#which is the bain of my existence
notsodailycake · 2 years
Controversial take here:
I’ve given it some thought, and I’ve decided I can’t like Luis. It seems they’ve talked a few times over email, but that’s as far as it went. Luis should’ve recognized she wasn’t interested and stopped asking her out. My main gripe with him, however, isn’t over what he did, but what he DIDN’T do. He knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that Vanessa hacked into the Pizzaplex. If it was literally anyone else on the planet, he would’ve reported them right away. But he let his feelings get in the way, and chose not to intervene.
When someone you like, or even love, is in a situation like this, you don’t bury your head in the sand. You intervene. I know he tried to talk to her, but that should’ve been the last straw. He should’ve acknowledged it was now a major work related issue after she never responded, and done his job. Not to mention everything else he let her get away with, or just didn’t notice. I feel confident anyone else wouldn’t have been given that much leeway with the red flag searches, or been brushed off like that. I mean, she LITERALLY typed “help” and he just moved on. That, to me at least, is very nearly unforgivable.
Because here’s the thing: if Vanessa was stopped then and there, that would’ve been that. I’m pretty sure they could run the hack back once it was uncovered and actually fix it. And, at the very least, Vanessa wouldn’t have killed any kids. Furthermore, with the glitch identified, I’m sure they could stop any other beta testers influenced by Afton. They might’ve been able to purge the virus from Vanessa after studying it. And it’s not like Burntrap was the real problem anyway. GLITCHtrap is the real threat. We can clearly see that Vanny’s been down in the basement, even sleeping there, so it’s entirely possible he wouldn’t even exist if not for her.
That’s not to say that all of the suffering is his fault, though. Hell, he’s a bit of victim, to. After their first in person conversation, in which he talks about her being interested in IT stuff, Vanessa created that fake ID to hack into the system. Vanessa, or rather Afton, used Luis for information.
I guess this is my own simping for Vanessa, expressing my anger at the one person who was in a position to see her descent into a very dark pit, and yet, for whatever reason, failed to stop her fall.
Maybe I could like Luis if the three star ending was the true one, with Vanessa getting freed and gaining a family in the process. But as far as the story, she’s still trapped in a living hell, with very little chance of escape. And the flames will only get hotter for her.
In my mind, the lesson contained in those emails and what follows is this: when you choose to ignore that someone you care about is in trouble, you will only make it far worse for THEM.
Wow there buddy, that's alot of words for a luis enjoyer like me- /j
Seriously tho, heh, sorry it took so long to reply to this. I was actually excited to get it, and wanted to form a proper reply/argument to this, so i had to get my facts straight. Bc i honestly dont like to just blindly defend a character (and this bit will be explained further into my argument)
So this one is gonna be a long one folks ;)
I'll start off and say that, i agree with your statement really.
To an extent. I still have my own points to argue obviously, i wouldn't be writing a whole analysis if not XD
Now this isn't something to make you change your mind on Luis, but my own views and opinions on it
I will share some stuff that i personally think before i go to your argument about Luis, just so you can maybe see my perspective of it all. And it inevitably will involve Vanessa and Gregory (and quite possibly Freddy)
I'll state that, i like flawed characters. I like characters with flaw. They are fun to write, and it makes them feel more human.
I don't belive in the good or bad, i belive that some characters are in a darker spectrum and others are on a lighter spectrum, but never black and white
Only characters who are insane would be so dark, and even then, I'd see some lighter shade to it
And purely white characters are annoying as hell, perfect doesn't make it good
And now this is probably a take of mine that you will probably not like, but it isn't an attack on you either I'm not mad at you for it lol, but, i dislike the purification of Vanessa that I've realised you've been doing throughout this. I like the fact that Vanessa is flawed, my view on her is that she isn't some perfect victim that needs constant protection (and this inevitably will probably be my own projection of myself onto her, since i was a victim of verbal abuse and some sort of manipulation as a kid), but she also needs help obviously
I don't think she deserved what she went through at all, if that's what you think, but that doesn't make it right to give her everything when she wasn't the only victim. I dislike the fact that everything seems to have to cater to her needs, when others where affected as well. She needs help, and so does the rest. Like Gregory
As much as i love and enjoy the sibling dynamic for them, i dont want to undermine what Gregory went through with her. Sure it wasn't her fualt, but Gregory is just a kid, and he almost died by her hands, he has his rights to be scared of her and avoid her, and that's why i don't like the idea of him imitatedly falling in on opening up to her or helping her, it takes time. Healing takes time, and it's something you'll see me explore more throughout the next parts (this probably is also me projecting, since i myself could never feel hurt or let myself heal bc the person who hurt me was also going through shit, probably worse then me, and I was the one helping them, even if they were the adult and i was a child, 9, i was 9. And it sucks bc it still affects me. So i am a little sensitive about this topic). And with that Vanessa also has every right to not want to be with Gregory bc of her inevitable trauma about killing kids
Both were hurt, and now they have to learn how to put the pieces back together. And I'll add as well about Freddy, even if the issue is small. Gregory hurt his friends, and upgraded him with his Friend's body parts. That, to a sentient robot, is horrible. But i know he can understand the kid's pov. But he's still hurt by it
And it's something they will have to work it out together
So general idea. I like the flaws of the characters, and i dont plan on defending them, but i also dont blame them or am happy they suffered. I want them to heal, i want to show how much actually healing takes time and effort for both parties
I like to look into every perspective. From the victim, from the outsider and from the abuser.
And now this lead to my reply to the Luis part
I will say, as i re read the emails from luis, yeah maybe so, he should have stopped, and my only reason to defend in this are possibly not even canon. But to me, I'd say she did show interest on him, if going by the therapy CDs, when she mentioned Luis you could practically see her twirling her hair by the tone of her voice
Or maybe it's just me-- but she sounded genuinely interested
But yeah, i do agree that maybe he pushed it more then he needed to, but it wasn't anything bad, he was subtle about it and just really trying a shot but to shy to actually make a move. Plus as furter down her descent, he actually stops asking, and is genuinely concerned for her well being and wanting to help but not knowing what to do since he's never seen something like this. Plus it seemed like he didn't wanna push her to talk when she didn't want to
It was still quite unnecessary for him to further insist. But hey, you can be kinda dense when you like someone >_>
Now him reporting her. Through a discussion i had with a mutual about Luis, it seems like they were already somewhat aquatinted with each other. I'd presume they considered each other close mutuals, but not friends.
And in my experience, that would make it so you kinda just, justify said persons actions, as you are not close enough to know everything, but close enough to kinda build an explanation as to why they are acting weird
Cuz as per Luis, if he did he would probably not see her anymore bc she will be moved out, and she has been working hard for her position, and sure maybe bc he liked her. But even if he didn't, it be the same light if they were friends, which seems to be a close case for them as well. As humans, or just genuinel living creatures, we can be quite selfish and be it friends or a crush, you wouldn't want to have them leave your side (and from what I've gathered they are in the same department, being able to pass by each other's work stations)
Was it still wrong of him? Oh yes definitely, but like i said, there is more sides then one to a story. It doesn't make him a bad person, but just a human being with a bias and the benefit of the doubt
And yeah, idealisticly, if you love someone dearly, you wouldn't bury your head in the sand. But unfortunately, that isn't always the case. I deeply care for my sister, love her more then ANYTHING (and dont you dare say anything otherwise💢💢), but I'll be lying if i say i sometimes i wouldn't do that if i didn't know better
In which in this case he didn't. He mentioned to be an isolated kid, he doesn't know social cues as well (which is something I've experienced with my sister, and hell even myself), so with that, he wouldn't fully acknowledge it. It is human of him to be like that. Not right sure, but since when was it human to always be right?
And i will add that, we dont fully know how their relationship was, we just know they talked with each other. And by how Vanessa is about Luis in the CDs, they seem closer to each other then with the other workers
Also, i kinda feel bad for the typing "help" part, as i, a complete dense human being, wouldn't have imitatedly picked up on it either. Bc i am dumb, and even as when i first read the email, i didn't pick up on that part until you pointed it out💀💀
And for that i deeply apologise, but also yeah- gives me the reason to say it wasn't so unrealistic for him to be this dense
And i agree, i can see this seems to come from your bias of Vanessa. And it's completely understandable- you're in your rights to dislike Luis. As much as any victim is to dislike what happened to them and the people around them who inevitably caused the problem
It's probably also something i might explore on my story ;)
And the lesson is correct, it's a matter of actually acknowledging the issue your loved one has and do something about it. But unfortunately that is not something everyone does, even of they and I'm sure afterwards the guilt lingers.
