#which is 2 effing years so ridiculous
Do you have any tips about writing a dark comedy?
Thanks! :)
Dark Comedy Tips
*** Content warning for dark themes and references to methods of unaliving ***
1 - Employ Well-Timed "Gallows Humor" - Gallows humor is humor that treats serious, frightening, or painful subject matter in a light or satirical way.
One of my favorite uses of gallows humor is a literal one, and it happened in real life. Upon the signing of the Declaration of Independence--which was treason against the English crown--Benjamin Franklin reportedly quipped, "We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately."
The musical 1776 drew the gallows humor out from there...
Hancock: Alright, step right up, gentlemen. Don't miss your chance to commit treason. Franklin: Hancock is right. This document is our passport to the gallows. But there's no backing out now, for if we do not hang together, we shall most assuredly hang separately. Hancock: Gentlemen, forgive me if I don't join in the merriment, but if we are arrested now, my name is still the only one on the damn thing!
This scene qualifies as dark humor/gallows humor because there was a very real threat that these men would be punished--perhaps even hung--for their participation in the revolution and declaring independence from the British crown. Despite the very real threat, they're making jokes about it.
2 - Be Thoughtful About Jokes and Timing - It's super important, though, to be thoughtful about the types of jokes you make and the timing. Moments of real tragedy, where the reader is likely to be really upset, are not usually the best time or source for dark humor.
So, for example, the above scene from 1776 wouldn't have hit right if they'd just learned that one of the other congressmen had in fact just lost their life at the gallows.
And don't be an edgelord. Dark humor isn't about making deliberately outrageous jokes in an attempt to shock or offend people. You don't want to be heavy-handed.
3 - Meaning Matters - Ultimately, you want to avoid making jokes for the sake of making jokes. The goal with the humor is to hold up a mirror to how effed up the situation is. Franklin's quip about the Declaration of Independence being a "passport to the gallows" for anyone who signed it illustrates how truly absurd it is that simply signing a piece of paper to declare independence from a parent nation would be reason enough to end someone's life. It's a lot more nuanced than that, probably, but you get the point.
So, think about what you want the reader to take away from the story. What are you trying to say? What does it all mean? The bulk of your jokes should be building upon or delivering that message in some way.
4 - The More Absurd the Better - Absurdity based in reality is another common element of dark humor. Over-the-top escalation of conflict, boundaries pushed to their plausibly ridiculous limits, preposterous plot twists, logical conclusions taken to illogical places, and brutal emotional honesty... Hyperbole can be an effective tool to illustrate the absolute nonsense that is so much of human existence.
5 - Consistency is Key - Last but not least, it's important to be consistent. Dark humor isn't something you introduce suddenly. It should be there from the beginning, in whatever capacity it can be, so as not to give the reader tonal whiplash. They should know right from the start that this is a dark comedy. Your really want the dark and light elements to be woven seamlessly together.
Happy writing!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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kdnfb's Ten Years of Fanfiction Mania
Featuring: Unmasked
Summary: Written under an Anonymous pseudonym ~M~ to fill the following prompt ~ Historical Katniss and Peeta hate each other. They attend a masquerade ball and for some reason end up kissing each other. Sparks fly everywhere. Katniss tries to find the man behind the mask but Peeta knows it was Katniss though he doesnt say anything. They end up bethrothed even if they 'despise' each other. How they fall in love is up to u and how katniss figured out it was peeta is up to u
Rating: E for explicit sexual content, explicit language, implied/referenced rape/nonconsensual (not everlark), implied/referenced child abuse, implied/referenced suicide, implied/referenced miscarriage, discussions of illness, war, and injury in a historical setting, ptsd, minor character death. They worst of these tags happens offscreen and is merely discussed and dealt with rather than shown here.
A/N: ~Unmasked~ is my longest fic in terms of word count (around 234k), although Outside Chance and Spellbound are not too far behind and are both incomplete. Unmasked started as something meant to be fun and cathartic, then turned into a ridiculously long and self indulgent fic that I still, to this day, have no idea if the anonymous person who submitted the prompt to @everlarkficexchange even read, let alone whether or not they liked it. But I love what I produced for this fic.
Why write it anonymously and only reveal myself later? A couple reasons. 1) Historical is not my wheel house. At least not writing it. I am a shameless consumer of historical romances. I did some research for this fic but not nearly the level I would've liked to have done. Eventually, I said screw it, it's about the vibes not the accuracy. 2) I had a pile of unfinished wips when I started this, to include Outside Chance and Spellbound (both of which are still unfinished hmmmmm) and I really didn't want a lot of questions about when I was going to get back to those while I was working on this because 3) I'd just gone through a small slice of writerly hell to the point that I seriously considered deleting my entire tumblr and all of my fanfic. Details are not important right now, the result is. That's probably the closest I've ever come to calling myself done with fandom.
Then this prompt posted to EFE and wouldn't leave me alone. Eventually, I decided that if I was going to write it, I wanted to write it with as little pressure as possible. So I chose to write and post it as ~M~ until it was finished. Plus, I thought it might make it fun for people other than me if there was a bit of mystery behind it. And I don't regret doing that.
Writing behind a mask allowed me to be as long winded and self-indulgent as I wanted to without worrying about how tight the storyline was or how accurate the historical details were, or wondering if I'd be walking into my tumblr and a barrage of the kind of messages I'd come to dread receiving. The only thing I worried about, really was if the amount and kind of smut I included gave me away prematurely lmao.
While this was my first real foray into the realm of historical fics, I am hoping it's not the last. I've got too many ideas and half started pieces to back out of it now. But those, like this one, will probably remain untethered to a specific real place, and a specific time, mainly because I just don't have that kind of time for research if I'm not getting paid to do it lol. They will be works of love if not works of accuracy.
Unmasked on AO3
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tabl3 · 1 month
timeline of the beginning of the ef rewrite + book 1
for the peeps that either need a refresher or get overwhelmed by my 40+ book elite force rewrite (fair), I'm going to break down a rough tl of the events. we're starting with the pre-rewrite, and the first book of the series (which you can read on ao3 under tabs-alt :) )
March, 2016 Mission Creek, California - Tasha Davenport (44) announces to her family that she is expecting a baby girl
June, 2016 - across the country in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, supervillain Bridget Hunslet’s (38) reign of Terror is ended with the combined effort of dozens of superheroes
Mid-August, 2016 - Oliver Hunslet (16) and Skylar Diaz (near-17) leave their high school at the end of the school day, freshly in their junior year. They wave goodbye to their friends: Jordan (17),  Gus (16), and Stephanie (16), before Skylar attempts to reignite conversation with her unusually quiet companion. A black limousine pulls up in the drop-off zone, with a familiar face at the wheel. He rolls down the window and offers them a proposition. Twenty minutes later, Kazimieras Andris (16) hears a knock on his family home's door. He struggles forward to answer it, having a fussy baby in his arms and two toddlers clinging to his legs- the reason he was absent from school that day. Mr. Donald Davenport (47) stands in the doorway, flanked by Skylar and Oliver on either side. A new team, he offers. Use his technology to take down Mr. Terror's empire. A chance to be a hero
September 1st, 2016 - Leo Dooley-Davenport celebrates his 16th birthday in the lab with his older siblings: Adam Davenport (19), Bree Davenport (near-18), and Chase Davenport (17). After a few hours, they're scattered around, talking about their recent big victory. Their father, Donald, comes down and introduces a new mission that starts the next day. The siblings excitedly discuss preparations, before they're interrupted. Two for the new mission, and two to stay at the academy. They're going to be separated. As they're left to decide amongst themselves, Chase chooses to leave first. He sees the heartbreak on their faces, but understands that Leo has truly come into himself on the island, and this new mission needs a leader. There's silence for a beat. Bree volunteers next. She whacks Chase on the shoulder, proclaiming that she needs to keep him out of trouble. A long hug, many tears, and a sleepless night of packing followed. Adam doesn't say a word.
September 2, 2016 - Bree and Chase arrive at Davenport Towers, Centium City, Rhode Island. Donald leads them to the balcony. They reintroduce themselves to Skylar, Kaz, and Oliver, before Donald gives them all a brief tour of the penthouse. He leaves them be after. Once the two groups finish sizing each other up, Chase instructs them to follow him to Mission Command, their headquarters under the building with a network of tunnels under Centium City. He makes his distrust of Kaz and Oliver’s powers known, citing that they have no training and the idea of a “magic space rock” is ridiculous. He also points out that he’s the leader, because his father told them so, meaning they have to listen to him. This causes a minuscule amount of friction between him and Oliver and Skylar. Meanwhile, Bree and Kaz have a budding friendship, because she enjoys the fact that he annoys her brother. That night as they settle in, Oliver comments on how creepy Chase’s capsule is. Kaz only says it looks uncomfortable.
