#which is sad because being a swiftie has been a big part of my life for years :(
jakeperalta · 1 year
I never really got it when people would talk about getting the ick but alas. now I do
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whenemmafallsinlove · 2 years
What happened? Are you alright?
not really. to give you a rundown
1. a few weeks ago i was sad that taylor nation didn’t see something i tweeted. and i hadn’t been taking my antidepressants so i was already not doing well. so i tweeted i was sad about it. and bc my twitter has randomly blown up from 2k to 11k, the tweet got attention and i got hate for it. (was it really about being sad about taylor nation? no, but i don’t know how to cope with the real life things i’ve actually been dealing with so i channeled those feelings into something stupid)
2. i noticed some “friends” of mine softblocked me and asked why. never will i make that mistake again. (also, to me my mutuals are my friends… or acquaintances i guess? but my use of the word friend really upset some people)
3. when they ignored me i was sad and tweeted something along the lines of “it sucks when someone you thought was your friend softblocks you” and then also later said it was bringing up memories of when my “friends” were mean in grade school… which it did, like i wasn’t making that up
4. the main person instigating all this really had a field day with that saying it was insane behavior to compare softblocking to bullying etc etc. i blocked
5. days later i made a twitter thread of tour tips answering questions people had. like, questions people were asking me. so i was just responding. the thread blew up so i tweeted “my venmo is xyz /joking” like with the tone indicator joking because it was a joke that everyone does under their hit tweets. a couple people venmoed me a dollar and i was laughing with them about it but sent it back obviously!! but i ended up getting a bunch of hate for that and for the thread. people claimed i was just chasing clout etc. i deleted the venmo part and apologized
6. to me this is the only real thing i did wrong. i tweeted that it was funny to me that i was pissing big name swifties off with my tour thread. i shouldn’t have said that and i am sorry for it but i can’t undo the past. anyways people had a field day with the big name swiftie thing and just saying i preach kindness but i’m actually a huge asshole etc (all of this mainly started by that one person)
7. i thought i had blocked that person but i’ve been periodically going thru and removing our mutual follows to fully cut ties because i’m tired of being harassed by them. at some point i guess i forgot to block them again bc they saw me tweet about the fake taylor nation account today and posted a mean video about it. i said that i was begging them to leave me alone and they responded that they were begging me to shut up.
8. i went private and people were screenshotting my tweets and sending to that person. so id finally had enough so i blocked and also used a third party app to chain block all their followers to remove whoever was following me just to screenshot my tweets and send them to people i’ve blocked. and now everyone and their mom is making fun of me on twitter and that’s what you missed on glee
honestly with the way people are treating me you’d think i committed literal murder or something but no i literally just had the audacity to have feelings and remove a toxic person and their followers from my life. i only did the chain block because i knew that a) the person who was screenshotting my stuff clearly followed both of us and b) i didn’t want to be That Person who is like “everyone please unfollow xyz”
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I hate that swifties just turned against Joe without any actual evidence and when the pictures of him looking rough came out, they were celebrating and going after his looks (like they are doing with Matty) and it made me want to punch them (not literally) and I'm not part of the fandom at all, it simply was trending on twitter and checked what happened. And now recently they've been putting Matty against Joe and while the majority is hyping Joe up again simply because they hate Matty, the ones who prefer Matty instead also get on my nerves because they are like "he's problematic but at least he displays affection publicly" and the reason why that upsets me so much is because everyone likes really shy introverts when they need someone they can trust but then suddenly we're "cold" and "too reserved" and "should change" the minute we're no longer useful and seeing those tweets just makes me so fucking sad because I am so quiet in public and I really don't do the whole PDA thing but my heart is feeling with love for the people I'm close with and I sympathize with how Joe must be feeling. There was a video going around of Joe at her show and you can see the heart eyes filled with emotion but you can also see that he's so shy and anxious about being in public.
And people being like "she deserves more" has broken my heart. it just triggered something in me. Everyone who's just a little bit like Joe knows the feeling of dating an extrovert or simply someone with a lot of friends and trying so hard to overcome our limitations and still seeing our efforts being ignored. And then people acting like Taylor did him a huge favor for dating him because in their heads "no way she'd be truly happy with someone like that"... We're not all bad, we've got our flaws but we deserve love too and we've got a lot of love to give... (sorry this is more like a personal rant)
As the self-appointed queen of introverts, I completely agree with you. In fact, now you're making me wonder if that's the reason I like joe? haha. I had never psychoanalyzed my soft spot for him, but, when you mentioned the videos of Joe standing in the audience and watching Taylor, you reminded me of a moment from my teens when we were at some big family party and...well, I get anxious asking the Barista for a straw at starbucks, I'm not a dancer. So, I was just kind of in the corner, clapping. much like Joe is in that clip, still having a good time in my own lil way, and my mom came up to me and gave me this whole ass speech about how I don't know how to have fun, lol.
BUT, whatever the swifties or Joe haters say, the facts speak for themselves. Fact: This has been Taylor's longest ever relationship. Fact: she literally wrote him a song that says "people think loves for show but i would die for you in secret." Is that not the best response to these idiots? Fact: she said she'd give him a child if he wanted. Does that sound like someone who isn't truly happy? Fact: one of her songs promises to marry him with paper rings even though she "likes shiny things." If the literary scholars who analyze every single word she writes and its meanings are ignoring these facts, it's because they're looking for someone to hate. Doesn't matter. Taylor and Joe know the love that they shared.
In fact, I'm feeling kind of the opposite haha. people are hating on joe's introverted nature now that he's left Taylor, but im enjoying Matty's weird nervousness around her friends now that he's enter her space. Sure he's sweet when he dances and wears her merch, but what's more important is that he's unsure and out of his element but trying his best anyway. which is how I feel in all social situations hahahaha.
everyone is just trying to get through this miserable life giving love and hoping to receive it in return. why would we make things extra hard on each other by comparing partners or deciding what Taylor should value or whatever? its dumb and pointless and breeds misery.
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Ive never really understood the hype surrounding Taylor Swift - I mean, I like some of her songs, but im not big on modern pop music so generally she just doesn’t really click for me. But I find it interesting that theres quite a few of Beatles/Swift blogs - like, they should have very little in common given that they’re from completely different eras and all, but somehow people seem to find a lot of semblance between the two. << and thats not me shitting on any of these blogs btw! Hope I don’t come off as rude or condescending there <3
Anyway, I was just wondering what got you into Taylor Swift? (I think ive read your post on how you got into the Beatles)
Hi, anon! Don't worry, I don't think you're rude or condescending! I agree they don't have too much in common and I don't really like their music for the same reasons.* I do have a playlist of Paul songs that have similar vibes to Taylor songs but it's mostly lyric-based. (Also the Beatles For Sale songs actually have quite the Taylor-tinge because Paul and John were not immune to Country Music)
I saw @stewy say once that a possible reason there are a good handful of us Swiftie-Beatle People on here is the appeal of a vast discography, which I agree with. If you have an artist/group with 200ish songs, it's just really fun to really dive into their work and explore all the facets. I also think: we're talking about the most popular band of all time and one of the highest-selling artists of the 21st century. They have a lot of fans so there's bound to be overlap, regardless of musical differences.
Moving on to your question: Getting into Taylor was an extremely personal experience for me and so my explanation is probably going to be kind of long so I'll put it under a read more.
It was spring-summer 2014, I was 15. I had heard the more popular songs of hers starting with Love Story and enjoyed pretty much all of them (I always found her hopelessly romantic point of view fascinating) but before I got a Spotify account in 2013 it was difficult in general for me to really get into an artists' entire discography so most of her songs had flown under my radar.
At the time, I was in this very weird sort of codependent online friendship with this girl who was basically my first real best friend and my first more or less crush. She was very depressed and I was very much in an I Could Fix Her™ mood, except that I obviously couldn't fix her and it made me feel like I wasn't enough and she had begun pulling more and more away from me and not replying to my messages and it was simply driving me insane. I consider it the saddest period in my life.
at some point during this period, I started trying to connect with other people (all online, I didn't know how to talk seriously to anyone IRL) and explaining the issues I'd been having, and one of the people who brought me joy and whom I actually felt not drained talking to was a huge swiftie. And IDK the fact that she loved Taylor and the fact that talking to her made my life better (and also the fact that I liked all the Taylor songs I knew at that point) just made me decide to give her a listen. And I think that whole "large discography discovery" phenomenon really helped me at the time (funny, because her discography has doubled since then). It gave me something new to focus on; there were just so many songs to discover, all telling such rich stories. I also have always loved bridges, they are almost always my favourite part of a song. And Taylor, god-bless her, loves them too and always puts her ALL in them. Like pretty much every bridge of hers brings the song to the next level, and even a lot of her songs I don't adore tend to have great bridges (Stay Stay Stay and Paper Rings come to mind). I think one of her most underrated qualities is how good she is at song structure and really building up an entire musical journey with a song. She also almost always adds cool ad-libs in her second and third choruses to keep the songs interesting and dynamic (or at least since she's gone pop). Anyways, back to the story: Then Taylor announced 1989 as her next album and released Shake It Off, and it was just like this great happy thing for me to look forward to, when I had very little keeping me going. The era was promoting a lot of happiness which in hindsight was slightly fabricated and it was just a really great thing for me to latch onto.
At the same time I was coming to realize that I was gonna have to pull away completely from my friend and all those break-up songs just… Hit, y'know? Like, some people seem to think Taylor's a one-trick pony because she likes to write break-up songs but to me, break-ups are just like this moment where you as a human can potentially feel every single emotion, and Taylor's songs have covered every facet of the concept. Here are some songs I remember from that period, that all meant a lot to me at the time because they explained my own pain to me so well:
Haunted, for the absolute terror you feel in the first moments you realize someone is probably gonna leave you. Come on, come on / Don't leave me like this / I thought I had you figured out / Something's gone terribly wrong / You're all I wanted.
I Almost Do, for the inner turmoil you feel when you know you have to stay away from someone for your own good but you really, really have to resist just running back to that person. We've made quite a mess, Babe / It's probably better off this way / And I confess, Babe / In my dreams you're touching my face / And asking me if I wanna try again / With you / And I almost do.
Last Kiss, for that absolute sadness that comes simply with remembering everything that was good and not comprehending how it could've possibly ended. I still remember / The look on your face / Lit through the darkness / At 1:58 / Words that you whispered / For just us to know / You told me you loved me / So why did you go / Away?
Forever and Always, for that feeling of desperately wanting to hold on to what you still have but at the same time realizing it probably isn't going to last and having no idea how to fix it, plus feeling like the other person doesn't even care. So here's to everything / Coming down to nothing / Here's to silence / That cuts me to the core / Where is this going? / Thought I knew for a minute / But I don't anymore.
Dear John, my all-time favourite song, for that moment you find clarity and realize that you deserved better and that you were headed in an extremely dark direction because of this other person. [DISCLAIMER: my friend did NOT abuse me nor did we have some inappropriate age difference. But the way she would ignore me and her general moodiness really affected my own mental health and self-worth problems] You paint me a blue sky / And go back and turn it to rain / And I lived in your chess games / But you changed the rules every day / Wondering which version of you I might get on the phone / Tonight / Well I stopped picking up / And this song is to let you know why.
(She's covered more aspects of break-ups in other songs [cheating, divorce, feeling awkward around your ex amongst others], these are just the ones I remember being really important to me when I was first getting into her)
She really helped me feel a lot less alone during one of my loneliest periods and I really can't thank her enough for that. Soon after this, I started crushing on a girl in my class and Taylor's love songs started to take on a new meaning for me as well.
What's crazy to me is, when she went on hiatus for a few years, a part of me thought maybe I'd grown out of her and no longer had much in common with her, but when reputation came out I was pulled right back into my love for her as a person and musician and then when Lover came out I found that she was still explaining feelings to me better than I ever could (specifically with the songs The Archer and Cornelia Street). And now with folklore and evermore she's simply absolutely perfected her story-telling and I find myself deeply moved even by the songs I don't directly relate to. I feel like she has this amazing ability to find the absolute truth in the specific. I've never had a summer romance with someone who already had a girlfriend and mostly wanted to go back to her, and yet the bridge of august feels so real to me, y'know?
Back when we were still changin' for the better Wanting was enough For me, it was enough To live for the hope of it all Cancel plans just in case you'd call And say, "Meet me behind the mall" So much for summer love and saying "us" 'Cause you weren't mine to lose
It's hard to explain but looking at this, like it's so much more than the story it's telling. It's talking about how when you're young you really need so little to feel satisfied; how sometimes the idea of someone maybe spending time with you is better than actually doing things with other people; and how if someone using you without much thought can make you feel like you're not even entitled to grieve what you lost. Sorry. I'll stop. Don't want to go insane.
So, all of this is very personal and unique to me, but I think really the main thing that draws me to her is how vulnerable and honest she is about emotions, how eloquently she can explain the pain of being alive to me. Some people think she isn't the strongest singer, but I think, much like John actually, one of her greatest assets is how good she is at projecting emotion. The song happiness is a song I think has some lyrically weak moments but her vocal performance on it is so raw and devastating that every single line works even when, looking at it on paper, it feels like it shouldn't.
Hope this rambling made sense to you, lmao?? I love talking about Taylor though so thanks for the ask! Also very open to giving song recs if you do want to check her out more but I won't unless solicited to lmao *Sort of off-topic but I do think there's a relation between my fascination with the Beatles' history and my love for a great break-up song. I like pain I guess :)
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basileafpitch · 4 years
Literally Every She Ra Season Five Spoiler aka Things I’ll never shut up about -
Adora and her mighty staff
“For the Honour of— ooooohhhhh”
Prime serving jello
Prime instantly calling Catra out on her gay yearning
Everyone overdramatically entering Adora’s tent while she is trying to rest
Mermista leading a princess mission
Glimmer and Catra laughing about Adora’s sleep fighting
More Baby Catra and Adora flashbacks aka me crying
Entrapta’s surprise space walk
“Is this a good laugh or a bad laugh? Well the longer it goes on the more I think it’s a bad laugh…”
Adora’s pony tail hole in her space suit
Bow’s ab window in his space suit
God (Catra) save the Queen
The iconic Star siblings
Bow needing time to come to terms with his feelings about Glimmers actions
Scorpia “I’m great at keeping secrets!”
Then proceeds to drop the bomb “Like one time Kyle told me he had a crush on Rogeli— uhh, nevermind. I didn’t say anything. What? Anyways-”
Swift Wind still holding out hope for She Ra because he’s the smartest member of the rebellion obviously
Bow and Glimmer make up
“Ready to do something that probably won’t work?” “Always”
Purified Catra reveal
Will I get over the short hair look? Never. Never ever.
Wrong Hordak aka the love of my life
Micah and Frosta <3
The entirety of Perils of Peekablue
Like there’s no bad part
First off Catra’s entrance with the new ‘fit
And the sitting on Adora’s lap
The undercover outfits? Fuckin smashing. Smexy. Just *chefs kiss*
Mermista admitting she set a boat on fire because she just wanted to see how it felt
Perfuma and Scoria ;-;
Scorpia’s performance like heLLO????
My wife
Double Trouble I would kill for you
Double Trouble calling Sea Hawk “hot stuff”
Again my wife Scorpia
Catra’s space suit with the ears
Bow loving how cute she is
Her baby sneeze
Melog imprinting on mommy Catra
Wrong Hordak’s existential crisis
Spinerella and Netossa. That’s it thats the post
Oh shit I forgot ice ball earlier
Netossa outing everyone’s weaknesses
Mostly fire
Bow’s dads leaving a note with a hidden message that is a dad joke
And then Bow’s dads literally save the universe by discovering the failsafe
“We don’t throw tanks at our friends!”
Scorpia purposefully missing Perfuma and Adora :,)
Catra “why did I get the water princess”
Perfuma talkin to Catra about friendship and love and it not being a weakness and then the looks at Adora
Perfuma been knew
Swift Wind helping Entrapta find data even though it’s literally a horribly dangerous plan
Catra running into fire for adora
The Eyebrows Adora wtf
Ok getting to the grande finale here
First of all
Everything made me cry in these last two episodes
First off Melog trying to get Catra to go back to Adora bc They Know
Bow serenading everyone with his music and making swifty sleepy
Adora’s Catra flashes on their way to the heart
Bow and Glimmers ilys and the forehead kiss had me floored and sobbing what the fuck
Mara and Adora She Ras having the deep convos
Sea Hawk distracting Mermista was so adorable and soft
Glimmer my strong baby fighting Micah and realizing her strength
Bow saving everyone chipped
Bow and Scorpia’s hug (+ Melog)
Bow’s message to the universe
And now
We see Kyle and Lonnie and Rogelio
Only for a second which broke my heart but at least we know they’re okay :,,,,)
Give me a spin-off series or give me death
Bow’s dads must be so proud
Of him not of Rogelio and Gargoyle Son
Though I’m sure they’d be proud of them too
Catra fight the worm octopus
No SHADOW WEAVER fight the worm octopus
Finally giving Catra the recognition she deserves with the “I’m proud of you”
That closure
Not so sad for Shadow Weaver but sad for the girls
Hordak taking that jump and trying to save the day!!
He tried his best and that’s what matters
“He a little confused but he got the spirit”
Catra will not leave Adora even if they both die
“Pls don’t both die” said me
The final fight!
We get to see our fave Huntara make an appearance yes queen
Also baby Double Trouble again slaying the game
Everyone kicking ass taking names
The future dream
I can’t deny I sobbed
Catra look
Glimmer look esp the hair
Bow my boy lookin hot af like damn son
They’re all adorable together I can’t
And finally
The I love yous
Let’s recap shall we
Dramatic lights
Reaching hands
Crying a lot
“Don’t you get it? I love you! I always have. So please, just this once, stay!”
I’m crying right now while typing not gonna lie
“You love me?”
“You’re such an idiot”
“I love you too”
Bet you didn’t see that coming Catra
But seriously!!! For years, for ever, Catra has thought this was one sided. She thought the feelings were just from her because she thought Adora hated her. But then she admitted she never hated her. And then they worked together. And then the admitted love. It’s always been there, always been mutual
And finally
The slow burn is over
We cry
They kiss
The universe changes
Literally lesbians kiss rainbow lights universe saved
Coincidence? No
The gays really do be winning guys
She Ra the pretty flower maker
Big Space Tree
Everyone is happy!
Except for our boy Prime
F in the chat
Entrapta and Hordak :,)
Mermista “so are we all just, like, okay with this?”
Yes yes we are hun
Catra and Scorpia reunited and happy cant help but to stan
Raz! So happy :,,,,,)
The Forehead Touch
And Glimmer and Bow in the background giggling because they are the biggest Catradora stans
The best friend squad ;—;
Everyone is adorable and happy and kissy and huggy and I sob forever
One last road trip? Hell yeah
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keepcalm-andbopon · 5 years
Introducing us!!
Isabelle: @swiftie-isabelle
I’m Isabelle and I’m turning 14th in June 27! I would die for Taylor swift. I started listening to her when I was 3 and her music had comforted me ever since! She has had such a impact in my life and I’ve gotten so many amazing memories from her!
Victoria: @sinkanddroundswift
im victoria & i do nothing w my life except cry over taylor swift and not having a boyfriend . I do nothing ever except lay in bed and cry over every little detail. I eat too much food for my body. I like boys alot but they don’t like me. taylor swift claims she loves me multiple times but idk if I believe her yet. I love my cat shes a scottish fold. Beverly Hills, 90210 is my favorite tv show & High School Musical is my favorite movie. I also love grayson dolan more than I can comprehend. I have 0 friends so its me, myself, and I all the time.
Lily: @lilyadorestay
im lily and i do nothing with my life except cry over taylor swift, have people tell me to stop crying about taylor swift, and waste money on bucket hats :)
Sasha: @dropsmynamesasha
I’m sasha and I have a large obsession with food, cats and Taylor Swift
Katelyn: @redheadnamedkatelyn
I’m Katelyn and I’m 13! I don’t do anything in my life except for lacrosse and cheer and love Taylor swift. I have red hair, & Taylor Swift is my absolute best friend and my life wouldn’t be the same without her. And I owe so much to her. And basically I’m known as “the Taylor swift girl” at school so that’s kinda cool. Anyways The moral of this is I love Taylor swift!
Lexie: @drunkonswiftxo
I’m lexie, 18 years old. I have a very busy life actually, I compete in many different karate and martial arts competitions and was British Champion in 2016 with my sword and in October of this year I am competing in the World Martial Arts Games! Before any competition I usually get very nervous but listening to Taylor’s music calms me down (cringe ikr) but I wouldn’t be doing all of these if I didnt have a calming mechanism!
Natalia: @natalialovestaylor
hi! i’m natalia, i’m 15 and from the bay area. taylor has been in my life since i was 8 and i’ve been supporting her ever sense:) she makes me so happy, she’s like the sunlight in my life. i want her to know that i love her so much and i want to hug her and tell her thank you more than anything. 💗
Katie: @shapeofyouswift
hi i’m katie and i’m 16! i’m from ny and i went to all 3 metlife shows!! i’ve been seeing taylor in concert since the fearless era and i’ve seen her 11 times! i’m fortune to have met her 5 years ago at GMA and i was able to get a picture with her outside time 100 gala! taylor makes me so happy and has helped me through many rough times in my life as well as all of the happiest! i’m so thankful to have such a positive role model in my life!!