But in a general summary. Your feelings towards him are valid, and i can understand your point of view on this. But that's exactly what i like about his character
I dont defend his actions, i simply give an explanation to them and a view to this different side
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seyvia · 1 year
I really enjoyed making that maxis match lookbook based on Ren's pictures. Are there any aesthetics you would like to see a maxis match lookbook for? Or one you have trouble finding cc/ would like some recommendations on???
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go-learn-esperanto · 1 year
Hey! Can you link/tell the name of the "you talking kitchen appliances" fic? I'm very intrigued by it. Thank you in advance!
It's @/deadpatrol's reincarnation AU!
You start with Standing at a Lightswitch then when you're finished (it's only 3 chapters) you go the next fic in the series; We've Got a Knack for Fucked Up History.
They are the direct continuation of the other so you really need to start with Standing at a Lightswitch. I really recommend it! The characters are all in character. Literally perfection on that front. It's just them.
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brandnewhuman · 1 year
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♡ random headcanons ♡
☆ starring ☆
♡ könig aka the most babygirl of them all ♡
Tw: mentions of anxiety, weight and mature language. Other than that pure fluff
A/N: YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND. YOU DON'T GET IT HOW MUCH THIS MAN IS STARTING TO GROW ON ME. THIS FUCKING TALL ASS BITCH AND THE OTHER GIANT JACK SKELLIGNTON FUCKER ARE THE BAIN OF MY EXISTENCE. I needed to do write for him, you can blame it on tiktok and it's sinful content and @bloodlst for fueling my obsession
He knows a lot of cool fidgeting tricks with pencils or knives because he needs to keep his hands busy when he's nervous.
It's almost like a security blanket for him when he's around too many people, he carries something he can fidget with and uses it
I can't stress this enough but tall people have back pains and oh boy if könig is tall
He is always cranky in the morning because of it and because he loves to just sleep in the weirdest fucking positions ever
Which is funny cause otherwise his postures is always very straight and stiff, it just that when he sleeps he gets all weird
About that, he hates, absolutely despises, the beds they have during missions
which makes me absolutely sure he downs coffee likes it's fucking water
His breakfast is basically a big ass mug of coffee first and then some herbal or fruity tea or maybe some juice
He loves sweets but has a weirdly good self control
He just likes the idea of savouring things rather than eating all at once bc they're so good
Besides I just know he has also a tendency to gain weight more easily than the others
He just tries to be as healthy and balanced with things as much possible bro
The only times he doesn't pays much attention to what he eats is around the holidays or when he gets to see his family
Which always ends up in him putting some weight but he doesn't cares that much, he always gets in shape before getting back to work
You can actively see this unit of a man closing the book and like getting up and walking away two steps just to turn around and keep reading
He does not look his age at all. Either bc of how youthful he acts or bc he looks really young no one has ever guessed his age and it's something he find quite funny so he just let people try to figure it out on their own
People are often really mean with him and sometimes really harsh. He knows they're just playing around and they mess up with everyone like that but he gets genuinely hurt sometimes
No one notices cause he always takes it like a champ tho
I feel like ghost kind of gets annoyed at him. Not for the reason you may think
He's just looks always so serene and at peace, but most importantly happy and it's something ghost can't comprehend given what they do for a living
Key word is looks
König is not a sad person by default and he recovers pretty quickly for certain things but he always carries around a weight of guilt and self doubt that is unbearable sometimes
Much like ghost, this man is kind of scare of himself really
He always worries about ending up being some sort of psycho who has no regards towards human lives
He gets so carried away when he's on the mission and often does not realise how efficient and kind of brutal he can get
He is absolutely scared of ghost. Everytime he is in the same room with him he just gets so nervous he ends up embarrassing himself more than once
like I have anxiety and my jaw is dislocated cause ever since I was a kid I was always clenching my jaw while sleeping or unconsciously while going about my day so I just know that someone like him has the same problem
He has definitely popped his jaw and hurted his ear more than once and has ADORABLE CROOKED TEETH CAUSE I DO AND I WANT HIM TOO OKAY?
he is really good at signing but everyone thinks he's not because the few times he has tried to sing in front of someone he fucked up from being too nervous
He knows how to play piano. As matter of fact he has one at home
Prefers wine over beer or cocktails but has a weird ass liking for strong liquors
And BTW he is annoyingly hard to get drunk, this man could get down shot after shot and still be as lucid as ever
Which soap found out by embarrassing himself. König ended up trying to take care for him the whole night cause he felt guilty
When he gets angry is not a pretty scene. He's always so jolly and easy going even if you're rude to him so is hard for him to get angry, but when he snaps this man is not playing around
Smells of fresh laundry and lemon perfume
He is still pretty mad about not being able to be a sniper. Specially because he's good at his job, he knows he is but no one believed in him and his abilities bc of his height and his anxiety
When he was younger everyone always used to talk over him because he had difficulty with speech due to his anxiety
He used to get so frustrated to the point of crying and since no one ever had the patience to listen to him he just used to write on notebooks all the things no one ever wanted to hear
He still does it and has like a lot of diaries filled with rants, thoughts, jokes ecc
When he was younger he used to listen to the FILTHIEST SONGS not knowing what they were about because he didn't understand English well
When he's nervous his accent slips a little bit
He writes letters to his loved ones and specially his s/o when his away from home and has the prettiest handwriting ever
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ultralightpoe · 2 years
Willing - Aemond Targaryen
Authors Note: hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey. Did anybody know that you can learn High Valryion on duolingo???????
Word Count:5198
Warnings: none i think 
Description: Aemond is a secretive little shit and you are willing to bet 
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“DO NOT WALK AWAY FROM ME!” Your husband yells as he follows you through your shared chambers while you look for your lost earring. “Look. At. Me.”
“I have been looking at you all night, Prince Aemond.” You sigh, knowing the lack of caring in your voice would only irritate him more, and the title you used instead of what you normally called him. “I have grown bored of this argument.”
“Grown bored? GROWN BORED?” He roars, moving to stand in front of you. “You need to be careful of how you proceed, dear Lady Wife.”
“Or what? You’ll slice me apart as you did that man?” You seethe, stepping closer. “He had a family-”
“He touched you!”
“He helped me clean a wound! Because my dear husband could not care less!” You yell and he steps up to match your attitude. 
“Are you so desperate for attention that you are opening your legs to random men now? I am your husband- YOU ARE MY WIFE!”
“YOU JUST SLAUGHTERED A BOY FOR TOUCHING MY KNEE-” Within a moment he has his lips upon yours and you are gasping out, launching back. “No. You do not deserve-”
“Deserve? DESERVE?”
“Goodnight. Prince. Aemond.” You snap, throwing a pillow at him and laying on the bed. 
Aegon is talking your ear off as he keeps leaning over his seat to get closer to yours, eyes casting down to where your breast are slightly shown with the gown. A gown Aemond had ordered to be made for you for his birthday, which you wore tonight for his name day dinner. 
That he did not show up to. 
Which left you sitting beside Aegon who was more than willing to tell you where his brother was. “It is so sad that you have no idea where he is, I would be more than willing to fill you in….”
“Why would you know where he is?” You sneer, taking a gulp from your goblet as he laughs.  “Your breath smells putrid.”
“He’s in town with Alys.” He smiles, your spine tensing as you recognize the name. Alys, your husbands mistress before he had met you, the bain of your existence for the first month of your marriage before he eased your worries. 
But lately your husband, who had always been loving and gentle with you, had been distant and off. You tried not to notice, but the more he was not there the more your anxiety got the best of you. 
“I am sure my dear Lord Husband would never-”
“Never fuck the witch in an inn that he gets every night, with multiple witnesses and guards standing outside the door. Mostly that one-” He points to your right, allowing you to turn your head and see Ser Millan Gale, one of the most noble knights known to Kings Landing.
You roll your eyes and shove him away, but that night when the guard escorts you to the rooms you walk slowly, turning to the guard. 
“Ser Millan?”
“Yes, princess?”
“Would you happen to know where my husband is? Tonight?” You ask, a heat travling your skin as the guard nods. 
That night you sob into your pillow, pretending to be asleep when your husband sneaks into the room, trying his best to stay quiet as he lays beside you. 
“What have I done? What have I possibly done to deserve this behavior from you?” He seethes, stepping towards the bed where you are fixing the blankets, snatching the small blanket from your hand. “How can I fix this if you do not tell me what I have done?”
“There is no fixing this.” You say lowly, eyes welling up with tears as he gives you a panicked look.
“What does that mean?”
“There is no fixing this Aemond! I do not want to be near you! I AM SICK OF YOU!” He steps back at your words, face completely stunned as he stares at you. Shock and panic fill your senses but you double down, trying not to get sick. 
The room is completely silent, just him staring at you with a narrowed eye and clenched jaw before a smug smile fills his face. “You always pick at your nails when you lie.”
