan for drinks after work on a Friday afternoon. She’s never said yes faster because she knows Vanessa is going to come, which means that Brooke will have the chance to dig a little deeper.
The bar that they choose is blaring tunes on their overhead speakers, making it hard for Brooke to hear anything aside from the bass of the latest top forty song, but she leans in nonetheless over the table Because Nina is bringing up plans for Pride this year, and Brooke’s especially interested in the answers of one specific person.
Vanessa’s wearing Doc Martens and the sight had been disconcerting when they’d walked into the bar, because Brooke’s never seen her without heels. The plaid shirt tied around her waist is taunting Brooke, confusing her even more because it’s the type of shirt that Brooke herself would wear. She’d never thought that she’d have anything in common with Vanessa’s style in the past, though evidently, her closet has some exceptions.
“I’m thinking we can hit up Garage and O’Grady’s for sure. Crews is going to be too busy during Pride, it’s packed to the brim on a good day.” Nina has her notes app open as she makes their itinerary, and it almost makes Brooke want to crack up, how organized she is.
“What about The Drink? Shouldn’t be as crowded there, either.”
Brooke’s head pops up from her appetizer of mozzarella sticks to see who’s given the suggestion of one of her favourite venues - it’s not A’keria, who’s on her phone, not Monique or Monet, who’d both disappeared to the bathroom together ages ago. It’s Vanessa, leaning forward expectantly to peek at the list on Nina’s phone, and Brooke feels like she’s about to do a spit take.
How has Vanessa heard of The Drink? Brooke would get it if Vanessa’s heard of the popular gay bars in the village, the one that straight people tend to go to more often than not, but The Drink?
“You’ve been there before?” Brooke can’t help but internally curse at herself when the words slip out of her mouth but she can’t help it, because she’s more confused than ever.
Vanessa’s eyes are sparkling just a little too much, and it’s making Brooke’s head hurt, just a little. “One of my fave spots. Why, wanna go there sometime, B?”
Brooke doesn’t miss the way Silky snickers into her nachos, and she has to run her fingers through her hair, rub her temples a bit to clear her head. “I’ve been there plenty.”
“I’m sure you have, but that wasn’t my question.” Vanessa raises an eyebrow as she takes a sip of her drink.
Brooke pauses, because she can’t understand what Vanessa means with her statement, unless…
“Wait, are you asking me out?”
“You wish.”
And Vanessa’s winking at her, turning towards Silky and A’keria, and Brooke’s going to go grey, really, if everything keeps going on like this.
Vanessa’s having fun. Way too much fun. Enough that she’s going to be laughing about it for weeks, because getting under Brooke’s skin has never been so entertaining.
Brooke is lost. Dazed and confused. Vanessa’s plan is working out perfectly, because Brooke already seems to have been turned on her head, not quite sure what is going on anymore. Vanessa almost wants to take pity on her, reveal her ruse, that no shit she’s also into women. But it’s fun watching Brooke struggle a little bit as she tries to figure it out.
When Monique texts their group chat a day later that it’s been too long and she needs to go out before she absolutely loses her mind, Vanessa jumps to say yes. Because she knows Brooke’s going to come too, and she can pull another fast one on her.
Kameron’s quick to agree when Vanessa texts her about it, saying yes before even hearing the full story, but calling Vanessa nonetheless.
“You want me to-”
“Help me pull a stunt on my pal. Just be at the club around eleven tonight.”
“You’re a crazy bitch, and I love it.” Kameron’s laughing into the phone, and Vanessa knows she has her intrigued. “I’ll be there.”
Vanessa’s back in an off the shoulder top and tight skirt for their night out, because sure, they’re going to a lesbian bar, but a part of her has missed her own style. Besides, she’s not trying to pick up anybody tonight, anyway. She’s just trying to get the attention of one specific person.
A’keria and Silky slam their shot glasses down at the bar, and if this were any other night, Vanessa would join them, even though she’s the lightweight of the group. But she’s keeping her eyes peeled, listening to Nina and Brooke talk about their current Netflix obsession as she waits for Kameron to show up and set her plan in motion.