I’m Meredith and I love Taylor Swift more than words can describe:) I’ve been listening to Taylor since I was four and she has always been a big part of my life since then !! She inspires me everyday and makes my life so much brighter. I am so so proud of her and all that she has done!! Also, I love going to the beach and petting dogs🤩💓
Memphis: @taysmidnights
hi i’m memphis!! i play tennis and obsess over taylor swift! i’m from the beautiful state of california, and i love to surf! i first heard a ts song (You Belong With Me) in 2009, and i’ve loved taylor ever since. i am also a proud supporter of the LGBTQ+ community and have a passion for changing our world. oh, and i’m known as “that taylor swift fan” at my school, but i’m not complaining! 🧚🏼‍♀️
Brooke: @brookewhatyoumademedo
i’m brooke and i’m 14!! i live in cleveland, ohio along with some of my best friends i met through taylor!! i look a lot older than i am and it’s a good and bad thing haha. i used to play a lot of sports but i have decided to just stick with lacrosse!! i love music so much because it helps me with everything. taylor has been like my big sister since i was a baby and i’ve always looked up to her!! my stan song is stay stay stay because it always puts me in the best mood!! i love grey’s anatomy a little too much but i can’t help it. the show actually made me very interested in the medical field and as of now i want to be a pediatric neurosurgeon!! i also love volunteering and helping out my community as much as possible! and i like school which is kind of not something freshman say a lot haha. and that’s me!☀️🌸🦋💘💋
Paige: @taylorswift-paige
Hey! I’m Paige & I’m 21 (soon to be 22 😍). I live in Australia and I’ve been listening to Taylor since I was 9. The first time I saw Taylor perform live was at Speak Now and I was completely blown away, since then I’ve been lucky enough to see her perform 6 times. I’m so grateful that little me decided to listen to Taylor as I don’t know where I would be without her lyrics, music, and advice to guide me through life. Thankyou for everything Taylor, I love you so much and I’m so excited for the Lover era 💗😘
Skylar: @skylarswiftie13
Hey I’m Skylar and I’m 15!! I have been loving Taylor ever since I was 5 and I have (obviously) not stopped since. Other than obsessing over Taylor I loveee to run and watch friends and greys !! I have seen Taylor at the 1989 tour Detroit and Rep Detroit and they were hands down the BEST nights of my life and I def cried a TON hahah. I plan on going to Nash and either Chicago or Detroit for next tour! I absolutely cannot wait until the day that I get to wrap my arms around Taylor and thank her for everything she has done for me ahhh. I love you forever and always Taylor!! 🥰❤️🌈🦋✨☀️
Hi Taylor I’m ella and I’m turning 17 in August 12th! IM SO EXCITED FOR THE NEW ALBUM! I just can wait to sing along to all of the songs🥰🥰 you are my absolute favorite human and you helped me with your songs! clean means THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD to me and I just relate to it on a personal level. Thank you for supporting lgbtqia+ always! YOU DESERVE THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD
Makayla @comebackbbehere
Hey T I’m Makayla!! I’m 13 and I’ve loved you since 2009!! My stan song is Come Back... Be Here not only because it’s amazing but because it has helped me through so so so SO much. It’s amazing how you can, with just a song, literally save someone’s life from spiraling downhill. So thank you. Thank you also, for inspiring so many people. Including me! You have inspired me to sing and write songs and songwriting is now a way I have learned to express myself and a way to help me get through the hard times. You have also inspired me to be more of an activist and speak up for what I believe in. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be a proud feminist or be as educated about the LGBTQ+ community!! In conclusion, thank you SO SO SO much for everything you do and just being the beautiful, amazing, inspiring person you are. I love you more than words can express and I can’t wait for August 23rd!!! ps: I really hope we can hug someday 💗
Bessie: @flyawayswift
Hey !! I’m Bessie, I’m 17 and I’m from the UK 🇬🇧!! I love to do Ballet and Tap dancing, but when it comes to Taylor’s music it’s generally just me doing crazy dad-dancing because I cannot stay calm during her songs. There’s aren’t many words which can sum up accurately how much I love Taylor or how grateful I am to have her in my life, but I love her to the moon and back 💛 I’ve been a swiftie for nearly 5 years, and have loved her music since I was 11. I’ve grown up with her as the big sister I never had, and my biggest dream EVER is to give her the biggest hug hehehe 💛💛
ana: @taysfavourite
hey!! i’m ana and i’m 14, i’m from the uk!! i love taylor (ofc) and i do gymnastics, i also love dance and stuff like that!! i am so thankful for taylor bringing me to some of my best friends!! (i’m always open for new friends btw) and yeah i love taylor!so!much! 💋💋💋
alex: @delicateswiftiez137
hi guys! i’m alex and i’m 14 years old. I live in illinois, and i’ve been a fan of taylor ever since I first heard love story and yblwm on the radio as a kid! my stan song is fearless because I love the message it portrays, but recently i’ve been OBESSED with the whole 1989 album because it’s a literal masterpiece! besides taylor related things, one hobby of mine is swimming! i’ve been a swimmer since I was about 2 years old! anyways, I hope you all have the best day! 🧁🌸🦋💗💋
Edith: @twinfiresignsswift
Hi, my name is Edith and I’m a 15 yr old from California! Anything related to cats is my ideal thing. I’m currently the mother of a tabby cat named Jagger who is very shy, grumpy, and introverted just like me, so the two of us get along very well 🥳 both of us are def party poopers. Anyway I enjoy art, especially watercolor! Initially I wanted to become an artist when I grew up, but I realized I would be poor asf, so now I want to major in biology and become some type of zoologist because animals are the best. In 2014, 5th grader me became obsessed with Blank Space and my life immediately changed from that day on. My favorite album is Speak Now because of how magical and well written it is. My 1 brain cell could never manage to write a whole masterpiece like that all by myself. And my stan song is You Are in Love!! It makes my heart go 💕💗💓 I am so incredibly grateful that I got to see Taylor for the first time ever on rep Pasadena night 1. It was the best day of my life :,) I know so many others do not have the same opportunities; I know how they feel, so I try to stay as humble as I can. I would be such a boring and sad person without Taylor and her amazing lyrics. She is such an amazing role model. Thank you for always being there for me, I will love you forever and always, and I am so excited to see what you have in stock❤️
Jess: @jessheartstaylor
hey!! I’m Jess and I’m 14, from the UK!! My stan song is begin again, I love it so much!! IM SO EXCITED FOR LOVER! I can’t wait to see what Taylor has in store for us!! I’m so thankful for Taylor as she’s such an incredible role model and idol to me, her music always cheers me up and she never fails to make me smile!! I love her so much- forever and always!! 💕💞💓💗💖💝
jordan: @fairytaleswift
hey taylor!! the thought of you scrolling all the way down and reading this right now is insane... all of us girls love you with everything inside of us. I have been supporting you for lucky number 13 years!!! I’ve been with you since 2006! I have been to Speak Now, Red, 1989 and Rep! I am so excited for Lover! It has been an honor watching you grow and become the amazing and strong woman you are today. I love you so much taylor... I hope we get to hug soon! 💗🌥🍭🦄🌩🌸🌈💐🦋💗💓🥰💅🏻🌥
Ravae: @vaelovestaytayswift
Hey I’m Ravae!! I’ve loved Taylor for as long as I can remember my sister has listened to her forever so I grew up listening to her!! Taylor inspires me everyday to be a better person and she’s a great role model. Her music helps me through the really rough times but also puts me in a better mood through the good times! I hope to meet you one day! Love you Tay🦋💞🌈💘🥺
Gracie: @inredlipsticks
Hey, Taylor! I’m Gracie and I’m 20 as of June 22nd. I’ve loved you since debut and my favorite album of all time is Fearless. I’ve been fortunate enough to see you four times and hopefully more on the lover tour 💗 along with Taylor, I also love Selena Gomez, Disney, and dogs!! 💗🦋🌸 The four most important things in my life.
Ella: @ellalovesswift
Hey! My name is Ella and I’m 17 years old. I’ve loved Taylor ever since the day my dad thought I needed my own music instead of just listening to his, this was when I was just seven years old and my dad bought me the fearless album and I fell in love with Love Story!! Ever since then I’ve never stopped loving Taylor! Other than her music, I’ve grown up with Taylor and every day she has inspired me to be a better person! My favourite songs are enchanted, better than revenge and dress! I’ve been to the red and reputation tours in Melbourne! Other than Taylor I am a swimmer. I swim a lot and it’s been a part of my life since before Taylor! I hope one day I can hug her and tell her how much she’s impacted my life! I will always stay, love you Tay 💗🦋💓🌸
bri: @briadorestay
hi t! my name is bri and i am 13 (turning 14 on august 19th) i have loved you since i was 5 years old and my stan songs are the archer, ciwyw, and you are in love. the soft songs🥺🥺 i love you so much and i hope you never stop doing what you’re doing because you are so inspiring!! i love u so much buddy! see you one day?🧚‍♀️☁️🌸💘🥺💗⭐️🕊
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L O V E B O U N D  
“Familybound - Part II”
Guys, a BIG thanks goes to @absent-minded-swiftie for sending me this old piece that I’ve written once. I hope you enjoy reading it xx Happy Thursday
“You do realize though that this view is insane right? There’s literally no place affordable in this town with such a view, I swear.“ Cara mumbles amazed while standing in front of the big window fronts in Taylor’s living room. “Don’t be distracted by the fact that she acts like a normal person. This place is still not affordable at all.“ Joe mumbles from the wooden table at the end of the big room while looking into his laptop. Taylor, who still comfortably sits on the couch behind Cara, just rolls her eyes at her boyfriend. He thinks he’s so clever and funny with his little snarky remarks today. Cara slowly trots back to the couch and smiles at Taylor before sitting down next to her again. Taylor now looks out of the window again and sighs. It’s grey and cold outside. It’s that kind of weather that is not cold enough for snow but too cold to enjoy being outside at all. Plus the rain.
God, this really is England.
Cara just places her hand over Taylor’s, has clearly noticed how lost she has been in her own thoughts. “But I’m serious, Tay. He’s right. You’re gonna be fine.“, Cara tells her friend, sips on her cup of tea once more before placing the big grey mug on the wooden coffee table again. She then looks at Taylor who just nods silently, still not really believing what her friend tells her. The two girls were casually hanging out in Taylor’s living room, two cats wandering across the room and her favorite chill- out playlist filling the room with comfortable songs that are making this grey and cold day at least a bit more cozy and warm. Taylor, who has changed her posture with a sigh, just looks from Cara to her boyfriend who winks at Cara in response after overhearing the girls’ conversation. “Can you imagine the level of chaos in his life If someone sees me? I mean, I’m all in for going to the movies but..“
“Babe. We’re sitting in a darkened room with people who are focused on a massive screen in front of them.“ Joe interrupts her with a sigh, sounding a bit tired, while answering a couple of emails. He knows her well and he knows that she has the tendency to work herself up into situations that most of the time turn out to not be difficult at all. Cara just looks at Taylor and laughs quietly while stirring the spoon in her tea. “Your gentleman of a boyfriend is taking you to one of the shabbiest cinemas in town. The chance of being all alone in there anyway because nobody in this town wants to go there is outstandingly high, Taylor.“ the model mumbles amused before placing her empty cup of tea right in front of her again. Joe clears his throat with a reproachful undertone. Taylor looks from Cara to Joe and back at Cara and smiles confused. “You British people with all your inside jokes..“ she mumbles, clearly not amused that Joe and Cara both seem to have gotten the joke, but she didn’t.
“I’m taking you to Vue Cinema, which is.. not the most elegant choice of cinemas in town but there’re literally no people there most of the time, so..“ “But that sounds good.“ Taylor answers him enthusiastic, looks back at Cara who slowly pets Meredith next to her, clearly amused about the situation. “Yeah, I mean. It’s just really hilarious to think that he would probably never take any girlfriend to this shabby place but because he’s dating Taylor Swift he thought to himself ‘mhm, what is the most disgusting place in town? Oh right, that’s where I’m taking her to for date night‘“ Cara mimics and Taylor throws her head back laughing. It’s funny to think of the situation that way. Joe just sighs, clearly amused as well, but shakes his head dramatically.
“You’re an awful person, Cara Delevigne.“ Joe mumbles, still focused on his MacBook, desperately searching for the original copy of a script that his manager had just sent him yesterday. “I love you too, guys. But I’m gonna head home now.“ she casually answers, slowly let’s go off the cat that was just getting comfortable on the cushion right next to her. Taylor nods, fixes a strand of hair behind her ear. “You’re still more than welcome to join us tonight. Even though the choice of movie theatre might not meet your standards.“ Taylor jokes and Cara pulls her into a soft hug. “Thanks but I’m actually going onto a date tonight, so..“ Even Joe, who was casually sitting on one of the leather chairs with his grey pants and a white shirt now looks up from his laptop screen and widens his eyes, clearly impressed. Taylor looks at Cara just as surprised as her boyfriend and immediately reaches out to hold onto Cara’s arm. “What? And you’re telling me this now? Who? How? Details please?“ she says, clearly excited. Even Joe now fully turns around in his chair, grabs his cup of tea that has almost become cold by now and takes a sip.
“Spill the beans, honey.“ he jokes in an American accent, has lifted up his voice to sound like Taylor. Cara just rolls her eyes at Joe laughing while Taylor casually ignores him, way too focused on Cara in front of her. “It’s nothing special. I just met this girl in Miami last week and she’s in town, so we’re having a couple of drinks. Nothing more.“ she says and Taylor nods. “Okay, but tell me how it went, okay?“ she states and Cara casually nods before getting up. She walks past Joe and gives him a high five before saying goodbye.
He can still hear low noises of the girls in the hallway, way too focused on the email he’s about to send to his management team. A couple of minutes later, Joe still finds himself sitting on the exact same table, head in his hands, clearly overwhelmed by the amount of work that lies ahead of him in the next months. The digital calendar on his laptop is marked in so many different colors, all of them standing for the amount of flights, meetings, auditions and shootings he’ll have before Christmas. His stare drifts off to the big window at the end of the room. It’s slowly getting dark outside and the city lights of London are far away, almost blurry. The smell of Taylor’s candles has now finally filled the room entirely.
And he loves it. It smells like her.
Just when Joe was about to reply to another email of his manager about a fitting with some costume designer of the movie he’s currently starring in, he feels two hands slowly wrapping themselves around his torso. One over his shoulder, one around his chest and a warm face that is slowly being pressed into the side of his neck. He feels a soft kiss being pressed onto his skin and he immediately smiles silently. “Hey.“ he mumbles quietly and feels her slowly letting go off him. He automatically pulls his chair back and gives her access to fully sit down on his lap, sideways, and with both hands wrapped around his neck. “Hey.“ she smiles, still make up free and her hair in a little curly ponytail, right in her neck. She comes closer to him and kisses him softly, knows that she probably acts like a little child. Not kissing him for two hours while Cara came by was definitely too long for her taste. Joe smiles, both arms wrapped around her waist now. His work can suddenly wait. She’s the worst distraction he has ever known. “So when do you have to leave tomorrow?“ she asks quietly, looks at his face with a hint of sadness in her eyes. She hates the fact that he’ll be gone for two days. She hates it. And she knows how childish it is to create such a drama for herself, just because he’ll be gone for 48 hours. It’s childish. She’s well aware that there will come times when they’ll be separated for even more than 48 hours. It’s childish and immature yet she can’t help it. She’s addicted to him. To him and his beautiful character. His beautiful smile.
“I think I’ll get picked up at around 10am. So.. sleeping in. At least.“ he mumbles into her side, lets his head rest on her shoulder for a few seconds before pressing a kiss onto it, right over the burgundy shirt she’s wearing. Taylor automatically places her hand on his scalp, scratches him gently. She knows how much he loves that. “Yeah, sounds good.“ she yawns, still tired from this early morning, just as much as him. Joe then slowly looks up again, gently smiling at her. She looks cute when she’s tired. “What do you want to eat before leaving?“ he asks her, feels a bit hungry by now. Taylor’s eyes wander outside again. She’s clearly uninspired when it comes to her food cravings tonight.
“How about I get us something from that kebab shop we went to? The one where..“ “Oh my god, yes!“ she answers euphorically, realized just now that that was exactly what she was craving. He laughs at her sudden excitement and leans in for another kiss. “Let me put on some clothes and I’ll be back in twenty.“ he says and Taylor lets him get up, moves on his lap herself.
It takes even less than twenty minutes for him to come back from the cold. It’s fully dark outside now. Taylor and Joe both get comfortable on the antique wooden table in the spacious living room, both talk about their plans for the next weeks, discuss appropriate birthday presents for his Dad and laugh about a meme she has found on Tumblr. After having everything cleaned up afterwards, Taylor disappears upstairs to get ready for the movie theatre with him. Joe, who was texting a friend, looks up surprised as his girlfriend walks down the stairs. He can’t help but let out a few breaths of amusement. She wears a hazelnut brown wig that almost looks like as If she’s a redhead. Her grey shirt and her blue Jeans support this casual look. He gets up and examines her slowly. Taylor blushes. She feels ridiculous as always whenever she tries to pull off a disguise, being well aware that she most likely looks like she forgot that Halloween is already over.
“Say hello to your girlfriend Shelby.“ she then smirks at him, tries to not let him notice how uncomfortable she really is, standing there in front of him with this ridiculous wig. Joe can’t help but bite his lip though. It’s incredibly sexy to even think about her switching personalities and watch her wink at him in this red wig. He laughs, slowly touches the fake hair. “Hi, Shelby.“ he just mumbles with a smirk on his face. Taylor laughs at his facial expression. He really seems to like that look on her.
“I’ve never dated a girl with red hair.“ He admits and Taylor laughs. “Well, you see. You get to be with so many girls when you’re with me.“ She answers casually and he smirks.
“Ready?“ He asks and Taylor nods, right before grabbing her coat that is hanging loosely over the sofa. Joe and her slowly leave the house and talk to Brandon on the way to the cinema, joking about her wig and how she’s “Shelby Swoft” tonight, a British girl with a fake American accent. Before leaving the car, she has to ensure Brandon once more that she’ll be fine and that he can wait in the car outside. Joe and her quickly get out. A cold wind strikes her face and she shivers immediately. The movie has started already and therefore, it’s almost empty in the little hallway. Joe steps up to buy the tickets for them and Taylor just pulls out her phone. She’s still anxious whenever she finds herself in normal situations like these with him. She still has these little moments where she feels like an idiot, unable to remember that her disguise has worked multiple times before and unable to calm down. She takes a deep breath, answers to a text message from Martha, just to distract herself a bit. She then feels Joe’s arm on her back again and starts to walk to one of the auditoriums with him. He quickly grabs her hand again and smiles at her.
“Everything alright, Shelby?“ he whispers and Taylor responds with a nod. “Shelby’s cold but good.“ He kisses her cold hands one time with a smile on his face. It’s a reassuring smile. Because he knows that she’s nervous and he gets it. But at the same time, he’s just so proud that he can make her do these things. It makes him proud to think that life couldn’t be more complicated for her, yet everything becomes normal with him in it. Because that’s all he wants to be. A part of her life. A part of her happiness.
When they enter the darkened room, the commercials on the screen are slowly coming to an end. They sit down right at the side of the seating area. Taylor holds her breath. She looks around. There’re only a few people in the cinema, probably even less than ten. None of them have even looked up when they entered the room. It worked. It really worked. After quietly pulling off her coat, Taylor immediately reaches for Joe’s arm. He gladly pulls his arm around her and Taylor buries herself in his chest. She’s happy about tonight. It was one of his great ideas. And it worked. She couldn’t be happier.
“Thanks.“ she whispers and Joe looks down at her in confusion. The movie slowly starts but Joe looks down at his girlfriend, who’s cuddling herself now even more into his chest. “For what?“ He asks and she slowly comes up to kiss his cheek softly. “For making me to do these things.“ He smiles, slowly sinks his head to kiss hers. Feeling the wig under his lips is not the same. “Can I just say..“ he whispers and Taylor looks up at him. “Shelby is great but Taylor’s my favorite.“ She can’t help but laugh quietly. He smirks. “Lucky you, cause that’s the one you’ll be getting tonight. Shelby may do movie theaters but Taylor does a lot more other things..“ she teases, biting her lip. Joe smirks back at her, asks himself how this woman can go from angel to devil in less than ten seconds. He responds a quiet “sounds good.“ And kisses her again before finally settling down to watch the movie. Taylor in his arm and her head on his chest. That’s how it should always be, in his opinion.
A phone rings, at the end of the room. Taylor who’s still deep asleep doesn’t move, doesn’t realize that the ringing sound in fact is a thing and not just part of her dream. Joe on the contrary, realizes quickly that the disturbing sound is his iPhone that was plugged in at the other side of the room. He groans, already mad at whoever of his mates calls him in the middle of the night, probably drunk as fuck. He slowly lets go of his girlfriend who is still asleep in front of him. Joe quietly gets up. In just his boxers, he wanders across the room. He’s clearly confused when the caller ID shows an unknown number. Taylor suddenly stirs, confused about the fact that she can hear Joe’s low voice at the end of the room, realizes just now that he has left the bed. She sleepily scratches her head, then sits up a bit. It’s still dark in the room. Taylor turns her head.
02.21 am. Who on earth is calling him in the middle of the night?
Being certain that Joe will tell his drunk friends to stop calling him at this hour of the night, Taylor falls back into the pillow, closes her eyes once more. She then realizes that Joe sounds different, doesn’t talk the way he usually would talk to his lads.
In just that moment, Taylor feels unusually awake.
She sits up, holds the blanket onto her chest and sees him standing there. His hair still messed up from sleeping, his hand on his forehead. He looks shocked. Taylor swallows, immediately crawls out of bed and turns on the small night lamp. She slowly grabs his shirt that’s laying on the floor next to her side. Taylor slept in nothing but her panties after making love to him right before they went to bed last night. She slips the big white t- shirt over her naked body and walks up to him. He notices her now, seems way too distracted to look at her though. She quickly grants him a worried look and places her head next to the phone to understand what the other person is telling him while Joe just casually answers with “Yes, alright.“ and “Where are they now“. Taylor feels goosebumps on her skin. She suddenly has this horrible assumption that something might has happened to his parents. Or his brother? She feels her heart beating faster as he suddenly mumbles a “Can you give me the address, please?“. She quickly lets go off his arm where she was holding onto and watches Joe wander downstairs to desperately find something to write on. She follows him slowly, eager to know who’s calling him. As she finds Joe in the kitchen downstairs with a pen and an old receipt from Tesco, she remains right next to him. She can sense that he is agitated, remains as polite as always yet shakes his head in disbelieve every few seconds. Taylor then looks at the receipt. He has written down an address. Winchester. Isn’t that where Patrick went for his class trip? She swallows.
Taylor then looks at her boyfriend again, who just ended the call, aggressively throws his phone onto the counter right in front of him. “Who..“
“I can’t believe how stupid someone can possibly be..“ he shakes his head, clearly emphasized his ‘stupid‘ which just shows that he really is upset. Standing almost naked right next to him, Taylor just places her hand on his shoulder. “What happened?“ she asks again, can’t believe that he makes her wait since minutes to let her know what this phone call was about. “My parents aren’t in town so I.. I have to fucking pick up Patrick. They found weed and cocaine at the boys room and.. apparently Patrick is the only one who admitted that it’s his, so..“
“What?“ she caws again, fells like she misheard what he just said. She just looks at him and Joe is pale. She has never seen him like this. Obviously. The words “Patrick“ and “Weed“ and “Cocaine“ in one sentence do not make any sense to her. Not at all.
“Are you sure that it’s his? I mean..“
“Of course.“ he hisses, anger in his voice. He then, suddenly, realizes how his tone has changed while talking to her and then immediately looks at her, for the first time tonight. “God, I’m so sorry. I’m..“
“No, baby. It’s fine.“ Taylor assures him, can clearly see in the way he stands there that he feels like losing his mind. The thought that his little fourteen year old brother has slipped into things like cocaine clearly is a shock.