Within seconds you snatch your hands to your sides, embarrassment your only option as he moves closer. “What is this all about? Have I not been a good husband to you-”
“You haven’t.” If he was going to keep pressing the matter then might as well play it to the full truth. “But I am sure Alys Rivers has had a good few months.” 
His entire body goes rigid, no longer trying to get near you instead he stands there like a prey that has just been caught, a stillness that you have never seen from him before. For a moment you feel bad, then his frown turns into a sneer and that guilty feeling vanishes like a mist in the spring. “Do you deny it?”
“How can I deny it when I don’t know what I am being accused of?” He seethes. 
“You have been having an affair with Alys Rivers! Have you not?!”
You are up before him the next morning, getting ready for the day ahead. The maids had already dressed you and done your hair by the time your husband begins to stir, hand sliding to your side of the bed and moaning in displeasure when he does not find you there. 
He calls out for you, still half asleep, and instead of answering you remain quiet but make sure to make a lot of noise as you sort through your jewelry to find your favorite necklace. The one Aemond had gotten you when you had accepted his courtship. Three green emeralds on a choker chain. 
He hears you and flops around in the bed, eyes cracking to look for you, the blue sapphire glinting in the morning light. “You look beautiful…..”
You don’t answer him, you actually do your best not to look at him. The realization that you were a fool had been made last night and you couldn’t look at him without thinking about Alys. Gorgeous gorgeous Alys. 
“I do apologize for missing my dinner last night.” He yawns, sitting up. “I was hoping we could celebrate today. You and I. We could-”
“I have to attend to your sister. We made plans last night.” You answer shortly, finding the necklace and attempting to put it on. Aemond sees you struggle and stands to walk behind you, grabbing the ends of the necklace softly and clasping it.
He has always been gorgeous in the morning, hair undone and no leather covering the scar on his face, he went for just his sleeping pants last night and his defined chest showed in the sunlight quite nicely. 
“I hope my family was not too mad about my lack of attendance.”
“They were, not to mention I looked like quite the fool when I didn’t know where you were.” Until now that is. “I tried having one of the guards send for you but they said you were not within the walls of the keep.”
“I was out on Vhagar, got a little carried away.” He smiles sheepishly, but you knew Aemond like the back of your hand, and you knew the little tapping he does when he lies. Just as you thought three small taps landed on the exposed skin of your shoulder. “How about a ride on Vhagar after your  plans with my sister? It has been so long since you have ridden her and I would like to keep your bond with her strong in case anything-”
  “I have no idea when our plans will be up.” You mutter, dragging your attention from him to search for earrings. Why was this breaking your heart?
He lets out a ‘hmm’ before grabbing your chin and pulling you to look at him, leaning down to kiss you where you sat on your vanity. “Then we shall celebrate tonight. I have missed my beautiful lady wife.”
“And I have missed my Lord Husband.” You say truthfully, patting his hand softly. He leans down to kiss your exposed shoulder before moving into the bathing chambers as you try to regain your calm. 
“I am not even going to bother with answering that accusation since you should know better. Instead I am going to ask where the fuck this idea started?” He seethes, hands clenching. This, right here, this is the Aemond you knew in the beginning. 
Long before you had been wed Aemond had simply been the cruel prince that everyone avoided, especially your older brother. But you had refused and you had taken to talking to the prince every day, even on days where he would do anything to chase you off. Aemond has always been quick to chase people off so that they would not end up running from him one day. 
You had outright refused and soon enough the boy was nervously asking to court you.
“Your brother has loose lips when the wine is poured.”
“My brother? My brother thinks the fucking birds outside speak to him and my sister swears she hears multiple voices in her head telling her the future.” Aemond laughs dryly, trying to match your gaze. 
“That’s what I thought. Then he provided proof.”
“In the form of a guard who knows your whereabouts.”
“Is that so?”
“Ser Millan Gale. He knew where you were.”
“So you asked Ser Millan ‘is Aemond with Alys Rivers’ and he said yes?”
“That wasn’t my exact wording-”
“What was your wording? Exact.”
“I asked if he knew where you were.”
“And he said with Alys?”
“He only said yes.” You feel foolish for a moment, recognizing where your husband was about to take this argument. But it still didn’t make sense as to where he had been all these weeks if not with her? 
“You’ve never been foolish. I guess jealousy isn’t your best trait though.” He smirks, that smirk quickly falling when he realizes he only angered you more. 
“Do not mock me.”
“I am no-”
“You have been with her, and you have been hiding it. Running to her to fuck and love and then coming home to lie to me.”
“If you would just take a second and listen-”
You did not sit by Aemond at the dinner that night, opting for his sister though you had spent the entire day with her already. Alicent was pleased to see you two getting along and kept chatting to Aemond about it although she didn’t know you were using this to avoid her son. 
You excused yourself early from dinner, saying you were feeling unwell, and when Aemond launched up to walk with you you simply denied. He argued that he would be more than willing to take you to bed, a worried look plastered on his face, but his grandfather ordered him to sit back down as he had not been excused by the king. 
You kissed his cheek and left, rushing to the rooms and practically jumping in the bed to once again pretend you were asleep by the time he makes it to the room. 
You hear the door, eyes closing as you even out your breathing, and when you think he will just get ready for bed you are shocked when he walks over to your side and sits on the small amount of room you left, hand tracing your cheek softly. 
“Hey…..” He whispers, forcing you to pretend to wake up, a fake yawn leaving your lips. “I’m sorry to wake you, I just wanted to see what was wrong…”
“I just have a headache.” You lie, trying not to enjoy the feeling of his hand on your cheek. “Spent all day with Helaena.”
He smiles softly before standing and tearing off his leathers, crawling over you once he is in his drawers and plopping down on you. You giggle out when all his weight lands on you, trying to shove him off. 
“You are smushing me!” You laugh out as he reaches to tickle your sides, your laughs getting louder. “PLEASE PLEASE PLE-”
“Say you love me.” He orders, tickles getting faster. 
“I LOVE YOU!” You all but yell, tears slipping from your eyes at all the laughing. The second the words leave your mouth he stops, leaning down to kiss you softly before laying beside you and pulling you into him. 
“I love you too,  I would die for you.” He whispers, clutching onto you.
“Listen? To your excuses?” You sneer, watching as he moves closer. His hands are outstretched, like he is trying to calm a wild horse and his eye is wide. 
One knee comes to rest on the bed while his right hand reaches out to you so slowly. “We had a promise, when we got married, that we would always listen even if we were angry with eachother-”
“If you have not been with her then where have you been?” You snap, tears falling freely as you reach your hand out to his own. 
“I can’t tell you that. I-” You snatch your hand back, shaking your head at him.
“Then I do not accept.” You sob, turning your back to him. You bring the big blanket over you and smash your face into the pillow, ignoring him. 
You hear him sigh, before listening to the sound of him removing his leathers and dropping the pillow on the floor. You listen as he lays on the floor and gets comfortable on the rug in front of the bed. 
“Do not feel as though you are needed to stay here. I’m sure there is an inn you can stay-”
“You are here so I am here.” He snaps. “Just as it has always been.”
“I feel like I haven’t seen you in ages.” Aemond sighs as he takes his riding boots off, watching you get undressed from the day. 
For the past 2 weeks you have been avoiding him, waking up early to leave before he wakes up and coming to bed early to pretend to sleep before he comes in. You have noticed that he has begun searching for you during the days so you have taken on a new class with one of the septas, trying to learn High Valyrian. And though you were bored out of your mind all the time, you knew your husband would never interrupt a septa’s lesson. 
“Y/n.” He calls, a tone of impatience in his voice that has you snapping your head up to look at him. “I have been calling you for minutes now. Are you feeling alright?”
“I just have a -”
“Headache.” He finishes the sentence, opening his arms to pull you into his lap, you being half naked. “Have you seen the Maestor, I’m beginning to worry about all the headaches you have been getting.”
“I am fine-”
“I worry for you darling.” He admits, chin resting on your shoulder as he looks to you, kissing your own chin softly. “Tomorrow we shall go see the Maestor together.”
“Won’t you be busy?” As he normally was this time around.
“No. I’ll be here. You are here so I am here.” He says, arms wrapping around your waist. “Just as it has always been.”
“Just as you vowed.” You smile softly, thinking about his wedding vows to you. They weren’t said during the ceremony, instead he whispered them to you in the safety of your own room, before devouring you that night. 
“I feel like I should warn you on the upcoming weeks….” He begins. “I have done something.”
Your heart begins to beat faster, and for a moment you believe he is about to confess to his affair. But a knock on the door has him launching to answer it so no one will walk in and see you indecently. 
“A raven arrived for you from storms end, a message from your nephew.” An accented voice murmurs as they hand him a raven before he shuts the door softly. 