Kameron sits herself down at the end of the bar, and the way she chugs from her beer bottle, muscles flexing, is already making girls turn towards her, trying to bat their eyes at her.
Vanessa knows that Kameron’s more than whipped for her girlfriend, Asia, that she doesn’t really have eyes for anybody else. Which makes the way she pretends to check Vanessa out hilarious, with a smile cast towards her that must have worked well on Asia back in the day. Vanessa wastes no time in winking back, and by the time the bartender slides a drink to her (‘compliments of the lady at the end of the bar’) Vanessa’s already slid off her barstool, meandering over to where Kameron is sitting.
“So who’s the one you’re trying to get the attention of?” Kameron’s grinning as she sips her beer, and Vanessa can’t help but make a face at her wording.
“I’m not trying to get her attention. That makes it sound like I’m into her.” Vanessa scoffs, before taking a sip of her gin and tonic. “Just trying to teach her a bit of a lesson.”
“Sounds like a lot of effort to put in just to teach someone a lesson.” Kameron lifts her chin slightly, gestures to where Vanessa’s friends are sitting. “Is it the blonde?”
“I can’t turn around and look right now, but - yes, it’s the blonde.” Vanessa wants to fidget on her chair, turn around and see Brooke’s reaction for herself. “Why, what’s she doing?”
“She looks kinda pressed. You’ve definitely gotten her attention, alright.”
“Really?” Vanessa leans in closer to Kameron, trying to see if she can decipher what Brooke is up to from Kameron’s reactions. “How so?”
“Looking like she wants to come over here and give me a talking-to.” Kameron snorts. “Think you’ve made her jealous.”
“Jealous, huh?” Not Vanessa’s initial intention but…she’s not mad about it.
Brooke’s used to getting every girl she wants. Maybe this will be a change for her.
“I’ve missed you and your weird schemes, V.” Kameron clinks the neck of her bottle with Vanessa’s glass. “How’s the salon?”
“Good. We still all miss you, though.” Vanessa pouts, crossing her arms.
Kameron raises her eyebrows. “It’s been three years since I’ve worked there with you guys.”
“And yet no replacement employee has ever been the same.” Vanessa gives her best dramatic sigh, and it has the intention of making Kameron crack up. “How’s Asia doing?”
The telltale smile that rises on Kameron’s face at the mention of Asia is heartwarming, Vanessa can’t deny it. “She’s good. Currently watching Jeopardy reruns and she’d told me not to wake her up when I get home.”
“You guys are the cutest. I want me a girl like that.” Vanessa sighs, almost wistfully. It really has been awhile since she’s had a girlfriend, and she’s never had a relationship as adorably hilarious as Kameron and Asia with their bickering.
“Yesterday we started fighting over the proper way to pronounce ‘caramel,’ and I almost had to sleep on the couch.” Kameron’s deadpan voice makes Vanessa giggle, because the sight is so easy to picture. “But pause that conversation. Your girl’s walking over.”
“She’s not-”
“Hey Vanessa, everything okay?”
Vanessa spins on her stool to face Brooke, and Kameron plays her part by edging ever so slightly closer to her. Not quite with her arm around her, but enough to catch Brooke’s notice.
“Everything’s great.” Vanessa’s voice is chipper than usual, and she doesn’t miss how Kameron holds in a snort. So much for acting.
“Cool. Just checking.” Brooke looks like she’s on edge, like she’s biting her lip to keep herself from saying something.
Vanessa slides off the barstool with her drink in hand, trying to ignore the fact that she loses a couple inches off her height when she does despite the heels. “That being said, we’re pretty much wrapping up. Talk to you later, Kam?”
“See you around, V.” Kameron winks, winks, and Vanessa really does have to applaud her dedication towards acting the part.
Brooke follows behind Vanessa as they walk back towards their friends. Vanessa looks up at her as they weave through the crowds, tugs on her hand so that she doesn’t lose her. She plops back down on her original stool and Brooke sits down beside her, looking a little grumpy for a night out.