September 3rd, 2016 - Skylar comes downstairs early in the morning to work out. She’s surprised to find Chase already awake and ready for the day. He points to the donuts he picked up. Once the rest of the team comes down, Oliver begins pressing about their objective. Bree and Skylar both remind him that it will take time to achieve. This angers him, causing him to slam his hand down, breaking off a piece of the counter with his new strength. Kaz and Skylar are surprised to see him outburst like that. After he quietly sits down, Skylar begins suggesting routes to take. Chase immediately cuts her off, suggesting that her plans are ridiculous. Before they break out in a proper argument, Kaz and Bree divert it.
September 4th, 2016 - Kaz and Oliver are experiencing body pain, chalking it up to bad takeout. Skylar is using the boys’ bathroom to get ready, complaining about Bree hogging theirs. While they talk, Skylar points out how little Chase has in his portion of the room. She picks up a picture frame off the desk, one of his family. They identify Adam, Leo, and Donald, before figuring that the heavily pregnant woman who resembles Leo is his mother and Donald’s wife. There’s another man featured, one that looks strikingly similar to Adam, Bree, and Chase- one they’ve never seen before. Kaz decides to find out who he is, flipping open Chase’s laptop and hacking through his lock. Oliver is cautious about it, while Skylar is intrigued. The laptop shuts, and the frame flies away. Chase is standing in the doorway. He tells them they can ask instead of snooping. Kaz asks who “Raggedy Andy” is. Amused, Chase replies that it’s Douglas Davenport, Donald’s younger brother. He then informs them that it’s training time. When they complain about not eating breakfast yet, he counters by telling them they should spend less time breaking boundaries to have time to eat.
In the training room, Chase stands below with the other two boys. The girls watch from above as he begins instructing them. He tells Kaz to demonstrate his flying abilities. Kaz does so, and Oliver feels a pang of jealousy because he hasn’t been able to activate his powers on command. Chase then tells Kaz to demonstrate his pyrokinesis. Kaz does so. It keeps going after Chase tells him to stop, enveloping panicking Kaz and the bottom part of the room. Chase backs Oliver into a corner, putting up a shield around them. He yells at Kaz to stop. Kaz replies that he can’t. Skylar prepares to jump down to help. Bree is faster. She lands on the floor, siphoning the flames away with wind generated by her speed. Kaz is kneeling on the ground, shaken. Skylar makes it down, running to him. Bree begins yelling at Kaz for endangering Chase’s life, despite the fact that the siblings have barely spoken to each other since arriving at the tower. Skylar argues back that Kaz is new, and can’t control himself yet. Chase tells the two boys to follow him outside. Skylar stops them on their way out, telling them that she won’t tolerate it if Chase speaks badly to them. Her argument continues with Bree afterward, while Chase, juxtaposing what the boys thought, warmly assures them that he’s there to help them, and understands that it can be scary. 
September 5th, 2016 - Skylar finds Chase downstairs in the early morning again. He’s organizing colored blocks on a holo screen on their kitchen island. She inquires what it is. He replies that it’s to be the boys’ training regiment. Skylar vetoes it, saying it’s too much. Chase retorts that Kaz has too much power that he can’t control, and Oliver has nothing to control, making them a liability. This continues the friction between them. That afternoon, mostly Kaz and Bree’s doing, the team goes out to a sandwich shop. After that, they play laser tag, then go grocery shopping- where a gaggle of preteen girls show up for Chase and Bree’s autographs. While in the midst of this, an alert sounds off. An active robbery in the shopping plaza. The team runs to a small antique store, where a band of thieves are holding the owner at gunpoint. As Chase begins giving an order, Bree and Skylar run right past him, engaging with the criminals. Chase, annoyed, tells the other boys to not use their powers, as it's a cardinal rule to never use deadly force on humans, before joining the fight, leaving Kaz and Oliver completely unsure of what to do. The three heroes that can fight get in each other’s way, because they’re in a tiny space and not at all fighting together, which is added to by Kaz particularly being an obstacle. After a failing fight, Oliver trips, knocking everyone over into a pile. The thieves get away, the store is destroyed, and the young girls that followed them take a picture. 
Later that afternoon, Chase receives a phone call from Donald. He tries to assure him that they took care of the damages, but his father is furious about the terrible debut of his new team spreading across social media and news networks. Chase tries to explain, but only receives scathing words about how Donald never should have trusted him to lead, and that he’d better fix this mess. After he hangs up, Chase turns his anger on the team that’s gathered on the couch, pointing out everything they did wrong. Skylar laughs at him, telling him to do some reflection because he didn’t take any blame in his rant. Chase goes down to Mission Command, while Kaz tells Skylar to knock it off.
Oliver continues trying to activate his powers on command. Bree thinks about calling her family, before zipping off as she’s been doing to enjoy her new freedom. Skylar pores over ancient Calderan archives that her adoptive father Horace Diaz (3,045) transcribed from Hapax the Elder in a quest to retrieve her powers. 
Meanwhile, Kaz finds Chase working down in Mission Command. Chase tries to get him to leave. He thinks it works, until he hears crunches. Kaz is still there, staring intently while eating potato chips. Chase is purely confused as to why. Kaz says he finds whatever Chase is working on interesting. That perplexes Chase more, because even the more tech-savvy members of his family have never taken an interest. It’s the wormhole generator from Mighty Med that he’s trying to put into a more functional design. He teases Kaz that it’ll be another one to break. Kaz then threatens him that he’s going to touch his expensive equipment with his greasy fingers.
Hours go by, and Chase is surprised to look up and still see Kaz there. After a brief chat, Chase recalls the small crush he had developed on Kaz after waking up in Mighty Med and seeing who saved his life. This causes him to not pay attention, shocking himself on his machine. Kaz rushes over to help him, causing Chase to fumble away harder. They leave together after, with Chase tripping over the hyperlift’s threshold after Kaz compliments him. 
Once back upstairs, Chase makes eye contact with Skylar. He feels nauseous, saying that he’s going out to get air. He finds himself at a library/cafe, browsing the shelves. He collides with someone, knocking both of them over. A girl, a very pretty girl, accepts the hand to help her back up. They go back to themselves after, before their fingers brush on the spine of Frankenstein. They talk about this before exchanging names, with Chase heavily struggling to form the two words. She laughs anyway, and doesn’t care that he’s bionic or famous. That’s refreshing to Chase. She informs him that he’s taking her on a coffee date. Reese (16) takes his hand and leads him away.
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blackjack-15 · 5 months
mmm no syd's never been here and she's drinking it in...not that there's much to drink in
this isn't like bachelor 'chic' this is depression: the apartment
but i love that the show is dedicated to shattering any illusions she might have had about Chef Carmen Berzatto but also building her up to knowing just Carmy -- his asshole moments, his good points, his traumas, his sense of humor, and his quirks
blue sharpie -- blue again -- but hey i hope it's a sharpie that works?
um. carmy. that hand on her lower back?? completely unnecessary, but i'm thrilled we've absolutely shattered the touch barrier...but it was completely unnecessary touching, she was already moving.
syd just absorbing the jeans being in the oven is hilarious. the bear is a comedy
"don't look them in the eyes" i love you ebra
that cut to carmy's chef whites as syd is talking? more foreshadowing i think -- does syd have a nice pair of chef whites? is carmy gonna give her one (which would be Ridiculous of him those are so expensive but ii can kinda see him doing it as a vote of confidence? he's not great with money we've seen that)?
"chaos menu but, um...thoughtful?" that's carmy in a nutshell XD
my gosh him staring at her. baby.
it's SUCH interesting body language -- syd is forward, focused, writing, and carmy's standing with one hand on the counter, posture open and angled towards her? watching her as he speaks? i think he's gonna find himself in deep by the time he realizes even a little of what he's feeling, and it's gonna be beautiful
syd smiling at the chef's whites, at his monogram. this is 100% being set up for later. they already foreshadowed it in s2e1 with tina calling her "the new carmy", i'm just putting 2 and 2 together
wait those were in a box last ep and the box was by the window. carmy was looking at them, they had camera focus. so why are they by the kitchen now? did he move them? why'd he move them? why, carmy, why would you do that i wonder?