“We’ll just.. put on some clothes and pick him up and talk to him. Okay? I’m sure..“
“You don’t have to come with me.“ he says and looks at her, but she just lets out an ironic laugh. There’s no way she’ll let him drive over there alone. “Of course I will. Let’s just put on some clothes and..“
“It’s almost two hours away.“ Joe says, feels bad for Taylor already. She was so tired last night and the fact that she now has to drive four hours in a car with him just pick up his irritated teenage brother is making him feel bad. He loves how supportive she is, but this is something serious. This is something about his brother that she shouldn’t have to deal with. But the blonde girl in front of him just smiles calmly, places her hand on his cheek and leans up to kiss his lips sloppily. “It’s really fine. Really. C’mon.“ she says and rushes upstairs with him.
As soon as they enter her bedroom again, Joe pulls on a pair of jeans and a sweater. He doesn’t feel able to think straight right now, doesn’t know what to tell her. Is he disappointed? Yes. Angry? Hell yes. But most of all he’s worried. Worried about the youngest one in his family. Taylor does just the same. She silently puts on a pair of jeans as well as a grey sweater and grabs a burgundy colored beanie out of her closet. She puts it on, then shares a look at him. As crazy as this situation is, they both can’t help but laugh for a second. They’re matching clothes. Again.
“Do you want me to ask Brandon, or..“
“If It’s okay for you I would rather take my car because I offered them to drop off some other boys at their parent’s houses as well and.. I don’t know. It’s not going to be a convo I want to have in front of..” “No, It’s fine. I get it. I’ll ask him to stay behind us. Okay?“
“You really don’t have to come with me. I’ll be fine. Just go back to sleep and..“
“Shut up, Joseph.“ she shoots back, not even listening to whatever he’s going to tell her next, just grabs her phone that was on the night table next to the bed. He can’t help but feel an enormous amount of thankfulness while watching her storm off into the bathroom, brushing her teeth within a matter of seconds. It’s overwhelming to feel her support. To know that she’d drop everything just to take a drive with him, to the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night, to deal with his immature brother.
Taylor leans her head against the cold car window. She yawns quietly, her eyes focusing on the empty and dark road. Nobody is on the street. Only the headlights lighting up the road.
It’s quiet. No surprise.
This drive is definitely not one of the fun road trips they usually take through the English country side with music blasting loudly through the car. She slowly turns her head, looks at her boyfriend who’s driving. He’s silent, his face laced with a scowl. She has never seen him so angry and terrified at the same time. And she gets it. She absolutely gets it. Getting to know Patrick, Taylor knew from the very first moment on that he’s a good kid. That Patrick is insecure which is normal at that age but that he has his heart in the right place, just like Joe does. She can’t really believe that Patrick would consume something as dangerous as cocaine. Weed on the other hand is something that most boys have consumed before, even though it’s illegal. Her brother might have as well. But being fourteen definitely is too early. Way too early.
“Are you still cold? Should I gear up the heater?“ he suddenly breaks the silence, still focused on the road. Taylor just moves in her seat, slowly puts her hands on her beanie, fixing it. “No, I’m good. Do you wanna talk about it?“ she asks carefully. Joe swallows, then sighs. His right elbow casually placed on the car window while keeping his hands on the steering wheel. “I’m just.. confused.“ he says slowly. Taylor immediately reaches for his hand that was casually placed in his lap while driving just with one hand. She intertwines their hands and strokes the back of his hand slowly. She loves that about him. She loves the fact that he just simply opens up. There’re no mind games with Joe. There’s never silence or difficulties when it comes to him. He grants her clarity and openness in moments in which there had always been confusion with her Exes.
“Of course you are.“ she answers quietly, leaves him some space to clear his head. “I mean.. I’ve done weed. At.. sixteen, I think. And I’ve done stupid things like.. going drunk to school or bringing alcohol to my grandma’s funeral, but..“
“What?“ she suddenly interrupts him with a horrified but amused look. Even he has to smile lightly at her shock. She sometimes can’t believe the hilarious stories he tells her about his teenager years.
“But the thing is.. Patrick, he.. he knew exactly that some teachers have their eyes on him because he did stupid things last year, like.. skipping classes and cheating on tests and.. he’s literally on the edge of failing some classes anyway this year. So.. I just don’t get why he’d do this? My mum is going to.. she’s going to be so worried about him. I mean.. cocaine? Is he mental? Where the fuck does he even get this stuff at fourteen? What kind of a person would sell this to a child?“ he rants and Taylor tightens the grip around his hand. She feels how he suddenly becomes more and more emotional, clearly affected by his worries.
“Hey, Joe. Calm down.“ she says calmly, just quiet enough to make him take a deep breath. She has never seen him like this. Never before. He doesn’t even move his hand that is in hers, clearly glad that she’s there with him.
“First of all, we don’t know Patrick’s side of the story yet. We don’t know If it really was his or if he was just covering for some of his friends. So the first thing you should do is talk to him and let him tell you his side of the story before jumping to any conclusions. I know you’re worried but he deserves a chance to explain himself first and..“
“He deserves to get his ass kicked. That’s what he deserves.“ Joe just mumbles grumpily. Taylor sighs, looks at him and rolls her eyes. “Baby.“ she warns him.
“He’s gonna get expelled. The school’s gonna report him to the police. Do you know that he won’t find a college that accepts him If he has a drug report?“ Joe rants. Taylor stays quiet. He’s right. With everything he says. And telling him to calm down would be more than wrong. The situation is bad and she’s well aware of that.
“If that is the case, we’ll find a specialized lawyer. He’s fourteen. This is not the end of the..“
“What if he’s really into this shit? I mean.. what if he’s an addict? And that’s the reason why his grades sunk and..“
“Baby, stop.“ Taylor finally interrupts him. He seems to lose his mind slowly. She looks at him and he just sighs. She feels how he tightens the grip on his hand, squeezes her hand one time.
He needs her. He really needs her a lot right now.
“Whatever it is.. there will be a solution. He’s a smart and good kid and whatever the reason for this may be.. it’s just a mistake. Young people do stupid things and..“
“I’m so sorry that I’m dragging you into this.“ he slowly interrupts her. His hand still in hers, his tired eyes on the road ahead. She just shakes her head. She seems off. Joe looks at her quickly, but she looks away, out of the window into the darkness. They’re still the only ones on the road. The sound of the engine the only noise in the middle of the night.
“Did I say something wrong?“ he murmurs under his breath, not sure If he’s getting her wrong.
“Yes.“ she answers him, a lot more reserved than he would’ve wished. Yet her hand is in his. And she’s not letting go. Not at all.
“You think that me going with you to pick up your little brother means you’re dragging me into something?“ she asks him with an angry undertone. He doesn’t know what to answer her and he doesn’t have to because she simply continues talking. “It’s just.. you always include me in so many things when it comes to your family and I’m always so thrilled and thankful and then you say something like this. As if I.. as if I shouldn’t be included or..“
“Baby, you got this totally wrong.“ he immediately answers her, “I want you to be included no matter what. It’s just.. this is not one of these fun and.. and joyful family moments and I don’t want to scare you away or think worse of my brother or..“
“I would never, Joe. Never. I love them and I love you.“ she interrupts him with a shaky voice. She’s emotional. Joe turns his head and sees the look on her face. She doesn’t cry but she really needs him to know. Joe immediately raises his hand that was holding hers. He leads their intertwined hands to his mouth and kisses the back of her hand at least five times.
“I’m an idiot. I’m an asshole, tonight. I just.. I feel like going crazy. I’m so sorry that I made you feel as If you shouldn’t be included in this or.. as If you wouldn’t love me or my family as much as you do. I’m just sorry. About this drama and the fact that you didn’t get enough sleep because of my crazy family again. Love you, that’s all.“ he casually says and she smiles tiredly at him. Her hand still receiving some sluggish kisses while he’s focused on the road. It’s still pretty dark in the car and just the little lights from the dashboard of the car light up his face.
He’s so beautiful. She will never have enough of this. Of him. Of the way they can just talk about every argument and solve it with their open communication. No mind games. Just two people working it out. “You’re not an asshole. But I love you, too.“ she says quietly, almost a whisper. He looks at her one time again and smiles slightly. Taylor places her hand on his hair, scratches the back of his head a few minutes. She then leans in and kisses his cheek softly. Just when she sat back again in the seat that is now warm because of the heating system in the car, Taylor notices that he takes the next exit off the road.
“What are you doing?“ she asks, followed by a big yawn. “Refueling. Why don’t you sleep a little?“ Taylor shakes her head.
“No, I’ll try to stay awake now. If not I’ll feel even worse as soon as we get there..“ Joe stops the car as soon as they’ve reached the gas stop. The yellow petrol station light illuminating the car. She can now fully look at him again. His eyes are puffy. He’s so worried, she can sense that.
“Are you okay staying here, or..“
“Brandon’s right behind, I’m good.“ she smiles at him, tries to make him feel her support. He has been the sun on her darkest days for over a year now. He has pulled himself back to make her feel better, to support her so many times. Now it’s her turn. Now she can finally try and give back and be there for him. Now she gets to be the sunshine for him.
“Okay. I’ll be back in a minute.“ he says and leaves the car. Taylor watches him filling up the tank in the rearview mirror. He then turns around to Brandon, signals him that everything’s fine. Taylor yawns again. She then takes her phone and checks her mails. It’s only 9.30pm in Nashville right now, and her mom has sent her a video of Kitty playing with some of Olivia’s toys. She smiles. If only they knew in how much trouble Joe’s brother is at this moment.
The car door then suddenly opens and Joe sits down next to her again. This time a warm cup of coffee and a candy bar in his hand. “There you go, this is for you.“ he says and gives both to his girlfriend. Taylor, who’s still in her favorite sweater and her beanie hat, just smiles. “Oh, thanks babe. You never forget to feed me.“ she smiles and takes a sip of the coffee. That’s exactly what she needed. “Can I have a hug in return?“ he mumbles, was just about to buckle up again. Taylor smiles warmly. She immediately places the hot cup in the holder next to her and the candy bar remains on her lap. She places her hand on his cheek and gives him a soft kiss. He smiles. She tastes like coffee and her favorite Burt’s Bees chapstick that she always uses each morning after getting up. She then wraps her hands around his upper back and head, presses her face sideways into his neck. Joe takes a deep breath. He’s so glad she’s here.
“He’s going to be fine. I know it.“ she whispers and holds him tightly. She won’t let go. Joe then slowly pulls back after a while. He smiles at her thankfully. “And you know that I’m always right, so..“ Joe quietly laughs at her smart remark. She’s right though. That, he has to admit. “Correct.“ He smiles while starting the car once more. “You know what I just thought?“ she smirks as he slowly drives onto the driveway again, both eyes focused on the empty street and Brandon right behind them. “What?“ “This is going to be a good story we can tell when he’s getting married one day. Like, oh Patrick please don’t forget that one time we drove two hours to get you in the middle of the night, you know.“
Joe smirks. She’s right. “And who mentions that part about the weed then?“
“We’ll decide that later on. As long as no one mentions my little walk of shame in front of his friends yesterday morning..“ she mumbles, while sipping on her coffee and looking out of the window. Joe laughs. “God, I almost forgot about that..“ he laughs and she punches him softly. “I really hope his friends from this morning aren’t the ones that we have to pick up as well..“ she whines and he laughs quietly. “I don’t think so, babe. These boys’ parents are apparently gone as well and they all have to be at the headmasters office tomorrow morning so.. I was asked by the teacher to get them as well.“ he says and sighs. He really is more than annoyed about this nightly trip. “Did they call your mom as well?“ She asks while looking out the window and into the sky. It’s still dark but the sky has turned into a lighter shade of dark blue. The sun’s still far away from rising yet it’s getting later.
“No, just me. Because they only have my number, so.. Do you think I should call her?“ He asks and looks at her. Taylor sighs, her free hand reaching for his. “Not yet. I think you should.. talk to Patrick first. And then call them later. Everything else will just freak them out even more.“ Taylor says and he nods. As so often, she’s right. A calm silence overcomes the two. Joe keeps on driving and Taylor sips on her coffee ever now and then. She then looks onto the road ahead, enjoys the moment. As weird as it sounds. But they’re alone. Absolutely alone. Nobody distracting him, nobody watching them.
“I know this probably sounds wrong but.. this is nice.“ she says then, looks at him. He frowns quickly, confused but waits for her to continue. “You and me and the fact that we’re doing this together.“ Joe looks at her for a second and all he sees as he looks back at the road is her warm smile. Now he’s the one reaching for her hand. “Yeah. And I’d like to do these things together with you for a very, very long time.“ “So you wanna pick up our kids after they were found with weed on a class trip, too?“ she jokes and he smirks silently.
“Patrick will do that. We’ll be on a holiday then, trust me.“ He says and makes her laugh a little before continuing to finish her coffee.
“Baby?“ She hears his soft voice, suddenly opens her eyes. Her neck feels a bit stiff and the car isn’t moving anymore. She feels his hand on her face. The sun slowly begins to rise and it’s not as dark anymore as in the moment where her eyes closed. “Did I.. did I fall asleep?“ she mumbles, rubbing her eyes disoriented. “Yeah. We’re here. I don’t think you should come with me, maybe you can stay in the car? There’re a lot of teenagers in there and..“
“Mhm, yeah.“ she answers him and he quickly pulls in to give her a kiss. “I’ll be back in a minute.“
“Do you want me to drive home with Brandon so you can talk to him alone or..“
“I’d love if you were here, but you don’t have to..“
“I’ll be here. Now go in there and don’t punch anyone right away. Promise?“ she interrupts and grants him a last smile. He kisses her again, then slowly leaves the car.
Taylor looks how he disappears from the parking lot. There’s nothing but huge bushes in front of her. She loosens the belt around her torso, turns around to get a better look of where they are. The hostel looks really nice, seems to be hidden in a little forest, far away from everything. The building though cannot be seen from the parking lot where he left the car. The only thing that can be seen though is the ambulance that has parked on the other side of the parking spot, right where the little road leads to the hostel. She swallows. What a crazy night. It takes exactly five minutes until she can hear footsteps on the gravel path. She turns her head and sees two familiar persons walking towards the car. One tall man with a deep frown on his face and one boy with his backpack that looks just as devastated as the other one. Taylor can’t help but smile. They look like twins.
The car opens and Joe sits down next to her. He’s tense. She feels it. Patrick seems to place his backpack in the trunk first. Taylor squeezes his hand quickly, doesn’t have to talk to communicate with him.
Are you okay?
In just that moment Patrick enters the car, quietly sits down in the backseat. It’s still dark outside. None of the boys are saying a word.
“Hi Taylor.“ she hears a slow mumble from behind. She slowly turns around and looks at Patrick. He’s pale. He looks shocked. She swallows. “Hey.“ she says warmly, then turns around to face Joe again. His hands are glued to the steering wheel even though he didn’t start car yet.
“Where are the other boys?“ she asks and Joe answers.
“Getting their stuff.“ he answers quickly. Taylor nods. She shouldn’t say much more. This awkward moment is not really any of her business. She’s here to support Joe, but she shouldn’t start the awkward conversation that’s bound to happen.
“I’m not gonna ask this in front of the others so.. why did you do it?“ Joe asks. He looks angry. Disappointed. Taylor swallows, looks into the darkness of the bushes right in front of the car. It’s probably four in the morning. Way too early for such a conversation.
“Did what?“
“Do you think I’m stupid?“
“I didn’t.. take the cocaine. What did they tell you?“
“That they found weed and cocaine and that you admitted that it was yours.“
"I did but.. I didn’t take the cocaine. Really.“ Patrick says and Taylor freezes. She looks at Joe and he still seems tense. More tense than she’s ever seen him.
“Why do you have it then?“ Patrick doesn’t say anything. Joe turns his head.
“Speak up.“
Patrick still doesn’t answer.
“We drove two fucking hours to get your stupid ass and you don’t even feel the need to answer me? What a fucking ignorant..“
“Hey.“ Taylor interrupts him. He’s about to freak out and yelling won’t bring them any further. He looks at her one time and immediately feels how much she calms him with just one look into her eyes. He swallows. Then he looks back at Patrick. He still wants an answer.
“I can’t tell you. I.. I just didn’t take it. Trust me. I wouldn’t.“
“What about the weed?“
“We.. we just shared a..“
“Was it yours? Or did the others..“
“It was mine but we all brought some..“ Joe just shakes his head in disbelief. He can’t believe it. Nothing of what happened tonight. He looks outside the window.
“Are you even aware that this is illegal?“
“I am. I’m sorry.“ the young boy sighs, his voice still shaky.
“Why’s an ambulance here?“ Joe asks, then looks back to Taylor. She seems just as clueless as him, shrugs her shoulders silently.
“One girl drank too much and they had to call an ambulance.“ Joe looks back at Taylor and shakes his head again for the twentieth time tonight. He can’t believe how stupid these kids are. He simply can’t believe it. Taylor looks also shocked. She still remembers from her school days that sneaking beer into different school activities has always been a thing. But weed, cocaine and alcohol poisoning? This is an extent that was unimaginable during her school days.
“Where’d you get that stuff from?“ Joe then asks again, still sounding angry. Patrick doesn’t answer. Again.
“Did you buy it? Who sells cocaine to kids..“
“The cocaine isn’t mine, I just told.“
“Then what about the weed? Where did you get that from?“ Patrick becomes silent again. Taylor witnesses the tense atmosphere.
“There’s.. this guy at our school.“ Joe sighs. Taylor as well. Seems like Patrick isn’t the only one in that school who’s going to be in a lot of trouble.
“Who’s the owner of the cocaine if it’s not yours?“
“You don’t know them.“
“I want a name, Patrick.“
“I can’t tell you.“
“Say his fucking name.“
“I can’t.“
Taylor opens her mouth. The situation will escalate If they won’t change the subject as soon as possible. Taylor turns around, carefully faces Patrick.
“Did your friends bring some as well or are you the only one who got caught?“ she asks silently, seems much more calm then her boyfriend is at this moment. Joe instead just looks out of the window, doesn’t even face his brother anymore. But Taylor notices how pale Patrick is. His hands are shaking while he sits in the back of the car. She feels bad for him. Not because what he did wasn’t absolutely wrong, but because she knows that he’s a good boy and that he just made a huge mistake with this.
“No, we.. we all brought some.“ Taylor nods. At least it seems like he’s not the only one who did something stupid on that trip.
“Why’d you do it, Patrick? You.. you knew that some teachers would have their eyes on you. You’re gonna get expelled. There’s no way mum will find another school that has such a good reputation as this one. You’ll get reported. How.. stupid could you be.“ Joe mumbles and Patrick remains silent.
“I know and.. I’m so sorry. I just.. I’m so sorry.“ he mumbles out of breath. Taylor feels instantly bad for him. “That’s your problem now, not mine.“ Joe says, clearly more angry at him than Taylor is. She just looks at her boyfriend next to her. He acts inviolable again, which is just a mechanism to protect himself. He’s scared but he doesn’t want to show it. So scared that he reacts with anger. She knows him too well. This is his way of showing him that he cares.
“Did you cover someone by saying that the cocaine was yours?“ she asks the boy softly and turns around to face him once more. On one hand she knows that she should just sit back and shut up. On the other hand she wants to support Joe. He seems shocked and helpless, somehow.
“Answer her.“ Joe shoots at his brother.
“Yes.“ Patrick mumbles then whispering, looks down at his hands. Taylor shares a look with Joe. She knew it. “Who did you cover up?“ Taylor continues now. Her soft voice seems to make Patrick open up more than Joe’s more angry rants. Even Joe gets that now and remains silent to see how far Taylor can make Patrick open up. There’s still silence in the car. Just a few noises coming from the hostel that is on the other side of the bushes in front of them. Joe has turned on the car a few minutes ago, so that the heater is running again. He doesn’t want Taylor to get cold. The fact that she’s a part of this drama with less than two hours of sleep is bad enough.
“Chloe.“ he whispers, his voice shaky. He doesn’t look at Taylor nor Joe. Nobody says anything anymore. Taylor turns her head to Joe and they share a look. Of course. Your first love really does make you do the most stupid things in the world. And it’s safe to say that Taylor and Joe both made their own experiences with that. Just in that moment of silence, low steps along the gravel path can be heard. Two boys, who also seem pretty shocked and shaken up are walking towards the car. Taylor bites her lower lip. They must be super embarrassed that Patrick’s older brother is going to be the one who has to bring them home.
“We’ll talk about this later.“ Joe says quickly, right before the other boys open the car door. Taylor looks at him and smiles. It was nice of him to not let Patrick discuss the whole Chloe topic in front of his friends.
As the car door opens, two young boys who are probably fourteen or fifteen as well enter the car, and slowly sit down in the backseat of the car next to Patrick. The light inside of Joe’s car makes the boys’ faces more visible. They look just as shocked and rattled as Patrick does.
“Sorry about this, Mr. Alwyn.“ one of them mumbles, clearly aware of the fact that Joe had to drive about two hours just to pick them up. The other one starts to mumble a light “Sorry“ as well. Shaky voices are the only thing Taylor can observe from their mumbles. They seem way too nervous to properly speak up. Joe just sighs, starts the car slowly.
“I’m tired but not old. You can call me Joe.“ he answers and starts the car before rolling slowly across the parking lot. Taylor smirks at Joe, then turns around to face the kids one time and notices the suddenly even more shocked and confused looks from the backseat. She quickly realizes why, is definitely not as good in looking angry as Joe is, therefore smiles at the young boys softly.
“Hi, I’m Taylor.“ she says, then turns around again. None of the boys answer anything anymore. Joe, who’s focused on the road once again can’t help but bite his lip and hide a smirk. He knows all about the sudden silence coming from the backseat. They clearly did not expect to see Taylor Swift in this car tonight.
“Mate, is that..“
“Shut up.“ Patrick shoots back. Taylor and Joe look at each other and can’t help but giggle quietly while driving home.
“You have two more hours before school starts. So enjoy thinking about what you’ll explain your headmaster at school..“ Joe mumbles during a big yawn as soon as they enter the family house again. Morning has clearly broken and a grey layer of clouds has replaced the dark night sky by now. It’s not raining but it’s more windy and cold as usual. The perfect weather for this day. Joe drops the keys on the little drawer in the hallway, feels more than exhausted after these four hours of driving. The boys who also haven’t slept at all last night don’t really answer, just quietly disappear upstairs. Taylor closes the door, as she walks in at last, watches the boys disappear. She sighs. It’s been a long ride. And definitely not enough sleep for any one of them. Joe takes off his coat, quickly throws it over the rack next to the door. Taylor who’s still in her sweatshirt pulls off her beanie. Her curly and messy hair sticking up from her head. Joe smiles tiredly while walking into the kitchen.
“You want some breakfast? This one’s for you.“ he says and holds up the last homemade chocolate muffin that his mum had kept in the breadbox in front of them. Taylor just shakes her head softly.