“Kam’s nice, isn’t she?” Vanessa watches Brooke’s face closely as she asks the question, sees the way she scowls.
“Sure.” Brooke grunts. “Do you guys know each other?”
“Nope.” Vanessa pops her lips on the final ‘p’. “She bought me a drink, so I went to talk to her. Turned down her offer to dance, though.”
Brooke looks up from her drink, her curiosity getting the better of her. “Because you weren’t interested?”
Vanessa shrugs. “Nah. Because my feet are tired in these heels.”
“Wouldn’t say she’s my type, though.” Vanessa keeps her voice as light as possible, leans forward in her seat.
“No?” Brooke’s breath looks like it hitches in her throat, and Vanessa can’t help but tuck a lock of hair behind her own ear, drum her fingers on the tabletop.
“Nah. I like blondes, not redheads.”
The noise that Brooke makes as Vanessa walks away to join A’keria and Silky’s conversation is worth it.
The only thing worse than Brooke’s pounding headache from her hangover is the way she can still absolutely remember everything from last night.
She feels stupid, she really does. What made her go up to Vanessa like that? They’re friends, she’s not into her like that. Not when Vanessa doesn’t even like g-
Brooke doesn’t know anymore.
Her brain feels like it’s being pulled into a million directions, and Silky and A’keria had been no help, telling her ‘we’d know if Vanessa was gay, wouldn’t we? She’s our friend’ and ‘I dunno B, better go to the source yourself,’ and now, Brooke has no idea at all what to believe anymore.
Silky and A’keria wouldn’t steer her wrong, would they? But that redhead had clearly been flirting with Vanessa, and Brooke’s not sure why it had bothered her, really, but still. Brooke had only gone over to see if Vanessa was okay, if she was in a situation she didn’t want to be in, but Vanessa had been plenty enjoying herself. Maybe Vanessa had thought the redhead was being friendly.
But it’s too much for her brain to untangle during her late morning class, the blaring of the music over the speakers hardly a distraction from the way Brooke just wants to go back to bed. She can’t even imagine moving like her dancers are doing so on the floor, trying to twirl herself around. She needs more coffee.
The end of the class can’t come soon enough, and by the time the dancers are cooling down, stretching, Brooke’s heading for the Keurig machine in her office to fill up her cup again. The first sip burns her tongue and she yelps as she steps back into the studio, grumbling to herself as the dancers leave one by one.
Running a class on a Saturday at 11 a.m. had been a mistake.
Brooke doesn’t get to focus much on her scheduling shortcomings, though, when the door opens, the jingle of the chain making Brooke’s head snap up.
Of course Vanessa still looks put together the morning after a night out.
Vanessa pauses once she reaches Brooke, taking in her appearance. Brooke knows it’s nothing to write home about - her button down, her leggings, her ‘say hey if you’re gay’ mug that she’s clutching to like a lifeline - but hey, not everyone is capable of putting a full face of makeup on after getting hammered the night before.
Vanessa has a smile on her lips that Brooke doesn’t really understand, one that her brain isn’t working enough to decipher anyway. But then Vanessa sits down beside her, casts an eye to her mug.
Brooke makes a face. Why is Vanessa being so weird in the morning? “Hi?”
Wait. Hold on.
Brooke can feel her jaw drop just as Vanessa begins to crack up, pointing to her mug. “You take a long time to realize things, y’know that?”
“But…what…how?” Brooke’s looking down at her mug, looking up at Vanessa, and Vanessa’s just said hey which means-
“Bi, not gay. But close enough.” Vanessa has a shit eating grin on her face but Brooke can’t really unpack it now, anyway, because her brain is just…mush.
“Wait…so you’re not straight?” Brooke needs another sip of her coffee, maybe another cup, because she’s not quite sure if she’s still asleep or not, because maybe she’s still dreaming, maybe the entire week of Vanessa acting strange has been a dream-
But Vanessa rolls her eyes. “No, dumbass. And when did I ever tell you that I was?”