"i bet it felt really good wearing it." "yeah, it did" gosh they're really going for this huh. they're stealing looks at each other, carmy's opening up...see if they go on like this they're both gonna get to the Point of No Return too quickly. so this is going to stop, and i have an inkling why (it's the one thing i'm spoiled for!) but...my gosh
syd tucking her hair behind her ear before asking him a question? girllllll you're In It
"i doubt i'm gonna tell you to f//k off" him admitting he'd probably tell her whatever she wanted to know? absolutely groundbreaking i love it this is adorable
"when you got that call. that three-star call" "f//k off" HE'S LAUGHING AND THE DIMPLES AND THE SMILE ARE OUT IT'S SO CUTE they're straight up flirting at this point, like, full stop. damn flirterers they're too cute
and she asks the question anyway! and he answers it anyway! his answer being panic -> dread isn't great, but he answers it! and makes a joke at the end and she laughs and makes another joke and he laughs!! it's great!! it's intimate, it's funny, it's soft and honest...this is an amazing conversation and their relationship literally cannot continue forward from here or else they're gonna get to first base way faster than the show's paced for so...come on out, miss complication, i know you're waiting in the wings...
oh no. that's mold. not the complication i was thinking of, but definitely a complication
"mold is the death knell" yuuuup i effing knew it oh gosh this is horrible
fun side note: the crapbox college apartment i lived in with 5 other girls for 3 years was closed for reno for like 2 full years after i finally moved out b/c the walls were just apparently full on mold behind the drywall. i heard about that and was like oh that explains the breathing problems (mold allergy!) from 18-21. huh.
they're just full on calling natalie mom. the foreshadowing is not subtle
carmy and syd work so well together and i'm about to get Violent about it aren't i
also carmy's writing in blue, syd's in red. stability and passion, love and loyalty, boldness and serenity, aggression and passivity.
just a note, those two colors make purple, aka the color that represents creativity, wisdom, wealth, and enlightenment. just saying, you know, if they wanted to make purple or something
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newsworld-nw · 7 months
Why did Britney Spears and Sam Asghari break up? Here's what we know about their divorce
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Picture credit score: NINA PROMMER/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock Britney Spears And Sam Asghari It appeared completely satisfied ever after, however that modified once they introduced their divorce in the summertime of 2023. After the pop singer and actor broke up, followers have been curious as to what led to the tip of their relationship. Scroll down to search out out every thing we find out about Britney and Sam's cut up.
Why did Britney Spears and Sam Asghari break up?
In August, Britney and Sam individually introduced their separation. “Oops! I Did It Once more” artiste confirmed the information of her divorce in a prolonged Instagram caption. “As everybody is aware of, Hesam and I are not collectively … (six) years is a very long time to be with somebody, so I am a bit shocked however … I am not right here to elucidate why it is actually no person's enterprise!! !" Britney wrote. "However, I actually could not take it anymore!!! In some type of telepathic manner, I've obtained so many messages from buddies that soften my coronary heart, and I thanks!!!" The Princess of Pop added, "I have been taking part in it robust for a very long time, and my Instagram might look excellent, but it surely's removed from actuality, and I feel everyone knows that!!! It is about how I actually really feel. I need to present my feelings and tears, however (for some cause) I've at all times needed to disguise my weak spot!!! If I wasn't my father's robust soldier, I might have been despatched away to be mounted by medical doctors!!! However at the moment I Household was wanted essentially the most!!! Love you unconditionally... not situations!!!! So, I will be as robust as I can and do my finest!!! And I am really doing fairly good!!! Anyway, have a pleasant day , and remember to smile (sic)!!!” For Sam's half, the non-public coach additionally tried a optimistic tone in her personal Instagram assertion. "After six years of affection and dedication to one another, my spouse and I've determined to finish our journey collectively," he wrote on a black display screen. “We'll maintain on to the love and respect we've got for one another and I want her at all times the most effective. "S**t occurs. It appears ridiculous to ask for privateness, so I might ask everybody, together with the media, to be type and thoughtful." Sam reportedly filed for divorce on August 16, citing "irreconcilable variations" as the explanation for his or her separation.
Is Britney Spears and Sam Asghari Divorced?
Since Sam filed the papers in August, it seems like the 2 are nonetheless understanding the main points of their divorce. Web page six The previous couple reportedly signed a prenuptial settlement earlier than they tied the knot. "Britney and Sam signed a prenup on his behalf," a supply advised the outlet. "The cash she made earlier than marriage is protected."
How lengthy have been Britney Spears and Sam Asghari collectively?
Sam and Britney first met in late 2016 on the set of her "Slumber Celebration" music video. After courting for 5 years, the pair introduced their engagement in September 2021. The next yr, the now-estranged husband and spouse exchanged vows in a shocking ceremony in Los Angeles in June 2022. Followers lastly acquired a glimpse of Britney and Sam's wedding ceremony and cut up into her upcoming memoir, The Girl in Me, which hits cabinets on October 24. When requested how Sam felt about being known as a "present from God" within the e-book, he responded warmly. "It made me chuckle," he advised a reporter TMZ In a video taken Oct. 25 in Los Angeles. "I am pleased with him," he continued. "And I hope he takes over the world." #Britney #Spears #Sam #Asghari #break #Heres #divorce Read the full article
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Okay. That's just ridiculous.
This is actually my very first post on Tumblr. I've been lurking on this hellsite for several years and was happy to do so but that's too much bullshit for me to shut up.
It's The Last of Us 2 all over again.
Queers want representation. And fuck knows we deserve it. And, honestly, these last few years we had so many great victories. And they will keep coming because scenarists and writers are finally picking up on what we want (despite our great subtlety).
But most of you don't want queer representation. You want a queer picture perfect fairy tale, and if you don't get it you go feral and start attacking, and that's so very dangerous.
Queer culture, queer history, is not this sanityzed perfect idyllic tale, so is life in general.
I don't want to see representation if it's just going to be happy-ending and pedestals and flawless morally perfect characters. Because that's not real.
And, worse, that's actually treating queers differently. Marginalising queers. Which is exactly the opposite of what you think you are doing by attacking all of the fictions that don't go with your ship. Disguising your egotistical opinions and needs as some kind of righteousness.
No, no, you are not mad because your OTP didn't go cannon, you are mad because by not making the two boys fall in love instantly the show is homophobic and you are so effing mad and disgusted and its so gross and it made you want to vomit and... - and suddenly its legitimate to shit on the work of hundreds of people dedicated to their art and story. Calling them out and insulting them in posts that some of them will most likely see. Yeah. Right.
Nothing to do with you and the feeling that you are somehow entitled to a story tailored just for your desperate need to see the two teenage boys get together. Of course.
What would happen if Brokeback Mountain came out now ? Would you call it homophobic ? I mean, a gay guy dies so.. The author must be. Because you just can't show a gay guy die.
What about Angels in America ? That's about Aids so no good representation here.
Rope ? Pretty queerbait for a 1948 movie.
All of that is LGBTQIA+ narrative, and all of it - the good, the happy, the tears, the diseases, the trauma, the riots, the deceptions, the deaths, all of it - is crucial.
Queer are human beings. They are not perfect, they don't have perfect lives, perfect morale, automatically reciprocated crushes on their straight best friends and systematic good endings.
Don't trap them in this tiny tiny box made of rainbows for your personal convenience and your addiction to the butterflies in your stomach that only now wake up when you watch two men make out.
There's an extremely fine line between your egocentric discourse of rage for not getting what you have the audacity to think you are entitled for and purity culture.
And there is an extremely fine line between purity culture and censorship.
I don't even want excuses like "oh it's probably coming in the next season so we just have to wait" or "its to tease us so it'll be even better" - no.
Fuck that.
Even if its stops there. Even if its never mentioned again. Even if it gets worse and the queer character is isolated or ridiculed and the straight couple thrives,.. Even then.
Because how many hundreds of thousands of queer kids found themselves in this exact situation ? And saw these scenes and saw it is stuff that just happens sometimes and it's life and its normal and it will happen again and again, not because they are queer but because they are alive and breathing and human.
And that is true representation.
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klaineownsmysoul · 2 years
G/Lee practically limped to thr finish line at end of S6.. they had a reduced no. Of eps coz of decreased viewers.. they had nonsensical and absolutely ridiculous SLs.. Dalton burning?! Dedicated eps for a spoilt brat who non one liked, seriously who looked at that character and Said oh he's so inspiring!... Why are there rumours of reboot swirling is beyond me..
I believe the industry term you are looking for with regards to glee's ratings towards the end is "dumpster fire." Oddly enough, that term also covers the storylines and plots those of us who were left had the distinct displeasure of enduring. "Clusterfuck" would also be applicable here. Everyone I knew IRL - including my bff who turned me onto the show in season 1 - had long since abandoned it, which is why I was pretty sure it was just like me and 3 other people watching by the end.