“Nah, it’s too early. But thanks. Another coffee would be great though.“ she mumbles, clearly poorly looking before yawning loudly. “Don’t you want to go back to bed?“
Joe shakes his head, enters the kitchen quietly.
“I have to leave for the airport at 10am and I have to call my mum before that, I guess. Also, I’m not sure she’s going to be fine with leaving Patrick alone until next week as long as I’m gone. Tom is in Dover until next month and I’m gonna be back in town on Friday. Earliest. So I’ll have to ask her..“
“He can stay at my place until you come back. If that’s okay for your mom, of course.“ she says, looks at him while leaning in the doorframe of the family kitchen. He tries to fumble one of the Nespresso capsule into the coffee machine, turns around and leans against the counter behind him.
He looks at her with a tired face. He seems surprised though. Surprised and incredibly pleased, somehow, while waiting for coffee to be ready.
“That’s so nice of you to offer but you don’t have to babysit him. I mean.. after all, I understand If you don’t trust him enough to behave and..“
“No, I trust him.“ she quickly interrupts, “I mean.. I get it that you guys are shocked and trust me, I get why. It’s been a crazy night but I’ve known Patrick for a while now too and I’m still convinced that he’s a good kid and that he just made a huge mistake because he fell in love with the wrong girl but.. I’m not gonna think any less of him. And If it helps, he can definitely sleep at my place tonight. I just have one meeting tomorrow, that’s it.“
Joe just lets out a low breath, clearly smiling at her now. The tall man then slowly walks up to her. Her hair is still a mess and he can’t help but get addicted to this. This make up free face with her messy bangs that stick up into all directions, her puffy eyes and her beautiful lips. She’s just a masterpiece. Inside and out. Taylor welcomes him getting closer with opened arms, looks at him rather confused, not sure how she should interpret his smiling face. He then stops before her, places his hands on her hips, pressing her to him. He smiles back at her. Slowly.
“What?“ she whispers, too tired to really speak up. “I love you, you know that?“ he mumbles and Taylor just smiles brightly at him. These three words are all she needs to suddenly glow all over her face.
“Yeah, I know that.“ she answers shyly, sinks her head because she feels an obvious flush on her face. Joe then lets go off her hips, both his hands now wandering up to her face. One hand on her cheek, one in her neck. “Good.“ he answers, still smiling, before giving her a deep and gentle kiss. Taylor doesn’t move at all, her cold hands holding onto the sides over his sweater. She smiles at him once more as he pulls back. She doesn’t want him to leave. Not today. Not at all.
“So you’re gonna be back on Friday, huh?“ she asks and he nods. “Yup.“ he answers while holding her. He now comforts her head, strokes over her hair a few times while simply holding her in his arms.
“And today’s Wednesday.“
“mhmhm.“ he agrees again, a strand hair stroked behind her ear, kissing the little spot on her temple softly.
“So two nights without you? Rude.“
He laughs quietly at her remark, his lips still on her head. Taylor feels her hands holding onto his sweater still. She hates to let go. Not because she’s afraid that she’s holding him for the last time. But because this is how it should always be. Her in his arms. His smell in her nose. His lips somewhere on her hair.
“I’m so sorry, baby.“ he whispers. She feels goosebumps on her skin. She can feel his love in every word. In every touch. In every breath. If she’d ask him to run away with her right here, right now, he’d say yes. She just.. knows.
“Do you want to be alone when you call your mum? I can take a shower and give you some space If you want.“ she then mumbles into his sweater, slowly buries herself in his chest. She realizes just now how tired she really is, would love to take a two- or three hour nap in his arms again before he heads off to Paris without her.
“I don’t want any space. Especially not from you, silly.“ he mumbles in her hair, clearly just as tired as she is. Taylor smiles. That’s exactly the answer she was hoping for.
“It’s fine, really.“ Taylor says into her phone, smiles gently. It’s probably been the tenth time today that she has reassured Elizabeth that it’s not a burden at all to take care of Patrick as long as Joe’s gone. She can absolutely imagine that hearing news like these from your fourteen year old son are frightening. Especially when you’re on your long awaited vacation in Dubai. Far far away from England.
Taylor buries her face slowly in her scarf, glad she’s wearing her warm cashmere coat. She has even put on some make up after attending a meeting in town earlier, still feels incredibly exhausted after not sleeping at all yesterday night.
While sitting on the passenger seat of the big black range rover and with her phone on her ear, she turns her head to where Brandon next to her is looking at. A ton of teenagers and young adults leave the school. All in their school uniforms.
Taylor swallows.
Usually witnessing situations like these don’t just bring back horrible memories from her school days, but also mean chaos. Chaos, because a thousand teenagers noticing her in front of a public school would end in a lot of hysteria. Taylor has never been more thankful for tinted car windows than she is right now.
“The next flight back to London we were able to get is on Monday. But I already told Tom to come home as soon as he can, because Joe apparently is gone on Sunday again I think? I just don’t want him to spend too much time with his pals, right now. I think his new popular friends have not been the best influence lately, and..“
“No, I think you’re right. But Elizabeth, it’s really fine. I’m in town anyway and I have about five security people around my house who’ll drive him to school in the morning and pick him up and.. I’m gonna make sure he’s not gonna do something stupid. I’m actually at school waiting for him right now. I texted him that I’m picking him up, so.. we’re gonna be fine, don’t worry.“ Taylor reassures, looks out of the window. Still, there’s no Patrick among all these kids.
“God, Taylor. You have no idea how glad I am that you.. that you would do this for us. This really means a lot. Thank you so much, it makes me feel so much better knowing that he’s gonna be sleeping at your place and not doing anything stupid at these other kids’ homes.“ Elizabeth mumbles into the phone and Taylor just smiles. She can clearly hear that Elizabeth is emotional and Taylor totally understands. This is the first time since she has known Joe that his family really seems to need her. And she has never felt more honored to receive so much trust. From him and from his parents. So much trust that they would even let her look after their child, as long as they’re gone.
“I know and I think that’s maybe what he needs. I think it’s gonna be good for him to spend some nights away from home and his friends and I’m sure he’ll be alright. Should I ask him to call you when we get home?“ Taylor asks, notices for the first time that it’s slowly getting dark outside. It’s clearly winter already in London and November means that the days not just get darker, but also a lot shorter.
“No, I talked to him already for quite a while this morning. Maybe I’ll call him tonight. Thank you so much, sweetheart. We love you.“ Elizabeth adds and Taylor feels her heart sink for a bit. She’s loving Joe for almost a year already and this has been officially the first time that his mum really opened up. She feels touched and honored at the same time. He was right. His family somehow becomes hers as well. And it feels better than she has ever imagined.
“Love you, too. I’m gonna make sure he’s fine. Don’t worry too much.“ she smiles, receives a last thank you from Elizabeth and then hangs up.
“There he is.“ she quickly says to Brandon after spotting a young blonde boy walking out of the school and who’s just a spitting image of her boyfriend. She smiles softly. He looks just as tired and strained as she probably does. No wonders, he didn’t sleep as well and he must be shocked about the events that went down yesterday just as much as her. Brandon quickly gets out of the car, waves at Patrick who then quickly understands. After a few seconds he opens the door, quickly gets into the backseat of the car. “Hey.“ he mumbles, tries to smile politely at Taylor but fails. Taylor just bites her lip. He’s ashamed and embarrassed and this whole situation must be awkward for him. She just smiles warmly at him, looks at him taking off his huge backpack.
“Hey, how was it?“ she asks casually, as Brandon starts his car. Patrick just sighs, reaches for the seatbelt.
“Bad.“ he just answers and Taylor nods empathetically. “Did your headmaster tell you what’s.. gonna happen now?“ she asks carefully, looks out of the window.
The traffic at this hour of the day is crazy yet it’s beautiful to look at all these buildings in this part of town. So many buildings are already decorated for Christmas. She has to smile silently. Joe would probably hate it, always complains about how people literally jump from Halloween decorations to Christmas decorations within a couple of days. But she loves it. She loves this time of the year and spending it here in this old and beautiful town with the man she loves and his family feels like a healing process. A healing process for so many things.
“Not yet. He just said that there will be consequences. And that I have to visit year eight classes until my class comes back from the class trip next week. And they want an appointment with mum and dad next week..“ Patrick mumbles in his thick accent. He’s ashamed.
“Mhm, okay. Are you tired?“ she asks him, turns her head to look at him. "I’m fine.“ he answers politely and Taylor smiles.
“Well, I’m super tired and super hungry. So what do you think about Pizza? Or.. Chinese? Did you eat already?“ she asks him, tries to change the subject. She’s well aware that what Patrick did needs to be taken seriously. But at the same time, she’s well aware that she’s not his mother. She’s not in the position to judge him or to be strict in any way. She just wants to make sure he’s okay. And the pale teenager in the back of this car does not look okay at all. Not after last night.
“No, sounds good.“ Patrick answers, looks out of the window as well. “Great. Do you have homework?“ she asks and Patrick nods. “Yeah.“
“Okay, so why don’t we get your stuff, go over to my house and I’m gonna order some food while you finish your homework? Sounds good?“ she asks and turns around again. Patrick nods once more, even tries to smile at her politely. She can’t help but smile once more. Again, it just blows her mind. He looks just like Joe. And he’s just as polite and sweet as Joe is. No matter what mistakes Patrick has made, no matter how many bad decisions he has made. He’s a good kid. She just knows that.
"I don’t even know if there should be boundaries from my side of what I’m gonna say. Am I stupid? I just.. I feel so bad for him. He’s such a sweet boy and he just.. totally fell in love with the wrong girl and did things to impress his friends and gain popularity and you know me. I can’t be cold or.. or rejecting to him..“ she whispers, looks out of the kitchen door and peaks upstairs to make sure Patrick doesn’t overhear this conversation while sitting over his homework.
She’s now back in her comfy clothes. Something that she was bitterly looking forward to after her meeting. Her sweatpants combined with her orange fox slippers and her favorite sweater she stole from Joe’s wardrobe the other day make her feel more comfortable quickly.
“Why should you be rejecting to him, honey? I think it’s sweet that you feel responsible for him but you’re not his mother. You’re not the one making the rules. So relax. Treat him the way you want to treat him.“ Andrea assures her daughter from the other side of the phone line.
Taylor slowly opens one of the pizza boxes that were just delivered and nods.
“Yeah, you’re probably right. It’s just.. weird. I’m used to babysitting toddlers. But a teenage boy? Man, this is so difficult.“ she whispers, really doesn’t want Patrick to latch on this conversation. But Andrea just laughs whole heartedly.
“Teenage years are the most difficult years for parents, trust me. Especially with boys because they don’t open up at all. You’ll make that experience yourself when you have kids someday.“ Andrea says and Taylor sighs, smiles silently at the thought of motherhood. A crazy adventure she definitely wants to take, someday.
“God, I just wish Joe was here. I feel like Patrick hates staying at my place and.. I don’t wanna dare him to have a conversation with me. It’s so awkward.“ she mumbles, looks at the hot Pizza that’s smelling incredibly good. She’s tempted to take a first bite, but then stops herself. You’re not alone, Taylor. This is rude.
“Don’t be so nervous, honey. Just treat him normally and If you feel like he needs space then give him space. Also, Austin can ease things as well when he comes tomorrow. Boys and boys are a different thing.“ Andrea smiles, is just about to start her day while it’s already dinner time for Taylor in London.
“I know.“ she smiles, “Did Austin tell you when his audition will be over? I’ll tell Brandon to pick him up and we can all have dinner together.“
“Oh, that sounds like a nice idea. I’m not sure. I think you have to ask him again.“ Andrea answers and Taylor nods, slowly hears some footsteps coming from upstairs.
“Alright mom, I gotta go.“ she says, smiles at Patrick who slowly peaks into the kitchen. The light in the house was dimmed but the kitchen lights are fully turned on.
“Okay. Talk to you tomorrow.“ she answers. “Talk to you tomorrow. Love you. Bye.“ Taylor says and hangs up.
“Hey, come in.“ she then says quickly, signals the boy to enter. He slowly makes his way into the kitchen and Taylor opens the second pizza box. “Your super healthy dinner is ready.“ she says sarcastically, “I’m starving.“ she adds and smiles at him.
“Smells good.“ Patrick answers as shy as always. Taylor feels that he’s uncomfortable. Of course. Who wouldn’t be? He probably hates the fact that he’s standing in the Taylor Swift’s kitchen and is now damned to babysitted by her. Taylor feels herself become a little more insecure, tries to hide it by simply putting on a smile. It’s her trick. She does this in any kind of situation. Hiding insecurities is her speciality.
“Should we.. eat in the living room?“ she asks and Patrick nods.
“Sure. Should I get some plates?“ he offers.
“Yeah, of course If you want. They’re in the left cupboard.“ she answers and disappears in the spacious living room where she quickly turns on some lights, tries to let some of Joe’s clothes he left here yesterday disappear as soon as possible so that Patrick doesn’t feel uncomfortable. Knowing that his big brother most likely took all of his clothes off right here where they’re just about to have some dinner, is not something he needs tonight.
After a while, Patrick joins her in the living room, sits down on the couch next to where she is sitting. He carefully places the plates on the wooden coffee table in front of them. Taylor opens the pizza boxes once more and then offers him some pizza as well. He thankfully grabs one slice. Silence. Taylor feels uncomfortable and he surely does as well.
“Do you want to watch some tv?“ she asks, pretty sure that all he wants is probably not to have to talk to her. After all, watching tv is still the best way to not have to start a conversation with her. But to her surprise, Patrick shakes his head while chewing on the Pizza in his hand.
“No, I’m good. Thanks.“ he answers politely, still not really looking at her. Taylor sighs. Patrick then faces her. The atmosphere has gotten even more awkward than before.
“God, this is so weird.“
“I know.“ Patrick answers and the two look at each other for the first time today. Taylor starts to laugh and Patrick joins her.
“I’m so sorry that you’re damned to stay at my house now. I bet you’d rather be with your friends or..“ “No, not really. I like your house.“ he answers and she smiles, takes another bite from the pizza now as well.
“Oh, thank you.“ she answers, leans back and places her feet on the couch now to get more comfortable. “How did your friends’ parents react? Do they have to spend time with their brother’s girlfriends now too, or..“ Patrick smirks, focused on the pizza now.
He’s embarrassed. She feels that.
“Uh, nah. They’re pretty much grounded for the next four to five years. So.. same as me.“ Taylor nods.
“What did your mom say?“ she asks gently, doesn’t even know where that confidence comes from all of the sudden but she somehow feels like she has that connection to Patrick. She somehow wants to know how he feels. She cares for him. He’s Joe’s little brother.
“She’s.. worried, of course. And angry. I mean. I know how stupid that was. It’s..I’d undo it immediately if I could. My mum’s crying, my dad’s angry, Joe hates me. I..“
“He doesn’t hate you.“ she interrupts him immediately. She would love to give him a tight hug right at this moment, but she knows that he’s a teenage boy who’s not as touchy and clingy as she is. But seeing him sit there being so sad, almost hurts her. He looks like Joe when he’s sad. That frown line on his face being a replica of her boyfriend’s.
“It’s just.. they all think I’m the problem child now. And I’m sure that I am anyway, so..“ Taylor shakes her head. She knows exactly what he means but he’s wrong.
“I don’t think you’re the problem child. I.. I think.. you just have to be able to answer the question why you did it honestly to yourself first before explaining anything to anyone.“ she says, the young boy looking at her confused.
“I mean, If you consume weed because you and your friends wanted to try it, then that’s something different than being an addict. Same with other stuff like.. cocaine. If you risk your own safety for someone who’s an addict then.. maybe not cocaine is the problem but.. that person.“ she finishes, then bites her lip immediately. She doesn’t know whether she went too far with her speech, doesn’t know if any of this is even her business or whether she should even have an opinion. She looks at Patrick, who has just finished his slice of Pizza. He doesn’t look at her, seems incredibly interested in his hands all of the sudden while having his head sunk.
“She just wanted to try it. She’s not an addict.“ he suddenly mumbles incoherently.
Taylor swallows.
She never thought that Patrick would open up like this. She immediately nods. “I believe you.“
“She.. she doesn’t have a family like I do. Her parents don’t care at all. If she would’ve been the one who was found with the cocaine, she.. she’d be in a lot more trouble than..“
“I get it.“ Taylor just assures him. She sighs. He’s blindly in love and she wishes there was anything she could do about it. But she’s been there quiet a few times as well. Maybe not with cocaine but with other emotional damages she could’ve prevented if she had known what she knows now.
“But since she’s your girlfriend, why don’t you..“
“She’s not my girlfriend.“ he interrupts her, way more calm than last evening when Joe teased him with Chloe.
“We’re friends. She.. she has a boyfriend.“
Taylor doesn’t say anything. Now she gets it. Patrick tried to impress this girl. Being young and in love makes you do crazy things.
“But why didn’t her boyfriend say anything..?“
“Cause he’s an idiot?“ he says quietly and Taylor just smiles softly. Patrick has clearly blushed, can’t really look at her anymore. Taylor just sighs. She rests her head on the cushion of the leather couch and just enjoys this moment of openness between them. She then looks at Patrick who sits next to her, scratches the back of his head in embarrassment. She knows that gesture. Joe does just the same all the time.
“I think.. it was a selfless thing to do.“ she says and he looks back at her again, still a bit flushed.
“It was stupid.“
“Yeah, that as well. But..“
Patrick looks back at her. She seems super opened about that whole situation and he likes the fact that Taylor does not talk to him as If he’s just a child. She treats him as if he was a grown up and never puts herself above him or acts like she’s in a parental role. He never thought he’d say this about any of his brother’s girlfriends - but her opinion really matters to him.
“But I think that.. you’ll see someday that the right girl won’t put you in that kind of a situation. The right girl won’t make you feel like you need to jeopardize yourself in order to impress her. What I’m saying probably makes zero sense to you now but.. you’ll know what I mean one day.“ She says, simply looks at him. Patrick doesn’t respond anymore and Taylor is unsure whether her words really made him think or whether he thinks that she’s absolutely annoying.
After all, who’d want to have her advice when it comes to love and relationships…
“Yeah, maybe.“ He then answers, not really dares to look at her.
“I just.. Joe and my parents won’t see this like you do. You’re really cool about this but.. they won’t understand this. They just see what I did wrong and..“
“No they just see all these bad things that could possibly happen to you because they love you. They just want you to be save.“ Taylor interrupts him. She bites her lips. He’s still not looking at her and she’s not sure if she has gone too far. She never thought their conversations would evolve into such a deep and honest talk. Yet she worships this moment. They somehow got closer than she ever thought they would. “Yeah.“ Patrick mumbles then, looks up to her.
Taylor sighs and grants him a smile.
This was a long day. A long day for all of them.
“Do you want the last slice of the pizza? I think you need it more than I do.“ she says with a slight smirk on her lips.
“I guess so.“ he answers and takes a bite. Taylor leans down and grabs the glass of water that was right in front of her. It’s already dark outside and she’s sure that she and Patrick are definitely heading to bed after the pizza. 30 hours of being awake is enough for both of them.
“If I won’t answer you anymore it’s because I fell asleep with opened eyes.“ she yawns, slowly leans back. Patrick just laughs at her while chewing the tomato pizza, granting her that same mischievous smile she knows too well from his older brother.
“How do you Alwyns do that? Whenever Joe’s awake for more than 24 hours he behaves as if everything’s as good, as always. And now you look absolutely fine as well.“ she protests, wishes she could deal with lack of sleep as well as the boy next to her can.
Patrick smirks while taking a last bite.
“We’re Aliens from an island called Grand Britannia and we don’t need sleep. That’s the truth. He’s been lying to you this whole time.“ Patrick casually answers and Taylor can’t help but laugh.
She’s really surprised about how funny Patrick actually is. She should be surprised about this but the longer she thinks about it, the less she is.
Joe is just the same. He seems shy and introvert at first. But once you’ve won his trust, he opens up and makes you see his real self. His fun and talkative and bright self.
“I’m shocked. I have to break up with him now.“ she jokes and Patrick reaches for the napkin that is next to the now empty pizza box.
“Please don’t. His Exes were so annoying.“ he says suffering and Taylor smiles at his compliment yet feels a bit uncomfortable with this topic.
“Really?“ she mumbles, doesn’t know if she wants to know any further details.
“Yeah. His last one always came over and constantly made us all watch Gilmore Girls all the damn time.“ he sighs annoyed and Taylor bursts our laughing, covers her mouth.
She cannot believe Patrick spills the beans about Joe’s Ex as casual as this.
“Oh my god. I’m so sorry about that.“ she laughs.
Joe has told her a lot about his Ex and has mentioned that she was difficult. But the fact that she made his entire family that includes four men watch a show like Gilmore Girls really surprises her. Joe falls asleep almost every time whenever they watch dateline together. She could never see him watching anything more girly than that.
“Yeah.“ he answers, “You’re really cool though.“ the blonde teenager then slowly says. Taylor looks at him and smiles. This is the biggest compliment she has ever gotten from a fourteen year old boy. “Thanks. You too.“ she answers and they both smile quietly.
Joe takes a sip from his water bottle as the car stops.
He’s still tired. The six hours of last night sleep clearly weren’t enough.
Paris was challenging and fun but also exhausting. The second he can see the warm light coming out of the old building’s windows right at the end of Crescent Road is the second he feels all warm and tingly inside.
He’s home. He’s home where Taylor is.
Joe slowly opens the car door, thankful for his old A.P.C lambskin jacket that keeps him warm. It’s bloody cold in London this evening, a freezing breeze combined with a few raindrops hitting his face. He quickly walks behind the car, opens the trunk and grabs his suitcase. He thanks the driver, then quickly spots Brandon who’s waiting in a car in front of the house. He smiles at the big guy and waves. He never thought he’d get used to another person constantly looking after his girlfriend, but he did. Brandon’s presence not only makes Taylor feel better. It gives Joe a good feeling to know that she’s safe.
As he passes the gate and walks up the steps to the door, he can smell all kinds of herbs and candles already. He smiles. She surely has cooked something tonight. As he rings the little bell, Joe keeps on smiling. It’s crazy how the thought of being with her can even make him forget about everything that’s been going on recently with his family, with Patrick. She also made him forget about his upset mum who’s more worried than ever, for a second. She made him forget all his worries about his youngest brother. She can do that just with her existence. It’s crazy how much a single person can change your life entirely.
With a slowly changing look on his face and still standing in front of the closed door in the cold and windy London weather, Joe rings the bell for a second time.
Still nobody answers.
He feels worry rise in him slowly. Why doesn’t she open the door? Is she busy cooking or did something else happen? The events of yesterday night still affect him a lot. Patrick was supposed to stay at her house as well. What if something happened that he doesn’t know about? After all, he hasn’t spoken to his brother since yesterday.