“But you had a boyfriend-”
“Bisexuals exist, y’know.” Vanessa’s raising an eyebrow, and Brooke gives her a sheepish smile, because she absolutely has a point. “That’s what happens when you assume things about people.”
“Wait. That explains-”
“The outfits, the King Princess?” Vanessa snickers, and she really does look happy with herself. “Thought I could teach you a little something about not always following stereotypes.”
“Okay, but A’keria and Silky-” Brooke pauses, remembering their words. “They’d say they’d know if you were gay.”
Vanessa shrugs. “They didn’t lie. They’d know if I was, wouldn’t they?”
Brooke frowns when Vanessa cracks up, because it had been a play on words, sure, but absolutely made Brooke believe something else. “That’s fucking sneaky.”
“Sorry, B.” Vanessa’s the one looking a little sheepish now, scooting a little bit closer, and Brooke’s never really noticed how good her perfume smells, really. “Didn’t mean to deceive you. I mean, I did, but y’know.”
“I can’t even be mad, it was clever.” It’s true. Brooke’s lowkey impressed that Vanessa’s pulled it off, that she’s been duped to the high heavens and it makes her wonder if anyone else from their friend group had known. “Was anyone else in on it?”
Vanessa shrugs. “A’keria and Silky helped a bit, no one else from our friend group. Kameron did, though.”
Brooke pauses, remembering the redhead. “So wait…that chick. You knew her?”
“Kameron’s an old friend who is happily taken.” Vanessa winks at Brooke as she says the words and Brooke’s not sure why her heart feels a little bit lighter after the admission, but it does.
“You look pleased to hear that.” Vanessa’s looking at her with an expression that is knowing, way too knowing, and Brooke scoffs.
“I’m happy for her happiness, that’s all.” It’s a flimsy excuse, one that Vanessa appears to see through right away, from the way that she scoots a little closer, resting a hand on Brooke’s leg. “But y’know, you did pull quite a fast one. You’re lucky my feelings aren’t hurt.”
Vanessa snorts. “What, would you want something in consolation?”
Brooke shrugs, looking at Vanessa properly. She sees the way Vanessa’s eyes are sparkling, the way there’s a smile threatening to light up her face that she’s trying to hold back.
So Brooke may as well try.
“Going on a date with me would help to soothe this wound, for sure.” Brooke gives Vanessa a fake pout, puts her hand on top of Vanessa’s. “Y’know, to make sure I’m okay and all that.”
“Just to make sure you’re okay, huh? No other reason?”
“Oh, I can think of plenty of reasons.” Brooke can’t help the cheekiness that pushes through, the charm (or lack thereof) that never seems to fail with the ladies. And it seems to work with Vanessa, who’s rolling her eyes but nodding her assent.
“Well. Fair’s only fair, I suppose I can out of the goodness of my heart.”
“The goodness of your heart, hm? As if you haven’t been flirting with me for the last week.”
Vanessa gasps. “I have not!”
Brooke grins, because now that she thinks back to it, it’s all beginning to make sense. “You totally were. You’ve been trying to get my attention this whole time.”
“As if.” Vanessa crosses her arms, and the pout on her lips somehow makes Brooke want to kiss her.
“So you don’t want to go on that date, then?” Brooke’s barely gotten the words out before Vanessa’s sputtering again.
“I didn’t say that.”
“Thought so.” Brooke grabs Vanessa’s hand, tugs her closer until she can see the gloss on Vanessa’s lips, the highlighter sparkling along her cheekbones.
“Shut up.” Vanessa’s lips are upturned as she says it, as her eyes drag down to Brooke’s lips. “I’ll pick you up at eight.”
With that, Vanessa stands up, turns on her heels to leave the studio. Brooke can’t help but watch the view as she leaves, shaking her head.
She has no idea what she’s getting herself into with Vanessa, but she’d be lying by saying that she isn’t completely ready for it.
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