Season 5 was dropped from the usual 22/23 episodes down to 20 and season 6 was limited to 13 eps and held until mid-season: that doesn't really inspire a lot of confidence in the direction of the show, does it? If show quality is any measure, it was pretty clear that RIB was done with glee by that point. They were completely checked out and just wanted to get this over and done with so they could move onto other things. Between them not caring, RM's love affair with his golden girl LM (more on her later), and his immature vendetta against the best thing he accidentally did - Klaine - there was very little to enjoy over those final 13 eps. When you focus so heavily on a main character who is as unlikable, selfish, and just downright horrible as Rachel, shit gets old real fast. I'm also pretty sure they had some kind of competition going in the writers' room to see who could come up with the worst storylines that allowed them to continually push Klaine to the backburner. Every week it was some new bs to focus on that wasn't their core couple: an out of left field sort of "romance" between Rachel and Sam that ended just as fast as it began but made sure to suck up plenty of story and song time while it lasted, that awfully stupid plot with the screechy 11 year old that made no sense at all but was the focus of an entire show, Kurt getting to do exciting things like holding Rachel's purse for her and continuing his lot in her life as second fiddle and ego booster, and let's not forget adding in a whole bunch of new kids no one asked for as the show moved back to a place (Lima) that no one wanted to see again, and of course the piece de resistance: the terrible horrible no good very bad thing with Blaine and DK.
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Anyhoo...to your question about why rumors of a reboot are swirling around now? Its fairly simple I think: another stop on the LM Redemption Tour and a trip back in time for RM to his biggest hit. 2 birds, one stone. LM's career and image have taken a massive hit over the last couple of years and so why not go back to the role that made her a household name and work with one of the few people who not only tolerated her awful behavior but seemed to actually reward her for it with whatever she wanted, no matter how much the overall product suffered. RM could use a hit and so why not reboot his biggest and most lucrative one? The problem is that people are a little more hip to things now: consider the massive backlash he got when RM posted that little rumination about a reboot a while back on Insta. It was so bad he ended up deleting the post so you would think he'd have learned from that but apparently not. If he's involved and if the show goes forward with something resembling the idea posted in the blind - focusing on a Rachel-like character - that would be the easiest and quickest no I've ever uttered. No second thoughts necessary. No hemming, no hawing. Just No. No No No.
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How would that be any different from the show we watched the first time around? I've had enough of Rachel to last me 3 lifetimes so there's no effing way I'd want to start a new show that I know going in will center around someone as insufferable as her.
No Klaine = no me. Its a simple equation. I don't think C would ever want to work with RIB again so no C = no Kurt so I'm out. You cannot recast them because no one else will have the chemistry that C and D shared as Klaine which is what made them special. We all know there are people out there capable of giving Klaine well written and meaningful stories to tell but those people do not include the ones who created them in the first place. The idea of someone else getting praised and cheered online for giving Klaine the kinds of moments they deserved would be such a massive hit to the oversized ego of RM that I don't see it happening.
I truly don't know who would watch this except for the Rachel and LM stans who think both are perfect angels. This is a bad idea that doesn't need to happen. Its nothing more than a pathetic attempt to relive old glory and the irony of it all is that the person wanting to go back is the one responsible for the original show's own downfall.
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srbachchan · 3 years
DAY 4866
Jalsa, Mumbai                   June 24/25,  2021               Thu/Fri 1:16 AM
Birthday - EF - Donna Lisch ..  Ef Akhilesh Goswami .. Friday, June 25 .. and the wishes of all the Ef for your birthday and the wish to be safe and protected .. love from the Ef family .. ❤️
.. the game last night took long .. ending at 2.30 am and then the routine of getting in the slumber took another few and then up at 6 to leave for work .. the sleep was determined and untouched by laments or the structures it normally builds to break the rhythm .. but it did not and the work went on as scheduled .. 
.. it is said .. perhaps by the Mahatma himself that even a 15 min strong undisturbed deep sleep is enough to replenish the body of all that it requires to function at maximum .. often that has been practised .. during the early years when the work was in timings that today seem ridiculous ..
2 films .. 2 different films , 2 different characters , 2 different locations and 2 different timings : first shift 7am - 2 pm ... and the second from 2 pm - 10 pm .. which in simple terms means up at 5 , to leave by 5.30, to reach by 6 to be ready in make up and hair costume, for the first shot of the day at 7 am .. and likewise for the next .. and the next and the next .. and at times in different locations out of the city .. 
... so the climax of Deewar .. the run after being chased by brother and shot in the back .. was to be done at night .. the permissions and the location at Ballard Estate, the pictures I shared during shoot of MAYDAY, were given only at late night .. after 10 pm .. so work from 10 pm the whole night .. finish by about 5 am .. rush straight to the airport, catch a flight to Bangalore, drive for an hour to Ramgarh the SHOLAY location and shoot for the day there .. and by evening rushing again to the airport,  on a flight to Mumbai and shoot the night climax for DEEWAR .. catching sleep on the flight .. on like this for days until the work is over .. 
.. and the same routine for the Stage Shows overseas .. during the late 80′s .. on a Concert Tour of 12 major cities - in the USA, Canada and T&T - Trinidad & Tobago .. in the middle suddenly learning of Babuji unwell - had a fall and needed immediate surgery and hospitalisation .. his age a major factor .. 
the Concerts were over the week end .. Saturday and Sunday .. so ..
.. night show finishes by past midnight .. a flight to wherever I was to NYC .. morning Concorde to London .. arrive evening, connect immediately to Mumbai overnight flight .. attend to Babuji till the Friday night .. then on a plane to London on Fri-Sat .. arriving Saturday morning, catching immediately Concorde to NYC .. and flight to the city of the stage show in the US .. arriving by evening there just in time for the show to start and .. BOOM .. on with the show .. 
.. and week end over .. back to the routine of Mumbai and Babuji .. 
.. not a single flight missed and more importantly not a single Concert Show timing missed .. on stage at the sound of the bell ..
SO .. having suitably impressed you all .. its back to today now and here we are .. 
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.. out at 7 to be on set by 8 .. get into make up and costume ..
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.. script and scene firmly in hand .. a quick word with the Director Vikas .. and 
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.. and ready to roll .. ( a few standard pictures .. obviously cannot disclose the rest ..) ..
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.. no lunch break .. and back to the regular Nike jacket .. and drive to Janak and gym .. lunch pack in drive back , in the car ..
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.. gym .. and physio with doc .. the aches and pains of age attended to .. and home .. to shower and limited food and the Ef .. 
.. phew ..
.. such a boring Blog ain’t it .. 
oh yes .. the sparse dinner over the Euro catch ups and the writing into the morn of the 25th .. at .. what the heck is the time  .. err , yaa .. 2 am .. !
Alright .. GN
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Amitabh Bachchan
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dlrconlicense · 3 years
So I've gone and seen Shang Chi and the Legend of Ten Rings. Here are some random thoughts I had about the film.
(Spoilers below)
1) They had to have done the opening arrow scene on purpose and I actually busted out in a laugh. So lemme explain, like about circa 15 years ago, the "great" director Zhang Yimou had his foray into the martial arts genre with a little film called "Hero", starring your Mr. Wen Wu, Tony Leung Chiu-Wai (I always say his Chinese name because a) like Wen Wu said your name is sacred, b) there are two great Tony Leungs in HK Entertainment). So anyhoo, in that film there was an incredibly ridiculous scene where an entire army shoots like thousands of arrows at Jet Li's character to execute him. I remember one of the student groups back in college had held a screening of it (which basically is a bunch of us cramped inside a classroom showing a bootleg copy on the projector) and the entire lot of us busted out laughing.
Tony wasn't gonna die from arrows like Jet, he yeeted them away.
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2) I think in a circle of Asian American friends, we knew a Shaun-like character, we all knew a Katy, we all have one of THOSE lawyer friends.
3) I actually loved the bus fight scene....and yeah that sounds about right in regards to San Fran public transport lol.
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4) Why was Wong hustling for money? He clearly had a hand in fixing matches with Abomination. Was he investigating the Xu siblings and was undercover? Or they really needed money to fix the roof. Actually the Wong scene was rather...unnecessary somehow.
5) I love that this film's main character doesn't fall in to the trap of Asian film main leads...typical good at everything, classically good looking (i.e pasty a la kdrama/c-dramas), RICH by legacy. Shaun running from legacy actually makes him rather relatable in a way. He found his own path eventually to take up his mantle.
6) When I saw the trailer, I had mistook Xialing for the actress who played her mom. The actress, Fala Chen, had an extremely similar bob in one of my favorite TV series from HK. You could see similarities between Meng'er and Fala, so kudos to casting for that.
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7) Speaking of Fala, I've always thought that she was infinitely wasted in the later years at her job in the TV station in HK. It was crap scripts one after the other. She was by far the most natural of the actresses that started around the same time, yet she was probably the most criticized. When I saw that she quit her job and further her career by going to Julliard, I thought good for her and what a badass.
8) God, why Ronny Chieng? Just effing why him?!
9) Katy is the best friend you wish you had. Literally.
10) So speaking as a trilingual (native Cantonese speaker, English and fluent in Mandarin), I think the part that really threw off a bit was the Chinese. I've always found Chinese dialogue that pops up in Hollywood productions a bit awkward and clunky. The interchange between English and Mandarin Chinese in this definitely was not awkward. It actually does sound like how my family would communicate at times. While I don't find the dialogue an issue, I did find Tony's Mandarin throws me off while we have other characters speak perfect Mandarin. Just let the man speak Cantonese lol. (Simu's was very typical ABC/CBC to be fair and come to think of it, this is the first time I've heard Fala act in Mandarin Chinese, her self-taught Canto is extremely good btw).