“Aemond?” You call but he is already walking into the bathing chamber to read it privately. That night when you go in to see where he put it you find it burnt up with one of the candles, only a scrap of it surviving and the small words of ‘the plan’ to be seen. 
It is silent in the room as you both lay there, neither of you willing to say anything but unable to fall asleep. You were still desperate for answers and validation and he was still angry at the accusation and hurt at your own pain. 
There was one candle lit in the room and he watches as your shadow fills the ceiling before you are peering over the bed to look down to where he is lying. “Do you love her?”
“Y/n please-”
“Would you die for her? Just as you always claim to me?”
“SHE DOES NOT EXIST! SHE DOES NOT EVEN LIVE IN THIS SIDE OF THE WORLD!” He shouts, desperate for you to understand. 
“If that is true then what are you hiding from me and why?” You ask tearfully as he stares up at you. 
“I love you.” He breathes out, the only thing he really can process right now. 
“I don’t think you do.” You mutter, falling back into the bed and tuning away from his area once more. 
You wake before him the next morning and follow through with you plans with his mother, only seeing him in the training yard once. 
After lunch you leave to find the hand of the king, looking for a book that Alicent said he might have and when you do you find him in a small council meeting, no Alicent or king in sight. 
For a moment you debate leaving, pretending like you never saw this, but you instead stay hidden as you listen in on their plans to usurp the throne. 
After a few moments of listening you are running to the training yard to find your husband and tell him of the treason you just listened to but as you run through the yard you are sliced with a sword down your knee. 
You cry out in pain and fall to the mud beneath you as the man gasps out, moving to catch you. Your own hands fly to the fresh wound and he stops you, muttering something about the dirt from your hands would infect it. He grabs your calf and looks at the wound carefully. 
Aemond had heard you scream, and though he hadn’t seen what happened when he turned to find you he found a random man with his hands gripping your leg tightly, your dress ridden up to expose your thigh as your eyes ran with tears. A rage built up, him believing you were in danger and within moments he finds himself swinging the sword and slicing the man in two, a guttural scream leaving your lips. 
He carried you to the maestor as you sobbed for the unknown man, the screaming match began soon after the maestor cleaned the wound. 
You awoke to the harsh streams of sunlight in the morning blurry eyed from all the crying, launching over the bed to see if Aemond was still on the floor. 
The pillow and blanket were there but no husband in sight. You did not know if you were relieved or disappointed at that. 
You get dressed by yourself, a little confused by the lack of maids, and move to open the door. Only to find that it would not budge. You tried again and again, screaming at the guards on the other side only to get no answer. 
Before you know it you are searching the room for something to break the door down, in your search you find a parchment on Aemonds nightstand that was not there last night. 
‘Be angry all you want but I ask two things. One, stay in this room until Ser Millan comes to get you for the coronation, be dressed in green. Two, pack a small travel bag and hide it under our bed next to mine. Everything will be explained soon but trust no one.  My father died. -Your Love, Aemond’ 
Your hands shake as you grab the necklace he had gotten you, that had been laying under the parchment where he had placed it before bending down to see he had indeed hidden a travel pouch under the bed as well as his sword and set of knives. 
You move to pull the bag out until a knock sounds at the door and you are shoving it under in a panic, launching to stand as Alicent comes in, eyes puffy as she looks to you. “Dear Y/n….”
She moves to grab your cheeks softly, your arms moving to grab onto hers as you roll the parchment in your hand tightly so she might not see it. “I never thought any of my children would be so blessed with a love match, you have no idea how happy I am that you found Aemond.”
You smile at her, heart beating through your ribcage as you try to act normal. Your heart nearly beats out of your chest as she looks down and you are sure she must have spotted your husbands bag under the bed, but she merely scoffs as she looks back up to you. “Even the best marriages have their ups and downs.”
You look to the pillow and blanket on the floor, nearly deflating with relief that she only saw that. 
“An accident in the training yard yesterday led to a bit of a-”
“Jealous battle?” She giggles while you pretend to play coy and nod, showing her the cut down your leg to draw her attention. 
“That looks terrible, we shall have the maestors keep an eye on it but first I need you to get ready.” She orders, standing to her full height. You nod and move to grab the dress Aemond got you for his name day, a smug smile on your face as she sees the green. 
“I’m already on it, your majesty.” She smiles softly before kissing your cheek and leaving you to it. 
(Honestly did not plan an Aemond Pov but felt like doing it so wish me luck)
The halls of dragonstone were wide and barron as Aemond walked through them with his nephew Jace and his sister Rhaenyra, playing with his wedding ring as he listened to their plans of war. 
He missed you, and the separation was beginning to wear him down as he listened to them, only thinking of you. 
Right now you would be at his name day dinner, probably wearing the dress he had gotten you and waiting for him. This would be the hundredth time he has disappeared in the last few weeks and the guilt was eating at him. 
But he refused to not be prepared for the war that was coming. He knew of his grandfathers plans to usurp the throne, and his mother had been just as aware when he told her. Though she didn’t agree he caught the hesitation in her eye. 
Whether she knew it or not she would be fighting against her old friend soon. And Aemond refused to have you in the mix with Aegon as king. 
So he had sworn his sword to his sister, and has been called to dragonstone to help her plan. You could not know yet, because as much as he loved you and wanted to tell you there was a chance you would accidently blab. 
“I am sorry, dear nephew, but I must return home before my Lady Wife sends for my head.” He teases softly, drawing a laugh from the male as they shake hands before Aemond leaves to find Vhagar. 
 You spend the next few hours getting ready, tying your own corset and doing your own hair as you watch the door in a paranoid manner. You do as Aemond instructs and pack a small pouch, stashing it next to his under the bed just as a small knock is heard at the door and Ser Millan calls through it. 
He gives you a knowing look as you open it, to which you nod and he smiles. You expect him to simply lead you to where you need to go but he actually grabs you and hauls you over his shoulder. 
“SER MILLAN-!” You snap but then you see the crowds being shoved in and realize he was keeping you at a higher level so you weren’t trampled. 
“So it’s true…. Aegon is to be king….” You whisper, heart breaking slowly. 
You were asleep by the time he got in the rooms and Aemond was slightly disappointed with this, but not really when he saw how peaceful you looked. He debated waking you up, getting a bit of celebration from you just like this morning when you wished him a happy name day as you rode him. But that would be cruel and he was also tired, so he simply prepared for bed and slipped in beside you. 
When he awoke he was once again disappointed by the lack of your presence on the bed, calling for you only to get no answer. But he heard you rummaging around in your jewelry and his heart sped up as he opened his eyes to see you. 
You were always so fucking beautiful to him, and Aemond often wondered what he did to deserve you. How had he not scared you off yet? He tells you just what he is thinking, that you look beautiful. His heart begins beating out of his chest when he realizes something is off, moving to get closer and help you with the necklace you were struggling with. 
He offers a ride on Vhagar, just wanting to be with you but you decline and he feels empty, but you had made plans and he should be grateful that one of you is keeping up court appearances while he becomes a traitor. 
He worries about your reaction as he sits in the bath, wondering if you would think him a coward for not standing with his family. 
He prayed that you would understand.
You are brought to stand with Aemond, once he saw you his hands are immediately flying to your shoulders to make sure you are alright. “issi ao alright” (are you alright?)
“aōha muña māstan isse naejot se tistālion bisa ñāqatubis, gaomas ziry gīmigon skoros iksā planning?” (your mother came into the room this morning, does she know what you are planning?)
Aemond shakes his head no, a tense look on his features as he pulls you to stand closer, eyes appraising you. “You look ravish-”
“Is now a good time for this?”
“Well you were screaming at me last night so I feel the need to remind you.” He teases and you begin getting defensive, he must notice because he simply drags you to stand near his family, keeping his hand entwined with yours. 
“Beware the beast beneath the boards.” Helaena mutters and you get an uneasy feeling. 
You were avoiding him, that much Aemond was aware. He just could not figure out why or how to get you to stop. 
He debates locking you in the bedchambers and just refusing to let you out, but you would kill him and he would rather you come to him when you are ready rather than force himself upon you like a crazy man. 
But he was worried, you were speaking of headaches and days where you said you were with his sister you were gone and could not be found. 
You were sleeping right now and he was staring at you like a creep. 
He remembers how you used to follow him around, right after you had met him, and he used to try and scare you off with his rude behavior. You laughed in his face one day and he felt like a fool, but from that moment on he was obsessed. That had never really changed. 
Aemond Targaryen lived and breathed for you, a fact he was glad to admit. When his brother mocked him he merely smiled. When his mother asked for heirs he would crack a joke and say you both were trying day and night to make her uncomfortable. 
Without you he was nothing. 