Joe now takes a few steps back, slowly marches through the front yard, takes a look into the small window that leads to the kitchen. The light is on but nobody’s there. This is strange. Very strange. Suddenly he hears loud noises. Laughter. Definitely more than three people that laugh out loud.
Joe slowly walks back to his suitcase, opens the upper bag and takes out his spare key.
After a few seconds, he has entered her house and is still confused and curious what’s happening in here tonight. After closing the door, he places his suitcase in the hallway and takes a few steps towards the living room. He’s not just met with warmth and the smell of her amazing vegetable lasagna but also a lot of laughter. He continues walking, not sure what he’ll find as he reaches the living room.
He remains in the door frame surprised.
Taylor, Patrick, Tom and Rebecca, his brother’s girlfriend, as well as Austin sit around her wooden dining table. Just a few candles brightening the room, some wine in front of the adults and a mug with hot chocolate in front of Patrick. The fireplace is lit and the coziest atmosphere possible fills the room. They all seem to laugh whole heartedly about a video that Patrick just showed them on the iPad that he’s holding in his hands. Joe can’t even remember the last time he has seen Patrick so extroverted and happy. He seems to have gotten out of his nutshell more than he has ever seen with his parents or even with him. Patrick laughs and talks, goes on and on about a guy in this video and makes everyone around them almost cry in laughter. They all seem so captivated by whatever he’s showing them that they don’t even notice Joe, who’s still standing in the doorframe.
For the first time, Joe feels peace.
This view, this moment is more than he has ever wanted.
This room is filled with so people who mean so much to him and it’s been a long time since he has seen all of them so happy and carefree. All together. He then looks at Taylor who seems to recover from her laughs just now. Little tears are running down her face because she had to laugh so hard. She wipes them away with her fingers and Joe can’t help but smile at her. She looks so comfortable around his family. She has never been more beautiful than in this moment, clearly unaware that he’s watching her, smiling at Patrick and holding her hands in front of her mouth while laughing. He still remembers during her darkest days back when they spent days and days talking and laughing while being nothing more than friends, how she always used to tell him that he’s like a sunny day to her, somehow.
Today, she is his sunny day on this grey Friday night.
Patrick spent two days with her and he comes home to a united family, to laughter and happiness. He knows why and he’s still in awe how she does it. Whatever happens to them, Taylor reacts with love. No matter if it’s a huge fight between them or if his little brother gets caught with weed.
She reacts with love.
She is love.
While watching her carefully listen to some comment of Tom, Taylor suddenly meets his eyes and notices him. Her eyes immediately grow wide and she gets up from where she was sitting.
“Oh my god. Hi.“ she says, meeting him in the doorframe.
Still in his winter coat. Still in awe of this family situation in her living room.
“Hey.“ he just smiles and gets pulled into a tight hug immediately. But this time it’s not him who pulls back. This time he’s the one not wanting to end this hug. She notices that.
“Since when are you standing there.“ she laughs into his shoulder, and Joe finally lets go. His face is cold from outside and a few raindrops are still visible on his jacket.
“Not long.“ he smiles, then kisses her gently.
“Look who came over for dinner.“ she smiles, immediately drags him into the room to say hello to Austin and everyone of his family.
He takes off his jacket, hugs his older brother who he hasn’t seen in a while as well as his girlfriend. Then he walks to Patrick, who still sips on his hot chocolate and high fives him. The teenager seems relieved about this reaction. Taylor smiles proudly at him.
While sitting down next to Austin and catching up with him, Taylor places a glass of wine in front of Joe. She sits down again, right next to Joe. He smiles at her one time, then reaches for her hand while talking to Austin. Taylor follows the conversation, suddenly feels him squeeze her hand three times.
She doesn’t react, just tightens the grip of her hand.
I love you.
I know.
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back-to-swift · 5 years
How I Became A Swiftie...
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So, I was at this camp in 5th grade for a school field trip. I was 10. The counselors at this camp were singing Love Story the whole time we were there and I was like, ‘What is this song?!?!’ When I got home, I immediately looked it up and I fell in love with what I was hearing!! A few days later, I told my mom about this singer, Taylor Swift, and she drove me to Target and bought me Fearless. Not too long after that, she bought me the debut album as a surprise and omg I was instantly OBSESSED with both of these masterpieces!! I told all my friends and got some of them hooked! I would literally spend HOURS of my days locked in my room listening, singing, dancing, and even writing my own versions of these songs!! My whole life became Taylor! I looked up to her SO much! Fearless still holds such a special place in my heart because it was the first Taylor album that I ever listened to and the songs just bring back this feeling of nostalgia. They’re very special to me, so that album will always be one of my favs!
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Fast forward to 2010 when Speak Now came out!! I was in 7th grade and that one really impacted me, as well. Junior high is an interesting stage in life because you’re trying to figure out who you are and you’re experiencing certain emotions for the first time. For me, I had this huge crush on my best friend at the time, so these songs really struck a chord with me. What really helped me through this time in my life was the prologue that she wrote for the lyric booklet. I also looked back at the Fearless prologue as well. Some quotes that stood out specifically are, “Words can break someone into a million pieces, but they can also put them back together. I hope you use yours for good, because the only words you’ll regret more than the ones left unsaid are the ones that you use to intentionally hurt someone,” and, “...I think the words you stop yourself from saying are the ones that will haunt you the longest.” Also, “There is a time for silence. There is a time for waiting your turn. But if you know how you feel, and you so clearly know what you need to say, you’ll know it. I don’t think you should wait, I think you should speak now.” The main quote that really really stuck with me and still sticks with me to this day is, “Fearless is having the courage to say goodbye to someone who only hurts you, even if you can’t breathe without them. I think it’s fearless to fall for your best friend, even though he’s in love with someone else.” When I took in these messages that I know came straight from Taylor’s heart, they helped me tell my best friend, and when he didn’t like me back in that way, these words also helped me be okay with that. When he fell for my other best friend, Taylor’s words helped me accept that, too. These albums became the soundtrack to my life. These songs made me feel less alone. They made me feel like somebody got me, somebody understood exactly what I was feeling. And even though I didn’t know her personally, I knew she was there for me. That’s when I knew she would start to mean so much more to me than just a singer I look up to. She started to feel more like a friend or an older sister who had all the advice I’d ever need.
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In 2012, Red was released. It was my freshman year of high school. It was a time where everything was changing. I had changed schools for the first time in my entire life and I was still desperately trying to get over my best friend. This album came out at the perfect time. Songs like I Almost Do and All Too Well made me feel, again, like Taylor knew exactly what I was feeling. It was one of the saddest times in my life for a plethora of reasons. I felt insecure, I had to come to terms with the fact that this boy would never like me and I had to watch him and feel him grow further and further away from me, I felt lonely, I was fighting with my parents a lot, and I just was not happy, at all. The first few years of high school be like that sometimes, but thanks to Taylor, I didn’t have to feel completely hopeless and lost. I didn’t really understand the album fully at the time, but the songs on it that did resonate with me became a huge part of my life.
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1989 came out when I was FINALLY getting over all that sadness and insecurity. I finally found the strength to let go of that guy and I finally had a solid group of friends who accepted me and loved me for me. I was getting along with my parents and I just felt a little more free. And what better album to become the new soundtrack to my life than 1989?? An album that is literally about freedom and becoming comfortable with where you’re at in life. Another reason why I loved this specific era was because it was the first time I ever got to go to a Taylor concert!! I was absolutely in love with the songs on 1989!!!! I went to the San Diego show with my best friend. We were at the very top, but it was truly one of my favorite nights ever. It still is to this day!!! I had just started my senior year of high school when I went to this concert. I was also new to the Tumblr scene and other fans inspired me to do a project. I cut out probably 100 colorful hearts and I brought them with me. When I got to my seat, I passed them out to people around me and I told them to hold them up during Clean. I wanted to show my love and appreciation to Taylor through that. I seriously can’t thank her enough for writing, “She lost him, but she found herself, and somehow that was everything.” That quote is exactly what I needed and it became my life motto! That night was so special and it’s one I’ll never forget.
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Now, let me talk about reputation, which is personally, my favorite album ever!! I was a sophomore in college and omg, I was absolutely completely in love with everything about this album and this era!!! I still am!!! When Look What You Made Me Do dropped, I was driving. I blasted it all the way home and I swear, I SCREAMED every single time I listened to, “The old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now. Why? Oh, cause she’s dead!” I am not kidding you!!! I was OBSESSED and also SHOOK. I was blasting it in my car outside my house and my mom came out and was like, “What are you doing?” And I told her that Taylor Swift just released the greatest song ever!!! When the whole album came out, my best friend and I filmed our reactions to every song. We screamed, we cried, we fell on the floor, we laughed, and we smiled. We still watch those videos and die laughing at ourselves being so shook every few months. I was fully immersed into this era because it was different and it was dark and sassy. 
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When I first heard Gorgeous, I felt like the Taylor Swift entered into my mind and wrote exactly what I was feeling and how I acted whenever I liked someone. It was seriously so accurate, I was actually scared like WHAT?!?! Did I meet Taylor and tell her about my life and I just don’t remember or…??? Anyway, this era is special to me because I got to see my idol from the front row for the very first time in that whole decade of loving and supporting her. We got to our seats on the floor at the Pasadena show, but we couldn’t see ANYTHING because these tall guys were in front of us. So, my friend went over to the Shake It Off B-stage and asked security if we could stand there. Sure enough, she told us we could!!!! So we got to be front row!!! And I was on the edge right where there was a little opening for her to come out and go to the other B-stage. So, after that set, right before Blank Space, she walked right next to me. And I mean, if I reached out my arm, not even halfway, I would be touching her. Of course, I was too in shock to do anything, but holy shit!!!! THAT was the most iconic moment I’ve ever lived through. AND on top of it all, my friend won tickets for the next night!!! And that was the night Selena Gomez came out, AKA my other QUEEN!!!! I fell on the floor and cried, okay?? The two best nights of my life, honestly.
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Anyway, I wrote this all to say that I cannot find the words to describe how grateful I am for Taylor Swift. She has been here for me for 11 years of my life… that is more than half of my existence. Her words made me feel less alone when times got hard, and they also made me feel more alive when times were good. I appreciate her for always being kind to us, sticking by us through all the ups and downs, and going out of her way to make us smile. I will never ever be able to thank her enough for writing the soundtrack for my life and for being the big sister I never had. I didn’t realize until right now, as I’m writing this, that each album came out at the perfect time in my life. Each album represents and fits each stage of life that I was experiencing at the time of each release. I can’t even tell you how much I love this woman and I will always look up to her. She means the world to me and I can only hope to meet her, hug her, and tell her exactly how thankful I am for her and how much I love and appreciate her. I can’t wait to hear Lover and analyze every word when it comes out! Thank you, Taylor, for everything.
Love, Carly
@taylorswift @taylornation
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rosereview · 4 years
Ketch-Up: Jan - Mar 2020
Okay so I’ve been terrible at this blog thing, only posting sometimes, but I guess that’s why I have it, it’s just for me to post shit when I feel like it. So I decided to do this new Ketch-Up series for whenever I want to talk about a bunch of stuff at once. So a lot has happened at the start of 2020, musically, in the book world and with TV. So my plan is to just talk about certain things in each category and see what happens. 
Since getting Netflix for Christmas, I have been watching a lot of stuff. There are five movies I’d specifically like to talk about, which I watched from January till the beginning of March, but these are by no means even half of the amount of movies I watched, just the ones I need to write about.
6 Balloons
So I started watching this after I finished Now You See Me 2 and I just wanted more Dave Franco because I love him, so 6 Balloons popped up as being one of his recent films and I decided to watch it after being intrigued with the synopsis. Firstly, I was not expecting it to be scripted and filmed the way it was. It was super emotional and I have mixed feelings about it, although I do not regret watching it. It’s major theme is addiction, so if you're not into that, or it may trigger you, don’t watch it because that’s all it’s about. I really did like the brother and sister dynamic that it had, but the whole journey that the main character goes through to help her brother is stressful and it had this creepy stress reliever audio going on in the sister’s head which really put me off, but was powerful at the same time.
Miss Americana
This one is the documentary of Taylor Swift and I loved it. I thought it was so interesting and even watched it again with my mom because I thought that Taylor’s story was such an intriguing one. I really understand now where she was at with the Reputation album and the reason for the song choices she had. At first I was not a big Taylor Swift fan except for the occasional song, but now I gotta say that with this Lover era and Taylor being more open and using her voice for what she believes in, I may become a full blown Swifty. 
P.S. I Still Love You
The sequel to To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before is a rom com, based off of the YA book series, which I have read and enjoyed. The first movie was really great which I have watched more than once, so I was expecting good things from this next movie. And it definitely wasn’t bad, but I did not fully enjoy the second book, so it’s not surprising that I didn’t love this movie. I’m just a big Peter Kavinsky fan and when John Ambrose McClaren shows up, I just cringe. Also Lara Jean is more cringy in this movie because of the way she plays both John and Peter and is practically running away from her problems with Peter, and reliving baby school romance with John Ambrose. I just think the idea of liking a guy that you had a crush on when you were ten is so stupid because no one is the same person from when they were ten, and all those “moments” that you had were really nothing more than two kids hanging out! I would rather have just had the first book be a standalone I think.
Marriage Story
This movie is really sad. It won an Oscar so I thought I should look into it. I saw it on Netflix and really liked the plot so I watched it and boy was it ever sad. The whole plot is about divorce and the whole experience and journey to actually getting a divorce and how it is so easy for it to get messy even with two adults who are still friends. I thought it was a very well made movie and I loved both Scarlett Johanson and Adam Driver in it. They did so well. 
Crazy Stupid Love
This was one of my more recent watches and I was pleasantly surprised with the way the story went. I really liked a lot of the elements of the story, but some parts did make me feel uncomfortable. Like the babysitter having a crush on the dad and was going to send him nudes, while his son had a major crush on her. It was just really weird, but the overall themes of family were really sweet, and the same goes for the friendship the dad had with the young guy in the bar who started to date his oldest daughter. But overall it was really good. 
TV Shows:
Formula One: Drive to Survive Seasons 1 & 2
As our first real Netflix watch, my family and I got addicted to this docuseries. I thought it was interesting and amazing for the whole first season and when the second season came out, it just got better. In the second season we got to see the bigger formula one teams as well as all of the drama with the smaller teams and see the totally different worlds with the ones with money and the ones without. It was honestly an amazing ride and I can’t wait for the next season.
Sherlock Season 1
This is the other full season that I watched in these three months and I got to say that I really enjoyed it. Honestly some parts freaked me out, but overall I loved learning and seeing Sherlock and Watson grow together. The mysteries were all very intriguing and made me want more and I will definitely continue watching through the next seasons.
This list is without my most recent read, Chain of Gold by Cassandra Clare, because I have a whole other post/review for that one, so if you want to hear my thoughts, check it out, either on my post list, or scrolling down to the post before this one!
Beartown by Fredrik Backman
This book was amazing! The way it was written was literally the most powerful thing I have ever experienced. This book does deal with heavy subjects, but the way it is told is so cool, showing everyone’s perspective. If you get the chance to read this, then do it because it will change you.
Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor
So this book I had heard so many good things about so I was excited to read it, but the problem was that I have been in kind of a reading slump, and starting a new fantasy series is never the smartest thing to do when that happens. But I had heard great things, so I thought that this book would get me out of that slump, but it epicly failed. It was a good book and I enjoyed the plot, but there was nothing supper exciting or special about it. I think I’ll still read the second book, but it’s not high on my priority list. It just wasn’t the best time for me to read it I guess.
China Rich Girlfriend by Kevin Kwan
This book was fun to read. I had been wanting to read it ever since I finished Crazy Rich Asians, but just hadn’t gotten the time to, but I’m glad I finally have because it’s such a nice fluffy read, filled with drama, but you don’t really have to think during the read. It’s a perfect reading slump read. Definitely recommend the series, it’s a ride in a good way. 
Catharsis: Pain by Rowan Dugray
This book is actually all poetry which is very outside of my comfort zone, but a girl I knew in high school wrote this so I had to buy it and read it. I got to say that I was really impressed and I really liked a lot of the poems. Lots of them were very thought provoking and relatable, while others were just very sad and painful. But that’s the beauty of poetry, it’s pure emotion and abstract feelings put into words.
Romanov by Nadine Brandes
This one was also a slow read, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t enjoyable. It was actually very educational and I loved seeing the way that Russia was during the revolution. It was a slow burn type of book, but the characters were fun people to read about and see interact, so that made up for the lesser plot points in the book. I loved the end and thought it was a very good book overall. 
These are just a few of the songs and artists that I had a lot of feelings about and which came out during these months. 
Faouzia- The Road
The Road was Faouzia’s first song out in 2020, but I also want to talk about her many singles that came out in 2019 as well because wow! I love Faouzia and all of her songs are just so powerful and beautiful. I need an album from her ASAP because I get literally too excited for new singles to come out and it’s almost toture waiting. She also posts her ‘work-in-progress’ snip-its and I literally just keep relistening to them when I get a craving for Faouzia and new music. When she comes out with an album, I will definitely listen to it on repeat. 
Olivia O’Brien- The Results of My Poor Judgement
So at first I wasn’t sure about these mixtape things Olivia was starting to come out with, especially with the first one that was released at the end of last year. It was called “A Sad Fucking Summer” I think, and I wasn’t like really impressed, until this next mixtape came out. This mixtape, “Results of My Poor Judgement” has three songs on it, unlike the first one that only had two, and I am in love with all three! Literally they are just so good and I can’t stop listening to them. Josslyn is a literal bitch fest that makes me so happy, while the other two just hit hard in the emotions while they are still great bops. I don’t know how she does it!
Katy Perry- Never Worn White
For this one, I saw the video first when it was released and the number one viewed video on YouTube. At first I was confused because I didn’t know Katy Perry was engaged, and I was like this is for sure a wedding song. And then I got to the end of the video… and she’s pregnant! It was her pregnancy reveal, and I thought it was the most beautiful thing ever. I am a sucker for personal songs that show the singer's personal life and obviously have a lot of meaning to them. That’s probably why I never really liked Katy Perry’s newest stuff before, because it’s never felt really real to me and more just to make a pop album. But to see Katy Perry in this video, singing this song, made me so happy, especially since she was like my idol when I was little and now she’s growing up and moving on in life and it’s just really nice to see.
Julia Michaels- Heartless
I am a big Julia Michaels fan. (Not as big as a Halsey fan, but I do love Julia!) So until Julia starts releasing her own projects again, like hopefully a Inner Monologue Part 3, I will have to settle for collabs like this one. Honestly though, I really like this song and it’s got a lot of feeling to it while still making you want to get up and dance. It’s just a really good country number and I hope Julia does more country, because she sounds good in it.
Alec Benjamin- Narrated for You and These Two Windows
So the newest favourite artist I found these three months was Alec Benjamin! I love the newer music he’s releasing right now and can’t wait for his new album to come out in April, but also I discovered his debut album, which I was really impressed with. Lately I’ve been feeling like I haven’t had any good male artists in my phone that I’m supper obsessed with, like Ed Sheeran. But I’m hoping with this new year that changes and I already see it starting to, especially when I find good ones like Alec Benjamin. 
Noah Cyrus- I Got So High That I Saw Jesus
I feel like this will be a good year for Noah Cyrus. It’s high time for a debut album from her, or even another EP, but I just need something because her newest music has just been stellar. I was worried at first that her brand would be more in the rap or emo stuff, but her music has been more my kind of music, slower and softer tunes with lots of feels. This song definitely shows that side of her and I love it.
If you made it to the end, thanks for reading my thoughts! I know it was long and probably boring, but oh well. 
Until next time!
~Rose Reviews
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milkshake-at-pops · 5 years
Tour of the Heart: Chapter 8
chapter 7/masterpost/chapter 9
let us know if you want to be tagged!
As Hollywood-chic as the tour bus was, it only took a day or so for Archie to get sick of it. It was cramped, and besides, he wanted to see the rest of New York City. This was Ronnie’s hometown, not his, and their first concert was tomorrow. Also, he wanted to get to know Jughead.
The reporter seemed like an interesting guy— he’d mostly kept to himself — and Archie’s manager had told him, in no uncertain terms, that the publicity for this tour could make or break his career. On a more personal level, Archie wanted to know what was hiding underneath Jughead’s beanie and his quiet demeanor.
“Hey Veronica,” Archie said, to his friend who was sitting five feet away from him on the other top bunk. “Do you know any good bars around here?”
Veronica giggled a little, for no reason that Archie could see. “Hmm… who are you taking? I hope it’s me, because there’s no way I’m letting you go bar-hopping on your own.”
“Um, actually, I was thinking of taking the reporter. Jughead, I think.” Archie swung his legs over the side of his bunk, looking at Veronica, who was reading a book, glasses on. Despite her offer to go, she didn’t look in the mood. Books and clubbing don’t mix well, at least according to Ronnie. Archie had never actually gone out clubbing before, it’s not like Riverdale had much of a night scene in a town where everyone went to bed before ten o’clock.
Lowering her reading glasses to look over at him, Veronica let her book fall in her lap. “Jughead… well, that changes things! I actually went to high school with him, fun fact, so I think I can give you two a solid recommendation. He actually dated a friend of mine for a time— before he moved on to Kevin Keller. They were cute, high school sweethearts, but it didn’t last. I wish I’d stayed in touch with him to know how it ended, though. It was very Breakfast Club of them— the theatre kid and the recluse. I swear, the two of them fulfilled every single gay stereotype during high school. Which was breaking stereotypes in its own way, although I do think I did that a touch more than they did. Being a feminine and out bi girl was… something.”
Archie was already down from the bed, tugging his shoes on and picking out a shirt from his suitcase. “What was the bar’s name again?” he asked, completely tuning out Veronica’s ramble.
She sighed. “Metropolitan. It’s in Brooklyn, so you should call an uber. And, fortunately for you and Jughead, it’s pretty cheap.”
“Metropolitan. Sweet, let me just grab Jughead from the kitchen and then we can get going,” Archie said, giving Veronica the smile that, unbeknownst to him, had already enraptured Jughead Jones. “Thanks for the spot.”
He found Jughead in the kitchen, eating a bag of sea salt and vinegar chips. “Oh, hey Archie. Didn’t see you there,” Jughead said, quickly shoving his phone into his pocket the second he saw Arch. “Want some chips?”
“Um, no thanks, because I was kind of wondering,” Archie began, wondering why his words were sticking in his throat. “Do you want to go get a drink or two, and um, get to know each other? I mean, I can’t exactly have the star reporter, Jughead Jones, on my tour bus without getting to um, know him some more than just your excellent fashion sense.” Archie’s eyes moved from Jughead’s beanie to his black t-shirt to his equally black ripped jeans, not sure what to do now that he’d stopped talking.