11) The action scenes were awesome, although the dragon fight was a bit dizzying.
12) So basically the final battle is like Mortal Kombat, The Hobbit movie, and Raya all rolled into one.
13) I am glad they don't overuse "honor" in this. There is no honor to defend in this entire family. In fact, speaking as a Chinese person, we don't "defend honor" like we eat rice. We either choose to live honorably like any other folks or just do our own thing.
14) Speaking of eating rice, I completely lost my shit when Wen Wu went to Guang Bo (Mr. Landlord Yuen Wah!) and said a common telling off in Chinese "I've eaten more salt than you've ate rice young man, so you better speak to me with more respect." He's seen more shit than you. I keep on forgetting Wen Wu is like thousands of years old.
15) Tony is very good looking for a thousand years old.
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16) During the battle between father and son, I kept on thinking....are those rings from a similar meteor like in Wakanda? Meaning they are Vibranium?
17) So definitely love and grief are the main themes of this new era in the MCU. Wenwu's motivations definitely is like the Strange episode of "What If..." His family was his everything and his weakness.
18) When Shang Chi looked at Katy like THAT, I very audibly said "No!" in the theater. Why can't they just be besties for life? I'm telling you, BroTP for life. It's not even about making the Asian male lead asexual. Why can't a guy and a girl can be ride and die like that.
19) Ok...thank you Bruce for the answer to my questions about the rings.
20) God I wanna hang out with Wong.
21) Is Xialing rebuilding the Ten Rings and why do I have a feeling she is going to have ties to Sharon's Power Broker?
Final thought: A very fun, very solid entry into MCU. I went in with very low expectations and definitely found myself enjoying it more than I thought I would. I definitely will rewatch this film when it comes out on streaming. I actually wouldn't mind seeing more of Shaun and Katy.
P.S. Has anyone told Trevor that Liverpool won the League one year?
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hazelcephalopod · 2 years
The Eye of the World Ch 41-42
A reunion is had, remedies are found, and the Pattern reveals the plan. It’s quite good, we got to the plot. Maybe?
Disclaimer: this is my first read thru but I’ve watched all of the show this far and been spoiled on some book things. So… I’m going to lean into that. Enjoy figuring out what I know, and what I think I know, and what I just don’t. Also s/x I add commentary when I edit.
Spoilers for the first book and up to the most recent episode under the cut. Potential spoilers for latter books.
Ch 41
Either a River or a branch?
Rand POV. (I’d have guessed Nynaeve)
Paranoia really set in huh?
That cat thing again. I mean I guess it’s atmospheric. Yea ok, with the guys in white it’s background story I’ll take it and commend it
Idk if you should tell Gill about all that Rand
Fair. Long day
Lol. Told Gill and is not believed. Because it is ridiculous
See Loial believes you Rand. You should take him with you. Why not? So he’s huge and very noticeable. You aren’t that far behind. Only by like three feet and being human
Mmm. Sure buddy
Hey at least Gill now believes him.
Mm bad choice of words but not his fault
Yes! Bringing Loial!
Well that’s a dampener on that. ‘At least he’s not physically violently -racist- species towards me’ and regrettably “he” is Mat. But we aren’t gonna hold that against him for the moment. *cough* cursed dagger *cough* (I later learn truly cursed dagger is, uh, a major major component to that)
Oh no. Effing Whitecloaks?
Lol. Like, respect for Gill but if he’s just let him finish.
And everyone! Band is back together!
Yup. They’re time is high up on The a Bad Times list
Mmm yea about the eyes thing
Moiraine gonna magic the rats away?!
No. Rand the red and white thing is important. It’s not hard to explain either. Dude. Wow. You got issues
Oh no. Even Rand has given up hope for Thom
I think Mat’s gotten worse
Oh yup this is just some exorcism shit right here
Oh the dagger attracts all manner of Dark One lackeys. Oof
“It looks as if you’ve brought a new Trolloc war to Caemlyn, sheepherder.” -Lan
Not good then
Aside- Also now how I assume they got all those Trollocs around using the teleportation gates
Die. They will mostly die
Ok. Better. The team leaves. The evil leaves. Cool. Go.
A certain… wolfishness? -I’m sry couldn’t resist. Also that’s Lan-
Well that sounds real bad.
Ch 42
Raven header.
Rand POV
Mmm yes that’s fair. Sitting silently, hopping your friend isn’t consumed by his evil dagger
Who better to help with that than Loial?
Three years? Wow.
Really isn’t good
Wow. Everyone it just ready to go home. We are 2/3 thru book 1 of 14. Somehow I don’t think they’re going home
I mean yea evil curse sickbed. Absolutely correct
Mat- ‘well that was deeply embarrassing. Err, what exactly happened? Maybe we can all forget it?’
No joke, his memory started to fade after Whitebridge.
Oh no!
“You can’t hold a man to for what he does when he’s crazy, can you?” -Mat. Million dollar question right there
But his friends so they won’t. So that’s nice
Gotta admit this all feels very strongly ‘oh Frodo you’re feeling better! Yay!’ Which, that’s fine
Oh no. He’s still got that dagger… no good
Ah so she’s got the treatment. He needs the cure. At least that’s something
Elaida is red Ajah? Honestly I think it’s been said it I do not remember. There have been so many characters
Moiraine really just took adding Loial to the group in stride ‘yea sure at this point whatever. He seems fine’
That is just great. Like, the characters assumptions just being wrong but why would they know that? Like ‘sure someone else is chasing us now? Of course, why not? Nothing makes sense and everything sucks.’
“She wanted to throw me in prison… All I wanted to do was look at Logain, but she wouldn’t believe I was in the Palace gardens with Elayne and Gawyn just by chance.” -Rand explaining his meeting with Elaida. I think that stands on its own
Also this phrasing- “She’s beautiful, like the queens in stories. So is Elayne. And Gawyn. . . you’d like Gawyn, Perrin.” -Rand on his ridiculous adventure of the day. (‘She’ is Queen Morgase)
— reminder I’m not taking the queer shipping goggles off they are for sure increasing my enjoyment thus far
Loial now is not the time. E&P, downcast and avoidant- ‘We enjoyed the traveling people much more than white cloaks…’ “The Travelling People live for their songs…” -Loial. I love him. Can not read the room, knows all.
Also. Loredump. Loial can sing to trees and they do stuff. Rare even among Ogier and unheard of in humans. Did teach the Tuatha’an some of those songs to help them find the sons they seem. Wasn’t the one.
Lol. Brief? Loial? No.
“‘…the Aiel war.’ [-Loial] Rand grinned. A little time back; twenty years…” -eotw. Once again this is lowkey a comedy.
Again this? “He said the Dark One intended to blind the Eye of the World, and slay the Great Serpent, kill time itself.” -Loial explaining the story a man who came to Stedding Shangtai (his home?) during the Aiel war once told the Elders.
The characters agree ‘ hey wait we know this one’
The other boys ‘Perrin! We decided never to mention that!’
I mean at this point he’s right tho
‘Soooo… we have been having strange dreams’ Moiraine ‘well you’re all fucked now. Shoulda told me sooner’
Really bad that
“Remember the stories of Forsaken binding men to them? … Those stories are true, and none of the Forsaken had a tenth of the strength of their master… not even Ishamael, the Betrayer of Hope himself.” -Moiraine on why they made a bad choice. I’m sure the other forsaken she mentioned aren’t important. (Heh)
Lol. No false dragons here
Yea. Astute. She did not answer on if she knew those names. G’job Rand.
Aside- Have I been spelling ta’veren wrong…? Hope not!
Loial ‘this is so neat! Huh? Your life is ruined? Well… mine isn’t! Happy to be here! Happy to help!’
“The news concerning the Eye of the World changes much.” -Moiraine
“The Pattern is forcing our path.” -Moiraine (again).
Nynaeve, no offense but it’s about as bad as it can be at this point without them being dead and firmly in th Dark One’s clutches. We are past the point of refraining from scaring them, or at least imo this isn’t going too.
No Tar Valon? *surprised pikachu* (but in the pretend shock way
Also. The Green Man? Like… just na’ even trying disguising that one at all.
Fal Dara (somewhere at the borderlands near the Blight) = Mafal Dadaranell
“If we enter the Ways, we will all die—or be swallowed by the Shadow.” -Loial.
And that statement is the end of the chapter!
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1, 6 and 12. And for the making up my own question - is there a fic you’d love to see filmed (in this scenario we are assuming it’s totally possible that it can be etc)?