He kept a rough hold of your hand throughout the coronation, glaring at the scene before him as the crowd began cheering for his brother who was slowly fueling them on. Then chaos broke and the ground was shaking and cracking. 
His feet widened their stance to keep himself upright as he clutched onto you so you didn’t fall while his aunt tore through the ground and smashed the peasants under her beasts talons. Within moments she was coming to them and Aemond felt his heart explode as he turned to pull you into him and block you from any fire the dragon may breathe or at least be the first to be eaten. 
As he clutches onto you he prays, hearing the beast roar as you begin sobbing. “Imsorryimsorryimsorryimsorry”
Then it’s over, and Rhaenys is flying away as you continue to clutch onto him, but he doesn’t have time even if you are terrified. 
Snatching your hand and pulling you into his side to leave, his mother calling for him in a panic. 
“When…..when you go to her, give her this.” She cries, handing him the torn page with a shaky hand. “Tell her…..tell her I remember and I hate the color green.”
Aemond nods, letting his mother pull him in to kiss his head before he is tearing through the castle with you by his side. He meets Millan at your rooms and snatches the stuff hidden under the bed before dragging you to where Vhagar is already saddled and ready.
“This….. Entire time you had been-”
“Planning an escape?” He supplies, trying not to lose his patience as your eyes well up with tears. “Love we have to go.”
“I accused you of ch-” He reaches for you in a moment, pulling you into his chest as you sob and he rubs your hair. 
“I do not blame you. I was hiding something. But we need to work this out later before Aegon finds out I have-” And within a moment another dragons roar fills the air. “Y/n. Saddle. Now.”
You listen, climbing up the rope ladder to reach the saddle, your husband following closely and sitting right behind you on top of the dragon. His hands wound around you as he buckles everything and commands her to go. 
The wind pushes you back into his chest as she takes off and he chuckles softly before his hand moves to your stomach. “This is why I wanted you to ride her before we left, but you had to be stubborn.”
“Your mother.”
“We will figure out a peace treaty, I am sure of it.” He whispers before Vhagar takes off into the winds.
“Then why are we escaping?”
“Because I am not willing to risk you getting hurt while they act like fools.” He answers sharply, pulling you in to kiss him before focusing on the skies ahead. 
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simping-overload · 2 years
Alright I suppose this would be a scenario request but this idea has been rolling around in my noggin for days now, how do you think the guys (Eddie specifically) would react to a guy around their age moving there from texas with like, alt cowboy vibes. Like the type to get called ‘big tex’ just because of his accent but they’d get really riled up because of it? (Which probably just makes the accent heavier and-)
RAMBLES ∘ sorry for the long wait! I've been busy and was on vacation. + I hope you didn't mind I went with hcs!
APPEARANCES ∘ eddie munson, steve harrington, billy hargrove
TAGS ∘ male reader, texan reader, fluff, messy hcs, not proofread, relationships are ambiguous
CW ∘ n/a
BLOG DISCLAIMER ∘ ヾthis is a multi fandom blog that is designed for mlm/nbmlm identifying readers! so if you're female or fem alligened(she/her, she/they) please do not follow or interact with my mlm/nbmlm related post!! you will be blocked if you do not heed this warning
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the bain of your existence
constant remarks regarding your accent, calls you "cowboy" too
if your walking by each other in the hall he's like tipping his fake hat and shouts "Hey, Cowboy!" with a shitty accent
if you happen to dress like a cowboy, he would totally steal your hat from time to time. however he can totally rock that hat
loves whenever you get mad, the way your accent gets thicker is just a chef kiss to him🤌
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he like- respectfully teases you about it
sometimes says " if you say so cowboy"
kinda likes your cowboy style, often "borrows" some of your clothes
unlike eddie he doesn't steal your hat, he gets his own per your recommendation
can't do a country accent for the life of him
finds your voice to be very soothing even when your mad
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loves cracking lighthearted jokes about you and your accent. He sometimes likes seeing you get worked up so your thick accent comes out
he really likes the 'cowboy' boots, would end up getting a pair of his own and find a way to fit it in his style
he looks super good in your hat too,though he doesn't steal it you can just plop it down on his head and he probably won't take it off
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Craig Tucker
This is a custom of Craig Tucker from South Park.
His hat and clothes are made from Apoxie Sculpt along with his nose, which I broadened.
Making this guy was the bain of my existence, and for some reason, I was never happy with how he turned out. So when I was kinda happy with this version, I left him for my own sanity.
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Drunk in Love — Campbell Bain x Reader
Sweet Jane Masterlist
Summary: Campbell calls Y/N drunk so she can pick him up from his station’s night out at the bar.
Warnings: Drunk Campbell; Drunk Campbell is clingy, Reader is mentioned to be much shorter than Campbell who is roughly six feet tall (I am personally five foot two); Reader is implied to not be Scottish but it can be interpreted by being from a different part of Scotland (I am personally American)
Note: I'm not crazy about the Beyonce song, it doesn't really fit, but if you had any other suggestions of songs about intoxication and love...
(Post-Asylum; May be connected to “Sweet Jane” or read alone)
"They were utterly intoxicated by each other."
"Even drunk, I am caught off guard by the way I remain intoxicated by you."
"Be drunk with love, for love is all that exists."
1994 *Six months after the events of “Takin’ Over the Asylum”
It was two in the morning when the phone rang about six months after Campbell got the Scotland Radio job. 
“Ahhhg.” She groaned, blindly and lazily feeling around for her phone, knocking some things over, and answered her phone, “Hello.”
“Heeeeeey! Baby!” Came Campbell’s voice, clearly drunk. “Oh, I love you so much. Also, I’m super drunk with Eddie and them from work. Did I tell you I helped Eddie get a job at the station!?”
“Yes, Cam. I did. I was there when you did it." Y/n said.
“Twice a week.” He laughed, “But I’m just so sloshed! I can’t drive and neither can Eddie. Francine’s picking him up. Can you pick me up!? Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaase…” He kept that high pitched tone up until she said yes which she was going to anyways.
“Okay, yes. I will, just stop whining in that tone.” She said, “Let me get ready to leave first.”
“Love you!” Campbell sang and then he started singing Goin’ Out of My Head before Y/N hung up.
She groaned and rolled out of the bed.
When she arrived at the station, everyone else was gone except Campbell who was singing, drunkenly, I Want Your Cray-Cray at a high-pitched singing voice dressed in one of his hoodies just as his girlfriend was.
“I want your cray-cray!”
"Hey, radio star." Y/N said, walking up to her intoxicated boyfriend.
"Baby! My love! My world! My universe!" He laughed, getting up and throwing his arms around her neck, with him being so much taller than her, he nearly knocked her over but she managed to get a firm footing before that happened.
"Why are you sitting out here? It's way too cold."
"It's too hot in there." He said and tried to take another swig of alcohol.
"No. No, Campbell." She said, wrestling the bottle from his boyfriend who was whining now like a baby. "Come on, let's get you home."
"You first. I'm loving the view." He flirted, looking her up and down shamelessly, as he brought his hands to her waist, running his fingertips gently on her skin, below the hoodie. "You know how much I love seeing you in my clothes, especially my hoodies."
"Campbell, you're drunk." She sighed.
"And I did exactly what you told me to. I called you."
"Yes, I did. And you did so well." She cooed, her hand cupping his cheek and he nuzzled into it, proud of himself. "now come on. Let's go home." 
She pulled him towards her car and helped him into the passenger's seat before moving to the driver's seat. 
Campbell dozed off on Y/N's shoulder during the ride before she woke him up.
"No..." He whined so she turned the car inside light on and he groaned, "Ahhhhhg."
"Come on, party animal. Let's get you ready for bed." She said.
Campbell tried to be on his best behavior while drunk but he felt anyone else would've just dropped him on the couch... but not Y/N, not his Y/N. 
She sat him on the edge of the tub in the bathroom. 
"How many drinks did you have?" She asked 
"I don't know." He mumbled without opening his mouth.
She brought a breathalyzer to him and held the nozzle to his mouth, "Open." He opened his mouth. "Breathe." He breathed. The breathalyzer beeped and read... ".16... so you had like seven drinks?"
"Sounds 'bout right." He slurred, nodding.
"Campbell, that's too high." She scolded and he pouted like a little puppy. She placed her hand on his forehead, he leaned his head back, looking at her with an alcohol-glazed lovey look, and then she felt his cheek and once again he nuzzled into her hand. "You don't seem cold or clammy, your skin doesn't seem to be any paler than usual. You're breathing is quick. So, you don't have alcohol poisoning..." She took him by the hands and pulled him to his feet, "let's brush your teeth, your breath stinks."
"I think a kiss from you is enough. Because you're so sweet." He flirted, leaning in for a kiss.