It took a few seconds for Jughead to respond, his face flushing slightly as he responded. “Sure, I’d love to become more acquainted with the world-class musician that I’m touring with, especially since I’m just…” A Buzzfeed “reporter” who has never actually written an article for their news section before now. “... so excited for the rest of the tour. Let me get my um…” don’t say condom, don’t say condom “Jacket. Because it might be cold. Then I’ll join you in the uber.”
Jughead bolted out of the room and dove into his suitcase under his bed which, unfortunately, was underneath Arch’s bed because Cheryl had already claimed the one under Veronica’s. Trying and failing to not ponder the sheer embarrassment of having in-the-flesh Archie Andrews walk into the kitchen while he had Archie Andrews’ instagram page up on his phone, he grabbed his old leather jacket (with a snake on it, because Toni had bought it for him as a gag gift) and took a deep breath to steady himself before walking back into the kitchen.
Archie Andrews felt a little awkward with his hand in the bag of chips that Jughead had just been eating, but they were addictively good and he was still waiting for the uber. He took note of how the leather jacket Jughead wore fit him well, like the sort of thing Jughead had worn enough that it had just become a part of him. “The uber’s going to be here in a couple minutes, you ready?”
“Yeah, I’m ready to go. I wasn’t expecting this like, at all, but I mean, getting a drink barely requires a lot of preparation. Unless you’re Cheryl, in which case it’s usually an hour of raiding her closet for the best outfit and four selfies before we even reach the bar,” Jughead said, secretly very glad that his friendship with Cheryl meant that he knew rich people took ubers to clubs, not the bus. Or just walking, honestly. Just because Jughead had never actually been to a bar unless Cheryl dragged him didn’t mean that he didn’t know exactly how he’d do it without her.
“Sounds a lot like Veronica, but add the fourteen calls to the manager of the club so that she can get free drinks,” Archie said, laughing a little. His phone dinged in his pocket. “Oh, our uber’s here.”
They got in the uber, and instead of the awkwardly silent drive that Jughead had expected from someone who was as undoubtedly cool as Arch Andrews, the singer talked his ear off. From exploits with Veronica to ridiculous high school stories in Chicago, Arch had no problem sharing his life with someone that he barely knew.
And Jughead found himself, the guy who barely bothered saying more than four words to anyone unless it was via email, talking just as much. He told Archie about all the shit Cheryl had dragged him into, including when she’d demanded that he, as her best friend, find her a girlfriend, and, since it was four AM on a Friday night, Jughead prank called Toni.
“Wait, they actually got together?” Archie said, shaking his head.
“Cheryl and Toni, or fucking Choni, as Cheryl insisted on calling them, went strong all throughout our sophomore, junior, and senior year of college. I don’t know why I decided to play drunk Cupid in that moment, but I don’t regret it,” Jughead said, smiling at Archie’s attentiveness. Their uber pulled up next to the club, and Archie held the door open like a gentleman for Jughead, who wished that his beanie could become a ski mask so that his blush wouldn’t be so obvious. He could only imagine how much he looked like the cousin of a tomato.
They walked inside, and ordered drinks. Jughead took one look at the vibrantly colored menu full of words he couldn’t pronounce, and said “I’ll have what he’s having.” The bartender shot him a wink as he slid their drinks across the bar. Noting that the bartender was shirtless, Jughead took a sip of his not-half-bad cocktail and focused his attention back to Archie.
“So, Toni Topaz. How do you know her? She’s a Youtuber, and um, that doesn’t exactly seem like your crowd,” Archie said, once again taking in Jughead’s “It’s not a phase, mom” outfit.
“It’s not, really. Actually, we were friends way back in high school, she’s a part of my silly friend group. She actually gave me this jacket, by the way,” Jughead said, spinning around in the bar stool to show the back of it. “Which has a snake on it, because our groupchat name throughout all of high school was the Serpents.”
“No way, that’s so cool. Why the Serpents? Snakes are kind of gross,” Archie said, taking a drink from his glass.
“Like all good stories, this one begins with a Taylor Swift song,” Jughead said, feeling a wave of nostalgia as he remembered how it happened. “Okay, so there’s this guy in our group, goes by Fangs. He, for reasons I will never understand, was obsessed with Taylor Swift. Now, I don’t think she’s half bad, but this was next level. Anyways, you know that one video with all the snakes?”
“Yeah, I know it. Where is this going?” Archie said, resting his elbows on the bar and leaning closer to Jughead. “I’m captivated, you’re a really good storyteller. I can see why you’re a reporter.”
Jughead laughed, because this was an absolute gem of a story. “So, approximately five seconds after the video drops, Fangs decides to change the chat name to ‘Snake Bros’ with like, five snake emojis. Anyways, we were all immediately like, ‘No. Dude, don’t drag me into this. We support you, but for god’s sake the groupchat title can’t be about snakes.’ To which Toni, wise-ass as always, responds with ‘we should make it Snakes On A Plane.’”
That got a laugh out of Archie, and Jughead couldn’t remember enjoying a sound more. “But Fangs is insistent that we need to have a ‘squad,’ because he watched the video again while we were all going ‘Fangs dude, what the fuck.’ And he keeps saying that if we won’t be Swifties with him, that we at least need something that relates to his interests as a groupchat title. So obviously, no more titles with B emojis. Which is a tragedy of epic proportions, but that’s besides the point. Sweet Pea, who wasn’t Fangs’ boyfriend yet, but was getting there, suggested ‘Serpents’ because it sounded badass.”
“Okay, that’s good. And, let me guess, it stuck?”
“No, absolutely not. Betty had a freak out about how much she just hates snakes, Toni changed it to ‘Big Chungus’ at least eight times, I think I turned it into ‘Sad Emo Squad’ before Fangs changed it to fifteen more snake emojis. At a certain point, I believe that Fangs and Joaquin had a shouting match,” Jughead said, taking another drink and wondering if he could get lost in Archie’s deep brown eyes.
“That’s awful. Wait, how did you end up becoming the Serpents, then?” Archie asked, furrowing his brow in confusion.
“Me and Toni bought Fangs a stuffed snake to try and keep the peace, and quietly asked him if we could just call it ‘Serpents,’ if that would be okay with him. Fortunately for everyone’s collective sanity, he said yes.”
Archie smiled and laughed, returning Jughead’s tale with a yarn of his own. It was almost midnight before Veronica texted them to remind them that yes, they had a show tomorrow. As they slouched against each other on the ride back, Archie and Jughead wondered how people could go from being complete strangers, from pixels on a screen to someone captivating in every way.
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livingasaghost · 6 years
alright folks. settle in. this is the story of how i met taylor swift after waiting 10 years. whew.
i don’t honestly know how to start this bc i never thought i’d make this text post. 
so it all started on tuesday night. i was reading and scrolling my phone as one does, and then i get a text from hailee aka @ootwoodsyet aka my twin.
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taylornation sent her a dm and both of us FREAKED OUT. we were cautiously optimistic but i think both of us were like OKAY THIS IS IT! THIS IS WHAT WE’VE BEEN WAITING FOR! EVERYONE STAY CALM IT’S ACTUALLY HAPPENING! so anyway, obviously hailee is the best person in the universe and replied putting my name in as her plus one and then we just texted each other non-stop for like two hours straight. tn replied to her email and asked for our social media handles, my full name, and our birthdays. we could hardly sleep that night, so when we woke up early the next morning we texted each other still freaking out. finally TN emailed back and was like OKAY YOU TWO ARE ON THE GUEST LIST! HAILEE LITERALLY FACETIMED ME FROM HER CAR AND WE BOTH LOST IT. at that point we immediately started making plans bc the next day thursday was the event in chicago. we had no idea when or where it was happening, but we knew we were going to be there. so we started prepping. i had to cancel on a client photoshoot (oops...but i’m not sorry) and uh hailee may or may not have had food poisoning that morning......so i went to platos closet and bought a new dress (velvet, blue, and PERFECT) and then i packed up a bag bc i was gonna go straight from my parents’ house to louisville on saturday for the rep show (wtf). neither of us slept very well wednesday night, and then AND THEN IT WAS TIME FOR THE WEIRDEST BEST DAY OF LIVES.
thursday june 28, 2018 --
i woke up at 7:15 and drove like 8 hours north from nashville to chicago. there was actually a decent amount of traffic that day but at one point i had to take a detour because there was a crash on i65. so on this random detour in southern indiana, a little ways outside of louisville, i was blasting better than revenge and i look to my left and I SAW TAYLORS FACE ON A TRUCK AND I SCREAMED BECAUSE THE REP TOUR BUSES WERE JUST SITTING IN THIS RANDOM LOT
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I THOUGHT IT HAD TO BE A SIGN AND UH I GUESS I WAS RIGHT???? i also passed a place called “swifty farms” (what) and of course i drove through taylorsville so um needless to say....it was all meant to be
i eventually made it to chicago at 5:30pm and i picked up hailee from the train station. we flipped bc we literally did this exact same thing less than a month about for the 2nd chicago show and HERE WE WERE AGAIN FOR THE SAME WOMAN soooo we made our way to the first location that TN said to meet at by 7pm. we pulled up at like 6:15 and the parking lot was full but they already had a line of people. after finding a nearby garage to park in, we literally RAN across the way to get in line (it was like 10 minutes and we were so sweaty wow) and then we were in line and we had to go through two different security sections - each one asked for our names and ids. then at the second checkpoint they gave us wristbands based on our ages (i’m over 21) and eventually we went off to give them our phones and bags and stuff. then we were directed onto a greyhound bus and when we got on we legitimately became the most obnoxious people i’ve ever known in my entire life.
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when we got on they were playing reputation (duh) and RFI was on so we literally listened through the album one whole time and it was WILD. we didn’t have our phones so we were just freaking out about twitter. we spent the whole time singing along and being totally in awe. the whole bus did 123 LETS GO BITCH during delicate, and thennn during getaway car when she goes SAID GOODBYE IN A GETAWAY CAR the bus MOVED AND WE LEFT TO GO TO THE SECONDARY LOCATION (john mulaney???)
so we drove until new years day came on and then we pulled into this random alley. before we could get up, this CAMERA crew showed up and went to the back of the bus to film us. they told us to be excited so we WERE?? and then we got off and went inside this random venue. hailee and i gripped each other’s hands so hard and then we went down this tunnel with mirrors & screens & then i almost broke down into tears bc it was all so overwhelming. they had so many professional photographers asking to take our photos and then the taylor people were handing out raffle tickets telling us to do stuff. it was like this weird underground area that had these gorgeous industrial bathrooms (with so many toiletries like oil sheets & dry shampoo & tampons & gum & hair ties) and there were arcade games and an led dance floor that lit up with hearts where you stood and there was a skee ball thing where we STOOD ON IT AND GOT OUR PHOTO TAKEN and they had claw machines with merch inside and these HUGE photobooth backdrops (BIG REPUTATION + taylors face + a huge snake) and basically you had to do stuff to get tickets and then you could use the tickets to get free merch! we didnt catch on quick enough though so we didn’t get anything more exciting than a water bottle & a tote (which were still so cool)
so anyway, we did some stuff, got a BIG REPUTATION non-alcoholic drink that was like soda water + blackberry syrup + a lime and it was just okay haha and as we went over to try and get our free merch we heard a THATS TAYLOR SWIFT scream from across the room and basically RAN to see what was happening. and that’s when this wall opened up and uh WE WALKED INTO A CONCERT VENUE AND LOST ALL CHILL
THE LIGHTS WENT OUT AND TAYLOR JUST FREAKING WALKED OUT ON STAGE AND I ALMOST BURST INTO TEARS SHE WASN’T REAL BUT SHE WAS RIGHT THERE AND I WANTED TO EXPLODE anyway she wore a green jumpsuit with a huge belt and some cute high heeled booties and uh she was her usual cute self being like HI GUYS WHATS UP there were like 200 people there and i couldn’t get over that!!! this was her smallest show in like 10 years???? AND I WAS THERE??? uh but yeah so she did 6 songs - gorgeous + delicate on guitar, all too well + new years day on piano, and shake it off on guitar. here are some highlights from that set...
the whole crowd did *DING* during gorgeous and 123 LET’S GO BITCH during delicate
taylor said that they were trying to decide if they needed backing vocalists and she decided not to and it turned out they didnt need them because we sung literally ALL the backing parts - like the high pitched “delicate” - we did that
she didnt even finish the last delicate bc we sang it so loud and she just laughed
she was so so SOOOOO comfortable with us like i have never seen her so candid and chill and relaxed?? like she was smiling and giggling and she made mistakes and didn’t even care and it was so CUTE I CANT STAND IT
at the piano she was like “oooh sorry i didnt get to sound check hang on lemme figure this out”
when she sat at the piano she was like “wow my hair’s so long” and how she thought about cutting it for these upcoming florida shows since it’s so hot and then the crowd was like OMG CUT IT or OMG DONT CUT IT and our section was like CUT ITTTT and she looked directly at us and was like mmmmm “you guys dont want it....” and wow i think she looked at me then wowowow
she explained that for all too well it was such an emotional song and she used to hate playing it bc it made her so sad but bc we love it so much now she loves playing it bc it makes her think of us and she was freaking SMILING DURING THIS WHOLE PERFORMANCE!! like the last time i saw her perform it live in my presence was 5 years ago at the red tour in chicago and she was crying but during this time she was LAUGHING AND SMILING
someone sang all to welllllll really terribly and off key and the whole audience fell silent and taylor just looked at that person and laughed and we all lost it
then she talked about writing reputation and how it was so cathartic for her and like she came up with the “there will be no explanation there will just be reputation” rhyme and it was so cool that now she has to stick to it and not give interviews so she was excited to explain to us more about the album
AND THEN she told this story about how 2 new years ago she was celebrating and just like realizing that everyone just wants to kiss someone at midnight but you really need someone to look after you while you’re popping advils the next day 
she played new years day and we were all so emo wow
so then she gets up to get her guitar and we’re all like PLAY THE SPARKLY GUITAR!!!! and she looked so dismayed she was like “guys it’s just a prop it isn’t tuned” and we were so sad we were like TUNE IT!!! and she’s like NO I CANT
so thennnn she’s like “okay so i have one more song” and we were all like “PLAY MORE PLAY MORE” and she said “well, i could play you three more songs ORRRR we could take pictures...” and wow everyone died it was wild 
she played shake it off acoustic and im not okay
then she explained what was gonna happen next and she was like FIRST OF ALL i cant really talk to you since i’m touring i need to save my voice and i’m not supposed to talk and second, we’re doing it in groups of four so make friends bc you’ll get photos in groups of four! 
then as she finished she was like “uh i guess i’ll just go back here? no one really told me what was happening or what to do so...ILL SEE YOU SOON!!!”
as we walked out i saw a girl hugging her friend and crying. relatable. so hailee and i waited for our blue color to be called and went to claim our free merch. after we freshened up, we were waiting and this girl offered us poptarts and we both looked at each other and were like “omg poptarts” soooo then we got at the end of the line for the M&G. we were freaking out and we didn’t know what we’re gonna say and it was so surreal. like, we were gonna meet taylor swift. TAYLOR SWIFT! FUCK
so we’re waiting. and then these staff people come over and ask how many we have in our party (we say 2) and immediately they’re like...i think we have 2 openings over here hang on. so they deliberate, and then we’re being motioned to the FRONT OF THE LINE and we skip like 50 people and OUR HEARTBEATS TOOK OFF! WE WERE NOT ALL THERE! WE EXPLODED! WE WERE SO UNPREPARED TO JUMP THAT LINE BUT WOW WE WERE REALLY OUT THERE GETTING READY TO MEET TAYLOR.
we then were ushered upstairs and they lead us over a little bridge that was above the concert venue. eventually we made it past another security checkpoint and got to this fabric walled hallway where we glimpsed MAMA SWIFT and we almost lost it.
as we approached the very front of the line, TREE PAINE SHOWED UP and was just so sweet and nice and bubbly and we immediately decided to stan her. she was like “wow this is such a beautiful group of people you all look fantastic!” and we were like WOW ITS TREE PAINE and so then THEN ANDREA CAME BACK OUT AND WAS LIKE HELLO WOW YOU ALL LOOK SO BEAUTIFUL!!! and i shook her hand and told her it was honor to meet her and she was so so happy
(this whole time dont blame me and delicate was playing in the background)
((at one point tree was trying to figure out what was playing and i was like ITS DELICATE and she was like OH YEAH YOU’RE RIGHT))
sooooooo ummmmmm then security was ushering us around the corner and into this back area and TAYLOR SWIFT WAS RIGHT THERE??????? hailee and i were GRIPPING each others hands and i almost broke down into tears but hailee was like NO YOUR MAKE UP DONT DO IT YET NOT YET HOLD IT TOGETHER
and taylor (that sneaky bitch i love her) saw us together and basically took a photo with the other 2 people in our group and THEN came over to us to do us separately (!!!) ((apparently according to hailee the at&t lady running the thing was like “what is happening” but it’s taylor swift so she can do anything) so she walked over to us and we kept our cool somehow and i was like “WE WAITED 10 YEARS FOR THIS” and she high fived me and was like “WE DID IT!!” and i told her i drove 8 hours from nashville and she was baffled about how far that was. hailee thanked her for making her more courageous and resilient and we thanked her for the pride speech in chicago and she was so excited we went to the rain show. then i thanked her for writing “invisible” and she looked at me like OH WOW IM SHOCKED she was like “wow no one ever talks about that song thank you!” and i told her it made me feel seen and she was just so so kind and warm and did i mention she hugged us? and she’s kinda tall but she felt like our height and she felt like our best friend? ummm yeah so then the at&t people were like PICTURE and we went over and hailee and i both blacked out like we don’t remember what the background looked like??? i assume it’s the same as it always is but we didn’t notice lol um yeah so i remember smiling for the photo and i LEANED MY HEAD AGAINST TAYLORS???!?!? and then as we were finishing i was like IM GOING TO LOUISVILLE ON SATURDAY!!! and she was like “wow im so excited! i cant wait to be back on tour! i always hate the breaks in between!” and then i was like “CAN YOU PLAY SOMETHING FROM SPEAK NOW” and she was like “oh maybe” but she looked so disinterested i was thinking TAYLOR COME ON ITS SPEAK NOW and then i said i love you and she said i love you i think and then we got out and wowowowowowow
tree paine was there again and we were like OMG THAKN YOU CAN WE HUG YOU and she was so sweet like YES OF COURSE!!!! (um @tree-paine you are literally the kindest i would die for you) anyway hailee had a letter for taylor and she asked tree if someone could give it to her and tree was like i’ll put it in my back pocket!! and then we left and we kept thanking people as we walked out and that is the story of the greatest night of my life.
thank you to at&t and to hailee and to @taylornation and of course to @taylorswift wowowow i never thought this would happen to me and it did IT REALLY DID WOW
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casey-kay-9 · 7 years
You have brought so many good people together and here are thirteen (totally not on purpose) of them. We get to lean on each other, talk about life, freak out over you, support you and support one another. It’s amazing to have people who understand how you have changed all of our lives, whether we’ve been a fan for 11 years or 2 years, there is an amazing story behind all of us. We can all relate to the darkness you have pulled us out of, without even knowing it. We have a group chat that is so welcoming, loving, hilarious and consist of a lot of “all caps” replies about how we died dead. We hope one day we can all meet each other in person and meet you and thank you for everything you’ve done for each of us. We all have a story, we all have a reason why we love you and support you and here they are...
@youre-s0-gorgeous - @taylorswift One of the first times I remember hearing your music was when love story was on the radio...I can't believe that was so long ago now, 9 years! Since then I've always enjoyed listening and jamming along to your music (not caring if anyone sees me dancing/singing), especially now when I'm older and actually delve into the meaning behind the lyrics and see how I relate to entire songs or even just parts in some way. Like in welcome to new york, ‘and you can want who you want / boys and boys and girls and girls.’ That song came out right around the same time that I was figuring myself out like who I truly was and who I liked and stuff, and knowing those lines were in such a great song really gave me the courage that it doesn’t matter who I like/want. And now I know that it shouldn’t matter that I’m gay, because there’s some place where I’ll fit in just fine, and people that’ll accept me no matter what.
Being able to relate to these incredible songs that you write just makes me so AHDKS!! Even just listening to all your songs is so incredible, being able to love everything you have to say in them all. And even when I'm not loving your music, I love seeing all the time and effort you put in just for us swifties!
One day I know I'll get to be one of the fans that meets you, even if it's just seeing you on stage at one of the shows for the rep tour!
Love you forever and always ❤️❤️💕💕,
@youre-s0-gorgeous (also @pkmnacetrainerdan)
@casey-kay-9 - @taylorswift, where do I even start? You have been my sunshine for 11 years. It’s crazy how someone who may not know you exist can be the only reason you are still breathing. I’ll never forget being a little girl and riding in my dad’s truck and hearing Tim McGraw for the first time on the radio. I fell in love and I was too young to even understand the concept of love, but this is where everything started. My parents have always supported me and my love for music, so inevitably my dad bought me your first album a few days after. Everything changed and I realized I wasn’t the only one who loved music the way I do. Seeing you live your dreams made me want to chase mine and still does to this day. You’ve been there for me when I had my first heartbreak, when someone I loved went to heaven, when someone I loved didn’t love me back, when someone treated me like I was disposable, when I felt like I didn’t belong, when I’m too self conscious to go in public, when I’m happy, when I’m sad, when I feel alone, when I came out, when my mom got sick, when I got sick, when I feel defeated, when my demons almost got the best of me and when I stood back up each time I was knocked down. You’ve always been consistent in my life, you’ve always felt like a friend. Thank you, from the very bottom of my heart. I could never find the words to explain how your music has saved me. It still does, every day. I truly wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you. Thank you for always being humble, always shaking it off and teaching me to do the same. Thank you for not letting the critics win, for making fans feel like friends, for being kind, for being honest and for never giving up on love and your dreams. Seeing you succeed gives me so much hope. I’ve had the time of my life fighting dragons with you and thank you for fighting my demons with me. I hope one day I can hug you and thank you properly. Never change and remember, you have an army behind you. I love you, Taylor. - Casey
@tabeainwonderland13 - Hey Taylor,
I wanted to tell you what you really mean to me.
First of all I want to tell you that you literally safe my life every single day.
I went through times when I didn’t have friends, was bullied, hated myself and thought about ending my life. In this very dark time of my life you were always there to lift me up. You made me smile, feel happy and feel like I’m worth it. You still do that every single day.
I also want to let you know that you saved me from the deepest point of my life. The last year has been horrible when it comes to my mental health. My depression and my anxiety got really really bad. I struggled with panic attacks so much and it broke me inside. I locked myself in my room just so I wouldn’t get a panic attack in public. I cried almost every night just because I didn’t want to live anymore.