1. if you could hit any character without repercussions, who would it be? Ooooo. Nate Shelley needs a slap, or at least a good shake and a thorough talking-to. And I would like to give Thorin Oakenshield a slap for his utter disregard for the fate of the people of Lake-town after he woke the sodding dragon and sent it down upon their heads. 'I have the only right' yeah but consider the wider consequences before you go charging in there all full of your birthright, mate.
6. do you read fanfiction? If so, do you have any favorite authors or fics? I do, although not very much at the moment as I haven't the brainspace. @lemurious' works are beautiful and thought-provoking and often heartbreaking takes on the Silmarillion, @eldritchmage does some fantastic modern-day Bard/Thranduil omg, @writerman's Bard/Thranduil stuff is out of this world, @crushing83's Hobbit/Fast and Furious crossover (taking advantage of Luke Evans being in FF6) made me watch a FF movie, which is not my natural habitat, and I bloody love the story. @bigneonglitter's Ted Lasso stuff is effing amazing. Just a handful of people whose updates I will always click on regardless of brainspace there...
12. if you could change one ending to a book/show/game/etc, what would you change about it? ooooOOOOOOOO I would absolutely change the last episode of series 2 of the Alienist, which spent the whole two series building up John/Sara (Luke Evans' and Dakota Fanning's characters) and then wussed out at the last minute by having John's fiancee being 'in a delicate condition' aargh I was so cross I actually wrote a fix-it fic, which is something I'd never really done before in 20 years in fandom. I don't subscribe to the whole 'demonise the canon partner/spouse' thing, but they're so obviously wrong for each other and are going to make each other miserable (which seems to be the whole point and intention by the writers, just...what's wrong with letting both of them be happy, apart?), and if John and Sara only put in the work they'd be almost perfect together, and aaarghhh. So I shuffled the fiancee carefully and kindly off the scene (of her own volition, because she had realised that they were going to make each other miserable for the rest of their lives and decided she deserved better), and one of these days I'll write John going cap in hand to Sara and throwing himself upon her mercy. Thank fuck for fanfiction, basically.
bonus: is there a fic you’d love to see filmed? I would bloody love to see @eldritchmage's Season of Light and Shadow and her Pale Swan series filmed. And selfishly I would love to have a great long ridiculous TV series of my own My Heart Is An Empty Vessel-'verse, with the original cast from the films, plus Rosamund Pike as Thranduil's wife. I still haven't quite fantasy-cast Bard's wife but the lady who plays Rosie Cotton in LotR reminds me very much of her.
Thank you for asking! <333333 Anyone else want to ask me stuff about fandoms or ships? :D :D :D (there might be a delay in replying, I'm off out in a bit, back tomorrow sometime)
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katybirdy95 · 4 years
I have a few thoughts on the latest episode of The Spanish Princess and they aren’t good, maybe I might squeeze in a few things I found likeable/bearable to appear more nutural, I guess, but no promises.
1) Bessie Blount
They really done her dirty this week and it’s pretty obvious that Fraham have done next to no research, except for a few wiki searches. Henry and Bessie had a long term relationship, it wasn’t a quick tumble between the sheets while Katherine was pregnant, they actually were together for at the minimum six years. I for one, think their affair went on during the beginnings of Bessie’s first marriage and believe that Elizabeth Tailboys might have been Henry’s daughter as she was born a few months after the birth of Henry Fitzroy. After Bessie was married off, Henry sent her gifts and an allowance of £200 a year for the rest of her life and stood up for her by creating a new act of parliament, which would allow Bessie an unusual degree of power, when her in-laws tried to take over Bessie’s first husband’s estates, soon into her marriage. Also, the estates ended up being put in Bessie’s own name rather than her husband’s, which made her almost like an heiress and allowed her to be a prominent member in the Tailboys family.
Henry would never have thrown Bessie into the streets to make a living if she had given him a daughter instead, he cared for her too much and on top of that, it wasn’t her job to provide him with an heir, she was his mistress not his queen. Also, if I might be so bold, I would say that out of all the women in his life, Bessie was probably one of the few that he treated with respect.
The last five minutes of the episode was ridiculous, first off, Bessie was in Essex when she gave birth to Henry Fitzroy and Katherine was not in residence.
2) Anne Boleyn
The horrible yellow dress is gone and in its place is a teal coloured one, which even though is still too plain for our fashion icon, is pretty enough, but since the costume designer said that she was going for symbolism in the costumes, I expected green as in “greensleeves”.
Also, I have this theory (maybe two) that the reason Anne is so likeable in this series is because either, she’s going to go the route of Bessie Blount and befriend Katherine and have it be a big betrayal like it was when Katherine learned about Bessie, even though we can’t really blame teenage girls for being at the mercy of the king. This might be a stretch, but I don’t know if we will see Anne go full queen bitch mode in this, EF has stated that Anne was overrated, so what if they just made her this nice, simple girl and the legend that we know today was just people making up stories because they couldn’t understand how this sweet little thing managed to capture the king’s attention, does that make sense? They could also just go the cliche route and make her into a nasty cow, which given how horrible Katherine is in this season, I’m actually looking forward to seeing someone call this woman out (Bessie done it this episode, just need to hear it from Lina and Anne).
3) Baby Mary
I can’t believe they are still going this route of having Katherine literally detest her child, the only concern she had for Mary was when Bessie - who is very pregnant - went to sit down for a minute or two and Katherine decided to ridicule her for not taking care of her daughter, when Bessie has shown more affection for Mary than Katherine has ever done at this point. Katherine has neglected Mary since the moment she was born, even Henry has shown more concern for his daughter than Katherine has done and for the love of all that’s holy, can they stop having Katherine refer to Mary as useless.
The real Katherine loved her daughter with every fibre of her being, especially when she realised that Mary would be her only child. Also, Katherine took a great interest in Mary’s education to the point that she commissioned a book be written on the education of little girls.
4) Lina de Cardonnes
I can’t believe we didn’t even get an apology from Katherine after the way she spoke to Lina and that Lina is in the palace like nothing ever happened.
Also, I have said before and I’ll say it again, I think that Lina is going to be the one to reveal that Katherine and Arthur consummated their marriage. I feel like she’s just going to have enough of Katherine speaking down to her and did you not see the way she looked at Katherine when Katherine stole baby Henry. I just want Lina to be happy, I think she’s going to confess and then run off back to Spain with Oviedo and their twins.
The only thing I was disappointed in was that Lina didn’t stick up for Bessie and say that she was at the mercy of the king and who was she to say no to him, but she just allowed Katherine to say that she wished Bessie and her unborn child dead without even a look of shock was puzzling, I thought Bessie was Lina’s friend.
5) Katherine of Aragon
There is too much to say on Katherine. She is so unlikable and just when I think she can’t get any worse, she steals a baby from their mother and yes you could argue that Bessie would get her baby back, but Katherine had no right to take him, especially since a baby needs to have immediate skin to skin contact with their mother in order to create a bond and the fact that Bessie was begging to hold her baby made it even crueler.
The real Katherine also wouldn’t have confronted Bessie or even ridiculed her like that (at least not in public), she was more classier than the show version.
Katherine also wouldn’t have been wondering Hampton Court in a nightgown that would be the equivalent of me wondering the street in my underwear and would have caused the court to gossip if she was to be found talking with Buckingham in that state of dress.
Finally, I’m not as clued up on Katherine of Aragon as I am on other queens, but something tells me she wasn’t a trained midwife. I don’t even think the show version actually looked to see what she was doing before she did what she did with that knife. Also, having Katherine give little Henry to Henry was just bizarre that is not her son and although the real Katherine wouldn’t have wished harm on the baby, I doubt she would have wanted to hold him.
This is just a few of my thoughts and my opinions on Katherine are the show version and not the real Katherine. I don’t know what Fraham’s ultimate goal is for this series because Katherine is not sympathetic in the least.
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murfeelee · 4 years
LGR - The Sims 4 Nifty Knitting Stuff Review
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[EDIT] Just to drive home how creatively BANKRUPT EA is, after a 30-minute google search I compiled these inspo collages of knitting, crochet & lace works done RIGHT -- you’re welcome.
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(High-res here)
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MY THOUGHTS RANT ALERT (below the cut):
Me: Omg the first draft of my thesis is due in LITERAL hours, and I DO NOT have time for distractions.
Also me: CURSE you, LGR!
Okay, so it’s a known fact that EA’s been nickel and dime-ing TS4 HARD for the past....oh....EVER. LGR’s been done with TS4 and especially its Stuff Packs since their inception, and he’s right: this is ridiculous.
Think back to the TS3 Store’s premium content. Compared to TS4′s $10 Stuff Pack, for 545 simpoints ($6) we got the Toy Machine, which can be purchased with or separately from Midnight Hollow (one of TS3′s best worlds). Though of course thematically & functionally different, essentially the Toy Machine and TS4′s knitting do the same thing: make kitschy crap and toys.