She leaned away from the kiss, making him pout and give her his puppy-dog eyes. "And you're so cheesy." She brushed his teeth for him and then told him to stay still in the middle of the bathroom while she got him some pajamas, slightly worried he might topple over and hit his head on the sink or bathtub. She got him a Radio Scotland t-shirt as he usually slept in a tee and his boxers. She brought the t-shirt as he started to shed his hoodie and unbuckle his belt.
She blushed, "Uh, Camps, here." She muttered, handing him the t-shirt, avoiding looking at him but he didn't take it and she looked at him as he had planned and he pulled his shirt over his head and smirked, raising his eyebrows in a teasing manner.
"Campbell!" She said, sternly.
"Alright. I was just jokin'. I'll be out in a minute." He said with a drunken giggle in his Scottish accent and she left.
A minute later, he called, "Help."
She opened the bathroom door to find him just barely keeping himself from tripping due to his jeans at the floor now, pooled at his feet and him still being very drunk, and trying to put his head through a sleeve. "I'm stuck." She could hear the pout in his voice.
Y/N smiled, gently and she walked over to him, "stay still." She advised him.
"Never." He mumbled with a hint of a childish whine.
She eased him to stillness before fixing the t-shirt so his head went through the head hole and helped him navigate his arms through the sleeves.
"Aye, my hero." He smirked and she leaned up, gently kissing him and he never refused a kiss from her.
She was a goddess from Scottish or Celtic mythology in his eyes. She was the Baobhan Sith, the female vampire who seduced men with her beauty and he would gladly give her his blood if she asked. She was Mórrigan, the Irish-Celtic warrior-queen goddess. She was Cliodna, the Scottish-Celtic goddess of beauty, love, and passion. He worshipped her with his every being.
"Okay, superstar, time for bed." She giggled.
"Will you stay?" He asked, forgetting whose house this was.
"Well, this is my house. So..."
"I like to wake up, looking at you." He mused before flopping face-first on the bed.
Y/n rolled her eyes and pushed him on his side of the bed.
Y/N turned off the lights and climbed into bed. A few minutes went by before Campbell said, loudly, right in her ear, "WAIT!?" He startled her with the volume of his voice, making her jump and pull away from him, and he lowered it, "Sorry." She reached next to her and turned on the sidetable lamp. "What were you doing when I called you?"
"Sleeping..." She said, hesitantly.
His eyes turned back into puppy-dog eyes of sadness.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, love." He apologized, he cupped the back of Y/N's head. "I must've been pretty annoying all night."
"No, you weren't." She reassured him, puncturing each sentence with a kiss. A sure-fire way to keep his drunk self entertained--also a sure-fire way to keep his sober self enterained. "I'd get up in the middle of the night to come and get you as much as you need. I love you."
He smiled and kissed her before bringing her in so she could rest her head on his arm and he stretched the turn off the light and the two fell asleep to a morning of him whining about his hangover.
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mostlyblues · 25 days
In honour of his birthday, I'm going to rant about some of my favourite roles of the global treasure (yes, I'm promoting him from the ‘national’ status), David Tennant. Feel free to add your own.💙
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Fourteen Doctor: This might seem like an odd choice to start with when there are popular choices like the Tenth Doctor and Crowley, but this character holds a very special place in my heart. I've been a fan of DT for about 6 years now and it started with Doctor Who. I love Ten but Fourteen is just more dear to me. Mostly because he made me excited again for one of my favourite TV shows. As a character, he has all the trademark qualities of the Doctor - the genius level intellect, endless compassion, and love for new adventures. But he is somehow more mature and softer, and I loved this development. Also, that blue coat and that (1) button - you know what I'm talking about.
Phileas Fogg: Such an underrated TV show. The chemistry of the trio, the adventures, the title sequence music - there's so much to love about this. And Fogg is such a real character. So far from perfect, this man will often appear as aloof, vain, self-absorbed and even a coward. But I think Phileas is one of the best roles ever played by Tennant. Yes, he's flawed but he's also intelligent, so incredibly kind, and yes, even brave. If you haven't watched this show, I highly recommend it.
Alec Hardy: So different from most other charming roles of DT, Hardy is a sad wet cat. He's grumpy, not nice, and just really tired of the world (who can't relate though?). His reluctant friendship with Ellie is one of the best parts of the grim show. And the fanfic lover in me can't stop screaming about how whumpable he is.
Crowley: I was going for the top three kind of ranking but the thin dark duke slithered his way over. And how can you not love Anthony J. Crowley? From this pure delightful joy while creating stars and nebulae (I can't get over David's face and the happy noises he makes in this scene) to his reluctant and vast love for his Angel and the earth, Crowley is very easy to fall in love with (take notes, Aziraphale. I know you love him but please use your words. Crowley, at least, tried). 
I wanted to add more characters, especially the Shakespearean ones (I love Hamlet, but Benedick has my heart), but the list won't simply ever end then. So, I'm just going to say name all the ones I love and end it here - Simon Yates (There She Goes), Dave Tyler (Single Father), Campbell Bain (Takin' over the Asylum), Harry Watling aka The Sexy Vicar (Inside Man, this show was so freaking stressful but I loved David's character), every single Shakespearean character he ever played (even the ones I haven't or probably won't ever get the chance to see - cries in Macbeth), and, of course, Scrooge McDuck (DuckTales).
So, thank you DT for gifting the world with some of the best, most adorable, wholesome, gender-enviable characters to ever exist. (Except for the creeps, freaks, and ruthless murderers, which we kind of love as well). Happy Birthday! 💙
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thistransient · 5 months
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I'm only in Macau for one night, and to be honest it's not popular for visa runs because there's no budget accommodation. I came here for the day when I was living in China in 2017, and went back in the early evening for this very reason. As such, I had never seen Macau properly in the dark (the quest for McDonald's with the Taiwanese kid at 3 am in October doesn't count), and was very curious. Man, it is shiny.
I took the public bus from the airport because the fare was 6 MOP and I had exactly 6 HKD in coinage lurking in my closet from previous voyages (they're interchangeable in Macau). My fellow bus-riders did not appear to be tourists. I took the risk of trusting google maps regarding the bus route, and only felt betrayed for a moment before I realised it was making a detour because of construction, and still headed in the general correct direction, even if it took a bridge that didn't seem to exist on the map yet. Spellbound by the glittering lights and the thrill of being somewhere new, I was finally enjoying myself (having been anxious for days previous already).
Between my hotel and the bus stop was more neon signage than you could shake a stick at, I was enthralled. Check in went smoothly, and I hastened back out to walk around and take pictures. The old city side of Macau was quite hopping considering it was nearly 10 pm on a Tuesday night and cold out, Taipei feels a bit sleepy in comparison (or maybe I'm not going to the right places). I had very sensibly looked up a bunch of restaurants in advance in an attempt to divert for once my usual fate of walking around forever and not eating (although I had brought a lot of bananas with me to the airport after realising they weren't going to survive a week at home, so at least I wasn't running totally on empty). As usual, even the best laid plans can go awry when there are too many things to look at (by things I mean giant crabs in the window of the seafood restaurant). Somewhere around 22:30 I realised I needed to consume something before bed.
The go-to late-night food in Macau appears to be...beef offal. Now, I'm not opposed to offal, I like some grilled intestines at the izakaya, but this was a boiled affair and there were an intimidating amount of bits on display at the kiosks. Afraid I was running out of options before reaching my hotel again, I stopped at a takeaway stand that had a picture of a 煎餅 (fried pancake wrap thing) and inquired with the guy as to whether it could be obtained. (All the signage and menu was in Chinese, so I had started with Mandarin from the get-go.) There was no 煎餅 to be had. I could, however, have a box of rice accompanied by...[here we had many of those silver trays in a bain-marie, filled with various soupy things]. I asked him what one was. He told me "Lú lòu". I was baffled and told him I didn't understand. He said it again as if I'd misheard him. No, I really don't know what that is, I insisted. He said it again more loudly as if I were daft. Finally I remembered that [n] often becomes [l] for Cantonese speakers and he was saying niú roù 牛肉...beef 😑 Well then. I asked if he had any vegetables, which appeared to be an offensive request, so I resigned myself to 50 HKD of rice and meat chunks. Shortly after I discovered if I'd just kept walking, there were plenty of other options, but either way, I had dinner. When life gives you meat chunks...you start chewing.
Tomorrow my return flight is not til 4, which means I should mosey to the airport a bit prior to 2, so if I go to bed within the next 15 minutes I might make it for breakfast and some more trotting around looking at things (an activity that was cut short in 2017 on account of it being mid-summer and the heat rendering me somewhat delirious). These days going places often feels like a heinous exertion while in the planning stages, but once I'm out there I start getting into the spirit of it. Enrichment. Outside of my enclosure, even!