And then this summer you came back. When you started posting again and announcing your Album my heart bursted out of happiness. When LWYMMD came out I was the happiest I’ve ever been in such a long time. And it got even better when you kept on dropping the other 2 songs and when you started noticing fans on tumblr again.
I can say because of you my mental health got so so much besser! My panic attacks became less and you are like a magically medicine for depression. You kinda make me burst out of happiness and I feel so much joy when you’re in my life. I just want to thank you for that with all of my heart.
You lift me up when I’m down. I didn’t want to live anymore because I didn’t see any reason to live in my life. I am so happy to call you my lifesaver and I hope one day I get to say thank you for you in person. You are my recovery and I’ll forever be thankful that you’re lifting me up when I’m at the deepest point of life.
You’re also such an inspiration to me. Since I can remember I’m doing music. I sing, write songs and play instruments. Even when people made fun about me for having that dream I always thought about you and you give me the strength to believe in myself and to follow my dreams.
Thank you Taylor. I love you more than I can put into words. 💗
I love you so much and I hope one day I will be able to hug you so tight and to thank you for everything you did for me and everything you do every single day!
I can’t wait for your next tour! Your concerts are my happy place. When I’m at your shows I forget everything and I can just be myself and don’t have to be embarrassed because of my awkward dancing and because of me screaming the lyrics to all of your songs. Hopefully I’ll get that feeling of pure happiness again soon...
Sending you so much love!!
@hales-13 - Taylor has always been more than a celebrity to me. I started listening to her music when I was in the 3rd grade. I fell in love with her personality just as much as her music. I’m 16 now, and Taylor still continues to help me through the good and bad times. Taylor wrote about a time in her life were she learned some of the hardest lessons: when she was 15. For me, that year was this year, as I turned 16. This past year, Taylor has helped me push through loneliness, confusion, and heartbreak, but also had taught me how to learn from my past. I know as I continue to grow and as my life changes, Taylor and her music will always be there for me. Even though Taylor doesn’t know who I am, she still makes me and all her fans feel appreciated and loved. I could never express how thankful I am for Taylor, and how much I love her. I’m so proud to be one of her many fans, but mostly, her friend.
-Haley :)
@sreeparnawestliferghosh - Taylor has taught me to face my emotions. I've had some pretty bad stuff going on in my life ever since I was small. I always surrounded myself with music. She has helped me survive. If it wasn't for her, i would've been diagnosed with some pretty horrible mental illnesses(Yep, plural). Her music was like a cocoon where I'd find myself protected with rainbows and unicorns and butterflies and just warmth. I'd like to experience that with a hug someday. Taylor, i owe you big time. I have a strongheld life mantra which upto now, I've lived by completely : own up to your emotions. I respect them all cause they're me! Taylor Alison Swift helped me find myself like that. Whatever this version of me is, I like me. Not only while listening to her songs. Even while reciting her lines, trying to find meaning, desperately inserting myself in the scenario I sure ain't a part of, just to feel closer to her, known by her cause she's always had that affect on me... Like she'll protect me. She was (is) like my own vibranium shield.
@lunaatearth - Taylor has changed my life with being a constant source of joy and light for me no matter what happened. I cannot thank her enought for that. She was there with singing "Enchanted" and "Better Than Revenge" to me when I went though my first love and break up, she gave me the strenght to be happy and trust again with "Clean" and "Begin Again", she cheered me up with "Mean" or "22" every morning before school when I was too anxious to move and she always guarantees to get me on the dancefloor with "Shake It Off" or "IKYWT". She helped me so many times to see the silverlining when no one else could. She showed me a way to deal with life. Through her I learned how to stand up for myself and everyday she inspires me to be the best version of myself.
She's my best friend, I am incredibly proud of her and love her from the bottom of my heart.
@dearie13 - Taylor Swift is the most amazing person in the world. She’s inspired and helped me so much through her music. But out of all the albums and songs, Fifteen is the one that sticks with me. Because I wanted to date the boy on the football team, and my momma waited up, I thought he was the one, and I believed him when he said he loved me. This song speaks to me so much and I would really like to thank you Taylor for telling me that with a little time, I’m gonna be ok again. I haven’t found who I’m supposed to be but Taylor is helping me find myself too. I love you Taylor Forever and Always❤️💋 -Kayla
@onlyreputaytion - Ever since I first heard Love Story in 5th grade, you words and music have always been there for me through the best and worst of times. When I feel alone, vulnerable, or sad, I can count on your music to lift me up. When I’m feeling excited and happy, your music is the first thing I dance to. But you have also brought amazing people into my life solely through our love for you and your music. To me, you exemplify poise, persistence, kindness, and, of course, talent. You’re positivity and compassion for so many people is inspiring- I am so thankful to have had you as a role model as I have grown up from a little 10 year old to now a freshman in college! You make me want to work harder every day. Even though I have never been able to afford to see you on tour, I am determined to see you live this time around. Thank you thank you thank you for just being you, you’ll never know how proud I am and how much I love you❤️
@paralyzed--by-it - I was 8 hears old when I heard Tim McGraw for the very first time at a summer party. I heard some of my friends singing it for everybody..AND I FELL ABSOLUTELY IN LOVE! I asked them what it was and they told me... her name was Taylor Swift, I had never heard of her before. Who would've thought that for the next decade, this woman would completely change my life, helping me get through some of my darkest moments or even just making the good days brighter, and becoming a huge inspiration in my life. Her music, her lyrics, her voice is what made me become a fan. But who she is, her character, is what made me become a 'swiftie'. She's unapologetically herself, warm hearted, the kindest, and goes beyond what's humanly possible to make sure we feel loved. And even though her music has changed, she hasn't.
And there have been a lot of changes in my life. People that have come and gone, friendships that have faded away, but never Taylor. She was always there. For the last 11 years, her and her music have always been there for me when no one else was. T, if you ever get a chance to read this I just want to thank you. You truly have been a best friend to me at times when I've felt completely alone and I honestly don't know where I'd be right now if it weren't for you. I could truly never thank you enough for what you have done for me and what you have gotten me through. Just know that you deserve all the happiness in the world, I'm so proud of you, and loving you.. that's the best decision I've ever made💖
- Madison
@long-livee-tswift - Taylor💗 thank you so much for existing. Your music always spoke to me and it was something I could always relate to no matter what kind of emotion I was going through, and your lyrics gave me advice but they also just helped me grow. Each day I am blown away by your actions toward us and how genuine you are with your fans aka friends and how you bring so much positivity to our lives. Thank you for being such an amazing role model to everyone of all ages and thank you for never losing sight of who you are. You make me want to be better and your music inspires me every day and your courage is astonishing. I can’t wait for the day I get to meet you and tell you how much you’ve changed my life and how much I love you for it. CANT WAIT FOR TOUR AND I HOPE TO FINALLY COME FACE TO FACE WITH YOU 💕
Much love, Sam
@karinachavezh - Taylor, you taught me that’s it’s okay to change because you’ve changed your hair, style, and genres over the years, but you’ve stayed true to yourself. You have helped me be myself and you reminded me that I’m not the opinion of others who don’t know me. When I was bullied I felt unimportant and like I didn’t matter, but listening to your music helped me feel special. It’s hard not to care what others think about you, but you’ve helped me shake it off.
@islandbreeze-13 - Hey Taylor!! I just wanted to say thank you for being you the last 11 years. When I was a junior in high school I got really sick and was in and out of the hospital that entire year. None of the doctors knew what was wrong. I lost my friends..I lost my spot on the basketball team and I was really close to losing myself. But I always had you and your music to help me through those times when I would feel like I was losing control. Whenever I had to go through another test, or got told any bad news I would always just put my headphones on and listen to your music. It was the only thing keeping me together. When I got better and it was time for me to chose what I would spend the rest of my life doing I wanted to dedicate my life to something would help others just like you helped me. I became a nurse so I can help those who really need my help. I wouldn’t have been able to get here without you. I owe my entire life to you because without you I don’t know where or who I would be. I’m so happy my younger self picked someone so kind, gracious, and giving as you to look up to. (High five little arielle🙏🏻)
I hope I can give you the biggest hug someday and thank you for literally keeping me alive.
@swiftiesfanatic - I fell in love with Taylor’s music when I was 11 years old. My best friend auditioned for our 5th grade talent show with “Our Song.” It was the first time I heard it and naturally I went home and listened to her entire discography. Later on when I was 16, I was learning how to drive and when I was driving down a country road, I hit a dog. It might seem silly to some people, but it really traumatized me and I began to get increasing anxiety about everything, which lead to my longest depressive episode ever, at 14 months. Taylor’s music, in particular her albums, Red and 1989, were albums that reminded me I would get through the dark tunnels and come out stronger and happier. These albums showed me that while I might not be able to shake my depression off, I can still be happy and live my life to the fullest. Nobody in my life outside of tumblr understands the bond I have with Taylor and her music, but I always have her to remind me that everything’s going to be okay. And I love you for that Taylor❤️
There are our stories. Taylor, there is one things we all have in common, that’s you. No matter what obstacles we’ve faced, you have been there for us, every single time. You haven’t let us down and it means more to us than you could ever know. There is something that heals all of our pain, something that makes everything worthwhile and that is love. Thank you for loving us, in return we will always love you back harder.
Thirteen Swifties
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kayliemusing · 4 years
Survey 6
Put your music player of choice on shuffle and list the first 10 songs - Betty by Taylor Swift - Broken by Lovelytheband - Make Me (Cry) by Noah Cyrus - One More Weekend by Against The Current - When We Were Young by Adele - Honestly by Gabbie Hanna - Carousel by Melanie Martinez -Brokenhearted by Karmin - Ashes by Celine Dion - Lover by Taylor Swift
If you could spend a week anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Would you take anyone with you? - I’d love to go to NYC, because it’s a place I’ve always wanted to go and it seems so inspiring and lively there. I’d take my mom and sister with me.
What is your preferred writing implement? (eg. Blue pen, pencil, green pen) - Blue or black pen, and I like for my ink to feel super flowy and smooth.
Favourite month and why? - I love December because of Christmas time but I also really like May because the sun feels so much brighter and it’s starting to warm up.
Do you have connections to any celebrities (even minor)? List them. - When I was a kid, my dad’s cousin knew Michael J Fox.
Name 3 items you could pick up from where you are. - My phone, my notebook, and my headphones.
What brand logo is closest to you currently? - Asus (the computer I’m currently using. Don’t know about a “logo” tho. Just a brand name.)
Do you ever play board games or other non-computer games? Got any favourites? - YES. I’m obsessed with matching games on my phone. Right now I love My Home, Property Brothers, and Design Matters. I love them because they make me not think and then when you win levels you get to decorate your home which I find totally fun.
A musical artist you love that isn’t well known - Of Monsters and Men. I think they’re a little known, but not overly. One of my fav bands of all time.
A musical artist you love that is well known - Taylor Alison Swift
What is your desktop background currently? - A portrait of trees in the mist
Last person you talked to, and through what you talked to them - My mom and we talked in person.
First colour name you can think of that isn’t in the rainbow - White
What timekeeping devices are in the room you are currently in? - My phone, computer I’m currently using, and my switch.
What kind of headphones do you use? - The apple ones that came with my phone.
What musical artists have you seen perform live? - Lmao the Jonas Brothers when I was 10 and Marianas Trench when I was 15. 
Does virginity matter to you? - Yes, but I don’t care what others choose to do. 
What gaming consoles do you or your family own? - Switch, WiiU and PS4
What pets do you have? What are their names? - 2 Siamese cats, Archer and Misty.
What’s the best job you’ve ever had? - Sephora as a cashier, which I’m currently at. Obviously it’s not a dreamboat but they’ve treated me the best and I’m not totally miserable there.
What’s the worst job you’ve ever had? - Chapters. I feel like it had potential to be a good job, but I was in a really bad place so I feel like I didn’t perform to the best of my ability, but in saying that, they also lacked community there. I could go in and out of that store during my shift and no one would say hi or bye to me. I didn’t have any work friends, and I found management not that nice. Whereas at my job now, it has its flaws but I do feel like we’re kind of a family which I never would have expected because of my experience at chapters.
What magazines do you read, if any? - I don’t read magazines unless it’s an article about Taylor Swift because I love her lol
Inspiration behind your URL? - I have three blogs, so the inspiration for this one was just to the point; I do surveys. My main blog @autumnsletters was inspired because I love words and love letters and autumn so I just threw them together and then my Taylor Swift inspired blog where I geek out about Taylor was inspired by a lyric from a song called I Think He Knows. (@sixteenavenue)
Inspiration behind your blog title? - For this blog, it’s a spin on a Taylor Swift song called All You Had To Do Was Stay where I just inserted the word survey, not that smart lmao. On my main blog my title is “Give you my wild” which is from a song called Peace from Taylor, and then on my Taylor blog, it’s “You’re not my homeland anymore” which is from her song Exile. So I’m very Swiftian.
Favourite item of clothing? - My turtle neck sweater from Dynamite. (I bought three just in diff colours but my favourite is the red one.)
Are you friends with any exes? - I don’t have exes, but I always find it kinda weird when people are friends w their exes because I feel like you can’t come back to friendship once you’ve crossed the line but what do I know.
Name at least one book you loved as a child. - I’ll Love You Forever by Robert Munsch. (I think that’s the title but I’m not totally sure.)
What’s your native language? If that language has distinct regional variations, which variation? (eg. AU English, US English) - US English
What email service do you use? - Gmail
Is there anything hanging on the walls of the room you are currently in? - I’m in the family room so there’s a few things. Some canvas’s of random patterns, shelves, a nyc painting, and then a big rustic canvas of a bible scripture.
What’s your favourite number, and why? - 22, because of Taylor has a song called 22 (surprise surprise) and it’s also doubles and an even number which I like.
Earliest moment in your life you can remember? - I always have this random, very faint memory of being in this double stroller with my sister when I was probably 2 or 3 and she was in the seat in front of me and I was in the back and my parents were behind me talking and it was sunny outside.
What did you have for dinner yesterday? - Chinese!
How often do you brush your teeth? - Morning and night. Sometimes I escape to bed before brushing my teeth if i’m super tired but definitely every morning.
What’s your favourite candy/chocolate? - Maltesers
Have you had other blogs on Tumblr? Do you have any other blogs currently? - Yes, I talked about them just a few questions ago. I have this one, my main, and my Taylor inspired one lol. My main blog has gone through a series of phases throughout the years lol.
If you were suddenly really hungry, what would you choose to eat? - I like to go for easy to grab food. So bagels, muffins, cereal. Something super quick.
What fandoms would you consider yourself a part of? - Swiftie and A Court of Thorns and Roses fandom
If you could study anything, what would it be? - English and Communications, but I’ve always stayed away even though I’ve wanted to study those because I’m terrified of public speaking and I also feel like I’m not quite smart enough. Sad but true.
Do you use anything on your lips? (eg. Chapstick, gloss, balm, lipstick) - I like wearing Fresh watermelon lip balm when I’m not wearing makeup or I have my mask on. Generally when I have a full face of makeup on, I gravitate to lipsticks or lipstains.
How would you describe your sense of humour? - Dry/self deprecating and sarcastic.
What things annoy you more than anything else? - Kanye
What kind of position are you in at the moment? - I am sitting on my couch with my legs stretched out in front of me and resting on the coffee table.
Do you wear much jewellery? - I never wear jewelry but I’d like to start wearing necklaces and getting my ears pierced so I could wear earrings again. 
Who is the leader of your country, currently? Any other levels of government with leaders? (State, region, province, county, district, municipality, etc) - Trudeau
Last 3 blogs on your dashboard, not including any of your own - I won’t name them, but one was a Taylor related blog, one was a writing blog, and another was a literature blog.
What do you carry your money in? - My wallet/debit card
Do you enjoy driving? Why or why not? - I don’t mind driving, but I’m obsessed with other people being angry at me for some reason so sometimes driving is stressful if I make a mistake or when people are behind me, I’m constantly checking my rear view mirror so they won’t think I’m bad at driving. It’s dumb, I know.
Longest drive you have ever been on? - When I was a kid and we drove to BC and stopped at literally every freaking town on the way there.
Furthest away from home you have ever been? - Victoria BC
How many times have you moved house? - Once and I was like four lol
What is on the floor of the room you’re currently in, not including furniture? - A blanket, suitcase that needs to be put away, some cords from the lamps, and a random canvas that hasn’t been hung up yet.
How many devices do you own which can access the internet? - Four,  I think.
Is there is anything that is guaranteed to always make you happy? - Feeling creative and Taylor Swift music. Money, too lmao
Is there anything that always makes you sad? - Books where the two people pining for each other don’t get/stay together, getting super existential, seeing homeless people on the street, thinking about my dad who passed away.
What programs do you currently have open? - Tumblr and Word, because I’m avoiding writing because I don’t know what to say.
What do you associate the colour red with? - Taylor Swift lol. But also Christmas and passion.
Last strong smell you can remember smelling? - My garlic knots coming out of the oven <3
Last healthy thing you ate? - One (1) apple slice lmao
Do you drink tea or coffee, and how much per day? - Neither, both are gross.
What do you associate the colour blue with? - Sadness or gloom, usually. 
How long is the closest ruler you can find? - I don’t think we have a ruler and if we do, it’s in a drawer upstairs somewhere and I don’t feel like digging for it.
What colour pants/skirt/etc are you currently wearing? - White sweats.
When was the last time you drank water? - Probably yesterday yikes. 
How often do you clear your browser history? - Never.
Do you believe nude photos can be artistic, rather than erotic? - I guess it could be interpreted that way, but nude photos just kinda annoy me.
Ever written fanfiction for anything? - Yes and I’m not telling you for what.
Last formal event you attended - Oh, I don’t even know. It’s been YEARS. Probably my cousin’s wedding way back when in 2014.
If you had to move your birthday to another date, which one would you choose and why? - December 13 so I could have matching birthdays with Taylor Swift 
Would you prefer to be at a beach or in the countryside? - Countryside. I hate the beach. The idea is nice, but I hate feeling hot and then I’m surrounded by people with nice bodies and I’ll just start to hate myself, and I never feel like I can wear the summer clothes I want to so it just makes me spiral.
Roughly how many people live in your town? - I have no clue. Thousands maybe.
Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you? - Yes. A girl I went to school with and also Jensen Ackles and Justin Bieber 
Favourite place to shop? Can be a certain store or a place where there are multiple stores - Dynamite and Colourpop.
Do you have a smartphone? What kind? If you don’t, do you want one? - I have an iPhone 11 Pro.
What is your least favourite colour, and why? - Navy blue, because it’s ugly.
How do you spell grey/gray? - G R E Y
Go to your dashboard and describe the image shown in the radar section (below the “Find blogs” link) - N/A
What difference is there between how many followers you have, and the number of blogs you follow? - I have 1,374 followers and I follow 1,969 blogs.
How many posts do you have? - Good lord. Too many.
How many posts have you liked? - Not sure.
Do you post mainly reblogs, or your own content? - Mostly reblogs and occassionally I share my writing but I do this thing where I share my writing and I get 2 notes and then I start re reading my writing over and over until I hate it and delete it and fall down this spiral of shame.
Do you track any tags? - no
What time is it currently? - 6:17 pm
Is there anything you should be doing right now? - I’m supposed to be writing because I’m trying to turn it into a routine so I can be more successful with it, but I’m avoiding it because I get so overwhelmed with how little I’m writing/what I’m writing/not knowing what to say, etc.
0 notes
icarusandthe-sun · 6 years
Welcoming 2018
If you tell ten-years-old-meka that she’s going to spend new year’s eve alone in her room she’d probably throw a fit. But eighteen-years-old-meka is currently doing the same right now and I would never asked for a better way to spend my new year’s eve. 2017 passed so quickly but I realized there’s so much I’ve gone through this year. Yes, personally, it’s been a tough year for me. Especially for my family. We’ve gone through a big financial problem on early 2017. I have to get used to a lot of changes in our way of living, notably during ramadan and eid al-fitr. On the other hand, this problem has not only created sad memories but also taught me a couple of life lessons. For instance, it made my family grew closer at that time. It made me understand of one proverb that says “life is like a wheel, sometimes you’re up sometimes you’re down.” which is true. 2017 was a point where my life is on the downside of the wheel (financially). That’s why I believe my family and I will get through it sooner or later. Our wealth is on the hands of Allah SWT. Trust Him, maybe Allah has a bigger plan for me than I had for myself. I’m thankful enough and hopefully, I’ll always be patient enough.
Aside from financial problem, I also have gone through a rough patch with my mom this year. Our relationship was tested to another level. Long story short, someone asked me to marry him. At the age of 18 of course, I said no. It’s not because he’s ugly or something, but there are many other factors that made me don’t want to settle down with him such as his criminal record for alcohol abuse and violence, his demeanor, and etc. But my mom agreed with him and wanted me to marry him because his parents are close friends to my family. Those three months of cold war between my mom and I really highlights my 2017. However, it also has brought us closer lately. After that one final night wherein we finally laid it all out and talked about everything −which resulted me having another episode of panic-attack and a breakdown− mom and I realized we both just want the best for my future. And we’ve come to agreement and understanding. Also, she said seeing me having panic-attack and breakdown like that scared her so much that she promised not to push me beyond my boundaries again. 
Other than those two unfortunate events, my 2017 went pretty good. Mostly caused by my fandoms. Bare with me, it’s just how I cope. Taylor released her new album Reputation and single-handedly saved my 2017. I’m also grateful for Selena who’s battled her lupus. There are lots of amazing tv show too this year; Riverdale (who has taken up 60% of my life), The Crown Season 2, Stranger Things Season 2, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, 13 Reasons Why, Gilmore Girls: Revival, Game of Thrones Season 7, and many more. Marvel and DC movies are also amazing this year; Wonder Woman restore my faith for DC, Thor: Ragnarok slayed me to next decade, Guardians of The Galaxy 2 is just astonishing. Spiderman: Homecoming is on top of my fave list. Not to forget The Infinity War Part 1 and Black Panther Trailer are one of the best things in 2017. Apart from Marvel and DC cinematic masterpiece, there are tons of great movies this year too! Everything Beautiful is Far Away, Everything, Everything, Mother!, Home Again, Coco, Breathe, Battle of The Sexes, Kingsman: The Golden Circle, Murder on The Orient Express, American Assassin, Loving Vincent, Newness, Gifted, Okja, Song to Song, Before I Fall, and much more! Those are just half of my list. 