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Then we have the Prism Art Studio venue, a 1900 simpoint ($20) bundle. Along with an entire premade lot, new easel, and the return of the legendary L-shaped stairs thank the LLAMAS, the venue included the Glass Blowing Machine, which makes A TON of stylish new accessory jewellery for CAS.
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Yes, because the Glass Blowing and Venue are lumped into one, this is more expensive than a Stuff Pack, but the value’s in the amount & quality of content.
Also yes, EA’s been piece-mealing us since jump street, but at least they gave us more for our money! Ts3 regularly got new WORLDS, LOTS, VENUES, and PREMIUM CONTENT at the Store, ON TOP of the TWO EPs & TWO SPs we got EVERY year.
Then we have this tiny AF Knitting Stuff Pack. Which came on the heels of a random AF eco living EP that added candle making of all things to their dystopian apocalyptic garbage dump (even though the modders had already beaten EA to the punch on that 2 years ago, just saying, LOLZ).
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I mean, come the eff on, @greenplumbboblover​ created this entire Sewing Machine mod for FREE!
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Granted, this SP has some adorable content in it. Knitting is one of the things I’ve always wanted, especially for Elders, to give sims more things TO DO other than party, flirt, and woohoo. But as that Youtube comment I screencapped above said so plainly: knitting should’ve been part of a Hobbies EP.
What TS4 DESPERATELY needs is more interesting expansions. The overall  batch of them have been freaking sad. Seasons is the only one that truly fulfills its purpose in EXPANDING CORE GAMEPLAY; making the sandbox grow, not shrink, through crap like locked off content in CAS (a modder will inevitably unlock them, but still).
A handful of sweaters & beanies any CAS CC creator could make for free (and better), and some toys? o_O For TEN DOLLARS!? O_O
And the rocking chair, ZOMG the rocking chair~~~! That in TS3 was included in AN EXPANSION (my fave, Supernatural) as an AFTERTHOUGHT, cuz it’s just a EFFING CHAIR that happens to rock back and forward--WOW, the space-time continuum just got REKT. Meanwhile in TS4 there was an entire deep dive on a frikkin chair!? Is the level of bare bones been there done that so obsolete that THIS is what the community has to get hyped for nowadays!?
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I’m weak, I need to sit down.
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EA. WTF are y’all doing? Other than ripping people off, of course.
Knitting is super cute, and this content looks great, but no way in EFF should this have been sold separately. This should be in a pack, or even better, a free patch. Buy this on SALE, if you must buy it all.
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anextraordinarymuse · 4 years
I just started watching The Blacklist
and I need to talk about the cognitive dissonance this show causes me (among other things). I’m only in the middle of season two, so this only counts for what I’ve seen so far. 
On the one hand, I know that Red is technically a bad guy. He’s a murderer who manipulates people, situations, etc. But I love Red. Like, I LOVE him. That part is fine, no problems there. The problems I have are about him and Lizzie. Because he has manipulated her, hid the truth and forced it on her in turns (won’t tell her who he is to her, why he’s really in her life, but then sends the cops to her house to oust Tom and his duplicity, etc.). And on the one hand, I get why Lizzie doesn’t trust him, is angry at him, pushes him away, resents him and his presence in her life ... and part of me is all about it, because I despise being manipulated and I would NEVER tell someone to stay in a situation where they were being manipulated and the truth was being kept from them. 
But - and herein lies the problem and the cognitive dissonance - I also kind of don’t like Lizzie and it gets worse with each passing episode. Red adores her, he protects her, she is everything to him. His love and devotion to and for her is overwhelming to watch. He would never hurt her, and he kills anyone who might. His manipulations and half-truths are rarely to her detriment, and he has kept to his word that he never lies to her. That is HUGE! Even when she confronts him about killing Sam, a situation where it would have been easier and better in the short term to lie, he tells her the truth. There is no one in the world that cares more about Lizzie than Red  you can’t change my mind. And I have this battle with myself like every episode that Lizzie doesn’t even know all of the things that he’s done for her, so she’s operating on like half of the knowledge that the audience has, but ... still. So, my rational mind says that she is right to be angry with him and distrust him, that she is justified in her reactions and what not. But the other part of me really dislikes her for it. I know, I know, that’s a problem and I struggle with it, believe me. 
BUT THEN, we get into season 2 and she ... is so much like Red now and does the things that she claims to hate him for!! WTF. She keeps Tom locked up as a prisoner for 4 MONTHS, she sends one of Red’s guys to prison just for watching over her as he’s been instructed, she’s started manipulating people and situations ... Like, she’s turning into what she claims to hate about Red and I really struggle with that. I really liked Lizzie in the beginning of season 1, but I’m starting to really not like her and it’s mostly because I ADORE Red, and I don’t like how she treats him. Which might be ridiculous because he’s a murdering, manipulating criminal, but there it is. 
So ... yeah. I struggle with this show because I both understand and dislike Lizzie by turns. And it brings up a lot of opposing views and feelings in me, like I said, because I just want Lizzie to love Red like I love him - like I think he deserves. I want her to return his loyalty - to hold his safety paramount like he does hers. I keep reminding myself that she has really only known him for like two years at this point, and had no idea he existed before this, so this is all still pretty new for her. But then there’s Tom who I hate, honestly and she just loves that bastard which is only natural since they were married and had a life together and everything - which was all a total effing lie, which is the ultimate manipulation and worse than anything Red has ever done to her, IMO, and it legit just makes me so mad that - 
Sorry, I was off on a tangent. 
UGH. This show makes me so conflicted.
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seekingxanadu · 4 years
Why does DC fandom, especially Batfam fandom, have so many fanworks about the Batboys as “harem boys”? Do these mostly White American female fans realise the cultural history of the harem? The harem was about seclusion and discrimination, about sexual slavery, paedophilia, and literally cutting off male genitalia; so these women, girls, and, boys would not even entertain a wild thought about escaping into society. That it is about the ugliness of absolute power and NOT a place for *sensual* pleasures. Why are Eastern ways of life that might have once been a part of our landscape - in an era of kings and tight social hierarchies and rigid class systems - so appealing to Westerners? And these aren’t exactly medieval practices either. Modern sexual slavery and child sexual trafficking is just as rampant - just look at the increasing numbers of kidnapped and missing children around the world, of parents selling off their own children to stave off hunger and death, of modern extremist outfits minting money from trafficking impacted children in any of the global terrorist hotspots. 
Eg: (1) think of boys and girls in Yemen and Afghanistan, of the Kurds, Yazidis, Pashtun, and Nepalis who are trafficked in millions, (2) Batfam fandom sets these harem stories with League of Assassins which are comics-verse stand ins to these real geographical regions; and (3) most such fics focus on Dick Grayson - the canonical half-Romani character. The Romani were driven out of the plains and deserts of north-west India by Muslim invaders from Central Asia and Arabian Peninsula who sought to rape, pillage, and convert. While some fled to other parts of India, many fled north-west across current day Pakistan to Turkey & Egypt onwards to Europe to more persecutions, including the Holocaust.  
So why this fandom obsession? Why this ridiculous distance from real world issues around these subjects? I grew up in a tiny backwards mining town and there were stories of little boys stolen from the *bastis* around town. Kids playing alone while both parents went to work in the mines at dawn. They come back home at sundown to a child missing. Sometimes, the boys would show up in a few years, decked out in jewellery and make up and good clothes bringing some money for their parents in exchange for having their genitals cut off long ago so they could be performing beggars. There is NOTHING sensual about committing such violations on a human body. Even if it is a fictional character you don’t like. Can we have some real effing empathy in this fandom? 
Or perhaps a little history? Sexual slavery centered around the performing arts is a common thread across so many Asian cultures. There is nothing romantic or sensual about sexual slavery and paedophilia. FFS!!! 
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mrsgreenworld · 4 years
Sen Çal Kapımı Episode 16 aka Mistrust Is In the Air
Last week brought us another light and funny but, unfortunately, also a filler episode. Actually, for me, it turned out to be one of the most conflicting ones. I absolutely loved it while I was watching it live. I guess it's because the Haunting of Bly Manor / the Haunting of Hill House pulled out all of my insides and then ripped them to shreds so watching SCK was such a reprieve. This episode was even funnier and lighter than episode 15 which still had some lingering angst. I can declare episode 16 almost completely angst-free.
After having rewatched the episode with the subs I've got a feeling that the writers are trying to mess with some of my favourite characters and dynamics. I don't appreciate it. Still love the show, the cast, the characters. Just didn't enjoy certain writing decisions in this episode. Let's get down to it.