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simbury · 6 days
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Look at Leo on his darling chamber pot. This is so much easier than real life potty training which is currently the bain of my existence.
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isfjmel-phleg · 9 months
I was going through my notebook, trying to psych myself up for some writing (which I still haven't done), and found a fragment of a story that abruptly stopped because I had no idea where it was going (what else is new). The narrator is an unnamed Coregean writer describing his experiences at a Faysmondian spa town, particularly an encounter with an unnamed obnoxious boy in blue spectacles, who is traveling for his health with his heavily-veiled widowed mother.
This of course is Elystan and Bethira incognito during his attempted recovery period before going to school in Book 3. I have a Josiah incognito story already and wanted to play around with how Elystan would handle it, i.e. having way too much fun playing a part. How exactly this would go though...*shrug*
Still, I think the start has potential. Maybe I'll return to it if I can ever get motivated again. In the meantime, here's what exists of it, unedited and still with some placeholders.
When I find myself sitting up long into the night without purpose, or moved to tears at the most trivial of tragedies, or overcome with an urge to board a train, any train, and thereby escape the soul-crushing mundanity of an urban penman’s lot, I know that it is once again time to return to [NAME]-les-bains to restore my innervated body and spirit. [NAME], that earthly paradise of healing waters and crisp mountain air and throngs of tiresome hypochondriacs, never fails to work its enchantment. I amble the cobblestones beneath the haloed lamps, take long solitary strolls up Mont [NAME] among the pines and gentians, and forget that such things as editors and deadlines and creditors exist. When my strength isn’t yet equal to such exertion, I lie on the patio of my hotel and bask in both the sun and the satisfaction that but for the grace of God I would be truly among the pitiful creatures nearby, ill with nothing more than the ennui of wealth and indulgence.
It was a patio morning, and I had slept late enough to find that my favourite deck chair, the one set apart from any close interaction with its fellows by an overhanging potted shrub, had been commandeered by some exceptionally self-centred old woman. She sat enthroned there, a smug expression on her elephantine features and not a care in her heart for whom she might inconvenience. I was left to wander the patio in search of another chair, although I knew none of them could possibly suit my needs. At last, I secured a place with no neighbors closer than a couple of places away and settled myself down with my book and my bowlful of cherries to derive what enrichment I could from the morning.
I had barely glanced at the title page when my peace was once more destroyed. Two chairs on my left were taken by a veiled widow and a perambulating bundle of clothes that seemed to be her young son, judging from the fuss she made over him. She positioned him in his chair and draped a rug over him with the care of an artist arranging a still life. As I tried to resume my book, I heard the faint murmur of her low, solicitous voice, met with short, petulant replies, and I shook my head. Most professional invalids at the resort were middle-aged or elderly, but the Delicate Child with a Concerned Mamma had visited often enough for me to develop an understanding of the type.
I steeled myself for a lengthy conversation with the widow, who would tearfully relate the ailments of her darling boy and how they had tried everything—everything!—to help him, and if this place didn’t do the precious child any good, well, she didn’t know—didn’t know what she… Meanwhile, the child would lift a pair of huge, haunted eyes to my face and stare through me to whatever vision of doom lay beyond. It quite puts me off my appetite for the rest of the day.
In a rustle of crepe, the widow swept past me and disappeared into the hotel, leaving the boy beside me. He shakily propped himself up on his elbows and leaned in. I had never seen anyone so bundled up in the middle of summer. He was engulfed in a greatcoat three sizes too large. A silvery green scarf encircled his neck like a serpent, blunting his jaw, and his cap was pulled low over his eyes, as if they needed the additional shade behind their blue spectacles.
“I am giving her ten minutes,” he said in a stage whisper, “to prepare my tea, fifteen at least for her to realize that the book I want isn’t among our baggage, and perhaps half an hour on a frantic hunt through the bookshops so I’m not disappointed. However long it takes, it lets me give her the slip for a little while. Clever, isn’t it?”
I did not reply. He made an impatient noise.
“I said, clever, isn’t it?”
Concluding correctly that he would keep this up until he got an answer, I replied, “And what do you intend to do in her absence? You have no book.”
That silenced him perhaps a second or two. He brightened.
“Yes, I do. Give me that one.”
He indicated my book.
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YN The Hunter:
Dealing with Gon and Killua pt. ✌🏻
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Hunter Hunter characters x gn! Reader
Warnings: Ging 🙄; Gon being a himbo in the making, Killua being a turd, so much swearing
A/N: A part two was requested and since I have absolutely zero impulse control, I shall spinkle the feed for headcanons for everyone to enjoy 🥰
Are you cursed YN?
I think you're definitely cursed
Because literally as soon as you got rid of Gon and Killua you almost instantly got them back 🙄
It’s like you are the magnet and Gon is the metal
And with Gon comes Killua so too bad so sad Yn
The Bain of your existence, Ging 😌, is always causing you trouble
Literally man’s will pawn his kid off on anyone at this point
Like how did he keep Gon alive as a baby? There’s just no way, NO WAY
Anyways 🙄
He probably sent you some cryptic message telling you to meet him in the Greed Island Game
He said, and I quote, "meet me in Greed Island, I've got something for you"
You knew it was a trap but a small part of yourself was like, “you know what? Maybe he’s changed? I should give him a shot!”
Because that’s how you are, you give people second chances!
It’s a pipe dream Yn, that bitch ain’t ever gonna change
Honestly how gullible are you because the literal minute you step foot inside the game you hear it
Killua is literally walking behind him being all tough and stuff 🙄
You 👉🏻😐🙄 you can not be serious rn
This is what you get for giving people a second chance Yn
Biscuit is accompanying them and she looks exhausted
“Hello Gon, Killua, Biscuit, it’s nice to see you all,” you deadpan, “can’t believe you’re all here.”
So shocked 🙄
“I’m here to find my dad!” Gon says :D
“I’m here to help Gon,” Killua adds
“At this point, I don’t know why I’m here,” Biscuit chimes in
“Well it looks like Ging sent me to help you again boys so let’s get to it,” you say as Gon’s eyes light up 🤩
“Did you finally get your hunter license?” You say looking at Killua as he glares
“You wanna go?” He says as you smirk, Gon holding him back
You 👉🏻😐🙄
Well, at least, while you’re here you might as well play the elusive game that Ging developed right
Man has enough time to develop games but not enough time to raise his kid 🤨 ight-
Anyways, you manage to help Gon and Killua began to master there Nen Techniques
Since Gon is enhancement, you help him develop his jajanken
Which honestly is beyond fitting for a future himbo imma just put it out there 😂
Seriously it’s literally a rock, paper, scissors move which seems simple to others
But when you have explosive powers like Gon 👀
Literally this boy is beyond easy to train
“Gon you need to bottle up more strength,” you say
Gon 👉🏻 Ok Yn : D
“Gon stop holding back!” You preach
Gone 👉🏻 Got it YN : D
Killua on the other hand is good at Transmutation
Which lends excellent to his absolute to use electricity to disable his opponents
This boy really has a thing for cause harm 😬
But like given his upbringing, it’s not surprising honestly
Killua is kind of a pain in the ass, literally the kind of kid that would rather do things on his own
Like he’s teachable but he’s stubborn
“Killua you need to listen to me,” you say, trying to teach the feral child
Killua 👉🏻 Y tho 🤨
You 👉🏻 *rethinks entire life*
Unsurprisingly, you manage to survive and finish the game
Like ok- this was fun but you really need to be going now
“Ok welp, you guys, I best be on my way, so many hunter things to accomplish like finding Gon’s dad and ringing his neck,” you say ✌🏻
Then Gon has an absolutely fantastic idea because why not!
“Hey Yn! We are going to see Ging right now!!! Why don’t you come with us!” Gon :D
You 👉🏻 😐 this feels like a trap…
“But it’s not YN, see!” He says and him and Killua explain their amazing idea
You nod, kind of stunned that they would think of such an ingenious plan
“Alright but listen Gon, when I see Ging I’m get the first punch got it?!?” You say
Gon is just like “sure whatever I get to see my dad :D”
Killua is like excited because YNbis about to hand Ging an ass kicking
Once they bid fairwell to Biscuit, they head off in search of Ging
When you are transported, you arrive in a swap like area and you instantly know….