For friendships, 2017 has been kind to me. This year, I reconnected with some of my old friends. It felt amazing to talk to someone from your childhood (Hi Mirta!). I grew closer with three amazing women in law school. For Ayu, Annette, and Ira; thank you for helping me went through this semester. I love you guys. For my high school best friends −Nay, Diandra, Aya, Nindya, Puan, Amanda, Lunny− here’s to another year of our friendship! You guys mean the world to me. For my homegirl, Talitha; we didn’t hang out often this year. But the way you’re always there for me (literally just one call away) means a lot to me. I love you so much. And to a lot of people who are close friends with me (Shilla, Sasa, Dinda, Awal, Saniyya, I can’t mention you all here) please know that I’m grateful to have you all in my life. Thank you. I can’t forget about my two amazing swifties best friends Olivia, and Megan. Thank you for listening me whining, and giving me all the supports when I needed. I can’t wait to meet you both.
I’ve been surrounded with tons of love and support this year. Whether from my family, or my friends. Although it’s another year of me being single, surprisingly, I realized it didn’t bother me too much. Of course, I still yearned for affection and sometimes I felt lonely, but I’ve been focusing on self-love more this year. I enjoyed being on my own. This year, I’ve kinda been discovering who I am, and I’m grateful to be single because sometimes the only way you can do that is through being alone. But to be frank, I’m so ready for romance in 2018. 
My visions to look forward in 2018 are only a few. I just want to be a better individual in 2018. Maybe cuss less, and I want to be closer to Allah. I admit, I’ve done things I’m not proud of in 2017 and those things had made me far away from Allah. I want to be better than that in 2018. Also, maybe, I want to be focus on my education in law school. I know it’s a hard change due to how I was so lazy and demotivated in 2017, but baby steps. 
Ultimately, I want to say Happy New Year 2018 to all of you. May in 2018, all of our dreams become reality. Here’s to us, here’s to life, and here’s to love. Remember guys, “Positive attitude changes everything” let’s make this our motto in 2018. 
Best Regards,
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wisehowell · 7 years
just a lot of questions
got tagged by @teatowelhowell to answer these 92 questions- that’s a lot, btw THE LAST 1. Drink: water 2. Phone Call: one of my best friends to rant about something 3. Text Message: hm oh on sc i was ranting about bts to another best friend 4. Song You Listened To: let’s open spotfiy... coming home by tuen/anki. oh that’s a good song. i don’t think anyone knows it exists, but 5. Time You Cried: heh like i remember i probably hit my toe against something HAVE YOU EVER 6. Dated Someone Twice: lol single life (my parents no let me anyway) 7. Been Cheated On: heh 8. Kissed Someone And Regretted It: heh 9. Lost Someone Special: my grandma :( also three best friends bc we went to different high schools and it was too hard to stay together 10. Been Depressed: uhm no i’m too confident it’s kinda insane but yea 11. Gotten Drunk and Thrown Up: yep, at age fifteen. (altho i’m like 19ish days away from sixteen) LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS 12. teal, green with a hint of blue. not aqua, which is blue with a hint of green. 13. silver (especially if it shimmers) 14. a rich blue IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU 15. Made New Friends: of course! i made about thirty, idk. but i love em all. some graduated high school tho so now i’m sad 16. Fallen Out of Love: what is love 17. Laughed Until You Cried: duhhh 18. Found Out Someone Was Talking About You: nah i’m that “smart, cute girl that’s too loud and follows every rule ever” according to my friends we got no drama 19. Met Someone Who Changed You: my four best friends 20. Found Out Who Your True Friends Are: mhm. for now. but college... 21. Kissed Someone On Your Facebook: do you mean ig or sc bc fb is dead 22. How Many of Your Facebook Friends Do You Know in Real Life: like i have fb no it’s for old people like my parents 23. Do You Have Any Pets: a hermit crab named digger! nickname- diggles 24. Do You Want To Change Your Name: well my name is annoying bc ‘phoebe’ is never in any gift shops and people (guy friends mostly) say it wrong on purpose or spell it wrong. people i’ve known for years spell my name wrong- pheobe. i’d change it to idk what something cool like olivia or kat. 25. What Did You Do For Your Last Birthday: that was a year ago jeez but i think i went to a waterpark 26. What Time Did You Wake Up: 7, altho today was a rarity usually it’s 8ish 27. What Were You Doing at Midnight Last Night: tumblr and anime and sc 28. Name Something You Cannot Wait For: taylor swift’s new album. yes i’m a swiftie. fight me. 29. When Was The Last Time You Saw Your Mother: last night i’m still in bed lol 30. What is One Thing You Wish You Could Change About Your Life: my mom having the job she wants instead of being a librarian. nothing about me tho i’m good. 31. What Are You Listening To Right Now: i paused my music for that other question but okay the same song as before 32. Have You Ever Talked To a Person Named Tom: i know a tommy? but his full name is thomas. 33. Something That Is Getting On Your Nerves: fffffa- i’m not saying 34. Most Visited Website: google 35. Elementary: idk what that is but im assuming you mean primary school? so my favourite memories of primary school was egg-rolling in the park, my first best friend, sandboxes, jumping pig game, the ditch, cleaning fruit baskets, horrible pizza,SITTING ON THE MOTHERFUCKIN BENCHES, the music trolley, the ditch, love tunnel, shirt signing, plimsolls, penguin bar jokes, bringing in an old shirt for art, lunchables, recorder lessons, the shoes from clarkes with the shitty toys in the heel, doughnut socks, the 3d shape bag,PGL/ Residential trips, stuck in the mud, turning the lights off in the toilet, biff and chip, being told we were to big for the play equipment in year 6. (I feel like that was the most british thing I’ve ever written and any americans probably have no fuckin clue what half of these things are)
OKAY BUT I’M KEEPING  WHAT @teatowelhowell PUT BECAUSE as an american i have no idea what this says. like jumping pig game? lol is that like the frog jump game kids do? but pigs are frogs bc maybe there’s no frogs over there? altho i don’t think so. i know what a trolley is from british vlogs. but love tunnel? plimsolls? shoes with toys in the heels? biff and chip? huh? girl your language is confusing. as for my elementary it was pretty and i made a lot of friends but they all went to a diff high school & middle bc of boundaries so i only know like ten people from my elementary in high school. 36. High School: should i tell you? my mascot is shark 37. College/University: hm i wanna go to uc davis or uc something. 38. Hair Colour: brown with goldish highlights that are natural bc my dad used to be completely blond and i guess i got some of that 39. Long Hair or Short Hair: like medium 40. Do You Have A Crush On Someone: no bro just jensen ackles 41. What Do You Like About Yourself: i make friends with literally everyone i love it 42. Piercings: no bc i do year round soccer- for like ten years- so i never had time XD also i know why piercings are popular and how it all started with early us- natives- so idk it seems kinda uncivilized to stick a hole in a body part and put a stone in it. so when i’m done with soccer i don’t think i’ll pierce my ears bc it’s kinda weird to me 43. Blood Type: my parents don’t even know. whatever the most common one is, i’m sure 44. Nickname:(phoebe is pronounced FEEBEE) phoebs, phoebster, fo-e-be, phobe wan kenobi, anne (i give other people nicknames usally) 45. Relationship Status: go away 46. Zodiac Sign: leo. roar. 47. Pronouns: she/her 48. Favorite TV Show: Supernatural, Reign, Once Upon a Time, Sherlock, Arrow, Gravity Falls when it still lived 49. Tattoos: no 50. Right or Left Hand: right FIRST 51. Surgery: i had an extra tooth so i had to get that taken out before it grew in. but i also destroyed my elbow in kinder and had to get stitches? idk if that’s a surgery 52. Piercing: we went over my feelings on them 54. Sport: soccer! did flag football with my soccer team too for two years it was fun but all the guy teams beat us bc we weren’t really trying we were just laughing 55. Vacation: uhm my parents take me a lot of places so idr. uhmmm maybe yellowstone? 56. Pair of Trainers: trainers? uhm are those pants? a bra? oh lol i looked it up. they’re tennis shoes. my first pair were probably just nike. 57. Eating: wtf ? is this like the first time i remember eating? << wisehowell agrees with her. 58. Drinking: i’m not old enough to drink legally so 59. I’m About To: eat breakfast? 60. Listening To: uhm whattt i just said i paused the dang song so same oneee but here i’ll rec you a few artists: BANNERS, LIGHTS, and clairity. (those two are supposed to be caps) 61. Waiting For: school to kill me 62. Want: nothing just my friends 63. Get Married: sure 64. Career: that’s confusing YOUR TYPE 65. Hugs or Kisses: hugs 66. Lips or Eyes: eyes altho i have brown eyes and everyone hates brown eyes so idk man. but i’ve never been complimented on my eyes in my life so i feel rude if i say eyes bc as a lame eyed i know how cruel it is to judge by eye color 67. Shorter or Taller: i’m 5ft flat so everyone is taller than me 68. Older or Younger: idc 70. Nice Arms or Nice Stomach: no 71. Sensitive or Loud: idc 72. Hook Up or Relationship: relationship 73. Troublemaker or Hesitant: neither bro 74. Kissed a Stranger: no 75. Drank Hard Liquor: no I’M FIFTEEN usa has strict drinking laws okay like yea my uh fun friends get high and drunk but i’m a valedictorian i gotta keep my rep 76. Lost Glasses/Contact Lenses: i have glasses but i would never lose em 77. Turned Someone Down: when someone turns up i’ll let you know how it goes << I’M LAUGHING 78. Sex on First Date: again do i need to say my age 79. Broken Someone’s Heart: some guys had crushes on me and my friends told me that they told them like a year later so i guess i did 80. Had Your Heart Broken: no 81. Been Arrested: no, i luv rules 82. Cried When Someone Died: wth 83. Fallen For a Friend: nah my guy friends are too stupid to love DO YOU BELIEVE IN… 84. Yourself: yea 85. Miracles: no god isn’t real 86. Love at First Sight: uh we’ll see 87. Santa Claus: nooo not since i was four 88. Kiss on First Date: why not 89. Angels: no if god isn’t real why are his slaves (i’m kidding, i totally respect the religious community) OTHER… 90. Current Best Friend’s Name: i’ll give the first letters of the four. a, a, c, c. (i’m not kidding for whatever reason most of my close friends have a or c names like i had two old best friends with both a. and another with c) here i’ll tag one. @galaxy-searcher 91. Eye Colour: brown (boooooo) 92. Favourite Movie: idk i don’t pick favs but song of the sea is cute
uhm. i don’t want to tag people bc it’s 92 questions. do it if you want XD
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ts1989fanatic · 7 years
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The Guide to Getting into Taylor Swift
With the country-turned-pop star's music on Spotify, it's time to cut all your shirts into crop tops and become a Swiftie.
Wow! You're finally open to becoming a Swiftie! Perhaps you're a casual listener and you found your bum wiggling to "Shake It Off" at the grocery store. Perhaps you're that nostalgic person who always sings "Our Song" at karaoke because it reminds you of more innocent times. Perhaps you're a even hardcore hater. Who cares! You're here now.
So what did it take? Her endless charm? Her enviable songwriting talents? Her clever business sense? Or is it because Taylor Swift's entire catalogue just went up on Spotify for free.99? What a cheapskate!
Besides the fact that you can now listen to Taylor Swift without having to navigate her battles with the streaming industry, this is the perfect time to start listening to her music, even if you skipped out on the past five albums. We're currently in the calm before Swift's storm – the time when she's conjuring up a new album that may defy any expectations we have about the country-turned-pop star. Before she inevitably returns to the tabloids, there's a chance to get to know the artist whose work earned that fame, the singer who, at 14, prompted label boss Scott Borchetta of Big Machine to take her on, writing in his notes, "This could be your Mick Jagger." Taylor's fans have long known her as someone who can weave fairytales into everyday life and pastoral romanticism into a regular school day, who can detail relationships with piercing honesty. That kind of music inspires devotion, and this is your chance to feel it.
So, before you dig in, you'll need a Taylor Swift starter pack. Cut all your shirts into crop tops. Write Joni Mitchell lyrics on your arm. Adopt a Scottish fold and name it after a Grey's Anatomy character. Start calling the paparazzi before leaving the apartment. Show up at your friends' houses unexpectedly, offering them Christmas gifts and wondering why they don't cry tears of joy at the mere sight of you. At the very least, join an online forum to talk about her fandom when it hits. Start yearning for Taylor's old country days even though you hate country music! Send a Swift song to your ex instead of messy blocks of texts. Quote her lyrics in therapy. Invest in some quality scarlet-hued lipstick (Nars' Dragon Girl is a decent choice.)
And if you need some help with different entry points into her music, I've got you. Below, there are five options for getting into Taylor Swift. Pick the section that best suits your soul.
So, as Taylor's best friend Selena Gomez (you should know that too) says, if you're ready, come and get it.
So You Want to Get Into: Kiss-Off Bop Taylor Swift?
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OK, so you want to get into the feisty side of Taylor Swift. Great choice. Alongside her songs about love, heartbreak, her first day of high school, her mom and Lena Dunham (it's true – "You Are In Love" is about her), there are angsty ditties that take her foes and pie them in the face like the true dunces that they are. This might be the side of Swift you're most familiar with lately, as her feud with Katy Perry has made the 12,000th headline and we're meant to believe that Taylor is on a warpath to punish all her enemies. However, Swift is just like any of us: If she's wronged, she feels a little jaded. And despite serving as a role model to her listeners, she experiences anger like anyone else. But most of us don't have the talent to write songs about them.
Taylor's kiss-off anthems started with "Picture to Burn" (perhaps her best song to this day?), off her debut, self-titled album in 2006, released when she was just 16. "Picture to Burn" has Swift expressing pent-up G-rated aggression with a twang (this is back when she still had a Southern accent, and it's endearing as fuck). She goes one shot under pulling a Carrie Underwood and disses her ex-boyfriend's truck; she threatens to sic her dad on him; she calls him a "redneck." There are all sorts of killer lines in the track ("There's nothing stopping me from going out with alllll of yer best frans!"), but this one's the most poetic and charged: "So watch me strike a match on all my wasted time / As far as I'm concerned you're just another picture to burn." Don't be thrown off by the flutter of banjo and down-home guitars that sound like they're out of a muddy Ford commercial – let the country sound sink in and guide you to revenge.
Since then, Taylor's had dozens of songs that ward off sour critics and ex-boyfriends. Her third album in particular, 2010's Speak Now, is chock full of them. On "Mean" she sheds off her haters who are "Washed up and ranting about the same old bitter things / Drunk and rambling' on about how I can't sing / But all you are is mean." Then she piles it on, calling them "And a liar / And pathetic / And alone in life." Meanwhile, she maintains sweet, kill-em-with-kindness disposition: You'll be glad you never cared about that loser anyway! This side of Taylor is best enjoyed if you like looking cute while rolling your eyes.
Of course, there's "Bad Blood," which, if you pay just a speck of attention to pop culture, you know is about a petty pop star argument. And there's "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together," which is supposed to send a message to a guy trying to slide back into a relationship – although it comes off more as a mantra for Taylor to chant when she's about to let him back in again. And there's the slightly problematic "Better Than Revenge," where she blasts a girl who's known for her "talents on a mattress."
So if you've been wronged, don't pick up a baseball bat; yank out yer fake country accent and a Zippo, and start lighting stuff on fire!
So You Want to Get Into: Take My Heart And Run It Over With A Rusty Pickup Truck Taylor Swift?
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If you've chosen to get into Heartbreak Taylor, you're probably the type who needs time to fully soak into your sadness when you're going through something. You absorb other people's heartbreak too. As a Sagittarius, Taylor is one of these people. (I know nothing about astrology, but I figured you might?)
The beauty about Taylor Swift is that she makes her songs vague enough to where you can imagine yourself in the song – yet she drops in just enough little details so you know the story in the song is hers. It's so easy to apply any of her songs to your life without forgetting her own drama.
Swift's romantic life has been easily mocked for a good ten years now, a topic she satirized in 2014 with "Blank Space" (but more on that later). From age 16 to now, age 27, we've known all of her boyfriends… and by the details she adds in her songs, you can tell which boyfriends inspired which songs: Joe Jonas ("Forever & Always"), Taylor Lautner ("Back to December"), John Mayer ("Dear John"), Harry Styles ("Out of the Woods), etc. By knowing the very real dudes behind the tracks and their very real relationships, Swift songs play out more like movies, where you can envision these celebrities going through the same breakup you might have with your partner. Perhaps the most heartbreaking of these songs is "All Too Well," a song clearly about Jake Gyllenhaal, with references to Swift's scarf, which he was photographed wearing after their breakup.
Red's "All Too Well," like most of Swift's songs about breakups, is crushing. Raise your hand if you've ever met your partner's parents and they start reminiscing about when they were a little kid: "You tell me 'bout your past, thinking your future was me." Or if you've gotten stuck wallowing and it felt like you'd never be happy again: "Time won't fly, it's like I'm paralysed by it / I'd like to be my old self again, but I'm still trying to find it." Or if your ex called you just for old times' sake, just as you were starting to move on: "Hey, you call me up again just to break me like a promise / So casually cruel in the name of being honest." You remember it all too well.
There's something about Swift's sad songs that are like a film you can revisit over and over again, pulling tears from your eyes as if you're experiencing heartbreak for the first time. And it's not just heartbreak – it's grief in general. When you're exploring your way around these gut wrenching songs, don't forget "Ronan," a charity single written for the mom of a child who died of cancer just days before his fourth birthday (that one, unfortunately, is not part of her return to streaming). And "Never Grow Up," which will have you wanting to crawl back into your mom's arms.
Either way, it's best to listen to these when you're alone.
So You Want to Get Into: Fairytale Wedding Day Taylor Swift?
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Ready to fall in love, you hopeless romantic? Read up on your Romeo and Juliet. Brush up on Rapunzel. Fall madly in love with the guy who's waiting tables at your favourite cafe. Go all in. Take risks. Ask that guy on a date. Ignore what anyone else says. Go head over heels. Get married (the guy has to propose on one knee and ask your dad for permission, of course). Have babies. Grow old together. Love is a fairytale!!!!!!
Taylor's very aware of her idealistic view on love ("Stupid girl, I should've known / I'm not a princess, this ain't a fairytale," she sings on "White Horse"), especially earlier on in her catalogue. You won't find her singing about dancing in the rain with her angelic-faced crush in her latest album, 1989, or anything in the future, but teenaged Taylor wrote the best love songs back in the day. She's either chasing highs or sinking into lows, and with mythical metaphors abound, she explains that sparkling feeling of falling in love.
You've come to the right place if you're looking for a song to dance to at your wedding. Imagine twinkly lights and barefeet as you twirl around the floor to 2006's "Mary's Song," which follows a seven-year-old girl and her nine-year-old beau as they grow up and get married. Or maybe you want dozens of photos of your family floating from clothesline at your barn wedding, soundtracking the moment with the voracity of 2010's "Mine." Or maybe you're under the moonlight, letting your vintage dress sweep over dewy grass as you dance with your hearts pressed together to "Enchanted."
Swift's love songs give you faith that love can last a lifetime, that you can pull off a medieval princess dress and that kissing in the rain is more magical and euphoric than wet and cold. Even if Prince Charming will never come galloping around on his awkwardly endowed stallion, it's nice – if but for three and a half minutes – to dream.
So You Want to Get Into: Banjo and Fiddle Taylor Swift?
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Taylor Swift made the same journey as Shania Twain when it's come to the crossing the country-to-pop bridge – except with Swift, it seems like she's left that bridge far, far behind. With the declaration that she was taking 2014's 1989 fully into pop territory, Swift hasn't looked back, reworking her old country hits when she plays them live and nearly ignoring her especially hoedown-oriented tunes. If you appreciate a good fiddle solo and snarky banjo, I urge you to start at the beginning of her discography.
The self-titled album is a mine of gold country nuggets with excellent lyricism from Swift and sharp production from Nathan Chapman (who had never produced an album until he met Taylor Swift when she was 14). Chapman adorned Swift's green soprano with a bevy of fiddle, which could cry during a song like "Tied Together With A Smile" or frolick with joy during "Our Song." Fiddle is the second singer on Taylor Swift. There's dobro too, etching its earthiness into songs, along with some sparse scatterings of mandolin.
And then there's pedal steel – completely absent after 2014's Red – which swoops in like mood swing, unexpected, yet totally called for. It yearns on "Teardrops on My Guitar," gives sassy support on "Picture to Burn," and calms a bubbling banjo on "The Outside."
Like Swift, who grew up on a Christmas tree farm in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, before convincing her family to move to Nashville, you might have a small-town upbringing. And just the mere twang of a steel guitar may transcend you to fireflies and summer nights. If you're more familiar with Swift's more recent work, listening to her first album may seem like a novelty, but the progression across the five albums is organic, so don't feel jolted when you hear the rush of country instruments and the mention of country's prince, Tim McGraw, when you take her first bite of Taylor Swift.
Listen to country-era Swift – if not to conjure your own childhood memories, but to get a better understanding of where the pop star started from.
So You Want to Get Into: Storyteller Taylor Swift?
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Sit down, music lover, and let Auntie Swift tell you a story. This one's a gripping tale about a girl who shows up at a fancy wedding, ready to interrupt everything and declare her love for the groom. The guy is obviously marrying the wrong woman, who's "wearing a gown shaped like a pastry." And although Taylor is not the kind of person to show up at a "white veil occasion," she, like the title of the 2010 song suggests, is compelled to "Speak Now."
I won't spoil the rest of the story for you, but as you enter the world of Swift for the first time, these storytelling songs might be your best entry point if you like a good narrative. These selections are perfect for long drives, when your mind wanders off the road. Ditch your Audible subscription (does anyone have Audible anyway?) and lean toward the Book of Swift instead. The first chapter dives into Taylor at three years old on "The Best Day," a song she wrote about her mom: "I run and run / Past the pumpkin patch / And the tractor rides / Look now, the sky is gold / I hug your legs / And fall asleep on the way home." The colours are vivid, the memories idyllic, and you can't help but miss your own mom a bit. Of course, some stories make you cry more than others, but with Taylor Swift, it's best to expect tears at all times.
Fast forward eight years to "Blank Space," where she's taken a wholly less innocent form – as a jet-setting maniser who steals her victims' hearts and tortures them with love games. "Saw you there and I thought / 'Oh my God, look at that face / You look like my next mistake'," she sings, as coy as a Black Widow looking for a mate. I won't spoil this one either, but let's just say that this story involves a pretty toxic web.
So, if you're in need of music that will hold you by your hand and take you through a journey, dive into "Love Story," a ditty about a young couple with disapproving parents, or "How You Get The Girl," a step-by-step tutorial on how to win your girlfriend back, or "Fifteen," a story about her friend Abigail's first year of high school, or "Mine," a song about a rando dude who turns into her husband. Whatever chapter you open the book of Taylor to, there's going to be a plot to keep you hooked.
Emilee Lindner was born on a metaphorical Christmas tree farm, and you can find her preaching the good word of Taylor on Twitter.
ts1989fanatic sorry that this so long a post but DAMN it’s worth the read, and I have to think the writer is a SWIFTIE she certainly understands the subject of her piece very well.
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