Now I'm going to break my habit and start with the one thing I hated:
❌☣️❌ Eda and Ceren: what the hell was that scene in the office when Eda spotted Ceren and Ferit talking and then tried to... do what exactly? warn Ceren? give some constructive relationship advice? support her?🤔
the first and the main problem I had with the scene was the energy - I don't know what caused it but it lacked the love and warmth that had always been there between all the girls; no matter what happened - even in that shitty situation with Kaan and when Ceren was the first to find out about the contract or even when Fifi and Melo finally learned about it - there was true girl power, they didn't allow anything or anyone mess up their friendship, they supported each other, tried not to judge and be understanding; so for me to see Eda so cold and kinda detached towards Ceren was a shock; maybe it would have been ok in a conversation with Pırıl or Selin since they're not friends but given that Eda was talking to one of her closest friends the way she spoke with Ceren was just wrong; moreover, Eda came off downright condescending; that's why Ceren's reaction was understandable in a way; I liked how she called Eda out on her lack of support;
if you think that your friend is making a huge mistake it's ok to show concern, it's ok to even say "hey, what the hell are you doing?" but you have to do this with love, you have to make sure that your friend knows - even if they mess up you will be there not with "I told you so" but with silent support; I didn't see that kind of love from Eda;
and while (as I have already mentioned) I partially understand and support Ceren's reaction I think it was a bit too aggressive;
and the way they parted with *itch faces just left a horrible aftertaste in my mouth 🤢 - THE *UCK THE WRITERS ARE DOING MESSING UP WITH MY GANG LIKE THAT???
The things I didn't like / was annoyed with:
❎ Selin: what's her problem with Ceren? have I missed something and Ceren stole her man?👀🤔 nope, don't recall anything like that happening;
Selin's channelling the kind of behaviour I really hate - she didn't give a shit about Ferit when they were together, was ready to dump him at the snap of Serkan's fingers and now when they're not together she's behaving as if Ferit has no right to even as much as talk to another woman; what's even more infuriating is that it's not jealousy because it would require having some sort of feelings and there are none on Selin's side; which brings us back to her ego and unbelievably self-centred persona;
her mistrust in Ceren as a lawyer also seems to stem from a personal dislike and Ceren's interactions with Ferit (at least it looks like that to me);
all in all this tension between Selin and Ceren is messing with the female dynamics because it's brought something the writers managed to avoid in the past - women being petty and bitchy towards each other;
❎ Efe: man, if he was just shady in the past, in this episode he was freaking snaky 🐍👀;
I understand that Serkan's attitude is unpleasant to say the least and there were moments when he was downright rude but in his case it's not being rude for the sake of rudeness; I think Serkan has excellent gut feeling; he didn't trust Efe even for a second from the very first meeting and his rudeness stems from this mistrust; Serkan is not a type of a person who's going to pretend to like someone for the sake of appearances, hypocrisy is not in his nature (which is one of the things I admire about our precious Scanner 😍❤️);
but back to Efe - yes, Serkan's not making it easy for him but he was like that from the very beginning and Efe seemed so nice, so friendly, so open to this partnership; all smiles and down-to-earth attitude; so what happened to his face in this episode? Serkan spat into his coffee?🙈😆🤣
I mean, really, have I imagined it or there was barely contained irritation and something even darker on his face?👀🤔 there was a small moment when he was moving a chair with a little bit more force than necessary 😬
I also don't like him getting so close to Eda; I still don't see anything romantic there but rather his malicious forethought is becoming more obvious;
also - was I the only one to think that a black rose he talked about with Eda was symbolic? here's what I have found about black roses:
"In the language of flowers, roses have many different meanings, with black roses specifically symbolizing ideas such as hatred, death, and despair"👀😳😱
ok, I am not calling him a Horseman of the Apocalypse quite yet but damn, he's gonna bring chaos, I am sure 😱😳😬
❎ Engin and Serkan: okay, these two dummies deserve the titles of the worst boyfriend and male friend respectively🤦
honestly, Engin forgetting about Pırıl's birthday shows him as careless and superficial; a man who claims to have been in love with Pırıl for years and who's also been friends with her for so long would have remembered such a small fact unless he's got a serious head trauma🧠🔨
as for Serkan, a character whose certain qualities have been constructed with remarkable consistency, forgetting about Pırıl's birthday is just ridiculous, unbelievable and completely OOC; sorry but that's just lazy writing🤷
it could have been avoided with just one line: "Yeah, it's Pırıl's birthday. I had Leyla send her flowers in the morning" - BOOM! that's it!
❎ Edser: yeah, I know, it's unprecedented for my babes to make it into this section 😬 but there were certain things I didn't quite enjoy;
1 - while the office scene where Serkan asked Eda whether or not she had accepted Efe's offer was humourous and funny it was also painfully immature; that's a conversation between two pre-schoolers not a conversation between two adults;
2 - Eda's conversation with Leyla where Eda asked about Selin; I smelled some jealousy and, honestly, I think it was completely out of nowhere; and Serkan's reactions to them talking also seemed kinda weird because he normally looks like that when Efe is around Eda; jealous of Leyla now?👀😆🙈
3 - karaoke bar scenes; Serkan's appearance was also kinda out of nowhere; since he was adamant about not going it would have been nice to see what had changed his mind; didn't like him telling Eda something along the lines of "we're broken up but I don't want to see you with Efe" - it's the type of "I wanna eat a cake and have it too" attitude that I cannot stand; I understand that it's hard for Serkan but he's made a decision, he's made this bed so to speak, now he has to sleep in it; moreover, discussing this with a clearly tipsy Eda - not a very smart idea;
a dance scene - while romantic and all it lacked logic and seemed a little bit like Serkan was taking advantage of the situation;
4 - a visual side of the flashbacks; they looked weird, as if I was looking through dim glass;
And finally the things I liked😏:
☑️ Edser: while immature and all I cannot deny that their kindergarten level fights are cute; it's better than them being petty, angry and cruel towards each other;
the beginning of the episode was just GOLD, with disoriented and doped up Eda and her calling Serkan "Aşkım" and his reaction like WTF?👀😳 and how when she said something nice he was like "ok, I should write that down and then remind you of this" - he's such a little shit😏😆;
there was also a moment when Eda cupped his cheek and I swear I saw Serkan melt, he was a breath away from nuzzling into Eda's palm and purring😹😻
them being in that house broken up, trying to maintain distance, avoiding physical contact - such contrast with the flashbacks where they couldn't keep their hands to themselves, where they were practically glued to each other;
I loved how the flashbacks were shown through Eda and Serkan's eyes - wherever they looked they saw ghosts of those happy moments;
the scene where they tried to talk and Eda asked Serkan to tell about a day he hurt someone, then a day he was hurting, then a day he was the happiest - so painful to see both of them clearly hurting; while Eda was openly crying, Serkan's eyes were red-rimmed and I swear I thought he was going to start crying too; it's so freaking hard for him to see Eda in pain 😭💔
another heartbreaking moment - a parallel scene when they both talked about their rings; I loved how they used the same, word-for-word reasoning for not taking their rings off; must be the soulmate thing😏😊💞
Serkan's inability to say no to Eda even when they're broken up is my gem; if one day they have a daughter her and Eda will have Serkan completely wrapped around their fingers😂😆🙈
in that last scene when Eda was leaving after her meeting with Aydan, when Serkan asked "Did my mother upset you?" - oh boy, could you maybe be less obvious? your love and concern are right there, on your forehead 🙈😆
☑️ Leyla and Erdem: I dunno I kinda ship them now🚢❤️ 🙈😂
honestly I am so over Erdem's obsession with Fifi; him and Leyla, on the other hand, look really cute together, both a bit cray-cray 🤪
the scene with them hangover in the office, wearing dark glasses - cracked me up; also has anyone noticed Erdem's cup with "Ciao" on it? a nice nod to Italy and maybe a bit of foreshadowing? Italy is not going anywhere; I feel like we're going to get the freaking time jump where Eda leaves to go to Italy 👀😬
loved the "I hate you / Our feelings are mutual" parallel with Edser
☑️ Aydan: this lady has a long way to go until she is in my good graces but I really liked that the writers decided to move her storyline forward;
I think lots of her unlikeable qualities stem from her traumatic experiences and in order to make her character grow and develop those experiences need to be addressed so I am all for this therapy thing; I just hope they are going to continue showing us the progress instead of just turning this into a one-time thing;
I actually liked that she reached out to Eda and asked her for help; while it might seem selfish I think it was clear that Aydan hesitated before calling Eda, she didn't want to trouble her, was embarrassed to ask for such a huge favour - that shows a sort of humility I hadn't detected in Aydan before;
☑️ overall mood and humour + I freaking loved that they addressed Serkan's OCD or maybe it's not really OCD, just a symmetry tick 🙈😆😂 we had snippets of it in other episodes and I have seen people wonder if that's Kerem's acting choice or something he himself does; now it's an official canonical part of Serkan's personality 😁🥳
And... that's pretty much it! Yay!
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