“SON OF A BITCH!” You scream as Gon and Killua look at you
Suddenly, some crazy ass ant comes out of now where, biting Killua
All hell breaks loose for like .05 seconds and then he appears
“Oh hey Yn, what are you doing here?” Kite asks as you glare at him
“Oh nothing just hanging out with my two wards,” you say, rolling your eyes as you plop down on the ground
“Well I’m glad you’re here Yn because, you see, I could really use your help,” he says
“Oh really now…” 👀
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mushroomslovesyou · 3 months
that religion was only intended to keep men from thinking
that Christ was a bastard, and his mother slept around
if any true God or religion existed its Catholicism because it looks cool (WTF??)
that all Protestants are hypocritical asses
that the new testament was shit and he could write it better (what an arrogant dick)
that Jesus slept with St John the Evangelist, and that they were sodomites (projecting much??)
that all they that love not tobacco and boys were fools (he's a seriously such a freak)
that the apostles were losers
that he should be able to make counterfeit money, and that he knew how to do so (which he has totally already done, and here's my source)
that holy sacrament would go over better if it was done in a tobacco pipe
And he's also managed to convince at least one person to become a filthy atheist. Which is totally unacceptable, obviously. It goes without saying that you should all block him and stop consuming his content. Also special thanks to my mutual Richard Baines for compiling this document which has even more evidence against "Kit" if you weren't already convinced.
Of course some of you might still be willing to overlook all that, so I made sure to get even more evidence of just how awful this guy is. Including;
this shitty anonymously posted poem he claims to have not written but its literally got his name on it
and both of these two other call out posts that mention him and the awful shit he's done
You literally have no excuse to be following this guy, and anyone who does I will block on sight.
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fabslikestron · 4 months
„i‘ve lost you before, i won‘t lose you a second time…“
Name: Ava Flynn (née Yarrow)
Aliases: Nerdy Hacker, Troublemaker, Arlekino
Gender: Female
Origin: Sacramento, California (USA)
Resides: Center City (USA)
Species: Human/User
Age: 21 (1982), 36 (1997)
Physique: Small built, curvy woman
Hair length and colour: Long, black hair
Eye colour: Grey-blue
Suit colour: Black
Circuitry colour: White
Height: 155 cm | 5ft 1in
Weight: 59 kg | 130 lbs
Occupation: Hacker, software engineer
Weapons: Identity Disc, Baton, Admin Rights
Hobbies: Hacking, creating viruses, playing guitar, playing video games, listening to music
Mother: Julia Yarrow
Father: Stephen Yarrow
Partner: Kevin Flynn
Offspring: Sam Flynn
Allies: Kevin Flynn, Sam Flynn, Alan Bradley, Lora Baines, Tron, Clu (formerly), Dyson (formerly), Arlekino, Eclipse, Vriss, KerØsene, Jet Bradley, Java
Enemies: Clu, Dyson, General Tesler, Ed Dillinger
DISCLAIMER: my AU is built up differently, TRON: Uprising plays AFTER TRON: Legacy, plus they find Kevin in 1997, not 2010!
Ava Yarrow (now Flynn) is a brilliant hacker and software engineer that specialises into creating viruses and getting access to sensitive data. She got into touch with technology pretty early in life, even going to CalTech before moving away to the Central City as her father got a better job there at ENCOM, Ava being employed as a trainee at the age of 20 as well. As her father knew that Ed Dillinger wasn’t so smart and could have never developed the games that Kevin created, he had tried to get some proof via a program that Ava later took over, both ending up on getting fired after only a few months. She called the program Arlekino, a stylised version of the Italian word for jester due to her being a pretty funky but effective program (later on also acting as her alter ego on the Grid yet being 200 cm | 6ft 7in tall with white hair and blackened out eyes with white, diamond-shaped pupils (the diamonds of the card deck)).
She met Kevin in his arcade after a work day, now being self employed together with her father while her mother works as an accountant at a bank, selling computer utensils while they would work on softwares. Ava stayed there until closing time as he was sometimes coming over to her to flirt while she was playing with an arcade, ending up on hitting things off with him yet choosing to stay as she didn’t want it to end like a typical one night stand, wanting to get to know Kevin a lot better and actually helping him with trying to obtain the evidence to prove that Dillinger stole the games, working with him to create Clu.
After Dillinger was exposed, Ava and Kevin married and she eventually gave birth to their son Sam in 1983, being happy to actually be able to finance some stuff and helping her family too, yet realising that Kevin had changed a bit after his journey to the digital world, sometimes joining him there when he was working on his digital frontier that he called the Grid while either his parents or Ava‘s parents watched over Sam, having admin rights there and adding Arlekino to help them alongside Tron and Clu yet she was accidentally turned into a Trojan Virus which was neutralised by her husband, turning her into some kind of anti-virus that resides at the portal to make sure that nothing bad enters and exists, also programming her to be able to track down Kevin as Ava got lost in the Grid once while she was exploring, ending up on having a panic attack when she couldn’t find him anymore.
Ava didn’t spend much time on the Grid as she was more focused on raising her son, often asking Kevin to spend more time with him and her as he was rarely at home, yet it being open promises which upset her, continuing to live her life until day X in 1989 where her husband did not return anymore as he had always returned at a certain time at night to sleep, becoming extremely paranoid that something had happened, contacting Lora and Alan yet they knew nothing as well. Ava‘s first thought was that something must have happened in his digital frontier yet also doubting it, mainly because she was too upset with Kevin‘s disappearance but also because she simply was too scared to go in as one of the programs could’ve gone mad in there, immediately derezzing her on sight if luck wasn’t on her side.
During her search for him she would get help from her family with managing ENCOM and the arcade, finally having the courage to go into the Grid to look for Kevin as she had taught herself how to properly tweak Arlekino so she could move around instead of only being bound to the portal, being a perfect bodyguard, leaving Sam with her parents as she didn’t want to risk his life yet he secretly followed her, ending up on being sent to the Grid as well, where they meet Vriss, KerØsene, Eclipse and Arlekino. Vriss explained the situation that Clu had turned against Kevin, Tron and Eclipse, ending up on enslaving both security programs. While Tron‘s whereabouts were unknown, Eclipse escaped and was restored to 80% while the other 20% of her were corrupted, unable to get rid of it due to her code being too sophisticated.
The group had two goals now: find Kevin and Tron. Finding the creator was a fairly easy task thanks to Arlekino, Ava being able to make them travel around undetected due to her admin rights on the Grid yet not being able to get rid of Clu as he was getting more powerful for god knows what reason, but finding Tron was pretty much a hard task as they would have to confront some black guards and maybe Clu himself, yet they also had another problem: the portal is only open for 8 hours so they had to be quick if they wanted to return to the real world again…
Ava is a pretty friendly and optimistic person that doesn’t immediately think of the worst things that can happen. She likes to joke around and acts a bit childish at times but is a quick thinker if you don’t put her under pressure and even gets serious, especially when her family is in danger. She is an intelligent individual yet always putting family first instead of programming, one of the reasons why she didn’t like joining Kevin on the Grid and only did so if she had time, was in the mood and if he needed help with Arlekino.
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artwork by me!
faceclaim: sinisterdarling
filter: kaijucat
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sundove88 · 1 year
Back to The Future (Sundove88’s Version) Casting
In this 1980s sci-fi classic, small-town Californian-Hylian teen Link is thrown back into the '50s when an experiment by his eccentric scientist friend Doctor Light goes awry. Traveling through time in a modified DeLorean car, Link encounters young versions of his parents (Yuri Lowenthal, Erica Mendez), and must make sure that they fall in love or he'll cease to exist. Even more dauntingly, Link has to return to his own time and save the life of Doctor Light.
In this zany sequel, time-traveling duo Link and Doctor Light return from saving Link’s future son from disaster, only to discover their own time transformed. In this nightmarish version of Hill Valley, Link’s father has been murdered and Fawful, Link’s nemesis, has profited. After uncovering the secret to Fawful’s success -- a sports almanac from the future -- Link and Doctor Light embark on a quest to repair the space-time continuum.
In this final chapter, Link obtains a 70-year-old message from the time-traveling Doctor Light, in which he informs Link that he has retired to a small town in the Old West. Link then finds out that the Doc was murdered shortly after sending the letter. In order to save his friend, Link will have to travel back in time, disentangle a lovestruck Doctor Light from a local schoolmarm, and repair the DeLorean -- all while avoiding a posse of gunslingers.
Link as Marty McFly (The Legend of Zelda)
Dr. Light as Doc Brown (Megaman)
Zelda as Jennifer Parker (The Legend of Zelda)
Fawful as Biff Tannen (Mario And Luigi)
Pure Vanilla Cookie as George McFly (Cookie Run)
White Lily Cookie as Lorraine Baines (Cookie Run)
Principal Krupp as Mr. Strickland (Captain Underpants)
Zero as Douglas J. Needles (Megaman X)
Maggie as Clara Clayton (Home on The Range)
Crystal King as Griff Tannen (Paper Mario)
El Mustachio Grande as “Mad Dog” Tannen (Poptropica)
Stoutland as Einstein (Pokemon)
Here’s the hint to my next casting:
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